UDK 061.23:001(474.3)(058) La 801 LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Akadçmijas laukums 1 Tel.: (371)7225361 Fax: (371)7821153 Rîga, LV 1050 E-mail:
[email protected] Latvia http://www.lza.lv The 2006–2007 Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) Yearbook is a follow-up edi- tion—already the eleventh one under this title. The previous issues reflected the situa- tion in 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998/1999, 2000/2001, 2002/2003, and 2004/2005. The Yearbook consists of the main part and the Appendix. The main part includes the principal documents of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, basic information on the Academy, its structure and members, surveys of activities in 2005–2006. Appendix contains brief information on Latvia’s science and research institutes. The contents of the Yearbook are also available on the Website of the LAS (http://www.lza.lv). All data of the Yearbook are given to 15 March 2007. ISBN 978-9984-808-05-5 ISSN 1407-0383 Ó Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2007 CONTENTS Preface ...................................5 PRINCIPAL DATES IN 2007 AND 2008 ....................8 BASIC DOCUMENTS Charter of the Latvian Academy of Sciences ................9 Statute of the Latvian Academy of Sciences ................14 UNITS OF THE LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Senate of the Latvian Academy of Sciences ................29 Presidium of the Latvian Academy of Sciences ...............31 Board of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.................32 Supervisory Council of the Latvian Academy of Sciences...........33 International Relations of the Latvian Academy