A Revision of the Chinese Trigonalyidae (Hymenoptera, Trigonalyoidea)

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A Revision of the Chinese Trigonalyidae (Hymenoptera, Trigonalyoidea) A peer-reviewed open-access journal ZooKeys 385: 1–207 (2014) Chinese Trigonalyidae 1 doi: 10.3897/zookeys.385.6560 MONOGRAPH www.zookeys.org Launched to accelerate biodiversity research A revision of the Chinese Trigonalyidae (Hymenoptera, Trigonalyoidea) Hua-yan Chen1,2,†, Cornelis van Achterberg3,‡, Jun-hua He4,§, Zai-fu Xu1,| 1 Department of Entomology, College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural Uni- versity, Guangzhou 510640, P. R. China 2 Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, U.S.A. 3 Department of Terrestrial Zoology, Naturalis Biodiversi- ty Center, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands 4 Institute of Insect Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China † http://zoobank.org/CDB89961-BBC3-412B-BE7F-B3B9E290B991 ‡ http://zoobank.org/D6374CF4-8F07-4FA8-8C55-9335FD19CECD § http://zoobank.org/CDFF38D9-E9AE-4C8F-99CE-23151D3878F3 | http://zoobank.org/A2A78F02-B9EC-46F7-AEB3-EC5F819CC117 Corresponding author: Zai-fu Xu ([email protected]) Academic editor: M. Engel | Received 25 December 2013 | Accepted 17 February 2014 | Published 28 February 2014 http://zoobank.org/0203ECD5-5D61-4E39-8CDD-5608B626E184 Citation: Chen H-y, Achterberg C van, He J-h, Xu Z-f (2014) A revision of the Chinese Trigonalyidae (Hymenoptera, Trigonalyoidea). ZooKeys 385: 1–207. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.385.6560 Abstract The Chinese fauna of the family Trigonalyidae Cresson, 1887, is revised, keyed and fully illustrated for the first time. Eight genera of this family (Bakeronymus Rohwer, 1922, Bareogonalos Schulz, 1907, Jezonog- onalos Tsuneki, 1991, re-instated, Lycogaster Shuckard, 1841, Orthogonalys Schulz, 1905, Pseudogonalos Schulz, 1906, Taeniogonalos Schulz, 1906 and Teranishia Tsuneki, 1991) are recorded from China. The genus Ischnogonalos Schulz, 1907, is synonymized with Taeniogonalos Schulz, 1906. In total 40 valid spe- cies are recognized. Twenty species are new for science: Jezonogonalos elliptifera sp. n., J. jiangliae sp. n., J. luteata sp. n., J. nigrata sp. n., Lycogaster angustula sp. n., L. flavonigrata sp. n., L. nigralva sp. n., Orthogonalys cheni sp. n., O. clypeata sp. n., O. robusta sp. n., Pseudogonalos angusta sp. n., Taeniogonalos bucarinata sp. n., T. cordata sp. n., T. geminata sp. n., T. sculpturata sp. n., T. triangulata sp. n., T. tricolori- soma sp. n., T. uncifera sp. n., Teranishia crenulata sp. n. and T. glabrata sp. n. Two species are reported new Copyright Hua-yan Chen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Hua-yan Chen et al. / ZooKeys 385: 1–207 (2014) for China: Orthogonalys elongata Teranishi, 1929 and Nanogonalos flavocincta Teranishi, 1929 (renamed to Taeniogonalos subtruncata nom. n.). Seven new synonyms are proposed: Poecilogonalos yuasai Teranishi, 1938, and P. maga taiwana Tsuneki, 1991, of Taeniogonalos taihorina (Bischoff, 1914); Taiwanogonalos minima Tsuneki, 1991, and T. similis Tsuneki, 1991, of Taeniogonalos alticola (Tsuneki, 1991); P. intermedia Chen, 1949, and P. unifasciata Chen, 1949, of Taeniogonalos formosana (Bischoff, 1913).Six taxa are rec- ognised as valid species: Bakeronymus seidakka Yamane & Terayama, 1983, Jezonogonalos laeviceps (Tsuneki, 1991), J. satoi (Tsuneki, 1991), Taeniogonalos alticola (Tsuneki, 1991), T. flavoscutellata (Chen, 1949) and T. gestroi (Schulz, 1908). Five new combinations are made: Jezonogonalos laeviceps (Tsuneki, 1991), comb. n., J. satoi (Tsuneki, 1991), comb. n., Taeniogonalos flavoscutellata (Chen, 1949), comb. n., T. gestroi (Schulz, 1908), comb. n. and T. lachrymosa (Westwood, 1874), comb. n.. Lectotypes are designated for Lycogaster violaceipennis Chen, 1949, Poecilogonalos flavoscutellataChen, 1949, P. rufofasciata Chen, 1949, and P. tricolor Chen, 1949. Keywords Revision, Trigonalyidae, Bakeronymus, Bareogonalos, Jezonogonalos, Lycogaster, Orthogonalys, Pseudogonalos, Taeniogonalos, Teranishia, keys, new species, new synonyms, new combinations, China Table of contents Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4 Material and methods............................................................................................... 8 Systematics ............................................................................................................... 9 Trigonalyidae Cresson, 1887 .............................................................................. 9 Key to Oriental and Palaearctic genera of Trigonalyidae ............................. 11 Bakeronymus Rohwer, 1922 .............................................................................. 14 Bakeronymus seidakka Yamane & Terayama, 1983, re-instated .............. 14 Bareogonalos Schulz, 1907 ................................................................................ 17 Key to Old World species of Bareogonalos Schulz, 1907 ............................. 18 Bareogonalos huisuni Yamane & Yamane, 1975 ..................................... 18 Jezonogonalos Tsuneki, 1991, re-instated ........................................................... 22 Key to species of Jezonogonalos Tsuneki, 1991 ............................................ 22 Jezonogonalos elliptifera sp. n. ................................................................ 25 Jezonogonalos jiangliae sp. n. ................................................................. 29 Jezonogonalos laeviceps (Tsuneki, 1991), comb. n., re-instated ............... 32 Jezonogonalos luteata sp. n. ................................................................... 35 Jezonogonalos nigrata sp. n. ................................................................... 38 Jezonogonalos satoi (Tsuneki, 1991), comb. n., re-instated .................... 41 Lycogaster Shuckard, 1841 ................................................................................ 44 Key to Chinese species of Lycogaster Shuckard, 1841 .................................. 45 Lycogaster angustula sp. n. ..................................................................... 46 Lycogaster flavonigrata sp. n. ................................................................. 49 Chinese Trigonalyidae 3 Lycogaster nigralva sp. n. ....................................................................... 53 Lycogaster violaceipennis Chen, 1949 .................................................... 56 Orthogonalys Schulz, 1905 ................................................................................ 60 Key to Chinese species of Orthogonalys Schulz, 1905.................................. 61 Orthogonalys cheni sp. n. ...................................................................... 62 Orthogonalys clypeata sp. n. ................................................................... 67 Orthogonalys elongata Teranishi, 1929 .................................................. 72 Orthogonalys formosana Teranishi, 1931 ............................................... 80 Orthogonalys robusta sp. n. ................................................................... 84 Pseudogonalos Schulz, 1906 ............................................................................... 87 Key to species of Pseudogonalos Schulz, 1906 .............................................. 88 Pseudogonalos angusta sp. n. .................................................................. 88 Pseudogonalos hahnii (Spinola, 1840) ................................................... 91 Taeniogonalos Schulz, 1906 ............................................................................... 95 Key to Chinese species of Taeniogonalos Schulz, 1906 ................................ 96 Taeniogonalos alticola (Tsuneki, 1991), re-instated .............................. 101 Taeniogonalos bucarinata sp. n. ........................................................... 108 Taeniogonalos cordata sp. n. ................................................................ 114 Taeniogonalos fasciata (Strand, 1913) .................................................. 117 Taeniogonalos flavoscutellata(Chen, 1949), comb. n., re-instated ........ 126 Taeniogonalos formosana (Bischoff, 1913) ........................................... 129 Taeniogonalos geminata sp. n. ............................................................. 138 Taeniogonalos gestroi (Schulz, 1908), comb. n., re-instated .................. 141 Taeniogonalos maga (Teranishi, 1929) ................................................. 146 Taeniogonalos mongolica (Popov, 1945) ............................................... 150 Taeniogonalos rufofasciata (Chen, 1949) ............................................. 152 Taeniogonalos sauteri Bischoff, 1913 ................................................... 156 Taeniogonalos sculpturata sp. n. ........................................................... 162 Taeniogonalos subtruncata nom. n. ...................................................... 165 Taeniogonalos taihorina (Bischoff, 1914) ............................................. 171 Taeniogonalos triangulata sp. n. ........................................................... 179 Taeniogonalos tricolor (Chen, 1949) .................................................... 182 Taeniogonalos tricolorisoma sp. n. ........................................................ 187 Taeniogonalos uncifera sp. n. ..............................................................
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