Genetic Loss Or Pharmacological Blockade of Testes-Expressed Taste Genes Causes Male Sterility

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Genetic Loss Or Pharmacological Blockade of Testes-Expressed Taste Genes Causes Male Sterility Genetic loss or pharmacological blockade of testes-expressed taste genes causes male sterility Bedrich Mosingera,1, Kevin M. Reddinga, M. Rockwell Parkera, Valeriya Yevshayevab, Karen K. Yeea, Katerina Dyominaa, Yan Lia, and Robert F. Margolskeea aMonell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104; and bDepartment of Neuroscience, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029 Edited by John J. Eppig, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, and approved June 3, 2013 (received for review February 22, 2013) TAS1R taste receptors and their associated heterotrimeric G protein nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPAR-α), gustducin are involved in sugar and amino acid sensing in taste cells our results (10) show that clofibric and bezafibric acids also inhibit and in the gastrointestinal tract. They are also strongly expressed in TAS1R3 receptors at drug concentrations similar to those needed testis and sperm, but their functions in these tissues were pre- to activate PPAR-α (14). Thus, in humans, TAS1R3 receptors may viously unknown. Using mouse models, we show that the genetic be important biological targets of fibrates and could mediate some fi absence of both TAS1R3, a component of sweet and amino acid of their effects. Although no effects of brates on reproduction or fi taste receptors, and the gustducin α-subunit GNAT3 leads to male- fertility have been reported, no study has speci cally examined specific sterility. To gain further insight into this effect, we gener- fertility in patients receiving antilipid treatment. A second group ated a mouse model that expressed a humanized form of TAS1R3 of compounds structurally similar to lactisole are phenoxy-auxin susceptible to inhibition by the antilipid medication clofibrate. herbicides, which are used extensively in crop agriculture and in landscape turf management (17, 18). Approximately 55 million Sperm formation in animals without functional TAS1R3 and GNAT3 pounds of phenoxy herbicides are used annually in the United is compromised, with malformed and immotile sperm. Further- States (18). We have shown that these herbicides are the most more, clofibrate inhibition of humanized TAS1R3 in the genetic Tas1r3−/− Gnat3−/− potent TAS1R3 blockers known to date (10). The long-term bi- background of , doubly null mice led to inducible ological effects of these compounds in humans are not well known, male sterility. These results indicate a crucial role for these extrao- although some reports point to male infertility (19–21). ral “taste” molecules in sperm development and maturation. We Although once thought to function only in taste buds, TAS1R CELL BIOLOGY previously reported that blocking of human TAS1R3, but not mouse receptors are also expressed in gut enteroendocrine cells and TAS1R3, can be achieved by common medications or chemicals in pancreatic islet cells, where they contribute to nutrient sensing the environment. We hypothesize that even low levels of these and regulation of glucose metabolism (22–25). Additional compounds can lower sperm count and negatively affect human reports have shown their expression in brain, although their male fertility, which common mouse toxicology assays would not functional role there is unclear (26). The endogenous ligands of reveal. Conversely, we speculate that TAS1R3 and GNAT3 activa- TAS1R receptors in extraoral tissues remain unknown. tors may help infertile men, particularly those that are affected by Expression of Tas1rs and the associated “taste” G protein some of the mentioned inhibitors and/or are diagnosed with idio- α-subunit (α-gustducin, encoded by the Gnat3 gene) has been pathic infertility involving signaling pathway of these receptors. noted in testes and in spermatozoa (27–31). However, before our present study, no functional role has been determined for these phenoxy compounds | spermiogenesis testes-expressed taste genes. During our studies of these receptors and G proteins, we found that male, but not female, gametes with Tas1r3 Gnat3 – nonfunctional and genes were unable to transmit family of three G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) genes, their genes to progeny. Using existing KO animals and unique A the TAS1Rs, encode type 1 taste receptors that mediate per- transgenic mice expressing a humanized form of Tas1r3 that, un- ception of sweet and umami (amino acid) tastes. TAS1R receptors like the mouse form of Tas1r3, can be pharmacologically blocked, assemble into heterodimers: TAS1R2+TAS1R3 form a sweet re- Gnat3 + we determined that inhibition of TAS1R3 in the absence of ceptor, and TAS1R1 TAS1R3 form an umami receptor. TAS1R3 results in male selective sterility. We report here that such treat- is the common subunit and may also serve as a low-affinity sweet – ment results in oligospermia, testis pathology with giant cells, and receptor alone, perhaps as a homodimer or homomultimer (1 3). exfoliation of seminiferous epithelium along with functional, yet Sugars and noncaloric sweeteners (e.g., saccharin and sucralose) reversible, sterility. Similar pathologies in testis are seen in the + are known ligands and agonists of the sweet TAS1R2 TAS1R3 genetic absence of these two molecules in Gnat3 and Tas1r3 receptor (1, 2, 4, 5). Likewise, amino acids such as monosodium double KO males. In addition, spermatozoa of these double KO + glutamate (MSG) are ligands of the umami TAS1R1 TAS1R3 re- males are immotile and mostly morphologically abnormal. ceptor. Pharmacologically blocking or genetically eliminating Tas1r3 Male infertility is a complex disorder that affects a significant results in loss of both sweet and umami taste in animals (2, 6, 7), proportion of the population. It is estimated that about 7% of men indicating that heteromers require the TAS1R3 subunit for function experience problems in conceiving a child because of sperm de- in vivo. Small differences in the primary amino acid sequence of fects (32). Fertility is decreasing worldwide, with the greatest TAS1R receptors among species are responsible for species selec- effects in Western countries (32–34). In most cases, the causes are tivity toward many sweeteners. For example, aspartame and cycla- unknown, although environmental factors are suspected (35–38). mate taste very sweet to humans, but are tasteless to mice (4, 8). In ∼30–50% of infertile men, oligozoospermia or azoospermia is A number of natural and synthetic anti-sweet or sweet-modi- fying substances/antagonists exist. They are suspected or proven ligands of the sweet receptor (7, 9, 10), and similar to sweeteners, Author contributions: B.M. designed research; B.M., K.M.R., M.R.P., V.Y., K.K.Y., K.D., and many are specific to human receptors. We recently identified Y.L. performed research; R.F.M. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; B.M., K.M.R., a group of potent antagonists of the human sweet receptor that M.R.P., V.Y., K.K.Y., K.D., Y.L., and R.F.M. analyzed data; and B.M., M.R.P., and R.F.M. share a common phenoxy motif (10) also present in lactisole, one wrote the paper. of the first sweet taste antagonists described (5, 11). Lactisole is in The authors declare no conflict of interest. common use as a food additive for its anti-sweet properties (12). This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Among these widely used lactisole analogs are fibrates used to 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: – treat certain forms of hyperlipidemia (13 16). Although the This article contains supporting information online at therapeutic effect of fibrates on lipid metabolism is mediated via 1073/pnas.1302827110/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS Early Edition | 1of6 Downloaded by guest on September 27, 2021 present despite unimpaired reproductive hormone secretion and occurred at the expected frequency (Table 1). We obtained the a lack of other known determinants of infertility (35, 39, 40). We same failure to transmit in males by crossing compound homo/ +/− −/− −/− hypothesize that compounds present in the environment may act heterozygotes (e.g., Gnat3 ,Tas1r3 crossed with Gnat3 , +/− +/− to inhibit testes-expressed taste receptors and/or G proteins to Tas1r3 ) and by crossing double heterozygotes Gnat3 , +/− cause infertility. Tas1r3 with WT animals. In each case, the Gnat3−, Tas1r3− haplotype was not transmitted from males but was transmitted Results from females (Table 1). Because the nontransmission from the Tas1r3 and Gnat3 Are Expressed in the Male Reproductive Organs. double-heterozygous parents seems unlikely to be caused by al- We found that Gnat3 and Tas1r3 were both expressed in testis, tered physiology or hormonal levels (all other genotypes are pro- primarily in developing haploid spermatids (Fig. 1; Fig. S1). duced normally, and animals are fertile), and double-heterozygous Expression of both molecules is strongest in the latest stages of pups are born from double-heterozygous females but not from development, in the elongating and elongated spermatids (Figs. double-heterozygous males, we concluded that the haploid double- S1 and S2). In agreement with a previous study (28), we found null sperm was either defective or not produced. This phenomenon that Tas1r2 mRNA is also expressed in the same cells (Fig. 1 B is known as transmission ratio distortion (41, 42). E Tas1r2 Tas1r3 Single KO lines lacking either Tas1r3 or Gnat3, or compound and ; Fig. S2). Interestingly, and mRNAs are −/− +/− +/− −/− present in epididymal sperm (Fig. 1 G and H). Tas1r2 expression homo/heterozygotes (e.g.,
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