A. D. OLIVER R. D. Stocking
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* .D '. J" / ^ ^ Dip^r Ripids Pnblio Libury f ' ' ' : ' y cvfton Librai A' U 10 1-2 Paget THE LOWELL LEDGER. 0a Column* INDEPENDENT BUT NOT NEUTRAL. VOL. XV, NO. 43. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. MARCH 19, 1908. BE8TADV. MEDIUM A BUSY DAY IN THE LOWELL WHEAT .1ARKET. osesoooo*# 15 Cents a Day RAISE YOUR is all you need to save and deposit in this bank weekly < <v 1 '• cii"nri£ OWN FEED - fcOHJPUNo where it will draw interest at the rate of 3 PER CENT Most Stock Foods did not bear the ssii s • revenue stamp during the Spanish- per annum and be compounded twice a year and accumu- American War. This Is true of the kinds late as follows: that are peddled. The government found that they contained no medicinal tonics, S I OS IN A WEEK 17.90 IN SIX MONTNft were simply a food ration such as oil meal, •S.22 IN ONE YEAN cotton seed meal and the like, worth In 104.16 INFIVEVEANO the market $1.25 per hundred. The Gov- OtS.76 , IN TEN YEANS ernment found In Old you save as much as ttiatlu the past ten years? < let started on the rlitht road for the next ten years by opening an account to Dr. Hess Stock Food • day at tonics to Improve digestion, laxatives to regulate the bowels and Irontolnrlch the blood. They stamped It, which is uncontro- LOWELL vertible evidence that it is a medicinal stock tonic and laxative STATE BANK MICH. that will enhance the feeder's profits, besides rellevlugthe minor stock aliments. Do you know that the average animal does not • not digest over one-half of Its food? Dr. Hess orlgnated the Idea of strengthening digestion, thereby enabling each animal to ap- :'4? ' " propriate the maximum amount of food tak^n into the system. IONEY SAVED BY BUYING OF OLIVER Remember we sell Dr. Hess Stock Food on a positive written guarantee. 100 lbs. for $5.00; 25 Ib.pall for $1.60. Photo l»y Field. Taken from top of Lyon block, looking HontheaHt. Fed In stnal 1 dose, but twice Instead of three times per dey. Service The above niiiBtratcs the "Dollar Wheat" day denerlbed in ourMsHue of March 5. The picture was Intended for last week's LKIH;ER; but the cut DR. HESS Poultry PAN-A-CE-A wentestray In the malls and arrived too late. is the prescription of Dr. Hess (M. D., D. V. S.), and is guaran- teed to increase egg production sufficiently to pay for itself many times over, besides relieving gapes, cholera, roup, indi- Goods Prices gestion, etc. It costs only a penny a day for 30 fowls. Uue ad - ditional egg per month will pay for the Pan*a-«s>a. Come lu RIGHT and get Dr. Nms Poultry Pan>a-o*>a. If it falls, wc will refuud your money. 11*2 lbs. 2So; Slba. SOo. Heard About Town INSTANT LOUSE KILLER KILLS LICE Here are just a few of the many up-to-date and com- For Sale by plete lines we handle: D. C. LOOK. Watches Clocks Jewelry Sterling Silver Plated Ware (Jut Glass "The King of Diamonds/* a won- The Koyal Neighbors of America sittaittitotnieTRTY Fancy China Dinner Ware Glass Ware derful romance by the author of will give a box social Wednesday Stationery Pocket Books Fountain Pens "The Wings of the Morning." Louis evening March !?."» at Woodmen Hall, Fountain Pen Inks Phonographs Phonograph RecordH Tracy, will begin soon In this paper. boxes ir.c. Kveryone invited. A Eastman Kodaks Film Pack Kodaks Kodak Supplies The one now running drawing to a special Invitation is extended all Carving Sets Eye Glasses Spectacles dose has been followed with great Modern Woodmen and wives. The interest, readers being impatient at following program has been ar- delay or non-arrival of the paper. ranged for the occasion: Instrumen- "The King of Diamonds" is different tal solo, Maude Andrews; recitation, SOLID COMFORT A. D. OLIVER from anything you eve?* read. Tell Kiiuor Porritt; recitation, Uuth Gib- vour friends to subscribe for TUK son; violin solo. Arthur Doerlng; rec- Practical Optician. Eyes Accurately Pitted. LKDOKK and get the most and best itation, Jessie Thomas; vocal solo, in the Home for their money. Liberal space for Uarley Maynard; recitation, Muriel Repairs of all kinds. »ur continued stories is added to Andrews; duet, Archie and Vere Life is not worth much without it. A valuable help rhat for local service, not subtracted Campbell. to make home pleasant is one of the reliable Phono- •oin it. Being on one side of the The Iventy County Democratic club mmimmimmmmimmimmium supplement they may be clipped, graphs. We have the will hold a banquet at Hotel Pant- »m••ted in scrap books and read at llnd, Wednesday evening, March 25 leisure. at (», p. m. Congressmau Henry T. Edison, Columbia, Victor & Standard A card HiKned "The Boylans" Uainey of Illinois and Thos. E. Bark- with records for each. Our assortment of records and reached us Monday requesting their worth of Jackson will make the POTATO LKDUEK sent to Long lieach, Cai. It principal addresses. Democrats and phoioorraph goods is the largest in town. March records SALT RISING said further: "March $ the paper on- )*. vmpathlsers are invited. Accomo- now ready. Ask for March Phonogframs. ly gave notice of 13 houses broken dations are provided for only four Phonooraph cleaning' and repairing a specialty. GRAHAM Into and one hold-up In this sun- hundred. Notify E. L.Montgomery, RYE kissed land of California, in Los Grand Itaplds, not later than March Bread Angeles. That number in Detroit or 22. L is our Hobby. It is the purest and CREAM Grand Hapldsfor a month would be rreHldent Sy dewll/, of the Muske- R. D. Stocking. going some for Michigan, but thta Is I, best, food on earth. \ VIENNA where they breed the real thing. JSl gon Carving »V, Art Furniture com- Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. degrees yesterday, M) today, nights pany has been in town completing the making of necessary legal papers cold." Leuiou, Cranberry, connected with the transfer of the Cream, Pumpkin, The Musleal Kckardts, Swiss bell Parks factory, contract, organlza ringers, who give an entertainment tion, etc. The factory building has Mince, Custard, at the opera house Monday evening been raised and satisfactory progress Pies Apple> Cocoauut. 15c each March 23, have been In Lowell before is being made on the new founda- and gave a long and pleasing pro- tion story. gram. They come this time under Misses Mary Scott, Alice Tinkler and The best that good materials and experience can produce. the auspices of the Methodist Ladies Frances Drew entertained a company Aid society, if you want your mon- of young ladies at a china shower for ey's worth of entertainment hear Cakes of all kinds always fresh and nice. Mrs. IRirry M. Kinsley at the home the Eckardts. of Miss Tinkler Friday evening. The manger of the Heinz pickle Music was the feature of the hour, station reports prospects good for dainty refreshments were were served Weldon Smith the coming season's buslnesH. Those and the bride was the recipient of who had pickle contracts last year some very pretty dishes from the have taken out new ones and otherH girls. are coming In dally. A large Increase Messrs, and MesdamesChas. Althen of acreage Is probable. This 1h the and M. K. Simpson entertained the concern that voluntarily raised UH following party of friends from own contract price for cucumbers Grand Uaplds yesterday: Mr. and last year: good people to tie to. Mrs. liert Klce, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mrs. Edwin Pottruff was quite Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Saitth, badly burned on her hands and Mrs. Sarah Morgan, Mrs. Winifred Come to me for everything in arms Monday afternoon while carry- May, Wallace Sherwood. ing a blazing gasoline stove from her Public school rally for patrons, kitchen to the back porch, the stove teachers and all those interested In having llamed up unexpectedly while the improvement of rural schools the Picture Line she was using It. The door casing will be held at the Alto M. E. church and stairs were partially burned but Tuesday March 24, program begin- the fire was extinguished before ser- ning 10 00 a. m. ious damage was done. Awry £. Flmld, "Mater of photograph*'' Mesdames Simpson and Althen John D. and William Campbell, of will entertain at the home of the lat- Smmsssm* tm P, B, Rhmdmm. North Keene. called at TUK LUIM.-KI: ter, the Ladles* Aid society of the olllce last Thursday. They have Congregational church at a coffee Improved Pittsburgh Perfeot Fences lieen residents of this section for ;Vr ruesdav afternoon, March 1M. Every- .years and .lohn was one of our body invited. "charter subscribers." for field, farm, ranch, lawns, corn cribs and poultry. A trade Charles Fisher has been promoted Kev. Bready's Sunday school elann 11* (he position of chief clerk of the winner and a great seller as it has solved the problem of fencing- gave a second party-soelal Monda.v Bankers' National Bank of Chicago, Poultry, Hogs, Horses and Cattle with one style of feme. evening at the home of Miss Pearl where he has l»een employed six Keene, with about thirty young years. Will not sag, stays that will not slip and no slack wires. people present, meinliers of the clasH Surprised by and their friends. Mrs. J. M. Meyers and daughter Beulah went to Tomah, Wis., last J. J. May who has been caring for week to join Mr.