Carment's ... Directory for Dalkeith and District

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Carment's ... Directory for Dalkeith and District FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. CARMENTS DIRECTORY FOR DALKE/TH AND DISTRICT. yGXXXXX3CXXXXXXXX2a& CONTENTS. page Bonnyrigg, - - - - - - - 1 Lasswade, ------- 6 Polton, - ' 9 Loanhead, ------- 9 Rosewell, - - - - - -12 Roslin, ------- 12 Penicuik, ....... 14 Gorebridge, ------- 16 Gilmerton, ------- 19 Heriot, ....... 20 Ford, - --- 21 Blackshiels, ------- 22 Upper Keith, ------ 23 Dalkeith Societies and Institutions, 24 Dalkeith Directory, 37 Editorial Notice, - - - - - 55 Dalkeith Professions' and Trades' Directory, - - 57 TOGETHER WITH An Illustrated Scottish Almanac, The List of Fairs and Markets in Scotland. PRICE THREEPENCE JOHN GARMENT, $00ks*lUr, Stations, jjriitter, # pbrarian, j 67 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH, jgg AD VEA TISEMJENTS. GALE DON IAF INSURANCE COMPANY. Annual Revenue (1886), £260,331. Accumulated Funds (1886), £1,154,809. Claims Paid exceed TWO AND A HALF MILLIONS STERLliS LIFE ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT. I HE PROFITS are allocated in the form of Bonus Additions, wi may at any time be exchanged for a Cash value or Reduction in Fremiti The insured have also the option of selecting the New Bonus Feature under which the profits are applied to make the Policy Payable during Life. Non-Forfeitable Policies. Large Reserves. Moderate Pramiui Intermediate Bonuses. Early Payment of Claims. Residence in many parts of the World permitted free of cl FIRE INSURANCE~DEPARTMENT. Reserve Funds very ample, and Premiums Strictly Mode gflmti of\§i%tttn#. Chairman—ROBERT STEWART, Esq. of Kinlochmoidart. C. J HENDERSON, Esq The Hok. E. C. BULLER ELPHINST v ' R. H. LEADBETTER, Esq., Glasgow. WILLIAM STUART FRASER, Esq. W. C. RITCHIE, Esq., S.S.C. T. A. HOG, Esq. of Newliston. A. SHOLTO DOUGLAS, Esq., W.S. P. STIRLING, Esq. of Kippendavie. JOHN WILLIAM YOUNG, Esq., W.S. ANDREW AIRMAN, Esq., Banker. Sir GEORGE WARRENDER of Lochend, Bart. Manager and Actuary- D. DEUCHAR, F.I.A. and F.P.A. Secretary— D. J. SURENNE, F.F.A. Fire Superintendent—J . COWAN. Assistant Secreta y—J. MURRAY. Assistant Actuary— H. R. COCKBURN, jfr.F.A. Cashier— JOHN HURRY Physicia?i—V. H. MaCLAREN, M.D. Law Agent—Ft. B. RANKEN, W.S. Auiitor—J. JOBSON DICKSON, C.A Head Office : 19 George Street, Edinburgh. Glasgow Office : 64 St Vincent Street. Agent S IN O A KEITH. ROBERT WILSC i uii&ER, Fairfield Place. COLIN COCHRANE, Painter, 16 South Street. WILLIAM PORTEOUS Merchant. HUGH WATT, White Hart Street. GEORGE JACK. S.S.C. JOHN CARMENT. 67 High Street. AD VERTISEMENTS. JAMES SOMERVILLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Invites inspection of his large and varied stock of eSOlYS; AMP SHOES. HAND-MADE BY FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, OF THE BEST MATERIAL. O&BMS WILL BBOTIYB gMpML M1?BMX<» e MACHINE-MADE, From the Best Makers, in great variety, and carefully selected. LAMBS' M8BSS SMKPEJ AND miff,»S :FAIII i OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. WATERPROOF "K" BOOT. Being Sole Agent in this District for this Cele- brated Boot, J. S. has all the sizes on hand, and can execute Orders without delay. AD VER TISEMENTS. 47 Important to Ready-Money Buyers OF BOOTS AND SHOES, BUY AFFLECK'S RELIABLE BOOTS AND SHOES. BETTER THAN EVER. CHEAPER THAN EVER. MORE STYLISH THAN EVER. Repairs Neatly, Cheaply, and Promptly Executed. A certain Saving of 25 per cent, by Buying your Boots and Shoes from James Affleck, 47 High Street, Dalkeith. IMPORTANT TO READY MONEY BUYERS. SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL THE YEAR BOUND AT ROBERT WIGHT'S Drapery, hosiery, & Shirt establishment, 2 and 4 SOUTH STREET, DALKEITH. Always on hand a Large Stock of First-Class Goods in every Department, at exceedingly Low Prices, well worth the attention of intending purchasers. Flannels, Cottons, Winceys, Tartans, Blankets, Sheetings, Plaidings, Shirtings, Druggets, Tickings. UNDERCLOTHING of Every Description for LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR, Lambs'-Wool Underclothing and Fancy Hosiery, Stays, &c, &c. YARNS OF ALL KINDS CHEAP. A GALL RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS— £ AJVD 4 SOUTH STREET, DALKEITH. " Sign of the Lamb."—Established in 1848. AD VERTISEMENTS. C. COCHRANE, 16 and 18 SOUTH STREET, lASEIIfIL PAPER-HANGINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. GLASS CUT TO ORDER. AGENT FOR THE PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE OFFICE. Established 1852. ^h Z AND AND BAKER OF SHORTBREAD. AND EVERY CONFECTIONER, DESCRIPTION. 48 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. FINEST WHEATEN MEAL AND FLOUR. AD VER TISEMENTS. IP CABINETMAKER & UPHOLSTERER, BUOCLEUOH STREET, JOHN DAVIDSON, NURSERY SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Wreaths, and Crosses Made to Order. Table and Bedding-out Plants, Roses, Shrubs, Fruit Trees, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Leek Plants, &c, in their Season. SHOP-89 ESSCS-H STREET". SEEDS, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, CONFECTIONERIES, &c. HOUSE—BHIDGEND. Wl. F1M01M & S01 f TINPLATE WORKERS AND.GASFiTTERS, BUOOLEUCH STREET, DALKEITH. UMBRELLAS COVERED AND REPAIRED ON THE PREMISES. ALL KINDS OF JOBBING PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. WHITE HART STREET, DALKEITH. Joiner "Work of Every Description Promptly Attended to. HOUSE, SHOP, AND OFFICE REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS TASTEFULLY EXECUTED. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. MOUSE—BUCCLEUCH ST. (Opposite U.P. Church.) ADVER TISEMENTS. fainter, «Ma?ier, & paper^anger, 64 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. OILS, COLOURS, AND BRUSHES. GLASS CUT TO ORDER. PAPERHANGINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. Windows Cleaned and Glazed. AGENT FOR THE GUARDIAN PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE CO. S. TELFER, BOOT J^ISTID SHOE MAKER, Has always on hand a Large and Superior Assortment of Boots and Shoes suitable for all seasons. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. 59 HI^GH STREET, DALKEITH. (Successor to Charles Freebairn), BUCCLEUCH PLACE, DALKEITH (Opposite Railway Station). POSTING- IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. '9 Contractor antr OToal J&crtfjant, BUCCLEUCH STREET, 3D ^HIEBITS. COALS DELIVERED AT LOWEST RATES. JOHN CABMENT, PRINTING. 67 High St., Dalkeith. AD VERTISEMENTS. MUTUAL ASSURANCE WITH MODERATE PREMIUMS. SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, 6 ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. THIS SOCIETY differs in its principles from other Offices. Instead of charging rates higher than are necessary, and returning the excess in the shape of periodical Bonuses, it gives from the first as large an Assurance as the Premiums will with safety bear—reserving the "Wliole Surplus for those Members (a majority of the whole) who have lived long enough to secure the Common Fund from loss. A Policy of ;£i20O to ^"1250 may thus at most ages be had for the Premium usually charged for (with profits) ^"1000 only ; while, by reserving the surplus, large additions have been given to the Policies which participate. At last division of Profits, Policies for ^1000 sharing a first time were increased to sums varying from ;£ii8o to ^1300 or more, and others to ^1400, ^1700, and upwards. Farther additions will be made at the end of the present year. The steady progress of the Business, and the rapid Increase of the Funds due (in great measure to the low rate of Expenses), give good reason to anticipate very favourable results. Examples of Premiums for £100 at Death—"With Profits. AGE. 25 30* 35 40t 45 50 During Life, - - - £1 18 £2 1 6 £2 6 10 £2 14 9 £3 5 9 £4 1 7 21 Payments, - - - 2 12 G 2 15 4 3 2 3 7 5 3 17 6 4 12 1 * A person of 30 may secure £1000 at death by a yearly payment, during life, of £20 15a, which would generally elsewhere secure £800 only, instead of £1000. Or he may secure the same sum of £1000 by twenty-one. yearly payments of £27 13s 4d, being thus free of payment after age 50. t At age 40 the Premium ceasing at 60 is, for £1000, £33 14s 2d, being about the same as most Offices require during the whole term of life. Before that time the Policy will have shared in at least one division of profits. The FUNDS (increased in year by £341,000) are now £6,000,000. Only Two Offices in the Kingdom, both older, have\as large a Fund. The Increase of the Funds in last five years exceeds that of any other Office. The Society has taken a leading part in the removal of restrictions and grounds of challenge. The rules relating to foreign residence, revival of Policies, early payment of claims, etc., are specially liberal. The Surrender Values (given in accordance with an original fixed Table) " compare favourably with those of other first-class Offices." Reports, containing Tables of Rates, may be had on application. December 1887. JAMES WATSON, Manager. AD VERTISEMENTS. JAMES AITKEN & CO., BOOT AND SHOE MAKEES, MAVE always on hand a Superior Assortment of BOOTS and SHOES. Boots and Shoes also Made to Order, the Quality, Material, and Workmanship of which are guaranteed. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. 3Ti)e Balfcntf) 3East=3Enlr FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT. CABINETMAKER," 122 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH, Begs to intimate that his Establishment has every requisite for conducting Funerals to meet the requirements of all classes. Experienced Undertakers always in attendance. Funerals conducted in Town or Country. Polished Coffins mounted in Brass, or Silver-Plated, at Moderate Charges. Hearses and Mourning Coaches supplied with punctuality, and at Moderate Rates. COFFIN AND HEARSE, from 28\- Orders Received at all Hours. Various Sizes, Special Value, AT _I OiBHIH 67 High Street, Dalkeith. AD VERTISEMENTS. JOHN BAILLIE, ftlMIE AMW IlBiifilii, OART AND WHEEL WRIGHT, SESSIONAL SCHOOL COURT, DALKEITH. jpiatt88—107 JfJigfb Street. Funerals conducted in Town or Country. COFFINS, HEARSES, MOURNING COACHES, And every Funeral Requisite, supplied on the Shortest Notice at Moderate Terms. COFFIN AND HEARSE, from 25/-. PASSENGERS BOOKED TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD AT LOWEST RATBS. %\t §alkeitjj Shipping ana Emigration #f«, ' 67 HIGH STREET, AD VERTISEMENTS. CARR'S INKS ARE NON-CORROSIVE. vMKMv For Mending Glass, China, &c. KENTISH TO"V7"ISr ZROAID, THREE WOOL PACKS. Have much pleasure in calling the attention of the public to their WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF DRAPERY GOODS, each Department of which is now replete with Fresh Purchases for the Season. w NOTE THE ADDRESS- 1H11I W©@1 7A0BS, 74—HIGH STREET—74 DALKEIT XX.
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