Local N E W S |
VOL XXXIV MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1909 NO. 51 itKKKlOOCKKHKHJDOOOOOOOOOOOIKIOOOOOOlKXKKKMJn Albert Boelio has been on the sick Mrs, A, K, Fuller has moved from I SECRETARY FIELD RE-ELECTED. HOLIDAY LOCAL NEWS|#| list during the past week, New VViiidsor, Col,, to Denver, At Vandercook's! C. J, Rayner is papering, painting Annual Meeting of the Farmers DOOOOOOOCKWapOOOOCKHIDimOOOOOlJOOOOOOtI Monday evening's alarm was for a Tabic Accessories uuooaDoauoWH: Mutual Fire Insurance Company. small lire at Mrs. Lottie Ilackett's on and graining the interior of his resi 10 lbs Granthited Sugar 50c, with The annual meeting of the li'iiriiiers $1,00 worth other groceries. A street south, dence. Just a few suggestions for your Mutual of Ingham county was held at Larniers, Take Notice. W, M, Smiley and Dan'l .Sear are New Brazil Nuts 10c lb, 3 lbs 25c Xmas and New Year's tables. Christmas next Saturday, The tlie court room in this city Jtonday, We will pay ;i5c this week for htit- shipping cabbage lo Miller it Son of Bi'oken Taffy, just for Xmas, ' Sc Dkjiochat wishes all its friends a There was a large attendance, nearly CRANBERRIES. The right kind,'tor fut, tblivort'd nt creaniery In cmicl Grand Rapids, They are No, 1 Hol Package Raisins, 7e, 8c and 10c Merry Christmas, 300 members beliig present. Meeting for jelly and sauce. Our berries I conrtltlon, M.\sox Ckuameuy Co, land and they will receive SIO per ton, Potatoes, per bushel, ' 35c are ripe, tart and juicy, 10c qt The Eden Gletiners will give a danc was culled to order by President Bar With 'every sack of Flour of any See notice in buslne!:.s local column ing party on Friday evening, Dec 24, Frank Woodward, a Lansing bar ber before dinner and an adjournment SWEET POTATOES.>lumb and kind, a can of Calumet Baking of man wanted.
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