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Tenterden-Archive-Clippings-Vol-5.Pdf i0 i r$ ?h do*.5 III!. A. It. liNllllll 4lI IJ lvtlSli N. l). S\VANN. A rveclcliug rvas soleiunizccl rrt St. I\.[it:lrae['g IHIBTY.FOUB UII,DS Church. ,-t[ 'satrrrclay, Augttst 6th, the WALKED t liaat riair being trIr. Albert J:)tlwartl Sruith, thi;;l- sirn of IIr. Sruith arud tho luto I\'Irs. Siuitir. of \\Iillorv tt'co, 'J'eu[ertlctr anrl Miss X"ttie- l)ora Slaulr, fourth- clartghtcr -of trlr. fO ARBAI{GN II{QUHST. a*t IlIrs. liwlun, of $t. llicltacl's 'l!ert'acc. perfot'rued tlr.o li,ev. I 'i1; cereuron.y .r'is .ll.v ,* Iil.- A.- A. Ileatou. L'ltc'llritle,. rvlto rvas gii'ett tr\r'ay lry- hcr..father, lvaf. tltessed lu orau.go i;fite silli, rvrth veil - antl rt'lcath of R,ECOLLECTIOIYS OF' GOLI}EnI . Ulossorris antl cnrrietl & boircluet of rvlriio I i , " rvls attoltled 5.y tlroe ----- cni.iiutlous. liho liiitort"aids, tho ]Iisses- G{ax[v..s. autl .'Iiath' CELEBRAI\IT. (sioters of tho lr.rtdc), oncl ]lliss \VEDDIITG 6.;-Siuann',f frrttrioirp-ott- inrson (nicco )., rrho carrietl hou- .i,i"tl srveot t)q&s - autl caruations. ]lr. U;iftt-Orlancle- Surith rvas. the .ltptt mau. Cororer'o oEicere do not nor havo the t Gil-ban was born gt Bto&rqreh, neer Con' i'"i;Juntiotr rvas nftelrvu'rds helcl at the dol" of walkine thirty-four miTes to I terbury, in 1849 and joined the Keut (lounty I"stit utb, St'. Ilichacl's. "r"."r" an-inouest. bit thot was the er- | Constabulary, in 18TJ, at Chetham. Ife lea furtti[ure, tluilt', rvlutr "t."o"" tlride's ltarents-Redroom $*l*'"fJK;;'"ti'gll'*t'3"3htf *:t:lsl#f "T$.8'5ff"lltli"tti:lsi$Yl'T ,r,gJm'it ;l:" U'1h111;'' r s i st e r ) -il i rro r r n tr b re e tr boilrrl . m-----r- pattenden (sister)-Torvele-:-,r--\ aud tea ttrs. r *l'ti.otirirSt#'"""fiT'l $""lliiri,"?3"S"i:Xl'EJ tn"':fitii$?..?t'i"lt'ffi.t3ffi1$,i?tl"r,'Ji.: N;";;A ' cloths. ' xJiiii."u'il. -c. (sistcr)-(lako st'a'nd' ii;. .qmitlr-(:hina vase'{ nnrl li*'tu-Ciigt'^*d t'it'tc cloth' Artltur gllsse-s' . ir'i*r'-i:i.hner-wine rli's.bes' ilii;3 c.- iiooosrr!l--Gltss - trt rs. 'l imsott-Ket[lc' ili1." "'i,:tiiir liimso,t-'-Pil iii iir torv -(:irs*s'... -1'e a 0 *v. li i,., i*',l5l* ll #,l,l,X{il *l, i illl' ii. -iitbctrern"t octl*r'ose httvrl' iii iJ; * iss c' swaur ti i;,ii?lrt":lii,:l'l':11,ffu",,il,1" il iij"*liis;;;iJi'-J;li;, i;i;;: iiucrge rrtrcl Bltrr-.'l'orvels' c ! o,r s itntr rr u s tcr g' li i;. lHl"* ll:'il lilt- "..,;ifi1, iii;:' l"uggle- f)ttcltesce sct' I\l r ^n,i'-nitt.Ilecves lntl l-nrti':-tlaso tca kttives' W. rvntson-(llass iu6' iii;* and but,tcr dish. -rri;::Rolfe--setiii,!, il,rirXtriirst*Sugur basin. of l1tgs... r r,rrr- (iocdcarr*Tr,iit'riith'-nLn"ts-rtuttm and , rase. iiii;; iil distr' i;;:" li.' tiottison--clo.k.' ' iii;;.'it"dorts-- Rirtter tlish, cake' flott'ei's' iii;; i;,rii.irntatt antl .llet'ty*lttttter rlirh' iii;;".;J Nr:i");i3." (,{unt and uncle)*"rrule clotbr' llii: f"$iffil:'ljf3;fj"il'0. Auc tq eJ Ashdown, Tenetrtlen. 't fr: 'It I\,IISS A. atro wae to wallc two miles to obtain infor' forcl. was during the six yeard he was at I MR,. w. A' NUSSELI, AND re' Eastwell, that Princess Mario, norr Queen I niatiou- abou t a death at the Gi]rbet ; ' I ':vLASTPll$ n 21 t.ui:n to 'fentet'den, rvalk to Gouclhutst to of Rounintri&, .wsg boru. Orts of his trea- Church-, the srtres &L certidcats of ths Order of St. St. I\Iildretl'g-ot -'fentet'den, -lvas ionurt to tlro Cot'ottcr ; wal k back and is " r*en. a pl'qtt.y rverlcling, o1, Ju!.y.-tr0th, i.,ttuuott o jttt'y, a totnl rvalk of thirty' Johu of Jerttsalcnr,,tlatetl SepternLret' 12, 1879, pSi W th;. of '}lliuburgh t"tiuu tho tiritlal r were I\{r{ illinur --Itjr.l'ortt' nriles. atxl signed by tho lato Dtr]io nitr"A Russell,, thirrl soll of I\'Ir. and l\{rs. Gilharn, rvho at trs nt'ositleltL. nntl 1\lt'. J. Oreery oB sccretnt'y, -n. atrtl llfrs. J. liuq -1, j. Russell, of -Cold lfarbout', 1['entel'rlen, Forest Cot,tnges, 3Id enjiiv, sgo*- of the locaI irssociatlotr. I\lr'. Cilhanr rctirecl Ada lMnstere, youngesb daughter woro ntarricd nt H-ott, itutl Itittl fott-t'-Itt]l!,. l)oys fronr tho lrolico fot'co in 1899 rvith tho l'ank ""4'Uits IVIrs.- llitsters, Bulleign, nttrl bogatr busines,s as {,r tttlr- ni , trtr. nnd Qr I'orir giils (gf rvhotn fivo &lt'o living). ol'corporiil Sitt"i lhvthe. 'f he lllitlo worc a . del igh ltrrl i't*it"ri,t- gr:uri.l-.hililrcn 111111brtt' sevoll. l\'Ir'. $0I'ynlArt, at'l'entct'dert. ai*rr .if rvhito cr;epe-cle-chinr+ rvith bridal - and oranlfe blossonr, rvh-ite stockings fffi:-;A-Tiii. - rv. xeuves, 'iuuuriogo iVetls ""its.ird rvhite kid shoes, tlTq carrietl & bouquet I I'lu,ted ook biscuit lrarrcl. carnations. which was aftenvalels 'W. -itnbrldgo chinc "i--wlrite Srnallhytb-e Wgr l\lenr-orial, as a MR. P. WEEKS AND IIISS E. COLr,. I I l,i,i[" to;io, wells;Plated and iriac"rl otr I . irrm ilr aud 6poon. iin.ii"ate l:rihrrte l"o her brother's memory. A charmins wodding took place at St. I\Ill- woolles' Septarnber 18tL I ,t,intto'NetiiC,- f irnUrtdgo WeUg Prrtr rf""- hrirlesrnaicts \Yero I\'Iiss Jo.vco I'ilnrer dred'; Churc[. Tenterden, on I blaukets. (qiece wlien th; bridb wa,s I$iss Elsie lVinitred Co!e, ;;"1 little Ivlisu Doris '$mith of the I Auntie- Carrle. Crowborough-Chequo. 'Evelyn R ussell (niet:e of the oldest diuehter of 1\{r. ond Mry. W. G. Colq I illi. ana DlrC. W. llarrn-er $idn-y, of Tunbridgo frt:iaet and . - Eqt. Miss Filnrer tvas dressecl in Summit-villao Ashford.roa-d, Tonterdon. ond I Wells-Alunrinlum Esuceprn. and tea - - i i llrideiroom). ih" bridesro6m wns l'Ir. Pe-r.cv- Wgr*eks, eldest I euotis tnd May Cole, Turrbrldgo Wellu-Plated palo titrier lilf* *o"o*,rin tt'iruutecl with beige, I butter dlsh. so,r of [{^rs. Il. Weoltsi Jiroh llousc, St. Tupbridge 'Wells-I'}lated ir lnco lrat fo urat.clr, ttttrl lleii;e sltoes qnll crepe-de-' I Ui. aud ltrs. J. Kingqt-er, o{. Mi"Uaet's.--fh" bride woib & white I nud china-Uri. butter dish. stor:kings. 'Sre calrietl tr,- bouquet. uiuk it i"" golrn with veil- and wreath o-f.-.ornngs I ui,--"na Fortor, Tunbrldgo 'Wells*Palr ot canrati6ns. iT'he litl:le'sirls lvol'e shell-pirrk ffisg;d;nd cariea o lovelv shesf o-f-lilies and I pict'ures.- rvit.h silver 'lace, Dulc-h cilps. itttd n'hite t-ray. *liit€ lJathei. The brideimnids-IUiss I Cciusin lVtll and Oeorgo-Oak tec - shoes aucl tilrclis.- Thev cat'rietl b:tskots of -Doris I CoGi; i,'to-Sit"er plafed candlestick. *liuui*:l' - sweeI peas artrd !'oFes. vit:at" Rev. I lt. ana l*lrg.- Berrv and tamily-Sllver lnkstand: -Ir.' --'fho -tlp mlru"trtm,r, ## &itt frgi:: I strn -6i ii. noorm'an-Silver piated cake baskot ,I'i.- -ir"*tIlIau, off iciatecl. lVIt'. Frecl -Rrrssell sfir^b & 4eligEtful trio. It{iss I aud knifo. iuar min. 'Iho receptiou lr'as held ttt 6i;;;*i"s""usini-noad" ;'silver srev dreJs with p&l-e pin.k I Miss Tant"-Cblna carrdlestlcks. f lnld Ifrr rlrnn r. oi"dl"' TrUct crinotiie hat trimmed wil,h I Urg. Tfilson-Marcella quilt. iitl.- oi"[-to-motch.""a whilst Miss J. Trvlor snd I M;:- l,i"E. Fuller' and lttrs. \illlaon, sen.-Plurlt -noltv citru wotu prettv. dresees of. shell- I tabls"no cover. [iG I Mrs.- Cleavor-Bread board and knlts. ninti with white net mob cqnq kplvea, Epoons and ""*oo-au-chine trlue. Thev carried I ffi. fid- Dirs. trlsbel-tea . ffil-".l- wiit nint snd I tonga. otr PARTNERST{rP' t d*;"t" of nint, nnd rvhito carnntions {rld I ui. l;. Moon and Mlsn N, Novo, Tunbrldge \ilrellr Dissoiuuortr ;il" oota--r,,i;atttt", the sifts of tho britle- I -and of tea knlveg. E -Caso Mro. Ilrenchloy Clement-Set of csrverr m-l f; s;*:---T[;- ociciltins dler6wm&n . wos tho I Mt. i, * ?,111:' ii $;L?.*i' HL'h\ i' ilfl ; while tllo dutiee of best m&n I and steel butter dlch. W hev. Dubington, I trtre. A. Weeke-Irour ;t,oblospoong. girltx*iii*1t$ei ' ilie csrriud oud by lvfr. Roginnld -M-oon, After Weeks-Sugar tougu. iUlwl- +.U*'if ii:i,li iil di - tbe I Ur. n. c.rrT'r', nt I{ ish- st'oet, iii;- **;*y a, iocerrtion wffr hol{ at I wiirniii- cnd Roberi olbbs*gllvcr nut crackers' . ffiff;f rir.Jr.,J.'iii,i.ryl{s. .nurr honoypoon is b-e.ins sPg.nt r.nii- Margaret oibbs'-Plcklo lork. [ria";r-[o*;. fne I n"[W *d t" n*siiton--nnd ths_ brids's travellins nttiro I uii." w. Tavlorif)innor eeqvlco. ! ; r"it: ff i; iT$;l*l'x:;'m ili.
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