i0 i r$ ?h do*.5 III!. A. It. liNllllll 4lI IJ lvtlSli N. l). S\VANN. A rveclcliug rvas soleiunizccl rrt St. I\.[it:lrae['g IHIBTY.FOUB UII,DS Church. ,-t[ 'satrrrclay, Augttst 6th, the WALKED t liaat riair being trIr. Albert J:)tlwartl Sruith, thi;;l- sirn of IIr. Sruith arud tho luto I\'Irs. Siuitir. of \\Iillorv tt'co, 'J'eu[ertlctr anrl Miss X"ttie- l)ora Slaulr, fourth- clartghtcr -of trlr. fO ARBAI{GN II{QUHST. a*t IlIrs. liwlun, of $t. llicltacl's 'l!ert'acc. perfot'rued tlr.o li,ev. I 'i1; cereuron.y .r'is .ll.v ,* Iil.- A.- A. Ileatou. . L'ltc'llritle,. rvlto rvas gii'ett tr\r'ay lry- hcr..father, lvaf. tltessed lu orau.go i;fite silli, rvrth veil - antl rt'lcath of R,ECOLLECTIOIYS OF' GOLI}EnI . Ulossorris antl cnrrietl & boircluet of rvlriio I i , " rvls attoltled 5.y tlroe ----- cni.iiutlous. liho liiitort"aids, tho ]Iisses- G{ax[v..s. autl .'Iiath' CELEBRAI\IT. (sioters of tho lr.rtdc), oncl ]lliss \VEDDIITG 6.;-Siuann',f frrttrioirp-ott- inrson (nicco )., rrho carrietl hou- .i,i"tl srveot t)q&s - autl caruations. ]lr. U;iftt-Orlancle- Surith rvas. the .ltptt mau. Cororer'o oEicere do not nor havo the t Gil-ban was born gt Bto&rqreh, neer Con' i'"i;Juntiotr rvas nftelrvu'rds helcl at the dol" of walkine thirty-four miTes to I terbury, in 1849 and joined the Keut (lounty I"stit utb, St'. Ilichacl's. "r"."r" an-inouest. bit thot was the er- | Constabulary, in 18TJ, at Chetham. Ife lea furtti[ure, tluilt', rvlutr "t."o"" tlride's ltarents-Redroom $*l*'"fJK;;'"ti'gll'*t'3"3htf *:t:lsl#f "T$.8'5ff"lltli"tti:lsi$Yl'T ,r,gJm'it ;l:" U'1h111;'' r s i st e r ) -il i rro r r n tr b re e tr boilrrl . m-----r- pattenden (sister)-Torvele-:-,r--\ aud tea ttrs. r *l'ti.otirirSt#'"""fiT'l $""lliiri,"?3"S"i:Xl'EJ tn"':fitii$?..?t'i"lt'ffi.t3ffi1$,i?tl"r,'Ji.: N;";;A ' cloths. ' xJiiii."u'il. -c. (sistcr)-(lako st'a'nd' ii;. .qmitlr-(:hina vase'{ nnrl li*'tu-Ciigt'^*d t'it'tc cloth' Artltur gllsse-s' . ir'i*r'-i:i.hner-wine rli's.bes' ilii;3 c.- iiooosrr!l--Gltss - trt rs. 'l imsott-Ket[lc' ili1." "'i,:tiiir liimso,t-'-Pil iii iir torv -(:irs*s'... -1'e a 0 *v. li i,., i*',l5l* ll #,l,l,X{il *l, i illl' ii. -iitbctrern"t octl*r'ose httvrl' iii iJ; * iss c' swaur ti i;,ii?lrt":lii,:l'l':11,ffu",,il,1" il iij"*liis;;;iJi'-J;li;, i;i;;: iiucrge rrtrcl Bltrr-.'l'orvels' c ! o,r s itntr rr u s tcr g' li i;. lHl"* ll:'il lilt- "..,;ifi1, iii;:' l"uggle- f)ttcltesce sct' I\l r ^n,i'-nitt.Ilecves lntl l-nrti':-tlaso tca kttives' W. rvntson-(llass iu6' iii;* and but,tcr dish. iii,!,-rri;::Rolfe--set il,rirXtriirst*Sugur basin. of l1tgs... . r r,rrr- (iocdcarr*Tr,iit'riith'-nLn"ts-rtuttm and , rase. iiii;; iil distr' i;;:" li.' tiottison--clo.k.' ' iii;;.'it"dorts-- Rirtter tlish, cake' flott'ei's' iii;; i;,rii.irntatt antl .llet'ty*lttttter rlirh' iii;;".;J Nr:i");i3." (,{unt and uncle)*"rrule clotbr' llii: f"$iffil:'ljf3;fj"il'0. Auc tq eJ Ashdown, Tenetrtlen. 't fr: 'It I\,IISS A. atro wae to wallc two miles to obtain infor' forcl. was during the six yeard he was at I MR,. w. A' NUSSELI, AND re' Eastwell, that Princess Mario, norr Queen I niatiou- abou t a death at the Gi]rbet ; ' I ':vLASTPll$ n 21 t.ui:n to 'fentet'den, rvalk to Gouclhutst to of Rounintri&, .wsg boru. Orts of his trea- Church-, the srtres &L certidcats of ths Order of St. St. I\Iildretl'g-ot -'fentet'den, -lvas ionurt to tlro Cot'ottcr ; wal k back and is " r*en. a pl'qtt.y rverlcling, o1, Ju!.y.-tr0th, i.,ttuuott o jttt'y, a totnl rvalk of thirty' Johu of Jerttsalcnr,,tlatetl SepternLret' 12, 1879, pSi W th;. of '}lliuburgh t"tiuu tho tiritlal r were I\{r{ illinur --Itjr.l'ortt' nriles. atxl signed by tho lato Dtr]io nitr"A Russell,, thirrl soll of I\'Ir. and l\{rs. Gilharn, rvho at trs nt'ositleltL. nntl 1\lt'. J. Oreery oB sccretnt'y, -n. atrtl llfrs. J. liuq -1, j. Russell, of -Cold lfarbout', 1['entel'rlen, Forest Cot,tnges, 3Id enjiiv, sgo*- of the locaI irssociatlotr. I\lr'. Cilhanr rctirecl Ada lMnstere, youngesb daughter woro ntarricd nt H-ott, itutl Itittl fott-t'-Itt]l!,. l)oys fronr tho lrolico fot'co in 1899 rvith tho l'ank ""4'Uits IVIrs.- llitsters, Bulleign, nttrl bogatr busines,s as {,r tttlr- ni , trtr. nnd Qr I'orir giils (gf rvhotn fivo <'o living). ol'corporiil Sitt"i lhvthe. 'f he lllitlo worc a . del igh ltrrl i't*it"ri,t- gr:uri.l-.hililrcn 111111brtt' sevoll. l\'Ir'. $0I'ynlArt, at'l'entct'dert. ai*rr .if rvhito cr;epe-cle-chinr+ rvith bridal - and oranlfe blossonr, rvh-ite stockings fffi:-;A-Tiii. - rv. xeuves, 'iuuuriogo iVetls ""its.ird rvhite kid shoes, tlTq carrietl & bouquet I I'lu,ted ook biscuit lrarrcl. carnations. which was aftenvalels 'W. -itnbrldgo chinc "i--wlrite Srnallhytb-e Wgr l\lenr-orial, as a MR. P. WEEKS AND IIISS E. COLr,. I I l,i,i[" to;io, wells;Plated and iriac"rl otr I . irrm ilr aud 6poon. iin.ii"ate l:rihrrte l"o her brother's memory. A charmins wodding took place at St. I\Ill- woolles' Septarnber 18tL I ,t,intto'NetiiC,- f irnUrtdgo WeUg Prrtr rf""- hrirlesrnaicts \Yero I\'Iiss Jo.vco I'ilnrer dred'; Churc[. , on I blaukets. (qiece wlien th; bridb wa,s I$iss Elsie lVinitred Co!e, ;;"1 little Ivlisu Doris '$mith of the I Auntie- Carrle. Crowborough-Chequo. 'Evelyn R ussell (niet:e of the oldest diuehter of 1\{r. ond Mry. W. G. Colq I illi. ana DlrC. W. llarrn-er $idn-y, of Tunbridgo frt:iaet and . - Eqt. Miss Filnrer tvas dressecl in Summit-villao Ashford.roa-d, Tonterdon. ond I Wells-Alunrinlum Esuceprn. and tea - - i i llrideiroom). ih" bridesro6m wns l'Ir. Pe-r.cv- Wgr*eks, eldest I euotis tnd May Cole, Turrbrldgo Wellu-Plated palo titrier lilf* *o"o*,rin tt'iruutecl with beige, I butter dlsh. so,r of [{^rs. Il. Weoltsi Jiroh llousc, St. Tupbridge 'Wells-I'}lated ir lnco lrat fo urat.clr, ttttrl lleii;e sltoes qnll crepe-de-' I Ui. aud ltrs. J. Kingqt-er, o{. Mi"Uaet's.--fh" bride woib & white I nud china-Uri. butter dish. stor:kings. 'Sre calrietl tr,- bouquet. uiuk it i"" golrn with veil- and wreath o-f.-.ornngs I ui,--"na Fortor, Tunbrldgo 'Wells*Palr ot canrati6ns. iT'he litl:le'sirls lvol'e shell-pirrk ffisg;d;nd cariea o lovelv shesf o-f-lilies and I pict'ures.- rvit.h silver 'lace, Dulc-h cilps. itttd n'hite t-ray. *liit€ lJathei. The brideimnids-IUiss I Cciusin lVtll and Oeorgo-Oak tec - shoes aucl tilrclis.- Thev cat'rietl b:tskots of -Doris I CoGi; i,'to-Sit"er plafed candlestick. *liuui*:l' - sweeI peas artrd !'oFes. vit:at" Rev. I lt. ana l*lrg.- Berrv and tamily-Sllver lnkstand: -Ir.' --'fho -tlp mlru"trtm,r, ## &itt frgi:: I strn -6i ii. noorm'an-Silver piated cake baskot ,I'i.- -ir"*tIlIau, off iciatecl. lVIt'. Frecl -Rrrssell sfir^b & 4eligEtful trio. It{iss I aud knifo. iuar min. 'Iho receptiou lr'as held ttt 6i;;;*i"s""usini-noad" ;'silver srev dreJs with p&l-e pin.k I Miss Tant"-Cblna carrdlestlcks. f lnld Ifrr rlrnn r. oi"dl"' TrUct crinotiie hat trimmed wil,h I Urg. Tfilson-Marcella quilt. iitl.- oi"[-to-motch.""a whilst Miss J. Trvlor snd I M;:- l,i"E. Fuller' and lttrs. \illlaon, sen.-Plurlt -noltv citru wotu prettv. dresees of. shell- I tabls"no cover. [iG I Mrs.- Cleavor-Bread board and knlts. ninti with white net mob cqnq kplvea, Epoons and ""*oo-au-chine trlue. Thev carried I ffi. fid- Dirs. trlsbel-tea . ffil-".l- wiit nint snd I tonga. otr PARTNERST{rP' t d*;"t" of nint, nnd rvhito carnntions {rld I ui. l;. Moon and Mlsn N, Novo, Tunbrldge \ilrellr Dissoiuuortr ;il" oota--r,,i;atttt", the sifts of tho britle- I -and of tea knlveg. E -Caso Mro. Ilrenchloy Clement-Set of csrverr m-l f; s;*:---T[;- ociciltins dler6wm&n . wos tho I Mt. i, * ?,111:' ii $;L?.*i' HL'h\ i' ilfl ; while tllo dutiee of best m&n I and steel butter dlch. W hev. Dubington, I trtre. A. Weeke-Irour ;t,oblospoong. girltx*iii*1t$ei ' ilie csrriud oud by lvfr. Roginnld -M-oon, After Weeks-Sugar tougu. iUlwl- +.U*'if ii:i,li iil di - tbe I Ur. n. c.rrT'r', nt I{ ish- st'oet, iii;- **;*y a, iocerrtion wffr hol{ at I wiirniii- cnd Roberi olbbs*gllvcr nut crackers' . ffiff;f rir.Jr.,J.'iii,i.ryl{s. .nurr honoypoon is b-e.ins sPg.nt r.nii- Margaret oibbs'-Plcklo lork. [ria";r-[o*;. fne I n"[W *d t" n*siiton--nnd ths_ brids's travellins nttiro I uii." w. Tavlorif)innor eeqvlco. . ! ; r"it: ff i; iT$;l*l'x:;'m ili. tl'qit\li ii' I bousln Winrite-Glass dlslt.' ' int- o"i*ort--Jnoa- cloth c.ostpnle $nd - blnck I }trs. Poioi:rictufo. ,- '. : . - *l;;' ;'lr"tlililf'fi$$tlff: ffit f[o preeents inqlude the follorv' oloth' r;l ::l i'il ltl;fr :" ",iilutt I iii;;: neoas add Amy-Damask tablo ; lq0a I Mrs. U. Chandler-Cuahlon cover. l SAMUDL I}LINKS. ifi;'rr" o"o"r.J"*1.[o srgnet rrug- I bousin etlcb-et0ornoon tet cloth. brideqroom to- brrde-l{rndbug W, Covenoy-'8weet' hnsket. wit n cts,!r, IrAIlt. ffii,ti;t luther-Choque cud cabinet' ' -rnatlfts.ti6rn;:k*tlalf a dozen'tea gpbonr' LrP N I'\YN utottstls ud ovormantsl' Ii;. ii;i,t;'; iuor,tier-rrtitren i ' Arinblo, $unnysldo, IIald?ln-Bronkf ast crttet... , Iti. uiun-ohequo Bldrtles-Salt und peppol crstQrs. salud bowl rnd llr.-n"iCon-Plot,erl nrid lrlra. iiii.r-fl.-Cots:ijtlver plrted chlna r if. chlnn sllgar Jnr nntl sift'cr' \ urlYerc. Cousln lvy*Musturd uttrl salt, 6pooqs. lf i. n. lfoon-silver plated dlnner cruet' ' STARTItrNG EVENT IN THNTERDEN RELIGIOUS CIRCLHS


__ Untler' {.lrc lbove_lrcnding tlre Rev. 'rr.n,..,-. i \\'a lsh, of 11.'un tertleu. wr.-lte s :- ' illiry I I h ltxrgh tho rne

'Tn au int'erviorv nt ;n'eveuterl frorn holtling a rrnited service in tho, Vicitrngc otr nlemory of our lallelr comlacles? Are orlr Stturdny evenittg R EV. W. rVnLsH pr'ryers 1.or ths dencl only f'or certuin wili' i[tu-liei'.-W: W. D. Ca'niclnel (tlte 'Unitnrian'elect' cornrnrles who trel's clear of the I\laple, tr rttettrl:er ot fold ?" \/iclrr'f rintl rvith Ilr. rllcrit'eirle' tlr; Obliriiittno of tlre-tho brancS of Srrlely ,lnJ servico &s & soldier in .the {:iro lrritish l,esiou Vicar: rnaclo l;ho Grent ivn" ,ooq not & questiou of whetlher liollolvirrs"invitirts tlelirri[e siatelnent a$ his rensoll I rvng a ljnitariau or & rnenrber of any".of other l'or'trot tho lfuiititrinrr tnitrister {:o fnith bnt bnsllrl upon l;hs r.ecor.cls mJr tirlie,il pn.r.t nlo"ne rvitfu 1;lrs otlter tlissctrting lo.yulty attrl rvilliugness to sel'vo 'rMy-tolu'r Gori, rniuistci's. at thrl rtuitetl sotvico in tlro Mv 4ing and My Gountry !" Is our Pl rish Ch urch otr Novenrlter 7 . se'rvice of corrmeuloration to orlr fallen IIo. tho \/icor, snitl "lt is irnPossible for cpmratles to becomo qlr act of h.ypocr.isy :' me to occul).y-d t illnco olr {ttry leligiqus-.plat- Is it a rnntter of prnying for the sheep sntl fclrm rvith ljnitnrinn rllittistcr rrn

Has Bought the Business of the Laundry and is Now Collecting the lWork for Launderiirg at :. fenterden, the Rolvenden Premises being Closed.

Rolvenden Customers . NUouId kindly send, all -t Cgmmunications and Reryittances in. future to


t I I Phone oB |(?.39

E. E. STANGER ".* Grocer, Tea Doaler & Prouision lYlerchant ffi re et Sto c $r'-t n$ru n"n ffi SffirH m, *rILng. egth to trffi,ffi. !Sth. lgCO F rrr cst Proaisiols. Frcsh Roaslctl Cofec. cYCLES, ItccESsoRtrns, icovnRs 8u TUBms, IRONMoNGE['tY, HIGH STREET, PRAF/trSe TENTERDEN GRaMOpr{ONES, tr{EOORDS.

Prioes are sti[ risind, but for IITRFE VIIEEK$ you oan buy at POTTER BROS., IJESS THAN TRILDE PRICE:3. L,ists post ft'oo. TENTERIIEN.

uonoAil ' tPhonc 6*'g. m" ${H,:r'Tr---Hil, 6f. SPARE PIR'is. Tel. 2A. 'Y- Tenterden. rHE l. MORGAN,' SPECIALISTS. lqlS AUG , rnrilfrE5rlx. ObITUARV.*Tlre funeral of Mise Knth- lvEw uonffi'- oF MIB$ a. B. cHACT(gtrIaLD.-- loorr l\furv Bridgo who died on f)ecenrbor 27th $,89. ouatl{ plo"'" p,r l\,[onclny. sorvico waq hold ft* A"*t[ tJok placo on Wedncsdoy ni-ght, -at i;;t Ths Rcoondltloned. l;i-'itr[- Wuitivoii-$; ch;rch' and rv&$ cond'ctod 'Aero Groncl Prix and I)s Luxo Moilele Hliof;"fr l'3,1"y",1i''MllYtTi#t'lt#;'iii:T; [; lt* Ilov.. Oorlrs, lhe iirterment bqirrg allays in stock. been suffering ;i t,ho cetnotery. 'Ihe lrrollrncrs \voro lll r. APRr r- Iqc-l Wurl Cr6ss. I)eccased hasl (fal,hor). ' Ilridgo (broi,her), .long . timo pult old for R- iiiidqn II. R, trorn *ialvsis for a (brother'in-larv), I\{essrF. It" ,oino litr,o 5ad treon bed-riddcn. lhe deepest IN; J.-{i. Woodgu,te iu""t"ult,u is fclt with hcr porents, wl1o, in rt nfilii (lnHl: fi.., lr.r'n lrr.l t.tr'.' r:tf llr,'ir chilrllr'rr- Illi *q nii 4i:'r'*rrsin) ".,r''r,iJ," TENTSRDEN .TOWN El COUNCIT rEN'TEnrlnN nunar]' fENfnBnnN f0wN, + COUNCrI*,r-- rq3r Soer * ,. 1' tqeg ECONOMY AND THE HOUSING s*pr :.9T:t: , PROPOSED MUSEUM. vov QUESTTON tgy t FURTHER HOUSING SCHEUIE ,, .- llt ulsday, ptesent l\{uior J. S. Robson *.Mgpdex.-Preeent: Councillor W. l,. V. At the meetinr o nFridav there wers nrs- Altlorrncn A. ll,. Iloornrau, II. It'incllater nelly - ^and $rttyor), -r _(ths rs-electod l\hyor), sent Mr. D. E. Selmes (chairman) Jrtrlgc, f,,. K. Davis untl II. Nevo; Couu- fr':"ffiAL,Ta"{,11tir;,.}'ott'c?i:'.t'o:"$,,f,: Messrg. E. B. Terrrr, J. E: Lorden.'H. J. ctllors _I):unper Ptrlrner., lt , (!ure, J. Chacks- stor,_.,!i. {.llsop, I[. P. Playei, A. 'Ianton, tr. Gor- tield, J. i\,I. Diggle, C. S. Il)lgood. It'. Dtrn- Love, ,\-[.s.- Il. A. Adams, -$;-I\,[iss ]![. -4. -F. ,J'trruL-.rnt[ I(. don , Jonee aud C.-,B'. Brown. also IlIr. f . !'!or., It. Trovcr I\{iss M. Winser.. 4 . .I!. Itu rfJusli;*;-j.-Il. n;i;: Itrmberson (aetins l(.- Wirrser, son, 'forrut,. . l\l nnrl olerk).-T[ie Clerlr re- rvith Uotonct J. Munn Mucs + f nrtin ll. Novc, ported ealo to the County Couu- (clerli).-It lvus ugrccrl to'support tho Can- deputy torvn clerk ( R: the -ihcir {}!so llro ^ l\[r. n, ail of ths Plummer Isolation Hoenital- site tcrlrtrry CitS' tb"uncil jn br.otest I\taco).-A lettor r.cgrettinn irr*irititv to be pqe.gont and reeeipt of ffl), the cousideration. which itguinst thc l)r'oposirl to alroliuh tho distl'ict w&0 r.earl frb*nr Corincilkrr l,l Chalk, plbced - rcgist,ry thq t}lnounceit- harl beeu to the sener.al aceounL. oltilo ior llrrst Kcril, osl rlblishg6l ftlg, ,Il{trvor iii r[ ;i"il;-"i; quarferly report of ihe ll{edical nI Cunl'orlrury.-'I']rc re- l l lnosg Altlernran Danrnier pulrnor tvns lln- -Tbe - Offi- !\ror.ku Coiunriileo's nl)lo to bo- prossut.*a cer of Healtlf was received. showinq the 1nrt, u'hich lvns ntlopterl, slntctl t.htrt ih lotter was r.eir

SHAKESPEAREAN GOMEDY AT TENTEROEN.*Loft, Miss C. Ticshurat ae Sir John Falstaff , Centre, Mrs. J.'as Sharp (Mr. Dord), Mise Eriug (Mrs. Ford),Mre. Adamg (Mre, Page) and llise Clarhe (Mr. Page). Bight, Wn .T9'ost $in' juryL ' T:[ugh llvans; (Photo, Ashtlown, Toptordon.] 2

A MIDSUMMER FANTASY.-A charm- TENTERDEN THEATRICATS Af€t *=- lngg nlrt.ypluy- "On"O1 A Manteluiece."lVfantelpiece,', tv{tsty{ls Dre- cA R AN aenteilnted bvby }{t's.' }Vhiteheadw ruf,eneao;;f".ffii nnd&n(l trorhdrrrujiJ. nunilsp,ipii,puprts t?sz D *IE[Ii,-8Filr, o fl?no,,r- on Wednesdn,.v at.Il"olesat .Il"olee PlacePlaeo- in aidaid- of Dec ilq- ca,r', driven b.v l\fr.. n. H.' Ronrl, of 'Welfaro li'olkestono, rvaggon I tlturths fnfant Welfaro Centre. fheThe cttitt'irenchilclren IluilL rlll agninst . a bnclcgrouncl of rr collideil rvith a steam ^ ql Ct'a;'thorns " I nchieved a, vory high stantlartl an olcl- lipanrslr_ l)ortrtnietn converrt, &Ir unustral Corner. on 'f uesday morning. in cnt" 'from I world garrlen iletting. . The cast was 1llay, "'l'ho Crnrllo Sotrl;," ivns presentetl 'I'he ryas proceeding Wooclchurclr I'Pa,nreleI rut 1l'cntelclen oll nnd tlro rvaggon fronr lWaiclstone to Apple- I'a^nrelo- Iluggle,I'ugglo, IletrtfIJettl' Tunner, Margnret 'Jlhurstliiy rright. It w&s n : plny tlrnt..iu cncrtrsterl rvil"h. tlole, No oire tvas injur.erlJ Frost,_tlay16", Itlric {-ot1ryo; -Illrrry-- Clare, I(ath- sirnplicity nud ileen IJctty Allen - lfa,rgnret Ru'z- 'has n settinii of stcrcrl nnlstc. GATESDENE SUCCESS.-AI {:hs RovaI zarrl, ltliloou _Ilourno, Iti,ono_ Cheelrsfielcl, It wus &lr nrnl.ritious c,ffor.t on ths nnrt of l)rn.u'irrg Soeiety's IJxhibit;ion held at ijho llean- Ilrost, Joycc airA Audrey Gilharn, 'I'cntertlen ancl IIigh I{rrltlen Worncn'ri fnsti_ (l rrildhrill Art tialler.l', I\{aisie Stervtrr.t-Renle, (ased'2). (,t'(rnresoeneGfrtesdene F_otFat 'I'hornnson'I'hornpsorr (aged 21, Joy-Jov- Whiting,Whitins. tutes, aud ther.eforo alI the ntol.o to bs com- d-: Hish.-rtlgtr.Dclloot, Sbhool, rv&slvtls awnrdedftw&roed a ! lil{arylfary Duvnf,Duvnl, Rita itrrnbeiion,ltrmberson. ]anetJanet \,Viii- mandecl. 'I'lro per.for.nlanco tvas char.minslv Wi nclsor u nd Ndrv tou's Pi.i ze for st il l-l if o I aher, \Vlriting, Charles Davidson, syrnl;nthetic. t'lro outstuntling char.actdr;l bnrsh rvor'[ ancl' & first-class, coulmendecl. I Q.o_rr!e _ for interiorb 'Laneo Whitelr_eqd _qnii-and Ray*Mi tsallard.tsallapd.- Sing- n'el'{r tnhen _hv_Jonn llowley_, . lt,uby l)riug, in nencil rvor.k. n.lso a frr.st-.:iass i Grs. JLf.rs. Hqrton,Tqrton, Youmg ,tl 1\lcLarpu, li'inrllafer., r'ontmended for.- -h riler[ obiccts uncl ot;her I If.' N. ' Miss W, t'*. .lioty {egn Ca[- 'ylrk. andanrl l)onald Vonees,Voneeg, with tr{iss: Ii. Lov-s ;tnin 0. llroolrcs, Iloryl f,n.fc, Winrrio Lovo hnrsl' Ii'or letr.t.hor rvoili'.in'{,ho nunil's I otvu sho gaiucct a thinl class, dour- 'AUg ' nrrtl llol:olt Coornbcs. The producer is ,design 11 liu:itt.. . ;../?36 .. _ _, J , .[:l"rs. C. II, l]roln. nroncled ll


qtqrr W. T._ Brbwd, J. Batos, A. R. Ir'ugglo, A. lently mado up. The r&co was run in two boats. ' Gilberh with I\{r, W. L. C. Turner (carrtaiu"of tlro qn_{ rosrrlt (Mr' tlro + the Iinol w&s:-1 ltr. J. Burnh"-, tuo,.lronqr&r{ 19crota1Y '1" G. 2. T. I)oarson. 5 A; Pooe. l, 8.lTll'Ttie Fi"[ ;;i;;ils%;fi;rion.-This wa's anorher ,"' baird'"q1, of the Zrt'd: Voluntoer Battalion East good race' ment of th6 cyclists showinA-e"""t,rkiti Kent Regimont lvrrs in.attoudairco and ronderod a in the arb 1i' *-^ *--^:- tTlL^ .C--r--- of millinery. The result wa-s I-1 E. J. good-^^l programrno- of^t musio. .The chief^l-:-t featuro of--! Burnhsm,_2 L. R. Ftisgls, I M. it.-C6;i. the afternoon \,va.s a physical drill by ths members aud apoon racF-I A. R. Fuggle, Z I[. L. ' of ths G Compariy of the salno battalion. Dach n#F.g--lTi"r.tho ilrovomont was'vory'nbly and iorreotly carried out, raeos tlre tady *"*t"", of the club ' being quqh,npprobiaterl by_ tho spebtators. t'h6 wero " 4t ho_me," and ent6rtained the olhlr mem- ' rosult of tho' rbcing w&s eq follows : - *'i'liffi,if Two miles oponopen handicop---1sthandicop*-lst prize,rrrize. brass toblo ff#; F f,iil {riJXXin:" l,i:* sett in ca.so;caso; znd,Znd, bnrometer clocic;cloclc; 3rd.3rd, saltsalu cel- clrstnbuteclff:Ul,' jd;# :6 -l- jiil to the successful competitors by Mrs. liiqlars-Ifirst i,":"'il3rheaFl'Sedsrurick. ;;,ffi ;t, 2 itJ,llarden. : Seoond :I.-Ululn Maco, and on i;;ro-;;-ioicert wrs : hoot-l'J;hoot*l'J.' I'Ir Gonnon'Gonnon, ?e JU.U. II. Yoll. ['inal*lI'inal*l C. ";i ' A; Sbdgwick, 2 J. II. Gosson, 5 U, I'I. Yell. Titne, i:lt'.J,lt yr*n*l: ., i ffiflg'finffi -i. :,,., rr..r., I .,, , , 'm;rri*:l 1.6 ming, b:r ted vocal an d i4st",rmentai iti 6""r-.;;; Xft;: GOLDITN SQUARE, TUNTnRDEN. .- iib;dcle raoe-lst prize, Bug&r bowl ; 2nd, but- Bennett, l\fiss -Mirr_ ' , N. Beiluri n;;Ufiri Mr. TrroMAg Cunrnrs, rvho is leoving, hns directecl ter'ooolor: 3rd.'nips.-First heat-l D. J. Bum' f'rukins,' Mr. _J.'_Munn- I,iil; uoa trfrl-ii:' Kil: ham. 2 F.,; Diss."- $econd'heat-l M. P. Clapp, I * sgqd ring had been provided for dancins.-;? Messrs. HATCE & WATERMAN T*?uJ';i .-iri"ur*T n,ilil;;, ? niri'a-caffi;; trto largo nnmber .present spont very pl6lsant I TO SAIL NY AUCTION, a t 'I-falf-milo club handicap-lst prize, egg cupn every arrangement having been- dado Ure Pretnises, i jam l:m.u, for On end-stand 3 2nd,, dishes; 3rd, bread fork.- therr enjoymont. ON MONDAY, APRIL 20rn, r800 At I for 2 o'clock, his useful l- r{er ffi igsz li TTOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE, compris- I Llun Flrn.-'Ihe nnrrull lamtr fair wng held on l, ing norv rnnhoguny frnnrc cortch rvith squrb rrrul yo -[-J- lFridoy.. Thero w: t I y srnall attondanco; and I pillon', csvcrecl iu hnir; rosclvood tntl mahognny cartl I ttrU quantiiy of stc,cl( ,vas not half as numerous sr I tnblcs, mthognn.y clinirrg onrl Pentln'oho tnbles, chinrney years. in fornrer Vory littlo businesg was dono. TO::B glnss in roscwood frumt1 plnte Ztiin. by l7in. ; bight drui' Turc Ruv. Trrlxrx Rrsrno (tate of Liulceard), ths UILDnnS AND OTTInBS. Americnu clock in roscwooil case, ueolly ncw; I cight 'the dlr.y irntl t trvcnty-four houl tirnclricces, tl stniued cftnc- nowly.nppointod ruirristsr of Wosloysn ciicuit, I IIOR SALU, ' sent chrrirs, nen.rly new; Kiddertningte' cnrput. obout preached of tho chapol on Sunday. l, T qgQS. BDALL'S, A Snrith, Machinist, l8 yords ; 4ft. 0in. birch At'rbinn bcdstend, 4.ft.0iu. iron -CA- oqit !trilgetool llfrulrer, 'l'ENTItrftI)EN. Four larso li'ronch bedsterul, nenrly nerv; 2 wool rnnttrasses, 3ft. CAST IITON COLUIT{NS, l4fi. !oos, b} rlinmetdr, runhognny nnd lfb. 9iu. pninted rvrshstnnds, 3 sets of wgiglt! nl,oul, {} cwt. euch; to bc hnrl n birrs&in. toilet lvoro, 2 chcsts of drnwers, woinscot rouncl pillnr 'f'. B. olso bcgs to crll _tho nttoution 6f ilre public nutl clnw toble, pninted dressing tnllle, 6 coloured genernlly -to his lqrgg ond clegant stock of Prirnffin prints iu giltl frnrnes ond glnzotl, Dair dibto ond pnir Iro4pr, Glohcs, nncl Chimneys in grent, vnricty, which rvtl,er colotrr drarvings in rnnplc framcs nud glozed;'2 ho is now sslling nt grcntly-rcdncerl rrrices r n}io o nrost pnirs coppor scnlos nntl set of brnss wcights, sodo rvnter porvorful illuruiurutiug Oil, perfectl.v s{rfe. oird rynnanted trppm'n,tus, fruit bnrtorv, rvnter butt, lJ wtshing shnwls, e_11rlo{c yrrtlgr 120 I,'nh. hcnt. 1ro_t !_o ig 6q iJ sftcks fl.ulio potttoas, l{'r blsliets.,. fJ nnrl^.1 n,r'm lusli sent chnirs, 2 picees cocon rnttting', 4.ft. {iin. deal kitchcn tnblo, z,irrc n_rcn! snfc, 2{.in. Susssx gr.ato, the culintr'.1' rrtonsils nnd other. clt'ects tho men, but, present, beon Cntnloguos luul nt thc Arrctionecr.s' O{liccs, up to tho no clus has tlr,...,-. lnqy-llcr .. I f ,.,r t, ,l L...,1,...... I A ,.1. f . PLAYERS IN GOOI} trORUI AUCr ,q30 Some exceedingly good play is being f,_l?, 6-2; Miss B. IJrook beat l\[rs. Boylan thirty-fourth an- 6-2,. 10-9. seen in the Tenterden .'W'oruen's Handicap Singles (Class B)- nual Tennis Tournarnent which com- Sbmi-final round : l\trs. Iticl(ay' beat lUies menced ,on the Cricket, Ground, Tenter' lVhite 6-1, 6-4; Miss K. Eliott-Loclihart night beat }Iiss li'incllatef 16-14, tr--6, 7-5; Lady den, on Monday. Up to Thursday Getldes beat IVIiss lliley 6-5, 7-5; l\[iss II. good progress' had been made in most lltrylor beat lWise P. Smitlr 6-2, ?-9, 6*5. of the event,s, several having reached Finq,l round: f,ady Gedcles beat l\'Iiss H. the semi-final and final rounds. Saturday 'l'uylor 6-3, 6-5. IWen'e Ilanrlieon Doublss - Semi-final should provide some interegting. g&mes lound i A. -J. Lucy and P. J. Lacy-6-4, beat the when . the final matches tahe place. The Itev. L. I$an autl P. N[. I\[an 4-6, organisation, and 6-2; E. D. P. IJramall and lt. D. Maconchy as usual, is splendid, beat D. H. ISraybrooko anrl Commander I[. congratulations a.re due to the hon. T. 'l'hurslielcl 6.-3. 6-3:'tr'iudlater Priclhuur &n(t Pricl- secretary, handicapper and referee, Cap- harn beut Martiu and 5-?, 6-4, tain Dampier Palmer, and the assistant 6J.4. hon. secretary, Miss Chanrbers. The Women's lfandicap Doubles (Class "A"). results up to fhursday evening were :- -Secoud round : IUiss Martin and lvlise Men'g Open Singles-li'inal rclund: J:[on. Stepheuson beat lvlieg Allauson ancl lvliss C. Ritchie beut T. C. 'l'homsou 6-2, 6-J; Pqker 8-6, 6-1; tho l![isses 'faylor boat F. G. II, Pridham beat A. G: Rowley 5-6; Mies Butlor aud lHiss Chambere 6i, 6-3; 6-p, 6-4. Ilf t'u. Brooks aucl Mrs. Hirids beat l\fiss TENTEROEN WEDDING.-Mr. TT. J)eane and Mies Maunsell 6-3. 4-6, 6-4; Juclge and tr{isg It. }'uggle, wlo woro TVomen's Open Singles-Ss6[.ftn61 round: Mrg. Pridham and Misg t'indall beat Mise marriecl 'at 'fontorden on Suuday. ![iqs S_t,ephepeon beat Mrs. Brooks ?-b, 4-6, Burra and Miss Soyrnour 6-4,-I\[rs. 6-L; the (Photo, Aslrdowu,'Jentordeu)' . q-l; $r;s. Uoss beat Miss H.' 'Iaylor ?*S: Misgee B. and E. ISrook beat Find- 7-5: IUiss $eyurour |ent Miss B. 'I'rrylor, Itrter ancl, Larly Gerltles 4- f,-A 6-2.

MR. TT. JUDGE AND MISS N. trI}GGLA. The marriago took place at the purish church,rurch. I'enterclon.I'entd'clon. on - SundaySundav-ff-tir"."ioi["flm. mornfngmornins of il{ii'I\{ri\{r. I'LfrIL .Tudqo.;;4fr;'-i"iy-;oiiudgo, onlvonly soll of l\fr'.l\fr. nnd 1\[m. Judge, of Victoria Cotttgo, I{igh $treet,f llentsrden, antl, Nliss INva Fuggle, only dnughtcr of NIr. J. J. Fuggle. lnto of Wiud- 60r, nncl

MR, Jtr. 'W- PAftM.ETi AND I,IffiS D. M. wA'nsoN. Tho woclding between Mr. Illnest Willinru Polnror (eldest 6on of Mr. ancl lVlr.s. W, Paltner, of 45, \Yindmill-mad.. Cheshunt) and lWiss Doi'is Marinn Witson (onli {aughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. o? ,Stati-on-road, -Watsoi,plnco rop oe* to rishrt, ;ffHt:*tilJfif,u,I3":Hf#H;- & Miseri. 2, - Tenterden) toolc on Bottom (lefb to rigbt), lWr. J. II. Pridhger_trflr. q. II. Prldharn-r_M5 Weduesclny at tho lrar.ish- chureh,- 'J.entor- 'W. Ir. _R._Johnstone,'rook. ,len, ilLev. (vicar ' Mr. M. Bobsoit. . I{cntish Erprcss tlo .F, - A. lleaton of St. !froto I\,Iichael's) officioting. 'I'he brido. who ry&s 2-6, H, 6--0; Miss Grabham beat Misg Semi-final: The }fisses Brook beat Miss givcn a,ry&y bJ' her father, was dressed in l\fuunsell 6-2, 24, 7-5. : Bry.rk and IVIiss Gr.abham ?-5. 8-6. ivory goorgetto trimrned rvith pear.ls, anrl 'lVomen's tvol'e & veil and cap of orauge blos- lVfen's Open Doubleg*Final round: F. G. , llundicap Doubles (Ctass B '"). {uliet lMiss" sonl, Blre carried &- bouquet of piili nn.l II. Pridhnir and J: Itr. Pridham beat Lt.-Col. 1-Sgmi-finals 1 _$iss- Lqcy and Bray. 'Welland brook , beat iltiss tsoylan end Mise -tr;;- wlrito cnrnations, oncl tvos attendeti lry Miss W. G. Neate nnd Il,. B, 6-2, 6-4, Chrisnros nnd Miss Allcorn, rvlro- were Finnl round: Ritchie and Mose beat L. !o_tu _4=-6, 7-5, 64,;-Dain Ifrs. Boylan und I'Iiss I{indki beat dressecl in holio crepe-de-chine. woro blaek Beadle and Sqr.-Ldr. T. C.' Thorueorr 3-6, Mies anii Miss Smith picturo. hnts.. st+]ngq penrls (the 6-*2, 6.-4. 6.'-.4, 6-3; Mrs. tfcKay and Miss Dlliott. . .ancl _ .o-f 'Women's Loclchart Iottor the gifts of tho- bridegioorir), irnd Open Doublee-Semi-final round: bent Dliss Mooro and Miss Riley cortied boufruots of pink cauri{ ions.' Tli; Miss ontl IVIiee N. bent 9-7, 8i-6; IVfrs. Dorman and ths Hon. IVfrs, B. Tnylor -faylor John llest m&n wos l\fr. If. Palrnor'. On Ieavinq I\,Iiss Diane.-and Miss Mau4pell Q_l?, f52; Bobsou 6-4, 6-4. Iriral round : Mrs. the chnrch, the brido'e brother presentexl Mose and Mrs. E. Pridhom beat Miss Dorman and l![rs. Robson beat ]frs. I\[cKav - NIrs. her , rv!t!1 t horse shoo of _ rvhit-o lrenther, Burra and Miss Serrrirour 6-2,-DIrs. 6-2; ilIiss anrl .lWiss Dlliott-Loclchart' 4-6, 6-1, 6-1. frorir frienps-'!n Statnforcl, Lilcolnshire. IVIiss beat Brooks Mixpd Doublee (Class "A").- A Grabham-ntis. and Grovs _ Fauclicap reception held at -I\!essrs. Goldsmith's fe; il.l Hinde 6-,-2, 6-0. Semi-final round-: A. Geddes and Miss Itoorus was attendetl by fifty guests, nnii Mixscl Open DoublerySemi-figa! rognd: Findlater beat l\{aconchy and Mrs. }faeon- Iater the bride nncl \, bridegroom left for F. .G. I[. Pridhnm atrd ll'Iise Balcer beat clry 6-2, 6-4; Ii,. Johnstone and Miss ilfoadstn:lls, rvltero tlro lronej,rrioo-n'ir-boin'g Uioot" aud ]Uiss Grovo 6-'4, 6-1 ; Ritchie Stophonson boat A. Cln,rho an(l }fiss Allan- spcnt. 'fhele wel'o rlrn.ny useful presentsi rrtril" J\[re. , l\'[oqs beat Thomeon ancl ]frs. Eon 2-6, 6-2, 6-3. 1 r irlcltrding one f rorn lVfcssre. Bootman anrl 6-5, 6 .2: Nenle ancl lUiss l\{artin ,l\{ixscl Handicap l)oubles (Class " }l ").- Co., rvhe.r'e the bricle htlcl been an assistanf 'l'ironrson S'emi-final Lieut.-Colonel lreat Ilowlev ind l\'[iss, Chambers 6-l , 6-22 louncli Fincllater'W. for ten yunt.r;_$&pf t. D. Priiihnrn'anct'l\'Iiss (lrnbbom beat nntl tho Ilon. , lUrs. John llobson beat lelf, Beadle ancl I\'Irg. Powell 6-2, 6-2. II. Rcibson nnd lWiss tr'incllater 6*4,'W. 6-3; DEATH OF M R. G. J. GREEN.-Wo ro- Voterang' 1\'Iixed Open DoubleslFinal ll,. Barter anrl l\fiss Thomas bent Jen- gret to record the tleat,h of l{r. G. J. Green, round i IC. E. P. Bramall and Uise -D. Ivt. rrings ancl iVliss If . U rook 6-2, 6-1 ; li'. whiclr occurred in the eorly hours of, Wed- ir;E; ltreat 'I'.-6-t I{arding-Newman and T,udy Ifarshall aurl iVliss Dyer boat D. It. \[ard nesduy. ,Tho rleceased gentleman, who wag ti*iiti*'6-0, ; Lieut.-Qglougl W. A. y. rtncl IVIise Snrith 6-2, 1-6, 6-1 ; A. .T. 69 yearn of &Be, wes the son of tho lnto fii"ditut"i-li. and 'lVirs. Rraylrqooko beat the Lncy antl llf iss Lacy beat the Rov. I\[. L. DIr. G reen, of 'fho Gun, I-Iorsmonden, and Ir.- Ilnn ontl JWrg. Ifsn. Ilfrrn nnd Nli,ss Mttr F-2, 4-6, 6-3. c&rno to ronido in Tonterdon forty-business ye&rs iti". Iloys' S_inglos.-1,'inol round: f,acy 8,8e, hnving trought tho c&r'rior's . Hnndicap Singlgs-Serni-final,ronnd : _ P. J. Ifen's -P' of [,Ir. continucel & t t*t J IJ,acy 6-2,^3*6, beat B. C. Ililno'[Vard 6-4, 6-4; ![. ilf. Rob- Pcllatt. Hs to run n.- b. ivfotti ^8*6; son .bent D. Itr. 6-;2, 6-.0.' horss 'bus twics daily to Appledoro station ii. bbii'ur; beat A. C. B-1'.oo\s 6:a.. 6-0.. . \Mttti;"'e'- nandigsp Sinsles . (Class )- Girls' $inglos.-tr'iunl rorrnd: Jtfies B. tintil motors rnonopolised tlio ro&ds. IIo BurraBurr1-A Ilroolc boat l\liss Nowrhan 6-2, 6-1 Itliss tlrcn B&vo. rrp tho buslnese ancl opeuod s";ii:ffirt,;:,i-;:';l I niit*ili.* [in,ltnte-r'nin.llater-beot lleq!.l\{ist lUiss ; q- 'lns Ilurtin beat l:riss Sovnrotrr J'. Lncy beat Miss Brayhrooko 6-1- 6*0. g&r&ge a[ Pittlestlen, rvlroro ho huilt & H:i; 6;; ifi;" i:ungalorv. 'I'ho I'uneral. talces placo to-nror. rrr11'- (,sirlnrrlrrv). or t lg?1 - crn- MRS. M.. HARRIS'S S0H00LGIRL'S'' FUNEBAL.-A snd DFATH gre$ntqd,tUglt iort flllerl the UuitariurtU!,itgrin11. on rleath oecurrerl on the lOth ip5furrr[, nt tlre fll.,l, !l C , ,Q.lrnpul.,nt0hnpel rH E LATE Mr. \A/. E; ASH DOWN.]-Wo Sntgrtlny' for tho funerrll* sorvice-_qt Jenrl agr' of forty-orre '$tephenI'eors, of [[r.s. ]tn,ird H;i.- regret to r'ecord tlrs deuth of 'I\lr. Wil- .'fdrclgn (l'3), only {!s. wife of }Ir. F[arr.is. of f,r'ish l iurn It. Ashdorvtr, of " Cltar-Bctlt," Apple- clrild of I\'f r. ancl Green. 'fho fnnentl ser..'ice was hekl'nt rlol'o lload, at tho age'of forty.' Although . l\frs. G. Lottlen. of Ii'lbony church. the'Rer'. I{. gs1y11lr'rn offi- uurvell soluo tiure '; ' lro hatl beetr for he rreirt '66: .cslifol'd - rririrll ciating, ancl the intel.ment wns at' the Ol(l to his work on l\Ionday ruorniug, rvlretr ho i'riJsgn; rv[O'.wag A Cenreterv.' Reeding Sfteet.,'I'lre lnournAt's llecanro seriously ill nnd ryus couveyctl to ' ' Dtrpil . at the'r Ash; rn'ere : -!fr. Steplren l{nrris .(widowerl, Mr. Ashforrl; I'loqpital, rvhere hq pussed- ulvay ' ,, ford, County'diecl Schoql ancl IUrs. G. Hnrris ffnt.her antl rirother-in- ; edrt.t' ou 'l'hqrsdqy oI last y-eglt. Ur'. Aslt- for Girls, nt liru'), l\,fr. nnrl Weller arrd 1\Ir. arrrl rvns t:lrii'd sou of I\It's. J. ':. ltfrs. F. dorvir the ,I\Ir, -trutl t I(inE's .Hosnital. 'IUrs.. II. \Ypller (brotheis aud sisters-in- Ashdorvn, of "Spots," Smallhythe, autl ll'us ' LorrrlSrr, tast Wbd-' law), [[essrs. Tonr ancl Percv Weller' (bro- eurulo.yed as ,btrlicr's r:otttrdstnan fpr llr. A. nesrlay.-, eiglrt tlrtys thers),' J|fisses Lil anrl Acla lVeller (sisters), N;.-Griltlsmith'ururried for the past tlelvo .years. . . lrofore . 'lrer 14th Ilisses \\reller ancl I[. Il.ose (aunts), llfessrs. IIe lliss Surith, nf Appleclore, six birthclay.'Slte.had Ji'r'ank. Willianr and Harry He.rl'is (bro- vears &so. l)urirrg the lt'ar he servect in nttended'tlre Gntes- tlrers-in-lnwl, IIr. and ll'frs. Fullager ancl [trtr R;A-.S.C : t,Tho funet'al tpok placo ou rlene, Rnrl. Ashforcl' ItIr. and [[rs. Percy Holdntoclc (sister.q-in- Sntut'dav. ths. Rev. I.I. Arlrtlltl officintecl oncl . ronrl scltools nt Ten- law ancl 'brothers-in-law), I\[rs. C+. [tillpn Itr. IIuL[r Wellsher' wos nt thn.org&n. 'fhe tenlen., , on(l ,wflsr B. encl ItIr. Cecil 'Weller (cousins) and !Ir. A. mollnlers \l'et' trIrs. W. ,U. Ashclorvn (tl1o nrembei of the .Ten- {friend}. rviclorv). LIr. J. Ashdorvn (tatlrer), 1\{r'. J. Jolrnsoir (brother), (sister), tertlen Clirl Guides. TH E $H O PS will Renrain Open .till 'l Aslrtloii'n.I\[tls. hIrs. Chiltls . . .li'or.ov.er live*yenrs n.rn. on Zlst ancl 22nd nrrcl I p.m. on 23rd I\l i'. ntrcl LI. Shnrpo .a,ntl lllt'. untl l\Irs. .> elte, .hntl.'. nttenclerl II. Auste'tt (listers irn-d brothers-in'ltrl), { i'na 24th l)eeember.-Advt. (brother. lJ ean Lorden Sundav , eclteol.'. at Wit- nli'.' trnd Nrs; I[' As!ttlo.rvtr alttl -fi,po THE FUNERAL of Mr. Fredericlc Srnith (sistor-itr'lrrrv),, the U n itu ri,, t,l i;it o pel nn,fI iihnrl u ii inanvv,-ttidtf fricntls :tS linrn llastei's, of Station Road, who passed oi*ter-itr-ltrv); IIiss' - iii-ttiu ,iisti;ict. hi his ntltlress the-[tqv. W. away on Saturday at tho nge of seventy- Ittiss "Grey iniece). I\lr. ntttl l\trs. Sf evotts referretl to Jen.n's gleot love of florvers -place iri.,iit-Llai'ir lrnt[ tinele.)."I\[t'u. ,IJ. I\Iillen attrl ]\Irs. li;nisii-ii*" eisht years,'the took o1- lVe-dn-esqlay, the t (unntsi, 1". (cousitt),' ,iitri tovotty to ths Echool snd cltnpel. seivied at Rdptist Chapel being eon- I;.. - I\[r's; I\Iillon cltoral, [Ir:s. Uer'ritage rrfr. Chittenileu,'='riud I\Ir. nncl I\!ru-; Qtqy- Tiilt roiuice-rvni fully ducterl by the Rev. E G. Arnolt{. Tho ghurqh-incltrcletl I\[r. rvosr tlre orgtltrist. mourners wero llrs. E. F. l\'fasters (widow), i,in. 1['l,oss-I[,'. ttresertt in ll'f Wirrter', N.- J.uclge., I,'nmllv-Mrs. moulnerg wero [tr. and rg. G- Lor' George oncl Illartha Masters it.-'.f $, -.!\tiq* It{rs. O. Fuggle, Illrs' A' I\Ir.'and DIrs. "itge, sen r.,' I\Ir's.' (iolclsmith i ulll':r a;n- L. Carev. (son and lVfqs. lIrs. Go'itilsririt.h .q'ti,iv, Mis. i. Croiielrer, l\tre. I[.--sltorter, IlIrs' and claushter-in-law),' Mr. IIr. 'nritl l\frs. fl.''I3reor.c,- J\'fr'- L. -tiittr,- 14rs. I[. I1-ord91.' [fI' Jesse and Drnily.Ujrnrly MnstorelVlnstors (son,(son. and&ntt,daugn- dquflt- 'Whitbtrur--S-qtlttltld, ii. Itirs.'-8.-- Il. Lortleil' g' - lir. fi. llureh. Ilfte. Beach, 'I\'Irs. o,iO -iiti. Rendelt. Mr. ['. Rentlell, lliss ) t i,ii,i TIrs. Difton,' Appletlore. . I'loral , Cituy--- anO Dtlss R'. Carey. . l::-:n-ll* (ion:^lr' ^ *1pd"daughter-in-law), ll.'i: -*fL ::* R?l!yMrs. tti' .Among ^others Nlasters and - iiutes-iueie from :- IIi!- loviug \Mifp; I\lothe' nrosinb wero scholnrs of ths Aslrford Cottnty Z. Ifaster's Bpd l!frs.' A. D. Judge (sisters- I"los' lqihont. It{lse Wcst (lorm mlstress), Licrtt. Parlby (grand- iin.t--natlter; Attnie, -H&l't'y trntl -sitls; 'OuiAeil. (secrctary of tlte iii-ta*t and' Ilies' Winnie l\fastere 'Airiti" antl Hai'ry Ii'v untl- Ilariorie; ?ttirt-- - Nllss' Iloldstock reeeive{- fr.qm rGl "Mt-; b,rii,iuv Echtiol),'- Mrs. 'W. Tfalsh (]Vomen's daughter). - Wreaths 'rwero ii"it'- *iiii n"i'u*t i- ind I'Irs. Dsgle- -Itlrs. (C6'operatlvo Women's his sorrdwins widow; George andand- Ilfarthal\fartha iiin-q-,iil. suggld - ' .t.rii Unclo Geot'go' aucl Aurtt Strah ; 1\Ir. ( '{ &ua , ('Wittertb,t*Ii'Wittereham ) ; ' J e86e qndeno $rn lly i o}1 -and attd {ess-e ToP^:1l I iinrl' It'Irs. Colev Ron ; iloraco fl; i,,lit' ;;'f ,*' ii,,, 31," rl'L' 8l,x'J'.T'' it'91' " tl " #,iil; .*Bnrma (Capads); Jacl5,-and- -Epilv ggd DInbel tncl fnmily; -C-. Trlvebd, lvlrs. lVeston and -ri;niil -Bettv .Pgrc,q; iioilviJact*- IIdrrv antl [rir. ]iietO,'Amorrg Iltrs. - wi" Uii'c Verai all at Belle It. rind J\'Ii's. Goldsmith, senl'. ; IlIr. and iiiiil rariy. the msny- . flowers- tlrree (R;l"eilden) Zi. (Small'(S49rl- j'unr'.-; -rrtttr navy bltr-o- o-nd-- light Vd;'V";' tnotveriden) ; EartiL-P-BdEartie'Willow -p-Bd Zli lri.s. A. Goldsmitlr. Strop aucl Balie- wi.ntt . niero tied .au vv rlrv w Tree;r r vv-t Iliss the colottrs ol ths Ashford Oount'y h"tttu\lhytho);l}yt,Ile, i th"JethreeLu[u9 iiiendgfrielt-lrtllup at 'Wiles. house Staft ; Aunt and lucle aucl llenry: 6.tle ilbbon,- - si;ith' ' Ai.lhrrr anaan Ken:Ken and l\Irs.l\Irs- Sitrooi. Tliey wero from ths headmlstress nnd Srnith-Sittiln,'A.r[huf Arthur and ; Ivlay. Olrar irncl faqi'ly;- -Cnnie, Charlie artd siili,'-tno- girls and ths kltchcn stalt. Oclters iuniilu, [Ir'. antl ]It'J. 'f. Jenner; J\Irs. Itr. -frrim ancl flnd; Arrnty Lllyt Stella aucl f ;;i;' from Sheatlr6r ; G. Brrreloy - . Grieveson ; nnO Rona; Aunty lletty, Oeolge and W-illinm; . THE LATE: MB. J. H.. REED.-'Wo regiet I\Irs. - Kathy; 'announco .bf Iiit. Frnhli ancl l)orrie;- DIr. eqd ai,nt"- Lu6v. IIncls Oeoigo, Itrfrtle and to the' death r\lr. Janrea fr.er- Coriie , Iltla: R. Adclv ; trfr. nnd I\Irs. D. .liintv-ana Oladya, Uncls All,'Atrnty Toau elrjl Johu; Attnly ber! Iteecl, pf Ctrerry ?ree llouse, wlrich Ilillen Douslns and Allen; I\'Ir. and ]![ry. iiio Uncte Jock; Charlo-tte, Ilnclo took ptace_ on ifnrry and ltay; tlnclo gni llt llnelo Saturday after a, loug- ill- A. J. Paoliiram; Mt'. and- IUrs. G. Eoldl - Uarry i ths age . titly:uino. years; f,'ri.d" nnO Nellie'; Unele Bert, Kato anll Fre{; {ress, at _

a MR. W. P. TICKNER & MIS$ J1]. M. SWIFT. Ths marriagc tooli place at tho narish ehurch. Tenterden, on Sitturday, between 1\,Ir. Witliarn Percy 'I'ieliner, only son of I\{r. Nelson Tickner. of Willow I'ree, tnd l\,Iiss IJtl ith I\'Iay Swift, second daughter of Mr.. nncl Mrs. Ilenry si*iit,Swift, ;i'olalso, nfof T''iiioJ'Willow Til:Trec.', Thc brids lvns dt'essocl in bluo silk and lace, rvith a black silk hat trimmed rvith a blue feather Fpray._- Slre. Iras given away- lry her fa,{ h-er. Tho bridesmairls wcro t h-o (sislot I\{isses ltr. Tickler of tho- bridegroom), I\,la.rgaret and Mildred Smith (sisters"of the bricle). I\{iss f iclcner wgs dressed in B&xe blue inarocain with t,rimmed beise silk hat I o mat'ch, IVf iss Mildred Smith wors 6axo blue sillc with & blaelc sill< hat, trimmed with blue, _while her litle sisteg IVfargaret, had'on n dress of palo blue silk. wit[ haf t o rnatch. The best man w&s I\{r. Gordon Brown (cotrsin of tho brirlsgroom). A recep- I ion rvas held at tho home of the brid-o. 1l'ho plesents included the following:- -parents, reeeFtion and _Brid_e's . - !,edside rugs; Miss nI. Swift, rnarmalade la!': -Illiss 0. Swi-tt, feat,her bolster; ttill U,. L, -Swift, canrllesticks i Irtiss IL Tickner, " tahlccloth; ]!tr. rlnd ntr.s. Dray, tnblecloth; Mr. und l\[rs. \\r. Ncve, drrchesio set,; Daisy _and Yic,.hatb towels anrl piltorv- slips; ltr. . uncl trIrs. , C. Apps, toilet set : the Nisie6 Thorhson, dre.ssing chest qqd Trea.sury notes; Itlrs. spoon_s_; Corftam, trrble _ -.Jt[rs. . Prentice (trints.), duchesse set; I{rs. Weller, glnss dish aira rni}r- 'nralade jar.; .an g!d ftLct!4' cheqrre; M.iss Itt. true- gle, tray clot,lr; iltrs. Floldstock and Clorrda. tablE. Cloth :- I\[rs-. Rreeze, . hread plate i lIr. ]tarrloct, checs6 irnd [ahle knives and s&ucepans; IVf i;. Claney an-d Clive, t$pq! ttnd tray ilotlr i nf rs. dttchesse. set;. Seamour, I'Ir, Bislrop, -sct of jrigJ;-tri|.s. IIiss A. Jeffrey, . Iumblcrs an_d...pickle jar; .IefIrey and -lWark, _vases; Ivtilittry Birrd, r.se howl s Tcnterden lland, of ringers, clock; II.- Boon_ man n{td Oompany,-- trq_ service; Itlrs. Ovenden, !rny e,loth; _Mr. W. Neve -([.Irrnton),.K. case oi tgr spoqls.; VIt. I.[ey*, towels; IUiss. Srnitirl che-ese_. rlislr ; .IVlr. flutchinson, se0 of iues; nd. nrrd Ivtiss lloldstock,' eeC of jugs ; Ivtrs. Farsorrs. tea_ servlce I Dlr. Laryrenco, pitlow sUps ond ctrocol ratet' Drgc iqati' >ftc Tr{E LarE l?s&,';' MR, C. f), tstITLEft,,i,l,i, ' -{ FUNERAL AT TENTERDEN

The funer-a.l' of l,[r. Cyril Douglas Bufler, 't of 'F*irlight;" Goodeshill, Tenterclen, wlro II0MEWOOD qcgoo4ory Botroot,, Tenlerden, f udcd no ferimr'than dvo rireiirbing of ttc lost his life in a rnotor clcling accident, eirhltman- Ken{ -annual took placo a.t Tentercleu on Ju$-or ferm_which took part . in ,riho ssventh b"'slfgh Schools croii Safurday. Th; fi-lryJl_-"!lr^rryl*h!p!.*.O.lcltentbam..Tlre gtrld dirt not nranage to bri-ng brck a,rry cups, first part of Drrl lncy_.nuf rlp I crcdl'lalrle-.pq{o{maFe_. The g.lrls who {ook part in troltr ihc Ju.nior airri t lr e service internedlatc clamos re,__(wlth 0heir final plnotngc), from lefi to riitlt, Salira natrei ryas hsld in (Junl,{rr 6$rd),. Janollr Fu}lager.'(inte.rm. E?|,- t,orralini }tan (Juntor tgOll t h e parish (lnterm' vi,I€riJ Ahipiliri 08), xov Lockwood (Jrrnlor 108) enat front r.rw ueiioritr'cratiriis ttui,irizsitt and church _ th e Devedey Ful.lrgnr (Junlor l?3). Eev. G. Luur- .. ,, - .__ mis offieiet- ing. Mr, A. I[.:S m i h ,t t ocY wrtrs the or- DAATH OF TII]NTARI}IIN TENTERDEN, l"L1 ga.uist, and the 2 3 r.d R'NSIDNNT. Psalm. and OBITUARY.-'l'lto tleir,th oecurred on the hvmns^ Ilveleigh, of occurred Sunday of Weduesdiry, of I\[r's. Sophia "Pea.ce,- Peri The deatlr on }tr' [iouth Vicw, Appledore-r'oad, &t the ago of fect Peacs" Nelson fl oldstoclc, one of Tenterden's old- y'errrs. Tho decera,sed lndy,- rvho ye&rs uinety-three and '"Abide est inhabit&rnts. IIo w&s sovonty-six wts ono of the olclest inhalritants of tho With If e" of aso an(t hacl resided in tho borough all . 'he br^rrough, had resided in t,he town for tho wero surrs bv his life. When a, latl commenced worlt lnst seventeen yerrrs. She had travelled {r full clioii. ns a ca.rpentct"s tlpprent.ics with Mr. Gotl- considorahly ancl llefol'o eonling to Tcntc'r'clcrr wot'ketl m&ly The Nunc frc.y, rvit;h rvltoltr ho fo" ha,d resided nt Wilrclrclsea nnd LIrst:ings. Dimittis rvas tfho rleeeasecl was fortnerly in the onp vo,irj*. She lcaves & dn.ughter and trvo $ous, chanted a s it,t Volunteer l'orco for t'wenty-ono ye&rs. of tho Iatter lleing iu Australia. 'I'hc {.ook place on plnce to-morrorv (Saturdny). the corteqe. 'l'lrrr f une rnl at 'Ienterden funeral takos I e f t t lie Wcclnostlay, ths R,e v. M. L. Illan officiat- FAnMER'S DEATH.-'flro funeral i.ook Mr. BUTLER woro Mrs. Iloldstocli C. D. church. l!fr. inq. Tho nrourners placo on ll'hurncla.y of I\{r. 'fhomas Beclien, Butler fi n - i"fido*). I,fcssrs. N.'HoldstocJi, tl. f"[old- ;f 4, Cinghewella Villas, Nerv Ton'n, \r-llo 'ir,nct (sons|, ished his education at Rye Gra.bmar School Itor:lc Noel }loldstocli - JWrs. clied on $unday, at- tho age of -eighty-aig[t and w&s very popular in Tenterden Seekinqs (daushter), I\Ir'. I[. f{oldsl;ock years. IIo wirs €r, farnret and ftuit grorver. and (krloy ths district. Ils *as o ver.y keen snorts- il'rrothi,r). Mr. Seeltings &nd if[r. II. at 'Ilueon Farru for trventy

SEYEN oc,F n6q show firsts [/lnS. R. Corke won the 1 Kench Hill Nursing lIome, S I v r Miss Goodenough. Marrow oYer Kent Federation of lft.. 1 Kench Hi-lI Nursing lfome, Horticultural Soeieties' g Miss Bridsland. 3 lV. Forsaith. merit her Dessert apples, 1 lV. .4. Pitt-, 2 certificate of for Miss Briclg:land, Cooking aPPles, container of dahlias at 1 S. J. Da--v. 2 R,. E. Norman, '3 Tenterden autumn show in W, E. Jud66. Coolcing Pea-rsr-l 1-S. J. Dav. Ddssert Dears, Col. lV. the Town Hall on Satur- II. D.-Wilson, 2 S. J. DaY, 3 lVlrs. day. Ii. Corke. Paisnips,-2 1 Kench llill for Nursine lfome. fl-. A. Prior. She sained seven firsts Goodenough, 2 florvers -and floral arrangements Beet. 1 Miss- at, a show in rvhich theY were Ilomewood School, 3 II. A. Prior. outstandins. She also won the O PEN : Plate of tomatoes, 1 l\fartin cui - for most Points for Mrs. R,, Corlce, 2'W- Kench Hill florvers dui'ing the yeaf, nnd the Nursinq Hotne, 3 D. Judge. Yorlie cup for chrysanthemums. Collecti-on of aprrles, 1 Mr. Jewell, 2 S. J. Day, -5 Col. 'W'. H. D. DxhibitB were three uP on last Wilson. year. PRESERVED FRUIT' 1 Mrs. RESUTTS il. ll. C. Wilson, '2 &Iiss Bridg' Prior, 2 E col' Iirnd. Jam, 1 Miss Mr M EM B RS: ChampionshiP Miss- I3-ridg' lection of rrroduce' L Kench }fitl Ivt"iss Goodchough, 3 land. I.'ruit jelly, 1 Miss M. !rio1' Nursing l{.ome, 2 Homewood 3 Miss Good' School,-3 H. A. Prior, Collection b- Mrs. w. A. Pitt, 2 Miss enouqh. Calce, girls under 17, 1 of notitoes, 1 H. A. Prior, Miles. R. -A. Bridglancl. TurniPs or I-IomEwood School, 2 L. Hill Nursing Sponse sand'tich, 1 Misg swedes, 2 l(ench - 2 Miss Prior' 3 Mrg. Home.- Potatoes, white lciduey, 1. Burrdirrd. H. A. Prior, 3 Miss Bridgland; W. iij. Jirdse. Cake, 1 Miss Prior, rvhite rouutl or oval, 1 I{. A. 2 Mrs. J. Booth, 3 Mrs. Judge. Prior; coloured lcidney, 1 H. A' FLOWERS I Members only: Prior, 2 n. tr!. Norman, 3 'W. Chrvsanthemums, outdoorr I SENION ATRCNAFTMAN Forsaith. Carrots, short, L II. A. Mrsl It,. Corlce, 2 Miss Good' Rreti Holeletock, 22, of Prior, ?' B. Il. Norman, S Miss enouqh:'8 three hinds, 1 Mr$' Shruhcote, Tenterden, nis' A. G.- Goodenough; long, 2 II. A' ' Ooii E. Miss Colquhoun, 3 W. tured at Gnn. the fAF's Prior. Onions, autumn, 1 Kench Wood. Dahlias, three kinds, 1 2 S' DaYr S coral liiand staglng Post I{ill Nurslng Home, 2 II. A. Ivtrs. Corke, Mrs. J' Prior, S 'W. D. Judge; spring, Miss Colqrihoun;- container for ln ths lndlan Ocean, ls NOTHBR VATLEY -1 cfiect. 1 Mrs. Corlre, 2 lllrs. DaY, nrodel of n. ID. Normnn, 2 l(cnch IIIII seen lroldinE n nneLlr Nursins Ilome. g W. Wootl. 3 Mis. S. Franklin. Perennial n sflilirrg shiP carved bY I nAItwAY 196l Shallot5, cluster, 1 Miss Good- asters, t Mrs. Cnttl-eY, 2 Mrs. local craftsrnan. 3 Coit i, 3 W. A. Pitt, Container of readors tlre , &re& enough, 2 Miss Bridgland, g N.'SI&,-Your ln Il ornewood School; retl cluster, 1 cui fl6wers, I Mrs. Qorlce, B. tr!. A dlsptay of the models' through which the Kent Miss Colqulroun. nrized - bv airrnelr as IVLiss Bridgland, 2'W. l(ench lIill Normnn, S -'is and Eaet Sueeex Railway rung 11. Judge; O PE N-l Amangetneut from souvenlrs. kent at the may be intereated to a Nursing IIIope,'$ itAF hotel' learn that rricklins, 1 Miss Goodenough, g vesetable qarden, fNfrs. J. Bootlt, islantl's"Brett rotrte Pregervation Societv is beins S Mrs. DnY und bhcro is on tlre stafr formed preservs Il iss Bridgland. Brussels sprouts, 2 Mrs. Frintclit , to fnis line. 2 I\{rs. Judge. Arrangement, inclu- as a oatering fligtrt stervard. It w&s built in'1900 rtrs the 1 l(enr:h I [ill Nursing llorne,'W. -and T0. rl i n s retl oran ge flowers, t nAf in Rother Vallev lloilwav from I\f iss J. Colquhoun, S Brett Jotned tho -to .l udge. Cnbbage, 1 }lomewood mis-". IJootlr, 2 J\'[rs.-DoY, 3 Mrs. 1068 airrl this duty tottr. is Robertsbridgo Rolventep. and Jutlse. Container o[ autumtr ovcFselg wa,s extendetl in 1905 to Head- School, 2 l(ench llill Nursing the ftrst Postlng 1 foiirise. 1 Mrs. Corke, 2 Mrs. he has had. ggrr, the name being changed to Ilorne, 3 H. A. Prior, Savoys, tlts I{omewood Sehool. Runner beang, D;v."i Mrs. Booth. Container of pupil llolne. Kont and Dast Sussex. 'I'he Good- flowers, children unden 1 A former of line over thsthe yearg , gathered o 1' [!. Judse, 2 Miss cui-fnnes, !t' woorl School, Tentertlen' enoush, 3 Kejrtlh Itill Nursing S. 'i P. Milgs, -3 A. For' llur' collection of olil enginee and c&r- - Contniner of chrYsanthe' Brett hnd & sPell 8s riagor and on -early I{orn6. Marrows, l,Homervood saith. w&s - uEsr of l\[rs. Corlre, 2 R- I!' ierynran before he Joined rail-buses. line remained School, 2 Miss Gloodenough, 3 mirms. 1 the Service so he can aE 'fhe Kench- Hill Nursing lfome. Normin, 3 Mrs. Ju-dg-e. ChrY-san- the u'-ealth of intlepenrlent of the big companles disbudded,. 1 Miss niiciate up till 1948. when it wos na[ional- Tomatoes, 1 llomewood- School, 2 themurnS, fiowerlns trees and shrrtbs - W. Ii. Judge, 3 C. Nixon. Celery, Goodcnough. on Gan whlch has lreen ieerl. fn lg5{ the pnesgngor Eeri elescribed as the RAF'g vices ceased autl the-Tenterden to gnrden staticrn. Heatlcorn eection closed com- pletely, thus today there is orrly Brett's Job is helping to a daily goods traiii. a,nd even thig Mr Pnrton-Miss Etlrnoncls l17c1^ lo'ok after tbe thousands of .is rlus to cea,so in Juns^ 5AN servlcemen and their This is rvhv ths l're,iorvation fnl lI,l lvctlrl irrg tool< 1ll;rcc :rI lrritlc'.s sistcr, itntl' the brirlc's rlhe 'l'ett' nieces, Mis's Jitttc it tt'cl Miss families rvho Pass through Society ig being formed. I St Nlichael's Church, Iine is well knoryn among railwoy tcxlctt. olt Sirtut'ditY of Ii'iorra Sliruglttcr'. 'llho cltief Gan each month o'n RAF be enthuaiasta,-nrn antl the rrdmber rif Mr Iliclrlrtl .t\tttlttltr.y l':tl'ttttt, llritlcsnrititl w()l'e it i'gc tlt'ess aircraft flYing betrveen "apocialg'r on the line intli- v{}r,ln'gust sott oI Mr.s B. l'ltl'Iott lrrd the otltcr: lrvo wore llorirl Brltain and tho Far Bast. '€x- ilf l,bitlh'olt-Scit, llsscx, :rtttl Drirrt dl'csscs.'l''l'toy citt't'ictcl eatee that support c&n bs gold chry- pected from tlrern; but we . also lVIiss .lurl'itlr A'ttttc Iltlttttlttcls. iro.sics of colou t'ctl hope get aupport sucorttl cl;rttglttcr tll l\Ir ';rtttl slrtrtltctlltllns. ; to from ths local : 't'hc scrvicc wir:s cotttlttctctl populntion of tho &rea through NIrs .1. I,l. lillm'otttl's. ol' '13 (iootl:;cll, Avcttttc, St M itllt' lly l'ltc Iic'v l';r t, wlr ieh the line-be rnng Sllri rrgficltl . It c I's. Vlt:irt' ol' St N'litrlrit(rl's. ittttl lltt: We hope to abfs to send o givctt trliln wits Mr llollcrt llotv- quarterly DewB members 'l',hc llrirle,' tvlto wlts best letter to :l soin, :r l'ricrr'tl oI tlrc britlc' antl to holtl a meeting of thoee in- ilwily by 'ltcr I'lrtltcr;'wol'e whiIc cltillorr itttt] ct'ope clrerss g roo m. terestecl gometime in the neo.r - ;tt , rvith a lottg traitt irtttl veil. She 'l'ht: reccption wils ltclcl frrturc.-A. S. IIOCKING, t2, IIiShbury 'l lall, 'lletttct'cl'ctt, Luko's Avenue, l\faidstono. carried a bottqucI of oratlg0 - St. rose buds lttcl l'rccsiirs. :rrr.il tlrc cottplc, tvlttt :trc lltttlt I tr ;r ttc tt'cl;t ttt:e \vcr0 M iss tc;rcltcrs, ilt't: spctrtlirr'g ['lte ir Jlcquclitrc Ii cl nt o tt d s, lltc horrcyllt0on uI Soutltuttd. t ).$. ; THF I,ATA pnaTll oxt 4s, S. i" IIEATH OF MR, H. F. I}II. N.iG. BANNES tuue Ofl,0FT. lg83.-j- -. : 1,. -, _ r o MILI,NN. A POPUTAR PRACTITIONER RECORDER Otr''IENTERDEN. : oF TENTERDEN i...... 'F FUNERAT AT TENTERDEN. oc-t- 113 I A feeling of regret :hds been 'cbused in the Te|lterden l)istrict'by ttho death of I\[r. ]Ienry I Ths funerql toorr prace: reuterden fi.orberb Stephen Crbft; I\'1.A,, barrister-at-lurv, The death occurTed on Friday at ths ago lronday. at or yea.rg, I of nrl'ri.-'G:--B;*;:-#t; died ths, Ilecorder bf tlis -Ancicnl, Rorough, . I\'Ir. of 57 of Mi. Ilorbert Ii'rank itlillen, Crqiftt rvlto ry.rts' Bl';leurs of &Bo, had beon of Loish Grcon Farm, 'I'entsrdon, who had for somo, [imo. Ths | ihrli'rylii*i li"Tl:"lil;. JI.;##t ;;r, *[: Redorder of 'J.'entcrdCn for 31 yerirs arrd hed been in failing health the, distinctign of,rlraving nror6 Maidcn Ses, funsral took place on Wodnesd*y, tbe Bor- vico being co-nducted by the llev. M. L. I iftlf.f"PJtil"]'tlii.l"XiBarues ifi*;Xi; U*Xtj siofis thon qny otherRomrder in lXnglnnd. I P".. sauo--iii;' fir pr.actice in Ten- Mr. Croft ivas, horn at .Ipsri'ich, on lrebru- Man. The qourners included Mrs. Millsn (widow), Mebsrs. E. IIillen, Il. Millen, H. f:fr ary", 22nd,, 1842 pnd w&s the only son of the ' I fi ii F", ;*H"# t:.. Ti",yl'"i"fi * * " t *i Re*. Steirhen Cnofrb . Recton of .Si. lVlor.y, Millsn (sons),, Mrs. K. Mi]len, I\'Ire. N. y"*,*,ir"xf, $tole, Ifilwich. ' In 1876 hqf 'rnnrriqd Dnrmiri Mi I I on ( {au gti !o-rs ), }{ _Il" gb$.d se (sister), rii;: - ''of ' Mr. H. Bushridge. h[r."u. Iir. Millen (sons-in- of-whom{itt:r""*: datishtor. l!fr.'- ',Koarss. of New' Jlrishton. ale abroadi-6";Aii"_d,;;1" two ctaught];;.""-*;tr#i rnil" lhersr was oto sbn' dhd .'on'e'" clarighter. law), Mrs. Itr.' 1,'. Millon (daughter-in-law), The service wai- "[u (sisters), dred's - ;;-S[ Mil- Hig rvifo died in 1914. Dducated at Eton and Ifisb F. Millen, Miss A. Millen ]'Ir. Church t y-.ttrJ$:#. G. , (brothor), L. J. Millen' nrourners wero Lupmis. Ths 'l'rinity Collego, Cam\ridge, he on:tered tlre J. Millen Mre. trIH. liarues profossion lvas , arrpointed llegistrar Mrs. A. Millen (sisters-in law), Ifr. A. l\Iuriel BAr, Giaffii: Uiri lognl and of for ths tri+l of '${rlnicipnl Election Itillen. IIfr. L. Millen nnd Mr. Josse Millen netitions.'Courts in 1B?5,:n 1885-1891 nncl, in 1891 ho (brothirs). Mrs. J. Mil.len (sister-in-In.w), [ti:*,ll,}$hfi*:$tlil]$il'ffid wa'B uppbint"d Roriiririlbr' of , Tenr1,1j1clen., . , FIe Itr. I{. . Millen (nephow), Mr. S. Millon s'.';?' i'A' residocl at Holla{{,.Yllos-ro&d, Kensington. (nophow), I\'ft's. A. . Ashdowa (sister-in-law), ;trr*; Mrs. A.- I{. Millon (daughter-in-law), Mr. #':ffii,il, ;'mo Utr A. Millen (nophow), Urs. C. Stovens (sistor- tllfiti IF E LATE M RS. J. J. MAN KTE LoW. in-law), Mr. A. rMillon (brothor), Mr. P. i;,r,""i $'j"H%i:tl'tt},t:--tlr.i"r:e]i;' $i*li funeral of IIrs. J. J. IUanlit-elb;: Ifope,- Messrs. A. Jarvie, l-'. Jarvis, \il. T. Ilartiu- D;c6" 'trulo* wiclow-!ho of ltlr. J. p3io", D. q.,;fult. "6: _J.' lltpnlitelow, *UqAi"iilitit, Ifille-n, S. Millen, P. Millen, Ii. [{illon, F. Ir,rr. iii..T. Ti of 'l'enterdeu, rvho diect on Sirndai' atttfr ii TerrS--others. I{. 'l'orry, {lico -L[illen, Kate ,Millen eucldeu illues6, -Churcli._tooli _placg on- lVedi*s.lui rl and Floral tributes wero recoived $t. Ilildred's Tho mour.neiJ; wer'" from his widov; all his children; Norbert; Grand- l\[essrs.- J,' C.r' G. : W. driughter; Annie; Fan, Ada, Ilorace ' and Jack; $*as*lt**Htil"**"8'lr.:'fi"i;$iCentr A., J. H. anrl tr. lfelfar-e e. Iti.l;? :U;-.- b,l&"url lrrrs. I\Iauktelo.w (sone),_ilIr. Q. B, Cant (brcith'eri), Lois, Bdie, Slsle; Wlu and Albert; aU at Limes t[rs. A. 'frveecl, ]frs. II. Wadlram,' Mrs. A: Lond; John and Sarplr Ashdovn ; ['red and Carrlo "bl " ond family; Charlie and'Carrie and family; Best, fi i, $'l't{' ;',,:*-, li+i.l _r+r lig:li Burden _aud Itf isJ R" I,I-.' canfls'GtutJf;-Il,If: l\[rs. A. R. d pu.rroo, (brother-in-Iaw), 'lVad- Derb and fa,mlly; Tom aud Cbarlotto and family; _Boo,r-rniil*-Irir.;.*n_Ji' 4. IJurdon. Nr. R. Rer6. Fred, Trace, Ilorace and lllillis; Jess, If{:Hf%}fi' h_am and , Ilf r. - A. . Burde'l (nephews). Bmwnlg and Betty; Horace, Oeorgo and Stephen; Numeroug f I illl ivgr":sl", -B; ;:-:fiE* ribuds rvero at tlr e beri'ico lh Adr sfid Nellle; ltadom Schlnkel;- Ivlrs. and- Itfrs. .:Ei:i.. .,n*ltii churclr to bhow their esteem aud simpathy. f,Hend and family; f,tank Swain; all et Brockley; Ilf r. Wm. Brldy and family; Mn and Mrs. Savage I patients.$H' rliiilu'"*i,i lf;' lVreaths were re'cojved from:-Chir.li'e a;d I Itrmily; Aunt Dmilv and A. ' l[. Cnnelin''q: and Lllly; llr. 8..-ltuitill ltaqh; Mr. Ditton; Il[r. and W.Finth. l\trs. Aqsten : 'Ctoidor:ki and : were sSLt. bv I\tfr.. .-*idbiriillBarnes and, llfrs. I\Iitchell, Ilorfi onrl Chnrlie: Itlbtherlst -W. Mr. il; c.ecita nd 'tlnion .Mona: Mrs. lA'. Parsons.' g,C1. lueily ; 5i.Ti'; iier"t]t, ; IIr. and IUrs. Chaclcsfield- * and l]Q,g Emily and " iVri:. camber.i --tl*irlr.. '";d- lril]*Rogrrr, Itlr. &n,l lfrs. Fqriiqi.A. Bei.t i,ilI c;il ; Itr._D. l_rj]i.-i_lr{ri-anri,-iii...^' u. B. IUr. and Dft's. Ashcroft;'[,[altin Nellie, - Minnie auci [tae.g; t-he Rev.. w. ivriiirr' ni,.i.^iiia t'. IIrs. . 1 DOAITI OT MR. G. R. BURDEN._ Soutlre-r:den ]frs. llgtu ;. ,If ..and end fanrily an,,l fami_ly ;rJ, ;S.'"frtr;"ft-."8"d Eiil"rvooA JHarvklrgrst) ; I\frs. Phillips an4 Ilurrure; i The funelal took place at thc ltavorslta.m come- and fellow qorlr.men r,ItitJ. uti.i If r'. . ancl IIrs, J. Peorson nncl Gorclon i '; tery on 'saburdty of IVIr. Georgo Richord Bur- wir,rtts aria' firyilL; f;fiii; jltt rlfrs. Harold D. Auqlen; F, ancl D. Clih; K-hqd 'dott, a tradesmrln of the town, who died on tlte Ledger : M{s. A, h: Booilnan-"]-'tr,"' di;l }iil. p"*"- Ngrtou ; all at Woodchurclr iWr. arid proviou.s Tuesday after a long illness. The son I{. 'W.; na- ; U"r. _I,o,+d; tr{L and_-Mi,s.'ii:' S.-fiijt Ih's. Stanger;; It,Ir. and I\[rs. A. Field : decoasecl. who lv&s 48 yo&rs of a,go &!d & Pedley; ,^litHg -iti. I\tr. - tivc of Tenterden, had l,:en iri iaversham for ttldgrs_. !!r, , J*tiil, and and l\[rs. __C. Lacey; I\,Ir. apd I\Irs. Ilanow- _&dd Csflil1ln;.I\i;.: ;;.t l[rs. II. King; I\[rs. 1'. I\[urtin-; J. ancl n. CUanL-v : son' I ift,,reu ye&rs' and for thE last oight B, tVf : 9, r*ti r.. J. Rei nlh"![ii, Ji.r. aud and I(itty ! Florrio. Violet aud Victo" a sli- I i,eea,r.s hgd boen in business Dn h:s own &c. M;;: glo.ft_; Louise, _Bei.t rrnd farn lly ; Aufrtio j 6ount &s & fishmonger and poulterer in |lila"*b l:ilt€-'r.- jui*rltillJi' $i* ,Nellis i Ithi snd lUrs. A. Clrackrlfreld: I\Ir. I $tono-stroet. While at Tentcrdcn l\tr. Bur- iii:. ;;;f ' MH ,rur

wonKmnN's 5.25 (le widhote foi' 65 ntne). follorveg TANfnBnnr tvi"rris. J;n;;;islosl, ;nd J. li. Bar[ (5.?pt.-b.y CRICKETER'S In the field l\'fr. R. L. IVIoon hsaded tlte CLUB' WEADD list ot' eatchbs rvith, 20, folloyed by Messrs' iiul'a,itd--(to);--had'-pi'&y;d aud Cliircksfield (15): - . The nnMARKABLn matches, of 23 etub 14 . ^.rvhich PITEStrNTATION TO }{tT. It S. [;a- be;; iuoti and eloveu lo-st-this beiug , PERtrORMANCE the best ieason from nll Doints of view CLUStr. that the Clnb has had in- post-\Ya,r days 4'wO'1 142o Dic tqSt end hs (the strsalcer') heartily-cougratulated tho mombers 6n this beiug so- Tho speaher Ono of the most Buccessful dinners over on A pauticrrlnrly intoroslitrg ovelrt took plac.o took also eonqiotulated l\'fi'. C. J' llurdett Wurkmetr's Cltrb oll \\tcd- held by tho t'onterden Llriclict Olub iiio-Uat t"" being the Club's best all-rciuntler at tllo Terrtolriett place ul ths llull on W'oclnesilay, nesday ovetritrg, whotr Nlr. II. S. Cluso, the .rvheu 'l'owu ivith BZ wiclcdts, 210 r'uns nncl 16 catches frotn upwards of 50 uremben's and f rrencts y9t'o.-ho-wBg- suro'- &ll Iuto iocretary ;t tho Cltrb, rvho retirod pu,ttook-of &rr oxcellbnt rop&s[ proviclecl by to his-sorrv credit; l\oy -F. tho n'ork on" leovirlg the toltt, tl'os- presotrted verv to heai' Mr. P. Ilunn had tho geuial host, Itr. A. lI. -brshop. Among fortu: rvith & very hatr6orlro irrluid rvultttrt sofa, l]tayor giv"n up ihe secrotarys-lrip but'w€re 'to ttble, & gulcl ntounted trlorocco cigolette t[ose rrreseqt ryers ]lrs Wor.slrrp ths ;r;ts to-welcome- M".- J. thomdson filt lt ieutouaut-Colonel W. A. 3'rncllator), match caso,-euita6ty iusclibed, atrd volurneg of Kip- Ulub)' itre dual''vaeancy of financial and prosetrtutiott nrado by Ilaior J. $.,Ii,obsorr (Presitleut of the JJcretar:y,' and oifendg-d IVfr. Bunn' and Iirrgts lvorkrr. 'l.lro wrts $lr. Uttrvtrrct Lovo (cltatrtrtntt of tlto Olttb), -to tho itrosidorrb (J\l,r. A. Il, Iloot'rniru), rvho wur IVfr,'I'hb-mrrson ths Clrrb's hearty thanlis uuplfbrto(l lry l\:llayor of Ttrrrtordorr- (&Ir, !{uior tr'. Luslriugtdu. ljr'. ll. -}i. '{aylo1- for rvhat tliev had done in tho past-qeason. -Kotrnard' tho J onee, l\l.essrs. Ittuoro, Coornber, -!'. -IVIi'. L,.- Dnvig), (JolonoI J. l\{ttrrn-N{oce, A. -vV. -H. ttrr sDeaker consratulated lldward J ohnCon, pcou, Clorko, \ttjor I'I. Paiuo, Oulttuin l)urnpior f'alrner,. J', 'l'horn -J . ,!rl. Love, ttre Clu6fs-Chairman, olr- his father ll,. Pagd, Il. -P. Ifuuu, J onnor, L. I'. utrd ot,hers. 'l'. in SlienDey re&chins tho ripe old . age of 90. proeoedirrgs by -04-arriort- uucl othsrs. IIs coirirtda the tdast with the name of 'fho Chnirmsn oponed on joyablo pro- callirrg attcrrtion to ths rvork dono' by ltlr. ' A- thor:oushly musical M"- Roberts- who lv&g 84 "not 'outfl and gr'&urruo hau ljeeu iui'uugod n,nd tlro' mony bse,n and was ono of. T'gnterden's Clrrso"during tlro yeers hs resirlcd in l.:ontor- cxcellon! songs rouclered rvoro rvell receivoct, $tli; hart rlen, not orrly in cottlioct,ion n'ith tho Club, oldost cricket supporfers. -torvir sucores being uutnerous. 'I ho artistes who - R'obson, respondiug to ths btrt for tho gonorally, parriculnlly re- contributed progr&mmo rverd: 'I'hs lltaior- ,f. S. -cricket- ferring to his rvork &s hotrorary secretnry of io ths toait, r'eferred !o tho- hold had in -Llisses I). Stauger aia ivl, Parsoug. Messrq. members -had the ttre tbntorden -.\Va.r' I\'Iemorial. , Tenf6rdeu aud, how the S. Moon, It,. Co-ornbes, a.nd N. \Vinter. IIr8. ahvays playing , A'fr. Cluso, rvho -on- rising ltir,s mgit warnrly rl'uruor were the iepufation of the .game.- Il. W. Judgo arul G. +' F. . Johnson proposed the ' toast' of g.rteLod,. exp-resserl hinrself ius being .. nlo.3i vsry efiiciedt &ccornDaqiste. The lplty I{i. H. i:hnrrnod with 'tho prosetrl,nliorrs rrradb tc lgo li# 'ViJii;org a.nd Arti-stg.B," statirig that artistes havs clelightfui voices, rvhilst -Ull'. clid not.see uany. visitors present-ap' him. IIo nruch appreciated t lro Il intlly auc. rendered -mauy oxcellent comedy he geniol oxpressions ;t tfio gentklman n'h-o hatl Moon ntrenttv so manv had been 1'roped in" as numbors in &, breezy rv&y; -Uleesrs.- Coombes verv wero left in ttrrde the proserrtntion. had lr,ippy huuch also of iice'nrdsidents. tlrat -few i"'-pti;i;oli"t-t ;;t'" ;f thnrihs to thoir*pr.csi. tnd Winter tlis titi" boionn[ tb consiclsi themselves 'r visi- (,'nplain selocting their songs to surt tho company'o lors ! ' TEe a.rtistes had been well thanked, rlrrnt for presidiug, Pnlrncr ulso-took tasts. " tho opllort.rirrity ol cuiliug utierrti.rrr io rlre f,u ltroueht bv-efforts-especially'wero'they the amount of applause ae- Maior Robson. in the course of ths even' corded" ltroir good rVorli dorro try \:[r. C)luso, not only for: it g. tiu hact Bomo pleasant tllo brrl, fot tho tolu gorrer.ally.- $tr.. i.merLeA-if"t - sratefrrl to Mr. S. I[oon for coming from -Club, pr'Ebentotious to nruke to vorious pluyors liunLriclse Wolls to entertoiu tlren. f n I-I. I-Iurris eecoutlod' s'itlr a few rtell selected of tho Olub. I'irstly to [Ir. 'I'. Jenner for lomarlcs in reforonco to ths (Jhuilnran autl in ,r"l"no*lddging thie toast, Dr. I{: E. Taylor- [is tiulv r]emarhabib pertortuonco in hav' Iones' itafed:that 'whe.n. one came 'to Ten' alltrsion to h'Ir. (lluso. ine taken 110 wiclcots tluriug seb' -tho :Past tJfrd;i;dnelf6rddnj'OnO' *ael.notwB8' noE leftreru oQtouf, ofor tiiings.long;r.nrngs loag'' . 'so[ at & cogt of 626 ruus-his Sest f gat qqe. cqppupiti at' -g but mlde".--...1' to teql of t[9 OBITUABY.-We regret to t eeord lhe bbi"s wick*ts for' 16 runs against Iligtt bnbo. . ;. 'Itaklen. IJnfortunately the gif t (a -cricket tlenth of l\'lrs. Iltntna June firva tling, rvi fo pfinth),. of I\Ir. Ir.. Cl. Srvntlirrg, of I,itl,lo Aslthout'no, b;il;;,iitobiv' - iuicritreil, on .ir \tu4 Rolvettden Rontl., [frs. tirvnl;ling, rvlto ]v{ts : not &r'iivecl- - in tinrs tor tho ltinnsr .but yenrs i*ouU bs iresentod on nuotlror occosiou, MATERNITY CENTRE.*A nrrtnrrril.y nrrl tifty-six ol' &Be, hud llcetr niling for -wie prneson-tation ehiltl rveIl'aro eentl.c rvill l:e opened ljv tlre Eorn'e tinre, htrt l'tasised awny t'ntltet' sutl- 'tnis t'ollowect by tlie -oJ uwO t'W-ooctt'ul"- oo(.tr ul tUf rut{'$|, lJul,u tosu Meesrs.JrrreeDr eo St I\'[n,;'s1's.t* nt tho Rnptiut Chirrr:h Sehools l the fwo- vv cricliet bats "l -Irridnt'. clenly. She wns he only clnuglrter of ' pprlc. llaYing scorsd nt lrrrlf-pnst; trvn on the 28th in- late- 1\'Ir. Frrrnli Psnt'son, of T'enl erclen. Chacksfisld aud lY. for 65 runs or ov-eri rvith , one of theee bate stitnt. It is believecl that this rvill supply I\[uch sympa thv is felt for t he widower. l^ l-- J-1, i'Woodful".makers).lrltT^^J4,, 1r, tn..Lorc\- ibuts plessntect-t by the'^'/ n Jong-fcl{: necd of tho nrot.her,s of youllg The funeral f.nlres plnee this l'r'iclay after- i[r. -O-trackslieltl icoletl 12 upt ou!- against chilch'en Iiving in thc distr.ict. noon nt $t. A{i ldre

tu MR. H. M.. BIRGHETT ANO MISS E. M. . :,. ,. r ,WARD.,' ' , .The wedcling took placo on Saturday ' Bt Bekesliourner' St., Pete'r's, 'sou of' ilfr. ,Harold I\[. Birihbtt,. younfest of Mr. ahd l[rs. J. Birchett,' of ]\fulberry llouse.' Bekesbourne, nnd I\[iSs Emily Vietoriir '.Wnrd, youngest MR. R. HUGGETT AND MI$S FO daughter of the 'late I\[t'. ancl 'IVIre-. Wird. PEAR$Otrt, MARRIED AT TENTEB- of Tenterclen.' Tlre'seri'ice'wa.s conclueted pog DEN, oN SATuRDAY. ,13 I b^v the Rdv: A. F.',F' Lnmplugb. 'fh'e 'blide, rvho was giveu awily, by ' lter qucle, I[r. Ward. of ' Canterbury, lvote'. a goivn of blue crene-de-Chine triurrired rvith beise 'aud rI hilt' to :rnritqh. She 'carried '6, slrorver borriruct of rvlrite cltt'.vsanthenrurus, rvhich tho wrs'lnter. ulirced on Tlfenrorial. 'l'he'of briclesnroitl,' Itiss' Lilian ^Itanstlbn (niece i thei b'ricler{r:oonr) wa6 tlresseid in bltrs . crepe- l Dcc- 1737 -witlr 'hat match. I\tr; IJ. 'V. (Ashford)-MISS L' A' de-Chins fo , i MR. C.. J. WELLER Ilirchetb 'was ,lrest tu&n. A receptidn was ' WENHAM (Tenterden) hbld'at .the' bridegrooru's hg_n1e, aftgr which.l MR. H.'BROTHERWOOD ANCI MISL orr Sunclay, At St. IVlichael's, Tenterden, the lranoy couple left. for l)over,.the hride'; G.' . 1. , swAN, wHosE WEDDING TOOK Louisa Alice, claughter of Mrs. and tlrs *r6/,Tb3T"l wi'r ouu: *o,i PLAoE AT ST. MIGHAEL'8, TENTERDEN, 'W'enham , late Mr'. fr. ,t 7 r' Boresisle, Tentgr- Hlir"llt,is" , . ON .SATURDAY. clen, married, Charles Jabez, younger son of Aslrford' JVlr.- -g-iu"* nnrt l\{rg. lVeller, Beaver:rQQd, -ltrs&w&y by her brotller, r!lr. 'J''. ,Weu- Lam. triias wore white.-silli, veil a,tttl MR, F. C, CLARKE AND MISS B. HOAD. oti- otiriso bloqsqrm. 1l]lrs pluce Wednesday- - lVenhuur--britles- Ths wedding toolc on .ut "oi'iiitp[-:*;id;-- ill"iss IIIsi6 , &rld lt{iss ilily th;--;t'*uter:,lei Wesleyun Ohurclr of lVIr' TENTERDEN 19 3+ 7*i[toi*t. Miss li'lorrib Woller. (liriclogroorrr's sgn of DEc_ -'auc[ ' (nie-ce), fiiea"r'ict, Charles ClLrke, eltlest WEDDING.-A quiet wed{ing took place iii"""f IUiss' J'anet Wenhaur iWrs. C. Clorlie, of Scrubgo-te, floworcd crepb, bh19 velvet ivtn:o".i - F. 1. on l)ecember 13 bdtrven Willium Penrman, io-o*'nal" lrettow t6"t"i.i"ti. u".t'-Mi'. n'tits Besiie lioad, thircl cldest son of lt{r. and Mrs. Pearmnn, of &l;l,^;;a gtrtd hea.ddtesses. I'hei1d iamnnts' [r"rint.i--bt rr. G. Hoocl, lute of Bicl' t'he blidegroom'o giflq. Tho bf icte- 'l'ltnme. Oxfordshire, antl Jlliss A. S. \'fit- 'brother, ,t;;A;i:- r[ru- ndv. u. b. Arnold oflicinted' tel yoringcst daught-er of lllr. an1[ the loto "iiis:**regr'6om'E , ]Er. 'Gr ]Vgller' 'was bcst b*iid;,-it[o t'ai. given nwav. bv luiss -lrittell r: ,'--.' 'ilil sntin I\lrs] n. 6f Ys olde Cellars. Tho tn0n. i - :- '- .,r.'.&t- Ctue"--Hotid, wore, & ggwll of lilue- brido lv&s nwoy by her fnther anrl ;ittr ; il;tt'" matitr.' She wire ottended b.v siven il8'H.*-'s*t, ei i.o wos M r. H. Pcfrrmnn (br6tlrcr) rvos best mnrl. -f,lir b3 tt":tfJttl*ll\ir l\iliss Kitty-w. Hond, while the best nrqn Iilollorving reeeption bricla's home Gtt ior tiireir ierv lr.bms at Kenninglnn. reeeption w-os held ot & nt tho ilii'.-}L Ci,ii't d. A tlts e.outrle left 1'or' [Iastings. Si"ittviot, Golden Square.'Ietrterden. Tar-t lcl3L OF HONOUR' Af\4BUIiANCE .CU$RD .l*a,1 AT'TENTERDEN Iq37 ' M:, E.'91.1 gFivANT (whitstabl*j-rtr lss J; : ' ,'A.''''L. rirMuss' ,(Tenterdtn) lleinber.Fl. of rS! Jofrn Antljulunce 13r'igarle hrrnour ut thg, n'eddtug formed ,ai funrd ;of jl'en'' qne uf tf,eirf puhrber: at, St:iIU.rchnel's,. "ftrtieit, oii : Sattrrtlay.'- -fIe' wirs ' ltlrneit \ryiL it It i'f 1# ii; fi lYlilli fiy,fl ii|rfi l;'',',f {:'ilnl::Hf i-'Jli:t:r'ff;;iu1''*,i ' i CnttirCes,"ll'euti'rdqn.- "ffIf$$;iffi-ltl . Given &11'&.v'by her:.fatltet', tlre llritle. woro elll- e:' gowu of whits strl,itt' &lIt[ 'p_crtrllace, lvlth T,r.[iifeie,l veil' irnrl ,iralo sf ^ol'illrgo Itf iss Doiotltv iiio-irl"ii-, ll er britlei surll:ds, 'ji,X1;ffi.; (siiter) rritl I\l iss l)orothv .Ilryr.tttt irili?iiJn;n.iuits' sistul:).' w9!'o tit'esserl i' 6lue rvit[ silr er hir]sies' i!l'', ti,;ili-";puisuttp,'6i:y;firt . i:1S: iuirs.. lrest, mun to his !ryot!1c1 nh{ tlfe irt'girttist for t[e cltttratI set't'lce lvils I\Il:p.' J. finight' . : \


MR. P; C. HOLNSTOCIK AND MISS 'NOv HARRIS. |igl The wedd ing tooh plaee on Saturclay- at I St. I'Iil(lrecl's- Church, Tentelclen,' of lfr. I Percv Charles' I'Iolclstock. l'ollngest son of I tho late 1\[r. and trIrs. Ilolclstock. of l\tile- | stone Bunqalorv; Leigh G reen , 'fenterden r I nnd }tiss Elnrmn Tlarris, seeond claughter of I[r. ancl tr:lrs. Ilarris, of Gas-lane, Tenter-' clen. The Rev. 1\[. L; I\fan officiatedr Tlre btitle rvas , nttirerl in white crepe-cle-Chine rvith & veil .*atttl oranse blossdm. The hritlesmnids,' ffro l\fisseq'Doroth)' gr1rl. Gg.rtie f{arris (eousing) rveto clressecl in rlelpltinittm lrlne trimmecl with beige georBette-. 'I'hev wol'e nrob c&Ds to mntch. trimmerl rvith Dearls, nnd th-eir necl

f*t,tR. E. F. PARsoNs AND Mlss D. v.l 1,, TREE. I I fnu wedding tooh place at St. Mildred's, I I Tentorden, on Saturday. of DIr. Ernest f. I of I I 'Woodchurch,Parsous. eldest Bon of I'Ir. G. Parsons, I and lWiss I i youngost -Dorothyenq -Violet Mrs. Treo, dnughter-Grove-cottoges, of I\[r. I ; W. E. Troe, o! 1. 'Iottter- I I den. The Rsv. l\[.- L. Mun offieiated. Ths I Doris ,: ; bricle, who rvoo attonded hy- Miss I ' bt'itle rvore & beige crepo drees, As' tho couple left'th.e clturch tltq i Rubr Brown, silk I l.)y I rrcliy' ltorse.sl\ge I with hat and shoes to match. She carried I *o-r", rri*"*uo[u.[-]ivit11- -" . g' tJ1e, Ths i dJJif 'L;;;dtiul,ll A[out tlo trttent{eil. . i a bouquet of crimson oarnations. Gatago-.,,I"Iorl)crv'ood, I bridesniaid wore a blue figured clress, with r t"'J"-*ittfrii ui, ftte' " ltifi{ly, ifii "b;"i;di n"iiii- l,tter, I\'l r'.. nqd t\[rs' I o hat to match, and- carried a bouquot of tutt f'erj tlidtiuss, tl:e 5r'itle. wcaring. I love-in-the-nrist. The bride wgs giveu a,way ii;;";t ntryJ iituy 'cpat,.over iI lla'v.y tlress, wttlr , t v hor. b'rother-in-law, It{r. [. $lrutP' -and h&t.""- .) . . .'. tlio best man w&s anotlror brother-in-law, Pettv-Officer , A. tr. Austen. A leception -held Cottage' 'Ienter- Srldegroom to . bride, .gold ' w.ristlcb watctt; rvos at lllalt Ilouss orido to bridcgrootu, silvcr ' cigirrette citso l don, and ,the Luppy pair afterwards travol- brlde,'d fathcr. two' liresirlc chnirs i ; bridegroom's led'on their honeymoon, the brido rveat'ing Dorothy, oitk 'drlwittg-toom Durents,'Dot'rie Jrtck ittld , .utettsils, a wine-eolured two-piece eostume, rvith hat i:iock,: , hi[clicu eide rdown nttd IVIany useful presents wers re- Foster, rtlg ntxl mt!; ' llob, to match. t,edsflread;' Airnty -' ceived, inclu'ding' n, calis fronr trtr. il'uit set qnd *ine glns-ses;' Aurrt,[e- ,Alice :uttd -wedding ir'ncte , l'erci',- blaiikeps; Arthur lredroom rllgs; A. N. Goldsmitn. n3O llnclo. Clttr . 'artd Atrq! {tgt-e, l'rensttry noCqs; ...1*f Arlnb Lrtcy-livu, nnd Urrclit Diok, ^Treastlly, notes; TENTERDEN. ' llorb'-'ntrd lctnottitrlo scf ; ' '['c{, Nornlt nttrl t Unclo Oeor''gg, trelstiry notc ; llam, bntlt odels ; ' *s [i3D*,],*'l}ll$t IIi*h il',I " fiy iitl'r'Iili i 'r-r a'f TENTERDEN. lqeS Oeorgo }Jeer' ,trnd lurnily,- Trt:nsury ttote; . .rteq'in Unclb bI,"liiJ." tt* o[ .Udrviri rlerltlt of l['orn t;;i;,,ctrirllio trrtcl Aunb ttlinriie, duclte'so sat'' '&u;;;;ffit:"iit,Jiiins vrt$ ; OBI'flUARY,-Tly.. the -NIt. 'Arrnt ' lVitrnic, tableclotlt;, Ilills. inrnnlo of tlle hteti[,tttion; wlto rvhiclt l ool< end ,'tablecloth; 'silk Iucdicul evi- Ar.rsl;en.' of 6,: Wellirrgl.oir-plnt:o, . Ob,rdln Louie, dittt tahlecloth; Cotr.sin -'Attttie, tetr- i;;i;,i ;i;;,i";il tr'J'zeiii uiiti"o. rrlitco op'l'uixday,'J'ctttterelcp-irrhulrittnl;s. losos anolltttr pot and linen tnblecfoth; Unclo l"red , ttntl Atint ;1".11*o ;i;il-i" ti;;t aooltt- *n't drto to sufTo.qp; old natlvo 'l'lto dcceu.setl, e r d i c t of its ffi i,i intt"- tuns 85 youis of ogc, rvus bortt at Srvaittc * :i} ln i i Xtl, i' f ."'tt ; ; filtf f i r"' i7ilv lr'l rttt, 'l'ettl erclen. cc.F And Iq6* lirres like a Ior

H. J U DGE, J.P., I\flIt. and Mrs. Len f)ann, of 125, Shrubcote, Tenterden, have just returned f rom the ALOEBMAN lvr met mtlny of his oid comrades in olected. Ma,yor of llenterdon to-clay holiday of a lifetime in ltaly, where lllr. f)ann (FridaY). the Partisan Arrny of 20 years. ago. tlOt nA t't9ilf t'Jf;;n, A " must " on their list *ir'Yti"lf,"'Lil-this o'f places to visit was thq have harl time eould hnve I indul$:l::' village of ,- 9I-*.t farm near the I ,tP*9" flverybody ftqf lrnerv --me. Itrvery- Gualdo, in Central ltalY, rvhere we rven t we had to have Chuneh stages'Iite' where he sPent most of his wine. We renlly livetl lilre lords. months with the Thc hospitality was overwhelm- ten Parti- ing." progYamme tor Sheilu sans at the home of his Mrs. I)nnn agreed. "Tt was triencl, Antonio Luciani, & renlly rvontlcrful," she snirl. The llliijtr,Yil{'?iilll,ionly'things ahottt thetiliiiil";r..il,Lfi trip which I TTNTEITDEN Buptist church staged a "Th!s is Your fortner Air Force lieuten- l.ti:"'aili'i?iili'k;;;;shc'dirl lilce rvere th; traffic f Miss Sheila Beeslee, "i,t tili i";lii; I iiiu" programme on Friday for ul"'ir",,, rriuhtrullv Z-i, ,,id,ft;t and church when Gunneruunner Dann,Jrannr L.!. of ttre ,,crowded il"J:f;"',,:l1l buses ,the - I lgllu:'-b^ufg:-?*:*it *ll-\"d_?It_^or_tu] ol*1 -Aiiiil" there. _ - "gu,f train as a missionary. " Royal Artitlerv tilii;;Iilr r,cn Dann, , nrisoner-of-war camp aI[l | I t :Flii ;t"i":,"u"11,"',*1i:;#f,t'"'il& *#:-*'xt:**-b ll*idi';T9:1lt$^{Jgl]t'*^l'jt}.,*jlllil,i.lli*"il.iif^.j'ft;H#"ffi{l#|nev.TomBowman.,and "* ^ *ll:,l*-^.h-. i?l I I - I _* :3:';*:,rtqx#I""i"""1i'li",1Llioonmet.,l]orry,''alocaluntler'|d;iH%]d;.'1ffiitiiJ.i".";ft;|ffilii'oJ.*r'otoot.partwere i;;3,i,j:".f,i:"tir#",flii"11*: I ",1: g'l'o.'nrr '"il'?;' on rvetr nntl "[,eno," is Mr. Dann'.,;qil*j ] **, *d"ini l

- lllrv t -'--l r.*1,?,,oi;Tr'-",'i! ilfiil,fiiiff Sharp, Baptist Church ,"oJf,x!ltl' l[#'$i'r:q[: li secretary; and her sister, i$diJJ:?,';a #"!:r.##'[*3:J'_{; I g*ih,,"o,t';X, "?;; I At,"S*i:'3;;A"fl- tti Miss Glenda Reeslee. ll,ln'iti;ffi3,'?"1"'ff*':'#,"o I M;;'-witlsherr,::nttn1,,o$i.ctTgit' was- boqnf$f* - in marrietr' riecorrrerr Althougb hc wr-ote -',.ou,nr I itfl"lt*-ilg"i".'*;lt" i;: I . lffiiitff$ffiil | . -:::1r"1-y.T".:lf 1'fflli"f,E" r"'t" re,{;f,'" yilli;hii $lt Jil',Jl""f',li,3 lat,eMranol.lffiliiff$iliilffi|henrrlfrom'Mil1s.*i}.h'heatl. l;i;;;i'i'o"v,'lhen. ea1l,v !-!it I ilft:'F;;h";i*rl:'brnt,-oi-ptuiir. m istress of Ashford Grammar deierririne{.to give pis wtjl I ffi} i;;;:'fn isze-Jhe-mariiea w1ote.ro.,n..on"1:: it &,llta.l I gy":t"i,fi""f';":tg,llilli -__ I i;J#i,ild'"i'i['"i""r"". r[""iluior got in touch wlth I i'ni-itt-t-d"'sianaplii-ldre-n: ql9; MR. GERALD D.OD.^_,i 'f he Rev. C. A. Fisk, Methorl- nnw nn jlnportantimoortant Govern-uovern' I wa< elso a membefm'embef oIof,, olleo,ll9 I tottv,"-. no* i,n | wA; also , - , $?ti"#l{#**J'tthT:tf* *-,,i1fu:"9fi#r*a'"'l*,:t ro*,j' wbo was il u:"il;lul;."1J1",,"*l #;'.H; -nf I rveek aF a "very I rl:l at Cranbrook and , r*firrr(r l'r..rrD'ono"* *"""" "-inUlr* *ude. . I 'iier ihiC -sim-ple-simple.quiet rl -i;". '"d;So ';;"b;'.[;;ftrSePl lz-iZ Mr. nnd I ii;is6p-who ;;isin-who enjovedinj-oygd a inducted Resorder of il" John lllson, assistant 'left -nnrl I clqPl,tio-ncremation servlee rvriJ.nf"r.lvt I-s. ilo"n-'i.ffOornrJal rl ll t for.for th*ifth*-i" fort- | iire.'1.--Tltiife." Ttte , 1lil curate, nnd CaCapt. Srvift,, of the ri.t"l-".1r!"t"-""t | t;;;. treiil-at" -on^iu[JL%*:t[J:%: wed- I - . iiiliit{-'iihilioi.ililiit{-'iihilioi. ln,-" I :y:-r :'9ig:1t ^ql*l:F.^"i-1"*bg"*l: they rvere -elty. T6t. Y[" nll I Tf:*3f :$*11']*'l$l?d fir v'tr tr l' a " ""FJf ll$li'u}"-r**;[t?'{T$'i't'r 'r'r lound. [I 'i,61*fr"3rt::ft{ru:"*1d#tl Johpsv'u'vubr"ronn Hough.'Housr' Hfi'"' I **1.1;"1"-i",lT:l,:i t"lli$::.,1:n,ll,'fl:Jolf, ;'rl:Y" llu$,rll jAN- lq7+ I man prcsented l\riss lrcesloe rvith iilil|"il"Srrll_.r,qtii-"r,oo,r- |I -'Ihu ' ' ing at $0 m.ph. aronr tl;t:r\ I '' I l:l'"1-:::l:l:tt:j T"*y* iiiit ll"i'i in ciir to iee I - ,f aud congregation. gtgf lcl$Ll "i;;;t't; I u.. cut-uur- iif iid'irt.'. I I nruclehvANGLERS' Ass0clArroN'-rlr..^u',ASSO0IA luN.-r\tr._ | ,r I I penternenter (Sigsinghuret) rvou-.tl,o-rvou tho lentordell I I ThrenThreo sunsguns norrnoar Tonterdcn on MondefMondey hillodftillod .(SJssinghurst)Assocuttiol cur) witlr o Tf"f::*:l1* brcext I I i lAuglerg' I lm brr,cs-of parrridgcs,,ono landrail, o,rdpiguon I Cakg eUt I or tr," r;'s, b".i"[*' r I lil, tzull.t",l,i.:ii'i",,U'fi:d'r#i'i'rlLt I lll.'"fi +n:'ii,'ili;hor"- parturo i Ar the farm ar ouatrto, wheqg I liit""!Hii"il'.9.itiii,".r.'".i'ii"iiiitdi-ir"i'"td, I l"l:"{ on.loss then 80 scros or land. bon- [iirffiilT$L*'!$"i'*]:l;1"'i ;it'rysi:'**$!.'1ii:'::l 1';;;"* ntT: I I il:;j-" i,J i{,-1lt-.f"",.,fii*}H,tr.::{l I I nll'';"1^#,rfJ:"""':-t-,,r.ir nnmes wES cu. lflt{l"fu',i."'"y?"*j+ils',ff"9J t#i! l,*tff,r,r"iltg'"i"i;i,,*"?":",'"iJ':rxe! tn q io. wns tokl that once, *hcn Ir rir.r.' I lfli",P'iiliil;p,1iilnEr:;jy?riyrii;#r i+lin[itfi,:ml n",-$:*'ilii"l""*"ili'1":::lx'i,H I l$.,J:,rlq,,"T,T#tonly shot ono, but intenrlorl to ahoot two I " 14n t tt ! I ittt-Y TENTERDEtI. lq 11 pro- PAACII CDLEllllA't:lONS. 'I'ho :LY srorllrno of evon'ts for itrs oelobration of Peaco iir 'I'onl,erdetr on tlte 19ih ittstont, of rvhich Only Slight Change n{arle N{r. G. t. Turner is actling &s secretary, n'ill bs on ,& most olabor;r,to und ott,rar:tivo so&lo. 'I'lrs torvn rvilt bo brilliantl'y illruninaCed ontl decorated frorn ond to ond a,nt} tho llecreotion At Tenterclen Ground, in whiah thc ovonts di ths dt y rvill taho ptaco, wiil bo a tJring flieauflndeed. 5u NE lq53 t'hcro lvill- lro a Pageant oT tr'reodonr, a carni- va,l, and & fa,ncy dross parado for mbtors, . per&Inbulators- a,nd bicycl.os, for lrntl to l lc ttlitclc [u carriages, nrorlilicatiorts rvhich- v,aluablo prizes rvill be gjvcn. Prizcs otI*;ilflll: a t 'l'cn te rtlen, I tl tlte rttititt, llrc slrorv rvill also bo giveh for tho best dbconatod tun

TEt'lTE RDE N. i Squnre rlancing at Tenterden llRItrAT 'l'lr,tl childrorr of tho \Ycsloyan Suntiuy School, for t.hoir anrtuul trei.ut, had & tritrr to lJexhill on Wcdtresday. 1rE}TTEItDNIv. Pnorun'rv Sel,n.-['lessrs. IIa,l;eh ntrcl Water- I'ItOPtrill't'Y SALII.-AI tho Whito Lion e c t- n ne ldl l.J Ilotcrl on ]Vodnesday l!{assrs. Ilatch a,nd Watt'r-. nl&n holtl on tuttcl;iott sit,lo trL t.he \Vhito T,iorr rEiliE ru. for salo frcc]ruhl sit.u- I lol,ol on Ii'rirln,5', wlt,rtr tltlvnttccd priccs woro lf n'I. Wn&K.-_th,o t'out crtlott R;r,b, Sprrrorv rntrr oflcrcd 1lro1>orbios v€-l'y ol)cri4!)bic irr iti rvock abo irr t'cuterdcn. T'ho vrhc*lwright's pt'o- rpaliscrl. No. 6,- Wcllirrglon-grlit<,o fr:tclrcrl f,225 ; and \Vits1> Llrrb w&3 6 ancl 7, Pccl's-pla<'r-', of ca.rr4ujgn agoinsb ra,is. .i\l[horrgh- thoro is rrrises, tlio lrtt*ittcss hirving b_c-eu carried orl I 4 nn.l. 5, I)ttcl's-;rltlc*:, fi?t0; 'lligh+l;roct, i nlany by hlr. J. J. Mdnktolorv, igZOS. rind &u llrl cot,t,ago in f160. bttt a, lilrrdfrrl ctf rnerrbcrs, Ulrey u'orlt'ctl enor- for 5rouls l,lra pro- dcstroyrxl no. lesr Lltiur fr;rtncl. ir- 1,irrr:hascr in L[r. Il, Ilrl,Jvrr,rtls, trt I ntr. n. It. f,ll.tcr wrus tlro solit:ilor'for 1 gr:t,ica.lly uoguLher rltrd ij5ill. 'l'oll (.irito Cuttrl;o, 2L rnilrrrunrrl Nt.r. I'. , Cr. Ilnr{rirurtr, Il. Clra,mboro; ' (). Joltnsott, I ittlo innts, Ilurry ; sisters D{rlt'y anrl f,izzio; ]vl_ispen. 'TVilkinMr. anit MrB, B. A. Yurt,v. IWr. l.)rrtlgoy, .[f r. \\r, It. lMhiteriipq;_ Mre. Miesee"'G lJishop, A'Ir'. lltl- S. nncl ll. Bourne; onrployees of lV. Idlliott 'ond ; Chi"l I\.tr'. i. Ilnrrrra.u, I\'[r.-n. il. ]t. Mr. Mrp. C. fgglesddn Dora ,Il. Ro,r'- rvu.r'rls. IVtr. trtrtt l'ft'. A. J. ,\vory. aud Son; A., B. and C. Vtrly; 'l'cnterden ; -r\i-Groven Aesociation; O. ers_; Cagtain and. Mrs. Leslie Ohalk IVt.i.. Courrcil rvas retprosented lfrtr.desmen's I\{r. nnd lllrs. : 'l'he. Iia,r.oohinliChurch Apns: Ilfr. nnd Mrs, I-I, [dwat'ds; 1". G. L. and Mrs. L. I(ennartl Davie; Mr. end Mrs. bv Nlise Pesl. Mrs. lVlilne, A'Irt. I{olrrres, J\[rs. nnd Crump; J. Macrae Digglg; $ir James-and tho MissJi X'hrnn-Ivla('e.. tnd I\'Ir. A. I{. Btrrtcrrs{l&w. ilho Sri,iiul ltr. and I". Rowere fi. I). ,siclcrsrnerr llirs. I{. Spain and family; 1!lr. _aud- IVIrg. MeUor; .Mn. and tlre Miss-eq Thomeon ; Mr. of tlro rra.rish