303 Acesulfame K, 79 Acid Flavor in Ice Cream, 305-306 Acidity Of
Index Adsorption, description of, 48 Anhydrous milkfat, 61, 63 Acceptable Quality Level (AQL), 303 Analyzing properties of frozen desserts Acesulfame K, 79 chemical, 295-296 Acid flavor in ice cream, 305-306 composition, 295-296 Acidity of, microbiological, 301-304 cream, 60 physical, 296-301 ice cream mixes, 46-47 sensory, 304 sherbets and ices, 268-269 Apple ice cream formula, 346 Acids as ingredients, 268-269 Apricot ice cream formula, 346 Acidification, 268 Aspartame, 79, 230 Aerating unit, 190-191 Asulfame potassium (asulfame K), 230 Aerobic plate count, 302 Asset, most important to Agglomerates, 299 ice cream manufacturers, 327 Aging of ice cream mix, 167, 169 Attribute sampling, 303-304 Air cells in ice cream, 37 Aufait ice cream, changes during hardening, 241 definition of, 16 changes during storage, 250 preparation of, 350-351 incorporation of, 180-183 Average chart, 239 interface with fat, 179 Avocado ice cream formula, 351 interior view, 182 size distribution, 181-182,298-299 Bacterial counts, 302-303, 329, 341 textural defects from, 313 Balanced mix, description of, 38 Air mass flow control, 188 Banana ice cream formula, 346, 348 Algebraic method for standardization, Baskin-Robbins, 6 of milk or cream, 120 Batch freezer, Algin and alginates, 81 drawing temperature from, 203 Allergens, 231-232, 347 filling containers from, 204-205 Almond toffee ice cream mix formula, 348 operation of, 203-204 American Dairy Products Institute Batch pasteurization of ice cream mix, (ADPI), 156 150, 155-158 American Dairy Science Association Baume,74 (ADSA),318 Ben and Jerry's Homemade Ice cream, 6 Amino acids, 23 Berry ice creams, 102-108, 346 Ammonia, 209-210, 221 Bifidobacterium, 346 safe use, 220-222, 241-245 Bioterrorism, 329 357 358 ICE CREAM Bisque ice cream, 16, 344 Calculations for ice cream mixes contd.
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