Tiumetots Mui THEIR SAY Colitlees for FOURTH of JULY
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THE ST.JOHNS NEWS VOLUME XXII—NO. 45 THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JUNE IS, 1911. EIGHT PAGES ONE DOLLAR A YEAS ♦ IRS.nilEKUMM ♦ PfrBLlHHEK*X XOnCB. MBEH IS ni TiUmETOTS COliTlEES FOR ♦ ATTOIIIlEYeEIERAL SHxims n PMuss ♦ ---------- ♦ ; HR SEntlCnT YYHL USX PMIOLE ♦ ♦ i ------ H.\l> KKHIIIKD IX HT. JOHXH KOI ^ Owtec to chance of time on tks ^ mui THEIR SAY FOURTH OF JULY # Orand Trunk It Is asesnaary to ^ nTumoiiJi ' ham FIXALLT HADE KXOWr.X XE-IHLY TWKLTE FOODNI RULER YKAUti, ^ set a larva portlati of tke Issue ♦ HE MTANDH OX TBBA’TT. ^ of ’Tbs .News la the postofrice In # PHEPARA'nDXH IX PBOHBKMN FOB ♦ Snse to catch the lt:&j mall ♦ A.XHWEBH QrBMTIOXH AHKKD BT (’LINTON (’Ol’NTT HAN NOW HBBT- AT THE rHILDIlEX*S DAT BXKK- Mrs. l*hoebe I^ncan. *ho suffered ^ east la order to rsseh ssrsral ^ Senstor Townssnd returned to ' a stroke of paralyuis on Mensortal day, BIU CBLBBBATIDN. ('OHVIMHIOXEB TOfTXMEXD. I NO HBNTBNCB. (THBH IX THE rHrRI’HKH. ^ postofness before Saturdsy. ao 4 Washington from a two weska’ stay died at her home on Ro*a otreet, Fri 4 bad are eonnsctloaa at Junction 4 in .Michigan and Monday gave It out day momlnc about 8 o ’clock. Short 4 polnla. Tbs Nswa has been en- 4 lo those who are canvaaslog the sen aervtce* were held at the bouse at MfimrT nfimiimiT i ^ dsavorinx to talm care of late 4 Oplnlsns sf Antbsifty *n Hallers Bs- ate that be proposes to vote in favor 7:30 o ’clock Saturday momlnR by J InHair is Mrbssl DIstrIrts and of the Canadian rrciproclty agree '< Rev. )latt Mullen, and the remains E. » many letters wer* late thla week 4 ment. RE nuisansdna SUNDRY mis THEIR DRY . NOiET nraWEIT 2*:.?^'= ■’“'jjt Blffetk Urade Paplls. i taken to Macon for interment. ^4 that it was impossible to take 4 "After my firat study of this quea- Mr*. I^amran wue bom in New York ! 4 care of the matter in connection 4 Goo. you will remember. I told the AuRuet 31. 1842, but came to Micbl- EXECimVE ('DHHI’TTBE py*** 1 expected to vote for rrciproc roVHl ’TTBD CRIHB tJNBBB INFLC> THI’XDEK HTDHH DID XOT DAMP- ! I i T>« •“«<*•• I—.1 Or th. i-< Ran when a child of eixht years. 'The I ♦ «nliud^ '”** ’ »---Tlnrtlr ♦ I proTidn Uui pupllt ell- lty,’’ he said. "Then came the extend «*ntlrv« distance was traveled in a wax- CLPDEN HOHE HCSTLEBti. E.NCE OP WHIHHBT. EX HPIKIT OK on ASIOX. I4 Hevwsfter we iwminw th.t .11 Jtuition paid must ed hearings before the senat finance on. the Journey being a long weari V Herasftsr. we ^ueet all 4 either be holders committee and Importunities from some one. 14 country letters be• m.ii..!..... ------- --------------- county *-ighth many of the beat people In Michigan The greater pert of the lime Mr*, .K r diploma*, or those who have Wife Died at H e List sf 4Mfleers and Yaiisss f'smmft 4 reach ua not lateV than W^nes- 4; ^j^dea of work In a especially among the fanners, asking la WestpkaHa of D'omlili) trtlutlrallj Idom* latngan has resided in I/raawee and roe to withhold Judgment until the 4 aa much ear- ♦ graded school district as evidenced PrsBi Effects sf UaasiMt Find «>4 for Aaaiial Ktrat Pmcrsm* Allegan counties, coming to St. Johns lea- AttracUsas Will he Listed 4 leve I® iT i statement of the su- hearings were concluded. By Hashaad. nearly twelve years ago where she .Text Week. 4 hour. onWDUon st late 4 p^rlnendent of schools In such graded "I did so. I desire to do that which Oiton hj .HtImmiU. liad since continued to live is best for the entire slate of Michi <*l»trict. She was the mother of four chil ---------- I4 TTJlaThis also opplloaoppllss to notices.notlc***. t4 »,^veral questions have arisen in gan. as well as for the country at (From Portland Review.) dren. two sons and two daughters, At a meeting Mondav night In the t «nnounc*mienU. *4c.. which can 4 and I felt It due to myaelf and IliiEht hloBSomo. saylv •Imcinx this county ua to the interpretailon of to every Interest of the people that I birds, tnusir ami crowds of om* son dying at Traverse City short Interests of the Fourth of July ceic- ? earlier Juet aa 4 what is meant by "the completing of John Thome, of Westphalia town ly after the mother moved to St. city ('onslderaole *m- ^ well aa later. T’bere la a limit 4 proceed with all the care of which I ship, has had ffticouragement from In'- happy boys .ind Elrls wcrr ••n***riain* bratlon In this city I'onslderaole <m ^ .. - ------ ^ **lghi grades of work In a graded am rapable. ins fostuprs of the service .it the <*on- Johns. thusiaem was manifested. C. R. ^ to our cavity to take care of 4 arhool district as evidenced by the fluentlal source* In the belief that The surviving children arc X. G. '4 news matter and a little for*»- 4 sutiemtenUent of said graded district." "I have done so. I have i(M>ked at hi* brother-in-law, John Miller, will Rmtcattonal rhiiirh Sunday tiinmlnK. C lark acted aa chairman and I.^w F ^ . .... — . pet...h-umt -.h ui m»u arau**u msinci. this matter from every point of view. when thr annual obs«*r4anr«* of rhil* I..aaxan of Jackson. Mrs Itenba Car- Cutcheon serreury The following T thought and abiding by inia re- 4 i submitted the following questions be able to get a parole aa soon aa be lis of Gmwn and Mlaa Kate l.,anRan wer»* chosen as iiermaoentiiermanent officer* • quest will assist very materially. 4 ' lo the attornev eeneimi* And In the broadest aenae, having In baa served one-half of the minimum dr»»n’a day was niadr must pffpotlvt*. to the attorney generml: mind not only the temporary but the Thf hea^T rain storm conilnx on of this place for the occasion: ♦ THE F>TTHIelSHKR 4 1. Would a child who had fall**d in of his sentence and to this )-nd in Mrs. loingan united with the Con- President —Bd. J. Moinet. ♦ 4 l*ermanent welfare of thla country, I circulating a petition among friends, Just before the hour of Hcrvire de* the county eighth grade test, be en feel compelled to seixe this opportun laypd the proxraiii nomowhat, but it grcgatlonul church shortly after com .Serretavy—I.*ew F rutrheon. ♦4444444444444444 titled to have his tuition laiid by his neighbor* and acquaintances of tbs ing to this city, and was a woman of Treasurer R. C Dexter ity to «<«tabllsh between Canada and prisoner asking for such clemency. In no way dampened the Joyous spirits district. If he should enter some high the I'nited States that degree of cor of the younie panirl|»ants or the older strong ChrisUsn principles. An executive committee was chosen school In the fall without any en Miller was sentenced by Judge SssrI dial Intimacy which. I believe, will of the Clinton county circuit, to from spoctators, and the proicnin) was Riv consisting of following gentlemen: PHYSICRL TRRMING CIRSS trance examination lo said graded or lead to the ultimate beat good and en in ItK ntirety. Horace P. Gage, chairman; la*e I)e- high school? The attorney general ’s 7 to 14 years on his plea of guilty to bighfst development of both coun the charge of manslaughter. He will H pretty novelty of the proRram was 'Vltt. L. I> Parr, M’m. Gllllson. J«»s*e reply was that he would .NOT be en tries." the buildinR of a floral croas. In whlrh TERCHER RESIGNS RND lUncroft, r 8 Clark A J. Grisarnld. ENTERTRINED FRIENDS FRIDRY titled under the law to have his tui have served 3S years of this next every m* mlier of the conRreRutlon had Thla committee made choice of the tion |iald by his disiric fall and it is for the purpose of hav a part, from the wee toddlers of three following sub-committees- WOKK OK Pl’PILS VERY f’llEIIIT- 2 Would a child who had failed ing the case ready lo present to the SUCCESSOR EN6R6ED 9 pardon board at that time that tbs to thos*' who are almost tottennR un ibibllclty committee —le F. Cutch- AHLY DEMHXMTKATED. In the county eighth grade test be en 8TRYINR8 ‘““RT der the burden of four score years •-on. C. S Clark and C. C Vaughan. titled under the law to bis tuition psi*! petition baa been started at hla time. As the hymn "Onward. Christian Sol TWO .XKW TEAKHKHM -f'OKKKi • Entenainment r-ommittee —a . J J . Yil* district. If he should take an •Mr. Thome has found little oppo diers" was tielnx sunR the aiidlenre TlOX IN MADE. Griswold. R. G. Allison and Fred f^n day, now an annual event glv- •-ntrance examination in a graded or SRGINRW GONCUMIE sition to the plan. Warden Fuller of marrhed around the churrh. defioslt- Tremper en b> the children of the central high achool. and |»aas said entrance the Ionia reformatory says Miller InR a rose near th<- altar to l»e made liecorating commltt* ‘e—G H Chap arhool on the school lawn was •*xaminalion. and receive as "'Idence has made an Ideal priimner, while It one of the functions MI DDEX HEATH HK JAMES KIXD- a i>art of the b<‘auttful emblem of .Mias Human Florrer, who for the past man. C O. Du Hols.