Get This! Scot Boston

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Get This! Scot Boston Two) PAGE THKKK THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 5. 1921 (Section AT MESA .CARPENTIER'S CAREER. Th. Arizona Eastern boys journey Shotgun Artists FANS CAN over to Mesa this afternoon to battle STOHE VALLEY BASEBALL the gate city boys. Tb.e Tans nave Meet Today For been watching the rail boys climb Bill out of the cellar gradually, working .1 GEDK1E IlOTffittTJClEIB I their way to the top. They etarteu Old Time Shoot from the bottom and took m as they The Phoenix Gun club will hold a LEADING PLEHTYOFSPQRTTHISfiFTE RI10DH came, defeating: the Florence team practice shoot this afternoon start- IT AESHEIEHCAKT last Sunday in the second game tne ing at 3 p.m. at their traps on East Ml WAtMPS orison bova lost this season. McDowell road. This is the first be v.. ...v.. 11 nM. v VonnrhlnM. base Frits, short While the Mesa team looks to big practice shoot Arizona By r.ii.t. ui iMnH valley on since the HAL COCHRAN I field: Bailey, third the fastest team in the which was he;a plenty of amusement today with stop; Quetia. right paper, they not been playing slate tournament Chapter IV. games booked in every city in the base: Aroou. renter nem. to;;". have here several months ago. league. catcher: Wis White, pitcher; Hay up to form this season. The Mesa Many members who will partid-- -. HEL Georges Carpentier, with a long club is the best balanced team In the wood, base. pate afternoon's shoot and string- of victories over English fight - RIVERSIDE PARK first alley, and with Lush an GI1L they in this I Pepper, left of shooters from Ray will r--t ers, una cmsutu Riv.r.iH. n,ri, ui White Knx LlneuD They several the 1 noi yei wim .h. - are well supplied with beavers. lt,,. nmniuj th!!.M-r. Murnhv. center field: Messon. be on hand to take part. Owing to i aney Rnm ! are about due for a win over there. Dicycle racers in the 1921 part of 1911. fast Wlckenburg Sluggers in nine catcher; Thomas, right field;. Moore. the fact that It has been some time championship race though he lost Captain third base: Warren, first base since sportsmen have gathered at Frank Loughrey, of Pittsburg at frames. Callahan is work . the tne two races. .1.1,. ,a . a aflv Hit-key- sec up clay birds . last. I .1mA v nnlta - " ' - ing hard to have Browns ln Al short stop; Haldiman. the trapa to break the into wiuv, niM the New York Yanks Win . in tne last five events Stone made Mtig shape for this afternoon's game with ond base: McNevItt and Brown. flight through the air wnen it is 4a points out of a possible 67, giv- - signed him in Paris. The practically a new lineup. Cal la pitchers; Hobson. utility. Easily From Browns whirled from the trap. It la a cer- -. tng an will be a good turn- him advantage of .672 per bout went the full 15 rounds but gathering together the best available AT GLENDALE Republican A. p. Leased Wire talnty that there ont..r:dgar Hait comes second with Carpentier had all the best of it. - alent, including several Cbyote and none misunderstanding out at today's shoot. : games TW. was NEW YORK. June 4. The New i ninia, missing me last two races. Success had been so una to Wildcat stars. The Tucson in regard to the game to be played won easily today He big I country-hol- d proved ma- York Americana TODAY'S GAMES had a lead and managed to Georges, in bouts with his that the Browns have the in otendale today. However, every 4. second place. I fighter be- - terial if handled right, and Callahan from St. Louis. to Meuset hit a Riverside park Wlckenburg vs. men, that but one stood thing is now ready for the Ramblers home run with two men on In the Al Bill Friend lumped from seventh I t ween him and the welterweight says he la going to do his best to to meet the Knights or foiurooui Browns. to bat-- push the Vrowna to the top of the fast first and Baker tripled with two men park White Hog ts. third position in the Tolleson-- I championship of France.' This team instead of the Phoenix Tigers, on the second, rewstar and Men At Eastlake I won and lost column. The boys in Phoenix race, boosting his average to tier, Robert Kustache, had cleaned as announced yesterday. ael collided while going after a fly Giant. with 34 points. I up on all of the topnotcl scrappers. practiced three nights last week and At Tempe Glendale creya vs. i07 today. The K. C.'s were wlillng to let the ball and the former obliged to Newman made the best spurt of and the welter crown rested on his will have a short workout Tigers play at Glendale. but since the Tempe. up ' I The Sluggers have been going good retire. Score: At Mesa Arizona Eastern vs. the list, moving from twentieth head. - Ramblers were more tnan anxious to R. H. place I Championsnip lately, defeating all comers in hard- Meita. to fourteenth on the list with Wint games. play the Caspy team, the booking of St. Louis 4 II an average of .149 per cent. The scrap was arranged and Car- - fought The Wlckenburg team to let tne game stsno as At Glendale K. C.s vs. Ramblers. - has practically the same lineup that fice decided New York At Florence Prison vs. Indepen- The following table gives the stand- inentier won a decision and the chain booked in the first place. This leaves Bayne. Palmer" - ing on points, average fig- - started this season And, with the game, Batteries: Boland. dents. - with tne nionship in 16 rounds. long practice and the benefit of team the Tiger team without a but and Severeid. Collins: Quinn. Fergu vs. urea on a basis of a possible b I Through all the training tor nis Manager Crandall said mat tney Schang. At Halstead grounds Outlaws I work, will give Browns some son. Khawkey and points, which is the highest number many fights, Mme. Vanhilbroucq. the would be In better condition for the o Chambers. I tiling to this afternoon at managers hold any rider could make by winning ev- - Manager Descamps' mother-in-la- hink about game next week. All bare ball win an Riverside park. pedal meeting at the Rose Tree ery race: had been Carnentter's guaraian The aame In Glendale will be called Cardinals Defeat . I al- - EASTLAKE PARK Monday evening at o'clock sharp. Rider Races Points Pet. gel. She watched over him and 3 p. m. sharp and a large crowd 11-- ' I days,- - saw at 9 Btone 5 45 .672 wava In Georges' younger The Western Giants are coming Is expected to be on nana to see me Philadelphia ' Hart .. 5 38 .567 that her handsome "son" was not back for revenge in this afternoon's girls. new Rambler team in action. ST. LOC18. June 4. St. Louis Friend ..... .. 5 34 .507 hothered bv the vounr game at Eastlake park against the for 13 and eight f HALSTEAO GROUNDS hatted Meadows hits NEW YORK SYSTEM Wheeler ... .. 6 32 .4721 do not blame the girls," she White Sox. The Sox stopped the Innings and defeated 1 so handsome, clever boys The Outlaws, another pen, baseball runs ln four HATS r Rosser . .. 4 32 .472 says, "Georges is winning dash of the colored Philadelphia. St. Louis used three scare on. ago organization, will lumo Into the melee V Yatea ... 3 31 .463 and famous. But i tnem several weeks and they are Just pitchers In the ninth Inning to stop Cleaned B'ecke 27 ' .403 Shortly copping the welter slump. Man on the Halstead group. Js after : McGarr .... .. 4 after cettinit hack from the Philadelphia rally. Fournler :358 Georges two more .ng nger to use noon, trying their luck artnst the a GRANO CANYON , Rorex .. 3 24 crown licked Hicks promises Wis run In fourth - 4 team, ne knocked a home the CO. 5 21- .11.1 high battlers. Jack Goldswain in - White against the Sox and Manager Chambers Transfer i out SHOE REPAIRING Cronln . May ) IP They'll- ) roan on base. j 209 rounds, and Everden, in 15 t ses - will use McXevitt laws will present practically the with one Lyall ... 1 14 Arthur m Haldiman either played under Score R H E All Wortw Guaranteed rounds, and was then matched with or Brown. The Giants like Eastlake same team that the 1 Goodson ... .. 2 13 194 year. Philadelphia 41 Call and 1 13 "in Dixie Kid. an American negro fighter. park and the Sox are playing on Halstead banner last We for Denver Rhoads . ... staged on The baggage smashers have taken St. Louis j i 164 When the battle was foreign grounds. However, Haldl - 37 Adam St. Stoddard . ... 3 11 new spurt and with several new Batteries: Meadows. Betts. Kee- West 3 10 no August 29, 1911, Jack had not had man has little fear of his team get a Newman ... ... - members on the team, are due for a nan and Bruggy: Walker. Riviere, 3 10 149 a fight in over a month. He was tlnp stage fright at Eastlake park. Clemona. Feuerriegel ... little-excitem- ent for the fans. SherdcL North and 3 10 149 not ln tiptop condition and tne Kid Giants Lineup Johnson, left field Murphy in- 1 6 'nan handed him a beating five rounds.
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