Harry Wills and the Image of the Black Boxer from Jack Johnson to Joe Louis B r i a n D . B u n k 1- Department o f History University o f Massachusetts, Amherst The African-American press created images o f Harry Will: that were intended to restore the image o f the black boxer afterfack fohnson and to use these positive representations as effective tools in the fight against inequality. Newspapers high lighted Wills’s moral character in contrast to Johnsons questionable reputation. Articles, editorials, and cartoons presented Wills as a representative o f all Ameri cans regardless o f race and appealed to notions o f sportsmanship based on equal opportunity in support o f the fighter's efforts to gain a chance at the title. The representations also characterized Wills as a race man whose struggle against boxings color line was connected to the larger challengesfacing all African Ameri cans. The linking o f a sportsfigure to the broader cause o f civil rights would only intensify during the 1930s as figures such as Joe Louis became even more effec tive weapons in the fight against Jim Crow segregation. T h e author is grateful to Jennifer Fronc, John Higginson, and Christopher Rivers for their thoughtful comments on various drafts of this essay. He also wishes to thank Steven A. Riess, Lew Erenberg, and Jerry Gems who contribu:ed to a North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) conference panel where much of this material was first presented. Correspondence to
[email protected]. I n W HAT WAS PROBABLY T H E M O ST IMPORTANT mixed race heavyweight bout since Jim Jeffries met Jack Johnson, Luis Firpo and Harry Wills fought on September 11, 1924, at Boyle s Thirty Acres in Jersey City, New Jersey.