
THB WBATHRR NET PRESS RUN ^ a r t m m t by U. *. WcbthM Bmean, AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION H««» Barca for the month of December, 1028 ^^,jC 0tD 9- •i’ . Fair and colder tonight and 5,209 C 0 9 » Tnes^day. Blember of the Andit Bnreaa ot ClrcnlatioBS

(TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. x u n ., NO. 71. (Classified Advertising on Page 8) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7,1929.

TEX MADE MILLIONS J U G m V lA N WITH HI^ ETGHTERS Kidnapped by “Kind Old Man” ARMY PLANE , Jan. 7.— Here are 4> some of the biggest fights pro­ PICKING OF CABINET KING IS NOW moted by Tex Rickard with the UP END OF gate receipts: 1927— Tunney-Dempsey, Chi­ cago, $2,650,000. m H O D R ITS DICTATOR 1926 — Tunney - Dempsey, HOOVER’S FIRST TASK , $1,985,723. •$> 1921 — Dempsey-Carpentler, $1,626,580. Suspends Consdtution, Dis- 1927— Dempsey-Sharkey, $1- Crew Determined to Keep President-Elect First Re­ 083,529. Crime Center O f U, S. 1923— Dempsey-FIrpo, $1,- Aloft Until the Engines ports to President on His solves Parliament and Ap­ 082,590. 1924— Wills-Firpo, $462,580. Is Found In Chicago points His Own Cabinet; 1919 — Dempsey - Willard, Break Down — Repairs South American Trip and $452,522. 1923— Firpo-WUlard, $434,- Made in Mide-Air. Chicago, Jan. 7.— Federal, coun-^and we expect to have them within Then Meets Delegates; Belgrade Overjoyed. • 269. ty and city forces prepared today to a short time,” declared First ^ ■ Assistant U. S. District Attorney E. \ dig into a mass of evidence, gath­ Morrow and Fletcher BUTiLETIN! ered in spectacular raids in Chica­ Northrop. Vienna, Jan. 7.— Belgrade and go Heights, yesterday, which they Northrop said Chicago Heights, all Jugo-Slavia were reported quiet Nielroimlitan Airport, Los believe will uncover the operations for five years, has been the head­ ,Mentioned for Place in the teday following King Alexander’s . SPORTS HOORN Angeles, Gal.. Jan. 7.-—The of the ‘ ‘Crime Capital ot America.” quarters of a desperate band that coupe d'etat in suspending the con­ record breaking flight of the Twenty-seven prisoners, many of has slowly extended its domination them sought for weeks by federal and its power until decent citizens stitution, dissolving Parliament and Army endnrance plane Ques­ New Cabinet. TBE DEATH OF tion Mark came near disaster men of a dozen cifies, are in cus­ in the district and officials who appointing a new Cabinet, thus today when refueling plane tody. wanted to be honest, felt unable to combat the tremendous forces be­ making himself dictator. No. 1 stmek an air pocket arid “ We still want two, possibly Washington, Jan. 7— President- three men to complete our chain. hind the rings. General Peter Zlvkovic, premier dropped to within three feet of Elect Herbert Hoover started off TE J^C K A R D the big Fokker. anc^ minister of interior, ordered the crowded program arranged for the dissolution of all parties with The refueling plane was in Nationalistic or religious basis, par­ chaiize of Captain Balph Hoyt. him in Washington with a 35-mIn- ticularly the Croatian and Slove i- Major (’arl Spatz. flight QUIZ WOMAN’S RELATIVE ute meeting with President Cpo- ian clericals and Bosnian Hussel- Body of Famous Fight Pro­ commander, handling the noz­ lidge at the White House today. man group.' This foreshadows a zle of the gasoline hose, was obliged to hurrle

unanimous vote in favor of the WORLD GOOD WILL Kellogg peace pact. COMPimS SK YEARS FIGHT OYER P A a SPORTS MOURN JACKSON RESIGNS The attendance prize today was ARM YPLAN E^ OBITUARY awarded to John Barstow. It was donated by Merton H. Strickland. IN SERVICE OF N A H I ENTERS 2ND WEEK INSURANCE JOB MEANS P R O S P Q U H President Frank Anderson ^ and THE DEATH OF Trustee Clarence Quimby went to UP END OF Wbnt Through Great Storm DEATHS Boston this afternoon to attend a J nreeting of the presidents and Which Sank the Vestris; PoD Taken in Senate Fore­ “TEX” RICKARD Leaves Prudential Manager­ Cliarles Lee. , So Charles Cheney Tells Ki- officers of the Kiwanls clubs in New 144111 HOUR . Has Traveled Widely. England. Secretary G. H. Wilcox Charles Lee, well known Bolton (Continued from Paga 1) resident, died at Memorial hospital will go to Boston tomorrow to be 'Theodore M. Zimmerman, former casts the Defeat of Reso­ (Contlnaed from Page 1) ship— Plans to Take a wanians Today— Favors present at the meeting tomorrow Manchester young man; has com­ at 8 o’clock last night, three hours There was no saying, how much after being admitted, from intes­ night. pleted six years of service In the striken New Year’s day, fought The Manchester Kiwanis club is longer the Question mark would bravely four days, but succumbed tinal trouble.. He was 42 years old, United States Navy and is back lution Supporters. Rest Now. League of Nations. planning to bold a boys meeting soar over the field. home again following the expiration to tho spread of the gangrenous in­ was born in Bolton and bad lived Airport officials predicted that it there all of his life. similar to the one held a year ago. of his enlistment. For four years fection early yfesterday. ■ \ The time and place iS to be arrang­ may be a few more days before the Mr. Lee was a farmer. He is great plane is forced to return to Mr. Zimmerman was an engineer, Washington, Jan. 7.— The Sen­ Rickard’s fight against acute An unusual number of changes survived by his wife and eight chil­ Charles Cheney, president of ed for by a committee appointed second class, aboard the U. S. S. gangrenous appendicitis following have taken place in the insurance by the president. earth. ate’s old Irreconcilable band was dren, Catherine, Amelia, Byron, Cheney Brothers, gave the members Following a night and morning California, flagship of the western fighting a losing battle today for an emergency operation New Year’s field in Manchester the first week of Edna, Evelyn, Theresa, Hedwig night, ended at 8:37 o’clock yester­ of the Manchester Kfwanis club an ot dogged battling against faltering fleet. During that tim’e he had oc­ the year, the most important being and Pearl. There are also three casion to visit New-'Zealand, Aus­ the adoption of a "resolution of ex­ day morning. He lapsed into un­ engines, the crew of the Question that of the resignation of Isaac sisters and four brothers, Mrs. illuminating address on “ Interna­ tralia, Hawaii, Honolulu, Mexico planation” in conection with Ameri­ consciousness just as the light of a VOODOO MURDER TRIAL Mark admitted that the end of the Jackson as local manager of the Jennie Holmberg of Glastonbury, tional Relations” in the short time and crossed the equator twice in his can ratification of the Kellogg- soft tropical dawn came stealing accorded him at today’s luncheon. amazing flight was approaching, but Briand Anti-War Treaty. Prudential Insurance Company, Mrs. Catherine Holmberg of Man­ travels. across the Atlantic and into his hos­ chester, Mrs. Ahnie Aitkens of In the course of bis talk Mr. Cheney HAS NATION’ S ATTENTION never lessened their efforts to keep An incomplete poll of the Senate which has offices in the Cheney the ship aloft. At his own Request because of a pital room. He died peacefully two Glastonbury, Myron Lee of South declared himself emphatically for desire to be nearer home, he was by International News Service indi­ hours later. block. There were also many (Continued from Page 1) “ It looks a lot as though the Bolton, Albert Lee of Dobsonville, a League of Nations, or some simi­ transferred to the U. S. S. SalinEts. cates they would muster less than a Was 57 Years Old changes in locations of offices, lar international association that human being Is going to outlast the score of votes for their explanatory agents and supervisors In several Herald Lee of Bolton and Russell a tanker which suppled! oil for gov­ He was 57 years old on January Lee of Glastonbury. can make laws for the world to the Continental 'Congress sat in motors,” wrote Major Spatz in the resolution. Its defeat seemed as- 2, celebrating his birthday in the other companies. 177t-78, is greatly aroused by the log of the plane, dropped to the ernment vessels in the Atlantic. Funeral arrangements are in­ obey. The ship plies between Norfolk, Va., .suied, since the whole group of hospital the day after the operation. Mr. Jackson, who entered the em­ Anarchy and primitive savagery trial and the prospect of testimony field. League of Nations Democrats have ploy of the Prudential Insurance complete but the service will prob­ delving deeply into witchcraft— a and Fort Arthur, Te.\as. The Sal­ His pretty and youthful wife had ably be held Wednesday afternoon. can oqly result if all laws are aban­ united with the administration been with him almost without rest Compaiy as an agent thirteen years subject in which many of the na­ inas was well off the coast of Vir­ doned. Complete liberty would re­ ginia during the recent severe gale leaders to ratify the treaty without since the operation. ago was such an individual produc­ tives are said to be thoroughly fa­ STOVE OVERTURNED. duce the world to a pre-historic which wrecked the British steamer conditions. Every aid that medical science er that he was named as manager state. Mr. Cheney outlined the de­ miliar. In Second Week. could give the promoter in the of the local office nine years ago. Witchcraft and its attendant be­ Vestris with a big loss of Irves. velopment of laws from the time Zimmerman says that only tho The treaty fight entered its sec­ odds-on struggle a,gainst acute in­ The business increased and the KIDS PLAY W A R , that the father as head of the fami­ liefs and “ hunches” are so preval­ CAUSE OF FIRE TODAY ond week with Senator Thomas J. fection and advancing years was force was added to. It finally be­ ent here, it is said, that niany men fact that it was carrying a full cargo ly laid down specific rules of con­ of three million gallons of oil, Walsh (D) of Montana, scheduled his. came necessary to make a change duct for his flock through to the of York county make practise of to conclude the defense of the com­ He was operated on in Allison and there was a.sub-division of the carefully gathering up the hair Sets Woodwork in Urbanetli saved the Salinas from going down. ONE IS INJURED present time when laws for the As it was, the sea was so ruogh pact. There after the Irrecducil- hospital, newest and most complete­ work, the office being divided with gpvernment of tho nations of the shorn from their heads in the bar­ Place Blazing—Fire Appara­ ables will have a clear right of way ly equipped sanitarium designed to two managers, William Keating, an ber shops and carry it home in pa­ that the mountainous waves kept world are being drawn. After the tus Not Needed. the ship under the crest of the to debate the treaty as long as they minister to the wealthy who come agent appointed by Mr. Jackson, family unit came the tribes. From per bags. They believe that if the please. If the debate indicates a south seeking health. being made the other manager. hair were swept out and the birds waves for over 30 hours during the tribes grew the villages, the J^Il east side apparatus of the which not a man ventured on deck. filibuster is being conducted Rickard had been unable to take The business has continued to grow Patsy Annilo Just Misses towns, the states, ahd the nations. should use strands of it to build a South Manchester Fire Department against ratification, administration nourishment or to retain water on nest, the individual’s head would and further clerical forces were Laws kept these various units in­ was called out at 1:45 this after­ All members and associates of leaders plan to invoke night ses­ his stomach since the operation. added. tact. They could never have surviv­ ache until the nest was destroyed noon to put out a fire In the home Water was given by hypodermic, Having Eye Shot Out by by time and weather. the Girls’ Friendly society are sions. The present program will be The Manchesier office was further ed in the beginning and could not of Peter Urbanetti. Shoemaker, at urged not to forget the meeting at directed toward securing ratifica­ but his strength ebbed. added to by taking over the Rock­ survive today without laws. People Keep Silent. Main street near Middle Turnpike. Fought Game Fight Now that the trial of Blymyer, 7:30 tonight in St. Mary’s Parish tion before the end of the week. ville business. The attention that the Enemy. Hoover’s Trip A stove in the kitchen which hall. The real opposition to adoption of With the courage with which he was necassary to office catail and Mr. Cheney believes that the Hess and Curry has taken the spot­ had apparently been standing on a a resolution of explanation was re­ had looked level-eyed at fate on the assistance in breaking in new prosperity df the nations individual­ light the people are mum on the none-too-firm foundation fell hard and hazardous days of Gold­ subject of black magic. Yet it is vealed today. The adminstration agents instead of adding to Mr. Patsy, small son of Pasquale ly and the world as a whole 4®* against the wall and set the wood­ PARSONS group has two reasons; The Demo­ field, Tonopah and the Yukon. Jackson’s income meant that he pends upon good will. He cited no secret that in many homes those work afire. Joseph Rogers, local TONIGHT Rickard battled with death up to Annilo, of Parnell Place was acci­ President-Elect Herbert Hoover’s witch books called the Himmels- mail carrier, and Thomas J. TUES. AND WED. NIGHTS cratic pro-treaty forces, one. was able to give less time to per­ brlef (or heavenly letter) and the Would Hit Department. his last fninute of consciousness. dentally injured by an’ air rifie in good will trip to South America as Quish, happened by the scene at POPULAR .MAT. WEDNESD.AY sonal production and with increas­ Long Lost Friend are kept in the Administration leaders believe .When he was permitted to see Jack a great bid tor business and also the time and Put out the fire with 50c to $1.50 ing work inside there was less time the hands of Willie Harberen, family library with the bible, and the resolution, if adopted, would Dempsey for a moment Saturday, called attention to the fact that Col. basins of water from a nearby sink. RETURNS IN RESIMJNSB he told the fighter that he felt cer­ to be given to outside x^ork. Mr. Saturday afternoon. He was taken read with just as much constancy. strike a blow at the prestige of the Jackson has no plans at the pres­ Charles A. Lindbergh’s great flight The alarm, however, had been TO l»OPUIiAR DEAIAND tain of winning. ti Dr. A. B. Moran who removed Judge Ray P. Sherwood, who will State Department, since it would be ent but it is not unlikely that he the “ B.B.” Luckshot that had lodg­ had done considerable towards turned in by Urbanetti but the fire But the odds against him were preside at the trial, said he would was put out without even the use record RUHS in hew YORit interpreted as censuring 'Secretary may later start an agency of his ed just above his left eye. The in­ cementing good feelings between too gredt. His store of vitality low­ this country and France. take all necessary precautions to of chemicals. LONDON of State Frank B. Kellogg for al- ered by the four-day fight, there own, but this will not be done until jury was not serious. see that order Is maintained and PAMS leggedly failing tc piopsrly protect he has taken a much needed rest. yThe shooting came abou! when ^he objective now. believed Mr. Be r l in was nothing in reserve to meet the Cheney, is to find not more laws, that crowds will not be permitted anotsUwr the interest of the United States greater crisis and fight off the The change in management made Santa Claus committ d the grave to overrun the courtroom. The Cogntrka while negotiating the treaty. They .. few months ago in the local mistake of presenting the “ kids” of but better laws. He thinks that CHURCH RECEPTION spreading infection. secret treaties should be abhorred doors will be locked after all seats — •' / ■ /

•. / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,'SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN.,-MONDAY, JANUARY T,i 1929. STUDY ALL ANGLES SCHOOL SAVINGS JUNEY PUYERS OURM m TGtSEELDRAY CAVERNS ST. JAMES CHUROl FORMER LOCAL R M I T Following is the school savings Mr. and Mrs. Emil Johnson of ON WASHWerON TRIP M AR li^ IN CALIFORNIA FOR LOCAL AIRPORT summary for the week ending Jan­ 20 Fairfield street were pleasantly DI HAS FINE RH»0RT uary 1. It includes only Ninth Dis­ surprised Saturday - evening when trict schools, the others not being about 35 o f their friends and rela­ Yirgiiiia Caves Included in Aivnouncements have been re-. , celved in town announcing thri mar- in session at the time: tives from this town and Rockville Spring Itinerary of High Enroll- PvACnoVAIIC Y a JIF- ^llAW fl* on December 7, 1928 ot Fred Chamber’s Committee Will De- Will Present ‘TTie Dragon” gathered' at their home. As a re­ Howell C h oiei M s Resnlte School Pilgrims. rrosperous lear onowll, JJ Linde, formerly of Manchester, School ment posits minder of tbe occasion, the young ^ - • * Washington . ____339 303 couple received a beautiful chest of but.nowXof .feanta Ana, Calffi, to The beautiful and historic Cav- Miss Flora Clarke, daughter of Mr. Barnard ...... 4 1 8 346 silver. Games, music and, a social Go hto Proposition in De~ at High School Halt Spe< I of Smnmer^s Stolly of erqs of Luray, In Page County, In Church Debt Reduced and Mrs. jHalfred Clarke, also of Nathan Hale ____463 357 time were enjoyed. The guests tlie Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, Santa Ana. Bunce ...... ____70 39 brought with them plenty of good will be Visited by the senior Wash­ taQ Before Recommending Lincoln ...... 4 5 0 247 cial Student Rate. things to eat and everyone enjoy­ ington trip party from Manchester Widiont Hardship. ed the buffet luncheon served dur­ High school next April, it is stated 1740 1292 74 ing the latter part of the evening. ,|iy Principal Clarence P. Quimby. The following questions are un-. The Jitney Players have for­ In the first of fils talks on “ iJe- This will bo the first time that the In the annual report* of St. der consideration by the Manchester saken the gypsy trail. No longer do mocracy” before thf Men’s League Caverns of Luray have been includ­ James Roman Catholic church read The regular Tuesday and Thurs­ Chamber of Commerce committee TABLEAUX AHRACT they fold up their tents and hiber­ NATIONAL CAPITAL of the Center church, Howell Che­ ed' in the itinerary of a Washtng- at all of the three masses in the day afternoon gym class for busi­ on an aviation field. In planning a nate during the winter months. to ney gave ah account of his own ex? ■ ton pilgrimage from Manchester. church yesterday mornings by Rev. ness men will be resumed agriin to­ field every possible angle must be emerge In the sprin^j for another perience in search of the real The cave was discovered in 1878 William , P. Reidy, the pastor, morrow at the School street Recrea­ taken into consideration before any­ tour of the moonlit way.''they have meaning o f democracy.. He told of and shortly thereafter were opened showed that the church had an ex­ tion Center following the Chtistmrs thing definite is decided, and^ this AN AUDIENCE OF 450 become instead a permanent organi­ NEEDS CATHEDRAL his democratic forebears and his to the pdblic. It is now one of the ceptionally prosperous year. In ad­ vacation period. list gives some idea of the info'rma- zation, a travelling theater which teachers,.Arthur Hadley and Wil­ most famous caves In the world. dition to the upkepp of the church, tion needed. purports to bring the drama to liam Suihner' of Litchfield. As he . v^he management of the Caverns tbe school and the convent, the in­ Is a municipal or private field to towns where drama seldom comes grew elder -demopracy did nqt - has provided every facility for visi­ come ^was such that it was possible be preferred? What are the laws Scenes in Bible History Pre< in its best form and to give plays Association Representative measure up to Ibis ideal and finally, tors to see their wonders in the most to meet all obligations and to make SALE of. Connecticut relative to town or in out of the way places where even last summer, be decided to s^end comfortable manner. Cement walks a. substantial reduction on the city acquiring land for such pur­ a movie is an event. The auto time in findinj out about democ­ had been laid, stairways, bridges church debt. poses? Difference between an air­ sented at the South Meth­ equipment which was originated by Spraks at St Mary’s Epis­ racy. , and iron rails have been erected Coming to Manchester six years ago, or just after the completion of port and landing field. Legal ob­ them will serve them in good stead “ I boarded a train,’! said the where such safeguard was neces- Stamped Goods and the school and the convent. Rev. ligation of promoters of an airport during the cold months as it did in speaker, “ and met a German pro­ ■ sary arid the entire route through odist Church. the summer. But as winter visitors copal Church. William P. Reidy instituted a sys­ or landing field. cessor and for a day and a half he this subterranean palace is illumi- “ We are now on an air route but they will have to come in out of tem of payments that did lujt add talked'about the failure of democ­ ated by indirect electric light. not of it. Planes pass over our their big tents and auto stage and to th-' hardship of those in the con­ Finished Articles racy in this country. He spoke of The chaperons who will accom­ heads but cannot stop. Is it nec­ The series ol Biblical tableaux perforiE\in halls or theaters. Speaking before an appreciative gregation and as a result the debt the failure of suffrage, of the dis­ pany the students on the their trip essary or desirable that they On Tuesday evening January 8 to Washington which start April 27 has been decreased nne-thlrd. That presented last night at the South gathering yesterday at St. Mary's obedience to law. of the political the number attending church, or should? What definite advanta.ie the Jitney Players will come to and lasts six days, are Wilfred J. Methodist Episcopal church drew Episcopal church Rev. Alfred J corruption In New. York, Philadel­ having come into South Manches­ Mrs. Elliotts Shop will be derived by the establish­ Manchester, appearing at the High Clarke, director of physical educa­ Wilder, field representative of the phia and Chicago, the “ racketeer­ ter has increased was indicated in ment of a landing field in Manches­ an audience of 450 people, the School Auditorium in Lady Gre­ tion on the Ninth School District, 853 Main Street ter? What direct disadvantages largest attendance yet at any even­ gory’s “ The Dragon.” Since the idea National Cathedral association, de­ ing” which ip organized blackmail one item alone,, the regular Sunday coach of the High school basketball collection which Increased over will we suffer from the failure to ing service given In thfe social hall. of this organization became a clared that citizens everywhere and tbe humiliating national ex-; should interest themselves in has­ team and former director of the $500 during the year. secure land for one? The presentation in every respect reality they have appeared several perience with corruption. He tening the day when it can no long­ Recreational Centers: Miss Mar­ The four masses that held “ Commercial aviation is not a was a very creditable one. times in this town which Is tbe brought out the fact that Chicago garet Gist, teacher of junior Eng­ thing that is coming— it is here. er be said that the national capital schools were controlled by a politi­ each Sunday in the church are all Thomas . Maxwell, the director, native home of Buslinell Cheney, is without an adequate expression lish, faculty director of the Sock largely attended. The mass start­ How long will it be before the lack had all tbe details worked out in the originator. Mr. Cheney felt that cal gang under the- camoufiage of and Buskin Glub, and Mr. and Mrs. of a suitable landing field in Man­ of the spiritual aspirations of the ing at 8:30, attended by adults in a manner that insured success, and he did uot want to sta t out on this repressing English influence and C. P. Quimby, who have supervised chester will prove a handicap to our American people. the main church and by children in important tour which makes the how high officials of gover'nmeut •the Washln^on pilgrimages for local manufacturers and mer­ the enthusiasm of the cast was the lower part of the church re­ Players a permanent thea.er with­ “ For more than a century Wash­ sold their influence, makifig man several years. chants? Is Hartford near enough evident in their work, a factor that ington has been impressive with sults in over 1,200 being present at out coming to Manchester at the {iVe a mechanical machine, und^r The cost of the Washington trip to serve all useful purposes? One also added to the event. public buildings,” the speaker said, this service each Sunday. One of the power of a body of gangsters. to outsiders will be $58 this year, thing to seriously consider is our The various portrayals with the very beginnin.g. “ yet only now is an edifice begin­ the big expenditures outside of ‘ he “ 1 had no time to go into the close proximity to Brainard Fie’ d — surrounding scenic effects were In- j It Is hoped to have an organiza­ ning to rise which will adequately increase oif three dollars caused l>y regular running expenses as for the subject deeply,” said Mr. Chenev, the addition of the Luray Caverns much nearer than New York City spiring, and the audience was held tion n«xt V r.ter which will play a symbolize what Christianity means work done on the playgroAinds “ so I decided to take my summer’s to the itinerary. is to any airport, and this should in rapt attention as the several sa­ sories of dates in a series of com- to the life of the nation. around the school which cost $1,- munitlec in New England, return­ vacation to build-up my foundation Anyone wishing to go on the trip, govern the type of field for Man­ cred themes were presented in an “ To the man who is either an 700 and was completed during the ing two, three or four times during and faith in democracy. Take Italy who is not a student, should either last summer vacation of the chester. Name of town or roof— 12 educational manner. In the cos­ habitual church-goer, or who has to 14 foot letters. Size and cost of the season to present a different taken some account of his personal as an example. We cannot~grasp see Mr, Quimby or one of/the lead­ school. tumes a careful study was made play. A particular appeal will be ers of the four groups in charge of field? to depict with accuracy the various religion the idea of Washington tbe value of dictatorship, yet Ital­ “ Like a good hotel— it is not how made to school and college students financing.' The group leaders are: periods portrayed, and were of a without the completed Washington ians believe in it because it is a much we now use it but how much at that time and in ordo.* . t in­ promotion of Italian patriotism. No. 1, John Johnston and Alice beauty in color and , design that Cathedral should be a continuous Whole families are helping to DRY GIKLGERALE we would use it if we had it and terest the ycung people in the best challenge. Even though he live in Modean; No. 2, Robert Smith and was most picturesque. The scenery What is democracy? We cannot build a school in Walthamstow, how much we may lose to otlier sec­ which the drama has to ^offer. Mr. the remotest part of the country, Gertrude LaShay; No. 3, Robert also was designed both as to lay judge by individual ideas, we must England, with a rector as “ clerk A Surie Bet! tions by not having it. Roger Bab- Cheney is giving special rate tickets such a man will realize that the for­ be frank and find something to Treat and Ruth McMlnemy; No. 4, of works” ana general laborer. out and surroundings so as to har­ Raymond - Woodbridge and Ruth son says, “ The time will soon come to the boys and girls of the high warding of the Washington Cathe­ plant' our feet on. Is demoerhey The school wteui finished will hold when it will be as unfortunate to be monize with the story in pictures Behrend, Newgate Dry Ginger Ale school. They will bv, admitted on dral project is of vital concern to obedience to law? This Is the first 300 scholars. off an air route as to be off a rail­ and was elaborate without being * Tuesday evening for 25 cents. the church and the nation and, point of attack. It is, in part/ be­ in the big five glass bottle is road.” Davenport in Colliers says, overdone. y therefore, a chief concern of his cause it is a tool of democracy, an a sure bet. Carefully made “ Airports will have to be built and own!” the Rev. Mr. Wilder as­ The cast composed of 21 young instrument to measure “ achieve­ 22 TIRES WERE LOST unde^ ideal conditions— and maintained by the cities and towns men and women of the church COSMOPOUTAN CLUB serted. 375,000 Jars Vicks Now ment.-Democracy is the express ob­ so much beverage goodness to which they are attached. The showed signs of careful coaching The original idea of a great Produced Every 24 Hours early protest of property owners jective of millions of human be­ FROM TRUCK SATURDAY and their work was produced with­ qhurch structure in Washington for your money. i that air lines should build their own The Cosmopolitan club met with ings. The object of democracy Is That the public has not forgotten out any sign of self-consciousness was attributed to George Washing­ pursuit of life, liberty and 'happi­ V ports, just as railroads build their Mrs. Emma Lyons Nettleton of 14 ton, who suggested such a structure the lesson of 1918 is indicated by Insist on the best. New"- ■ or stage awkwardness. ness. We seek to obtain liberty Check-Up Being Made to Try own stations and terminals, is ad­ Huntington street Friday after­ when the plans for America’s.“ fed­ its prompt responses to the warning gate In the big green bottlri^ Most effective among the several mittedly foolish. Population fol­ noon and heard three interesting eral city” were being prepared. The through protection of property. to Locate Them— Police Are of health authorities to combat the lowed the railroads, and now that excellent features was the portray­ Read the life of Lincoln, how he wUh the blue Newgate label. papers. Mrs. Lillian S. Bowers first definite steps toward the Notified. flu by keeping free from colds. population centers have been estab­ al of "The Feast of Belshazzar,” spoke on current events of inter­ larger Washington Cathedral pro­ adopted himself to conditions and The demand for 'Vicks VapoRubs, lished the air will follow them. And and a thrilling episode in drama, FINE ALONE est, Mrs. Malcolm Mollan read a ject were taken in 1891 by a group how he was always oppressed by Twenty-two tires were lost from the vaporizing salve which proved those cities offering the facilities was the fiashing on the wall in the the sense of his own imperfec­ so valuable during the J918 epi­ OR paper on President-elect Hoover’s of Washington laymen. the truck. that was on Its way from will be first to benefit by the new midst of the revelry, of the de­ tions.” demic, has already shattered by a South American trip and Mrs. This group, the speaker said, re­ Hartford-; to Stafford Springs by AS A MIXER. transportation medium.” ^ nouncing of the “ handwriting on The speaker asked, “ Is democ­ wide margin, all previous records. “ The Ford Motor Company s Louis St. Clair Burr dealt with the ceived a charter from Congress in way of Manchester. Saturday. This the wall” from a concealed stere- racy the exercise of universal suf­ check-up was' made when the truck Although the capacity of the idea of a field is that the ideal field Kellogg peace pact. 1893 providing authority for the opticon and the terror which the frage?” He then went into detail reached Stafford Springs. With the Vicks laboratories has been tripled NEWGATE GINGER AIE should be a mile square. A real air­ In the absence of the president, erection of a cathedral and institu­ awful message conveyed to the ou this angle speaking of the ne­ five that were picked up Saturday since 1918, they are once more op­ ® CO. c? port, as differentiated from a mere Mrs. R. K. Anderson, who is con­ tions of learning- “ for the promo­ revelers. Another beautiful tableau groes arid value of suffrage. “ But, morning there was a net loss of erating night shifts. The present landing field for two seater planes, valescing, Mrs. James A. Irvine, tion of religion and education and THOMPSONVILLE was the concluding one “ The Rug­ charity.” Cathedral schools for he said, “ if suffrage Is democracy, twenty-two. output is more than 375,000 jars should have a minimum of two run- vice-president, conducted the meet­ ged Cross,” wherein the . entire boys and girls were first'established then ,^emocracy has failed. We are It was reported to the police this every 24 hours. WHys at least 2,500 feet long and ing. A card from Mrs. Ednah Che­ cast was grouped in a triangle form and in 1907 the foundation stone not self-goveined but, are we get­ mprqlug that eight of these tires Mild though it is in comparison 200 feet wide, with a 100 foot ney Underhill, of France, and a for­ with 1918, this year's epidemic has with the “ Cross” forming the apex, of the cathedral was laid in the ting there? The public indiffer­ had been recovered by people go­ space on either side that is clear mer member of the club, wished all already affected more than a million the trees, wires or other obstruc­ and at which point a figure repre­ presence of many notables. The ence to the conditions that exist is ing to Hartford about the time that a happy New Year. Mrs. Underhill persons, and it is apparently still tions. There should be no houses, senting “ Hope ’ was clinging to the Bethlehem Chapel in the crypt was a handicap. We have not arrived at the tires were being lost from the a iiS is an honorary member of the club. truck and there is also a report increasing. trees, hangars, or poles across the Cross. During this scene Miss Jessie completed in 1912. self-government and to do so, wo that six others are located, which ends of the runways— nothing must Larder, sang ery effectively the It was announced that the next At present, the Rev. Mr. Wilder must shed this attitude of indif­ Includes two that were taken on a . interfere with taking on or off in well known hymn “ The Old Rug­ (meeting on January 18 would be explained, the dntire foundation, ference towards the corruption in truck to Hartford. iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiliu and direction. The two runways ged Cross.” with Mrs. Maude B. Norton of 81 three chapels in the crypt, the apse the country.” Benton street. Mrs. C. R. Burr will From the bill that accompanied should cross either in the shape of and the major portion of the choir Mr. Cheney will continue his dis­ Evidence of royal pomp and address the club at that time tak­ the tires the size and number of an “X” an “L” or a “T”. with the wails have been completed and cussion of “ Democracy’^ before tho longer runway in the direction of stately courtiers wa displayed In ing as her subject her recent trav­ work is going forward rapidly on each tire is known and this is ex­ Men’s League next Sunday. the prevailing wind. The surface the number ‘‘Moses pleading with els in the Land of the Midnight the choir vaulting. pected to be a big help-in locating Pharaoh,” the setting of the throne some, of them. A representative of the landing field should be hard Sun. The talk will be illustrated The design of the cathedral is enough to support the plane durjng and surroundings being most spec­ of the Farman's Express company, with motion pictures. 14 th century gothic— the first BIGGEST CAST TO PUT was in town today. all seasons and so smooth that a tacular, the parts of royalty bqing large cathedral in this style to be motor car can be driven at fifty taken by Thomas Cordner as King, attempted in modern times. It will FRADIN’S miles an hour over any part of it and Mrs. Lillian Armstrong as rank in size with the great cathe­ ON “THE POOR N U T HOSPITAL NOTES without throwing the passengers Queen, in a most regal manner. ABOUT TOWN drals of the world, affording stand­ Annual January out of the seat. The best surface is During the changing of the sets ing room at great services for 27,- heavy grass or alfalfa, with plenty the Mandolin Club, ' under the Mrs. Seth Leslie Cheney and Miss 000 persons. Its great central Town Players’ Comedy Will of roots to bind the soil together. A son was. t>orn Saturday at the leadership of Frank ‘ Bradbury, Catherine D. Cheney of this town tower will rise 107 feet higher Have 19 Speaking Parts Be­ Memodal hospital to Mr. and Mrs. There should be suCBcient slant to played the several musical num­ were registered Saturday at the above the Potomac river than the give good drainage: otherwise, the sides “Extras.” Henry Connolly of 88 Florence bers. Mrs. Arthur Kittle and Mrs. Roosevelt, New York City. Washington Monument and will be street and a son was born yester­ field must be tiled. visible from nearly all parts of the Thomas Maxwell acted as mistress­ day to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grasso “ The TJ. S. Department of Com­ es of wardrobe. Isaac Proctor read ■iPhe Girl Scout monthly rally will city. In presenting “ The Poor Nut,” a merce, says, “ the most desirable three-act comedy of modern youih, of 163 Eldridge street. CLEARANCE the theme, Leslie Kittle manipulat­ be held Wednesday evening. Jan­ In additiofi to the great central field is square, clear of obstacles on Patients admitted were Lois ed the stereopticon and Augustus uary 9, at the School Street Rec at church, the Washington Cathedral at the Circle Theater on Friday, all four sides, smooth, well drained, Jan. 17i the Town Players will use Gustafson of 60 Cambridge street Pennery had charge of the lighting 8 o’clock. project calls for some thirty associ­ and free from ruts and deep-cut ated institutions, all held essential the biggest cast in ‘its history. on Saturday and Mrs. Anna Miller roads. It is not less than 2000 and color effects. Manchester Lodge of Moose No. to the complete program of nation­ Nineteen persons will have speak­ of 16 Hemlock street, Mrs. Anna feet on a side, and preferably more, After the performance the en­ ing parts and. In addition there will Whltehpuse of the Hotel Sheridan tire cast and those assisting were 1,477 will meet tonight at the wide Cathedral service. Among which permits crossed runways of these institutions is a College of he a group of Sock and Buskin Dlub and Charles Lee, 42. of Bolton yes­ given a luncheon of coffee, sand­ Home Club Hall on Brainard Place 2,800 feet, laid diagonnally upon Preachers, established over three members from the high school. terday. Mr. Lee died three hours the field. This is the goal toward wiches and cake. at 8 o’clock, A class of candidates 4848895353482353532323234853532348535348234848315353234853484848484848532323 will be Initiated. Following this years ago to stimulate and elevate One of the leading parts In the after he was admitted. which each city should aim in the preaching ministry. Clergymen coniedy, that of “ Colonel Small,” Michael Minnich of 79 Bridge establishing its airport.” roeeting the officers of the Home Club will hold an important meet­ from many states have attended proprietor of the University book­ street was discharged. The committee conducting this "conferences sponsored by this In­ store, will be taken, by Louis R. investigation consists of William A. ing. stitution, and according to the Smith, coach of the Players. Miss A double-deck bus, providing NEWAPPAREL Knofia, chairman, Lewis N. Heeb- MARLBOROUGH speaker work is now progressing Eugenia Walsh, will play the part ner and Benjamin H. Von Pilski. Clan McLean will meet tomorrow berths for 26 people and hot meals evening at 7:45 at Odd Fellows on the erection of a $250,000 build­ of “ Marjorie Blake,” a college girl. during the long journey, recently Miss Rita Curran will take the part Hall. As important business will ing for the use of the college. A was comjileted for service between ForriieLITTU MISS of “ Julia Winters,” a Wisconsin SENSATIONAL MURDER Miss Emma Weir spent the week b transacted all members are ask­ gift for that amount has been re­ Los Angeles and Philadelphia. end. in Colchester with friends. ed to attend. Some of the Royal ceived together with the promise of co-ed while Albert Tuttle will play an annual Income of $^0,000, he “ John Smith,” “ our hero.” All of our smart winter apparel Miss Fanny A. Blish returned to officers are expected at this meeting. for the little girl has been greatly- TRIAI AT THE STATE her school in Glastonbury Wednes­ said. , Other members of the cast are as day after spending the Christmas Mr. rind Mrs. G. H. Waddell of follows: “ JJagpie Welch,” the chepr reduced for quick clearance during vacation at her home here. East Center street entertained at leader, Terence/ Shannon; “ Spike January. - Natalie, infant daugh^e* of Mr. dinner Saturday' evening for JMr. Hoyt” , captain of Wisconsin track Warner Brothers’ “On Trial,” team, Franklin. ■Richmond; -"Wallle and Mrs. Barney Ofshay is 111 with and Mrs. Carl Oman of Willimaritic. MOOSEHEART WOMEN Pierce.” captain of OUn State track Continues Its Local Engage­ measles. Mr. and Mrs. Oman were until re­ ' School Frocks cently residents of this town. team. William Gahrmann; “ Pro­ ment. The electric current of the Cen­ fessor Demin,” , of the Botany de­ let Ut Budget tral Connecticut Power and Light OF STATE COME HERE partment, Benjamin Radding; .. From No other stage play ever trans­ Company was turned on here re­ Manchester Grange will hold a Tea Out ol Debt public whist In Odd Fellows Hall, “ Coach Jackson,” the track coach, ferred to the screen has len itself cently and most all who had their Frank McCann; “ Doc Spurney.” the so well to motion picture technique houses wired are receiving It. Wednesday evening, beginning at Will Be Guests of Local Chap­ 1.00 to 4.95 8 o’clock. Prizes will be awarded trainer, Robert Cushman; “ The of­ Our FaodlsrLoaaSerViee as “ On Trial,” the sensational suc­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Cooley and ter Tomorrow Afternoon ficial starter,” Frank Busch; “ A cess which Is now showing at the daughter Ruth Cooley of New Bri­ the winners and refreshments will W lUM veAnT«iir and Evening at the North freshman,” Roy Warren; “ Betty” , Coats • mm State Theater and attracting large tain were recent guests of his par­ be served. Florence Wilson; “Reggie,” , Alice Money Problenu crowds. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Coo­ End. Marshall; “Helen,” Beatrice Arm­ “ On Trial” Is a Warner Brothers’ ley. A son, Richard Godding, was from 2.98 to 12.50 born at the Hartf,ord Hospital Fri­ strong; “ Another Girl.” Carmeta g l e e to A N payable $5 Vitaphone production and the latest Mr. and Mrs. William Caflyn The local chapter of the Women Lasher; "Ohio, runner,” Kenneth day, January 4, to Mr. and Mrs. W. of Mooseheart Legion will entertain* monthly, plus lawful “ all-talking” picture to gain coun­ made a business trip to Portland, Anderson; Cheering squad, mem­ interest, try-wide achievement. A superlative Maine last week. L. B.arker of Newark, N. J. Mrs. delegations from all the chapters in Hats Barker was formerly Miss Florence bers of Sock and Buskin Society. cast of notables, prominent on moth Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hodge and tbe state tomorrow afternoon rind “ The Poor Nut” is the product of O’Connell of Hollister street. $200 tO A N payable $10 stage and screen, are seen in the family h.ave moved back to New- evening when Deputy Grand Re­ J. C., Nugent and Elliott Nugent, m onthly, plus la w ful Close out at 1.00 principal characterizations. field after spending a few months gent Ida Geer Weller of New York authors of "Kempy’'. interest, The regular meetin,g of Memorial City will conduct a school of In­ Pauline Frederick heads the cast at their house here. Temple No. 33. Pythian sisters, will in the role of Mrs. Gerald Trask, Schools in town began their win­ struction here. The sessions will $ 3 0 0 LOAN payable $15 Angora and he held Tuesday evening in Odd be held at the Manchester fire de­ wife of the man for whom the trial ter term on Thursday. Fellows Hall. The , installation of OPENING STOCKS m onthly, plus la w ful partment headquarters at Main and interest, is being conducted. Bert LyteP, Lois Several relatives attended the officers will take place, Mrs. Eliza­ Knitted Suits Wilson, Richard Tucker, Edward New Year’s party given by Misses Hilliard streets. OdMt Amoaoi* la Ptoportloo beth Fairman, District Deputy, of The school of Instruction pnder MartlndeM and Franklin Pangbarn Belle and Rachel Chamburlaiti at New York, Jan. 7.—The Stoc^ Thompsonville, being the Installing Deputy Grand Regent Weller will also contribute notable perform­ their home in Westchester. Market was unaettled at the open­ Cost fixed by law. Every repay* 3.95 and 4.95 officers. Refreshments and a social be held in the afternoon. A sup­ meat reduces the cost. Ail ances. Howara B. Lord and John A. ing today and-first prices were hour will follow the installation. per consisting of baked beaus, po­ generally Ib^wer. ‘ Ahaconda Copper loans in strict privacy. “ On Trial” .was directed for War­ Fuller were recent callers in Gilead. tato salad, cold slaw, boiled 'bam, Formerly to 6.95 ner Brothers by Archie Mayo, one Mrs. Pratt who is spending the The Llndy qoclal Club will meet lost 3 1-2 at 118 for a block of Call, Write or Phone pickles, olives, celery, rolls, cakd 10,000 shares, aind^Radio was down of the screen’s greatest directorial winter In Durham visited her Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the and coffee will be served at 6:30 p. PERSONAL FINANCE £ Children’s Blankets, reg. Dr. Denton’s Sleeping ; aces. The story is adapted from the aalugbter, Mrs. Henry J. Blakeslee home of Mrs. Josenh Murphy of 72 3 1-2 at 886. ' Coitimbia Orapho^ m. The regular meeting of the phone lost 2 points at 8i2; Mont­ COMPANY 1 .98...... 1.69 Garments, •well-known stage play by Elmer recently. Birch street. All members are Women of Mooseheart Legion will gomery Ward 1 1-4 at 146 1-4. Roonui 2 and 8, Mate Theater Rice. Miss Catherine Christensen of asked to be present. be held in the evening and H is ex­ Children’s Two Piece Childr^’s Union Suite} / ; The current issue of latest MGM New York City and Henry Christen­ American Can-gained a point o.t BnlklioK, 708 Main Street pected that several of the guests So. MANCHBSTKit. CONN. Flannel'Pajamas .... 89c sizes 3fl2'... * .v fOiR- ffews Events, a Tiflany-Stahl Color sen of Port Adams, R. I., were re­ Radio may be supplied through 113 1-4 and Curtiss Aei9 was up 2 will remain for this session. CrilL Write or l>hone 1-tl-4 ■ Giassic and a screa'm.ing Hal Roach cent guests of their parents, Mr. headphones to passengers on the Tomorrow’s meetings are being at 149 9-4. U. 8. Steel wris down Children’s Two Piece .C h ild r ^ ’s V ^ i ^ l 3-4 at 161: deneral' Motors down ' 8:80 to 0. 8af. 8:80 to 1 te^medy will round out th? program. and Mrs. C. S. Chrii*teri<»er. Hungarian'•State Railways In the held in the north end fire bouse be­ by State,. £ delightful program is being Mrs. John M. Pe(< East n"rt- near future. A train fitted with' at 1-jf;^ yortij eentfiH iPS^^unas, sums 8-14» 89e cause of the repairs which are brir /in’ i.|ipnaented three times daily— ^at ford visited relatives in town re- 'phones to every seat Is being teat ing made at the ,110080 Home , cltib #1 ■ ...... la iS f 6»4i8 and 944]^ eestlri l .. 1- » ••? . s V .' : ■'; .••'•:' ••',• • , ? i '^ - . . • . •■ '■ » - ‘Vv -■,••:■ •• "-* ■ ,;-.^ ^ ' ■."> • ^., •• • - ■ r : ^ . '- - ‘ • •' ' . V ' •'■’T', ■'•--.^-i T



blooded, mthlMs way. But he didj Rnasia was robbed of Its potency^— possess certain Qualltle's that are and what happened happened. &t«ttbig 9»rallt always admired. He had "cold nerve^the gambler’s kind of nerve. lE IilR ’EM NOTHING PITBUSHBO BY THB , 5^^ • PRINTINO COMPANY, INa He never risked a nickel unless he Those who know Herbert Hoo­ .t IS BUm U 8tr*et. made up hla mind that the odds ver best insist that one of his most Sooth UanohMUr. Conn. Foundofl by BQwood 8, were ^ in his favor, bat having so consplcnona traits ia geniality,. Oot. 1 .1S81 determined ho did not hesitate to There ia about him none of the B>vory Brenlng Bzoopt Sondayi and Holldayn. "shoot the works.” And he had an tight-lipped reserve of CaWln Cool^ Entered at the FoafOfllM at 3ooth almost uncanny .n°derstanding of idge. Yet now that the Prealdenb- Manchester. Conn.. a» Second Class Mn*'. Matter. the people ont of whom he made elect is back in Washington, after SUBSCKPmON RATBSt By Mall ^Oe Llsser, Inc.. S86 Madison Avenne. New 1o.'. den. - • do about anything, save as thoy and 61S North Michigan Avenna It would be too much to say that Chicago. might have deduced eome InUmar The Manchester Evening Herald is Tex Rickard was more responsible tion on this or that enbject from on sale In Nea York City at Sohol. '* News Stand. Sixth Avenne and 4lnA than other men for the'subordina­ his pre-election utterances or from Street, and 48nd. Street entrance of tion of every sporting quality to his well known general views on Grand Central Station and at all Hoatliig News Standa the dollar Interest, in those depart­ economics and government. •eve ments o f athletics in which he was Milliona ot words have been Client of International News Ser« EVBRt DEPARTMENT, WATKINS SEAL OP* vlca active, for he was probably just a printed‘about Hoover’s probable at­ IN THE STORE IS IN­ SATISFACTION O N "International News Service baa the exclusive rights to nse tor republlca* crystalizatlon of the spirit'ot the titude toward this or that current CLUDED IN THIS THE FURNITURE YOU tlon In any form all news dispatches times. Bat he will be remembered political problem— and they inlght STORE-WIDE EVENT, credited to or not otherwise credited BUY IS YOUR GUAR­ In this paper. It la also exclusively for many years as the most ont- as well have been omitted. With ANTEE. entitled to nse for repnbUoatlon all the local or undated news poblisbed atanding figure ot the most sordid the arrival ot the next President in herein." era in the history of sports. Washington only one probability Full Servlee Client of N E A Ser« vlca Member. Audit Bureau of Clrcu* seems to be in the least assured— latlona there will he a special session of MONDAY, JAN. 7, 1929 THE WRONG ROAD Congress. That aviation la rushing head­ RESERVATIONS long before it has learned to creep On Thursday of last week Seua> id the settled conviction of a good tor Bingham presented to the many persons not at all inclined D aily United States Senate four citizens’ to general pessimism or to ultra­ petitions from as many towns in conservatism. The tragic death or Washington Letter Connecticut, nrging the prompt the gallant young mail pilot Car­ ratification of the Kellogg multi* rington In the town of Union on By ALLENE SUMNER lateral treaty renouncing war; also Saturday is only one of a long se­ two petitions from organized ries of such fatalities which can­ Washington, Jan. 7— If Herbert groups, to the same effect. On the not be ascribed to incompetence, Hoover achieves the quiet inaugur­ carelessness cr any other canse but ation for which he has asked, it same day Senator McLean present* will only be over the pitiful, ed petitions, praying for the the inherent perils of scheduled mangled, heap-up bodies ot many prompt ratification of the treaty Hi^bt In machines fundamentally Washington business men. Efficient Colorful Furnishings for Kitchens wrong. Incidentally, if the thirty-first from forty*twc Connecticut groups president remains firm and wins Unless the airplane is made and organizations, including many his Quaker inauguration, it will women’s clubs and several Ameri­ capable of vertical take-off and be THE triumph of his reign, in­ Specially Priced for the can Legion Posts and AnzUiaries. landing it will continue to be a sist those who know what Wash­ death-trap to whoever is caugbt ington’s big butter and egg and On Friday, the day following the tourist bus and hotel and post card presentation of these petitions, aloft In circumstances such as those and megaphone men, amalgamat­ both Connecticut senators were which caused Carrington to lose ed, can do when they get started. his way and crash. When the day Meeting in frequent luncheon prominent. in the debate on the sessions on the matter ot per­ < Kellogg pact, both of them de­ arrives when it ^hall be possible SEMI-ANNUAL SALE suading Hoover to have a nice big manding interpretive resolutiona— for a pilot to bring his machine Inaugural and bring back the good- old days, they issue bulletins to Metal Vegetable Bins in green and yellow ...... 79c each which is a polite name for reserva­ down vertically, in case of tronblo, the effect that— Solid Oak Breakfast Set—5 pieces. Grey finish. Regular 849.00. tions. Senator Bingham expressed then aviation will be on its way to “The celebration which we anxiety lest the treaty ahoold ham­ a definite place as a highly usefnl seek should have no taint ot tbe S a le ...... ; ...... 839.00 per protection of American lives adjunct of our crowded and har­ commercial. There should be no Your choice three Breakfast Sets—Maple—Black and Red—also ried civilization. Until such time suggestion that we are trying to Green and Gold. Specially priced. Was 849.00. Sale...... 839.00 and property abroad. Senator Mc­ hold up the nation's citizenry Lean wanted to have it made very air service mast be carried on, if which comes here for the event, Large size Leonard Refrigerator—4-door, porcelain lined. Re­ clear that nothing in the pact at ail, in recognition of the fact “ We only ask that Washington duced from 893.00 t o ...... 875.00 that It will eoDtlnue to take a des­ not be shamed and criticized Two only—All white enameled steel porcelain lin^ L^nard Re­ should be recognized as interfer­ throughout the nation tor failing ing with the Monroe doctrine. perate toll of hnman life— so des to make adequate preparation for frigerators. Regular 8117.00. Sale Price ...... 835.00 We had hoped and we believed perate a toll that it is more than the thousands who, quiet Inau- Grey enamel Kitchen Cabinet. A 887.00 value. Special Sale questionable whether its benetUs igoration or not, will descend upon P rice ...... ,8 2 9 .0 0 Connectient people had hoped that us and expect to be cared for.’’ Grey and White porcelain Felt Base Floor Covering. compensate for its disasters. Two Kitchen Cupboards. One grey, one white. Reduced to close onr two very able senators would Cabinet Style Newest patterns. Par aquara Milliona of money is being in­ out quickly. Sale P rice ___ ^...... 813.00 rise superior to “reservatlonism" That sounds reasonable enough. yard ...... 4 9 c vested in the development of the But Chairman Hubert Work of (xas liange Unfinished Breakfast Chairs reduced to ...... 81.69 each in connection with this treaty, Heavy Felt Base Floor Cov­ airplane basiness— and all those the Republican national commit­ Regtilar $68.5b. Odd Serving Table. Grey enamel finish ...... 819.00 whose sole value depends on the tee. which appoints the inaugural ering. Variety of Patterns. millons are being devoted to the 66-Piece Dinner Sets. Special at ...... $17.50 whole-heartedness with w hi^ it Is committee, only , reminds the big Sale $54.00 Square yard ...... 69c ratified. They did not do so. promotion ot an activity stained in business men that inaugurations Genuine Printed Linoleum. the blood of brave and splendid are subject to the wish of the in- Large Size Cabinet Style It is to be regretted that the auguree, and that Herbert Hoover Sale Pri(^ square yard ... .79c many organizations which petition­ manhood, withont, it mnst be ad­ has asked for the soft pedal. Grey and White ed for the prompt and whole-heartr mitted, any spnnd prospect of im­ Hope springs eternal In the hu­ Genuine Inlaid Linoleum. Gas Range 'Wood pattern. Regular 81-79. ed endorsement of the treaty did portantly remedying the perils. It man breast, however, and such or­ ganizations as the Washington with ejetra warming closet and To close out at, square yard 81* not specifically add "withont reser­ is a serious question whether it Chamber of Commerce, the Board drawer baiie. vations or interpretive resolutions” would not be many times bettor of Trade, the Merchants and Red and Black and Oeam Regniar 1187,50. to their prayers. in every way— if it would not much Manufacturers Association, the Tile Pattern Cork Printed. City Club, the Federation of There Is an old story which bears more rapidly advance the science Sale $116.00 Regular 81-25 yard. Sale, Citizens Association, the Women’s y a r d ...... 79c somewhat on the reservation sub­ of flight as well as save hundreds City Club and even the ‘‘Al Smith Cream and Green Colored ject. or thonaanda of valuable hnman tor President In 1932 Club” ask Genuine Inlaid Linoleum. those immortal words, “ what Is Michael was very Hi. The doctor lives— if the aviation world, in­ Gas’Range Medium weight. Good variety quiet?” of patterns and colors. 82.22 had said he conld not recover. His stead of plunging in the promotion They have learned that on a Cabinet style with oven and quality. Square yard .. .$1.89 pastor called. "Michael,” ' said the of a science as yet bnt halt made president’s “ quiet” Is another broilmr. man of God. “ you should be well np, would devote its high intelli­ president’s Idea ot a hot time in 83.00 Quality Embossed Tile the old town tonight. Regular $^17.50. gence, its money and its determina­ Genuine Inlaid Linoleum. Sale prepared for the next world. Have They insist that they’ll not give you any enemies?” tion to the invention and perfec­ up the struggle until rip-roarin’ , Sale Prica $99.00 Price, square yard .. 82.49 “ Wan,” replied Michael faintly; tion of vertical fiight and descent "that scum o' the world Casey, until that problem should be solv­ across the hall.” ed. “ Tut-tut!” said the priest. " 'Tis The aviation world is driving at unfitting to go to your Maker with forced speed along a road leading, WATKINS BROTHERS, Iw. hatred in your heart. I’ll have him in the minds of the doubters, to in and yon mast forgive him.’’ nowhere; while just behind is the 64 South, M anchester Casey was called in. “ Now," said switch which would have directed the priest, ‘ you two mnst be good the movement into fields of safety friends, have done with all enmity. and supreme usefulness. ^ Casey, do yen not feel the spirit The qnestion would seem to be, of forgiveness and good will to­ shall we keep on, hurtling along ward Michael, now that he’s on the road of devastation and death, his death bed?” or shall we call a halt, back down “ Indeed I do. Father,” said and attend to the difficnlt but soln- threoted brocades. They tell of scodta, Porto Ricans, Carlisle In­ “ But the dramaturgy— ” Mal^ Casey, with tears in his eyes. ble business of throwing the that- daszling Grand March tflth dians, Seth Bullock with his cow­ Vinsky began. ' tbe First Man And First Lady IN NEW YORK Sr rii/lf'/R l “ Michael, do you not feel for­ switch? boys In tall regalia, the Richmond “ Now get away from your dra­ walking thrbilgh. h Sower-reped Bines in plumes, anthracite coal maturgy,” Miller reminded him. AMERICAN giveness and love for Casey in yonr aisle to their dlaa. miners In mining togs, Buffalo New York, Jan. 7.— "Terry and The trial baa been an education. heart, so that yon may go to yonr ^They rembmber the hundred Bill and bis Indian chiefs led by Nannie are making love in tbe Malevlnsky bad things hla own way alley, Nathan Cohen says to Terry, iS TORY' rest at peace with all the world? NICHOLAS^ bands of that oeoaslod and sadly Geronimo, with Bnckskln Charley, at the qtart. • Re lectured in very recall the Wllabn inaugural of Hollowhorn Bear, Little Plume ‘Loafer! First your father gets my good lyoeum fashion on “ unity of “ Y-yes, yopr reverance,” panted The death ot the Grand Duke 1912 with no band at all tor most and American Horse. goat and now you take my Nan­ expression” as exemplified in Arls- January Y. the fast fading sick man. Then he Nicholas NichoUiievitcb, second ot the time, hnd - then only an nie?! " toUe’B Dlalognes. The two produc­ 1779—Lafayette sailed from Bos Then the ball ^itself with the Former Governor Nathan Miller ton to retnrn to France. motioned to Casey to put his head eonsin ot the last of the Russian anemic trickle of iniiSio froni one tions involved in -the suit contained band. grand march limited to five min- was reading. The scene is Federal 1789— First presidential plectioi down close, and whispered ■ in his Czars, removes the finest figure ntes becanse the First Lady’s the same unity of theme, action and Judge Goddard’s courtroom where expression, he charged. held. ~ ‘ President Wilson bad sfiid gown and Jewels were defendant. man In America, probably, took had been Czar ot tbe Rnssiana in­ term derivative?” Miller pleaded. down to 2.95 miles Nad* hour. If many ways it was a disappointing Hoover means by ‘quiet.’ There “ I told you I meant does it re-, less Interest In sport for sport’s stead of commander-in-^hlef of Inaugural. The worst snowstorm will be nothing doing!” you’re going for a ride in the eve­ HANGING POSTPONKD. semble any actual episode, event or ning along Fifth avenue, take sake than this western gambler their armies. Almost nnqaestion- In tbe history of the city tell tbe But an inangnral "as was an in- They’ re Jnst waiting now until happening.” day before. Ten inches o f snow angnral” was Roosevelt's In along a good nov' '. Franklin, La.. Jali« ‘6.— A last-j and saloon-keeper. Yet be was the ably there wcnld have been no he gets home, when a delegation “ I wasn’t thinking about yonr GILBERT 8WAN. fell that night. Six thoasand men 1906, Ah, boys! Rongb Riders, will wait upon him! inhibitions.” murmured Malevtn- minute telephone call fcotn jQovern^ recognised head o f the bnslness of rerolntlon, no crnmbling ot the were busy with shovels before Grand Army Veterans, dpahlsh sky, “ forgive me, I’m a bad wit­ or Huey P. Lo|^g to Dberlff OharU pnglllsm and wore a sort of crown military power of the Bear, no dawn inaugural day trying to War Veterans In the peraodal' ness, governor.” • Peeot here early’iodair bad tem­ clear the presidential path from porarily stopped 'fhd "ieliedale which had as many loyal snbjects Bolabevlat Terror, no oollapse of escort to tbe Onpltbll Color bear­ White House to Capitol. They re­ ers from West Pblht find ^napo- BABY SCALDED TO DEATH hanging at noon of- Mra.:J(da Both] as many a Utenl king’s. the war on the Eastern front Quite moved 58,500 tons ot snow and 11s. The Senate obatdber packed On and on, over the whole thing ATBOOGBT ner Leboenf and h«f kmte Rr. T. Rickard was not tke kind of man probably no soldier sprinkled 18,000 pounds of sand with diplomats from the whole again, with Attorney Malevlnsky Oreber. eoavteted lAl over the Ice. the murder of tka^ haei that many discriminating persons wonld have ever been called on to world in full dress, the inhreme Elizabeth, N. J.— The six-month-, bringing in every draipatist from But even ao, the traditional in­ court In Its blidk silk .gowns, a old baby boy ot Mr. and Mrs. Geor­ I liave/coveted no 9Ute*e silver, batad. w onli care to take for a modeL Aristotle down to O’Neill. fire a shot. augural ball brought but tha usual 200-plate Inangnral luncheon at ge Hageman was scalded to death Once more: or gififi, or gpparel.— Aria 8 0 :8 8 . v was mo much interested, all Bnt because of rn accident ot thousands, rich and poor the White Honse, add the bresi- here recently when bis grandmother “ Does the alley seen* resemble high rank and those ,|lfe^ ^ getting money In a birth the most pot.^t figure in all , lent reviewing a , gageant of accidentally spilled a kettle of bqiL the parlor eplF^nde of ')le’a IHah ored and white, ^ t t o n JolA-iRoagii Riders, BhUigglaa ftattv# iag water on him. JCMe’.t” luiked Birthday Paity guests at a chicken dinner served THE ANSWER. ' Charles Dailey of Orchard street at Bonan’s Restaurant, Saturday Here is the answer to the DAILY RADIO PROGRAM entertained a number of bis*friends eveiiing. Among the speakers were Golf puzzle on the comic pagSL, ^ Rockville Saturday , evening, in honor former Mayor QrisL Frank Mahr, MONEY, HONEY, H 0 1 « WTIC of his birthday. Cards were in­ Jr., was chairman of the affair. HONKS, HANKS, TANKS, TALKI| 10:00—Orchestra, 'cello recital. Leading DX Stations. dulged In after which refreshments Monday, January 7. 11:00—WJZ Slumber music. Travelers Insurance Co. Notes: ▲ famous vaudeville star, will be 12:00—Orchestra, Jack. Jean. 405.2— WSB, ATLANTA—740. were served. The Rockville National and the featured In the Jubilee hour through I2:3ii—Deuces wild; orchestra. 9:30—WEAF family party. Hartford City's Inau^nuvtlon Tonight RebefcSli Lodge Installation WOR and Columbia stations at UrSO 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 11:45—.Brown’s dance orchestra First National Banks will hold 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. The'CIty Council will hold in- District, Deputy President, Mary ARTHUR H. STEIN Monday night. At the same time 8:30—WEAF programs (2% hrs.) 535.4 m. 560 k. c. augufaticn ceremonies tonight at their annual meetings on Tuesday. Grace Moore, 27-year*old prima donna 12;.30—Dance program. 8:00—Orchestra, sludio program. S. Hutohis'on and staff of South Mrs. Mary Gregus of Talcott soprano o f the Metropolitan Opera, will 399.8—W eX-W JR. DETROIT—760. 9:30—WJZ real folks hour. 7:30 o’clock, at which time two Manchester will install the newly INSTRUCTOR be the gaest artist of the Family Par­ 7:30—WJZ programs (I14 hra) 10:30—Male quartet orchestra avenue entered the Hartford hospi­ 12:00—Uptown hour; orchestra Aldermen and four CouncUmen will elected officers of Mayflower Re- ty, a regular weekly feature of the 499.7— WTIC, HARTFORD—600. Program for Monday. be inducted into ofBce. Mayor tal Sunday for a minor operation.- OF VIOLIN WBAF chain. The hour will consist 7:00—Musical program. 1:00—Insomnia Club orchestra. bekab Lodge on Tuesday evening. of a Varied program of popular cl:m- 8:00-=WEAF programs t2>4 hrs.) 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. P. M. Forster will preside, giving his an­ A member’s supper will be served Mrs. Howard Carpenter and chil­ Pine&t MelbiHls 9:30—Plantation Jubilee Singers. slcs, ballads and modern song bits 422.3—WOR. NEWARK—710. 6:10— Summary of program. nual message and administering the at 6:'31) o'clock. The committee in dren of South Manchester are PUIVATE l.NSTKUCTIO.N ONLE presented by Miss Moore, supported by 8:00—United Choral Singers. 9:45—Illinois concert orch., tenor. 8:30—Musical comedy favorites. I0:S0^Ix>mbardo'B Royal Canadians. 6:12^— “ Mother Goose” — Bessie oath of oflSce to the new members. charge are Emma Ludwig, Gertrude spending a few days with Mr. and a symphony orchestra, a quartet and Mrs. Charles Mead of Union street. 20 Years’ Ex|>erfence other soloists. Also at 9:30, through 9:30—Fannie Brice, vaudeville star. 1:00—Late dance period. Lillian Taft. The council for 1929 will be made \ Milne, Otlellie Plunder. Vera Cobb, 10:00—Old English songa 344.5— WENR. CHICAGO—870. 6:25— News bulletins. up of seven Republicans. and five Miss Peggy Williams of the New WJZ and allied stations, the Real 10:30—Orchestra, male quartet. ;15—Farmer Rusk’s talk. AHce Kington, Eleanor Neumann. BEx.lN.NEItS A.ND ADVANCED Folks of Thompkins Corners, will 6:30—^^Hotel Bonds Trio — Emil Democrats. Bowling Team Dined Britain Normal school spent the broadcast the details of their own 302.8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. Ski—Studio feature program. 7:00—Lowe’s dance orchestra. JfiS.4—WGN«WLIB, CHICAGO—720. Heimberger, director. ,PoUce Ball Tne^ay Night - The hoisting team of Court For­ week-end r.t her home on Orchard CaU At world fair which will be held at the lo­ 9:30—WEAF artists party. cal Grange Hall. There will be booths 7:30—WJZ programs (1% hrs.) A program of American favorites esters’ Pride of the Juvenile Court street. BRADLEY & S.MITH’S representing all the leading industries 9:00—Studiof musical program. 10:30—Violinist; Hungry quintet will be Played by Emil Heimberger The First Annual Ball, of the 9:30—Real folks with WJZ. 11:30—Dance, baritone, concert orch- Rockville Police Department will be which defeated Court Portesters’ The Rockville Boys Band will 9IUS1C SHOP of the town and an entertainment in­ 10-00—Andrew’s troubadours orchestra 12:15—^Three dance orchestras. and his 'Trio tonight at 6:30. Some Pride in a bowling series were the bold a rehearsal tonight. cluding a vaudeville team from the 11:00—Memorial organ recital. 254.t—WJJD, CHICAGO—1180. of the best knowu 'o f these favor­ held Tuesday evening in the Town city, a sword swallower, a tattooed 454,3_WEAF. n e w YORK—€60. liall. It Is tepected that chiefs man and other attractions. Mickey 8:30—Dance orchestra: trio. ites, such as “ On the Road to Man­ 6:00—Dinner dance music. ~9:00—Mooseheart hour; songs.. from nearby towns will be present. McKee, famed for her virtuosity as a 7:30—Address; piano twins, 11:05—Orchestra; mystery three. dalay” and “ Love Sends a Little\ whistler, will be the feature of the 8:30—Gypsies dance orchestra S44.6-WLG. CHICAGO—870, Music will be furnished by Mc- profiT&m by Roxy and His Gang Gift of Roses,” are scheduled on 9 ;30—Family party with Grace Moore, 7:45-AHarmony team; scrap book.- this broadcast. Enelly’s orchestra, Springfield who through WJZ and associated stations operatic soprano. 8:15—Angelus; singing part.v. will give a concert from 8. to 9 at 7:30. Miss McKee Is known as one 10:30—Grand opera, “ Shanevvis. 9:00—Water witches; concert. (a) On the Road to Man­ of the foremost exponents of this un­ 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. X0;30—Hippodrome: popular program. o’clock and dancing from 9 to 1 usual form of melody, and will dem' dalay, .■...... Speaks g;00—Palais D’Or orchestra 447.3_WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670, (b) The World is Waiting o’clock will follow the concert. The onstrate her ability with several se 7:00—-Aluslcal travelogua 8:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) Connecticut Company will run a lections. Other artists will also be pre­ 7;30—Roxy and His Gang with Mickey 11:15—Concert orchestra, aerials. for the Sunrise...... Seitz sented, among them vocal and instru­ McKee, whistler. 11:10—^Three dance orchestras. (c) Love Sepds a Little late car to Hartford to accomodate mental soloists, the concert orchestra 8:30—Harmony duo, orchestra 288.3— W I^ A , DALLAS—1040. Gift of Rqses, . 1 Oppenshaw those from out-of-town. The le- and mixed chorus. The quaint old uni­ 9:00—National Automobile ahow 9:00—Cline’s dance orchestra. versity town of Heidelberg will be the (d) Out of the Dusk to freshments will be served In G. A. 0:30—Thompkins Corner’s real folks 11:00—Belcanto male quartet. R. Hall by the Ladies Auxiliary of subject of a concert by WIP’s mixed hold a world’s fair. 299.8— WOO, DAVENPORT—1000. You,\...... ; ...... Lee quartet at 9 o'clock. Heidelberg, rich 10:00—Blue Danube nighL 8:00—W EAF progiams (3 hrs.) (e) At Dawning, .... Cadman the American Legidn. In tradition, and noted as one of the 10-30—Jade room orchestra 11:00—Stanley aristocrats program. Cornelia Circle Meeting cultural centers of Europe, affords an 11:00—Slumber music, 361.2—KOA, DENVER—830. (f) Until...... Sanderson excellent background for the many 491.5— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 11:00—Orchestra, male quartet 7:00— Hal Kemp’s Hotel Man­ The Cornelia Circle will meet German stories and folk songs of the 7:4.5—Jerrie Meyer ensemble. 12:00—WEAF feature program. ager orchestra. Tuesday jifternoon with Mrs. E. hour. 9:00—Musical trip to Germany. 12:30—Reese popular quartet. Metcalf of Elm street. The subject 10:00—Three dance o>'^®stras (2 ^ . ) 374.8—WBAP, FORT WORTH—800. 7:30— Station WCAC will broad­ Black face type indicates best features 535.4—WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—560. 8130—Musical programs (3\4 hrs ) cast on this same frequency until to be dlscusseld is “ Religion.” Mrs. 7 :30—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 12:15—Theater entertainment. 8:00 p. m. 0. A. Leonard will give her views All prograuns Eastern Standard Time 11:00—Smith’s Symphony orchM t^ 400—PWX, HAVANA—750, of the hook “Adventurous Relig­ SOsi^KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 9:00—Musical military parade. 8:00—“The Voice of Firestone,” Leading East Stations. 6:30—Dinner dance orchestra^ 10:00—Studio music.al program. from NBC Studios. ion,” and Mrs. F. M. Brigham will 7:00—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 475.9—WOS. JEFFERSON CITY—630. 8:30— A. and P. Gypsies from give a review of the book “ What 272.6—WPG. ATLANTIC CITY—1100 in-cn—Don'Bestor’ s orchestra. 10:00—Studio program. Shall A Man Believe,” ; by Bruce S;30—Honolulu duo; musical Jays. 245.8— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 11:00—Cholly Storm’s orchestra. NBC studios. 9:30—Concert orchestra; studio liour 6:00—Dinner dance music. 491.5— WDAF. KANSAS CITY—€10. ff:30— General Motors Family Barton, 10:00—Chocolate boys entertalnmenL 7 :00—Studio recital. 8:00—WEAF programs (2% hrs.) ■ Party from' NBC studios. Pish and Game Club Banquet 10:30—Two dance orchestras. 7:3(1—Uncle Gimbee; address. 10:30—Sunny Jim; Amos ’ n’ Andy. 10:30— News and weather forecast. 283—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 8:0(P-WEAF programs (2% hrs. 1 11:45—Varied entertalnmenL The Rockville Fish and Game 7:00—Soprano and planisL 260.7—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1150. 12:45—NIghthawk frolic. Club will hold Its annual banquet 7:30—WJZ programs (2'A hrs.) 8:00—WJZ programs (2 l?rs.) 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. 10-00—Merrvlander’s orch.. baritone. The driver of a horse-cab has Thursday evening, January SI. An 10:00—Smith’s dance orchestra 10:0(1—N. B. C. programs. just driven Lis vehicle from Ber­ 243.8—WNAC, BOSTON—1230. 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY-790. 11:00—Svmphonette: vlolinlsL entertainment progre-m will be 7:11—Amos 'n* Andy, comic team. 11:55—Time,* weather;, markets. lin to Paris, and back, the double given with good speeches and fine 7 ;30—Singer’s recital. 1:00—Los Angeles Philharmonic orch. 8:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) 6:00—Stocks; farm forum. 1:30—Studio violin recital. journey taking him 22 weeks. ihusic. ll;10—Two dance orchestras. 6:30—Musical program. 461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—650. 545.-1—WGR, BUFFALO—550, 7;00—WEAF programs. 9:00—Craig's dance orchestra, g;S0—Van Surdam’s orchestra. 7 :30—Madrigal mixed quartet. 9:30—WEAF family party. 7-30—Laundriliers entertalnmenL 8'no—WEAF programs (2% hrs.) 10:30—^Program; dance orchestra. 8:00—WEAF programs .4 hrs.) 10:30—Sax Smith’s cavaliers. 270.1— WRVA, RICHMOND—1110. These are 12:10—Buffalo organ recital. 12:00—Trinity Church chimea 6:00—Musical review; trio. 333.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—900. 225.4—WHAZ, TROY—1300 7:30—At the old wishing well. new pack 8:00—Samarang trio, banjo, ^ylO' 11:00—Richmond dance orchestra. For Colds 8:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) ^ vegetables 11:05—Two dance orchestras. phone, piano. 8:30—Concert; history; artists. 428.3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 8;45_Pianist; soprano, tenor. 440.9— KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—€80. at extraordinarily 9:00—Henry Fillmore’s band. 9:30—Studio musical program. 12:80—N. B. C. programs 9:30—WJZ real folka 10:05—Supper dance ' music. 1:00—^Variety program, artists. A & P Values Are Backed by low prices Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondaiy DX Stations. Sixtyniine Years o f Honest Merchandisin); 508.2—WEEI, BOSTON—590. 12:00—Denny’ s dance orchestra 319—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—940. 7:30—Musical program. 348.6— WABC, NEW YORK—860. 11:00—Bears. 8:00—WEAF programs (2»4 bra) 8:00—Studio entertainment 1:00—^Amos 'n* Andy, comto team. PURE REFINED 10:30—Hector’s dance orchestra. 9:00—Studio musical program. 2:15—^Lassen concert frolic. 545.1—WKRC, CINCINNATI—550. 11:00—Arcadia dance orchestra 333.1— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—900. 9:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) 296.9—WHN, NEW YORK—1010. 12:00—Studio musical program. 11:00—Amos 'n' Andy, comic team. 8:00—Dinner dance orchestra 1:00—Dance orchestra, 11:15—Dance orchestra. 272.6— WLWL, NEW YORK—1100. 374.8—KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—800. 2 lb s. 2 7 c 7:00—Book club hour; tenor. Lai*d 215.7—WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 10:00—Concert orchestra, soprano. 8:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) 7:05—Dupre ensemble, tenor. 11:00—Norris’ colored orchestra. ll;0n—Amos 'n’ Andy, comic team. 7:45—Victor Instrumentalists. 12:30—Studio specialties. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 11:15—Popular pep purveyors. 370.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—810. ^ PILLSBURY, GOLD MEDAL, CERESOTA 325.9—WWJ, DETROIT—920. 7:35—Air college lectures. 9:00—Wllfahrt's dance orchestra, 7:45—Barium dance orchestra 8:15—Schubert song cycle. 8:30—Gregg shorthand contest. 10:00—Studio program. 8:00- WEAF programs (3% hrs.) 11:05—Walter Mallory, tenor. 410.7—CFCF^, MONTREAL—730. 434.5—CNRO, OTTAWA—€90. 8:00—Canadian musical review. 8:00—Concert orchestra. 384.4—WMC, MEMPHIS—780. 9:00—Toronto programs (2 hrs.) 315.6— WRC, WASHINGTON—950. 11:00—Samova concert program. Flour 24Y2 lb. bag $1.05 11:00—Jack Frost’s entertalnmenL 8:00—WEAF programs hrs.) 12:30—Dance orchestra.

A & P PASTRY The most beneficial exercises for Please tell me the cause of this and developing the abdominal muscles what I could do.” are raising the legs, and arms and Answer: Your trouble may be Health and Die! head while lying on the back. These caused simply from over-acidity of 24^2 lb. bag 87c exercises, if persisted in twice daily, the stomach, or it may be due to Flour will develop the abdominal muscles some Infection in the mouth around Advice to an unusual extent. the teeth. First, consult a good By standing, as it were, upon the dentist and get his opinion. If there How many people you know'end tHeir colds with Bayer Aspirin! A & P FAMILY By DR. FRANK McCOY shoulders and head, and by use of is no mouth Infection, then take a And how often you’ve heard of its prompt relief o f sore throat or tne knee-chest position, the pelvis fast for a few days and afterwards tonsilitis. No wonder millions take it for colds, neuralgia, can be raised and the organs car­ live on a careful diet to correct lb. bag rheumatism; and the aches and pains that go with them. The won­ 24Y2 89c ried by gravity toward their natural over-acidity of the stomach. Flour Dr. McCoy will gl.adly ans­ position, especially if the abdomen der is that anyone still worries through a winter without these wer personal questions on :s forcefully pushed in and out at To wave the bison from extinc- tablets! They relieve quickly, yet |iave nq effect whatever on the the same time. These two positions tloa the Canadiac. government Standard tomatoes of fine quality! health anti diet, addressed to heart. Friends have told you Bayer Aspirin is marvelous; doctors _ NO. 2 him. care of Ttie Herald. En­ are more valuable If followed by formed and protected a herd of 709 N O . 2 the setting-up exercises for the de­ in 1907, and there are now 15,000 have declared it harmless. Every druggist has it, with proven direc­ CAN l o * ’ 6 CANS close stamped, addressed, large velopment of the abdominal animals on various reserves. tions. Why not put it to the test? Tom atoes envelope for reply. muscles. The exercises should be Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Mannfactnr® taken carefully at first and gradu­ Fancyi sounds ripe fruit !, NO. 2 ally increased as the strength of the Second Mortgage ot Monoacetlcacldester of Ballcyllctcld NO. 2 PROLAPSUS OF THE ABDOMIN­ ICAN CANS AL ORGANS. patient permits. Money 14* 3 In tomorrow’s article I will tell Tom atoes A prolapsus of the abdominal about the adhesions, sometimes re­ NOW ON HAND organs is one of the most common sulting from prolapsed organs, ' Standard peas — uniform In size! NO. 2 NO. 2 ailments although not always which tend to retard a cure. Arthur A. Rnofla CAN CANS recognized by physicians since it 875 Main Rhone 782-2 Peas “ na jannot be accurately diagnosised QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. unless a complete X-ray examina­ Detached Retina , I Fancy peas of remarkable flavor! tion has been made of the patient. SKXXX3(963CXXXX96XXXX9tX96XX9(XXX96XXXXXX9

dominal muscles sufficiently to FOR LADIES’ SHOES salesman only 47c down. f . 'I compensate for this lack of Hie next lime try a pair of Lang, fine cut — true flavor! LARGE LARGE* strength of the' suspensory liga­ “ The Better Flexible CAN CANS ments. Leather” Soles 14* 3 It is almost essential that every­ A REGULAR $5.00 VALUE FOR Sauerkraut one, who desires to avoid an ab­ SELWITZ dominal prolapsus, takes special Selwitz Block M a in St. Made from selected apples! NO. 2 NO. 2 exercises for developing the ab­ CAN CANS dominal muscles. Mere general exercises are not sufficient. Apple Sauce It Is very unusual to see one, ONLY No. 1 3 No. 1 ^ 4^ either fat or thin, who does not COMPLETE $3.47 Del Monte can cans 2 8 c have a protruding lower abdomen Asparagm Tips when he stands up in a relaxed RADIO SERVICE position. This “ pot-belly” Is a re­ 47c Down, $1.00 a Month. An assortment c f popular vegetables! Free Tube Testing. N O . 2 NO. 2 sult of the settling and pushing out CAN CANS of the intestines and pelvic organs. General Repairing i i * ’ 6 Whenever the body is weakened or Autboiixed HftUccd Vegetables enervated by any other disease, the Sales and Service for veakenss Is reflected throughout Majestic Atwater*Kent Che muscular and ligamentous ten­ Kolster Kadiola sion of the body. You know how Eveready The Manchester Electric Co. easy it is to slouch and become hnmp-backed when you are tired. 773 Main Street Phone 1700 « U « r The same condition occurs in the KEMP'S involuntary muscles. . i ' 'i ■ ■ '.


V iCl/?UUl/U/^

/' The Misses Viola Gentry and ^'other than home making after ysafi Grace Lyon are planning a trans- o work fn the home.” THIS HAS HAPPEWEL Atlantic flight. Miss Gentry will do Just one paragraph from ike ASHTORETH ASHE, poor bat the work and' Miss Lyon will be long report recenily mads pj^Ue: beantlfal (a stenc^rapher from passenger. If they succeed they’ll be by the committee on marriage ttt4 Boston) meets D I’d love to!’,’ ‘ rm happy!” rejto^iced her soul. the cause of the trouble. Correct something more serious. and I don” seem to be able to get “Oh, I’m so happy!..And something died gallantly. These good souls away, lit Is-quits the lovoliest place Ashtoreth clapped her bauds, like diagnosis may mean all of the dif­ have never lived gaily. I am sure. a little cl ild. . ’ , just beautiful is going'to happen!” ference between life and death. St. Simeon Stylites was bom^ln on eartfe—up in the mountains, I Mr. Hart was delighted.. He call­ I hardly think they’re worth con­ mean..Df course you don’t see a ‘That would be lots of fun. How Listed Causes northern Syria at thp el6se of the sidering.” far is it?” ed a little black boy, and spoke Recently Dr.- A. H. Southam has thing down-here in the village___ to him in patois. fourth century A. D. Ashtoreth sighed. By the,way. how is Sadie Morton?’' “Well, we lake a car to the foot listed some ot the causes of acute “Maybe you’re right,” she ac­ Ashtoreth Bushed. of the mountain,” he told her “My “ I’ve told him to get us a horse,” abdominal pain In children, the knowledged. “Anyhow I hate “Oh, she’s fine,” sh-s said. “She g:oom is waiting there with a he told Ashtoreth, “and have him list being an indication of the Im­ them.” has some other girls living with horse. I could probably‘get another ridden out to the foot of the moun­ portance of early scientific medi­ Jon’t Let That Cdd Well, then let’s talk of some­ her now; ahd she’s still in the norse in town somewhere, and a tain. Now we’ll get a car, and I’ll cal, attention in 81 ch cases. thing else,” he proposed. “I’d love apartment.^ man to ride him out. Tljen we’d begin to show you the sights.” Acute appendicitis is . the most to show you around a bit.” common emergency in which there Turn hto “Flu” told my ,a.ttorney,” he remark­ motor along, and pick .them up.” (To be Contiaaed) That cold may turn into “Flu,'* They stood Up together, and he ed carelessly, “to make whatever But I don’t ride!’.’ Qioaned Ash- Coming to the William and for making the room distinctive. is sudden, severe pain in the atdo- Srippe or. even worse, Pneunxmik* took her arm. toreth. Mary period, we see the stern vHigh-boys with bonnet top and men. Usually the condition be­ mless you take care of it at -part of six different I particularly like it because it does dresses. 'Our methods restore the life and sheen'to • religions., . _ ; start the dirt going --easily.” MERRIFIELD bid garments. g (Signed) Mrs. AUca M. Soper, 32 Even mothers are culpable mnetlmes, however. Spruce Street, Manchester, Conn. Teacher of ' Cleaning and Dyeing . tT' FVee Collection and Delivery. " **A nice boy wallt^ home froni n f '.7ALES Real Work Saver AfandoUn Tenor Banjo ishool with me todAy/* says John, Rinso, the granulated “no-work” Uaojo-Mandolln name Is William harper and soap, gets the heaviest wash out of Tenor Guitar P(ectniin Banjo ) lives In that big: red house on I^landevaind. South Wales.— A raid oh the conmuhlty; well here re­ the way without scrubbing or boil­ Okulele ftlando-Cello e comer.*-* ing. Just soak and Tinse—for the Alanddia. Cello-llanjo “William Harper! For' good-*cency t^oed.tm'surrounding; coun- Ensemble Playing for Advanced Irj^de Into a ' dry spell. Someone whitest wash eveV! No wonder 1 sake, John. Where did yon Since the talkies cam^ Inti such vogfie, tbe/addtesses'Of .many Broad­ clothes last longer! And so eco­ l^liils. E: him up? Yon stay away from had puihpod-pev'iM l dry,' but reel- way stars h^,.been changed, to japUywood, tempoiparlly at least. Among den tas#^e4'ed/lh obtaining a very nomical—in tub or machine, Rinso Agent for Gibson Instruments. ; his father was arrested for those signed Is Ina' Cliaii^, above, who has simulated, 4ulte'a'j>1t for the' is all you need. The makers of 34 D O V O A N . ‘ otlegglng. P don't** want you to < smallJupjjiy. by dripplpg hncketB to last ten years on ;this Bppadway atagelnd that. Paths has acquired the 865- Main 8t. Orfnrd liallding H arrison^ the baKenr and Bcccpliigj^he water leading washers recommend Rinso Itmims 16-f - la going to wi4te>sta«^ pliar fori® Tklejihobe f . ' > y“ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7,1929. FAGBSEV&N Gustahon^s Baskets Help Rec Pull LATE OPERATION CAUSES RICKARD^S DEATH Local Quintet Squee^s ‘W X IN G GAME IS TOTTERING MODERN BARNUM GONE PROMOTER FEARED Out 25-23 Win Saturday OOINGUNDER KNIFE ON ITS THRONE,” WAISH ASSERTS MS. ^ Over Middletown Outfit

With the Old Master Dead,!? RICKARD’S DEAIH HERE’S A SWELL BOSS Death Resnked from Wut* I WON’T STOP FIGHT. AQED MOTHERBEABS Acannplish Feat Despit< One of the major league mau­ ing Too Lons for Appen­ SAD 14EWS BRAVELY Sporting World Wonders Miami Beach, Fla., Jan. 7.— a lers works for a very rich The death of Tex Rickard will and important man in what the Seattle, Wash., Jan. 7— The Loss of Two OD Person' not cause the postponement o f Wall street fellows call ' ‘rails” and dix Operatioa eight-one-year-old mother of Who WiU Take His Place; the -Young Strlb-' motors.” The manager of the Tex Rickard, Mrs. L. J. Adams,' ling heavyweight fight here on ball club had a rather disastrone wae dry-eyed at her modest alg Branford Hays Here Feb. 27, according to Jack road trip late in the season and bungalow here when told of the Much Speculating. New York, Jan. 7.— Behind a death of the sportina; promoter.' Dempsey, former champion and there were, the usual attending re- bland and inscrutable exterior that associate of the promoter. ‘ poats that be would be ren\oved. “ He was one good son If ever Tomorrow Beal suggested an utter fearlessness of there was one,” Mrs; Adams BY DAVIS J. WALSH. Dempsey has assumed part of The boss called him in,when the the future lu keeping 'with his rec­ the responsibilities of the Rlck-j club returned home. said. “ He never brought me ord as a daring and successful gam­ Roc 2 9-2 4 . New York, Jan. 7.— Boxing liter­ ard enterprises. ! "You’re the manager of this ball anything but happiness and joy. ------■» bler there larked a secret that re­ We had some good times to­ ally is tottering on Its throne, a club and you’re going to be the manager next season as far as I’m sulted in Tex Rickard’s, death yes­ gether and he thought his prey to the uncertainty that inevit­ concerned,” be said. “ We can for­ terday. For more than eight years mother was a good sport" Rec Five (25) ably siezes upij'n any institution be bad snffered from a diseased ap­ Jack Dempsey, who was at get those newspaper stories. 1 B. F. from which the steadying hand of want to tell you something else. pendix. Rickard’s death bed. telegraph­ T. its master has been removed. The gnawing pain In his side that ed Mrs. Adams: “ Be brave. I .0 1-2 1 Rickard is dead! Yep, ah Inside Tip! forced the promoter to his death­ will be with you soon." .2 0-0 4 bed in Miami New Year’s Day first All the night long, as the body Local “ I happen to know that there The aged woman said that o of the world’s greatest promoter made Itself felt about a month be­ she would look forward to the Strange, rf . . . .1 0-1 sped northward for burial on is going to be a little auto­ Norris, c ...... mobile deal that will have an effect fore he staged the Dempgsy-Carpen- visit of the former heavyweight .1 1-2 3 Wednesday, that three-word re­ tier fight In Jersey City, July 2, champion, of whom she is very' Madden, rg . .. .1 0-4 2 frain has been dinning in the ears Sport on the market and I am going to write you in on it. It won't be a 1921. He was suddenly stricken fond. She expects him to visit Dowd, r g ...... 1 1-1 3 of those who knew him and re­ with a severe attack of appendicitis her soon after the funeral. spected him and, in many cases, fortune, but it will be something. Stavnitsky, Ig .2 6-6 10- I'll put up the money for you and that only repeated applications of With her were her two daugh­ loved him. Rickard is dead. Only ice packs could relieve. His physi­ ters, sisters of Rickard, Mrs. by constant repetition can the fact CLatter give you the profit when the deal is made.’' cians advised an immediate opera­ Alice Birke and Mrs. Jessie Car­ 8 9-16 25 be made acceptable and credible to tion. lin. both of Seattle. the world of boxing. The manager was called into Red Wings (23) the big man’ s office shortly before “ Sooner or later," they told him, Ever since her son’s lllneKS. For Rickard wasn’t merely asso­ "you’ll have to have this condition Mrs. Adams said, she has re­ B. F. ,T. ' ciated with boxing: he was boxing Brandford, the only team In the Christmas and was told that the stale to trip the Rec Five this sea­ deal had gone through as prom­ corrected or it will kill you. You’d gretted that sh^ did not accept Reynolds, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 Itself. He took It out of the back his invitation to go East to visit rooms and dropped it into the laps son, plays here tomorrow night. ised and that he bad some money better have It done now while you Jasper, rf ...... 0 3-7 3 coming as bis share. And the man­ are otherwise in the best of condi­ him this winter. She had been of millionaires. He established a afraid of the change of climate. Taylor, If . . . . • • • • • X 0-2 2 ruoiiopoly by cornering its star per­ There will be a five-man bowling ager was banded a check for 800 tion. Carroll, c .... e e e e • 2 1-10 5 formers. He made it the biggest match at the Charter Oak Alleys bhcks. But Tex Rickard feared the money business of all professional toniglit^^at S o’clock. The business manager of the surgeon’s knife more than be did Sturm,' rg . . . e e e e • ^ 2-5 10 sport, a monument of marble where club got in on the tip for a profit Here’s one of the best pictures ever taken of Tex Jlifckard, the pain that threatened to stab Arburr, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 The junior pocket billiards tour­ of $2300 and the traffic manager his life out. once it was a hovel of weather­ noted promoter of big sports events and “America’s modem P. Carlson, If . . . e e e e • X nament will get under way at the got himself $800 also. “ No, sir,” he replied. “ No knife HERE’S A BRIEF 1-1 3- beaten shingle. He held the un­ T. Barnum,” who died yesterday at Miami Beach, Fla., where he seen strings that made its puppets School street Rec tonight. Five for me. Besides, I’ve got to put dance and he held them alone. This persons have already entered and I^et Him Forget it has his winter home. this fight over and I haven t got 8 7-26 23 man had to die to make one fully more will come in later. Names will There hasn’t been a word men­ Rickard, whose picturesque career brought him interna­ time for an operrtlon.” Referee: Clarence McCabe. be drawn and thS first match starts tioned in this column about an HISTORY OF TEX realize how complete was his dom­ tional fame, began life as a cow puncher in the west. He plant­ Rickard repulsed that attack In Halftime score: 12 to 10, ination of the sport. at 7:30. Play will be fifty points event that happened in the recent time to “ put over” the first $1,- The Master Gone. on an elimination basis. Edward Georgia Tech-Calif ornia football ed the seeds of his fortune while running a gambling house in 000,000 bout In the history of Kec. So today, with the master gone, Accomazzo, Francis Burke, Clifford game. And If the composers of Alaska during the gold rush. Later, he prospered in the gold pugilism. Only bis most intimate Personals: *Rec. 17, Red the aides are in a state of flustered Nelson, Carl Johnson and George yards and yards of copy admonish­ fields of Nevada and in recent years he has promoted gigantic associates knew of the constant Adfenturous Career Led Wings 12. confusion, while plans that he made Metcalf are the ones entered now. ing the young man to forget it sporting events in which the gate receipts aggregated millions danger in which he lived. Rickard for the future are marking time, wrfuld quit composing all the ad­ was never a man to complain of monitions to forget it, the young of dollars. from Cowboy to Promot­ Despite the loss of “ Hap” Mad­ kwalting action that may never The pinboys over at Conran’s his trouble, physical, financial or man might be able to do it. den and “ Hank” McCann on per­ come. Alleys say that they can beat Joe otherwise, and only he knew how Does Rickard’s death mean that Farr’s Charter Oak pinboys and sonal fouls, tbe Rec Five managed Loagliran Moves to Chicago much he suffered In the intervening er— How He Started. Jack Dempsey wirt not come back? want to meet them in a home and years before he boarded a train to pin a two-point defeat on the home match. Tommy Loughran has packed What will be done about the Lightweight Champ Is for the other day to pre­ strong Red Wings in Middletown Sbarkey-Stribling fight at Miami up his duds and removed from Saturday night. The score was Meriden High will play here Fri­ his native Philadelphia to estab­ pare for the opening of his dog New York, Jan. 7.— "rex Rickard, Beach, the proposed opening event racing plant and the bout he was to 25 to 23. Middletown had juc.h of Rickard’s program to establish a day night providing the Influenza lish a new home in Cbica^io. Only One Not Almost best known character in sports, well known stars as “ Red” Rey­ epidemic lets up sufladently to war­ In moving to new terrjfory stage in Miami next month between easily its breeziest individual, heavyweight champion? What will Jack Sharkqy and Young Stribling. nolds. Mert Taylor, “ Butsy” Stum, happen to his heavyweight elimina­ rant such a more. Loughran said it was purely a gambled with death against his own Jack Carroll, Carlson and Jasper tion tournament? Will Humbert business proposition, and in so do­ Sure To Lose Crown wishes and lost. Tomorrow night the Rec Five Fugazy, Jim Mullen, Paddy Har­ The first round of the Herald ing be gives a good example to Rickard had an unusual dread of will continue its schedule with a mon or some other promoter step Bowling league ends this week other fighters who stay at home ------^ tbe surgeon's knife. Only recently, return battle against Branford, the moaning about the bad breaks. in and take over the control of the Thursday. Manchester Green meets By HENRY L. FARRELL. I’RO.MOTER STAGED FIVE CURTIS LEADS when Pete Reilly.Uong Jack De­ only team in the state which has heavyweight situation? the Night Hawks and the Bon Ami Loughran, who holds 'the light MILLION-DOLLAR BOUTS. laney’s maiidger, underwent a sur­ been able to tack a defeat on Ben These are only a few of the un­ clash with the Sons of Italy in two denied permission by the New gical operation on bis nose Rickard Clune’s outfit this season. Satur­ York Boxing Commission to enter answered questions that arose and of the most important matches. The heights to which Tex was horrified. day night’s victory was the seventh demanded attention early yester­ the competition for the heavy- Favored by fortune in being KEBART BY 3 4 victory In eight starts for the Rec. welv?ht championship. He was told Rickard carried boxing is shown ’’ I don’t like that knife busi­ day morning when Rickard suc­ good In his own right and in being in the receipts of his five great­ ness: 1 don’t believe in It at all. Branford defeated the Rec in Bran­ cumbed to gangrenous appendicitis that he would have to surrender ford a few weeks ago by five points. the 175-pound title, which is in the company of admitted inferi­ est heavyweight bouts, each oue Those fellers will never git me with at Miami Beach. of which went over a million j their Bowles; 1 want no part of The score was 29 to 24. The Rec Had Statement Ready. worth at least $50,000 a year, be­ ors, Sammy Mandell was one of First Leg of Bowling Match Girls will meet the Branford Girls fore he would be allowed to fight dollars. His greatest gate was knives. Shoot me. b\^t don’t cut He had a statement prepared for the only t w o the second Dempsey-Tunney j In the preliminary. out of his class. champions who re­ me,” said Tex’ eaVuestly. And then release late this week on the fight, which went over the two Nip and Tuck. Dempsey matter. But Jack is ac­ The Pennsylvania Boxing Com­ tained caste in Saturday. Final Wednes­ Fate laid a finger on his shoulder. The battle in Middletown was a mission-refused to go to the front million mark. One hundred and He died without enjoying the companying Mrs. Rickard with the 1928 and the only forty-flvo thousand fans saw the I nip and tuck affair with the Rec ' promoter’s body on the Havana spe­ for him, and when the Illinois com­ one who seems to play time he had planned for his holding the lead most of the time j Chicago battle. The receipts of cial today and what affect his' mission ruled that he would be ac­ be secure against day Over North, ending days. although it changed hands plenty his five "million dollar battles” j friend’s death will have on his cepted in their territory as a con­ the challenges of Only last week he remarked: often. Two baskets by Clarence were: . i “ I never got a chance to romp plans is not known. He always tender for the heavyweight cham­ 1929. “ Gyp” Gustafson proved to be the said that he would fight only for Madison Square Garden officials pionship, he moved to Chicago. Fighters Receipts Norman Curtis took a 34 nin lead when 1 was a kid, I’m going to take deciding poin's of the game. They Tommy Lough i n o l r m a m m m Rickard and, if he really was to arranged a program of broadcast­ He has signed a contract with 10-1 UeiiiiiMpy-Ctirpenller on Charlie___ .^1 f ... Kebart in the F first^ O T half mine4 now, l eit 1 isn’t** too late. 1I’m * . ...a came .... in the clu.sing minutes of play ing for fighters’ managers the other r a n conducted lU-H Ui-ni|)Hey-Firpo .... of their iwentv came howlinc come back this year, undoubtedly Chicago promoters to engage in 102(1 lipnipMry-'i'iinnry .. 1.80X t:,:i tough old bird and I’ve got plenty when Middletown was rallying in day. Don’t be alarmed— the broad­ three contests against any three himself as a real match Satiirdav afternoon at the of time left, I’ve got me^a place In his decision was prompted In part champion in 1928 1027 Ut-nipHt-y-Shurkry . . l,IIKH.r>28 desperate attempt to close the short by his desire to help his friend. But casting w'as over a dead micro heavyweights they are able to 1927 Uriupitey-'i'unn«y .. . 2,U38,(MM) Charter Oak Alleys. The final leg Miami Beach, and that's going to gap. The first was a neat over­ phone, just as a little pre-Christmas sign for him. and the promoters He and Mandell >------® will he rolled at Conran’s Alleys be my playground. I’ll just lay nn Rickard is beyond all help now. were the only two head one-hand shot from a diffi­ Dempsey's Position joviality. deposited $75,000 advance money Wednesday night. the sands, meet the warm gulf cult angle and the second was a as a forfeit. on the list voted Only one game was roIlM under In any case, it is far from certain Ueiu-y L. FaiTcU experts as A GOOD CO.MEBACK breezes and be happy. I’m going to “ sucker” shot which resulted wh'en that Dempsey will wish to go for­ Loughran is perhaps the smart­ the century mark. In that one. plan and play hard.” Gustafson broke away under the AFTER IT "WAS ALL OVER, est of all the fighters In seeing that being worthy champions and he ward with the plans already form­ SOME OF THE VICTIMS SAID Elderly Lady: Does your father Kebart hit 88 against Curtis’ 106. And Tex's playhouse of sea -sand Middletown basketball while his ulated, unless the appeal of doing the. period of New York’s domina­ could be expected to rule for an­ know that you are smoking, little Here alone was a gain of 18 pins. .and shells collapsed about |iim. He mates were stalling. It was Stav­ IT DID SEEM REAL ENOUGH. other year even though there are so in honor of Rickard’s wishes tion has passed and that Chicago boy ? All of which tends to prove the didn't want to die. He wanted to nitsky who gave him the pass. THE EAR OF A SPORTING and Detroit are the new big money some good boys coming up in the strikes a responsive chord. It isn’t EDITOR AND A DE.\D MICRO­ Youth (about 14 years old): match was a nip and tuck affair. “ play” first, as he put it himself. And, speaking 'of Stavnitsky, spots. class. likely, either, that he would care PHONE ARE NOT SO MUCH UN­ You’re married ain’t you? Kehart’s 1.39 was high. Through his name. Tex Rickard George played about the be.st game to line up with a rival promoter, a LIKE—AS FAR AS THE MAN Toiumy Graduates. Elderly Lady: I am. They were tied at the end of the did a great deal toward adding to for Manchester. He sunk two buck­ fact which places it squarely up to Loughran, however, is talking Youth: Doed your husband know seventh game and Curtis took a one the fame of Texas. Oddly enough, ets and made good In all of his six the Madison Square Garden Corpor­ AGERS OF THE PALOOKAS oin lead in the nex*. Then he won .\RE CONCERNED. himself into the heavyweight divi- you speak to strange men?— An­ he wasn’t born in Texas.. Rickard tries from the foul line. His floor- ation to come forward, with a man sion and be says he is going to the eighth and ninth by 17 and 16 first saw the light of day Jh Kan­ work was particularly good and he in whom Dempsey has confidence swers. pins respectively. was constantly a thorn in the side ♦ A rich fossil field has been fight his way through it to the top sas City. Jan. 2. 1871. His parents and sympathy. ' in 1929. If he is seriously decided Curtis Kehgrt were Illinois pioneers. His father of Middletown’s defense. Madden- They say this man may be Tom ♦ found down in New Mexico. BOWDNG QUICK CHANGES 129 126 was strong on the defense but gave to clean up all the contenders for was a millwright and he moved to McArdle, the present matchmaker, ♦ None of the exhibits has been 116 139 way before an overdose of person-, •identified as yet as former the vacant heavyweight champion­ John: Mummy, I got a good .the Texas Panhandle when Tex was whose record of achievement in box­ ship he can’t bother much with the 103 106 a small boy. als. ing is as lengthy as the years of his ♦members of the United States MILITARY LEAGUE mark at school today when we 112 108 Miss Many Shots. •Lawn Tennis Association. 175-pound title and for this ,reason had to write out the names of At twelve, young Rickard was expe’-ience. 106 88 thrown on the world and his own Sturm was th®. best scoring bet Alleged nominees for Rickard’s he is being looked upon as a girls, and I knew most. Middletown showed, the others be­ The Collecting Company of Hart­ 124 106 resources. He often remarked that post are many, however. Jhhn Chap­ Those Notre Dame boys niny be heavyweight this year instead of Mummy: Could you think of ing kept well In hand by Strange, ford won five out of six bowling 107 124 his folks willed him Texas in which man is one of them. Even Dempsey a bit. weak ou grammar and the champion of the lighter class. many? Ncrrls and Dowd. But Sturm, too, matches Friday night in the Hart­ It is our opinion that Loughran 125 124 to make a living. Young Rickard- himself is prominently mentioned. trigonometry — but don’t bet John: Only all the maids we’ve 117 100 got an early ticket to the showers ford Milltaiy League, defeating Is the best heavyweight 4n the coun­ liked the Texas country. He fell to McArdle was offered the position against them in a geography Company F, two out of three and had during the year.— Passing 120 104 for personals. The Middletown of vice president and general mana­ exam. try and that goes for Jack Demp­ cowpunching eventually and could team missed many shots at the bas­ winning three from the Veterinary sey, too. You could toss him Into Show. ride a horse and wheel a herd of ger of the corporation before the Company by forfeit. Chapdelalne 1,159 1,125 ket both from the floor and from post went to Col. John S. Hammand Bridgeport, by the way, would a room full of Sharkeys and Strib- longhorns with the best of them. the foul line, but the former was hit the highest scores. Here are the lings and he would come out and U. S. Deputy Alarstioll. and. after a conference yesterday, be an excellent place to send the figures: Hudkins, George Courtney and WELL PROVIDED at least partly due to the fact that this pair was said to be in perfect great bulk of the contemporane­ fellows like the Paulino fellow Rene De Vos. They wouldn’t When pnly a slip of a boy he was they were hurried on the shots. accord. Co. F (1) couldn’t lay a glove on him. one of a number of horsemen who However, their foul shooting was ous heavyweight crop for season­ Wetherell ...... 76 102 99 have beaten the Mickey Walker of “ Does your husband give you Yes, boxing; will go on but how ing. The atmosphere of Fiji Rickard is Right. two years ago but It’s a fatter and hit the north trails with herds; exceptionally ragged. Any decent- Sullivan ...... 91 91 83 an allowance, or do you ask him In 1868 ne yvent along with an far and how well, no one mermaids, woolly horses and Tex Rickard, -making his an­ softer Mickey who Is no'w biding percentage of successful tries would can say on February 27th pro­ Blake ...... 88 95 89 nual forecast of the business, says for money when yon need It?" outfit which was wintering a herd have beaten the Rec. As It was. white elephants would be a nat­ Miyelson ...... 92 88 93 behind the crown. We doubt that “ Both!”— Passing Show, bably will be carried through, as ural match. that Mandell is the only champion of 16,000 steers in Montana. The they registered seven out of 26 com-; Vezina ...... 106 112 83 he can come within seven pounds Rickard already had contracted for who does not figure to lose his of making the weight without herd was divided into three bands. pared to 9 out of 16 for the Reo.' it with the principals before going One scribe attributes Georgia title in 1929. And the count Is v;eakening himself fatally. A terrific winter pounced down on Carroll missed nine out of ten south for the annual holiday that Tech’s victory over California to 453* 488 447 almost the same In the predictions all of them, and later enduring un­ himself. CoUeciing Co. (2) Look Out, Joe! ;coxir.V iiA N ii 4, resulted so tragically. There may the superiority of corn pone and offered by other experts. It will be just too bad for Joe believable suffering the outfit took be jyi announcement on the Shp.r- biscuits to mush and cream (what Chapdelalne ...... 101 93 121 Mandell has the good luck to Some people find their most stock with the coming of spring. Of key-Stribling affair today, the pro­ F ield s...... : ____103 99 99 Dundee If^ he has to defend AN EXPENSIVE MATCH. California bad) as breakfast food. be a mighty good fighter and also the welterweight championship the 16,000 head of catUe only 1,000 bability being that' Col. Hammond Schlebenpflug ....101 90 94 pleasant reflections in remained. Yes, Georgia Tech eight! to be the champion of a class against Jackie Fields or Jack Dunlap. Cal.— 'Miss Lucile Har-* will declare his intention of holding Russell ...... 86 92 96 Is almost barren of good fighters. a mirror That was enough herding for Thompson or .two or three others Ian, 19, baa admitted to Investiga- ' -'t: the fight as a tribute to the pro­ Dietitian O'Goofty plans a big Vendrillo ...... 78 104 88 From the financial standpoint this Rickard. He returned to Texas, moter’s memory. lower down on the list of chal­ tors that she started the fire at' , checkup on the superiority of corn may be too bad but there is the lengers. It might be too bad for where be became a United States For this fight was to have been 469 '178 498 Deputy Marshal. Sand Creek which swept 13,OO0 ” V * pone and biscuits to beans. If any, material In the class for a couple him if he bad to fight even Jack ficres of timber and cost $20,000 to " Rickard’s gesture in a new field of Collecting Company . of pretty good-sized purses that Rickard never did anything bad­ promotion, his answer to those before the Sharkey-Strlbling thing. Britton or Ted Lewis. fight ’She had been picking her ^ Chapdelalne...... 97 99 101 do not involve any great risk for Andre Routis, the feather­ ly. and that’s why he became a critics who claimed that only a big F ie ld s...... 96 94 104 model deputy marshal. He stuck to teet with a match, she said, when , It might be a good idea for the champion. weight champion, is rated fourth it Ignited and she dropped it into. ' city,can support a big match. It Schiebenpflug ....1 0 2 108 99 It might be that Mandell will the job for two years. Tex thought was his boast, just before he was young athletes, especially runners, or fifth on the list In his class. He 0 :* the brush. to make a study of sherry as used R u ssell...... 90 94 98 crawl up into a heavier class. sneaked into the championship that be would become a Texas fix­ seized with his last Illness on New Vendrillo ...... 98 97 98 ture. It was here that be acquired 'Year’s day. that the Sharkey-Strib- by Ray Barbutti at Amsterdam this There are some good critics who and he will sneak out of It if he summer before they start training. believe that, right now, Mandell has to fight Benny Bass. the jiualnt Western drawl that NOT A LONG CHANCE. ling fight would draw a gate of 483 492 494 $500,000. Some day, a hand other Is the best junior lightweight in Bushy Graham clklras the ban­ stuck to him through all bis later Our Pacific coast operative wires Veterinary Co. the country and that he could go tamweight championship but all years. Alys: Do you approve of com- than John McGraw’s will have to *— Forfeit. guide the New York Giants. But that all teams east of the Rockies a long way with the best of the that remains for him is a claim. Then came the first great turn­ panionate marriage? neither institution ever will seem want to play California in 1929. welterweights. Fidel La Barba, the former fly­ c? ing point In his career. Gold was Phyllis: Sure. I’ll try anything We v/onder why! discovered in Alaaka« and the first quite the same. TOO MUCH SOX APPEAL. He is a natural lightweight and weight champion, seems to be the once.—Life. - ' The chances will be dead against has no trouble making 135 pounds best of a group of good fighters great wave of humanity, which it, in both cases. Inspirational • New York University Is one • Southampton, England. — Signor but he has been wanting to fight Including Kid Chocolate, A1 swept Into that picturesque country genius such as Rickard's is seen • of them.Apparently, they • Antonio Scotti, Italian opera'singer, welterweights for a year and has Brown and Kid Francis. Choco­ carried young ^ckard with it. Klondike tradition. That poker face once in a century. It Isn’t created • didn’t get enough of Pkcific • got In “ dutch” here recently when been restrained only by the con­ late is a great prospect if he does Rickard’s drawl and his hearing was oAaractoristio pf him to the again with a snap of the fingers. • coAt football from Oregon • he tried to land with a very exten­ cern of his manager that be might no|; burn himself out fighting or settled his nlcknaine. He became end. ■ ■' The kingdom he built still lives but • State. • get himself In bad with some of having fun. Tex for all time. Whether he wish­ An up and down career in' ' sive wardrobe. The Signor bad 22 IS UK& he king is dead and none fit to don pairs of silk socks, 9 pairs of leath­ those pesky commissions. Izzy Schwartz and Frankie A MORse-u)rte>4 D ed it or no, the name was fastened Alaska, as prospector, leader, danca ; he royal robes Is available. So to­ O’Goofty, though he hates to er gloves, 4 silk undergarments and Mickey Walker ' Is almost cer­ Oenaro ara still making faces at on him by the proiweetors wUo hall and gambling king, day we have the insistent question bring it up, kn how Regelf tain . to be bumped off if he de­ ASK T7#*. He learned to like and resimet Tex Rickard more renown. Never Mx and a half pounds of cigarets. each other about the flyweight c u r , Aiu. '/ m / “without ^ answer, after this, feels. He rembei i several crap fends his middleweight champion­ title and neither one of them has tor his daring, physical oonrage and boastful mn he was t^ulck to /' le was fined more than $180 foir MRS. VSK6P t . B&'AaAWi, what? Frankly, anything Is pos- games where he went Ihe wronc Ilegally Importing and concealing ship. There are three fighters In a good claim to it. Emil Pladner sky-is-the-limit code of gambling. sent an Insult; first to elmmplott s ^«ible. way. thepe articles. tba eiau who can beat blm—AM is probably the best in tbe olasa. Rickard’s poker face became a weedier brother. ■:■ iV ,-'■ ■ / > ' ' ' rpAGB EIGHT MANCHBSTEJl EVJSINING HEKALU, SUUTH MAWUliESTEK. CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 192&. Concentrate Your Efforts-Use These Columns And Gain the Profitable

' Help-Wanied^-Alsle 4$tf Want Ad Information. Lost and Pound norance. Jesifs has the power ot| "SILK SPECIAL” TRAINS SEES JESUS AS UGHT dispersing tlii'* Ignorance and siu T/ANTED— PIN BOYS. Apply Charter LOST— SATURDAY night female Set­ Oak Bowling Alleys. In the olden days people were ■

/ y e s s u m , b o s s . . I DONT CARE 1'. LISTEN , GIRLIE, / I T ’SVVTHE ALEC SMART S AH C NOTICED DAT .WARN . I'VE TAKEN i I 'THTHOUGHT O IT WAS...AND J IS YD ALL ? WHAT THE AH- f in is h e d ; NULUSTER POLISH HOUSEKEEPER )WHAT! sVlSU, IF. CARE OF HIS OLD SIDE PARTNER r ' C0LD6RIP IS IN ON THIS ' W ITH YO'C PLACE WHILST AH sM i . TOLD YOU. y 6 u 'MR. SMARTS HA! W AS 8ED0IN-: DOWN NEVER WHAT! POLISH RACKET WITH A L A CARTE Tm , going .D O N ’T XND ,SUH, IT DE ' CAR. 4T SHO' MIND TO CLEAN DO DESIST. MR. COLD GRIPS J U S T ( HIM. WELL... IT'LL YOU SEEM LIKE OLD AM A M C SOM E BIG .-tA- THAT' MR. SMART-^ I^LL'- ^ ROOMS RIGHT. A S 1 ■■' BUILDING r NOW. o e P Y < ALONG, AND SUSPECTED TIMES WHEN WE COOLIN’ ROOM." RAPIDlh' \ 'w h i l e ’ C LlSB y,, ME ?, I'LL KEEP «N GET TOGETHER. THE HANDSOME DOING IT. A LL' SUH! STRANGER WAS v*Vt)URE - AFTER LUNCHING IN IS THEIR « J S ' ROOM' . I BIG' TIPS.: .JAT. THET' n ^ C E HOTEL'.' /^CONJECTURING ^ UON'^THEf ~ lOENTTry OF' Waves that broke over, the slilp immediately turnsd ALEC-SMART, ,to ice. Soon the rails were coated a foot thick. As ilE'^ BECAME some indication of«the power o f the gale, it may be noted that a Russian boot weighing seven pounds torn out of its crate and blown three-quarters of a ;A'HEATED § ^DISCUSSION. mile. After an almost superhiim^ fight, Shackleton tsid e: and his party landed all hands an\^tores safely, ' (To Be Continued) / : tiM> 8ynop«»». Jh« ^ ✓ It. Off.)

:S'. •ii MANCHESri’BR EVENING HEKALD, SU U m MANCHESTER, CQNN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1929. ■w" SKllTY LAPPER FANNY SENSE >»d NONSENSE S- THE CHUSTACEAN8 Mother— Now, son, you mustn’t fbk HoMC tooR K I UDn T .WRlTf MklG complain about your job as a radio demonstrator. I’d ilke to know •fUE CLfiS^ T o toRiVe A t m f n j: what’s the matter with' It! COpiPoTl'rCoM M6T cVyiutSLr Son— Oh. I’m barely eeeeeeeeeck- W o k ‘ Y R A V ^ Y o tAoRe THftlS P^i f t V ing out an existence. Vo r t The Difference With the phonograph it’s this way: You buy a record and during the next ten years you hear it over and over again, maybe a thousand times. With a radio it’s different; you only hear a song six or seven hundred times, and then of course it doesn’t last for ten months, let alone ten years.

A teacher who was giving the children written exercises wrote' out this “ Wanted” advertisement. naf lUi^ j£o^ liJ “ Wanted— A Milliner. Apply by letter to Miss Smith, 10 Blank street.” The children had to make application for the position in writ­ ing. One youngster wrote: No matter l»o\v sensible girls are, “ Dear Miss Smith— I saw you Oim KOARDINC HOUSE hats go to their heads. want a milliner. I hate to trim hats. Ndghborhood News By Fontaine Fox Can’t you get somebody else? By dene Ahedi Please let me fenow at once Edith Brown.” VaIMAY ^ Alovd 2 A youn,g man who had been re­ peatedly nagged by a captain in. the SIR AAfTrtfNiW vaNMM army'finally completed his term o f: Mo o p u e uiM o 2 h M ? enlistment. Having the desire to j CARTfulRlEI^ IT SAYS “ BYE-BYE.” express himself ^o the captain and | BE^ SOME MU6 the whole army in general, he sent | cAB-TuiRi6H-r ?Well^ RlM6iM6 IM wlMo’tL You've heard that MONEY the following telegram to the cap- I T.VLKS and here’s your chance to tain: VAiELL, E6AP, SIR AaIYMoHV, .... ^ BROAP X prove it. Par is si.v and one solu­ “ Dear Captain: You and your Bo-r - tH' 1=OOP f ^ tion is on another page. whole army can go to H— .” UIMAY ARE Vou POILie JM-frfis ^ V \ IB s e e m rf MAPPEM j A few days later he received the following reply; coUAirfRV 2 Qjki v/oaft vaIaV -ib BEFORE.,--3iiS< A / o N “ Dear Sir: Any communication AUS-fRAUA*/--UIMERE ARE Woti •PLAW FOR FREE ‘— E Y rqfearding the movement of troops should be addressed on Form 0A1S AM’ A 7 ■ XT^OO, a copy of which Is attached. BBP-J>OUlAi/£ Madge: “ Would you marry a pouiM AMP

Balm For Her Palm “ When he refused to marry her did she take it to heart?” T A L K s “ No; she took it to court.” A small boy was seen sitting THE RULES moodily on the front porch of his home. 1— The Idea of Letter Golf is to “What makes you so dowpeast?” change one word to another and do a friendly neighbor inquired. it in par, a given number of strokes. “ Well,” replied the boy, “ if I had ’Ihus to change COW to HEN, in it to do over again I wouldn’t eat three strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, up sister’s lipstick— even for spite.” HEN. 2— You change only one letter at “ I heard you were sick last week, a time. what was the matter?” 3— You must have a complete “ I had clothing sickness.” word, of common usage, - for each “ What In the world is that?” jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ “ Welli I had a coat on my tongue tions don’t count. and my. breath came in short 4— The order of 'etters cannot bepants.” changed. Teacher: “ Johnny, if your father earned |40 a week, and gave your When the young man asked the mother half, what would she flapper if she would marry him, she have?” promptly replied: “ You bet. Com­ Johnny; “ Heart failure.” panionate, trial, or finish fight?” Doctor— How does the patient In the rough, poor golfer: “ These act when he is alone? links are terrible.” Nurse— I could not say. I have WASHINGTON TUBBS H Hollow Glory By Crane Caddy: “ We’re not on the links, never been with him when he was sir. We left them an hour ago.” alone. UANDetASRA'S ¥ eA.UO0eTS, FARADES. ARE HAl 8 £ UF ]0T ev/EN GOZV. LISSEN, WASH, i GOTtA ADMIT J ADA IS tttOUEST REWAR.0 RECePTiOMSlt BAV\ / Tv\e:V, To Be GOOD CHEER. I SHOWING US A BlG Tim e , AND I’M NOT ARE YOU FOP. VAIOR. AND POVJ I mould LUF 6iF6N MEDALS’ HAF COMPLAIN­ CAN YBEAT IT? KICKING AT LIMING iN A SWELL CASTLE • WORRIED, Tog; seRvice. To ?UMCiA deR r ' IP'/, FOR Sixteen ED To OER LEAD MEDALS'. AND BUT, SAYl Y'DON'T S'POSE THESE ' gee', i thought SUMMERS. GRAND vllzeR, ONE O THOSE phoney medals are the grand WE'D AT LEAST 1 AND, ACH'. HOmI FUNNY SOLDlEgS REWARDS SHE PROMISED US? get enough Sfom r ^ UAL COCHRAN— PICTURES ^ KMCK HE Ey.PLOD£D TOLP ME V’COULP , DOUGH FORA imu.ftMr.osr. M\T ANGERW BUY 'EM THREE Ticket home? FOR A quarter



lii u


5 5 0 Rtc.u s.wt.orr _ O i*iR av WA sumcc Mtc. y . J, (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM Sam’s Off-Day By Sma# As Clowny grabbed the great big fessed that be had done a noble bird, the other Tinles quickly thing.” The fairy’s safe,” said heard a loud and angry squawk­ one. "What ' difference does it really make If he escaped? For SPfT'. TUATS TH* THiao Cy^OMCR WHOHAS ^ f Y O U USSEN ’ SHOW SOWePEPl (JSEYOUR. pardon tAE, BUT TUERES ^B Y 6 0 SH,*ttlAT G'WfSM OOT AN' C.ET ing. Mr. Bird w'as very mad. goodness sake, you’ve saved the KICXCD ABOUT SLOW SeRVlCE T'D A Y AMO MdODLel OONT ORAPeYtoURSeLP AROOMO A LAOV in t h e s t o r e ) FITS YOU T^i HE!^ TAIIC.E (\ L.OOF. It held the fairy in its bill and charming fairy. That's a noble S e iE R A L OTMCRS HAYe COMPLAlNeo ABOUT “m* c o u n t e r s ! You'Re AM ewPLOYEe. VNANTS Tb SEE SOME- ( PERFECTTOM, f\TCHA \ tried to flap away uhtil It realized deed, well done.’! MisTAKes you’ve MAOe — HERe — MOT A FIXTURE I , TBINCr ORMAtAEMTAL SAtA — it couldn’t, 'Twas a strong grip And then some dwarfs came V i a , IN W O R T - Clowny had. running near, and all of them be­ And then the fairy shouted, gan to cheer. “ Hurry for Master “ Oh! This awful bird has let me Clowny. He shall have a dandv go!” And sure enough the bird's feed . And all of the rest can joi queer bill was opened very wide. right In” This made the hap The pretty fairly flew away and Tinies grin. Said Clowny, “ Th" Clowny then heard Scouty say, you very much Some food’s j “ Hang on! Don’t let the bird es­ what I need. cape! You’re getting quite a ride.” Nearby they found a cool “ You bet! I’ll try for all I’m tree, and ^ shortly picked all (h worth to bring this mean bird could see. Then off they ran uni, down to earth,” said Clowny. they found a rapids nice am “ Then we’ll punish him and teach white. “ Now, this Is milk,” om him to behave.” But, Just before wee dwarf said. “ You all can they reached the ground the bird drink, so go ahead.” The little away. The Times saw It fly Into

Brave Clowny said, “ I did my m i "si

MONDAY, JANUARY?, 3?AGB TEN iilanrlr(0ter ^ttimtttQ ^•.-'-•i^ ‘■i’'

The Men’s Choral Club rehearsal company, ol which Lewis N. Heeb- will be held at the South Methodist DEVICE REGISTERS ner is general manager, to be of ABOUT TOWN Church at 7:30 tonight. service to Its consumers. A Store Wide -^Annual ante b s tllflB Eblia Gustafson of Autumn The Ever Ready Circle Kings ELECTRICin COST Miss Juul, of the Weldon Beauty Btreet has Just recovered from an Daughters will meet Tuesday even­ Parlor, wishes to advise the women attack of the flu. ing at 7:45 at the Community Club. of Manchester that now Is the time The meeting will be a special New Display in Manchester Electric to start getting your hair in Mrs. Ralph Kingman of 111 Holl Year’s meeting. Mrs. E. P. Walton Co. Window Shows How Lit' a healthy condition for a Permanent Wave, this spring. Street, development clerk at the will have charge of the program, tie Current Appliances Use. Western Union offices in Hartford, while the social committee will con- Oil shampoos and scalp trehtments has been confined to her home since isist of Mrs. R. K. Anderson, Mrs. are necessary If your hair Is dry Charles Allen, Mrs. F. C. Allen, A mechanical device for register­ and brittle. Hair that Is brittle and -Friday with the grip. Mr. and Mrs. ing the cost of operating differbnt William J. 'Haggerty of 16 Ander­ Mrs. Oscar Bailey, Mrs. Carl Benson lifeless will not take a permanent and Mrs. George Borst. Refreslj- ' electrical appliances is on display wave. Call 1522 for appointment son street are both ill with the in a window at the office of The same complaint, while Mrs. Henry ments will be served, followed by a — Adv. program of games. Manchester Electric company. This Clearance Sale Viens of 17 Huntington street Is device turns on the current to op­ just recovering from a similar at­ erate a vacuum cleaner, percolator, tack and her young son, Harry, Is Sunset Rebekah lodge will hold' Offers Timely Savings in toaster, waffle iron, flat iron, etc., Night Auto suffering from an aocess of the ear. its regular meeting tonight at 8 in rotation, and by means of a dial. All these invalided persons are re­ o’clock in Odd Fellows Hall. Indicates bow much it costs to op­ lated. erate each appliance on a 4o rate. Dllworth Cornell Post, No. 102, The recent rate reductions in­ Repair Slu>p Enighet Lodge, Ipdependent will hold its postponed .December augurated by The Manchester Elec­ Order of Good Templars, held a meeting In the State Armory at 8 tric company, makes the cost of op­ OUR SPECIALTIES— Christmas party at Orange Hall, o’clock tonight. eration, in many homes where the . Motor Overhauling— Saturday night. Supper was served 3c and 2c rate is in effect, much Valves Ground and Carbon Re at six o’clock after which the chil­ moved— ” Aluminumware cheaper than the dial registering dren danced around the Christmas the cost of appliances at a 4c rale Hydraulic and Mechanical Brake y' treet that stood in the middle of indicates. Much interest has been S erv ice- the hall. Santa Claus also made aroused by thi^ display, and it is Free Inspection. his appearance and delighted the not strange to see large groups of 411 work done with the latest children with many small gifts. people watching it. Many people equipment. After Saint Nick’s visit the older are, of course, surprised to learn All work guaranteed. folks enjoyed dancing, music being the low cost of operating the appli­ It will pay you to Investigate provided from New Britain. ances on display— a beater costing CALL less than three cents an hour, a At a meeting held yesterday It vacuum cleaner costing much less, - After 5 P. M. Double Roasters was decided to hold a joint meeting etc. of the Sons "and Daughters of Italy This display is another effort on Phone 2954 79c Preserving Kettle:: on Sunday, January 13. After a the part of The Manchester Electric 250 West Center Street Self-basting round roasters^ 79c short business session, supper will -inch size. be served followed by a general 12 The plain aluminum pre­ good time. Both rooms In Tinker serving kettles. 12-quart ball will be used. On Saturday. g63T Pestritto, proprietor of the big Spring 79c 79c Owing to the difficulty of obtain­ water Just the proper degree Hill Poultry Farm at Rockville, comes Into the DISH PANS of temperature. Isn’t it pro­ Manchester field with a-drive in price through Paneled aluminum tea ket­ 3-quart size. Paneled per­ ing a caterer to serve dinner at the tles in the popular quart size. School street Recreation Building, voking when the hot-water arrangement with Pinehurst. Through this ueal 6 DOUBLE BOILERS colators that are just the right size for daily use. the place of the annual meeting of ‘ supply runs out and you have we are enabled to offer Strictly Fresh. Full Sized the Merchants Division of the to boll water In a hurry. Let Eggs, every one Candled, at 55 cents a dozen. WATER PAILS Chamber of Commerce has been us come to the rescue “by This is a smash. There are no better eggs to be changed to the private dining room either repairing or renewing had anywhere. They are not only absolutely TEA KETTLES of the Hotel Sheridan. The supper your heating plant so that fresh and a fine size, but they are “ Fed” for Deli­ will be on Wednesday of this week you always have hot water on cacy of Flavor. The price is well below the mar- COVERED SAUCE PANS at G p. m. band at the turn of the kef* faucet. Also the Keeney white eggs are down another COVERED KETTLES St. Mary’s Young Men’s Club will " notch. These are not local eggs but for every hold a special meeting on Friday of purpose e.xcept possibly soft boiling, they are Ab­ PERCOLATORS this week at 8 p. m. Plans will be solutely Satisfactory— and many customers say made for the annual meeting and they can see no difference, even when soft boiled, Double Boilers banquet. , The annual masquerade between them and the strictly fresh. They are 49 Sauce Pans will also be dis(!Ussed. cents the dozen. 79c I Aluminumware—Basement | 79c In tlie Meat Department, a special offering today Covered aluminum sauce 2-quart paneled double boil­ The Beethoven Glee Club will is Pork ends to cook with Sauerkraut, 20 to 24 pans. 8-quart size.' Panel ers that are handy for making rehearse tonight at 7:30 cents a pound Also the Bulk Kraut. We are style. custards, etc. sellinu it at two pounds for a quarter though there has been a terrific jump in the whole price, the result of a scarcity of cabbages. The barrel price of Krau* has gone up nearly double in the TO CLOSEOUT last few days. However, at 2 pounds'for a quar­ $3.98 Lacquered End Tables, \T $ 1 .4 9 FILHS ter is still one of the most economical of foods. Madame the Housewife’s attention is once more 18 only— red and green lacquered end tables with boo u trough finished with floral decorations. They dW not DEVELOPED AND invited to the early afternoon delivery’s advantages. -tell at $3.98 so we are closing them out at $1.49. PRINTED Leaving Pinehurst at 1 o’clock, it can be depended 24 HOUR SERVICE on to have your order in your kitchen— especially Film Deposit Box at JOHNSON & if you e.xpress the desire for it— before you are ready to go out for the afternoon, to that Bridge Store Entrance LITTLE Party, the Theater or Shopping. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF PLUMBING and HEATING More and more Pinehurst customers are availing . CONTRACTORS themselves of this delivery. Others, of course, KEMP'S 13 Chestnut St. Tel. 1083-2 | from 8 o’clock on. So. Manchester Phone two thousand. 1 Part Wool Double Blankets THIS WEEK— Brown’s Butter...... 60c SpeciaUy FRESH OYSTERS FRESH SPINACH Cloverbloom Butter...... 56c Priced each Service-— Quality— Low Prices FLORIDA ORANGES...... 35c, 41c, 47c «lozen $5.00 Eat more fruit and vegetables. Part wool, double blankets in three popular sizes— 66.x80. 70x80 and 72x84 Inches. Sateen bound edges. Colorful plaids of blue, rose, gray, gold, etc. Exceptionally fine blankets at $5.00. Large Strictly Fresh E ggs ...... 55c dozen In this price group you will also find Imported all wool auto robes in beautiful plaids, Fringed edges. Also Winchel] Smith’s Graham and Entire Wheat Flour. nandsome dark green corduroy robes. SPECIAL Special Tomorrow, Medium Grape Fruit Blankets— ^Main Floor Best Top Round S teak...... 44c lb. Bottom Round Steak for Pot Roast or Ground for 4 fo r ...... 25c Hamburg if you w ish ...... 38c lb. BALDWIN APPLES (small) 4 qts. 25c. « Our Fresh Ground Hamburg Steak, Pinehurst Hamburg...... 30c lb. Spedal 25c lb., 1 1 /2 lbs. for 30c Good Sized Baldwin Apples... 99c basket Free Parking Free Delivery A CORNED BEEP SALE (All hand picked, sound apples.) Space Daily Anjrwhere NATIVE VEAL in Town. Nice Rib Corned B e e f...... 14c lb. CALL 2000 CALL 2000 Rear of Store. Sirloin Flank Corned Beef ...... 25c lb. , souTH •‘MRhCHCSTER • * Lean Pieces of Corned Beef ...... 25c-30c lb. 1o636XXXXXXXXX36XXXXXXXX96XXXXXXXXXXX3^^ Solid Heads of Cabbage ...... 3c lb. Savings That Will Prompt U.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiim|i; BAKERY NEWS Scotch Cones 25c dozen. Ginger Squares 18c dozen Pumpernickle Bread 15c Baked Beans 25c qt. SPECIAL FOR THIS LEONARD WILLARD loaf. Old Fashioned Raised I 1 Maple Walnut Cup Cakes Loaf Cakes 25c each. EGCELLENTE Radio Rentals Auto 30c dozen. Cinnamon Buns 20c dozen VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR j WEEK ONLY | Beet Approved Methods. SERVICE STATION STUDIO, 106 SPRUCE ST. LEE WORKING Telephone 1140 GROCERY SPECIALS Batteries Recharged Fancy Head Rice, 4 lbs. Carnation Milk, tall cans, The last horse car left the streets of New York in 1917. Telephone 15 GARMENTS 25c. 3 fo r 28c. I Hot Water Range Boilers | 3 lbs. Old Fashioned 4 lbs. Yellow Com Meal * Heavy Lee OverallJumpers in bulk 25c. I EXTRA HEAVY GALVANIZED . | Buckwheat Flour 25c. 4 lbs. Rolled Oats in Heavy Lee OveraHs 6 boxes Bidseye Matches bulk 25c. 25c. 2 lbs. Best Pure Lard 25c $ 9 - 0 0 * Lee Brown and Blue UnionaUs. V-. » r Men’s Working Shoes Our store Is Headquarters for a Manchester Public Market Complete Line Men’s Lion Brand Shoes $5.00. o f Other makes of working shoes in brown f“T A. Podiove, Prop. Phone 10 Plumbing and Heating Supplies Including a Large Assortment of An Investmait and black from $3.50 to $5.50. PIPE — FITTINGS VALVESt —ETC. Men’s Waterproof High Shoes RADIATORS AND BOILERS In Happiness Let Us Figure Your Next Plumbing Men’s Heavy All Wool Hose. and Heating Contract —and their happiness is assured SH EET M E TA L W ORK b y the sdection of q ^ t y lumber Men’s 1 and 4 Buckle Arctics. 4 . . Frigidaire NdKol iromadoncemthatbas built its repur Sterling Ranges Radio tadon through satisfied customets. .ESTABUSHEDV5 4 YEABSl They are getting excellmit service too, from Depot Sqimre I ALFRED A . GREZEL W . G. Glenney Co. i^30e«0CM06ai06M0WM0B^^ Mailt street, opp.Pfirk S t Sontii Manchester Dleeclopt^ Coal, Lumber, Mason Suppli^'s P h o a a i.J t.'-*


. The Men’s Choral Club rehearsal company, ol which Lewis N. Heel^ will be held at the South Methodist DEVICE REGISTERS ner is general manager, to be of ABOUT TOWN Church at 7:30 tonight. • service to its consumers. 4 Store Wide" Sc^ni^Annual Qiedmrite^

|fi«B Ebba Gustafson of Autumn The Ever Ready Circle Kings ELECIRIOn COST Miss Juul, of the Weldon Beauty Street baa Just recovered from an IDaughters will meet Tuesday even­ Parlor, wishes to advise the women of Manchester that now is the time attack of the flu. ing at 7:45 at the Community Club. The meeting will be a special New Display in Manchester Electric to start getting your hair in Our Year’s meeting. Mrs. E. P. Walton Co. Window Shows How Lit­ a healthy condition for a Mrs. Ralph Kingman of 111 Holl Permanent Wave this spring. street, development clerk at the will have charge of the program, tle Current Appliances Use. while the social committee will con­ Oil shampoos and scalp treatments Western Union offices in Hartford, are necessary it your hair is dry has been confined to her home since sist of Mrs. R. K. Anderson, Mrs. \ Charles Allen, Mrs. F. C. Allen, , A mechanical device for register­ and brittle. Hair that is brittle and . Friday with the grip. Mr. and Mrs. ing the cost of operating different lifeless will not take a permanent William J. ’Haggerty of 16 Ander­ Mrs. Oscar Bailey, Mrs. Qarl Benson j and Mrs. George Borst. Refresh- ‘ electrical appliances is on display wave. Call 1522 for appointment son street are both ill with the in a window at the office of The same complaint, while Mrs. Henry ments will be served, followed by a — ^Adv. program of games. Manchester Electric company. This Clearance Viens of 17 Huntington street is device turns on the current to op­ just recovering from a similar at­ erate a vacuum cleaner, percolator, tack and her young son, Harry, is Sunset Rebekah lodge will hold’ Offers Timely Savings in toaster, waffle iron, flat Iron, etc., Night Auto suffering from an abcess of the ear. its regular meeting tonight at 8 in rotation, and by means of a dial, All these invalided persons are re-, o’clock in Odd Fellows Hall. indicates how much it costs to op­ lated. erate each appliance on a 4c rate. Dllworth Cornell Post, No. 102, The recent rate reductions in­ Repair Shop Enighet Lodge, Ipdependent will hold its postponed .December augurated by The Manchester Elec­ Order of Good Templars, held a meeting in the State Armory at 8 tric company, makes the cost of op­ OCR SPECIALTIES— Christmas party at Orange Hall, o’clock tonight. eration, in many homes where the . Motor Overhauling— >, Saturday night. Supper was served 3c and 2c rate is In effect, much Valves Ground and Carbon Re­ at six o’clock after which the chil­ m o v e d - Mummumware cheaper than the dial registering dren danced around the Christmas the cost of appliances at a 4c rate Hydraulic and Mechanical Brake treet that stood in the middle of indicates. Much interest has been S e r v ic e - the hall. Santa Claus also made aroused by thi^ display, and it is Free Inspection. his appearance and delighted the not strange to see large groups of 411 work done with the latest children with many small gifts. people watching It. Many people equipment. After Saint Nick’s visit the older I are, of course, surprised to learn All work guaranteed. folks enjoyed dancing, music being the low cost of operating the appli­ It will pay you to Investigate. provided from New Britain. ances on display— a heater costing CALL less than three cents an hour, a At a meeting held yesterday it vacuum cleaner costing much less, After 5 P. M. Double Roasters was decided to hold a joint meeting L etc. of the Sons "and Daughters of Italy This display is another effort on Phone 2954 79c Preserving Kettlcr on Sunday, January 13. After a the part of The Manchester Electric 250 West Center Street Self-basting round roasters, 79c short business session, supper will a. 2-inch size. be served followed by a general The plain aluminum pre­ good time. Both rooms in Tinker serving kettles. 12-quart hall will be used. On Saturday. gotxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^ Housewives and Brides-To-Be should s4e.. Jan. 26, a social and dance will be take advantage of this timely selling of the held by the combined lodges. Light refreshments are to be served dur-w well kno'wn “ Betty Bright” aluminumware ing the dance. fUPN and stock up now! “ Betty Bright” alu­ minum cooking utensils will give satisfac­ South Manchester Lodge, No. tory wear. Buy now and save! Our 1477, Loyal Order of Moose^, will hold its meeting tonight at 8 o’clock assortment includes: at the Home Club. After the regu­ ... ^HAVE GOOD THINGS TO CAT lar session the officers of the Home HIS BATH Club, Inc. will meet and decide the A SMASH IN EGGS. DOUBLE ROASTERS night for the anm al\meeting and HATEVER happens,— Tea Kettles other important business. Baby must have his . Here’s where the egg market gets another wal­ PRESERVING KETTLES Percolators W daily bath, with the lop. L> Pestritto, proprietor of the big Spring 79c water Just the proper degree Hill Poultry Farm at Rockville, comes into the DISH PANS 79c Owing to the difficulty of obtain­ Paneled aluminum tea ket­ 3-quart size. Paneled per­ ing a caterer to serve dinner at the of temperature. Isn’t it pro­ ^I'anchester field with a ‘ drive in. price through voking when the hot-water arrangeihent with Pinehurst. Through this tles in the popular 6 quart size. DOUBLE BOILERS colators that are just the right School street Recreation Building, size for daily use. the place of the annual meeting of ‘ supply runs out and yon have we are enabled to offer Strictly Fresh. Full Sized the Merchants Division of the to boil water in a hurry. Let Eggs, every one Candled, at 55 cents a dozen. WATER PAILS Chamber of Commerce has been us come to the rescue by This is a smash. There are no better eggs to be changed to the private dining room either repairing or renewing had anywhere. They are not only absolutely TEA KETTLES of the Hotel Sheridan. The supper your heating plant so that fresh and a fine size, but they are “ Fed” for Deli­ will be on Wednesday of this week yon always have hot water on cacy of Flavor. The price is well below the mar- COVERED SAUCE PANS at 6 p. m. hand at the turn of the faucet. ^*^Also the Keeney white eggs are down another COVERED KETTLES St. Mary’s Young Men’s Club will notch. These are not local eggs but for every hold a special meeting on Friday of purpose except possibly soft boiling, they are Ab­ PERCOLATORS this week at S p. m. Plans will be solutely Satisfactory— and many customers say made for the annual meeting and they can see no difference, even when soft boiled, Double Boilers banquet. , The annual masquerade between them and the strictly fresh. They are 49 Sauce Pans will also be discussed. cents the dozen. 79c Aluminumware— Basement 79c In the Meat Department, a special offering today Covered aluminum sauce 2-quart paneled double boil­ The Beethoven Glee Club will Is Pork Cuds to cook with Sauerkraut, 20 to 24 pans. 8-quart size.' Panel ers that are handy for making rehearse tonight at 7:30 cents a pound Also the Bulk Kraut. We are style. custards, etc. selling it at two pounds for a quarter though there lias h,?en a terrific jump In the whole price, P l u m b i n g the result of a scarcity of cabbages. The barrel TO CLOSEOUT .PERMANENT. price of Kraut has gone up nearly double in the last few days. However, at 2 pounds'for a quar­ $3.98 Lacquered End Tables, \T $ FILHS ter is still one of the most economical of foods. 1 .4 9 Madame the Housewife’s attention is once more 18 only— red ano green lacquered end tables with boou trough finished with floral decorations, They dW not DEVELOPED AND invited to the early afternoon delivery’s advantages. jell at 33.98 so we are closing them out at $1.49. PKINTED Leaving Pinehurst at 1 o’clock. It can be depended 24 HODK SERVICE on to have your order in your kitchen— especially Film Deposit Box at JOHNSON & if you express the desire for It— before you ara ready to go out for the afternoon, to that Bridge Store Entrance LITTLE Party, the Theater or Shopping. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF PLUMBING and HEA'nXG More and more Pinehurst customers are availing . CONTItACTORS themselves of this delivery. Others, of course, KEMP'S 13 Chestnut St. Tel. 1083-2 from 8 o'clock on. So. Manchester Phone two thousand. i Part W ool Double Blankets THIS WEEK— ^ Brownes B utter...... 60c »3CTXXXXXXXSXXXXX30S3tXXX3SX3CXXXXXX30SXX36XXXX^^ Specially FRESH OYSTERS FRESH SPINACH each Cloverbloom Butter ...... 56c Priced Service-— Quality— Low Prices FLORIDA ORANGES...... 35c, 41c, 47c dozen $5.00 Eat more fruit and vegetables. Part wool, double blankets In three popular sizes— 66x80. 70x80 and 72x84 inches. Sateen bound edges. Colorful plaids of blue, rose, gray, gold, etc. Exceptionally fine blankets at $5.00. Large Strictly Fresh E ggs ...... 55c dozen In this price group you will also find imported all wool auto robes in beautiful plaids. Fringed edges. Also Winchell Smith’s Graham and Entire WTteat Flour. nandsome dark green corduroy robes. SPECIAL Special Tomorrow, Medium Grape Fruit Blankets— Main Floor Best Top Round S te a k ...... 44c lb. Bottom Round Steak for Pot Roast or Ground for 4 f o r ...... 25c Hamburg if you w is h ...... 38c lb. B.4LDWLN APPLES (small) 4 qts. 25c. Our Fresh Ground Hamburg Steak, Pinehurst Hamburg...... 30c lb. Special 25c lb., 1 Yz lbs. fgr 30c Good Sized Baldwin Apples... 99c basket Free Parking Free Delivery A CORNED BEEF SALE (All hand picked, sound apples.) ______Space Daily Anjrwhere Nice Rib Corned B eef ...... 14c lb. NATIVE VEAL Rear of Store. in Town. CALL 2000 CALL 2000 , Sirloin Flank Corned B eef ...... 25c lb. .SOUTH "MHNCHCSTTR-COHN- Lean Pieces of Corned Beef ...... 25c-30c lb. KKX36X3CXXK36XX36XKXXXX3tX9CXXK^ Solid Heads of C abbage...... 3c lb. ijliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimir Savings That Will Prompt Thriftiness ? . Vi BAKERY NEWS Scotch Cones 25c dozen. Ginger Squares 18c dozen Pumpernickle Bread 15c Baked Beans 25c qt. SPECIAL FOR THIS LEONARD WILLARD K»6XKX3(X9(9S9(X9S9S3C9SSSX9«M«9aS»»9n^^ loaf. Old Fashioned Raised 1 Maple Walnut Cup Cakes Loaf Cakes 25c each. EGCELLENTE Radio Rentals Auto 30c dozen. Cinnamon Buns 20c dozen VIOUN INSTRUCTOR I WEEK ONLY Best Approved Methods. SERVICE STATION STUDIO, 106 SPRUCE ST. LEE WORKING Telephone 1140 GROCERY SPECIALS Batteries Recharged Fancy Head Rice, 4 lbs. Carnation Milk, tall cans, The last horse car left the streets of New York in 1917. Telephone 15 GARMENTS 25c. 3 for 28c. I Hot Water Raiige Boilers I 3 lbs. Old Fashioned 4 lbs. Yellow Com Meal Heavy Lee Overall Jumpers in bulk 25c. I EXTRA HEAVY GALVANIZED . Buckwheat Flour 25c. 4 lbs. Rolled Oats in Heavy Lee Overalls 6 boxes Bidseye Matches bulk 25c. 25c. 2 lbs. Best Pure Lard 25c $ 9 .0 0 Lee Brown and Blue Unionalls. Men’s Working Shoes Our Store Is Headquarters for a Manchester Public Market Complete Line Men’s Lion Brand Shoes $5.00. o f Other makes of working shoes in brown A. Podiove, Prop. Phone 10 Plumbing and Heating Supplies Including a Large Assortment of An Investment and black from $3.50 to $5.50. PIPE — FITTINGS — VALVES —ETC. Men’s Waterproof High Shoes RADIATORS AND BOILERS In Happiness Let Us Figure Your Next Plumbing Men’s Heavy All Wool Hose. and Heating Ckmtract. —and their happiness is assured SHEET METAL WORK ^ by the selection of quality lumber Men’s 1 and 4 Buckle Arctics. . Frigidaire NoKol fromaconcem that has built its repu*- Sterling Ranges Radio tation through satisfied customers. They are getting excellent service too, from A L . BROWN &CO Depot Square K^.- diAPEii^liioMisn, ALFRED A. ^E ZE L W . G. Glenney Go. • \ i Main Street, opp. Park S t South Manchester Coal, Lumber, Mason Supplies Allen Place, IM^chestec Phone ADVEliTlSE IN THE HERALD--n!