Picking of Cabinet Hoover' S First Task
--■W THB WBATHRR NET PRESS RUN ^ a r t m m t by U. *. WcbthM Bmean, AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION H««» Barca for the month of December, 1028 ^^,jC 0tD 9- •i’ . Fair and colder tonight and 5,209 C 0 9 » Tnes^day. Blember of the Andit Bnreaa ot ClrcnlatioBS (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. x u n ., NO. 71. (Classified Advertising on Page 8) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7,1929. TEX MADE MILLIONS J U G m V lA N WITH HI^ ETGHTERS Kidnapped by “Kind Old Man” ARMY PLANE New YorK, Jan. 7.— Here are 4> some of the biggest fights pro PICKING OF CABINET KING IS NOW moted by Tex RicKard with the UP END OF gate receipts: 1927— Tunney-Dempsey, Chi cago, $2,650,000. m H O D R ITS DICTATOR 1926 — Tunney - Dempsey, HOOVER’S FIRST TASK Philadelphia, $1,985,723. •$> 1921 — Dempsey-Carpentler, $1,626,580. Suspends Consdtution, Dis- 1927— Dempsey-Sharkey, $1- Crew Determined to Keep President-Elect First Re 083,529. Crime Center O f U, S. 1923— Dempsey-FIrpo, $1,- Aloft Until the Engines ports to President on His solves Parliament and Ap 082,590. 1924— Wills-Firpo, $462,580. Is Found In Chicago points His Own Cabinet; 1919 — Dempsey - Willard, BreaK Down — Repairs South American Trip and $452,522. 1923— Firpo-WUlard, $434,- Made in Mide-Air. Chicago, Jan. 7.— Federal, coun-^and we expect to have them within Then Meets Delegates; Belgrade Overjoyed. • 269. ty and city forces prepared today to a short time,” declared First ^ ■ Assistant U.
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