March 6, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3567 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE ANDEAN DRUG SUMMIT: examine ways to achieve a greater opening issues of demand reduction, consumption PROGRESS IN THE WAR of the United States market for Colombian and supply. Such a strategy also must in­ AGAINST DRUGS products. The Presidents noted President clude understandings regarding economic Bush's November 1 Andean Trade Initiative, cooperation, alternative development, en­ which constitutes an important step to­ couragement of trade and investment, as HON. WM. S. BROOMFIELD wards this goal, and they agreed to explore well as understandings regarding economic OF MICHIGAN further possibilities. cooperation, on attacking the traffic in illic­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President Barco expressed his concern re­ it drugs, and on diplomatic and public diplo­ garding the application of antidumping macy initiatives. Tuesday, March 6, 1990 duties to cut flowers. President Bush noted The Parties recognize that these areas are Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I am that this issue is currently under review interconnected and self-reinforcing. pleased with the administration's energetic within the U.S. Government. President Progress in one area will help achieve Barco also expressed his concern about the progress in others. Failure in any of them and determined approach to fund and launch system used in determining Colombia's a new American attack on the scourge of illicit will jeopardize progress in the others. The sugar quota. order in which they are addressed in the narcotics. The Cartagena Drug Summit was a The Presidents stressed the importance of success and I want to share with my col­ document is not meant to assign to them a successful completion of the Uruguay any particular priority. leagues in the Congress the Bilateral Commu­ Round of multilateral trade negotiations, Economic cooperation and international nique that was issued by President Bush and and recognized the significance of increased initiatives cannot be effective unless there the Presidents of the Andean nations as well access for Colombia's tropical products. are concomitant, dynamic programs attack­ as the text of the Declaration of Cartagena The two Presidents agreed to intensify further the process of consultations be­ ing the production of, trafficking in and which calls for unprecedented cooperation in tween coffee producer and consumer coun­ demand for illicit drugs. It is clear that to be the struggle against drugs between the United tries with a view to accelerating negotia­ fully effective, supply reduction efforts States and our Andean partners. I .wish the tions that will lead to a viable new interna­ must be accompanied by significant reduc­ Bush administration and the Andean countries tional agreement, and issued a call to non­ tion in demand. The Parties recognize that good luck in one of the most important wars member countries of the agreement for the exchange of information on demand that America and those nations have ever their support of this valuable instruments. control programs will benefit their coun­ tries. fought. President Bush praised Colombia's seri­ ousness in meeting its international finan­ The Parties recognize that the nature and BILATERAL COMMUNIQUE, CARTAGENA, cial commitments. He reiterated the need impact of the traffic in and interdiction of COLOMBIA for international support to facilitate Co­ illicit drugs varies in each of the three An­ MEETING BETWEEN VIRGILIO BARCO, PRESIDENT lombia's sound economic and social policies. drean countries and cannot be addressed OF COLOMBIA AND GEORGE BUSH, PRESIDENT In this regard, he confirmed his Administra­ fully in this document. The Parties will ne­ OF THE UNITED STATES tion's willingness to study specific Colombi­ gotiate bilateral and multilateral agr~e­ The President of Colombia, Virgilio Barco, an proposals for obtaining additional re­ ments consistent with their anti-narcotics and the President of the United States, sources. effort~. specifying their responsibilit_ies and George Bush, met on February 15, 1990 at The two President's again indicated the commitments with regard to economic coop­ Cartagena, Colombia to reaffirm their deci­ importance of continuing programs . f?r eration and intensified enforcement actions. sion to continue the struggle against the technical training, equipment, and admmis­ UNDERSTANDING REGARDING ECONOMIC ASPECTS trafficking and the consumption of narcotic trative support for Colombian judicial offi­ AND ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT drugs and psychotropic .substances, and to cials,. as well as continued assistance in The Parties recognize that trafficking in address aspects relating to bilateral rela­ terms of equipment and means for guaran­ tions. illicit drugs has a negative long-term impact teeing their safety in the struggle against on their economies. In some of the Parties, The two Presidents took note of the narcotics trafficking. threat posed by narcotic trafficking and profits from coca production and trade and The two Presidents reviewed the progress from illicit drug trafficking contribute, in stressed it must be confronted squarely and made in negotiations on agreements con­ eliminated. They also agreed that the prob­ varying degrees, to the entry of foreign ex­ cerning essential chemicals, the distribution change and to the generation of employ­ lem of illicit drugs must be addressed by the of seized assets, and export controls on international community in its various ment and income. Suppression of coca pro­ weapons and other materials use by d~ug duction and trade will result in significant, stages of production, trafficking and con­ traffickers, which will reinforce cooperation sumption. The President of the ynited immediate, and long-term economic costs in the struggle against illicit drugs. that will affect, in various ways, each of the States recognized that supply reduct10n ef­ The two Presidents agreed that the forts must be accomplished by significant Andean countries. Andean Summit was a significant step to­ The President of the United States will re­ reduction in demand. wards improved anti-drug coordination. The President of the United States ex­ quest Congress to authorize new funds for They pledged cooperation in bringing about the program during fiscal years 1991 to pressed his admiration for the leadership of the 1991 World Conference of Nations in­ Colombia in the struggle against illicit 1994, in order to support the Andean Par­ volved in reinforcing international coopera­ ties' efforts to counteract the short- and drugs and his appreciation for the firmness tion in the fight against the production, and the example set by President Barco. He long-term social-economic impact of an ef­ also stressed the courage and the sacrifices trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs. fective fight against illicit drugs. This con­ of the Government, the people, the Armed On behalf of the Government and people tribution by the United States would be Forces and police of Colombia, who, in un­ of Colombia, President Barco expressed made within the framework of actions dertaklng this struggle, merit the solid sup­ thanks for the demonstrations of assistance against drug trafficking carried. out. by port and economic assistance of the interna­ and solidarity, received from the Govern­ Andean Parties. The Andean Parties reiter­ tional community. ment and the people of the United States in ate the importance of implementing or The two Presidents acknowledged the im­ their efforts to combat illicit drug traffick­ strengthening sound economic policies . for portance of maintaining adequate levels of ing, and trusts that cooperation will intensi­ the effective utilization of such a contribu­ economic growth and revitalizing areas af­ fy in various areas. tion. The United· States is also prepared to fected by the production of illicit drugs in cooperate with the Andean Parties in a wide order to help achieve success in combatting ANDEAN SUMMIT, CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA range of initiatives for development, trade narcotics trafficking. To that end, they DECLARATION OF CARTAGENA and investment in order to strengthen and agreed on the need for joint actions on both The Parties consider that a strategy sustain long-term economic growth. a bilateral and multilateral basis. which commits the Parties to implement or Alternative development, designed to re­ The President of the United States ex­ strengthen a comprehensive, intensified place the coca economy in Peru and Bolivia pressed the willingness of his government to anti-narcotics program must address the and illicit drug trafficking in all the Andean e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 3568 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 6, 1990 Parties, includes the following areas of co­ United States is prepared to provide balance tion programs and from bilateral and multi­ operation. In the short term, there is a need of payments support to help meet foreign lateral cooperation agreements to expand to create and/ or to strengthen social emer­ exchange needs. The United States will also efforts in this field. gency programs and economic costs stem­ consider funding for emergency social pro­ To this end, the Parties undertake to con­ ming from substitution. In the medium and grams, such as the successful one in Bolivia, tribute economic,
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