--■W THB WBATHRR NET PRESS RUN ^ a r t m m t by U. *. WcbthM Bmean, AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION H««» Barca for the month of December, 1028 ^^,jC 0tD 9- •i’ . Fair and colder tonight and 5,209 C 0 9 » Tnes^day. Blember of the Andit Bnreaa ot ClrcnlatioBS (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. x u n ., NO. 71. (Classified Advertising on Page 8) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7,1929. TEX MADE MILLIONS J U G m V lA N WITH HI^ ETGHTERS Kidnapped by “Kind Old Man” ARMY PLANE New YorK, Jan. 7.— Here are 4> some of the biggest fights pro­ PICKING OF CABINET KING IS NOW moted by Tex RicKard with the UP END OF gate receipts: 1927— Tunney-Dempsey, Chi­ cago, $2,650,000. m H O D R ITS DICTATOR 1926 — Tunney - Dempsey, HOOVER’S FIRST TASK Philadelphia, $1,985,723. •$> 1921 — Dempsey-Carpentler, $1,626,580. Suspends Consdtution, Dis- 1927— Dempsey-Sharkey, $1- Crew Determined to Keep President-Elect First Re­ 083,529. Crime Center O f U, S. 1923— Dempsey-FIrpo, $1,- Aloft Until the Engines ports to President on His solves Parliament and Ap­ 082,590. 1924— Wills-Firpo, $462,580. Is Found In Chicago points His Own Cabinet; 1919 — Dempsey - Willard, BreaK Down — Repairs South American Trip and $452,522. 1923— Firpo-WUlard, $434,- Made in Mide-Air. Chicago, Jan. 7.— Federal, coun-^and we expect to have them within Then Meets Delegates; Belgrade Overjoyed. • 269. ty and city forces prepared today to a short time,” declared First ^ ■ Assistant U. S. District Attorney E. \ dig into a mass of evidence, gath­ Morrow and Fletcher BUTiLETIN! ered in spectacular raids in Chica­ Northrop. Vienna, Jan. 7.— Belgrade and go Heights, yesterday, which they Northrop said Chicago Heights, all Jugo-Slavia were reported quiet Nielroimlitan Airport, Los believe will uncover the operations for five years, has been the head­ ,Mentioned for Place in the teday following King Alexander’s . SPORTS HOORN Angeles, Gal.. Jan. 7.-—The of the ‘ ‘Crime Capital ot America.” quarters of a desperate band that coupe d'etat in suspending the con­ record breaKing flight of the Twenty-seven prisoners, many of has slowly extended its domination them sought for weeks by federal and its power until decent citizens stitution, dissolving Parliament and Army endnrance plane Ques­ New Cabinet. TBE DEATH OF tion Mark came near disaster men of a dozen cifies, are in cus­ in the district and officials who appointing a new Cabinet, thus today when refueling plane tody. wanted to be honest, felt unable to combat the tremendous forces be­ maKing himself dictator. No. 1 stmeK an air pocKet arid “ We still want two, possibly Washington, Jan. 7— President- three men to complete our chain. hind the rings. General Peter ZlvKovic, premier dropped to within three feet of Elect Herbert Hoover started off TE J^C K A R D the big FoKKer. anc^ minister of interior, ordered the crowded program arranged for the dissolution of all parties with The refueling plane was in Nationalistic or religious basis, par­ chaiize of Captain Balph Hoyt. him in Washington with a 35-mIn- ticularly the Croatian and Slove i- Major (’arl Spatz. flight QUIZ WOMAN’S RELATIVE ute meeting with President Cpo- ian clericals and Bosnian Hussel- Body of Famous Fight Pro­ commander, handling the noz­ lidge at the White House today. man group.' This foreshadows a zle of the gasoline hose, was obliged to hurrle<lly docK into Following the meeting, the Presi­ long dictatorship. dent and Mr. Hoover posed for The new Cabinet is responsible moter Who Died in Flori­ the cabin of the Question IN WnUMANTIC MURDER Mark to avoid being Injured, it some minutes for pictures on the only to the King. -------------------------- , « — — --------------------:--------------- Alexander’s action caused demon­ da is Being Brought to was Reported. front steps of the White House. strations of joy in Zagreb (Agram). Photographers and newspapermen Crowds cheered the King as “ The Metropolitan Airport, Los An- Son-in-Law Says He Was at LIFE SENTENCES crowded about them. Plied with a New YorK City Today. eles, Jan. 17.— The danger of rapid flrd of questions, the Presi­ Liberator of Croatia” but this jubi­ It was “ a kind old man with a cane” who Kidnapped her, so pretty lation was changed tc consterna­ ! motor failure overcome by midair dent-Elect smiling turned to Mr. Doris Turner, 16, Atlanta high school girl shown above, wrote to her Coolidge and said: tion todaj by Gen. ZivKovic’s de­ parents on the same day she vanished. Later, when she was found, repairs and replacements, the rec­ WorK When Neighbor CONSTITUnONAL cree. Miami Beach, Fla., Jan. 7.— The “ If you’re looKing for , informa­ tied and gagged, her physical condition was such that she could not ^ive ord-breaKing Army monoplane tion, you'll have to get it from the Gen ^ivKovic was a member of body of Tex RicKard was on the a coherent account of her abduction. A wide search had been instituted “ Question Mark” was still in the air Saw Him in Rear of His the band of Serb officers “ The foundation of news. for her.. at 8:30 a. m., (Pacific time) today, White Hand,” and personally open­ way home today. Not to the Kan­ He declined to answer questions sas farm home where he was born, having flown continuously for more concerning legislation, an extra ses­ ed the Belgrade castle gates to ad- than 144 hours since its taKeoff on Home. Michigan’s Supreme Court Tti the assassins of King" Alexan­ nor to the plains of the Texas Pan­ sion of Congress and so forth. He New Year’s Day. appeared In excellent health and der and Queen Draga in 1903. Eng­ handle, where he rode herd and With all duration records in avia­ cheerful mood. land then demandeu ZivKovic’s VOODOO MURDER TRIAL Rules That Mrs. Miller’s picKed his nick-name. Not the tion tucKe^ilnder their belts, the Willlmantlc, Con'n., Jan. 7.— Object of Conference punishment. Yukon, where he prospected for brave crew iif.flve men, commanded Coroner Arthur G. Bill’s' inquest Everett Sanders, secretary of the gold, nor Cripple Creek, Gold Field by' Major Carl Spatz, still refused Sentence is Just. president, later explained that the JOY IN BELGRADE into the death of Mrs. Rosarla Lor- or Tonopah, where he sparred with HAS NATION’S ATIBITION to rest content. They were determ­ [conference between Mr. Coolidge Belgrade, Jan. 7.— All municipal ella, who was found with her throat a flint-eyed fate for a livelihood ined to keep the giant FoKKer aloft and Mr. Hoover centered on the administrations in Jngo-Slavia were until the three motors, not they be­ crushed in her home in Arnold’s President-Elect’s trip to South dissolved today under the dictator­ and gained fame of dealing an hon­ Lansing, Mich., Jan. 7 — The est game. came completely exhausted. Lam on January 3, was centered America. Mr. Hoover gave the ship. New royal administrations Make Repairs State Supreme Court, in an unanim- He was going home to Broadway, in determining where Thomas Maz-' President a first-hand report on his were appointed at Belgrade, Zagreb Three Youths in YorK, Pa., BUSINESS DEMANDS As the big brown and gold plane oui decision today, declared con­ observations. and Laibach by the minister of in­ where he planned and made his zola, son-in-law of Mrs. Lorella,' greatest fights and where he raised circled over the field throughout the stitutional the habitual criminal The President regards Mr. Hoo­ terior. Accused o f Killing Man night, the hope that the ship’s dar­ was on the day of her death. provisions of the Michigan new ver’s trip as extremely helpful and Zagreb newspapers hailed the the most impressive monument to his success as a genius of the ling. TARIFF REVISION ing mechanic. Sergeant Roy Hooe, Two witnesses were examined by criminal code, under which Mrs. beneficial, and believes the satis­ coup d’etat as righting the wrong Old Madison Square Garden, which had restored the weaKening motors the coroner during the morning Etta Miller. 48, was sentenced to factory results were shown in the inflicted upon the Croatian people. They Claimed Was Witch; to regularity grew Into an assur- session of the inquest today. One life confinement in the Detroit successful conclusion of the recent When Alexander’s proclamation Knew RicKard’s first New YorK suc­ was Mrs. Arthur Valliant, who lives cesses, is gone but just a step off House o f Correction. Pan American conference here, at was posted crowds that were eager­ Watchers Optimistic at Arnold Lane, next to the Maz- Fred Palms, now in Jackson which war between Bolivia and Broadway stands the New Garden, Unique Legal Case. Congress Holds Hearing to When the motors recuperated ly awaiting shouted: “ Bravo! Long aola hofhe, and the other was John prison under sentence to life im­ Paraguay was averted and obliga­ Live Lhe-JIingL Long Live Jugo­ solid in testimony to RicKard’s r-* ffrom their spasmodic ailment, op­ Sullivan, o f 90 South street, fore­ tory arhiti’atlon treaties negotiated. ability in bringing prize fighting prisonment because a pint of gin slavia!” Determine Jnst How Far timism replaced anxiety on the part man of the New Haven railroad i was said to have been illeigally tn His Cabinet Gen. Peter ZivKovic, premier and from the bacK.alleys and presenting YorK, Pa., Jan. 7.— A “ witch of the watchers on* the ground. section gang with which Mazzola With the arrival of a New Jersey it as entertainment for a starched his possession, had appealed to the minister of interior in the' new murder” trial— a case unique in worKed.
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