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THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. SATURDAY, MAR. 16, 1918. FIVE M ? - ? 4 WilLARD AND fllLTCH A A A A i tMt4t4t44'MttMM444M4444444444444444.44 TyTTI TTTTTTTTtf tT?TTTT? in"1"""" "IL". '"i''m)tiijti WILL FIGHT JULY 4 Sieve i Grinmmm lamDS'on ' w mr- nv- mam I mm- a Champion Removes All Re- strictions and Wi3 Make It Any Number of Rounds V" X V? It v f. I i X. I . t - BREAKS PtTRSE RECORDS ACmbtj 41 i 4' . - ... 1 JS4 Tha largest purse heretofore offered for ft championship fight was the $101,000 prize hung up by Tex Rickard for Jack Johnson, and James J. Jeffries This fight also set the mark in gate receipts, the sum coming to $270,775. Three car loads of Tractors now on the Willard and Moraa drew down the second largest purse on March. 25, 1910, and drew road will probably all sold they $150,000 at the gate. be before Already $150,000 has been of- fered for the Willrc! Fulton go. arrive. Place your order early and avoid .f - J l - - Holds all mechan- 5JC Jfi ' tt world's records for stock cars. Your delay. By H. C. Hamilton, ical trouble practically eliminated. More Hudson (United Press Staff Correspondent) Super-Si- x sold New York, March. 16 Jess Willard cars in the State of Oregon during the has fixed things so that he either will last year than all other makes of cars in the same class. go down in history as comparablo to the great heavyweight champions who Boy preceded him, or ne will not go down atenoo in history at all. Announcement that arrangements havo been practically completed to bring the champion and Fred Fulton DM together for a bout on July 4 means ft E more to tho boxing game than any sin- gle happening since Jack Johnson col- lapsed under Willard 's hammering in 246 State St. Salem, Oregon Havana. Jess has removed all restrictions in- dicating terms under which he will F. G. Delano A. I. Eoff fight. Colonel J. C Miller, who ob- tained signatures of both men after a long session in Kansas City with Fred 4f4M Fulton, declares Jess is ready to fight 4444t4444444444tMM tt any number of rounds. Ho will pick a spot if i.ossiblo where the bout can go more than twenty rounds. It is a pe- culiar set of circumstances tnut has led POLK COUNTY PRUNES RAN up to tho meeting between these ele- ser tor anything not even for tho sale phantine lexuponenlta of boxing. It K$2?&3 w as Fred who was by of Iiia prunes. Although tho crop was Fulton selected Tom to meet IN lighter last year than usual, tho price the' champion when AMONG HIGHEST QUALITY wuianl v. as preparing tt fight two realized by growers more than made up x for the shortage of product. years ago A loud cry ascended at Dr. Uayter, who lias some 10,000 grow- that time against Fulton. It was con- ing prune trees, some of them as old tended he was too much of a novice to Folk county produces the best quality Two hundred and thousand dol- as fifty 2b years, says it is possible to grow a ftfjht the man who had whipped Jack of prunes of any district in the state, or lars is the estimate put upon the prune paying crop when the trees arc as young Johnson and Fulton lost the bout. It We carry the most complete line of Trac- in the world, for that matter, because output of Polk; county per year, and it as 5 years. He is made to say that he went to Frank Morah and was a very Oregon as a wholo grows as fino a pro- is added that one fourth of this goes lias sold prunes in past years as low as uiisausiacrory atrair. 2 2 "as lulton has been fighting his way duct as is produced anywhero. for labor in the industry. cents a pound, and high as 8 have cents. For the last seven years the sicauiiy to prominence 'Since that time. tors and a Tractor for every need. In point of quantity. Polk is not quite In 1917, Polk county produced 3,100,- - price of prunes has been good. as a matter of tact, his record reads in first position yet, but it is close, to 000 pounds of prunes, which sold for 8 much, better than docs tho champions. it. In quality, she has no superiors. Jtiis recent New Tl"J5f,r,pOUnd'.OrJi63,,0 8AT' inS 0Ht a V orchard is $125.37 per bout in . York with Call in and see us if interested in cheaper Thin is the conclusion arrived at by nig a ... inoi,ii- ioo- for tho ni;,i Larl Morris, in which Fulton was dis- Horace Addis, a prune expert, who has better than the average for Polk county land. qualified for striking low, started an written a lengthy article for the Oregon prune growers, notwithstanding tho As to spraying and caring for a prune other howl against Fulton which ha has :": recently on the prune output of (favorable season, orchard, W. j. Stockholm of tound hard to overcome. farming. v:';''': Monmouth, xr j., ... - 'this county. Mr. Addis' article quotes Two cents a pound is the estimated had the following to say: uii u&uy cnareeai i witn liarin a county prune growers j cost drying handling from various Polk of picking, and tho "After experimenting in an orchard "yellow streak,' the giant from Min- and experts, including the manager oti fruit to the market, lief ore the war, Uer 22 years old, I am fully satisfied that nesota has gone ahead without hesita the California Packing company in Dal many is said to have been the biggest the result of applying 'manure at the tion gradually making a name for C. promi- prunes county; las, Mr. PcterBon; F. Ewing, a buyer of in this but rate of not lees than 10 tons per aero himself that has forced tho title holder ft nent grower, and Dr. Mark Ilayter, ano- since that country has been put out of would give results would to give him recognition. nevcr- - that make ther large prune grower, and others. tho world's markets, the price has prune growing one of the most' paying Willard has been hounded into the VICEC industries in Polk county. There is bout. DubbpA "pacifist champion" no good reason why we should have a and derided becauso of tho fact that -"- small crop of prunes at any time. In he has been content to WHMUlJUM'i.iminim4TiLMiarniu imtaiiii Hi IIIMIINyillHIIIIHIIII appear as a my opinion, tho small crop sometimes circus attraction instead of defending 260 North High seen on the older orchards is very ins crown, ne nas cnatea considerably largely due to lack of fertility in the soil, the trees "having exhausted the Fulton to Get $20,000. element's so uecessary for the develop- - Kansas City, Mo., March 16. Jesi Hf4tt ment of the fruit. ' ' Willard will fight Fred Fulton July 4 1 for tho heavyweight championship of of Ore- world, connection with the University Wednesday. them with sorrow but with patriot io the if practically complete plans gon as and physical M. Course of Lectures ao wrestling coach Mrs. J. Follis is visiting her son, T, fortitude. Her thoughts were continually not ran training instructor to becomo director J. Follis in Linn county. On Bread Making Fulton will get $20,000 win, loso or of athletics at Fort Stevens, Oregon. upon her boys in the servico and the araw. DEATH OF MBS. J. II. BICHAEDS. was an ardent worker in the Rod Cross, Colonel C. May Be Delivered J. Miller, representing the working there when she could scarcely cnampion, is open to receive bids from Staytoa Items Mrs. J. Richards, who hnd been and II. hold her head up. All she asked was to A course cities clubs for the mill. of three lectures on the These were taken to Portland foi? an operation, died be alive when her boys came back from making of breads will be offered at the outstanding points of (Capital Journal Special Service) France. The demise an agreement between Colonel at the Good Samaritan hospital, iu that of such a loving the library if there is a sufficient num- Miller Stayton, Or., Mar. 10, Mrs. J. W. wifo and mother is a deep blow to this and Mike Collins, Fulton's manaeer. city, at 7 o'clock Sunday morning, . ber ef housewives who wish to sea the family, who linvn ihn liAni-tfolf- uvm. reached by telegram last night Jaekson has returned from an extended 10. doniouistration of tho use of substi- after March Sho had survived the oper- of the In- - nan euuea visit in Michigan, pathy community. Woodburn. tutes. Miss Marie Anthony, who hns mejr an apparently nopeiess ation and it was thought would recover. ai'penuent. conference hero and Collins was en Bcauchamp is new ibeon conducting a class of fifty in Dr. driving a Sarah Thomas Jaekson was bom iu Bouth, Salem, route to Minneapolis s has consented to demo- Buick six. Cowan, Tenn., December 17, IS07. On It is reported that the Gorman peo- nstrate the possibilities "When Collins left here yesterday of substitutes Al Hepburn a former resident of this April 7, 1377, sho Rich- ple, in addition to their other troubles, many 25 afternoon the match was married J. II. in broad if as as wish it.