THE ST.JOHNS NEWS VOLUME XXII—NO. 45 THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JUNE IS, 1911. EIGHT PAGES ONE DOLLAR A YEAS ♦ IRS.nilEKUMM ♦ PfrBLlHHEK*X XOnCB. MBEH IS ni TiUmETOTS COliTlEES FOR ♦ ATTOIIIlEYeEIERAL SHxims n PMuss ♦ ---------- ♦ ; HR SEntlCnT YYHL USX PMIOLE ♦ ♦ i ------ H.\l> KKHIIIKD IX HT. JOHXH KOI ^ Owtec to chance of time on tks ^ mui THEIR SAY FOURTH OF JULY # Orand Trunk It Is asesnaary to ^ nTumoiiJi ' ham FIXALLT HADE KXOWr.X XE-IHLY TWKLTE FOODNI RULER YKAUti, ^ set a larva portlati of tke Issue ♦ HE MTANDH OX TBBA’TT. ^ of ’Tbs .News la the postofrice In # PHEPARA'nDXH IX PBOHBKMN FOB ♦ Snse to catch the lt:&j mall ♦ A.XHWEBH QrBMTIOXH AHKKD BT (’LINTON (’Ol’NTT HAN NOW HBBT- AT THE rHILDIlEX*S DAT BXKK- Mrs. l*hoebe I^ncan. *ho suffered ^ east la order to rsseh ssrsral ^ Senstor Townssnd returned to ' a stroke of paralyuis on Mensortal day, BIU CBLBBBATIDN. ('OHVIMHIOXEB TOfTXMEXD. I NO HBNTBNCB. (THBH IX THE rHrRI’HKH. ^ postofness before Saturdsy. ao 4 Washington from a two weska’ stay died at her home on Ro*a otreet, Fri­ 4 bad are eonnsctloaa at Junction 4 in .Michigan and Monday gave It out day momlnc about 8 o ’clock. Short 4 polnla. Tbs Nswa has been en- 4 lo those who are canvaaslog the sen ­ aervtce* were held at the bouse at MfimrT nfimiimiT i ^ dsavorinx to talm care of late 4 Oplnlsns sf Antbsifty *n Hallers Bs- ate that be proposes to vote in favor 7:30 o ’clock Saturday momlnR by J InHair is Mrbssl DIstrIrts and of the Canadian rrciproclty agree ­ '< Rev. )latt Mullen, and the remains E. » many letters wer* late thla week 4 ment. RE nuisansdna SUNDRY mis THEIR DRY . NOiET nraWEIT 2*:.?^'= ■’“'jjt Blffetk Urade Paplls. i taken to Macon for interment. ^4 that it was impossible to take 4 "After my firat study of this quea- Mr*. I^amran wue bom in New York ! 4 care of the matter in connection 4 Goo. you will remember. I told the AuRuet 31. 1842, but came to Micbl- EXECimVE ('DHHI’TTBE py*** 1 expected to vote for rrciproc ­ roVHl ’TTBD CRIHB tJNBBB INFLC> THI’XDEK HTDHH DID XOT DAMP- ! I i T>« •“«<*•• I—.1 Or th. i-< Ran when a child of eixht years. 'The I ♦ «nliud^ '”** ’ »---Tlnrtlr ♦ I proTidn Uui pupllt ell- lty,’’ he said. "Then came the extend ­ «*ntlrv« distance was traveled in a wax- CLPDEN HOHE HCSTLEBti. E.NCE OP WHIHHBT. EX HPIKIT OK on ASIOX. I4 Hevwsfter we iwminw th.t .11 Jtuition paid must ed hearings before the senat finance on. the Journey being a long weari­ V Herasftsr. we ^ueet all 4 either be holders committee and Importunities from some one. 14 country letters be• m.ii..!..... ------- --------------- county *-ighth many of the beat people In Michigan The greater pert of the lime Mr*, .K r diploma*, or those who have Wife Died at H e List sf 4Mfleers and Yaiisss f'smmft 4 reach ua not lateV than W^nes- 4; ^j^dea of work In a especially among the fanners, asking la WestpkaHa of D'omlili) trtlutlrallj Idom* latngan has resided in I/raawee and roe to withhold Judgment until the 4 aa much ear- ♦ graded school district as evidenced PrsBi Effects sf UaasiMt Find «>4 for Aaaiial Ktrat Pmcrsm* Allegan counties, coming to St. Johns lea- AttracUsas Will he Listed 4 leve I® iT i statement of the su- hearings were concluded. By Hashaad. nearly twelve years ago where she .Text Week. 4 hour. onWDUon st late 4 p^rlnendent of schools In such graded "I did so. I desire to do that which Oiton hj .HtImmiU. liad since continued to live is best for the entire slate of Michi­ <*l»trict. She was the mother of four chil­ ---------- I4 TTJlaThis also opplloaoppllss to notices.notlc***. t4 »,^veral questions have arisen in gan. as well as for the country at (From Portland Review.) dren. two sons and two daughters, At a meeting Mondav night In the t «nnounc*mienU. *4c.. which can 4 and I felt It due to myaelf and IliiEht hloBSomo. saylv •Imcinx this county ua to the interpretailon of to every Interest of the people that I birds, tnusir ami crowds of om* son dying at Traverse City short­ Interests of the Fourth of July ceic- ? earlier Juet aa 4 what is meant by "the completing of John Thome, of Westphalia town ­ ly after the mother moved to St. city ('onslderaole *m- ^ well aa later. T’bere la a limit 4 proceed with all the care of which I ship, has had ffticouragement from In'- happy boys .ind Elrls wcrr ••n***riain* bratlon In this city I'onslderaole <m ^ .. - ------ ^ **lghi grades of work In a graded am rapable. ins fostuprs of the service .it the <*on- Johns. thusiaem was manifested. C. R. ^ to our cavity to take care of 4 arhool district as evidenced by the fluentlal source* In the belief that The surviving children arc X. G. '4 news matter and a little for*»- 4 sutiemtenUent of said graded district." "I have done so. I have i(M>ked at hi* brother-in-law, John Miller, will Rmtcattonal rhiiirh Sunday tiinmlnK. C lark acted aa chairman and I.^w F ^ . .... — . pet...h-umt -.h ui m»u arau**u msinci. this matter from every point of view. when thr annual obs«*r4anr«* of rhil* I..aaxan of Jackson. Mrs Itenba Car- Cutcheon serreury The following T thought and abiding by inia re- 4 i submitted the following questions be able to get a parole aa soon aa be lis of Gmwn and Mlaa Kate l.,anRan wer»* chosen as iiermaoentiiermanent officer* • quest will assist very materially. 4 ' lo the attornev eeneimi* And In the broadest aenae, having In baa served one-half of the minimum dr»»n’a day was niadr must pffpotlvt*. to the attorney generml: mind not only the temporary but the Thf hea^T rain storm conilnx on of this place for the occasion: ♦ THE F>TTHIelSHKR 4 1. Would a child who had fall**d in of his sentence and to this )-nd in Mrs. loingan united with the Con- President —Bd. J. Moinet. ♦ 4 l*ermanent welfare of thla country, I circulating a petition among friends, Just before the hour of Hcrvire de* the county eighth grade test, be en ­ feel compelled to seixe this opportun ­ laypd the proxraiii nomowhat, but it grcgatlonul church shortly after com ­ .Serretavy—I.*ew F rutrheon. ♦4444444444444444 titled to have his tuition laiid by his neighbor* and acquaintances of tbs ing to this city, and was a woman of Treasurer R. C Dexter ity to «<«tabllsh between Canada and prisoner asking for such clemency. In no way dampened the Joyous spirits district. If he should enter some high the I'nited States that degree of cor ­ of the younie panirl|»ants or the older strong ChrisUsn principles. An executive committee was chosen school In the fall without any en ­ Miller was sentenced by Judge SssrI dial Intimacy which. I believe, will of the Clinton county circuit, to from spoctators, and the proicnin) was Riv­ consisting of following gentlemen: PHYSICRL TRRMING CIRSS trance examination lo said graded or lead to the ultimate beat good and en in ItK ntirety. Horace P. Gage, chairman; la*e I)e- high school? The attorney general ’s 7 to 14 years on his plea of guilty to bighfst development of both coun ­ the charge of manslaughter. He will H pretty novelty of the proRram was 'Vltt. L. I> Parr, M’m. Gllllson. J«»s*e reply was that he would .NOT be en ­ tries." the buildinR of a floral croas. In whlrh TERCHER RESIGNS RND lUncroft, r 8 Clark A J. Grisarnld. ENTERTRINED FRIENDS FRIDRY titled under the law to have his tui­ have served 3S years of this next every m* mlier of the conRreRutlon had Thla committee made choice of the tion |iald by his disiric fall and it is for the purpose of hav­ a part, from the wee toddlers of three following sub-committees- WOKK OK Pl’PILS VERY f’llEIIIT- 2 Would a child who had failed ing the case ready lo present to the SUCCESSOR EN6R6ED 9 pardon board at that time that tbs to thos*' who are almost tottennR un ­ ibibllclty committee —le F. Cutch- AHLY DEMHXMTKATED. In the county eighth grade test be en ­ 8TRYINR8 ‘““RT der the burden of four score years •-on. C. S Clark and C. C Vaughan. titled under the law to bis tuition psi*! petition baa been started at hla time. As the hymn "Onward. Christian Sol ­ TWO .XKW TEAKHKHM -f'OKKKi • Entenainment r-ommittee —a . J J . Yil* district. If he should take an •Mr. Thome has found little oppo ­ diers" was tielnx sunR the aiidlenre TlOX IN MADE. Griswold. R. G. Allison and Fred f^n day, now an annual event glv- •-ntrance examination in a graded or SRGINRW GONCUMIE sition to the plan. Warden Fuller of marrhed around the churrh. defioslt- Tremper en b> the children of the central high achool. and |»aas said entrance the Ionia reformatory says Miller InR a rose near th<- altar to l»e made liecorating commltt* ‘e—G H Chap­ arhool on the school lawn was •*xaminalion. and receive as "'Idence has made an Ideal priimner, while It one of the functions MI DDEX HEATH HK JAMES KIXD- a i>art of the b<‘auttful emblem of .Mias Human Florrer, who for the past man. C O. Du Hols.
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