Review MECAS V° 17/ N°1 / March 2021 Transport Infrastructure Spending in Algeria: State of the Art LARIDJI Mohammed Amin.1 Docteur en Ingénierie économique et entreprise. Tlemcen University
[email protected] MALIKI Samir Baha Eddine. Professor MECAS laboratory .Tlemcen University (Algeria)
[email protected] Received date: 25.02.2021 / Accepted date: 22.03.2021 Abstract This article aims to present a state-of-the-art on transport infrastructure spending in Algeria during a period when the country recorded the highest revenues from the oil and gas sector. We analyses all available statistics on the transport sector with all its components and different costs. This analysis is very important for future development programs in Algeria, given the huge budgets consumed. The description of the sector leads us to conclude that the economic efficiency of investment in this sector will depend on the ability to master maintenance and technological and managerial innovation to cover growing demand and ensure sustainable development. Keywords: Transport infrastructure, expenditure, development, Algeria Jel Classification Codes : H50 ; R42 ; R49 Introduction: Transportation is a -value but extremely important service to the economy and is one of the pillars of the growth in all nations' production (Jiwattanakulpaisarn et al., 2012). The transport and communications sector remains a major contributor to the Algerian economy, representing 14% of GDP in 2017, compared to 13.4% in 2016, according to the National Statistics Office (ONS) (Oxford Business Group, 2018). Investment in rail, maritime, airport, road, and highway transport infrastructure, the link between these different modes of transport can unlock the growth potential of an economy.