Relax. TOOELE There are more embarrassing RANSCRIPT things in life than a colonoscopy. T To schedule an appointment, call 435-228-0061. SERVING TOOELE COUNTY SINCE 1894 BULLETIN The American Cancer Society recommends both men and women at average risk of colorectal cancer should begin receiving a colonoscopy every 10 years at age 50. But you should talk with your doctor about your own health and your family history so that you can choose the best screening plan for you. TUESDAY April 1, 2014 Vol. 120 No. 87 $1.00

2/12/14 5:40 PM 75176_MOUN_Colon_4x3c.inddCounty 1 budget on the mend Commission’s recovery plan ‘is working,’ says county treasurer

by Tim Gillie STAFF WRITER

At the end of the second quar- ter of 2013, Tooele County’s cash flow projection showed the county running out of cash before the end of June. The projected cash flow short- age, along with uncertainty about the future of federal payment SUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTO in lieu of taxes, triggered three Grantsville and North Tooele County firefighters work to contain a stucture fire Saturday morning in Grantsville. The garage fire spread due to strong winds and explosive material. months of budget cuts, staff reductions including the elimi- nation of some departments, closure of facilities, cancella- tion of county sponsored events, High winds, combustibles fuel Grantsville fire and the first general property tax increase for the county in 25 by Lisa Christensen years. STAFF WRITER However, a financial report for the first quarter of 2014 shows A garage fire in Grantsville was fueled by stiff winds but a turn around of the county’s miraculously did not harm the owner’s house Saturday. financial health. The blaze started near the rear of the structure, owned by As of March 30, 2014 the Gordon and Erin Bolinder, on west Durfee Street near 150 county had a cash balance of West at about 11:30 a.m., and a strong south wind quickly $9.4 million compared to a bal- fed the flames, said Fire Chief Neil Bell of the Grantsville ance of $4.2 million on the same Volunteer Fire Department. day in 2013, according to Tooele It took about a half hour for firefighters from Grantsville’s County Treasurer Jeremy Walker. fire department and the North Tooele County Fire District Walker makes daily entries on to contain the fire. They battled 40 mph gusts that sought a spreadsheet that graphs the to spread the fire to the Bolinder’s home just north of the county’s cash balance for the last garage. six years. Bell said the department’s new ladder truck fought the “Our cash balance is now back fire from the west in its inaugural run, while firefighters up to where it was in 2009,” he took their stand from the south. said. “2009 was kind of a banner “The wind always plays a big part in how we fight fires,” year for the county.” he said. “We had our backs to the wind, so nobody was According to Walker, the being threatened by the smoke or the flames.” increase in the county’s cash bal- The smoke blew fiercely into the home, however, and ance is the result of the county throughout the neighborhood. Some neighbors entered commission’s financial recovery the home to help a man get out, while others sprayed the plan that increased the coun- flames with garden hoses slung over their fences, Bell said. ty’s fund balance by reducing The man was checked by medical personnel but did not expenses and increasing prop- require treatment.

SEE BUDGET PAGE A7 ➤ SUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTO SEE FIRE PAGE A7 ➤ Grantsville City Mayor Brent Marshall consoles Erin and Gordon Bolinder during a fire on their property Saturday morning.

Warm, dry March has snow melting early Storm cut by Emma Penrod snow survey supervisor with the The unchanged streamflow ishing local reservoirs. STAFF WRITER Natural Resources Conservation suggests most of the March However, Julander said snow- Service. snowmelt has been absorbed by pack in the surrounding moun- power to March came in and went out Snowpack in the surrounding dry soils, as experts predicted tains is still doing substantially SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE like a lion this year — a parched, mountains typically peaksUV onINDEX could happen in response to the better than this time last year. thirsty lion. April 1, Julander said, but this area’s ongoing drought. Snotel sensors above Vernon, Stansbury The Sun Rise Set WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Wednesday 7:12 a.m. 7:55 p.m. Despite stormy weather at year low-elevation snow began “It’s been kind of a weird year,” Grantsville and Tooele currently Thursday 7:10 a.m. 7:56 p.m. the beginning and end of the melting off about a month early. said Julander. “We have been report that snowpack is at 61 Friday 7:08 a.m. 7:57 p.m. month, March was still abnor- What is most concerning, he melting snow, but we haven’t percent of normal, 94 percent residents Saturday 7:07 a.m. 7:58 p.m. mally dry this year, and warm said, is that local streams and seen stream flow increase.” of normal and 82 percent of Sunday 7:05 a.m. 7:59 p.m. weather resulted in the loss of waterways have yet to show If the soils continue to absorb normal, respectively. This time by Emma Penrod Monday 7:03 a.m. 8:00 p.m. W Th F Sa Su M Tu FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Tuesday 7:02 a.m. 8:01 p.m. some snowpack to premature their seasonal rise in response snowmelt, it could prevent some The higher the UV Index™ Snow melted early this year due to STAFF WRITER The Moon Rise Set melting, said Randy Julander, a to early runoff. number, the greater the need forof eye this and year’s skin runoff from replen- SEE MARCH PAGE A9 ➤ Wednesday 8:59 a.m. 11:24 p.m. protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 warm temperatures in March. Windy, wintery weather left Thursday 9:42 a.m. none Very High; 11+ Extreme nearly 4,000 Stansbury homes Friday 10:28 a.m. 12:21 a.m. and businesses in the dark on Saturday 11:17 a.m. 1:13 a.m. ALMANAC Sunday. Sunday 12:09 p.m. 2:00 a.m. Statistics for the week ending March 31. Times of sun and Partly sunny; rain at Times of clouds and Monday 1:03 p.m. 2:41 a.m. Mostly cloudy Partly sunny Mostly sunny Sunny Temperatures Weather conditions downed Tuesday 1:58 p.m. 3:19 a.m. clouds night sun transmission lines and caused TATC sets publicHigh/Low hearings past week 70/29 on proposed tuition hike First Full Last New Normal high/low past week 57/36 power outages across the state 47 32 53 36 55 39 54 38 55 41 58 40 60 41 Average temp past week 45.2 Sunday afternoon. In Stansbury, by Tim Gillie a proposedNormal tuition average tempincrease. past week 46.8 The number of hours a TATC student board, not local officials. the loss of a key transmission TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low Apr 7 Apr 15 Apr 22 Apr 29 STAFF WRITER Tuition at TATC is now $1.75 per hour. enrolls varies with the program and stu- However, Snelson doubts that the line cut power to 3,811 Rocky Shown is Wednesday’s The proposed increase is to raise tuition dent. The average program at TATC is tuition increase will be adopted because Mountain Power customers for Forecasts and graphics provided by weather. Temperatures are Students at Tooele Applied Technology between zero to 10 cents per hour, around 900 hours per year, Snelson said. the recently concluded state legislative more than three hours, said com- Wednesday’s highs and AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014 Wednesday night’s lows. may pay $90 a year more for tuition start- making the maximum possible tuition Tuition for TATC and the other seven session provided adequate funding for pany spokesman Paul Murphy. ing in July if the Utah College of Applied of $1.85 per hour, according to Scott campus that comprise the statewide Technology’s Board of Trustees approves Snelson, TATC campus president. UCAT system are set by the state UCAT SEE TATC PAGE A7 ➤ SEE POWER PAGE A9 ➤ UTAH WEATHER Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Logan BULLETIN BOARD A8 Grouse 45/28 AIRPrecipitation QUALITY (in inches) Wendover INSIDE CLASSIFIEDS B5 Creek 48/35 Knolls Clive WEATHER Lake Point Tuesday 51/35 50/33 43/27 45/33 Good HOMETOWN B1 Ogden Grantsville’s TJHS eighth Stansbury Park OBITUARIES A6 48/34 46/33 Dillon Hutchins graders paint Erda Wednesday Vernal Grantsville 49/35 Pine Canyon dominates the mural inside OPEN FORUM A4 Salt Lake City 49/29 46/33 36/24 Good SPORTS A10 Tooele 47/33 Bauer 47/32 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal week from the school’s weight See 46/31 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D Provo Roosevelt 47/32 Thursday mound room 51/31 complete 47/34 Stockton SnowfallGood (in inches) Price forecast 46/31 See A10 See B1 46/31 Nephi on A9 Rush Valley Source: 46/30 46/30 Ophir 38/24 Delta Manti 50/31 46/28 Green River Last Month Season 55/37 Dugway Week to date to date Richfield Gold Hill 47/30 46/29 Moab 46/28 SNOWPACK Hanksville 57/37 Beaver 58/36 Vernon Tooele Valley-Vernon Creek Basin 44/27 Ibapah 44/28 48/29 Snow Water Equivalent as of 12 a.m. Monday Rocky Basin Mining Vernon Settlement Fork Creek Cedar City Blanding Snowcover 17.5 17.3 6.2 St. George 44/26 46/30 Average 21.7 18.5 10.2 58/43 Kanab 49/31 Eureka Percent of average 81% 94% 61% 40/27 Source: Utah Natural Resources Conservation Services A2



SUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTO SUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTO SUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTO Program coordinator Dennis Tracey takes a moment to reflect as he speaks Veterans were on honored at Veterans Appreciation Day, which was held at Tooele High School. The Ruben Vargas salutes during the program. Vargas at Saturday night’s program. veterans in attendance received commemorative coins. Pictured are Dusty Thomas, Ruben Vargas served in the Korean and Vietnam wars. and Joe Gonzales.

CORRECTION County worker named top UPEA recruiter for 2013 Clarification and apology On page A-2 in the Tuesday, March 25 edition, the story by Tim Gillie recruit new members to UPEA The UPEA did send an attor- “Tooele City may tie viola- STAFF WRITER so the employees could take ney from the Salt Lake City-based tions to business licenses,” advantage of all the services the law firm of Kirton McConkie to included a photograph of two A Tooele County road worker organization had to offer, includ- Tooele County in May 2013 to Tooele City businesses on Vine has been recognized by a state ing protecting their benefits, he speak at a public hearing and Street that use vinyl signs on employee association for his said. meet with the county commis- their store fronts: Vista Linda recruiting efforts on behalf of the “I had been a member of UPEA sioners and the human resources Mexican Restaurant, and organization. for 15 years at the time,” said director, Anderton said. Locksmitty’s Mobile Lock Shop. Wayne Anderton, lead work- Anderton. “I knew that the UPEA The result was a revised change The photograph’s caption sum- er for the Tooele County Roads helped out with protecting ben- in the benefits plan that made marized that businesses in the Department, received the 2013 efits and writing personnel poli- no changes to the benefits for city could be in jeapordy for Recruiter of the Year Award at cies that comply with the law.” employees already retired or that repeatedly violating the city’s the Utah Public Employee In June 2013, when Tooele retired before July 1, 2013. nuisance ordinances, one of Association’s annual convention County’s UPEA membership “Our numbers have gone down which regulates business signs. held March 20 and 21 in Provo. reached 50 members, the UPEA a little since then,” Anderton said. The photograph’s purpose was “Officially there were 12 new formed a chapter in Tooele “Some of our members moved to illustrate that businesses members that listed Wayne on County and Anderton was elect- on, but we still have around 40 to with vinyl signs, or more than their membership form as their ed as the chapter’s chairman. 44 members.” one sign, may be impacted. The recruiter,” said Christine House, “The UPEA is not a union, but [email protected] photograph was not meant to employee relations representa- a member lead association,” he imply that Vista Linda Mexican tive with UPEA. “That number said. “They lobby on behalf of Restaurant and/or Locksmitty’s made him the top recruiter for their members, which include Your Local News Source Mobile Lock Shop are violat- 2013.” state, county and municipal ing city ordinances regard- However, Anderton’s influence employees. The legislature and TOOELETRANSCRIPT ing business signs. The Tooele went beyond the 12 new mem- many state agencies seek out the BULLETIN Transcript-Bulletin apologizes bers, according to House. UPEA when they write personnel for the confusion that may During the spring of 2013, as policies for their input.” have resulted from the pho- Tooele County Commissioners tograph. Neither business has publicly mulled over a plan to been issued a citation from the eliminate post-retirement health city regarding their use of vinyl and dental benefits for current signs on their store fronts. and future retirees, the number of UPEA members in Tooele County Half Sandwich swelled from nine to over 50. “I think Wayne had a role in a TOOELETRANSCRIPT FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO lot of those 40 new members,” & Soup BULLETIN Wayne Anderton holds the 2013 Recruiter of the Year Award award he recently said House. $ received at the Utah Public Employee Association’s annual convention held Anderton said he worked to 8 oz. Soup ADMINISTRATION March 20 and 21 in Provo. Limited time offer. Scott C. Dunn Publisher No other discounts apply. Joel J. Dunn Publisher Emeritus OFFICE 6 am - 8 pm • Mon.–Sat.6 • Closed Sunday Bruce Dunn Controller Chris Evans Office Manager 235 E. Main • Grantsville Vicki Higgins Customer Service EDITORIAL 228-6350 David Bern Editor Mark Watson Sports Editor Richard Briggs Community News Editor Francie Aufdemorte Photo Editor Tim Gillie Staff Writer Lisa Christensen Staff Writer Emma Penrod Staff Writer ADVERTISING Clayton Dunn Advertising Manager Keith Bird Advertising Sales Shane Bergen Advertising Sales Kelly Chance Classified Advertising LAYOUT & DESIGN John Hamilton Creative Director Liz Arellano Graphic Artist COURTESY OF UTAH SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL Aaron Gumucio Graphic Artist Shakespeare-in-the-Schools, a production by the Utah Shakespeare Festival, will be at Stansbury High School on PRODUCTION Wednesday at 7 p.m. Perry Dunn Prepress Manager Darwin Cook Web Press Manager James Park Pressman Shawn Oviatt Prepress Technician Shakespeare-in-the-Schools tour Scott Spence Insert Technician

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1.00 per copy; $40 per year delivered by to make stop at Stansbury High carrier in Tooele, Grantsville, Erda, Stockton, Lake Point and Stansbury Park, Utah; $45 ����������������� per year by mail in Tooele County, Utah; by Lisa Christensen to the challenge of “taming” the productions, because it’s such a $77 per year by mail in the . STAFF WRITER shrew-like Katherine, and the wit special treat for them,” she said. OFFICE HOURS: and verbal barbs fly. Koontz said “People are engaged in the pro- ������������������������������� Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Stansbury High School’s audi- the tour’s production of the play duction, and in our Q and A ses- Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed Saturday and Sunday. torium will be the local version has been shortened to be 75 min- sions afterwards, they ask some of The Globe tomorrow as visit- utes long and is set in a carnival. really insightful questions.” CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE: 4:45 p.m. day prior to publication. ing thespians bring Shakespeare’s While Shakespeare’s Elizabethan This is Shakespeare-in-the- words to life. rhymes might be a little difficult for Schools’ first trip to Stansbury PUBLIC NOTICES DEADLINE: � 4 p.m. day prior to publication. The Utah Shakespeare Festival’s some to understand, Koontz said, High. Stallion Drama Director Shakespeare-in-the-Schools tour the troupe has been performing Glen Carpenter said he hopes the COMMUNITY NEWS ITEMS, BULLETIN BOARD, ETC.: will make a stop at SHS Wednesday the show since January and has a community takes advantage of 3 p.m. day prior to publication. at 7 p.m. for an abbreviated ver- firm handle on the language and the polished production coming �� OBITUARY DEADLINE: sion of “The Taming of the Shrew.” characters. so close to home. 10 a.m. day of publication. Nikki Koontz, media and public “People shouldn’t be intimidat- “It’s something we’d like to do Publication No. (USPS 6179-60) issued relations manager for the festival, ed with the language at all. The more often. It’s a great opportu- twice a week at Tooele City, Utah. Periodicals said the tour is an effort to bring actors have been performing this nity,” he said. “It’s a perfect event postage paid at Tooele, Utah. Published by The Bard’s works to more people. since January, so they’re really, for the whole family, so I’m hop- the Transcript Bulletin Publishing Company, Inc., 58 North Main Street, Tooele City, Utah. “We’re trying to bring theater really familiar with it,” she said. ing people take advantage of the Address all correspondence to P.O. Box 390, and Shakespeare to rural commu- “It’s really dynamic and relevant, family passes we offer and come Tooele City, Utah 84074. nities, to correctional facilities, to especially for high school kids.” and join us.” POSTMASTER: community centers,” Koontz said. Koontz said the 13-week tour, Tickets for the performance Send change of address to: “We just try to bring this to as now in its twentieth year, reach- are $3 each in advance for gen- PO Box 390 *No other offers apply. Tooele, Utah 84074-0390 many people as we can touch, to es more than 25,000 people, and eral admission (and $5 when pur- bring worldly ideas and culture offers a question and answer ses- chased the day of the show) and 435-882-0050 Fax 435-882-6123 490 N. MAIN, TOOELE • 882-3608 email: [email protected] and Shakespeare’s works to people sion afterwards to clear up any lin- $3 for children 12 and under in or visit our web site extension at who might not be exposed to it as gering questions audiences might advance (and $4 the day of the Like us on HOURS: Mon - Sat 10 am –10 pm Sunday 11 am – 10 pm much.” have about the production. The show). A family pass of six tickets Facebook for exclusive 230 E. MAIN, GRANTSVILLE • 884-4408 In “The Taming of the Shrew,” questions at each community are is available for $11 in advance (and Entire contents ©2014 Transcript Bulletin weekly specials HOURS: Monday - Sunday 10 am – 10 pm Publishing Company, Inc. All rights the sweet Bianca wants to marry, different, she said, and some audi- $15 when purchased the day of the reserved. No part of this publication may be but her father forbids it while ences really get into the show. show), and can be purchased at reproduced in any form without the written ��� ��� consent of the managing editor or publisher. her older sister, Katherine, is still “The correctional facilities are single. Fast-talking Petruchio rises probably some of the funnest [email protected] A3

TUESDAY April 1, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN A3 Grantsville author enjoys support from local community by Emma Penrod were surprised.” heading home directly after work of what Anderson hopes to make STAFF WRITER Anderson has become increas- — Anderson is a registered nurse a successful, ongoing series for ingly public with her writing and ER director at Mountain teen readers. More information On the eve of her second book since then. In addition to pub- West Medical Center — she now about her writing and upcoming release, Grantsville author Holli lishing and traveling to events, stops by the library to write for a events is available at www.holli- Anderson said her paranormal she said she has made writing at few hours. It helps maintain her series for teens has begun to gain the Grantsville City Library part productivity, she said. [email protected] steam, particularly with local of her daily routine. Instead of This latest installment is part audiences. The new book, “Five: Out of the Pit” picks up more or less

where the first book left off. It MATTRESSES • BEAN BAGS • TORO LAWN MOWER follows the adventures of five

teens with special abilities, one of which is the capability to see FURNITURE • BEDDING • ELECTRONICS � � � paranormal beings hidden to the � rest of the world.

Unlike the first book, which is set in Seattle, the new release �

takes place closer to home, in � �

Moab, Utah. Both books were

� � � � � � � � � published through Curiosity � � Quills, a Virginia-based authors’ � � � cooperative. � Although Anderson has trav- R �n eled out-of-state to meet with � � the series’ nation-wide fanbase, she said the bulk of her audi- ence is located within Utah. The Grantsville community has been � � especially supportive, she said. � With the release of her first � book last August, Anderson Z� said she received a letter from � Grantsville City Mayor Brent Marshall, and the Grantsville City Library threw a release party for the community. She already has plans for a ������������ second Grantsville library release BARGAINZ party scheduled for April 22, FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO despite arrangements with larg- Holli Anderson’s second book, “Five: Out of the Pit,” is now available. er events such as the upcom- ing Comic Con in Salt Lake City, where she will be present from 72,000 attendees last year. release of her first book, Anderson April 17–19. Annual Comic Con “They [the Grantsville com- said. Although she grew up in up % conventions, which celebrate munity] have been awesome, Grantsville, she wasn’t much of a all science fiction- and fantasy- and the library’s just been great,” writer early in life. related media, are held in various Anderson said. “In high school, I only wrote if locations across the nation. Salt Most of Grantsville was sur- I had to for class,” she said. “A lot to off Lake City’s first convention drew prised when she announced the of people, including my family, PM 75 SAT. 11:30 - 2:30 RETAIL , EVERYDAY! BARGAIN FREE PIZZA BINS FROM & POPCORN ������������������� $1 UP! pm LOTS OF TOYS, SUNGLASSES TUES - SAT SPECIALS 10-6 & SMALL APPLIANCES!


Friday BEDS, BEDDING & MATTRESSES ONE % % ITEM Not good with any other 50 off 10off advertised special. FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO A launch party for “Five: Out of the Pit” will be held April 22 at Grantsville City Library. NEXT TO ��������������������������������������REAL DEALS

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• Editorial Editor David Bern • Guest Opinion [email protected] • Letters to the Editor Open Forum 435-882-0050

OUR VIEW Big ATV trail Prospector Trail System could put Tooele County in same league as other big trail areas in the state

Tooele County’s outback is renowned for its miles of trails and roads that pro- vide ATV enthusiasts with exciting terrain and endless views of the Great Salt Lake Desert and distant mountains. It appears that acclaim may grow even more — with possible economic benefits for the county — if officials can overcome their differ- ences. As reported in last Thursday’s story, “New OHV trail system will circle Sheeprock Mountains,” final planning is underway for the Prospector Trail System, a 100-mile ATV loop on existing county roads and trails around the Sheeprock Mountains in southeastern Tooele County. The loop also dips into Juab and Utah counties. The Prospector Trail System is reportedly a cooperative effort between Tooele, Juab and Utah counties, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, Utah Parks and Recreation, and the state’s School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration. But still, after nearly two decades of discussions and planning, obstacles still remain that may postpone developing and promoting Prospector as one of Utah’s new ATV trail systems. A key obstacle is a disagreement between Tooele County and the BLM over the installation of information and directional signs. Tooele County Commissioner Jerry Hurst contends the county shouldn’t have to wait to install signage on the trail because it utilizes county-owned and maintained roads. He also says ATV riders are already using Prospector and signage is needed now to declare trail rules and closed areas. But Beckee Hotze, manager of the BLM’s Salt Lake Field Office, says although LETTERS TO THE EDITOR the federal agency is a proponent of the new trail system, signs can’t be erected until a cultural survey is completed to document archaeological, historical and cultural places that may exist beside the trail. According to her, to officially des- LETTERS POLICY ignate the Prospector Trail System, and install signage, represents a change of use Letter of the Month (March) The Transcript-Bulletin welcomes letters to for the roads. In this instance, federal regulations require that a cultural survey be the editor from readers. Letters must be no performed first. With respect and dignity citizens of Tooele County know that longer than 250 words, civil in tone, written But the conflict doesn’t end there. There is evidently misunderstanding between I read the article in the Transcript- boys are just as responsible to prevent exclusively for the Transcript-Bulletin, and accompanied by the writer’s name, address county and BLM officials over the survey’s cost and timeframe. As reported in the Bulletin (dated March 4) titled Prevent teen rapes as it is for girls to pro- and phone number. Longer letters may be story, Hurst understands the survey will cost $200,000 and may take more than two Teen Rape. I finished reading it and tect themselves. Boys need to learn to published, based on merit and at the Editor’s years to complete. Yet Hotze said it could be done for far less cost and time — if all could not believe that no mention respect girls. Schools, churches, and discretion. Priority will be given to letters that parties involved are willing to pay for the survey. If not, the survey will compete for was made of teen boys being respon- especially teenagers’ families can be refer to a recent article in the newspaper. All prioritized BLM funds and staff, a process that could take more than a year. sible for preventing rapes. Perhaps more proactive in teaching and rais- letters may be subject to editing. It would seem that county and BLM officials could easily resolve this conflict, the author(s) of the article did not ing teen boys to treat all females with Letters written to thank an individual or but with so many interests and personalities involved, it is perhaps understand- mention the responsibility of boys in respect and dignity. There is always organization should be submitted for able as to why it has taken nearly 20 years for the project to reach this point. male/female relationships on purpose two sides to every coin. “Notes of Appreciation.” Like the popular 1,000-mile-long Paiute Trail System in south/central Utah, to create controversy. I think it is the Tamra Bishop Readers who are interested in writing a lon- which attracts thousands of ATV enthusiasts annually, the Prospector Trail System duty of the local newspaper to let the Tooele ger guest op-ed column on a topic of general could evolve into an economic boon for the county, and especially Vernon, which interest should contact Editor David Bern. is directly on the trail. Email: [email protected] Tooele County has approximately 200 miles of developed and marked trails to Fax: (435) 882-6123 offer residents and visitors. Prospector could put the county in the same league Voice your opinion should not be placed on any one elected Mail: Letters to the Editor Tooele Transcript-Bulletin as other areas in the state with large trail systems. Such an initiative could mean To all Tooele City concerned citizens: official, or any one term of commission- P.O. Box 390 additional tourism dollars and diversification of the county’s economy, both of Tooele City Council Chairman Brad ers. These spending habits have been Tooele, UT 84074 which are needed and firmly encouraged. Pratt has proposed changing the “Public shared from one term of commissioners Comment Period” that is usually agenda to the next. It is clear that you are not item #4 at all Tooele City Council meet- familiar enough with the whole situ- LETTER CONTEST GUEST OPINION ings. This open public comment period ation to make an informed, educated has been in use since the 1980s. Does statement. Each month, the Transcript-Bulletin will select the best letter of the month and reprint it in the that mean it is time to change or discon- The truth is, the county has been first Open Forum page of the following month. tinue, “I say no!” fortunate enough to have been receiv- The winning letter writer will receive a free Anti-vaccine movement If you have concerns about this issue, ing revenue from sources that other one-year subscription to the newspaper. The please join me at the public meeting counties have not. We, as a county, have subscription can be transferred or used to renew this week on Wednesday April 2 at 7 become accustomed to the comfortable a present subscription. has caused serious harm p.m. and voice your opinion either way lifestyle, with services that we take for (for/against/modify). I know the current granted, because of that money. Doesn’t n a feat that would have been council members value and appreciate that make us, as citizens, all responsible the county’s financial situation. They unimaginable a few decades ago, the public’s input. for the overspending? How many com- are pointing fingers at some people that Ithe anti-vaccine movement has Tom Poyner mission meetings have you attended? have had very little control over the managed to breathe life into nearly Tooele How many times have you stood up in county’s spending habits. Are you just vanquished childhood diseases. commission meeting and voiced your trying to discredit an elected official in It took all the ingenuity and I find it sad opposition to something? We, as a pub- order to place your candidate in office know-how we are capable of to find I’m writing in response to a recent let- lic, have elected these officials to act in at election time? There are other elected safe, effective ways to dramatically ter to the editor regarding the county’s our behalf. But they can’t do that effec- officials that have a less than desirable diminish diseases like measles and financial woes. First of all, I have been tively if we don’t speak out, and commis- track record in their field. Yet, we have whooping cough in the developed an employee of Tooele County for over sion meetings are the proper place for elected them and trust them to handle world; it took all the hysteria and 20 years. I’ve heard and witnessed things that, not in letters to the editor. our tax money. So where do you place willful ignorance we are capable of that the public has not. My question I find it sad that some people have the blame? to give them a boost. A developer is: How can you sit on the outside and waited until election time to start speak- Patty Wheeler of the measles vaccine, Dr. Samuel Business Network, former MTV star point fingers at elected officials, try- ing out. And those people are not just Stockton Katz, says the question “is not Kristin Cavallari plugged the anti- ing to find a place to lay blame? Blame expressing their disappointment over whether we shall see a world with- vaccination cause, citing “books” out measles, but when.” and “studies.” Not if Jenny McCarthy has any- Most parents don’t listen. Only GUEST OPINION thing to say about it. The former 1.8 percent of kindergartners get Playboy model and current co-host exempted from vaccinations, of “The View” is a leading light of according to NBC News. But the Russia isn’t always keen to play on our terms the anti-vaccine movement. She has number is much higher in some a boy with autismlike symptoms states. The more kids go unvacci- here’s no faster or easier way to mostly of independent businesspeople that she is convinced were caused nated, the greater the chance that shut down legitimate debate than and entrepreneurs seeking freedom from by the vaccine for measles, mumps diseases can get a foothold. Tto slap an undesirable label on Rachel Marsden the status quo, but it’s a slow, painstaking and rubella (MMR). You can credit They usually are imported from someone based on their views. Criticize process — about 200 years and counting. GUEST COLUMNIST her passion for her child, sympa- abroad, but the absence of vacci- same-sex marriage and you’re a bigot. By contrast, Russia has only had about thize with her heartbreak — and still nation is a boon to their spread. A Take issue with immigration policy and 20 years to work on reforming its entire cringe at her wholly irrational cause. study in the journal Pediatrics found you’re dismissed as a racist. economic and social fabric. It’s easy to No amount of discrediting makes that the 2010 whooping-cough out- In the latest incarnation of this phe- Ukraine: the support of an undemo- forget that the Berlin Wall, symbolizing a difference. One theory was that break in California — when the state nomenon, any conservative who dares to cratic coup d’etat; the escalating rhetoric the fall of communism in Europe, only a preservative in children’s vac- had the highest number of cases criticize U.S. President Barack Obama’s despite a dire need to cooperate with came down in 1989. In this age of instan- cines called thimerosal was causing since 1947 — hit hardest in areas stance against Russia on the issue of Russia on matters arguably more critical taneousness, it’s all too easy to forget autism. But the U.S. removed thi- with high levels of nonvaccina- Ukraine runs the risk of being called a to U.S. interests than Ukraine, includ- that the fabric of a superpower can’t be merosal from most childhood vac- tion. In 2013, measles cases tripled Putin-loving communist. ing Iran, Syria and China; the lip-service rewoven overnight. cines in 2001. If the theory had been nationwide. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sanctions that are tantamount to spit- The most encouraging sign is that sound, this should have reduced In the panic created by the suggested this week that Republican law- ting on a tank. In my view, opposition Putin is a proponent of tax reduction, cases of autism. It didn’t. Cases have Wakefield article, England saw MMR makers may have helped Russia annex to Obama on the Russia/Ukraine issue having reduced the personal income tax continued to rise, and the same held vaccination rates fall to 80 percent Crimea by delaying a vote on aid to the reflects a commitment to democracy, rate to a flat 13 percent, with businesses true in Canada and Denmark after in 2004 and Wales to 78 percent. In new Ukrainian government. The mes- international law and pragmatism. taxed at 20 percent. It’s hardly Texas, but eliminating thimerosal in the 1990s. 2012, England and Wales had the sage: If Republicans want to avoid the But here’s how the perverted logic of it’s a start. Another theory, latched onto by highest number of measles cases in friend-of-Putin label, they had better some critics works: Any analytical posi- It will likely take a great deal of time — McCarthy, is that the MMR vaccine 18 years. vote later this week to approve a $1 bil- tion that results in disagreement with decades or even centuries — for a nation in particular causes autism. Dr. These are dangerous illnesses, lion loan guarantee for the government Obama when Russian President Vladimir of over 143 million people to be fully Andrew Wakefield publicized this and the victims of an outbreak in Kiev, along with Obama’s sanctions Putin happens to be on the other side of deprogrammed and begin to appreciate supposed link in a famous article are often infants too small to have against Russian and Ukrainian officials. the debate means that you’re a commie the direct link between work and profit. in the British medical journal The yet received vaccinations. Jenny Russia itself seems aware of the peer or a commie sympathizer. Is Putin “rebuilding” the old Soviet Lancet. It has since been thoroughly McCarthy styles herself a “mother pressure. When Canada imposed its own Except that there’s a problem with that bloc and Russia’s global influence? Yes, debunked. The Lancet retracted warrior.” If so, the kids sickened in silly sanctions, Russia retaliated with a theory, and with all the hyperventilating he’s trying, but through economic part- Wakefield’s paper, and the British the fallout from reduced vaccina- few irrelevant sanctions of its own, but over this new Red Scare: Russia isn’t the nerships and trade relationships rather Medical Journal reported that he tions are the victims of friendly fire. with a very telling caveat. “We need this Soviet Union, and Vladimir Putin isn’t than force. Which is exactly what we in “falsified data.” He had his medical Nothing good can come from undo- cooperation as much as Ottawa does,” Vladimir Lenin. the West have always wanted for Russia, license revoked. All of which should ing one of the miracles of medical said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Much like Socialist President Francois isn’t it? have been enough to give the anti- progress. Aleksandr Lukashevich. “That said, we Hollande in France, Putin is largely a The Russians are finally playing our vaxxers pause. make no secret that we will react accord- pragmatist. Is there corruption in Russia? game now — our capitalist, global free- Nonetheless, they fight on. In Rich Lowry is editor of the ingly to unfriendly moves — no matter No doubt. And the country is still in a market game — and it appears that some a recent interview with the Fox National Review. what motives they are explained by. We post-communism transition state that people are simply upset that Russia isn’t hope that Canadian officials and politi- may last for decades. France, for example, always keen to play ball with us strictly cians will draw adequate conclusions.” still hasn’t emerged from the old mon- on our terms. We get it, Aleksandr. The “adequate archy mentality. The only real difference EDITORIAL BOARD conclusion” to draw is that the pres- between the French monarchy and the Rachel Marsden is a columnist, politi- sure was on for Western allies, including republic that replaced it is that now the cal strategist and former Fox News host Joel J. Dunn Scott C. Dunn David J. Bern Canada, to participate in Obama’s silly country elects its kings. The same class based in Paris. She appears frequently on Publisher Emeritus President and Publisher Editor season. system still exists, with average citizens TV and in publications in the U.S. and With the exception of the “Our View” column, the opinions expressed on this page, I’ve been unapologetically critical of still expecting the state to provide for abroad. Her website can be found at http:// including the cartoon, are not necessarily endorsed by the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin. Obama’s actions vis-a-vis Russia and them. There is, however, a shift consisting A5

TUESDAY April 1, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN A5 GUEST OPINION Raise the minimum wage? Don’t stop at $10 FREE DRINK & DESSERT* hen President Barack when the Democrats controlled Armenian restaurant, Roupen Obama and other both houses of Congress and the the Libertarian Armenian Guy *with purchase of WDemocrats began talk- John Kass White House. was once a commodities trader. any combination ing about raising the minimum The naysayers will whine: Sadly, he didn’t share my GUEST COLUMNIST plate. wage to $10 an hour, I didn’t “Where do we get all the cash to enthusiasm for eliminating pov- Expires 4-30-14 believe them. pay all the millions and millions erty in America. Instead, cynical thoughts of new millionaires? And what “If everybody’s making $100 came to mind, like “class war” third term. about the billionaires? Wouldn’t baseline, what’s that worth in and “November elections” and Just forget what those know- they become trillionaires?” real terms?” asked Roupen. “It’s “pandering for votes.” nothing economists and busi- You’re darn tootin’ they’d really not logical.” But I’ve changed. Now I agree ness leaders say. What do they become trillionaires. That’s how Logic, smogic, Roupen. This with the president, the national know about creating jobs? a successful economy floats all isn’t about logic. It’s about mak- Democrats and the Chicago Some will question my cre- the happy little boats. ing people feel good about Way boys from Obama’s political dentials, and, yes, it’s true, I am With few poor people, there themselves and branding others hometown. not a former Enron adviser. But I would be hardly any class envy, as evil. Raise the minimum wage? You have feelings too. since everybody in America Poor Roupen. When it comes betcha. Raising the minimum wage to could afford cable shows like to stoking class war, he doesn’t 21 East Vine • Tooele • 435-228-6487 But $10 an hour doesn’t go $100 an hour will actually create, “Game of Thrones” and drugs, understand the first thing about nearly far enough. rather than destroy, wealth. too. politics. Call me traitor or Mr. Bleepin’ Just whip out your calculator Now don’t take a turn to He also didn’t think much Capitulator, I don’t care. Today and you’ll see that if you take Negativity Town and start tell- of the “millionaire tax” pushed I’m joining Obama and his $100 an hour and multiply that ing me there’s not enough cash. awhile ago by Obama and now Soldier Canyon Sales national Democrats and the by 40 hours, it comes to, wait a There’s plenty of cash. All we with gusto by the Chicago Way Chicago boys in supporting the minute ... wait ... let me push the have to do is print some more. boys. THE LITTLE DOLL SHOP ON VINE STREET minimum-wage hike. button ... hey, it comes to $4,000 We print cash now, don’t we? I like the idea myself because A measly $10 an hour? In a a week! And we’ll just keep printing and under my $100-an-hour plan, country as wealthy as the U.S.? That’s a little over $200,000 a printing, knowing in our hearts there would be even more mil- Grand Opening The minimum-wage number year! that we’ll never run out of paper lionaires to squeeze. APRIL 5! is decided on by politicians, not Since you can’t very well and green ink. But I just hit on an even better Now Open the free market. And since our pay everyone the same — not I tried this plan out on my idea. Let’s not just raise taxes on politicians can raise the mini- yet, at least — brain surgeons high schoolers, but the boys the rich. ��������������� mum wage as high as they wish, would get a big pay increase. muttered something about Let’s braise the rich. why stop at $10? Experts agree that brain surgery deflation or inflation or what- After we take their cash, let’s ��������������� Why not $100 an hour? isn’t exactly flipping burgers. ever and then ran off to school. throw them in a pot and braise �������������� That would make a lot of Engineers would get an increase, So later, while lunching on them for hours, perhaps with ����������������� people happy. too, as well as airline pilots, car grape leaves stuffed with rice some celery, tomatoes, chicken For one thing, $100 is much salesmen, the Beanie Babies guy, and pine nuts at an Armenian stock, red wine and garlic. And ������������������������ nicer than $10. It’s got more strippers, even politicians. restaurant near the newspaper, then let’s add some rice, to help ������������������������ zeros in it, meaning you can buy We’d have so many million- I asked the owner, Roupen the make the meal go farther. more stuff. aires in America that we couldn’t Libertarian Armenian Guy, for Get your recipes ready, folks. �������������������������� Just imagine minimum-wage count them all. his assessment. November is coming. �������������������� workers getting $100 an hour. Just think of all that new “What’s wrong with you?” he The old evil cynicism would wealth created instantly, without asked. “Why not make it $500 an John Kass is a columnist • Madame Alexander dolls end. Poverty would disappear. any real effort or sacrifice or hour?” for the Chicago Tribune who And the people would love planning, created solely because Roupen knows a lot more also hosts a radio show on • Deluxe Reading Grocery Store their politicians. With every- a few American politicians had about the economy than politi- WLS-AM. His email address is dolls body making $100/hr baseline, the guts to do what should have cians. They know about stoking [email protected], and his • Composition and hard plastic • Bisque and porcelain from every era Obama might think about a been done just a few years ago class envy, but before he ran an Twitter handle is @john_kass. dolls from the 1930’s, 40’s • Wooden toys from Germany and GI Joes and 50’s. • Many other treasures! GUEST OPINION 26 W. VINE • TOOELE • 435.843.0176 New tribalism and the nation-state decline e are witnessing a and Democrats) hold sharply Professor of Public Policy at Find Your Dream Home! reversion to tribal- different views and values the University of California at TOOELETRANSCRIPT Wism around the world, Robert Reich than the members of the other Berkeley and Senior Fellow at away from nation-states. The (conservatives, Tea Partiers and the Blum Center for Developing BULLETIN GUEST COLUMNIST same pattern can be seen even Republicans). Economies. in America — especially in Each tribe has contrasting American politics. ideas about rights and freedoms Before the rise of the nation- people with ever greater senses (for liberals, reproductive rights state between the 18th and 20th of identity. and equal marriage rights; for centuries, the world was mostly The nation-state, mean- conservatives, the right to own tribal. Tribes were united by while, is coming apart. A single a gun and do what you want language, religion, blood and Europe — which seemed within with your property). OPENING APRIL 8TH belief. They feared other tribes reach a few years ago — is now Each has its own totems and often warred against them. succumbing to the centrifugal (social insurance versus smaller Kings and emperors imposed forces of its different languages government) and taboos truces that were temporary at and cultures. The Soviet Union (cutting entitlements or rais- best. is gone, replaced by nations ing taxes). Each has its own But in the past 300 years, the split along tribal lines. Vladimir demons (the Tea Party and Ted idea of nationhood took root in Putin can’t easily annex the Cruz; the Affordable Care Act most of the world. Members of whole of Ukraine, only the and Barack Obama); its own tribes started to become citi- Russian-speaking part. The version of truth (one believes in zens, viewing themselves as a Balkans have been Balkanized. climate change and evolution; single people with patriotic sen- Separatist movements have the other doesn’t); and its own timents and duties toward their broken out all over — Czechs media that confirm its beliefs. homeland. separating from Slovaks; Kurds The tribes even look differ- Over the last several decades, wanting to separate from Iraq, ent. One is becoming blacker, though, technology has whit- Syria and Turkey; even the browner and more feminine. tled away the underpinnings of Scots seeking separation from The other, whiter and more the nation-state. National econ- England. male. (Only 2 percent of Mitt omies have become so inter- The turmoil now consum- Romney’s voters were African- twined that economic security ing much of the Middle East American, for example.) depends less on national armies stems less from democratic Each tribe is headed by rival than on financial transac- movements trying to topple warlords whose fighting has tions around the world. Global dictatorships than from ancient almost brought the national corporations play nations off tribal conflicts between the two government in Washington to a against each other to get the major denominations of Islam halt. Increasingly, the two tribes best deals on taxes and regula- — Sunni and Shia. live separately in their own tions. And what about America? regions — blue or red state, News and images move The world’s “melting pot” is coastal or midsection, urban so easily across borders that changing color. Between the or rural — with state or local attitudes and aspirations are 2000 and 2010 censuses, the governments reflecting their no longer especially national. share of the U.S. population contrasting values. Cyberweapons, no longer the calling itself white dropped I’m not making a claim of exclusive province of national from 69 percent to 64 percent, moral equivalence. Personally, governments, can originate in a and more than half of the I think the Republican right has hacker’s garage. nation’s population growth gone off the deep end, and if In a world where everyone came from Hispanics. It’s also polls are to be believed a major- and everything is interconnect- becoming more divided by eco- ity of Americans agree with me. ed, the connections that matter nomic class. Increasingly, the But the fact is, the two tribes most are again becoming more rich seem to inhabit a different are pulling America apart, often personal. Religious beliefs and country than the rest. putting tribal goals over the affiliations, the nuances of one’s But America’s new tribalism national interest — which is not own language and culture, the can be seen most distinctly in that different from what’s hap- daily realities of class, and the its politics. Nowadays the mem- pening in the rest of the world. extensions of one’s family and bers of one tribe (calling them- its values — all are providing selves liberals, progressives Robert Reich is Chancellor’s ����������������������� Help contribute feature stories about the county’s most interesting people. Prior writing experience preferred but not required. High school students encouraged to apply. Contact: Community News Editor Richard Briggs 435-882-0050 or [email protected] 435.882.0599 TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN 2376 N 400 E • STE 205 • TOOELE A6 OBITUARY


Leslie Bunn Chadwick years Harold, her two daughters Joseph Faris Iretta Owen McDaniel of Lake 1951 - 2014 Kelly (Kyle) Russell, and Stacey Point, Oct. 21, 2000 who passed (Charley) Harvey, her four grand- Joseph William Faris passed away Jan. 17, 2014. He is survived Our wonderful wife, mother, children, her mother Betty Bunn away March 29, 2014 at the age by three children, Karen Olson daughter and grandmother Leslie and her two brothers. She is also of 89. Joe was born Jan. 6, 1925 in (Ron), Oxnard, California, Dennis Bunn Chadwick passed away survived by her brothers-in-law, Deseret, Utah, to Robert William Faris (Renee), , Oregon on March 28, 2014 in Tooele at Glen, Johnny, Lynn and Jody Faris and Elizabeth Ann Serene and Mick Skeem (Linda), North the age of 62 from a recent ill- Chadwick, and her sisters-in- Johnson. Joe grew up in Hinckley Pole, Alaska. Six Grandchildren ness and 25 years of diabetes. law Denise Chadwick, Jeannette until he joined the Army Air Core and four great-grandchildren. He She was born on July 25, 1951 Bunn and Carrie Chadwick as in 1943 and served with the 345th is preceded by his parents, wife in Tooele, the only daughter of well as many nieces, nephews bomb group 501. He served his Kathleen, two brothers George George Arnold Bunn and Betty and cousins. She was preceded tour of duty in the South Pacific and Robert Faris, two sisters McFarland Bunn and the sister in the motor pool as a mechanic in death by her father George Mary Jones and Winnoa Moore, of Stephen (Jeannette) Bunn and on many Islands. He was a sur- Bunn, grandparents and sev- and twin granddaughters Valorie Lee Bunn. She developed her vivor on a ship that was bombed eral aunts and uncles. In lieu Ann and Cheryl Ann Olson. He love of horses and rodeo growing and the only one in the motor of flowers please make dona- was well liked by all and always up on the MelbaAnn Ranch in pool to walk off the ship. After tions in her name to the Utah had a silly mischievous grin Vernon where she spent most of his discharge from the service he her years. She married Harold W. Harvey. She loved having them Diabetes Association. A viewing returned to Hinckley and mar- Ely, Nev., where Joe worked as a on his face. Enjoyed teasing all Chadwick on March 29, 1968 in around and watching them at will be held Wednesday, April ried Verna Kathleen Skeem of mechanic for White Pine Motors the children he came incontact Elko, Nev., and have two daugh- their sporting events and the 2, 2014 from 6-8 p.m. at the Oasis June 21, 1946. They were and was a volunteer for the Ely with. He will be missed deeply ters Kelly and Stacey. She loved activities they were involved Grantsville West Stake Center on seal too each other in the Salt Fire Department. In the 1963 by member of the family and following her girls around to all in. She was a member of The 115 E. Cherry Street. Funeral ser- Lake Temple June 21, 1983. They he moved his family to Tooele friends. Funeral services will be their sporting events especially Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- vices will be held on Thursday were blessed with a daughter to take care of his parents who held Thursday, April 3, 2014, 11 softball games. She loved watch- day Saints, the Grantsville Fire April 3, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. with Karen Ann 1947, a son Dennis lost their eyesight and has lived a.m. at Tooele South Stake Center, ing her girls play softball and Department Auxiliary, and the a viewing from 10-11:30 a.m. Edwin 1951, a three month old there for the last 50 years. Joe 1025 Southwest Drive, Tooele. A was their biggest fan. Her pride State Firemen’s Association Interment in the Grantsville City baby boy Stewart (Mick) Cope lost his loving wife Kathleen after viewing where family and friends and joy was her grandchildren, Auxiliary of which she served Cemetery. Services entrusted Skeem 1963 that was put in their 52 years of marriage, June 1998, may call prior to service will be at Braden Russell, Kassidie Russell, a year as the President. She is with Didericksen Memorial, 435- care which they raised as their which was a sad time for both 9:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Austin Chadwick, and Brennan survived by her husband of 46 277-0050. own son. The family moved to family and friends. He remarried the Tooele Cemetery.

Chisolm Wareham Richard Lee “Richie” ��������������������������������� Cox Chisolm Lane Wareham was born on May 20, 1986 in Moab, May 1, 1945 - March 23, 2014 Utah. He passed away unexpect- edly at home on Wednesday, Richie was born May 1, 1945 March 27, 2014. He attended in Manti, Utah to Ray Edward Tooele High school and Tooele Cox and Loraine Barraclough. Applied Technology College He loved to hunt in his younger and received his welders certifi- years and was an avid fisher- cate. Chisolm enjoyed camping, man and golfer. He was a man hunting, fishing, trapping and that could always make you ������������������������������������������������� anything outdoors. He loved laugh. He married Beverly June ����������������������������������������������� riding dirtbikes, water sports, Benson and they had two sons: �������������������������������������������������� snowboarding, and was always Richard Brett and Ray Edward. fixing something. He is survived They later divorced. Richie mar- ����������������������������������������������� by his mother Wendy Droubay; ried Mary Ramona McConnell ��������������������������������������������������� siblings Ashley Droubay, McCall on Dec. 7, 1996. They were liv- Dutson, Megan Droubay, and cousins. Funeral services ing in Costa Rica at the time and brother Thomas James ����������������������������������������������������� Tryston Droubay, Lexton will be held on Thursday, April of his death. Richie is survived Madsen. He was preceded in ������������������������������������������������� Droubay, and Brooke Droubay; 3, 2014 at Tate Mortuary 110 by his wife, his sons, grandchil- death by his father and brother grandparents Betty Jones, North Main, Tooele at 1 p.m. dren Kylee, Alyssa, Xander and Keith (Ozzie) Madsen. He will be George Koskinen and Bonnie with a viewing prior starting at Alexia; mother Loraine Madsen; missed very much by his family Tuesday, April 15 – 7pm Droubay; and aunts, uncles, 11:30 a.m. sisters Judith Cox, Betty (Dean) in the States and his family in Grantsville High School Auditorium Matthews, Kaye (Richard) Miles, Costa Rica. 155 E. Cherry Street, Grantsville Carolyn Grow Linda Zagos Wednesday, May 7 – 4-6:30pm Tooele County Building Carolyn Marie Grow, was born Our dear sweet Linda has left on Feb. 7, 1940 in Pasadena, this earthly home. We will miss Basement Auditorium Calif. She moved to Grantsville her dearly. She was a mother, 47 South Main Street, Tooele in 1999 and truly loved the town Nana, sister and auntie. She and the friends she made here. passed away peacefully at home She passed away peacefully on on March 23, 2014. She was born ���������������������������������������������������� March 28, 2014. Carolyn loved to in Salt Lake City July 16, 1948 share her talents in art, theater, to George and Jean (Szklarz) ��������������������������������������������������������� , cooking and gardening. Pusateri. She was the fifth child ����������������������������������������������������� She earned a master’s degree in in a family of seven children. marine biology and conducted Linda grew up in Pico Rivera, ������������� research work in that field for Calif., and graduated from El many years. She is survived by Rancho High in 1966. She later her 10 children, two brothers moved to Massachusetts, where Tuesday, April 15 and her mother. Her funeral ser- her parents grew up. In Boston, Tuesday, May 6 vices will be held March 3, at she went to beauty school and 11 a.m. at The Church of Jesus inghouse located at 428 S. Hale became a beautician. She met behind siblings Joan Davis, Salt Christ of Latter-day Saints meet- Street, Grantsville, Utah. Alex there, they married and had Lake; Janice Petrocino, Redondo ���������������������������������������������������� two children. Later they moved to Beach, Calif.; George Pusateri, Patras, Greece, where they lived West Valley City; Irene Howard, ����������������������������������������� until Alex passed away. Linda and Tooele and Rosalie Hansen, Subscribe Today • 882-0050 Chris moved back to the States Cottonwood Heights. Also niec- and made Utah their home. es, nephews and cousins, who Linda is preceded in death by her will miss her. You have reunited parents, husband Alex, daughter with Alex and your sweet little Veronica, brother Joe and a very Veronica. Til we meet again Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia special nephew, Georgie. Linda sweetheart. Your loving fam- leaves behind her son Chris, his ily. A Mass was held for Linda ARE YOUR LOVED ONES AT RISK? wife Denise, and her grandson on Saturday, March 29 at Saints Alex Christopher. She also leaves Peter and Paul Catholic Church According to a new study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institute on Aging, men and women with hearing loss are much more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. People with severe hearing loss, the study reports, were 5 times more likely to develop dementia than those with normal hearing. NOTES OF APPRECIATION Have you noticed a change in your ability to remember? “The more hearing loss you have, the greater the likelihood of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Hearing aids could delay or prevent dementia by improving the patient’s hearing.” The family of Vilo Skidmore She always said that it was the IS IT TIME FOR A HEARING TEST? TAKE THIS QUIZ TO FIND OUT... would like to express appre- best place to live. Thank you to Y N ciation to the members of the the staff at Pine Mountain Home Do you feel that people mumble or do not speak clearly? Tooele 1st Ward and the Tooele Health and Hospice for their kind 6th Ward for their help in her attendance to our mom. Do you turn the TV up louder than others need to? funeral and the luncheon after- Ron and Liz Brown and family ward. It was so appreciated. We David and Becky Skidmore and Do family or friends get frustrated when you ask them to repeat themselves? would also like to thank the won- family derful staff at Diamond Jane’s for James and Jane Skidmore and Do you have trouble understanding the voices of women and small children when they are speaking? their care and friendliness to her. family Is it hard to follow the conversation in noisy places like parties, crowed restaurants or family get-togethers?

If you’veIf you’ve answered answered “yes” to “yes” any one to ofany these one questions, of these there’squestions, good there’snews! Miracle-Ear good news! can help! Better Hearing Don’tcan help! wait anotherDon’t wait moment. another Call moment.Us Today! Call us today! The family of Richard Wheeler thank you to Don West Jr. and Sr. wishes to express sincere the Stockton Fire Department appreciation to all those who and First Responders. We always reached out to us this past two knew we could count on you FREE PUBLIC SERVICE weeks with cards, phone calls, when we needed help. Thank food, money, flowers, thoughts you to the Stockton First Ward This Week Only! All of the tests are FREE! and prayers. Richard had many Compassionate Service Group friends, and your kindness and Free Your hearing will be electronically tested and you will be shown how your hearing compares to normal hearing and ward members for the won- love has helped us through this derful lunch prepared for our Your ears will be examined with a video otoscope to determine ofi your hearing problem may just be excess was.x difficult time. Thank you to the friends and family following the Free Mountain West Medical Center service. And thank you to the ER staff for their quick and atten- In-store demonstration of the newest ReSoundMiracle-Ear Linx technology so you can hear improvement for yourself! Tooele City Cemetery for the ser- Free tive care given on the numerous vice they provided. And thank visits to the ER. And thank you you Dan Call, a dear friend of RD to the nurses and doctors in the OPEN HOUSE - TUES APRIL 1st & WED APRIL 2nd ICU who cared for Richard many mine, and the Tate Mortuary OPEN HOUSE - THURSDAY APRIL 3 times during the last four years. for the wonderful job they per- He was very pleased with his care formed for Richard’s service, and Hearing loss, left untreated, can lead to serious problems such as loneliness and isolation. there and considered the sdtaff for the support they gave our “ ” his friends. A special thank you to family during this time. Richard Dr. Trudel for the excellent care was a very unforgettable pres- he gave Richard over the past ence. He will be missed greatly Better Hearing Aid Center 10 years, and for his willingness by all who knew him. We love you to always answer his cell phone and miss you, Pop. 1887968 Aaron E. Chambers Dr, Suite St. Suite #1 •1 Tooele,• South Ogden,UT 84074 UT 84403 • 1(800) • 801-393-3155 982-2965 •• whenever I would call. And Patricia Wheeler A7


TATC continued from page A1

UCAT. “I don’t think anybody is seri- ously looking at raising tuition,” he said. “But we still need to go through the process of collecting information and presenting it to the board of trustees. It’s their decision to make.” State “Truth in Tuition” laws require that UCAT schedule hearings on proposed tuition hikes and give advance notice of the hearings to the public, Snelson explained. “I think there might have been some anticipation for a need to increase tuition depending on the outcome of funding for the UCAT system during the legisla- tive session,” Snelson added. However, UCAT’s 2014 state budget appropriations went well, with the legislature appro- TOOELE priating enough money to RANSCRIPT FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO T cover increased costs in health insurance and retirement ben- Tooele Applied Technical College wants to hear the opinions of students and community members on a proposed 2 percent efits for employees, according to tuition increase. BULLETIN Snelson. TATC even acquired an addi- input on the proposed increase. a newly constructed $15.5 mil- allows students to progress at tional allocation of $358,600 for Information gathered at the lion 74,000 square-foot facility their own pace. new and expanded programs, he public hearing will be presented on Tooele City’s southwest side. TATC is one of eight regional said. to the UCAT Board of Trustees, Since opening TATC enrollment campuses that are part of the Utah ������������������ Two public hearings will be Snelson said. has increased by 44 percent, College of Applied Technology. held at TATC, located at 88 S. TATC was created in July Snelson said. The other seven campuses are March 2014 Winner: Tooele Blvd., on the proposed 2009 by the Utah Legislature as Programs at TATC are com- located in Logan, Kaysville, St. tuition increase on April 7. The a regional campus of the Utah petency-based, and may be George, Lehi, Ogden, Cedar City Rylee Shaff er first hearing will be from noon Applied Technology College. long-term, short-term, or cus- and Roosevelt. to 1 p.m. and the second from 5 Initially instruction was held in tom-designed for individual [email protected] Mailboxes at Rush Valley Post Offi ce. p.m. to 6 p.m. rented facilities throughout the employer needs. Most programs Students and citizens are county. are offered in a flexible open- invited to attend and provide Last May TATC moved into entry, open-exit format, which

Tooele County Operating Cash Flow 2013, 2014 $12 M 2014 $10 M $8 M A Full-Color $6 M 2013 Activity Page $4 M Just for Kids! $2 M Every Thursday in the Your photo could be next! Submit your photo to: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Tooele Transcript-Bulletin [email protected]

Budget in mitigation fees is from The 2013 repayments leave EnergySolutions, he added. $4.6 million in fund loans that continued from page A1 The early increase in mitiga- still need to be paid back. tion fees is encouraging because If present conditions con- erty tax to generate $2.6 million the county budgeted for mitiga- tinue, those repayments may be in additional revenue. tion fees to decline slightly in concluded by the end of 2015, “We have stayed the course 2014. said Jensen. with the plan and it is working,” On the expense side of the “The repayment of the loans said Walker. budget, spending was down 7.2 does not change the county’s A budget update from Tooele percent from $3.24 million in the bottom line,” he noted. “It just Knee Pain? County Auditor Mike Jensen, who first three months of 2013, to means these funds now have serves as the county’s budget $3.01 million for the first three their full fund balance available officer, also reflects good news: months of 2014. to use.” ��������������� revenue is up and expenses are The county also booked a The four funds that were repaid down. $2 million repayment of inter- at the end of 2013 were the funds Revenue for the months of fund loans to the Deseret Peak that are externally restricted by ���������������� January and February 2014 is up fund from other county funds state law. The remaining funds from $560,000 for the first two at the end of 2013, according to that are owed money are locally months of 2013 to $1,267,000 in Jensen. restricted funds, like the gen- The Most Advanced 2014, a 126 percent increase. The Accounting entries that will eral fund and capital projects, books on revenue for March 2014 be reflected in 2013 year- end according to Jensen. have not yet been closed, accord- financial statements returned Walker said, “We will contin- NON-SURGICAL ing to Jensen. $972,650 to the public health ue to monitor the progress of “The biggest increase in rev- fund, $650,000 to the transient the county’s financial recovery enue is a $372,000 increase in room tax fund, $176,000 to the plan and make quarterly public Treatment to Reduce or mitigation fees over the first two road maintenance fund, and updates at county commission months of 2013,” said Jensen. $124,000 to the municipal ser- meetings.” Eliminate Knee Pain! The bulk of the increase vices fund. [email protected] • FDA Approved • Performed by Board-Certifi ed Doctors so we just had him checked out acetylene and ammunition • 90% Success Rate Fire and he was fine,” Bell said. “It’s — in the garage. The structure continued from page A1 all thanks to the neighbors who was a total loss, he said, but the • Covered by most major Insurances, were able to get him out before home was spared from fire and including Medicare it got too smoky.” smoke damage. “He was just on oxygen already Bell said besides the strong Bell said the cause of the fire and was an older gentlemen. wind, the fire got help from was undetermined. The house did get quite smoky, explosive material — oxygen, [email protected]

Health care website stumbles on last day by Steven R. Hurst Americans have signed up for Problems on the web site ASSOCIATED PRESS health insurance, some of the first returned Monday morning policies heavily subsidized for when visitors to HealthCare. Marlee K. Dalton, FNP-BC— Board Certifi ed Specialist WASHINGTON — The Obama lower income people. That fig- gov found it out of service and administration said a new tech- ure met a revised goal set for were confronted with a mes- nical problem briefly prevented the program after the web site sage that the site was down OUR NEW LOCATION: last-minute users from signing was found to be nearly unwork- for maintenance. At times the ����������� up on the government’s health able for weeks when the sign- visitors were also directed to a 2356 N 400 E, BLDG B, STE 103 • TOOELE insurance website Monday, as up period began in October. virtual waiting room _ a feature Americans surged to the site The 2010 passage of the designed to ease the strain on to beat a midnight deadline to Affordable Care Act has been the site during periods of heavy buy coverage. the No. 1 legislative achieve- use. The White House said tech- ment of President Barack Albright said the website CALL TODAY TO RESERVE nicians had fixed the 2nd glitch Obama’s terms in the White undergoes “regular nightly which Health and Human House. maintenance” during off-peak YOUR SEAT FOR OUR FREE SEMINAR! Services spokesman Aaron Since taking the majority in hours and that period had been Albright said had affected peo- the House of Representatives extended four hours Monday ple who were trying to create later that year, Republicans have morning because of a “techni- PM an account for a short period voted more than 50 times to cal problem.” He did not say in the early afternoon. With the revoke or seriously undermine what the problem was, but a deadline looming, more than the program, widely known as statement from the Department APRIL 2 • 6:30 100,000 people were using the Obamacare. Those bills have of Health and Human Services site at the same time. never made it to the floor in the called it “a software bug” unre- So far, more than 6 million Democrat-controlled Senate. lated to application volume. 435-728-0711 ��������������������������������������� TOOELETRANSCRIPT Seating Limited • Refreshments Served Subscribe Today! 58 N. Main Street 882-0050 BULLETIN A8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN TUESDAY April 1, 2014 The Bulletin Board

Excelsior Academy tours Cub Scout Roundtable Spanish services gardening community contributions by Historical sign Membership dues are only $10 per year Tooele Curious about charter schools? Want to What do you have planned for the first La Iglesia Biblica Bautista de Tooele le Larry Sagers, dedication of garden, The Tooele Co. Historical Society has if you would like to join, or just come know more about Excelsior Academy? Thursday each month? Reserve this eve- invita a sus servicios en espanol Jueves installation of remembrance plaque. recently made a loan agreement with visit. Come learn about rocks, minerals Boys and Girls Clubs of Tooele Tours are held each Wednesday ning and join other Cub Scouters from 6 p.m., Domingos 2 p.m. We invite you Refreshments and snacks will be provid- the Utah State Historical Society to and ways to craft with them and enjoy Summer Club, ages 6-12, begins June 9 at 8:30 a.m. School tours cover a Tooele County at Cub Scout Roundtable. to their Spanish services on Thursday ed. For more information, contact Patty display an old Lincoln Highway sign that field trips for rock collecting. We are and runs through Aug. 15, 8:30 a.m. to range of topics such as the Excelsior Do you need help with a challenge? at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Come Wheeler at [email protected], or was on the border of Utah and Nevada. celebrating 50 years since the club was 6 p.m. Cost is $375 for summer ($125 Academy Philosophy and Vision, Direct Do you have a success that you would to know a church that focused in the 435-277-2409. The unique sign is on display at the formed. Come have fun with us! Visit us due upon registration). Space is limited. Instruction, CHAMPS and the character like to share? Do you enjoy being with word of God rather than the emotions. Pioneer Museum. on Facebook. Contact: 435-882-5752 Interested? Call 843-5719. development program. There is also other Cub Scout leaders and learning God loves you and he wants to reveal Season Opening or email TooeleGemAndMineral@gmail. an opportunity to observe the school’s how to make the Cub Scouting program himself to you. Located at 276 E. 500 New Horizons Garden Center, Saturday, Seeking Historical Items com. AARP Staying Sharp Event unique group settings. Come and tour better in your pack or den? Do you need North, Tooele. Call 840-5036, rides May 3, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Located Tooele County Historical Society would Learn how staying sharp will improve the building and have any questions information about upcoming training and provided. on the Southeast corner of state like members of the community who Live Fit Tooele County brain fitness, Saturday, April 26, 9 a.m. answered. Everyone is welcome, 124 E. Cub Scouting activities? Have you regis- Route 36 and Bates Canyon Road. have any family or personal histories, Live Fit Tooele County sponsored indoor to 12:30 p.m., Tooele Senior Citizens Erda Way, Erda. 882-3062. tered your Webelos for Webelos Outdoor St. Marguerite Classes on water-wise and adapted photographs, books, brochures, DVDs, active play. For a detailed calendar, go Center, 59 E. Vine St. Brain fitness and Activity? Come meet Thursday, April 3, St. Marguerite Catholic Community plants, garden planning assistance, VHS tapes, or newspaper articles that to brain diseases, memory loss, success- spotlights on new offerings and legacy 7:30 p.m., Tooele Junior High School, welcomes you to worship with us. you would like to donate to our orga- Sons of Utah Pioneers ful longevity and the brain, recognizing Tooele Family Center 411 W. Vine, Tooele. Our liturgy schedule is as follows: plants. For more information, contact nization to please call us. We are also changes in a loved one. Saturday Vigil 5 p.m., Sunday 7:45 a.m. Faye Millican at 435-840-0888, or looking for books, newspaper articles, The goals of the Sons of Utah Pioneers Story and craft hour BALOO Training (Spanish), 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., [email protected]. photos, brochures or any history that Settlement Canyon Chapter is to keep alive our pioneer heritage. We do this Tooele County Summit Join us every Monday at 10 a.m. at Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation Monday through Friday 9 a.m. Religious pertains to the Tooele County area. If The Tooele County Summit and Town through histories, stories, artifacts, the Tooele Family Center as we enjoy is a great fun training event for those education for youth: Sunday 9 a.m. you would like to donate them to our Hall meeting on underage drinking will Moose Lodge monuments, museums, service and the adventures of books and make fun volunteering in Cub Scouting. It will be Confession 4 p.m. Saturday. Office organization, or if you would let us make be held on Monday, April 7, 6-8:45 p.m. scholarships. Much of this labor of crafts. For more info, call 833-1978 ext. held Saturday, April 19, 8 a.m. to 5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday a copy for the Tooele County Historical at Tooele High School. The summit is for love is found in the Tooele Pioneer 2127 or ext. 2010. We’re located at p.m. Lunch and training materials are and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call Meals at Lodge Society, please call Alice Dale at 435- high school students and their parents. Museum at 47 E. Vine in Tooele, as 301 W. Vine St., Bldg. #11 (right behind provided. More info can be found at Cub 435-882-3860. St. Marguerite Catholic Change in Time: Friday and Saturday 882-1612. The public is invited to attend the key- well as various statues and monuments Tooele High School). Scout Roundtable and deseretpeakscub- Elementary School can be reached night dinners will be served from 5-9 note address by Steve Wright. The key- at 435-882-0081. We are located on p.m. Friday night dinners include Clam around the county. The Tooele Pioneer note will be held from 6-7 p.m. Students Preschool hour the corner of Seventh Street and Vine Chowder or Homemade Chili, and/or Sports cemetery, at the mouth of Settlement at Tooele High School, Stansbury High Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. the Tooele District Cub Scout Pinewood Street. fish baskets (halibut, Shrimp, or chicken Canyon, is another of our projects. We School, Grantsville High School and Family Center has a fun activity hour Derby strips). Costs are $10 for halibut or Tooele Football Meeting are always looking for artifacts and Blue Peak High School can clear U’s for histories, including yearbooks, as a loan of learning, singing and creating. This Deseret Peak District invited all reg- St. Marguerite Lent Meals shrimp baskets w/cup of chowder, There will be an informational player-par- attending the summit. Check with your or gift to be displayed for everyone’s Ready, Set, School! preschool class is istered Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Saint Marguerite Catholic Church’s chicken strips w/cup of chowder $7. ent meeting for all those interested in schools for more information. benefit at the Tooele Pioneer Museum. for all children up to 5 years of age. Webelos to race in the 3rd Annual Knights of Columbus will be serving fish Bowl of chowder $4, and cup of chowder playing football at Tooele High School To learn more about this fascinating Please come and enjoy the fun. For District Pinewood Derby. Race day is during lent beginning March 7 through $2. Saturday night dinners include 16- next year. We will cover the summer work, attend a potlcuk dinner the first more info, call 833-1978 ext. 2127 or April 26. Check in and inspection starts April 11. Cost is $7 for a three-piece ounce ribeye or T-bone steak w/choice schedule, fees and other important Grantsville Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at ext. 2010. We’re located at 301 W. Vine at 4 p.m. and race starts at 5 p.m. and $5 for a two-piece. All meals of baked potato/fries, salad and roll for information regarding football next the Tooele Senior Citizens Center next St., Bldg. #11 (right behind Tooele High Pre-registration is required and can be served with fries, coleslaw and dessert. $15. Halibut or salmon steak w/choice season. The meeting will be held Grantsville Rabies Clinic to the Tooele Pioneer Museum. A short School). done at 134 W. 400 South. Deadline to Location is 15 S. 7th St., Tooele. Dinner of baked or fries, salad and roll $15, Wednesday, April 2, 6 p.m., THS com- It’s time for the annual rabies and educational program will follow din- register is April 12. will be served starting at 6 p.m. Please or Jumbo Shrimp w/choice of baked or mons area. For more information, con- licensing clinic on April 3, 6-8 p.m., Kindergarten Readiness come and enjoy good food and good fries, salad and roll for $13. No orders tact Coach Brady at 435-833-1978 ext. ner. To speak with someone about the Grantsville Fire Station. Bring your pets The Tooele Family Center is offering a Webelos Outdoor Activity company. taken after 8:45 p.m. Members who 2130 or by email (best way to reach museum, call Tim Booth at 882-1902. and get them up to date on their shots free weekly workshop for both parents Webelos and their parents are invited purchase five dinners either Friday or him) at [email protected]. For more information about the Sons and get them licensed so if they get and children. The class is designed to register for the annual Webelos Brit-Ammi Kahal Saturday nights at regular price will of Utah Pioneers, call Glen Stevens at picked up, we can give you a call. to give parents tips and ideas of how Outdoor Activity, May 9-10. Check in Covenant People Assembly are teach- receive their next dinner free. Daily 882-3168. ing the Hebrew roots of the Christian Groups and Events Grantsville Irrigation to make their child’s education years starts that Friday at 5 p.m., and activity lunch specials are available at the lodge successful. Your child must be 4 years ends Saturday at 3:30 p.m. This activity faith. Visitors welcome on Saturdays at from 11a.m. For members and their Mood disorder support group Grantsville Irrigation assessments are Do you or someone you love have a old and beginning Kindergarten in requires the Webelos Scout’s parent for 1 p.m., 37 S. Main Street, Tooele. Call guests. Stansbury Art and Literary due Friday, April 4. The anticipated mood disorder? NAMI-Tooele affiliation September 2014. The next session is him to participate. The cost is $30. Pre- 843-5444 for more information. turn-on date is April 15. Please make Society offers help, hope and healing. Please April 2-April 30. registration is required and can be done Entertainment sure your valves are closed. Agricultural The Stansbury Art and Literary Society join us for support group sessions every at McBeth’s Scout Shop, 134 W. 400 Bible Baptist Church Brent Fender’s will play Saturday, users have been issued two regular The folks at Bible Baptist Church would announces a semi-annual Open House, Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at the New South. Deadline to register is April 22. April 12 from 7-11 p.m. The Rockaholics turns. Residential users are allotted like to invite you to some old fashioned April 22. It is located in the lobby of the Reflection Clubhouse on 900 South in Fitness and Health Call Michelle or Roger at 435-882-9919 will play Saturday, April 26 from 7-11 250,000 gallons per share. You are church services with singing from the TATC, 88 S. Tooele Blvd., 7-9 p.m. The Tooele. For more info, contact Kelly at for more information. p.m. For members and their guests only. responsible to track your meter read- old fashioned hymns and messages theme for this artistic show is “Crazy 841-9903. Free Triathlon Clinics Blooms.” Artists will show their work, ings to avoid exceeding your allotment. Tooele City and LiveFit Tooele County from the old fashioned KJV Bible. Some Special Events and information about the society will be Contact the office at 884-3451 with will be offering free triathlon clinics. The things should never change. Sunday Kids Easter Party will be Saturday, April PFCCA Churches available. For further information, con- questions. first clinic will be Wednesday, April 9 at Service times: Sunday School, 10 a.m.; 19, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For members and The Professional Family Child Care tact Pat Jessie at [email protected]. Pratt Aquatic Center, 55 N. 200 West, The Church of Jesus Christ of gospel hour, 11 a.m.; Bible study, 12:30 their guests only. Association of Utah will be holding Heritage and Home Tour Tooele, 6:30 p.m. for the Kids Triathlon p.m.; Wednesday evening services, Chapter Meetings in Tooele the fourth The Grantsville Heritage and Home Tour Latter-day Saints Brain Injury Support Group Training and 7:30 p.m. for the Sprint 6 p.m. Contact Pastor Jeff Sinner at Tuesday of each month from 7-9 p.m. will be held in conjunction with Memorial To find a meeting house and time of Eagles Tooele County Brain Injury Support Triathlon Training. The second workshop 840-2152. This support group/training meeting Day activities at the Clark Historic Farm. worship for The Church of Jesus Christ Group meets on the fourth Thursday of will be Wednesday, June 4 at the same is open to all childcare providers in The tour will feature historic homes and of Latter-day Saints, go to http://mor- each month, TATC, 88 S. Tooele Blvd., location and same times for both train- Mountain View Baptist Church Steak Night Stockton, Tooele, Erda, Stansbury, businesses around town. Tickets are $5 or contact 435- 6:30-7:30 p.m. All survivors, family and ings. If you would like more information We would like to invite you to discover Remember the Eagles Auxiliary serves Grantsville and Lake Point. For more and will be available beginning May 15 850-8211. friends are welcome. Please join us on about the free Triathlon Clinics, contact what God’s plan and purpose is for only the freshest steaks and the good information, call Kathy Witt, 435-830- at Williams’ Video. If you would like to Facebook at Tooele County Brain Injury Tooele City Parks and Recreation, 435- your life. The Bible contains all of the fresh cut, home-cooked French fries. 9614. feature your historic home on the tour, Berean Full Gospel Church answers for life’s questions. Come The special for Friday, April 4 is a Support Group. For more information, 843-2142 or [email protected]. We invite you to discover how God’s please contact Stacy Bleazard at 435- and join us this Sunday for our adult halibut dinner two-piece for $9 and contact Michelle at mlgarbett@gmail. Family Support Center Word can transform your life and provide 884-0326 by April 1. Bible study and graded Sunday School three-piece for $11 with hosts Kathy com. The Family Support Center is a non- you with the answers for questions and Utah State which starts at 9:45 a.m. Our worship and Richard. profit agency providing services in Salt for problems you may be struggling to Cattlmen’s Association Family History Center service begins at 11 a.m. We also have Lake and Tooele County. Free 12-week University and 4H overcome. Come join us this Sunday Greet your ancestors free at the a Bible study time each Sunday at 6 Sunday Breakfast Banquet in-home parenting skills program. morning for our 10 a.m. worship service Grantsville Family History Center, 117 p.m. We meet on Wednesdays at 7 Breakfast will be served on April 13 Tooele County Cattlemen’s Association Families with children birth to 17 will where we will assemble in praise, share E. Cherry St. All are welcome with Science and Technology p.m. for prayer time. Bring your needs from 9 a.m. to noon. The menu is Banquet will be held Friday, April 4, 7 receive instruction during an 80-minute testimonies and explore worship in ways consultants there to assist you. Open Building Groundbreaking and let us pray together for God’s help. great, eggs and meat, cooked to order, p.m., Deseret Peak Convention Center. weekly visit to gain the tools they need that strive to highlight the greatness of Mondays noon to 4 p.m., and Tuesday USU-Tooele groundbreaking ceremony Mountain View Baptist Church meets at omelets, pancakes and French toast Dinner, entertainment, keynote speaker, to strengthen their family. Topics dis- God. After our morning praise and wor- through Thursday noon to 4 p.m. and 7 for the new Science and Technology the Eastgate Plaza in Grantsville, Suite with meat and eggs, your choice, for $7 door prizes, auction items and trade cussed include communication, conflict ship time we enter into a one-hour Bible to 9 p.m. Building will be May 15, 2 p.m. 2C. Join us. for adults and $3 for children 11 years show. For tickets or more information, resolution, attachment and bonding, Study at 11 a.m. Attend with us Sunday of age and under. There is a $5 special contact Darrell Holden 830-2353, Chad establishing rules and routines as well Lecture Series mornings at 635 N. Main St., (Phil’s Stansbury Park Baptist Church each Sunday. Public is invited. Hunt 830-1271, Jerry Hurst 830-3354, as managing stress. Please contact Tooele City Library USU-Tooele free entrepreneurship Glass), or call 435-578-8022 for more Please join us each Sunday morning at Dean Alder 801-550-1722 or Earl Rachel at (801) 955-9110 ext. 107 for lecture series, free and open to the information. 10 a.m. for Worship Services and Bible Eagles Family Night McClimans 830-6392. more information. You can also visit Regular Events public. April 2, 6 p.m., Building the Best Study at the Stansbury Park Clubhouse Family Night will be on Saturday, April 5. Tuesdays, 11 a.m., Wiggle Worms (inter- Company in the Industry, with speaker First Baptist Church (next to the SP Swimming Pool). For The Wrathall Clan will serve an Easter Tooele Valley Family History Some churches seek to entertain, some active story time for 1- to 2-year-old chil- Ken Woolly, founder of Extra Space details, please call us at 830-1868 or ham dinner at 6:30 p.m. with Bingo to Center Tooele Family AI-Anon seek to be politically correct. We seek dren); Wednesdays and Thursdays, 11 Storage. Lecture in room 157. go to follow. The cost is $6 for adults and $3 Research your ancestors free with Wednesdays at 5 p.m. at Alano Club (by and 11:30 a.m., story time; Thursdays, to know Jesus Christ better, through for children 11 years of age and under. trained FamilySearch volunteers at the White’s Trailer Court), 1120 Utah Ave., 4 to 6 p.m., teen time with gaming, 4H Cooking Club — Cookies, understanding and applying His Word to First Lutheran Church Please come out, bring the kids and Tooele Valley Family History Center, Sundays at 5 p.m. at Mountain of Faith movies and more; Fridays, 3:30 to 5:30 Cookies, Cookies our lives. If that is what you seek, then First Lutheran Church at 349 N. Seventh have a really good time. Public invited. 751 N. 520 East, Tooele. Phone 435- Lutheran Church. Call Gesele with ques- p.m., kids crafts; Select Tuesdays, 4 Come learn how to make yummy rolled join us in worship of the Lord, and in St. would like to invite you to hear of 882-1396. Hours of operation: Tuesday tions, 435-224-4015. p.m., family movies. and bar cookies this month in 4H cook- serving Him by serving those around us. God’s grace and the love of Christ who Children’s AIDS Awareness through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ing club. Meeting will be April 3, 4-6 Sunday Bible study: 9:45 a.m., Worship died to forgive you of your sins and Charity DInner Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7-9 p.m. Seniors Grantsville City p.m., 151 N. Main. Cost is $6. Register is at 11 a.m., 882-2048. attain salvation on your behalf every Chairman Kathy and Richard Wamsley Wednesday evenings by appointment and pay by April 1 at the USU Extension United Methodist Church Sunday morning at 10 a.m. will serve a chicken fried steak dinner only. Special classes offered regularly. Library office, 151 N. Main, in the health build- with all the trimmings upstairs at the Call the center for more information. Medical equipment needed Tooele United Methodist Church ser- ing. If not already a 4Her, please plan New Life Christian Fellowship Eagles Lodge on Saturday, April 12 from Tooele and Grantsville Senior Centers vices are held on Sundays at 11 a.m. to pay the yearly $5 registration fee to We invite you to worship and serve 5-8 p.m. The cost will be $9 a plate. Family History Classes are in need of donated medical equip- Programs Please check our website, tooelecumc. The Grantsville City Library, 42 N. join 4H. Jesus with us. Our clothing closet and There will be a raffle with an antique Eight weeks of Family History classes, ment to be used for seniors in need. org, or call Tooele UMC’s office at 882- food pantry is open from noon to 3 Eagles Decanter as the main prize and 7-8:30 p.m., Thursday nights, April 3 New or gently used items needed are Bowery St., has started the fall/winter 1349 or Pastor Debi’s cell at 801-651- Story Time Program. Story Time will be Money Wi$e Finance Classes p.m. every Tuesday to Thursday at 411 a 50/50. All proceeds will go to the through May 23. Please call the Family wheelchairs, walkers, canes or other Getting Organized, Budget Basics, Credit 2557 for more info. We are located at E. Utah Ave. Programs for kids, teens, Children’s AIDS Awareness Charity Fund. History Center to sign up, 435-882- items that may be useful to our seniors. held each Thursday at 4 p.m. unless 78 E. Utah Ave. in Tooele. otherwise indicated. The program is 101 and Debt Elimination. Classes that women and men are also available Members and guests invited. 1396. Contact Debbie Winn at the Tooele cen- designed to create in young children a teach these topics will be held Tuesdays Wednesday meal every week. Sunday services are in the ter, 435 843-4103, or Dan Lawrence, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., 151 N. Main, Stansbury High School café at 10 a.m. Past President’s Dinner 15th Annual NWTF Banquet 435-843-4753, at the Grantsville center. love of books through stories, puppets, Every Wednesday from 4 to 8 p.m., Tooele. Classes start April 1 with the and at our Tooele building at 9 a.m., 11 games, music and crafts. For more infor- we will serve a free dinner from Tooele Meeting and Auction last class on April 22. The classes are a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Come join us. Find Tooele County Strutters, the local Grantsville Senior Center mation, call 435-884-1670. United Methodist Church. Everyone PMP Barbara Denner will host the meet- free, but call 435-277-2406 or email out more by calling 843-7430 or visiting chapter of the National Wild Turkey The senior center is for the enjoyment is invited to come and eat. Our goal ing on Wednesday, April 16, 7 p.m., Darlene at darlene.christensen@usu. Federation, will hold their annual ban- of all senior citizens 55 and older. is to provide a free, hot meal for Jim’s Restaurant. All PPs are invited to Schools edu to register. Leave your name, phone quet and auction on Saturday, April 12, Activities have started. For info, call everyone. We want to get the com- attend. number and which of the four classes Tooele Christian Fellowship at Deseret Peak Complex. Doors open 884-3446. Exercise class twice a week, munity involved and invite all people in you are registering for. Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship at 5 p.m. Early bird ticket packages will bunco, bingo, pinochle once a week. Scholarships and Financial Aid order to forge relationships and build Service 11 a.m. Services are held at 40 Disabled American be available until April 1. For tickets Jewelry, painting and ceramics once a Many generous businesses and individu- bridges between people of all economic 4H Mother-Daughter Sew-a- N. Main, former Stowes Family Music or more information, call or text Laurie week. Arts and Crafts on the second als in our community sponsor scholar- backgrounds in Tooele. Although the Veterans building. For more information, call 435- Erickson, 435-830-9224, Jody Erickson, and fourth Monday at 10 a.m. Meals on ships for graduating seniors. Now is thon meal is being served from TUMC, it Join us for this fun event. Each person 224-3392 or www.tooelechristianfellow- 435-849-1082, or Ty Anderson, 435- Wheels for homebound. Lunch served the time to apply for local scholarships. is a non-denominational event and we Meeting will be making pillow cases and learning Parking and entrance in back 830-4660. Come join us for a night of daily. Suggested donation of $3. The Information on specific scholarships is invite and encourage all people to join DAV meeting is scheduled Saturday, how to felt. It will be held Saturday, April of building. fun, food and prizes for the entire family. center also provides rides to the store available from the GHS, SHS and THS us. We will need help and volunteers in April 19 at 2 p.m., Moose Lodge. 12, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost is $5 plus or doctor visits in Tooele and Grantsville scholarship coordinators. Additional various ways, such as helping to serve, The DAV holds meetings on the third fabric to make pillow case and your own Recovery International areas. Call 843-4102. The March information, including specific scholar- cook and clean up, donate food and Charity Saturday of every month. lunch. Prepay and register at 151 N. We have a very structured group that birthday dinner will be held March 28 ship criteria, applications and deadlines share talents. If you are interested in Main. Call Darlene Christensen at 435- follows a format of four basic steps: at 4 p.m. can also be found on your school’s getting involved, e-mail Carissa Sanders Tooele Children’s Justice Volunteer Drivers Needed scholarship website. 277-2406 with any questions. The DAV is looking for three volunteer report an upset, describe thoughts, at [email protected] or call Center impulses, feelings and sensations. If Tooele Senior Center (785) 737-3467. drivers. No DAV membership is required. The senior center is for the enjoyment of Mr. and Miss Amazing Pageant Tooele Children’s Justice Center is in Will need a VA physical. Call Jim Yale at you can’t change a situation, you can This year is the fourth year of the Mr. Education need of fruit drinks, bottled water, soda change your attitude toward it. Life all seniors 55 and older. New and excit- Church of Christ 435-849-0521 or 882-7626. Or call Les ing activities include bridge, pinochle, and Miss Amazing Pageant, a pageant for Church of Christ meets at 430 W. Utah and fruit snacks. We appreciate all Peterson at 435-830-7812. can be distressing, but not dangerous. those with disabilities. The contestants Network meetings donations. For inquiries or drop-off call Recovery is helpful for handling addic- bingo, exercise program three times Ave. Bible class, Sunday at 10 a.m. a week, line dancing, wood carving, come from Tooele High School, Grantsville Looking to obtain or improve your and worship from 11 a.m. to noon. 435-843-3440. 25 S. 100 East, Tooele. tions, fears, anxiety, anger, loneliness, High School, Stansbury High School employment? Come join the Tooele Masons worries and any challenge. Try it for Wii games, watercolor class, movies Wednesday Bible class at 7 p.m. We United Methodist Church and health classes. Meals on Wheels and the community. Age range is 14-28. Networking Group and learn job seeking seek to be the Lord’s church estab- six weeks. For more information, call Pageant will be held at THS on April 10. techniques, how to market yourself, get Tooele United Methodist church offers a Meeting MaryAnn 884-0215. available for homebound. Lunch served lished about 33 AD. Jesus is our only weekdays for age 60 and above, sug- support and actually search job leads. free dinner every Wednesday starting at Masons meeting second Friday at head of the church, headquarters are gested donation of $3, $5 for under age Saint Marguerite Junior High Every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Tooele 4 p.m. All are welcome. 7 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m., 22 Take Off Pounds Sensibly heaven. Come and grow with us. Call Do something good for yourself and 60. The center also provides transpor- Program LDS Employment Resource Center locat- 882-4642. Food pantry Settlement Canyon, Tooele. Breakfast Knowledge is power. Choose Saint ed next to Deseret Industries. Everyone your heart, and make a plan to lose tation to the store or doctor visits for The First Baptist Church in Tooele is on the second Saturday, 9 a.m., Jim’s Marguerite Catholic School for our junior is welcome. that excess weight. TOPS can help you residents in the Tooele and Grantsville Cornerstone Baptist offering an emergency food pantry to Cafe. For more information or a ride, high where children can grow strong in achieve your goals and support you in areas. Call 435-843-2110 for more Passion for God, compassion for people meet the needs of our community. The call Jim at 435-850-9203. spirit and knowledge. Please call 435- Online courses your journey of health and wellness. We information. at 276 E. 500 North in Tooele, phone: food pantry is available for emergency 882-0081 for details. Online courses in Network+ and provide accountability through weekly 882-6263. Come as you are this needs. Hours of operation are Saturdays Senior Circle Security+ IT are designed for the IT pro- Sunday, where you can hear a message Tooele County weigh-ins and support and encourage- Saint Marguerite Kindergarten fessional seeking to upgrade their skills from 10 a.m. to noon. We are located at ment in a non-judgmental environment. Senior Circle is for those ages 50 and from the Bible and meet new friends. 580 S. Main Street. For information call Historical Society better and costs just $15 a year per Program and knowledge of networking and secu- Service times: Bible study (for all ages) TOPS is open to all men, women, teens rity, and prepares you for the CompTIA 882-2048. and preteens. There are now two TOPS person or $27 for a couple. Call 843- Every child years to learn. Choose Saint 9:45 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; April Meeting 3690 for more information or a member- Marguerite Catholic School for our out- Network+ and Security+ exams. Call the evening worship 6 p.m.; WiseGuys chil- chapters in Tooele to accommodate your TATC at 248-1800 for more information Our featured speaker for the Tooele schedule. UT 330 Tooele meets Tuesday ship application. Lots of great health standing ALL DAY kindergarten program dren’s program 6 p.m. Nursery provided Gardening County Historical Society meeting on benefits and fun activities. for the 2014-2015 school year. Please or to enroll. for all services, and children’s church at 5 p.m. at the old county courthouse. Tuesday, April 8, 7 p.m., will be Douglas Call Mary Lou at 830-1150 for informa- call 435-882-0081 for more details. Adult education during morning worship. WiseGuys Saturday Gardening Workshop Page from Cedar City. His presenta- Program during evening worship. tion. UT 365 Tooele meets Saturday at Transcript-Bulletin Get your high school diploma this year. This Saturday, 10-11 a.m. at the Tooele tion will be about the Charcoal Kilns in 9 a.m. at the Bit n Spur Clubhouse, 240 Toto needed for SHS Drama Valley Nursery, 425 E. Cimmarron Way Tooele County, including Pine County, Stansbury High School’s Drama Program All classes required for a high school W. 500 North. Call Lisa at 882-1442 for Mountain of Faith Lutheran and state Route 36. Open forum, Stockton, Soldiers Canyon, Tooele City Hometown Writers Wanted is looking for a well-trained dog to play diploma, adult basic education, GED We’re a healthy, growing congregation information. Also see the TOPS website question and answer session, plant and Gold Hill. He is doing research Hometown writers wanted. Help contrib- Toto in its upcoming production of “The preparation and English as a second who welcomes newcomers and reaches at demonstrations. For more information, with Professor Straka from Clemson ute feature stories about the county’s Wizard of Oz.” Should be kennel-trained language are available. Register now out to those in need. Join us for worship contact Wade, Regina or Lance at 435- University in South Carolina, about the most interesting people. Prior writing and available the last week of April to graduate — just $50 per semester. Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., 560 S. Tooele Gem and Mineral 843-5959, or [email protected]. kilns in Utah and their role with the min- experience preferred but not required. and the first two weeks of May. Small Located at 211 Tooele Blvd., call 833- Society Main, Tooele. We treat the word of God ing and smelting industry. The meeting High school students encouraged to black terrier breeds are preferable. If 8750. Adult education classes are for Tooele Gem and Mineral Society meets with respect without taking ourselves Monthly Gardener’s Breakfast will be held at the Pioneer Museum, 47 apply. Contact Community News Editor interested, contact Glen Carpenter at students 18 and over. the second Tuesday of each month too seriously. Check us out on Facebook Get-Together E. Vine, Tooele. Parking is in the rear Richard Briggs at 435-882-0050 or [email protected] or call by searching for Mountain of Faith at the Tooele Applied Technology ESOL Every third Saturday, April through of the building. Please enter through [email protected]. 435-882-2479, ext. 4510. Lutheran Church. Please join us for College, 88 S. Tooele Blvd., 7:30 p.m. ESOL conversational classes are September, 9-11 a.m., held at the the back door and take the ramp down meaningful worship that is also casual held Tuesdays and Thursdays. ESOL Stockton Miners Café, 47 North Connor to the meeting room. Members and Dual Language Immersion and relaxed. For more information, call students may also come anytime the (the Main Street) in Stockton. Current guests are welcome. If you would like 882-7291. Programs center is open for individualized study. gardening topics, challenges, success- to join our organization, our dues are Attention all Kindergarten parents in Bulletin Board Policy Registration is $50 per semester. Call es, and collective advice will be shared. $5 per year. Tooele Valley! We are having our first St. Barnabas’ Episcopal If you would like to announce an upcoming event, contact the 833-8750 for more information. Admission is the price of whatever you parent/patron informational meeting Weekly service of word, prayer and sac- Transcript-Bulletin at 882-0050, fax to 882-6123 or email to order off the menu! Led by Dirtfarmer Historical Society Books about the Dual Language Immersion rament followed by fellowship. Sunday Jay and Dirtfarmer Maggie of dirtfarmer- Tooele County Historical Society’s books [email protected]. “The Bulletin Board” is for special Programs that will begin next fall. Any mornings at 10 a.m. St. Barnabas’ Scouting For more information, contact will be available to purchase at our community events, charitable organizations, civic clubs, non-profit interested parents/guardians that will Episcopal Church, 1784 N. Aaron [email protected] or 435-830-1447. meeting. The History of Tooele County organizations, etc. For-profit businesses should contact the advertis- have first graders in the district next Scouting Fundraiser Drive, Tooele. Phone: 882-4721. Email: Volume II is $30, The Mining, Smelting, [email protected]. Web at ing department. Please limit your notice to 60 words or less. The year are invited to attend. The DLI pro- Join us at Tooele Arby’s Scout Night, Larry Sagers Memorial Garden and Railroading in Tooele is $20, and You are Tooele Transcript-Bulletin cannot guarantee your announcement grams for next year: Spanish at Middle Tuesday, April 8. A percentage of sales we also have eight note cards depicting Canyon, Mandarin Chinese at Northlake, God’s beloved child, beautifully created Dedication will be printed. To guarantee your announcement please call the during the hours of 5-8 p.m. will be Saturday, April 12, 2 p.m., Master four different pioneer buildings for $4. French at Grantsville, Portuguese at in God’s own image. Whatever your his- advertising department at 882-0050. Information must be delivered donated to Scouting in Tooele County. Garden, USU Extension Offices, 151 These will make great gifts for your fam- Harris and German at West. tory, wherever you are in life’s journey, ily and friends. no later than 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. the Episcopal Church welcomes you. N. Main, Tooele. Commemoration of A9


SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE UV INDEX The Sun Rise Set WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Wednesday 7:12 a.m. 7:55 p.m. Thursday 7:10 a.m. 7:56 p.m. Friday 7:08 a.m. 7:57 p.m. Saturday 7:07 a.m. 7:58 p.m. Sunday 7:05 a.m. 7:59 p.m. Monday 7:03 a.m. 8:00 p.m. W Th F Sa Su M Tu Tuesday 7:02 a.m. 8:01 p.m. The higher the UV Index™ The Moon Rise Set number, the greater the need for eye and skin Wednesday 8:59 a.m. 11:24 p.m. protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Thursday 9:42 a.m. none Very High; 11+ Extreme Friday 10:28 a.m. 12:21 a.m. Saturday 11:17 a.m. 1:13 a.m. ALMANAC Sunday 12:09 p.m. 2:00 a.m. Statistics for the week ending March 31. Times of sun and Partly sunny; rain at Times of clouds and Monday 1:03 p.m. 2:41 a.m. Mostly cloudy Partly sunny Mostly sunny Sunny Temperatures Tuesday 1:58 p.m. 3:19 a.m. clouds night sun High/Low past week 70/29 First Full Last New Normal high/low past week 57/36 47 32 53 36 55 39 54 38 55 41 58 40 60 41 Average temp past week 45.2 Normal average temp past week 46.8 TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low Apr 7 Apr 15 Apr 22 Apr 29 Shown is Wednesday’s Forecasts and graphics provided by weather. Temperatures are Wednesday’s highs and AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014 Wednesday night’s lows.

UTAH WEATHER Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Logan Grouse 45/28 Wendover Precipitation (in inches) Creek 48/35 Knolls Clive Lake Point 43/27 51/35 50/33 45/33 Ogden Stansbury Park 48/34 Erda 46/33 Vernal Grantsville 49/35 Pine Canyon Salt Lake City 49/29 46/33 36/24 Tooele 47/33 Bauer 47/32 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal 46/31 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D Provo Roosevelt 47/32 51/31 47/34 Stockton Snowfall (in inches) Price 46/31 46/31 Nephi Rush Valley 46/30 46/30 Ophir 38/24 Delta Manti 50/31 46/28 Green River Last Month Season 55/37 Dugway Week to date to date Richfield Gold Hill 47/30 46/29 Moab 46/28 SNOWPACK Hanksville 57/37 Beaver 58/36 Vernon Tooele Valley-Vernon Creek Basin 44/27 Ibapah 44/28 48/29 Snow Water Equivalent as of 12 a.m. Monday Rocky Basin Mining Vernon Settlement Fork Creek Cedar City Blanding Snowcover 17.5 17.3 6.2 St. George 44/26 46/30 Average 21.7 18.5 10.2 58/43 Kanab 49/31 Eureka Percent of average 81% 94% 61% 40/27 Source: Utah Natural Resources Conservation Services

Opinions March inch behind normal, but with a total snowfall of 4.5 inches in Shared Freely. continued from page A1 the valley, last month’s snowfall (Yours and Ours.) came in 4.3 inches below normal. last year, those same sensors The valley is currently .62 inches Open Forum read at 53 percent of normal, 73 behind on the water year, but percent of normal and 77 per- most of that water has arrived in Every Tuesday cent of normal, Julander said. the form of rain. Since October, Though March itself was dry, Tooele has received just 40 inch- TOOELETRANSCRIPT February precipitation gave the es of snow, nearly 34 inches less BULLETIN local snowpack a big boost, he than normal. added. Although the weather remains “March has been fairly dry, but unsettled and seems to bounce February was a good month for from one extreme to the next, Frank water,” he said. Julander said he thought it would March saw a wider range of ultimately decide to dry out this OHLMAN temperatures than is typical for summer. M Attorney at Law Tooele this time of year. The [email protected] daily high — which averaged 57 degrees last month, accord- FREE ing to data from Ned Bevan, a Inspiring Healthy Lives Consultation cooperative weather observer for for the National Weather Service — Wills & came in four degrees higher than Trusts the normal set by the Western Regional Climate Center. But the average daily low, 33 degrees, was three degrees colder than 493 W. 400 N. Tooele normal. FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO The month’s total precipita- 882-4800 Snow melted early this year due to warm temperatures in March. tion came in less than half an Look for it every month in your Tooele Transcript Bulletin

at 3:45 p.m. and continued pated by forecasters, but turned “Nobody was expecting win- Power through 7 p.m., disrupted out more severe than predict- ter to come back with so much continued from page A1 Stansbury residents’ Sunday ed. In Tooele, temperatures gusto,” he said. afternoon activities — includ- dropped more than 20 degrees Eventually, crews were able Any outage affecting more ing area religious services, between noon and 2 p.m. as to restore power by routing ������������ than 2,000 customers is consid- some of which were cut short a wind gusts neared 40 miles per transmission to Stansbury over ered a significant loss of power, few minutes on account of the hour. another set of lines, added he added. outage. The storm caught response Murphy. The outage, which began Sunday’s storm was antici- crews off guard, Murphy said. [email protected] Congress to pass bill to stop cut to Medicare docs by Andrew Taylor House on Thursday, but only to come from cuts to Obama’s Other savings come from ASSOCIATED PRESS after top leaders in both parties Affordable Care Act. curbs on payments to hospitals engineered a voice vote when The heavily lobbied measure that care for a large share of indi- WASHINGTON — Congress is it became clear they were hav- blends $16 billion to address gent patients. But those hospitals poised to give doctors who treat ing difficulty mustering the two- Medicare physicians’ payments first get a one-year reprieve from Medicare patients an eleventh- thirds vote required to advance with about $5 billion more for a cuts scheduled in 2016. hour reprieve from a cut in their it under expedited procedures. variety of other expiring health The measure would give government fees. Several top Democrats opposed care provisions, like higher Medicare doctors a 0.5 percent Monday’s planned Senate vote the bill, saying it would take Medicare payments to rural hos- fee increase through the end of would send legislation to repair momentum away from the drive pitals and for ambulance rides in the year. It also creates two new Medicare’s flawed payment for- to permanently solve the pay- rural areas. Manufacturers of cer- mental health grant programs, mula for a year to President ment formula problem. tain drugs to treat kidney disease including $1.1 billion over four Barack Obama for his signature. There’s widespread agreement catch a break, as do dialysis pro- years for improvements to com- It comes just hours before a mid- on bipartisan legislation to rede- viders and the state of California, munity health centers and $60 night deadline. sign the payment formula that which receives increases in million over four years for outpa- The $21 billion measure would doctors 0.5 percent annu- Medicare physician fees in 14 tient treatment for people with would stave off a 24 percent cut al fee increases and implement counties such as San Diego and serious mental illness. in Medicare reimbursements to reforms aimed at giving doctors Sacramento that are designated The measure is the product doctors for a year and extend incentives to provide less costly as rural and whose doctors there- dozens of other expiring health care. But there’s no agreement fore receive lower payments than of talks between House Speaker care provisions such as higher on how to pay the approximately their urban counterparts. John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority leader Harry WALK-INS payment rates for rural hospitals. $140 billion cost of scrapping the The bill increases spending by WELCOME The legislation is paid for by cuts old formula. $17 billion over the next three Reid, D-Nev. It solves the fee M-F: 10AM-7PM • SAT: 9AM-3PM • SUN: BY APT. to health care providers, but fully Senate Finance Committee years, offsetting the cost with schedule problem through next half of the cuts won’t kick in for Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., cuts to health care providers. The March. 10 years. promised to keep pressing ahead authors of the bill employed con- Because of a flawed formula It’s the seventeenth temporary with a long-term solution, pro- siderable gimmickry to amass dating to 1997, Medicare doctors “patch” to a broken payment posing to use savings from the the cuts, however, and fully half are threatened with big fee cuts ������������ formula that dates to 1997 and troop drawdown in Afghanistan of them don’t appear for 10 years. almost every year. After allowing � comes after lawmakers failed to to pay the cost. Republicans and For instance, the bill claims $5 a 4.8 percent Medicare fee cut ������������������������ ��� reach a deal on financing a per- most budget experts say such sav- billion in savings through a tim- to take effect in 2002, Congress �������������������������������������������� manent fix. ings are phony and are demand- ing shift in Medicare cuts in has since stepped in 16 times to The measure passed the ing at least some of the money 2024. prevent the cuts. ��������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� A Full-Color Activity Page Just for Kids! ������������������������������������������� Every Thursday in Your Tooele Transcript-Bulletin ��������������������� A10 SPORTS


SPORTS WRAP Tooele football meeting There will be an informational Grantsville’s Hutchins shuts down Tooele player-parent meeting for all those interested in playing football at by Richard Briggs Tooele High School next year. The meeting will cover the summer COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR schedule, fees and other impor- Grantsville’s Dillon Hutchins tant information regarding football next season. The meeting will be followed his no-hitter pitching held Wednesday, April 2 at 6 p.m. performance against Hunter in the THS commons area. For with another shutout Friday more information contact coach against Tooele. Kyle Brady at 435-833-1978 The Grantsville Cowboys ext. 2130 or by email, which is defeated the Tooele Buffaloes 9- the best way to reach him, at 0 in the second of two meetings [email protected]. last week. The Cowboys are now 2-0 in the region season, while Utah Jazz The New York Knicks (32-43) pulled the Buffaloes fell to 0-4. away from the Utah Jazz (23-52) in Hutchins’ only real trouble the third quarter Monday night for Friday came during the top of a 92-83 victory at EnergySolutions the fifth inning and the top of Arena. Carmelo Anthony scored the second inning. In the fifth 34 points for the Knicks. New inning, Tooele had runners on York shot 43 percent from the second and third base with one field and held the Jazz to 39 per- out. But Hutchins battled out cent. Gordon Hayward scored 18 of the jam by getting Tooele’s points, and Alec Burks came off McKay Pollmann to fly out. the bench to add 17 points for Once the Cowboys had two outs, the Jazz. Derrick Favors grabbed Hutchins intentionally walked 13 rebounds and Marvin Williams TJ Bender to set up a force out nabbed 10 rebounds. Utah is 1-11 at any base. He then got Zach in its last 12 games. The Jazz host Jeffers to ground into a fielder’s New Orleans on Friday and play at choice, as the Cowboys threw Golden State on Sunday. out Bender at second to end the Utah Grizzlies threat by the Buffs. The Grizzlies at 35-22-3-5, remain A similar situation occurred in the third spot in the ECHL’s earlier in the second inning when Western Conference, one game Tooele had runners in scoring up on Idaho and two and a half up position and just one out. But on Colorado. The Grizzlies are 13 Hutchins struck out Tooele’s games above .500 for the first time Ryan Brady and then forced since April 15, 2000. The Grizzlies’ Braden Furgeson to ground out. final four home games are against That kept the game scoreless Colorado on Wednesday, Las Vegas before the Cowboys’ bats came on April 9 and Idaho on April 11 to life in the bottom of the third and April 12. The Grizzlies went 8-2 inning. in March after an 8-4-0-1 February Ky Fisher knocked a base hit and a 7-2-2-2 January that followed to left, and then the home plate a 4-0 stretch after Christmas. umpire called Furgeson for a BYU women balk to move Fisher to second. No. 12 seed BYU women’s bas- Furgeson then walked Dallin ketball fell 70-51 to No. 1 seed Williams, and a passed ball Connecticut Saturday afternoon allowed Fisher and Williams to in the regional semifinals of the move to third and second. Wyatt NCAA Tournament at Pinnacle Bank FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Arena in Lincoln, Neb. BYU (28-7) SEE BASEBALL PAGE A12 ➤ Dillon Hutchins pitched his second straight shutout Friday at home against Tooele. On Monday, Hutchins threw a no-hitter against Hunter. led Connecticut (37-0) in 3-point shooting, 30 to 16 percent. The Huskies outshot the Cougars by just 2 percent, 39-37. Kim Beeston led BYU with 16 points, includ- ing going 4-for-8 from downtown. Jennifer Hamson had 9 points and Tooele’s York qualifies for state in the javelin a team-leading 13 rebounds to go along with all of the team’s six blocks. Morgan Bailey was the only by Mark Watson “We had an exceptional day York. He tossed the javelin 156- eighth in the men’s long jump; and at the Delta Invitational on other Cougar to score in double SPORTS EDITOR with 30 season personal records 08 to finish fifth and qualified and freshman Tiffanee Bird, Saturday. figures, getting 14 to go along and some all-time personal for the state championships at ninth in the women’s long The Deseret Peak Invitational with seven boards. Kylie Maeda The Tooele High School track bests,” Bottema said. “All the BYU in May. York holds the sev- jump. will be held Wednesday, April had a team-high four assists. The team joined 26 other schools athletes who competed had at enth best throw in the javelin Bryan Castro scored person- 9 at Stansbury High School at Cougars trailed by just one point at mostly from 4A and 5A ranks least one season or personal this year in all classifications al bests in all three throwing 4 p.m. All Tooele County high halftime, 30-29, making the score for competition Saturday at the best at the meet. Considering with a toss of 159-05. events, and Chris Bonner ran schools have been invited to the closest it’s been all season at UVU High School Invitational. the competition at this meet, our Other top finishers for personal bests in the 100, 200 participate in the event along the break for the Huskies. Coach Al Bottema said he was athletes did extremely well.” Tooele included senior Brindisy and 400 meters. with Ben Lomond High School. Healthy deer pleased with the performance One highlight of the meet was Russell, eighth in the women’s Tooele will compete at the [email protected] The Utah Division of Wildlife will of his athletes. the performance of senior Sean 400 meters; junior Allen Sneed, Juab Invitational on Friday, recommend 84,800 buck deer per- mits this fall. Biologists base their hunt recommendations on deer classifications they do each year. During the classifications, biolo- gists survey deer on their winter STALLIONS TO BATTLE COWBOYS Kathy Taylor will receive ranges to determine how many bucks, does and fawns are in the Distinguished Service Award herds. What the biologists found during their most recent deer clas- sification, combined with the suc- from Sports Hall of Fame cess general-season deer hunters found in fall 2013, paint an encour- by Richard Briggs teachers for extra-curricular aging picture. The success hunters COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR programs. She ran all the pro- found on general-season units this grams because she wanted kids past fall was the best it has been A Tooele woman who has to be involved in wholesome, since 2007. In 2013, a total of done just about everything healthy programs.” 84,600 hunters harvested more will be inducted into the Utah Taylor’s involvement includes than 25,000 bucks on general- Sports Hall of Fame. coaching swimming and syn- season units. In 2007, a total of Kathy Taylor, who spent most chronized swimming for an 97,000 hunters harvested about 28,000 bucks on general season of her adult life in developing the AAU program, serving on the units. Mild winters, long-term habi- county’s youth sports programs, Tooele City girls softball recre- tat projects and fencing along high- will receive the Distinguished ation board for three years, and ways have helped preserve deer Service Award from the Utah coaching girls softball in Tooele herds in Utah. Sports Hall of Fame at a ban- City and accelerated leagues 40 quet Tuesday at 6 p.m. The ban- years. Pheasant chicks quet will be held in Salt Lake She developed Tooele Junior In mid May, the Division of Wildlife City, 500 S. Main Street. High’s intramural program for Resources will obtain 2,500 to Susan Rydalch, member of seventh- and eighth-grade girls. 3,000 pheasant chicks, both roost- ers and hens. The chicks will be only one day old when the DWR “Kathy has dedicated her life to obtains them from a commercial bird grower. DWR staff will then pro- developing youth.” vide the chicks to individuals, fami- Susan Rydalch lies and groups who have agreed to participate in the agency’s Day-old Pheasant Chick program. If you the Board of Directors for the She coached the TJHS girls sev- join the program, you’ll raise the Utah Sports Hall of Fame, nomi- enth- and eighth-grade girls chicks to adulthood. Then, before nated Taylor for the award. basketball teams four years, the general pheasant hunt starts in “Kathy has dedicated her life and she also coached the TJHS November, you’ll help release the to developing youth,” Rydalch girls gymnastics and track and birds into the wild. The pheasants said. “She has developed sports field teams four years. She also will be released on state wildlife programs in recreation pro- coached and refereed Junior and waterfowl management areas, grams, school programs and Jazz Basketball for two years. walk-in access areas and private community programs for all Along with her community land that provides access to public ages in Tooele County.” sports involvement, Taylor hunters. If you participate, Dean Rydalch said Taylor has spent received numerous education Mitchell, Conservation Outreach time in the outlying communi- accolades from both the Tooele Section chief for the DWR, says ties like Vernon, Ibapah, Dugway County School District and the you must cover all of the expenses and Wendover schools as well to State of Utah, including Tooele to feed, vaccinate and house the train teachers and students in County School District Teacher birds. Information about the facili- physical skills, as well as social of the Year during the 1988-1989 ties needed to raise pheasants, and mental skills. school year. She also worked and tips that will help you raise the FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO “Kathy has never received a on the Tooele County Board of birds, are available at wildlife.utah. Stansbury High’s Nick Mackay winds up to throw to first base after picking up an infield grounder in a 9-2 gov/uplandgame. The public can salary or personal financial gain Health and Utah Association of victory over Bear River on Tuesday. The Stallions lost 8-7 to the Bears in Garland on Friday. Stansbury hosts from these programs,” Rydalch Local Boards of Health, and the sign up for raising pheasants by Grantsville on Tuesday and plays at Grantsville on Thursday. calling the DWR Springville office said. “When she coached, the list goes on. at 801-491-5678. school district did not pay [email protected] A11


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FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Coach Larry Harrison is shown with nine of his 15 grandchildren. Pictured are Bailie Sandberg, Lexi Colson, Tyler Colson, Trevor Colson, Larry Harrison, Jackson Sandberg, Aaron Harrison, Jace Sandberg, Braden Sandberg and Hailee Harrison. Grandpa Harrison relishes time

Wednesday watching, coaching grandkids April 2nd, 2014 7:00pm Stansbury High School by Mark Watson as the “blue carpet” treatment Auditorium SPORTS EDITOR after every game I ever played in high school,” Rick said. “My Adults $3.00 ($5.00 Day of Show) Family and sports are at the father could easily spend an hour Children 12 and Under $2.00 ($4.00 Day of Show) Family Pass (6 Tickets) $11.00 ($15.00 Day of Show) top of the list for Larry Harrison. or more after each and every He shined in athletics at Tooele game showing me in the living All Seats General Admission High School, played college room all the things that I had football at BYU, coached in the done wrong in that afternoon or Purchase Advance Tickets at Tooele County School District for night’s game.

30 years and now enjoys watch- “Playing for my dad was not Box office opens at 6:00 day of show House opens 6:30 ing his grandchildren in their really that stressful, though. I sports adventures. think a lot of that was the guys I “He always comes to every- played with. They didn’t make a thing,” said granddaughter big deal out of it, so it wasn’t a big Bailie Sandberg, who won a state deal to me,” Rick said. “I think it championship last fall in second stressed him out a lot more than �������������������� doubles for the Grantsville girls it did me. It stressed my mother Highest Quality State-of-the-Art tennis team. “He tells you what and grandmother out a lot more Only Color Printing Equipment! you did good, and then tells you than it did either one of us.” * what you need to work on.” There still are post-game dis- Bring in Your Ask about Bailie’s brother Braden cussions with the grandchildren, � large quantity Digital Files! discounts! Sandberg, who plays on the GHS but with added emphasis on the basketball and tennis teams, said positive things. ��Per Copy his grandfather is always eager Larry and Barbara Harrison’s to offer advice. “After a basket- daughters are Lori Colson and ball game we like to go up in the Paula Sandberg, and their chil- stands and he tells us the things dren receive as much or more we need to work on,” Braden coaching than Rick and Scott’s said. children. With all his coaching experi- The Utah Sports Hall of Fame ence, the 74-year-old grandfa- Foundation selected Larry as a ther of 15 has the credentials to Distinguished Service Honoree *8.5 x 11 inch 20# bond paper. Some restrictions apply. offer advice. last March for his contribution to FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO “We had a blue carpet in the high school athletics. Larry Harrison spent a 30-year career as a coach and administrator in the Tooele TOOELE 58 N. Main living room and it became a bit As the head baseball coach at School District. TRANSCRIPT of a tradition to have those blue- Grantsville High School, Larry 8 am to 6 pm Monday – Thursday carpet talks after games with coached two state championship Rick who was the head football at THS. BULLETIN 8 am to 5 pm Friday Closed Saturday & Sunday Rick and Scott (Larry’s sons). I teams and finished second once. coach at Tooele High School. “My father certainly influenced would try to talk as positively As the GHS head football coach Larry describes that endeavor as my decision to go into coach- as I could about the things they he reached the state finals twice. “the most fun I’ve ever had as a ing,” Rick said. “Growing up in did well in games, and then talk A short biography for last year’s coach.” Larry’s career-long goal Grantsville at that time I thought about one or two things they banquet stated that Harrison was was that his teams be known for being the high school coach was Celebrating the could have done better,” Larry a strong advocate of athletics and exhibiting class on and off the the best job around. I had great said. Apparently, some of those deeply involved in the Utah High field, the program read. respect for all my coaches, my vitality in all of us discussions became somewhat School Activities Association. One photo displayed at Larry’s dad, coach Bob Williams, coach tense at times. Larry worked as the Tooele home in Grantsville shows him Dale Mohler, coach Don Wayne TOOELETRANSCRIPT Rick remembers the blue-car- City Parks and Recreation direc- and his two sons after a trifecta in Nelson, coach Wayne Butler, ULLETIN pet treatments. tor for a short time after working football region championships. coach Denny Painter and coach B “I always got a lot of extra for the school district. He also That season Larry won the region Rich Valdez all coached me and Look for it each month coaching, whether I wanted it made a comeback to coaching title as head coach of the Tooele all contributed to my growth as a or not. I got what was known after retirement, assisting his son Buffaloes, Rick as the head coach person and my love of sports and at Dugway High School and Scott desire to be a coach” as a player for the Grantsville Rick said that when his dad High School football team worked as an administrator at Pet of the Week Larry played football, basket- Tooele High School, his son Craig ball and baseball at Tooele High was the quarterback at GHS. School. He then went on to play Larry told the superintendent he football at BYU from 1957-1960. would take the THS administra- “That was back in the BL Era tion job only if he were allowed — Before LaVell Edwards,” Larry to attend all of his grandson’s said. One year during that the football games at GHS. stretch, the Cougars almost won “The thing I am most proud the Skyline Conference, but lost of is that no matter where I go the title game to Wyoming. in the state, my father is respect- “I had the good fortune, or ed as a great gentleman of the should I say misfortune, to play game. At the end of the day it is against some great players like not about how many games you Larry Wilson and Lee Groscup win, but about how many lives at Utah, Don Perkins at New you positively affect as coach. I Mexico and Merlin Olsen at Utah believe my dad has affected a lot State along with several other top of people in a positive manner,” players at Utah State.” Rick said. During his first two years in Larry said he believes sports college, Larry played offensive teams are on the upswing at center and middle linebacker. schools in Tooele County. He said His senior season he played teams are becoming more com- 3 & 6 YEAR OLD tight end and defensive end. petitive and the players more According to the rules, play- disciplined. ers were required to play both Larry indicated he is disheart- CHIHUAHUA’S offense and defense. ened that many of the coaches Larry started out as a coach at do not also work full-time at their White Pine County High School respective high schools. For more info. on animals- in Ely, Nev., and then moved to “There are so many coaches Adoption Procedure Grantsville High School where he on the sideline that there isn’t Tooele County Local shelter adoption requires was the head football and base- enough room for all the players,” Animal Shelter 882-1051 vaccination payment, licensing ball coach for 18 years. He also Harrison said. “My final year at Tooele City and possible shelter fee. was a basketball assistant for a Grantsville we had four coaches Animal Shelter 882-8900 Shelters are required to few years. and we still were working with Grantsville hold animals for 3 days Larry then moved on to Tooele 85-100 football players. Now Animal Shelter 884-6881 before euthanization. High School where he coached there are 17 or 18 coaches on the the football team for four years sideline — some of those only Brought to you by Joe H. Roundy, D.V.M. and worked as an administrator concerned about what their son for eight more years. After retire- is doing out on the field.” JOSH MUNNS/USU PHOTOGRAPHER ������������������������ Larry Harrison’s grandson Craig Harrison warms up before starting a game as the ment came his two-year stint as 1182 N. 80 E., Tooele • 882-1051 quarterback for Utah State against Boise State. an assistant coach with son Rick SEE HARRISON PAGE A12 ➤ A12

A12 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN TUESDAY April 1, 2014 Fearsome Final Foursome headed to North Texas by John Marshall second title, he accepted the teams to beat them this season since the tournament expanded Bo and the Badgers (30-7) get and-doners and they were touted ASSOCIATED PRESS head coaching job with the NBA’s (UConn and Wisconsin) or their to 64 teams in 1985. their chance now after pulling as the team to beat, ranked No. 1 Orlando Magic, then changed his biggest SEC rival (Kentucky). UConn beat Florida 65-64 way out an emotional 64-63 win over in the preseason. Florida had not been to the mind after the introductory news The Huskies won the 2011 back on Dec. 2, the Gators’ last top-seeded Arizona in the West After a string of losses, includ- Final Four since all those future conference. national title with coach Jim loss this season. Regional final on Saturday, which ing three in five games, the kid first-round draft picks were in Donovan continued to produce Calhoun and one-man show “We play a great Florida team would have been Butch Ryan’s Cats were out of the polls and sup- Gainesville. Wisconsin and coach winning teams in Gainesville, but Kemba Walker. and we’re going to be well pre- 90th birthday. posedly out of contention. Bo Ryan had never been. the biggest wins eluded the Gators. Things went sour in Storrs after pared, because I know about these “I can remember some of the Well, look at them now. Connecticut wasn’t allowed to They lost in the regional final each that. Calhoun retired in 2012 and guys’ heart, and that’s what got us great teams that he had of kids Showcasing their talent and play in the NCAA tournament a of the past three seasons. UConn was barred from the NCAA through,” Ollie said. and their first championships and depth, the Wildcats (28-10) are year ago, and Kentucky supposed- That changed when the fero- tournament last season for fail- Then there’s Bo. how they acted and just the joy,” playing with a cohesiveness and ly had no shot at getting to North cious Gators (36-2) rode their ing to meet the NCAA’s academic Wisconsin’s tell-it-like-it- Ryan said. “These guys have had confidence that wasn’t there ear- Texas after a midseason swoon. chomping defense through a 30- progress measure. is coach had been a regular at some others, but that’s all I want- lier in the season, racing into the Unlike the past few years, there game winning streak capped by UConn’s upperclassmen decid- the Final Four, taking his father, ed to see.” Final Four after pulling out a last- will be no upstarts or Cinderella in Saturday’s 62-52 win over bracket ed to stick it out instead of trans- Butch, to every one since 1976 as Rounding out this foursome second victory over Michigan. the Final Four. darling Dayton. ferring and put together anoth- a birthday gift. could be the most fearsome bunch “I can’t believe it; we went These are the big boys all right, “We didn’t start off the exact way er magical bracket run behind Bo had a hard time getting of the bracket. through so much,” said Kentucky’s but each one has a big chip on that we should have, but coach another do-it-all-player, former there with his team, though, win- Kentucky won the 2012 nation- Aaron Harrison, who hit a 3- their shoulders. Donovan continued to remind us Walker understudy Shabazz ning over 700 games, playing in al championship behind coach pointer with 2.3 seconds left in “In down times, what you do is and humble us and help us see Napier. With their 60-54 win over the NCAA tournament 13 straight John Calipari’s get-the-best-play- the 75-72 win over the Wolverines. you bond together as brothers,” that, in order to get where we Michigan State on Sunday, the years and reaching the Sweet 16 ers-no-matter-how-long-they- “We went through a lot of ups and UConn coach Kevin Ollie said. want to get to, the end goal, we Huskies (30-8) became the first six times _ and not one trip to the stay philosophy. Cal brought in downs, and we’re blessed to be “And you hold that fist up.” have to continue to chase great- No. 7 seed to reach the Final Four Final Four. another heralded group of one- going to the Final Four.” Billy Donovan won a pair of ness every single day and stay national titles at Florida with in the moment,” Florida forward Joakim Noah, Corey Brewer and Patric Young said. Al Horford, all top-10 NBA picks To win another title, the Gators in the 2007 NBA draft. After that will have to go through the last two Baseball continued from page A10

Celebrating 10 years doing business Barrus’ sacrifice hit moved the in our community! runners over to score Fisher and put Grantsville ahead 1-0 — a lead it did not relinquish. Most of Grantsville’s runs came in the bottom of the fifth inning, leading 2-0. The four runs Grantsville scored in the inning all came with two outs. Heating and Cooling Nick Arbon stood on second base with Barrus at the plate. Barrus knocked a double into the gap to score Arbon and make it 3-0. Wyatt Smith was at the plate, and a passed ball allowed Barrus Air Conditioning Fire places to move to third. Smith blasted a pitch back up the middle to score Furnace Heat Pumps Barrus, 4-0. Air Filtration Ductless Systems Hutchins then showed that he Humidifiers Gas Lines not only can get it done on the Thermostats Cool your house mound, but he also can get it Tune-Up and Maintenance for as low as done at the plate. Smith stole $60 PER MONTH second base and then advanced o.a.c. to third on a passed ball, which 435-843-4482 set up Hutchins’ RBI. He knocked We service and sell Fully Licensed and insured a base hit to score Smith and make the score 5-0. Danny Nelson came in to 10 Year FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO pinch run for Hutchins, and Grantsville’s Ky Fisher, slides in safely for a steal in the bottom of the sixth. Tooele’s Tyson Vigil covers second base as McKay All major Parts & Labor the umpire called Tooele’s Nick Pollmann backs him up. credit cards accepted on Select Equipment Schwartzman for a balk. That With coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 04/30/2014. moved Nelson into scoring posi- plate. Garrard hit a long double enth. games this week. It first vists tion with Matt Garrard at the off the fence to score Nelson and Grantsville plays two games Provo on Wednesday, and then it make it 6-0. against Stansbury this week. First visits Payson on Friday. Grantsville added three runs it visits Stansbury on Tuesday, All games are scheduled for in the bottom of the sixth inning, and then it hosts Stansbury on 3:30 p.m. and Hutchins finished the com- Thursday. [email protected] plete game shutout in the sev- Tooele plays in two non-region

Harrison continued from page A11

He said it may be an “old school” notion, but coaches need to be at the school and around the athletes during the day. “Coaches almost have to ������������������������� act the role of a father to make sure kids understand what type of behavior is acceptable on- ��������������������������� and-off the field. I don’t mind an athlete looking over his shoul- der at school to find out where the coach is. The coach needs to set the tone for kids’ behavior,” Larry said. “If a kid does some- �������� thing wrong he has to know that FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO the coach will want to discuss Trevor Colson spins a basketball on his finger. Colson is one of Larry Harrison’s the incident with him. grandchildren who has been active in athletics. �� �� “The most important thing is that the coaches need to make Other Harrison grandchildren Colson, football, basketball, and �������� ������ the game fun for the athletes. who have competed or are now tennis; Braden Sandberg, basket- The kids will work harder if they competing for Grantsville High ball and tennis; Aaron Harrison, ����������������������������������������������� enjoy it,” Larry said. School include Cody Colson, basketball and golf; Bailie Larry’s grandson Craig plays who participated in football, Sandberg, basketball and ten- football at Utah State University basketball and track; Dylan nis; Trevor Colson, football, bas- after having played at Snow Colson, basketball and golf; Josh ketball and baseball; and Hailee ������������ College and Grantsville High Harrison, basketball, golf and Harrison, tennis. School. Craig also played basket- track; Brandon Harrison, foot- [email protected] ��������������������������������������� ball and ran track at GHS. ball, basketball and golf; Tyler ������������������������������

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FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Larry Harrison’s grandson Braden Sandberg plays in a basketball game at Ben Lomond. B8B8


Unless otherwise requested, community news items such as weddings, missionaries, birthdays, babies and The Bulletin • Classifieds and Public Notices Board must be submitted by 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. To place a community news item or for more information contact the Community News Editor at 882-0050 or [email protected]. Items more than one month old will Hometown not be considered for publication. Mural in the Weight Room Tooele Junior High School’s Ryan Callister and Myah Peacock give the school’s weight room an artsy touch


wo Tooele Junior High School stu- dents are making a difference in their school one project at a time. TEighth graders Myah Peacock and Ryan Callister are using their talents in ways they never thought possible. Thanks to Peacock and Callister, the TJHS weight room recently got a makeover. According to Chad Dellos, TJHS health teacher, the weight room walls were rather empty. Over the years the faculty had been working to make updates inside the weight room, add- ing new equipment when they could. When Joan Foulon, the art teacher, touted how talented her art students were, it seemed like an obvious answer to the empty wall dilemma — have the students create art for the weight room walls. Brett Chapple, TJHS health and physical education depart- ment head, said they went to TJHS Principal Larry Abraham with their proposal and quickly had the OK by the school dis- trict to move ahead with their idea. The faculty made it into a competition of sorts, asking the eighth grade art students to submit their ideas for consider- ation. Chapple said they wanted to showcase the art students’ work because the art program doesn’t get recognized that much. Callister, who was registered in both art and weight lifting at the time, liked the idea and thought it would be cool to get his own creation up on the wall. “I went home and started doodling and came up with a couple different designs,” Callister said. “I came up with one and brought it to the teach- ers. They said they liked it a lot. I think mine was the only original drawing done by a student.” Foulon said she received a very enthusiastic response from her students, but only two students ended up submitting any drawings. It was a combina- tion of these two drawings that would eventually create the weight room mural. Peacock said when Foulon asked for volunteers she wanted to participate, but she was a lit- tle unsure about the idea when no other girls raised their hands. “When Mrs. Foulon explained it,” Peacock said, “I thought, ‘This is going to be here for- ever. This is a really big thing.’ I always wanted to do something really big like that.” Several students wanted to help paint the mural, but only Peacock and Callister were will- ing to work the project into their Saturday schedules for seven weeks. “I have very artistic students,” said Foulon. “Ryan and Myah are two of my best. Not only are Ryan and Myah talented, they are also reliable and respon- sible. They saw an opportunity to leave their signature work on the school weight room wall and were committed.” For two hours each Saturday, Peacock and Callister found themselves atop ladders with very tired arms. Not only was the mural bigger than anything the students had ever done before, the painting was placed on top of a pair of chalkboards, making the mural placement at least 15 feet up the wall. Myah Peacock and “The only real challenge I Ryan Callister paint- had was to stand on the very ed the “Roadrunner top of the ladder on the tips of Strong” mural in the my toes. My arm would get real Tooele Junior High tired, and I had to avoid get- School weight room. ting paint on everything. I have They spent seven Saturdays and about ➤ hours to complete. SEE MURAL PAGE B8 B2 TUESDAY FEATURES


musician to perform at the 1969 Woodstock music festi- val? 6. TELEVISION: What was Phoebe’s twin sister’s name on by Fifi Rodriguez the sitcom “Friends”? 7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How 1. AD SLOGANS: What company long does it take for a toenail advertised its services with or fingernail to grow from base the slogan, “When there is no to tip? tomorrow”? 8. WEATHER: Most tornadoes 2. HISTORY: What did the in the U.S. form during what 26th Amendment to the U.S. period of the year? Constitution accomplish once 9. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS: What it was signed into law in 1971? 20th century statesman said, 3. MOVIES: What was the name “Success is not final, failure is of the college that was the set- not fatal; it is the courage to Moments ting for “Animal House”? continue that counts”? 4. MEDICINE: What does the 10. GEOGRAPHY: What is the Ishihara test determine? only Canadian province that in Time 5. MUSIC: Who was the last borders the Great Lakes? THE HISTORY CHANNEL

➤ On April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic fails to divert its course from an ice- Mega Maze berg, ruptures its hull and begins to sink. The Titanic was divided into 16 com- partments that were pre- sumed to be watertight. Because four of these compartments could be flooded without loss of buoyancy, the Titanic was considered unsinkable. ➤ On April 20, 1923, Tito Puente, the bandleader and percussionist who helped popularize Latin dance music in America, ALL PUZZLE ANSWERS BELOW is born in New York City. During a career that spanned six decades, “El Rey” (The King), recorded A: Mild spoilers ahead: more than 100 “AHS” creator Ryan Murphy and won five Grammy recently announced that Awards. “Asylum” will be followed by ➤ On April 16, 1947, multi- the 13-episode “American millionaire and financier Horror Story: Freak Show,” Bernard Baruch first which will take place in 1950 coins the term “Cold in Jupiter, Fla., and will feature War” to describe relations Jessica Lange as a “German between the United States ex-pat who is managing Q: While I love Whoopi and the Soviet Union, a one of the last freak shows Goldberg on “The View,” I’d in the U.S.” Her “freaks” war without fighting or like to see her in a movie will be played by return- bloodshed, but a battle — on the big or small screen ing stars Kathy Bates, Sarah nonetheless. — again. — Fannie D., Paulson, Evan Peters, Angela ➤ On April 15, 1959, Fidel A: Whoopi can be seen Bassett and Frances Conroy. Castro visits the United later this season on “Glee,” “Entertainment Weekly” States. The trip got off as well as on the big screen reported that Denis O’Hare to an inauspicious start in “Teenage Mutant Ninja and Emma Roberts are in talks when it became clear Turtles” and “Big Stone Gap.” to return to the show. A pre- that President Dwight But if you need your Whoopi miere date has not yet been Eisenhower had no fix now, she stars in the movie set. intention of meeting and is valued in the $50 to $75 • • • adaptation of Terry McMillan’s • • • with Castro. Instead, range, depending, of course, on Q: My mother’s china pat- “A Day Late and a Dollar Q: Are the rumors I’m hear- Eisenhower went to the condition. Incidentally, the first tern was “Virginia Rose,” and Short,” with Ving Rhames, ing about a sequel to “The golf course to avoid any 10 titles in the Bolton series, I would like to find out more Mekhi Phifer, Anika Noni Incredibles” true? — Jonathan chance meeting. which were published from about it. I’m thinking of adding Rose and many more. The P., Erie, Pa. 1932 to 1937, had four black- to the pieces already in the set. movie premieres on Lifetime A: Last month, Disney’s ➤ On April 17, 1960, Eddie and-white illustrations printed Do you have any suggestions? on Saturday, April 19, at 8/7c. chairman and CEO, Robert Cochran, the musician Q: In 1955, I received a on glossy paper. They were the — Laura, Rio Rancho, N.M. Whoopi plays matriarch Viola A. Iger, announced that Pixar behind “Summertime Pelikan fountain pen as a work of Pelagie Doane from A: “Virginia Rose” was intro- Price, who learns that her next Animation Studios is indeed Blues” and other rocka- graduation gift. It is the 400 NN originals no doubt done in full duced by the Homer Laughlin asthma attack will likely kill developing a big-screen sequel billy hits, is killed when model in a light tortoise case. I color. Doane also was respon- china company in 1929 and her, so she is determined to fix to Brad Bird’s 2004 superhero the taxi carrying him understand that some fountain sible for your book’s cover art. continued to be produced well her fractured family before she adventure “The Incredibles.” from a show in Bristol, pens have become quite valu- • • • into the 1970s. It was mainly leaves this world. Brad Bird, who wrote and England, crashes en route able, and I hope the one I have Q: During the 1970s, I began sold in department stores, two Whoopi told me they didn’t directed the first film, has said to the airport in London, is among them. — Kenneth, collecting bobbing heads, of the main sources being Sears have to ask her twice to play that he would be open to film- where he was to catch a Albuquerque, N.M. mostly NFL team members. and Woolworth’s. I suggest you the part of Viola, revealing: ing a sequel if it “had a truly flight home to the U.S. He A: I spoke to several pen col- I now have several dozen but monitor eBay to track down “The executive producer called great story” behind it. was 21. lectors and they seem to agree have no idea of current values. additional pieces of this pattern. me and said, ‘I have this prop- • • • ➤ On April 19, 1971, as a that your Pelikan 400 NN is — Sam, Chesterfield, Mo. erty and I would like you to do Q: Is this season of “Dallas” prelude to a massive anti- worth about $150. A: One of the better refer- Write to Larry Cox in care of it.’ So I asked, ‘What is it?’ and already over? It seems like it’s war protest that would • • • ences is “Bobbing Head Dolls: King Features Weekly Service, he said, ‘It’s by Terry McMillan’ only just begun! — Lily T., via include 200,000 demon- Q: When I was a young girl, I 1960-2000” by Tim Hunter. This P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL and I said, ‘I’m in.’ He didn’t email strators, Vietnam Veterans loved reading the Judy Bolton illustrated reference features 32853-6475, or send e-mail to even need to tell me the name A: Don’t worry — the show Against the War begin a mystery series. I have a first more than 700 dolls from base- [email protected]. Due of the piece. Then I read it, and is merely on summer hiatus. five-day demonstration edition of “The Ghost Parade” ball, football, basketball, hock- to the large volume of mail he I thought, ‘OK, this will be fun.’ “Dallas” returns to TNT for the in Washington, D.C. The by Margaret Sutton, with its ey, TV, advertising, political and receives, Mr. Cox is unable to And the caution in this tale is, second half of its third sea- generally peaceful protest original dust jacket. Does it cartoon characters. This guide personally answer all reader ‘You’d better pay attention to son starting Aug. 18 at 9 p.m. ended on April 23 with have more value than senti- should help you determine how questions. Do not send any your life because you never ET/PT. about 1,000 veterans mental? — Jan, Ramona, Calif. much the dolls in your collec- materials requiring return mail. know when it’s going to go throwing their combat A: The first edition of this tion are worth. It is available at away from you.’” Write to Cindy at King ribbons, helmets and book was published in 1933 © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. • • • Features Weekly Service, uniforms on the Capitol Q: Can you tell me if P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL steps, along with toy “American Horror Story” will 32853-6475; or email her at weapons. species. Dogs and cats and What kind of supplements be back for a fourth season, [email protected]. other mammals are most likely are commonly given to house and if so, do you have any ➤ On April 18, 1989, thou- to be prescribed medicines that pets? Some of the more popu- spoilers for me? — Katrina R., © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. sands of Chinese stu- humans also take. Lizards, fish lar ones include vitamin C, via email dents continue to take and non-mammals are far less which is purported to reduce to the streets in Beijing likely to take the same things. inflammation; fish oil, which to protest government It’s really, really important improves skin and hair; and policies. The protests to talk to your pets’ veterinar- glucosamine (along with chon- grew until the Chinese ian about giving them vitamins droitin), which many owners government ruthlessly or herbal supplements, in say has reduced the severity of suppressed them in June, addition to doing your own arthritis in their older dogs. killing thousands, during research on natural pet health. Again, do your research and what came to be known DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Can Many vets recommend certain make sure the supplement or as the Tiananmen Square I give my dog and cat the same supplements for dogs and cats, vitamin you want to give your Massacre. herbal supplements and vita- usually added to their food or dog or cat is safe for them. © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. mins that I take? It seems that given in pill form. Some advo- Make sure they’re getting the a lot of medicines prescribed cate homeopathic remedies. right dose for their weight, as by the vet are just pet-sized All vets will tell you what not to well. With vitamins as with doses of human medication. give your pets, and you should everything else, there is too — Tanya G., via email take heed. much of a good thing. DEAR TANYA: Some pets can Additionally, your pet’s food take similar vitamin supple- may already contain some Send your questions or com- ments to humans, but as you vitamin supplements. Be aware ments to [email protected]. noted, the dosages can vary of what they’re already eat- greatly between humans and ing before adding more of the © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. Whoopi Goldberg between different sizes and same. ANSWERS Trivia Test Answers

1. FedEx 7. Six months 2. It lowered the legal 8. Spring and early voting age to 18 summer 3. Faber College 9. Winston Churchill 4. Color blindness 10. Ontario 5. Jimi Hendrix 6. Ursula © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. B3


(a Chinese tale) Up and down, up and thought about the way the flow- the hills. adapted by Amy Friedman and down. Flowers bloomed, ers bloomed when the hare They raced to the cave, but illustrated by Meredith Johnson flowers died. leaped up and how they paled they found the entrance closed The boys continued and withered and died when this time. ong ago in China, there to watch the chess game the hare landed on the ground “We need the reeds,” they lived two boys, cousins until one of the fairies again. said, but they could not remem- Lnamed Liu Ch’en and Yuan moved a piece and said, “Perhaps each leap was a sea- ber where they had put them. Chao. Wherever one boy went, “Checkmate.” son,” Liu Ch’en said. They looked at each other the other followed. Then the fairies noticed “It seems our visit lasted more with fear in their eyes. This One spring day, their mothers the boys. “How long have than a few hours,” said Yuan day — or these many decades sent them to the stream to fetch you been here?” the first Chao. — felt like a terrible dream. They pails of water, but the boys loved fairy asked. They realized they had been knocked on the cave entrance. to play, and they were distracted “A little while,” said gone for more than one hundred “Let us in,” they cried, but the by a carpet of beautiful flowers Liu Ch’en, and his cousin years. entryway stayed closed. beneath their feet. Soon they echoed him, “a little They shook their heads. It was They knocked harder. They set their pails by the stream and while.” impossible. wept. Frustrated, they knocked began to play. “Don’t leave,” said the “We are Liu Ch’en and Yuan their heads against the walls of “What harm can it do?” Liu second fairy. “You’ll regret Chao,” they said to the old men. the cave, and then they died. Ch’en asked. it if you do.” “Surely you know us.” But the ruler of the heavens “We have all the time in the The boys were con- Now the old men were angry. took pity on them. To repay world!” Yuan Chao agreed. fused by this. “We have to “Go away or you will be pun- them for their loss, they were After all, that is the way young bring pails of water to our ished for taking our ancestors’ appointed gods — Liu Ch’en of boys think of time. mothers,” they said. names in vain,” they warned. good luck, Yuan Chao of bad They ran and leaped and “Your mothers have When the boys saw other vil- luck. And so it was that from walked along the trail of flowers. missed you,” said the fair- lagers running toward them, that day on, they were remem- They climbed trees and wan- ies. “Stay here.” anger on their unfamiliar faces, bered. dered the hills.“Let’s collect as The boys shook their they turned and ran back into many flowers as we can,” they heads. “We cannot. Our said as they daydreamed. They families would mourn us.” continued to wander about until “They already have,” suddenly they came to a cave. the fairies said. When they reached the stream you seen our families?” This would not have been “Then we must hurry,” said where they had left their buck- “Who are you?” the old men NEED CASH NOW? strange, but just outside the cave the boys. ets, they found tall trees grow- asked. two fairies sat on a great rock, “If you insist on leaving,” said ing where once there had been “We are Liu Ch’en and Yuan We Want to Make You a Loan! playing chess. one of the fairies, “take a reed only flowers, and the stream Chao,” the boys replied. “Do you see those fairies?” Liu with you.” had dried up. They could not The old men shook their $ $ Ch’en whispered to his cousin. The other fairy added, “When find their buckets anywhere, heads. “Do not speak lightly 100- 3,000 TODAY! Yuan Chao nodded but could you return, if the entrance to the although they ran this way and of our ancestors,” they said. Gentry Finance • 435-843-8680 not speak. cave is locked, you just have to that as they searched for them, “We are the seventh generation They stared in silence, but wave the reed and it will open losing their reeds along the way. of descendants of those great the fairies seemed not to notice for you.” “We’d better hurry home,” men.” the boys, so intent were they on The fairies handed each boy a said Liu Ch’en, and they began “That cannot be,” said Liu their game. slender reed. to run, but soon they discovered Ch’en. Time passed. “When you go home, if you the world around them had “We are just boys,” Yuan Chao ������������������������� Soon a white hare appeared find everything has changed, changed. agreed, but the men turned and began to bounce up and come back here,” they said. When they reached their vil- away, appalled by the boys’ dis- down. Each time the hare “Thank you,” the boys said, lage, they could not find their respect. leaped up, another sea of flow- but they had noticed that the houses. In their place, they Confused, the boys puzzled ers bloomed. But when the hare sun was beginning to set, so found an empty meadow where over their afternoon. They ������ touched earth, those flowers they ran back in the direction two old men sat playing chess. thought about the flowers paled and withered and died. from which they had come. “Hello,” the boys said. “Have and the jumping hare. They ���������� ����������� COMMUNITY NEWS Opinions Mike Evans now certified as ������ auctioneer Shared Freely. The officers and directors of (Yours and Ours.) ������������� Western College of Auctioneering, Billings, Mont., announce the Open Forum graduation of Mike Evans from Every Tuesday Grantsville. Evans completed the intensified course of auctioneering, TOOELE public speaking, and auction busi- TRANSCRIPT ness management and is qualified BULLETIN to conduct public auctions. The Western College of Auctioneering is a nationally recognized auctioneer- ing training center with graduates working in every state of the U.S.A., provinces of Canada and countries Metals Manufacturing Company around the world. The auction meth- in West Valley City: od of selling is a preferred method � of buying and selling commodities, Received $4,230 in incentives livestock, merchandise, real estate � Saves $4,100 in energy costs and personal property on a sched- annually ule that efficiently arrives at the true � Saves 46,200 kwh of electricity market value. At the Western College a year of Auctioneering, Evans specialized in charity benefit, real estate, heavy equipment, livestock and automo- COURTESY OF MIKE EVANS bile auctioneering. Grantsville’s Mike Evans is now a certified auctioneer from the Western College of Auctioneering.

DARRELL SMITH The Sons of Utah Pioneers and Tooele County Historical Society’s little known monument Lookout Point stands guard off state Route 36 with the Stockton Bar and the Onoqui Mountains in the background.

Historical Society’s Lookout learn and see the history of for about 50 feet or so and you We tested their energy-saving metal. Point such things as Stockton Bar, are there. For a fascinating and quick TAD, Old Lake Bonneville’s Lookout Point is one of Metals Manufacturing Company wanted to reduce energy costs and also improve lighting for historical tour of Tooele Valley effect on the Tooele Valley, many monuments and stat- employees at their West Valley City facility. Utilizing our FinAnswer® Express program, they were all in one monument, Lookout Bauer, The Honorine Mine, ues provided by the Sons of able to use cash incentives to help purchase and install new energy-effi cient fi xtures and Point is a must that is only min- Earthquake and Glacier action, Utah Pioneers and the Tooele lighting. MMC saved on the retrofi t and will continue to save on energy costs for years to come. utes away between Tooele and and the Steptoe Army of 1854. County Historical Society in * Stockton. This little seen mon- To get there, use the coordi- Tooele County. Do yourself a Your business can too by upgrading lighting, HVAC, compressed air systems and more. ument has been difficult to find nates above, or just start at favor and review the history To learn more call 1-800-222-4335, a participating vendor or visit until Staker/Parson Company the Gopher Food and gas sta- and pioneers who made Tooele generously volunteered equip- tion at the top of the hill going County such a wonderful place *Cash incentives for T12 lighting retrofi ts ment, materials and manpower south out of town and follow for all of us today. Also, watch are still available. to make it accessible for every- state Route 36 for 4 miles. On for the season opening of the one. We are grateful for Staker/ your right (West) side is the Tooele Pioneer Museum in May, Parson and the community ser- turn out to the Staker/Parson and read about happenings of vice they so willingly provided. works. Park there, leaving room the Tooele County Historical Lookout Point is truly edu- for their trucks to enter and Society on The Bulletin Board Pictured from left: Dave Spalding, Rocky Mountain Power community manager with Stan Tschaggeny and Ross Tschaggeny, Metals Manufacturing Company. cational and fascinating. By exit their plant, and follow the found in the Tooele Transcript standing in front of it, you will now graveled pathway north newspaper. Rocky© 2013 Mountain Power Wattsmart is registered in U.S. Patent andce. Trademark Offi B4 SERVICE DIRECTORY


espite having once been into sounds, bitten by a rabid bat, and Ted Kooser then dodge them. survived, much to the D U.S. POET LAUREATE, disappointment of my critics, I American Life in Poetry is 2004-2006 find bats fascinating, and Peggy made possible by The Poetry Shumaker of Alaska has written Foundation (www.poetryfoun- a fine poem about them. I am, publisher of Poetry especially fond of her perfect to hear so well magazine. It is also supported by verb, “snick,” for the way they your own voice bounced the Department of English at the snatch insects out of the air. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. back to you Poem copyright © 2013 by Peggy Spirit of the Bat maps the night. Shumaker from her most recent book of poems, Toucan Nest: Hair rush, low swoop— Each hinge Poems of Costa Rica, Red Hen so those of us in your wing’s Press, 2013. Poem reprinted by permission of Peggy Shumaker stuck here on earth an act of creation. and the publisher. Introduction know—you must be gods. Each insect copyright © 2014 by The Poetry COURTESY OF CHARLES MOHLER Foundation. We do not accept Pictured are the winners from Grantsville Junior High School who participated in the District Art Show. Sabrina Or friends of gods, you snick out of air unsolicited manuscripts. Allen won first and second place in drawing. Shelice Warr won honorable mention in drawing. Kayla Johnson granted chances a witness. won third place in ceramics and honorable mention in photography. Zoey Brinkerhoff won honorable mention in ceramics. Principal Charles Mohler said, “We are so proud of these students that won awards as well as all of the to push off into sky, You transform students that entered their artwork into the show.” granted chances obstacles


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Advertise it in Please Call: (602) eling, painting, plumb- man Services. Call der Mouthwatering Gifts sonable rates. Steve or chefamy@ the classifieds. Call 842-0391 (ucan) ing! Dale 435-843-7693 ServiceLive and get re- for any Occasion! (435)248-9113 or 882-0050 www.tooele 801-865-1878 Li- ferred to a pro today: SAVE 20 percent on visit my website at FULL TIME Medical Re- censed, insured. Major Call 800-519-5804 qualifying orders over AERATION, POWER www.papmeredchef. ceptionist. Friendly, out- credit cards accepted! (ucan) $29! Fresh Dipped Ber- RAKING, mowing, till- biz/afeinauer going. Familiar with ries starting at $19.99! ing, Top soil, mulch, PROFESSIONAL PRIVATE TUTORING. Personals Chiropractic. Email re- ENJOY 100 percent Visit manure, sand, river PAINTING done for the I am a certified sume to dana@tvspi- guaranteed, delivered charm or Call rock & gravel. Hauling/ best price in town! teacher with 20yrs ex- or fax to-the-door Omaha 1-800-980-0396 (ucan) ADOPTION: Adoring Now Accepting Applications cleanup. Seasonal Specializing in perience. All ages/ (435)833-9223 Steaks! SAVE 74 per- Couple; Financially se- Now Renting Service (435)850-2909 exteriors. Call Jeremy subjects. Call Angela cent PLUS 4 FREE You may have just the cure, travel, art, music (435)841-1865 (435)849-5334 (435)882-2733 IncomeIncome Restrictions Restrictions ApplyApply Burgers - The Family thing someone out of awaits 1st baby. Ex- MASSAGE THERAPIST (435)496-0590 AERATION. $30 all HANDYMAN. Tree trim- Value Combo - ONLY town is looking for. penses paid. for Professional office. ExclusivelyRental assistance for Seniors may be lawns up to 1/2 acre. Place your classified ad 30hr/ Week Preferably ming, sprinklers, yard QUALITY CRAFTMAN- $39.99. ORDER Today 1-877-439-4277 Kim & available. Call for details $25 each for neighbor- in 45 of Utah's newspa- familiar with chiroprac- Pet Friendly work. Snow Removal. SHIP siding, concrete, 1-800-691-0376 Use Christopher ing lawns done the pers, the cost is $163. tic. Please e-mail re- Residential and busi- roofing, tile, remodels, code 49381LXL or same day. If interested For up to 25 words. Auto Accident Attorney sume to dana@tvspi- 435.843.0717 ness. Call Jimmy at finish carpentry, hard- www.OmahaSteaks. Call for details call Trevor at You will be reaching a INJURED IN AN AUTO or call (435)241-8153 wood flooring, doors com/print17 (ucan) TDD 800.735.2900 435-830-4812. (435)249-5060 potential of up to ACCIDENT? Call Inju- (435)833-9200 ask for 435.843.0717 and windows, licensed If you sell Insurance, 340,000 households. ryFone for a free case Dana. All Things Basementy! HOME REPAIRS expert. and insured. 26yrs ex- promote a hospital or All you need to do is evaluation. Never a Basement Systems Inc. Door knobs, base- perience. an ambulance service, call the Transcript Bul- cost to you. Don`t wait, Call us for all of your boards, mouldings, dry- (435)841-4001 place your classified ad letin at 882-0050 for full c a l l n o w , TALK ABOUT basement needs! Wa- wall repairs, textures, in all 47 of Utah's news- details. (Mention 1-800-607-6915 (ucan) ROTOTILLING. Ten terproofing, Finishing, caulking, weatherproof- papers. The cost is only UCAN) years professional ex- Meet singles right now! Structural Repairs, Hu- ing, framing, home up- $163. for a 25 word ad MARKET MADNESS perience. $30 minimum No paid operators, just midity and Mold Control dating and renovations ($5. For each additional $20 per hour. Contract real people like you. FREE ESTIMATES! and much more.Small word). You will reach Furniture & SLAM DUNK DEALS! S h a n e a t Browse greetings, ex- Call 1-800-275-9236 jobs okay. Call Shane up to 500,000 newspa- Appliances (801)319-9898 change messages and (ucan) (435)840-0344 per readers. Just call connect live. Try it free. Tooele Transcript Bulle- BLUE COUCH & Love DRYWALL: Hanging, RAIN GUTTERS, seam- TREE WORK. Free esti- Call now: 800-954-1846 tin at (435)882-0050 for Seat $200; Wood finishing, texturing. 32 less, aluminum, all col- mates! Local company. kitchen table with 4 (ucan) Sandra Larsen details. (Ucan) years experience. Li- ors, licensed and in- Licensed & insured. chairs $50; bookshelf, censed and insured. sured, free estimates. Bucket truck, Crane MEDICAL GUARDIAN - dresser $100. All obo. Doug (435)830-2653 (435)841-4001 service, Stump re- Top-rated medical (435)843-7837, Child Care REAL ESTATE moval, mulch. 801-633- alarm and 24/7 medical (435)882-3863 For All Your Real Estate Needs! 6685 alert monitoring. For a limited time, get free NORTH VALLEY Appli- NEW BEGINNINGS equipment, no activa- ance. Washers/ dryers PRESCHOOL now Miscellaneous tion fees, no commit- refrigerators, freezers, enrolling for the 435.224.9186 stoves, dishwashers. ment, a 2nd waterproof 2014-15 school year. 257 N BROADWAY • TOOELE 484 N OVERLAND RD • TOOELE Physical Therapy Aide alert button for free and $149-$399. Complete LONGER CLASSES ALCOHOLICS ANONY- more - only $29.95 per repair service. Satis- NOW AVAILABLE. Applications being accepted for MOUS Meeting Daily. month. 800-394-1597 faction guaranteed. Summer & Fall Noon and 8:00pm. (ucan) Parts for all brands. Gift Classes. Instructors: part-time and full-time. Strong 1120 West Utah Ave, cards w/purchases over Crystal Lawrence, Oasis Alano Club. Next ProFlowers - Send Bou- $199. (435)830-3225. Heather Lawrence, people skills and ability to multi- ONLY $150,000 ONLY $124,900 to White’s trailer court. quets for any occasion! (435)843-9154 Brooke Castagno. (860)798-2139 Birthday, Anniversary Newer carpet & tile. Newer paint & energy Check out this darling brick rambler! Newer paint task required. Bring resume in Call now at (435) effi cient furnace. Gas fi replace. Basement apt. w/2 or Just Because. Save 882-0209 to reserve and fl ooring. 1 car garage. R.V. parking. Nicely BUNDLE AND SAVE! Garage, Yard entries! Covered patio. R.V. parking. Lot backs up person 2356 N 400 E, ste 101. 20 percent on your or- your child's place. to alley and has roll away gate for great access. landscaped. Newer vinylwindows. DIRECTV, Internet & der of $29 or more. Sales Over 20 years of ex- P h o n e F r o m Flowers from $19.99 perience! 584 S OAK LANE • TOOELE 533 S CANYON WAY • TOOELE $69.99/mo. Free plus s/h. Go to HAVING A GARAGE 3-Months of HBO, SALE? Advertise it in starz, Showtime & cute or call 1-800- the classifieds. Call Cinemax FREE GENIE 264-4094 (ucan) 882-0050 Help Wanted 4-Room Upgrade Lock BECOME A SUB- TOOELE, 865 W 620 S, Under REGISTERED NURSE In 2 YR Savings Call ONLY $230,000 ONLY $165,000 1-800-341-2087 (ucan) SCRIBER. 882-0050 Saturday, 8am-4pm. TOOELE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Moving Sale. Deer Hollow Condo in excellent condition! Fresh newContract paint & carpet. New furnace and central Kitchen has cabinets galore! LARGE walk in air. New electrical panel. Jetted tub in basement. Starting Salary: $22.66 per hour closet in master & basement bdrms. Huge master bath. Large deck. Beautiful views! Nice back yard w/covered patio. Brand new blinds. Status: Full-Time with Benefi ts Pets Closing Date: April 10, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. 154 N PINEHURST • TOOELE 569 E 180 NORTH • TOOELE The Opportunity The Tooele County Sheriff’s Offi ce has an JANITOR Pampered Pet Resort Friday, Saturday, immediate opening a Registered Nurse. Provides Quality pet care for Sunday specialized nursing services at the Tooele County over 30 years. Detention Center. Performs working level TOOELE COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Dog & Cat boarding FRONT DESK professional nursing services for inmates housed $ Starting Salary: $11.45 per hour ONLY 105,000Under ONLY $230,000 in the Tooele County Detention Center. Assists the Status: Part-time- no benefi ts 435-884-3374 CLERK Nicely remodeled house on quiet tree Detention Center Physician when visiting inmates; Closing Date: April 2, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. AND Large kitchen with lots of cabinets and counter conducts physical examinations and laboratory lined street.Contract New carpet, new vinyl, new space.Stainless Steel Appliances. Main fl oor tests; develops treatment plans for patients. Obtains The Opportunity DOG GROOMING paint. New concrete work. One car garage laundry. Central Air. Fully fi nished basement. MAINTENANCE wasconverted to a large shed. 7 Bedrooms! Fully landscaped! CLEAN!! inmates medical history; prepares daily medications Performs custodial work to assure all building rooms Safe, clean, and distributes when possible; follows up to and facilities are clean, orderly and in good condition PERSON and may perform minor maintenance duties. Cleans professional. 255 S 100 W • TOOELE 711 S 1050 W • TOOELE determine effects of medication; provides treatment Rockstar Backstage. for minor ailments not requiring prescription or and stocks restrooms. Uses brooms, mops, dustpans Apply at: www. physician review; prepares medical charts; records and similar equipment to clean fl oors. Opens and (435)843-8700 secures buildings. Washes windows; dusts, performs tooelehampton treatments, insures confi dentiality of inmate medical Keep your pet Happy, records. Must be on-call during off duty hours. similar tasks. Cleans and polishes hard surface fl oors using power scrubbers, vacuum and buffers; empties Healthy, and Protected. (all one line) Under Call 800-372-6131 Now $ Minimum Qualifi cations trash receptacles. May perform minor maintenance ONLY 125,000 ONLY $195,000 • Graduation from college with a Bachelors degree tasks such as oiling power buffers, replaces and get a free Pet In- No Phone Calls. light bulbs. Assist with snow removal at County This home was remodeled just a few QualityContract craftsmanship. Lot of upgrades! Granite in nursing or an associate degree with two (2) years surance Quote for your years ago. New wiring, plumbing, etc. counters, under mount sinks, upgraded carpet, main of nursing experience. buildings; assist with the maintenance of the grounds Dog or Cat. Choose Business owners If you Close to all schoold. Extra Large lot fl oor laundry, 120 sq ft cold storage. central air, extra AND at the various County facilities. Assist with yard Up to 90% Reimburse- need someone fast, with alley access. wide and deep garage. Compare to other new builds! • Licensed as a Registered Nurse in the State of work at county facilities. May be required to work place your classified ad variable shifts and rotating days. ment. Get Special Mul- Utah. Must possess a valid Utah drivers license and in all 48 of Utah's news- 586 N MAYO DR • TOOELE 1332 E 630 S • TOOELE must be 21 years of age. tiple Pet Discounts. Minimum Qualifi cations (ucan) papers. The person you Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: • High school graduate or GED equivalent. are looking for could be • Working knowledge of general nursing theory AND RUSH LAKE from out of town. The and practices, medications, dosage, and side effects, • One (1) year of experience performing custodial KENNELS. cost is only $163. for a normal and abnormal behavior, departmental policy duties where the use of power buffers or scrubbers Dog & Cat boarding, 25 word ad and it Under and procedures. can be demonstrated. Ability to work without obedience training. reaches up to 340,000 ONLY $193,000 ONLY $380,000 • Ability to provide skilled nursing care, identify supervision. Call (435)882-5266 households. All you do Nice rambler, 100% fi nished! Central air, 5 bdrm, OR Contract Gorgeous Custom Built Home! Loaded w/luxurious dangers involved with handling inmates, adjust and is call the Transcript 3 full baths. Pellet stove in bsmt. walk out basement upgrades! Huge windows. Basement has kitchenette cope with emergency situations, restrain unruly • An equivalent combination of education and w/plumbing and wiring for a kitchen. Large yard & wood burning stove insert in fi replace. Large inmates. experience. Bulletin at with auto sprinklers and fence. R.V. Parking bedrooms & bathrooms! You will love it!!! • Ability to follow written and oral instructions, (435)882-0050 for all communicate effectively (orally and in writing) the details. (Mention 782 E CLIFFORD DR For specifi c information pertaining to this Livestock UCAN) You can now LAND For specifi c information pertaining to this recruitment, contact Tita Adams at (435) 843-3157 order online www.utah- 4000 N SR 36 Corner of SR36 & Erda Way. or email at [email protected]. Apx. 35.11 acres of vacant land w/9.66 acres zoned recruitment, contact Tita Adams at (435) 843-3157 PASTURE, Show Qual- CG (Commercial) & the remaining acrege of 25.45 Applications and additional information are available acres is zoned RR-5. (Residential on 5 acre lots.) or email at [email protected]. ity Lambs available. Applications and additional information are at the Tooele County Human Resource Offi ce, FRAMER residential 408 N 250 W $45,000. 1.25 ac in Tooele City! Rm 308, 47 South Main Street Tooele Docked, shots & eating homes with 4 + years Under available at theTooele County Human Resource 260 W 400 N $40,000. Corner Lot. $ or online at show lamb, ration. Ex- experience, Tooele ONLY 210,000 Offi ce, Rm 308 cellent selection. Garth 300 W 400 N 1.25 ac on corner lot, Tooele City 47 South Main Street Tooele EEO Employer work. (435)840-0412 Great home in established neighborhood. 6 for pricing information 1173 CHURCH Rush Valley. $32,500 bedrooms,Contract 4 bathrooms, main fl oor laundry, 75 or online at This announcement does not represent the entire job description. gallon water heater, large storageroom. Large .28 For a complete and thorough job description, please contact the (435)837-2246 BECOME A SUB- 2947 W RUIZ Prime building lot! Stockton. $64,900 human resource offi ce or go to our web site acre lot.Extra deep garage with nice R.V. parking. EEO Employer (435)830-2309 SCRIBER. 882-0050 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Tooele City Council & Tooele City Redevelopment Agency of Tooele City, Utah, will meet in a Work Session on Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at the hour of 5:00 P.M. The meeting will be held at the Tooele City Hall Large Confer- ence Room located at 90 North Main Street, Tooele, Utah. 1. Open Meeting 2. Roll Call 3. Discussion: - RDA Resolution 2014-01 A Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of Tooele City, Utah, (“RDA”) Approving a Participation Agree- ment for Project Mon- arch Presented by Randy Sant PUBLIC NOTICE - Resolution 2014-16 A GRANTSVILLE CITY Resolution of the Tooele NOTICE OF PUBLIC City Council Authorizing HEARING ON PRO- an Easement Agreement POSED SALE OF REAL for an Easement Across PROPERTY LOCATED Tooele City Property for AT 319 WEST CLARK a Settlement Canyon Irri- STREET BY GRANTS- gation Company Pipeline VILLE CITY. Presented by Roger Pursuant to Section Baker §10-8-2 of the Utah 4. Council Reports Code, notice is hereby 5. Motion to Close Meet- given that the Grantsville ing to Discuss: TUESDAY April 1, 2014 B6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN City Council, will hold - Pending Litigation public hearings on April - Property Acquisition 16, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at 6. Adjourn Business Motorcycles & Apartments Homes for Offi ce Space Financial thePublic Grantsville Notices City Of- MichellePublic Y. NoticesPitt Public Notices Opportunities ATVs for Rent Rent Services fices,Meetings 429 East Main TooeleMeetings City Recorder/ Meetings Street, Grantsville, Utah, RDA Secretary Small Business owners: The Tooele Valley Mos- 1BDRM BASEMENT TOOELE 3BDRM FOR LEASE Office/ BANKRUPTCY ON A upon the City’s proposed Pursuant to the Ameri- PUBLIC NOTICE Place your classified ad quito Abatement District apartment, furnished, 2.5bth, 2 car garage, all Business Space BUDGET *$350 Aspire sale of real property it cans with Disabilities Notice is hereby given in 45 newspapers is accepting sealed bids utilities paid, wifi, cable, utilities paid, including Utilities included. 54 Credit Solutions. Stop owns located at 319 Act, Individuals Needing that the Grantsville City throughout Utah for on one 2008 Honda w/d $595/mo, internet and cable. South Main. 1mo Garnishments Now!! West Clark Street, Special Accommoda- Planning Commission only $163. for 25 Rancher ATV (mini- $400/dep. No pets. Ref- ($300 value) All yard free. (602)826-9471 Bankruptcy/Credit Re- Grantsville Utah. Docu- tions Should Notify Mi- will hold a regular meet- words, and $5. per mum bid $1500) and erences required. Avail- maintenance included. pair. Get a Fresh Start. ments related hereto can chelle Y. Pitt, Tooele ing on Thursday, April word over 25. You will one 2010 7x12 Trailer able 4/1/14. $1650/mo Guardright aspirecreditsolution. be viewed by contacting City Recorder, at 10, 2014 in the Grants- reach up to 340,000 (minimum bid $400). (435)882-6141 Property Mgmt. com 801-446-8216 Li- City Hall at 429 East 843-2110 prior to the ville City Hall Council households and it is a Sealed bids due by (801)842-9631 Water Shares censed/ Insured (ucan) Main Street, Grantsville, meeting. Chambers at 429 E Main one call, one order, one April 8, 2014. To obtain 1BDRM, cute, carport Utah (Tel: 435.884.3411) (Published in the Tran- Street in Grantsville, bill program. Call the a “Bid Submittal Form” available, very quiet, Reduce Your Past Tax prior to the hearing. script Bulletin April 1, Utah, which meeting 2 SETTLEMENT Can- Transcript Bulletin at and inspect the vehi- walk-in closet, upper Bill by as much as 75 Interested persons are 2014) shall begin promptly at Homes yon irrigation water 882-0050 for further cles you may contact floor, $545. Laundry on Percent. Stop Levies, invited to attend and give 7:00 P.M. The agenda shares for sale. $7000 info. (ucan) the District office at site, credit & back- Liens and Wage Gar- comment at these public shall be as follows: ground check. Vine obo for both. 1535 Sunset Rd in $$SAVE MONEY nishments. Call The hearings. In compliance PUBLIC NOTICE CALL TO ORDER AND Street Courtyard, 34 W (435)840-3010 Lake Point or call (801) Search Bank & HUD Tax DR Now to see if with the Americans with Notice is hereby given PLEDGE OF ALLE- Vine St, Tooele www. you Qualify 250-3879 from 7 am to homes www.Tooele 27 ACRE FT of Water in Disability Act, Grantsville that the Tooele City GIANCE Wanted vinestreetcourtyard. 1-800-398-4601 (ucan) 3:00 pm. Erda, $10K per share City will accommodate Council will meet in a 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC com 801-205-3883 Berna Sloan (435) (435)843-1707 reasonable requests to Business Meeting on HEARINGS: Wednesday, April 2, CALL ME Last for Fast 2 AND 3bdrm apart- 840-5029 Group 1 Public Notices assist persons with dis- a. Proposed concept 3 SETTLEMENT Can- 2014 at the hour of 7:00 Cash for your car, Autos ments behind Super abilities to participate at plan for a major subdivi- Planning on selling your yon Irrigation water Meetings P.M. The meeting will truck, van or SUV. Free Wal-Mart. Swimming public hearings. Re- sion named the Jefferies home, you could be shares $3000 per be held at the Tooele towing. Call pool, hot tub, exercise quests for assistance Family Posterity Subdivi- CASH Paid To You for sending your sales share. Please call Deadline for public no- City Hall Council Room (801)455-9599 room, playground, full may be made by calling sion dividing one lot into your unwanted or bro- points to up to 340,000 (435)241-4127 or tices is 4 p.m. the day located at 90 North Main clubhouse. 843-4400 prior to publication. City Hall (435) 884-3411 two for Grantsville City I WILL come to you and ken down car, truck or households at once. (435)830-0024 at least 3 days in ad- Street, Tooele, Utah. and the Jefferies Family SUV. Free towing. Lost For $163. you can Public notices submit- 1. Pledge of Allegiance pay cash for your junk 2BDRM 1bth, quiet. No FOR SALE. Ophir Can- vance of a hearing. at 319 West Clark Street title? We can help. Call place your 25 word ted past the deadline 2. Roll Call cars and trucks. pets, no smoking, 1yr yon Water Share with Dated this 31st day of (original Wootton Minor (801)347-2428 classified ad to all 45 will not be accepted. 3. Mayor's Community (435)224-2064 lease. Central air, w/d or without city lot. UPAXLP March, 2014. Subdivision property). hookups, storage shed, newspapers in Utah. Christine Webb Youth Recognition IMMEDIATELY FOL- SELL YOUR CAR or (801)322-1141 Owner/ carport, water, sewer, Just call the Transcript BOARD OF EDUCA- City Recorder Awards LOWING PUBLIC WANTED: Scrap metal. boat in the classifieds. Agent garbage included. For Bulletin at 882-0050 for TION MEETING (Published in the Tran- 4. Public Comment Pe- HEARINGS, THE Appliances, lawn mow- Call 882-0050 or visit further information all the details. (Mention Tooele County School scritp Bulletin April 1, riod MEETING WILL OFFI- ers, garbage disposals, www.tooeletranscript. please call ucan) District 92 South 2014) 5. David R. Davis Water CIALLY BE CALLED TO etc. Will pick up free. com (435)882-4986 Buildings Rights Appeal Decision Call Rick at SELLING YOUR Lodestone Way ORDER BY CHAIRMAN Tooele, Utah 84074 PUBLIC NOTICE 6. Resolution 2014-15 A GARY PINKHAM. (801)599-5634 2BDRM 1BTH, remod- HOME? Advertise it in If you build, remodel or AGENDA Notice is hereby given Resolution of the Tooele 1. Consideration of con- Apartments eled, govt. subsidized. the classifieds. Call remove buildings you Thursday, April 3, 2014 that the Tooele City City Council Amending cept plan for the Jeffer- SELLING YOUR for Rent Playground, carport 882-0050 or visit can place your classi- 7:00 p.m. Council & Tooele City Golf Course Fees ies Family Posterity Sub- HOME? Advertise it in ,free cable. $500/dep. www.tooeletran fied ad in 45 of Utah's 1. Board of Education Redevelopment Agency Presented by Chris Scott division of one lot into the classifieds. Call 2BDRM w/d hookups, 211 S. Hale, Grants- newspapers for only Budget Workshop of Tooele City, Utah, will 7. Resolution 2014-16 A two for Grantsville City 882-0050 or visit single carport, $600/ ville. Call Chris $163. for 25 words ($5. 1.1 Roll Call meet in a Work Session Resolution of the Tooele and the Jefferies Family www.tooeletran mo. No smoking/ pets, (435)843-8247 Equal for each additional 1.2 Budget Review for on Wednesday, April 2, City Council Accepting at 319 West Clark Jim (801)554-5361 Housing Opp. Mobile Homes word). You will reach 2014-2015 2014 at the hour of 5:00 the Completed Public Street. P.M. The meeting will 2BDRM VERY Nice, up to 340,000 house- 2. Adjourn (10:00 p.m. Improvements Associ- 2. Consideration of a be held at the Tooele Quiet, carport, storage 2006 2BDRM 2bth, new holds and all you do is Curfew) ated with the Star Plaza preliminary plat on the City Hall Large Confer- shed, w/d hookups, carpet, dishwasher, call the Transcript Bul- In compliance with the Development Located at thirty-nine (39) lots of ence Room located at 90 $625/mo. Call Ron new sod in yard, lot rent letin at 882-0050 for all Americans with Disabili- 1000 North Main Street Anderson Ranch Phase North Main Street, The Kirk (435)849-3969 or Alli- $275/mo includes wa- the details. (Mention ties Act, individuals Presented by Paul Han- 6 for TP Development, Tooele, Utah. Quiet, Quality apartments in a son (435)830-9147 ter, sewer, garbage. UCAN Classified Net- needing special accom- sen Inc. and Welles Cannon. restored historic structure $20,000 obo. work) modations (including 1. Open Meeting 8. Resolution 2014-17 A 3. Approval of the min- BASEMENT STUDIO 1 (435)841-2829 auxiliary communicative 2. Roll Call Resolution of the Tooele utes of the March plan- AffordAble residentiAl Community METAL ROOF/ WALL The Best Places at the Best Prices person maximum, aide and services) dur- 3. Discussion: City Council Authorizing ning meeting, • Room/Bath $500 Panels, Pre-engineered separate kitchen and 3BDRM, 2BTH mobile ing this meeting should - RDA Resolution an Easement Agreement 4. Report from Council • 1 Bdrm or Studio $600 mo. Completely Furnished Metal Buildings. Mill bath, utilties included. home for rent, no smok- notify Diane Valdez 2014-01 A Resolution of for an Easement Across Liaison Neil Critchlow. • 2 Bdrm $700 prices for sheeting coil Weekly & Monthly Rates No smoking, no pets. ing/ pets. 882-1550 (435) 833-1900 at least the Redevelopment Tooele City Property for 5. Adjourn. are at a 4 year low. You All amenities included. Pet friendly. LDS standards, $500/mo, $300/dep. three days prior to the Agency of Tooele City, a Settlement Canyon Irri- DATED this 28th day of 3BDRM, 2BTH mobile get the savings. 17 Col- fenced yard, laundry and large public areas. 46B E 100 S. meeting. Utah, (“RDA”) Approving gation Company Pipeline March, 2014. 57 West Vine • Tooele • 882-1372 home for rent, no smok- ors prime material, cut (435)882-7828 (Published in the Tran- a Participation Agree- Presented by Roger By the Order of Grants- 57 West Vine • Tooele • 882-1372 ing/ pets. 882-1550 to your exact length. (435)830-6916 script Bulletin April 1, ment for Project Mon- Baker ville City Planning Com- CO Building Systems MOBILE HOME Sale or 2014) arch Presented by 9. Minutes mission Chairman Gary COZY 1BDRM apart- 1-800-COBLDGS Rent. 2bdrm, 1.5bth, Randy Sant March 19, 2014 Pinkham. ment, no smoking, no (ucan) Vine Street Office laundry, appliances, PUBLIC NOTICE - Resolution 2014-16 A 10. Invoices Shauna Kertamus pets, suitable for single GRANTSVILLE CITY Resolution of the Tooele Presented by Michelle person. Paid utilities. $650/mo plus deposit, Zoning Administrator fOr rent or asking $18,000. Call Financial NOTICE OF PUBLIC City Council Authorizing Pitt All interested persons $450/mo plus one HEARING ON PRO- an Easement Agreement 11. Adjourn month’s deposit. Carol (435)843-1197 Services are invited to attend and (435)830-8579 POSED SALE OF REAL for an Easement Across Michelle Y. Pitt provide comment upon (435)882-1179 PROPERTY LOCATED Tooele City Property for Are you in BIG trouble Tooele City Recorder these proposals sched- (435)830-8341 RENT Newly remodeled AT 319 WEST CLARK a Settlement Canyon Irri- with the IRS? Stop Pursuant to the Ameri- uled for public hearings. 2bdrm 1.5bth $725/mo, STREET BY GRANTS- gation Company Pipeline DUPLEX 3bdrm 2bth, wage & bank levies, cans with Disabilities Written comments will $500/dep, possibilty of VILLE CITY. Presented by Roger carport w/storage, w/d liens & audits, unfiled Act, Individuals Needing also be considered if rent to own. Pursuant to Section Baker hookups, fenced back- tax returns, payroll is- Special Accommoda- submitted to the Zoning (435)843-1197 §10-8-2 of the Utah 4. Council Reports yard. $750/mo, sues, & resolve tax tions Should Notify Mi- Administrator in advance (435)830-8579 Code, notice is hereby 5. Motion to Close Meet- $500/dep. No smoking/ debt FAST. Seen on chelle Y. Pitt, Tooele of the hearing. The cur- given that the Grantsville ing to Discuss: pets 615 East 400 TRAILER SPACES CNN. A BBB. Call City Recorder, at rent zoning Code and City Council, will hold - Pending Litigation North. (435)882-2560, available at Henwood 1-800-969-1782 (ucan) 843-2110 prior to the proposed amendments public hearings on April - Property Acquisition (435)496-3607 Mobile Park 250 W 500 meeting. TDD Phone may be reviewed at the Single detached office-1000 sq. ft. 16, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at 6. Adjourn N. Call (435)882-6642 DEADLINES FOR clas- Number 843-2108 Grantsville City Hall $800/month; includes water and sewer; LARGE 2BDRM 1.5bth, sifieds ads are Monday the Grantsville City Of- Michelle Y. Pitt (Published in the Tran- each weekday between w/d hookups, garbage BECOME A SUB- and Wednesdays by fices, 429 East Main Tooele City Recorder/ script Bulletin April 1, hours of 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 Parking lot Convenient for Customers; disposal, storage shed, SCRIBER. 882-0050 4:45 p.m. Street, Grantsville, Utah, RDA Secretary 2014) p.m. private patio, covered upon the City’s proposed Pursuant to the Ameri- In accordance with the For SaleFor more information: parking. No smoking. sale of real property it cans with Disabilities Americans With Disabili- Alan Gubler 435-248-9339 Abolutely no pets. owns located at 319 Act, Individuals Needing ties Act, Grantsville City $650/mo, $500/dep. West Clark Street, Special Accommoda- will accommodate rea- (435)241-9118 Grantsville Utah. Docu- tions Should Notify Mi- sonable requests to as- ments related hereto can chelle Y. Pitt, Tooele ONE BEDROOM base- sist the disabled to par- be viewed by contacting City Recorder, at ment apartment. Tooele Valley Homes & Lots!ticipate in meetings. Re- City Hall at 429 East 843-2110 prior to the FOR SALE $475/mo plus $300/ quest for assistance may Main Street, Grantsville, meeting. dep. No smoking, no be made by calling City Utah (Tel: 435.884.3411) (Published in the Tran- VINE STREET COURTYARD pets. (435)882-1442 Hall at 884-3411 at least 2081442 Fairlane N 380 E,Dr., Tooele Tooele prior to the hearing. script Bulletin April 1, 875 E 980 N, Tooele (435)830-5651 three days prior to the APARTMENTS & COMMERCIAL Interested persons are 2014) meeting. PRIVATE BEDROOM. invited to attend and give (Published in the Tran- Free wifi, satellite TV, comment at these public script Bulletin April 1, refrigerator, microwave, hearings. In compliance 2014) bed. Shared kitchen/ with the Americans with bath, w/d. No pets. Utili- Disability Act, Grantsville ties paid. $375/mo City4 bedrooms will accommodate $400/dep reasonable1¾ bathrooms requests to 435-882-6141 assist persons with dis- abilities2 car garage to participate at Very Open and Cozy House SETTLEMENT CAN- Beautiful spotless home close to all schools. NewBEAUTIFUL publiccarpet, paint hearings. and5 BEDROOM, plantation Re- shutters. 3+ BATH Large HOME bright 3 beds, 2 baths, Great space, vaulted ceilings, YON APARTMENTS mainNEW FLOORING,floor family CARPET room & PAINT!!or formal Great living views fromroom. east Nicetoquests west. big Beautiful family for master assistance room suite in the with basement. jetted master This tub and home walk inis large backyard, Large RV pad with gates in front Deposit moves you in in pristinecloset. Vaulted condition ceilings, come great anddaylight take windows a look! in the$ 159,900basement,may fruitbe trees,made and by big calling painted garage. $187,900 and back of the yard. $189,900 with a 12mo lease. City Hall (435) 884-3411 $1,100,000 (435)882-6112 at least 3 days in ad- TOOELE, 3BDRM, 2bth 812 E Bates Canyon RD, Tooelevance of a hearing. 446 Bevan Way, Tooele upstairs duplex, spa- Dated this 31st day of New Build in West Erda cious bright clean, ac/ March, 2014. heater, w/d hookups, Christine Webb carport, storage, pets City Recorder negotiable. No smok- (Published in the Tran- ing. $800/mo. 830-6994 scritp Bulletin April 1, 2014) Homes for PROPERTY HIGHLIGHTS Home under construction Rent 1/2 acre horse property, beautiful floor plan, • 15 units (Large One Bedroom, Beautiful East Bench 4 bed 3.5 bath home 5.00 acre home with 5 beds and 3 baths charming front porch, granite counter tops, WHY RENT When You Mechanics2-tone dream! paint, 30’ upgraded by 35’ detached floors. garage, One Bathroom) WOW this beautiful property comes with 14 acre feet of water! A 500 tree operating orchard. A fully operational green house and heated, hotwater plus a bathroom. New roofing Can Buy? Zero down $ • 5 Commercial Spaces (sizes vary) a beautiful fully finished house and so very much more. If you are looking for a home in the country this is it!! $ and upgraded wood windows. 250,000 $ & Low Income pro- 589,900 Starting at 259,900 • Built 1935, updated 2005 grams, 1st time & Sin- • Conveniently off Main Street and gle parent programs, Berna Sloan (435) 997 E Brookfield Ave, Erda 827 S. Deer Hollow Rd., Tooele 55 E. Main, Ophir Vine Street in Historic Downtown 840-5029 Group 1 Tooele 3BDRM, 2BTH mobile • Well Maintained Apartment Building home for rent, no smok- • Covered Tenant Parking ing/ pets. 882-1550 • 2 Story Apartment Complex on GRANTSVILLE, 4bdrm 2bth rambler, 2 car .55 acre garage, central ac, • Immediately across from Veteran’s part finished basement. Memorial Park New carpet, new paint. Luxury Erda Home on 4.9 Acres Beautiful East Bench Home No pets/ smoking. 6 beds, 3.5 baths, Open floor plan, large 6 beds, 5 baths, spacious master suite, $1150/mo. kitchen, gracious master suite with access to amazing open floor plan, open loft, theater Amazing Home in Ophir 92 North Aspen Way a large covered deck. $ room, office. 6836 sq. ft. $ 3 bedrooms, 2 family rooms. Really beautiful. (620 East) 544,900 689,900 Davidson Realty (801)466-5078

Contact HOMES available to pur- chase for LOW IN- COME buyers with SEARCH EVERY HOME IN UTAH good credit. Berna LYNN RASMUSSEN Sloan (435)840-5029 801.231.9984 Group 1 Real Estate. [email protected] STOCKTON, 3BDRM, 2bth, w/d, quiet street, Call Laramie or Mark pet ok, $900/mo plus $75 w/s, first and last Call Laramie DunnTooele County’s for ALL Real Estate Specialists TONI CARTER month security prior to 801.809.5620 move in. (435)640-7579 your Real Estate needs TOOELE, 3BDRM [email protected] 1.5bth twin home, $795/mo. Guardright 435-224-4000 Property (801)842-9631 HAVING A yard sale? Advertise in the Tran- 435-849-5914 script Laramie Dunn Mark Dunn NOTICE OF TRUS- TEE'S SALE APN: 01-066-0-0007 TRA: Trust No. 1339763-20 Ref: knut- son, brenda IMPOR- TANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED August 26, 1999 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- TECT YOUR PROP- ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On May 06, 2014, at 4:30pm, James H. Woodall, as duly ap- pointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded August 31, 1999, as inst. No. 136758*, in book 0586, page 0482-0488, of Offi- cial Records in the office of the County Recorder of Tooele County, State NOTICE OF TRUS- of Utah executed by TEE'S SALE Brenda K Knutson and APN: 12-075-0-0310 Douglas Scott Knutson, TRA: Trust No. Wife And Husband, As 1386343-40 Ref: tiernan, Joint Tenants WILL timothy IMPORTANT SELL AT PUBLIC AUC- NOTICE TO PROP- TION TO HIGHEST BID- ERTY OWNER YOU DER, PAYABLE IN ARE IN DEFAULT UN- LAWFUL MONEY OF DER A DEED OF THE UNITED STATES TRUST, DATED June AT THE TIME OF SALE, 26, 2007 UNLESS YOU (SUCCESSFUL BID- TAKE ACTION TO PRO- DERS MUST TENDER TECT YOUR PROP- A DEPOSIT OF $20,000 ERTY, IT MAY BE IN CERTIFIED FUNDS SOLD AT A PUBLIC TO THE TRUSTEE AT SALE. IF YOU NEED THE TIME OF SALE, AN EXPLANATION OF WITH THE BALANCE THE NATURE OF THE DUE BY NOON THE PROCEEDING FOLLOWING BUSI- AGAINST YOU, YOU NESS DAY, AT THE SHOULD CONTACT A OFFICE OF THE TRUS- LAWYER. On April 29, TEE), At the tooele 2014, at 4:30pm, James county courthouse 74 H. Woodall, as duly ap- South 100 East Tooele, pointed Trustee under Utah all right, title and in- and pursuant to Deed of terest conveyed to and Trust recorded July 18, now held by it under said 2007, as inst. No. Deed of Trust in the PUBLIC NOTICE 289184, in book xx, property situated in said Notice is hereby given page xx, of Official Re- County and State de- that the Grantsville City cords in the office of the scribed as: BEGINNING Planning Commission County Recorder of AT A POINT WHICH IS will hold a regular meet- Tooele County, State of SOUTH 88 45' EAST ing on Thursday, April Utah executed by Timo- 914.80 FEET MEAS- 10, 2014 in the Grants- thy R Tiernan, and De- URED ALONG AN OLD ville City Hall Council bra F Tiernan, Husband FENCE LINE AND Chambers at 429 E Main And Wife As Joint Ten- NORTH 480.35 FEET Street in Grantsville, ants WILL SELL AT FROM THE SOUTH- Utah, which meeting PUBLIC AUCTION TO WEST CORNER OF shall begin promptly at HIGHEST BIDDER, SECTION 36, TOWN- 7:00 P.M. The agenda PAYABLE IN LAWFUL SHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE shall be as follows: MONEY OF THE 6 WEST, SALT LAKE CALL TO ORDER AND UNITED STATES AT NOTICE OF TRUS- BASE AND MERIDIAN; PLEDGE OF ALLE- THE TIME OF SALE, TEE'S SALE AND EXTENDING GIANCE (SUCCESSFUL BID- APN: 01-066-0-0007 THENCE NORTH 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC DERS MUST TENDER TRA: Trust No. 477.23 FEET TO THE HEARINGS: A DEPOSIT OF $20,000 1339763-20 Ref: knut- CENTERLINE OF a. Proposed concept PUBLIC NOTICE IN CERTIFIED FUNDS son, brenda IMPOR- CHERRY STREET IN plan for a major subdivi- The Grantsville City TO THE TRUSTEE AT TANT NOTICE TO GRANTSVILLE CITY, sion named the Jefferies Council will hold a work THE TIME OF SALE, PROPERTY OWNER UTAH, AS EXTENDED Family Posterity Subdivi- meeting at 6:00 p.m. on WITH THE BALANCE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT WESTERLY; THENCE sion dividing one lot into Wednesday, April 2, DUE BY NOON THE UNDER A DEED OF NORTH 89 15' WEST two for Grantsville City 2014 at 429 East Main FOLLOWING BUSI- TRUST, DATED August 91.05 FEET ALONG and the Jefferies Family Street, Grantsville, UT NESS DAY, AT THE 26, 1999 UNLESS YOU SAID CENTERLINE, at 319 West Clark Street 84029. The agenda is as OFFICE OF THE TRUS- TAKE ACTION TO PRO- THENCE SOUTH (original Wootton Minor follows: TEE), At the tooele TECT YOUR PROP- 478.42 FEET, THENCE Subdivision property). WORK MEETING county courthouse 74 ERTY, IT MAY BE EAST 91.05 FEET TO IMMEDIATELY FOL- AGENDA: South 100 East Tooele, SOLD AT A PUBLIC THE POINT OF BEGIN- LOWING PUBLIC 1. Discussion of tentative Utah all right, title and in- SALE. IF YOU NEED NING. SUBJECT TO A HEARINGS, THE budget. terest conveyed to and AN EXPLANATION OF RIGHT OF WAY DE- MEETING WILL OFFI- 2. Adjourn. now held by it under said THE NATURE OF THE SCRIBED AS FOL- CIALLY BE CALLED TO PUBLIC NOTICE: Deed of Trust in the PROCEEDING LOWS: BEGINNING AT ORDER BY CHAIRMAN The Grantsville City property situated in said AGAINST YOU, YOU THE NORTHWEST GARY PINKHAM. Council will hold its regu- County and State de- SHOULD CONTACT A CORNER OF BLOCK 1. Consideration of con- lar meeting at 7:00 p.m. scribed as: Lot 310, carr LAWYER. On May 06, 62, GRANTSVILLE'S cept plan for the Jeffer- on Wednesday, April 2, fork subdivision plat 2014, at 4:30pm, James SOUTHWEST ADDI- ies Family Posterity Sub- 2014 at 429 East Main three, according to the H. Woodall, as duly ap- TION; AND RUNNING division of one lot into Street, Grantsville, UT official plat thereof, as pointed Trustee under THENCE WEST 1320 two for Grantsville City 84029. The agenda is as recorded in the office of and pursuant to Deed of FEET TO THE SEC- and the Jefferies Family follows: the Tooele county re- Trust recorded August TION LINE OF SEC- at 319 West Clark CALL TO ORDER AND corder. The street ad- 31, 1999, as inst. No. TION 36, TOWNSHIP 2 Street. PLEDGE OF ALLE- dress and other common 136758*, in book 0586, SOUTH, RANGE 6 2. Consideration of a GIANCE designation, if any, of the page 0482-0488, of Offi- WEST, SALT LAKE preliminary plat on the ROLL CALL real property described cial Records in the office BASE AND MERIDIAN; thirty-nine (39) lots of AGENDA: above is purported to be: of the County Recorder THENCE NORTH 22.75 Anderson Ranch Phase 1. Public Hearing: 902 N 1250 E Tooele Ut of Tooele County, State FEET TO THE SOUTH 6 for TP Development, a. Proposed rezoning for NOTICE OF TRUS- 84074-9203 Estimated of Utah executed by LINE OF THE DIDER- Inc. and Welles Cannon. Terry & Sandy Stapley at TEE'S SALE Total Debt as of April 29, Brenda K Knutson and ICKSON PROPERTY; 3. Approval of the min- 661 W. Cherry Street on APN: 12-075-0-0310 2014 is $168,330.68. Douglas Scott Knutson, THENCE EAST 1320 utes of the March plan- ten (10) acres of land to TRA: Trust No. The undersigned Trus- Wife And Husband, As FEET TO THE EAST ning meeting, go from the R-1-21 zone 1386343-40 Ref: tiernan, tee disclaims any liability Joint Tenants WILL LINE OF CHERRY 4. Report from Council (residential half acre timothy IMPORTANT for any incorrectness of SELL AT PUBLIC AUC- STREET; THENCE Liaison Neil Critchlow. minimum size lot) to the NOTICE TO PROP- the street address and TION TO HIGHEST BID- SOUTH 22.75 FEET TO 5. Adjourn. A-10 zone (Agricultural – ERTY OWNER YOU other common designa- DER, PAYABLE IN THE POINT BEGIN- DATED this 28th day of 10 acre minimum size ARE IN DEFAULT UN- tion, if any, shown LAWFUL MONEY OF NING. EXCEPTING March, 2014. lot) for the purpose of DER A DEED OF herein. Said sale will be THE UNITED STATES THEREFROM, THAT By the Order of Grants- erecting greenhouses for TRUST, DATED June made, but without cove- AT THE TIME OF SALE, PORTION THEREOF, ville City Planning Com- an Aquaponics garden- 26, 2007 UNLESS YOU nant or warranty, ex- (SUCCESSFUL BID- INCLUDED IN CHERRY mission Chairman Gary ing use. TAKE ACTION TO PRO- press or implied, regard- DERS MUST TENDER STREET. *loan modifica- Notice of Availability of NOTICE TO CREDI- Pinkham. b. Proposed minor sub- TECT YOUR PROP- ing title, possession, A DEPOSIT OF $20,000 tion agreement recorded a Programmatic Envi- TORS Shauna Kertamus division for Ryan Bannis- ERTY, IT MAY BE condition, or encum- IN CERTIFIED FUNDS on 06/06/2011 doc# ronmental Assessment Estate of Betty Gean Zoning Administrator ter dividing 10.1 acres of SOLD AT A PUBLIC brances, including fees, TO THE TRUSTEE AT 357004. The street ad- (PEA) for the U.S. Palmer, Deceased All interested persons land from one (1) lot into SALE. IF YOU NEED charges and expenses THE TIME OF SALE, dress and other common Army Materiel Com- James R. Morison, are invited to attend and four (4) lots at 496 E. AN EXPLANATION OF of the Trustee and of the WITH THE BALANCE designation, if any, of the mand's Building whose address is 1257 provide comment upon Durfee Street in an RR-1 THE NATURE OF THE trusts created by said DUE BY NOON THE real property described Demolition Program North Paulos Boulevard, these proposals sched- zone. PROCEEDING Deed of Trust, to pay the FOLLOWING BUSI- above is purported to be: AMC announces the Tooele, Utah 84074, has uled for public hearings. 2. Summary Action AGAINST YOU, YOU remaining principle sums NESS DAY, AT THE 609 West Cherry Street availability of a PEA and been appointed Trustee Written comments will Items. SHOULD CONTACT A of the note(s) secured by OFFICE OF THE TRUS- Grantsville Ut 84029 draft Finding of No Sig- of the Betty Palmer Liv- also be considered if a. Approval of Minutes LAWYER. On April 29, said Deed of Trust. The TEE), At the tooele Estimated Total Debt as nificant Impact (FNSI) for ing Trust of the submitted to the Zoning b. Approval of Bills 2014, at 4:30pm, James current beneficiary of the county courthouse 74 of May 06, 2014 is the proposed demolish above-entitled trust es- Administrator in advance c. Personnel Matters H. Woodall, as duly ap- Trust Deed as of the South 100 East Tooele, $252,233.03. The under- of unused and unneeded tate. Creditors of the es- Tuesdayof the hearing. A pril The 1, cur- 20143. Consideration of re- pointed Trustee under date of this notice is: Utah all right, title and in- signed Trustee disclaims facilities at AMC installa- tate are hereby notified rent zoning Code and zoning ten (10) acres for and pursuant to Deed of Everbank andTooele the re- terest Transcrip conveyed tot and-Bulleany liabilitytin for any incor- tions nationwide, as re- to: (1) deliver or mail b7 proposed amendments Terry & Sandy Stapley at Trust recorded July 18, cord owners of the prop- now held by it under said rectness of the street ad- quired by the National their written claims to the may be reviewed at the 661 W. Cherry 2007, as inst. No. erty as of the recording Deed of Trust in the dress and other common Environmental Policy Act Trustee at the address GrantsvillePublic Notices City Hall StreetPublic to goNotices from an 289184,Public in Notices book xx, ofPublic the Notice Notices of Default propertyPublic situated Notices in said designation,Public Notices if any, (NEPA).Public The Notices proposed above;Public or (2)Notices deliver or Public Notices each Meetings weekday between R-1-21Meetings zone to an A-10 page Trusteesxx, of Official Re- is/are:.Trustees Tiernan, Timothy. CountyTrustees and State de- shownTrustees herein. Said sale actionMiscellaneous is not expected to mailMiscellaneous their written claims Miscellaneous hours of 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 zone. cords in the office of the James H. Woodall, scribed as: BEGINNING will be made, but without have any significant en- to the Trustee's attorney p.m. 4. Consideration of a mi- County Recorder of TRUSTEE 10808 River AT A POINT WHICH IS covenant or warranty, vironmental effects. of record, Troy T. Wil- PUBLIC NOTICE In accordance with the nor subdivision for Ryan Tooele County, State of Front Parkway, Suite SOUTH 88 45' EAST express or implied, re- Therefore, preparation of son, at the following ad- The Tooele Valley Mos- Americans With Disabili- Bannister to divide one Utah executed by Timo- 175 South Jordan Ut 914.80 FEET MEAS- garding title, possession, an environmental impact dress: 1555 East Strat- quito Abatement District ties Act, Grantsville City (1) lot into four thy R Tiernan, and De- 84095 (801)254- 9450 URED ALONG AN OLD condition, or encum- statement is not re- ford Avenue, Suite 100, in now accepting sealed will accommodate rea- (4) lots at 496 E. Durfee bra F Tiernan, Husband James H. Woodall Sig- FENCE LINE AND brances, including fees, quired. The PEA and Salt Lake City, Utah bids on one used 2008 sonable requests to as- Street. And Wife As Joint Ten- nature/By Dated: NORTH 480.35 FEET charges and expenses draft FNSI are available 84106, or otherwise pre- Honda Rancher 420 sist the disabled to par- 5. Consideration to ap- ants WILL SELL AT March 12, 2014 FROM THE SOUTH- of the Trustee and of the for your review electroni- sent their claims as re- ATV (minimum bid ticipate in meetings. Re- prove the Statewide Util- PUBLIC AUCTION TO DLPP-436928 WEST CORNER OF trusts created by said cally at http://www. quired by Utah law within $1500) and one 2010 quest for assistance may ity License Agreement. HIGHEST BIDDER, (Published in the Tran- SECTION 36, TOWN- Deed of Trust, to pay the three months after the Triple T 7x12 Utility be made by calling City 6. Matters for Review. PAYABLE IN LAWFUL script Bulletin March 25, SHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE remaining principle sums environmental.html. date of the first publica- Trailer (minimum bid Hall at 884-3411 at least a. Letter from the Tooele MONEY OF THE April 1 & 8, 2014) 6 WEST, SALT LAKE of the note(s) secured by Comments on the PEA tion of this notice or be $400). Each vehicle will three days prior to the County Health Depart- UNITED STATES AT BASE AND MERIDIAN; said Deed of Trust. The and draft FNSI can be forever barred. be sold separately. Each NOTICE OF TRUS- meeting. ment. THE TIME OF SALE, AND EXTENDING current beneficiary of the submitted to USARMY. Date of first publication: Vehicle will be sold ex- TEE'S SALE (Published in the Tran- 7. Mayor and Council (SUCCESSFUL BID- THENCE NORTH Trust Deed as of the March 25, 2014. clusively on an “as is” APN: 01-066-0-0007 script Bulletin April 1, Reports. DERS MUST TENDER 477.23 FEET TO THE date of this notice is: Lnv c-environmental@mail. Troy T. Wilson basis without warranty or TRA: Trust No. 2014) 8. Adjourn. A DEPOSIT OF $20,000 CENTERLINE OF Corporation and the re- mil. Comments will be 1555 East Stratford guarantee, real or im- 1339763-20 Ref: knut- Christine Webb IN CERTIFIED FUNDS CHERRY STREET IN cord owners of the prop- accepted for 30 days Avenue, Suite 100 plied. Sealed bids must PUBLIC NOTICE son, brenda IMPOR- City Recorder TO THE TRUSTEE AT GRANTSVILLE CITY, erty as of the recording from the publication of Salt Lake City, Utah be received at the Dis- The Grantsville City TANT NOTICE TO In compliance with the THE TIME OF SALE, UTAH, AS EXTENDED of the Notice of Default this notice. 84106 trict Office by 5 p.m. on Council will hold a work PROPERTY OWNER Americans with Disability WITH THE BALANCE WESTERLY; THENCE is/are: Brenda K Knutson (Published in the Tran- (801) 467-5800 April 8, 2014 and will be meeting at 6:00 p.m. on YOU ARE IN DEFAULT Act, Grantsville City will DUE BY NOON THE NORTH 89 15' WEST and Douglas Scott Knut- script Bulletin March 27 (Published in the Tran- opened April 8, 2014. Wednesday, April 2, UNDER A DEED OF accommodate reason- FOLLOWING BUSI- 91.05 FEET ALONG son. & April 1, 2014) script Bulletin March 25, All bids must be submit- 2014 at 429 East Main TRUST, DATED August able requests to assist NESS DAY, AT THE SAID CENTERLINE, James H. Woodall, April 1 & 8, 2014) ted on a “Bid Submittal Street, Grantsville, UT 26, 1999 UNLESS YOU persons with disabilities OFFICE OF THE TRUS- THENCE SOUTH TRUSTEE 10808 River NOTICE OF PRO- Form” obtained from the 84029. The agenda is as TAKE ACTION TO PRO- PUBLIC NOTICE to participate in meet- TEE), At the tooele 478.42 FEET, THENCE Front Parkway, Suite POSED TUITION IN- District office. The Dis- follows: TECT YOUR PROP- REQUEST FOR ings. Requests for assis- county courthouse 74 EAST 91.05 FEET TO 175 South Jordan Ut CREASE trict reserves the right to WORK MEETING ERTY, IT MAY BE PRICING tance may be made by South 100 East Tooele, THE POINT OF BEGIN- 84095 (801)254-9450 The Tooele Applied refuse any and all bids. AGENDA: SOLD AT A PUBLIC On behalf of The State calling City Hall (435) Utah all right, title and in- NING. SUBJECT TO A James H. Woodall Sig- Technology College is To obtain a form and in- 1. Discussion of tentative SALE. IF YOU NEED of Utah and Utah State 884-3411 at least 3 days terest conveyed to and RIGHT OF WAY DE- nature/By Dated: proposing to increase spect the vehicles you budget. AN EXPLANATION OF University Tooele, Gra- in advance of a meeting. now held by it under said SCRIBED AS FOL- March 24, 2014 the base tuition rate by may contact the District 2. Adjourn. THE NATURE OF THE moll Construction (Published in the Tran- Deed of Trust in the LOWS: BEGINNING AT DLPP-437248 $0.0 to $0.10 per sched- office at 1535 Sunset Rd PUBLIC NOTICE: PROCEEDING (CM/GC) is requesting script Bulletin April 1, property situated in said THE NORTHWEST (Published in the April 1, uled hour, which would in Lake Point, UT or call The Grantsville City AGAINST YOU, YOU pricing for the USU 2014) County and State de- CORNER OF BLOCK 8 & 15, 2014) be a 0% to 2.9% in- (801) 250-3879 from 7 Council will hold its regu- SHOULD CONTACT A Tooele Science and scribed as: Lot 310, carr 62, GRANTSVILLE'S crease over the current am to 3:00 pm. lar meeting at 7:00 p.m. LAWYER. On May 06, Technology Building to fork subdivision plat SOUTHWEST ADDI- tuition. This will raise (Published in the Tran- on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, at 4:30pm, James be located at 345 Tooele Public Notices three, according to the TION; AND RUNNING Public Notices the current hourly tuition script Bulletin April 1 & 3, 2014 at 429 East Main H. Woodall, as duly ap- Blvd. Plans and specifi- Trustees official plat thereof, as THENCE WEST 1320 Water User rate from $1.75 per hour 2014) Street, Grantsville, UT pointed Trustee under cations will be available recorded in the office of FEET TO THE SEC- to $1.75 to $1.85 per 84029. The agenda is as and pursuant to Deed of after March 28, 2014 at Deadline for public no- the Tooele county re- TION LINE OF SEC- Deadline for public no- scheduled hour. If ap- PUBLIC NOTICE follows: Trust recorded August 2:00 PM for your review tices is 4 p.m. the day corder. The street ad- TION 36, TOWNSHIP 2 tices is 4 p.m. the day proved, this change Union Pacific Railroad CALL TO ORDER AND 31, 1999, as inst. No. and can be found at prior to publication. dress and other common SOUTH, RANGE 6 prior to publication. would become effective Company hereby pro- PLEDGE OF ALLE- 136758*, in book 0586, Public notices submit- designation, if any, of the WEST, SALT LAKE Public notices submit- July 1, 2014. vides notice of the pro- GIANCE page 0482-0488, of Offi- ding or in their office at ted past the deadline real property described BASE AND MERIDIAN; ted past the deadline All concerned students posed construction of 60 ROLL CALL cial Records in the office 175 W. 1100 N. NSL will not be accepted. above is purported to be: THENCE NORTH 22.75 will not be accepted. and citizens are invited foot monopole communi- AGENDA: of the County Recorder 84054. The following is a UPAXLP 902 N 1250 E Tooele Ut FEET TO THE SOUTH UPAXLP to public hearings on the cations tower. This site 1. Public Hearing: of Tooele County, State summary of the work we 84074-9203 Estimated LINE OF THE DIDER- proposed increase to be location is Milepost a. Proposed rezoning for NOTICE OF TRUS- of Utah executed by are currently requesting Total Debt as of April 29, ICKSON PROPERTY; held at the Tooele Ap- 746.37 Union Pacific Terry & Sandy Stapley at TEE'S SALE Brenda K Knutson and Public Notices pricing for: Site excava- 2014 is $168,330.68. THENCE EAST 1320 plied Technology Col- Railroad, Tooele County, 661 W. Cherry Street on APN: 12-075-0-0310 Douglas Scott Knutson, tion and clearing, site The undersigned Trus- FEET TO THE EAST Miscellaneous lege, 88 South Tooele Tooele, UT. The Federal ten (10) acres of land to TRA: Trust No. Wife And Husband, As utilities, site electrical, tee disclaims any liability LINE OF CHERRY Blvd, Tooele, Utah on Communications Com- go from the R-1-21 zone 1386343-40 Ref: tiernan, Joint Tenants WILL Deadline for public no- structural concrete, steel for any incorrectness of STREET; THENCE Monday, April 7, 2014 mission (FCC) Antenna (residential half acre timothy IMPORTANT SELL AT PUBLIC AUC- tices is 4 p.m. the day and rebar. A non-man- the street address and SOUTH 22.75 FEET TO from 12:00 noon to 1:00 Structure Registration minimum size lot) to the NOTICE TO PROP- TION TO HIGHEST BID- prior to publication. datory pre-bid meeting is other common designa- THE POINT BEGIN- p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. Form 854 filing number A-10 zone (Agricultural – ERTY OWNER YOU DER, PAYABLE IN Public notices submit- scheduled for April 3, tion, if any, shown NING. EXCEPTING to 6:00 p.m. is A0895897. No lighting 10 acre minimum size ARE IN DEFAULT UN- LAWFUL MONEY OF ted past the deadline 2014 at 1:00 PM, all in- herein. Said sale will be THEREFROM, THAT (Published in the Tran- is anticipated. lot) for the purpose of DER A DEED OF THE UNITED STATES will not be accepted. terested parties are in- made, but without cove- PORTION THEREOF, script Bulletin March 27 The application may be erecting greenhouses for TRUST, DATED June AT THE TIME OF SALE, UPAXLP vited to attend. The last nant or warranty, ex- INCLUDED IN CHERRY & April 1, 2014) reviewed by going to an Aquaponics garden- 26, 2007 UNLESS YOU (SUCCESSFUL BID- day for questions on site press or implied, regard- STREET. *loan modifica- ing use. TAKE ACTION TO PRO- DERS MUST TENDER Notice of Availability of NOTICE TO CREDI- work is April 7,2014 at ing title, possession, tion agreement recorded tions and entering the b. Proposed minor sub- TECT YOUR PROP- A DEPOSIT OF $20,000 a Programmatic Envi- TORS 12:00 PM with bids due condition, or encum- on 06/06/2011 doc# Form 854 File Number. division for Ryan Bannis- ERTY, IT MAY BE IN CERTIFIED FUNDS ronmental Assessment Estate of Betty Gean on April 8,2014 at 2:00 brances, including fees, 357004. The street ad- Environmental concerns ter dividing 10.1 acres of SOLD AT A PUBLIC TO THE TRUSTEE AT (PEA) for the U.S. Palmer, Deceased PM. The last day for charges and expenses dress and other common may be addressed by fil- land from one (1) lot into SALE. IF YOU NEED THE TIME OF SALE, Army Materiel Com- James R. Morison, questions on the struc- of the Trustee and of the designation, if any, of the ing a Request for Envi- four (4) lots at 496 E. AN EXPLANATION OF WITH THE BALANCE mand's Building whose address is 1257 ture is April 25,2014 at trusts created by said real property described ronmental Review online Durfee Street in an RR-1 THE NATURE OF THE DUE BY NOON THE Demolition Program North Paulos Boulevard, 12:00 PM with bids due Deed of Trust, to pay the above is purported to be: at zone. PROCEEDING FOLLOWING BUSI- AMC announces the Tooele, Utah 84074, has on April 29,2014 at 2:00 remaining principle sums 609 West Cherry Street ronmentalrequest or by 2. Summary Action AGAINST YOU, YOU NESS DAY, AT THE availability of a PEA and been appointed Trustee PM. All questions and of the note(s) secured by Grantsville Ut 84029 mailing a request to: Items. SHOULD CONTACT A OFFICE OF THE TRUS- draft Finding of No Sig- of the Betty Palmer Liv- bids are to be directed to said Deed of Trust. The Estimated Total Debt as FCC Requests for Envi- a. Approval of Minutes LAWYER. On April 29, TEE), At the tooele nificant Impact (FNSI) for ing Trust of the Gary Hansen at Gramoll current beneficiary of the of May 06, 2014 is ronmental Review, Attn: b. Approval of Bills 2014, at 4:30pm, James county courthouse 74 the proposed demolish above-entitled trust es- Construction. He can be Trust Deed as of the $252,233.03. The under- Ramon Williams, 445 c. Personnel Matters H. Woodall, as duly ap- South 100 East Tooele, of unused and unneeded tate. Creditors of the es- r e a c h e d a t date of this notice is: signed Trustee disclaims 12th Street SW, Wash- 3. Consideration of re- pointed Trustee under Utah all right, title and in- facilities at AMC installa- tate are hereby notified 801-949-2304 (M) Everbank and the re- any liability for any incor- ington, DC 20554. zoning ten (10) acres for and pursuant to Deed of terest conveyed to and tions nationwide, as re- to: (1) deliver or mail 801-295-2341 (O) cord owners of the prop- rectness of the street ad- (Published in the Tran- Terry & Sandy Stapley at Trust recorded July 18, now held by it under said quired by the National their written claims to the 801-295-2356 (F) or at erty as of the recording dress and other common script Bulletin April 1, 661 W. Cherry 2007, as inst. No. Deed of Trust in the Environmental Policy Act Trustee at the address [email protected]. of the Notice of Default designation, if any, 2014) Street to go from an 289184, in book xx, property situated in said (NEPA). The proposed above; or (2) deliver or (Published in the Tran- is/are:. Tiernan, Timothy. shown herein. Said sale R-1-21 zone to an A-10 page xx, of Official Re- County and State de- action is not expected to mail their written claims script Bulletin March 25, BECOME A SUB- James H. Woodall, will be made, but without zone. cords in the office of the scribed as: BEGINNING have any significant en- to the Trustee's attorney April 1, 8 & 15, 2014) SCRIBER. 882-0050 TRUSTEE 10808 River covenant or warranty, 4. Consideration of a mi- County Recorder of AT A POINT WHICH IS vironmental effects. of record, Troy T. Wil- Front Parkway, Suite express or implied, re- nor subdivision for Ryan Tooele County, State of SOUTH 88 45' EAST Therefore, preparation of son, at the following ad- 175 South Jordan Ut garding title, possession, Bannister to divide one Utah executed by Timo- 914.80 FEET MEAS- an environmental impact dress: 1555 East Strat- 84095 (801)254- 9450 condition, or encum- (1) lot into four thy R Tiernan, and De- URED ALONG AN OLD statement is not re- ford Avenue, Suite 100, James H. Woodall Sig- brances, including fees, (4) lots at 496 E. Durfee bra F Tiernan, Husband FENCE LINE AND quired. The PEA and Salt Lake City, Utah nature/By Dated: charges and expenses Street. And Wife As Joint Ten- NORTH 480.35 FEET draft FNSI are available 84106, or otherwise pre- March 12, 2014 of the Trustee and of the 5. Consideration to ap- ants WILL SELL AT FROM THE SOUTH- for your review electroni- sent their claims as re- DLPP-436928 trusts created by said prove the Statewide Util- PUBLIC AUCTION TO WEST CORNER OF cally at http://www. quired by Utah law within (Published in the Tran- Deed of Trust, to pay the ity License Agreement. HIGHEST BIDDER, SECTION 36, TOWN- three months after the script Bulletin March 25, remaining principle sums 6. Matters for Review. PAYABLE IN LAWFUL SHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE environmental.html. date of the first publica- April 1 & 8, 2014) of the note(s) secured by a. Letter from the Tooele MONEY OF THE 6 WEST, SALT LAKE Comments on the PEA tion of this notice or be said Deed of Trust. The County Health Depart- UNITED STATES AT BASE AND MERIDIAN; and draft FNSI can be forever barred. current beneficiary of the ment. THE TIME OF SALE, AND EXTENDING submitted to USARMY. Date of first publication: Trust Deed as of the 7. Mayor and Council (SUCCESSFUL BID- THENCE NORTH March 25, 2014. date of this notice is: Lnv Reports. DERS MUST TENDER 477.23 FEET TO THE c-environmental@mail. Troy T. Wilson Corporation and the re- 8. Adjourn. A DEPOSIT OF $20,000 CENTERLINE OF mil. Comments will be 1555 East Stratford cord owners of the prop- Christine Webb IN CERTIFIED FUNDS CHERRY STREET IN accepted for 30 days Avenue, Suite 100 erty as of the recording City Recorder TO THE TRUSTEE AT GRANTSVILLE CITY, from the publication of Salt Lake City, Utah of the Notice of Default In compliance with the THE TIME OF SALE, UTAH, AS EXTENDED this notice. 84106 is/are: Brenda K Knutson Americans with Disability WITH THE BALANCE WESTERLY; THENCE (Published in the Tran- (801) 467-5800 and Douglas Scott Knut- Act, Grantsville City will DUE BY NOON THE NORTH 89 15' WEST script Bulletin March 27 (Published in the Tran- son. accommodate reason- FOLLOWING BUSI- 91.05 FEET ALONG & April 1, 2014) script Bulletin March 25, James H. Woodall, able requests to assist NESS DAY, AT THE SAID CENTERLINE, April 1 & 8, 2014) TRUSTEE 10808 River persons withDid disabilities OFFICE OF THE TRUS- YouTHENCE SOUTH Know? Front Parkway, Suite to participate in meet- TEE), At the tooele 478.42 FEET, THENCE 175 South Jordan Ut ings. Requests for assis- county courthouse 74 EAST 91.05 FEET TO Behind your Transcript-Bulletin84095 (801)254-9450 is a FULL SERVICE tance may be made by South 100 East Tooele, THE POINT OF BEGIN- James H. Woodall Sig- calling City Hall (435) Utah all right, title and in- NING. SUBJECT TO A nature/By Dated: 884-3411 at least 3 days terest conveyed to and RIGHT OF WAY DE- March 24, 2014 in advance of a meeting. now held by it under said SCRIBED AS FOL- Printing, Design,DLPP-437248 and Distribution Service! (Published in the Tran- Deed of Trust in the LOWS: BEGINNING AT (Published in the April 1, script Bulletin April 1, property situated in said THE NORTHWEST 8 & 15, 2014) 2014) County and State de- CORNER OF BLOCK scribed as: Lot 310, carr 62, GRANTSVILLE'S fork subdivision plat SOUTHWEST ADDI- three, according to the TION; ANDBanners RUNNING Books official plat thereof, as THENCE WEST 1320 recorded in the office of FEET TO THE SEC- the Tooele county re- TION LINE OF SEC- corder. The street ad- TION 36, TOWNSHIP 2 dress and other common Stationary Posters SOUTH, RANGE 6 designation, if any, of the WEST, SALT LAKE real property described BASE AND MERIDIAN; above is purported to be: THENCE NORTH 22.75 902 N 1250 E Tooele Ut FEET TOYard THE SOUTH Signs Magazines 84074-9203 Estimated LINE OF THE DIDER- Total Debt as of April 29, ICKSON PROPERTY; 2014 is $168,330.68. THENCE EAST 1320 The undersigned Trus- FEET TO THE EAST tee disclaims any liability LINE Mailers OF CHERRY Custom Magnets for any incorrectness of STREET; THENCE the street address and SOUTH 22.75 FEET TO other common designa- THE POINT BEGIN- tion, if any, shown NING. Newsletters EXCEPTING Copy Services herein. Said sale will be THEREFROM, THAT made, but without cove- PORTION THEREOF, nant or warranty, ex- INCLUDED IN CHERRY press or implied, regard- STREET. *loan modifica- ing title, possession, tion agreement recorded condition, or encum- Let us helpon 06/06/2011 you get doc# the word out! From family newsletters to market- brances, including fees, 357004. The street ad- charges and expenses dress and other common of the Trustee and of the designation, if any, of the trusts created by said widereal business property described promotions, we can do it all! Contact us today! Deed of Trust, to pay the above is purported to be: remaining principle sums 609 West Cherry Street of the note(s) secured by Grantsville Ut 84029 said Deed of Trust. The Estimated Total Debt as current beneficiary of the of May 06, 2014 is Trust Deed58 as ofN. the Main Street$252,233.03. The • under-Tooele date of this notice is: signed Trustee disclaims Everbank and8 to the 6 re-- Mon-Thur • 8 to 5any - Fri liability • Closedfor any incor- Sat & Sun (435) cord owners of the prop- rectness of the street ad- 882-0050 erty as of the recording dress and other common of the Notice of Default designation, if any, is/are:. Tiernan, Timothy. shown herein. Said sale James H. Woodall, will be made, but without TRUSTEE 10808 River covenant or warranty, Front Parkway, Suite TOOELEexpress or implied, re- 175 South Jordan Ut garding title, possession, 84095 (801)254- 9450 RANSCRIPT condition, orT encum- James H. Woodall Sig- brances, including fees, nature/By Dated: charges and expenses March 12, 2014 of the Trustee and of the DLPP-436928 trusts createdULLETIN by said (Published in the Tran- DeedB of Trust, to pay the script Bulletin March 25, remaining principle sums April 1 & 8, 2014) of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The current beneficiary of the Trust Deed as of the date of this notice is: Lnv Corporation and the re- cord owners of the prop- erty as of the recording of the Notice of Default is/are: Brenda K Knutson and Douglas Scott Knut- son. James H. Woodall, TRUSTEE 10808 River Front Parkway, Suite 175 South Jordan Ut 84095 (801)254-9450 James H. Woodall Sig- nature/By Dated: March 24, 2014 DLPP-437248 (Published in the April 1, 8 & 15, 2014) B8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN TUESDAY April 1, 2014

Mural continued from page B1 a couple of marks left on my shoes,” Callister said. Peacock, who had never been in the weight room before and hasn’t been in there since, felt the same way about the chal- lenges of the project. “The mural was really big, and the whole time I felt like I was really short,” she said. “Ryan was always giving me the taller ladder.” To create the mural titled, “Roadrunner Strong,” the pair projected the original artwork up on the wall, tracing it by pen- cil and completing the project with paint they mixed them- selves. “I think the mural is extremely well done and the students are to be commended for leaving such a legacy to our weight room,” said Foulon. Dellos said he thought the hardest part for the students was the mural’s title. The teach- ers had to bring out the tallest ladder they had for the students to reach that high. Despite the challenges along the way, the students at TJHS are enjoying the new addition to the weight room. “They think it’s pretty cool,” Dellos said. After seeing such a success- ful outcome from this project, Chapple says he would really like to see the art work continue. He envisions students’ art work showcased on the walls of the school gymnasium, featuring roadrunner athletes playing a variety of sports. This project not only provided Peacock with some great paint- ing experience, she also gained confidence in her artistic abili- ties. “I know this will look good on applications because it’s something really big,” Peacock COURTESY OF RICHARD VALDEZ said. “My mom always said I Ryan Callister and Myah Peacock spent almost two months painting this mural at Tooele Junior High School. was pretty good at art. I thought, ‘What if I became famous for world he embraces every day. grade honors science class win to enter a video contest geared video experience was invaluable ning the competition, the class this?’ Now that I’m older it’s Along with being a talented a national video contest spon- at explaining science concepts to their success. She also credit- was awarded 25 iPad minis, more of a reality. I think I will artist, Callister loves creating, sored by CK-12 and the Get Real using real world applications. ed Peacock’s family background which will become part of the enter some things into an art producing and directing videos Competition. The class quickly got behind in broadcasting and the ideas school’s property to be used in contest or an art show.” — videos he creates for his own Deanne Hamilton, the eighth the idea and worked together to she added to the video produc- Hamilton’s classroom. Hamilton For Callister, this project was YouTube channels. Callister grade honors science class come up with three experiments tion. looks forward to working with just another step into the artist used this love to help his eighth teacher, encouraged her class they could perform and had “Ryan and Myah are incred- the new technology in her class- scene writers that came up with ible kids,” said Hamilton. “They room and allowing her students how they would demonstrate really did a great job and both a different approach to learn- the concepts. brought the background and ing. She said she can see her Again, Callister and Peacock knowledge that we needed.” classes using the iPads every stepped up to the challenge and The science video highlighted day. Learning and practicing helped lead their class to anoth- three experiments focusing on their vocabulary words is one er success story. In December, diffusion and showcases the application Hamilton is plan- the class was notified that their unique personalities of the ning on using, but cautions that video submission had been class. The class also started she needs to remember to utilize selected as the national winner. a Facebook page and Twitter the iPads’ mobility. The class completed all their account to accompany their The honors science class has work for the video in one week’s video submission. patiently waited the arrival of time, using their class time to “When we made it I was really their iPads and cannot wait to write the scenes and perform nervous to see if we would win get their hands on their win- the experiments. Peacock was because this was a national nings. chosen to be one of the video’s thing and there would be lots of “We are still waiting for the main actors, while Callister entries. Then I thought it would iPads,” said Callister. “It’s kind of directed and edited the video. be cool if we would be in third sad because, while we did all the In all, Callister said he spent 20- or second place, and then we got work to win the video contest, 30 hours of editing video to pro- first place. I was really surprised we’re going to get to play with duce the five-minute clip. and happy,” said Peacock. them for only a few weeks, then Hamilton said Calllister’s Along with the honor of win- school is going to be over.”

An easy coconut pudding for Easter

by J.M. Hirsch bleque and she had made them (TEMBLEQUE) ASSOCIATED PRESS just that morning. Start to finish: 2 hours 20 min- I was clueless at the time, but utes (20 minutes active) A few weeks ago I stumbled it turns out tembleque is a Puerto Servings: 6 upon a Hispanic bakery that Rican pudding made from coco- 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons changed my understanding of nut milk and cornstarch. And sugar, divided what a delicious pudding could when I got my container to the 1/2 cup cornstarch be. car and dug in, I realized I had Two 13 1/2-ounce cans coco- When I think pudding, I think been missing something incred- nut milk mostly of rice- or egg-based reci- ible. The pudding was sweet Zest of 1 medium orange pes made with milk. Rich and without being cloying, and thick Pinch salt sweet, creamy and smooth, these without being chewy. 1 teaspoon cinnamon puddings ooze comfort. But this I also realized that the clean, In a medium saucepan, whisk bakery offered something entire- yet rich flavors of this simple together 1/2 cup of the sugar ly different. pudding made it a perfect finish and the cornstarch. Whisk in the Stacked in one of the shop’s to an Easter dinner. So of course coconut milk, orange zest and refrigerated cases were small, I had to learn how to make it salt, then set over medium-high plastic deli containers of some- myself. I in no way pretend that heat. Whisk until simmering and thing that resembled white but- this is a traditional recipe. But it is thickened. Pour the pudding into ter sprinkled with cinnamon. inspired by what I tasted that day. a 9-by-9-inch baking dish or indi- It looked solid, far more dense And it is delicious. vidual ramekins. than the puddings I grew up In a small bowl or cup, mix with. When I asked, the baker O R A N G E - C I N N A M O N together the remaining 2 table- explained that they were tem- COCONUT PUDDING spoons of sugar with the cinna- mon. Sprinkle the mixture over the pudding, then cover and refrigerate until set and com- NEED CASH NOW? pletely chilled, about 2 hours. We Want to Make Nutrition information per You a Loan! serving: 340 calories; 250 calories from fat (74 percent of total calo- $ $ ries); 27 g fat (24 g saturated; 0 g 100- 3,000 TODAY! trans fats); 0 mg cholesterol; 29 g Noble Finance carbohydrate; 2 g fiber; 15 g sugar; 435-843-1255 3 g protein; 40 mg sodium.

Isn’t it time you led a Spry life? Look for it every month. TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN