THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Tuesday, February 8,1994 Vol XXVIII, Number 10 1 LJBRARYMISERY Curriculum changes under consideration by GAYLE BERKOWITZ quite focused,” Miaoulis said.Top- Daily Editorial Board ics include aerodynamics, sky- The Studenflaculty Educa- scraper design, and how engineers tionalPolicy Committee has unani- use various materials, a course mously passed a proposal to revise taught by Academic Vice Presi- the math and science portion of the dent Melvin Bernstein. distribution requirement for Lib- It is hoped that through this eralArts and Jackson (LAM) stu- program “alliances will be built dents, by providing an option to with the College of Liberal Arts,” take engineering courses in lieu of Miaoulis explained. For example, a math or science course. he will be teaching a course called Currently, liberal arts students “Life in moving fluids,” which, it are required to take two courses in is expected, will appeal to biology each of five subject areas, includ- students. The hands-on, experi- ing mathematics and natural sci- mental nature of the course com- ences. Under the new policy; which bines math and science principles must be put to a full LAM faculty in the study of animals and the vote before it is instituted, students natural environment. would be able to choose from a Similarly, a partnership be- variety of novice engineering tween the engineering school and courses to replace up to one math the child study department was and one science course. proposed Aspiring teachers would The purpose of the proposed be able to take an engineering revision is to “increase flexibility course along with a child study I Onlv one month into the semester. and Tufts students are alreadv UI) to their eveballs in work. in fulfilling requirements, and to seminar focusing on how to sim- create a greater link between the plify esoteric information and in- Colleges of Engineering and Lib- tegrate it into an element9 cur- Senate resolution calls for delay exal Arts,” said Adam Perlman, riculum. member of the Student-Faculty If the proposal passes, more Educational Policy Committee. courses are expected to be devel- of reinvestment in South Africa Ioannis Miaoulis, theAssociate oped before the fall, 1994 semes- by JOHN O’KEEFE posed reinvestment in South Af- America” and went on to suggest Dean of Engineering, explained ter. Currently, there are twenty Dailv Editorial Board rica. that “Tufts University’s actions that since liberal arts students gen- courses available which would Discussion of a resolution re- Citing the fact that South Af- will affect the actions of other erally lack the math and science fulfill the technology option. garding university reinvestment rica is currently still under the institutions which at present stand backgrounds necessary to take According to Education Policy in SouthAfrica, plans for a Senate control of a minority white gov- undecided [and] are key in influ- most engineering courses, and Committee Co-Chair Ronald Complaint Day, and selection of ernment and that a fair and free encing the actions of the Ameri- since these courses do not fulfill Salter, “The main idea behind this representatives to a search com- election.has yet to take place in can business district.” any of their requirements, liberal option is to support a closer link- mittee for a new African Ameri- that country,the senators proposed This week‘s meeting was in- arts students have been discour- age between the school of liberal can Center director topped the to delay any reinvestment until tended as a preliminary question aged from exploring this area of arts and the school of engineer- agenda at Sunday night’s Tufts such a democratic election occurs and answer session regarding the study in the past. ing.” Community Union Senate meet- and the black majority realizes resolution and did not involve any The proposal would not weaken Salter stressed the benefit of ing. political authority. debate on the substance of the the current requirement, Miaoulis the “strong interdisciplinary com- After an hour and a half closed The resolution claims that “un- issue. stresses, but would enhance stu- ponents” of the current technol- session which featured a guest less majority rule is established in Several senators asked ques- dents’ options, allowing them to ogy courses and added that he speaker and workshop on group South Africa, the money divested tions regarding the background broaden the scope of their educa- feels these “hands-on, laboratory dynamics, the Senate went into its by Tufts will not benefit the Black behindTufts’ divestment in 1987 tion. oriented courses” will be attrac- regular open forum at 7:30 p.m. majority,” and that investmentnow and the current plans of the uni- Last summer, a new pool of tive to liberal arts students. The primary subject of discussion would “reflect support of the op- versity in terms of reinvestment. courses designed for beginner en- Committee co-chair Lynne was a resolution, proposed by se- pressive white government.” ‘SeniorSenatorMichelle Farquhar gineers was developed. Having no Pepall added that she hopes this nior Senator Henri Ofori-Atta and The resolution goes on to state asked for an explanation of the prerequisites,these courses would option will “encourage liberal arts freshman Senators Emily Adler that “Tufts University and other changes which have occurred and bemoreaccessible to students with studentsto use engineering courses and Ivan Retzignac, which calls universities define and set the limited math and science ability. for the university to delay its pro- moral and ethical standards of see SENATE, page 6 “In many cases, the courses are see TECHNOLOGY, page 10 Police arrest suspect Faculty considers01 candidates for for murder of officer degrees, changes in course titles BOSTON (AP)-- A 19-year- died about 20 minutes after the by CAROLINE SCHAEFER course titles and numbers. The approved seven new courses: CE old Boston man, who was wanted argument escalated into a shoot- Daily Editorial Board faculty unanimously accepted the 181 : Integrated Design and Con- on numerous weapons and assault ing. Outgoing Dean of the College seven new titles: CE 138/CHE struction; CE 182: Computer-In- charges when he allegedlykilled a An innocent plea was entered of Engineering Fredrick Nelson 138: Hazardous Waste Treatment tegrated Construction; EE 101: veteran police officer,was ordered on Simpson’sbehalf in Dorchester presided yesterday afternoon over Technology; CE 143: Site Introductions to Medical Optics held without bail Monday. District Court Monday morning. the engineeringfaculty meeting, a Remediation; CE 167: Environ- and Lasers; CE 81: Civil Engi- Dalton Simpson drove the Judge James W. Dolan ordered gatheringdevoted to voting on the mental Technology; CE 176: Pol- neering Design; CE 105 and CE wrong way down a narrow, one- Simpson held without bail on one motions of the Curriculum Com- lution Prevention Management; 106: FiniteElement Analysis; and way street Saturday and into an count of first-degree murder. mittee concerning the College of ES 50: Introduction to Biomedi- ES 88: CAD for Engineering. argument with an off-duty police Throughout the arraignment, Engineering courses, and the rec- cal Engineering; ES 151/CE 151: The third item put forth by the officer driving the other way, po- Simpson hid his head under the ommendation of candidates for Engineering Models -- Determin- Cumculum Committeeconcerned lice said. hood of a sweatshirt. His face was bachelor degrees. istic System; and ES 152/CE152/ honoring the completion of Officer Berisford Wayne marked with injuries suffered ap- The faculty voted in favor of EN 152: Applied Operations. Anderson, a 13-yearforceveteran, parently during three escape at- awarding degrees of Bachelor of The faculty next unanimously see FACULTY, page 10 tempts. Science to Joshua Merritt, for “Here’s a guy who was carry- Chemical Engineering; Erica CENTA to sponsor program today p.3 1 Inside ing a gun as a juvenile,” said Suf- Leigh Heffer, for Civil Engineer- The Center for Teaching and Advising (CENTA) will be sponsor- Viewpoints ...... folk County District Attorney ing; Kathleen Ann Rouleau, for ing a program today entitIed, ‘‘The Syllabus as a Teaching Tool,” A commentary on Political Correct- RalphC.MartinII. “We hadashot Electrical Engineering; and Kim- ness, one on America’s victim mental- accordingto CENTAco-directorSusan Carlisle.Dr. JamesWilkinson, at this kid when he was 15 or 16 berlyAnn Hickey, for Human Fac- director of the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at ity, and Naif Al-Mutawa. years old we didn’t do a good job tors. In addition, the faculty ap- Harvard University and Dr. Terry Aladjem, associate director of the then but we’ll do a good job now proved four candidates for Bach- center, will be speaking at the program. Features ...... P. 5 even though it’s way damn too elor of Science degrees in Me- Carlisle said that the Harvard center is one of the biggest and oldest A newly crowned king of wings, a late.” chanical Engineering: Christopher of its kind in the country, and “it will be interesting to hear what kind look inside the life of a Tufts tour guide. Kar Yung Cheong, Danny B. of advice its directors have.” The workshop will offer practical and Mikey Berg on being positive. RecordsshowthatinJune 1991, Haskell, Rumana Huq and Jong- advice on how to use a syllabus to help students learn more effec- Simpson was convicted on juve- Suh Park. tively. sports ...... p. 9 nile charges of illegal possession The Curriculum Committee The workshop will be held today from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Ice hockey wins two ECAC games ir of a firearm, said Carmen Fields, then presented seven recommen- Bendetson ConferenceRoom. It is open to all those who teach atTufts a row, women’s hoops also wins twc spokeswoman for the Suffolk dations to the faculty, the first of and to students as well. straight, and Marc’s sports dilemma. County district attorney’s office. which concerned the revision of page two THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesdav. Februarv 8.1994 THETUFTS DAw Letters to the Editor tion very smoothly. For that we would like Caroline C. Schaefer These projects will replace the energy effi- Editor-in-Chief ECO co-chairs set to thank them very much. ciency campaign we worked on last semes- Secondly, it is important that people ter which was very successful, but with Managing Editor: Marc Sheinkin the record straight realize that we will continue full force with which we cannot do much more. The rest is Associate Editors: Nadya Sbaiti, David Meyers To the Editor: our campaign against Tufts’ investment in up to B&G as far as physical replacement Editorial Page Editor: Michael J.W. Stickings After reading a recent article in The Hydro-Quebec. It may be implied from the of lights, etc. Our goal was to help raise -Production Managers: Michael B. Berg, Daily (Feb. 7, 1994), we noticed a couple article that we are shying away from politi- awareness on campus, and we feel we have Leah Schwartz, Ryan Otto of errors we wanted to clear up. ECO elects cal battles, and we do want to leave people done that. with that impression. We will be engaging NEWS two new co-chairs every semester. This Editor: Jessica Rosenthal semester the co-chairs are Ben Soule and in some activities other than the sheerly Ben Soule E97 4ssistant Editors: John OKeefe, Gayle Berkowitz Glenn Grossmann. Andrew Epstein and political ones involved with the campaign Glenn Grossmann A’96 Wire Editor: Ashley Burkart Gina Coplon, who did an exemplaryjob as against Hydro-Quebec, however, such as co-chairs last semester, are no longer co- the campus greening project and the VIEWPOINTS ECO Co-Chairs, Spring 1994 Editor: Rachel Levine chairs, but are still very active members of LORAX project mentioned in the article, ECO and have helped us make the transi- as well as preparing for Earth Day in April. FEATURES Editor: Jessica Ruzz Assistant Editor: Dan Tobin Packwood’s diaries off to ethics committee ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WASHINGTON(AP) -- A federaljudge On Jan. 24, Jackson ordered Packwood by Packwood. He also will supervise tests Editors: Madhu Unnikrishnan, Megan Brenn-White set in motion the transfer of Sen. Bob to obey the subpoena. The senator’s law- to determine whether the tapes and tran- Assistant Editor: Julie Eisenstein . Packwood’s diaries to the Senate Ethics yer, Jacob Stein, said he would appeal on scripts were altered. WEEKENDER Committee, but allowed 15 days for the grounds that the subpoena violated The committee last year informed the Editors: John McGuire, Christopher Stripinis senator to challenge the order. Packwood’s constitutional right to privacy court of the possible alteration, after inter- Production Manager: Elin Dugan U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield and his right against elf-incrimination. viewing the woman who transcribed the ’ SPORTS Jackson, in addition to the 15-day delay, The Jan. 24 order didn’t immediately diary tapes for Packwood. Editors: Doug Katz, John Tomase, ordered Monday that Packwood receive at transfer the diaries to the committee. The committee said it believed Jeff Geller least 24 hours notice before the audio tapes Monday’s order outlined the procedures Packwood altered the materials because he Assistant Editor: Greg Youman ’ and transcripts are delivered to the commit- for the transfer, while allowing the 15-day expected they would be subpoenaed. PHOTOGRAPHY tee. delay so Packwood can tike his case to the “No subpoenaed material, nor any fo- Editor: Jennifer McCarthy The panel is investigatingallegations of U.S. Court of Appeals. rensic report ... shall be delivered to the Assistant Editors: Tara Kemohan, sexual misconduct, witness intimidationand Packwood could face criminal charges, committee by Mr. S tarr before the 15th day Matilde Pereda obstruction of the inquiry by the Oregon since the Justice Department is conducting following the filing of this order. ..” Jackson PRODUCTION Republican. acriminalprobeofthejob offers. Jackson’s wrote. Layout Editors: Mark Lerman, Stephanie Vogel The committee subpoenaed the diaries order did not mention a Justice Department’s He also ordered Starr to give Packwood Graphics Editor: Wenimo Poweigha last Oct. 20, after entries showed lobbyists subpoena for the diaries. at least 24 hours notice in writing before Classifieds Editors: Beth McGregor, and businessmen offered the senator’s wife Jackson established a procedure that any materials go to the committee. Katherine Winder a job while the Packwoods were going would transfer the diaries to the FBI for Copy Editors: Yael Belkind Karen Altschuller, Michael Anighi through a divorce. copying, and place the materials under su- The panel is investigating whether Packwood, who had provided diary en- pervision of a special master, former U.S. Packwoodmadeunwanted sexual advances Gizem Ozkulahci tries until the discovery, then cut off access Solicitor General and federal appellate to more than two dozen women, including Executive Business Director to materials from 1989 to the present. The judge Kenneth W. Starr. Senate employees;tried to intimidate some committee responded with the subpoena, Starr will have authority to delete attor- of his accusers to keep them quiet; and Business Manager: Phil Ayoub, JL McHenry saying the diaries were necessary to deter- ney-client, family and medical entries and obstructed the investigation by altering the Advertising Manager: Dean Gendron Office Manager: Lyle Mays mine whether the probe should be expanded. review materials placed in those categories diaries. Receivables Manager: Melissa Tapply

The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, published Harding, Kerrigan will practice together londay through Friday during the academic year and distrib- not risk standing on her injured right leg for ted free to the Tufts community. The Daily is entirely LILLEHAMMER,Norway (b)--They month has been linked to Harding’s ex- udent-run;therearenopaideditorialpositions.TheDailyis won’t be rooming together, but Tonya husband and former bodyguard. several hours in the cold. Officials in rinted at Charles River Publishing,Charlestown, MA. Harding and Nancy Kerrigan will have to. Kerrigan will definitely live in the vil- Lillehammer have said Kerrigan would not The Daily is located at the back entrance of Curtis Hall t Tufts University. Our phone number is (617) 627-3090. practice together at the Winter Olympics. lage. Officials have said she and Harding be able to leave the ceremony early. usiness hours are 9:OO a.m. - 6:OO pm., Monday through Following a long-held policy of having will not be roommates or even next-door Harding is scheduled to arrive in Hamar riday, and 1 :00 p.m. - 6:OO p.m. on Sunday. neighbors. on Feb. 15, although she could come earlier The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by the teammates train together, the International iitorial board. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Skating Union assigned the two Americans By late Monday, no decision had been if a hearing is called. idividual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in to the same Practice Group 1 at the Hamar made on whether a U.S. Olympic Commit- USOC officials expect the skater to stay yeement with, the policies andeditorialsofTheTufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, Olympic Amphitheatre. tee panel would meet to decide if Harding in the village, which is for team members moons andgraphicsdoes not necessarilyreflecttheopinion Kerrigan’scoach, Evy Scotvold,termed should remain on the team. Officials said only. FThe Tufts Daily editorial board. that arrangement “just absurd.” there was virtually no chance a hearing That means Harding’s new boyfriend, Letters to the Editor Policy The Tufts Daily welcomes letters from the readers. The There aren’t many definites in the would be conducted before Saturday’sopen- David Miller, would have to find his own tterspageis an open forum forcampus issues andcomments Harding-Kerrigan drama because it’s still ing ceremonies. accommodations, mut the Daily’s coverage. unfolding, but this much is certain: But the panel, called the Games Admin- The 26-year-old carpenter is said to be Letters must include the writer’s name and a phone umber where the writer can be reached. All letters must be Harding will still be an Olympian when istration Board, can act quickly, and it has Harding’s new companion since she split :rified with the writer before they can be published. the Winter Games open this weekend. until Feb. 21 to change the skating lineup. with former husband Jeff Gillooly last The deadline for letters fo be considered for publication Thirteen-year-old alternateMichelle Kwan month. Gillooly has pleaded guilty to rack- I the following day‘s issue is 400 p.m. Whether she marches in the opening pa- Due to space limitations, letters should be no longer than rade or stays on the U.S. team was not so would take Harding’s place if the national eteering and has implicated Harding in the 50 words. Any submissions over this length may be edited clear Monday. champion were bumped. Kerrigan case. y the Daily to be consistentwith the limit Letters should be xompanied by no more than eight signatures. Once she gets here -- perhaps accompa- Miller told Newsday that Harding was The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity. nied by her new boyfriend -- there’s a room Scotvold said Kerrigan hoped to leave trying to stay focused on skating despite her ublication of letters is not guurunteed,~.butsubject to the Boston on Wednesday, getting to Hamar in iscretion of the editors. reserved for her in the Olympic Village in legal problems. Letters should be typed or printed from an IBM or IBM- Hamar, Norway, site of the figure skating plenty of time to march in the opening npatible computer in letter-quality or near-letterquality competition. ceremonies, as she did in ‘92. “She’s competitive,but knows she’s also Lode. Letters written on Macintosh computers should be nught in on disk - files should be saved in “text-only” There’s a room there, too, for Kerrigan, Although Kerrigan has said she wants to agood sport,”Miller said. “She wants to be irmat, and disks should be, brought in with a copy of the whose assault inside a Detroit arena last be in the opening, Scotvold said she could part of the Olvmuic team.” tter. Disks can be picked up in the Daily business office the illowing day. Letters should address the editor and not a particular Bosnian problem perplexing Europeans idividual. While letters can be critical of an individual’s %ions, they should not attack someone’s personality traits. SARAJEVO,Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) West relations. The Muslim-led governmentcharges that The Daily will not accept anonymous letters or pen -- Sarajevo buried its dead from a market In Sarajevo, silent mourners buried more the deadly shell w& Serbian, but fosnian msexcept in extreme circumstances if the Executive oard determines that there is a clear agd present danger to massacre with stony silence Monday. Half than 40 friends and relatives killed Satur- Serb commanders and leaders deny that. ie author. The Daily will not accept letters regarding the a continent away, European diplomats were day. Funerals were rushed for feak of sniper President Clinton said Monday he sup- werage of other publications, unless their coverage itself fire. Some took place under the gloomy 1s become a newsworthy issue that has appeared in the once again able to muster only moral out- portedgiving theU.N. commander in former dy. The Daily will accept letters of thanks, if space rage over the Bosnian war. . cover of dusk. Even the few tears shed Yugoslavia the authority to call for punitive :rmits, but will not run letters whose sole purpose is to European Union foreign ministers meet- seemed to fall more in anger than in sorrow. air strikes against Bosnia’s Serbs if civil- ivertise an event. When writers have group affiliations or hold titles or ing in Brussels called again for an end to the “I just want to say to Americathat if you ians are targeted again in Sarajevo. xitions related to the topic of their letter, the Daily will note Serb siege of Sarajevo, where a single shell saw this, then please open your eyes and iatfollowingtheletter.Thisistoprovideadditionalinfonna- killed 68 people Saturday. In 22 months,of open them well,” Muhamed Srnja, 48, told U.N. Secretary-General Boutros on and is not intended to detract from the letter. Classifieds Information fighting, more than 200,000 people have an Associated Press correspondent. Boutros-Ghali asked NATO on Sunday to All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, died. Smja leaned on a homemade crutch, give him exactly that option. repaid with cash or check. All classifiedsmust be submitted y 3 p.m. the day before publication. Classifiedsmay also be But the EU could not reach consensus nursing a sniper wound to his leg. He had ’ “I don’t think we should have any more mght at the Information Booth at the Campus Center. All Monday on France’s call to set a deadline come to mourn his sister-in-law,killed when empty threats,” Clinton said in Houston on lassifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by a for Bosnian Serbs to withdraw their more she went to market Saturday to trade ciga- Monday. neck. Classifieds may not be submitted over the phone. NoticesandLost&Foundsarefr~andrunonTuesdays than 500 heavy guns around Sarajevo or rettes for flour. The NATO allies Iast year blocked a ndThursdaysonly. Notices are limited to two per week per face Western bombing runs. The foreign similar U.S. appeal, partly out of concern rganization and run space permitting. Notices must be litten on Daily forms and submitted in person. Notices ministers opted instead to pass the respon- In evacuations Sunday and Monday, 37 U.N. peacekeepers might get caught in the mnot be used to sell merchandise or advertisemajorevents. sibility on to NATO. of the 200 wounded at the Sarajevo market cross-tire. The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to But the 16 NATO nations, set to meet and 42 people injured earlier were taken to (pographical errors or misprintings except the cost of the Army Isertion, which is fully refundable. We reserve the right to Wednesday, also received a tough new the U.S. hospital in Landstuhl, Ger- U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christo- :fuse to print any classifiedswhich contain obscenity, are of warning from Russia: Any NATO air strikes many, and to Italy. Family of some of the pher said he expected NATO to decide on n overtly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a on the Serbs -- Russia’s Slavic brethren -- victims came with them on the flights out of “an overall strategy” at their meeting erson or group. would have serious repercussionsfor East- Sarajevo. Wednesday in Brussels, Belgium. Tuesday, February 8,1994 THE TUFTS DAILY page three VIEWPOINTS False gods of PC Woe Is Me Syndrome in by David Bogen ligious power. If everyone were equal, no wars would be started, The United States of America since no country would want any- America is under siege. Freedom of speech thing it could not get without of- by Mahopela Peter sive sports car and an expensive the “Woe is me, I am really a and thought are being compro- fending someone else. “Political Mutharika restaurant with money collected victim” game. mised by thevery citizens theFirst Correctness Uber Alles,” is the from insurance policies on his par- Harding’s coaches now talk Amendment of the Constitution PC rally cry for the 1990’s. Americans are being affected ents’ lives. The other Menendez about Harding’shard life. Presum- protects. It is no longer safe to The PC Patrol would like to by a terrible illness. This illness brother admitted purchasing a ably this should excuseher behav- speak your mind within the bor- think that they can pressure people has wreaked havoc on America’s Rolex watch with his share of the ior. At best, Harding’s behavior is ders of the US. The thought police into theirbeliefs. If enoughpeople legaland political institutions.This money. unethical. However, we mustn’t are watching and their penalties make enough noise, write enough illness is one of the many reasons Never mind all that, as their be too critical of Harding as she is for breaking the law are severe letters, and sue the right people, the social fabric of America is legal “defense” was that they were really a victim. We mustn’t use and inflexible. they can usually get their way. becoming increasingly weaker. abused by their parents and they those dreaded words, “right” and Political correctness has finally Whatever happened to stand- This illness is what I shall refer to had no alternative but to kill them. “wrong.” Instead, we must remem- become an epidemic in America. ing behind something in which as the “Woe is me, I am a ‘victim,’ Never mind that the Menendez ber that Tonya was mistreated. What started as a reasonable po- you believe? “Well, they said it so I am not responsible for my brothers were grown men who Never mind that Tonya is a big kid litical movement with sound goals wasn’t PC,” is a statement com- actions” syndrome. could have moved out of their and she could have sought profes- and clear vision has grown beyond monly heard on college campuses The Woe Is Me syndrome mother and father’s house. They sional help to deal with her prob- the ability of people to control it. around the nation. So what. Just (WIM syndrome)is a self-induced could have acquired jobs and be- lems. Oh no, that’s not important. The rabid, hairy monster of politi- becauseit wasn’tPCdoesnot mean condition that causes one not to come self-supporting. For some strange “reason,” a sur- cal correctness (apologies to all that it was wrong. Stick to your accept responsibility for one’s Details, details. TheMenendez prising number of Americans are problems in life. One who has this brothers were tried by separate expressingsympathy for poor little “Hydro-Quebec is as dead as Teddy Roosevelt.” syndrome instead blames one’s juries and neither jury reached a Tonya. problems on others: an uncaring verdict. The judges involved de- The WIM syndrome also hin- those sensitive hairy monsters) guns. parent, acruel neighbor, or amean clared mistrials. Apparently, some ders ourpoliticalinstitutions. Each lurks around every corner and Because the.womyn,eco-nuts, boss. members of these juries believed year many Americans make de- people have become scared to call etc. did not agree with you does More and more Americans the “Woe is me, boo hoo hoo, poor mands on legislators to expand their parents for fear that the not make them right and you seem to be coming down with this me” defense, and as a result, two social programs. Many of these thought police are listening to ev- wrong. I have known plenty of illness. Even more alarming, many individuals were not held respon- people with WIM syndrome ery word they speak. women and environmentalfreaks Americans seem to be sympathetic sible for their actions. Incredibly, charge that government policies The goals and actions of the who were wrong. Nothing you to those who commit crimes or somejurors felt sympathy for these only benefit “the privileged” and early political correctness move- coulddoorsay wasgoingtochange engage in unethical behavior and two. that government should help them ment have decayed with the growth their minds. However,justbecause then shirk responsibility for their Anotherexampleofpublicsym- achieve economic equality with of the movement until only a small they are stubborn, loud, and ob- actions by claiming that they are pathy for those who have WIM “the privileged.” resemblance to the original move- noxious, these traits do not make the victims of some terrible injus- syndrome can be extrapolatedfrom These people also charge that ment remains today. Today’s PC them right. The motto for the 90s tice. the events surroundingthe assault they are the victims of economic movement seeks to control the should be: PC does not make right. A recent case where the WIM on skater Nancy Kerrigan. Tonya injustice. What many of these thoughts, speech, and actions of 1am tired of the PC movement. syndrome affected our legal sys- Harding, Kerrigan’s skating rival, Americans neglect to mention is every American and every non- I am tired of monitoring every tem was the recent trial of Eric and was asked if she knew who was that “the privileged” worked very American if possible, so that all word I speak. I am tired of care- Lyle Menendez. The Menendez involvedin theassaultonKerrigan. hard for many years to achieve a will be Politically Correct. fully considering my every action. brothers were charged with the Harding responded that she had state of economic prosperity.These Surely, there exists no higher I am tired of carefully considering murder of their parents. The duo no idea who could have perpe- “privileged” people weren’.t given goal on the planet than to make the consequencesof every word I Zonfessed that they conspired to trated this act. anything by the government; in- everyone Politically Correct, or write. My thoughts, actions, and cill their parents, concocted ali- Recently,Harding admittedthat stead, these “privileged” people so the PC police state. If everyone words are mine and the thought >is,and then carried out their plot. she was lying when she claimed reached their hands out and were PC, no crime would be com- police will not change them, no One of the Menendez brothers that she was unaware of the iden- grabbed that brass ring. mitted since everyone would have matter what. I want to share some idmitted to purchasing an expen- titiesofthoseinvolvedinthecrime. Furthermore, let me disabuse equal political, economic, and re- thoughts on some commonly held However, Harding has attempted these people suffering from WIM misconceptions dealing with be- Mahopela Peter Mutharika is a to shirk responsibility for having syndrome of the idea that there is David Bogen is a sophomore ma- senior majoring in Political Sci- kept knowledge about the critne PC, page 8 see WOE, page 8 joring in history. see ence. from the authorities, by playing The Self-Haters You see them all around you. They appear in all shapes, am proposing is to be able to differentiate between those Does this mean that all people who climb mountains in colors, and creed. They all hate themselves. What’s more, who want to be like someone else and those who want to Afghanistan are seif-haters? chances are that they’re trying to preach self-hatred to you, be someone else. Obviously, motive has a lot to do with this issue. As too. They want to start a new group on campus so that all This wishmay bemanifested in ways that do not destroy romantic as fighting in the Lithuanian war of liberation of us self-haterscan get together. Yes, such is their agenda. or go against the core of the person. For example, someone may sound, the reason why one decides to participate is a You see them all around you: the Chinese blonde, the may have a friend who studiestwo hours more than he does major indicator of where the self stands. In the play, it is African-Americanwith every night. Invariably,his friend does better than he does obvious that a confusion of identity coupled with a rigid Naif Al-Mutawa hair straighter than in all four classes and he wonders whether an extra hour or mother was responsible for the girl to want to fight in the mine, or, better yet, the two might help. Thus, he is using his friend as a model, but Lithuanian war. You would think that reading a book An ti-Septic Jewish Buddhist. Yes, he is extracting the power from himself. Now, if he had would suffice. my friend, these people brown hair and his friend was blonde, then dying his hair I am a firm believer that one can only find stability if exist and I have, if not known them, at least stared at them blonde instead of studying the extra hour would be no more one is at peace with oneself. This does not mean that the in a politically incorrect fashion. At extremes, we have than an expressionof self-hatred. More, it would be adirect peace is induced by substance use, nor does it mean that those of us who are off to plastic surgeons or going on wish of being someone else rather than being like someone someone else need be responsible for that peace. It needs crash diets. else. to come from inside, and since it comes from inside, it is What does it mean to be a self-hater?Don’t we actually There are positive and negative aspects associated with dependent on the very constituents of the person’s inner define ourselves and therefore love any selfwe come up all cultures. It is one thing to say I do not like “X’ about my being. These constituents are the very thoughts and ideas with? My answer is no. I believe that we are brought up in own culture and1 will try to change it, quite a separateissue with which one is brought up. such a way that our upbringing remains an integral part of to say I don’t like “X’ about my culture so I am going to be I have heard of people who go off to “look for them- our core self. The more we stray away from ourselves in part of another one. This is the difference between reform selves.” Well, if you’re missing a pair of underwear, that way, the more we react in self-hatred. and rebellion. chances are that you’ll find it in your own house. Maybe Some people, because of the abuse that has been a part Here, in the West, there has existed generation after that was a bad example. and parcel of their existence, have learned to identify the generation of self-haters. One generation will stand in the You cannot go outside yourself to find yourself. You’re abuser as part of the system from which they are trying to way of the next and there is no coherent bond that ties the only going to be more confused. break away. Thus, we may say that they are justified in two together. This is expressed on television as well as in I suppose my primary motivation in writing this piece breaking away. But, instead of being apologetic in this the movies. You hear about it in the Campus Center. I is that today we have our first generation of Arab self- piece, I wouldlike to pursue them for once. It’s all too easy should know. haters en masse. Never before has there existed a genera- to dismiss so-and-so for having lived a rough life. I know, tion so determined not to be like their parents in om because I’ve dismissed many aperson and excused him or You hear about generation gaps and how people are common existence. her on that behalf. But, until we give the signal that we intentionally trying to be different than their parents, as if I think that the break from tradition and culture that has understand but are not “buying” their excuses, these it were a dynamic that operated on its own. People seem to existed for centuries is self-hatred, nothing more and people will go on doing damage both to themselves and to be actively moving in directions other than those that their nothing else. It scares me to look around and see where the world at large. parents have taken. In fact, this theme has been constant in self-hatred has led others, and to think that the same If one looks onto another and says, “I like ‘such and the last play as well as the last movie I have seen. phenomena will happen to my own culture. such’ about ‘so-and-so’,”what one is actually saying is, “I In The Sisters Rosensweig a Jewish girl in London do not like ‘such and such‘ about myself.” Now although decides that she should go to Vilnius to fight against the This disease needs to be isolated and treated. For until this is natural, it gets a bit out of hand at extremes. It is the oppressive Soviets. And, in Six Degrees of Separation a we figure out what it is that causes self-hatred, it appears expression of this wish to be someone else that can be character declares that she is going to drop out of school that this epidemic threatens to extinguish any ideas we pathological and not the wish in and of itself. and climb mountains in Afghanistan. This type of thinking, may have in a hurry. If things get too old too quickly, they Iamnot tryingtocreateablackand whiteissuein which although portrayed as an extreme in these media, is not all dieout. Unfortunately,self-hatred, aslhave definedit, has all people who wish that they were like someone else are that foreign to us, now is it? How many of us know extended its reaches onto ideas as well. These tendencies bad people or that we need to feel sony for them. What I someone who has displayed similar kinds of thinking? need to be severed. , page four THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, February 8,1994 *HOWdo I Love: thee? Let me count the'wazp

Diamon'cl s may be forever, but they cost a semester's tuition. Flowers are a1 so nice, but they die after a week or so. So what can you get your friend, lover,'or favorite administrator for Valentine's Day? Send them a personalin the Dailg! The Tufts Daily wiU be printing a special color centerfold o€ personals on Monday, February 14

You can buy persona 1s un td3:OO pmon Friday, February 11 €or on1 y $2.00 each, 2 for $3.00 or 3 for45.00. (Such a deal!)

Give t Ite 9' 9 that keeps on, giving. .. and it's recyclabrle, top. Tuesday, February 8,1994 THE TUFTS DAILY page five FEATURES lesson from Wing Works new King of Wings by PHIL AY OUB buds can only describe this as delivers to Tufts University. TOO Daily Editorial Board heaven. Everyone has had Buffalo good for words, one taste is all Mr. Whistler Over the summer of ’93, Davis or Barbecue wings, but this Gour- that’s needed. Square lost a landmark. Cuckoo’s met style is unique to Wing Works Salads and side orders are also There is still hope. Learning is still taking place in the classroom. Nest restaurant moved to Malden and is deliciously different. on the menu. Four different salads Sometimes we are taught to think freshly; other times we are simply with an unprecedented choice of reminded of the lessons that we should never forget. The best kind of Oneof thegreat characteristics twelve dressings. Surprisingly,the learning comes when we least ex- of Wing Works is its consistency. mozzarella sticks are also top Michael B. Berg pect it. As any pleasant surprise, it There are so many different wings notch. They are not the usual tiny, strikes us more deeply, awakens out there and it seems like each heavily battered ones that most Stressed Desserts our sensesmore vividly,and leaves and vacated the unofficial throne place makes them different each places send you. They are lightly the greatest lasting impression. of Wing King of the Tufts area. time, sometimes too hot, some- battered to a light, golden brown. This past week, about one half-hour before class started, I was While Cuckoo’s Nest didn’t times too weak. Well, they seemed The tomato sauce is also surpris- enriched by Mr. Whistler. move far and still delivers to Tufts, to have solved that age-old wing- ingly tasty. One would not expect I was simply reading the newspaper and relaxing between classes. students have had to look no fur- problem. The wings and sauces a primarily wing place to be this I was scanning the front page full of the usual mishaps, plunders, and ther than familiar Davis Square to are good and they are consistently good at an Italian dish. general bummers. I was clearly off-guard. find areplacement that has proven that way. The one disappointing aspect I heard him before I saw him. He walked in whistling an unfamiliar to be, wingly speaking,better than They also offer “Wild Wings” of Wing Works is its $8.00 deliv- tune, most likely something off the top of his head. I tried not to look anything we’ve seen, or eaten. which is “a small order made with ery minimum. While they are up at him. I tried to stay focused on the headlines so as not to be forced Wing Works has a variety menu Inner Beauty Hot Sauce,featuring strictly take-out or delivery,some- into engaging in conversation with this obviously insane happy-go- that starts with wings, but goes THE WORLD’S HOTTESTPEP- times students get a craving for lucky lunatic. It was too late. He had me in his sights, target locked, much further. With a name like PERS!” Surely not for the faint of wings, but don’t feel like they’d he spoke. Wing Works, it is the wings that heart. want to order to achievea delivery “Anything good in the news today?’ he asked innocently enough. have to be good, and they are. The The orders of wings come in minimum as high as $8.00. “Of course not,” I answered half-heartedly, mostly just hoping to wings themselves are very large three sizes with eight wings each Wednesday is still wings day go back to burying my head in the mishmash of gang-violence, and meaty and you can get them for $3.95,16 for $6.95, and 24 for on The Hill as Wing Works also corrupt politicians, and foul weather. with sauces including a range of $10.45 (“over 3 lbs. of wings!”). offers two different Wednesday “They really don’t print much Good these days,” he said in his Buffalo (mild, medium, hot, and Sampler platters are also offered night specials. The first calls for a obnoxiously pleasant manner. suicide), Barbecue (Texas or to allow a taste of the different 14-piece order of wings, a large “It’s not what people want to read. They only want to read about Honey), Hawaiian Teriyaki, sauces. order of Twister Fries (a different, murder, and death, and disaster,” I offered. Golden Battered, and Gourmet. But, alas, Wing Works is more tastier french fry, spiced very “That always gets me. Who are They? People always talk about a The Buffalo wings are tasty. than just wings. They offer a vari- nicely), and two sodas for a cool certain Them that likes all this stuff. I just don’t buy that.” My interest The Medium style is hot enough, ety of sandwiches, including The $8.45 (a $10.75 value). The sec- picked up at this point. I remember having said something like that yet not too much for those with Original Buffalo Style Chicken ond choice is for a jumbo 24-piece before. Maybe this guy had a point. delicate palates. One should cer- Sandwich, their biggest selling order of wings for $8.45 (you save “Yeah,” I agreed, “There really isn’t enough good news in the tainly not be afraid of the Hot, as it sandwich. It is a substantial-sized $2.50 off the regular price). paper.” I actually looked through the entire front page section and is the closest thing to perfection sandwich for $3.89, with fresh, Locatedat201ElmSt.innearby couldn’t find one even slightly uplifting article. this side of baseball. boneless chicken with Blue Cheese Davis Square in Somerville and Good things do happen. I’m sure of that. There are plenty of us who The Texas Barbecue is also dressing. It has been selling as fast open and delivering daily from 11 wouldn’t mind hearing about a few of those things. I’m not saying let’s unique. The chefs are certainly not as the talented chefs can make a.m. to midnight, Wing Works of- start a newspaper printed with rose colored ink, but I am suggesting stingy with the sauce and that’s them. fers a healthier menu than most that it never hurts to spend some time being happy. what makes them so tasty. If you But for those who like the delivery places in the area. All It’s easy to get down on the world. Everywhere you look there are have a lot of napkins, which they chicken finger style as ogposed to their food is cooked with no cho- plenty of ripe misfortunes to choke on. It’s far too easy to bury your usually supply, then they are well on-the-bonewings, they offer vari- lesterol. They deliver quickly and head in all the muck. It takes courage to look into the face of gloom worth it. ous chicken finger dishes, the best reliably, certainly unlike Cuckoo’s and whistle a tune. The true gem of the wing sauces, of which is by far the Boneless Nest. though, is the Gourmet. Described BuffaloTenders.Truly tender, they This idiot, this dolt, this clearly too-happy-for-his-own-good in the menu as “a mild peppered are served with a side of blue Wing Works is the new King of individual not only knew something I had forgotten, he made apoint sauce sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and could very well be the Wings for Tufts University... Long of expressing it openly. cheese and Italian spices,” the taste best dish of any restaurant that live the Wing. I was ashamed to think I was ready to write about a little blurb of a news story on how this guy in Miami, in a fit ofjealous rage, gunned down his entire family. He believed his wife was being unfaithful and A talent for walking backwards so he killed his three children, wounded his wife, and then murdered himself. The punch line to this story is that it turns out that his wife Just one aspect of the exciting life of a Tufts tour guide wasn’t being unfaithful at all. Whoops. I now realize how easy it is. It’s far to easy to write about the by SCOTT THOMPSON back from the student-run tours up on the legend of Bowen Gate or troubles and the woes of the world. It’s much easier to sink than it is Contributing Writer has been encouraging. On more memorize the percentage of the to swim, especially for us non-floaters. I also now realize how Who’s that graceful beacon of than one occasion Tufts students Greek population. important it is for us not to let that happen. self-confidence walking back- have approached her or other tour Every tour has some similar We cannot ignore the problems that befall ourselves and our wards and dodging students and guides and told them that their components. There are typical neighbors. As importantly, we cannot let those problems be the sole potholes alike without evenflinch- particular tour was a positive in- questions from parents and stu- focus of our attention. ing? Chances are it’s a Tufts cam- fluence in their final decision to dents on every tour. The parents And when in doubt, whistle. pus tour guide. For many of us, a attend Tufts. tend to be concerned with the se- Take the tune up yourself. If you’re practicalIy tone-deaf like campus tour was our first personal Besides the satisfactionof help- curity of a “city” school, the size myself, do it anyway. encounter with the University. ing confused students through the of classes, and the social and Greek Whistle loudly. Unlike the volumes of unread col- taskof choosing acollege, another scenes, while the prospective stu- Find a partner and whistle until you both get light-headed, turn lege literature a high school senior benefit of being a tour guide is -- of dents often hide their heads in blue, and pass out. gets in the mail, the tour provides course -- learning to walk back- embarrassment since their parents When you regain consciousness,whistle some more. It’s probably the prospective students with a wards whiletalkingtoalargegroup just asked a question about the a lot safer than drinking heavily. The idea is to just let go of the evil true physical picture of the cam- of people. Although reluctant to showering conditions. Although thoughts that clog up the brain. Lighten the cognitive load alittle. Be pus. It also grants an opportunity admit the true secrets of walking normally subdued, the parents can a bumbling fool. to ask a current student questions backwards and talking at the same occaisonally become very persis- This is the lesson I 1earnedfromMr.Whistler. It’s something I have and to obtain his or her opinion on time, one tour guide did concede tent in their questioning or overly always known. It is something I’ve always believed in my heart. The the University. that at first it is quite difficult. In excited about the tour experience. world certainly has its good points, and probably just as many good The campus tour is often one of fact, before her first tour, one tour More than once, parents have even ones as bad. It never hurts to stop and smell the roses. Every rose has the most influential parts of the guide who wished toremain anony- brought video cameras on tours or its thorns and blah, blah, blah. Every rose has its own beautiful shade college selection process. The mous, walked theentire tour course taken pictures while asking their of red, a spirit-raising smell, and a big green stem that reminds us of tours consist of adiscussion of the backwards at 10 p.m. the night mortified son or daughter to please the warmth of spring. history of Tufts and its buildings, before to practice her technique. pose by every landmark on cam- I never got a chance to thank Mr. Whistler. He never pressed the statistical information about the For anyone interested in learn- pus. issue. Hejust went about his whistling and his way. As our conversa- students and student life, and sto- ing to walk backwards, the Tufts tion died down, he scuffled off, his tune fading into the general ries about traditions such as the Office of Undergraduate Admis- The campus student tours pro- background white noise. painting of the cannon and the sions is presently reviewing appli- vide both a valuable service to He didn’t need thanking, most likely because what he had done Naked Quad Run. In fact, it would cations for volunteer tour guides. prospective students and also a was just a natural part of his personality. He didn’t try to wake me up. be educationalfor any present stu- Being a tour guide requires about fun opportunity for present stu- He never intended to turn me around that afternoon. But he did just dent to take one of these tours and one hour a week in tours, along dents to get involved in attracting that. learn the true story behind Jumbo, with occasional special events. No more students to Tufts. Any people I wish that I could have thanked him then. At least now I can thank the exact number of Memorial expertise in the history of Tufts is interested in giving tours should him in this way. Thank you for the good word, Mr. Whistler, and I Steps (51), or where any and all of required, or knowledge of its leg- contact the Office of Undergradu- promise to keep passing it along. the academic departments are lo- ends or traditions. There is a train- ate Admissions for more informa- I cated. ing process consistingof one train- tion or an application.All applica- We all have hills to climb in our lives. Sometimes we just want to Shirin Zamani, one of the three ing session, two training tours and tions for this present semester are kick the living daylights out of the little engine that could. Very often student coordinators,says thefeed- even amanual to help guidesbrush due by February 11.

Remember that you can now reach the Daily on e-mail through Pearl at [email protected]. Feel free to drop us a line if you have a comment or question, but no Letters to the Editor yet! Soon... page six THE TUFTS DAILY . Tuesday, February 8,1994 Senators want to allow students to voice complaints right to their faces

American Center Anita Howard. cation of buffer funding for Torn 3 I VE3VHT II Howard, who has served as Ticket II’s spring production ofA DkYEii5 TOPICS TUE director of the center for the past ChorusLine and a list of officially ZSTUESD STUESDAYTt six years; will be leaving her post de-recognized student organiza- DAYTOPI U. S. Foreign PoZ~CY.:ToplcsTU~ after spring break. The two sena- tions on campus. According to ZSTUESD STUESDAYTf tors elected to the committee to DAYTOPI Brinker, the allocated funding for ZSTUESD I)O WeHave Moral YTOPICSTUE find Howard’s replacement are these organizations will be elimi- STUESDAYT4 Henri Ofori-Atta and Jason DAY TOPI TOPICSTUE nated and the monies from their Hinton. frozen accountsplaced into acapi; ZSTUESD. Obligations Towards ~TUESDAYT,, DAY TOPI YTOPICSTUE The meeting also included re- tal funds account. CSTUESD, STUESDAYTt DAY TOPI! Others? YTOPICSTUE ESTUESDi h.- .~ &TUESDAY TI %DAYTOPICSI ut= 3TUESDAY TOPlCSTUf MAIN MOON CHINESE FOOD CSTUESDAYTOPICS- - DAY TOPICSTUESDAY Ti DAYTOPICS TUESDA’ John HI Jenke ZS TUESDAY TOPICS TU1 CSTUESDAYTOPICSl DAYTOPlCSTUESDAYTc DAYTOPICSTUESDA’ Assistant Director --s TUESDAYTOP~CSTUI 15%’offwith this coupon CS TUESDAY TOP ICS 1 Tufts Intern ati o n a I DAY TO p Ics TUESDAY T~ aDAYToPICSTUESDA’Relations Program PSTUESDAYTOPICSTUI CSTUESDAYTOPlCSl DAYTOPICSTUESDAYTc Delivery or eat-in ;DAYTOPICSTUESDA’ ‘STUESDAYTOPICSTUI Call: 623-4383 CSTUESDAYTOPICS1 February 8 ~AYTOPICSTUESDAYTI ‘iDAYTOPICSTUESDA’ ZSTUESDAYTOPICS UI or 623-4385 CSTUESDAYTOPlCS! 6:30p.m. DAYTOPICSTUESDA T~ ;DAY TOPICSTUESDA \ -STUESDAYTOPlCSTUI Mon.-”hurs. :11 :OOam-ll:OOpn- CSTUESDAY TOPICS ? h.letcal!Hall b~yTOPICS TUESDAYT ;DAY TOPICSTUESDA XTUESDAYTOPICSTUI Fri. 4% Sat.: 11:00am-l1:30pm CSTUESDAYTOPlCSl Lounge DAYTOPlCSTUESDAYTi Sunday 3:OOpm-ll:OOpm ;DAY TOPICSTUESDA’ ZS TUESDAYTOPICSTUI CSTUESDAYTOPlCSl sponsored by DAYTOPlCSTUESDAYTi iDAYTOPlCSTUESDA’ ‘STUESDAYTOPICSTUI 261 Elm Street. Somerville. MA 02144 CSTUESDAY TOPICS1 Housing & Residential Life ~AYTOP~CSTUESDAYT, iDAYTOPICSTUESDA’fieTm mrdnrv-rnnmCP’I and Bridge/MetcaIf :S TUESDAY TOPICS TU1 Thank you for choosing

to help brighten futures. mmma movie focusing on the issues surrounding

HIVlAl DSm m

Thanisto your generosity during the 1992 campaign, your local United ~iyand its family of more . than 200 agencies are continuing‘to provide many vital sewices to our community including: affordable, quality day care for low-income parents food and shelter for the homeless Tuesday, prograins to prevent domestic violence home health care for the elderly February 8,1994 On behalf of the more than 1.7 million local people being helped annually. thank you for supporting the United Way of Massachusetts Bay. 7:30 - 1O:OO PA4 -sr. Olin 012

United my of Massachusetts Bay 2 Liberty Square, Boston, MA 02109 (617) 482-8370 Tuesday, February 8,1994 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT * A schizophrenic1. 1 a movie a Czech artist’s work is at the ICA A by EVELYN CIAMPA see the video played continuously Ellen Gallagher’s pieces indi- ‘I ’22 do Anything ’ just isn ’t a good film Contributing Writer downstairs from the reception. cate a stronger 6ent toward the Czech artist Milena Dopitova In accordance with Dopitova’s abstract. Much more difficult to by LEE ANNE RAMSEY There is a lot of amusing dialogue eased into the Boston art scene highly personal use of herself as interpret than the other pieces in Contributing Writer in these scenes, but it is wasted on last week with her show, entitled model for the themes she means to the exhibit, her paintings are haunt- James L. Brooks’ new movie, the confusing plot lines. Milena Dopitova in Context. So convey, Boston artist Denise ing collections of eyes and lips,

I’ll Do Anything, suffers from a With this film, NickNolte con- excited was the ICA’s director Marika contributes her highly ar- I supposedly belonging to severe split personality disorder. tinues his trend away from his Milena Kalinovska about the ad- resting video projection on a “tarbabies,” on a background of a typical hard-drinking, gruffy- vent of this unique artist from simple black steel beam, entitled second grader’s penmanship pa- Review voiced, cop-with-an attituderoles. Prague that she made a series of “The Battle.” The video depicts a per. This dismal procession is pe- $F(Although Nolte is sympathetic,his studio visits around Boston and nude couple (one of which is the riodically interrupted by the smil- performance is a little over-the- came up with six local-based artist) in the heat of argument, ing face of an archetypal blond, I I top. whittni Wright, whoportrays women artists with works that completewith shoving and the tem- blue-eyed girl. Gallagher’s other On the one hand, it is a father/ the six year old Jeannie, is cute, neatly offset those of Dopitova. porary disappearance of the lover works mirror this theme of the daughter comedy. On the other but gets more than a little annoy- The collectionon exhibition in the who receives the blow. The effect oppression of two opposites, hand, it is a sarcastic tribute to the ing with her mugging for the audi- main gallery floor explores issues of the narrow surface for the pro- Aryan and African. filmindustry.Either way, it is defi- ence, camera, and the other actors. of femininity from seven differ- jection is ataboo attraction to gaze A fittingcounterpart to theques- nitely not a good movie. Joely Richardson flashesher baby ent, yet related, points of view. even longer, similar to an irresist- tions of self, which Dopitova and The film begins ten years ago, blues a few times and flings her Taken as a whole, the collec- ible peephole. Watching the couple her Boston colleagues pose, is fur- when a young couple, (NickNolte hair around so much that she looks tion is a jarring, highly personal fight leaves the viewer as emo- nished by the self-affirmingworks

and Tracey Ullman), decide to get like a freshman trying desperately statement about women’s identity tionally exhausted as if he or she of German photographer Thomas 1 married. Nolte portrays Matt to get into a fraternity party. in society and the problems that were in the thick of it. Struth. His images of urban archi- Hobbs, an actor who is utterly The only saving grace in this women frequently have when In blunt defiance of body im- tecture,revdingportraitsof fami- devoted to his job. Beth, his bride movie is the interesting relation- struggling to fit into these pack- age expectations,Marnie Cardoza lies, and scenes of museum galler- to be, claims that his devotion to ship that develops between Kavner aged roles. Dopitova makes the has photographed isolated portions ies filled with throngs of specta- acting is the thing she loves most and Brooks. Brooks is at ease with biggest statement, physically -as of her aging, nude body. Shot tors, say more about the activity of about him. A few months later we his pathetic, downwardly mobile well as figuratively, against sys- through the distorted, wide-angle looking than anything else. see Ullman recanting, as the pres- producer looking for acceptance. tematic sexism with her oversized vantage point of a pinhole camera, Struth’s professed purpose of sures of motherhood get to her. Kavneris honest with herdown-to piece “Four Masks.” the shots she has taken of her eld- inspiring a “sense of social The scene then jumps to the earth portrayal of the typical single- In this piece, Dopitova lines up erly body are duplicated for a space... and unconscious relation- present time, with adivorcedMatt mother who’s trying to make ends four oversized black-and-white warped, double vision effect. The ships”shinesthroughin hisphoto- and Beth arguing about Nolte’s meet while racing against her bio- photographs of her face behind a end result is a sometimesshocking graphs. From the candid shot of responsibility to take his daughter, logical clock. The only truly funny large square assembly of concrete depersonalization of the female the elderly couple in Edinburgh, Jeannie, for a visit. When Matt moments in this proposed comedy bricks, which symbolized a swim- body, and it makes no excuses for Scotland,to the structuredbut still flies down to Georgia to pick come from Kavner’s honest analy- ming pool. For each photo, its imperfections. revealing portrait of an extended Jeannie up, he discovers that Beth sis of all the other characters in Dopitova’s face sports a different Annette Lemieux takes a dif- family from Tokyo, the viewer is on her way to prison, and that this game. accessory: asurgical mask, a black ferent, more historical route in feels ,like he or she is leafing the visit with his daughter will be The biggest disappointment of stocking, a cosmetic mask, and a “Coincidence.” On exhibit is an through an international family longer than he originally thought. I’ll Do Anything is that it has a lot sequined mask. Dopitova explains old photograph of herself as an , where seemingly trivial This sets up the scenario for Nolte ofpotential. Acommentoverheard these four facial coverings as sym- exuberant toddler, a tall shampoo- details of positioning and expres- to play a hapless father with no while exiting the theater summed bols of the professional, criminal, induced cowlick standing erect on sion betray larger themes. idea how to care for his six-year- it up best, “...boil it all down, and and social roles that women are her head like a question mark, next Throughout his show, Struth old daughter. you have some very interesting too often forced to play. to a photo of Marcel Duchamp, strives to illustrate the “uncertain If the movie had continued with characters with nothing interest- The stack of bricks located un- old and wizened with his hair spaces” that lie between our pub- this story line, it might have had a ing to do up there.” derneath each image can be pulled up into two equally tall lic and private lives. His varied chance. From here, however, the equated with diving boards off of question marks. The light-hearted collection, along with the intema- movie changes gears to focus on a Had the makers of this movie which each woman plunges into juxtaposition of the girl child and tional collaboration of the works budding romance between the concentrated on the satire of the the struggle for advancement.For the legendary Cubist transcends of Dopitova and her Bostonian down and out actor Nolte, and film industry and L.A., or if the a helpful explanation of some of all restrictions of gender, age, and colleagues, make a visit to the ICA scriptreader Cathy Breslow, (Joely romantic relationships had been Dopitova’swork and background, status in the spirit of Dadaism. well worth the trip. Richardson). There is also a sub- more fully explored, or if the fa- plot between Breslow’s producer/ theddaughter relationship had boss (Albert Brooks), and Julie been developed, this film could ‘Laid’ is a powerful must-buy Kavner, his market research ana- have been successful.This movie by DAN ZINNER United States in 1992. A mainstay century,” is the opening line to lyst. was originally supposed to be a Contributing Writer in many clubs in England and “Low, Low, Low.” Booth is inde- Once the audience gets em- “musical dramedy.” Test audiences A slow sliding guitar starts to known in small circles in the US, scribable, and revels in the fact broiled in the lives of these people, reacted negatively to the musical lift you up into another world when James’ American success came that many do not understand his the movie switches its focus back numbers, and the film was re- a smooth smoldering voice brings about in late 1993 with the release lyrics. “I just hope that people get to Matt and his daughter when she worked into a comedy. This last t i I of Laid, the title track from the useful images from them,” Booth is discovered for her acting talent. minutealteration shows. Although album. James is now touring to says. And we do. The film suddenly becomes acom- this might be amildly entertaining further promote the album, and The last song on the LP, mentary on child acting, and how film, don’t waste your time going will be appearing at Avalon in “Skindiving,” rightfully ends the hard it is for an actor or actress to to see it. It’ll probably be in the Boston on Feb. 10. tape with angelic singing and swift make himself or herself cry be- video stores in five or six weeks you back down into a land full of One of the aspects that sets swinging tempo. You want to dive lievably in front of the cameras. anyway. outpouring emotions. A regres- James apart from other new “alter- in. She stops singing, and you do sion begins, your inner self starts native” bands is the group’s diver- dive in. It continues on forever to listen. “I’m so alone tonight, my sity ofsongsand instruments.Their and you never return to the sur- bed feels larger than when I was sound is missing asynthesized feel face; the’ makes you go smdl. Lost in memories, lost in all that is commonly found in other deeper and deeper. Your body is the sheets and old pillows.” The bands. The sound feels grandiose, limp. Floating in the clear water --* Ivan Ned put out intense voice cries out for more. as though it were a soundtrack to a you feel released from the stresses has Everything gets louder, a drum huge movie. It fills the room and of the world and finally at peace beats and beats. Memories flood keeps you listening. with yourself. The music fades your head. “What I need is you,” The music, without the words, and so do your images. All you hecries. But it is over. It will never can best be described as motiva- have left is the memory of the bethesameagain.Thedrumslowly tional. Just like Donna Summer harmony you have just felt. The fades away and the voice softly gets YOU psyched to go clubbing, tape is over, as is your dream world. wanes. Afterthis cathartic release, James gets you motivated, just to Laid is that powerful. It’s a a bond has been formed with the do something. Booth is quoted as definite must buy. If, however, you voice of lead singer of saying that Seven, their previous are looking for older LPs by the James. I album, was “depressed, whereas , you may find yourself a little James, a band from Manches- Laid is sad.” Whatever the case, surprised.Their last album, Seven, ter, England, has recently released the lyrics tell many stories, and will not transport you, but it may he’s a teacher. But to the their newest album, Laid, and it with the music they will transport motivate you. Even further back has been receiving much praise you into another dimension. It’s you may find James, GoldMother, from the music industry. that feeling that sets James apart. (alivealbum),

Many people had not heard of While the lyrics are audibly Shutter, and Strip Mine. A double -1 k& he’s reached, he’s a hero. James before this newest release, lucid, their meaning may bewilder albumof‘tjammingtypestuff’will but their last album, Seven, sold you: “I’m amember of an ape-like hopefully be out sometime next BE A TEACHER. BE A HERO. over a million copies here in the race of the asshole end of the 20th year. CaU I-800-45-TEACH. Do you like reading the Dai/fl Of course you do! Do you always find yourself catching our mistakes? Of course you do! So help us out and catch them before they go to press by being a Copy Editor. The hours are short, the work is easy, and everyone down here loves copy editors. Call the Daiiytoday at 627-3090 and find out about being the last line of defense. page eight THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, February 8,1994 - We must realize that Political Correctness has no meaning in the real world PC women. If it offends a woman that Should I be afraid if I see them make the entire state of Alaska Finally, all this PC-ness means continued from page 3 the word “man” appears in her walkingdownthestreet?IsitLatin into an oil field where we dump I nothing in the real world. I wish ing PC. name - for any reason, I don’t for “carries chip on shoulda” or our Styrofoam and other trash. I luck to someone who insists on First ofall, women are women. care what - please do not call Greek for “has too much free- can hear all you Grape Nuts ad- being called a“womyn”in thereal Women are not womyn, The Bet- yourself a womyn. time?”Ifyou worry somuchabout dicts getting out your pens now, world. While she’s standing in line ter Half, or gyno-americans. Just What is a womyn? Something the spelling ofyour particular sex, getting ready to write angry let- , collecting unemployment it will as men are men, women are out of a science-fiction film? perhaps you ought to consider a ters, so that you can slip on your mean a heck of a lot that her sex is hobby. . Tevas and socks and strGll over to not spelled with “man” in it. Do women think that men are the mailbox. I am more than happy To everyone who wants to save thrilled about being called men? to laugh at whatever you have got .the environment: Good luck try- Isn’t there something better out to say. ing to convince the boss that the there to call ourselves? After all, Here is a news flash for ECO: company ought not to proceed with “men” isn’t all that thrilling of a You need a new issue. Hydro-Que- its plans for expansion because word, it has just kind of come bec is as dead as Teddy Roosevelt. 4,500 college kids in Massachu- down through the ages. The Trustees decided the thing setts may not like it. That’s not I-.- What if the word “beer” meant months ago. You are beating an going to get you too far. ECO gufts anivers “men?” That would be something. already dead horse into the ground. members may just find themselves That way men could walk around Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in line behind the “womyn.” calling themselves “beers” in deep particularly fond of global warm- It is time for Americans to manly voices right before they head ing or extinct species either. How- gather their wits and break the out to hunt down some little, doe- ever, instead of having endless stranglehold that PC-ism has on * eyed, white-tailed deer. rallies and symposiums about the the United States. It is time to Secondly,I am sick and tired of ‘problem, perhaps that energy return to people speaking their hearing about the environment. would be better spent doing some- minds and acting their hearts. I for Burn all the rain forests down. I thing about the problem, rather one refuse to bow my head to the will personallymark every sequoia than rehashing the issue everyday false gods of Political Correct- in California for logging. Let’s like the eggs in Carmichael. ness.

‘Woe Is Me’ syndrome- afflicting Americans WOE problems, while being excused for who tries to succeed will do so. I continued from page 3 their actions in return, it will be also am aware of the pedestrian some magical key to success. harder for America to enter the remark that will inevitablybe made There is no magic potion that will 21st century in relatively good by some of you reading this trea- ensure success.There are no short- shape. Unless we stop providing tise. That remark is, “Hey, you are cuts either. Nor is there a secret people with ready-made excuses not mentioning every single pos- success password. The “secret” is for their illegal and unethical be- sible factor that affects whether or simply hard work. .havior, our Republic will not thrive. not one achieves success.” If one wishes to pay the price, Yes, I do agree that some indi- Of course I am not. If I wrote a one can still succeed in this nation. viduals must confront a greater book I could certainly address Many of the people now burden- number of obstacles than others in some of these factors in greater ing institutions with requests for order to achieve success. How- detail. However, what I am doing economic equality with “theprivi- ever, I didn’t hear anyone say that now is making alargerpoint about leged” are former high school tru- life was supposed to be fair. If one the victim mentality that is cur-

ants. thinks life is fair, one is most cer- ~ ~gly-soefevalent in America. It might not be entirely accu- tainly mistaken. rate to describe these people as However, certain people act as I submit that if, and only if, victims. After all, they did have if it is impossible for one to suc- people begin to accept respcasi- some opportunity to achieve a ceed, if one isn’t born with.the bility for their actions will America measure of success. Maybe, just proper family pedigree. This view- fortify the “responsiblepopulace.” maybe, when one reaps what one point, obviously, doesn’t repre- However, if the trend of people has sown, one should look inward sent reality. What this viewpoint blaming others for their problems rather than outward. often represents is a self-fulfilling continues, America will one day, If those with WIM syndrome prophecy. as one person puts it, become a continue to blame others for their Look, I know that not everyone “nation of whiners and crybabies.”

Ldership Conference Education Func, Inc. &w Tuesday, February 8,1994 THE TUFTS DAILY page nine SPORTS Ice hockey nets two straight league wins by JOHN HACKER ’I’he third period was scoreless Senior Staff Writer until junior Geoff Keniry scored It was a big weekend for the what would end up be the game- Tufts icemen and they knew it. winning goal fromsophomoresJim With a 4-3-1 league record, the Cahill and Doug Gentile. New Hampshire still was dead, and an- other Pens goal made the score 4- 3 in favor of the Brown and Blue but that is as close as the Penmen would come. Senior goaltender brown and Blue headed into the Steve Tomasello closed the door weekend with twoEast Coast Ath- onthesurgingPenmenashesmoth- letic Conference games staring ered 22 of the Pens’ 25 shots. them in the face. By capturing However, the score was really both games and improving their not reflectiveof the game, as Tufts league record to 6-3-1, the Jum- outshot New Hampshire by an bos showed that they were for real overwhelming 47-25 count. and that a postseason bid was defi- Senior captain Jim McMahon nitely the goal for this season. said, “New Hampshire came out First on the slate for the Jum- flat. We really had a chance to bos were the Penmen of New blow them out, but we let them Hampshire College. Tufts, with back in and it became a nail-biter.” Jumbo is all smiles as the women hoopstem begin to roll. home-ice advantage and the Even so, Tufts still had a “W’ adrenaline running at full throttle, in their side of the ledger and a jumped out to a quick 2-0 lead league win to boot. With the Pens Women’s hoops wins two more after the first period. securely behind them, the Jumbos by GREGORY YOUMAN ’helve. members of the squad saw ping defense. Junior Marty Morrison opened travelled to Connecticutto square Daily Editorial Board playing time while ten broke into The second half did not start the scoring for the Jumbos when off against the Cardinals from After the 77-43 thrashing the the scoring column. out as friendly for the Brown and he connected at 9:32 with the as- Wesleyan College. Jumbos suffered at the hands of Ellie Strobel led the way with a Blue as their 19-pointlead was cut sists going to sophomores Marc Tufts againcome out flying and Williams College last Tuesday game high 24 points and 11 re- to five. But the team’s quick pass- Gouthro and Dave O’Reilly. Fresh- took a 3-0 lead over a sluggish bounds. Laurel Riechmann ing and never-say-dieattitude kept man Brad Taylor added the sec- Wesleyan squad. Keniry had two Women’s dumped in 18 while grabbing 12 the Jumbos in command. When ond goal with only seconds left in goals in the first, sandwiched boards and Kirsten Barkman con- the final buzzer sounded, the Jum- the period, with the Trainor broth- around a Celarec tally. Celarec’s Basketball tributed 12 with five steals. Also bos found themselves on the happy ers, Jack and Jim, getting credit goal was his second in as many adding to the scoring column was side of a 78-58 final score. for the assists. games... could it be that his sniper night, the Brown and Bluecontin- Liz Kehrberger with eight points Head coach Ed Leyden was In the second, however, New instincts have been released? ued their road trip with games at and ten rebounds. Michelle Breen thoroughly pleased with his troops’ Hampshire struck quickly, cutting The Jumbos went to the first Pine Manor and Smith. The re- and KaraMurphycontributed four performance. Tufts’ lead in half. Three minutes intermission with a comfortable sults this time were much more points each while Chantelle “Consideringthat we werecom- later the Jumbos were up to old lead, but like the New Hampshire favorable. Nobile, Amie Hansen, Joy Rich- ing off loses, I was concerned the tricks asjunior Brad Celarec made College game, Tufts could not put The Jumbos crushed the Pine mond, and Jen Batson each threw kids would panic when [Pine it a two-goal lead when he netted a away the pesky Cardinals. Manor Gators on Thursday night, in a deuce. Manor] brought the lead down to series of passes from Mike The twosquads swapped goals 78-58, and came back on Saturday The Jumbos were able to do five. But the kids methodically Lombard and Don Cohen. The in the second period. Junior Matt night to edge the Smith Pioneers something on Thursday night they worked the ball around, rediscov- Pens would make it interesting by Ryan tallied the eventual game 64-62. were unable to do in the past five ered the pass, and we rebuilt the scoring late in the second, making winner for the Jumbos, with an The Jumbos, losers of four out games: come out strong. The lead to 20,” he said. the score 3-2. The tension of the assist awarded to junior Eliot of their last five, were in need of an Brown and Blue erupted to a 19- The win helped to boost the game would continue into the third entire team effort and that is just point halftime lead led by their and final period of play. see HOCKEY, page 10 what they got against the Gators. quick up-tempo offense and trap- see HOOPS, page 10 1 The ultimate sports dilemma We want our teams to win. We go to the games, we But then what about the big picture? The 1993 season easiest to predict which players will perform well when watch them on TV, we get excited when they do well and was a lost cause, so why not root for future success? An they turn pro. By and large, the NBA’s number one pick are morbid when they lose. In fact, it’s one of the world’s easier schedule would certainly help the franchise’s recov- plays better than the number ten pick -- but this is not true simplest concepts: we want our favorite teams to succeed, ery, not to mention the fact that a loss would have moved for baseball or hockey, where the drafts are usually period. their draft position up two spots from 15 to 13 --potentially crapshoots. I have always maintained that sports teams are like high enough to get that one player that might not have My second encounter with the dilemma is occurring children,in that we love slipped down to 15. right now. The 76ers are currently tenth in the Eastern Marc Sheinkin and nurture them even What would you have done in my position? Conference, and within three games of eighth place going when they are bad. We The result was a thrilling Eagles win on the last play of into yesterday’s games. I know that the Sixers aren’t going Wide to the /eft supporttheminthelean overtime, sending them to 8-8 and giving them (and me) a anywhere, and even if they do make the playoffs they’ll years and beam with sense of pride about an otherwise forgettable season. probably be swept in the first round by the Knicks, Bulls, glowing pride when they do well. But above all, we never, But their reward forthis effort was -- that’s right, Monty or Hawks. ever want them to fail. -- a trip back to Candlestick Park in 1994 to play the 49ers If I were rooting for the big picture, then I’d root for the But sometimes, inexplicably, we do. Like if our favor- again! Great. Just what they needed: a near-automatic loss Sixers to finish out of the playoffs and enter the draft ite National Basketball Assocication team is ninth in the to the perennial San Francisco powerhouse. Had they lost, lottery, where they have the potential to get a great draft conference and can enter the draft lottery if they stay out the Eagles would have travelled to Anaheim instead and pick and possibly another player to help them rebuild. of the playoffs. Or if our favorite NationalFootballLeague played the traditionally weak Rams. However, I’d love to see the Sixers get back into the team is in third place and can buy an easier schedule the This dilemma exists because the NFL must reward playoffs even if they are going to get spanked. What do I following season by finishing fourth. ineptitude. If you aie a really bad team, don’t worry, do? So here is the ultimate sports dilemma: is it ever okay because the league will give you an easy schedule and a I know that I am not alone. I couldn’t help but notice to root for your favorite team to lose? nice draft choice with which to rebuild -- and it’s hard to Patriots fans this fall as they began to wonder if it was I have personally come to grips with this dilemma twice argue with this logic. The NFL is the only league that worth it to win. Midway through the season, the Pats were in the past few months. The first incident occurred on Jan. determines its schedule based on the finishes from the battling the Bengals for worst record, and some fans 3, 1994, in San Francisco. The Philadelphia Eagles were previous year, only because teams play less games than started to cheer New England defeats. tied with the 49ers in the last game of the season as there are teams. Of course, they blew it bywinning all thosegamesat the regulation time wound down. The Eagles were out of the end, but everyone felt great about the team, right? Fans playoffs, and for all intents and purposes, the game was With this system in mind, it’s hard to believe that so realized that the club was on its way, and many free agents meaningless. Still, I was rooting for them to win. many franchises stay great or stay lousy for so long. For will have to give the Patriots a serious look this spring as However, as the contest moved into overtime, I was instance,how did the49ers stay good for so long within this they shop their services. New England might not be very suddenly faced with the terrible choice. If the Eagles had setup; and likewise, how did the Bucs and Cardinals stay good right now, but they will be soon, and their perfor- won, they would have finished 8-8 and had the pride of so bad? mance in the season’slast six weeks is a major reason why. going SO0 despite a terrible rash of injuries. But if they Usually, weak teams get better more quickly. For in- As fans, we must all make the conscious decision had lost, they would have finished in fourth place in the stance, the Giants appeared to be artificially better than whether or not to root for our teams. We must want what’s division (not third), and therefore by NFL rules been they really were this year because they were coming off a best for our franchises, yet we cringe to see them lose granted an easier schedule in 1994 and a higher draft fifth-placefinish in 1992. They used their easy scheduleto games. And while the NFL and NBA are surely running position. Which was better? win 11 games, and while they are a fairly good team, they things the best way they know how, and while I certainly Pride in one’s team is essential. I knew that I would be will certainly not win 11 games in 1994 with a second- can’t think of a better way, we must all recognizethat these much happier returning to school and being able to say that place schedule. systems have created the ultimate sports dilemma where my favorite football team pulled a SO0 record out of an The only other league that has this problem is the NBA, one previously did not exist. abysmal season, and besides, I certainly couldn’t root because it has the draft lottery. The basketball college draft aminst mv favorite team, could I? is always the best of the four sports, meaning that it’s And where have you gone, Steve Jeltz? page ten THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, February 8,1994


---:-Women take two straight games on the road Feinleib unaware of meeting HOOPS accolades for the first-year play- FACULTY must have an END designation.” continued from page 9 to get closer than five. continued from page 1 “We tried all our different de- ers. In addition, “the two half coubses confidence of a team that had been fenses and we couldn’t rattle “The progress of the freshmen Chemical Engineering 101 as a will continue to be taken from mired in a difficult losing streak. them,” said Leyden. is now being seen in games rather nath elective credit. ,However, different departments.”Due to the “We were a very frustrated But with three minutes remain- than just in the practices. Teams jiscussion amongthe faculty arose discussion that ensued coupled team,” said Leyden. ‘We knew the ing, the momentum of the game used to be able to key on Ellie but 3f whether or not this recommen- with the lack of allotted meeting teams we were playing were very shifted. The Jumbos. caught the now other players, especially our jation was needed.The body then time, the faculty motioned to table good, worthy opponents, but we Pioneers with a Michelle Breen freshmen, have stepped up and motioned and voted to table the the item until theirApril meeting. also knew that we weren’t playing jump shot and took the lead for made acontribution.KaraMurphy item until their next meeting in On an endnote, Nelson an- well as a team. At last Wednesday’s good with two foul shots by Ellie has played great at defensiveguard April. nounced that a minor in Engineer- practice we discussed side issues Strobel. The foul shots put a check, and Michelle Breen has been a The faculty then discussed two ing Science .will be reviewed by that were distracting us as a team. in the win column for the Brown gooddefensive guardand shooter.” new interdisciplinary minors: a the entire facdty of the College of The kids saw a side of me they and Blue with a final score of 64- Coach Leyden had high praise for Biotechnology Engineering mi- Liberal Arts at a later date. hadn’t seen before. The kids re- 62. junior Jen Batson who he said has nor, and a minor in Polymers and sponded to that like champions. Strobel once again led all scor- shown “upperclass poise and pa- Interfaces. After limited discus- After the College of Engineer- This was the first time we played ers with 23 points and seven re- tience.” sion, the body unanimously ing faculty meeting, Dean of the enthusiastic defense.” bounds. Laurel Riechmann added The Jumbos continue their road adopted the minors, the first of Graduate School Robert P. Guertin With the newfound confidence, eight as nine players broke into the swing with a game tonight against which, according to several fac- presided over a combined meet- the team traveled to Smith College scoring column. But the true story Mount Holyoke and will return ulty, “addresses a need,, a lot of ing of the faculty of the College of to play the Pioneers. Smith, who is of the game was the contributions home to thehmbodome for agame student interest.” They also ac- Special Studies and the faculty of considered an “aggressive and of the freshmen. against Clark on Thursday night at cepted -the adoption of a the Graduate School. Though the - confident” team, gave the Jumbos Four of the team’s five fresh- 7:OO p.m. minicourse entitled END 9: College of Special Studies was almost more than they could men scored buckets with Michelle Four of their last six games are Prototyping Human Robots, scheduled to hold a separate fac- handle. Breen and Amie Hansen leading in the comfortable confines of which will be offered every other ulty meeting yesterday afternoon The Jumbos trailed all of the the way with eight points each. Cousens Gym. With their year. at 3:30 pm., the meeting was not first half and went into the locker Michelle Pederson scored six and newfound confidenceand surging The next item, dealing with the held individually because “Dean room trailing, 34-29. The second Kara Murphy added two while offense, the Brown and Blue will redesignation of ENT (Engineer- Feinleib, who was supposed to half did not start much better as the playing the point for most of the be a formidable opponent for the ingTechnology)courses with “suf- preside over the meeting, didn’t Jumbos continued to trail, unable ficient design content” as END even know about it,”Guertin said. courses, generated debate within The combined meeting featured the faculty. According to the items including the approval of agenda, “the new requirement the minutes of the Oct. 12, 1993 would state that each student must faculty meeting and recommen- take two END courses or ENT dations of the February, 1994 de- half courses, at least one of which grees. Jumbos still can make ECACs HOCKEY continued from page 9 record to 6-3- 1 (6-9- 1 overall). McMahon expressed his feel- Rubenzahl. ings of the game by saying, Wesleyan scored midway “Wesleyan came out playing bad. through the third period, cutting We weren’t able to knock-them - the Cardinals’ deficit to 4-2, but - out. We need to find that killer $4 only aminute later Ryan connected instinct before the end of the sea- ACTS! for his second score of the evening son. Everyone is playing really and adding a bit of insurance to the excited.” Jumbo lead. Tufts’ next game is at home on Arena 0 Wesleyan scored a late goal, Friday night versus Amherst Col- but itdidn’tmatterasTuftstookits lege at 6 p.m. in Stoneham. The Box second in arow and second league Jumbos are only a few wins away Office / victory in as many ties, ending a of possibly securing aplayoff spot, weekend league series on a posi- so get out and root, root, root for tive note, and raising their league the Jumbos straightto the ECACs. ~3493 February 11,1994 Facult wants new curriculum TECHNOL GY it will be applicable to students in continued from Bpage 1 all classes. Cohen Auditorium as applied sciencecourses.”Pepall said that the committee“fee1svery Salter and Pepall both stated good about thesecourses,” saying that the proposal would be dis- that these classes will draw upon cussed and likely voted on at the both math and science topics in a hts& Sciences faculty meeting “more interesting, hands-on” set- on Mar. 14. Salter noted that the ting. proposal contains an added stipu- Pepall said that if all goes well, lation which calls for the option to w->nA ARE YOU A STRESSED OUT JUMBO?! the option will be in place by the be reviewed after a five-year trial fall semester of this year and that period.

Then come to free



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Wednesday, February 23, 1994 I $50 Discount for Tufts students It’s not too late to register! 4- I 1 I1 -800-KAP-TEST] KAPLAN THE TUFTS DAILY MZ-lPI-FCOl I I -. Tuesday, February 8,1994 THE TUFTS DAILY page eleven Classified! Classif ieds lassifieds :lassifieds Iassifieds I 2,3,5 BDRMAPTS KAPLAN REP LOOKING FOR Personals Events Avail June 1. Fum,somenear Davis Premed students interested in tak- Sq,some w/off-st pkg, all are near ing the April MCAT. Sign up for prep campus,subletting OK, most w/ course statling in Febtua~yand re- Rides Lost & porches. Rent starting at $750. ceive $50 discount1Call Rick at 629. Please call 395-3204. 8587 and leave message. THE CANCER SUPPORT 3/10 MI From Carmichwl Hall I NEED A RIDE TO MEPUB Found GROUP PIANO LESSONS WOMEN'S CENTER INVITES 2 apts avail in a 2-lam house. From Top-notch teacherlperfomr offers MenarneEnrique.EnriqueCorredor. Will meet on Thursday Feb 10 at 6-1-94 to 531-95 or longer. 4 bdrms Me like Pub. Me like SAC. Me like Women students to discussion 7pm in mom 218 of the Campus , coaching for redtals and auditions. group. Peggy Barren-facilitator. Ev- $1 OW, 3 bdrms W.No utils. Fea- Years of experience teaching begin- Pub8SAClComgood. Pwlskiwilh Center. Any questions?? Call Liza tures natural woodwork, hdwd flrs. Ig Buds. Will split expenses, rad time I tost my beaultful umbrella ery Thursday, 3:30-5pm. Center-55 629-9453. ners. Analysis of the music plus ax- Talbot. Topic for 2/10: Mother's and rms. pantries, hutches. tile pen technical advice will enable you them. SAC ... It's very colorful: pinks, yellows, Daughterschanging Relationships. baths,porches, storage,W/D. 484- 10 play with understanding and ease. purples and greens in a flowery pat- HEY EVERYBODY! tern. lt is very hard to I lost il For more info call 627-3184. Cafe A is back. Free food. coffee, 1312. Call for a consult: 6285063. Going to Syracuse? miss. We need a ride to Syracuse. NV on around the vicinity of the Campus jazz, art. Thurs, Feb 10, 5:30-8pm, W. Somervllle Fri the 11, returning on Sun the 13. Center. Please pleasecall629-9237 ATENTION JUNIORS AND Rernis Sculpture Court, Aidekmann. $$MONEY FOR COLLEGE$$ SENIORS 3 bdrmqgarage, 3rd flr 100 Conwell $135 million unclaimed1 Our schol- Will share travel expenses! Please if you found it. It's really important, Use your tufts Connection to leam Ave. Avail June 1,1994. Rent $785. arship matching service is guaran- call Rachel at 629-8939 ASAP1 not to mention useful to me. BUBS, JILLS & MATES 861 -8594 or 862-6397 ans mach. about different careers and make AUDITIONS teedl FREE information packet. 24 professionalWntadS. TheTufts Club Are NOT in thisTuesday's Pub! But hour recorded message. Call nowl and the Association of Tuns Alum- 2-bdrm apt 1-800-434-6015~300. I'm drhring to NYC come on down anyway! Pool! EberI on Ossipee Rd. Good cond, avail Thurs, Feb17forthelongweekend. nae are hosting a Student-Alumni Laughter! Revelry! Glee! All this $ June 1. Call for more into, Maria942- If you want a ride call Nick @I 623- Networking Evening on Wednesday. more to the sweet strumming Professional Nutritionist of 7625 0623. February 9. 6:15-7:45pm in Alum- quaint. ambiant guitars... Olfers individual program for weight General nae Lounge (next to Cohen Audito- management and out of control eat- Apt lor rent Northern New Jersey rium). Learn about possibilities for LEARN TO KNIT ing. One-to-one counseling lor your future. For more info call Your own scarves, mittens, sweat- Four and Six bedroom. Washer and overweight.underweight ,bulimia, I need a ride to NJ on Thurs th 24, Notices returning Sun the 27. Will share (617)627-3039. ers, and lots morel For free instruc- dryer. Parking avail. Call 396-0303. anorexia, compulsive overeating. on Back Bay Boston, near Copley all travel expenses! Call Rachel at tion, tea and coffee come to the 629-8939. Crafts House, Feb 1, 7:30pm! 14 345-6-BDRM APTS Square. Corinne Adler,RD. 262- Professors Row. Near Tufts. well kept 8 newly reno- 7111. Come and Relax vated, wM, ofla pkg. storage and At the semester's first Cafe A. Sip Get Your Valentine Candy+ more. subletting OK, avail June 1. LAST CHANCE! SPRING BREAK gourmet coffee. munch on dessert. COME TO MACPHIE FOUR Grams Call Tom 721 -981 4. 19941 play boardgames and browse TIMES IN ONE DAY! Now for only $1 I Send them to your Special rates available from Boston through the Tsch and Koppelman Breakfast, lunch, dinner, 8 then for- lriends or sweethearts. All proceeds 2nd Semester Sublet to Jamaica including the ultimate Galleries. Thursday, FebNUy 10, partv package1 Come parly with us 5-8pm. Remis Sculpture Court. get about it all 8 come back, back to go to the Tourette's Foundation and Seeking 2 women to fill 2 Wrms in Wanted the pub! Long live SAC! Charley offcampusapt,spring95,posssum- in Cancun, Bahamas, S Padre, cardiac care units. Sponsored by mer '95. Good location. Call 629- Fbtida! Organize a small group and Come to Barry Freedland's MFA Carrozo!TUDS Rocks! Kneel before Alpha Phi. Orders taken by the sis- the foundation that IS Katie ODairl 8894. travel free1 Sunsplash 1800-426- Thesis Exhibition Opening! ters orat Carmichael, MAcPhie, and 771 0. Koppelman Gallery and Remis Campus Center 2/9-2/11,12-1 or 5- PRESIDENT DlBlAGGlO -HELP- Tutoring ADAM GUILD Sculpture Court, 5-8pm, Thursday 6. February 10,1994. Tuesday's Pubs a great time with WearelooWng foralbdrm deleaded Math, chem (sorry. no orgo), phys- In the Pub1 He'll be there1 You can seniors. Comeon down, havesome apt in W.Medford or W.Somerville ics. engineering. MIT Chem. eng. see him!Talkto him! Watch him play Winter Blood Drive fOr4-1-94.$65OhO. Pleasecall648- Come to the Opening 'corn, shoot some stick 8 drop a Mon, Feb7in Ja&sonGym,llam- grad student avail nightsMds for pool! Give hill a quarter! Count his 6205 after 5pm. No realtors please. feet! Buy him a beer1 Remark on his Reception brewski with us! Sponsored by SAC 4pm. Tues and Wed, Feb 8 and 9 in tutoring on Tufts campus. 2yrs exp jacket! SAC! TUDSI For Ellen Rothenberg's The Condi- and TU,DSl Carmichael Hall, 1-6pm. Please wlTuftscoursesAablbooks.Call Mike West Somewllle at 395-0723: $lO/hr. tions for Growth" and "Boxes, Art- make a donation. Free pizza for the 4 rm apt. Walking distance to Tufts FRIENDS, FOES, FARM work, and Writings on Identity" at ZAMBONI &THE PRIMARY efforll CallJohnat 629-7917fOrmore SOURCE and redline and buses. $625/mO, no Spring Break ANIMALS theTisch Gallery/Slater Concourse. information or to make an appoint- utils. Gas heat and fridge. 626-9667. Household or any Tufts stu- Thursday, February 10, 5-8pm!l Come! The Pub has beer! 8 Charley ment. From $299. Includes: air, 7 nights pets, CarrozolGood times forall! Weeven hotel, transfers, parties 8 more! dent to take part in saentific experi- Refreshments1 have pool!! Yes! Pool! SAC! APTS FOR RENT Nassau/Paradise Island, Cancun, ment on how Tuesday Pub affects Holocaust Museum Trip. 2 bdrm $625;3 bdrm $750; 4 bdrm social, political or academic life on CAKESfLOWERS, AND There are still a few spaces left for Jamaica. San Juan. Earn FREE trip Question: What is 300 People $8W. Heat and hot water induded in +commissions as our campus rep! campus. $2 entrance fee. See BALLOONS DELIVERED1 the trip to the Holocaust Museum in rent:avail immediately, 8 min walk to Michael Stich. On sale at the Rez-cakes, flowers, Lots of, popcorn, Washington DC. February 19-21. 1800-9-BEACH-1. SAC ,and Dining Services? campus. Call Herb or Armand balloons and packages for all OCM- $25 program fee includes transpor- days:3968386; eve 483-1045 or $$WORK STUDY STUDENT sions delivered to Tufts students Answer: A fire hazard1 No, realiy tation and hostel. Questions? Call A Medford Bed & Breakfast 391-6053. WANTED$$ and faculty. Stop by the Rez or call folk. It's the place to be on Tues- the Hillel office at 627-3242. Elegant, warm 8 homey. Less than a days. Join us ...or else. mile from campus. Breakfast ind. Communications and mediastudies Tufts Student Resources at x3224 for information. , 345 BDRM APTS Single: $50/night. $275 weekly. seeks work-study student for spe- mom Lecture Winthrop St next to campus. Pkg. cial project, 4hrsiwk, flexible times The Prospect of Genuine African Double: WO/night. $325 weekly. Bill W/D. 8750-$975.395-2463 &lpm, or Linda at 396-0983. but afternoons preferred. Experience Come to an Art Break Autonomy in South Africa". Dean of 7-10pm. Leave phone number. and/or serious interest in communi- Alunchtimegallerytalk byaMaster's Northeastern Univ. School of Law, candidate about Ellen Rothenberg's DAYTONA BEACKSPRING cations field helpful but not required. David Hall, CabotAud.7pm.Tues2/ Prime Location at 185 College "The Conditions for Grodh" at the HEY MARY LOU RElTON! BREAK. Contact Program Coordinator Su- 8. Avo san Eisenhauer, ext 2007, ASAP. Tisch Gallery, Februaryl6,12:15pm. "I'm gonna 'whip your butt' in LA ir First class, oceanfront hotel on the Avail 9-1-94. 4bdrm in 8 rm upper beach, pool deck fun. nightclubs, '84 'Ooops that was 10 years ago1 half of 2-tam. Includes WID, Loving, SITTER Come See EUen Rothenberg's Oh well, I'm older now so I'll be sunshine. Includes roundtrip respnsibla fridge,porches.pkg,hdwd motorcoach trans. with on-campus needed to pick up our kids from "The Condlions for Growth" Tuesday Pub to see Charley Carrozo flrs.basement. $1400 +utils. Call Part 3 of the Anne Frank Projed and Love, Olga Korbet PiclcuP anddrop4only$239 quad. school 8 play whhem at our home. (617)969-4795. occp.. depart 3/18194 return 31271 Car 8 non-smokera must. Call Anne "Boxes, Artwork and Writings on For Sale 94. Call for free brochure 1400- 742-0208 (days); 393-9430 (nights). Identity" at the Tisch Gallery, Febru- Dlma Garden, GOING AWAY FALL OF '947 ary 10-May 221 Shukran ya habitil Kully mashrak DAYTONA, M-F. 8-6. We need 1 or 2 people to sublet for Wing lor Ambitious Saks ilayha barooh bukrubla BZZIBZZ spring of '951 Living with juniors in Do I hear a WASP approaching: "RESUMES" Associates olf-campus housing next year. If in- LASER TYPESET, $25.00 396- And marketing representatives for a llhasse reezy ooh Take d easy1 terested call Lauren at 629-9343 or - Take your valentine 1124. Impressive Laser Typeset national firm. Excellent pay, flexible Lisa at 629-9362. on campus. For more Carmen- to see Rod Stewart. at the garden. Resumes, featuring computer stor- Sun 2n3.2 tix, $60 each obo. 629 age for future updating. Your choice information call Ashley at 247-01 07. Lost & (Take me senously) Shayrana IS a Somenrille, West 821 4, leave message. Of typestyles including bold, italics, real UDDAHI Remember only Mod3-4Wrm;2bt.woodstove. P@, Spring sexmuffins have fun-and Chinese bullets, etc. on Brathmore paper. Break '84 hdwd Ilrs, 2-lam. Avail 3-1-94. $95O/ Have your cover letters done by us Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, Florida Found men do 11 better (Yeah1 Better than month. 932-8495. Juan Cabesa de Pan) Haydeek a1 VW JETTA GL 1991 to match your resume! One day ser- 8 Padre1 110% bwest price guaran- Shaybaneh Red, 2 door. AC, stereo,sunroof, 5 viceavail.5minfromTufts.(Member teed organize 15 friends and your Found Gold Necklace speeds. alarmmanufacturers MedfordMlellingon Circle of PARW: Professional Assoc. of trip is FREE1 Take a break student With pendant. To claim call and Beautifullyfurnished4 monthsublet. warrantee, 1 owner. $8900. Call Resume Wrilers. Call for FREE Re- travel (SOO) 3287823. describe 629-9703. (617)641-3358. 1 master bdrm, 1 study, 2 full baths sume/CoverLenerGuiddines.) Also. (1 whirlpool), fully appliance, fire- word processing ortyping of student Travel Abroad and Work place, w/d,stereo, TVs and VCRS. LOST-Sanyo Walkman/ Red Saab papers, grad school applications. Make up to $2OW-4000+/mo teach- Recorder AC, near T, no fee. $1400. Call Dr Shera Gruen, 9005 red Saab 86 for sale. 88 thou- personalstaternents, these, multiple ing basic conversational in Japan, With lots of Japanese writing on it. I thought I might be a little more sandmiles. Excellentcond. Call628 Lieberman 576-1363. leners.tapes transcribed, laser print- Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching direct this time. Thanks for all your Last seen 1/28 outside Cabot Audi- 9186 for info. ing, fax service, etc. Call Frances at background or Asian languages re- torium. If found, please return to input!(0001AndOUTPUTI) n'strue- 3-4 BDRM 396-1124, AAA resume service. quired. Forinfo call: (x)6)632-1146, Modern apt near Tufts. Driveway 8 Cabot Reception Desk or call Mark when it rains it poiurs TORRENTS1 Bass for Sale xJ5035. 776-1577. I'm being inundated-HELP! HELP! Fender precision Bass, wGig bag, street pkg. $95O/mO. No utils. 623- Grad School Appllcathr Kuerchmeiser 0497. in excellent cond. Call Jake, 666- Expertly Twd. FINAL CALL LOST: My Keys 081 6. (Law, Medical, Business.) 396-1 124. Reduce your meal plan to $500! A Vlenna Table - Seniors 21 5-17l College Ave What they look like: 3 keys with Are your grad school appIicaIims limited umber of spaces are still those colored plasticthings on them Seniors invited to the next Vienna 9 Whitfield Rd. Nice 4-5 bdrm apt. available for women to take parl in Table -- DON'T FORGET -- it is THIS NEW OAK BEDROOM piled high on your desk? Are you (blue, It blue and green) on a mace- FURNITURE Dishwasher.w/d. May 30,1994 OG wondering how you're going to M all our Healthy Eating Study. Help us Friday (the 11th) at the Provost's cupancy. like keychain. lfyou findthem please House. 7 piece badmom set, good oondi- your info in those tiny spaces? Are study the effect of diet on estrogen call Tami 6298376. THANX! tion. Reasonable prices for single you concerned where you'll find the metabolism and receive a 20 meal Obdrm Hilary Boa1 pieces or combinations. Call 623- timetodot allbeforethedeadlines? plan at this reduced price, Call now! LOST: Your Grip on Life Hey Tall Guy with Brown Hair1 6253. Living rm, full kit, pkg and laundry Is your personal statement .& re- ContacIEmilyorJoanatTUSM956- $900 +util. 4 bdrm. living rm, full kit. Don? panic! Call Ears For Peers I had fun. Let's do it again. Onlythis sume professionally typeset 8 laser 6176. 627-3888 (7pm-7am). Comp1ete;y time let's meet at Cafe A. for some pkgJaundry $1200 +util. Call Russ STEREO FOR SALE1 printed on high quality paper in a confidential. free food, food, Collee, Jazzand Art. SONY MHC-1600: Mini Hi-Fi Com- (508)663-6370, Both apts in same typestyle that's attractive? No need Earn 5500$1000 Weekly Remis Sculpture Court. Thursday house Stuffing Envelopes. ponent System. One year old, excel- to fret- call Fran at 396-1124, a BAYBANKCARD Feb.10. 5:30-8:00 lent condition. comes with original specialist in making your applii- For details -RUSH $1 with SASE to: 90 Bromfield Rd Group Five, 57 Greentree Drive, George D Mussalli. Pick it up at the packing and box. Prim: $300. Call tions, personalstatement. 8 resume Info Booth. Also Danielle Baron. Alicen Havanessian. 648-0716. 2bdrm in BIG 4 bdrm apt. Avail im- as appealing as possible. Suite 307, Dover, DE 19901. YO POLICE! You'll get your night mediately.$250/mo+util. 2menseek 2 allies.m/f/ non-smoker. Call Marc PHILOSOPHY STUDENTS LOST: rider...j us1 wait.. .the weekend iscom- -FOR SALE- "Typlng EL Word Processing SHINY GOLD SMALLISH ing soon. Next year things will be Great apartment size refrigerator. at 666-3844. ServiceH The deadline to submit papers for the New England Undergraduate CLADDAGH EARRING (2 hands better in our own pad! Things will all Excellent condition. $50 firm. Call 396-1124. Student papers theses, holding a heart). Huoe sentimental cometogether- rememberpastawenl 396-7089 if interested. grad school applications, personal Philosophy conference has been Mlue.hfound, pleas&al1629-9170. mushy and tacos suck! Love statements, tape transcription. re- extended to February 14th. Any pa- per on any topic of philosophy is Dexy.M.R. MUSICIANS AND AUDIOPHILES sumes, graduate/faculty projects, apairofsunglasseshstweek-Iiost brown Sony Walkmanpmlessional model Services muiliple letters,AMCASforms.Thor- acceptable and needed. Turn in at department. WM-D6C tape recorder. Includes ough knowledge of APA, MLA 8 RayBans. If you have found them, SonV ECM-909 microDhone and Chicago Manuals of Style. All docu- please call 391-9570. power adapter. Asking'$3w. MI ments are Laser Printed 8 spell- BUSINESS MANAGER For From Abroad magazine. Sopho- Birth days Craig 332-6385. checked using WP 5.1. Reasonable light brown leatherLOST: penal case. Sen- RESUMES! rates. Quick turnaround. Serving moresorjuniors preferred: Noexpe- For Sale: on-campus consultation, fast.afford- Tufts students 8 faculty for 10 yrs. 5 rience necessary. only willingness timental value. If found. please, OneWayBostontoDC. Feb18.$75 able, laser printing. Quality resumes min from Tufts. Call Fran at 395- to learn. Bolster your mume and please, please return- no Qsasked. obo. Call .Amy 629931 7. to put you on tmck to a great career. 1124. (Member of NASS-National have fun. Also need submissions- Contents would be nice to have back Late Birthday short storiespems, etc. Contad Hapw Call Amy 8 Co: 241-9711. Association of Secretarial SeMces.) too. Call 629-9192. Hey it wwkln't be Kellyesque if Igot AAA Word Processing. Yasmin 628-0963 orSally625-3485. this in the right newspaper1 Well, I don't know if I would have made THE ART OF SINGING FOUND: is the Ease of Singing. Ease de- INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ., TUFTS WILDERNESS A green bookbag 8 a black sweater this farwithout you. Thankyousooo DV-1 Greencard Program. Spon- ORIENTATION! much for everything that you have mands proper technique. Call 617- left in 130s Hillside Sat night. Call Housing 6314123 for more info. sored by the US Immigration Dept. It'stimeagaintoapply forTrip Leder 629-8502 or stop by; ' done for me. Icouldn't have chosen Greencards providepermanent resi- and Support Staff Posilions. Appli- a better roommatel To all of our dent status. Citizens 01 almost all cations are available in the TWO laughs and good timesll! Happy 19It SPRING BREAK!! Ilost a gold heartLOST: m'ng in Hillside Tours to Canwn, S. Padre island, countries are allowed to take part. boxinthe biologyoffice(DanaHall). 8-day1 Tourists, illegals. may apply wher- They're due Friday, February 11 so .. , Bahamas. Unbeatabk prices!! 8aff 130s Sat night. If you found it on location, club admission dis- ever they live. For info: New Era don't delay. Call Chris or *an at PLEASE return it- it has TREMEN- Patrick Weng 1 bdrm in Pbdrm apt Legal Services, 20231 Stagg St, 628-3967 with any questions or Happy Birthday Jeanne. Hope yo1 Counts. parties, etc. Complete pad^ DOUS sentimental value. Thanks. avail3/1,5minwalktoTufts.$240+ ages am.1. It's not too late1 Call Canoga Park, CA, 91306. cbellpearl on e-mal. hdrea. 6268502. have a great day. Love from a "Kin 112 utik Call 629-2405. Tel:(818)9984425; (818)882-9681. dred Spirit?l' Tours Unlimitedat: 1-800-734-4800, Buy Daily classifieds! They're cheap, they're cute, and gosh darnit, people read them! I- 4

4' page twelve THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesdav. February 8,1994

Wonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU A round Campus

Today Asian Christian Fellowship Meeting! SA Lincoln-Filene, Rabb Room, 7:30 p.m eneral meeting. :trace Room, Paige Hall, 930 p.m Tuesday Topic US FaeignPolicy: Do we havemoral obligations mnesty International towards others? John H. Jenke. eneral Meeting. All Welcome. Metcalf Hall, 630 p.m. aton 201,930 p.m Speech and Debate Society Iiddle East Study Group Weekly Meeting. stolen Freedom”- a documentary. Miner Hall 10,’7:30 p.m. mum008,8:00 p.m. Hillel he Zamhoni Holocaust Museum Trip Orientation. eneral Meeting. East Hall Lounge, 9:00 p.m aton 332 930 pm. an African Alliance Tomorrow Watterron Calvin and Hobbes by Bill ’rosoects of Genuine African Autonomy in S. frica? abot Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. Health Education FTogram Relaxation and Meditation Workshop. rench Circle 55 Talbot Avenue,6-7:30 p.m. IovieinFrenchwithEnglishsubtitles:Camille laudel. Tufts Friends of Israel rench House, 11 Whittield, 8:OO p.m. Comeenjoy Israeli culture andtalkabout Israeli **/ issues! he Pub * * Room 218, Campus Center, 8:30 p.m. ome get silly! Senior pub- a rad time for all. IacPhie Pub, 10:00 p.m Tufts Fencing Novice Fencing. mnesty International Cousens Track, 8:30-1030.p.m. eneral Meeting. aton 201,930 p.m Meditations, Islamic Society Ramadan: Month of Abstention. lxfam Cafe Goddard Chapel, 1200 p.m.

ixfamcafe, Miller Basement, 8:00p.m-12:00 Winter Blood Drive m. Free pizza! Please donate. Carmichael Hall. 1 :OO- 600 p.m ufts Fencing FoxTrot by Bill Amend lovice fencing. Tufts Ski Club ‘ousensTrack, 8:30-10:30 General meeting. Eaton 201,9:30 p.m. ET’S 60,GUY5 [inter Blood Drive IT’S PAST YOUR lease donate. Free pizza! Tufts &llroom Dancing Club BEDTIME. Wchael Hall 1:OO-6:00 p.m Meeting & dancing. Hill Hall Lounge, 7:30- 9:00 p.m. ilipino Culture Club . lrganizational first meeting. Film Series & Provost Gittleman tart House, 7:30 p.m Movie: “La Strada” MacPhie Pub, 930 p.m. :rafts house dtting circle. Ex College 4 Professors Row, 7:30 p.m Info meeting for Explorations, Perspectives & Connections. ,@ish Department Reading Series Braker 01,4:00 p.m. oets Martha Collins & Pamela Alexander. ast Hall Lounge, 500 p.m.

Weather Report- DILBERTB by Scott Adarns TODAY I TOMORROW

ALLOWS CASUAL ACTUAL A ANIMALS ” FASHION “G R I FROM “SEARS” I DE SCRUTINIZED BY .* HWNDREDS OF YOUR Snow . Sleet High:20; Low:12 High:26; Low:l5 The Daily Commuter Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Icelandic story 5 Snatch 9 Buy things 13 Yours and mine 14 Track down ‘HE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 15 Large book THAT SCRAMBLED WORD WE 16 Rainbow g by Hnvl Amold md MI*. AroMOll #---- 0111- m,m QtU.””a*.I~ 17 Become mature Unscramble the% four Jumbles. 18 Large monkeys one letter to each square, to form 19 Situated on the four ordinary words. side 21 Part 23 Postal matter 24 Enemy 25 Chess opening 28 Impartiality 33 Coral island 34 Impetuosity 35 Enclosed truck 36 Many: pref. 37 Military unit 38 Only 39 Finis 40 Residence halls 41 Cookstove 42 School periods AQJOlNlNG S7au-4. 44 Encourage 45 Sign Now arrange the circled letters to 46 Jogging gait form the surpnse answer, as sup 47 Aircraft carrier 12 Nuisance gested by the above cartoon. 51 Second supplie: i 14 Characteristic 55 At sea 20 Train track Answerhere: “ I=’’ 56 Musical work 22 Cloth insert -=58 Act of skill 25 Yawns (Anwe0 twnonow) 59 Great Lake 26 Make amends Jumbles: ELOPE LADLE DUGOUT OBLONG 60 Dental thread 27 Forms Answer. Another name lor a canine racer - 61 Countenance In medieval times, a suit of armor often A’LAP’ DOG 62 Have on served as a family’s message center. 63 Groove 29 Egyptian snakes 64 Take an obliqueI 30 Occurrence course 31 Army noncom 32 Scornful smile DOWN 34 Wind instrument 1 Dirty Quote of the Day 2 Nimbus 3 Courage 38 Very large 4 Group of Demons 40 Force 02/08/ “Eighty percent ojf married men cheat in America. 5 Cross-examine 41 Cover of a The rest cheat in Europe.” 6 Sharp blow building 7 Holes in one 43 Baby watcher 8 Advantages 44 Releases Jackie 9 Plant part 46 Reliance 49 Continent 53 Shoestring -- Mason 10 Expectant 47 Went by plane 50 Influence 54 Boil slowly desire 40 Knowledge 52 Escape, as 57 Sticky Late Night at the Daily 11 Augury handed down liquid substance ,