•· Congressional Record-House
. \ · ~ . ' • I t. " ' 2438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MARCH 20, PROMOTION IN TIIE ARMY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Fifth Regiment of .Artillery. THURSDAY, March 20, 1890. Additional Second Lieut. William Lassiter, of the Fourth Artillery, to be second lieutenant, February 10, 1890. The Honse met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by Rev. GEORGE ELLIOTT, POSTMASTERS. o!Washington, D. C. .Asias Willison, to bo postmaster at Creston, in the county of Union ORDER OF BUSINESS . and State of Iowa. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will cause the Journal of the proceed Lewis P. Summers, to be postmaster n.t Abingdon, in the county of ings of yesterday to be read. Washington and State of Virginia. l\lr. OUTHWAITE. Mr. Speaker, there is evidently no quorum John A. Reynolds, to be postmaster n.t Rochester, in the county of present, and I ask a call of the roll. Monroe and State of New York. The SPEAKER (having counted the House) announced the presence John Pittenger, to be postmaster at Washington, in the county of of 75 members. · Warren and State of New Jersey. Air. OUTEIWAITE. I move a call of the Hoose. Miss Ovie Smedley, to be postmaster at Harrodsbnrgh, in the county Mr. ATKINSON, of Pennsylvania. On that I demand a division. of Mercer and State of Kentucky. The House divided; and there were-ayes 53, noes 8. William H. Overby, to be postmaster at Henderson, in the county of So a. call of the House was ordered. Henderson and State of Kentucky. The Clerk proceeded to call the roll. when the following membera Charles S.
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