THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST. WILLIAM OF YORK 4 Brockley Park, Forest Hill, SE23 1PS Clergy;- Fr Habte Ukbay, Fr Gregory Griffiths, Deacon Amgad Gerges Telephone:- 020 8690 4549 email:-
[email protected] THE MOST HOLY TRINITY (A) 7 June 2020 Dear Parishioners In honouring the Holy Trinity today we celebrate the great gi8 of God’s love for our world. The key to the Trinity is to understand that the three persons who make it up totally love each other and are completely involved in each other's acBons. This is important because it provides us with an important clue we need to understand ourselves. We need to know that we were created in love, with this dignity and love of God to humanity, we are made in the image and likeness of God. This past week, we have witnessed the horrific killing of George Floyd, subsequently many people triggered by the brutal killing are marching in solidarity to condemn and stand against the presence of racism and the injusBce people have been suffering for many years in the US. This goes against the basic belief of ChrisBanity. This problem is not limited to America but it exists in many parts of the world. Racism and discriminaBon of any kind goes against human dignity. As we celebrate the unity and love of the Holy Trinity, we ask for a spirit of reconciliaBon and forgiveness among human beings and pray that we all learn to respect the value and dignity of each individual. The parish Finance commiPee and I have been discussing the painBng of the interior of our church for some Bme, in our recent meeBng we have decided to do this job during this lockdown, this seems the opportune Bme to do such a job.