THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST. WILLIAM OF YORK 4 Brockley Park, Forest Hill, SE23 1PS Clergy;- Fr Habte Ukbay, Fr Gregory Griffiths, Deacon Amgad Gerges Telephone:- 020 8690 4549 email:- [email protected] THE MOST HOLY TRINITY (A) 7 June 2020 Dear Parishioners

In honouring the Holy Trinity today we celebrate the great gi of God’s love for our world. The key to the Trinity is to understand that the three persons who make it up totally love each other and are completely involved in each other's acons. This is important because it provides us with an important clue we need to understand ourselves. We need to know that we were created in love, with this dignity and love of God to humanity, we are made in the image and likeness of God. This past week, we have witnessed the horrific killing of George Floyd, subsequently many people triggered by the brutal killing are marching in solidarity to condemn and stand against the presence of racism and the injusce people have been suffering for many years in the US. This goes against the basic belief of Chrisanity. This problem is not limited to America but it exists in many parts of the world. Racism and discriminaon of any kind goes against human dignity. As we celebrate the unity and love of the Holy Trinity, we ask for a spirit of reconciliaon and forgiveness among human beings and pray that we all learn to respect the value and dignity of each individual.

The parish Finance commiee and I have been discussing the painng of the interior of our church for some me, in our recent meeng we have decided to do this job during this lockdown, this seems the opportune me to do such a job. The finance commiee would like to ask parishioners to contribute towards this project, we will soon have a few fundraising events, such as Zoom quiz nights, we will communicate when this is organised and how it will work. We appreciate any contribuon you may be able to make.

We await specific guidance from the Government and the Archbishop regarding the possibility of our own lovely Church opening. This will depend upon various factors and once we have more informaon we will share it with you. In the meanme, if you would like to Volunteer to register to help with the opening of the church, please use this link volunteer here

Thank you so much for your connued generosity and support to our Families in need Crisis Fund. To date we have received £6,700.00, in donaons and £620.00 in Supermarket food vouchers a grand total of £7,320.00. Please connue to contact Mary by telephone 020 8690 4549 or email [email protected] if you are able to make a donaon.

!1 Please keep in your prayers all those who are suffering from the Coronavirus and those who have died and all their families who are suffering at this me. We pray for all the Doctors and Nurses and frontline staff who are working so hard at this me to care for so many people with the virus.

Please pray for us as we keep all of you members of our parish community in our prayers, we take all your intenons and prayers at the altar every day.

Fr Habte

Sunday 7th June 2020, The Most Holy Trinity, Year A

Scripture Reflecon Jesus has come to Jerusalem for the Passover. He has driven the money-changers and the animals out of the Temple, all the paraphernalia connected with the Temple worship according to the Law. This, and other signs worked by Jesus, impels Nicodemus, to learn more about Jesus. As a leading Pharisee, Nicodemus is a guardian of the Mosaic Law; he studies and interprets it. This Law was given by God in Covenant out of love for Israel, His chosen people, His special heritage. What Nicodemus hears from Jesus is God's love for all people, the world, embodied in His Son, Jesus Himself, sent to accomplish salvaon for all people. God, through Jesus, is extending His loving-kindness, compassion and faithfulness beyond Israel, to embrace all people, the world. Nicodemus's reacon is not recorded by St.John, but Jesus's words stayed with him, prompng him, it would appear, to follow the course of Jesus's ministry at, we may imagine, a discreet distance. How do we know this? From the same source as has been chosen for the Gospel reading for Trinity Sunday. Saint John records three appearances of Nicodemus: in today's excerpt, by night, curious about Jesus, (John 3:1-21); pleading for a fair hearing for Jesus, (John 7:50-52); and finally, the third me, assisng Joseph of Arimathaea to lower Jesus from the Cross. Throughout the Scriptures the number three occurs frequently, parcularly at decisive moments in the unfolding relaonship between God and ourselves: three men, addressed singularly by Abraham, "my Lord", promise him a son by Sarah. (Genesis 18:1-10); Abraham reaches the place of sacrifice with his son Isaac on the third day. (Genesis 22:4,5); God appears to Moses on Mt.Sinai to deliver to him the Law and the Covenant on the third day. (Exodus 19:10-16) Elijah prays three mes over the widow's dead son, and restores him to life. (1 Kings 17:17-24); The three aributes of God: loving-kindness, mercy and graciousness. (Isaiah 63:7 & Joel 2:13); Mary is blessed by her cousin Elizabeth three mes. (Luke 1:42-45); Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the Temple on the third day. (Luke 2:46-50); Jesus changes water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana on the third day. (John 2:1-10);

!2 Jesus takes three disciples up the mount of Transfiguraon. (Mahew 17:1-8 & Mark 9:2-8); Jesus is raised by God from death to life - on the Third Day Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen. AMcG

“The true response to a fundamentalist approach is the faith-filled interpretaon of sacred scripture” Verbum Domini

Message from Archbishop John to the catechumens and candidates in the Diocese On Pentecost Sunday, aer his live-streamed Mass, Archbishop recorded a message for all the candidates and elect in the diocese, whose bapsm and recepon of the Sacraments had been postponed from Easter due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please make sure that they hear of his concern. The link to the video is: hps://

LETTER TO PRIME MINISTER FROM ARCHBISHOP JOHN WILSON Archbishop John wrote to the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, this week expressing his understanding of "a growing sense of dissasfacon" parcularly as our churches are not yet permied to open where a growing number of retail outlet will soon open their doors.

"Religious faith can help support people, both directly and indirectly, with respect to their wellbeing. Access to places of worship is integral to this." Archbishop John also wrote to all MP's with constuancies in the Diocese.

A copy of his leer to to the Prime Minister can be read by clicking here.

I would like to encourage all to pray for Archbishop John and other Church leaders as they connue to dialogue with the Government to facilitate the reopening of our churches.


In his Pentecost Sunday homily, Cardinal quesons why churches have not been allowed to open for private prayer, especially when car showrooms and outdoor markets can open on Monday 1 June and non-essenal shops from 15 June. He specifically asks why churches have been “excluded from this decision?”. Listen here.

OPENING OF CHURCHES The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has responded to the Government’s document ‘Our plan to rebuild ...’ and has issued this statement: “The ming and the manner of the opening of churches touches profound sensivies and spiritual needs. The Government’s document and statements fail to recognise this. The Government’s posion, established today, includes these steps aimed at opening churches as soon as possible: the establishment of a task force for places of worship, to work closely with ‘stakeholders’ in ensuring that premises are COVID-19 secure; and heeding the experience of other countries in which churches are already open for worship. In dialogue with the Government, the will connue its engagement in this process and has already submied a detailed plan, in full accordance with public health guidelines, for churches to be opened for private prayer. The Church is ready to play its full part in the task force, understanding that this includes the possible earlier use of churches for private prayer, as a first safe step towards their use for public worship. It is likely to be some me yet before St William of York will be able to open up for public Mass. Over the month of July, it is hoped that we may be able to establish some form of opening hours so that individuals and families can come in at set mes for private prayer. In addion, when larger gatherings are possible, there need to be plans for church funerals and the celebraon of Sacraments such as Bapsm, First Holy Communion and Confirmaon. We await specific guidance from the Government and the Archbishop regarding the possibility of our own lovely Church opening. This will depend upon various factors and once we have more informaon we will share it

4! with you. In the meanme, if you would like to Volunteer to register to help with the opening of the church, please use this link volunteer here



FREE COUNSELLING SERVICES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE 11- 18 years old Kooth is a free online counselling and emoonal wellbeing support service commissioned by Compass in Lewisham. It provides young people aged 11-18 years old with a free, safe and secure means of accessing support with their emoonal health and wellbeing needs from a professional team of qualified counsellors.

Kooth offers the following: • Confidenal, 1-2-1 instant messaging with Kooth’s team of counsellors. • Kooth Magazine (a hub full of creave pieces and personal experiences for peer to peer support). • Kooth discussion forums to facilitate peer-led support and self-help arcles (many wrien by service users). • Counsellors, therapists and support workers provide guided, outcome-focused help for each individual.

It is run by qualified counsellors who provide online counselling for young people 11-18 years old. As you are aware there many issues and challenges for young people and the current climate has increased anxiety for many.

The Kooth website link- hps://

The Kooth video which gives a great overview- hps:// a9f32c87de

!5 Bishops stand in solidarity with US sisters and brothers as they challenge the evil of racism and the brutal killing of George Floyd Bishop , Lead Bishop for Internaonal Affairs and Bishop Paul McAleenan, Lead Bishop for Racial Jusce have issued a statement in which they condemn racism and the brutal killing of George Floyd. The Bishops pray for God's help to overcome racism in all its forms and that we might protect everyone who suffers its consequences. hps:// over-evil-of-racism-and-killing-of-george-floyd/

Joint meeng of the CCEE-COMECE Presidencies

The annual CCEE-COMECE Presidencies meeng was held on 3 June 2020 with a special focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the day-to-day life of the Church and European sociees.

hps:// u=8b372c271ad8a971552&id=0b2bb2af44&e=9f94407e5e

The Gospel According to Mahew The Bishop’s Conference have recorded the Gospel According to St Mahew in its enrety so you can listen to the evangelist's account of Jesus's life online. Listen here

6! FINANCES If you would like to connue supporng the Parish during this very difficult me, you can post your donaon in a sealed envelope through the presbytery leerbox or you can make an online donaon - as a “one-off payment” or set up a standing order to make regular weekly or monthly donaons. Thank you to all those who have increased their regular donaons to the parish. Any donaon you are able to make will be greatly appreciated during this me.

Our parish bank details are as follows:-

• NatWest Bank • Sort Code 60-50-01 • Account number 79124437 • Account name St William of York Reg Charity 1173050 • Reference - Your surname/Gi Aid no

GIFT AID is a significant source of income for charies. It provides tax relief by allowing charies to claim from HMRC, the basic rate of tax their donors have paid. Gi Aid increases the value of donaons by 25%. If you are a UK Tax payer and wish to join the parish Gi Aid scheme, please contact Mary for details.

JUSTGIVING Parishioners who usually use gi aid envelopes or cash donaons may also do so online via using this link JustGiving St William of York or access via the parish website. Please note donaons are credited to the Diocese central charity bank account in the first instance and then reallocated to our parish so it is important to add our parish name and locaon when donang.

EMPLOYEE CHARITY MATCHING SCHEME We are very grateful to a number of parishioners who have set up a Charity Matching scheme with their employers and are now making regular monthly donaons to the parish and the Families in Crisis Fund. A charity matching scheme doubles the donaon of the individual from the company’s own resource up to a pre-determined level. We are aware banks, insurance companies, supermarkets, ulies providers, telephone companies and car manufacturers are known to offer Charity match-funding schemes. Please contact Mary if you are willing to set up a matching scheme with your employer and she will be pleased to assist in the provision of informaon required for these purposes.

7! MASS INTENTIONS We have availability for Mass intenons in our diary for the coming weeks. Masses may be celebrated for deceased members of family or friends, thanksgiving, anniversaries, birthday blessings, vocaons, for the sick and for any parcular need. If you would like to book a Mass intenon please contact Mary by email [email protected] or telephone 020 8690 4549.

NEEDING ASSISTANCE Members of our parish community in difficulty who may need some assistance please contact the SVP via Mary at [email protected] or call 020 8690 4549, if you like to contact me please e-mail at [email protected] or call me on 07869 533823. Also people who might not need any financial or other assistance but might benefit from a volunteer to pick up the shopping or collect a prescripon, please contact Mary as we have many stand by volunteers willing to assist you.

GARDENING Thank you to all the volunteers who did a great job in the garden this week. There is sll more work to be done so if you are willing to assist this week it would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks

EVENING PRAYER THIS WEEK This week, we will be saying Evening Prayer together on Sunday, Monday and Thursday. Monday is our Patronal Feast day for St William of York, so we are saying Evening Prayer together on Monday rather than Tuesday. Why not join us this week, details below. Evening Prayer includes a hymn, psalms, a reading, the Magnificat and prayers, and usually lasts 20-25 minutes. We share the words on screen so you don't need your own copy, or we can send you a copy if you prefer. You can also join by phone if you don't have a computer or tablet. Contact [email protected] to find out more.

Evening Prayer this week Sunday 7th June, Monday 8th June, Thursday 11th June at 6pm hps://

Meeng ID: 813 9177 6863 Password: 061154

Join by phone Dial 020 3695 0088 Enter meeng ID: 813 9177 6863 # Enter password: 061154

8! SWOY VIRTUAL SINGERS A big thank you to everyone who has joined in and helped us create songs for our masses during Easterde. Now that we're in Ordinary Time we are changing the mass parts that we sing. If you'd like to join in and add your voice to the Alleluia, Holy holy or Gloria, please contact us at [email protected]. You don't need to be a 'singer' or learn new songs, we are using sengs that are familiar to us. You don't need to join in with all of them - every voice adds richness and variety. We will send you a recording to listen to and you record yourself singing along onto your phone and send it back to us. All the recordings are then mixed together to create the congregaonal sound we hear at the live stream mass. Thank you! [email protected]

WEDNESDAY SINGERS The parish Wednesday singers group have connued meeng on Wednesdays at 8pm via Zoom. We start as usual by listening to Sunday's Gospel and share some some prayer together. Then we listen to and sing some of the songs that we would be singing in church. We also have me for chat and catch-up with friends and usually finish about 8.45pm. If you would like to join us, please follow the link below. hps://

Meeng ID: 898 7440 1982 Password: 622409

Join by phone Dial 020 3695 0088 Enter meeng ID: 898 7440 1982 # Enter password: 622409

COLLECTION FOR FOOD BANK & SCHOOL RESOURCES Please connue to drop off items at the collecon point outside the school hall each Wednesday from 10am - 2pm. Thank you


Congratulaons to Henry, Abi and Jasper who were awarded their Bronze Chief Scout Awards last term. This is the highest award that a Beaver Scout can earn.

They have also been invested as Cub Scouts during the lockdown via Zoom and looking forward to working towards their Silver Chief Scout Award.

This Thursday, 4th June, we awarded Abi a special well done medal as she is the first Beaver in our group to not only complete her Bronze Chief Scout Award, she earned all 22 acvity badges.

Check out our facebook page 12th Forest Hill - St William of York Scout Group to see what we've been doing this term

!10 Day for Life 2020 receives Apostolic Blessing Day for Life 2020 has been given an Apostolic Blessing from . This year, the theme is Choose Life, which will focus on the dignity and worth of the unborn child and expectant mothers. READ MORE

HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR JUNE 2020 The Way of the Heart We pray that all those that suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.


Pope Francis during the Urbi et orbi prayer to end the coronavirus pandemic (ANSA)

The Holy Father has set up an emergency fund to come to the aid of people and communies who are being tragically impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. He has asked the faithful to contribute what they can to help the Church overseas.

The appeal is being administered worldwide by Missio, the Pope’s designated charity to support the missions overseas.

“Any gi you can give at this me will help our missionaries to reach out to the most vulnerable people and offer them spiritual and praccal support,” says Missio’s naonal director, Fr Anthony Chantry.

Parishioners may receive a leer directly from Missio, enclosing a form for making donaons but these can also be made by phoning 020 7821 9755 during office hours, or online hps://


CAFOD CAMPAIGN - Time to act: we can help the poorest and most vulnerable affected by coronavirus

Coronavirus has now spread worldwide, with confirmed cases in many countries where CAFOD works. The spread of this virus throughout countries with poor health systems will be devastating, and the threat to people’s livelihoods is grave.

Out of love for our brothers and sisters, ask the UK government to ensure that the most vulnerable and marginalised people are the priority in the UK’s international efforts as well as at home.


We must never forget that we are one global family, united in this struggle. Now is not the time to build barriers, but for the world to unite in love and compassion

12! Bishops’ Conference have organised a weekly live stream Mass to pray for Keyworkers and their Families. These Masses are celebrated by a different Bishop each Thursday at 7pm from Cathedrals across the country.

Archbishop John will be celebrang the 2nd July Mass. The planned schedule for the next few weeks is:

11 June Bishop Patrick McKinney St Barnabas Cathedral, Nongham Nongham Cathedral on 18 June Archbishop St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham St Chad’s on MCN Media 25 June Bishop Alan Hopes Cathedral of St John the Bapst, Norwich YouTube Channel 2 July Archbishop John Wilson St George’s Cathedral, Southwark YouTube Channel 9 July Bishop Tom Williams Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool YouTube Channel Facebook


The Most Holy Trinity (A) 7 June Live-Streamed Mass Private Mass 10:30 Vivian & Bey For the Evans RIP Parishioners Monday 8 June St. William of York, Bishop 09:15 Peter Hann RIP Fidelis Dako RIP Tuesday 9 June Feria 09:15 Vivianne Irihari Holy Souls Goubo Birthday Blessings Wednesday 10 June Feria 09:15 Marina Giacopazzi Eileen RIP Geoghegan Thursday 11 June St. Barnabas, Apostle 09:15 Thi Nguyen RIP Holy Souls Friday 12 June Feria

09:15 Ernesto De Rosa Anne Orieso Personal Intenon Saturday 13 June St. Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor

10:30 Peter Hann RIP William Jordan (FM) The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Chris) (A) 14 June 10:30 Sue Hepworth RIP For the Parishioners

*(FM) = Foundation Mass


We have availability in our diary for the coming weeks. Masses may be celebrated for deceased members of family or friends, thanksgiving, anniversaries, birthday blessings, vocaons, for the sick and for any parcular need. If you would like to book a Mass intenon please contact Mary by email [email protected] or telephone 020 8690 4549.

14! Please pray for the Peaceful Repose of the Soul of

Ivy Rees RIP

who died on Tuesday this week.

May she rest in peace.

Please remember Ivy’s family and friends in your prayers at this difficult me.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen

IMPORTANT NOTICE re Funeral Directors Please note some funeral directors are seeking to have direct cremaons with no mourners present. Priests should be informed of a burial or cremaon of someone within their communies, even if there is to be a direct commial, so that the priest (or deacon) can travel in his own car to say prayers, even if this is outside the building. Government guidelines regarding funerals are clear about the need to allow close family and ministers of religion to be present.


Prayer for the Year of the Word

Living God, you walk alongside us and speak to us throughout the Scriptures.

Your Son, Jesus Christ, listens to our hopes and fears and shows us how to live for one another. Send us the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds so that we may be your witnesses throughout the world. Amen.

Your word is our path and your truth is our light.

This day and every day Celebrating, living and sharing God’s word

Celebrating, living and sharing God’s word
