SPICILEGIUM HISTORICUM Congregationis SSmi Redemptoris Annus L VII 2009 Fase. 2 Collegium S. Alfonsi de Urbe La Rivista SPICILEGIUM HISTORICUM Congregationis SSmi Redemptoris è una pubblicazione dell'Istituto Storico della Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore DIRETTORE Adam Owczarski SEGRETARIO DI REDAZIONE Emilio Lage CONSIGLIO DI REDAZIONE Alvaro C6rdoba, Gilbert Enderle, Serafino Fiore, Emilio Lage, Giuseppe Orlandi, Adam Owczarski DIRETTORE RESPONSABILE Giuseppe Orlandi SEDE Via Merulana, 31, C.P. 2458 I-00185 ROMA Tel [39] 06 494901, Fax [39] 06 49490243 e-mail:
[email protected] Con approvazione ecclesiastica Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Roma N. 310 del14 giugno 1985 Ogni collaboratore si assume la responsabilità di ciò che scrive. SPICILEGIUM HISTORICUM CONGREGATIONIS SSMI REDEMPTORIS Annus LVII 2009 Fasc. 2 STUD lA SHCSR 57 (2009) 209-272 JOOP VERNOOIJ, C.SS.R. REDEMPTORISTS IN SURINAME 1866-1992 IN HONOR OF THE BICENTENARY OF THE BIRTH OF BLESSED PETERDONDERS, C.SS.R. (1809-1887) Introduction; 1. - Some basic statistics of the Redemptorists in Suriname; 2. - The Early Suriname Mission and its Transfer to the Redemptorists; 3. - To ward an Understanding of Surinamese Society; 4. -Aptitude and Attitude of Re demptorists who served in Suriname; 5. - Sranantongo - and other Languages; 6. -Development on Different Fronts; 7.- Unstable Leadership Structure- From the Beginning; 8.- Relationship to Protestant Believers; 9. -Marking Seventy Five Years of Redemptorist Service in Suriname; 10. -Further Confusion and Pain over administrative Matters; 11. - Canonical Visitations through the Years; 12. - The Influence of Vice-Province Chapters; 14. - The final Days of the Vice Province of Suriname; 15. -An Evaluation of the Redemptorist Mission in Suri name, 1866-1992; Postscript Introduction On November 12, 1865, word came from the captain of the sailing ship De Jonge Eduard that its departure was set for the next day.