PERSEPHONI GIANNOULI School of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment University of Thessaly Fytokos St, Nea Ionia, Gr 384 46, Volos, Greece E-mail:
[email protected] Tel: +306974370289/+302421093289 E D U C A T I O N May 1997 ~ June 2001 Cranfield University, Institute of AgriTechnology, Silsoe, Bedford, UK Ph.D. in Food Technology and Quality Control Main area of research : ''Segregative Interactions in Biopolymer Gelation'' Received full sponsorship from St. Ivel Ltd. Sept.1991~July 1996 Aristotle University, Thessaloniki , Greece Degree in Chemistry Final year research project: ‘The adsorption of surface active agents on emulsions ~ The dependence of emulsification on interfacial tension.' E M P L O Y M E N T H I S T O R Y May 2008-now University of Thessaly, School of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment , Volos Greece Assistant Professor in “Food Technology and Quality Control” Head of the Lab Food Technology-Quality Control and Safety Supervision of 28 5th year students during their final year project, οf 17 MSc Students during their research project Sept. 2003-Febr.2007 University of Thessaly, Department of Biochemistry Biotechnology, , Larissa, Greece, Contract Lecturer in “Food Biochemistry Supervision of two (2) 4th year students during their final year project Sept. 2000 - Dec. 2002 University College Cork, Food Chemistry, Department of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition, Cork, Ireland. Supervision of 13 5th year students during their final year project and of 6 MSc Students during their research project Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Food Biopolymers Participation in two research projects (Funded by the Higher Education Authority of Ireland ~ H.E.A.