Philip Holmes Lighting the Steps
Lighting the Steps By Philip Holmes Philip Holmes Poetry Lighting the Steps Poems 1985–2001 Applied Mathematics , (with John Guckenheimer) , , (with John Lumley and Gal Berkooz) : (with Florin Diacu) - (with Robert Ghrist and Michael Sullivan) Published in 2002 by Anvil Press Poetry Ltd Neptune House 70 Royal Hill London SE10 8RF For Ruth, and for Maya, Avram, Ben and Ilana Copyright © Philip Holmes 2002 ISBN 0 85646 339 6 This book is published with financial assistance from The Arts Council of England A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library The moral rights of the author have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Designed and set in Monotype Bell by Anvil Printed and bound in England by Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Wiltshire Acknowledgements Contents I thank all those who offered advice, criticism and encouragement Sigodlin Poem 11 throughout the period 1985–2001, during which these poems were written. The comments of Natalie de Combray, Peter Time Fortunato, Kathleen Gemell, Mary Gilliland, Gail Holst- Hadrian’s Wall 15 Warhaft, David McCann, Robert Morgan and Paul Muldoon Roskilde Fjord 17 were especially helpful, as were, since 1996, those of numerous Local Affairs 18 members of the US1 Poets’ Cooperative. Stuttgart 24 Urban Renewal 25 Versions of some of these poems have appeared in Banyan, The Brigg 26 Bookpress Quarterly, The Notre Dame Review, PN Review and US1 Musnikovo 34 Worksheets. An earlier draft of the collection was shortlisted for The Dictator and the Dogs 36 the Ernest Sandeen Award of the University of Notre Dame.
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