The History of Transylvania and the Transylvanian

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The History of Transylvania and the Transylvanian Transylvania Online THE HISTORY OF TRANSYLVANIA AND THE TRANSYLVANIAN SAXONS by Dr. Konrad Gündisch, Oldenburg, Germany Contents: 1. The Region: Land and People 1.1. Geography 1.2. Population and Ancient History 1.2.1. Prehistoric Era 1.2.2. Dacians and Romans 1.2.3. Period of Mass Folk Migrations 1.2.4 Integration into the Medieval Hungarian kingdom 2. The Migration and Settlement of the Transylvanian Saxons 2.1. The Hungarian Crown of King Stephen as "Host" 2.2. Origin of the Transylvanian Saxons 2.3. Progression of the Settlements 2.3.1. Beginning 2.3.2. Stages of Colonization The Teutonic Knights in the Burzenland (Tara Bârsei) 2.3.3. Privileges 3. Political History and Economic Development During the Middle Ages 4. Early Recent History: Autonomous Principality Transylvania 5. Province of the Hapsburg Empire 6. Part of the Kingdom of Greater Romania 7. Under Communist Rule Centuries of History Fading "Siebenbürgen und die Siebenbürger Sachsen" was written in German by Dr. Konrad Gündisch, Oldenburg, Germany. The English translation "Transylvania and the Transylvanian Saxons" was written by Georg Schuller, Edmonton, Canada. 1. The Region: Land and People 1.1. Geography Atlantean and satellite maps of eastern Europe show the topography of Transylvania as a clearly definable geographic region. It is comparable with a natural fortress, a mountainous region almost completely barrier-like enclosed by the East and South Carpathians and the Transylvanian West Mountains, sheltering the Transylvanian Depression in the centre. This Transylvanian Basin or Plateau is partitioned by three rivers, the Mures, Olsul and Somesu (Mieresch, Alt/Olt, Somesch), all tributaries of the Danube. The arched Carpathian Mountain Range is an extension of the Alps of Central Europe through the West Carpathians with the Beskid Mts. and the Tatras. It is also the transition to the Balkan Mountains of South Eastern Europe through the "Porta Orientalis" (Temesch-Cerna-Fault). The region is separated from the Black Sea plains and the Eurasian steppe by the East Carpathians, from the Romanian lower land by the South Carpathians (Transylvanian Alps) and from the great Hungarian Plains by the Transylvanian West Mountains (Muntii Apuseni). The Carpathians therefore, not only separate distinct geographical regions but also link the regions commonly known as Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe, regions which differed greatly in their diverse cultural development throughout history. The East Carpathians, with Pietrosul Rodnei as the highest peak at 2303 metres, are divided into three parallel mountain ranges: a westerly range of volcanic origin (the Oas Mtn., Gutâi Mtn., Tiblesului Mtn., Câlimani/Kelemen Mtn., Gurghiului/Görgény Mtn., Haghitei/Hargitta Mtn.), the main range of crystalline structure (Marmarosch Mtn., Rodna Mtn., Borgo Mtn.) and an easterly and southeasterly range (from Ciucului/Csík- Mountains to the Hohenstein and Postávarul/Schuler). Saddle-like depressions and gorges, expanding to river valleys, allow relatively easy crossing of mountain passes like Tihuta (Borgo), Oituz (Oitoz) and Predeal-Prahova. They all became important traffic routes. The East-Carpathians also separate the climatic zones of the Atlantic, the Continental and the Baltic provinces. The South Carpathians with Moldoveanul as the highest peak at 2544 metres, form a rather uniform crystalline mountain range. It is sectioned by the Bran (Törzburger) Pass, the Red Tower Pass (Pasul Turnu Rosu / Roter-Turm Pass) and by the Meri-Lainici Pass in the massive Bucegi Mtn. (Butschetsch) with Piatra Craiului (Königstein), Transylvanian Mts. or Fâgârasului (Fogarascher) Mts. with Cozia Mtn., Parângului (Paring) Mtn. with Cibinului (Zibins) Mts. and Sebesului (Mühlbacher) Mts. and Godeanu Mtn. with Retezatului (Retezat) Mountain. High peaks and the traces of glaciers (moraines, lakes) of the "Fogarascher" and the "Retezat" justify the description as "Transylvanian Alps". The Transylvanian Westmountains (West Carpathian Mts.), also called Apuseni Mts. stretch from the Mures (Mieresch) to the Somesu (Somesch, Hun. Szamos) and separate Transylvania from the Hungarian Lowlands. Its central section peaks with the Curcubáta (1849 m) consisting of crystallite shale and granite. Of great economic importance for centuries has been the southeasterly section, the Metaliferi Mts. (Siebenbürgisches Erzgebirge/Transylvanian Ore Mts.) which is of volcanic origin and rich in precious metals. It is the so called golden square, located between Baia de Aries (Offenburg), Zlatna (Kleinschlatten), Sâcârâmb and Caraci. The Westmountains, very rugged but mostly below 1000 metres in height, are today a popular and much visited destination by tourists because of the scenic formations with steep peaks, canyons and caves. Dense forests cover the Carpathians. Regardless from which direction a visitor enters Transylvania, the land is surrounded by forests, it lies beyond the forests (Latin: trans silva; hence Transylvania). The forests enclosing mountains are the origin of the Latin, Hungarian and Romanian names Transsilvania, Erdély, Ardeal. Surely the creator of the name was the royal Hungarian chancellery. The transition between the Carpathians and the Transylvanian Highlands is a wreath of peripheral depressions, among them the Depresiuena Odorhei (Oderhellener Senke), the Fâgârs (Fogarascher), the Cibinului (Zibins), also called Depresiuena Subiului (Hermannstädter Senke) and the Apoldu de Sus (Großpold). Large salt deposits are found in some of these depressions and in the Somesu High Country. For thousands of years these deposits have been mined near "Salzdorf", "Salzmarkt", Turda (Thorenburg), Ocna Sibiului (Salzburg) and Praid. Since salt deposits were not found in the Hungarian Lowlands and in the Balkan Peninsula the Transylvanian finds were already in high demand in prehistoric times. The Transylvanian Highlands are in the centre of the country, with hills and mountains ranging in height between 300 metres and 800 metres. G. D. Teutsch wrote the following in History of the Transylvanian Saxons, 1st edition, Kronstadt 1858, p. 3-4 ("Hervorhebungen von Teutsch"): " Nestled in the east section of the Austrian Empire, friendly Highlands rise from the Hungarian Plains. Small in size but rich in beauty and nature’s treasures. In size not much more than 1100 "quartered miles" (approx.61,000 sqkm). Meeting Hungary’s northern mountainous wall it is surrounded by mighty mountain chains, the Carpathians. Far across the land one can see mountain peaks and pinnacles covered with blinding snow reaching high into the blue sky. Only a few passes are opening towards the noon sun to the lands of the lower Danube and towards the morning sun to the wide Slavic flatlands of Russia. As if God himself placed the land at the border of occidental culture, as a strong fortress ... Originating at the high alpine borders, rows of mountain ranges mostly majestically crowned with forests, cross the land in all directions. The land hides salt and precious metals of all kind in surprising abundance. From the iron which shields life to the gold that corrupts it. Innumerable thermal and mineral springs flow from earth’s bosom, creeks and rivers beautify and water the land everywhere. On sunny slopes the grape glows and the sumptuous fruit tree blooms. Wheat fields wave in the valleys, wild animals roam the forests, domesticated animals are in abundance. This is the land of Transylvania and should the people lack something, it’s mostly their own fault...." The topography of Transylvania has been shaped and is characterized by its streams. The rivers are all tributaries of the Danube. The Danube, originating in the Black Forest and flowing to the Black Sea connects the peoples like a "highway, ... as sine qua non Europas. Code of cultural diversity. Artery of the continent. Historic River. River of time. River of Culture. Chain, which connects peoples.." as the Hungarian author Péter Esterházy wrote. (Footnote1) Transylvania's longest river, the Mures (Mieresch, 776 km), originates in the East Carpathians, flows through Central Transylvania from east to west, accepts the Aries (Ariesch, Gold River) south of Turda (Thorenburg) which flows from the Munti Codru- Moma (Weistgebirgen), and is joined by the Tirnava (Kokel) north of Alba-Iulia (Karlsburg, Hung. Gyulafehérvár). At Blaj (Blasendorf) the Tirnava (Kokel) branches into its main tributaries, the Tirnava Micà and Tirnave Mare ("Große-" and "Kleine Kokel"). The Mures leaves Transylvania at a gorge between the South Carpathians and the Transylvanian West Mountains (West Carpathiam Mts.) and joins the Tisza river (Theiß) in Szeged west of Makó (Hungary) which flows south joining the Danube. The Mures (Mieresch/Muresul) divides Transylvania into a northern region with the "Somesu Highlands", the "Nösnerland", the Transylvanian Moor (Siebenbürgische Heide) and the Zona Reghinului (Reener Ländchen), and into a southern region with the Tirnava (Kokel) -, Harbach-, Hamlescher and Zekesch- High Country, which mostly carry the names of rivers and are divided by high ridges. The Podisul (high lands) Târnavelor region (Zwischenkokelgebiet) is especially suited for wine. Its western section is, therefore, also known as Wine Country (Weinland). Natural gas in this region is of great economic importance today. In the Transylvanian Highlands one must distinguish between the "Unterwald" (near Sebes Alba/Mühlbach), the Tara Hategului (Hatzeger Land), the "Old Land" ("Alte Land" near Hermannstadt/Sibiu),
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