Town of Selma Work Session Meeting September 3, 2020 Selma Jernigan Building 2:00 PM

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a. September 8, 2020 - Regular Council Meeting Agenda 2 - 104 Regular Council - 08 Sep 2020 - Agenda - Pdf


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Town of Selma Regular Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Civic Center 6:00 PM







a. Approval of Minutes 4 - 16 Regular Council Meeting - August 11, 2020 (Resource Person: Town Clerk Jamie Whitley) Regular Council Meeting - August 11, 2020


a. Proclamation declaring September 6 - 12, 2020 as First Responders 17 Appreciation Week (Resource Person - Mayor Cheryl Oliver) First Responders Week 2020

b. Proclamation declaring September 17 - 23, 2020 as Constitution Week 18 (Resource Person - Mayor Cheryl Oliver) Proclamation for Constitution Week 2020



a. Public Hearing for 2019-123-TA 19 - 24 (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon-Tingle) Public Hearing for 2019-123-MA 133 Yelverton Grove Road Rezonings

b. Public Hearing for CDBG Grant Funding 25 (Resource Person: Public Works Director JP McCann) Public Hearing for CDBG Grant Funding

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a. Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention Grant 26 (Resource Person: Fire Chief Phillip McDaniel) Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention Grant

b. Proposal to offer Reflective Address Signs 27 - 28 (Resource Person: Fire Chief Phillip McDaniel) Proposal to offer Reflective Address Signs

c. Railroad Days Activities Update 29 - 34 (Resource Person: Parks and Recreation Director Billy Roach) Railroad Days Presentation

d. Cross-Connection Ordinance Update 35 - 51 (Resource Person: Public Works Director JP McCann) Cross-Connection Ordinance Update

e. Extra Duty Pay Policy 52 - 54 (Resource Person: Human Resources Director Jennifer Eakes) Extra Pay Duty Policy

f. Advisory Board Appointments 55 (Resource Person: Town Clerk Jamie Whitley) Advisory Board Appointments

g. Selma Phone System Proposal 56 - 62 (Resource Person: Town Clerk Jamie Whitley) Selma Phone System Proposal

h. Request for Public Hearing for 2020-51-SUP Subsurface Construction 63 Company (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon-Tingle) Request for Public Hearing for 2020-51-SUP Subsurface Construction Company

i. Code Enforcement and Blighted Properties Update 64 - 85 (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon-Tingle) Code Enforcement and Blighted Properties Update

j. Senior Center Agreement 86 - 89 (Resource Person: Acting Town Manager/Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) Senior Center Agreement

k. SURF Grant Update 90 - 98 (Resource Person: Acting Town Manager/Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) SURF Program

l. Budget Amendment #3 99 - 101 (Resource Person: Acting Town Manager/Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) Budget Amendment #3

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a. Surplus of property located at 508 Sharpe Street 102 - 103 Surplus of 508 Sharpe Street


a. 2020 Selma Voting Site and Rental Fee

b. Town Manager Search Update

c. Preservation NC Update

d. General Comments




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Regular Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, August 11, 2020 @ 6:00 PM

COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Cheryl Oliver, Mayor Pro-Tem Jackie Lacy, Councilmember Ann Williams, Councilmember Byron McAllister, and Councilmember Joe Scarboro

1. CONVOCATION Mayor Oliver called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Civic Center and declared a quorum present.

Mayor Oliver led in prayer.

2. PLEDGE TO FLAG Mayor Pro-Tem Jackie Lacy led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA a. Mayor Oliver added subdivision text amendment under the Town Attorney's report as 7c. She stated that there is no closed session and that will be removed from the agenda.

A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Councilmember Joe Scarboro to approve the agenda.

Motion carried unanimously.

4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Minutes

Regular Council Meeting - July 14, 2020 Continued Council Meeting - July 15, 2020

Councilmember Ann Williams asked about the addendum that was supposed to be added to the minutes for the Designation of the Historic Districts.

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Town Clerk Jamie Whitley stated that the addendum will be added once we receive the letter from the State recognizing our Historic Districts so that the addendum will be a complete document as specified in the motion made on July 14, 2020.

Councilmember Williams asked have we received anything from the State.

Town Clerk Whitley stated no.

Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon-Tingle stated that the State has received the documents but we do not have anything from them.

Councilmember Williams stated that she wanted everything that we have for the addendum to be put in the minutes right away.

Councilmember Williams stated that the day after the meeting, Mr. Hicks received a call from JMT because they were listening to the meeting. Mr. Hicks put Councilmember Williams on the conference call because JMT started talking about issues before he got here. She stated that they were rather upset and stated that some of the things that were said at the meeting were incorrect and they wanted to come to a meeting and correct the record. She stated that she would like for us to make that happen. She stated that there seems to be a problem with some of the things according to them and she wants that on the record because the minutes may not be correct.

Mayor Oliver stated that we will schedule JMT Presentation for the September Meeting.

Mayor Oliver asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda with those two pending items for the minutes. Regular Council Meeting - July 14, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Continued - July 15, 2020

b. Budget Amendment #2 (Resource Person: Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) Budget Amendment #2

c. Revenue Analysis (Resource Person: Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) Revenue Analysis

d. Wastewater Charges (Resource Person: Finance Director Rhonda Sommer)

A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Councilmember Joe Scarboro to approve the Consent Agenda with the changes to the minutes.

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Motion carried unanimously. Wastewater Charges

5. RECOGNITIONS/PRESENTATIONS a. Recognition of Steve Merklin's Retirement

Mayor Oliver thanked Steven Merklin for his service that he has provided for the Town. She recalled how he worked with volunteers to get the dams cleared and he bought them Selma hats with his own money to thank them. She presented Steve Merklin with a plaque for his retirement.

Steve Merklin stated that we have to listen to the citizens and make the town better for them. He stated that it has been a great 12 years and he thanked the Mayor and Council. Recognition of 11 Years of Service Steven Merklin

b. Selma Elementary School Presentation (Resource Person: Selma Elementary School Principal Maritza Rosado)

Mayor Oliver introduced Selma Elementary School Principal Maritza Rosado. She stated that she knows that Mrs. Rosado is busy but wanted to thank her for coming to spend time with us today.

Mrs. Rosado stated that she was happy to be here and stated that they have been doing a lot of planning for this school year. She stated that they are having challenges with supplies and materials because students cannot share. She stated that we are looking at creative aspect of education as well as academics. She requested support to help with imagination boxes. She stated that it entails a box with art supplies that students can use at home. She stated that they have some supplies but she wanted to get some support with this project.

Mayor Oliver asked for a list from Principal Rosado that can be posted on social media and the Town Website so that she can get support not only from the Town but from others.

Mrs. Rosado stated that she knows in Selma you don't have to ask because people are always willing to show up and show their support. She thanked Council and the Town for its support and stated that she will get a list.


7. TOWN ATTORNEY'S REPORT a. Update on 905 W. Walnut Street

Town Attorney Hewett gave some background on the history of 905 W. Walnut. There has been prior litigation with this property. He stated that in the past Ms. Lemon had an

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attorney and this went to litigation and then their was an appeal filed. There was a settlement agreement were she agreed to fix the house. He stated that the terms of her getting the house to a habitable state were non-compliant. It is suspected that people that got evicted from a neighboring house has taken residency there, so now we have a vagrant issue. He stated that he needs to determine if the settlement agreement is something that he can enforce based on the statue of limitations whether it can be a new action or a current action. He stated that wants to bring this back to Council next week on what his recommended action is. He asked Council if they would be okay with him reacing out to Ms. Lemon's former attorneys in this matter to see if we can get this back on track. Council agreed.

b. Code Enforcement in the ETJ Update

Town Attorney Hewett stated that he spoke with the County Attorney and the County Manager. He stated that the County may enforce code but it is on a case by case basis. They advised him that the town can assume the role of code enforcement in the ETJ but we will have to define the area and then pass an ordinance that will authorize the Town to do that. He suggested that we reach out to the County Commissioners and see if there could be more of an active role by the Commissioners. He stated that he does not expect anything immediate in regards to enforcement action.

Mayor Oliver stated that she would like to take one more run at it and talk with the County to see if there may be any financial reimbursement if we take this on because it is outside of our taxable area.

Attorney Hewett stated that he and Mr. Hicks met with the County Manager and Attorney and nothing has changed since that meeting in regards to enforcement activity in the ETJ.

c. Subdivision Text Amendment

Attorney Hewett stated that Special Use Permit for all major subdivisions are approved via a quasi-judicial hearing conducted by the Town Council. We want to eliminate quasi-judicial proceedings for subdivision processes and converts all major subdivision processes into legislative decisions. He stated that we have done legislative for years. He asked Council set the date for Public Hearing on September 8, 2020 to amend Chapter 17, Sections 17-650 and 17-654 of the Code of Ordinances.

A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Jackie Lacy to set the public hearing for the Subdivision Text Amendment for September 8, 2020.

Motion carried unanimously. Request for Public Hearing for 2020-86-TA

d. Discussion of the Settlement Agreement of Steven Hicks

Town Attorney Hewett stated that we have undergone negotiations with Mr. Hicks'

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Attorney Jack O'Hale. He presented the agreement to Council and stated that if they choose to accept the settlement agreement then they can accept the resignation of Steven Hicks.

Mayor Oliver stated that just because a resign is requested and tendered doesn't mean that that person did not do some positive things. She wanted to put forth publicly some of his accomplishments.

She stated that he supported the goals of Council as soon as they were given to him. He was front and center in all of his presentations. He was seeking to get Council, employees, and citizens walking in the same direction according to the goals set by Council, not one or two individuals. He presented us with an easy to read Fiscal Year 20-21 Budget. Whenever we wanted a deep dive into pieces of the Budget he would bring in other organizations such as North Carolina Rural Water, Withers Ravenel and department heads. He focused not only on today but tomorrow. He provided us with plans for water, sewer and electric service. Those plans did not exist prior to his employment with us. He sought to bring new business to Selma by bring in representatives from all areas of the State to tour our available buildings. He was clear about our need to adjust our utility rates and worked with us closely to set new utility rates; while keeping in mind our low income residents. At the same time, he met the expectations of the Local Government Commission. He has not yet had the opportunity to hire many new employees. Our new Code Enforcer is an example of his ability to match talent with a position. He certainty is talented in that area. He understands the need for diversity and wanted to see minorities represented at all levels of employment in the Town of Selma. These are commendable accomplishments. He never revered from the charge. She stated that she believed that he came to Selma with a servant's heart content to make Selma a better place to live and play. Was he perfect? Absolutely not, no more than you or I. She stated that Councilmember McAllister commented that someone making Steven's salary should not have an adjustment period. They should just come and hit the ground running. She stated that their opinions differ on that she stated in her experience everyone needs support in getting acclimated to the processes, policies and expectations of the hiring entity. In this case, it also required getting acclimated into a new town. She sought to provide support by giving him the background on our town and the major projects. She stated that it has been circulated around town that Mr. Hicks is an absentee Town Manager. She stated that her experience and the experience of other employees does not support this. She stated that there are some that might claim that this is true but looking at dates and calendars it is not true. She stated that on the contrary he has gone beyond normal hours to fulfill the expectation of Council and the citizens. Department Heads have reported to her that they have met with him until 9:30 or 10:00 at night to help meet deadlines on a project. She asked how can those accomplishments be made if he was rarely on the job? If he was not in the office when someone stopped by, he was either working with recreation teams, in meetings, on conference calls from home. No matter where he was, he was always a phone call, email or text away. She stated that the Town Manager was suppose to be out in the field. She stated that the Covid-19 pandemic certainly added to the challenges during his tenure. Out of necessity, his work schedule and the schedule of many of our employees had to be altered out of concern for the safety for our employees. She stated that employees included our Town Manager and Department Heads. She stated that the pandemic also had another impact. It made us have to do a

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very conservative Budget. We did not know what the impact would be with delays in customers paying their utilities and how that would affect our finances. We were and still are concerned about reduced sales tax revenues, tourism and business that have reduced hours and those that are not opening at all. This tight Budget may not have set well with some but the actions taken by Mr. Hicks were necessary to ensure the fiscal health of our Town. Mayor Oliver suggested that we give Mr. Hicks collective improvements that would need to be seen in the next few months; that would allow us all to judge his performance with a set criteria. Council did not approve. If they had concurred it would have saved more than $30,000 in taxpayer dollars. Since we are not providing notice to Mr. Hicks as required in the contract, this agreement calls for the Town of Selma to pay him for those 90 days. Mayor Oliver stated that if the recommendation had been taken, we may have ended up where we are now but we would all know the reason why these actions are being taken and we could relay these actions to the public. She stated that her involvement was not requested on the settlement agreement. She stated that she was not associated with Councilmember McAllister calling Mr. Hicks and offering him one month salary if her resigned. She stated that calling it unprofessional is not strong enough. Council always hires the Town Manager as a group and subsequent actions involving the Town Manager are done as a group. Mayor Oliver stated that she cannot make an offer without Council begin aware. She stated that the distance between the settlement and the contracted amount speaks volumes of the weakness of the case again Mr. Hicks. Mayor Oliver stated that regardless of who the person is they deserve to be respected.

Councilmember Williams stated "My name is Ann Hinnant Williams and at 69, I am a life-long resident of Selma. I grew up on Webb Street, was in Girl Scouts, attended the Original Free Will Baptist Church, took private organ lessons on the pipe organ at Edgerton Methodist, and worked after school at both Abdallas and the Johnstonian Sun. In the summers, I worked at Griggs making upholstered furniture. I lived in Selma during my career with the school system both as a teacher at SSS and later as an administrator.

I believe I know something about this town and I also know that we have always been known as a Railroad town, but I never dreamed I would be telling you a story of Selma railroading someone out of town, unjustly. No matter what you may have heard about what is going on here tonight or what you may have read in the paper, as Paul Harvey used to say, “Now for the rest of the story” on the resignation of the Selma Town Manager, Steven Hicks.

In 2019, the previous council searched for eight months trying to find a person to fit our specific needs – Our focus was finding someone who was an expert in Public Works because our major issues include crumbling sewer lines, areas that flood, constant paving needs, and expertise in writing and overseeing complex developmental agreements. Mr. Steven Hicks is not only an engineer, he also has 25 years of experience in General Services in the government sector. In his last position in Durham, he supervised over 130 employees with a budget of over $20 million and has maintained a spotless record. He even has a federal security clearance. So, let me be clear that even though you may think there must have been some recent event that caused us to be voting on Mr. Hicks resignation tonight, I assure you, from

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the outset that Councilman Byron McAllister’s quest to oust Mr. Steven Hicks is not something new - it has been orchestrated for 8 months and unfortunately, I have watched almost every minute of it.

Last November, only days after McAllister was elected and only TWO WEEKS after Mr. Hicks was on the job, the brand new manager contacted Mayor Oliver and asked her if she knew why the new Councilmember, Byron McAllister, had approached him in a parking lot at the edge of dark and launched a tirade of accusations, saying over and over that the people in Selma did not like him, that personnel did not like him, and that he needed to resign. The mayor called me to get my reaction. I was stunned and alarmed.

In January, at the first council meeting after he had been sworn in, McAllister attempted to get the entire council to terminate Mr. Hicks’ contract, again citing, “People don’t like him and I have no confidence in him.” McAllister also argued that the parking lot tirade was justified. I was outraged at that meeting but thankfully, McAllister could not get a majority of council to support him. (First lawsuit) On March 1, Mr. Hicks moved into his home in Selma as we required in his contract. Thirteen days later, everything was shut down by the virus.

Mr. Hicks began making numerous arrangements in coordination with Rick Hester, County Manager and the Health Department in order to try and continue to provide services to the public as well trying to protect the employees. At the same time, with the schools closed and his wife (who is a teacher) now at home and able to take care of their four children, McAllister, the stay-at-home dad, was free go downtown almost every morning.

Day after day, month after month, McAllister stopped by the Parks and Rec office, which adjoins the council chambers, and after lengthy conversations with the director and employees, would request access to Town Hall which was closed to the public and then on to other buildings. Despite the Town’s efforts to protect the staff from Covid- 19, McAllister was seen on a regular basis moving from building to building, sitting in various offices. One department head said to me, “What am I supposed to do? He comes in, sits down, and begins doing his spiel.” (Subsequently through this time, first the Parks and Rec office had to be sanitized because of an outbreak there, then Town Hall when staff there tested positive, and then last week, Public Works had the latest case.) However, McAllister pursued his mission and seemed most interested in going upstairs in Town Hall, the location of Mr. Hicks’ office, where he regularly asked, “Where is he?” – meaning the town manager. County officials had warned all town governments to protect essential employees – police chief, fire chief, finance officer, town managers – to allow them to work remotely on staggered schedules.

Mr. Hicks was very clear with the Council when we hired him that he would spend 90 % of his time in the field, that he did not ride a desk (in fact he didn’t even have a chair at his tall table – he stood to do his work. So, McAllister would eventually complete his rounds for the day and head out in search of the manager. Mr. Hicks actually showed me a text from McAllister that indicated that he was watching Mr. Hicks and knew where he was. (Lawsuit number 2)

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One of the strangest things McAllister began doing was dropping in on any meeting in town, anywhere, invited or not, and taking a seat. Mayor Oliver confided to me that she was also stunned when McAllister barged through her CLOSED office door, with no knock and no explanation.

In one instance, McAllister also barged in on a meeting in the council chambers where both the mayor and I were in conversation with a contractor and his associates. Mayor Oliver immediately asked McAllister to leave since his presence created a quorum or majority of the council which is not allowed under the law unless there is a public notice. According to what the mayor told me, after the meeting she contacted McAllister to see if he needed something from her. He responded that he didn’t, but he had been “notified” that the mayor’s car and my car were outside the council chambers, and he wanted to see what the meeting was about and why he wasn’t invited. I suddenly had a taste of how Mr. Hicks felt in being stalked.

McAllister has been fixated on intimidating the town manager. After a council meeting in April, I heard the town manager ask McAllister why he was so rude to him in person and why his telephone calls often started off with yelling. McAllister responded, “I am a bad person. My wife and my children think I am a (“jerk” – I cannot use the actual word he used here in a public document.). Mayor Oliver told me that McAllister made a similar statement to her saying (I am not a nice person), and he has also said the same thing to me privately as well (with no further explanation).

The NC General Statutes give explicit power only to the Town Manager (not the Council) to hire, fire, and evaluate personnel. In one meeting where Mr. Hicks began discussing his upcoming evaluation of a small number employees whose work was substandard, one council member (who ultimately aligned with McAllister to try and fire Mr. Hicks) used very specific language on several occasions, in violation of that statute, to (in effect) warn Mr. Hicks that certain employees should not be evaluated negatively and even though a person was not qualified for a job, that person should have gotten it anyway. (Lawsuit number 3)

Mr. Hicks has proven to be eminently qualified, and despite the campaign of running intimidation, the number of projects that he has planned and completed in the past seven months has proven us correct since his work has far surpassed that of any other town manager in the history of Selma in that same amount of time (there are far too many projects to list here.) He has received high praise from county officials as well for his work in and knowledge of public utilities, especially with regard to the Eastfield Development. For example, when Mr. Hicks read through the Eastfield Development agreement with the town, he was very concerned that the electrical service provider as well as components of the water/sewer were not clearly established. He has worked for several months to have those sections rewritten.

But despite his tremendous success, thirty minutes prior to Mr. Hicks’ scheduled mid- year evaluation meeting, McAllister, still determined to get rid of him, called him and said that if Mr. Hicks would resign that moment, McAllister would give him one month severance pay (a notion never discussed with the full Council). (Lawsuit number 4) Mr. Hicks said no. At the conclusion of the 3:00 pm evaluation meeting, Mayor Oliver told the group that it was customary to allow the employee to have time to

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respond in writing to the individual council comments and commendations.

However, McAllister immediately denied that opportunity by once again, demanding Mr. Hicks’ resignation. (Lawsuit number 5) Before Mr. Hicks could respond, and evidently anticipating that the resignation would not be offered, McAllister suddenly announced that he and Joe Scarboro had already scheduled a Council meeting (unbeknownst to the mayor or me) 48 hours later for further consideration of Mr. Hicks’ contract (which meant he had the votes to fire Mr. Hicks - Scarboro, McAllister, and Lacey.) The posting for that meeting reached our email account two minutes later before we could leave the room, sent by the clerk to the Council.

The council attorney, Mr. Hewitt, tried to delay the meeting because he had a previous engagement and because he wanted to talk to the council to make sure the law was followed. McAllister refused to delay, virtually saying, he didn’t need our attorney even when the Mayor tried to insist.

People have asked me how McAllister’s deal went from one month of pay to six months with all benefits, etc at a cost to the town of approximately $96,000. I tell them it turned when, being given no other option to defend himself or even respond to council comment, Mr. Hicks engaged the services of Mr. Jack O’Hale, a well-known attorney who specializes in criminal and contract law. Anyone reading this letter who is familiar with standard employment requirements and procedures will have no problem counting at least five major costly lawsuits that Mr. O’Hale could have brought against the town, especially since Mr. Hicks did not violate the US Constitution, did not break a law, did not violate his contract, aligned all his work to the town’s goals and objectives, and made unparalled progress for Selma. In other words, there were no grounds for his dismissal.

Also keep in mind that there has not been one single time, in any meeting, where any member of the Council has brought a single complaint, discussed it with Mr. Hicks, and asked him for an explanation or directed him, as a group, to make an adjustment. Not one time. Instead, Mr. Hicks has been threatened with being fired or been asked for his resignation six times by McAllister, starting approximately 10 days after he arrived here.

Mr. Hicks has received calls from people here in Selma as well as city and county officials from all over the state who know him and have asked him what in the world has happened. People who called me want to know what kind of crazy town Selma is. His family called me and asked why Selma had tried to hurt Steven when, in twenty- five years, he has never had one blemish on his record. I have answered that I do not know.

In conclusion, I have always been proud of my hometown, but not lately. I regret that I voted for McAllister. I am even more distressed that I campaigned for him. I have seen him, in a split second, switch back and forth from the good guy who just wants to hug everybody to a person with a mean streak a mile wide. I believe what we have witnessed is only Part I of whatever is really going on and in the next few weeks, we will see the other shoe drop.

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Joe Moore one of my heroes in this town, a former mayor of Selma, saw me shortly before he died and asked me how long I thought I would last on the Council. I told him I didn’t know. He said, “It won’t be long because you won’t be able to stomach how low some people will go. You’re not a politician.”

Evidently he was right. I have been so upset, over how an innocent man who worked so hard for us has been treated, that I have thrown up every day for the past two weeks.

It is with regret and my deepest apologies, that I will vote in favor of the motion to accept Mr. Hicks’ resignation.

A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Councilmember Joe Scarboro to accept the settlement agreement of Steven Hicks.

Motion carried unanimously. Settlement Agreement of Steven Hicks

e. Acceptance of Steven Hicks Resignation

A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Councilmember Joe Scarboro to accept the resignation of Steven Hicks.

Motion carried unanimously. Steven Hicks Resignation Letter

8. BUSINESS ITEMS a. ISO Presentation

The Selma Fire Department scored a 74.67 or a Class 3. Fire Chief Phillip McDaniel gave a list of things we can improve on for next time. He recommended a second station to include all areas within 1.5 miles of an engine company; improve the water system; replacement of all water lines supplying hydrants, less than 6 inches in diameter; increase staffing levels so we can have more firefighters on the scene of structural related calls; construction of a creditable training facility in district; and consolidation of fire services.

Mayor Oliver stated that we are very proud of our Fire Department and presented them with a plaque. ISO Results Presentation Final

b. Request for Public Hearing for 2019-123-TA (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon- Tingle)

Director Cahoon-Tingle asked Council to set the date for a public hearing on September 8, 2020 to amend the official zoning map for three parcels on Yelverton Grove Road. He stated that the current zoning for the property is Interstate Business

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(IB) and that zoning district does not allow any residential structures to be built as it is primarily a commercial business district. All neighboring properties are zoned R-20. He stated that a rezoning application was submitted in October 2019. At the November 2019 Planning Board meeting, the request for rezoning was endorsed unanimously by the board.

He staed that Mr. McArtan and his sister have been given land by their parents for each of them to build houses on. The predominant land use on these three parcels and all neighboring parcels is residential or agricultural. Staff supports this amendment moving forward so that Mr. McArtan may proceed. The petitioners need an R-20 zoning district assigned to the land in order to build their homes

A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Jackie Lacy to set the public hearing for September 8, 2020.

Motion carried unanimously. Request for Public Hearing for 2019-123-TA

c. Administrative Change to North Carolina Alcohol Beverage Control Commission Local Government Opinion (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon- Tingle)

Director Cahoon-Tingle stated that in accordance with NC General Statute 18B-904(f) before issuing a retail permit, the NC ABC Commission shall determine that the applicant is a suitable person and that the location is a suitable place. The governing body of a city/county designates an official to make recommendations concerning the suitability of a person or of a location for an ABC retail permit.

He stated that the current information is out of date and recommended that Council update the North Carolina Alcohol Beverage Control Commission Local Government Opinion contact to the title of Police Chief instead of the person's name so that we do not have to vote every time we get a new Police Chief.

A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Councilmember Joe Scarboro to update the North Carolina Alcohol Beverage Control Commission Local Government Opinion contact to the title of Police Chief.

Motion carried unanimously. Administrative Change to North Carolina Alcohol Beverage Control Commission Local Government Opinion

d. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon- Tingle)

Director Cahoon-Tingle gave an update on the Land Use Plan.

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Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update

e. Code Enforcement and Blighted Properties Report (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon- Tingle)

Director Cahoon-Tingle gave an update on the Blighted Properties. Code Enforcement and Blighted Properties Report

f. Revised North Carolina GoldenLeaf Grant Bid Award (Resource Person: Public Works Director JP McCann)

Eddie Staley gave a presentation on the work and the grants that have been awarded to Selma. We will try again for other grants in the Fall.

A motion was made by Councilmember Ann Williams and seconded by Councilmember Byron McAllister to award the bid to KRG Utilities, Inc. for work relating to the Sanitary Sewer rehabilitation project outlined in the North Carolina Golden LEAF Hurricane Florence Disaster Relief Fund Project description in the amount of $ 575,154.55

Motion carried unanimously. Revised North Carolina GoldenLeaf Grant Bid Award


Preservation NC has taken over the marketing of the Church on the corner of Waddell Street. Mayor Oliver suggested to Council about letting Preservation NC take over Old Town Hall.

Mayor Pro-Tem Jacy Lacy wanted to make sure that the bank building would still be reserved for the Museum. Preservation NC

b. Council Rules and Procedures

Mayor Oliver stated that they will update the rules and procedures at the Council Retreat but she wanted to make sure she had everything. Council Rules and Procedures


11. ADJOURNMENT a. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

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A motion was made by Councilmember Joe Scarboro and seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Jackie Lacy to adjourn.

Motion carried unanimously.

Jamie Whitley, Town Clerk

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WHEREAS, Selma's First Responders including Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, and Emergency Medical Technicians, are trained professionals that protect the Selma community through countless emergency response; and

WHEREAS, Selma citizens benefit from the specialized knowledge, skills and dedication of the First Responder as they work together to ensure prompt, adequate, and efficient response to both natural and manmade disasters, often under harrowing conditions; and

WHEREAS, Selma's First Responders are a vital part of this community as they risk their lives in the service of others in times of need; and

WHEREAS, Our First Responders provide value to the community through situations other than emergencies such as Prevention Programs, citizens training, code enforcement, public assistance, and

WHEREAS, We greatly appreciate and commend all of our First Responders on their countless dedication to providing outstanding public safety to the town of Selma and surrounding community.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Cheryl L. Oliver and The Selma Town Council do hereby proclaim September 6th through September 12th as "First Responders Appreciation Week" in Selma, North Carolina and hereby express our sincere appreciation to all First Responders for their invaluable service to its citizens.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the Town of Selma, North Carolina this the 8th day of September in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Twenty.

Cheryl L. Oliver, Mayor

ATTEST: Jamie Whitley, Town Clerk

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WHEREAS: September 17, 2020, marks the two hundred and thirty-third anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the of America by the Constitutional Convention; and

WHEREAS: It is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to this magnificent document and its memorable anniversary; and to the patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion; and

WHEREAS: Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America designating September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week,

NOW, THEREFORE I, Mayor Cheryl Oliver by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the Town of Selma do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through 23, 2020 as


By asking our citizens to reaffirm the ideals of the Framers of the constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties, remembering that lost rights may never be regained.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Town of Selma to be affixed this 8th day of September in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty.

Signed ______SEAL Attest ______

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Action Item #: 7a

TO: Selma Town Council THROUGH: Rhonda Sommer, Acting Town Manager FROM: Randall K Cahoon-Tingle, Planning & Economic Development Director DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: 2019-123-MA 133 Yelverton Grove Road Rezonings

Recommendation: Vote to approve Official Zoning Map for the Town of Selma to rezone three parcels of land - 14L10011B, 14L10011C and 14L10011 – from IB (interstate business – current zoning) to R-20 residential district.

Background: In October 2019, Andrew McArtan applied to rezone property given to him by his parents located at 133 Yelverton Grove Road from its current IB (interstate business) zoning to a district that allows single family residential construction. His request was for R-20 residential because all neighboring property is uniformly zoned. Mr. McArtan indicated his sister, Karen Shinn, had been deeded an identical parcel of land directly adjacent to his property as well, and shares his desire to build a house on her land.

In reviewing the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Selma, I realized that the parent parcel these properties were divided from is currently “split zoned.” The 10.07 acres, owned by James William Hughes, Jr., is divided into thirds by Yelverton Grove Road. The northern third (contains a barn and outbuildings as well as a two-sided billboard) is zoned R-20 (residential). The southern two-thirds of the acreage contains a residential house and some accessory buildings; it is zoned IB.

Most of the structures along Yelverton Grove Road are residential in nature: mobile homes, site-built homes, etc. A solar farm – zoned R-20 Residential – is the only active commerce on the street aside from the “lay down” yard for the Dominion Pipeline project (also zoned R-20). From the center of Yelverton Grove Road you can see Outlet Center Drive (990 linear feet away) in Smithfield (near the traffic circle), but I-95 acts as a barrier between the two land uses. The side view from the property allows a somewhat obscure view of the JR building (1,550 feet away), but the US 70 W Bypass separates these land uses.

Analysis: This rezoning request was extended to include all acreage zoned IB in this trio of parcels. Uniformity of zoning would be achieved by granting the request. While the 2009 Land Use Plan considered the acreage to be part of the I-95 interchange no development has taken place on the property during the past eleven years to suggest the plan’s classification was correct. 1

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Action Item #: 7a

The current zoning – IB – allows for no residential construction. The structure owned by James W. Hughes, Jr., was made a nonconformity by the assignment of these parcels as IB. If Hughes’ residential home were to burn down or become dilapidated beyond 50% of its fair market value it would not be possible to build it back under the current zoning classification.

There is county water available to the sites but no options aside from on-site septic tanks are available. Mr. McArtan and his sister will have to test their 2.5-acre parcels for the ability to perc prior to issuance of necessary building permits. The property is in the Town of Selma ETJ so no police, fire or utility services will be provided by the town. The tax value of each of the undeveloped parcels of land is $13,070 currently. Mr. Hughes’ parcel, including the residential structure, has a tax value of just under $130,000.

Fiscal Impact: • Budget Amendment Required: No • Capital Project Ordinance Required: N/A • Pre-Audit Certification Required: N/A

Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A

Advisory Board Recommendation: The Planning Board, in November 2019, voted unanimously in favor of recommending full approval of this rezoning request.


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MAYOR ACTING TOWN MANAGER Cheryl Oliver Rhonda Sommer

MAYOR PRO-TEM TOWN CLERK Jacqueline Lacy Jamie Whitley

COUNCILMEMBERS TOWN ATTORNEY Byron McAllister Alan “Chip” Hewett Joe Scarboro Ann Williams


WHEREAS, Andrew McArtan, has initiated an amendment to THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP to reclassify the 15.07 total acres of land along Yelverton Grove Road located in the Town of Selma’s extraterritorial planning jurisdiction owned by Andrew McArtan along with James William Hughes, Jr., and Karen Shinn to be rezoned from IB interstate business to R-20 residential; and

WHEREAS, a public meeting of the Town of Selma Planning Board was conducted on November 25, 2019 where this amendment to the Official Zoning Map was discussed, and the Board unanimously found the requested change to be inconsistent with goals set forth in the Town of Selma Land Use Plan (2009) but agreed zoning uniformity was important to the general vicinity; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council held a public hearing on September 8, 2020 to consider said amendment and gave the general public an opportunity to be heard; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council concurs with the Planning Board’s consistency findings and has approved, by resolution, their own statement of consistency and briefly explained why the Council considers action taken during that meeting to be both reasonable and in the public interest.


Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of the Town of Selma is officially amended to designate the entirety of the parcels of land located at 77 Yelverton Grove Road, 133 Yelverton Grove Road and 191 Yelverton Grove Road (15.07 acres of land, Tag # 14L10011B, 14L10011C and 14L10011) are zoned R-20 (residential).

Section 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized to order the amended OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SELMA to reflect this change, and to be kept on file in the Office of the Planning and Economic Development Director.

Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption.

This the 8th day of September, 2020.

Cheryl Oliver, Mayor


Jamie Whitley, Town Clerk

114 N. Raiford Street • Selma, NC 27576 • P: (919) 965-9841 • F: (919) 965-4637 •

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MAYOR ACTING TOWN MANAGER Cheryl Oliver Rhonda Sommer

MAYOR PRO-TEM TOWN CLERK Jacqueline Lacy Jamie Whitley

COUNCILMEMBERS TOWN ATTORNEY Byron McAllister Alan “Chip” Hewett Joe Scarboro Ann Williams


Pursuant to NCGS§160a-383 (Consistency Statement related to proposed changes to zoning and development regulation ordinances), the Town of Selma Town Council has reviewed a proposed ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SELMA, and finds that the proposed ordinance is inconsistent with the Land Use Plan (2009 Edition) for the following reasons:

This property is not inside the “Exit 97” area of interest but is identified as part of the Interstate Business zoning district.

The Town Council’s actions are reasonable and in the public interest for the following reasons:

Most of the land along the entire length of Yelverton Grove Road is being used for residential or agricultural purposes. The land was a gift to the owner’s children and rezoning will allow one residential structure per 2.5 acre lot.

Adopted by the Town Council this 8th day of September, 2020.

Cheryl Oliver, Mayor


Jamie Whitley, Town Clerk

114 N. Raiford Street • Selma, NC 27576 • P: (919) 965-9841 • F: (919) 965-4637 •

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Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Selma will hold a public hearing on September 8, 2020 at 6:00pm, or as soon thereafter as the agenda will allow, at the Selma Civic Center Building. Relative to the intention of the Town to apply for FY 2020 CDBG funding under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act. The Program for which funding will be applied for through is the State CDBG-CV (COVID-19) Funds. Grant request and total project cost are estimated at $900,000. Potential list of projects includes improvements for sanitation, air quality, and social distancing to the following public facilities to allow the Town to adequately provide services safely to the community within these spaces.

Town Hall, 114 N Raiford St. Renovate customer drive through bill pay structure and system, add HVAC air quality treatment Train Depot, 500 E Railroad St. Renovate Bathrooms, wall repairs, lobby floor Replacement and add central air quality treatment . Civic Center, 300 N Webb St. Floor Refurbishment for clean/disinfection purpose, HVAC central air quality treatment Jernigan Bldg., 110 E Anderson St. Replace HVAC add central air quality treatment 4 ton and 3ton units last installed 1988 Public Services Bldg., 311 S Webb St. Renovate bathrooms, upgrade training room, central air quality treatment Water Plant, 100 S Brevard St. Install self-disinfection station for sewer technician Add air quality treatment Electric Department, E Anderson St. Air quality treatment equipment and installation

Selma Head Start, 605 W Noble St. Replace surfaces for disinfection, door automation and replacement for sanitary safety, install central air quality treatment, renovate bathrooms.

Citizens will be given the opportunity to provide oral comments or submit written comments on the Town’s past and proposed use of CDBG funds at the public hearing. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend or submit written comment and join in the meeting.

If additional information is needed, please contact JP McCann, Director of Public Services, Town of Selma. Formal written complaints or comments concerning the CDBG application process that are submitted prior to or following the public hearing will be responded to within ten working days by the Town.

Persons with disabilities or who otherwise need assistance should contact staff at Town Hall at least three days prior to the public hearing. Accommodations will be made for all who request assistance with participating in the public hearing.

This information is available in Spanish or any other language upon request. Please contact the staff at the Selma Town Hall for accommodations concerning this request.

Esta información está disponible en español o en cualquier otro idioma bajo petición. Por favor, póngase en contacto con personal o en casa de ayuntamiento de alojamiento para esta solicitud.

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Action Item #: 8a

TO: Selma Town Council THROUGH: Rhonda Sommer, Acting Town Manager FROM: Phillip McDaniel, Fire Chief DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention Grant

Recommendation: Acceptance of the FEMA Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention Grant in the amount of $273,495.00 with no matching funds. Background: The FEMA Organization offers a variety of Grants to Fire Service Organizations like the Town of Selma Fire Department. One such grant in the Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention Grant. This grant can be used for incentives to retain current Volunteer Firefighters as well as recruit new Volunteer Firefighters and all associated cost, such as PPE, Insurance, Physicals, and incentive plans. We applied for this grant in February and received notification of award on August 28th. We have until September 27th to accept the award. Analysis: The funds from this grant will be used in two areas: • Recruitment: We will recruit 10 new volunteers with a goal of staffing the station with a combination of career and volunteer Firefighters to bring staffing up to 5 personnel. This will cover physicals, call and training stipends, Uniforms, and turnout gear. There is also marketing money included in the grant that includes a LED sign for the front of the Station. • Retention of Existing Volunteers: This will replace the existing budgeted incentive plan in place and add more funds for station staffing, uniforms, and training. This grant has a period of performance of 4 years and requires no matching funds. Fiscal Impact: • Budget Amendment Required: Yes • Capital Project Ordinance Required: Yes • Pre-Audit Certification Required: Yes Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A Advisory Board Recommendation: N/A


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Action Item #: 8b

TO: Selma Town Council THROUGH: Rhonda Sommer, Acting Town Manager FROM: Phillip McDaniel, Fire Chief DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Proposal to offer Reflective Address Signs

Recommendation: Bring all Properties within Selma into compliance with the Address Display Ordinance by an awareness campaign, code enforcement, and offering reflective address signs for purchase.

Background: The Fire Chief has been tasked with ensuring all Properties are in compliance with the Town of Selma Address display ordinance. The proposed action is to conduct a comprehensive marketing plan over 6 months. We will make every effort to ensure all residents and business are aware of the ordinance requirements and the importance of visible address markings. We will use direct mailings, inserts in utility bills, signage, Print Media, and Social Media. We will offer signs for sale at a cost of $15.00 per sign. In conjunction with Code Enforcement, a list of residential properties not in compliance will be gathered with notices sent to each.

Analysis: The blank signs and numbers can be purchased in bulk at a cost of $9.00 per sign. The Firefighters will make the signs and prepare them for pick up. A citizen wishing to purchase a sign will have a simple form to fill out at Customer Service along with payment. Once the order is placed, signs will be available for pick up in 5 business days. Firefighters will offer assistance with installation to citizens in need. Fiscal Impact:

• Budget Amendment Required: Yes • Capital Project Ordinance Required: N/A • Pre-Audit Certification Required: N/A

Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A

Advisory Board Recommendation: N/A 1

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Address numbers posted at your home are imperative to the services provided for you by the Town of Selma including Fire, EMS, Police, Water, Sewer, Electric, Zoning, and many more.

Numbers Posted on your home are required by Town Ordinance. Numbers must be at least 3” high and contrasting color to the home. Numbers should be visible from the street and reflectivity is highly recommended. Not having numbers posted could lead to a fine but more importantly can delay emergency response to an incident at your home.

Numbers can be purchased at your local home improvement store or by ordering at Town Hall today. Ask your customer service representative today.



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2020 Selma Railroad Days Page 29 of 103 114 N. Raiford Street • Selma, NC 27576 • 919-965-9841 • Page 31 of 104

Model Train Display

The train display will be open to the public at the Selma Historic Union Depot located at 500 E. Railroad Street on October 2nd and 3rd from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Cost is FREE and only 20 people will be allowed in the depot at any given time. Page 30 of 103 Page 32 of 104

D.I.Y Train Contest Page 31 of 103 Page 33 of 104

All-Aboard Hollering Contest Page 32 of 103 Page 34 of 104

Food Truck Rodeo

1. Mama Nem’s 2. Tacos Coasta Grande 3. Fired Up Pizza & BBQ 4. Jolly’s Catering 5. Selma Firefighters Assoc. BBQ Cook-Off 6. Old Fashioned Ice Cream Page 33 of 103 Page 35 of 104

Questions? Page 34 of 103 114 N. Raiford Street • Selma, NC 27576 • 919-965-9841 • Page 36 of 104

Action Item #: 8d

TO: Selma Town Council THROUGH: Rhonda Sommer, Interim Town Manager FROM: JP McCann, Public Works Director DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Water System requirement from North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Water Resources Division, Public Water Supply (PWS)

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Town Council adopt the updated Cross-Connection Ordinance that is attached. The updated ordinance serves the Town’s public water systems, (Town) NC PWS ID 4051009 and (County Line) NC PWS ID 0351015. This updated ordinance supports the current changes to the North Carolina State Administrative Code (NCAC). The NCAC reference is; 15A NCAC 18C .0406 and is readopted as published in 33:11 NCR 1147. Background: This NCAC change was first announced in 2019. There was a total of 52 revised rules within the rules governing Public Water Systems (PWS) at the time the announcement was released. Announcement excerpt is: (Revisions Effective July 1, 2019) The following document includes revisions to 52 individual rules within the Rules Governing Public Water Systems. Revisions to the rules were adopted by the North Carolina Commission for Public Health on May 8, 2019, and revisions were approved by the North Carolina Rules Review Commission on June 20, 2019. Analysis: Under the recommended ordinance a State certified employee will be required to oversee the Town of Selma’s Cross-Connection Program. A State certified employee in the Water and Sewer, Distribution/ Collections Division is required to hold a Cross-Connection Operator-in-Responsible Charge (ORC) certification. Currently on staff, JP McCann Public Services Director, holds the required certification. Timeline: This a new program required, as of January 1, 2020 by the State of North Carolina DEQ, Division of Water Resources, Public Water Supply. Standard operating procedures to support this program are in development. Fiscal Impact: There is no current fiscal impact. Duties will be realigned within the existing open Water-Sewer Distribution/ Collections Supervisor’s position. While this position remains open, the Public Service Director will serve as the Cross-Connection Operator (ORC).


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ARTICLE II. WATER USE Sec. 16-33. Cross Connection Control Policy for Water Quality Protection

Sec. 16-33.1. Compliance with Federal, State, and Local Law

This article is in accordance with the minimum requirements of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, the North Carolina Department Quality, the North Carolina State Administrative Code (15A, Subchapter 18C), and the North Carolina State Plumbing Code that pertains to cross-connections, auxiliary intakes and interconnections with the public water supply. When there are conflicts between these or other applicable local, state, or federal regulations and this Ordinance, the most stringent shall govern.

This article shall apply to all consumers connected to the Town of Selma’s public potable water supply systems.

Sec. 16-33.2. Purpose and Objectives: The purpose of this article is to prevent any waterborne disease, organism, contaminant(s), or pollutant(s) from entering the Town of Selma water systems through:

(a) The installation of backflow prevention assemblies whenever new service connection(s) to a property are installed. (b) The elimination of cross connections whenever a hazard is found to exist through a site survey, a change in ownership or commercial account holder, the type of hazard has changed, the type of use has changed, or the plans for the modification of the water service connections are subject to review and approval by the Town of Selma.

The specific objectives of the Town of Selma’s Backflow and Cross Connection Control Program are as follows:

(a) To protect the public potable water supply of the Town of Selma against actual or potential contamination by isolating with the consumer’s internal distribution system(s), or the consumers private water system(s), contaminants or pollutants that could, under adverse conditions, backflow through uncontrolled cross- connections into the public water systems.

(b) To eliminate or control of existing cross-connections, actual or potential, between the consumers potable water system(s) and non-potable water systems, plumbing fixtures and industrial piping systems.

(c) To provide a continuing inspection and documentation program of Cross-Connection Control that will systematically and effectively control all actual or potential cross connections that may be installed, and prevent contamination or pollution within the Town of Selma’s public potable water supply.

(d) There are no exemptions, grandfather clauses, or vested users which would prohibit the Town of Selma from requiring the installation of backflow prevention device(s)/assemblies on existing water services when actual or potential hazards are found to exist on the consumer’s property.

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Sec.16-33.3. Responsibilities

(a) State of North Carolina – The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Public Water Supply Section (PWSS), has the responsibility of promulgating and enforcing laws, rules, regulations, and policies of all water purveyors in the State of North Carolina in carrying out an effective Backflow and Cross-Connection Control Program. (b) PWSS – The PWSS has the primary responsibility of ensuring the water purveyor operates the public potable water supply system free of actual or potential sanitary hazards, including unprotected cross- connections. They have the further responsibility of ensuring that the water purveyor provides an approved water supply at the service connection to the consumer’s water system; and the water purveyor requires the installation, testing, and maintenance of an approved backflow prevention assembly on the service connection when required. (c) The Town of Selma – Except as otherwise provided herein, the Town of Selma’s responsibility is to ensure a safe water supply beginning at the source and continuing throughout all of the public water distribution system, including service connections and ending at the point of delivery to the water system(s) of consumers. In addition, the Town of Selma shall exercise reasonable vigilance to ensure that the consumer has taken the proper steps to protect the public potable water system. To ensure proper precautions are taken, the Town of Selma is required to identify, prevent, and eliminate potential hazards to the public potable water system; determine the degree of hazard or potential hazard to the public potable water system; determine the degree of protection required; and to ensure proper containment protection through an ongoing inspection program. The Town of Selma shall designate a Cross-Connection Control O.R.C. who shall be responsible for protecting the public potable water supply system by adhering to the requirements of this Ordinance. (d) Consumer – Each consumer has the primary responsibility of preventing pollutants and contaminants from entering their potable water system(s) and the Town of Selma’s public potable water system. The responsibility of each consumer starts at the point of delivery from the public potable water system and includes all of the consumer’s water system(s). To accomplish this, the consumer at the consumer’s own expense, shall coordinate the installation, testing, and maintenance of their approved backflow prevention assembly. Each consumer shall maintain accurate records of tests and repairs made to backflow prevention assemblies and shall maintain such records for a period of three (3) years. The records shall be on forms approved by the Town of Selma and shall include the list of materials or replacement parts used, the dates of all tests and repairs, and the identity of the contractor(s). Following any repair, overhaul, re-piping, or relocation of a consumer’s backflow prevention assembly, the consumer shall have it tested to ensure that it is in good operating condition and will prevent backflow. Tests of backflow prevention assemblies shall be performed by a NC Certified Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. Maintenance and repairs of backflow prevention assemblies shall be made by a NC licensed plumber. (a) Certified Tester – All backflow prevention assembly testers must become certified or re-certified every two (2) years through a North Carolina approved backflow prevention certification program. When employed by the consumer to test backflow prevention assemblies, a certified tester shall not repair or change the design, material or operational characteristics of an assembly. The certified tester shall be responsible for:

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Sec. 16-33.3. Responsibilities continued

1) Performing competent inspections of backflow prevention assemblies and making reports to the consumer and responsible authorities on forms approved by the Town of Selma. 2) Be equipped with and be competent to use all the necessary tools, gauges, manometers and other equipment as required to properly test backflow prevention assemblies. 3) Provide a copy of all test reports to the consumer and to the Town of Selma within seven (7) business days of any completed test. A certified tester shall maintain records for a minimum period of three (3) years. 4) Performing the work and ensuring the accuracy of all tests and reports. 5) Obtain and employ backflow prevention assembly test equipment that has been evaluated and/or approved by the Town of Selma. (e) All test equipment shall be checked for accuracy annually (at a minimum) and calibrated, if necessary, employing an accuracy/calibration method dictated by the manufacturer of the equipment and acceptable to the Town of Selma. Certification of the accuracy and calibration to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards shall be provided to the Town of Selma annually.

Sec. 16-33.4. Definitions

As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the following meanings provided in this section.

Aesthetically objectionable water – Water containing substances which, if introduced into the public water supply system, could be a nuisance to other water consumers but would not adversely affect human health. Examples of such substances are food grade dye, silica, iron and stagnant water from fire lines in which no chemical additives are used, etc.

Air-Gap Separation – An unobstructed vertical distance through the atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture, or other device and the flood level rim of the receptacle. An approved air-gap vertical separation shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe. In no case shall the air-gap be less than one (1) inch.

Approved – Means meets or exceeds the applicable specifications and standards set forth by the Authority, entities that establish industry standards including the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection and Hydraulic Research (USC), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE) and all regulatory agencies including North Carolina Departments of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Transportation (NCDOT), and Environmental Health (NCDEH)

Auxiliary Intake – Any piping connection or other device whereby water may be secured from a source other than public water supply.

Backflow – The reversal of flow of non-potable water, liquids, gases, or other substances into the public water supply due to a cross-connection, auxiliary intake, interconnection, backpressure, back-siphonage, any combination thereof, or other cause.

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Sec. 16-33.4. Definitions continued

Backflow Prevention – The act of preventing any actual or potential waterborne disease, organism, contaminant, or pollutant through a direct or indirect cross-connection by isolating or containing it with the use of assemblies, devices, methods, and procedures.

Backflow Prevention Assembly Approved – An assembly used for containment and/or isolation purposes to prevent backflow into a consumer or public potable water system that has been investigated and approved by the Town of Selma. The type of assembly used should be based on the degree of hazard, either existing or potential. The types are: (a) Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA): (b) Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA); Pressure Vacuum Breaker (PVB; (c) Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly (RP); and (d) Reduced Pressure Principle Detector Assembly (Fire System) (RPDA)

Backflow Prevention Assembly Unapproved – An assembly that has been investigated by the Town of Selma and has been determined to be unacceptable for installation on the potable water system. Consideration for disapproval and removal from the approved list shall be based on, but not limited to, the following criteria: (a) Poor performance standards (b) Lack of or unavailability of repair parts; or (c) Poor service or response from assembly’s factory representative

Back-Pressure Backflow – An elevation in the consumer’s water system pressure by a pump, elevated tank, boiler, or other means that could create a pressure greater than the supply pressure at the point of delivery which would cause – or tend to cause – a reversal of the normal direction of flow.

Back-Siphonage Backflow – A reversal of the normal direction of flow in the pipeline due to negative pressure (vacuum) being created in the supply line with the backflow source subject to atmospheric pressure.

Certified Tester – A person who has proven their competency to the Town of Selma. Each person who is certified to make competent tests and make reports on backflow prevention assemblies shall be knowledgeable of applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Each person shall have qualifications acceptable to the Town of Selma and must hold a certificate of completion from a North Carolina approved training program in Backflow Cross-Connection Prevention.

Confinement Device – A backflow prevention device, as approved and required, installed within a private plumbing or distribution system to isolate a localized hazard from the remainder of said system.

Consumer – Any person, firm, owner, or corporation responsible for any property at which water from the Town of Selma’s public water supply is received. In the absence of other parties or the failure of other parties to accept the responsibilities herein set forth, the owner of record shall be ultimately responsible.

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Sec. 16-33.4. Definitions continued Consumer’s Water System – Any water system commencing at the connection point and continuing throughout the consumer’s plumbing system, located on the consumer’s premises, whether supplied by public potable water or an auxiliary water supply. The system or systems may be either a potable water system or an industrial piping system. Consumer’s Potable Water System – The privately owned potable water system lying between the connection point and point of use and/ or isolation protection. This system will include all pipes, conduits, tanks, receptacles, fixtures, equipment, and appurtenances used to produce, convey, store, or use potable water

Contamination – The presence of any foreign substance (organic, inorganic, radiological, or biological) in water that tends to degrade its quality as to constitute a hazard or impair the usefulness of the water.

Containment Device – A backflow prevention device, as approved and required, installed at the point of separation between the public water supply and a private service or private distribution system or at the point of metering.

Cross-connection – Any unprotected actual or potential connection or structural arrangement between a public or a consumer’s water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce any contaminant or pollutant, into the potable water with which the system is supplied. Any by-pass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivels or change over devices and other temporary or permanent devices through which, or because of which, “backflow” can or may occur are considered to be cross- connections.

Cross-Connection Control – The use of assemblies, devices, methods, and procedures to prevent contamination or pollution of a potable water supply through cross-connections.

Cross-Connection Control O.R.C. – The official position established and authorized by the Town of Selma’s Town Council designated by the Town Manager to administer, interpret this section.

Direct Cross-Connection – A permanent connection with a physical link between the drinking water supply and a non-potable source. Double Check Valve Assembly– An approved assembly composed of two (2) single, spring-loaded independently operating check valves, including tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end of the assembly, and having suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve. This assembly shall be used to protect against a non-health hazard.

Double Check Detector Assembly – A specifically designed assembly composed of a line-size approved double check valve assembly with a specific bypass water meter and a meter-sized approved double check valve assembly. This assembly shall only be used to protect against a non-health hazard.

Dual Check Valve – An approved device containing two (2) independently acting check valves in series.

DWQ – The Division of Water Quality which is part of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, or its successors.

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Sec. 16-33.4. Definitions continued Enclosure – A physical above ground apparatus used to help prevent a backflow preventer from freezing and is approved by the NC Plumbing Code. Fire Line. A system of pipes and equipment used to supply water in an emergency for extinguishing fire.

Flex Space – Any Commercial facility or system which has the potential to change its use frequently without sufficient notice for inspection and poses a hazard; e.g., strip malls and shopping plazas.

Hazard, Health – An actual or potential threat of contamination or pollution of a physical, hazardous or toxic nature to the public or consumer’s potable water system to such a degree or intensity that there would be a danger to health. Hazard, Non-Health – An actual or potential threat to the quality of the public or the consumer’s potable water system. A non-health hazard is one that, if introduced into the public water supply system could be a nuisance to water consumers, but would not adversely affect human health. Examples include taste, smell, aesthetics, etc. Hazard, Pollution – An actual or potential threat to the quality or the drinking water standards of the public or the consumer’s potable water system, but which would not constitute a health or a system hazard, as defined. The maximum degree or intensity of pollution to which the potable water system could be degraded under this definition would cause a nuisance or be aesthetically objectionable or could cause minor damage to the system or its appurtenances. Examples include iron, calcium, silica, low level sulfur, some examples. Hazardous Facility – A facility in where substances may be present, which, if introduced into the public water system, would or may endanger or have an adverse effect on the health of other water consumers. Examples of such facilities are laboratories, sewage treatment plants, chemical plants, hospitals, mortuaries, irrigation systems, etc. Health Agency – The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality; Division of Environmental Health. Industrial Fluids – Any fluid or solution which may be chemically, biologically, or otherwise contaminated or polluted in a form or concentration such as would constitute a health or non-health hazard if introduced into a public or consumer potable water system. Such fluids may include, but are not limited to: process waters; chemicals in fluid form; acids and alkalis; oils, etc. Industrial Piping System – Any system used by the consumer for transmission, confinement or storage of any fluid, solid or gaseous substance other than an approved water supply. Such a system would include all pipes, conduits, tanks, receptacles, fixtures, equipment, and appurtenances used to produce, convey or store substances, which are or may be polluted or contaminated. Interconnection. Any system of piping or other arrangement whereby the public water supply is connected directly with a sewer, drain, conduit, pool, heat exchanger, storage reservoir, or other device which does or may contain sewage or other waste or substance which would be capable of imparting contamination to the public water supply.

Irrigation Service – A water service used for irrigation purposes only.

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Sec. 16-33.4. Definitions continued Isolation – The act of confining a localized hazard within a consumer’s water system by installing approved backflow prevention assemblies. The Town of Selma may make recommendations, upon facility inspection, as to the types of isolation devices/assemblies to be used, but does not assume or have any responsibility whatsoever for such installations. NCDEQ – The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality or its successors. Non-Potable Water – Water that has not been examined, properly treated, and not approved by appropriate authorities as being safe for consumption. Owner Service Facilities – (i) the water service facilities owned by an Owner and commencing at the connection on the Owner’s side of the Town of Selma’s meter and servicing the premises of such Owner, including pipe, private cut-off valves, Backflow Prevention Assembly, pressure reducing valve and other components and (ii) the Building Sewer running from the Owner’s premises to the sewer tap provided by the Town of Selma to which an Owner connects private plumbing. Point of Delivery – The point of delivery is the property line of the consumer or owner where the meter is situated, adjacent to the public street where the Town of Selma’s main is located. This shall be where the Town of Selma loses jurisdiction and sanitary control over the water system infrastructure, and where the consumer or owner becomes responsible for all water piping, control devices, etc. located on their side of the point of delivery. Pollutant – A substance that deteriorates the aesthetic quality of water or other materials but is not harmful to health. Pollutants are considered non-health hazards or low hazards. Pollution – An impairment of the quality of water to a degree which does not create an actual hazard to the public health but which does adversely and unreasonably affect the aesthetic qualities of such waters for domestic use. Potable Water - shall mean water from any source that meets the Safe Drinking Water Standards and, has been investigated by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the Town of Selma, and which has been approved for human consumption. Private Water Supply. That part of a water service connection to the Town of Selma’s public water system which is located on the consumer or owner’s side of the Town’s water meter. A private water system may be a water service line to a single premise or structure or it may be a privately owned and maintained water distribution system, which services more than one structure or premises. For the purposes of this article, once water from the Town’s public water system passes through the meter to the consumer’s side, that water is considered part of the private water system. Public Water Supply. The water and waterworks system of the Town of Selma and its consumers outside the Town limits, for general use and which supply is recognized as the public water supply by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources. Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RP). An approved device containing within its structure, two (2) spring loaded independently operating check valves, together with an automatically operating pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves. The first check valve reduces the supply pressure a predetermined amount so that during normal flow and at cessation of normal flow the pressure between the checks shall be less than the supply pressures. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve, by discharging to the atmosphere, shall operate to maintain the pressure between the check valves less than the supply pressure. This device shall have suitable connections for testing the proper operation of the device, including tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end of the device. The assembly is designed to protect against a health hazard.

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Sec. 16-33.4. Definitions continued Temporary Cross-Connection – A link between the potable water supply and any other non-potable system created with removable sections, swivel or change-over devices, garden hoses, and other non-permanent methods.

Sec. 16-33.5. Right of Entry Authorized representatives from the Town of Selma shall have the right to enter any building, structure, or premises during normal business hours, or at any time during the event of an emergency, to perform any duty imposed by this article. Those duties may include, but not be limited to, sampling and testing of water, inspections and observations of all piping system(s) connected to the public water supply. Where a consumer has security measures in force that require proper identification and clearance before entry onto their premises, the consumer shall make all necessary arrangements with the security personnel so that upon presentation of suitable identification, the Town of Selma employee(s) shall be permitted to enter, without delay, for the purposes of performing his/her specific duties. Refusal to allow entry for these purposes may result in discontinuance of water service until a right of entry has been granted and, if necessary, a reduced pressure principle assembly (RP) has been installed. Upon request, the consumer shall furnish the Town of Selma any pertinent information regarding the water supply system on such property where cross-connections and backflow protection are deemed necessary.

Sec. 16-33.6. Elimination of Cross-Connections Degree of Hazard

When it is determined that a backflow prevention assembly is required for the protection of the public water supply system, the Town of Selma shall require the consumer, the owner, their agent, account holder, tenant, or occupant, at their own expense, to have an approved backflow prevention assembly installed at each service connection and to have it tested by a Certified Tester immediately upon installation. When cross-connections are found to exist, the owner, their agent, account holder, tenant, or occupant shall be notified in writing to disconnect them within the time limit established by the Town of Selma. Degree of protection required and maximum time allowed for compliance shall be based upon the potential degree of hazard to the public water supply system. The requirements are as follows:

(a) Cross-connections with private wells or other auxiliary water supplies shall result in immediate disconnection. (b) All facilities that pose a health hazard to the potable water system must have a containment assembly in the form of a reduced pressure principle assembly (RP) installed within ninety (30) days. (c) All newly constructed industrial and commercial facilities not identified as a “health hazard” shall be considered non-health hazard facilities. All non-health hazard facilities must install, as a minimum containment assembly, a double check valve assembly (DCVA) within ninety (90) days. (d) All facilities that change the intended use and/or the hazard level of the water supply shall install containment assemblies. (e) The consumer is responsible for installing sufficient internal isolation backflow prevention assemblies

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Sec. 16-33.6. Elimination of Cross-Connections Degree of Hazard continued

(f) Water mains served by the Town of Selma but not maintained by the Town of Selma are considered cross-connections. The type of protection shall be based upon the degree of hazard, as determined by the Town of Selma. In the event that a Town of Selma employee does not have sufficient access to every portion of a private water system to completely evaluate the degree of hazard, an approved reduced pressure principle assembly (RP) shall be required as a minimum for protection. (g) No person shall fill tanks, containers, buckets, etc. containing pesticides, fertilizers, other toxins, etc. or their residues from the public water system except at a location equipped with an air gap or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly (RP) properly installed. (h) All backflow assemblies that are not installed in accordance with the requirements set forth by this Ordinance shall be brought up to code upon notification within the timeframe specified by the Town of Selma. (i) All services outlined by this regulation that do not have containment assemblies shall install assemblies per the specifications set forth herein. (j) All current and/or potential air gap consumers, (not to include new construction); shall be inspected at a frequency determined by the Town of Selma to ensure the safety of the system.

Note: If the degree of hazard determined by Town of Selma, or his/her designee, has changed, then based upon the hazard, the consumer is responsible for installing the appropriate backflow prevention assemblies.

Sec. 16-33.7. Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies The following requirements shall be followed prior to the installation of any backflow prevention device/assembly, State plumbing laws and regulations shall be adhered to. (a) Backflow prevention assemblies to be installed by the consumer must be included on the “List of Approved Backflow Prevention Devices” (List) published by the University of Southern California (USC), shall meet American Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE) standards and carry the ASSE seal. (b) The Town of Selma reserves the right to add or remove from the List any reduced pressure principle assembly (RP) or double check valve assembly (DCVA). (c) It is a requirement that all backflow prevention assemblies be tested within seven (7) business days of the installation and at least once per year, or every three hundred and sixty-five (365) days thereafter by a Certified Backflow Tester authorized by the Town of Selma. (d) The Town of Selma shall conduct random testing of backflow prevention assemblies to ensure that assemblies are operating properly. The consumer or owner shall be given adequate notice prior to the test date.

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Sec. 16-33.8. Installation of Assemblies The installation of backflow assemblies shall be performed in accordance with the following: (a) All backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Manual of Standards, Specifications and Details (MSSD)- current edition, the manufacturer’s installation instructions and/or in the latest edition of the North Carolina Plumbing Code, whichever is most stringent. (b) All backflow installations shall require a plumbing permit within the inspections and/or code enforcement jurisdiction of the work that is being performed. (c) All new construction plans and specifications, when required by the North Carolina Building Code and the NCDEQ, shall be made available to the Town of Selma for review and approval, and to determine the degree of hazard. (d) Ownership and coordination of testing, maintenance and repairs of the assembly shall be the sole responsibility of the consumer. (e) Unless otherwise approved by the Town of Selma, the backflow preventer must be installed on the consumer’s property at a maximum distance of five (5) feet from the meter service and before any wyes, tees, or bypasses. Installation of backflow preventers within the DOT right-of-way shall not be accepted. (f) Bypass piping is not permitted unless it is equipped with an approved backflow prevention assembly of the same type and brand as the main line assembly. It shall be necessary to install two approved backflow prevention assemblies to ensure continuous water service. (g) All backflow preventers must be installed above ground unless approved by the Town of Selma for an inside installation. Backflow preventers must be a minimum of 12” from the valve vent to finished grade (RP) or 12” from the bottom of the valve to finished grade (DCVA), and no higher than 30” above the finished grade. Consumer must maintain adequate clearance around the assembly for testing and/or repair of the assembly. Wherever a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer (RP) is approved for installation inside of a building, an air gap drain of adequate size must be installed. (h) All reduced pressure principle assemblies (RP) must be installed in a horizontal position and in a location in which no portion of the assembly can become submerged in any substance under any circumstances. Double check valve assemblies (DCVA) may be installed in a vertical position with prior approval from the Town of Selma provided the flow of water is in an upward direction or the assembly has been USC approved. (i) In areas subject to flooding, alternate locations are required for installation to ensure the assemblies are not subject to submersion. These alternate locations shall be proposed by the plumber and approved by the Town of Selma on a case-by-case basis prior to commencement of the installation. (j) Landscaping is allowed around any assembly provided it does not interfere with the testing and/or repairing of the assembly. Surface or subsurface obstacles that prohibit the installation of the assembly in accordance with the specifications shall be subject to the review and approval of the Cross- Connection Control O.R.C. for alternative locations. (k) Protective enclosures must be used to help prevent freezing or vandalism of backflow prevention assemblies installed outside and above ground. Freeze-proof enclosures that meet or exceed North Carolina Plumbing Code Standards are acceptable. Adequate drainage shall be provided by hinged door drain or ports along the bottom walls of the protective enclosure. The enclosure is required to be mounted to a concrete pad or the ground. If the structure is not removable, it must be accessible by doors large enough for entrance and repair.

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Sec. 16-33.8. Installation of Assemblies Continued

(l) In order to prevent obstruction during the testing or repair of the assembly, additional piping and/or valves shall not be located within or under the enclosure. (m) Backflow prevention assemblies 2 ½” or larger must be supported to allow for the weight of the backflow prevention assembly. Supports shall be approved pipe stands, no blocks or bricks, and must have proper footing to rest on. Supports shall be spaced so they do not cause interference with the testing and/or repair of the assemblies. (n) All backflow prevention assembly installations shall be inspected and approved by the Town of Selma prior to initial connection to the potable water system. (o) All existing commercial or high hazard commercial water services shall have containment backflow assemblies installed at the service connection and raised above ground in an approved enclosure in accordance with the North Carolina State Plumbing Code and this Ordinance. (p) Assembly owners are responsible for the installation of measure(s) to address the environmental conditions where backflow preventers are installed. Assembly owners are responsible for supplemental heat when assemblies are in danger of freezing. (q) Assemblies installed below ground that do not have working gravity drains that discharge to daylight, or have drains that are not two times the supply size of the water service supplying the assemblies, shall be raised and placed in an approved freeze-proof enclosure in accordance with the North Carolina State Plumbing Code. (r) The plumber is responsible to ensure that a backflow prevention assembly is working properly upon installation and is required to furnish the following information to the Town of Selma within seven (7) business days after a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer (RP), double check valve assembly (DCVA), double check detector assembly (DCDA), or reduced pressure principle detector assembly (RPDA) is installed:

1) Service address where assembly is located, threat rating 2) Owner and mailing address 3) Description of assembly’s location 4) Date of installation 5) Installer (including name, company, license number, and project permit number) 6) Type and size of assembly 7) Manufacturer, model number and serial number 8) Test results/report

(s) When it is not possible to interrupt water service, provisions shall be made for a parallel installation of backflow prevention assemblies. The Town of Selma shall not accept an unapproved bypass around a backflow prevention assembly.

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Sec. 16-33.9. Testing and Repair of Assemblies The testing and repair of backflow assemblies shall be performed in accordance with the following: (a) Testing of backflow prevention assemblies shall be made by a Certified Tester at the consumer’s expense. Such tests are to be conducted upon installation and annually thereafter or at a frequency established by the Town of Selma’s regulations. A record of all testing and repairs is to be retained by the consumer. Copies of the records must be provided to the Town of Selma within seven (7) business days after the completion of any testing, repair work, or the activation of water service. (b) The Certified Tester shall notify the Town of Selma within one (1) business day any time that repairs to backflow prevention assemblies are deemed necessary. These repairs must be completed by a North Carolina Licensed Plumber within ten (10) business days of the failed test. (c) Testing requires water shut down usually lasting five (5) to twenty (20) minutes. For facilities that require an uninterrupted supply of water or when it is not possible to provide water service from two separate meters, provisions shall be made for a parallel installation of backflow prevention assemblies.

Note: The submission of any record to the Town of Selma by any consumer or Certified Tester that is false or incomplete is prohibited. Failure to submit any record required by this Ordinance is also prohibited.

Sec. 16-33.10. Facilities Requiring Protection In accordance with NCAC Title 15A Subchapter 18C Appendix B, the types of facilities or services listed below have been identified by the Town of Selma and the State of North Carolina, as having a potential for backflow of non-potable water into the public water supply system. An approved backflow prevention assembly shall be required on all such services according to the degree of hazard present. Other types of facilities or services not listed below may also be required to install approved backflow prevention assemblies if deemed necessary by the Town of Selma. Unless indicated below, commercial establishments are required, at a minimum, to install a double check valve assembly (DCVA) on their services. When a site survey is conducted at existing facilities due to account or ownership changes, when a cross-connection is found or known to exist, or when it is necessary to repair an existing backflow assembly that is not in conformance with this Ordinance, the hazard designation of the facility may be increased to require the installation of the appropriate backflow prevention assembly specified below. DCVA – Double Check Valve Assembly RP – Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly DCDA – Double Check Detector Assembly RPDA – Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly (a) Automotive service stations and dealerships: RP (b) Automotive plants: RP (c) Auxiliary water systems: 1) Approved Public/Private Water Supply: DCVA 2) Used Water and Industrial Fluids: RP (d) Bakeries: RP1 (e) Beauty shops and barber shops: RP2 (f) Beverage bottling plants: RP

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Sec. 16-33.10. Facilities Requiring Protection continued

(g) Breweries: RP (h) Buildings-hotels, apartment houses, public and private buildings, or other structures having unprotected cross-connections: 1) Under five stories - NO Health Hazards: DCVA 2) Under five stories- Health Hazards: RP 3) Over five stories- All: RP 4) Buildings with booster pumps-RP (i) Canneries, packing houses, and rendering plants: RP (j) Chemical plants-manufacturing, processing, compounding or treatment: RP (k) Chemically contaminated water systems: RP (l) Commercial car wash facilities: RP (m) Commercial greenhouses and farms: RP (n) Commercial sales establishments-department stores, malls: RP3 (o) Concrete and asphalt plants: RP (p) Dairies and cold storage plants: RP (q) Docks, piers or other like facilities or structures with water service: RP (r) Dye works: RP (s) Film laboratories: RP (t) Fire systems: 1) Systems ¾” to 2”: RP 2) Systems 2 ½” to 10”: RPDA (u) Flex spaces and strip mall: RP5 (v) Grocery Stores: RP1 (w) Hospitals, medical buildings, sanitariums, morgues, mortuaries, autopsy facilities, nursing and convalescent homes, medical clinics, and veterinary hospitals: RP (x) Industrial facilities: RP4 (y) Laundry and dry cleaning facilities: RP (z) Lawn irrigation systems: RP (aa) Metal manufacturing, cleaning, processing, and fabricating plants: RP (bb) Mobile home parks (master metered): RP6 (cc) Oil and gas production, storage, or transmission properties: RP (dd) Paper and paper product facilities: RP (ee) Pest control facilities: RP (ff) Plating plants: RP (gg) Power plants: RP (hh) Radioactive materials or substances on site: RP (ii) Restaurants: RP7 (jj) Restricted, classified, or other inaccessible facilities: RP (kk) Rubber plants: RP (ll) Sand and gravel plants: RP (mm) Schools, daycare facilities, colleges, and learning institutions: RP (nn) Sewage and storm drain facilities: RP

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Sec. 16-33.10. Facilities Requiring Protection continued

(oo) Swimming pools: RP (pp) Tattoo parlors: RP (qq) Any water service with a fixture located below the flood plain elevation: RP (rr) Waterfront facilities and industries: RP8

1A RP is required when known health hazards are present on the site that include, but are not limited to, the following: wall-mounted or any other connection of chemical or soap dispensers attached to mop/utility sink and/or if the property is waterfront.

2A RP is required when known health hazards are present on the site that include, but are not limited to, the following: chemicals used for hair dyeing or other processes, nail salons, body piercings and spa use, and/or if the property is waterfront.

3A RP is required when known health hazards are present on the site that include, but are not limited to, the following: where the building is sub-divided into spaces that can change ownership/use frequently(flex space), the presence of a wall-mounted or any other connection of chemical or soap dispensers attached to a mop/utility sink, carbonated drink machines, stored chemicals on site, where access is very limited and/or security does not allow for easy entry or exit, if the property is waterfront, or the site includes boilers and steam cleaning equipment.

4A RP is required when known health hazards are present on the site that include, but are not limited to, the following: the manufacturing or processing of any known product that is a health hazard (chemical or biological), addition of wall-mounted or any other connection of chemical or soap dispensers to a mop/utility sink, the use of degreasers to clean equipment, any power washing/spraying equipment hooked up to water supply, boilers or steam cleaning equipment, chemicals on site, or if the property is waterfront.

5It is highly recommended that owners of flex spaces install RP assemblies initially to accommodate potential usage and increased hazard changes that will require them.

6A RP is required when known health hazards are present on the site that include, but are not limited to, the following: storage areas on site with chemicals, or common areas with dock/water access.

7A RP is required when known health hazards are present on the site that include, but are not limited to, the following: addition of wall-mounted or any other type of connection of chemical or soap dispensers to a mop/utility sink, commercial kitchen equipment, ice makers and dish washing machinery attached to the potable water supply, carbonated drink machines, or if the property is waterfront.

8 Defined as properties adjacent to coastal waters, intracoastal waterways, rivers, ponds, and lakes where identified secondary hazards exist that include, but are not limited to, the following: docks, piers, waterfront spigots or hose extensions, irrigation systems, fixtures in a floodplain, swimming pools, hot tubs, etc. ALL ASSEMBLIES AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AND APPROVAL BY THE TOWN OF SELMA.

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Sec. 16-33.11. Connections with Unapproved Sources of Supply No person shall connect or cause to be connected any supply of water not approved by the State of North Carolina to the Town of Selma’s public water systems. Any connections allowed by the Town of Selma must comply with the backflow prevention requirements of this Ordinance. In the event of contamination or pollution of the public or consumer potable water system, the consumer shall notify the Town of Selma immediately in order to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to overcome and eliminate the contamination or pollution. Sec. 16-33.12. Fire Protection Systems All existing backflow assemblies installed on fire protection systems in operation at the time these regulations are approved shall be allowed to remain on the premises as long as they are being properly maintained as required. If the existing assembly must be replaced, or in the event of proven water theft through an un-metered service, the consumer shall be required to install an approved reduced pressure principle detector assembly (RPDA). All backflow preventers for fire protection shall also meet the requirements of applicable building and fire codes. Sec. 16-33.13. Other Connections

(a) Services to single family residential units, not otherwise required by this code to have other containment devices, may have a containment device in the form of an approved dual check valve on all such services which meters are applied more than ninety (90) days following the date of adoption of this ordinance, said dual check valves or other containment devices as required shall be installed by the owner's representative prior to the installation of the meter by the Town of Selma. On all such services for which meters have been applied prior to that date, said dual check valve shall be installed by the Town of Selma provided that the Town reserves the right to charge the owner or occupant of any residence for the cost of said device and its installation. Maintenance of dual check valve containment devices installed in accordance with this section shall be conducted by the Town.

Sec. 16-33.14. Enforcement

(a) Notices of Violation

(1) The consumer and/or owner of any installation found to be in violation(s) of the provisions of this Ordinance shall receive, in writing, an explanation of the violation, the remedial action(s) to be taken, and the time period within which the violation(s) must be corrected. (2) The notice shall be served by personal delivery, registered mail, or certified mail to the consumer and/or owner. (3) Failure by the consumer and/or owner to correct the violation within the time specified, or to pay any civil penalty or expense assessed under this section upon the Town of Selma’s written demand of payment, shall be grounds for immediate termination of water service. Water service shall be re-established when the violation is corrected and any applicable civil penalties and other fees are paid.

(b) Civil Penalty

(1) Violation of any provision of this article may subject the offender to a civil penalty to be recovered by the Town of Selma in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within thirty (30) days after the assessment has become final by exhaustion of the appeal process established by this section, or by failure to appeal the assessment.

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Sec. 16-33.14. Enforcement continued (2) The civil penalty for violation of any provision of this cross connection control article shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per day for each day of continuous violation, or a cumulative or single civil penalty of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). The civil penalty for willful violation of any provision of this article shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) per day for each day of a continuous violation, or a cumulative or single civil penalty of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000).

(c) Assessment (1) Any civil penalty shall be assessed by the Town Manager, upon the recommendation of the Cross- Connection Control O.R.C., and shall be based upon the reasonable estimated cost of correcting the cited violation, the magnitude of the potential risk posed to the public health, safety and welfare by the violation, and the cost of the public safety or other emergency response caused by the violation. The Town Manager shall serve written notice of the civil penalty assessment to the offender and set out with reasonable care the basis of the amount so assessed.

(d) Equitable Relief (1) An appropriate equitable remedy, including a mandatory or prohibitory injunction, issuing from a court of competent jurisdiction may endorse the provisions of this article.

(e) Enforcement option (1) The penalties and enforcement provisions established by this article may be applied in addition to or instead of the penalties established by other sections of this code.

Sec. 16-33.15. Limitation of Liability

(a) The Town of Selma shall bear no liability for direct or consequential damages proximately caused by the discontinuance of service pursuant to this Ordinance.

(b) The Town of Selma shall not be held liable, for any cause, for failure to detect any unit failing to operate adequately, or failure to identify any specific hazard, which may result in contamination of its public water supply, nor shall this ordinance diminish the responsibility of any property owner from whose property a contamination of the public water supply may originate.

Revised September 8, 2020; Ordinance Number 16-33.-.15

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Action Item #: 8e

TO: Selma Town Council THROUGH: Rhonda Sommer, Acting Town Manager FROM: Jennifer Eakes, Human Resources Director DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Extra Duty Pay Policy

Background: According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers must pay overtime or one-and-one- half the employee’s regular rate of pay for each hour worked over forty (40) in any given workweek by a nonexempt employee. Local governments may give their employees compensatory time-off at the rate of one-and-one-half hours for every hour worked over forty (40) in lieu of cash overtime up to a total of 240 hours. Public safety may receive comp time up to a total of four-hundred eighty (480) hours. Currently the Town of Selma pays employees overtime or one-and-one-half the employee’s regular rate of pay for any hours physically worked over 40 in a workweek – in compliance with the law. Selma also allows employees who are on call to receive comp time following the week in which they served on-call. Therefore, on-call employees may receive overtime compensation as well as comp time. The Town may pay additional compensation if employees work more than a given number of hours in a holiday week, but the Town may not call that additional compensation “overtime,” because it is not. Overtime is a term of art under the FLSA and may only be used to designate time-and-one-half of the employee’s regular rate of pay when they have physically worked more than 40 hours in a workweek.


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Action Item #: 8e

Analysis: Creating a policy to pay employees time-and-one-half the employee’s regular rate of pay would thus require a new payroll classification. It may also require budgetary adjustments. Such a policy will also create disparate impact for our Public Safety departments (Police & Fire). Police Officers and Firefighters already work some holidays and get paid straight time for working the holiday. They bank the holiday to be taken at another time and receive straight pay for the holiday when taken. Paying other employees time-and-one half their pay for working during a holiday week is the same as paying them double-time-and-one half. The employee will receive eight (8) hours of pay for the holiday and then time-and-one-half their pay for any hours worked over 32 and still receive compensatory time. For FLSA rules, Police Officers receive overtime after working 171 hours in a 28- day period and Firefighters receive overtime after working 212 hours in a 28-day period. This will impact approximately 30 employees between Police and Fire that will not be able to receive this benefit since their overtime is calculated monthly and not weekly.

Fiscal Impact:

• Budget Amendment Required: N/A • Capital Project Ordinance Required: N/A • Pre-Audit Certification Required: N/A

Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A

Advisory Board Recommendation: N/A


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MAYOR ACTING TOWN MANAGER Cheryl Oliver Rhonda Sommer

MAYOR PRO-TEM TOWN CLERK Jacqueline Lacy Jamie Whitley

COUNCILMEMBERS TOWN ATTORNEY Byron McAllister Alan “Chip” Hewett Joe Scarboro Ann Williams


I. POLICY: Extra duty pay will be paid to employees who work more than 32 hours during a week in which the Town of Selma observes a paid holiday. This policy applies to employees who are on call during a week in which a paid holiday occurs. This however excludes Police and Fire as they currently work holidays. II. PROVISIONS: Extra duty pay will be at the rate of one-and-one-half the employees’ regular rate of pay. This applies to non-exempt employees only and excludes exempt employees, Firefighters and Police Officers.

Policy adopted by Selma Town Council Effective Date: XXXX XX, XXXX

As of XXXX XX, XXXX, this policy replaces and supersedes any previous policies, or unwritten policies or practices covering the same subject.

114 N. Raiford Street • Selma, NC 27576 • P: (919) 965-9841 • F: (919) 965-4637 •

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Action Item #: 8f

TO: Selma Town Council THROUGH: Rhonda Sommer, Acting Town Manager FROM: Jamie Whitley, Town Clerk DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Advisory Board Appointments

Recommendation: Appoint Roger Diegele to the Appearance Commission and Monica Antes to the Historic Properties Commission.

Background: Roger Diegele has been involved with the Appearance Commission. He brought the idea to the commission to have an Arbor Program in Town. He worked with the Appearance Commission to get the Mary E. Diegele Arbor Project started in 2018. He also came to the Tourism Committee with the idea to have a Veterans Monument placed at Selma Memorial Gardens.

Monica Antes is a real estate broker who is familiar with town planning and zoning. She loves this town and has over 10 years of experience working in the service industry.

Analysis: Both candidates will be great additions to their prospective boards. Mr. Diegele has already contributed to making the Town beautiful and he has many ideas to improve the Town.

Mrs. Antes is a realtor and she lives in the West Selma Historic District. She understands the value of historic homes and would be an asset the Historic Properties Commission.

Fiscal Impact:

• Budget Amendment Required: N/A • Capital Project Ordinance Required: N/A • Pre-Audit Certification Required: N/A

Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A

Advisory Board Recommendation: Appearance Commission recommends approval. Historic Properties Commission recommends approval.


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Action Item #: 8g

TO: Selma Town Council THROUGH: Rhonda Sommer, Acting Town Manager FROM: Jamie Whitley, Town Clerk DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Selma Phone System Proposal

Recommendation: Approve SpectrumVOIP as our phone system service.

Background: Our current phone system is managed by VC3. We own the phones but they manage the system for a monthly cost of $1,098.34. Because our phones are outdated, we will have to get new phones.

Analysis: We received quotes from SpectrumVOIP, Verizon and OneCall Communications. SpectrumVOIP was lowest with a monthly cost of $882.71. This quote includes the phones and the management of our phone system.

Fiscal Impact:

• Budget Amendment Required: No • Capital Project Ordinance Required: No • Pre-Audit Certification Required: No

Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A Advisory Board Recommendation: N/A


Page 56 of 103 Page 58 of 104

SpectrumVoIP™ | Formal Proposal

SpectrumVoIP™ Formal Proposal

Prepared For : Town of Selma Prepared By : Jeff Waters

Customer Name : Phone : 336-496-2535

Phone Number : Title:

Contact : Email Address : [email protected]


Page 57 of 103 Page 59 of 104

SpectrumVoIP™ | Formal Proposal

Why Do Companies Choose SpectrumVoIP

SpectrumVoIP, Inc. is an award-winning global provider of cloud unified communications. Our flagship product is our cloud-based, “hosted” phone system which delivers the most extensive and feature-rich telecommunication platform available.

Our cloud-based communications and collaboration platform offers much more than traditional office phone systems. Our Everything Plan includes a comprehensive set of business capabilities that unify voice, video, team messaging and collaboration, SMS, conferencing and online meetings, contact center, and fax.

SpectrumVoIP Features

Why Customers Choose SpectrumVoIP

SpectrumVoIP has perfected the "white glove treatment" that every customer gets when signing up for service. We believe that if the customer is setup and installed right in the beginning, the support burden is lower and the customer satisfaction is higher. It’s much easier to invest in the customers onboarding experience upfront, than having to piece it together later.

SpectrumVoIP solutions help companies better communicate, collaborate and connect.

©2019 SpectrumVoIP, Inc. All rights reserved. SpectrumVoIP, SpectrumVoIP Office, SpectrumVoIP Meetings, and the SpectrumVoIP logo are registered trademarks of 2 SpectrumVoIP, Inc. Other third-party marks and logos displayed in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Page 58 of 103 Page 60 of 104

SpectrumVoIP™ | Formal Proposal

SpectrumVoIP Overview

Privately 13+ Years Owned and Providing Operated in Hosted VoIP

100,000+ Servicing Customers Customers in all 50 States and 15 Countries

Enterprise-Grade Service Without The Enterprise Price

SpectrumVoIP Phone Choices




Page 59 of 103 Page 61 of 104

SpectrumVoIP™ | Formal Proposal

THE UNLIMTED • Rollover Lines • Training • Features PACKAGE • Domestic Local & Long Distance • Support • Auto Attendants VOICE MOBILITY FEATURES FEATURES • Unlimited Calling Local & Long Distance • Find Me / Follow Me • Click to Call • Conference Bridges • Conference Bridges • Voicemail to Email Notification • Call Forwarding (manual or programmed auto) • Mobile Application • Call Monitoring, Coaching and Join • Cell Phone Integration • Call Recording (full auto or selective) • Call Center Queuing • Caller ID Name & Number STABILITY • Company Directory FEATURES • Dial by Name Directory • CRM Integration “Screen Popping” • Page & Intercom • Fax to Email • 3 or 4 Digit Dialing (Global) • Simultaneous Ring • DID’s • Softphone • Voicemail • Prioritized Voice (QOS) w / Router • Virtual Receptionist • Automatic Rerouting in case of power failure • Text Enabled DIDs Supporting SMS • LTE Failover • Presence Monitoring with any US Area Code • Call Redundancy • Message / Music on Hold (Customizable)

MANAGEMENT • Stratus Admin Portal • Call Logs • Call History FEATURES • Stratus User Portal • Call Reporting • Call Center Reporting

Page 60 of 103 Page 62 of 104

SpectrumVoIP™ | Formal Proposal

Your SpectrumVoIP Solution at a Glance

All-Inclusive Cloud Communications And Collaboration System

• Integrated voice, fax, conferencing, video meetings and instant messaging. Unified communication delivers collaboration for every employee in every location. • Best-in-class on-boarding solution • Unifies the way employees, customers, and partners communicate with one another • Designed for mobile and remote workforce • Enterprise-grade reliability, guaranteed quality of service, and security with best-in- cIass security encryption standards • Simple per-user pricing; no separate maintenance and support contracts • Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and savings on Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)

Ease Of Management

• Manage all offices and users with a single easy-to-use interface from anywhere, including mobile devices • Enjoy complete administrative control, self-service capabilities for users, and reduced dependence on service providers • We provide quick, simple, system setup and user activation • Scales as your business grows

Open Platform

• Over 100 ready-to-use integrations with business cloud apps, including Microsoft Office 365™, Salesforce®, ServiceNow®, Zendesk®, Google G Suite and more. • Developer platform with open APIs and SDKs to enhance business workflows with custom integrations

Global Availability

• Deploy and manage a single solution globally • Instantly provision and activate employees in countries with local capabilities • Number availability in over 80 countries for local business presence • Bi-lingual technical support

©2019 SpectrumVoIP, Inc. All rights reserved. SpectrumVoIP, SpectrumVoIP Office, SpectrumVoIP Meetings, and the SpectrumVoIP logo are registered trademarks of 4 SpectrumVoIP, Inc. Other third-party marks and logos displayed in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Page 61 of 103 Page 63 of 104

SpectrumVoIP™ | Formal Proposal

Your SpectrumVoIP™ Quote

Business Name : Town of Selma Service Address City : State: Zip Code : : Prepared For : Prepared By : Jeff Waters Email Address : Email Address : [email protected] Phone Number : Phone Number 336 : Product Term Quantity Unit Price Total Stratus Premium UCaaS Seat w/Yealink T53 Phone 60 40 $20.00 $800.00 Stratus Premium UCaaS Seat w/Yealink W60Phone 60 4 $20.00 $80.00 $0.00 Sidecare included $0.00

Price includes site survey, service, hardware, and support $0.00 Subtotal : $880.00 Sales Tax @ 4.75% : $41.80 Telecom Tax : $1.77 E911 Recovery Fee : $2.71 ** Total MRC : $926.28 **ZERO Upfront Cost, FREE INSTALL**

* Toll free numbers are billed per minute at 2.9 cents per minute have a 100-minute min per month of $2.90. * Customer faxing via: Analog Fax Line [ ] Fax Adapter [ ] Fax to Email [ ] * SpectrumVoIP is unaffiliated with Charter/Time Warner/Spectrum Business. Customer Initials : * SpectrumVoIP will pay customer up to $ ______for ETF. Customer Initials : * Is there a cancellation penalty from current carrier? No [ ] Yes [ ] * By signing this quote, Customer agrees to the Terms of Service found at * Telecom Tax and e911 Recovery Fee may be billed cumulatively once per year.

Applicant warrants all credit and financial information submitted to SpectrumVoIP™ and /or its assignees to be true and accurate and hereby authorizes all banking institutions and credit reporting agencies to release information via telephone, mail, internet, or facsimile as requested for the purpose of making a credit decision. The undersigned individuals specifically authorize SpectrumVoIP™ and/or its assigns to obtain personal credit bureau and/or personal income tax records, for the making, extension, or renewal of this credit decision or collection of the resulting account. A fax or photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

Name Listed with Sec of State:

Federal Tax ID: Date:

Title: Printed Name:

Social Security Number: Signature:


Page 62 of 103 Page 64 of 104

Action Item #: 8h

TO: Selma Town Council THROUGH: Rhonda Sommer, Acting Town Manager FROM: Randall K Cahoon-Tingle, Planning & Economic Development Director DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Request for Public Hearing for 2020-51-SUP Subsurface Construction Company

Recommendation: Set a public hearing for October 13, 2020 to conduct a required quasi-judicial hearing for issuance of a Special Use Permit (SUP) for Subsurface Construction Company. Background: In January 2020, Dalton Engineering and Associates of Clayton met with Planning Staff for a pre- application discussion of plans to place two structures (a one story 6,587-sf office building and a 5,250-sf warehouse) on a 10-acre parcel at the edge of Selma’s ETJ area. Their client, Subsurface Construction Company currently operates in Southeast Raleigh but is relocating due to outgrowing their current location. The parcel of land purchased by Subsurface is adjacent to US 70 W and is located across from the prison at the corner of Bear Farm Road.

The site will obtain water services from Johnston County utilities. It is outside of the Town of Selma’s public utilities (including electricity) service area and will receive fire services from the Town of Wilsons Mills. Law enforcement will be provided by the Johnston County Sheriff’s department. The town does not collect property taxes in the extraterritorial planning areas outside of our corporate limits. Analysis: The purpose of requiring a SUP and major site plan approval via quasi-judicial evidentiary hearing is to enforce landscaping requirements, primarily as relate to a 10-foot vegetated buffer around the warehouse and truck storage area on the site. Fiscal Impact: • Budget Amendment Required: N/A • Capital Project Ordinance Required: N/A • Pre-Audit Certification Required: N/A Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A Advisory Board Recommendation: At the Planning Board’s August 24, 2020 meeting, the formal application for Special Use Permit was reviewed for completeness.

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CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT - OPEN CASES - 2020 updated 8/31/2020 Courtesy Case # Address Tag # Mailing Address Violation NOV issued? Inspection Dates Next Inspection SeeClickFix Note?

3/23/2020; 6/20/2020 talked w/ Mr Orji 7/13 gave him Cluttered and unsightly storage 4/3/2020; anither 15 day to come into compliance. 08- 2020-03-23-1 105 N Sharpe Street 14028073 167 Genoa Street, Clayton NC yard for cars under repair and No Yes 5/8/2020; 11-2020 Property owner is in the process of towed vehicles 5/20/2020 evicting tentant. Tentant has until 8-31-2020

No current address as of 6/22/2020 mail returned civil pentaly started as of 6/20/20 talked to property owner 8-12-2020 he is making plans to replace the rest of the Dilipidated structure; NOT PO Box 948, Garner NC 2729- windows and repair the broken ones on fornt 2020-05-27-2 509 N Webb St 14014019 dilapidated - broken windows, yes 5/27/2020 0948 door and the attic windows. He is also making siding needs painted plans within two weeks to place siding on his house. I am in close contact with homeowner and will be talking with him on a weekly basis.

5/27/2020; 6/11/2020 2nd notice of Violation mailed 6/11/2020; 2020-05-27-7 501 S Smithfield St 14044199E 501 S Smithfield St, Selma Tall Grass + Junk car yes yes 6/29/20; July 15 Continuing NOV mailed; 6/29/2020; 8/15/2020 7/15/2020

6/11/2020; 6/26/2020 Mr orji did ask for a 15 day ext as Junk cars on street and outside of 2020-06-11-2 105 N Sharpe Street 14028073 167 Genoa Street, Clayton NC yes 7/13/2020; of 7/13 Randy gave him another 15 days to the fence 7/30/2020 come in to compilance; 8/10/2020 Page 64 of 103 Page 66 of 104

6/26/2020 2nd notice was sent on 6/26 pentaly start if she does not comply 7/14 2 JC 2020-06-11-6 501 S Smithfield St 14044199E 501 S Smithfield St, Selma 3 Junk cars yes 6/11/2020 remain as of 7/14 civil penalty issued 08-31- 220 balance $2450.00

221 W Woodlawn Dr., 6/27/2020 house not painted as of 7-30-2020 2020-06-12-3 207 N Massey St 14021045 unpainted exterior yes 6/12/2020 Smithfield NC 27577 Chronic violator letter issed 8-10-2020

7/3/2020 JC has been removed as of 7/6 working with mrs holder to get help from Siding falling off side of house and 2020-06-18-1 822 S Raiford 14033032 822 S Raiford St Selma NC yes 6/18/2020 senior center to repair siding on her house junk car her husband passed away within a week of woking with her.

7-3-2020 1 JC removed 1 runs and Mr Fred is 128 Monabreeze Way garner woking on cleaning up his yard. 1st clean up 2020-06-18-2 113 N Church 14024019 Junk cars and trash in the yard Yes 6/18/2020 NC 27529-4367 good clean up is ccontinuing as of 7-7-2020 clean up has continued as of 8-27-2020

244 Westerly Rd Eden NC 2020-06-24-4 600 N Raiford St 14007024 No house numbers yes 6/24/2020 9/24/2020 no house numbers 90 days 27288 Page 65 of 103 Page 67 of 104

7/16/2020 talked w/ Mr Ross. He indicates he is moving out of this property between 7/23-7/30. All JC's run except one; he says he 1300 Wood Lee Rd four Oaks 7/1/2020; will remove ASAP. Owner didn't comply as of 2020-07-01-1 203 River Rd 14019043 Falling in barn and junk cars yes NC 27524-9558 8/6/2020 7/16. 2nd notice issued on 7/16; Property owner is issuing a eviction notice for tenant in order to close on this property. Realtor states closing is set for 8/28/2020

7/21/2020 2nd notice mailed; 8/15/2020 Front yard has no grass and soil is 7/6/2020; 2020-07-06-2 1002 N Webb 14003053 1002 N Webb St Selma NC yes CHRONTIC VIOLATOR CIVIL PENALTY WILL BE eroding into the street 7/21/2020 ISSUED SEPTEMBER 10,2020

civil penalty issued 7/15 for 2 JC due to 2020-07-15-1 501 S Smithfield St 14044199E 501 S Smithfield St, Selma Junk Cars yes 7/15/2020 noncompliance

Sent out civil pentaly notice number 2 $1300 as of 7/16 working with homeowner he has trimed tall hedges back mowed the lawn and 2020-07-16-4 509 N Webb St 14014019 108 Avery St Garner Nc 27529 Broken windows yes 7/16/2020 has set up arragment with a handy man to repair broken windows. Email received 8-31- 2020 handy man is start work on Wednesday 9-3-2020 Page 66 of 103 Page 68 of 104

7/31/2020 2nd letter sent 08/04/2020 spoke with property owner 8-14-2020 she stated that she was going to remove boat from the Broken fence parking in the front front yard, stop parking in the front yard, 2020-07-16-7 110 S Green St 14026028 110 S Green St Selma Nc yard boat and trailer in the fornt yes 7/16/2020 keep the grass mowed and begin to repair yard her fence. As of 8-31-2020 fence is not reparied and boat has not been removed. Chronic Violator letter issued 8-31-2020 also would not answer my phone calls

7/31/2020 2nd letter sent 08/04/2020 spoke with property owner 8-14-2020 she stated that she was going to remove boat from the 2020-07-16-8 311 River St 14019020A PO Box 1371 Smithfield Nc Concerte block in yard yes yes 7/16/2020 front yard, stop parking in the front yard, keep the grass mowed and begin to repair her fence.

2020-07-17-2 508 S Webb St 14038025 1870 Sunset CV SE Bolivia NC Tall grass and unpainted house yes 7/17/2020 8/1/2020

8/5/2020 2nd letter sent out Half of the 2020-07-21-3 408 N Massey St 14013019 408 N Massey St Selma NC deteriorate exterior paint yes 7/21/2020 house was painted home owner continues to paint his house ar of 8-31-2020 Page 67 of 103 Page 69 of 104

8/11/2020 sent out 2nd notice board over door has been removed but windows not 211 Pembroke Ct Wendell Nc Borad up front door and broken repaired Spoke withproperty owner 8-24- 7/27/2020-1 603 W Preston St 14038025 yes 7/27/2020 27591 windows 2020 he stated he was in the process of ordering windows and it would take some time to get them in.

8/14/2020 2nd letter sent out Chronic 07/30/2020-1 808 W Noble St 14030022 808 W Noble St Pallet fence yes 7/30/2020 Violator letter issued 8-31-2020 has 30 days to come into compliance. Boarded up front door and broken 07/31/2020-1 111 N Sellers St 14029011 9017 Britt Farm Dr Raleigh, NC yes 7/31/2020 8/15/2020 windows Page 68 of 103 Page 70 of 104

CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT - CLOSED CASES updated 8/31/2020 Courtesy Case # Address Tag # Mailing Address Violation NOV issued? Inspection Dates Date Closed SeeClickFix Note? 2/12/2020; 2/20/2020; 3/04/2020; 6/10/2020 spoke with Mr Johnson 7/13 gave 3/25/2020; Backyard littered with lawnmower him an application for a permit and some 2020-02-10-1 303 River Drive 14019024 303 River Drive No Yes 3/31/2020; YES parts and gardening items Junk lawnmowers have been removed as of 4/2/2020; 7/1 4/24/2020; 4/29/2020; 5/19/2020 3/3/2020; 3/5/2020; 3/9/2020; Manufactured home in dilipidated 3/20/2020; Matter turned over to Johnston County 2020-03-03-1 618 S Massey Street 14040051A PO Box 595 condition; one or more junk cars; No Yes 3/25/2020; Building Inspections for condemnation porches rotten 4/24/2020; 4/30/2020; 5/20/2020 4/29/2020; 2020-04-28-1 100 Eubank Court 14002008M 100 Eubank Court Improper disposal of TV Yes No 5/3/2020

partially cut down tree; branches 4/29/2020; 2020-04-29-1 1002 N Webb St 14003053 1002 N Webb St and debris everywhere - ELECTRIC Yes 5/4/2020 Dept working with owner

4/29/2020; 5/5/2020; 6/9/2020 JC removed 6/12 and yard cleaned 2020-04-29-2 600 E Lizzie St 14016010 268 Log Cabin Court Junk car; junk in backyard Yes Yes 5/20/2020; up 5/26/2020

607 N Pollock St - listed with PO Box 650043, TX 4/29/2020; 2020-04-29-3 14006008 REAL TALL GRASS Yes VGF Realty, Garner NC 75265 5/5/2020 4/29/2020; 2020-04-29-4 213 N Brevard St 14020004 PO Box 748, Selma NC Tall grass Yes 5/5/2020 4/29/2020; 2020-04-29-5 211 E Pelham St 14007034 211 E Pelham St, Selma NC Tall grass yes 5/5/2020

29E Smoketree Ct, Clayton NC 4/30/2020; 6/15/2020 trailer was removed from the 2020-04-30-1 423 Dixie Drive 14A04018 Trailer Parked on road shoulder No Yes 27527-9669 5/15/2020 street to the side of the house as of 5/12

221 W Woodlawn Dr., 2020-05-04-1 711 N Pollock St 14006003 Tall Grass and holes in roof yes 5/4/2020 5/11/2020 Smithfield NC 27577 622 Forrestes St SE, 2020-05-11-2 Dogwood Drive - vacant lot 14044061 Tall grass yes 5/13/2020 5/13/2020 Washington DC 20032 3434 Kildaire Farm Rd, Ste 350, 2020-05-11-1 904 S Raiford St 14045016 Really Tall Grass Yes 6/1/2020 6/2/2020 Cary NC 27518-2205 Page 69 of 103 Page 71 of 104

citation placed 2020-05-15-1 901 N Pollock St 14011024 901 N Pollock St Trash Cans at Street No cans removed on both cans

2630 Talley St, #420, Decatur 2020-05-15-4 603 S Raiford St 14041018 Tall Grass Yes 5/15/2020 6/1/2020 GA 30030 215 Barbour Rd, Smithfield, NC 5/18/2020; 6/15/2020 window repalce as of 7/2 also civil 2020-05-18-2 210 Graves St 14020003 Broken Window at front of home Yes 27577-5503 5/23/2020 pentaly was issued $150.00 5/20/2020; 2020-05-20-1 603 Howell St 14008007 603 Howell St. JUNK CARS Yes 6/9/2020 2 JC removed as of 6/9 5/26/2020 314 Norwood Dr, Clayton NC 5/21/2020; 2020-05-21-1 1020 N Pollock St 14M10090 Junk Car Yes 6/9/2020 JC removed 27527-4207 5/26/2020 6/9/2020 JC removed as 6/30 but did not 2020-05-21-2 310 N Webb St 14022041 467 Gor An Farm Road, Selma Junk Car Yes 5/21/2020 belong to Mr Moore 2150 Keen Rd, Four Oaks, NC 2020-05-27-1 208 Ethel St 14030026 Tall Grass Yes 5/26/2020 6/10/2020 27524-8731 2020-05-27-8 209 E Waddell St 14022032 207 W Waddell St Dilipidated structure 5/27/2020 Case is turned over to Johnston County Broken window at side of the 2020-06-11-1 204 S Massey St 14032051 101 N Green St Selma Nc yes 6/11/2020 6/26/2020 board up window was removed as house 2nd notice Trash and debris scattered all along 6/26/2020 all trash and debris removed as of 2020-06-11-3 201-210 N Raiford St 14022025 467 Gor An Farm Road, Selma yes 6/11/2020 back side of the propery 2nd notice 6/26

6/26/2020 partially clean up 2nd notice sent 2020-06-11-4 901 N Pollock St 14011024 901 N Pollock St Trash in the front yard yes 6/11/2020 6/30 all trash removed

2020-06-15-1 600 River Rd 14002009L Junk car yes 6/15/2020 6/30/2020 car runs videos per Tmoore 1161 Dunn Rd Selma Nc

2020-06-15-2 310 N Webb St 14022041 Junk car yes 6/15/200 6/30/2020 JC removed as of6/30 467 For An Farm St Selma Nc 2020-06-15-3 307 N Brevard St 14020010 706 W Chestnut St Selma Nc 2 Junk Car yes 6/15/2020 6/30/2020 JC removed 110 Wilsons Mill Road, 2020-06-15-4 702 W Walnut St 14010017 Junk Car yes 6/15/2020 6/30/2020 JC removed Smithfield NC 27577-3244 7/13 fence is still not repaired.; 2nd notice 2020-07-01-3 429 Bennet Dr 14M10056C 409 Pecan St Broken fence yes 7/1/2020 sent 7/16; 7/23 fence removed 7/15/2020 grass was cut as of 7/15 but trash Tall grass and trash srwen was notpicked up 2nd letter issued spoke Vacant lot a S Sumner and W 2020-07-02-1 14037026 892 Braswell Rd Smithfield Nc thorughout the yard class b rip rap yes 7/2/2020 with Mrs Davis 7/20 she said her son Prestons St was left on the side of the curb removed the class B Rip rap that was left on her property by somenoe else Page 70 of 103 Page 72 of 104

7/6/2020 Talked w/ Mr Shirley he he was working on removing tires and JC form the property also ask if the old shed need to be Vacant lot at River and removed talked w/Mr /Shirly Jr 7/14 they will 2020-06-17-2 14054024C PO Box 31 Selma, Nc Junk cars and tires yes 6/17/2020 Buffalo Rd be removing all tires and JC this week if they have to do it thereself. All tires removed and all JC's removed and a lawn service removed dead branches and cleaned up all debris

Trash in the front yard and on the 7/2/2020 yard and front proch cleaned as of 2020-06-17-3 312 S Webb 14033034 yes 6/17/200 415 S Raiford St Selma Nc front porch 6/12 2020-06-17-4 311 S Raiford 14033032 374 Condary Rd Junk car yes 6/17/2020 7/2/2020 JC removed as of 7/2

7/2/2020 Junk wrecker has a tag and 2020-06-17-5 307 N Webb 14022022 Junk Car yes 6/17/2020 insurance 307 N Webb St Selma 7/3/2020 2 JC rmoved and all trash has been 2020-06-18-3 408 N Green 14012009 Junk cars and trash in the yard yes 6/18/2020 408 N Green St Selma NC rmoved from the property as 7/8 2020-06-23-1 405 S Sharpe St 14024019 2 Junk Car yes 6/23/2020 7/8/2020 2 JC removed as of 6/29 6322 Cloud Rd Julian Nc 27283 7/8/2020 1 Jc removed and the other runs 2020-06-23-5 408 N Massey St 14013019 408 N Massey St Selma NC Junk car yes 6/23/2020 and has been removed from the front yard as of 7/8 9/24/2020 no house numbers 90 days house 2020-06-24-1 1002 N Webb 14003053 1002 N Webb St Selma NC No house numbers yes 6/24/2020 numbers added 8-17-2020 7/14/2020 spoke w/ mr braxton on 7/1 the 6313 7th St NW Washingotn DC car run and goes forward and backwards ( per 2020-06-29-1 410 W Preston St 14037057 2 Junk car yes 6/29/2020 20011-1259 video) the truck is being repaired he is waiting on a part for the brakes

2020-06-30-7 307 N Brevard St 14020010 706 W Chestnut St Selma Nc 2nd notice of violation JC yes 6/30/2020 7/15/2020 Both JC cars removed Junk cars trash in the front yard 2020-07-02-3 408 N Green st 14012009 yes 7/2/2020 7/15/2020 All JC removed as of 7/15 408 N Green St Selma NC 2nd notice 7/21/2020 tree was removed as of 7/7 from 2020-07-06-1 510 S Sumner St 14N99012 5336 Raleigh rd Benson Nc Rotten Tree Down yes 7/6/2020 Mrs Williams yard 7/21/2020 JC were removed as of 7/16 all tires were removed as of 7/17 spoke with Mr Coner lot of River and Buffalo 2020-07-06-6 14054024C PO Box 31 Selma, Nc 2nd notice tires not removed yes 7/6/2020 Shirley advised him to remove any JC off his Rd propery All tires have been reomved as of 7/29 along limbs, vines and debris removed.

7/24/2020 property owner asking for another 2020-07-09-1 610 W Anderson St 14026021 PO Box 24944 Raleigh, Nc Junk Car yes 7/9/2020 week check 8/10/2020 car crancks runs goes forward and backwards.Video on file Page 71 of 103 Page 73 of 104

110 Wilsons Mill Road, 2020-07-09-2 506 E Elizabeth St 14023049 Tall Grass and Junkcar yes 7/9/2020 7/24/2020 grass cut and JC gone as of 7/27 Smithfield NC 27577-3244 2020-07-16-6 429 Bennett Dr 14M10056C 409 Pecan St Broken fence yes 7/16/2020 7/31/2020 fence removed as of 7/27

2020-07-17-3 802 Primrose St 14002012 802 Primrose St Selma Nc JC yes 7/17/2020 8/1/2020 vehicle has tag and insurance

8/1/2020 spoke with tentant she said her 2020-07-17-4 703 W Dr MLK Jr Way 14031048 508 Southmont St Clayton Nc 3 JC yes 7/17/2020 sons would remove the JC all JC's have been removed as of 8-1-2020

8/5/2020 2nd letter snet out 8-7-2020 yard 07/22/2020-1 504 Winston Cir 14008051 504 Winston Cir Selma Nc Trashy yard yes 7/22/2020 cleaned up as 8-18-2020

8/6/2020 fence has been removed as 2020-07-22-2 415 Pecan Dr 14004087 415 Peacn Dr Selma Nc Fence on town property yes 7/22/2020 07/22/2020 14043007 2020-07-27-2 801 & 803 S Pollock St 520 Rosewood Dr Smithfeild Nc dumping household items yes 7/27/2020 8/11/2020 items removed 14043009 110 Wilsons Mill Road, Wood( front Porch)removed from 8/13/2020 Trash, wood, and debris removed 2020-07-29-3 400 S Ethel St 14016010 yes 7/29/2020 Smithfield NC 27577-3244 trailier and placed at the curb from front yard as of 7/12/2020 50 Falls Dr Clayton Nc 27527- 8/14/2020 2nd notice sent JC removed at 8- 07/30/2020-8 305 E Waddell St 14023005 Junk Car yes 7/30/2020 5528 29-2020 Trash on the sidewalk and 2020-08-10-1 100 S Webb St 14028070 505 N Sumner St Selma NC aluminum sheeting needed for yes 8/10/2020 8/25/2020 trash removed roof. Page 72 of 103 Page 74 of 104

CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT - TALL GRASS OPEN updated 8/31/2020 Courtesy Case # Address Tag # Mailing Address Violation NOV issued? Inspection Dates Next Inspection SeeClickFix Note?

7/23/2020 not cut as of 7/27 14028003 2nd notice issued NOV issued 213 Nelson Ln clayton, NC 2020-07-08-1 112,116 and 120 S Raiford St 14028007 Tall Grass and vines yes Yes 7/8/2020 ask property owner to remove 27527-3981 14028006 all vines growing up the side of building. 9-13-2020 recheck.

1300 Wood Lee Rd four Oaks 07/31 2nd notice issued due to 2020-07-16-1 203 River Rd 14019043 Tall Grass yes 7/16/2020 Nc 27524-9558 non compliance 8/5/2020 spoke with Erosion of the front yard 2nd homeowner she has agreed to 07/21/2020-2 1002 N Webb 14003053 1002 N Webb St Selma NC yes 7/21/2020 notice put out seed and mulch on all open soil by this weekend 14028003 8/12/2020 Vine growing up the 07/28/2020-4 112 116 &120 S Raiford St 14028007 213 Nelson Ln clayton, NC Tall weeds and grass yes 7/28/2020 side of the building have not 14028006 27527-3981 been romved Sending out NOV 4720 Piedmont Row Dr 8/19/2020 2nd notice sent out 14057028 yes 8/4/2020 2020-08-04-1 195 Pine St Charlotte NC Tall Grass 8-19-2020 622 Forrestes St SE 8/29/2020 Contractror to mow 14044061 yes 8/14/2020 2020-08-14-1 Dogwood Dr vacant lot Washington DC 20032 Tall grass 2nd notice lawn. 110 Wilsons Mills Rd 14018026 yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 2020-08-17-1 1116 W Oak St Smithfield, NC Tall Grass 2020-08-17-2 311 E Lizzie St 14008005 P O Box 97 Selma, NC Tall Grass yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 2020-08-17-3 308 & 310 E Anderson St 14029004A P O Box 2278 Selma, NC Tall Grass yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 2020-08-17-4 422 Pecan Dr 14A04011 422 Pecan St Selma, NC Tall weed yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 2020-08-17-5 510 W Noble St 14031022 510 W Noble St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 2020-08-17-6 505 Dogwood Dr 14044040 505 Dogwood Dr Selma NC Tall Grass yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 3320 Dondis Creek Dr Triangle, 14037058 yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 2020-08-17-7 404 W Preston St Va 22172-2088 Tall Grass 2020-08-17-9 202 N Massey St 14021039 P O Box 97 Selma, NC Tall Grass yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 911 Whitehorse Rd Greenville, 14054014 yes 8/17/2020 9/1/2020 2020-08-17-10 1515 W Oak St NC 27834 Tall Grass 2020-08-18-1 620 S Massey St 14040028 513 West St Selma,NC Tall Grass yes 8/18/2020 9/2/2020 2020-08-18-2 618 S Massey St 14040051A P O Box 595 Selma NC Tall Grass yes 8/18/2020 9/2/2020 2020-08-18-3 305 Graves St 14N99003B 305 Graves St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 1224 Turner Farms Rd Garner 14014018 yes 8/18/2020 9/2/2020 2020-08-18-4 511 N Webb St NC 27529-9742 Tall Grass 2020-08-18-5 700 N Webb St 14007029 700 N Webb St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 8/18/2020 9/2/2020 2020-08-24-1 506 S Green St 14001019 3 Aspen Dr Smithfield NC Tall Grass yes 8/24/2020 9/7/2020 506 E Johnston St Smithfield 14030007 yes 8/24/2020 9/7/2020 2020-08-24-2 816 Southern St NC Tall Grass 2020-08-24-3 820 Southern St 14030005 P O Box 1596 Twin Falls ID Tall Grass yes 8/24/2020 9/7/2020 2020-08-24-4 1005 W Waddell St 14024017 P O Box 361 Selma NC Tall Grass yes 8/24/2020 9/7/2020 14013021 196 Lee Trace Dr Smithfield NC yes 8/24/2020 9/7/2020 2020-08-24-5 404 N Massey St Tall Grass Page 73 of 103 Page 75 of 104

2020-08-24-6 707 S Webb St 14041042 143 Palmer Dr Clayton NC Tall Grass yes 8/24/2020 9/7/2020 9/10/2020 grass was mowed 8- 29-2020 sending out 2nd letter 14037026 yes 8/26/2020 Vacant lot @S Sumner and W due to complaint about limbs 2020-08-26-1 Preston St 892 Braswell St Smithfield NC Tall Grass not picked up and placed at 9029 Old Cascade Dr Garner yes 8/26/2020 9/10/2020 2020-08-26-2 710 Peedin St 14001037 NC Tall Grass 2020-08-26-3 610 Howell St 14008027 610 Howell St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 8/26/2020 9/10/2020 2020-08-26-4 612 White St 14009022 516 Oak Run Dr Raleigh NC Tall Grass yes 8/26/2020 9/10/2020 295 Spencers Gate Dr 14L09051C yes 8/26/2020 9/10/2020 2020-08-26-6 1204 River Rd Youngsville NC Tall Grass 2020-08-26-7 Vacant lot on River Rd 1 14054024E 703 Edgewater Dr Garner NC Tall Grass yes 8/26/2020 9/10/2020 2020-08-26-8 Vacant lot on River Rd 2 14054024 703 Edgewater Dr Garner NC Tall Grass yes 8/26/2020 9/10/2020 4720 Piedmont Row Dr 14057028 yes 8/28/2020 9/11/2020 2020-08-28-1 195 Pine St Charlotte NC Tall Grass Page 74 of 103 Page 76 of 104

CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT - TALL GRASS CLOSED updated 8/31/2020 Courtesy Case # Address Tag # Mailing Address Violation NOV issued? Inspection Dates Next Inspection SeeClickFix Note? Verbal 4/29/2020; 2020-04-28-2 901 N Pollock St 14011024 901 N Pollock St Tall grass 5/15 grass mowed Warning 5/4/2020

1473 California St, Woodbridge 5/5/2020; 6/15/2020 grass cut 2020-05-05-1 703 W Waddell St - vacant 14026009 Tall grass no Yes VA 22191-3501 5/15/2020 biweekly

730 Alexander Way, Edgewater 2020-05-05-2 606 E Lizzie St 14016013 Tall grass yes 5/15 grass mowed NJ 07020-2506 221 W Woodlawn Dr., 5/15/2020; 6/10/2020 mowed 2020-05-15-2 209 N Massey St 14021043 Tall Grass yes Smithfield NC 27577 5/25/2020 biweekly 2020-05-15-3 507 S Raiford St 14038051 501 S Smithfield St, Selma Tall Grass Yes 5/15/2020 5/25 mowed biweekly

2020-05-20-2 403 N Sharpe St 14014052 405 Woodruff Rd, Selma Tall Grass yes 5/20/2020; 6/2020 Grass mowed 5/20/2020; 2020-05-20-3 509 N Sharpe St 14014040 211 E Lizzie St, Selma NC Tall Grass Yes Grass mowed 6/2/2020 2020-05-20-4 212 E Oak St 14022036 212 E Oak St, Tall Grass Yes 5/20/2020 Grass mowed 5/21/2020; 2020-05-21-3 305 Poole Dr 14011042 305 Poole Dr Tall Grass Yes YES 6/15/2020 6/1/2020 2020-05-26-1 117 Shady Grove Ct 14M10142J PO Box 819, Bronx NY 10452 Tall Grass 6/1/2020 Grass mowed 2020-05-26-2 429 Bennett Dr 14M10056C 409 Pecan St Tall Grass yes 5/26/2020 6/6/2020 6/8/2020 all grass 110 Wilsons Mill Road, 2020-05-27-3 803 Southern St 14035006 Tall Grass + Trash cans yes 5/27/2020 mowed for deplexs as of Smithfield NC 27577-3244 6/8/20 111 Wilsons Mill Road, 6/8/2020 grass cut as of 2020-05-27-4 805 Southern St 14035006 Tall Grass + Trash cans yes 5/27/2020 Smithfield NC 27577-3244 6/8 112 Wilsons Mill Road, 6/8/2020 grass cut as of 2020-05-27-5 807 Southern St 14035006 Tall Grass yes 5/27/2020 Smithfield NC 27577-3244 6/8 113 Wilsons Mill Road, 6/8/2020 grass cut as of 2020-05-27-6 809 Southern St 14035006 Tall Grass + Trash cans yes 5/27/2020 Smithfield NC 27577-3244 6/8 2020-06-01-1 201 S Ethel St 14031046 201 S Ethel St Tall Grass 5/27/2020 grass cut asof 6/4 6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-1 302 N Massey St 14021031 1661 Hwy 96 N Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 6/17 221 W Woodlawn Dr., 2020-06-02-2 207 N Massey St 14021045 Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 Smithfield NC 27577 grasscut as of 6/14 221 W Woodlawn Dr., 2020-06-02-3 209 N Massey St 14021043 Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 grass cut as of 6/15 Smithfield NC 27577 2020-06-02-4 406 N Massey St 14013020A 408 N Green St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 garss cut as of 6/17/2020

2020-06-02-5 305 E Oak St 14023018 113 Quail Run Smithfield NC Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 grass cut as of 6/17 6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-6 210 E Oak St 14022035 2230 Shoeheel Rd Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 6/17 1542 Jordan Narron Rd Selma 6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-7 207 E Oak St 14022037 Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 NC 6/17 Page 75 of 103 Page 77 of 104

6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-8 612 E Lizzie St 14016041 612 E Lizzie St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 6/17 6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-9 408 N Massey St 14013019 408 N Massey St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 6/17 6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-10 606 Howell St 14008029 606 Howell St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 6/17 6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-11 608 Howell St 14008028 608 Howell St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 6/17 6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-12 604 Howell St 14008030 Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 604 Howell St Selma NC 6/17 6/17/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-02-13 703 E Lizzie St 14009001 Tall Grass yes 6/2/2020 1776 Little Divine Rd Selma NC 6/18 59 Christina Ave Smithfield NC 6/18/2020 grass cut as 2020-06-03-1 704 E Lizzie St 14027022 Tall Grass yes 6/3/2020 27577 6/18 1371 Linden Blvd #3K Brooklyn 6/18/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-03-2 103 S Massey St 14027031 Tall Grass yes 6/3/2020 NY 6/18 6/18/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-03-3 208 River Rd 14019035A Tall Grass yes 6/3/2020 202 Pecan Dr Selma NC 6/10 6/18/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-03-4 210 River Rd 14019047 Tall Grass yes 6/3/2020 202 Pecan Dr Selma NC 6/10 2020-06-03-5 212 River Rd 14019035 202 Pecan Dr Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/3/2020 6/18/2020 6/18/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-03-6 110 N Sellers St 14029018 Tall Grass yes 6/3/2020 3282 Lizzie Mill Rd Selma NC 6/10 6/18/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-03-7 111 N Massey St 14027018 Tall Grass yes 6/3/2020 111 N Massey St Selma NC 6/18 6/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-08-1 501 Cherry St 14012007 Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 501 Cherry St Selma NC 6/23 6/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-08-2 100 Thompson Dr 14002008R Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 100 Thompson Dr Selma NC 6/23 2020-06-08-3 600 Third Ave 14010032 P O Box 993 Selma NC Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 grass cut as of 6/23 611 Adams Ave Elizabeth NJ 6/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-08-4 504 W Chestnut St 14011010 Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 07201-1614 6/23 6/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-08-5 1251 S Pollock St 14046199C Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 P O Box 1457 Smithfield NC 6/23 6/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-08-6 1100 W Oak St 14018034 Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 P O Box 1371 Smithfield NC 6/23 6/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-08-7 407 N Green St 14012004 Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 6/23 PO Box 2278 Smithfield NC 1744 St New Orleans 6/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-08-8 625 White St 14009010 Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 LA 6/23 221 W Woodlawn Dr., 6/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-08-9 711 N Pollock St 14006003 Tall Grass yes 6/8/2020 Smithfield NC 27577 6/23 201 W Oak St and 211 N 6/23/2020 2 JC removed 2020-06-08-10 14021042 4230 Rains Crossroads Rd Junk Cars yes 6/8/2020 Pollock St as of 5/15/2020 6/25/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-10-1 908 W Walnut St 14002024 Tall Grass yes 6/10/2020 908 W Walnut ST 6/25 221 W Woodlawn Dr., 6/25/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-10-2 602 N Sumner St 14002018 Tall Grass yes 6/10/2020 Smithfield NC 27577 6/25 Page 76 of 103 Page 78 of 104

4 Meriweather Dr Savannah Ga 6/25/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-10-3 302 E Preston St 14048015 Tall Grass yes 6/10/2020 314006-3231 6/25 PO Box 208 Wilson Mills, Nc 6/25/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-10-4 401 West St 14035002 Tall Grass yes 6/10/2020 27593 6/25

2020-06-11-6 501 S Smithfield St 14044199E Tall grass yes 6/11/2020 6/6/2020 grass mowed 501 S Smithfield St, Selma 221 W Woodlawn Dr., over grown weeds and trees and 6/27/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-12-1 511 W Walnut St 14011007 yes 6/12/2020 Smithfield NC 27577 tall grass 6/27/2020 Tall grass and debris on the front 6/27/2020 grass mowed 2020-06-12-2 209 N Massey St 14021043 221 W Woodlawn Dr., yes 6/12/2020 porch and debris removed Smithfield NC 27577 3777 HWY 70 BUS W 6/27/2020 gras cut as of 2020-06-12-4 507 E Lizzie St 14008034 Tall grass yes 6/12/2020 Clayton,Nc 27520 7/1 2020-06-12-5 602 River Rd 14002009M Tall Grass yes 6/12/2020 grass cut as of 7/1 602 River Rd Selma, NC 706A Wilkins St Smithfield Nc 2020-06-12-6 1011 River Rd 14054015O Tall Grass yes 6/12/2020 6/27/2020 grass mowed 27577-4648

6/27/2020; Grass cut as 2020-06-12-7 600 River Rd 14002009L Tall Grass yes 6/12/2020 of 6/15/2020 1161 Dunn Rd Selma Nc 2020-06-15-5 Vacant lot on N Webb 14022042 500 Janie Rd Selma Nc Tall Grass yes 6/15/2020 6/30 greass mowed 6437 E Calle De Mirar Tucson 6/30/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-15-6 406 River Rd 14002008A Tall Grass yes 6/15/2020 Az 85750-1267 6/30 6/30/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-15-7 408 River Rd 14002006 Tall Grass yes 6/15/2020 408 River Rd Selma Nc 6/25 6/1/2020 did not comply 14057031B 2020-06-16-1 1669 S Pollock St Tall Grass yes 6/16/2020 2nd notice sent 6/16; 14057031C grass mowed 7/21 1669 S Pollock St Selma NC

Vacant lot at S Pollock and 6/1/2020 2nd notice sent 2020-06-16-2 14057031A Tall Grass yes 6/16/2020 Pine 6/1; grass mowed 6/8 PO Box 523 Pine Level NC 2718 Milburnie Rd Raleigh NC 7/3/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-18-4 403 N Sellers 14015044 Tall grass yes 6/18/2020 27610-1212 7/2 305 Moore St Clayton, Nc 7/3/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-18-5 402 N Sellers 14015023 Tall grass yes 6/18/2020 27520-2219 7/2 7/6/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-19-1 511 W Dr MLK Jr Way 14031018 Tall grass yes 6/19/2020 7/6 215 Barbour Rd, Smithfield, NC 7/6/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-19-2 210 Graves St 14020003 Tall grass yes 6/19/2020 27577-5503 7/6 7/6/2020 grass cut as of 2020/06/19-3 914 N Pollock 14N99001C Tall grass yes 6/19/2020 467 Gor An Farm Road, Selma 7/6 7/7/2020 gras cut as of 2020-06-22-1 210 E Watson 14038035 Tall grass yes 6/22/2020 712 W Preston st Selma 7/7 7/7/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-22-2 204 E Watson 14038035 Tall grass yes 6/22/2020 204 E Watosn st Selma 7/10 2420 Sapphire Valley Dr Raleigh 7/7/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-22-3 206 + 208 E Watosn 14038034 Tall grass yes 6/22/2020 Nc 27604 7/10 7/7/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-22-4 101 N Green st 14026022 Tall grass yes 6/22/2020 101 N Green St Selma Nc 7/10 Page 77 of 103 Page 79 of 104

157 E Franklin St Ste 8 Chapel 7/7/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-22-5 1695 Outlet Center Dr 14074199J Tall grass yes 6/22/2020 Hill, Nc 7/10 507 Woodland Rd Raleigh Nc 7/7/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-22-6 701 Hare St 14016030 Tall grass yes 6/22/2020 27603 7/10 7/7/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-22-7 308 Dixie St 14004003 Tall grass yes 6/22/2020 308 Dixie St Selma Nc 7/10 129 Serenity Dr Smithfield Nc 7/7/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-22-8 706 and 708 N Pollock St 14007010 Tall Grass yes 6/22/2020 27577 7/10 14050024 7/8/2020 grass cut as 2020-06-23-2 609 and 611 E Anderson St Tall Grass yes 6/23/2020 14050025 PO Box 394 Selma Nc 7/8 110 Wilsons Mill Road, 7/8/2020 grass cut as 2020-06-23-3 302 E Waddell St 14029016 Tall Grass yes 6/23/2020 Smithfield NC 27577-3244 7/8 2020-06-23-4 505 W Elizabeth St 14020040 Tall Grass yes 6/23/2020 7/8/2020 grass mowed PO Box 249 Selma, NC

2020-06-24-2 207 E Lizzie St 14007039 Tall Grass yes 6/24/2020 7/9/2020 cut as of 7/1 PO Box 1203 Smithfield Nc 6473 E Calle De Mirar Tucson 2020-06-24-3 305 E Lizzie St 14008002 Tall Grass yes 6/24/2020 7/9/2020 cut as of 7/1 Az85750-1267 244 Westerly Rd Eden NC 2020-06-24-4 600 N Raiford St 14007024 Tall grass yes 6/24/2020 7/9/2020 grass cut 27288 117 Kinton Dr Willow Springs 7/10/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-25-1 707 Primrose St 14010012 Tall Grass yes 6/25/2020 Nc 27592-9481 7/15 14049015 7/10/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-25-2 Ricks Rd 14074008F 6288 Green Path Rd Dunn,Nc Tall Grass yes 6/25/2020 7/15 14049015A 28334 7/10/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-25-3 905 W Anderson st 14025019 Tall Grass yes 6/25/2020 905 W Anderson St 7/10 4720 Antioch Church Rd 7/10/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-25-4 902 W Anderson St 14025033 Tall Grass yes 6/25/2020 Middlesex Nc 27557-9193 7/10 7/10/2020 2nd notice 2020-06-25-5 805 W Anderson St 14025014 Tall Grass yes 6/25/2020 PO Box 1060 Selma, Nc sent out 7/13 7/10/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-25-6 1008 W Waddell St 14018043 Tall Grass yes 6/25/2020 964 Galilee Rd Smithfield Nc 7/10 277 Amos Gillikin Rd Beaufort, 7/10/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-25-7 706 W Walnut St 14010016 Tall Grass yes 6/25/2020 Nc 7/10 7/10/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-25-8 401 N Pollock St 14013022 Tall Grass yes 6/25/2020 401 N Pollock st Selma 7/10 622 Forrestes St SE Washingotn 7/14/2020 grass was cut 2020-06-29-2 Dogwood Dr vacant Lot 14044061 Tall Grass yes 6/29/2020 DC 20032 as of 7/14 7/14/2020 2nd notice 2020-06-29-3 411 N Sharpe St 14014055 Tall Grass yes 6/29/2020 PO Box 14836 Raleigh Nc 27620 sent did not comply 706A Wilkins St Smithfield Nc 7/14/2020 grass wascut 2020-06-29-4 1011 River Rd 14054015O Tall Grass yes 6/29/2020 27577-4648 as of 7/6 7/14/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-29-5 606 N Webb St 14007038 Tall Grass yes 6/29/2020 467 Gor An Farm Road, Selma 6/7 7/15/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-30-1 801 S Massey St 14042016 Tall Grass yes 6/30/2020 PO Box 607 Selma,Nc 7/15 7/15/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-30-2 631 S Massey St 14040042 Tall Grass yes 6/30/2020 4 Dry Hill Ct Norwalk Ct 06851 7/15 110 Wilsons Mill Road, 7/15/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-30-3 400 S Ethel St 14035006A Tall Grass yes 6/30/2020 Smithfield NC 27577-3244 7/15 Page 78 of 103 Page 80 of 104

7/15/2020 grass cut as of 2020-06-30-4 210 S Brevard St 14031038 Tall Grass yes 6/30/2020 5336 Raleigh rd Benson Nc 7/15 7/15/2020 grass and shrubs cut as of 7/15 2020-06-30-5 208 N Massey St 14021037 Tall Grass andTall shrubs yes 6/30/2020 grass and shrubs cut as PO Box 277 Micro Nc 27555 of 7/15 7/15/2020 grass and shrubs cut as of 7/15 2020-06-30-6 210 N Massey St 14021036 Tall Grass and tall shrubs yes 6/30/2020 grass and shrubs cut as 210 N Massey St Selma Nc of 7/15 7/16/2020 grass was cut 2020-07-01-3 429 Bennet Dr 14M10056C Tall grass yes 7/1/2020 409 Pecan St as of 7/13 Vacant Lot @ S Pollock and 7/16/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-01-2 14057031A 2nd notice of violation tall grass yes 7/1/2020 Pine St PO Box 523 Pine Level NC 7/6 7/16/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-01-4 500 S Webb st 14038029 Tall Grass yes 7/1/2020 7/16 PO Box 2278 Smithfield NC 7/16/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-01-5 403 S Webb St 14038032 Tall Grass yes 7/1/2020 415 S Raiford St Selma Nc 7/16 7/16/2020 grass was cut 2020-07-01-6 112 Watson St Vacant Lot 14038018 Tall Grass yes 7/1/2020 PO Box 821 Whiteville,NC28472 as of 7/16 14057030I 126 E Crewry Ln Raleigh Nc 7/16/2020 2nd letter 2020-07-01-7 184 &188 Pine St Tall Grass yes 7/1/2020 14057031 27609 sent did not comply 143 Palmer Dr clayton Nc 7/16/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-01-8 707 S Webb St 14041042 Tall Grass yes 7/1/2020 27527 7/16

7/15/2020 2nd letter issued as of 7/15 having contractor mow grass 08/15 cannot locate 3730 Starship Ln NW Apt A owner. Grass was 2020-07-02-2 301 W Watson St 14037019 Tall Grass yes 7/2/2020 Wilson Nc 27896 mowed by contractor 8- 15-2020 Still not able to loactate property owner but will contuine to try.CAM

7/21/2020 grass cut asof 2020-07-06-3 100 N Brevard St 14026020 Tall Grasss yes 7/6/2020 100 N Brevard St Selma Nc 7/7 14057031B 7/21/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-06-4 1669 S Pollock St Tall grass 2nd notice yes 7/6/2020 14057031C 1669 S Pollock St Selma NC 7/10 7/21/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-06-5 100 Thompson Dr 14002008R Tall grass 2nd notice yes 7/6/2020 100 Thompson Dr Selma NC 7/21 123 S Front St Memphis TN 2020-07-07-1 1170 S Pollock St 14047004A Tall Grass yes 7/7/2020 7/22/2020 cut as of 7/10 38103-3607

2020-07-07-2 153 Meghan cir 14047044C Tall Grass yes 7/7/2020 7/22/2020 cut as of 7/10 PO Box 607 Selma,Nc

2020-07-07-3 101 Blackstone LN 14047004E Tall Grass yes 7/7/2020 7/22/2020 cut as of 7/10 PO Box 369 Selma NC

2020-07-07-4 1126 S Pollock St 14047004 Tall Grass yes 7/7/2020 7/22/2020 cut as of 7/10 104 Iris Dr Princeton NC 27569 Page 79 of 103 Page 81 of 104

2020-07-07-5 803 Peedin st /vacant lot 14044019 803 Peedin St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 7/7/2020 7/22/2020 not cut 2020-07-07-6 403 N Sharpe St 14014052 Tall Grass yes 7/7/2020 7/22/2020 cut as of 7/22 405 Woodruff Rd, Selma 1406Brookfield Dr Ann Arbor 2020-07-07-7 Outlet Center Dr vacant lot 14A74009 Tall Grass yes 7/7/2020 7/22/2020 cut as of 7/10 MI 48103-6087 4720 Antioch Church Rd 2020-07-10-1 902 S Anderson St 14025033 2nd notice tall grass yes 7/10/2020 7/25/2020 cut as of 7/27 Middlesex Nc 27557-9193 7/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-08-2 607 N Pollock St 14006008 Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 PO Box 650043 Dallas Tx 7/25 2020-07-08-3 807 N Pollock St 14011022 Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 7/23/2020 cut as of 7/27 807 N Pollock St Selma Nc

2020-07-08-4 903 N Pollock St 14011025 Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 7/23/2020 cut as of 7/25 202 Pool Dr Selma NC

2020-07-08-5 700 N Webb St 14007029 Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 7/23/2020 cut as of 7/13 700 N Webb St Selma Nc 166 Caleb Dr Princeton Nc 7/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-08-6 505 Bennett Dr 14M10134K Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 27569 7/15 house for sale 104 E Riverside Dr Smithfield 7/23/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-08-7 507 N Webb St 14014021 Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 ,NC 7/23 221 W Woodlawn Dr., 7/23/2020 grass cut as 2020-07-08-8 302 N Massey St 14021031 Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 Smithfield NC 27577 7/11 221 W Woodlawn Dr., 7/23/2020 grass cut as 2020-07-08-9 Webb St EXT Solar Farm 14049001B Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 Smithfield NC 27577 7/11 2020-07-08-10 1213 Dixie Dr 14M11008R 712 N Pollock St Selma Nc Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 grass cut as of 7/13 2020-07-08-11 605 S Raiford St 14041019 Tall Grass yes 7/8/2020 7/23/2020 cut as of 7/27 603 West St Selma NC 7/24/2020 2nd letter issued talked to Mr Godwin 7/12/2020 and 2020-07-09-3 503 E Elizabeth St 14015035 PO Box 607 Selma,Nc Tall Grass yes 7/9/2020 he said he would have it cut ASAP Grass mowed 8- 15-2020 7/28/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-13-1 601 S Massey St 14037044 Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 601 S massey St 7/28 7/28/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-13-2 603 S Massey St 14037047 Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 504 Winston Cir Selma Nc 7/28 2020-07-13-3 609 S Massey St 14037050 505 Winston Cir Selma Nc Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 grass cut as of 7/28 253 Country Store Rd Lot 49 7/28/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-13-4 626 S Massey St 14040023 Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 Selma, NC 7/15 517 Webster St Cary NC 27511- 7/28/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-13-5 1004 W Waddell St 14018045 Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 3547 7/28 2020-07-13-6 1113 W oak St 14018022 Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 7/28/2020 cut as of 7/28 504 W Jones St Selma NC 104 E Riverside Dr Smithfield 7/28/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-13-7 1108B W Oak St 14018030 Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 ,NC 7/28 4376 Summer Breeze Way 7/28/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-13-8 501-509 S Raiford St triplex 14038021 Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 Kissimmee FL 34744-9603 7/28 7/28/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-13-9 607 S Webb St 14041046 Tall Grass yes 7/13/2020 607 S Webb St Selma Nc 7/28 07/29 grass cut as of 2020-07-14-1 301 Dixie Dr 14004010 Tall grass yes 7/14/2020 410 S 5th St Smithfield, NC 7/28 Page 80 of 103 Page 82 of 104

7/29/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-14-2 307 S Raiford St 14033031 Tall grass yes 7/14/2020 336 Mt Pleasant Rd 7/22 2020-07-14-3 610 S Webb St 14007035 Tall grass yes 7/14/2020 7/29/2020 cut as of 7/30 904 N Sharpe St Selma NC

2020-07-14-4 411 N Sharpe St 14014055 Tall grass yes 7/14/2020 7/29/2020 cut as of 7/30 PO Box 14836 Raleigh Nc 27620 7/30/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-15-2 301 River Rd 14019025 Tall grass yes 7/15/2020 577 Woodruff Rd Selma NC 7/27 2020-07-15-3 505 N Sellers St 14015011 Tall Grass yes 7/15/2020 7/30/2020 cut as of 7/27 467 Gor An Farm Road, Selma

2020-07-15-4 405 E Waddell St 14023038 Tall Grass yes 7/15/2020 7/30/2020 cut as of 7/27 7320 Bassett Hall CT Raleigh NC 7/30/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-15-5 208 N Sellers St 14023035 Tall Grass yes 7/15/2020 3945 Kemet dr Zebulon NC 7/27 2020-07-15-6 508 Tower St 14017010 Tall Grass yes 7/15/2020 7/30/2020cut as of 7/27/ 3777 U S 70 Bus W Clayton NC Vacant Lot at S Sumner and W 7/30/2020 Lot was 2020-07-15-7 14037026 Tall Grass yes 7/15/2020 Preston St 892 Braswell Rd Smithfield Nc cleaned as of 7/27 7/31/2020 grass cut as of 2020-07-16-2 900 S Pollock St 14042029 Tall Grass yes 7/16/2020 904 N Sharpe St Selma NC 7/28 2504 Crystal Dr SW Wilson NC 7/31/2020; grass mowed 2020-07-16-3 902 S Pollock St 14042029 tall grass yes 7/16/2020 27893 7/27/2020 7/31/2020 contactor to 14057030I mow grass waiting for 2020-07-16-5 184 & 188 Pine St Tall grass 2nd notice yes 7/16/2020 14057031 lots to dry out.Grass 126 Drewry Ln Raleigh Nc mowed as of 8-17-2020 27609-7727

2020-07-17-1 803 Peedin st /vacant lot 14044019 Tall Grass yes 7/17/2020 8/1/2020 grass mowed 112 Shadow Bend Ln Selma Nc 2020-07-20-1 1100 W Waddell st 14018013 1100 W Waddell St Tall Grass yes 7/20/2020 8-4-2020 grass mowed 484 W Market St PO Box 531 2020-07-20-2 604 W Walnut St Vacant Lot 14010025A Tall Grass yes 7/20/2020 8-4-2020 grass mowed Smithfield Nc 2020-07-20-3 201 Merriman St 14002009O 201 Merriman St Tall Grass yes 7/20/2020 8-4-2020 grass mowed 2020-07-20-4 509 S Pollock St 14038006 4604 Castlebar Dr Raleigh Nc Tall grass yes 7/20/2020 8-4-2020 grass mowed 2020-07-20-5 1002 N Webb 14003053 1002 N Webb St Selma NC Tall grass yes 7/20/2020 8-4-2020 grass mowed 2020-07-20-6 308 Dixie Dr 14004003 Tall Grass yes 7/20/2020 8/4/2020 grass mowed 308 Dixie Dr Selma Nc

2020-07-20-7 425 Dixie Dr 14A04021 Tall Grass yes 7/20/2020 8/4/2020 grass mowed 425 Dixie DR Selma Nc

2020-07-20-8 402 Bennett Dr 14M10134B Tall Grass yes 7/20/2020 8/4/2020 grass mowed 402 Bennett Dr Selma NC

2020-07-20-9 506 Sellers St 14015017B Tall grass 7/20/2020 8/4/2020 grass mowed PO Box 2638 Smithfield Nc

2020-07-20-10 307 E Waddell St 14023003 Tall Grass yes 7/20/2020 8-4-2020 grass mowed 307 E Waddell St Selma NC

2020-07-20-11 601 W Walnut St 14010024B 601 W Walnut st Selma Nc Tall Grass and tall shrubs yes 7/20/2020 8/4/2022 Grass and shurbs mowed and cut Page 81 of 103 Page 83 of 104

8/5/2020 grass not 2020-07-21-1 Winston Cir vacnat Lot 14008024 Wintson Cir Vacant Lot Tall Grass yes 7/21/2020 mowed 2nd letter sent grass mowed 8-18-2020 908 Etta PL Gastonia Nc 28054- 2020-07-21-4 1103 W Waddell St 14024013 Tall grass yes 7/21/2020 8/5/2020 grass mowed 4308 730 Alexander Way, Edgewater 2020-07-21-5 1209 W Waddell St 14028011A Tall grass yes 7/21/2020 8/5/2020 grass mowed NJ 07020-2506 Vacant lot at W Noble and S 10434B Buffalo Rd Clayton NC 2020-07-21-6 14031037 Tall grass yes 7/21/2020 8/5/2020 grass mowed Green St 27520 1505 King St EXT STE 100 2020-07-21-7 105 S Church St 14024031 Tall grass yes 7/21/2020 8/5/2020 grass mowed Charleston SC 29405-9442 PO Box 27951 Raleigh, NC 2020-07-22-3 107 and 109 W Waddle st 1402 8026 Tall grass yes 7/22/2020 8/6/2020 cut as of 7/28 27611

2020-07-22-4 402 W Anderson St 14027012 Tall Grass yes 7/22/2020 8/6/2020 grass mowed 402 W Anderson St

2020-07-22-5 309 N Green St 14020016 Tall Grass yes 7/22/2020 8/6/2020 grass mowed 309 N Green St

2020-07-28-1 410 W Anderson St 14027008 Tall Grass yes 7/28/2020 8/12/2020 grass mowed 410 W Anderson St Selma

2020-07-28-2 406 W Anderson St 14027010 Tall grass yes 7/28/2020 8/12/2020 grass mowed 406 W Andreson St Selma 10741 Wildlife Pl Orlando Fl 2020-07-29-1 502 W Anderson St 14026039 Tall grass yes 7/29/2020 8/13/2020 grass mowed 32825-4869 300 S Landing Dr Clayotn,NC 2020-07-29-2 504A Anderson St 14026040 Tall grass yes 7/29/2020 8/13/2020 grass mowed 27520-7787 8/13/2020 Grass to be 2020-07-29-4 503 E Elizabeth St 14015035 PO Box 607 Selma,Nc Tall grass yes 7/29/2020 cut ASAP by property owner 414 S 3rd St smithfield Nc 2020-07-29-5 609 W Waddell st 14026017 Tall Grass yes 7/29/2020 8/13/2020 grass mowed 27576

8/13/2020 talked with Mrs Penny 8/12/2020 2020-07-29-6 805 W Anderson St 14025014 PO Box 1060 Selma, Nc Tall Grass yes NOV 7/29/2020 she said she would have grass Mowed ASAP grass was mowed 8-18-2020 903 W Waddell or 125 Pecan 2020-07-30-2 1100 W Waddell st 14018013 Tall Grass yes 7/30/2020 8/14/2020 grass mowed Estates Ln Selma

2020-07-30-3 111 N Sellers St 14029011 Tall Grass yes 7/30/2020 8/14/2020 grass mowed 9017 Britt Farm Dr Raleigh, NC PO Box 6450 Norcross Ga 2020-07-30-4 1815 Outlet Center Dr 14074008Y Tall Grass yes 7/30/2020 8/14/2020 grass mowed 30091-6450

2020-07-30-5 405 N Sellers St 14015045 108 Walnut Ct Selma Nc Tall Grass yes 7/30/2020 8/14/2020 grass mowed 305 Moore St Clayton, Nc 2020-07-30-6 312 N Sellers St 14023023 Tall Grass yes 7/30/2020 8/14/2020 grass mowed 27520-2219

2020-07-30-7 210 S Brevard St 14031038 5336 Raleigh rd Benson Nc Tall grass 2nd notice yes 7/30/2020 8/14/2020 grass mowed

14021023 yes 8/6/2020 8/21/2020 grass mowed 2020-08-06-1 306 W Oak St 306 W Oak St Selma NC Tall Grass Page 82 of 103 Page 84 of 104

8/21/2020 cut as of 2020-08-07-1 518 W Elizabeth St 14012011 518 W Elizabeth St Selma NC Tall Grass yes 8/7/2020 8/24/2020 329 Brazil Nut Lane Smithfield 14008024 yes 8/7/2020 8/22/2020 grass mowed 2020-08-07-2 Winston Cir vacnat Lot NC 27577-6624 Tall grass 2nd notice 1371 Barbour Rd Smithfield NC 14044060 yes 8/10/2020 8/25/2020 grass mowed 2020-08-10-1 504 Dogwood Dr 27577 Tall Grass 1526 Branch Chapel Church Rd 14001019G yes 8/11/2020 8/26/2020 grass mowed 2020-08-11-1 607 W Preston St Selma NC Tall Grass 14031001A 9/1/2020 Grass mowed 8- 711 W Noble and 309 S Ethel yes 8/17/2020 2020-08-17-8 14031001 P O Box 944 Selma NC Tall Grass 22-2020 Vacant lot at W Noble and S Vacant lot at W Noble and S 9/4/2020 Grass mowed 8- 14031037 yes 8/20/2020 2020-08-20-1 Green St Green St Tall Grass 22-2020 9/10/2020 grass mowed 14L09014A yes 8/26/2020 2020-08-26-5 705-709 Peedin St P O Box 190 Clayton NC Tall Grass 8-27-2020 Page 83 of 103 Page 85 of 104

CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT - BLIGHTED PROPERTIES updated 8/31/2020 Courtesy Case # Address Tag # Mailing Address Violation NOV issued? Inspection Dates Next Inspection SeeClickFix Note? Case turned over to Johnston County 4/21/2020; Tall Grass; tires in yard; dilipidated Building Inspections 5/11/2020; 2020-04-19-1 409 W Watson St 14037007 206 Powell St E, Wilson NC outbuildings; blighted structure - No Yes permits were issued yes 5/15/2020; whole house 6/23 per Tripp Barry ; 5/30/2020 5/29 Tire removed and grass is cut bi-weekly owner obtaining demolition permit from 712 Peach Rd, Apt A, Raleigh 5/18/2020; 2020-05-18-1 800 W Waddell St 14019039 Dilipidated structure Yes Yes Johnston County; NC 27603-6609 5/23/2020; waiting for a asbestes test to be done

6/26/2020 as of 6/29 grass was cut concrete slabs were removed as Tall grass broken shutter concrete 1704 Fairbrook Ct of 7/13 nothing else has 2020-06-11-5 905 W Walnut St 14019020B in the yard waterline pipe in the yes 6/11/2020 Baltimore,MD 21244 been done civil pentaly yard broken door needs to be issued. This has been turned over to Town Attorney

1220 Chelsea Ln Lot 36 Holly 7/21/2020 this is case is 2020-07-06-7 1315 River Rd 14054021A 2nd notice junk cars not removed yes 7/6/2020 Ridge Nc 28445 in litigation 7/24/2020 2nd letter issued. Property Referred to Johnston unpainted exterior fencing needs County Building 2020-07-09-4 1669 S Pollock St 140457031B 1669 S Pollock St Selma NC repair gutters and roof need yes 7/9/2020 Inspections for reparis condemnation As of 8-12- 2020 grass has been mowed and fence removed. 7/28/2020 talked with property owner said was going to demo both Tall Grass and not weather tight 2020-07-13-10 508 and 512 S Webb St 14041034A 1870 Sunset CV SE Bolivia NC yes 7/13/2020 properties by the end of siding and needs painting Aug. Referring the site to Johnston County Building Inspections Page 84 of 103 Page 86 of 104

8/12/2020 turned over 14057031B 2nd noticte siding needs painting 2020-07-28-3 1669 S Pollock St 1669 S Pollock St Selma NC yes 7/28/2020 to Johnston county 14057031C and eves are rotting building inspections. Page 85 of 103 Page 87 of 104

Action Item #: 8j

TO: Selma Town Council FROM: Rhonda Sommer, CPA, Finance Director DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Senior Center Agreement

Recommendation: That the Town prepare a new lease agreement to cover the use of the Senior Center Building.

Background: The Town entered into an “Agreement for Harrison Building with CSS” on February 12, 2013. This agreement specified a five year term with a renewal option for a separate lease document to be entered into. There is no record of a separate lease document.

Analysis: CSS has been using the building since 2013 for a cost of $1 per year and the Town has been paying for forty percent of the water, sewer and electric utilities.

Fiscal Impact: • Budget Amendment Required: N/A • Capital Project Ordinance Required: N/A • Pre-Audit Certification Required: N/A

Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A

Advisory Board Recommendation: N/A


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MAYORPRO-TEM Town CLERK Iacqueline Lacy JamieWhitley COUNCILMEMBERS ‘ I S TOWN ATTORNEY Byron McAllister Alan "Chip"Hewett JoeScarboro Ann Wi11iam5 THE ‘o? cR°S8noAnsor TRADITION AND ‘““°\”“

To: Mayor and Council From: Rhonda Sommer CPA Date: August 28, 2020 Re: SURF Grant

I have included for your consideration the history of disbursements under the SURF Grant for the past ten years as well as the ordinance that speaks to the SURF Grant (Chapter 10 Section 10-46 through Section 10-56).

The funds that originally funded the SURF Grant were exhausted mid fiscal year 2019. Funds expended since that time represent regular general fund revenues.

The current ordinance requires a Surf Review Board and dictates its makeup. This Board has since been disbanded. That section of the ordinance along with the section that directs the management of the funds (that no longer exist) must be updated at a minimum.

We look forward to your direction regarding this ordinance.

114 N. Raiford Street - Selma, NC 27576 - P: (919) 965-9841 - F: (919) 965-4637 - www.selma—

Page 90 of 103 Page 92 of 104

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8/27/2020 Selma, NC Code of Ordinances



___ (1) __-

Cross reference~—-Administration, ch. 2; buildings and construction, ch. 5; housing, ch. 11; public services and utilities, ch. 16; development regulations, ch. 77; annexations, app. A.

State Law reference——Community development programs and activities, G.S. § 160A-456.


Secs. 10-I-10-25. - Reserved.



(2 ___ Cross reference——-Administration, ch. 2.

Sec. IO-26. — Established.

A historic properties commission is established. The commission shall consist of six (6) members appointed by the city council.

(Code 1974, § 2.40.01 0)

Sec. 10-27. - Membership.

The members of the historic properties commission shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by the town council. Appointments shall be for a term of three (3) years. Any vacancy in the membership shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the initial appointment. A majority of the members of the commission shall at all times have demonstrated special interest, experience or education in history or architecture, and all the members shall reside within the territorial jurisdiction of the town as established pursuant to G.S. Section 160A-360.

(Code 1974, § 2.40.020; Ord. of10—l3—l5(l))

Sec. 10-28. — Proceedings.

The historic properties commission shall adopt rules and bylaws before it may exercise the powers set forth in this article and in the state statutes.

(Code I974, § 2.40.030)

Sec. 10-29. —Jurisdiction.


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The powers granted by this article and by the laws of the state to the historic properties commission shall be exercised within the territorial jurisdiction of the town as established pursuant to G.S. Section 160A-360.

(Code 1974, § 2.40.040)

Sec. 10-30. - Powers.

(a) The historic properties commission established pursuant to this article shall be authorized within the zoningjurisdiction of the town to:

(1) Undertake an inventory of properties of historical, architectural and/or archaeological significance;

(2) Recommend to the city council structures, buildings, sites, areas or objects to be designated by ordinance as "historic properties";

(3) Acquire by any lawful means the fee or any lesser included interest, including options to purchase, to any such historic properties, to hold, manage, preserve, restore and improve the same, and to exchange or dispose of the property by public or private sale, lease or otherwise, subject to covenants or other legally binding restrictions which will secure appropriate rights of public access and promote the preservation of the property;

(4) Restore, preserve and operate such historic properties;

(5) Recommend to the city council that designation of any building, structure, site, area or object as a historic property be revoked or removed;

(5) Conduct an educational program with respect to historic properties within itsjurisdiction; (7) Cooperate with the state, federal and local governments in pursuance of the purposes of this article. The city council or the commission when authorized by the city council may contract with the state or the United States of America or any agency of either or with any other organization, provided the terms are not inconsistent with state or federal law;

(8) Enter, solely in performance of its official duties and only at reasonable times, upon private lands for examination or survey thereof. However, no member, employee or agent of the commission may enter any private building or structure without the express consent of the owner or occupant thereof.

(b) Allmeetings or hearings of the commission shall be open to the public, in accordance with the North Carolina open meetings law, G.S. Chapter 143, Article 33C (Section 143-318.9 et seq.), and reasonable notice of the time and place thereof shall be given to the public.

(Code 1974, § 2.40.050)

Secs. 10-31—10-45. - Reserved.

ARTlCLElll. - S.U.R.F.


__- (3) __- Editor's note— "S.U.R./5." refers to the Selma Uptown RevitalizationFund.


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8/27/2020 Selma, NC Code of Ordinances

Sec. 10-46. - Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

Grant means a sum of money, not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), established by the town council each quarter that is available for outside improvements in the S.U.R.F. district and which does not have to be repaid to the program. Moneys for grants are derived from noncommitted funds as described in section 10-52.

(Code 1974, § 18.04.030(C), (D); Ord. of 4-13-99, § 1; Ord. of 2-10-09, § 1)

Sec. 10-47. — Authority.

The town, as authorized under G.S. Section 160A-456, did establish by resolution November 11, 1980, the S.U.R.F. Advisory Committee.

(Code 1974, § 18.04.01 0; Ord. of 4-13-99, § 1; Ord. of 2-10-09, § 1)

Sec. 10-48. - Objectives.

The objectives of S.U.R.F. are to provide an incentive to businesses, tenants, property owners and individuals for the purpose of improving the appearance and viability of the downtown area and to stimulate long-term reinvestment in downtown. The incentive will be in the form of grants. Rehabilitation goals are as follows:

(1) Improve the downtown area;

(2) Attract new investors (businesses);

(3) Reinforce existing investors (businesses);

(4) improve the visual appearance of the downtown area;

(S) Utilize existing structures one hundred (100) percent;

(6) Improve and maintain historical structures; and

(7) Broaden the tax base.

(Code 1974, § 18.04.020; Ord. of 4-13-99, § 1; Ord. of 2-10-09, § 1)

Sec. 10-49. — Rehabilitation grant requirements.

The following requirements apply to rehabilitation grants and are available under the Selma Uptown Revitalization Fund.

(1) The project area shall be designated as the Central Business (CB) Zoning District.

(2) Any business, property owner, or tenant presently within the project area is eligible to apply. Also, any other individual or company wishing to do business within the designated project area is eligible for application.

(3) Each person or corporation engaged in multiple projects may receive only one (1) grant per building over any two-year period.

(Code 1974, § 18.04.030(A), (B), (E); Ord. 0f4-13-99, § 1; Ord. 0f5-11-O4, § 1; Ord. of 2-10-09, § 1)


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Sec. 10-50. - Same—Specific.

(a) Grant funds shall be for exterior improvements only, including signage deemed in character to be consistent with the Central Business Zoning District.

(b) Any person starting a project on or afterjanuary 1, 1981, will be eligible to make application to participate in the S.U.R.F. program for grant funding.

(c) Grants are limited to existing structures located within the Central Business Zoning District. Applicants must own or lease the structure.

(d) Grants must be used for commercial property to include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: Armories;

Assembly halls;

Automotive, truck and bus service stations and washing establishments;

Banks and other financial institutions, including those having drive—inwindows or outdoor banking machines;

Bus stations;

Cold storage or freezer lockers;

Department stores;

Food and grocery stores;

Funeral homes or mortuaries;


Hotels and motels;

Ice manufacturing and pickup stations;

Men's or ladies clothing specialty stores;

Newspaper offices and printing, publishing and reproduction establishments;

Newsstands, bookstores;

Nurseries, horticultural and greenhouses;

Offices/businesses, professional and public;

Parks and playgrounds;

Public uses, structures and buildings;

Public utility distribution lines, transformers, stations, telephone exchanges, telegraph offices and repeater stations, but not service or storage yards;


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8/27/2020 Selma, NC Code of Ordinances Railroad stations;

Restaurants, indoor only;

Soft drink bottling establishments;

Taxicab offices or stands;

Theaters, housed in a permanent indoor structure, subject to the prohibitions stated in Selma Development Ordinance, app. C, relating to NC-17 rated movies;

Vocational and trade schools, excluding those for students under twelve (12) years of age;

Wholesale and warehouse establishments, except for the storage of encored hides, explosives or gas. No open storage shall be permitted in the B-1 districts.

(9) Structures must meet state and local building codes as approved by the local building inspector and within rehabilitation guidelines.

(f) Grant applications will be received by the town.

(g) Grant applications shall be reviewed by town staff for consistency with architectural/historical character of the Central Business Zoning District. (h) Reserved. (1) Reserved.

(I) The S.U.R.F. review board will approve or disapprove all applications within sixty (60) days of receipt of the completed applications.

(Code 1974, § 18,04,040; 0rd. of 4-13-99, § 1; 0rd. 0f5—11—04,§§ 2——5;0rd. of 2-10-09, § 1)

Cross reference— Buildings and construction, ch. 5; development regulations, ch. 17; planning board, § 17-432.

Sec. 10-51. - Reserved.

Editor's note-— The 0rd. of 4-13-99, § 1, repealed § 10-51 which pertained to real estate acquisition loans, and derived from Code 1974, § 18.04.050.

Sec. 10-52. - Project management.

(a) The S.U.R.F. project manager will be the town manager. His duties and responsibilities will be to administer the project in conjunction with the S.U.R.F. review board.

(b) The S.U.R.F. review board willreview guidelines annually to determine the need for changes. The review board will prepare a quarterly financial report for the town council.

(C) Interest not used in any given year will be included in the quarterly financial report with recommendations for use of these funds. Recommendations include, but are not limited to the following:

(1) Return to the general fund of the town; (2) Relnvest in the S.U.R.F. program base fund;

(3) Award grants of five hundred dollars ($500.00) maximum in the grant program; (4) Improvements of public areas;


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(5) Expenditures of noncommitted funds shall be made only with town council approval.

(Code 1974, § 18.04.060; 0rd. of 4-13-99, § 1; 0rd. of 2-10-09, § 1)

Sec. 10-53. — Reserved.

Editor's note—- An ordinance adopted May 11, 2004, § 6, repealed § 10-53 in its entirety. Former § 10-53 pertained to

marketing and promotion and derived from the 1974 Code, § 18.04070; and an ordinance adopted Apr. 13, 1999, § 1.

Sec. 10-54. — Application procedure.

(a) The applicant willsecure the S.U.R.F. application form from the town offices.

(b) The applicant willsubmit the completed application to the town clerk for review of: (1) Purpose;

(2) Feasibility; and (3) Compatibility.

(c) Applications will be processed by the town as outlined in Sections 6.0 through 6.9, Application Procedures of the S.U.R.F. rules and procedures as adopted by the S.U.R.F. review board.

(Code 1974,§18.04.080; 0rd. of 4-13-99, § 1; 0rd. of 2-10-09, § 1)

Sec. 10-55. - Review board.

(a) The S.U.R.F. review board will consist of one (1) member from each of the following: (1) Town planner;

(2) Selma Merchants‘ Association; (3) Planning board;

(4) Appearance commission; (5) Town council;

(6) Town manager, S.U.R.F. manager;

(7) Official of Branch Bank and Trust Company; (8) Official of Kenly Savings Bank;

(9) Official of First Citizens Bank and Trust Company; and (10) Executive Director of Chamber of Commerce.

Each delegate may choose an alternate to be approved by the town council.

(b) The function of the review board will be to promote, review and establish policy, etc.

(c) The S.U.R.F. review board forwards all approved project applications to the town manager. (d) The town manager approves or disapproves the grant application.

(e) Ifthe applicant or review board disagrees with the town manager, they may appeal to the town council.

(Code 1974, § 18.04.090; 0rd. of 4-1 3-99, § 1; 0rd. of 5-11-04, § 7; 0rd. of 2-10-09, § 1)

Cross reference— Administration, ch. 2.


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Sec. 10-56. — Financial structure.

(a) Funds shall be managed as follows:

(1) invest a budgeted amount of funds in high yield deposits.

(2) Monthly income earned willbe deposited into a savings account; for example, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) at eleven (11) percent for two (2) years. Six (6) months yields a monthly income of four hundred fifty—twodollars and ten cents ($452.10), which is to be deposited into a savings account.

(b) investment timing includes automatically depositing the monthly interest earned from the certificate to the savings account.

(Code 1974, § 1804.100; Ord. of 4-13-99, § 1)

Secs. 10-57-10-65. - Reserved.


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Action Item #: 8l

TO: Selma Town Council FROM: Rhonda Sommer, CPA DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Budget Amendment #3

Recommendation: To approve the budget amendment.

Background: The budget must be amended from time to time to account for changes in revenues and/or expenditures.

Analysis: General Fund – To appropriate insurance proceeds and to reclass funds for vehicle repairs. Sewer Fund – To reclass funding for new position. Electric Reserve Fund – To appropriate reimbursement for LED lights and to reclass funding for new position.

Fiscal Impact: • Budget Amendment Required: Yes • Capital Project Ordinance Required: N/A • Pre-Audit Certification Required: N/A

Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A

Advisory Board Recommendation: N/A


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BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Selma, County of Johnston, State of North Carolina, and Meeting in Budget Session this 8th day of September 2020 that the Town Budget adopted on June 16, 2020, for FY 2020/2021 is hereby amended and adopted:

Section I. To amend the General Fund (10) to appropriate insurance proceeds to repair the Town Hall drive through; to reclassify funds for maintenance for the Planning Department vehicle.

Account Number Debit Credit

10-5800-3510 Maint/Repair - Buildings 1,170 10-3350-0400 Insurance Proceeds 1,170 10-4910-3530 Maint/Rep - Vehicle 500 10-4910-3110 Travel/Training 500

Section II. To amend the Sewer Fund (61) to reclassify funds to cover hiring new position.

Account Number Debit Credit

61-7110-1210 Salaries 328 61-7110-1810 Fica 25 61-7110-1820 Retirement 34 61-7110-1821 401K 10 61-7110-1830 Group Insruance 4 61-7110-3990 Contracted Services 401

Section III. To amend the Electric Fund (63) to appropriate reimbursement revenue from the Selma Housing Authority for LED lights; and to reclassify funds to cover hiring new position.

Account Number Debit Credit

63-7220-4990 Equipment Non-Capital 16,685 63-3833-0100 Reimbursement Housing Auth 16,685 63-7210-1210 Salaries 328 63-7210-1810 Fica 25 63-7210-1820 Retirement 34 63-7210-1821 401K 10 63-7210-1830 Group Insruance 4 63-7210-3990 Contracted Services 401

Section IV. Clerk, the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer and shall be available for public inspection.

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Jamie Whitley Seal Town Clerk

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Action Item #: 9a

TO: Selma Town Council FROM: Chip Hewett, Town Attorney DATE: September 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Surplus Property

Recommendation: To surplus 508 Sharpe Street.

Background: The property located at 508 Sharpe Street is currently owned by the Town of Selma. Some potential buyers have shown interest in the property.

Analysis: N/A

Fiscal Impact: • Budget Amendment Required: N/A • Capital Project Ordinance Required: N/A • Pre-Audit Certification Required: N/A

Attorney Reviewed: • Contract: N/A • Agreement: N/A • Resolution: N/A

Advisory Board Recommendation: N/A


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* * * DISCLAIMER * * * Johnston County assumes no legal responsibility for the information represented here.

Result 1

id: 14038046 Tag: 14038046 NCPin: 261406-28-6754 Mapsheet No: 261406 Owner Name 1: TOWN OF SELMA Owner Name 2: Mail Address 1: 114 N RAIFORD ST Mail Address 2: Mail Address 3: SELMA, NC 27576-0000 Site Address 1: Site Address 2: Book: 03821 Page: 0168 Market Value: 10000 Assessed Acreage: 1.000 Calc. Acreage: 0.155 Sales Price: 14000 Sale Date: 2010-03-11

Scale: 1:629 - 1 in. = 52.4 feet Johnston County GIS (The scale is only accurate when printed landscape on a 8 1/2 x 11 size sheet with no page scaling.) Page 103 of September 1, 2020

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