Town of Selma Work Session Meeting September 3, 2020 Selma Jernigan Building 2:00 PM Due to Covid-19 Restrictions, this meeting will be available via: Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/TownofSelma/live/ Online: https://townofselma.my.webex.com/townofselma.my/j.php?MTID=m1fe2fac9f784a49ed2a861ee74ac 62fc Password: TOSAR93 By Phone: 1-415-655-0001 Meeting number: 126 312 8459 Password: 8672793 ORDER OF BUSINESS Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. AGENDA REVIEW a. September 8, 2020 - Regular Council Meeting Agenda 2 - 104 Regular Council - 08 Sep 2020 - Agenda - Pdf 3. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 104 Town of Selma Regular Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Civic Center 6:00 PM ORDER OF BUSINESS Page 1. CONVOCATION 2. PLEDGE TO FLAG 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Minutes 4 - 16 Regular Council Meeting - August 11, 2020 (Resource Person: Town Clerk Jamie Whitley) Regular Council Meeting - August 11, 2020 5. RECOGNITIONS/PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation declaring September 6 - 12, 2020 as First Responders 17 Appreciation Week (Resource Person - Mayor Cheryl Oliver) First Responders Week 2020 b. Proclamation declaring September 17 - 23, 2020 as Constitution Week 18 (Resource Person - Mayor Cheryl Oliver) Proclamation for Constitution Week 2020 6. OPEN FORUM/CITIZENS' REQUESTS 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS/APPEALS a. Public Hearing for 2019-123-TA 19 - 24 (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon-Tingle) Public Hearing for 2019-123-MA 133 Yelverton Grove Road Rezonings b. Public Hearing for CDBG Grant Funding 25 (Resource Person: Public Works Director JP McCann) Public Hearing for CDBG Grant Funding Page 3 of 104 8. BUSINESS ITEMS a. Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention Grant 26 (Resource Person: Fire Chief Phillip McDaniel) Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention Grant b. Proposal to offer Reflective Address Signs 27 - 28 (Resource Person: Fire Chief Phillip McDaniel) Proposal to offer Reflective Address Signs c. Railroad Days Activities Update 29 - 34 (Resource Person: Parks and Recreation Director Billy Roach) Railroad Days Presentation d. Cross-Connection Ordinance Update 35 - 51 (Resource Person: Public Works Director JP McCann) Cross-Connection Ordinance Update e. Extra Duty Pay Policy 52 - 54 (Resource Person: Human Resources Director Jennifer Eakes) Extra Pay Duty Policy f. Advisory Board Appointments 55 (Resource Person: Town Clerk Jamie Whitley) Advisory Board Appointments g. Selma Phone System Proposal 56 - 62 (Resource Person: Town Clerk Jamie Whitley) Selma Phone System Proposal h. Request for Public Hearing for 2020-51-SUP Subsurface Construction 63 Company (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon-Tingle) Request for Public Hearing for 2020-51-SUP Subsurface Construction Company i. Code Enforcement and Blighted Properties Update 64 - 85 (Resource Person: Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon-Tingle) Code Enforcement and Blighted Properties Update j. Senior Center Agreement 86 - 89 (Resource Person: Acting Town Manager/Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) Senior Center Agreement k. SURF Grant Update 90 - 98 (Resource Person: Acting Town Manager/Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) SURF Program l. Budget Amendment #3 99 - 101 (Resource Person: Acting Town Manager/Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) Budget Amendment #3 Page 2 of 103 Page 4 of 104 9. TOWN ATTORNEY'S REPORT a. Surplus of property located at 508 Sharpe Street 102 - 103 Surplus of 508 Sharpe Street 10. MAYOR'S REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS a. 2020 Selma Voting Site and Rental Fee b. Town Manager Search Update c. Preservation NC Update d. General Comments 11. COUNCILMEMBERS' REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12. CLOSED SESSION 13. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 103 Page 5 of 104 Regular Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, August 11, 2020 @ 6:00 PM COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Cheryl Oliver, Mayor Pro-Tem Jackie Lacy, Councilmember Ann Williams, Councilmember Byron McAllister, and Councilmember Joe Scarboro 1. CONVOCATION Mayor Oliver called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Civic Center and declared a quorum present. Mayor Oliver led in prayer. 2. PLEDGE TO FLAG Mayor Pro-Tem Jackie Lacy led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA a. Mayor Oliver added subdivision text amendment under the Town Attorney's report as 7c. She stated that there is no closed session and that will be removed from the agenda. A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Councilmember Joe Scarboro to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Minutes Regular Council Meeting - July 14, 2020 Continued Council Meeting - July 15, 2020 Councilmember Ann Williams asked about the addendum that was supposed to be added to the minutes for the Designation of the Historic Districts. Page 4 of 103 Page 6 of 104 2 Town Clerk Jamie Whitley stated that the addendum will be added once we receive the letter from the State recognizing our Historic Districts so that the addendum will be a complete document as specified in the motion made on July 14, 2020. Councilmember Williams asked have we received anything from the State. Town Clerk Whitley stated no. Planning and Economic Development Director Randy Cahoon-Tingle stated that the State has received the documents but we do not have anything from them. Councilmember Williams stated that she wanted everything that we have for the addendum to be put in the minutes right away. Councilmember Williams stated that the day after the meeting, Mr. Hicks received a call from JMT because they were listening to the meeting. Mr. Hicks put Councilmember Williams on the conference call because JMT started talking about issues before he got here. She stated that they were rather upset and stated that some of the things that were said at the meeting were incorrect and they wanted to come to a meeting and correct the record. She stated that she would like for us to make that happen. She stated that there seems to be a problem with some of the things according to them and she wants that on the record because the minutes may not be correct. Mayor Oliver stated that we will schedule JMT Presentation for the September Meeting. Mayor Oliver asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda with those two pending items for the minutes. Regular Council Meeting - July 14, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Continued - July 15, 2020 b. Budget Amendment #2 (Resource Person: Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) Budget Amendment #2 c. Revenue Analysis (Resource Person: Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) Revenue Analysis d. Wastewater Charges (Resource Person: Finance Director Rhonda Sommer) A motion was made by Councilmember Byron McAllister and seconded by Councilmember Joe Scarboro to approve the Consent Agenda with the changes to the minutes. Page 5 of 103 Page 7 of 104 3 Motion carried unanimously. Wastewater Charges 5. RECOGNITIONS/PRESENTATIONS a. Recognition of Steve Merklin's Retirement Mayor Oliver thanked Steven Merklin for his service that he has provided for the Town. She recalled how he worked with volunteers to get the dams cleared and he bought them Selma hats with his own money to thank them. She presented Steve Merklin with a plaque for his retirement. Steve Merklin stated that we have to listen to the citizens and make the town better for them. He stated that it has been a great 12 years and he thanked the Mayor and Council. Recognition of 11 Years of Service Steven Merklin b. Selma Elementary School Presentation (Resource Person: Selma Elementary School Principal Maritza Rosado) Mayor Oliver introduced Selma Elementary School Principal Maritza Rosado. She stated that she knows that Mrs. Rosado is busy but wanted to thank her for coming to spend time with us today. Mrs. Rosado stated that she was happy to be here and stated that they have been doing a lot of planning for this school year. She stated that they are having challenges with supplies and materials because students cannot share. She stated that we are looking at creative aspect of education as well as academics. She requested support to help with imagination boxes. She stated that it entails a box with art supplies that students can use at home. She stated that they have some supplies but she wanted to get some support with this project. Mayor Oliver asked for a list from Principal Rosado that can be posted on social media and the Town Website so that she can get support not only from the Town but from others. Mrs. Rosado stated that she knows in Selma you don't have to ask because people are always willing to show up and show their support. She thanked Council and the Town for its support and stated that she will get a list. 6. OPEN FORUM/CITIZENS' REQUESTS 7. TOWN ATTORNEY'S REPORT a. Update on 905 W. Walnut Street Town Attorney Hewett gave some background on the history of 905 W. Walnut. There has been prior litigation with this property. He stated that in the past Ms. Lemon had an Page 6 of 103 Page 8 of 104 4 attorney and this went to litigation and then their was an appeal filed. There was a settlement agreement were she agreed to fix the house. He stated that the terms of her getting the house to a habitable state were non-compliant. It is suspected that people that got evicted from a neighboring house has taken residency there, so now we have a vagrant issue. He stated that he needs to determine if the settlement agreement is something that he can enforce based on the statue of limitations whether it can be a new action or a current action. He stated that wants to bring this back to Council next week on what his recommended action is. He asked Council if they would be okay with him reacing out to Ms.
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