Crisp Celery*2»2S'
16 -THURSDAY—rrBRUARY 15, 1945 MONITOR-LEADER MOUNT CLEMENS. MICH. H. A. SMITH WAREHOUSE MARKET Marriage Honor Students Denies Laxity Licenses in Sending Son Arthur F. Rolph, 34. 8412 Are Revealed to Classes Gardenia, tenter Line, Bernice alleged- M. Backcnstose, 19, Romeo, fil* Utica Pupils ROSEVILLE—For his 12-year- e ’ teb. 5. ly failing to send Wins Honors school regu- Anthony Dissinger, 41. 20805 old son Donald to larly Sept. 1944, 'lversal, East Detroit, and A Honor Roll since 15, UTICA—The Shelby Townsend, 43, of len Ann Martin, 29, 20314 for the high school includes Mar- Ballanger, was ar- Detroit, filed Feb 2. garet Heinecke, Roland Schus- 26220 raigned in Justice Court be- W. Shaw. 25, 8292 ter, and Donna Turner, ninth Fancy California Clyde fore Judge Frank E. Jean- TEXAS Dodge, Dyke, and Constance grade; Doris Baumgartner, 10th Van nette on Tuesday afternoon SEEDLESS SEEDLESS NAVEL Juntti, 18, 8211 Maxwell, Van grade; Norma us, Mary K 1 a on complaint of the school's Dyke, filed Feb. 5. Walsh, 11th; Elsie Heinecke. Doris Rahn, Henry Scheper and truant officer. Townsend George Raschid, 30. Grosse re- Marilyn Ollsen, 12th grade. pleaded innocent and was ORANGES Pointe Park, and Mary Sofie. GRAPEFRUIT leased on personal bond, Baltimore, 5 The Honor Rail full fol- Sove 20. New filed Feb. in pending his trial, set for Feb. 25. 130 Gallup lows: Grade 8: Nancy Jen Criss- Elton O. Jobse. 23, at 10 a.m. H. A. Smith Fruits ond Vegetobles or# tho finest on tho market. Our «>*• avenue. Mt. Clemens, and Lil- man.
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