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Re d Armles . . Ta k. e St an d J~nctiononEaslernYank Forces Effecf All-les 0 pen Coor d- Ina t ed . Seven Miles From Vistula Sl~::!~::~r Off - - . " " • I ' 443 Americans Killed ens Ive Normandy. Ihe Conquering Soviets At a Glane.- Hitler Gives Goering, In Guam Invasion ------'------______.,.- _-J' • . m, e in Ihrealen 10 Outflank Todoy' s GOebbels Increased Q~":;'::"~~'.~=~~~ 1,500 Allied Bombers WOUNDED NAZI GIVEN BOOST American Doughboys Warsaw, Drive West Power Over Germans I G~a~S~~~ti~ini!~i ~:la~~s, i~'::pd~ 10-Square Miles Stage Heavy Assault Japan's innel' defense arc, with 0 Reuters Dispatch Says Iowan 'Big Four' of Nazism IAmerican forces effecting u junc- nNormandy Front In Sf. Lo Section Russian Frontal Drive * * * C nd d R II lion on Ihe eastern shOres ot ____ omma e to a Y Guam's strategic ApI'S harbor, Arrives at Vistula Allied al'JllJes In Normandy open All Existing Strength were unnounced yesterday by RAF Batters Nazis British Troops Face w d 1 AP greatest coordinated offensive of Adm. Chester W. Nimitz. Positions in Follow-Up Campaign/s Strongest 1,0 Nl Do , e \1eRoay ( ) the west'ern J·nva-I·on. LONDON (AP) Ad If H'll - The conqllering Red armiCR ~ - 0 1 er American forces thut invuded Raid South of Caen Defense Near Caen Just Ihr\1 st within soven miles of the last night invested Marshal Hel'-I Guam only last Thursday thus _____ lay, Wislll (ViKtllln) ,·ivOl· ycstl'rdIlY, RUllllans throst within seven mann Wilhelm Goering and Pro- controlled all of Apru harbor's LONDON, Wednesday, (AP)- SUPREME HEADQUAR. ;h­ imlllcdiatf'ly threatening' to out· miles of Vistula river. paganda Chief Joseph Goebbels shorelines with lhe exc pUon of The greatest aerial bombardment TER , Allied Expeditionnl'~r fiee rhlJlk Wal'saw on lhl' Ronth and with sweeping powers over Ger- a portion of the Orote penJn~uln, ever concentrated on 10 square Force, Wednesday (AP)-'I'ho :e­ ranf"onl 1I w hHI'riecl Nllzi eom- Aerial armada po u n d s Nor- man public and private lite and on 1.he south. miles of land was loosed by allied aWed armi sin Normany opened erm mllnil wit h n smash ell] west in effect placed Germany and the . I he greAtest (:oorc1inated offen­ mandy baltle sector. occupied territorites under un CasualtIes Announced warpl(lnes yesterday m spearhead- I sive the western invlIsiou mo­ nrl'o!;'~ llJOt IIlRI big waterway at'ch-Nllzi quadl·umvlJ·ate. There an unknown number or ing the Americans' lunge along I or lles 'rue.'IdIlY as th A mer i CAn s i~gl'~;W;~ t~;r.~~~~~lIl1l folhpl'lfind Hitler lives Goering, Goebbels I NIII 'BII' Fotlur' . I Japanese had been isolated liS thp. ~e ~v~t,::,~ sec lor of the Nor- ~mllilhed w st of St. La in their sweeping powers . n a move apparen y e,xtermJn- southern assnult forces of the an y r n . . hl'ovicst assault since Cheroollrg lrn_ (A dispnlch from a Rel1terR . allng any conservative Influence . . . I Blasting a hole fIve miles wide eOl'respondent in M.o~eow said which hod remained In authority, Third amphIbIOUS corps slashed and two miles deep, more than nnd BritiHh.- nnac1inn force!! on ime PHI'ly today Sovit't fOl'ces already Unl"fed ftales Refuses Hitler produced a blueprint for across the bnse of the peni!"sula. / 1,500 heavy bombel's and the east drove south of Caen ton, had reached the Wilsa.) J crumbling Germany's death battle, Casualties on both Tininn and against some of t he strongest up- This sudden maneuver, catching a last fanatical struggle to be Guam, through Monday, were Bulletin GCl'man l'ef!iAtnnce of th entir~ 1 In the enemr otf balance and posing To Accepl Argentine directed by the "big tour" of light compored with the Iirst few LONDON, WEDNESDAY, (AP) campaign. !srs /he most terrifying prospect for NazJism- lIitler, Goerine, Goeb- days of the invasion of Saipan, - For the second night in succes­ With their supreme eomman­ ;tus him, was but one of a series of Untl"' Poll"cy Change bels and Heinrich Himmler, the first island of the Marianas lost sion RAF heavy bombers battered dl'r, Oen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, lew victorious advances announced by Gestapo chief appointed last week by Japan. They were announced Stuttgart and Mosquitos hit Berlin on the beachhead to confer wIth ller the Soviet midnight communique to be an all powerful commander- by Nimitz as follows: last night while other British for­ AN AMERICAN DOUGHBOY JIlek. UJI a woundecl Nul on the road field commanders for seven hours M, mations pounded flying bomb In­ for the seven great armies now --- in-chief of the army at home. Guam - 443 kill ed, 2,366 to St. Lo In France and puts him onto a half-track. The Nul, woundecl as the bill push got under way, the on the offensive, .tlcall of Ambassador Hitler issued a decree naming wounded and 209 missing. stallations in northern France. In battle, was abandoned by hili buddies. luse On other sectors of the 800-mile- ,Goerjng and Goebbels to extract Tinian-IS k i I led lind 225 allied armies struck to end a rela­ lion long front the Russians reported Designed. to Split from the peoples of "the greater wounded. eql1al number or medium and tive stalemate of several days' was they had furthered their frontal Germa.n Reich and the occupied At least 2,400 enemy dead had light bombers and fighters cas­ duration. the Unity of Oppo, nents Compensation- . British, Yank Troops drive now between 40 and 50 miles countries the last ounce of strength been counted on Guam and 1,324 caded thousands of fragmentation LIeut. Gen. Omar N. Bradley hile east of Warsaw, surrounded and WASHINGTON, (AP) _ 'nli e for the German army and·the arms on Tinian. and hilh explosive bombs on the lin­ sent hIs American First army into broke into the city of Lwow, Po- United States has told otber industry," and he empowered Patrols from the ·northern and enemy ahead of the doughboy ad- Advance on Florence ilso land's third largest, fought into tbem to "issue instructions" to southern assault forces on Guam vance. battle on a Iront stretching a 11 the the the outskirts of virtually-encircled American countries that it is ir- even the highest Reich authorities, established contact Monday along Mll'htlest Air A_It Reborn German Resistance way from St. Lo westward to the Bialystok, cut the last Nazi escape revocably determined not to re- whoever they may. be. Apra's shoreUne, on the wesl-cen- It was unquestionably the sea and centering on a five-mile mightiest air assault since D-Day railway between Riga and Daug- cognize lhe Argentine government Home Front Conlrol Iral side of Guam. Apra is one of Slow. Allied Drive sector between the Vlre and Taute ·n LatvI'a, and threw deadly f G Ed I F t·t Having apparently insured Nazi the belter harbors of the western and Supreme Headquarters as­ avplls I o en. e mil'O arrell . un I contr I f the bit k's . II t serted, "The volume of bombing On Transportation Hub rivers. nooses around Brest Litovsk and 0 0 army y as wee Pacittc and w lofer anchorage Poland Slanislawow. there are " nclusiv.e acts and r uthless Himmler-directed purge facllities not available on Saipan over such n small area was un­ ROME (AP)-British Infantry, Yanke Strike al Noon denionstratiqns that there have of rebelliolls Junkers, last night's 125 miles northward. ' precedented." The doughboys struck at noon Pre-War Borde.rt1 . . move was directed at clinching Planes S'rlke KurlJes RAF Mustangs simultaneously LONDON *(AP)-Russia * * con- gaining in lIml\ll but bloody bat- North of Bialystok the Russians been fundamental changes in t I f th h ft' battered German pOSitions south of cretely advanced her program for ties through mountainous country, aiter close to 4,000 American were less than 26 miles from the Argentine policy toward the con 1'0 .0 e ome.ron,. Nimitz announced a strike by . •• . .. ' Goenng was appomted chairman . navy planes into the Kurile 1s- Caen to clear the woy for the advanced to within less than 10 planes had pounded the Germans I Ie original pre-war borders of East UnIted ~atlOns. . ~ of the minil!terl~l council for de- J lapds/JIU'. kI ·~ north c& the British and. Canadian 9,rensive at incorporatiug the eastern ~!lti of mi1.eiJ..Qf the..lUitor c city of Flor­ tOr two miles and more back with ' as , Pruss\a, having captured the town ThIS was .learned a,ulholJiQltJvely, fen the Relem "II1Ill"I'Goel:)bel! r'Marianas {or the second succes- the eastern end of the lOO-mlle old Poland Into the SovIet Union ence from the south, while Amerl­ a stunning aerial offensive which front and it was estimated that and compensating are-born Po- can troops fighting inland along hen 01 Llpsk and moved on. last night follOWing the Argentine I was named his executor as Reichs \ sive day.' They attacked Paramu- lasted two and a hall deafening der RUSSian tanks and hard-riding regime's recall of Ambassador commisar fol' tolal mobilization tor Ishiro Sunday, bombing the air­ the combined allied air armadas land with German lands by an- the Arno river were reported only ~ in Cossack cavalrymen were "rout- Adril\n C. E!;cobar-a move in- w,ar. The decree r:nade Goerlng .a field, slarting fires and strafing amounted to mOl'e than 4,000 nounclng yesterday that she re- 18 miles west of the great art hours. Dispatches from the front his ing the German pi~cemeal," Mos-I terpreted here as meaning BlIenos dIctator over all private and pubhc fishing craft. One enemy fighter planes. cog n i zed the newly-created center and transportation hub. said the aerial fleet, comprised of nly cow announced, WJth the enemy Aires is turning 10 a policy of life in ?ermany and. occupied probably was shot down and an­ Indications that RAF night "Polish Committee of National Enemy Resistance all types of bombers, was the failing in every attempt to dig in trying to split the American Europe, WIth Goebbels hJS executor other damaged. One ' navy plane raiders were [ollowing up this Liberation" as the sole civil auth- The enveloping allied drives on mightiest ever hurled at a German der and re-form hi s shattered lines nations unified against it. to scrape the bottom or th~ barrel was damaged. • tremendous daylight !lSsault came ority In territory now being the metropolis. 140 miles north­ ,me against quick-charging Red in- :U. S. Stands I!'Irm. for . manpower and matenals for Truk in the Carolines also took from German radio stations dur- wrested from the Germans west west of Rome, were being pressed battle-line. ned lantry. Confirming that hI! had been a fiery armageddoll. I another heavy pounding Irom the ing the night and early today. The of the Bug river. in the face of bitter enemy resis­ So great was the aerial d~struc­ rds, Nazis Prepare to Flee · recalled, Dr. Escobar said he . Tolal bved&au.~ . Seventh army air force, which Frankfurt radio at 1 a. m. said Administrators of lhis com- lance. N07.i troops yielded each iion to the German communica­ the The rumble of big guns already would . leave Wash/nitOn "at the Goermg was char,a ' wl.th a droped 67 tons of bombs on anti- several bomber formations were mittee are moving right up with successive pOsition only after being tions Jines that allied headquar­ gan was audible to the enslaved resl- earliest. possible moment" but that t?tal overhaul. of sta~e a~lmstra- aircraft batteries and airfieldS approaching southwest Germany the Red army and .settin, up civil blasted out, and there always was ters had reason to believe the Ger­ )nls dents of Warsaw and to the Ger- the time of his departure had not tlon and public ~ervlces wit.h the Sunday. One Japanese Interceptor and that other bombers were over administrations, Moscow said in a new stronghold hito which they mans were confused over where man masters who, air reconnais- been determined. purpose of freemg the maxImum was downed and three damaged western Germany as well as disnvowing any Russian intention could retire. the land blow was beinl struck, the sance indicated. were preparing The firm sland of the United monpower tor the German lIrmy , nuisance raiders In the vicinity of of changil'lg the Polish social I On the American front, extend- and the locale of the offensive was t is to lIee. States, it was learned, was made and the aJ'ms indUstry and of Hanover and Brunswick. system 'or creating any Soviet Ing ftom the Tyrrhenian sea kept secret for almost 12 hours In ace But the great threat to Warsaw, know in two memoranda from the adapting the entire public life in Dewey.. Will Resign Opposition V8I'les aulhorit.y in tands that are Polish. through the oity of Pisa and on In- order to capitalize on the Ger­ lng and to the original German Reich state department to its represent- every possible respect to the de­ The daylight air attackers mel . The Polish exile~ gover~ment land alona the twistinl Arno 'river mans' plight, beyond, was the drive to the brInk atives in Latin America for dis- mands of total war." As Rubber Director varying opposition with the most In Lond~n, with whlc~ RUSSJa has Ito a point 18 miles from Florence, 'West or St. Lo' of the Wisla 66 miles southeast of tribution to 19 foreign otrices in "To do this, ''said the decree as savage tighting reported over the no relations and which the new the last German soldier either had Finally in Ihe midnight com­ the old Polish capital which sits the hemisphere. The memoranda broodcast by the Berlin radiO, WASHINGTON (A P) - Co!. British front, where unoWcial re· Russian-backed-committee has de-I crossed the wide stream and en­ munique-bulletin no. 100-head­ on the west bank. presumably also were made avail- "The tasks of lesser war import- Bradley Dewey announced yes­ ports said 25 enemy craft were nounced as "illegal," is ignored in tered the "Gothic" defenses or quarters described it simply as Reds TrIck Germans able to Great Britain. ance will be stopped or reduced We terday his resignation as rubber shot down lor 0 loss of 25 allied the arrangements. Russia thus had died in a futile attempt to "west of St. Lo," and later spokes­ The Russians were approaching' Verbal Club Expeeted and the procedure simplified." To director and said his office will planes. signified her rejection of the long- stem the advance. men explained that the drive lew lhe big stream on a 50-mile front, Charging that the Artentine this end Goering and Goebbels in, be liquidated on or before Sept. l. Out of the American blasting,l stalled British-American eUorts to ·Heavy fighting ocurred east of ranged all the way to. the coast with the closest announced posi- government "has deserted the "may demand explanations Irom His action made the ofllce of six United States heavy bombers, end amicably the dispute between San Miniato and about 20 miles : a lion just past the village of Kurow, common cause" of western hem ill- the highest authorities and give more than 20 miles away, with the 18n rubber director the first wartime one medium and three fighters Moscow and the exiled govern- from Florence, aim of smashing back the entire' seven miles east of the highway phere nati09s, the strongly-word~ J,Qem instructions." agency to be dissolved on Its own were listed officially as missing, ment over post-war boundaries. Heavy German FIn .ast bridge at Pulawy, which Marshal documents were dispatched frGQl Nazi west wing. ar- initiative. Its functiOns will ~ while the other side of the score Formation ot the Liberation American forces holding the It was an attack with all avail­ Konstantin K. Rokossovsky's cav- Washington June 22 and Jul,.. eo, taken over by a new division sheet showed at least 12 German committee was presented ·to the districts of Pisa on the south side of olry already could spy on the hori- and left no room tor doubt ~ to Chinese at Liling planes shot down. world as a spontaneous mOvement able force, and it was announced this government's policy tO~j within the war production board. with its headQ,uarters on Polish of the Arno were brought under from the 21st army group head­ rv­ (AP) - J:,lewey reported that this coun- . quarters that the onslaught had zon.The staggering Germans, who the only western hem is l~ CHUNGKING Chinese soil, but its pr

THE DAILY IOWAN Interpreting The- -.AND DON'T LET THE BIa ONE GET AWAY oF f'1 CI A L DA I L Y BU L LET IN Co lie,'" In tlle UNIVERSITY CALENDIUt are 'Qh~dul"'.Jn the Pr..s. Published every Illornlng exeepf Monday by Student PublicaUona ,,'I'\"~ ~ delll's DUlce, Old Cap,ltoL Item. for Ibe GENERAol. NOTICES lit ... -F.' deuoslJ,e(j with the campus eelltor 01 The Dully Iow.n or maj/ 110 IIIcorporated at 126-130 Iowa avenue, Iow~ City, Iowa. ~ 1'1. P' ••eeI In the box provided lor theIr dep06U In the ottlces at Tht Ph ". ~ Dally Iowan. GENERAL NOTICES must be at The Dally Iowan '" War , It;;, ~:30 p . m. the day preceding Ilrst publlcatJon; notlaes will NOT bo Board of Trustees: Wilbur 1.. Schramm, A. Crail Baird, Kirk H. 4', accepted b~ telephone, .nd must be TYPED OR LEGIBLY WRlTrIJI Porter, Paul E. Olson, Jack Moyer&, .reanne Yranklln, Sarah BaUey, and sremo by • responsible person. To Donald OltlUe. Charles Swfsher. WedJlesday, JqJy 26, lett A Fred M. Pownall, Publlaher News and. Marilyn Carpenter, Adv. Mil". Dorothy Klein, EdItor UNIVERSITY CALENDAR to l J&nterld u Iec:oaO cl811 maO SIlblcriptlou rate_By mail $5 BY KIRKE* *L . SIMPSON* Wed.oesda.y, July 26 Saturday, July 29 at II Associated Press War Analyst • matter " the poItoUice at Iowa per Jear; ' by carrier, 15 cent. 3 p. m. Panel forum: "Post-War 7:20 p. m. PlaY- night, Women', loW' Cit7, Iowa, under the act of c:oa.. weekly, $5 per yeu. Frequent references in Moscow Planning in Recreation," by V. K. gymnasium. syn'l 11'811 of March 2, 18'79. The Associated Press is esclu- battle front accounts to extensive Brown, senate ch3mber, Old Capi­ 8 p. m. University play: "Mid. reet TELEPHONES sively entitled to use for republi- and increasing use of cavalry help tol. summer Night's Dream," Univer­ 8 p. m. Concert by University sity theater. CIa) EdItorial Offi U92 cation of all news dispatches to explain, to some extent, the T" ce --- erIdUIed to it or not otherwise speed with which the Russians Symphony orchestra, Iowa Union. Friday, Aug. 4, SocIetJ' Office _._.__ 4193 credited in this paper and also are smashing German defenses Thursday, July 27 8 p. m. University Convocation, ldeC lIU.1nas Oftk:e ____.. _.41ln l21e]Oeal news published herein. from the Baltic to the Carpathians. 8 p. m. University play: "Mid­ Iowa Union. pial The dusty plains ot Poland af­ summer Night's Dream," Univer­ Monday, Aug. 7 (Sh WEDNESDA Y, JULY 26, 1944 ford Red mounted troops an op­ sity thcater. Independent study unit begins. BOS' portunity (or raiding deep behind Friday, July 29 Friday, Aug. 25 N°· ------faltering German lines. They are 8 p. m. University play: "Mid­ If'l dependent study unit closes. Oa. virtually sell-contained forces. summer Night's Dream," Univer­ Monday, Sept. 4 T' Alribute to Philip Greetey CI'app- Men and horses alike at this sea­ sity theater. 8 a. m. First Semester begins. pro_ son can live off the country. ---- , 25 (For Information regarding dates beyond this schedule, see loW' Master musicianship· is not la MacDowell, the direction to The rapidity of th German. re­ reservations in the office of the President, Old Capitol.) treat unquestionably has ~re­ cial confined to ~u8ical ci{cles suc!\, the movements: lively, softly, Phi) as Boston, N'ew York, Chicago, with emotion, emphasizing his vented extensive crop destructfon and even limited the degree of mer: and San Francisco. It sometimes GENERAL NOTICES idea that music if of, by, and for effective demoli lion .i n towns and rect by-passes thc haunts of tuxedos, Americans. cities or at important river cross­ SWl.l\lMlNG POOL . istrar to students in thc colleges glittering jewelry, lorgnettes and Dr. Clapp is a most interesting ings. The Nazi:;; have been too The swimming pool at the ficld- of liberal arts, commerce, educa. rusHing silks, and settles down companion_ He has many facets busy escaping themselves from I house will be open for civilian tion and the graduate college Upon among unpretentious people in thlit glisten brightly. Both his 51 trap after trap for that. students from 6:30 until 9 p. m. presentation of their certificate 01 the midwestern plains. That is writings and his conversation A Russian break-through across I Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. registration . the case ol Dr. Philip Greeley show a thorough backgrou.nd in the Wisla river in Poland before Students must present identilica- HARRY G. BARNES StL Clapgl piano virtuoso, composer, the classicalJ literatures of Greece Nazi armies can get set behind it tlon card to attendant in locker Registrar orchestra leader and teacher. Pol: and Rome, of England, Fiance, now seems inevitable. While it would be premature to say that room for assignment of lockers any day before 5:30 p. m. This GERMAN READING By this master musician miih~ have and Germany, in short, the reg­ the Nazis have sutfel1ed a com­ continued to direct work at the ulation and traditional back­ will gi1je them a locker and towel EXAMINATION plete rout, it seemG certain they The Iph.D. reading examination Juilliard school in New York ground of the sequential learning have been split up into groups too and us. pf fieldbouse and swim­ ming pool. in German will be given Tuesday, tlhe City or held othev wielely formerly attained in a liberal ligh t connected to stop Russian E. G.SCUROEDER Jnly 25, at 1 p. m. in room 104 has pubHcized positions in. the musi.­ arts college. Tn is is his read, cavalry dashes through the gaps. Schaeffer hall. Candidates ex· grsc ; . whc cal word. Instead, he. prefeueG reference library, and he sorts Informed military opinion on CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES peeling 10 take the examination to direct the growth of musicil out from it the apt phrase, the both. sides of the Atlantic inclines All students who expect to re­ please see Fred ]i'ehling, 10l past the theory that Ge~man con­ appreciation among the ~ai" pointed simile, and the. parallel to SchaeUer hall. Daily at 9. vier­ centration of armor in the west in ceive a degree or ccrtificate at the summing folk of an agriculturaL idea. And while you are won­ Aug. 4 Convocation should make The next examiDation will be low. aJ'IJ eHort to throttle the allies' state. And dering how any human brain can formal application immediately in given early in the fall tcrm. in lor 25 years he has NOl1mandy bridgehead has helped IJlir the oLIice of the registrar, Univer­ Department of German kept his eyes on this goal with! keep within it in orderly tracks expose the east front to the dis­ 8ch1 untlagging zeal. the entire score of several hund­ sity hall. aster overwbelming it. IOWA UNION Tex We have followed closely the reds ot piano and orchestnal com­ Many armoredl divisions have HARRY G. BARNES SOUl been reported with drawn from Registrar MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULE' tortunes o~ the department o~ positions, he is likely to pop out Monday-U-2 and 4-6. ~ with .. discourse on the meaning Poland to meet the allied attack. is I music during the past 15. years. RECREATIONAL SWIMMING Tuesday 11-2 and 4-6. We have seen the department, to edW:ation of the works of a .It is in central Poland that the­ 1 gravest threat to the whole Ger------...;'------:---- Recreational swimm~ng periods Wednesday 11-2 and 4-6. like a growing, boy, overrun its Hellel, a Kant, or a Rousseau. hi~ man front is now developing. at the Women's gymnasium are Thursday 11-2 and 4-6. cramped confines and move to There is positively no account­ A~ The British official military Mondays through Fridays from 4, Friday 11-2 and 4-6. JEI more commodious quarters. We ing for the avocations of a musi­ commentator in Washington, Gen. Navy Will Enlarge News Behind f he News until 6 1,1. m. and Saturdays from Sat'Urday 11-3, BI have seen its orchestra of 50 cal genius. Do not be surprised Horace S. Sewell, shares that 10 a. m. until 12 M. These time3 Sunday 12-7. BJ pieces in an old abandoned to find in Dr. Clapp's bbrary the view. He pOints out; however, Hospital Facilities Many at Convention Believe War Will Be are open to all women students, g, church, labol'ing with uncertain ponderous copies of the official that extending supply lines and faculty members, faculty wives, COMMENCEMENT p; results, grow to an aggrega'tion Railway Guide and long rows of the problem of keeping a con­ Over Before September wives of graduate students and INVITATIONS o of one hundred pieces playing "Who-dun-it's?" crowding the tinuous and adequate flow of gas­ On West Coast members of the administrative Candidates for degrees at the ! BY PAUL MALLON staff, Students present identifica-I Aug. 4 Commencement who have with precision some o~ the most shelves. The proaress of rail­ oline and ammunition moving 1<: forward to Russian troops advanc­ SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP)-The WASmNGTON,-Our enemies more than a third of his potential tion cards to the matron.. All placed orders for invitations may difficult orchestral selections at roading in America is ot never­ n~ ing at a pace of 20 or 30 miles a navy is enlarging its facilities to are in the final stages of dis- strength in western Europe. Hit­ oth.ers pay the fee at the bUSiness receive them now by presentin~ Cl sight. We have sat with Mother ending interest to him and you day likely to do more to slow integration. The end may come leI' can still command 58 to 60 offIce. their receipts at the alumni office, Ci Clapp in the old Schaeffer hall stand again amazed while he dis­ care for 20,000 more patients as M. GLADYS SCOTr Old Capitol. , Ail down or halt Red armies than the battle presses closer to Japan soon, their grOwing weaknesses divisions on that front. They are auditorium while her son trans­ cusses the tractive power of the German delaying tactics. F. G. HIGBEE during the fiscal year, Vice Adm. are evident plainly in their con­ not full strength divisions, or RIi terred trom score to the piano a newer locomotives, the com~ That may be what the Nazi F1NKBINE GOLF COURSE Director of Convocations L:I Beethoven, Brahms, or Tschai­ parative weights and' wheel high command hopes for. Every Ross T. McIntire, the navy's sur- fessed switches of military leader­ crack troops, most of them being Due to cooperation of the Iowa geon general, reported during an ship-In Japan the dethronement et kowsky symphony before a hand­ bases, and the superior qualitl es step backward means contraction merely pOlice forces for the low­ Navy Pre-Flight school execu­ NEWMAN CLUB PICNIC LI inspection of the U. S, naval hos- .of Tojo, in German,}' the jump ti ves, all of the first nine holes ot ful of "Music Appreciation" stu­ of the steam, the electriC, or the of German supply lines to match lands and France. l;I\tler has ;tad Newman club will hold a pic­ I pita I. fron'i' Von Rlln;stedt to ..Rommel, Finkbine golf course will be dents, whil& the crash. of chords diesel power. Transporation in the extension of those of fast­ to keep' much of his power in nic Sunday, July 23, at Lake Mac­ e~ moving Soviet forces. The admiraL' balallced the navy's the attempt on Hitler's life, etc. Belgium where hidden local re­ available for play Saturdays and intenupted classes in adjacent America intrigues his busy mind Bride. Members will meet in front bll As General Sewell notes, how­ casualty expectancy with word These glaring symptoms ol their Sisting forces Jast week took a toll Sundays. Players are requested Ai rooms; we have sat in the old like a great romance, and one that throughout the war 97.5 per- approach to collapse are so obvious of the E 1 e c t ric a I Engineering ever, Russian use 01 cavalty of 1,000 Nazis killed and dis­ not to use holes 4, 5, 6 and 7 any building at 1:30 p. m. Sunday. TI brick assembly buildin, west of can only hope that he may some cent of the wounded treated by as to hardly require comment or partially overcomes that handicap. rupted railroads at 100 points, and other day of the week. MARY JANE ZECH Pil day set down in orchestral fOrm navy doctors have lived. interpretation. C. Kl!!NNETT Macbride Hall, where windows Cavalry is highly mobile and sett otherwise his potential is scattered. Social Chairman nil rattled in the wind and unsteady a pictUlre of the transportation contained and not dependent on D-day casualties of the navy, Yet nO on~ in authority here ex- But it is true that in Normandy Golf Instructor ( marine corps and coast guard per- peets the end to come through in­ floors reeked with oil; and today miracles of America. gasoline supply lines. Nor is we have faced the best he has, FINAL CONCERT c~ sonnel in France were 63 percent ternal collapse. There will prob­ FRENCH READING we sit in the spacious north Twenty-five yea~s ago Dr. Ithere any suggestion that the Ger­ about six crack armored divisions, OF FINE ARTS FESTIVAL Do less than expected, McIntire dis- ably'e going, gotta be nally being combined in a new Worl y . . Id'w teaslon departmeut termed the see? Simple, isn't it. "What's the matter wlth the going, see you later. compromise movement." of tI . ~orn cnJps ill several m est- corn outlook. in that state "8eJ;ious ., "At firs ," continued the speaker, allied mil ita r y government?" ''The allies should set up a dem- "Ah, Communism," said the stu- seates, particularly Ohio. Ken'- with a possii;Ife loss of !tom "in order to insure the peace of the A. ern I 20 asked the professor. "They're put- ocratic 10rm of aovernment in dent. screwing up, "have you Prof tucky and Mi8s0UJ·I.. appeared se~i- to 50 percent In lOme ~tiollS. era, we have rid OIU'Selves 01 the ting the old Faseisi leaders rlabi Italy lor the duration of the war. heard how the Russlans are doing PielA! ously menaced" \aiat nilh1. h, " CllAtral Ohio bad had no raiu, eJt- ;Fascists (proionged booini and back into power, and they're lettlna thats what the Italian people today?" . the droUJb.t exteocUna from LA. I'ftid,. I capt local sbowea, .ince July 12. h.iasinll). We will have a pu£ae and thelT\Jelvea be wined and dined WIUlt," said the elcluly man sLttlna Well, that's all Ulere is to it. .)lee d'- Atlantic siate. to, th~ KiBsOUt'~ I He added that crop. "CBtl be eliminate those ' who have led to I>y all the wealthy class who sup-Iat the siAewalk cat.e table. Now Anybody can be It politioal re­ MOVING TMMlUfM a debris-Uttered, sbell-~m street In Sl Lo, France, lofos' rI1l8». Bu~ in some _Hons reU.f . sevenl)' dalnaP4i in central and our cjown1all)' The crowd went ported Fll84ism. No Wonder the ~ea:e'8 a simpIAI solution of Ule porter itt Rome. Just check a few all Ametlcan tank rumbles forward to rout out Nazl snlpers hidden Ia Undl was In prospect. southern I II i n 0 i s, where' the Into t l'Iysterical roaf of applause rank and file of Italians loae re- whole thlng. trends and duaw a few conduslons I the ruins, Shortly alter, the area was completely cleared tor aD Pl'Oi The U. S, weather blU'eau re- drouaht bas ~lt barde&t..' ~ __ lit the worg "Ilurge;'_ ___ . _ _ spe~t ' fQ~ the alijea wen ther s~ "j'Qu 19l~ lbe ~d of capital!s- an!! there YQu are, It's e~l. _ _ lJIfanta advat!!le, V. s, ,mal CorDI Bl!1!Q-telcDboW, (l71tcrng,~iO!\ClI1- THE DA llY I OW A N, IOWA C Ity, J O WA RAGETHREB HIM Concert Honoring Loraine Anson to Wed Howard Dahl Bede Irvin Patricia Schadt Weds lieut. Robert Van Dyke ~UItd_ l n the ~ RAIL NOTICES ... Iowan or may be til. ome"" ot Thoo Philip Greeley Clapp In Single Ring Church Serviceat High Noon ill d- Ad- In Double Ring Ceremony in Silvis: III., Church h~ DaUy I owan ., atl..,8 will NOT bo I EOlBL Y WRlT'l'll lonight at 8 K e In Ion . y, J Illy 26, 1"" A symphonic poem, a concer to UNIVER­ and a symphony will be pre~ented SITY SENIOR In Normandy J to the university audience t onight ENGAGED July 29 at 8 o'clock in the main lounge of J;O N DON (AP)-Associated night, Women'. Iowa Union by the summer sessio, I Press photographer Bede Irvin, 33, symphony orcl1estra, under the di- t a notive or Des Moines and a for­ ;ity play: "Mid­ rection of Prof. Philip Greeley I mer loiud nL at the University or lream," Un iver- ClapP. Iowa and Drake university, was killed In action in Normandy yes­ ~ U I. 4 The program includes "Die terday, U. S. nulhorities an­ ity Convocation, ldeale" (Liszt), "Concerto tor ' nounced. Piano and Sma II Orchestra" Details were not available ex­ Aug'. 7 (Shostakovich), wit h Kathryn cept that he was killed neat Port Iely unit begiru. Rose as soloist and "Symphony Herbert, four miles north of oSlo wg_ 25 No. 5 in D Major" (Professor Lo. :1y unit closes. Clapp). Irvin, who would have been 34 Sep'to 4 The concert will be dedicated to tomorrow, volunt~ered for foreign nester begins. Professor Clapp in honor of his service in the early pm·t of the war \ 25 years at the University of and was the !i1·S t American pho­ ledule, see Iowa's school of musiC, with a spe· tographer assigned to the Euro­ CapitoL) cial program prepared by Prof. I pean theater of operations by Tht Philip Guston of the art depart­ Associated PI'ess in preparation ment and Prof. E. E. Harper, di­ for allied opening of the western MR. AND 1\1RS. Frank E. Burrer. 629 Brown street, announce the recto)' of the school of tine arts. I rront. engagement and approaching 1r.arriage of their daughter. Mildred He was the 18th American news­ in the colleges ; paperman killed on wa l' assign­ nmerce, educa­ Marie, to Eldon J . Parizek, musician third class, U.S.N.R.. Ion of ment sin(.'t! the wal"s start in 1939. Ite college UPOJI Mr. and Mrs. William J . l'arlzek, 917 E. Fairchild street. The ceremony Mrs. Robert VanDyke ,ir ccrtificate ot 51 Graduates, F.ormer will take place In the near future. Miss Burrer, a graduate of Iowa He left the United States in April, 1943, tor assignment to Olty high school, Is a senlar at the University ot Iowa. Mr. Parizek was I G. BARN ES London. In a double ring ceremony, Pa- length gown of yellow chitfon Students Placed also graduated from City high school, and received his B.A. degree I He worked eighl years as pho­ * * * T * * * Reglsirar t~iclo Schadt, daughter of Mr. with putfed sleeves and a full tographer for the Des Moines Reg­ from the University or Iowa. He Is now stationed at the Navy Pre­ and Mrs. Otto Schadt of SilviJ;, skirt. Her shoulder-length velllell EADING By Placement Office Flight school here. ister and Tribune and joined the AP in Kansas City in August, 1936. IIi., became the bride of Lieut. from a circlet ot yellow flowers, ~TION Dnd her bouqet was of white car­ ng examination Helen Barnes, acting director of His wife, the former Kathryne Robert E. VanDyke, son of Mr. nations. gi ven Tuesday, the educational placement office, Honkin, lives In Los Angeles with and Mrs. B. D. VanDyke or Fl. Mrs. Schadt chose a two-piece her parents. His parents, Mr. and 1 . in room 104 has announced the placement of 51 Plans Changed for Parcel, Tobacco Labels Madison, June 30 at 7;30 p. m. in dress of black and printed jersey, :andidutcs ex­ graduates and former students Mrs. George T. Irvin, live in Des Moines. the bome of the bride's par nts. and wore n corsage of Spanish IC examination I • who were on the campus during the To Designated Emergency Addresse~ The ceremony was pedol'med by Iris. The bridegroom's mother se­ Fehling, 101 past year. Almost haH or thesp the Rev. Kenneth McConkey be- lected u dress of orchid shadnw were for teaching positions in . ily at 9. The foreign economic admin- I Tn!l single I'ing cel'emony, Lor-t lion oml IUl1cheon *for 36 gu sIS fore on altar of ferns and baskets silk, and had a corsage ot white nation will be Iowa, but openings were also filled The o(flce of the provost mar- * * * * * is trallon has made some changes I aine Anson, daughter ot Mrs. will be held in the Rose room of at regal lilies. Nuptilll music was carnations. rall term. in 11 other states, including shel general has changed its plnn Brownell Accuses in and additions to the articles Charles . E. Anson ot Fenn.imore, the Hotel Jefferson. A three lierl'd provided by Mrs. CHUaI'd Smith. Decorations at the weddin, It of German Illinois, Indiana, California, Mass- i for the issuance of parcel and JoAnn Schadt, sister of the luncheon following the ceremony which may be included in next- WIS., WIll become the bnde of achusetts,. A~izona,. New yp~k , I tobacco labels to the designated wedding cake will center the table, bride, was maid at honor, and featured the bridal colors of yel­ Texas, Vll'gmla, Mmnesota, Mls- emergency addressees of prisoners Howard Dahl of La Crosse, Wis., F. D. R. of Misusing ..IO N of-kin packages for U. S. prisoners son of Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Dahl which will be decorated with yel­ Lieut. Robert Schadt, brother of 10'IY and white. Candles and now­ SCHEDULE ' sou ri lind South Dakota. of war and civillan internees, ac- the bride, was best man. ers decorated the table, which was Tbe completc Jist of placements cording to the local Red Cross of war in Europe. of Milwaukee, Wis., at high noon low ond white flowers. Muri!'1 Id 4-6. Vitamin tablets which hereto- today in se Mary's church. The Ward, roommate of the bride, wilt Wartime Censorship The bride, who was given in centered by a wedd Ing cake 14-6. is a ~ follows: office. marriage by her father, was at- topped with a miniature bridal Rutn Aaro, Maine Township Regular weekly mailing of a Rt. Rev. Msgr. Carl Melnberg willJ serve as hostess. md 4-6. fore might be sent in cardboard NEW YORK (AP)-Republiclln tired in a floor-length gown of couple. h Ill.; oiliciate. ]d 4-6. igb school, Park Ridge, Jane portion or these labels from the containers now may be included Large baskets of gladioli ac- The couple then leave for a National Chairman Herbert Brow- white chantJlJy lace with a fitted For the wedding trip, the bride An derson, Missouri Valley, Iowa; provost marshal geneMlI's office if packaged in plastic or other un­ ~-6. nell Jr. yesterday accused Presl- bodice, and long-fitted sleeves. chose a white wool suit with. Janice Bardill, LeMars; Margaret was begun in June, 1944. The breakable materials. The limit on cented with pink and yellow flow­ wedding trip to Denver and the dent Roosevelt of missllsin~ war- Her finger-tip veil was held in black accessories, and wore a cor­ Barngrover, Galesburg, Ill.; Agnes labels issued during J une were the amount of sweet chocola te has ers will decorate the approach to Rocky Mountain National park, time censorship to confer with "at place by a cap decorated with sage from her bridal bouquet. Best, Hammond, Ind.; Wilburma those which were to have been been raised from one pound to two the altar and the altar. Mrs. Zita Col. For traveling the bride has Fuhrman wllJ serve as organist. least one high Democratic leader" clusters of orange blossoms, and The bride graduated from East Bright, F ullerton, Calif., Annie mailed J uly 10. The 'next labels pounds, while one-half pound selected a light-weight wool sum- I!:MENT Butler, State Teachers college, SI. will be sent out approximately package of tea in bulk now may Attending the bride will be on his west COilst trip. her bouquet was a cascade ar- Moline high school, and attended lONS Cloud, Minn. eight weeks :from the date of tl'\e be sent packed in cardboard con­ Janet. Ramsdell of Chicago, cousin mer cardigan suit with matching "This was a misuse of an impor- rangement of Spanish white iris the college of liberal arts at the Icgrees at the Jean Christie, Webster Groves, issuance of the first labels under taiQers. of the bride, as maid of honor, and fingertip-length coat and brown tant wartime regulation lor par- centered with blue delphinium. University of Iowa before entering ient who have Mo.; Dorothy Eckelmann, Peoria, the new plan. The items enumerated below Marcella Luessman of Fennimore accessories. lisan New Deal purposes," Brow- The maid of honor wore a floor. nurses training. '. The bride received her B.A. and nell asserted at a press conference, Lieutenant VanDyke was grad- nvitations may m.; Jane Fink, University of Labels will be good at any time have been added to the list of as bridesmaid. Best man will be by presenting c;hicago; Mary Ford, Long Beach, after they are received with no articles which it is permissible to Kenneth D a h I of La Crosse, M.A. degl'ess from the University "and it Is thoroughly objecilonable uated from FL Madison hiah of Wisconsin in Madison where to the American people. Monday that bosses and left wing- school, and attended ·the college , alumni office, • Ca!if.; J ean.ne Franklin, Morenci, Ires ~ riCtiOn as to the period for send: Baking pans, unbreakable brother of the bridegroom. Ushers will be AI Baplie of La Crosse she was affiliated with Zeta Phi "We intend to continue to call ers ruled the Democratic party, of engineering here. He recelv ~ d Am.; MarJorie Gearhart, Rock Wh lCh they are valid. Those who pudding and vegetable dishes, can bl' tt U h ' b took up that subject again. his commission June 28 at the of- G. HIGBEE Rapids; J acqueline Giles, West receive them, however, are tlrged openers, dinner forks, salt shakers, and V. J. Grandrath of Iowa City. Eta speech fraternity. She is now research associate in the depart­ pu IC a en on to t e misuse y He read from a morning news- flcers' candidate school at Ft. Bel- Donvocations Lafayette, Ind.; Eldert Groen-I to utilize ' them as promptly as tea and corIee pots, double boilers, The bride, who will be given in Mr. Roosevelt and New De.al lIeu- paper a dispatch quoting Mayor . V ment of otolaryngology at Univer­ endyk, FI. Madison; I rene Groom, ppssible to prevent peak work egg whisks, jugs, frying pans, marriage by her uncle, Will Edge tenants of wartime regulations for I Frank Hague of Jersey City N J vO~'l's. ;;anDYke l'S ·con· tinul·ng her Long Beach, Calif. . loads failing at any given time on spoons, ladles, dish and drying of Fennimore, will be attired in a sity hospital. the purpose of electing the New ' . ., B PICNIC Denl ticket." as predicting a Democratic land- trainIng in the cadet.nurses' corps II hold a pic­ Barbara Bland Holland, Indep- the agencies responsible for hand- cloths, unbreakable dinner and two-piece street-length trock of The bddegroom is director of Brownell the news that Mr. slide and quoting the secretary here at the university, and Lieu­ , at Lake Mac­ ende nce; Donald Hunter, Gales- ling the parcels. • pie plates. calendar, tea kettles, white crepe, styled with a V-neck­ WKBH In La Crosse. The couple s~id ot I I meet in front burg, IlL; Lillian Josifek, MorenCi, As WDS true last year, there will bowls, mugs. line and long sleeves edged with will be at home at 2210 King street Roosevelt had held such a conier- the Communist political as ocia- tenant VanDyke is stationed at in La Crosse after Aug. 20. ence "leaked out Irom people re- tlon of Hudson county, N. J., as Geiger field, Wash. I I Engineering Ariz. ; Cbarlotte Junge, State be no special Christmas label sent The food items added to the list organdy and rucl1ing. Her finger­ Teachers college, Moorhead,Minn.; out by the· provost marshal gene­ are as follows: meal and flour tip veil will fall from a small Out of town guests at the wed­ turning from the Democratic con- praising the Democratic ticket. \ . m. Sunday. ding will be Mrs. Harry Dahl, Ilnd JANE ZECH Pa t I' i cia Ken t, Marshalltown; ral. Parcels containing Christmas mixtures as Bisquick. gingerbread white crocheted lace calot, also vention." Jersey City is in Hudson county. B W B' d· Dorothy Kleinert, LeMars. presents should be packed and mix, pancake flour, etc., powdered trimmed with lace ruching. Her Mrs. Jobn Wood of Milwaukee, Brownell did not Identify the "That shows the New Deal ~l Chairman uy ar on s Mary Jane McElhinney, Forest sent during July and August. eggs, precooked beans, powdered only jewelry will be diamond Ruth Anne Wood of Cedar Rapids, party leader by name. News dis- lineup in New Jersey," Brownell . _: City; Caroline Maloney, Logan; Requests to the provost marshal milk, garden seeds, baking powder, earrings, an heirloom gilt of her Clarence Hendrickson of Daven­ th f th P Id t' ti said. '!II'AD ...... ··'1 WERT pa c es 0 e res en s r p, Asked if he thought "that shows .. V' J'& .. ! ...... ,. Dorothy Mohr, Texas State col- general for additional labels dried puddings, fruit cake (com­ paternal grandparents, and sbe port, George Hemmingway of La FESTIVAL Crosse, August Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. released alter the President ae- lege for Women, Denton, Tex.; should not be made and no ad­ mercially packed in cardboard will carry a white colonial bou­ cepted renomination in a radio the New Deal lineup elsewhere," NaI' oncert by the con (ainers). Will Edge and son, Bill, and Mrs. he replied . "defini tel y." .-For Futur' e y orchestra in Ann Oliver, Pine Bush, N. Y.; diUonal labels are available. quet centered with an orchid. address from a Pacific coast naval Miss Ramsdell has chosen a Anna Smalberry, all of Fennimore, :ioo of a quar­ Lucille Ormiston, Odebolt; Phyllis ------­ base, disclosed that Robert E. Han- Peterson, Clarinda; Delores Poppe, chartreuse two-piece crepe dress and Mrs. Chari s Ramsdell of Chi­ ,~===~=~~;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Philip Greeley negan, Democratic national chair­ Orchard. Iowa City Women's with light green accessories, and cago. music depart­ man, boarded the President's spe­ Bernice Quintus, Washington, Barn Dance, Hayride Open Forum Reports will Cllny a yellow colonial bou- ~d Wednesday, ciaY train at a Chicago siding five Iowa; Dorothy Rohwedder, Keiths­ quet. days before the party convention. in the main burg, Ill.; J errine Russ, Rock Change in Schedule Miss Luessman will wear a two­ Wins Divorce Suit In. To Highlight Pr~gram Brownell added that he believed Island, IlL; Marie Schatz, Needles, A change has been announced piece street-length dress of beige every precaution should be taken ,ailable at the crepe, wi.th a pink ca lot bat and Verla Lown won a suit for di­ Cali!. ; Vi rginia Schreckengost, for the date of the fo urth in the Cor the Presidenl's satety. g Friday, July pink gloves. She wiJI carry a pink vorce in district ourt Monday Ma nilla, lowa; Lois Sernstrom, At Girl Scout Camp series of Iowa City Women's Ope.] from Brownell, who charged in a ulty members colonial bouquet. Dean Lown. Swishet· and Logan; Sheila Smith, Marion; Lois Forums. The event, originally Swisher l'eprcsented he'r. press conference in Washington lblic arc cor- Spencer, Albia; Cornelia Springer, A barn dance and a hayrack scheduled [01' Aug. 3, will take For her daughter's wedding, Wellman; Jean Stockman, Osage. ride have been announced as the place this Thursday in the Con­ Mrs. Anson will be attJred in 11 gold crepe ensemble with brown . ~ . E. HARPER Marjorie Stout, Madison, S. D.; gregational church parlors at 3 Alice Swain, Harvard university, entertainment which will high- p. m. Prot. Harold W. Saunders of accessories and orchid corsage. DC Fine Arb Cambridge, Mass.; M ar g a I' e t light the p rogram of the Iowa City the university department of soci­ After the ceremony, a recep- • Swain, Guthrie Center; Marie Girl Scout camp, to be held Aug. ology will speak on "Minority BREM~:,RS oe oLir wars, Tilly, Geneseo, IlL; Mary Beth 15 to 29 near Coralvi lle. Groups." A group discussion w ill ~sl would be Timm, GalesbUrg, IU.; Lester As part of the sports program, succeed the talk. Presiding chai 1'­ Totton, Norfolk Polytechnic col- man will be Mrs. Iver Opstad. Tiffin Girl to 8e lege, Norfolk, Va. it Is announced that archery ond lha t a si ngle Elsie Ward, Lakota; Irene Wa- bicycling will be featured, in ad­ Old Capitol Auxiliary Sworn Info WAC BOYS'SHOP, . ' st now when tel's, Iowa City; Betty White, dition to volley baJJ, ring tennis assured, but Britt; E~a Ruth WOOd, Oak Park, and other games. To Hold Picnic, Meeting Ill; Glona Zemanek, West Liberty, . Over WSUI Today .. emies is such and Mary Ellen ZybeJl Des I Mrs. B. L. GamsIorth, craft Old Capitol aux iliary will hold ~ crLlcial point Moines. 'councillor, will instruct the craft a family picnic this evening at Lila Files, daughter of Lee Files uderstand no groups in woodwork and finger­ 6:30 in the Sam Whiting Sr. resi­ of Tiffin will be the first Iowa ] tbeit tan all­ dence, 810 Whiting avenue. The puppetry, and specialty craft pro­ woman to be sworn into the wom­ Here are pl'oudly pro­ Cantons will furnish drinks and en's army corps over the air when ·reaI dc h is a lack jects will include the making of Rev. R. Ludwigson dessert, and those attending are she takes her oath of allegiance LO la;. ill -wnm_r tanding. They plastic jewelry and chip carving. asked to bring a covered dish and the army over WSUI at 9:45 this They want to Serving as dramatics councillor sa ndwiches. morning. m.rchan~, . Well- they ~. ~esigns Position will be Maxine Lewis of Rock/ord, Following the picnic, a business A graduate of University high I meeting will take place, after I . Ill. Miss Lewis, a teacher in the she has been fountain manager of wh ich the group will play pino­ Ford Hopkins at Keokuk and Ot­ The Rev. Raymond Ludwigson, Rockford schools, has served as Loia of hoI .: acting pastor of the First Christian chle" euchre and bunco. Prizes tumwa. She is 20 years old. rANK Church, has resigned from serv­ radio script writer for the :Rock-' will be given. After completion of six weeks weather yeL Ice here to take a position as an tord ch u rches. basic train ing at Ft. Des Mo ines Instructor at Wheaton college. T!le Banks Oppose she will go to a U. S. army air Ludwigsons plan to leave Iowa fo rce installation. Don't Mix Garbage with Check th... City sometime in the m iddle of Three Women Leave Commutations l!elba for August. For Civilian DES MOINES (AP)-Gov. B. B. The. Rev. Mr. Ludwigson will .. . Hickenlooper disclosed yesterday AUqual teach Bible and Hebrew in the uuty Overseas that he had received protests from Strub-Wareham WASTE PAPER three year Theological seminary . th.e American Bankers association w~9: there. Three Johnson county women and the Iowa Bankers association Air-Conditioned Phone 9607 W u te paper that'. beeD Itaioed by No one has been found to re­ will leave 101' ci vilian duty with against proposed commutations Odd Lots of garbage aDd ashes CAD't be repro­ place the Rev. Mr. Ludwigson who the overseas army air forces in for prisoners serving life sentences cessed for 'War use. There iso't me has been with the Iowa City HawaiI. Mll rian E. Means, Secre- in state penal institutions for bank Christian church since capt. J . B. maopo'Wer available to separate wa.e Dallon, on leave of absence for the tary ot the Iowa City Chamber robbery. paper 'Wrappiog. from garbage. of Commerce, will leave Aug. 5. Hearings on 16 proposed com­ Toiletries duration, a9liUmed his duties as a She is the daughter of Mr. and mutations, 12 ot them involving Chaplain in the army. So doo't 'Waite your 'Waste paper­ Mrs. Everett R. Means, 1128 E. bank robbers, will be held today don't wrap garbage I Keep your 'WI•• Burlineton. in the governor's office. 1;2 Price paper clean. Bondle It ud put it tNt Pauline E. Meal1s, who i ~ em- The A.B.A. protest was directed Dentistry, Medicine for regular collectioo. Shirta Pants plo),ed as secretary for. Dr .. Hub- against three men who took part Nationally known braDcla Colleges Open Oct. 2 bard and Dr. Rich!\ rd; dentists, in a $106,001) Clinton robbery in SUD Sults Jumperalla GREATlY 'and Lola D. Tagge, secretary at 1932, the gover nor said, while the of Cologne, Perfume, Hand Cream. Tooth Powder, All BathiD9T~ The .university's colleges of de1- the Riggs Optical eom~any, will state association objection covered MllitarySults tlstry and medicine Oct. 2 wi4 also leave Aug. 5 r eporting to all 12 cases. Purpose Cream and Sldn start their !irst freshman classes Ogden, Utah for a traini'ng period Under the commutation proce­ Lotion • • • also a number U. S. Victory GabardlneSults since Jan. 3, almost a month aiter of several weeks. Th~ three dure, the governor Is empowered of .leather . Compact. . ill· Summer Sults work star ts in seven other colleges women will go to Spokane, WlI$h. to reduce a lite sentence to a :luded at ONE-HALF PRICE. Sox Shon. of the university. for embarkat ion to the Hawaiian term of years. A prisoner In tor a WASTE PAPER Gel a supply of these every Caps Sport Coats Academic work In these two air depot at Hickman field where specific term Is ellglble for a pa­ day needsl professional colleges is now com­ tHey will be engaged in clviUan role but one in tor Ute Is not. First Floor pleted in three years instead of supply work. Up tor commutation hearing are CampaiSH , the regular four because ot the Miss Means is the' daughter of Earl Jeffries, 41, Clifford Edwards, sPeeded up wartime program. ;Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Means of 33, ' Guy Morris, 32, and Leslie Lo, France, l40st of the students will be here North Liberty arid Miss Tagge is Sl anley, 33, convlctep in the City I E-~ . ;:"'s hidden 1D Under eith'er the army or navy the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz national bank robbery at Clinton red for all Proarsm. Tagge of Lone Tree. March 15, 1932. __ . ernGtionall ~LTHE PAGE fOUR .THE DAlL Y lOW AN. lOW A CITY. lOW A WEDNESDAY. JULy 26.111(, Browns Pound Athletic~, 9 to 1, to Open Series! ----~------~e------~~ 1 BAKER ON THE FIELD Lose To Red Sox, 7to 3 Boslon Nine Smashll Muncrief Becomes Three Enemy First CILdJ To Defeat Gentry To Win Ten Games DETROIT (AP) - The II*d place con1ilNe( ST. LOUIS (APl-The st. Louis their successful western trip ,.. Browns dooned their hitting togs terday by defeating the ~ I and pounded three Philadephia pitchers for 16 hits to defeat the Tigers, 7 to 3, in the opener ol • Athletics 9 10 ' I in the fj rst . of a four-game series. foul' game series last night. Headed by Jim Tabor, ... Al Zarilla, hustling you n g gathered four hits includilll Ida Brownie outfielder, continued his fifth homer of the season, the Sal sensational hitting streak with smashed three pitchers for 1ft • three safe blows, giving him a rec­ ties. A four- fifth innilll ralb ord of 12 hits in 15 times at bat chased Rookie Rufus Genll7, since Saturday night. sending him down to his 11th de­ Mike Kreevich, veteran of the feat. SI. Louis outfield, claimed his Ya nk Terry, tossing a thn!le·JIjt. share of the hillers honors last ter for six , gained IIU night wilh Cour safeties in five at­ fourth triumph but received .. tempts. sistance from Tex Hughson in b Bob Muncrief allowed the A's seventh when the Tiger:s ,ot III eigh t hi Is in becoming the Ii rst their runs. Brownie pilcher to win 10 games. Frankie Hayes hit a home run !\BRBI with the bases empty in the fourth Finney, Ib ...... 4 1 2 0 for Philadelphia. Metkovich, cf ...... 5 1 2 I Philadelphia. AD R H E Fox, rf ...... 4 1 2 • Johnson, lf ...... 5 ole "'s teammates. BILL BAKER shows his son, Billy,S, some of the tricks he learned while p1a.,inl' for iIIe Piltsburr;h Plraks. Busch, 55 ...... 4 0 0 o DlLL BAKER. Seahawk catcher, Is shown above with three of IU Left to right, Yohe, Doerr, 2b ...... 5 2 2 e Epps, ct ...... 4 0 0 o Wieland, Jlarrls and Baker. Tabor. 3b ...... 4 1 .. ~ I Sstalella, rf ...... 3 0 1 Wagner, c ...... 5 Il \ \ ~ l Hayes, c ...... 4 1 1 * * * Golf Has Changed INBA Asks- Newsome, ss ...... 5 '0 2 ( ( /I * * * '* Terry, p _...... 3 0 O · . Siebert, If ...... 4 0 2 ~°1 Seahawk Catcher Solves Housing Problem* *- Dietrich Wins 1> ...... 1 t (\ I McGhee, Jb ...... 4 0 3 Ru.ghson, ___u . ..) KeJJ, 3b ...... 4 0 0 • • In Last 50 Years Burns, 2b ...... 4 0 1 Boxing Totals ...... 41 '1. Hal")"is, p ...... 0 0 0 TraIler CHICAGO (AP)-A 72-hole As Sox Take Detroit ilK White • ...... _.... _...... 1 0 0 i Baker Family Uves score of 300 was considel'ed a Wheaton, p ...... 1 0 0 0 , t ----~------fancy bit of golf shooting a quarier Mayo. 2b ...... 3 o Scheib, p ...... _...... 1 0 0 0 This housing problem is no joke fielder and kept him just two and moved on to Oakland in the Control Cramer, cf ...... >3 o I of a century ago, but it wouldn't Hall ...... 1 0 0 0 Ifor a civilian and it's even tougher weeks before cutting him loose. in 1937. Nals, 910 6 York, lb ...... 4 ' 1 J I ( ---- for a sailor. But, as any umpire There followed brief stays at This was the last time the win a $1 war stamp in the par~ Wakefield. If ...... 3 lit ! ( Il'u"'s ...... ·.... ·· ...... 35 1 8 • .. Yankees could send him out, so thrashing tournaments of today. By WHITNEY* * *MARTIN Higgins, 3b ...... 4 1 2 0 I • Batted for Harris in Srd. will point out, leave it to a catcher FIeldale, Va., lD Greensboro, N. after getting waivers on him, CHICAGO (APl-Bill Dietrich Why the big difference? Is the NEW YORK (AP)-'.rhe New Hoover, ss ...... 4 o • I .. Bated for Scheib in 9th. to come up with an answer that's C., in the Piedmont and Monroe, .they peddled the husky catcher to took a beating from his own de- York Athletic commission has in­ Hostetler, rl ...... 4 o 0 I modern crop ot players better , different. La., in the Cotton State league be- j Indianapolis. He compiled .3 I 0 and fense, but won his season's 11th vi ted the co-operation of three Richards, c ...... 3 D 1 0 St. Louis AD R H E No exception is William Baker, fore the latter folded and he was .338 figures there and the latter than the "old masters?" victory with help from Jake Wade I other states in the control of box­ Gentry, p ...... 1 o • 0 Gutteridge, 2b ...... 5 1 1 1 who did his catching for the Pitts~ signed by Nashville in the South- fell just four points off the Amer- "Not on your life." argues Jock as the Chicago White SOl( defeated i'Dg, and if this is a move toward Gorsica, p ...... 0 o 8 • Kreevich, c1 ...... 5 2 4 0 burgh Pirates before coming into ern association as a free agent in ican association leading total. Hutchison, the old Scotchman still Washington, 9-6, yesterday. Wade national harmony it is to be com­ Eaton, p ...... 2 o 0 0 McQuinn, Ib ...... 3 1 1 0 the navy at the Iowa Pre~Flight the mid-season of 1932. Reds operating as a pro in the Chicago pitched hitless ball the last four I mended. although it does seem a Stephens. ss ...... 5 1 2 0 school where he serves as a car~ All this time the effort was to Next stop was the majors, Cin- area. "Don't ever think that the innings aiter Dietrich retired for Ilittle like getting the cows into n Totals ...... 31 S , I Moore, rf ...... 1 0 0 0 penter five days a week and han- try to make a polished outfielder cinnati laying the cash on the line a pinch-hitter. barn by moving the barn over Boston ...... 000 1~ 011-' Laabs, rf ...... 3 0 1 0 dies the catching Lor the Seahawks out of a big kid who grew so fa~t to Ib,e Indians. However, it was a Val'dens, Hagens, Tay10rs-aye, The Sox drove Southpaw Mickey them. There must be an easier Detroit ...... : ...... 000 000 300-3 f' Zarilla, lf ...... 4 I 3 0 on weekends-he resides in a his coordination hadn't caught up tough proposition for a catcher to and even the Hutchisons-couldn't Haefner from the mound in the way. Christman, 3b ...... 4 1 2 0 trailer. with him. Then with nine games break in with Willard Hershber- keep up with the Nelsons, Mc­ fifth, after scoring :fIve runs in Stand Alone MancuSO, c ...... 4 1 1 0 Compact Home to go, Nashville ran out of catch- gel' and Ernie Lombardi around SpOldens, Hogans and Byrds if they the fourth, and col1ected a total The New York commISSIon Muncrief, p ...... 4 1 1 0 It's a compact little home. com- ers and Bill stepped behind the and the following year he was sold were in their youth today. of 14 hits, Outfielder Ralph Hod- stands practically alone, and it _ _ _ plete with modern conveniences. plate. The following year hc 10 in mid-June. In 1941 gin continued his heavy hitting would seem much simpler to have Reds Defeat Totals ...... 38 9 16 1 But all the credit for Its presence caught 111 games but was op- he caught about 50 games and "Betler conditioned courses and for the Sox with a double and a it agree with the 36 or so states Philadelphia ...... 000 100 000-1 can't go to Bill and Mrs. Baker. • tioned to Williamsport in the New batted .237 but missed most of the playing equipment help. Years ago single to run his spurt to 17 hIts making up the N. B. A. than hav­ St. Louis ...... 030 024 00x-9 Billy, age 5, like other young- York-Penn league when his con- following year when he suffered we had to put more behind the In 27 trips. ing the 36 states agree with the sters, long ago would have traded tract didn't come up to his expec- a broken hand in a night exhibi- Braves, 6·2 ball to play the game. We played Dietrich was charged with nine New York commission. the family home in Salisbury, N. tations. tion in Albany. hits and six runs in his five- The current boxing setup in this for prizes ranging from $150 to C., for a weekend in a trailer, and Yankees Last year he was alternating sUnt, but four Senator tallies were country is a travesty on well-reg­ BOSTON (AP)-After beirI Cardinals Hit Two Mrs. Baker began to see the ser- There he caught 142 games and with Al Lopez and owned a .356 $500. MOst of the pros wouldn't I unearned and a not her tainted ulated sport, with the New York held to one single until the ~ ious side to a little boy's dream batted .335, sufficient to bring average on July 29, when he walk across the street tor that when the Chicago inCield bobbled I II'0up and the N. B. A. operating ioning, th.e Cincinnati Reds JUl Double Run Homers when the head of the family en- about his purchase by the Yank- pulled a leg muscle, but still fin­ kind of money today." two consecutive doubleplay balls as separate units, neither rEicog­ on a terrific batting surge to .. Ilisted in the navy on Feb. 25, and ees. He spent the first two seasons ished up with a .273 figure for the There is an average difference and the outfield misjudged several I nizing the other. A fighter may be feat the Boston Braves, 6-2, ,.. was assigned to the Great Lakes in Newark, batting .316 and .296 1943 season. flies. suspended by the' N. B. A. and terday in the series opener. To Take Phillies, 9.:0 Naval Training station. of about 22 strokes in scores today still fight in New York, and· vice Waukel'&n and 30 years ago. The U. S. open Starter Ben Cardoni appand Washington AD RilE versa, and that's practically the on his way to a shutout I11III1 PHILADELPHIA (A P) - Al J ack Benny's gags about Wau- was won or tied 13 times between .------0-0-1 same as having two sets of laws so Jurisich shut out the Philadelphia kegan (residence of many Great Brooklyn Nine Still 1889 and 1922 by aggregates of Case, li...... 5 1 a guy could put tl'le slug on some- Pitcher Arnold Carter and * I Bardo, (rane Marshall blasted him for hoMen Fhillies on six hits, never more Lakes families) ceased to be 300 or more, ranging upward 1.0 Kuhel, lb...... 4 2 1 0 one out in Ohio or Illinois and hop in the sixth. Before being rellfl*i than one in an inning, as the St. funny as the Baker family moved Fred Herd's 3222. The most out­ Clift, 3b ...... 4 1 back to New York and be immune In Cellar Position; ~ ~ by Stan Klopp in the mnth, c. Louis Cardinals pounded out a from room to room and aparl- standing accomplishment in that Spence, cL ...... 4 0 IOta punishment. 9-0 victory before 8,945 fans at I ment to apartment attempting to Transferred period was the phenomenal 222 Boland, I'L...... 4 Money Market doni ga ve the Reds six more l1l\I, including [our tWO-baggers. Shibe park Jast night. find a satisfactory place to live. which Evans posted in 1916 to win Layne, 2b ...... 3 1 2 0 New YOrk owes its position as a I loses to Cubs, 14-6 Since Connie Ryan was I8ItIet Bob Walker Cooper and Stan Then one day while Bill was away the open-a record which held Gomez, 2b ...... I 0 0 0 controlling factor in the national Musial walloped l:wo-run homers on a trip with the Bluejac.k.et ~ine, Lieut. Comdr. E. C. Bardo, U. BROOKLYN (AP) _ Brooklyn until 1936 when Manero won. Ferrell, c ...... 4 0 21 0 boxing scene to the fact that it is orders to report to the navy" y iO "Nelson dnd McSpaden have av­ Sullivan, ss ...... ' ... 3 0 0 the money market, and fighters terday, Manager Bob ColemallMli to lead, the ca~dsth16f-?ltt ~tta.ck. I:tltle B ll1 . SPOBtlekd . a . tr3 l,ler d l'1 S. N. R., of the gymnastics depal'i- ' fell back into its losing habit again to revamp his infield. Watrell Cooper s came m e irS mmng sa e an d MI s. a el ha ct t le ea ment and Lieut Comdr. Russell . el'age(l 69 strokes in 52 tournament Haefner, p ...... , ...... 2 0 0 0 who want to get in the big money Huston took over Ryan's ReQDd with· Musial aboard, and Musial's ready. to be completed when Bill C rane, USN. . . R' ., 0 f th e wres tli ng yesterday as the ChIcago . Cubs rounds this season," says Jock. Carrasquel, p ...... 1 0 0 0 ll\IJst play ball with Fathel' Knick- 111 the seventh wl~h Ray Sanders semor came home. department will be detached pummeled Cour Dodgers pItchers "That's pretty good-but it cer­ PowelJ* ...... 1 0 0 0 erbocker. base berth and Chuck Workmlll and Catcher Phil Masi were ~1ki1 on: Sanders had Just doubled to When the seaman ~econd class tod ay from the Iowa Navy Pre- lor 18 hits and a 14-6 decision in a tainly doesnt make'em any better -- - - Anyway, a fighter might run out drive ac~oss the o~er tW? r~ n s celebrated J~~ 4th WIth a trans- Flight school for sea duty. series ope,ner. It was the 22nd de- than the old timers who averaged Totals ...... _ ...... 36 6 9 e on contracts. do tank acts or oth- upon to hold down third lind :tlt$t the RedbIrds scored ID that mnmg., fer to the shIp s company here he Commander Bardo who re- in the 78's and 80's." • Batted for Carrasquel in 9th. erwise conduct himself like a bum bases. · Danny Litwhiler Came :-"ith.in merely hitched ~he trailer on the ported here Aug. 7, 1942, was the feat in the last 25 stat· Is Lor Leo E Olncinnali mches of the same feat In the back of the family car and struck first swimming instructor at the Durocher's lads who remained tied Chicago AB R n in N. B. A. states, but as long as ------he behaves himself in New York sixth. when he tri~led and ~as out for Iowa Clty. base. He was later transferred to with Boston for last place. Schalk. 2b ...... _...... 4 1 ~ 1 he's Wy-white here. Williams, 2b ...... 5 0 o.ut at the plate trymg for an 10- Flftee~ ~Years . the mass exercise department and Hank W y s e. who replaced Carnett, cr-lL ...... 5 2 3 1 The N. B. A. has numbers and Marshall, d ...... 5 I slde-the-park homer. Coo per At 33, the retl.I'mg receIver has then to gYmnastics. A native of starter Japhet LYnn after a streak Dickshot, If...... 4 0 2 0 territory, and theoretica lly prob­ Walker, ct...... 5 0 scored on the wallop. spe."t 15 y,eal's 10 the game a.nd Wilmington, Del., he attended .of wildness in the fourth, received The Majors I 4 0 Tucker, cf...... 1 1 0 0 ably is in the right in the assump­ McCormick, Ib ...... St. Louis AD R H E believes he s good for four or fIve 1 New York university where he did credit for his ninth victory and Hodgin, 3b...... 4 0 2 0 tion that any national organiza­ Mueller, c...... i 0 more. af te~ the war. He weIghed graduate work in physical -educa- Toml'l1Y Warren, who also faded in Curtright, rL...... 5 0 0 0 tion should be governed by a ma­ Tipton, 11...... 4 1 Hopp, cl ...... 5 1 1 0 220 m hIgh school, I? pounds tion. While there he lettered for the fourth, was tagged with his Trosky, lb...... 4 0 0 0 jority. The New York theory is Mesner, 3b ...... 3 1 Sanders, 1 b ...... 5 1 2 0 above hiS present weIght, and three years in football and in .second straight setback since his At a Glance Miller, ss ...... 4 1 Tresh, c ...... 3 2 3 0 that it is a majority in itself, in­ Musial, rf ...... 5 2 4 0 played football and basketball. HIS swimming. He was the New Eng- recall from Montreal. Webb, 5S ...... 4 2 2 1 asmuch as it is the nation's boxil')g Carter, p...... 2 2 Cooper, c ...... 5 2 3 0 baseball career started at Char- 1 and intercollelli~te swimming IvaI Goodman set the Cubs pace Dietrich, p ...... 1 1 0 0 center in normal times and its Keely, c ...... 0 0 0 0 lotte, N. C. champion in the 50 100 440 and with lour hits, including a qouble, Clarke· ...... 1 0 0 0 crowds, gates and purses set it Totals ...... ~ ...... 36 41 11 KurOWSki, 3b ...... 3 0 0 0 BllIed OuUteldcr 150 yard backstrok;.' in three while Di:

For Economical hying, Selling or tenting,

AMONO Tfli thirt;r-loat- ~1nltlta!')"'-leaders reported put ~ death .. , .USe. 'Waul~ AdS' in ~the revolt that started with the attempted assassination of Hitler are MUaha1. w.u. voa -''IO~(feft~, tonner oommander ill"Chlef of' ..._~ ___~ ______.... !.be G~.!!LArmy, and ~ar5bal Sigmund List. (International),.. . . PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 194~ Third Performance ( They're for Fal~. , -!I Bride-Elect Feted FRANKLIN'S RUNNING MATE-HARRY S. TRUMAN University Concert to Be Broadcast- ;".' ... . - 11 Of the 'Dream' ~~~\- At Dinner Party WS111 (811) "1fT (M) I... (1"': (_, cat ,'lit, H. V. Kaltenborn (WHO) In honor of Loraine Anson and wao (1.'" lllIA C'III' Preferred Melodies (KXEL) To Be Tomorrow 7:00 : Howard Dahl, whose wedding wlill W~UJ will broadcast Ihe anni­ - Allan Jones (WMT) - I take place this noon in SI. Mary's Tomorrow night the third per­ versary concert by the university Mr. and Mrs. North (WHO) formance of "Midsummer Night's church, Mrs. Muriel Ward, 706 E. orchestra at 8 o'clock this evening. Watch the World Go By (KXEI.) Dream" directed by B. Iden Payne College street, entertained 'at a This program is being dedicated to 7:15 will be staged on the University pre-nuptial dinner last night. Prof. Philip Greeley Clapp, con­ Allan Jones (WMT) , I ductor of the orchestra, who has tbeater stage with :J cast of play­ The bridal table was centered Mr. and Mrs. North (WHO) served for 25 years as head or the Lum An' Abner (KXEL) ers duplicating that or the opening with a bouquet of pink and white music department. 7:30 night. roses. Flat bowls of lotwllilies de - I .. Farm Week Dr. Christian (WMT) Tonight the performance will orated the serving tables. In observance o! National Farm Beat the Band (WHO) not be gi ven so as to give all in­ Included among the guests were Safety week, WSUl will present a My Best Girls (KXEL) five-minute transcription at 11:45 terested persons opportunity to Mrs. Charles Anson of Fennimore, 7:45 this morning prepared by the Na­ Dr. Christian (WMT) l hear tbe University orchestra con­ Wis., mother of the bride-elect; tional Safety C 0 u n c i I. Everett Beat the Band (WHO) cert in trib\lte to the 25 years of Mrs. John Wood of Milwaukee, Mitchell, chairman of the Farm service of Prof. Philip G. Clapp. My Best Girls (KXEL) Wis., sisler of the bridegroom; Mrs. Safety Radio committee, will speak 8:00 The leads of last night's per­ on behaH of the council's cam­ U formance who are playing double­ I Charles Ramsdell and Janet Rams­ Jack Carson (WMT) paign to reduce accidents on farms. The Alan Young Show (WHO) cast roles are Lois Porter of Iowa 'HALO HAT, with. Irregular dell of Chicago, 'cousin of the tun. TODA1"S PROGRAMS Dunninger (KXEL) City as Hermia; Wilanne Schnei­ brim, Is another whiCh should at­ bride-elect Marcella Lllessman of 6 der, A2 or Cleveland Heights as tract the eye tor milady tor talt. 8:00 Morning Chapel 8:15 Fennimol'e; Kenneth Dahl of Lu I 8:15 Musical Miniatures .Jack Carson (WMT) Helena and Bemice McMahon, :\5 lt 18 edged with matching sequins. ~ Puck. Cross, Wis., brother of the bride­ 1l:30 News, The Dally Iowan The ATan Young SllOW (WHO) The leads in the roles tomQrrow Igroom ; Al Baptie of La Cross, 8:45 Program Calendar Dunninger (KXEL) night include: Mary Bob Knapp cOllsin of the bridegroom; MI'. and I 9:00 Good Morning, Ladies 8:30 I 9:15 Music Magic Home Town Philosopher (WMT.j A4 of Applelon, Wis., Hermia; Mrs. V. J. Grandrath and Mrs. Dale Hankins, A4 of Watertown, 9:30 Families on Trial Mr. District Attorney (WHO) " Stephen Nagyfy, all of Iowa City, 9:45 WACs in Review Spotlight Bands (KXF.L) S. D.: Helena and Lenca Isacson, and George Hemmingway of La A3 of Omaha, Puck. 9:50 Belgium News 8:45 Minor leads In the play are tlJe ICrosse. . 9:55 News, The Dally Iowan Let's Dance (WMT) 10:00 Here's An Idea Mr. District Attorney (WHO) Titania Fairies Ann Ladwig, A3 'I' J or Eagle Grove, Alice Walderson, . 10:15 Yesterday's Musical Fa- Spotlight Bands (KXEL) voriles 9:00 ~'( A2 of San Diego; Lily Dell Watts, 1 A3 ,of Flat River; Deloris Chap- • AP Photographer 10:30 'rhe Bookshelf Great Moments in Music (WMT) gr man, A2 of Neola; Patricia Fetzer, il:OO Melody Time Kay Kyser (WHO) an Al of Iowa City; Gloria Jones, Killed Near Sf. Lo {]:15 Between the Lines I Raymond Gram Swing (KXEL~ thl Jackie McDonald and Gwennie 11:3D, Women Today 9:15 sec Scales of Iowa City. II :45 National Farm Sa f e t y I Great Moments in Music (WMT) rCi PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIES of Senator Harry S. Truman of MISSOUri, vice-presidential nominee on the Week Kay Kyser (WHO) Oberon's Fairie~ are Janet But­ By Bomb Fragment Demot;ratic ticket, are these two c"ndlds taken In Chicago during his pa~ty's national convention. Sixty ,', 11:50 Farm Flashes Ted Malone (KXEL) ler, A3 of Bethany, Esther Seel­ years_old, the piano-thumping senator, whose grin Is kindled \ly Wide blue eyes beh'lnd thick-lensed up man, A3 of Tiffin, Julie Eychene, WITH THE AMERICAN FIRST spectacles, is known as a vl,orous, practical politiCian. 12:QO Rhythm Rambles 9:30 ., fOI A2 of Canada; Joddee Duschl, A3 ARMY IN FRANCE (AP)-Bede 12:3& ~ews, The Dally Iowan Report to the Nation (WMT) Na of Mapleton. The lords are played Irvin, Associated Press photog­ 12:45 Religious News Reported :({ay Kyser (WHO) Hattie W. Caraway, 1:00 Musical Chats Scramby Amby (KXEL) by Helen Caro, A2 of Higbl~md rapher who went to see the war IWI Park, Gloria Brown, A2 of Cleve­ close up, &l ied yesterday with a 7,O~O Workers Only Woman Senator, Lumber.Rationing 2:00 Victory Bulletin Board 9:45 rei land and Verna Marlin, A3 of camera in his hands near the Ger­ 2:10 18th Century Music Report to the Nation (WMT) thl Laurens, a lady. man lines when a bomb from ::I Trails in Primary 3:00 Boys' TOWIl Kay Kyser (WHO) nOI On the production staff of the B-26 Marauder fell short ot its Idle Tuesday Will Begin Aug. 1 3:30 News, ·The Dally Iowan Scramby Amby (KXEL) LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP)­ play are: Wyatte Thompson, A4 objective in the middle of a field By TilE ASSO'C'iATi"D PRESS 3:35 Afternoon Melodie! 10:00 wa of Dubuque, assistant to the direc­ Hattie W. Caraway, the nation's DES MOINES (AP)-Lumber 4:00 Excursions in Science Douglas Grant (WMT) where Irvin had been working. At least 7,000 workers were idle on Iy woman sen a tor, trailed three coc tor; Denton Snyder, M of Athens, Irvin had taken a pictUre (If will be rationed beginning Aug. 1 4:15 Fashion Features Mercer's Music Shop (y,'HO) far Ohio, stage manager; Helen Wul­ some wrecked material and had yesterday in work stoppages and of h r four male opponents on the • 30 T Ti MId' H. R. Gross (KXEL) basis of early unofficial .returns and. priorities for average civilian ,: ea me eo les 10:15 rea kow, G ot Dubuque, bookholder; settled in ~is jeep for a quick the war labor board called upon 5:00 Children'S Hour thL from yesterday's Arkansas prefer­ consumers will be granted only 5:30 Musical ~oods Fulton Lewis Jr. (WMT) Dick Baldrige of Iowa City, chore­ Ilunch when the flight of Ameri- two of th'1 slrikibg groups to re- PTI ographer; Dorothy Keller, A3 of can Marauders came over en route sume wotk. Undersecl'etary of ential Democratic primarY. 'in '."severe hardship casltS," Rob- 5:45 News, The D.aily Iowan M. L. Nelsen (WHO) gilt Col. T. Barton, 62-year-Qld Davenport, sound and light con­ to bomb the German lines in the War Patterson, in a telegram, also !i. ert H. Kenwortlly, of Des Moines. I 6:00 Dinner Hour Music SpQrtlight Parade (KXEL) nill I El Dorado oil man wbo cam­ trol; Armon Bonney, G of Cha­ kick-off for the big attack. pleaded for termination of a walk- priority .order specialist of :the 7:00 Pan America Eresents 10:30 ~ nute, Harold Crain, G of Buffalo, Irvin already had taken pictures out in Michigan. paigned with assistance ot tM WPB, told 'persol1s , attending, a 7:15 Reminiscing Time Something for the Girls (WMT) fro N. Y.; Josephine Kline, G of Falls of the bomb barrage from a point In a telegram to CIO Unit~d "Grand Ole Opry" radio: troupe-, meetin'g of 'the Iowa Retail Lum- 7;30 Sportstime War Service Billboard (WHO) Lo City; HUlio Sipple, G of Rock Is­ farther back, but he Was not con- Steel workers at Chicago, the assumed an early lead, followed ber Dealers association here 'yes- 7:45 Beyond Victory-What? Wake Up, America (KXEL) Jan land; Jerome Fenlger, Al of Dav­ tent. He wanted to push forward WLB ,directed 400 striking em­ closely by Congressman J : W: terday: 8:00 Concert 10:45 lea enport, stage crew. 'and follow the infantry in for pic- ployes at the Western Foundry Fulbright and Gov. Homer- M. , "Frankly, there is a critical It's Dance Time (WMT) dec Donald Grote, Newark, N. J., tures and had moved up with Lee company to resume prodl,lction im­ Adkins. . ." short!ll{e- of lumber 'in America," NATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS Song for Today (WHO) rna head of ligbting crew assisted by McCardell of the Baltimore Sun. mediately. The walk-out, result Negroes were permitted. to V?tc Kenworthy said. "Such a small 6:00 Sportlight Parade (KXEL) Th Gladys Forde, Rie Gaddis, A3 of "Someone 'shouted, 'Watch out, of a ' wage dispute, "is seriously in all reported cases wh'ere , thllY percentage of ' the normal supply I Love a Mystery (WMT) 11:00 Ft. Madison, Ulmont Healy, Chris­ bombs from the Marauders are interfering with (he production of presented themselves at the. Dolls is availu'l)le to consumers that we Cliff and Helen (WHO) News (WMT) '1 topher Lane, Florence Healy, Mar­ faliing short,' and everyone started critical. materials," the WLB said. with poll tax receipts a.nd pled~~d n'ow ani forced to discourage all Gl'ain Belt Rangers (KXEL) Starlit Road (WHO) rid garet Hili and MolIy Knight, prop­ running," McCardell said. "Irvin The WLB also directed an esti­ to support the party nomineE\s. b'unding that it not absolutely es- 6:15 Henry J . Taylor (KXEL) bo) erties. I had been sitting in a jeep and ap- mated 2,000 to 5,00(} workers in The total Negro vote )'ias not ex­ sentia\." . Passing Parade (WMT) 11:15 enE J u lie n Benjamin, make-up; I parently he hesitated a split '$ec- the foundries of the Wright Aero- pected to exceed severa\ hundred. , The WPB has allocated to deal- News of the World (WHO) Petrillo, Janette, and McCor- Pel Hugo Sipple, Donald Grote. Ava ond to pick up his camera before nautical plant at LqckJand, Ohio, In previous AI'15ansas primaries, ers a tbree mOnths' supply of lum- H. R. Gross (KXEL) mick (WMT) dlv Smith, Christopher Lane, Rose­ diving for a near-by ditch. He was to resume work. Officials of both Negroes generally have , b. e P..II bet to.talil'l ~ 8,OOO board feet Which . :. 6:~& Starlit Road (WHO) firl mary Goldfein, Armon Bonney, caugbt in mid-alr by a bomb frag- the company and th'e United Au­ barred because of color. A recet;lt may be purchased by residential .Easy Aces (WMT) Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) bOI building and paint cr~w. ment and killed instantly." tomobile Workers union attributed rule change by the Democratic consumers wthout B priority. M. L. Nelsen (WHO) 11:30 I Lois Porter, Gladys Forde, Rob­ Irvin was found by McCardell the walk-out to suspension of a state committee after the United j "The majority of ' re:;idential Did You Knbw (KXEL) Dance Band Review (WMT) wit ert Holland, Charles Lown, Den­ crumpled in a ditch with one cam- union committeeman. States Supreme court decision consumers will be unable to obtain 6:45 Garry Lenhart (WHO) des ton Snyder, Rosemary Goldfein, era around his neck and the othee In Detroit, aircraft engine pro­ permitted them to vote under lumber without · a. priority," said Easy AC.es (W;M:T) Rev. Pietsch's H~ur (KXEL) nor Ava Smith and Hugo Sipple, cos­ lying near an outstretched hand. Iduction was curtailed by a walk­ challenge provided they met party Kenworthy, "since those 8,000 I======nea tume crew. The field in which he was killetj out of 900 metal polishers in a loyalty requirements. board feet available for unrated 'I is near Pont Hebert, four miles wage dispute at the Packard motor or uncertified purchases average atu north of St. Lo. car 'Plant. Auto workers, Patterson called, o,l1 only 1QO board teet a day for the , iroJ State Institutions The tall, !lood-natured photog- Seven hundred striking hotel employes of the Centrifugal' Fus-- ·three months" period." I blo' DES MOINES (AP)-The state's rapher had been in ' front of the employes of Detroi t's Hotel Stat­ ing company, L<1nsing, Mi.ch., to .______Mom ':: ah~ Ppp ancl the Car .... sint hospitals, prisons and homes man­ fighting since D-Day. During the IeI', out since Thursday in a dis­ end their walk-out, saying ·they )1 fon aged by (he board of control com­ invasion landings Irvin flew over pute over demands for increased "cannot possibly .appreciate 'the , Confined to Home pleted the 1943-44 fiscal year with the landing beach in the same type wages, ignored a' WLB order to severe consequences." ( a balance of $452,000, board lig­ of pIa ne tha t killed him. return to work. At Ashland, Ky., u walk-ollt e! ' ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (Ap)-Sen. div ures showed yesterday. He was one of the first photog- The strike of 600 Detroit milk 2,50(} (CIO) steelworkers . at the 'Harry S. Truman, Democratic: That amount was nearly 10 per­ raphers to go into France with the' truck drivers and inside workers American Rolling mill p ran t ;vice-presidential nominee, 15 rl)n­ 'I cent of the $4,643,000 annual ap­ Ninth airforce and was widely Iwas tentatively set tie d, Philip threatened a shutdown at , th.e. fineo · to.. his home, suffel'ing Irom • thr propriation voted the 15 institu­ known all over the front w)lere Weiss, chairman of the stale labor Claylon Lambert shell company. ",nervous exhaustion" acordin~ to 'I del tions by the last legislature. he traveled continuously, enduring mediation board, said. which is expected t.o .'tIirow · 2,400 a leport 'received last night by I' bat State authorities said the ac­ the hardships without complaint. I In a telegram to AFL United additional employes o~t of ~ork. , .':1 Maj. ~hil J . Welch, St. JOSePh . ..., , ing cumulation, probably the largest of Ma its kind in Iowa history, was due .' , # mil to inability to hire help, to buy .. ," .. abc: , , ...... , needed items off the market be­ wa; cause of the war, to surplus com­ OSTJlICH HAT, a new trend to t,tae 'I modities allotted by the war food I!Ymmetrically balanced hat. WhIte Have a Coca-Cola =Viva! ~:~:: .: elel administration and to 'avoidance UJreta adorns crown.' It .. ~ (YEAH MAN!')' tha of unnecessary expenditures." John Frederick-. (lnterllit'lonal) 11 The state hospital for the insane can at Independence reported the Jar, largest balance, $86,147 but was the reported to be in the "direst need Johnston Tops em. for help." The training school for 12 girls at Mitchelville was $3,708 in ane the black. Votes for Smith cou . ' -l'~ . .J.__ ..... L _116... I aga COLUMBIA, S. C., (AP)-Gov­ , ',~ .v.."",""·,.I_.... • .. ~'Et .1~) tad Tremendous Offensive } ern6r Olin D. Johnston forged '. \ .. hMard Oil s.nx.:.' '' ~ DES MOINES (AP)-Russia's rapidly ahead of Senator E. D. St. {OJ', tremendous offensive has ended all Smith, inveterate foe of the New opposi tion to Russian war relief 'Mr. Alom becatD. iatere;l:ed in the care of the family i' his in Iowa, George Cosson, state Deal, as returns poured in last , CIt; lIle dlacovereCI areal "lifeu.ver," one who ~ faci night from the Democratic pri- . chalrman, said yesterday. Ja uaiOeci in wartime car.saving service. And now lIle \ During the two years in which mary in which Smith was seeking I .he'llile able to keep rollingl the state committee has existed, A seventh term. , ~ titll there has been opposition, Cosson i the With 636 of 1,540 precincts ac­ .~ • • • explained. leal counted for, the 48 L year old ,'~ materia-man or woman-can hive the s&me expert "Every day now I receive let­ anc ters from individuals or repre­ Johnston, who voted for Roose- . help ~ keepm, di~ W' runnin~ rightl running lona-; . cal: sentatives of 0 r g ani z a t ion s velt's fourth term nomination at uuI ~ firmer 0,\ ever, PIlon of guo JUst like { viII throullhout the state expressinlt Chicago, 'had a clear majority over , it to a Wddatd Oil Dea1erl He's a cat lifesav_I I stu IIratitude for what Russia is doing the 79-year old smith and three pro and asking to coope~a~ in order other candjdates wh~ were far • • • ) to help the magnificent Rus- \ J ...... k', JoUii to be a long time before Ihe in the ruck. llians'," he added. ' . roil cia replace your ~I Don't nealect itl \sls The vote was: Johnston 37,283, ner Smith 25,994, Attorney Gene~al , .J • • • fire Blue Cron Plan John M. Daniel 3,892, D.r. Carl B. l'oJIow toar SUrldard Oil Dealer', 3rd·Wu· Yeu Service and DES MOINES (AP)~Enrollees Epps, the only self-styled \00 per ':. Guide and keep your car at in best always. it ii . I 13 in the Blue CroSl hospitalization cent new dealer in the race, 1,708 p\an in the eastern two-thirds of .' and Iowa and Rock Island county, 111., and. A. S. -Merrimon 644 ~ toll increased 27,130 durin, the first Early reports indicated the vot­ ing was orderly. Five Negroes six months of 1944 to a total of ... or .being the,good neighho~, in Brazil S were .not allowed to ''fte when Visi 146,222. they 'presented themse,ves at a The increase was reported yes- . y ~ Amedc:aa'. sood-aacuJd lavitation 1£," • "o,M" i •• aood-neishbor \ clos Columbia precinct but fhere was but • tenlay by E. P. Lichty, Des no disturbance. . polley iD tbne abort worda. IIt 'marks that brand of frie~ which our I Moines executive director of Hos­ up Smith, 79-year old de n of the eml })Ital Service Inc., of Iowa which senate, based ' bis appeal for I a ~hdnllDell carry with daem .everywhere amollg our A!Ues, In many landa a supervises Blue CrOl8 In the ar~ seventh term upon his consist,nt where 75 communities have par­ frpm Aluka to Souab Africa, Coca-Cola i. spreading the CD" of tIM p~ l ish. fi8ht allalnst what he called New r"(: tIcipatIng groups and 70 hospltjlls aga Deallsm and h i's vocilerqut IbM ~~-du.t refresbin4 mo~ot devoted to just ~Dg &iendty. Enjoy the are allied with the plan, cham,plonship of "white sup~ ic a' .bome, ., with froaty Coca·Cola from your OWD rcfri,encor. tad The remainder of Iowa i. In­ macy." • dhe clUded in another Blue CI'OII area. Johnston, the Roosevelt caDd­ Stan'dard Oil Dealers I T tonliD UNa .. ,,!)tHOIITY o. THI COCA-COLA COM'ANY Y In his area, Lichty said, ap­ idate in the 1938 purie champailn \\188 proximately 17,500 Blue CrOll par­ allainst Smith, )Vhich Smith wDn, CEDAR RAPIDS COCA.cOLA BOTTLING COMPAIfY IN' btlnecl for' better car oare ': this tlei~ts have had hospital btU. of .. S. "...,... *- .... 1Il~ about $1,200,000. paid since the , ~o~ S~=~~:s °b::t~~:~~~~: a...... ditI~, •• h"W_.DropI Bu._W;'W .hif • ...... "",,1MIt•• ~ ...,." plan went loto effect Jan. I, 11140. aic*'ed 100 percent, New Deal lIIOI