HATUICDAT, AUGXJIT 11, IM S . The Weather t A G B TWELVE Manchester Evening Herald ATfitago Dsily OrfiulathMi Fe'sseasff of U. S. Weathsr Bamno For Iba Moatb of 4alr> privileges by carving Initials on fusion that comes from having the little devila and hee'd attentloa at Partly doody toniglit aad Tues­ th^^setteesj and ,on pne bench at other three classes in. school when hopie. -'Not once, haa the' group WS JtZPBBSKNT THE STRONGBST 8 ,8 9 0 day; widsly scattered thuader- they are trying tb 16am their way been reprimanded for thslr actlona showers Trisaday afternoon; eoo- About Town le i^ .a portion of the wood had Member of the Audit itaaed sram and bamM. Heard 4 long Main Street lloen pried oft. Near anotb.prwas about. this season to our knowledge. The HtOCK AND DIYnMOOi ^a halfplat bt;own' whiskey bottle "I undqratand that thla is done youngsters will continue to "nlae Bureau of ClrculatloBa in some outer High schobls and. I the devir until sotnethjag is donp.' PATDNI hester— A City o f ViUage Charm bapt Jamea Hamilton, of P7 And on Some of Mvncliester’s Side Streets, Too and at another bench the broken aisO'understand tha^ some colleges Oardon atreet. wh<Tla a veteran of _____ • • _____.__L heck of a similar bottle, .g joefiace Tiays pre-Freshmatv'days jqat for O O M PA N m X" both World War 1 and World War to the playing children Who may the same purpose. ... Tom Dannaber, prominent Dem­ m Faie M) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY,. AUGUST 13, 1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS the way things are ahaping tip-l-which members of the Police be cut by then, before the park ocratic party leader, reporta at his II, haa tieen admitted to .the U. S. partment do their best to ^ave / "I am speaking for h INSURE VOL. LXIV., NO. 266 Veterana' Facility at Newington. , Just now you can look for plenty ”*' *“ * ■ •mployeea come along to pick G*"K from M.H.S.” home oi\ Bigelow street promptly of politics In Manchester thla fall, some ^changes made. No^/wubt when tnmmed his dinner is ready. the same condition will exiat this them up. m ■" and Mra Otto Johnaon of The ‘dog days” of August usually Tom is a frequent apectfitor at sUrt that political pot warming fall but to aii even mpre/marked It's a common crack that “Vihtn Ituaaall atraot and Mr. and Mra. Al- We remarked rj^cently that^l- Greek meets- Greek—they open a gaflies at the West Sida. He waa SURE IN8URAIVCB1 up., even,' If it doesn’t reach the degree. , though a member' o< tne Z ^ n g at the Old Timers ^ m e Sunday. rot Jtrfinadh of Edgerton atreet are The reason why the members restaurant." If you patronise res­ •pending the week at Wlldemiere boiling point before^ the • second Board of Appeals ob jects to SoTqeone wOnt to the announeCK- DIAL Mifi — SW WAIN ST. week in Sptember. ' ■ ' , of the Police department are par­ small Industries being started In taurants In Manchester yoU will ifnd asked him to call for Tonri Beach, Milford. ticularly Interested Ip this fall’s meet all rthe Greek restaurant And yoi| may expegt that much sheds, garages and cellars. A num­ Dannaber - and tell him - hts wife elections—eVen despite the possi­ ber of the town’s .earlier Industries owners In a week. '’iPhat’a because Mr. and^Mra. George Armatrong pf the politics ■^ilK center about had sent word hla : dinner waa on bility e t the chief s retirement—Is were started In just that way. when the Greeks, met bn Manchee- of Clinton atreet are apending the the Police department. There are ready, -J, that .two members are to be ap­ At that time we meHtioned »Jy- tec ttiey arranged a schedule- that The vannouncer didn’t want t% , areek-etid In Boaton. naany reasons for thi^ Perhaps pointed to the Board of Police the No,. 1 reason why\towh poll; rus Buckland, one of /the pioneers would not conflict with each other. embarrass Tom So he simply an- ■ t. Commissioners this fall. Everett In protfuctloo of sepa'riite machine The Center restaurant,'for In­ nouncifi over the loud speaker MerchanU Day thla year fail.i on tics should center arountl the Po­ McKinney,, has resigned from the lice department is the w r t, that parts and the assembly line. Cy-; stance, closes Sujidsy*', The Prin- that 'Mri- Dannaber was wanted at (i Auguat 15. Aa has been the cua- board and his place has not been rue BuckUqid practiced his theory cssa restaurant cl'datm * Sundays. ORANGE HALL tom for many yearn, moat stores Chief of Police Samuel G. Gordon the refreshment stand. When filled. Raymond Burnham'S term In a shed In Buckland. He got a The Silk City Diner closes Mqne Tom teas tbld the message he will remalh closed Wednesday reaches his 70th birthday on Jan­ runs out-this fall. congressional grant of JIO.OOO tor .X morning, thus giving- their em­ uary »8 next. dgya and the*. Tea Room ' closes grinned and went on hl)i way. But, The--appoihtment of two men to his Idea in 1859; Wednesdays. All are ownft and ployees a full day holiday, The town pension plan calls, for not ^fore he saw a couple of E V E R Y M O N D A Y , 8 P . M . I the Police board, two who want Well, we weire Checking our files operated by local Greek residents. more plays, aiitomatle retirement at- the age to see some changes made, could and found out that yeat^rday was So if you can't remember ^ the 'V/mAnn of DUwoi:^-Comen of 70. In the case of Dr. V^Q- have quite a surprising rqgult Cyrus Buokland’s birthday. He Admission 25c' T. Moore, local health officer, an schsduls of dayb closed you are Post, Amertoan I«glon, win meet within the department. So there _vyfts born here on 10, 1799. bound to in*ei the Greek res- We understand that the mem-’ N at * o’clock tomorrow night at the extension was grahM because of will be quite a bit of political bera of the Twipayers’ League at war oonditlona and the manpower tau'fa^nt owners as you go about 25 REGULAk GAMES 7 SPECIALS Nagasaki Buried Under Smoke T, P. HoHoran Funeral home, 176 juggling with regard to the elec­ People m vacation trips, 'un­ 'lookifig for a meal. their next meeting at the Legion W '. Oantar atreet, and pay their re­ situation. No excOptibn was evef tion of a Board of Selectmen. If familiar with sections of the coun­ I Hall, August 14, are to-4«ke the Going On While a p ^ to Winiaxh P. Cotter, a mem­ made In the case of ChiefGordon, the results aren't satisfactory at try In which they are travelth|f, Recreation set-up In- toWn for a ainst We were looking over some UL et___ at.. PLUS SWEEPSTAKES ber. All alia aaked to wear their | but It was made definite that r ^ the September primaries there Is often make mistakes and aga ride. Some of the members have gardlesB of exceptions t^ on e u T tbO home, gardens bordering Legdon caps. j a pos.siblIlty that the. Democratic are soiiletimes badly taken In “V/(he old golf lota ilong Brookfield been looking ovei the Recreation having reached the age ofx70 party here will make a strong bid unscrupulous persons scheming the other evening One of buildings In town and they say' Obtain James Hamilton of 87 would retire six months: after they are disgusted with condlt^s to place some of its members on benefit by their lack of knowledge the home gardnera was showing iia Garden street, a veteran of World ending of the war. Khe board In the October town of. distances and methods of In and around the buildings. Pilss- War 1 and World War n , has en- his plot. Nearby w e noted a fine ter Is falling from some ceilings, The way the wdr situation ** elfeptlon. transportation. • * /> '.'• patch of watermelons. They art lOied the Veterans* hospital at right now it wchild seem absolute So a group of good strong can­ furniture has been mutilated and. Rocky Hin for observation; One such case occurred ih town coming along fast. \ ■ \ JmL _ ' , 'u. ‘ ly certain that the Chief of Police didates for the Board of Selectmen this week, or rather should say so on. They also ;say that when '.‘How are you Sble to protect you try to get to the bottom of rvtlrement' woiild become ,, auto- may be expected because on them Hartford, for It was a fee-hungry, melons with all the kids In Selectman Jack M. Gordon 'is to matiesduring the regime of the depends a lot of things. Th'eie the question you find that the taxi driver from that cl^ i this neighborhood? " we aaked, Recreation set-up Is a 'mlxljd up he the gneat of honor at a dinner next Board of Selectmen. The might come a real upheaval— as took the- travelers /two men, for ^ thtreS a reason for that. to he given hy a large party of hla police departpisnt has been more though someone had. dropped a mess. They Intend to get to the Seek Fleet Location friands at the Vflla Louisa tonight. * th. •** ^bat patch la In the gar- bottom of It, find out who Is re­ or leas a stumbling block ip town' p^ltlcal atomic bomb right In the At Hartford they ™f^e the mis- Elieabeth Hennet, prin- .
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