The Tunisian Exception Profile of a Unique Political Laboratory
The Tunisian Exception Profile of a unique political laboratory The Monographs of ResetDOC Ben Achour, Benstead, Boughanmi Fanara, Felice, Garnaoui, Hammami Hanau Santini, Nelli Feroci, Zoja edited by Federica Zoja The Monographs of Reset DOC The Monographs of ResetDOC is an editorial series published by Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations, an international association chaired by Giancarlo Bosetti. ResetDOC pro- motes dialogue, intercultural understanding, the rule of law and human rights in var- ious contexts, through the creation and dissemination of the highest quality research in human sciences by bringing together, in conferences and seminars, networks of highly esteemed academics and promising young scholars from a wide variety of back- grounds, disciplines, institutions, nationalities, cultures, and religions. The Monographs of ResetDOC offer a broad range of analyses on topical political, so- cial and cultural issues. The series includes articles published in ResetDOC’s online journal and original essays, as well as conferences and seminars proceedings. The Monographs of ResetDOC promote new insights on cultural pluralism and inter- national affairs. The Tunisian Exception Profile of a unique political laboratory Edited by Federica Zoja Reset Dialogues on Civilizations Scientific and Founding Committee Chair: José Casanova Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd (1943-2010), Katajun Amirpur, Abdullahi An-Na’im, Abdou Filali-Ansary, Giancarlo Bosetti, Massimo Campanini, Fred Dallmayr, Silvio Fagiolo (1938-2011), Maria Teresa Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Nina zu Fürstenberg, Timothy Garton Ash, Anthony Giddens, Vartan Gregorian, The Monographs of ResetDOC Renzo Guolo, Hassan Hanafi, Nader Hashemi, Roman Herzog (1934-2017), Ramin Jahanbegloo, Jörg Lau, Amos Luzzatto, Avishai Margalit, Krzysztof Michalski (1948-2013), Andrea Riccardi, Olivier Roy, Publisher Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations Otto Schily, Karl von Schwarzenberg, Bassam Tibi, Roberto Toscano, Via Vincenzo Monti 15, 20123 Milan – Italy Nadia Urbinati, Umberto Veronesi (1925-2016), Michael Walzer.
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