Goppolino Jury Sworn by CHARLES A
Distribution Today , 27,050 toflght Unrln mU to IBK | y, con- JferiBank Arid J mBd, ehaMt of showers. Jjufc Register, Inc., IMS, DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS VOL. 89, na 117 9, 1966 7c PER COPY , PAGE ONE , ms $1 Million Salary Pact By FRANK WiHARBOUR Under the new law (S-24B). transportation and the like, to $9,879, and MA plus 30 points riod, from $3,100 to $5,400, with to break the agreements made All the pay raises for this year '' MIDDLETOWN — The Board passed earlier this year, voters would have to be cut, but not $6,600 to $10,400. in 12 steps. $200 Increments. last night. will come out of the new state Of Education, under provisions of will not be able to1 do anything salaries," Mid School Superin- Tha annual increment is $3W.- For maintenance men, the Sidney Sender, president of the sales tax aid, the board ex- «(new state tutute, last night about it tendent Paul F. Lefever. 'This' 50. ' guide ranges from $4,750 to $S,- Middletown Education Associa- plained. < Unproved a three-year salary The statute provides that, new law 'provides a great pro- For 1967-68, die BA degree 850, with $225 increments, and tion, said the pacts resulted from During the negotiations, teach- : p»et which will cost taxpayers where there Is a salary agree- tection, to' teachers and other range is $5,750 to $9,660, and cor- for custodians, $4,350 to $$,300, five mantis of negotiation be- ers were also represented by Wa|.
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