Reports of Annual Meetings, ii, xvi, xxiv, li, Ixiv, Ixviii, Ixxxv, cii Exemption of Funds from Income Tax, vi Essay Competitions, vi, xxii, xxxvii, liv, Ixvi, Ixix, xciii, cv Drawin Competitions, iii, x, xxii, xxxvii, liv, Ixvi Summer Excursions, vi, xxi, xxxvi, liii, Ixvi, Ixix, Ixxxvi, ci Additions to Roll of Members, xi, xxviii, xlii, lix, Ixxvi, xc Abstract of Accounts, xii, xxix, xlvii, lx, Ixxviii, Ixxx, xciv, cvi Abstract of Meteorological Observations, xiv, xxxi, xlix, Ixii, Ixxxii, Ixxxiii, xcvi, cviii Agreement between Perth Town Council and Society, xix Roll of Members at May, 1938, cix


John G. Millais, F.Z.S., ...... xlii Rev. Frederick Smith, F.G.S.E., ...... xliii Geo. F. Bates, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.M.S., ...... xliv Prof. Wm. C. M Intosh, ...... lv William Wylie, ...... xci Robert Hunt Meldrum, ...... xci Robert R. Boag Watson, ... ,...... xci G. P. K. Young, F.R.I.B.A ...... xci Surgeon-Capt. Chas. G. Matthew, M.B., G.M., R.N., ...... xci William Ellison, J.P., ...... xcii Henry Coates, F.S.A.Scot., ...... xcii


The Making of New Plants. By Dr. Edith P. Smith i A Walk Through the Botanic Gardens in Summertime. By James Campbell, i Bird-Ringing Results in Perthshire. By Lord Scone vi Out with the National Lightship Hesperus. By Peter M Laren xv Notes on Prehistoric Remains at Kindrochet, Comrie. By Thos. M Laren. xv Plant Breeding. By Wm. Robb xvi The Ice Age in Scotland. By Dr. D. E. I. Innes xvi Faraday: His Work and Influence. By Prof. W. Peddle. xxxiii The Ancestry of the Human Family. By Prof. D. R. Dow xxxiii The Story of the Sea Trout. By W. J. M. Menzies xxxiii Polyzoa at Muirhall Reservoir, Perth. By Cyril Walmesley xxxiii Whaling and Salmon Running in Alaska. By Harry Clouston 1 My First Visit to the Continent. By Prof. Steggafl 1 Sense Organs in Plants. By M. Y. Orr 1 The Adder. By Dr. Morrison 1 A Hi hland Study. By Dr. Arthur Geddes 1 Museums in Relation to the Community. By J. Ritchie 1 Quarrymill Mollusca. By A. Waterston li The General Characters of the Old Red Sandstone Lavas of the Tay Basin. By Dr. F. Walker and C. F. Davidson Ixiv The Ben Lui E cursion of 1933. By Wm. Malloch Ixiv On Church Tokens. By D. L. Edwards Ixiv Vitamins. By Dr. D. Stiven Ixvii On the Making of New Stars. By Dr. D. E. Rutherford Ixvii 2 INDEX.

Whales and Whaling. By Dr. A. Stephen. Ixvii Muddlin Through. By Wm. Malloch ... Ixvii Eel Worm in the Potato. By John Ritchie Ixvii The Amateur Naturalist. By Prof. A. D. Peacock Ixxxv The British Museum Expedition to the Mountains of East Africa, 1934-5. By Dr. Geo. Taylor Ixxxv Fiji nd the Fijians. By Robt. Kerr I xxv Mimicry in Nature. By W. P. Nairne Ixxxv The Geological Survey and Museum, London. By C. F. Davidson. ... Ix xv The False Killer Whales Stranded at the Mouth of the Tay in November Last. By John Ritchie Ixxxv Abnormal Inci ors of Rabbit. By John Ritchie Ixxxv The Society s Mountaineering Excusion to the Trenches, Balquhidder, in August Last. By Wm. Malloch Ixxxv The Plant Geography of Britain. By Prof. J. R. Matthews Ixxxvi Art and Natural History in China. By Wm. Malloch Ixxxvi Harvey and the Heart. By Prof. R. Rutherford Dow Ixxxvii Rock Gardens for the Year. By David Wilkie Ixxxvii Musical Instruments Through the Ages. By D. R. Langdon, Mus. Bac Ixxxvii Modern Dahlias. By D. A. Torrance Ixx vii Farming Problems. By A. D. C. Main, B.Sc Ixxxvii Silver Fox Farming. By J. M. D. Mackenzie ci Photography. By P. K. M’Laren ci, cii My African Journey. By A. W. Brown cii Life in Upper Assam and Manipur. By Rev. D. Rutherford, M.A cii The Cultivation of Annuals. By Mr. Rennie cii Space. By Cyril Walmesley civ Finsler s Comet. By Cyril Walmesley : ci An Ascidion from Dundee Harbour. By L. Comrie, B.Sc ci A Note of Research on Salmon Parasites, done by Mr. G. F. Friend. By . Wm. Malloch ci ROCEEDINGS -PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. 1.

WINTER SESSIO , 1929-30.

8th November, 1929.

William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

This meeting was held jointly with the Royal Perthshire Horticultural Society. Henry Coates, E.S.A.Scot., delivered a lecture entitled Through the Dolomites. (See Transactions, Vol. IX, Part I, Hage 1.) The Lecture was illustrated with a series of lantern slides from photographs taken by the lecturer.

13th December, 1929.

William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

astair Cram delivered a Lecture entitled Climbing Among Scottish Mountains.” (See Transactions, Yol. IX., Part I, Page 3.) The Lecture was illustrated with a series of lantern slides ifrom photographs taken by the lecturer.

10th January, 1930.

William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

Dr. Edith P. Smith, B.A., Ph.D., F.L.S., University College. Dundee, delivered a Lecture on “The Making of New Plants. he Lecture was illustrated with a series of l ntern slides.

5th February, 1930.

Jointly with the Royal Horticultural Society of Perthshire.

Ex-Bailie Thomas Hunter, J.P., occupied the chair.

Mr James Campbell, of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edin- hurgli, delivered a Lecture entitled “A Walk through the Botanic Gardens in Summertime.” The Lecture w s illustrated with a series of lantern slides. ii. PROCEEDINGS PEHTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF N TURAL SCIENCE.

14th February, 1930.

George F. Ba es, B.A., B.Sc., F.B.M.S., Vice-President, in he Chair.

Dr. Broch, Nor h Queensfcrry, elivere a Lecture on Place. ames. (See Transactions, Vol. IX., P rt I, Page 10.)


William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

Office-bearers for 1930-31 were elected as follows: President William Malloch, B.Sc. Vice-Presidents Charles Brand; Philip H. Webb, M.Sc. James A. Forsyth; James Angus, M.A., B.Sc.; Secretary and Libraria John Ritchie, F.R.A.I. Treasurer -James Winter. Editor Henry Coates, F.S.A.Scot. Members of Council James Menzies; Cyril Wahnsley, M.I.C.E.; Alastair Cram; Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc. F. .S.E., J.P.; Thomas M Laren, F.S.A.Scot.; Andrew R. Wilson. Trustees Lord Scone, B.A., F.Z. ., M.B.O.U.; Melville Gray; F. Norie-Miller, J.P., F.E.I.S.; Robert Hunter. The Annu l Reports were submitted as follows:

Report of Council. The Council have pleasure in presenting to the members of the Society their 63rd Annual Report. Six Monthly Meetings were held during the year. Five Council Meetings were held during the year. Twenty-four Ordinary Members were admitted during the- year, and the membership now stands at 303, made up as followsHon. Members, 3; Corresponding Members, 8; Associates, 6; Associate Members, 7; Life Me bers, 13 Ordinary Members, 266. By de th the Society has lost thirteen members, these being Messrs W. G. Smith, Fred. E. Fenwick, Thomas Macpherson, Miss Howie, Dr. David Dempster, Messrs J. . Wyllie, J. J. Forbes, Neil Gow, The Hon. Lord , Messrs James. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OP NATURAL SCIENCE. iii.

¦Calderwood, E. Morrison Pullar, John Duff and Dr. Andrew Thomson. Four members have resigned. By the dea h of Colonel Drummond-Hay, the Society has lost the last of the Trustees, and the Council agreed in terms of the Society s Constitution to recommend the following gentle¬ men to be Trustees of the Society: Lord Scone, Mr Melville Gray, Mr Eobert Hunter, and Mr F. Norie-Miller. The Council are glad that these gentlemen have accepted the Trustee-ship, and by their appointment they feel that the Societ ’s affairs are in safe hands. During the summer, five excursions were arranged, all of hich were carried through except the Eannoch Excursion on 6th July. The Council desire to thank the proprietors who so kindly granted permission to traverse their grounds, and others ho assiste in carrying out the programme. During the summer several members of the Society assisted the Council in the bird-ringing scheme, and in all 381 birds were ringed. The 32nd E say Competition for chil ren attendin Perth- •shire schools was on Perthshire Ferns, and 142 essays were sent in. The prizes and certificates were presente by Lady Scone on 19th October, 1929.. The. Council desire to thank the examiners, Miss Morrison, Miss Barclay, and Messrs Nairn, Matthew, and Coates, for their work. The Council , are again indebted to Mr Melville Gray for his continued interest in the Society, and for furnishin the means to enable the Drawing Competition to be continued, which was so successful last year. -The Competition is open to Scholars in Perthshire for the drawing of Birds exhibited in the Museum collections, and the Council hope that it will be taken advantage of.

¦ aturae His ory Drawing and Painting Compe i io .

' u Second Annual Report.

The results obtained in the second competition compare favourabl with those of last year, but it is to be regretted that while the entries have been more than doubled the number of orks submitted has fallen considerably. Mait competitors submit only one work and frequently this is unfinished. Under such circumstances it is difficult to arrive t-hi fair'decision. . J I would suggest that in future subjects should be set, an at least two finished works submitted for judgment. ¦¦¦ Stu ents still Work bn the wrong side of the paper and pay little attention to the proper placing of their subject.' iv. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIE Y OF NATURAL SCIE CE.

The sections, as before, were divided into three: Section 1 Age 10 to 12. Section 2 ge 12 to 15. Section 3 Age 15 to 18. The general standard was highest in Section 2, and the first and second prize-winners showed excellent work. In Section 1 the work was good and the handling of the me ium onderfully sound. In Section 3 the Black nd White was poor but the painting- in this section showed considerable talent. The prize-winners, were distinctly above the average. I feel some alteration might be made on the lines on whic the competition is run at present. I would suggest the drawings be judged, in the first place, by experts in Natural History, and their selections passed on to- those competent to judge the works as drawings. To those ho have been unsuccessful in gaining prizes I would say, Carry on: judges are not infallible. (Signed) DAVID P. RAMSAY, Judge.

Repo of Librarian. he Library continues to be made use of for reference pur¬ poses, not only by members, but also by the public. During the year exchanges from other Societies continue to a d to the Library. Among other books added to the Librar are th following. By C. G. Matthew, Es ., Craigmakerran, Guildtown “The Ferns (Eilicales), by F. 0. Bower, Sc.D., LL.D. By I. Menzies, Esq., Scott Street, Perth “Outlines of British Eungology," by Rev. M. J. Berkeley By James Robertson, Esq., Solicitor, Perth “Chiefs of Clan Donnachaidh, 1275-1749, and the Highlands of Bannockburn." By Glover Incorporation, Perth Deacon ilson s Annals of the Glover Incorporation" (revise e ition). Purchases “The Planktonic Diatoms of Northern Seas," by Marie V. Lebour. “An Essay on Population," 2 volumes, by T. R. Malthus. “ Se Fisheries Statistical T ble, 1928." “Susswasser Flora," 8 volumes. “, Its Straths and Glens Historical an Descri ¬ tive." PBOCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NA URAL SCIENCE. V.

A Black Watch Episode, by H. D. MacWilliam. ater Anal sis,” by J. Alfred Wanklyn and Ernes Theo bron Chapman. The Timbers of Commerce and their Identifications,” by Herbert Stone, F.R.C.I. Edible and Poisonous Fungi,” issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. “The Methods of Microscopical Research,” by A. C. Cole. “Angus or Forfarshire,” Vols. 1 to 5, by A. J. Warden. Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments Dumfries¬ shire, East Lothian, and Outer Hebrides. “The and Elcho a Parish Histor ,” by J. Ballingal, B.D. “Pearls,” by W. J. Dakin. “British Hardwoods: their Structure and Identification.” “The Vivarium,” by the Rev. Gregory C. Bateman.

Report of Treasurer. (See Abstract of Accounts for the year ended 28th February, 1930, Page xii.)

Report of Editor. The Editor reported that the only Publication issued durin the past year was Part VI of Volume VIII of the Transactions and Proceedings of the Society. This Part completed the volume, and so contained full Indices of the Transactions and the Proceedings, as well as a List of the Members as at 30th October, 1930. In addition to these eight volumes, the Society had published two earlier volumes of Proceedings, for 1869-70, and 1881-86 respectively, making ten volumes in all. The President then delivered his Annual Address, the subject being “Some Aspects of the Herring Family. (See rans- actions, Vol. IX., Part I., Page ) The Address was illustrated with specimens and lantern slides. The Meeting then took the form of a Members Night, when the following short papers were read: 1. “Report of Delegates to the Centenary Meetings of the atural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by Henry Coates, F.S.A. Scot. (Se.e Transactions, Vol. IX., Part I, Page 28.) 2. “Recent additions of Cyprceidae and Conidae to the Con- chological Collections in the Museum,” by Henry Coates, F.S.A.Scot.) (See Transactions, VoL IX., Part I., Page 29.) 3. “Notes on Col. Drummond-Hay’s Herbarium,” by Surgeon-Captain C. G. Matthew, R.N., (See Trans¬ actions,, Vol. IX., Part I., Page 31.) VI. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIE CE.

4. Note on Saxifraga livularis in Perthshire, by William Young. (S e Transactions, Yol. IX., Parti., Page 34.) B.A., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. , 5. “Bird-Ringing Resul s in Perthshire,” by Lord Scone, B.A., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. 6. “Zoological otes,” by John Ritchie, F.R.A.I.

14th August, 1980. MEETING OF COUNCIL.

William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

The Chairman reported tha he had a tended the Hearing of the Appeal b the Society a ainst the claim for Income Tax on the Invested Funds of the Society, and that he had made a statement to the-Commissioners regarding the objects and aims of the Society, pointing out that, from its origin, it ad en¬ deavoured to be of utility to the Public. The Commissioners found that the Society was doing goocthvork, which was of value to thei communit , and therefore ordained that the Funds should be exempt fro Income Tax.


The following Excursions were arranged: 9th June. and Falls of Bruar. Leader -Mr inter. 28th June. Balcoshie, Pittenweem. Joint E cursion with the Royal Perthshire Horticultural Society. 9th August.—Wallace Road, via Paris Bridge, Glenfar . 25th August. Mountaineering E cursion to Cairn Gorm. Leader JMr Alastair Cram. September—Drummond Castle.

• ¦ ¦ 17th October, 1930.


William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair. The Prize-Giving in connection with the Thirty-Thi d Annual Children s Essay Competition for the Charles MTntosh Prizes, an the Second Museum Drawing Competition, took place in the Lecture Room on the afternoon of Saturday, 18th October, PROCEEDINGS -PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAE SCIENCE. vii.

1930. There was a good attendance of Competitors, as well as a number of Members of the Society. Mrs G. F. Bates presented the Prizes, and afterwards M Bates addressed the competitors. A vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Bates was moved by Mr Henry Coates, who stated that this would probably be Mr Bates s last appearance amongst them in n official capacity, at least for some time to come, as he was about to leave Perth to take up his residence in the South. He referred to the valu¬ able work he had done in Perth and Perthshire in connection with the Society, and especiall in p omotin a love of Nature Stu y mongst the young peo le of the county. On the motion of Bector Smail a vote of thanks was also accorded to the Judges, and, on the motion of Mr Bitchie, to the Chairman. The subject of the Essay Competition was Perthshire Fishes.’’ 108 Essays were sent in, b 58 girls and 50 boys, connected with seven schools in the county. The Me al was awarded to Agnes Mackenzie, The Gardens, Doune Lodge, Doune, a pupil of the M Laren High School, Callander, for an essay of exceptional merit. CHILD EJSI S SSAY COMPETITION, 1929-30. III. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATU AL SCIENCE. For the Charles MTntosh Prizes. Subject Perthshire Fishes. Age 15 years and over.

PRIZES. Name. Address. School. 1. Agnes Macke zie The Gardens, Doune Lodge, Doune McLaren High School, Callander 2. Agnes Mac ab Burnside, Tyndrum, Perthshire : ¦McLaren High School, Calland r 3. David Alfre Ronald Cairns Brooklinn, Callander McLaren High School, Callander

CERTIFICA ES. Arthur James Taylor Police Station, , Perthshire Balhousie Boys’ School, Perth Margaret Smith Norrieston House, Thornhill, Stirling McLaren High School, Callander Ian obertson Auchtoo, Balquhidder, Strathyre, Perthshire McLaren High School, Callander Agnes Waddell Blair Cottage, Dunblane McLaren High School, Callander Age 14 years. prizes. . 1. Ian . Mill Elmbank, Callander McLaren High School, Callander 2. Euphemia M Dougall Galloway 60 High Street, Dunblane McLaren High School, Callander 3. Mary E. M'Coid Smart s Cottag s, Gartmore McLaren High School, Callander

CERTIFICATES. Donald Macintyre Gartlands, Callander McLaren High School, Callander Nancy Denovan 88 Main Street, Callander McLaren High School, Callander Kathleen ellar Cawdor Crescent, Dunblane McLaren High School, C llan er Joyce Marsh ll Kilmadock, Doune McLaren High School, Callan er David De ar C meron Severie, Doune McL ren High School, Callander Davidina Raitt Craigellachie, Esher Crescent, Callander McLaren High School, Callander Enna Campbell 51 Main Street, Doune McL ren High School, Callander Age 13 years. PROCEEDINGS PER HSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIE CE. ix. PRIZES. 1. Charlie Maclaren Mitchell Ancaster r s Hotel, C llande McLaren High School, Callande 2. Alex. Baird Caputh Glendelvine School, and Betty Stewart C ledonian Place, Dunblane McLaren High School, Callander 3. Marga et Paul Hall Cottage, Caputh. Glendelvine School, Murthly and Robert Henderson M Kie 23 Springfield Terrace, Dunblane McLaren High School, Callander CERTIFICATES. Jack Bedford Cargill Smithy, Meikleour jS ewbigging Public School Betty Stewart Well Cottage, Main Street, hornhill McLaren High School, Callander J mes'M'Lean Dunn Laird Old Farm, Blair Drummond, by ..Stir¬ ling McLaren High School, Calland r Marion Harvey Croft Hope, Argaty, Doune McLar n High School, Call nder Maisie Buchanan Rossburn Lane, by Stirling McLaren High School, Callander Thom s?'Alex nder Frame Tower House, Abei-foyle McLaren High School, Callander Dunc n Merizies M Lean Monachyle, Balquhidder, by: Strath- yre McLaren High School, Call nder Jessie Robertson Bu side of Cargill, b Meikleour Newbigging Public School Nessie M Killop Wolf hill, by Perth Newbigging Public School Ella Chalmers Auchtergaven Auchtergaven Public School G eorge Rober son Auchtergaven Auchtergaven Public School

Age 12 years. PRIZES. 1. George Tho son - Claypotts, Caputh, Murthly Glendelvine School, Murthly 2. Julia Morrison Auchtertyre, Crianlarich McLar n High School, Callander 3. Janet Waugh Rose Cottage, Aberfoyle McLaren High School, Callander , . . . , CERTIFICATES. Willi mena Meldru 19 Springfield Terrace, Dunblane1 McLaren High School, Callander William Edward B oadfield 7 Aros Lane, Callander McLaren High School, Callander Margaret Denovan 88 Main Street, Callander McLaren High School, Callander Age 11 years. PHIZES* 1. Harry Robertson Burnside Cottage, Cargill, Meikleour Newbi ging School PRO0KEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIE Y OF NA URAL SCIENCE. 2. Annie M Kinlay Spittalfleld Glendelvine School CEKTIFIC TES. Sandy Watson Auchterg ven Auchtergaven School Alexa der M. Smith Cranley, Meikleour Meikleour School DRAWING COMPETITION. For Prizes presented by Mr. Melville Gray. Painting. Age IS to 18 years. Name. Address. School. 1. Earnest Balls Craigmuir, , near Perth Aca emy, Pert 2. Herbert De ar 32 Hi h Street, Newbur h, Fife Perth Academy, Perth 3. Joseph Wilkie 21 King Street, Perth Southern District School, P rth Black-and-White. Age 15 to 18 years. 1. Earnest Balls Craigmuir, Madderty, near Crieff Perth Academy, Perth 2. Jose h Wilkie 21 King Stree , Perth Southern District School, Perth 3. Helen Wallace 36 Princes Street, Perth Continuation Classes, Pe th Black- nd-White. Age 12 to 14 years. 1. Alistair M Cheyne Viewfield Place, Crieff Road, Perth Northern District School, Perth 2. David Brown 36 High Street, Perth St John School, Perth 3. Flora Penney East Saucher, , Perthshire Scone Public School, Scone, Perth Black-and-White. Age 10 to 11 years. 1. Raymo d Philips 8 New Ro , Perth C ledonian Road School, Perth 2. Ella Watson Lynedoch Road, Scone Scone Public School, Scone, Pe th 3. An e v Morrjso 2 James Street, Perth Southern District School, Pe th JPROCEEMNGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. XI. ADDITIONS TO THE ROLL OF MEMBERS. MEMBERS ELECTED BETWEEN 31st OCTOBER, 1929, AND 31st OCTOBER, 1930.

Associate Members. fsart, Antoine, Eden Bank, Scone ... 1 th May, 1930. ¦Clement, Alastair, 4 Shepherd s Buildings, Low Road, Cherrybank 15th August, 1930.

Ordinary Members. Barron, Mrs., Ardchoile, Aberfoyle 20th October, 1930. Burnell, Dr. Alfred C., Darina, Bellwood Park, Perth 13th Dec., 1929. Chinnery-Haldane, J. Broderick, Gleneagles, Auchter- arder 14th Eeb., 1930. Jack, A. D., Garrick House, Barnhill, Perth 14th Feb., 1930. Lindsay, John, jun., Mayfield, Needless Road, Perth 7th Sept., 1930. M Beath, David ICeir, Ballochyle, Sandbank, Argyll 30th July, 1930. M lver, Dr. D. P„ M.C., M.B., C.P.H., County Council Offices, Perth 2 rd June, 1930. Montgomery, Miss Lena Graham, Kennacoil, Dunkeld 10th Jan., 1930. Bcrimgeour, Willia S., 5 George Street, Perth ... 1 th Dec., 1929. Small, William M., Rector, The Academy, Perth ... 3rd uly, 1930. S ith, George Chrystal, 1 Pitcullen Crescent, Perth ... 14th Feb., 1930. S yth, Miss Isabel S., Strathbank, 30th June, 1930 ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS for Year ending 28th February, 1930,

INCOME. EXPE DITURE. Subscriptions of Members £72 13 6 Heating, Lightin , etc. ... £26 8 8 Life Members 10 10 0 Janitor ... 6 10 0 Melville Gray, Esq., for Drawing Competition .. 5 0 0 Other Societies 4 2 0 Sundries B nk Interest, 10/7; K.H.S. of P., 5/- Printing 1 3 3 Book sold by Secretary, 2/- 0 17 7 Books and Magazin s 8 13 9 Sundries 10 4 7± 89 1 1 Drawing Competition 5 0 0 Balance from last Account 26 12 6± £75 2 3 Balance in Bank ...... £ 14 8 Due by Treasurer 0 1 8* £45 9 Less M Intosh Account ... £4 10 9 Due Treasurer 0 7 3k 4 18 o 40 11 4 £115 13 U 115 13 7* PUBLICATIONS ENDOWMENT FUND.

£500 4% Consolidated S ock (at cost) 428 9 9 April 18. Munro Press, Ltd £33 5 0 Interest for year to 1st Februar , 1930, less ta ... 16 0 0 £500 4% Consolidated Stock (at cost) m 9 9 Cash in Bank at close of last Account 8 0 9 Sum charged to P.S.N.S. Account 9 4 3

£461 14 9 £461 14 9


City of Pe th Loan at 4|% ... £130 0 0 Prizes and Printing £6 9 0 Interest for year to 11th Nov., 1929, less tax 4 18 10 Balance in Bank (P.S. .S. Account) 10 9 Balance from last Account 3 13 7 City of Perth Loan 130 0 0 Income Tax refunded 2 7 4 £140 19 9 £1 0 19 9

Perth, 13th March, 1930. Exa ined, compared with the vo uchers, and found correct.


BARO¬ HYGRO¬ RAIN WIND DIRECTION SUNSHINE METER AIR TEMPERATURE. METER CO w EH Absolute Maximum Mean at O Number of Observations at Mean at and Mimimum 9 a.m. % 9 a. . and 3 p. . O Sea ep 5- REMARKS. 3 Level Differ- o ft 3 ft a d e ce « o ¦8 C 3 CD °3 1 ft 32° Maxi- ini- Mea from. 1 Day D y - p ft, To al A ft Fahr. m m m > of A. Aver- •f? of of - F ll S o3Q

Inches 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 ; TWm mm N NE E SE S SW NW Hours JAN. 30-261 38-7 27-3 33-0 -4-0 52 31 16 2, 28 32-6 32-0 2 -7 15 5-9 9 3 9 4 8 1 11 6 20 0 35-7 17 S ow at beginnin of month. Kestof month'wet and cold. FEB. 30-021 38-0 27-1 3 *5 - 5-1 52 4 11 14 31-7 31-5 37-5 10 9-0 2 0 7 6 22 4 11 2 4 0 56-6 17 Rain at beginnin of month. Snow from 14th to 16th & 24th to e d. MAR. 30-249 54-1 32-7 43- + 3-3 68, 28 9 20 1 41-5 39-2 15-4 7 -1 20 1 0 2 10 3 26 5 15 0 163.2 24 Very warm month ith practic- ally no rain. APRIL 29-9 5Q-8 3 -7 43-3 -1-2 59 18 28 26 44-9 41-0 ' 22-2 11 11-6, 28: 3 a 0 15 1 22 0 124-8 27 S o fell in middle of month, ith high winds at times. M Y 29-898 59-9 42-1 51-0 + 1-2 74 27 25 1 51-6 48:3 59-6 15 14-8. 6 ; 0 0 2 38 5 16 1 0 0 16 -3 28 Unsettled for first half of month , hi h i ds. So e bright periods JUNE 29-876 64-5 46-0 55-3 -0- 75 26 8 56-2 51-9 36-5 14 13-5 1 0 6 0 14 2 29 0 9 0 212-9 28 Showery during month. Cool, with 35 a oo , deal bri ht sunshine. JULY 29-913 67-3 50-7 59-0 + 0-6 78 15 41 1 ,25 59-5 5 -9 90:0 14 29-2 31 1 7 1 13 0 37 0 3 0 167-8 26 Wet at be innin & end of month* Much sun in middle of month. AUG. 29-823 64-3 49-7 57-0 -0-3 70 9 42 8 57-1 5 -0 76-7 23 13-5 10 0 2 1 9 1 39 4 6 0 139- 27 Fairly et throu hout onth- Cool. 1 9-4 SEPT. 29- 56 ¦ 64-5 : a-6 1 56-5 ; + 3-2 i 74 i 1 34 17 54-8 52-3 10-2 : 7 5-3 3 1 0 0 6 2 40 3 8 0 28 Dry, warm o t . OCT. 29-582 53-6 : 40-2 46-9 6 14 ; 24 31 46-9 44-4 91-6 ' 19 19-& 1 2 : 2 0 4 1 3 2 1 0 113-8 26 Wet mont , it brig t periods. Wind * NOY. 29-522 48-1 35-1 41-6 + 0-5 56 7 19 15 40-7 39-6 81-7 24 14-9 18 0 2 0 12 2 41 0 3 0 56-3 19 Wet month; unsettled and windy. DEC. 29-387 45-1 35-7 40-4 + 2-9 55 13 ; 23 1 22 40dD> 88.-3 1103- 25 13-9 , 28. 0 : 2 . 0 ; 6 1 0 0 52-3 21 Wettest month of year, with very hi h winds.

Total or Average 29-880 54-0 39-2 46-6 + 0-1 649-5 184 12 40 24 154 23 345 25 107 0 1436-5 288 for year Hi hest 78 15-vii 29-2 31vii 212-9 Lowest 11 14-2 35-7 Height of Station above Sea Level=77 feet. Position 56° 24 N. Lat., 3° 27 W. Lon . JOHN RITCHIE, Observer. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. XV.


7th November, 1930.

William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

Henry Coates, F.S.A.Scot., delivered a Lecture entitled The Eecent Excavations at Ur of the Chaldees. The Lecture was illustrated with a series of lantern slides.

12th December, 1930.

William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

This Meeting took the form of a ” Members ight,” when the following short Papers were read: 1. Out with the National Lightship Hesperus, by Peter M Laren. 2. ” Notes on Prehistoric Remains at Kindrochet, Comrie,” by Thomas M Laren, F.S.A.Scot. 3. Note on Carboniferous Fossils from Dollar,” by Henry Coates, F.S.A.Scot., (See Transactions, Vol. IX., Part I, Page 30.) 4. Museum Notes,” by John Eitchie, F.R.A.I. 5. ‘‘ Notes on Two Ne Perthshire Algae,” by John Eitchie, F.E.A.I. (Vol IX., Part II., page 68). 6. ‘‘ The Natural History of the Firth of Tay,” by W. B. lexander, M.A., (S'ee Transdciions, Vol. IX., Part II., P ge 35). 7. otes on Boulder Found in the Excay fions on the New Academy Site at Perth,” by G. F. Bates, B.A., B.Sc. (See Transactions, Vol. IX., Part II., Pa e 43).

9th January, 1931.

Joi tly with the Eoyal Horticultur l Society of Perthshire

William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

Mr. E. H. M. Cox delivered a Lecture on ‘‘Rare Plants.” (See Transactions, Vol. IX., Part II., Page 44). The Lecture was illustrated with a fine series of colour d lantern slides. xvi. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

4th February. 1931.

Jointly with the Royal Horticultural Society of Perthshire.

Alfred W. Brown in the Chair.

Mr. William Robb, of the Plant Breeding Research Station, Corstorphine, delivered a Lecture on Plant Breeding. The Lecture was illustrated with diagrams and lantern slides.

13th February, 1931.

Philip H. Webb, M.Sc., Vice-President, in the Chair.

Dr. Innes, Reader in Geology at St. Andrew s University, delivered a Lecture on The Ice Age in Scotland. ” The Lecture was illustrated with a series of lantern slides.


William Malloch, B.Sc., President, in the Chair.

Office-bearers for 1931-32 were elected as follows : President Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., J.P. Vice-Presidents Philip H. Webb, M.Sc.; J mes Angus, M.A., B. Sc.; James Menzies; Cyril Walmesley, M.I.C.E. Secretary and Librarian John Ritchie, F.R.A.I. Treasurer James Winter. Editor Henry Coates, F.S.A.Scot. Members of Council Alistair Cram; Thomas M Laren, F.S.A. Scot.; Andrew R. Wilson; William Malloch, B.Sc.; Miss C. Barclay; Miss Maggie Lyall, M.A., B.Sc. Trustees Lord Scone, B.A., F.Z.S. , M.B.O.U.; Melville Gray; F. Norie-Miller, J.P., F.E.I.S.; Robert Hunter. The Annual Reports Were submitted as follows:

. itEPORT of Council. The Council have pleasure in presenting to the members of the Society their 6 th Annual Report. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE, xyii.

Eight Monthly Meetings were held during the ear. Three of these were held jointly with the Royal Horticultural Society. Four Council Meetings were held during the year. Two Associate Members and Nine Ordinary Members were admitted during the year, and the membership now stands t 299: Associates, 6; Associate Members, 9; Life Members, 15; Ordinary Members, 258; Hon. Members, 3; Corresponding Members, 8. By death the Society has lost five members, these being Messrs. J. Clacher, Arthur Bennet, George A. Miller, Rt. Hon. The Earl of Moray, and Sir illiam Dunbar. During the summer five e cursions were a ranged, all of which were carried through, and the Council desire to thank the proprietors who so kindly granted permission to tra,verse their grounds, and others who assisted in carrying out the programme. During the summer, several members of the Society assisted the Council in the bird-ringing scheme, and in all 462 birds were ringed. The 33rd Essay Competition for children attending Perth¬ shire Schools, was on Perthshire Fishes. There were one hundred and eight essays sent in. The Medal, Prizes and Certi¬ ficates were presented by Mrs. G. F. Bates on the 18th October, 1930. The Council desire to thank the E aminers, Messrs. Malloch, airne, Coates, Angus, and Ritchie, for their work. The Council are indebted to Mr. Melville Gray for his con¬ tinued interest in the Society, and for furnishing the means by which the Society will be enabled to carry through the Drawing Competition, open to Scholars in Perthshire, for the rawing of objects in the Museum collection, and the Council hope that there will be a satisfactory entry.

Report cf Librarian. The following is a list of the Books added to the Library: Presented by Lord Forteviot: Empire Forestry Journal,” Vol. LVIL, No. II. “ Proc. of the Zoological Society of London,” Part I. Proc. of the Zoological Society of London,” 1929, Part IV Trans, of the Zoological Society of London,” Vol. XXI., Part II. Presented by Mr. H. Coates: “ Fossil Conchology,” by Captain Thomas Brown, M.P.S.

Books Purchased: Diseases of Plants,” by Tubeuf and Smith. “ The Early Use of Metals,” by T. A. Richard. Live Stock in Health and Disease,” in 5 Vols. xviii. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

Annals of Aucliterarder and Memoirs of Strathearn, by A. G. Eeid. The Advance of Photography, by Garret. The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland, in 3 Vols., by J. G. Millais. Life in Inland Waters, by Kathleen E. Carpenter. ” Mineralogy, by Henry A. Miers. The Structure and Development of the Eungi,” by Gwynne Vaughan. ” The A uatic (Naiad) Stage of the British Dragonflies, by m. John Lucas, B.A., from the Eay Society, 1930. Directory of useums and Art Galleries in the British Isles,” cornpiled by the Museums Association. ” General Table of Bamfall,” in 1929, from the Meteoro¬ logical Office. ” Craftsmen s Measures in Prehistoric Times.” ” Index to Proc. of the Zoological Society of London,” 1921-1928. The Olegochaeta,” by J. Stephenson, M.B., D.Sc. The Coleqptera of the British Islands,” Vol. IV. ” Browne’s Highland Clans, in IV. Vols.

Eeport op Treasurer. (See Abstract of Accounts for the year ended 28th February, 1931, Page .)

Eeport of Editor. The Editor reported that the only Publication issued during the past year was Part I., Vol IX., of the Transactions and Proceedings of the Society. The President then delivered his Annual Address, the subject being ‘‘Supplementing ature. (See T ansactions, Vol. IX., Page 48). The Address was illustrated with diagrams, lantern slides, and a Path6 cinema film. Thereafte the slides of the Lantern Slide Competition in connection with the Scottish Photographic Fede ation were exhibited, the new section of colour slides being particularly interesting. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE, xix.

26th May, 1931. An EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the Societ was, held in the Museum, Tay Street, at 7.30 this evening.

Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., E.R.S.E., J.P., President, in the Chair.

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. William Malloch, B.Sc., the following Agreement between the Perth Town Council and the Society was unanimously approved:

Minute of Ag eement. Minute of Agreement between the Lord Provost, Magistrates nd Councillors of the City and Royal Burgh of Perth (herein¬ after called the Corporation ) on the one part, and the Right Honourable L rd Scone, Balboughty, by Perth; Melville Gray, Bowerswell, Perth; Francis Norie-Miller, Cleeve, Perth, and Robert Hunter, One hundred and twenty-three Glasgow Road, Perth, as Trustees of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science; Edward Smart, Ten Tullylumb Terrace, Perth, President of said Society; Philip Henry Webb, Dunwood, ; James ngus, Perth Academy, Rose Terrace, Perth; James Menzies, One hundred and seventeen Scott Street, Perth, and Cyril Walmesley, Four Albert Place, King Street, Perth, Vice- Presidents of said Society; Henry Coates, Rydal, Wheatridge L ne, Torquay, Editor of said Society; John Ritchie, Craigie ark Villa, Edinburgh Road, Perth, Secretary and Librarian of said Society; Jame Winter, Four Rosemount Place, Perth, Treasurer of said qciety; and Alistair Oram, care of IVfessieurs Balfour and Manson, Twenty-four Castle Street, Edinburgh; Thomas M Laren, Redcliffe, Barnhill, Perth; Andrew Robin Wilson, Twenty-five South William Street, Perth; William Malloc , One hundred and thirty-seven Glasgow Road, Perth; Miss, Christ na C. B rclay, Perth Academy, Rose Terrace, Pqrth; and Mis Maggie Lyah, Perth Academy, Rose Terrace, Perth, members of Council of said Society, the said Trustees, Office-bearers and Metnbers being the Council of the said Perth¬ shire Society of Natural Science and duly authorised to enter into hese presents on behalf of said Society (hereinafter called the Society. ) On the other part Whereas the Corporation are prornofing in the present session of Parliament a Provisional Order to empower them, inter alia, to erect n art gallery and museum on a site which has been acquired by them in George Street nd C stle ble, Perth, nd to transfer the exhibit in the present Natural History Museum in T y Street, Perth, to the new buildings to be erected, and thereafter to dispose of the existing Natural History Museu XX. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

freed from all conditions or restrictions. And whereas the pro¬ posed new art gallery and museum will contain, i?iter alia, a lecture hall and a library, and the Corporation have agreed to grant to the Society the use, as hereinafter defined, of certain parts of the buildings on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth and in consideration thereof the Society have agreed to relinquish and discharge all rights which they at present possess in or in relation to the existing Natural Science Museum in T y Street: Therefore the parties have agreed and do hereby agree as follows, videlicet: Upon the Provisional Order being obtained and the Corpora¬ tion proceeding with the erection of the proposed new art gallery and museum the Corporation shall make provision in the new buildings for a lecture hall and library having accommodation at least equal to the lecture room and library in the e isting atural Science Museum in Tay Street. The Corporation shall grant to the Society the use of the lecture hall in the new building for the purpose of hol ing meetings, such meetings not to exceed twelve in number in any one year, and the Society shall have priority over all other parties in arranging the dates for these meetings provided (one) that the Society shall intimate to the Curator of the art gallery, or museum, not later than the thirty-first day of August in each' year, the dates on which they desire the lecture hall reserved for the ensuing season; (two) that such meetings will be restricted to purposes within the objects of the Society as these are set forth in the constitution of the Society and (three) that the Society shall w ive their right to priority on any particular date on which the lecture hall may be required by the Corporation for any special public function of local or national importance. Subject to the control, direction and management of the Curator of the Museum, the members of the Society shall also be entitled to the use of the laboratory and photographic dark- 1:0,om to be provided in the new museum, but such use shall not include any instruments, utensils, etcetera, therein belonging to the Corporation or provided by them. The Corporation shall provide accommodation in the library for the Society s books and the members of the Society shall have access to the library at all times during which the build¬ ings are open to the public. The libr ry shall be under the control of the Curator of the Museum, but no one other than a member of the Society shall be entitled to borrow any book which is the property of the Society. The Corporation will accommodate either in the library or in such other part of the museum, as they may find most convenient or suitable, any photographs or portraits belonging to the Society and which are at present ccommoda ed in the Tay Street Museum. The Society agree and hereby bind themselves to pay to the PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. XXI.

Corporation the sum of Twenty Pounds sterling per annum as their contribution towards the cost of lighting, heating and cleaning the premises.

In consideration of the provisions herein contained, the Society shall Eelin uish and ischarge all rights they may have in the existing Natural Science Museum.

This agreement is conditional on the passing into law of the Provisional Order hereinbefore referred to and of the Corpora¬ tion proceeding by virtue thereof to erect the proposed new art gallery and museum. Upon. the completion of the new premises this agreement shall come into full operation and shall subsist until the same shall be altered, varied or termin¬ ated by the mutual consent of both parties. It is hereby declared and agreed that the consent of the said Society may be validly given by the Council of the Society for the time being. Further declaring that until the new premises are com¬ pleted the arrangements at present in operation in connection with the e isting museum in Tay Street shall continue. The Society shall not be entitled without the express consent in writing of the Corporation to transfer or assign the rights con¬ ferred by this agreement to any other body, organisation or society, and such rights shall only continue and remain in force so long as the Society continues to function as a Society, whose sole object shall be the advancement of natural science and the promotion of public knowledge thereof.

The Testing Clause follows, in which all members, of Council and the Trustees signed on behalf of the Society, being duly witnessed by Miss Eedpath and Miss Wallace. The Lord Provost and Town Clerk signed on behalf of the Town Council, their signatures being duly witnessed by Mr Walker and Mr Tod .


The following Excursions were arranged: May 30. Corsie Hill and Kinnoull Hill. Joint Excursion with Eastern Section of the Scottish Photographic Federation. une 20. Glen Garr. Leader Mr. James Winter. August 1. Cromlix, Dunblane. Joint Excursion with the Eoyal, Perthshire Horticultural Society. August 24. Mountain Excursion to Schiehallion. .Leaden L /ML Alistair Cram. . h . ' h h h "..i Se tember 12. Kindrpchat, Comrie. Leader Miss - M. A. Boyle. xxii. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

lOtli October, 1931.


Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., E.R.S.E., President, in the Chair.

The Prize-Giving in connection with the Thirty-Fourth Annual Children s Essay Competition for the Charles M Intosh Prizes, and the Third Museum Drawing Competition, took place in the Lecture Room on the afternoon of Saturda , 10th October, 1931. There was a good attendance of competitors, as well as a number of members of the Society. The President gave a resumd of the essays, commenting on the few which were outstanding, and gave a ummary of the reports of the various examiners, who stated that the essays had been above the average, and that the Drawing Competition for the prizes presented by Mr Melville Gray had been reported on by Mr D. Scott Murray as on the hole very good. The President theri Scott Murray as on the whole very good. The President then called upon Miss Barbara Smythe, of Moulin-Almond, to pre¬ sent the prizes. This she gracefully did, and gave a short address, saying that, in the present times of turmoil and unrest, many people were gathered together by the Iqve of nature. It could not be emphasi ed sufficiently what a great thing it as for this country that the lads and lasses should be brought into contact with nature. Mr. F. W. L’Amie, Callander, proposed a vote of thanks to the examiners, while thanks were accorded to Mr. Melville Gray, for supplying the drawing prizes, to Mrs. Henry Coates, for the special prize of a pair of field lasses to the best essayist, and to Mr Norie-Miller for his offer to defray the expenses of country pupils coming to the Prize-Giving, while the President moved a vote of thanks to Miss Smythe. The Council of the Society this year again awarded a medal to the best essayist.


Subject- Mammals.

Repor of pe Examiner.

Taken as whole, the work was good, bu special inoption might be made of the middle section (age 12-14) : the work in this roup was very good indeed, and the winners secured a high le el of character expression by very simple pencil work. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE, xxlll.

In the senior sec ion, a small group, one stud gained place through its simple straightforward statement of form and colour, while another colour study lost some of its characteristic action through an overstatement of outside features. The following remarks may be helpful to the competitors. 1. It is not the simplest-looking shape that is easiest to draw, it is the other way round. To begin with, choose animals whose shape has many points or changes, and hold on to these points all the time. As your eye becomes keener by exercise on these strong and striking shapes, you will find it much easier to draw those animal whose shapes, though simple, are subtle and elusive.

2. A number of competitors went astray by having too close a view of the animal. You should be far enough away to see the shape as a whole. Only after that is secured may you successfully introduce other interesting features. 3. As the shape and action of your arm is determined by the long structure of elbow, wrist and knuckles, $o it i§ in the drawi g of animal shapes. By looking for the wideness of an underlying framework, you will be better able to build up successful picture of animal action.


Foe the Chakles MTntosh Peizes.

Subject " Six Perthshire Birds. I '


Name. School. 1. David Alfred Ronald C irns, Brooklinn, Calland r. McLaren High School. 2. Agnes Macnab, Burnside, Tyndrum, Perthshire. McLaren High School. 3. Lermont Winter, Northlea, Doune. McLaren High School. 4. Ethel M. Horner, Milton of Kinloch Strathbraan. Dunkeld-Birnam Royal School. 5. Mary G. MacDonald, Boreland, Glenloehay, Killin. Killin School.


1. S eena McLaren, Ballintuim Farm, . Dunkeld-Birnam Roy l School. 2. Gertrude Littlejohn, " Thorndene Perth Road, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 3. Nancy M cpherson, Gallandrade,/ Callander. McLaren High School. 4. Margaret Campbell Fr ser, Burn - of - Cambus, Doune Lodge, McLaren Hi h School. Doune 5. Joyce Marshall, 32, Main Street, Doune. McLaren High School. 6. Margaret McQueen, Blair Drummond, Perthshire. McLaren High School. 7. Elma MacLaren, Ballintuim, Ballinluig. Dunkeld-Birn m Ro al School. t

Age 1 . PRIZES. 1. Margaret Catherine Cairns, Brooklinn, Callander. McLaren High School. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. XXV. 2. Jo n Hamilton, Stronvar Lodge, Strathyre. McLaren High School. 3. Betty M. Stew rt, 3 Caledonian Place, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 4. Malcolm C mpbell, 30 Menteith Crescent, Callander. McLaren High School. 5. Anne Thomso , Ainslie Cottage, Callande . McL ren High School. CERTIFICATE S. 1. Jessie Paterson, Strathbraan Manse, by Dunkeld. Dunkeld-Birnam Eoyal School. 2. Margaret C meron, Allanview, Ashfield, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 3. Margaret Kilgour, Eobertson Lane, by Stirling. McLaren High School. 4. Duncan Menzies M'Lean, Monachyle, Balquidder, by Strathyre McLaren High School. 5. Mary Gr y, Main Stree , Thornhill, by Stirling. McLaren High School.

Age 13. PRIZES. 1. Willis Meldrum, 19 Springfield Terrace, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 2. William Edward Broadfleld, 7 Aros Lane, Callander. McLaren High School. 3. Janet Dunn, Lochend, Trossachs, by Callander. McLaren High School. 4. Marion Campbell, Clan House, Doune. McLaren High School. CERTIFICATES. 1. Eobert Shennan, Catrine, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 2. Sarah Walker, Kennacoil, Strathbraan. Dunkeld-Birnam Eoyal School. 3. Ian Kennedy, Hillhead Cottage, Caputh. Glendelvine School. 4. Janet Waugh, Eose Cottage, Aberfoyle. McLaren High School. 5. Willie Crockatt, Myreside Farm, Guildtown, by Perth Newbigging Public School. 6. George Laekie, Mucklaree, by Dunkeld. Blairgowrie Hi her chool. 7. Elizabeth Graham, Main Street, Thornhill, Stirling. McLaren High School. 8. Minnie Paterson, Lochview, illin. McLaren High School. 9. Ena Davidson, 5 High Street, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 10. George Thomson, Easter Claypotts, Caputh, Murthly. Glendelvine School. 11. Sophie Paul, Spittalfield, Murthly. Glendelvine School. 12. And ew Bradley, Upper Granco Street, . Dunning Public School. Age 12. x vi. PROCEEDINGS -PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.


1. Margaret Denovan, 88 M in Street, Callander. McLaren High School. 2. Harry Robertson, Burnside Cottage, Cargill, Newbigging Public School. Meikleour. 3. Ti ie Robertson, Village, by Perth. Newbigging Public School. 4. Barbara M Cowan, Newbig ing, , Coupar Newbigging Public School. Angus.

CERTIFICATES. 1. Allan T lly, Dragon, Dunning. Dunning Public School. 2. Thomas Borrie, Auchtergaven. Auchtergaven School. 3. May Colville, 40 Menteith Crescent, Callander. McLaren High School. 4. George Gray, Main Street, Thornhill, by Stirling. McLaren High Schooh 5. Catherine Mar Campbell, Clan House, Doune. McLaren High School. 6. Elizabeth Turpie, Stobhall, Meikleour. Newbigging Public chool.

Age 11.

PRIZES, 1. Charles Gordon Cairns, Brooklin. McLaren High School. 2. Ronald Thorne, Logie Villa, . Pitlochry High School. 3. John Hope Leckie, Craggan House, Callander. McLaren High School. i

CERTIFICATES. 1. David Baird, Caputh, Murthly. Glendelvine School. 2. Alis air Pirnie, Grant Place, Pitlochry. Pitlochry High School. 3. John Eairweather, Auchtergaven, Bankfoot. Auchtergaven Public School. 4. Jessie Maclaren Macdonald, Crai Villa, Callander. McL ren High School. 5. Annie McKay, 6 Main Street, Callander. McL ren Hi h School. 6. Hugh A. Benzies, Schoolhouse, Dunning. Dunning Public School.

* c l


Poe Prizes presented by Mr. Melville Gray. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE, xxvii.

Subject Mammals.

Age 15 to 18.

PRIZES. Name. Address. School. 1. Herbert Dewar, 32 High Street, Newburgh. Perth Academy. 2. Herbert Dewar, 32 High Street, Newburgh. Perth Academy.

Age 12 to 15,

PRIZES. 1. David Brown, 36 High Street, Perth. St. John s School. 2. Robert Morton, 59 New Row, Perth. 3. Fred Farmer, 55 South Str et, Perth. St. John s School.

Age 10 to 12.

PRIZES. 1. Thomas Watt, Woodend, Barnhill, Perth. Perth Academy. 2. Douglas Hamilton, 35 Watergate, Perth. Central District School, 3. Mabel Nancarrow, 150 High Street, Perth. Perth Academy.


Age 15 to 18.

PRIZES. 1. Herbert Dewar, 32 High Street, Newburgh Perth Academy. 2. Ernest Balls, Craigmuir, Maddert . Perth Academy. xxviii. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.


Pitlochry High School, 6 Essays. McLaren High School, 63 Essays. Dunkeld-Birnam Royal School, 5 Essays. Glendelvine School, 14 Essays. Glenlyon School, 1 Essay. Dunning School, ... 5 Essays. Blairgowrie Higher Grade, 1 Essay. Killin School, 1 Essay. Port of Menteith School, 2 Essays. Newbigging-Cargill Public School ... 14 Essays. Auchtergaven chool, 6 Essays. (Under age not examined) 4 Essays.

Total, 122 Essays.

Number of Schools, 11

Number of Girls, 73 umber of Boys, 49 122


Mr E. Smart, Age 15 and over. Mr Nairne, ... Age 14 and over. Mr H. Co tes, ge 13 and over. r Angus, Age 12 and over. Mr H. Coates, Age 11 and over.


Bates, J. P. Martin, Denehurst, Perth, 1st May, 1931. ; *Berry, John, TayfLeld, Newport, 26th May, 1931. Burt, Wm. C., St. Magdalen s Bank, Perth, 13th March, 1931. Davidson, Ch s. E., 3 D lhousie Street, Monifieth, ... 28th April, 1931. Duncan, iss Alice P., Holmlea, Abernethy, 29th May, 1931. Oetty, Moore, 101 outh Street, Perth, 26th October, 1931. Lyall, Miss M ggie, The Academy, Perth, ... ; ... 7th December, 1930. Daniel, Very Rev, Canon, 16 Melville Street, Perth, 1st November, 1930. Lagan, Wm., Lethendy Cottage, Logiealmond, .:. 5th January, 1931. Smith, D vid G., M.A., 8 Bellavista Terrace, Perth, 7th October, 1931. *Life Me ber. ABSTRACT OF ACCO NTS for Yea ending 28th February, 1931

INCOME. EXPENDITURE. To Subscriptions of Members, £70 15 0 Heating, Lighting, etc., ... £25 16 11 „ 1 Life Member, 5 5 0 Janitor, 6 10 0 „ Donations -M. Gray, Esq., 20 0 0 Other Societies, 4 2 0 „ Sundries R.H.S. of P., £0 7 6 Books and Magazines, ... 27 14 7 Bank Interest, 0 17 4 Printing, 4 0 0 Transactions sold, 0 3 6 Sundries, ... 14 0 8g 1 8 4 Drawing Competition Prizes, 5 0 0 £97 8 4 £87 4 2i M. Gray, Esq. Eor Drawing Competition. 5 0 0 Balance in hand: To Balance from last Account, 40 11 4 Cash in Bank, £62 9 6 Less due Publications Account, £1 12 2 Less due M Intosh Ac¬ count, ... 5 9 5 7 1 7 £55 7 11 Cash due by Secretar , £0 6 lOjL Cash due by reasurer, 0 0 8 0 7 6 PUBLICATIONS ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT.

1930. March 1. To £500 4% Consolidated Stock ( t cost), ... 428 9 9 By Cost of Printing Vol. 8, Part VI, ... £26 2 10 ,, Interest for year to 1st Februar , 1931, ,, Savings Bank (due y P.S.N.S. account),.. 1 12 2 less Income Ta , 15 10 0 ,, £500 % Consolidated Stock, ... 428 9 9 „ Income Tax refunded : 31st July, 1930, £6 0 0 31st January, 1931, 6 5 0 12 5 0 £ 56 4 9 £456 9


To City of Perth Loan 4f%, ... £130 0 0 By Printing, Prizes and Postages, £6 9 6 ,, Interest for year to 11th November, 1930, less ,, Savings Bank (due by P.S. .S. account), ... 5 9 5 Income Tax, 4 15 8 ,, City of Perth Loan, 130 0 0 ,, Refund of Income Tax, ... 2 12 6 ,, Balance from last Account, 4 10 9 £141 18 11 £141 18 11

Perth, 1L7i March, 1931. Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found correct,

(Signed) J. MORISON, Auditor,

* jn ¦»-.



Mean at Mean of Absolute Maxim m Me n at Number and Minimum of Observations at Sea 9 a.m. <3 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. MONTHS. Level Differ¬ ft and ence & Xi o P s >» REMARKS. 32° Maxi¬ Mini¬ Mean ¦v 0 fH H Eahr. mum m m of A. Aver¬ of rQ A < at 9 a.m of -1-3 Fall ti c3 4cS h ! in M,S o d o H Inches 0 0 0 0 0 O mm mm N NE E SE S S W NW Hours AN. 29- 73 43-8 32-9 38-3 + 1-3 6, 7 31 37-7 36-4 59-3 23 11-2 31 0 0 1 3 2 47 4 5 0 45-3 22 Fairly wet month, and ild. EEB. 30-171 40-7 26-7 33-7 - 3-9 28 21 30-9 30-3 31-9 10 15-5 1 4 5 3 13 8 6 1 16 0 75-1 18 Dr onth, rather cold. Good MAR. 29-733 5-9 33-4 39-7 -0-4 25 15 39- 37-6 41-9 18 17-2 16 6 7 0 6 deal oi sunshine. 0 26 0 17 0 117.1 26 Tnsettled, hail & snow througho APRIL 29-830 53-0 39-4 46-2 + 1-7 10, 30 5 45-9 42-8 32-8 14 8-6 1 7 13 2 mo th, also goo deal of rain, 14 0 15 0 9 0 138-5 24 il ont , wit ver co MAY 29-920 . 59-5 42-7 51-1 + 1-3 winds. 26 9, 10 47-1 43-5 28-9 14 7-2 17 2 4 12 20 1 13 4 6 0 188-7 29 •ry onth, ith co sider t JUNE 29-907 67-3 49-9 58-6 + 2-9 suns ine. 19 12,13 57-5 52-5 47-7 10 19-0 2 0 0 4 14 0 23 0 11 8 235-1 28 unny and warm. bun ecstorr JULY 29-755 66-9 52-7 59-8 + 1-4 1 21 59-0 55-2 70-4 18 22-5 29 on 24t and 30 h. 2 2 0 19 5 19 0 15 0 141-5 25 nsettle , ith ood deal of ram. AUG. 29-733 66-3 52-6 59-5 Thunderstorms at be inning* + 2-2 7 6 57-7 56-7 102-7 22 13-6 1 0 0 2 16 4 20 2 18 0 162-0 29 ather e and unsettled, severe SEPT. 29-897 61-3 48-4 54-9 + 1-6 5 16 53-3 51-0 115-1 31-5 thunders orms on 18th and 28 h 15 17 3 0 6 17 2 13 1 18 0 91-5 25 ery et month; dull. OCT. 29-620 55-4 43-4 49-4 + 3-0 14,15 31 48-7 46-0 70-1 24 11-4 7 2 4 2 5 0 41 2 6 0 103-6 21 li month, ith good deal of sun¬ NOV. 29-705 46-1 32-5 39-3 -1-8 shine. Eather et throughou , 8, 9 6 38-0 36-3 91-0 12-1 18 21 5 4 0 5 2 29 0 15 0 69-5 20 airly we mo th. DEC. 29-703 41-5 31-6 36-5 -1-0 18,19 35-6 34-1 10 90-1 17 23-7 27 0 0 0 15 2 33 0 12 37-3 1 0 20 Dull mon h; fo s, rather mild. Total or Average 29-787 53-9 40-5 7-3 + 0-7 for year 781-9 203 31 39 32 147 26 285 14 148 8 1405-2 287 Hi hest 27'viii 51 5 17-iv 235-1 Lowest i 1 37-3 3° 27 W. Long. JOHN RITCHIE, Observer. i y ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, PERTH, 1930.


Absolute Maximum Mean t Mean at Mean of Number of Observations at and Minimum 9 .m. 1 9 a.m. nd 3 p.m. Sea ft q „ MO THS. Level Differ¬ «8 2 REMARKS. rQ o P 3 o and. ence ¦3 *3 Ch

Inches 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mm mm N NE E SE S SW NW Hours JAN. 29- 73 43-8 32-9 38-3 + 1-3 37-7 11-2 54 6, 7 21 31 36-4 59-3 23 31 0 0 1 3 2 47 4 5 0 45-3 22 Fairly wet month, and ild. EEB. 30-171 40-7 26-7 33-7 - 3-9 15-5 53 28 17 21 30-9 30-3 31-9 10 1 4 5 3 13 8 6 1 16 0 75-1 18 Dry month, rather cold. Good deal of sunshi e. MAR. 29-733 5-9 33'4 39-7 -0-4 39-4 17-2 55 25 24 15 37-6 41-9 18 16 6 7 0 6 0 26 0 17 0 117.1 26 Unsettled, ail & snow throughou ont , also good deal of rain. APRIL 29-830 53-0 39-4 46-2 + 1-7 8-6 62 10, 30 27 5 45-9 42-8 32-8 14 1 7 13 2 14 0 15 0 9 0 138-5 24 Dull month, wit very col AY 29-920 . 59-5 42-7 51-1 + 1-3 7-2 72 26 30 9,10 47-1 43-5 28-9 14 17 2 4 12 20 1 13 4 6 0 188-7 29 ry month, it considerable sunshine. U E 29-907 67-3 49-9 58-6 + 2-9 76 19 41 12,13 57-5 52-5 7-7 10 19-0 24 0 0 14 0 23 0 11 8 235-1 28 Sunny and arm. Thunderstorms on 24 h and 30th. ULY 29-755 66-9 52-7 59-8 + 1-4 77 1 46 21 59-0 55-2 70-4 18 22-5 29 2 2 0 19 5 19 0 15 0 141-5 25 Unsettled, ith ood deal of rain Thunderstorms at be inning AUG. 29-733 66-3 52-6 59-5 + 2-2 80 27 40 6 57-7 56-7 102-7 22 13-6 1 0 0 2 16 4 20 2 18 0 162-0 29 Rather wet and unsettle , severe thunderstorms on 18th and 28th SEPT. 29-897 61-3 48-4 54-9 + 1-6 71 5 33 16 53-3 51-0 115-1 15 31-5 17 3 0 6 17 2 13 1 18 0 91-5 25 Ver wet month; ull. 29-620 OCT. 55-4 43-4 49-4 + 3-0 62 14,15 28 31 48-7 46-0 70-1 24 11-4 7 2 4 2 5 0 41 2 6 0 103-6 21 Mil onth, i h good eal of sun- shine. Rather wet throughout. 6-1 NOV. 29-705 32-5 39-3 -1-8 55 8, 9 19 6 38-0 36-3 91-0 18 12-1 21 5 4 0 5 2 29 0 15 0 69-5 20 Fairly we month. DEC. 29-703 41-5 31-6 36-5 -1-0 53 18,19 17 10 35-6 3 -1 90-1 17 23-7 27 0 0 0 15 2 33 0 12 0 37-3 20 Dull mont ; fogs, rather mild.

Total or Average 29-787 53-9 40-5 7-3 + 0-7 781-9 203 1405-2 for year 31 39 32 147 26 285 14 148 8 287

Hi hest 80 27-viii 21-2 31-5 17-iv 235-1 Lowest 17 10-11 37-3 Heigh of Station above Se Level=77 feet. Position 56° 24 N. at., 3° 27 W. Long. JOHN RITCHIE, Observer. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE, xxxiii

WINTER SESSIO , 1931-32.

30th October, 1931.

Mr. Smart, President, in the Chair.

Prof. W. Peddie, D.Sc., g ve a lecture on Faraday, his Work and Influence. This Lecture as illustrated by experiments and lantern slides.

13th November, 1931.

Mr. Sma t, President, in the Chair.

Prof. D. R. Do , M.D., E.R.C.P.Ed., delivered a Lecture on The Ancestry of the Human Family. This Lecture was illustrated by a particularly fine series of lantern slides.

11th December, 1931.

Mr. Smart, President, in the Chair.

Mr. W. J. M. Menzies, Superintendent of Salmon Fisheries of Scotland, gave a Lecture on The Story of the Sea Trout.” This Lecture w s illustrated by lantern slides.

8th January, 1932.

- Mr. Smart, President, in the Chair.

This Meeting took the form of a Members Night.” The following papers were read : 1. Notes on the Arctic Clay, Errol.” T 2. The Igneous Geology of Moncreiff Hill.” Both of these Papers were read by Mr. Charles Davidson and were illustrated by lantern slides and specimens. 3. A short note by Mr. C. Walmesley on Polyzoa at Muirhall * Reservoir, Perth.” xxxiv. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

12th Februar , 1932.

Mr. Smart, President, in the Chair.

Mr. Eric nnandale, B.A. (Oxon.), delivered a Lecture on Silviculture, illustrated by lantern slides.


Mr. Smar , President, in the Chair.

Office-bearers for 1932-33 were elected as follows : President Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., J.P. Vice-Presidents James Menzies ; Cyril Walmesley, M.I.C.E. ; Alastair Cram; Thomas M Laren, F.S.A. (Scot.). Editor James Angus, M.A., B.Sc. Secretary and Librarian John Ritchie, F.R.A.I. Treasurer James Winter. Members of Council Andrew R. Wilson ; Wm. Malloch ; Ale . H. Gardner ; Eric Annandale, B.A. ; Wm. Burt; Charles Brand. Trustees Lord Scone, B.A., F.Z.S., M.B.O.V. ; Melville Gray ; F. Norie-Miller; Robert Hunter. The Annual Reports were submitted as follows :

Report op Council. The Council have pleasure in presenting to the members of the Society their 65th Annual Report. Six monthly meetings were held during the year, and six Council meetings were held during the year. One Extraordinary meeting of the Society was held on May 26th, when approval was given to a new Agree¬ ment between the Society and the Town Council. The Agreement is printed in full as an appendix in this issue of the Proceedings, page XIX. One Honorary Member, one Corresponding Member and eleven Ordinary Members were admitted during the year, and the •, membership now stands at 291, made up as follows Hon. Members 3 ; Corresponding Members 7 ; Associates 6 ; Associate Members 11 ; Life Members 16 ; Ordinary Members 248. By death the Society has lost 7 members, these being, Lieut. J. G. Millais, Mr. A. T. M Kay, Miss Deas, Rev. Fred Smith, Major P. J. Waldron, Mr. George F. Bates and Miss Jamieson, who had been a member since 1878. Also we would put on PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. XXXV. record the deat of one who w s associated with Natural History m our County, viz. Professor JV Intosh. Eleven members have resigned. During the summer five excursions were arranged, all of which were carried through, e cept the Kindochat Excursion, 12th eptember. The Council desire to thank the proprietors who so tondly granted permission to traverse their grounds and others wno assisted m carr ing out the programme. During the summer/ several members of the Society assisted tne Council m the bird-ringing scheme, and in all 376 birds were rmged. The 34th Essay Competition for children attending Perthshire schools was on Six Perthshire Birds, and 122 essays were ®ent, m- P izes and certificates were presented by Miss Barbara E Smythe on 10th October, 1931. The Council desire to thank the examiners, Messrs. Smart, Angus, Coates, Nairne and Ritchie for their work. The Council are again indebted to Mr. Melville Gray for his continued interest in the Society and for furnishing the means to enable the Drawing Competition to be continued, which was so successful ast year. The competition is open to scholars m itiie dra™g of exhibits in the museum collections, and the Council hope that it will be taken advantage of.

Report of Librarian. The following is a list of the Books added to the Library Presented by G. F. Barbour, Esq., of Bonskeid, Pitlochry Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol 57 No. 238. Presented by Lord Forteviot : Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. Presented by Mrs. Drummond Hay Customs of the World,” in two volumes, by Walter Hutchinson. Ine Cottage Gardener,” in a series of volumes. Presented by Wm. Moncrieffe, Esq. Several volumes on Entomology. The Moncreiffs and The Moncreiffs,” by Frederick C. and Wm. Moncreiffe. Presented by C. G. Matthew, Esq. Flowering Plants of the Sudan,” by Grace M. Crowfoot. Presented by Ray Society : The British Freshwater Copepoda,” Vol. 1. xxxvi. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

Presented by the Author : Birds and Beasts as Farm Pests, by James Ritchie, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Books Purchased : Bro ne s Highland Clans, in four volumes. Roll of Honour of the Burgh and Parish of , 191 - 1919. Further Illustrations of British Plants,” by Roger W. Butcher. A History of Photography,” by William Shepperley. Handbook of Photomicrography,” by Hind and Randles. Chemistry in Industry,” by H. E. Ho e. Chemistry in Agriculture,” by Joseph S. Chamberlain. The Frog, by A. Milnes Marshall. Practical Methods of Organic Chemistry,” by Ludwig Gatterman. The Scottish Naturalist.”

Report oe T easu e . (See Abstract of Accounts for the year ended 29th February, 1932, page xlvii.) 9

Report oe Editor. The Editor reported that the only Publication issued during the past year was Part II., Vol. IX., of the Transactions and Proceedings of the Society. The President then delivered his Annual Address, the subject being The Perthshire Hieracia.” (See Transactions, Vol. IX., page 88.) The Address was illustrated by lantern slides. Thereafter the slides of the Lantern Slide Competition in connection with the Scottish Photographic Federation were exhibited, the new section of colour slides being particularly interesting. SUMMER SESSIO , 1932. The following Excursions were arranged June 18. Joint Excursion with Royal Horticultural Society to Auchterarder House. July 23. Banks of Tay from Caputh Bridge to Dunkeld Leader, Mr. J. Douglas Hosea. August 29. Mountain Excursion to Ben . September 10. Joint Excursion with Dunfermline Naturalists to Wicks of Baiglie. Leader, Mr. Andrew Wilson. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE, xxxvii.

22nd October, 1932. PRIZE-GIVING. Edward Sma t, B.A., B.Sc., E.R.S.E., President, in the Chair. *• Thirt -Fifth Annual Prize-Giving in connection ith the Annual Essay Competition for the Charles MTntosh Prizes, and the fourth Museum Dra ing Competition for prizes presented by Mr. Melville Gray, took place in the Museum Lecture Room on Saturday, 22nd October, 1932, at 2.30 p.m. The President gave a resume of the essays and a summary of the Reports of the Examiners. He then called on Mrs. Robert Adam to present the various prizes. Mr. Robert Adam, Town-Clerk, on behalf of his wife, expressed thanks for the privilege of being present. He called on the audience to recall with him the aims of the Society when it came into being 65 years ago. He instanced several changes the Society had an its history, and spoke of the change which would shortly take place with its removal to the ew Museum, now in course of erection, and which change he was sure would be beneficial, both to the Town Council and to the Society. Votes of thanks to the Donors of Prizes, to Examiners of Essays, to Mr. and Mi s. Adam and the Chairman were given. PERTHSHIRE NATURAL SCIENCE MUSEUM DRAWING COMPETITION, 1931-32. Examiner s Report. There was a larger number of Competitors this year, and the work dono b tbe prize- inners was e cellent, showing t at they had set themselves seriously to picture Birds at rest and Birds in flight. The higher standard of the work done may also partly be due to the fact that action in itself provides additional fascination and interest to the subject. The best results were in the age group 12-1 and one set of studies is deserving of special mention because of its sensitive and expressive pencil-work. Other sets of studies, equally accurate as to form, have lost the feeling for feathered, soft and yielding bodies by a too rigid and formal method of shading, and mstead have pictured the form of a bird in some hard material. _ That there are no studies in colour by the senior class does not detract from the merit of the work submitted, which is very good. Those children who have been discouraged after a first effort * and beginners generally, must not forget that the best work seen m the competition has behind it a long list of feeble efforts and co par tive failures. A love of ani als ; een o servation and a measure of persevering courage will undoubtedly bring to them great pleasure in trying to picture these beautiful and loveable animals of nature ; and in the end, success. D. SCOTT MURRAY. CHILDREN S ESSAY COMPETITIO . xxxviil. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. 1932.

For the Ct art.es MTntosh Prizes.

Age 15 years.


Name. Address. School.

1. Ian L. Muir, Station House, Killin. McLaren High School. 2. Anne C. Thomson, Ainshe Poultry Farm, Callander. McLaren High School. 3. Agnes M. Mackenzie, The Gardens, Doune Lodge, Doune. McLaren High School. 4. Neil McNiven, Chiton, Tyndrum, Perthshire. McLaren High School. 5. Agnes Macnab, Burnside, Tyndrum, Perthshire. McLaren High School.


6. Isabel Allan, Cross House, Doune, Perthshire. McLaren High School. 7. John Hamilton, Stronrar Lodge, Strathyre. McLaren High Schooh 8. W. G. Duffes, 112 Glasgow Road, Perth. McLaren High School. 9. Arthur James Taylor, Police Station, C llander. McLaren High School. 10. James Walker, Ironside. McLaren High School. 11. Margaret Macqueen, Blair Drummond, by Stirling. McLaren High School. 12. James Thomson. Scone Public School.

* A 4 tl

Age 14 years.

Prizes. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE, xxxix. Name. Address. School. 1. Mary Frew, 2. George Smart. Scone Public School. 3. Jenny Dunn. Scone Public School. . Willis Meldrum, McLaren High School. 19 Springfield Terrace, Dunblane. McLaren High School.

Certificates. 5. Susie McColl, Braehead Cottage, Gartmore. 6. Robert Sbennan, McLaren High School. Catrine, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 7. William E. Broadfield, 7 Arcs Lane, Callander. 8. Janet Waugh, McLaren High School. Rose Cottage, Aberfoyle. McLaren High School.

Age 13 years.

Prizes. 1. Ella Watson, Lyndoch Road, Scone, by Perth. 2. Robert Lornie, Scone Public School. 3. Mary Malcolm, Scone Public School. . George P. Wells, Scone Public School. Scone Public School. *

Ce tific tes. 5. Betty Pullar, Schoolhouse, Kinbuck, by Dunblane. 6. Jessie G. Kerr, McLaren High School. 12 West Cottages, Deanstone, Doune. 7. Catherine Campbell, McLaren High School. Clan House, Doune. McLaren High School. 8. Isa McKie, 23 Springfield Terrace, Dunblane. 9. Yeoland Garrow, McLaren High School. Drurnvaich, Callander. McLaren High School. 10. Cona M cintyre, Gartlands, Callander. 11. Ditta Smith, McLaren High School. Stronvar, Balquhidder, Strathyre. 12. Jeanie Sim, McLaren High School. Boghall, Thornhill. McLaren High School.



Name. Address. School. 1. Jimmy Kennedy, Heatherlee, Bridgend, Callander. McLaren High School. 2. John Leckie, Craggan House, Callander. McLaren High School. 3. Anne Sut erland Corrie-chrombie, by Callander. McLaren High School.

• Certificates.

4. Harold Kerr, The Bungalow. Tyndrum, Perthshire. McLaren High School. 5. Douglas Roberts, 116J Main Street, Callander. McLaren High School. 6. avid Baird, Caputh, Murthly. Glendelvine Public School.

Age 11 years.


1. George Scott, Spittalfield, Murthly. Glendelvine Public School. 2. John Fairweather, Schoolhouse, Bankfoot. Auchtergaven Public School.


3. Jessie Chalmers, Logiebride, Bankfoot. Auchtergaven Public School. . Tina Buchanan, Spittalfield, Murthly. Glendelvine Public School. 5. Willma Armstrong, Spittalfield, Murthly. Glendelvine Public School.



Age 10 to 12.

Name. Address. School. 1. Audrey Lornie, 18 York Place, Perth. Per h Academy. 2. Alex. Lobban, 58 Scott Street, Perth. Southern istrict School. 3. George Gallately, 7 Windsor Terr ce, Perth. Perth Academy.

Age 12 to 15.

1. Thomas Watt, Woodend, Barnhill, Perth. Perth Academy. 2. Douglas Cook, 27 Kincarrathie Crescent, Perth. Perth Academy. 3. Dougl s Hamilton, 35 Watergate, Perth. Central District School. 4. Robert Adams, 2 Croft Place, Perth. Balhousie Boys School. 4. James Dewar, 88 Park Place, Perth. Balhousie Boys’ School.

Age 15 to 18.

1. Murray Lunan, Needless Road, Perth. Perth Academy. 2. Ronald Ed ard, 23 Princes Street, Perth. Perth Academy. xlii. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. ADDITIONS TO THE ROLL OF MEMBERS


Bruce, Dr. C. D., Northcote, Edinburgh Rd., Pert , 12th August, 1932. Dodds, James, 4 Clayton Road, , ...... 12th November, 1931. Legge, Thos. E. (B.A.), Stanley School, Bridge of Allan 26th April, 1932. Mackenzie, David (W.S.), 75 George Street, Perth, 18th August, 1932. Macgregor, Ewan Malcolm, The Cottage, Stanley ...... 12th March, 1932. Temple, Dr. Chas. Noel, Comrie, 12th February, 1932,

Obituary on John Guille Millais, F.Z.S. By JOHN RITCHIE. John Guille Millais, F.Z.S., who died March, 1931 at the age of 66, as elected a Corresponding Member of this Society in 1917. Millais as a young man, served in the Seaforths, and during the war acted as British Consul and Naval Intelligence Officer at Hammerfest in Northern Norway, holding the rank of Lieut. Commander. He had a warm place in the hearts of those who knew him. With inherited ifts as an artist, with pen and brush, he combined that of naturalist and sportsman. The published works of Millais touched a variety of subjects ; yet in all his monographs the descriptions were told with great truthfulness and revealed the amazing amount of patient ob¬ servations he had to make before a record was secured for publication. In his A Breath from the Veldt, Millais gave us the best of his travel works, while nothing has e celled, in their particular field, his two volumes on the Surface Feeding Ducks ” or his British Diving Ducks. Scottish sport afforded him a field of enjoyment and pleasure. The results of his notes and ob¬ servations collected there, has been given to the world in his volumes of The Wildfowler in Scotland,” Natural History of Game Birds,” and British Deer and their Horns.” The Magnum opus ” appeared between 1904 and 1906 when the Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland ” was published. These three enormous volumes contain the fullest account, concerning this group, which has ever been published, and is likely to remain long without a rival. It has a wealth of illustration seldom to be found in any monograph. Flowering shrubs made considerable appeal to Millais and his interest was given effect to by the publication of Rhododendrons and their Hybrids ” in three volumes, and Magnolias.” Our museum always had his fullest sympathy and from time to time Plate XXIII. John Guille Millais, F.Z.S. Plate XXIV.

Rev. F. Smith, F.G.S.E. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE, xliii. any rare Perthshire species which he obtained and of hich we had not a record, found its place. On his death Mrs. Millais and his uncle, Mr. Melville Gra , presented to our museum, his collection of British Birds skins, all of these being thoroughly labelled with complete data and contained in glass covered rawers in thirteen cabinets. A catalogue of the collection has been prepared by Miss H. M. Wallace.

The R v. Frederick Smit , F.G.S.E. By HENRY COATES, E.S.A. Scot. Mr. Smith, who died in Nottingham on the 5th of October last, at the age of 86, was the oldest member of our Society but one, having been elected on 5th December, 1872. For a year or two he was a Member of Council, and Librarian. Mr. Smith was an accomphshed Geologist, and contributed a number of Papers on the Geology of Perthshire to the Scottish Naturalist, when that journal was the official organ of our Society. He also read a number of Papers to the Society,before the days when we published Proceedings. In the series of Papers on The Natural History of the Banks of the Tay ” he contributed the one on The Geology of the Superficial Deposits.” (Transactions, Vol. II., page 44). Of his published works, the most important was The Stone Ages in Great Britain and Ireland.” The views expressed in this book met with a good deal of opposition at first, but afterwards came to be ge erally accepted by leading Anthropologists. It was followed by another work on the same subject, entitled Prehistoric Man and the Cambridge Gravels.” Much the most popular of his books was a delightful volume of personal re¬ miniscences, called The Boyhood of a Naturalist,” which ran through many editions and was largely used as a School Reader. Another most successful educational book was The World We Live In, a Simple Introduction to Geography ” ; also a Text Book of Commercial Geography.” He also published a popular illustrated book of Natural History, called The World of Animal Life.” Mr. Smith was a native of Cambridge, where he received his education as a Chorister of St. John’s College. In 1872 he came to Scotland to arrange and catalogue the valuable Library at Dupplin Castle, belonging to the late Earl of Kinnoull. This occupied hi for two years, and the beautifully illustrated manuscript Catalogue of the books which he prepared is still preserved in the Library. For two or three years thereafter he taught Science and Art in Sharp’s Institution, Perth, after which he was appointed Science Master in Dollar Academy. He is remembered with affection by those of his pupils there who still survive. D xliv. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

rom Dollar he went to Edinburg in 1881, and ent through the Theological Course at the Episcopal College there. In 1889 he was ordained as a Clergyman of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, his first charge being a Chaplain at St. Ninian s Cathedral, Perth, after which he was appointed ector of St. Luke s Church, Glasgow. From there he went to Dunblane, where he became Chaplain to Captain Hay Drummond of Cromlix. His last charge was in the beautiful old historic Prior Church of St. Mary’s at South Queensferry, where he spent many happy and useful years as Priest-in-Charge and Chaplain to the Naval Forces stationed in the Forth. Here, during the Great War, he greatly endeared himself to the wounded officers and men who were brought to the aval Hospital, for which services he received special recognition from the Admiralty.

George F. Bates, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.M.iS. By JOHN RITCHIE.

Mr. G. F. Bates, who died at the age of 65, on 10th February last year, was elected a member of the Society in 1900. Born at Kendal, trained for the teaching profession, he taught at Langholm, and under the Westmorland Technical Instruction Committee. At the beginning of this century, he came as a science-master and taught in Perth Academy, and later was appointed Organiser for Secondar and Technical Instruction, under the Perthshire County Council. For the last 10 years of his activities here, he held the post of Assistant Director of Education for the county, and acted as Headmaster of Perth Academy Continuation Classes. It was as an active member of this Society we knew hi best; for 30 years, in one capacity or another, he rendered' willing service to the advancement of scientific knowledge. He was elected a vice-president in 1905, and in 1907 was appointed Editor ; this post he filled with great credit to the Society until in 1918 the Society was honoured by his acceptance of the President’s chair, which he held until 1926. He contributed to the Trans¬ actions of the Society 11 papers, to the Proceedings 4, and read several papers of general interest to the Societ . The first of these was the result of his interest in the rock formation of our county, and appeared as the first of a series of Notes on some Highland Rocks, Later his interests were among the lower forms of botanical life. At my request in 1920, he under¬ took the analysis of a collection of Diatoms, and has from this given us several papers on “The Algae and Diatoms. An expert microscopist, he was in 1920 elected a Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society, an honour of which he was justl proud, and since his retirement to Godaiming, he told me he Plate XXV. George F. Bates, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.M.S. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. xlv.

had some app evenings attending their meetings. Keenl *¦ interested in photography on the scientific side, he acted as an advisory expert on Geology and Microscopic Photography to the Scottish Photographic Federation. His papers to our Society were illustrated by plates from his o n preparations e and photographs. Few members of this Society knew Perthshire better, and he made a splendid leader of excursions, due to his knowledge of rock formation and of plants. He was keenly interested in the great possibility which Perthshire afforded as a field for Bathy¬ metrical Survey, and with others began such a survey at Methven Loch. The Council offered to . Bates the Honorary Membership of this Society, and the letter he wrote me, accepting this honour, was one of the last he ever penned, as within a week his death came unexpectedly. Mr. Bates was of a retiring nature, but his moral worth and uprightness made him place his services not only at the disposal of the Society, but also of his church (York Place), where for many years he served as Superintendent of the Sunday School and as Session Clerk. He had one son, who gave his life in the war, but has left behind to mourn his loss, a widow and two daughters, to whom the sympathy of this Society goes out. k Professor William Carmichael McIntos . By JOHN RITCHIE. Professor William Carmichael McIntosh, 1838-1931, although never a member, due to personal reasons, he being the head of what was then regarded as an opposition museum, I think it only right that cog izance should he taken of the influence he had, both directly and indirectly, on the work of this Society. Trained at St. Andrews and Edinburgh, he entered the medical profession, receiving the M.D. degree, and was awarded the gold medal for his thesis on Observations and Experiments on Carcinus moenas. Always having a bent towards natural history, encouraged no doubt by such teachers as Coodsir and Allman, he was very pleased to obtain the post as Superintendent at Murthly Asylum in 1863, because in Perth he could associate with Dr. Frazer Thomson, a noted zoologist, who then was Superintendent of the zoological collections of the Perth Literary and Antiquarian Museum. Along with him the collections were re-arranged and a catalogue prepared. On the death of Dr. Thomson, McIntosh succeeded as Superintendent of the Museum, and he told me that during these 20 years, until his appointment at St. Andrews, he looked back on them as the happiest years of his life. xlvi. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

Shortly after coming to Perth, McIntosh conducted a series of lectures on zoolog , and worked hard for an addition to the museum, which was opened in 1881. At the same period there were issued a catalogue of the zoological collections and a History of the Literary and Antiquarian Society, both written by himself. During his early years, work on the marine worms was com¬ menced, and the result was issued in volumes by the Ray Society from time to time until about six years ago. Before McIntosh came to Perth, Brown, an active member of the Literary and Anti uarian Society, had been carrying out a number of experiments with the ova and young of the salmon, and no doubt it was this vexed question of the smolt becoming salmon or not, which led him to become interested in Fisheries. This beginning led him, on his appointment to the Chair of Natural History at St. Andrews in 1882, to establish, with an old hut, which had been used as a Fever Hospital, the first Marine Laboratory in Great Britain. During the next 10 years this proved a foci for well-known zoologists from all over Europe, and the value of the work done at it led to Marine Stations becoming established throughout various countries for the study, of. life in the sea. He lectured to our Society in 1921 on Sea Fisheries, and he then said it had for 50 years been his ambition to do so ; it almost seemed as if his wish was not to be granted, and he was proud the opportunity had come along. As one of the last surviving Trustees of the Literary and Antiquarian Society, he felt a great satisfaction that the two museums were at last to be combined, and he hoped it would be an impetus and inspiration to the rising youth of Perth. McIntosh retained his virility up to the last, and in 1929 published a paper on Abnormal Teeth of Mammals. Some Of the specimens illustrated were from preparations he himself had made when Curator at George Street. Ever ready with advice and encouragement, his interests were wide. He is remembered by many among our members as chief of the Old Battery Boys, and as one, who, a hard worker himself, inspired those with whom he came in contact with the dignity of work. His death brings to a close the living connection the present generation had with pre-darwinian times. Plate XXVI.

Wm. C. McIntosh, F.R.S. ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS for Year ending 29th February, 1932.

INCOME. EXPENDITURE. To Subscriptions from Members £65 10 0 Heating, Lighting, etc ..£25 5 „ 1 L fe Member 5 -5 0 Janitor, .. 6 10 0 „ Sundries 1 1 5 Other Societies, .. 6 12 0 Books and Magazines, .. 10 2 6 £71 16 5 Printing ., 17 17 2 o M. Cray, Esq. Eor Drawing Prizes, 5 0 0 Sundries, .. 10 3 a ,, Balance from last Account, 55 15 Drawing Competition Prizes, ... . !• •.. 5 0 0 £81 9 3 Balance in hand Cash in Bank, . £52 1 11 Less Balance MTntosh Account, £3 10 1 - 3 10 1 £48 11 10 Cash due by Secretary, £1 7 Cash due by Treasurer,... £1 3 5 2 10 n 51 2 7* £132 11 10J £132 11 10$ PUBLICATIONS ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT

To Balance from last Account, .. £1 12 2 By Printing Account, ...... £30 11 10 ,, Interest for 1931, less Income Tax, ..15 0 0 i „ £500 % Consol. Stock (at cost) 428 9 9 „ Sum from P.S.N.S. Account, .. 13 19 8 : ,, £500, 4% Consol. Stock (at cost), ..428 9 9

£459 1 7 ' £459 1 7


To Balance from last Account, ... 5 9 5 By Prizes, Posts, etc., ... £6 11 11 ,,; Interest for 193-1, le s Income Ta , ... 4 12 7 „ Balance due by P.S.N.S. Account, 3 10 1 „ City of Perth Loan at 4f%, ...130 0 0 „ City of Perth Loan, at 4f%, ... 130 0 0

£140 2 0 £140 2 0

Perth, 10 March, 1932. Examined, com ared with Touchers, d found correct. (Signed) . MORRISO , Auditor. ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, PERTH, 1931.


Absolute Maximum Mean at Mean at Mean of Number of Observations at and Minimum 9 a.m. 1 9 a.m +3 Sea PI S3 and 3 p.m. MO THS. Level Differ S3 tft REMARKS. 2 rO o s » and ence a ¦3 O Gt 32° S CD a 5-a la+3 at 9 a.m. (A.) (B.) and B age Month Month i 0 a b o s £ H fe Inches 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O mm m N NE E SE S SW NW Hours JAN. 29-710 1-7 29-8 35-7 -1-3 52 15 16 7 34-4 33-3 63-6 12 14-3 31 4 6 0 0 5 33 2 12 0 61-6 23 Bright periods throug out month, with very igh, cold winds at ti es EEB. 29-685 43-1 31-4 37-3 - 0-3 55 25 25 5, 23 36-5 34-7 50-6 17 16-1 1 1 7 0 3 2 30 5 8 0 67-3 21 Hig , cold winds; sno at he- ginnin of month. MAR. 29-981 44-5 31-0 37-7 -2-4 27 35-9 12-5 63 17 2 34-4 30-2 9 9 1 17 6 19 4 4 2 9 0 117-4 26 Dry ont ; cold, rat er bright. APRIL 29-824 53-2 37-0 45-1 + 0-6 63 9,10 29 1 45-5 2-1 54-8 17 9-2 25 4 2 0 16 2 21 4 11 0 132-2 27 Fairly bright month, wi h good deal of rain. MAY 29-783 59-6 43-4 51-5 + 1-7 72 29 29 3 52-2 48-3 81-3 17 20-5 31 1 1 0 30 6 20 0 4 0 174-8 27 Rather et month. Thunder- stor s on 6th and 29th. JUNE 29-930 61-2 48-0 54-6 -1-1 71 27 38 25 55-1 51-7 113-8 18 35-5 14 0 4 4 24 0 28 0 0 0 135-2 21 Dull onth, with ood deal of rain. JULY 29-65 65-6 52-2 58-9 + 0-5 79 9 45 20,2i 58-3 55-4 100-7 27 21-9 26 0 2 4 10 4 36 0 6 0 98-4 25 Wet month, with thunderstorms throughou . AUG. 29-916 64-5 47-4 55-9 -1-4 77 6 36 27 56-1 52-8 61-2 14 23-8 19 5 8 0 2 0 13 1 13 0 15 -9 28 Rather dry month, with goo deal of sunshine. SEPT. 30-1 7 0-9 42-7 51-8 -1-5 70 15,17 29 13 51-3 48-8 32-3 11 15-0 1 1 6 1 7 1 20 4 20 0 139-0 24 Bright month;- little rain. OCT. 30-001 54-4 39-7 47-1 + 0-7 65 5 24 25, 26 46-5 44-0 21-1 16 4-1 2 0 0 0 2 2 49 0 9 0 121-4 24 Dry and sunny. NOV. 29-581 48-7 38-4 43-5 + 2-4 58 2, 3 30 22 42-5 41-4 135-2 26 23-9 23 2 0 0 25 0 27 0 6 0 37-6 16 Very et month. Mild. DEC. 30-058 47-2 37-4 42-3 + 4-8 56 23 28 1, 30 2-0 0-4 32-0 16 14-6 2 4 0 0 0 3 44 1 10 0 24-6 16 Dull onth; dry and rather 1 mild. Total or Average 29-854 53-7 39.8 46-7 + 0-2 776-8 200 23 for year 53 15 158 29 325 19 108 1262-4 278 Hi hest 79 9-vii 35-5 14-vi 174-8 Lowest 16 7-1 24-6 Heigh of Station above Sea Level = 77 feet. Position 56° 24 N. Lat., 3° 27 W. ong. JOHN RITCHIE, Observer. 1. PROCEEDINGS PE THSHIRE SOCIETY OE ATU AL SCIE CE.


10th November, 1932. Mr. Smart, President, in the Chair. Mr. Harry Clouston ga e a lecture on Whaling and Salmon Running in Alaska. This was a special meeting of the Society.

11th November, 1932. Mr. ma t, President, in the Chair. Prof. Steggall, Dundee, gave a Lecture on My First Visit to the Continent. The Lecture was illustrated by lantern slides.

23rd November, 1932. Mr. Smart, President, in the Chair. Mr. M. Y. Orr, Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, gave a Lecture on Sense Organs in Plants.” The Lecture was illus¬ trated by slides and experiments.

9th December, 1932. Mr. Smart, President, in the Chair. Dr. Morrison, of Campbeltown, gave a Lecture on the Adder.” The Lecture was illustrated by slides and cinemato¬ graph films.

13th January, 1933. Mr. Sma t, President, in the Chair. Dr. Arthur Geddes, of Edinburgh University, gave an Address on A Highland Study.” The Lecture was illustrated by maps and lantern slides.

18th January, 1933. Mr. Sma t, President, in the Chair. Mr. Ritchie gave a Lecture on Museums in Relation to the Community.” This Lecture took the place of one arranged to be given by Prof. Peacock, who, unfortunately, was ill. PROCEEDINGS PE THSHI E SOCIETY OF ATURAL SCIENCE, li.

10th February, 1933. Mr. Smart, President, in the Chair. This meeting took the for of Members Night. The following papers ere read : 1. Micro oldia,” by Mr. C. Davidson. 2. A Prehminary Account of the Qu rtz-dolerite ykes of Perthshire, by Dr. F. Walker. 3. The Lavas of Tayport Side of River Tay,” by Mr. H. Pirrie. 4. Quarry mill Mollusca,” by Mr. A. Waterston (taken as rea ). 5. Plumatella repens,” C. Walmesly.

10th March, 1933. SIXTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING. Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., President. Office-bearers for 1933-3 were elected as follows : President Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E. Vice-Presidents Alastair Cram ; Wm. Malloch; Thomas M Laren, F.S.A. (Scot.) ; A. R, Wilson. Editor James Angus, M.A., B.Sc. Secretary and Librarian John Ritchie, F.R.A.I. Treasurer James Winter. Council Members Alex. H. Gardner, H.M.I.S. ; Eric Annandale, B.A. (Oxon.) ; Wm. Burt; Chas. Brand ; Philip H. Webb, M.Sc. ; Andrew Rutherford. Trustees Lord Scone, B.A., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. ; Melville Gray ; F. Norie-Miller, J.P., F.E.I.S. ; Robert Hunter The Annual Reports were submitted as follows REPORT OF COUNCIL, 1932. Sixty-sixth Annu l Meeting. The Council have pleasure in presenting to the members of the Society their 66th Annual Report. Nine Meetings were held during the year ; three of these were joint with the Royal Horticultural Society. Four Council Meetings were held during the year. One Associate Member and Eleven Ordinary Members and One Life Member were admitted during the year, and the Member¬ ship now stands at 279 : Associates 6 ; Associate Members 7 ; Life Members 16 ; Ordinary Members 241 ; Hon. Members 2 ; Corresponding Members 7. lii. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

By death the Society has lost nine memhers, these being, Rev. H. Drummond, Messrs. James A. Rollo, J. Sydney Steele, Wm. Wylie, avid N. Milne, James T. Munsie, Sir J. Duncan Miller, Prof. J. A. Thomson, and Miss A. R. Atkinson. During the summer four excursions were arranged, all of hich were carried through, and the Council desire to tha k the pro¬ prietors who so kindly granted permission to traverse their grounds and others who assisted in carrying out the programme. During the summer several members of the Society assisted the Council in the Bird-ringing Scheme and in all 316 birds were ringed. The 35th Essay Competition for children attending Perthshire Schools, as on The Part which Water has played in the breaking down and building up of the Rocks of Perthshire. There were 95 essays sent in. The Medal, Prizes and Certificates were presented by Mrs. Robert Adam on the 22nd October, 1932. The Council desire to thank the Examiners, Messrs. M Alpine, Smart, Nairne and M Diarmid, for their work. The Council are indebted to Mr. Melville Gray for his continued interest in the Society, and for furnishing the means by which the Society will be enabled to carry through the Drawing Com¬ petition open to Scholars in Perthshire, for the drawing of objects in the Museum collection, and the Council hope that there will he a satisfactory entry.

Report oe Libraria . The following is a list of the Books added to the Library : Presented by Lord Eorteviot : Proceedings of Zoological Society of London, 1932, Part I. Proceedings of Zoological Society of London, 1932, Parts II. and III. Presented by Mr. Winter : Polar Exploration, by W. S. Bruce. Presented by Ray Society : British Freshwater Copepoda, Vol. II. Presented by L. P. W. Renouf : Plant and Animal Ecology,” written by himself and J. W. Stork.

Books Purchased : Encyclopaedia of Gold and Silver Coins.” The Essentials of Biology,” by James Johnstone. History of Perth Academy,” by Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., E.R.S.E. PROCEEDINGS PE THSHIRE SOCIETY OF NAT RAL SCIENC , liii.

A Highland Parish, A Histor of lenlyon and Rannoch, b Alex. Ste art. Primulas for Garden and Greenhouse,” by E. H. M. Co and G. C. Taylor. Perth and Sir Walter Scott,” by Peter Baxter. The Microscope,” Vols. I. and II. The Biology of Spiders,” by Theodore H. Savory. The Biology of Spiders,” Vols. I. and II., by E. Nielsen.

t Report of Editor. The Editor reported that the only publication issued during the pa t year as Part III., Vol. IX. of the Transactions and Pro eedings of the Society. The President then delivered his Annual Address, the subject being The Perthshire Hieracia ” (see Tra sactions, Vol. IX., Page 125). The Address was illustrated by lantern slides. Thereafter the slides of the Lantern Slide Competition in connection with the Scottish Photographic Federation were exhibited, the section of colour slides being particularly interesting.

Report of Treasurer. (See Abstract of Accounts for year ending 28th February, 1933, Page lx.).

SUMMER SESSION, 1933. The following Excursions were arranged : May 13. To Stobhall. Leader Mr. J. Ritchie. June 17. Joint Excursion with Edinburgh, Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline Naturalists to , Cauldron Linn and the Devon. Leader Mr. E. Smart. July 22. Delvine and Roman C mp. Leader Mr. Wm. Burt. August 28. Mountain Excursion to Ben Lui. Leaders Mr. Wm. Malloch and Mr. C. Walmesley. September 16. Cambusmichael, and Byres Farm. Leader Mr. A. Rutherford. liv. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHI E SOCIETY OF ATURAE SCIENCE.

28th October, 1933.


Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., E.R.S.E., President, in the Chair. The Thirt -Sixth Annual Prize-giving in connection with the Annual Essa Competition for the Charles MTntosh Prizes, and the fifth Museum Drawing Competition for prizes presented by Mr. Mel ille Gray, took place in the Museum Lecture Room, on Saturday, 28th October, 1933, at 2.30 p.m. The President gave a resume of the essays, and a summary of the Reports of the Ex miners. He then called on Mrs. Dow to present the various prizes. Bailie Dow, on behalf of his wife, expressed thanks for the privilege of being present. Votes of thanks to the Donors of Prizes, to Examiners of Essays, to Mr. and Mrs. Dow and the Chairman were given.

PERTHSHIRE NATURAL SCIENCE MUSEUM DRAWING COMPETITION, 1932-33. Examiner s Report. As was anticipated, the subject did not attract the young people to the same extent as some other subjects have done The subtle and elusive form of a fish demands considerable skill to express its appearance adequately and competitors must have felt this difficulty in securing a satisfying picture ; notwith¬ standing this, the winners in all sections have presented very capable studies. In the senior class, 15 to 18, one outstanding set of drawings, remarkable even apart from the youth of the competitor, deserves special praise for the rich, expressive quality of the illustrations. This outstanding effort leads me to suggest to the Committee the desirabiltiy of building up a permanent exhibition group of the best work done in this competition. Such a group would be an education and an incentive to young students who are gifted with a measure of art skill, it would show to them quite a high standard of illustrative drawing, and in giving honourable and permanent recognition of the work done would develop enthusiasm and lead to a higher standard of achievement. D. SCOTT MURRAY. PROCEEDINGS PE THSHIRE SOCIETY OE NATURAL SCIENCE. Iv.


Schools nd Number oe Ess ys Sen I .

Auchtergaven Public School ... 5 Essays.

Dunkeld-Biinam Royal Sc ool 4 Essays.

Glendelvine Public School ... 14 Essays.

Lochearnhead Public School 1 Essay.

Madderty Public School ... 3 Essays.

M Laren High School ... 34 Essays.

Pitlochry High School ... 6 Essays.

Western District School, Perth 1 Essay.

Total, ... 68 Essays.

Number of Schools ... 8

Number of Girls 45

Number of Boys 23

Total, 68


Dr. Sanderson Age 15 years and over 9 Essays.

Mr. Smart Age 14 ye rs and over 7 Essays.

Mr. Nairne ...... Age 13 years and over 23 Essays.

Mr. Coates Age 12 years and over 20 Essays.

Mr. Coates Age 11 years and o er 9 Essays.

68 Essays. I


Age II years. BIZES.

Name. Address. School. 1. L. G. Skinner, Anch ndarroch, Pitlochry. Pitlochry High School. 2. Una Winton, Fern Cottage, Knockendarroch,- Pitlochry. Pitlochry High School.


3. Alexander Clow, Springbank Mill, : Dunblane, Perthshire. McLaren High School.

Age 12 years.


1. Andre Coupland, Lincluden, Tomcroy Terrace, Pitlochry. Pitlochry High School. 2. Jean R. Ste art, ; Kennels, ,Edradour, Pitlochry. Pitlochry High School. 3. Florence Brydon, Craig-araig, Pitlochry. Pitlochry High School. 4. essie Chalmers, . . ; Logiebride, Bankfoot, Perthshire Auchterg ven Public School.

CE TIFICA ES. 5. John Fairweather, Bankfoot. Auchtergaven Public School. 6. Sheil Donaldson, Fonab Home F rm, Pitlochry. Pitlochry High School. 7. Jean M Lean, Station Road, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 8. Elizabeth M L. Campbell, Craigie Road, Perth. Western District School. 9. W. Hinchcliffe, Gart Lodge, Callander. McLaren High School. 10. Jenny Laird, Old Farm, Blairdrummond, by Stirling. McLaren High School. 11. James Baird, Caputh. Glendelvine School.

v Age 13 years.

PRIZES. PROCEEDINGS PE THSHI E SOCIETY OE NATURAL SCIENCE. Ivii Name. Address. School. 1. Nancy Morris, Belstane, Bankfoot, Perthshire. Auchtergaven Public School. 2. Susan Monaghan, Queen Victoria School, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 3. Ella T ompson, 74 High Street, Dunblane. McLaren High School. 4. (Equal). Katherine M. R. Paterson, Dunkeld-Bimam Royal School. . (E ual). Catherine Hutchison, 57 Springfield Terrace, Dunblane. McLaren High School.

CERT TCATES. 5. Marion M Donald, The Glack, Bankfoot, Per hshire. Auchtergaven Public School. 6. Ann Paul, Cotley, Spitt lfield. Glendelvine Public School. 7. Gordon Cairns, Brooklinn, Callander. McLaren High School. 8. (Equal). Jean Aitken, Inchtuthill, Caputh. Glendelvine Public School. 8. (Equal). Catherine Maclaren, Dunkeld-Bimam Royal School.

Age 14 years.

PRIZES. Name. Addr ss. School. 1. Catherine M Lean, Monachyle, B lquhidder. McLaren High School. 2. Vivienne Meikle, Kincardine School Hse., Blair Drummond. McLaren High School.

CERTIFICATES. 3. Jessie Gillespie Kerr, 12 West Cottages, Deanston, Donne. McLaren High School. 4. Catherine Eergusson, Beannach-Aonghais, Balquhidder, by McLaren High School. Strat yre. Age 15 years nd over. Iviii. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHI E SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIE CE. PRIZES. Name. Address. School. 1. William George Duffes, 112 Glasgow Road, Perth. McLaren High School. 2. Margaret Kate Meikle, Kincardine School House, Blair Drummond, McLaren High School. by Stirling. 3. Maisie Buchanan, Rossbum Lane, by Stirling. McLaren High School.

CERTIFICATES. 4. Jenny Dunn, Lochend, Trossachs. McLaren High School. 5. Margaret Cairns, Brooklinn, Callander. McLaren High School. 6. Ian Davidson Mill, Elmbank, Callander. McLaren High School.

CHILDREN S DRAWI G COMPETITION. Age 10-12 years. PRIZES. Name. Address. School. 1. Robert Campbell, 22 Stanley Place, Perth. Northern District School. 2. Hester Curie, Hartfell, Barnhill, Perth. Perth Academy. 3. Frances Edwards, 23 Princes Street, Perth. Perth Academy.

Age 12-15 year . PRIZES. 1. Audrey Lornie, 18 York Place, Perth. Perth Academy. 2. Isobel Craig, 181 High Street, Perth. Perth Academy. 3. Alex. Lobban, 58 Scott Street, Perth. Southern District School.

Age 15-18 years. PRIZES. 1. William Duffes, 112 Glasgow Road, Perth. McLaren High School. 2. Ronald Ed ards, 23 Princes Street, Perth. Perth Academy. PROCEEDINGS PE THSHI E SOCIETY OE ATURAL SCIENCE, lix.



Associate Members. Watt, Thom s, Woode d, Barnhill, Per h Dece ber, 1932. Curie, Robert, Hartfell, Dundee Road, Perth March, 1933.

Ordinar Members. Alexander, Dan, 1 Comely B nk, Perth 8th March, 1933. Aitken, J mes, Orchard Bank, B rnhill, Perth 28th July, 1933. Chalmers, Elizabeth, 18 New Ro , Perth 10th March, 1933. Dickson, Thos. B., B.Sc., Education Offices, Perth... 29th June, 1933. Eitzgerald, Arthur S., 11 Elorence Place, Perth 10th Janu r , 1933. Forrest, Miss, 106 Gl sgow Road, Perth 8th June, 1933. Hunter, T. Harris, Balharmy, Viewlands Rd., Perth 4th March, 1933. Henderson, T. R., Bellevue, Edinburgh Rd., Perth 15th July, 1933. Hay, William, 13 Hammerman s Bldgs., Dunkeld Road, Perth 5th September, 1933. Innes, D. E., M.C., M.A., Cortin , St. Andrews 11th February, 1933. Jackson, James, Savings Bank, Perth 10th March, 1933. Kelman, James, County Bldgs., York Place, Perth ... 14th November, 1932. Mitchell, R. Matthew, Muircroft, Auchterarder 12th January, 1933. M Kenzie, David, 75 George Street, Perth 12th January, 1933. Pirie, Harold, 133 Market Street, St. Andrews 3rd Febru ry, 1933. Robertson, John J., 3 Laurel Bank, Perth 10th June, 1933. Sword, D vid, 38 Jeanfield Road, Perth 25th January, 1933. Todd, James J., Strathview Terr., Scone Rd., Perth... 10th June, 1933. Thomson, John, 85 Princes Street, Perth ... 16th July, 1933. *Walker, Frederick, D.Sc., Geological Department, University, St. Andrews 10th March, 1933. Wood, David, 62 High Street, Perth 10th March, 1933. Williamson, John M., Primrose Cott., R ttray, B’ 4th Sep ember, 1933.


INCOME. EXPENDITURE. To Subscriptions from Members ...£64 19 6 By Heating, Lighting, etc £24 17 6 „ Donatio s M. Gr y, Es . ... 10 0 0 „ Janitor 6 10 0 „ rawing Competition for Prizes ... 5 0 0 „ Other Societies 5 7 0 „ Sundries Bank Interest ..£1 3 0 „ Books and Magazines 32 7 9 Clouston s lect re .. 1 11 3 „ Printing ... 12 2 10 A. Pirie (Blocks) .. 1 12 0 „ Sundries 20 14 H- Trans, per Secy ... 0 4 0 „ Dr ing Competition Prizes 5 0 0 R.H.S. of P. Ads .. 0 5 0 4 15 3 £84 1 9 £106 19 9i To Balance from last Account . 51 2 7 Balance Sum in Bank ... £30 16 11 Less due M Intosh Fund 4 4 2 £ 6 12 9 Cash due by Treasurer 1 11 9 C sh due by Secretary 013 1 28 17 7

£135 17 U £135 17

Perth, 9th Marc , 1933 Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found correct. (signed) J. MORISON. Auditor. ' & 4 -

PUBLICATIONS ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT. PROCEEDINGS PE THSHIRE SOCIETY OE ATURAL SCIENCE. To £500 4 per cent. Con. Stock (at cost) ... .£ 28 9 9 By Cost of Publishing Transactions and Proceedings, „ Interest, 1st Aug. and 1st Feb., 1933, Yol. IX., Pt. II £36 13 less Income Tax at 5/- . 15 0 0 „ £500 er cent. Con. Govt. Stock (at cost) ...428 9 9 „ Income Ta refund March, 1932 7 5 0 „ Income Tax refund February, for Aug. 1, and Feb. 1st, 1933 . 5 0 0 „ Sum from P.S.N.S. Account . 9 8 4 £465 3 1 £465 3 1

Perth, 9th March, 1933 Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found correct. (signed) J. MORTSON, Auditor.


To City of Perth Loan at 4 per cent. ...£130 0 0 By Cost of Prizes, Printing, etc. £7 0 4 „ Interest for year endin 11th November, „ Balance due by P.S.N.S. A/c. ... 4 4 2 less Income T x ... 4 12 8 ,, City of Perth Loan at 4 per cent. 130 0 0 „ Balance last account ... 3 10 1 „ Income Tax Refund, 8/3/32 ... 1 10 11 „ Income Tax Refund, Feb., 1932 to 11th Nov., 1932 1 10 10

£141 4 6 £141 4 6

Perth, th March, 1933. Ex mined, compared with the Vouchers, and found correct. (signed) J. MORISON, A ditor. ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, PERTH, 1932.

HYDRO¬ BARO¬ AIR TEMPERATURE. RAIN WIND DIRECTION SUNSHINE METER METER xA w Absolute Ma imum Mean at E? Number of Observations at Mean ot !zi ean at nd Minimum 9 a.m. c3 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. o Sea Q REMARKS. Level Differ- o * o a& a 'd "c$ (4 03 at 9 a.m. (A.) (B.) and B. age a Mon h 9 Month in £ Ol> EH £

Inches 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 mm mm N NE E SE s SW W N W Hours 12-1 19 58-9 A . 29-866 49-2 35-5 42-3 + 5-3 57 18 24 26 41-7 40-0 68-7 18 0 0 0 2 2 54 0 4 0 22 Bather mild, ith good deal of 46-9 30-8 38-9 + 1-3 58 3 21 18 36-5 35-3 4-1 7 1-5 9, 27 2 6 0 12 2 16 4 16 0 94-4 24 Exceptionally dr ; very mild FEB. 30-52 and sunny. 11-5 21 107-8 MAR. 29-875 47-8 34-3 41-1 + 1-0 59 13 23 8 40-6 38-8 64-2 13 2 8 4 12 5 19 3 9 0 24 Cool; fairly dry. APRIL 29-648 50-8 33-8 42-3 2-2 59 29 27 13 3-8 41-0 71-8 20 14-2 2 0 16 0 11 0 18 1 14 0 136-7 28 et; ra her cool. MAY 29-861 58-2 40-7 49-5 0-3 68 27 28 9 50-7 47-3 69-5 17 21-4 15 10 9 6 13 2 11 2 9 0 131-6 26 Dull and et. JUNE 30-040 66-4 45-5 55-9 + 0-2 79 17 36 4, 20 57-7 52-9 27-3 6 10-0 30 0 10 4 21 4 17 2 2 0 198-4 29 Ver arm; dry. JULY 29-759 66-5 51-7 59-1 + 0-7 77 19 42 23 60-0 56-2 64-5 18 21-2 3 0 0 0 16 2 28 2 4 0 148-3 27 ar month. 7-5 146-3 AUG. 30-041 67-7 50-6 59-1 + 1-8 78 11 33 23 59-0 55-7 25-1 10 6 2 8 0 16 0 32 0 4 0 30 Very arm, dry onth. 14-2 129-5 SEPT. 29-734 60-5 45-2 52-9 0-4 71 15 29 28 51-9 49-6 45-2 17 7 1 2 2 2 0 42 2 9 0 26 Dull month. 20-9 78-9 OCT. 29-576 51-3 38-1 44-7 —1-7 59 9 27 29 44-4 42-6 151-5 26 26 6 4 1 9 4 20 2 16 0 23 et a d rat er unsettled. 6-2 7-8 NOV. 29-916 46-9 34-3 40-6 0-5 56 2, 3 24 _ 7 39-7 38-6 30-4 18 25 0 4 3 5 1 35 0 12 0 17 F irly dry mont ; dull. 19-7 25-0 DEO. 29-896 46-2 36-3 41-3 + 3-8 57 16, 17 20 7, 8 40-8 39-3 112-7 23 19 2 4 2 5 0 35 4 10 0 14 Wet a d dull; mild.

Or Total 1203-6 Average 29-89 54-8 39-7 7-3 + 0-6 735-0 193 25 71 22 12 22 327 22 109 290 for year Hi hest 79 17-vi 21-4 15-v 198-4 7-18 25-0 Lowest 20 xii Height of Station above Sea Level = 77 feet. Position 56° 2 N. Lat., W. Long. JOHN RITCHIE, Observer.



18th November, 1935. This was the first meeting- of the Society in the Lecture Room of the new Art Gallery and Museum, which had been opened by, H.R.H. The Duke of York (now His Majesty King- George VI), on 10th Au ust, 1935. Prof. A. D. Peacock, D.Sc., University College, Dundee, delivered a lecture entitled The Amateur Naturalist, to an audience of some 200 members and friends, who', after an adjourn¬ ment for t a, enjoyed a cinema entertainment kindly provided by Mr. Davidson of Messrs. Blackadder, the films shown being ictures taken in Perth during the Royal Jubilee celebrations and at the opening of the Art Gallery and Museum by Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of York.

8th November, 1935.

Dr. Geo. a lor, D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., British Museum, London, delivered a lecture on The British Museum Expedition to the Mountains of East Africa, 1934-35.”*

13th December, 1935.

Mr. Robert Kerr, M.A., F.R.A.I., Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, delivered a lecture on Fiji and the Fijians.” *

27th December, 1935. The Xmas lecture for young folk was delivered by Mr. W. P. Nairne, on Mimicry in Nature.”*

10th January, 1936. This meeting took the form of a Members Ni ht. Mr. W. . M Callum kindly provided a talkie cinema exhibition, then various members contributed papers, Mr. Chas. F. Davidson, B.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.G.S., On the Geological Survey and Museum, London ”*; Mr. John Ritchie, F.R.A.I., On the False Killer Whales stranded at the Mouth of the Tay in November last,”* a d On Abnormal Incisors of Rabbit,” and Mr. Wm. Malloch, B.Sc., On the Society s Mountaineerin Excursion to The Trenches, Balquhiddef, in August last. * * Lecture illustrated by lantern slides.


14th February,, 1936.

Prof. J. R. Matthews, Aberdeen University, delivered a lecture on The Plant Geog aphy of Britain. *

13th March, 1936. 69th ANNUAL MEETING.

Mr. Wm. Malloch, B.Sc., President, occupied the Chair. Office-bearers for Session 1936-37 were elected as follows : President Cyril Walmesley, A.M.I.C.E. Vice-Presidents Charles Brand; Philip H. Webb, M.Sc. ; Andrew Rutherford ; Edward Curwen. Editor James Angus, M.A., B.Sc. Librarian John Ritchie, F.R.A.I. Secretary William C. Burt. Treasurer James Winter. Council Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E. ; Wm. Malloch, B.Sc. ; John A. Stewart, W.S. ; Arthur S. Fitzg rald ; Andrew Wilson ; J. J. Robertson.

Report of Librarian. No books had been bou ht by, or presented to the Society. The usual magazines costing 8 had been purchased. The thanks of the Society were due to' various donors who contributed scientific periodicals. Report of Editor.

Publication of the Transactions and Proceedings had been deferred until next session.

Report of Treasurer.

See Abstract of Accounts for year ending 28th February, 1936, page xciv. Mr. Wm. Malloch, B.Sc., then delivered his Presidential Address, entitled Art and Natural History in China. *

SUMMER SESSION, 1936. The following E cursions took place: May 23rd. Falkland and Palace. June 20th. Joint Excursion ith Royal Horticultural Society to The Laws, Kingennie, Angus. The excursion arranged for August 24th to Ben Lawers was cancelled o ing to lack of numbers. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. I xxvii.

WINTER SESSION, 1936-37. 13th November, 1936. Prof. R. Rutherford Dow, University Colleg-e, Dundee, delivered a lecture on Harvey and the Heart. The lecture as illustrated with lantern slides and cine film.

2nd December, 1936. Joint meeting- with Royal Horticultural Society. Mr. David Wilkie, Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburg-h, delivered a lecture on Rock Gardens for the Year.” *

th December, 1936. Mr. L. C. Co rie, B.Sc., University Colleg-e, Dundee, delivered a paper on Some Notes on the Natural History of Whales. The paper was illustrated with lantern slides and cine film. (See Transactionsj p. 182').

24th December, 1936. Xmas Lecture for children on Musical Instruments through the A es,” was delivered by Mr. D. R. Langdon, Mus.B., A.T.C.L.

8th January, 1937. Thi meeting took the form of a Members Night, hen the following short papers were read : Some Botanical Notes from Glen Lyon,” by Mr. M. Lunan, B.Sc. (See Transactions, p. 195.) Geological Notes,” by Mr. C. F. Da idson, B.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.G.S. (See Transactions, pp. 190, 192.) The Coronation Stone,” by Mr. Andrew Rutherford. (See Trans ctions, p. 207.)

22nd January, 1937. Joint meeting with Royal Horticultural Society. Mr. D. A. Torrance, Busby, by Glasgow, delivered a lecture on Modern Dahlias.”

12th February, 1937. Mr. A. D. C. Main, B.Sc., Windyedge, delivered a paper on Farming Problems.”

* Lecture illustrated by lantern slides. Ixxxviii. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.


Mr. Cyril Walmesley, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E., President, occupied the Chair.

Office-beare s for Session 1937-38 were elected as follo s : President Cyril Walmesley, A.M.I.C.E., M.Inst.W.E.

Vice-Presidents A. Rutherford; E. Curwen; E. Smart, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E.; W. Malloch, B.Sc.

Editor D. J. S. Sutherland, M.A., B.Sc., A.I.C. Librarian John Ritchie, F.R.A.I. Secretary William C. Burt. Treasurer Jas. F. Gumming-. Members of Council J. A. Stewart, W.S.; A. S. Fitzg-erald; And. R. Wilson; J. J. Robertson; P. K. M Laren; F. J. Simpson. Trustees Earl of Mansfield, B.A., F.Z.S., M.B.O.V. ; Melville Gray; Sir Francis Norie-Miller, Bart.; Robt. Hunter.

The Annual Reports were ubmitted as follows :

Report of Council.

The Council have pleasure in presenting- to the members of the Society thei 70th Annual Report. Seven meeting-s were held during- the year. These meetings were all well attended. Three Council meetin s w re held. At the close of the session, the 29th Scottish National Photographic Salon was held in the Art Gallery. This Salon was arranged under the auspices of the Society, and was a g eat succes . In connection with it a series of Concerts and also Lectures connected with the Art of Photography was carried out, and were well attended by members and the general public. 18 Ordinary Members were admitted during the year, and the membership now stands at 297 Associates, 3 ; Associate Members, 12; Life Members, 14; Ordinary Members, 261; Honorary Mem¬ bers, 2; Corresponding Members, 5. By death the Society has lost 7 members: Messrs. William A. Barclay, Peter Baxter, Robert Blair, Robert Brand, Wm. Ellison, Col. W. S. Fothringham, Ex-Lord Provost Wotherspoon. Durin the year, Mr. Winter found it necessary to resign the office of Treasurer, which he had held for 23 years. The Council again wish to record their sincere thanks to Mr. Winter for his PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. Ixxxix.

faithful and most useful services to the Society during the whole tenure of his office. Durin the summer two Excursions ere held. The Society continued to assist in the Bird-ringing Scheme, and, in all, 149 Birds were ringed. The 39th Essay Competition fo Children attending Perthshire Schools was on A Perthshire River. There were 85 essay sent in. The Prizes and Certificates were presented by Miss Haldane, Cloan, on 17th October, 1937. A Xmas Lecture for young folk on Musical Instruments through the Ages,” was given by Mr. Langdon, on 24th December, j936. Report of Librarian.

No books had been bought by, or presented to the Society. The usual magazines costing 6 9s. id. had been urchased. The Society is indebted to various donors of scientific journals and magazine . Report of Editor.

Part V. of Volume IX of th Transactions and Proceedings w s published. Report of Treasurer.

See Abstract of Accounts for year ending 28th February, 1937, page xcvi. The President, Mr. C. Walmesley, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E., then delivered his Address on Amateur Astronomy.” (See T ansactions, p. 197.) xc. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.


Members elected between ist February, 1936, and 31st March, 1937.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Curie, Hester, Hartfell, Dundee Road, Perth (ist March, 1936). Turpie, John, 29 Priory Place, Perth (18th September, 1936). MacPherson, Alex. D. H., 2 Bon-Accord Terrace, Perth (18th September, 1936). Flight, Wm. D., 9 Wilson Street, Perth ( th December, 1936).


13th March, 1936.

Curie, Mrs. P. M., Hartfell, Dundee Road, Perth. Fraser, J., Marshall s Buildings, King Edward Street, Perth.

6th November, 1936.

MacGregor, Le i , 12 Muirhall Terrace, Perth. Chanleson, Conal, F.R.C.S., Greenbank. Molteno, D. I., Glenlyon House. Richmond, Miss Margaret, Kincairne , Murthly. Keith-Murray, Mrs. G., Drummonie, Bridge of Earn. Todd, Allan F. A., Bonhard. Johnston, John, 17 Wilson Street, Perth. Simpson, Fred. J., 3 Dragon Terrace, Perth. Lunan, Murray, B.Sc., 64 Needless Road, Perth. Sim son, Dr. Ja es, Barossa Place, Perth. Nicoll, David, Duncraig, Bprghmuir, Perth. Bryce, A. D., Agriculture College, Rose Terrace, Perth. Kirkpatrick, Dr., Graham Place, Perth. Cross, Capt. Ale ., Battleby, .

nth December, 1936.

Beaton, Peter C. M., 2 Graham Street, Perth. Crawford, Dr., Muirton Bank, Perth.

19th March, 1937.

Ste art, Mrs. M rgaret, Tempar, Kinnoull, Perth. Cox, Mrs. Louise M., Dun arthill, Dunkeld. Galloway, Mi s Elspeth, D.A., Kin swell, Burghmuir Road, Perth. Hogarth, Hugh, Delvine, Murthly. Norwell, Peter, 219 High Street, Perth. Baillie, Major James, 24 Barossa Place, Perth. Smith, W. S. Kennedy, D.A., The Academy, Perth. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. XC1.


By John Ritchie. During the last few years the Society has lost by death some member who, during some period of their lives, took a very active part in its welfare, and the promotion of the Natural History and Archaeology of the County. Among these were the following members : William Wylie, as a young man, took an early interest in Natural History. At that time, in the nineties of the 19th century, there were everal members of this Society keenly interested in Entomology. Mr. Wylie, a wood turner by trade, was encouraged to join the Society as an Associate Member in 1896. Ultimately his interest centred mainly on the Sawflies of this district, in the study and collection of which he lived a full life, until his sudden call in une, 1932. Robert Hunt Meldrum, born in 1858, became a member of this Society in 1884. He belonged to Perth, served his time as a pupil teacher in Cherrybank School, and trained as a teacher in Edinburgh. For a number of years he taught in variou Perth schools, and later became headmaster at , from which post he retired in 1917. An active member of this Society, throwing hi self with enthusiasm into a study of the Mosses of Perthshire, he initiated a Mountain Section, and for many years was its Cairn Master. From his numerous expeditions to the hills of ur county he brought back his finds of rare and sometimes unknown species of these plants. Mr. Meldrum had charge of the arrangement of the Museu Collection f Mosses, and published in our Proceedings the result of these finds. He not only collected local mosses, but had made a herbarium of European species with full data. We received his Perth¬ shire specimens, the rest of his collection going to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Edinbu gh. He died in June, 1933. Robert R. Boog Watson, who became a member of the Society in 1903, died after a long illness in September, 1933. Mainly interested in the past history of the County, he devoted, after his retiral from business, his time to these investigations. In 1923 he was awarded the Chalmers-Jervise Prize for his investigation work on The Deuchny Hill Fort, b the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland. Mr. Watson also began .an index of all references to Perth and Perthshire which 'appeared in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, S otland. He was of great assistance to me in the preparation of specimens in view of the proposed amal amation of the mate ial from the Perthshire Museum and that in the George Street Museum into one new building. G. P. K. Young, F.R.I.B.A., was among our oldest members, havin joine the Society in 1872. In his youth he was active in the interests of the Society, being a member of its Council, and holding office as Libra ian for five years, from 1877 t0 i882. He, along with his father, was Architect for the Museum erected by this Society in Tay Street, and it is of interest that he was one of the four Trustees of t e late Mr. R, Brough, whose magnificent bequest allowed of a New Museum being erected. He passed away on 28th October, 1933, active to the last. Surgeon-Captain Charles Geikie Matthew, M.B., C.M., R.N., beca e a member in 1920. He was born at Newmilne, Perthshire, on 30th July, 1862. Educated at Edinburgh Academy, he proceeded to study Medicine at Edinburgh University, and qualified in 1885. For the next three years he served in t e P. & O. Shippin Company. In 1889, Mr. Matthew entered the Royal Navy as a Surgeon, retiring with the rank of Fleet Surgeon in 1909. The most of his service was in the Far East, and in 1907 he was decorated by the Japanese Government with the Order of the Rising Sun. On the outbreak of t e European War in August, 1914, he rejoined the Royal Navy and with the rank of Surgeon-Captain was in char e of the Naval Medical St tion at Dover Harbour. During his years of service in the East am early love of the study of Fe ns bore fruit by the publication of several papers on these forms of plant life XC11. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. to the Linnean Society, and in 190S published privately Notes on the Ferns of Hong-Kong and the Adjacent Mainland. In 1909 he was honoured by being elected a Fellow of the Linneam Society, in recognition of his contributions to Botanical Science. By nature fond of the country and its life, he esi ed at Craigmakerran, Guildtown, after the War, and took a pride in his garden. He experimented by rearing many of ou arer native plants in it, by transferring them from their native habitat of either mountain or marsh, and observing with trained eye any variations c used by such divorce fro their usual home. A good friend not only to our Society but also1 to our Museum, he gave enco nagement, a few years ago, by gifting to us a sum of money, the interest to be u ed for publication purposes. By this means he sought to encourage research work locally, and enable the results to be put on permanent record. From time to time he also enriched our Library by the ddition of valuable Botanical Works. For the Herba ium, he sorted out Drummond Hay s Collection of British Plants, and left them as a aluable consultative collection of the British Flora. Among his last kindnesses to us he presented a handsome Cine outfit, by which to enco ra e our Society to keep abreast of the most modern methods of research. His mortal remains were cremated, and his ashes laid to rest within the county of his birth, at St. Martins. His heir, Mr. Frank Matthew, allowed me to select some of his books for our Library, and also presented to the Museum and Art Gallery many of his very fine collection of Japanese wood-cuts, which he collected when in the East. I lso obtained s me of his early sketch books, which showed that, early in life, Mr. Matthew had on easy facility with the pencil, which gave good service to him when drawing illustrations of his plant finds. William Ellison, J.P., w s admitted a member of our Society in 1881, and died in 1936. He early took an active interest in its work, and his influence helped the formation of a section which has done much to put on record, by the id of photography, in which he was an adept, the appearance of many of our historic buildings, not only within the city but also in the county. This was in keepin with his everyday ork, that of Art Master at the Ac demy. He was on many occasions a member of Council, and also Vice-President. Henry Coates, F.S.A.Scot. (1859-1935), was the youngest son of Mr. Andrew Coates, who did much for the establishing of the Natural Hist ry Museum in Tay Street. Brought up with such family interests, it wa natural that Henry should bec me imbued with a keen interest in Nature s various ways. He was born in Philadelphia, U.S.A., and a few years late his parents returned to Scotland, and, except for the last few years of his life which were spent in Torquay, he lived in our city. As a student at Edinbur h University he gained a knowledge of the geological features f Scotland. This wns put to use by givin assistance to M'Nair when he was preparing his work on The Geology and Scenery f the Grampi ns, by reporting on the various earth formations and by producing the photographs which illustrated the work. A life interest in Mollusca p oduced m ny papers by him in our Transactions; the earliest appeared in 1882. His knowledge of this group enabled him to catalogue the collection in the Perth Museum and also those which were in the Natural History Dep rtment at Dundee University College. He w s for a long period a member of the Conchological Society, London. Mr. Coates became a member of this Society in 1875, and held almost every office at some period or other; for 15 years he was President; 13 years Editor, and during the Great War was Curator of the museum. He was a man of exceptional ability and a fascinating lecturer, while the product of his pen and knowledge is to be seen in the various papers which he published in the Proceedings and Transactions over a long period of years. G. P. K. Young.

Henry Coates. Robt. H. Meldrum.



For the Charles Macintos Memorial Prizes.


Subject: A Perthshire River.

I. ge 11 years (9 Essays). 1st Prize Wm. Storrie, Newbiggin School. 2nd Prize Betty Donaldson, Glendelvi e School. 3'nd Prize James Pearson; Auchtergaven School. Certifi¬ cates Cathie Miller, Glendelvine School; Ronald Smith, Meikleour School; Chrissie Anderson, Glendelvine School.

II. Age 12 years (18 Essays). 1st Prize Jean Graham, Auchtergaven School. 2nd Prize Margaret Robertson, Glendelvine School. 3rd Prize, Morna Cook, Auchter aven School. 4th Prize Sheena Anderson, Glendelvine School. Certificates Nanie Bryan, Glendelvine School; Bettty Dick, Auchtergaven School; Annie Laing, Glen¬ delvine School; James Ste art, M'Laren High School; Elizabeth Y. Wilson, St. Mary s Episcopal School, Dunblane.

III. Age 13 years (23 Essa s). 1st Prize Isabel Macdougall, M Laren High School. 2nd P ize Myra Guthrie, M’Laren Hi h School. 3rd Prize Archie Ho g, M'Laren High School. 4th Prize (Equal) Jessie M Vean, M'Laren Hi h School; Marjory Kerr, Auchter aven School. Certificates Louis Maclachlan, Auchtergaven School; James MacRae, M'Laren High School; Isabella Gardiner, Newbigging School; Effie and Stewart Wilson, both of M'Laren High School.

IV. Age 14 years (22 Essays). 1st Prize Annie M'Hendry, M'Laren High School. 2nd Prize Alastai Muir, M'Laren High School. 3rd Prize Ian Dewar, M'Laren High School. 4th Prize Qallum MacIntyre, M'Laren High School. Certificates Nettie Marquis, Elaine Macfarlane, Eric T. L’Amie, James M'Laren, Nina Macpherson, Bunty Miacintyre, all of M'Laren High School.

V. Age 15 years and over (13 Essays). 1st Prize and Medal Kenneth A. M. Gillies, Breadalbane Academy. 2nd Prize Margaret Finlayson, M'Laren Hi h School. rd Prize (Equal) Isbie Dow, M'Laren High School; Christina W. Drummond, M'Laren High School. Certificates Edith Sma t, Roy Dickson, both of M Laren High School; Elizabeth B. Grieve, Dunkeld-Bi nam Royal School.

85 Essays were sent in from the following Schools : Breadalbane Academy, 1 ; Glendelvine, 13 ; Newbigging, 4; Dunkeld-Birnam, 1 ; Killin, 1 ; St. Mary’s Episcop l, Dunbl ne, 8; Auchtergaven, 11 ; M'Laren High School, 45; Meikleour, 1. The thanks of the Society are due to the examiners : Messrs. C. F. Davidson, E. Sma t, W. P. Nairne, D. J. S. Sutherland, and J. Ritchie. XC1V. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATU AL SCIENCE

ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS for Year en ing 28th February, 1936.


To Subscriptions £(>7 4 0 By H ating, Lighting, etc...... £21 0 0 ,, Sundries (8/ ; 3/6) 0 II 10 ,, Janitor 6 10 O ,, Subscriptions to other Societies ... S 7 0 £67 15 10 ,, Books and Magazines 8 0 0 Credit Balance per last Account 2 9 ,, Printing and Stationery 5 19 10 Debit Balance at 28th Fe ruary, 1936 I 10 ,, Sundries 17 6 6 Made up thus : ,, Opening Social Expenses ...... 13 12 6 Perth Savings Bank £36 7 2 Less Collection ...... 6 0 9 Due by Secretary 0 2 7 II 9 Due by Treasurer 3 0 4 £39 9 Deduct: Due to Publication Endow- ment Account, 20 ; due to M Intosh Memorial Prize Fund, £6 2 . gd. ; due to Furnishing Library Account, 40 19 9

General Account Deficit £1 10 24

£71 IS 1 71 iS I PUBLICATIONS ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. XCV. To £500 4 per cent. Con. Stock at cost ... 428 9 9 Due by General Account • 20 o o ,, Interest on £s00 4 Per cent. Con. Stock, 1 st By 500 4 per cent. Con. Stock at cost . . 428 9 9 Aug., 1935, less Income Tax ... 7 iS o ,, Interest on 500 4 per cent. Con. St ck, 1 st Feb., 1936, less Income Tax ... 7 15 o ,, Inc me Tax Refunded 4 10 o

448 9 9 448 9 9


To Balance per last Account ... 4 10 By Prizes, Printing, etc. • £2 13 1 >> jJOO 33 per cent. Wan Stock at cost ... 129 7 8 >> I3 3s Per cent. War Stock at cost . 129 7 8 ,. Interest on Aioo 35 per cent. War Stock. 1st June, 1935 256 ,, Interest on Jioo 3! per cent. War Stock. 1st Dec., 1935 256

2 138 3 6 138 3 6

FURNISHING LIBRARY ACCOUNT. To Donations ... '64 10 o By Cash of Tables and Chairs 49 3 o Due by General Account ... 14 17 o

64 10 o 64 10 o

Perth, 6th March, 1936. Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found correct. (Signed) R. M. JACKSON, C.A., Auditor. o <3 ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS for Year ending 28th February, 1937


To Subscriptions 64 6 6 By Heating, Li hting, etc. 21 ,, Sundries (8/4; 1/6; 4/8 ) ... o 14 6 Janitor 6 Subscriptions to other Societies 5 Bo ks and Magazines 6 Printing and Stationery Sundries Furni hings Library Account. Deficit transferred

53 14 43 ,, Debit Balance at 28th February, 1936, ... 1 10 2i ,, Credit Balance at 28th February, 1937 9 16 53 Made up thus : Perth Savings Bank ...... ,8 8 o Due by Secretary ...... o 17 10 Due by Treasurer ... •• 15 4

£24 10 15 Deduct : Due to Publications Endow¬ ment Account, 8 9s. ; due to MTntosh Memorial Prize Fund Capital, 12/4; Income, 12/4 6 4/8 14 13 8 £9 16 5l

65 05 £65 o| PUBLICATIONS ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. XCV11. To Funds per last Account By Printin 31 11 o 500 4 per cent. Con. Stock at cost £428 9 9 ,, Funds iat 28th February, 1937 Due by General Account 20 0 0 £50° 4 per cent. Con. Stock at cost 428 9 9 2 448 9 9 Due by General Account ...... 8 9 o ,, Interest less Income Tax ... 15 S 0 436 18 9 ,, Income Tax Refunded 4 IS 0 468 9 9 468 9 9

M INTOSH MEMORIAL” PRIZE FUND. To Funds per last Account By Prizes, Printing, etc...... 4 9 1 £130 3s per cent. Wan St ck at cost 129 7 8 ,, Funds at'28th Febru ry, 1937 Capital Balance due by General Account ... o 12 4 3s per cent. War Stock at cost ...... 129 7 8 130 o o Capital Balance due by General Income Balance due by General Acc unt ... 5 10 5 Account ...... o 12 4 'i35 10 S 130 o o ,, Interest ...... 4 11 o Income Balance due by General Account ...... 5 12 4 I35 12 4

140 1 S 2 140 1 5

FURNISHING LIBRARY ACCOUNT. To Balance due by General Account per last Account 14 17 o By Cost of Chairs £16 o o ,, Deficit tranferred to General Account ...... 13 o

16 o o £16 o o

Perth, 19th March, 1937. Prep red by me from the books, vouchers, and other information supplied. (Signed) R. M. JACKSON, C.A., Auditor. ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, PERTH, 1935.

HYGRO¬ BARO¬ RAIN. IND DIRECTION. SUNSHINE. METER AIR TEMPERATURE. METER. CO w M a Absolute Maximum Mean at •S a Number of Observations at H Mean of Hi O and Minimum. 9 a.m. a ci 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. a . Q 0 Tt', £ REMAP KS. cd *w o O P Sh C J o Mean mms. rQ Date. H GQ d at9a.m (A). (B). £ Average a 24 Hours ii in Hour; at Sea Lei and 32° Ea ) Day of Month. Day of Month. Total Fall a Minimum Difference i Minimum. Dry Bulb. Greatest Ball Total Amo Maximum, a Maximum. Wet Bulb. 1 S B 1 S W 1 Calm or| Variable. Inches. o o o O C O O O mm. mm.

45-8 33-6 39-7 +2-0 2 26 14, 17, 38-6 37-2 12 6-2 7 0 2 0 4 0 40 5 11 0 55-6 23 Dry in most districts; mild on A . 30T87 57 28 23-4 the whole. EEB. 9-518 46 T 33-9 40-0 +1-9 56 1 18 26 39-0 37-4 48-6 17 9-4 15 4 6 3 4 0 33 4 2 0 70-3 23 Mild and wet. 49-6 36-7 43-1 +2-5 28 4 42-1 39-7 15 10-5 29 2 13 7 10 0 28 2 0 0 102-6 2 Dry; ild, apart from a cold MAR. 30-113 61 3 29-5 spell from the 8th to the 11th. APR. 29-746 52-3 37-7 45-0 +0-5 62 26, 29 26 7 44-6 41-7 86-3 18 13-5 16 0 7 13 14 2 7 0 17 0 131-4 27 Wet; dull on the whole, 30-223 59-1 38-9 49-0 1-2 26 48- 44-5 11-2 6 4-7 13 2 17 8 18 0 7 0 10 0 227-2 31 ry; sunny, exce tionall cold MAY 69 4, 5 17 from r2th to 19t . A wet month it fre e t JUNE 29 800 63-2 49-5 56-3 +0-8 78 22 39 2 55-5 52-7 69-5 21 13-7 7 0 5 13 27 5 7 3 0 0 128-2 25 thunderstorms; two ver warm sunny spells after 21st. 30-0 3 70-3 49-8 59-9 13 39 59-4 55-0 18-9 8 8-0 19 2 16 15 19 2 5 1 2 0 229-7 29 Sunn and warm; very dry on JULY +1T 82 31 the whole. Warm and dry on the hole ; AUG. 29-9 0 69-3 52 T 60-7 +3T 80 6 40 22 59-2 56-6 56-4 1 12-8 28 3 10 14 23 3 2 2 5 0 219-3 27 unsettled ith heavy rain after 22nd. SEP. 29-683 60-7 45-6 53 T o-o 4,6,13 33 26 51T 49-0 11 -0 18 17-0 1 11 2 0 3 3 5 24 12 0 12S-8 26 A ver wet month; severe gales 66 between 16th and 19th. OCT. 29-62 52-5 40-0 46-3 0-8 60 4 28 22 46-0 44-1 127- 23 20-0 3 13 2 3 5 0 10 20 9 0 570 24 Wet and dull on the whole; fre- quent strong winds and gale. NOV. 29-570 46-2 35-9 41-1 +0-7 56 2 26 24 40-7 39-3 111- 23 31-6 17 3 7 12 6 0 19 6 7 0 37 T 20 A wet month. DEC. 29-560 39-7 26-9 33-3 -6 46 26, 27 12 24 32-6 32-0 57 T 11 11-7 26 32 1 5 3 2 11 0 2 0 43-8 17 Notably cold from 17th to 24th. Total or Avera e 29- 50 5 -5 40-0 4 -3 +6-0 754-3 18 72 88 93 1 6 17 1 4 67 77 0 1431-0 296 for Year Highest 82 13, vii. 31-6 17 229 7 24 XL Lowest 12 XII. 371

Height of Sta ion above Sea Level = 77 feet. Position 56° 24 H. Lat., 3° 27 W. Long. JOHN RITCHIE, Observer. I



2 a Absolute Maximum Mean at P No. of Observations at H F-I Mean of o G 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. P E 9? . and Minimum 9 a.m. 5.a P m REMARKS. rZi c3 c3 c3 w o cS CQ P i=( a «*H a O -03 O Mean O Ts a Date. 0G in Hour at 9 a.m (A). (B). G Average onth. o c3 T* 0G GG at Sea Lei and 32° Fa <£> Day of Day ofMonth, EH 2 Total Amc No. of Days. Maximum Minimum Difference f Minimum. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Cs q Maximum, j i 1 Cal or| Va iable. Inches o o o o o o o o mm. . 0-2 30-3 35-3 2-4 20 34 T 33-2 112-2 26-0 11 6 6 10 0 6 17 6 0 42-7 15 Wet; a cold spell from the 12th to A . 9-435 50 10 11 17 25 23rd. FEB. 29 27 40-2 29-0 3 -6 3-5 49 26 16 13 33-7 32-5 79-2 15 27-2 23 18 14 3 0 3 9 4 0 48-7 17 Cold a d wet. 47-9 36-8 2-3 41-2 39-6 12-7 6 15 12 2 3 14 5 0 41-0 15 Mild; with a marked deficiency of MAR. 29-799 +1-7 60 21 25 3 49-7 14 8 5 sunshine. 18, 21, 40-4 3 156-9 APR. 30-013 51-8 33-5 42-7 1-8 63 30 22 23 T 14-0 6 8-6 23 13 11 5 0 11 10 7 0 29 Rather cold with northerly inds. MAY 30 128 61 0 42-5 51-7 +1-5 71 19 34 17 50-7 48-7 9-2 8 3-3 17 5 17 10 6 2 9 9 2 2 181-4 26 Dry and sunny. JUNE 29-987 68-0 5-6 56-8 + 1-3 81 21, 26 31 2, 3, 5 57-0 53-3 5-4 9 15.5 29 3 6 12 2 1 6 1 7 0 205-1 -28 Dr nd sun y on hole. JULY 29-70 67-7 51-5 59 6 +0-8 7 7, 9 0 27 58-4 55 5 111-4 21 21-4 17 1 9 6 7 0 8 19 11 1 120 8 30 Dull and very wet; ith frequent thunderstorms. 68-9 57-5 55-2 40-8 15-3 0 1 1 1 15 26 14 0 163-6 30 Dry; warm and sunny uring the AUG. 30-009 78 25, 27 10 11 latter p rt of the month. SEP. 29-990 63-6 71 11 52 T 51 3 84-8 1 3 -2 3 6 8 1 9 0 7 12 17 0 80-1 25 Warm; et and dull on hole. OCT. 29-999 56-0 40-7 48 3 +1-2 63 6 27 31 46-0 43-8 57-0 12 13-9 2 6 8 I 2 0 16 8 21 0 86-5 2 Unsettled throughout the month. Mainl dull; unsettled until the NOV. 29-811 45-6 3 -0 39-8 0-6 55 29 24 23 38-5 37-2 56-3 18 10-9 7 8 11 0 5 0 8 11 14 3 40-5 20 17 h; idespread fog 19th 28th. 6-3 +3-3 38-7 5 1 16 21 10 0 40-2 Ver unsettled at times; particu¬ DEC. 29-8 3 36 T 41-2 54 17, 30 23 7 37-5 101-5 18 18-2 16 2 5 2 21 larly during t e first three eeks, ith some ales. Total or Avera e 29-870 54-9 38-0 45-2 +1-5 761-5 162 77 98 71 88 7 108 157 120 6 1207-5 283 for Year Highest 81 21, 26 34-2 3, ix 205 T vi. Lowest 11 20. i 0 2

Height of S tion above Sea Level=77 feet. Position 56° 24 N. Lat., 3° 27 W. Lon . JOHN RITCHIE, Observer. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. Cl.

SUMMER SESSION, 1937. On Saturday, 31st July, an excursion took place to Rossie Priory. The thanks of the Society must be accorded to Lord Kinnaird for kind permission to visit the house and grounds.

WINTER SESSION, 1937-38. 12th November, 1987.

Mr. J. M. D1. Mackenzie ave a lecture on Silver Fox Farm¬ ing, and the Monochrome Slides of the Scottish Photographic Federation were exhibited.

2i6th November, 1937. Mr. . Corrie chose as the subject of his talk, The Magic of Malaya,”* and described the natural regions, flora, fauna, customs nd folk-lore of that country. * Lecture illustrated by lantern slides.

10th December, 1937. The colour Slides of the S.P.F. were shown, but owing to the severe wintry conditions causing a small attendance of members, the talk to have been given by Mr. P. K. M'Laren was postponed.

th January, 1938. This meeting took the form of a Members Night, wh n the following papers were read : Orthalicus Zebra. By Mr. W. Davidson. (See Transactions, p. 215). A Note of Research b Mr. G. F. Friend, Edinburgh University, on Salmon Parasites. By Mr. Wm. Malloch, B.Sc. A Probable Celtic Hill Fort on Whitfield Hill, Kirkmichael, in Strathardle. By Mr. A. Rutherford. (See Transactions, p. 213). The Diary of Dr. John Lyell, Ship Surgeon, on a Voyage to the Southern Arctic Seas (1829-33). By Mr. J. Ritchie. (See Transactions, p. 230). A New Comet. By Mr. Cyril Walmesley. Some Observations of the Weather of Perth (1883-1936).* By Mr. K. M. MacAlpine. (See Transactions, p. 215). An Ascidion from Dundee Harbour.* By L. Comrie, B.Sc. * Taken as read. Cll. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

21st January, 1938.

Mr. P. K. M Laren of Star Photos, Perth, in a talk entitled Photog aphy,, * traced the development of photogr phy up to the modern miniature camera, and showed numerous e amples of his work, which is ell known to members from its reg-ular and much admired ppearance in the daily press. The thanks of the Society are due to Mr. M Laren for his kind¬ ness in giving- assistance and advice to members of the Photo¬ graphic Section of the Society at the Club Meeting s on Wednesday evening-s throng-bout the session.

* Lecture illustrated by lantern slides.

28th February, 1938.

oint meeting- with Horticultural Society. Mr. A. W. Brown delivered a lecture on My African Journey* * Lecture illustrated by lantern slides.

11th February.

Rev. David W. Rutherford, M.A., Church of Scotland Chap¬ lain in Assam, ave a talk on Life in Upper Assam and Manipur,” illustrated by epidiascope.

v 25th February.

Joint meeting with Horticultural Society. Mr. Rennie relivered a lecture on The Cultivation of Annuals.”


Mr. Cyril Walmesley, President, occupied the Chair. Office-bearers for Session 1938-9 were electe as follows : President Cyril Walmesley, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E. Vice-Presidents Edward Smart, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E.; W. Malloch, B.Sc.; John A. Stewart, W.S. ; A. S. Fitz¬ erald. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. CHI.

Editor D. J. S. Sutherland, M.A., B.Sc., A.I.C. Libra ian John Ritchie, F.R.A.I. Secretary William C. Burt.

Tre surer Jasi. F. Gumming-. Memb rs of Council Andrew R. Wilson; J. J. Robertson; P. K. M Laren; F. J. Simpson; J. Aitken; Geo. C. Smith.

Trustees Earl of Mansfield, B.A., F.Z.S., M.B.O.V. ; Melville Gray; Sir Francis Norie-Miller, Bart.; Robt. Hunter.

The Annual Reports were submitted as follows :

Report of Council.

The Council have pleasure in presenting to the members of the Society their 71st Annual Report. Ei ht meetings were held during the year. These meetings have all been well attended. At one meeting we used an epidia¬ scope to illustrate the lecture. This was kindly lent by Mr. Dickson, Agricultural Office. During the year 5 Council Meetings were held. As a result of the Salon Meeting, the Council of the Society, with the funds accruing therefrom, purchased a Watson Service Microscope and a specially-made photographic Enlarger. It is hoped that the members of the Society will make good use of these instruments. 17 Ordinary Members were admitted during the year, and the membership now stands at 2i91 Associates, 2i; Associate Members, 11; Life Members, IS; Ordinary Members, 25 ; Honorary Mem¬ bers, 3 ; Corresponding Members, 5. By death the Society ha lost 10 member : Lady Dorothea Ruggles-Brise, Duchess of Bedford, Miss Smart, Rev. Thomas Crawford, Mr. S. Frazer, Mr. W. F. M. M Cash, Mr. James MTntosh, Mr. David Nicoll, Dr. C. Parker Stewart and Mr. David Vass. Mr. James F. Gumming accepted the post of Honorary Treasurer of the Society in place of Mr. Winter. The Excursions arranged for last summer were not a success, and the Council are considering other methods of field work for the Society during the summer months. A few of the members have had most successful meetings every Wednesday evening in the Library and Laboratory. The 40th Essay Competition for children attending Perthshire schools on Six Perthshire Mammals, when 128 essays were civ. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. sent in. The prizes and certificates were presented by Lord Provost Nimmo1 and Mrs. Nimmo on 30th October, 1937. At that meeting- the Lord Provost offered prizes for a Natural History Diary to the pupils attending any school ithin the City Boundary. It is hoped that the Perth school children will take advanta e of this kind offer.

Report of Librarian.

The Society have added by purchase t the Library Photo graphy-Theory and Practice by L. P. Clerc. They have also put on the Library table The Amateur Photographer and a new monthly journal entitled The Microscope, both of which have been very acceptable to the members. The Society has also been indebted to various donors of scientific journals and magazines.

Report of Editor.

In July, 1937, was published Volume IX. Part VI. (193'5-7) of the Transactions and Proceedin s of the P.S.N.S.

„ Report of Treasurer.

See Abstract of Accounts, page cvi. The President, Mr. C. Walmesley, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E., then delivered his Address on Space.” PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. CV.


For the Charles Macintosh Memorial Prizes. 1937.

Subject: Six Perthshire Mammals.

I. Age 11 years (13 Ess ys).

1st Prize Elspeth Robertson, Auchter ven P. School. 2nd Prize Gordon Cross, Glendelvine School. Certificates Davina Simpson, Newbig ing P. School; Vina N. Fenwick, M'Laren High School; Peggie Chalmers, Glen¬ delvine School. II. Age 12 years (28 Essays). 1st Prize Margaret M Naughton, M Laren High School. 2nd Prize Catherine Miller, Glendelvine School. 3rd Prize Donald Gardiner, Ne ¬ bigging P. School. 4th Prize Lilias Graham, M'Laren High School. Certificates Ena Anderson, Glendelvine School; Matthew Robertson, Auchter¬ aven P. School; Jean Simpson, Newbigging P. School; Greta Lyon, M Laren High Scho l; Kathleen Macdonald, M'Laren High School; James Pearson, Auchtergaven P. School; Florence Gilchrist, M'La en High School.

III. Age 13 years (27 Essays),

1st Prize Ramsay Forster, Drumvaich School. 2nd Prize Muriel Cor- mack, M'La en High School. 3rd Prize Ja es Campbell Clark, M'Laren High School. Certific te Nettie M'Call, M'Laren High School; Elza Marquis, M'Laren High School; Ronald Muir, M'Laren High School; Marsali King, M'Laren High School; Eli abeth Young Wilson, M'Laren High School; Donald Fergusson, M'Laren High School.

IV. A e 14 years (30 Essays). 1st Prize Isabel M cdou all, M'Laren High Sch ol. 2nd P ize Nessie Boag, M'Laren High School. 3rd Prize Louis Maclachlarn, M'Laren High School. Certificate 'Campbell Fraser, M'Laren High School; Finlay Hutchison, M'Laren High School ; George Wotherspoon, M'Lare n High School; Jessie M'Vean, M'Laren High School; Geor e Paul, Glendelvine School; Jessie A. Wiggetts, Caledonian Road School.

V. Age 15 years and over (30 E says).

1st Prize Rose Duncan, Breadalbane Academy. 2nd Prize Annie M'Hendry, M'Laren Hi h Sch ol. 3rd Prize Peter M'Ewen, Breadalbane Academy. 4th Prize Elaine Maefarlane, M'Laren High School. Certifi¬ cates Nettie Marquis, M'Laren High School; Jean R. Stewart, Breadalbane Academy; Vivian Thomson, M'Laren High School; Jessie Ferguson, M'Laren High School; Hamish Macgregor, M'Laren High School; Margaret Finlay- son, M'Laren High School.

128 Essays were eceived from the following schools. M'Laren High, 73; Glendelvine, 15; Caledonian Road, 14; Auchtergaven, 10; Meikleour, 7; Newbigging, 4 ; Breadalbane Academy, 3 ; Drum aich, 2. The examiners wer Prof. A. D. Peacock, Messrs. E. Smart, M. Lunan, D. J. S. Sutherland and J. Ritchie. Cvi. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS for Year ending 28th February, 1938,

INCOME. EXPENDITURE. To 260 Subscriptions Members £71 9 6 By Heating, Li hting, etc. ... £21 0 0 ,, 12 Subscriptions Associate Members ... 1 16 0 ,, Janitor 6 10 0 ,, Savings Bank Interest 0 14 5 ,, Subscriptions to other Societies ... 5 7 0 Cl ,, Credit Balance as at 28th February, 1937 9 16 2 ,, Books and Magazines 9 3 7 ,, Printin and Station ry 3 11 0 ,, Sundries, less sale of Transactions, 6/- 10 4 11 Note : Sundries includes 7/2 for posta es to be recovered from M In tosh Fund in 1938-9 £55 16 6 ,, Credit Balance at 28th February, 1938 ... 27 19 10 Made up thus : Perth Savin s Bank ...... £26 13 9 Due by Secretary ...... 0 11 6 Due by Publication Endowment Account ...... 8 7 11 £35 13 2 Deduct: Due to M Intosh Mem¬ orial Account Capital, 1 /4; Income, £5 14/74; ue to Photographic Section, £1 6/4 7 13 3 £27 19 104 £83 16 44 £83 16 4 PUBLICATION ENDOWMENT ACCOU T. To Funds per last Account By Printing, etc. £36 16 11 £500 4 per cent. Cons lidated Stock at cost £428 9 9 ,, Funds at 28th ebruary, 1938 PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. cvii. Due by General Account 8 9 0 £500 4 per cent. Consolid ted Stock at c st ... £428 9 9 £436 18 9 Due to General Account ... 8 7 11 Interest less Income Ta 15 0 0 420 1 10 Income Ta Refunded 5 0 0

£456 18 9 £456 18 9

M INTOSH MEMORIAL P IZE FUND. To Funds per last Account By Prizes, Printin , etc...... £4 8 8 £130 3| per cent. War Stock at cost . £129 7 8 ,, Funds at 28th February, 1938 Capital Balance due by General Account .. 0 12 4 £130 3J per c nt. War Stock at cost ...... £129 7 8 £130 0 0 Capital Balance due by General Income B lance due by General Account .. 5 12 4 Account ...... 0 12 4 £135 12 4 £130 0 0 ,, Interest ...... 4 11 0 Income Balance due by General Account ...... 5 14 1 135 14 7 £140 3 4 £140 3 4

PHOTOGRAPHIC SECTIO ACCOUNT. To Funds from Salon, 13th March, 1937 ... £42 14 0 By Microscope, Enl rger, Fitting Lockers and ,, Subscriptions from Lockers ...... 0 5 0 Electrical Fittings £41 12 8 ,, Balance due by General Account ...... 16 4 £42 19 0 £42 19 0

Perth, 11th March, 1938. E amined, compared with the vouchers, and found correct. (Signed) R. M. JACKSON, C.A., Auditor. ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, PERTH, 1937.

BARO¬ HYGRO¬ RAIN. IND DI ECTION. SUNSHINE. METE AIR TEMPERATURE. METER. GQ pq a Absolute Maximum Mean at Number of Observations at H mean oi ed H and Minimum. 9 a.m. .3 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. P •3 izi . Q P rt, REMARKS. O ci «H A ean o o «w Sh) sw o (B). O mms. Date. SG atOa.m £ Average. & H 6 (A). cS a

• AN. 29-630 45-3 35-3 40-3 +2-4 56 22 25 14 39-2 38 T 88-6 24 12*7 3 6 6 12 4 15 12 0 30-0 16 quent gales. EEB. 29-489 43 T 32 9 38-0 0-5 51 4 25 12, 2 36-5 35-6 74-6 .17 14-8 8 5 9 5 2 2 11 8 14 0 96-0 21 Wet. Cold; frequent snow until the 42-9 29-8 -4 24, 29, 35- 11 2 -7 16 15 15 4 3 0 5 4 16 0 101-4 2 MAR. 29-719 36-3 50 31 17 8 33-9 79-3 16th. APR. 29-8 3 54-2 40-3 47-3 +2-6 70 30 29 26 45- 3-9 0-0 18 7-2 9 5 11 11 4 3 13 5 8 0 81-3 19 Rather dull. 42-9 12 31- 21 6 4 3 15 11 11 0 164-8 30 Mainly rather dry except on MAY 29-993 61-1 52-0 +1-7 71 29 32 6 9-8 8-4 54-3 3 9 the 21st. JUNE 29-980 65-8 7-2 56-5 +0-6 74 25 36 19 55-6 53-5 38-0 12 8-7 6 3 4 5 1 18 13 12 0 190-0 28 Mainly dry, ith sunshine Rather dull at periods; thunder- 29-916 67-5 50-6 o-o 31 42 57-6 56- 99-3 16 36-8 7 1 3 5 11 0 17 17 8 0 117-9 28 storm with heav rain on ULY 59 T 77 10 the 7th. Warm; dr except for the per- AUG. 30-043 67-9 51-0 59-5 +1-8 77 3 38 27 56-7 56-2 100 T 13 34-0 1 4 4 1 3 1 14 23 12 0 139-1 24 28th to 31st. SEP. 9-830 62 T 5-5 53-8 +0-5 69 27 33 16, 21 51-0 9-8 31-0 1 -9 3 8 6 1 0 2 18 9 16 0 142-4 2 M inl warm and dry. 54-7 41-3 48-0 +0-5 25, 2 , 46-5 5-8 17 25-6 1 8 6 2 7 0 2 17 20 0 67-9 18 Rather dull on the whole. OCT. 29-979 63 , 11 29 8 90-6 Try; considerable fog; cold at NOV. 30-062 47 T 35-2 1-1 +0-6 58 5 20 2 39-8 39 0 11-7 10 2-9 1 6 9 1 6 1 5 10 22 0 39-7 16 times from the ilt to 29th. Very cold; snow a d seyere DEC. 29-910 39-1 27-0 33 T 5T 5 24 7 13 31-9 31-6 72-3 11 30-5 10 16 11 6 1 0 9 5 14 0 37-0 14 frost from 5th to 13th. To al or Average 29-866 54-2 39-9 47-1 0-06 779-8 175 77 93 53 57 17 142 126 165 0 120 -5 265 for Year Highest 77 31, vii. 36 8 7 1900 VII. 3, viii. 13 Lowest 7 xii. 30 0

Hei ht of Station above Sea Level=77 feet. P sition 56° 24 isT. Lat., 3° 27 W. Long. JOHN RITCHIE, Observ r. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. cix.


*Life Members.


Winter, James, 4 Rosemount Place, Perth, ...... 1893


Caiman, W. T., D.Sc., British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, ...... 1895 Flatt, Sir John, Geological Survey Museum, Exhibitio Road, South Kensin ton, London, S.W.7, ...... 1917 Mill, Dr. H. R., F.R.S.E., Hillcrest, Dormain s Park, East Grim- stead, ...... • ...... 1892 Ritchie, Prof. James, University, Edinburgh, ...... 1932 Thomson, Prof. D'Arcy, University, St. Andrews, ...... 1892


Campbell, Mrs. J. R., Glasgow, ...... 1927 Hag art, D. A., River iew, Killin, ...... 1913


Bruce, William, 30 Longcauseway, Perth, ...... 1925 Clement, Alistair, 2 Abbot Street, Perth, ...... 1930 Davidson, William, 11 James Street, Perth, ...... 1928 Flight, Wiiliam P„ 9 Wilso Street, Perth, ...... 1936 Innes, Davi , 20 Strathmore Street, Perth, ...... 1904 MacPherson, Alex. D., 2 Bon-Accord Ter ace, Perth, ...... 1936 Turpie, John, 29 Priory Place, Perth, ...... 1936 Wood, Miss Nora, Art Gallery House, George Street, Perth, ... 1935


Adam, Robert, Town Clerk, City Chambers, Perth, ...... • 1923 Aitken, James, Orchard Bank, Barnhill, Perth, ...... 1933 Ale ander, Dan, 1 Comely Bank, Perth, ...... 1933 Alison, Miss Euphemia W. R., Earnoch, Perth, ...... ' ... 1935 Allison, A. Watt, Education Offices, York Place, Perth, ...... 1921 Anderson, Andrew, Lynedoch, Magdalen Road, Craigie, Perth, ... 1897 Anderson, John L., 2 Kin 'James Place, Perth, ...... 1906 Annandale, Eric, B.A., Garry Lodge, Barnhill, Perth, ...... 1925 Asher; John, F.S.A. (Scot.), 38 R ndolph Road, Stirling,...... 1897 ¦Asher, William, A.R.S.I., Sanitary Inspector, York Place, Perth, 1915


Atholl, His Grace The Duke of, Blair C stle, Blair Ahtoll, ... 1911 Baillie, Major James, 24 Barossa Place, Perth, ...... 1937 *Bairbour, George F., D.Phil., Bonskeid, Pitlochry, ...... 1912 Barclay, Miss C., M.A., B.Sc., The Academy, Viewlands, Perth, 1929 Barlas, James, 231 High Street, Perth, ...... 1908 Barnie, James, 3 Stanley Place, Perth, ...... 1935 Beaton, A. K., 2 Graham s Place, King Street, Perth, ...... 1916 Beaton, Peter C. M., ...... 1936 *Bell, A. K., Campsie Hill, Perth, ...... 1912 *Bell, Mrs, A. K., Campsie, Hil, Perth, ...... 1912 Benson, Brigadier Robert, H.Q., 51st (Highland) Division, Craigie, Perth, ...... 1934 *Berry, John, Tayfield, Newport, ...... 1931 Bisset, Dr. Fraser, 7 King s Place, Pe th, ...... 1920 Bisset, Mrs. Fraser, 7 King’s Place, Perth, ...... 1920 Bissett, David, P.A.’ Office, 36 Tay Street, Perth, ...... 1936 Brough, Miss Elizabeth, 44 Wilson Street, Perth, ...... 1902 Brown, Alfred W., Letham House, Huntingtower, ...... 1903 Brown, Mrs. A. W., Letham House, Huntingtower, ...... 1916 Bruce, Dr. C. D., Northcote, Edinburgh Road, Perth, ... 1932 Bryoe, A. D., Old Academy Buildings, Rose Terrace, Pe th, ... 1936 Buchanan, William B., Schoolhouse, Findo-Gask, Auchterarder, 1935 Burt, Mrs. J. M., Magdalen Bank, Perth, ...... 1935 Burt, William C., M gdalen Bank, Perth, Secretary, ...... 1931 Cait ness, James W. S., Rosemount, Perth Road, Scone, by Perth, 1935 Cameron, James, Taypark, Isla Road, Perth, ...... 1916 • Campbell, A. C., 11 Rosemount Place, Perth, ...... 1924 C mpbell, David, Auchter Vill , Clyde Place, Perth, ...... 1904 Campbell, Edward, Lignwood, Scone, ...... 1889 Chalmers, Miss Elizabeth M., 18 New Row, Perth, ...... 1933 Charleston, Conal, F.R.C.S., Greenbank, Perth, ...... 1936 *Coates, Miss, Ryd l, Wheatridge Lane, Torquay, ...... 1878 Coates, Mrs. Henry, Rydal, Wheatridge Lane, Torquay, ... 1927 Cochrane, Robert A., 14 Kinnoull Street, Perth, ...... 1935 Condor, John, Annat Lodge, Perth, ...... 1935 Corrie, James, 5 Pitcullen Terr ce, Perth, ...... 1937 Couston, John W., 4 Sta ley Place, Perth, ...... 1924 *Cox, Alfred M., Glendoick, , ...... 1929 *Cox, Euan H. M., Glendoick, Glencarse, ...... 1927 Cox, W. H., Snaigow, Murthly, ...... 1898 Cram, Alastair, Tayview Bank, Craigie, Perth,...... 1928 Crappen, E., 16 Linksfield, Tayport, ...... 1918 Crawford, Dr., c/o Campbell, St. Ma garet’s, Muirton Bank, Perth, ...... 1936 Cross, Captain Alexander, B ttleby, Redgorton, by Perth, ... 1936 Gummin , A. G., 4 Bon-Accord Terrace, Pert ,...... 1896 Gumming, J. F., Barossa Place, Perth, Treasurer, ...... 1929 Curwen, Edward, The Academy, Viewlands, Pert , ...... 1933 Darling, John, 2 Fitzroy Terrace, Perth, ...... 1937 Davie, Miss, Cornhill House, Jeanfield, Perth, ...... 1901 Davidson, Charles F., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Geological Survey Museum, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, S.W.7, 1931 David on, Thos. C., 36 Queen Street, Perth, ...... 1929 * Dawson, John M., M.A., LL.D., Education Offices, York Place, Pert , ...... 1919 Dickson, Thos. B., B.Sc., Education Offices, Perth, ...... 1933 Dorwa , Drummond, 19 Caledonian Roa , Perth, ...... 1935 Douglas, Henry, Town Clerk’s Office, Perth, ...... 1908 Dow, Pete Stewart, Evelyn Terrace, Perth, ...... Drummond, Lady Georgina Home, Hamilton House, Pe th, ... 1918 Drummond, John, Flat 3, 17 Stanley Gardens, Kensington Park Road, London, W., ...... 1925 PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. Cxi.

Dundee Public Museum (per Mr. Webster), Albert Institute, Dundee, ...... 1929 Edward, D. L., 14 Balhousie Street, Perth, ...... 1933 Ellison, S. T., Garth, Barnhill, Perth, ...... 1878 Fairweather, Jame , Aucht rgaven Schoolhouse, Bankfoot, ... 1933 Falconer, W. D. M., Roselea, Blairgowrie, ...... 1928 Farquhar, James M., 31 Stanley Place, Perth, ...... 1919 Fenton, James, 6 Bellavista Terrace, Perth, ...... 1915 4 Fenton, William, Cabinet M ker, Pitlochry, ...... 1926 Fenv ick, James E., Mount Tabor, Kinnoull, Perth, ...... 1911 Ferrier, David, 38 Mornin side Grove, Edinburgh, ...... 1891 Fitzger ld, Arthur S., 11 Florence Place, Perth, ...... 1933 Forbes, Miss Jessie, 21 Pitcullen Terrace, Perth, ...... 1935 Forrest, Miss, 106 Glasgow Road, Perth, ...... 1933 Forteviot, Lord, ' Dupplin Castle, by Perth, ...... 1897 Frew, Thomas Di, 4 Fairmount Terrace, Perth, ...... 1896 Galloway, Mis Elspeth D. A., Kingswell, Burghmuir Road, Perth, 1937 Gardner, A. H., M.A., H.M.I.S., 3 Rosemount Place, Perth, ... 1929 Garvie, William, Murra Place, Glasgow Road, Pe th, ...... 1934 Gilmour, Jas. G., 36 Main Street, Bridgend, Perth, ...... 1937 Grant, Miss, 59 North Methven Street, Perth, ...... 1906 Gray, Mdlville, Bowerswell, Perth, ...... 1914 Haldane, Brodrick Chinnery, Glene gles, Auchterarder, ...... 1930 Hay, William, 13 Hammerman s Buildings, Perth, ...... 1933 Henderson, John, Benoni, Clyde Place, Perth, ...... 1933 Henderson, J. T., Royal Bank Buildings, Perth, ...... 1935 Hende son, T. R., Bellevue, Edinburgh Road, Perth, ...... 1933 Hogarth, Hu h, Delvine, Murthly, ...... „ 1937 Hope, Miss, 23 Pitcullen Terrace, Perth, ...... 1935 Hunter, Robert, St. John’s, Glasgow Road, Perth, ...... 1909 Hunter, Thomas, M.P., Nimrod, Glasgow Road, Perth, ...... 1918 Hunter, Lieut.-Col. T. Harris, Balharmy, Viewlands Road, Perth, 1933 Hutton, Mrs. E., The Knowe, Craigie, Perth, ...... 1934 Innes, D. E., M.C., M.A., Cortina, St. Andrews, ...... 1933 Irvine, R. H., Kimberley House, Scone, by Perth, ...... 1938 Jackson, James, Savings Bank, Perth, ...... 1933 Jackson, Peter, 4 Blackfrians Street, Perth, ...... 1923 a vie, J. S., 34 Hay Street, Perth, ...... 1928 Johnston, John, 17 Wilson Street, Perth, ...... 1936 Joynson, Capt. William, The Glassent, Aberfoyle, ...... 1928 Kaye, Miss Jeannie, Clifton Bank, Craigie, Perth, ...... 1907 Kaye, John, Clifton Bank, Criagie, Perth, ...... 1907 Kaye, Thomas, Clifton Bank, Cr i ie, Perth, ...... 1902 Kelman, James, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H., County Offices, Perth, ... 1932 Kenna, Miss Margaret, 20 Kin Street, Perth, ...... 1900 King, Mrs., 2 Blackfriars Street, Perth, ...... 1901 b Kirkpatrick, E. R. G., 1 Graham’s Place, King St eet, Perth, ... 1936 Landreth, Rev. P. R., St. Mark’s Manse, Dundee Road, Perth, ... 1899 L’Amie, Frederick, M.A., B.Sc., M’Laren High School, Callander, 1921 Leckie, James, M.A., M’Laren High School, C llander, ... Lyall, Miss M., M.A., B.Sc., The Academy, Viewlands, Perth, ... 1930 Lyall, Mrs. T., 4 Charlotte Street, Perth, ...... , 1935 * Lunan, Murray, B.Sc., 64 Needle s Road, Perth, ...... 1936 Main, Alex. D. C., B.Sc., Stormont Street, Perth, ...... 1935 Malloch, Gilbert D., Strathlee, 175 Glasgow Road, Perth, ... 1896 Malloch, Joseph N., Upper Mains of Kinnaird, , ... 1905 Malloch, William, B.Sc., 137 Glasgow Road, Perth, ...... 1922 Malloch, Mrs. W., 137 Glasgow Road, Perth, ...... 1935 Mansfield, The Rt. Hon. The Earl of, Balboughty, by Perth, ... 1924 Marshall, Thomas B., Gaskhill, Kinnoull, Perth, ...... 1911 Matthews, Prof. James R., University, Aberdeen, ...... 1911 Meacher, Allan J., Marlee, Blairgowrie, ...... 1916 GX11. PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE.

Menzies, James, Knowlea Terrace, Craigie, Perth, ...... 1896 Meston, Andrew, Officers Quarters, H.M. Prison, Perth, ... 1935 Miller, Sir Francis Norie, Bart., Cleeve, ' Perth, ...... 1918 Mitchell, Jame , Lixmount, Viewlands Place, Perth, ...... 1919 Mitchell, J. W. Rollo, 3 Atholl Place, Perth, ...... 1918 Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow, ...... 1926 Mitchell, R. Matthew, Muircroft, Auchterarder,...... 1933 Moffat, Dr. P. O., Atholl Crescent, Perth, ...... 1920 Moncreiffe, William, Ea ter Moncreiffe, Bridge of Earn, ... 1929 Moncrieff, John, Summerbank, Isla Road, Perth, ...... 1906 * Moncrieff, Mrs. John, Summerbank, Isla Road, Perth, ... 1906 Montgomery, Miss Graham, Kennacoil, Dunkeld, ...... 1929 Molteno, D. I., Glenlyon House, , Perthshire, ...... 1936 Morison, Mis , 4 Blackfriar Street, Perth, ...... 1890 Morle, Mrs. M. R., Monksilver, Viewlands Road, Perth, ... 1935 Morrison, W. F., Glensaugh, Bowerswell Road, Perth, ...... 1896 Munro, William A., 36 Tay Street, Perth, ...... 193 Murray, The Hon. Gladys G., c/o Tods, Murray & Jamieson, Queen Street, Edinburgh, ...... 1899 Murray, Mrs. J. Keith, Drummonie, Bridge of Earn, ...... 1936 Murray, William, 1 Rosemount Place, Perth, ...... 1937 MacAlpine, Kenneth M., M.A._, Rowanlea, Florence Place, Perth, 1937 M Beath, David Kerr, Ballochie, Sandbank, Argyll ...... 1930 M Callum, W. B., 8 Scott Street, Perth, ...... 1909 M Cash, Mr . W. F., Cornhill House, Jeanfield, Perth, ...... 1909 M Daniel, Very Rev. Canon, 16 Melville Street, Perth, ...... 1930 MacFarlane, Miss Mary L., Rose Cottage, Soone, by Perth, ... 1935 Mac regor, Eua Malcolm, The Cottage, Stanley, .. ... 1932 M Gregor, John, Rosaire, 24 Strathmore Street, Perth, ...... 1876 MacGregor, Lewis, 12 Muirhall Terrace, Perth,...... 1936 Magruder, Mrs. E. P., 3 Fitznoy Terrace, Perth, ...... 1926 MTnnes, Mrs., Holmwood, Isla Road, Perth, ...... 1915 M Kenzie, Miss B., Trinity, Luncarty, ...... 1934 M Kenzie, David, W.S., 75 George Street, Perth, ...... 1938 Mackenzie, J. M. D., Sidlaw Fur Farm, Bailbeggie, ...... 1934 M'Kenzie, Miss Mary, 27 Queen Street, Craigie, Perth, ...... 1923 M'Lagan, John, Maxwellton, Kinnoull, Perth, ...... 1912 M'Lagan, William, Lethendy Cottage, Logiealmond ,...... 1931 M'Laren, Peter K., 9 Malvina Place, Perth, ...... 1928 M'Laren, Thomas, F.S.A., (Scot.), Redcliffe, Barnhill, Perth, ... 1912 M'Leish, Dr. D. J;, Hillway, Murray Place, Perth, ...... 1920 M'Lennan, Douglas, 4 Moredun Terrace, Perth, ...... 1937 Macnab, D., 92 Glasgow Road, Perth, ...... 1935 M'Nicoll, Robert, Educ tion Offices, York Place, Perth, ... 1907 MacPhee, Donald, 110 Jeanfield Road, Perth, ...... 1935 M'Rae, James, 8 Balhousie Street, Perth, ...... 1929 Nairne, William P., Schiehallion, Leverstock Green, Ke el Hempstead, Herts, ...... 1903 < Nasmyth, Norman L, Glenfarg House, Abernethy, ...... 1935 Nicol, Edward, Paradi e Place, Victoria Street, Perth, ...... 1891 Norval, George G., 28 Hay Street, Perth, ...... 1935 Paterson, Miss A., 10 King s Place, Perth, ...... 1937 Paton, Dr. Ronald S., 2 Atholl Place, Perth, ...... 1927 Peacock, Prof, A. D., D.Sc., Zool. Dept., University Colle e, * Dundee, ...... 2927 Petrie, Alistair Ian, 15 Rose Crescent, Perth, ...... 1937 Pinkerton, Mrs. Bessie, 98 Scott Street, Perth, ...... 1935 Portland, Duke of; Welbeck Abbey, Worksop, Notts ...... 1926 Pullar, Albert E., Durn, Perth, ...... 1883 Pullar, Mrs. A. E., Durn, Perth, ...... 1892 Pullar, Major H. S., Dunbarney Cottage, Bridge of Earn ... 1887 Pullar, Mrs. H. S., Dunbarney Cottage, Bridge of Earn, ¦ ... 1904 PROCEEDINGS PERTHSHIRE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE. cxiii.

Pullar, Mrs. R. D., Brahan, Perth, ...... 1887 Raiffan, Miss Eliza, LL.A., Randwick, Buckie, ...... 1900 Ramsay, Miss Edith A., Earnoch, Perth, ...... 1935 *Reid, Col. A. T., Auchterarder House, Auchterarder, ...... 1916 Renton, John T., Branklyn, Barnhill, Perth, ...... 1929 Richa son, James, 27 High Street, Blairgowrie, ...... 1901 Richmond, Miss Margaret, Kincairney, Murthly, ...... 1936 Ritchie, Mrs. John, Greenhill, Brompton Terrace, Perth, ... 1895 Ritchie, John, F.R.A.I., Craigie Pa le Villa, Edinburgh Road, Perth, ...... 1918 Ritchie, Mrs. J., Craigie Park Villa, Ediinburgh Road, Perth, ... 1921 Robertson, Miss Isabella, 2 Blackfriar Street, Perth, ...... 1901 Robertson, James, 4 Mansfield Place, Perth, ...... 1893 Rober son, John, 10 Moredun Square, Craigie, Perth, ...... 1926 Robertson, John J., 3 Laurel Bank, Perth, ...... 1933 Rutherf rd, Andrew, 8 Moredun Terrace, Craigie, Perth, ... 1916 Scott, A. M., 14 Pitcullen Terrace, Perth, ...... 1914 Scott, Miss Ina, Norvale, Cavendish Avenue, Perth, ...... 1900 Scott, Philip, B.A., B.Sc., 177 Glasgow Road, Perth, ...... 1937 Simpson, Fred J., 3 Dragon Terrace, Perth, ...... 1936 Sim son, Dr. James, Barossa Place, Perth, ...... 1936 Smart, Edward, B.A., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., 10 Tullylumb Terrace, Perth, ...... 1895 Smith, David, Westercraig, Oakbank Road, Perth, ...... 1916 Smith, David G., M.A., Edinburgh Ladies College, Queen Street, Edinburgh, ...... ~ ...... 1931 Smith, F. B., 8 Bellavista Terrace, Perth, ...... 1938 Smith, George Chrystal, 1 Pitcullen Crescent, Perth, ...... 1930 Smith, James, Pitkellony, , ...... 1929 Smith, Mis M., Ellangowan, by Perth, ...... 1937 Smith, W. S. Kennedy, D.A., The Academy, Ayr, ...... 1937 Smyth, Miss Isabel S., Strathbank, Meigle, ...... 1930 Smyth, J. R ss, F.E.I.S., 110 Glasgow Road, Perth, ...... 1905 Speedy, Miss Isabella C., 1 Riselaw Road, Edinburgh, ...... 1921 Ste art, D. A., Murrayfield, Craigie, Perth, ...... 1923 Stewart, Mrs. James, Grainan, Brompton Terrace, Perth, ... 1926 Stewar, John, 5 Cochrane Street, Falkirk, ...... 1889 Stewart, John A., W.S., 48 Tay t eet, Perth, ...... 1934 Stewart, Sir K. D., Summing Hey, Brook Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, ...... 1924 Stewart, Mrs. Margaret, Tempor, Kinnoull, Perth, ...... 1937 Stirling, Miss C. H., Kinnoull Cottage, Perth, ...... 1920 Stirling, Dr Robert, 4 Atholl Place. Perth, ...... 1890 Stu rt, Mrs. Margaret G., Mount Stuart, Bankfoot, ...... 1935 Sutherland, D. J. S., M.A., B.Sc., A.I.C., 6 Pitcullen Crescent, Perth, Editor, ...... 1935 Summers, Stanley S., Fairfield, Cornhill Terrace, Perth, ... 1938 Taylor, James, M.A., The Hill, Southwick Road, Dalbeattie, 1921 Tennant, Charles G. D., Union Bank, Perth, ...... 1935 Thom, Andrew, Auburn Cottage, Feus Road, Perth, ...... 1915 Thomson, Alex. Stuart, B.Sc., c/o James Scott & Co., 6-8 Princes Street, Perth, ...... Thomson, John, 15 Kincarrathie Crescent, Perth, ...... 1933 Th mson, R. Gloag, Well ank, Kinnoull, Perth, ...... 1902 Todd, Allan F. A., B.Sc., Bonhard, Perth, ...... 1936 Trotter, Dr. Ale ., St. Leonard s Bank, Perth, ...... 1904 Valentine, Sheriff George D., Bronville, Kinnoull, Perth, ... 1935 Walker, David R., 42 Victoria Street, Perth, ...... 1938 *Walker, Frederick, D.Sc., University, Cambridge, ...... 1933 Wallace, Miss Helen M., 36 Princes Street, Perth, ...... 1934 W. lmesley, Cyril, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.W.E., 4 Albert Place, Perth, President, ...... 1928


Walmesley, Mrs. E. E., 4 Albert Place, Perth, ...... 1928 Watson, W. M., Bank of Scotland, Perth, ...... 1926 W tson, William Ralph, B.Sc., Ballinloan, Trochrie, ...... 1934 Watt, John, M.A., B.Sc., Woodend, Barnhill, Perth, ...... 1904 Webb, Philip Henry, M.Sc., Durwood, Luncarty, ...... 1925 White, James, 2 Milne Street, Perth, ...... 1935 Wilson, Andrew R., 25 South William Street, Perth, ...... 1916 Wilson, Mrs. D. J., 11 King s Place, Perth, ...... 1899 Wilson, Wm. B., Officers’ Quarters, H.M. Prison, Aberdeen, ... 1928 Williamson, John M., Primrose Cottage, Rattray, Blairgowrie, ... 1933 Wood, David, 62 High Street, Perth, ...... 1933 Wood, James, Art Gallery House, George Street, Perth, ...... 1934 Wood, John, Rio, Kinnoull, Perth, ...... 1889 Wood, W. J., Murrayville, Kinnoull, Perth, ...... 1917 Wotherspoon, Archibald U., 1 Dupplin Road, Perth, ...... 1924 Wotherspoon, William, 32 Victoria Street, Perth, ...... 1937 Young, Mrs. Alison, 10 Onslow Court, Drayton Gardens, London, S.W.10, 1937 Young, Graham C., Union Mount, Perth, ...... 1933 Young, Ja es Graham, Taychneggar, Oakbank Road, Perth,... 1929