支点杂志宣传册the Pivot Magazine

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支点杂志宣传册the Pivot Magazine 支点杂志宣传册 The Pivot Magazine 理念 IDEAS 《支点》是立足湖北、辐射中部、影响全国、放眼世界的高端政经读本,由 中共湖北省委宣传部主管、湖北日报传媒集团主办,旨在打造成为促进中国区域 经济发展、促进中部崛起、展现支点形象、支点地位的“思想库、瞭望哨、研究 所、参谋部”。 《支点》以行走为笔,以思索为墨,洞悉湖北、观察中部、守望中国、感知 世界。高度、广度、深度是《支点》的品格,跨越、开放、高远是《支点》的风 骨。《支点》将在世界版图上看中国,在中国版图上看中部看湖北,在历史长河 中观照现在,在现实发展中谋划未来。 为构建支点助力。为跨越发展鼓劲。为中部崛起扬帆! Pivot - gathering wisdoms for the rise of Hubei and Central China Based on Hubei and Central China, Pivot is a nation-wide printed financial magazine published by Hubei Daily Media Group under the supervision of the Hubei provincial propaganda department. Riding on the tide of the times and innovations, Pivot is striving to be a tower of strength of central China and the window for the world to know Hubei, and trying to become a financial and political guidance for its readers, making it a driving force, a think tank for the development of regional economy and a showcase of achievements of central China. 团队 TEAM 核心成员来自新华社、湖北日报传媒集团等优质传媒机构,系湖北新闻界最 具专业优势和视野开阔的政经、财经新闻团队,其中三人获北京大学财经奖学金 项目。浓缩智慧积淀,平均年龄 33 岁。 每个时代有每个时代的梦想,每个时代有每个时代的担当。我们有责任描述 这段难以复制的历史,我们有责任记录这些石破天惊的时刻,我们更有责任研判 那充满无限想像的大趋势。 All of its core members are from top media groups such as Xinhua news agency, Hubei daily media group. With great advantages in major competence and wide horizon, they form the strongest media team in both economical and political field in the Hubei press circle. Among the team, three of them have won The Financial Scholarship of Peking University. The average age of the team is 33 yeas old, a group of young elites with strong brainpower. 内容 CONTENT 栏目概述 GENERRAL INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE COLUMNS 开卷有议 Open a book is always beneficial. 即社评,刊发代表编辑部声音,强调思想和智库的取向。 Editorial, publish our editors’ viewpoint, emphasize on the public opinion and the leading voice. 长江论坛 Yangtze Forum 体现研究型特色的高端论坛,在历史长河中观照现在,在现实发展中谋划未 来,在世界版图上看中国,在中国版图上看中部、看湖北,对战略性话题、经济 热点问题开展评论。 A forum for the high level study and research, review the past and look forward to the future. Observe China against the background of the world; observe central china and Hubei against the background of China. Discuss about the strategic topics and economical hotspots. 特别报道 Special report 重点围绕与“支点”有关的重大政经事件提供权威报道。 Provide authorized reports on the significant political and economical events. 政策 Policy 针对宏观经济中的热点、难点、疑点问题,针对经济宏观面上的一些新现象、 新趋势加以分析与判断,对宏观经济政策加以独家、独到的解读。 Provide analysis and judgments to hotspots, difficult problems, doubtful points, and some new phenomenon, new trends in macroeconomics, and give an in-depth explanation and impartial judgment. 对话 Dialogue 与政、商、学界高端人物面对面。 Face to face talks between important persons from the political, business and academic circle. 经济全局 Economic situation 集中报道国家层面主体功能区域或重点开发区域的发展经验。 Give a full coverage on the experience of the development of main functional regions or developed zone on the national level. 聚焦中部 Focus on central China 中部六省、长江中游城市群的专题报道阵地。 Focus on the six central provinces and Yangtze River cities. 实践出真知 Practice makes real verity 以小见大,见微知著,选择具有代表性意义的基层工作故事,反映破解发展 难题、推进改革创新的生动实践。 So as little see big, choose reprehensive stores from the grass-roots that can give some clues to solve the problems we are facing in the process of reform and innovation. 深度调查 Cover investigation 前瞻性的研究性报道专栏,回答湖北、长江中游城市群发展面临的重大问题。 Providing anticipative research so as to give some solutions to the big problems in the development of the cities which scattering in Yangtze Rivers. 产经 Industry and economy 以世界眼光、前瞻性的眼光,关注产业发展。 Concern about the development of the industry and economy with predictive viewpoint and world-wide horizon 金融 Finance 重点报道国内金融和大宗商品市场热点,对主要金融产品和大宗商品进行阶 段性市场分析和预测。 Make key reports on the domestic hotspots of financial and commodity markets, make marketing analysis and prediction on the main financial products and commodities. 商界 Business circle “产业第一,企业家老大”,挖掘企业家的经营智慧、决策思想来展现行业 标杆人物风采。 Industry and the entrepreneurs should be put in the first place. By exploring the business intelligence of the entrepreneurs and their decision-making ideas to show the benchmark figure style in business filed. 看天下 Around the World 放眼全球,感知未来动向。 Have a global vision and make a wide predication 温故 Review 解密政经档案,温故而知新。 Decode the political and the economical documents, reviewing makes learning new. 睿悦读 Wise articles for reading 名家推荐精彩图书;名家随笔杂谈。 Classical essays and by-talking recommended by famous writers. 智库团队 世界银行发展研究院、北京大学国家发展研究院、湖北省社会科学院、武汉大学 发展研究院(湖北问题发展研究中心)、武汉大学经济与管理学院、武汉大学高 级研究中心、华中科技大学张培刚发展研究院、南昌大学中国中部经济发展研究 中心等科研院校鼎力支持,并共享湖北日报传媒集团优质学术资源,拥有海内外 百名经济学家、百名企业家、百名银行家、百名书记市长组成的强大智库团队, 打造政、商、学沟通平台。 The brainpower of the team The full support of the World Bank Development Research Institute, Peking University National Development Research Institute, Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, Academy of Development of Wuhan University——Hubei Development Research Center, Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, Senior research center of Wuhan University, Zhang Peigang Development Research Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Nanchang University research center of central China Economic Development and so on, share with the High quality academic resources of Hubei Daily Media Group, and powerful brainpower team make up of hundreds of economists, entrepreneurs, bankers, secretaries and mayors at home and abroad, committing to build a platform in political, business and academic. 部分撰稿人 奥利弗•威廉姆森 伯克利加州大学诺贝尔经济学奖得主,“新制度经济学之父” 吴敬琏 国务院发展研究中心研究员 林毅夫 世界银行高级副行长 首席经济学家 陈志武 耶鲁大学金融学终身教授 邹恒甫 中央财经大学中国经济与管理研究院和中国高等研究院院长、教授 周其仁 北京大学国家发展研究院院长、教授 樊 纲 中国经济体制改革研究会副会长、国民经济研究所所长、教授 巴曙松 国务院发展研究中心金融所副所长、教授 张燕生 国家发改委对外经济研究所研究员 梅新育 商务部研究员 魏 杰 清华大学经管学院教授 左小蕾 银河证券首席经济学家 党国英 中国社科院农村研究所研究员 温铁军 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院院长、教授 贾 康 财政部财科所所长、研究员 丁学良 香港科技大学教授 沈明高 花旗银行大中华区首席经济学家 张 军 复旦大学中国经济研究中心主任、教授 谢国忠 独立经济学家 吴晓波 财经作家,“蓝狮子”财经图书出版人,上海交大 EMBA 课程教授 孙立坚 复旦大学经济学院副院长、教授 迟福林 中国(海南)改革发展研究院院长,中国经济体制改革研究会副会长 邹 薇 武汉大学高级研究中心副主任、教授 徐 勇 华中师范大学政治学研究院院长,中国农村问题研究中心主任 尹继东 南昌大学经管学院院长、南昌大学中国中部经济发展研究中心副主任 张 萍 湖南省长株潭城市群研究会长 卢福财 江西财经大学副校长,产业经济学专家 孙自铎 安徽省社科院经济所所长 李经谋 河南郑州粮食交易所创办人 王宏英 山西省社科院能源研究所所长 Important contributors Oliver Williamson: The Nobel Prize winner in economics at the Berkeley University of California, originator of the new institutional economics. Wu Jinglian: A researcher of The State Council Development Research Center. Lin Yifu: World Bank Senior Vice President, Chief economist. Chen Zhiwu: A tenured professor of finance at Yale University. Zou Hengfu: The dean and Professor of the Chinese economy Institute and Institute for Advanced Studies at Central University of Finance and Management. Zhou Qiren: Dean and professor of National Development Research Institute of Peking University. Fan Gang: The vice president of Chinese economic reform institute, director and professor of the National Economic Research Institute. Ba Shusong: Vice director and professor of the State Council Development Research Center. Zhang Yansheng: A researcher in Foreign Economic Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission. Mei Xinyu: A researcher at the Ministry of Commerce. Wei Jie: A professor of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management. Zuo Xiaolei: The Chief Economist of Galaxy Securities. Dang Guoying: A researcher of Rural Institute at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Wen Tiejun: The dean and professor of Agriculture Economics and Rural Development School at Renmin University of China. Jia Kang: The director and researcher in Finance Division at Ministry of Finance. Ding Xueliang: A professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Shen Minggao: The Chief economist for Greater China of Citibank. Zhang Jun: A director and professor in Chinese Economic Research Center of Fudan University. Xie Guozhong: An independent economist. Wu Xiaobo: A writer in Finance,the publisher of The blue lion, a EMBA course professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Sun Lijian: The vice president and professor of School of economics in Fudan University. Chi Fulin: The dean of Chinese reform and development Institute in Hainan,the vice present of Chinese economic reform Seminar. Zou Wei:The vice director and professor of senior research center of Wuhan University. Xu Yong:The dean of the Political Science Research Institute of Huazhong Normal University, the director of chinese rural problems research center. Yin Jidong: The dean of Economics and Management school of Nanchang University, the vice director of China central economic development research center of Nanchang University. Zhang Ping: Chairman of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomerations Research Association Lu Fucai: Deputy headmaster of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics; expert of industrial economics Sun Ziduo : Head of economics Institue of AnHui Academy of Social Sciences Li Jingmou :Founder of Henan province’s Zhengzhou Corn-exchange Wang Hongying: Head of Energy Conversion Institute of Shanxi Academy of Social Sciences 发行 Circulation 立足湖北和中部地区、面向全国发行的政经类高端期刊。每月发行 50000 册. 基本数据 每月一号面市 每期 120 页 零售价 20 元/期 Issuing high-end political and economical journals based in Hubei and central regions, covering the whole China. Basic data You could buy it on the first day of each month. 120 pages each copy. 20 Yuan each copy for retail price. 精确销售 强势通达 Delicate sale and wide circulation (一)定向直投赠送;direct post 1、定向投送国务院、各部委、全国人大、政协、工商联等, 2、省内各级党政机关、事业单位官员; 3、省内大中型企业、上市公司、知名民营企业董事长总经理及其企划部门,中 央在鄂(汉)企业及央企分公司负责人及其宣传部门负责人; 4、湖北及武汉各商会以及外企在鄂商会,高校、律师协会等; 5、民航航班、机场贵宾室、高铁一等座、动车卧铺车厢,武汉和各地市州四星 级以上酒店,武汉、宜昌、襄阳三城市高档会所、餐厅、茶楼、咖啡厅等; 6、中部地区 5 省及其省会城市党政机关和北上广深等城市的党政机关,包括其 宣传部门。 7、定向投送中国500强国有大型企业和500强民营企业董事长、总经理及 其公关企划部门。 Deliver directly to 1.The
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