The Researcher: An Interdisciplinary Journal The Researcher: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published semi-annually at Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, and welcomes scholarly submissions from all disciplines. Submission requirements: Submissions should be less than forty pages and sent in electronic form, on a Compact Disc or via email, in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. All maps, charts, and graphs must be camera ready. Each article should be accompanied by an Abstract and have an Introduction. Documentation format should follow a style appropriate to the discipline: MLA for humanities and APA for social and behavioral sciences. Please include a removable cover page giving the institutional affiliations, positions, and highest degrees earned of all authors, as well as a return address and the article title; the article itself must carry only the title. Papers will be read by a minimum of two reviewers before a publication decision is made. Reviewers’ comments and suggestions for revisions will be relayed to the author in a timely manner. Mail submissions to: Patsy J. Daniels, Editor, The Researcher, Box 17929, Jackson State University, 1400 John R. Lynch Street, Jackson, MS 39217, or send as attachment via email to: <
[email protected]>. For subscriptions, contact the Editor at 601-979-1480. The Researcher: An Interdisciplinary Journal Spring 2010 Volume 23, Number 1 Editor Patsy J. Daniels, Ph.D. Editorial Advisory Board Chair: Felix A. Okojie, Ed.D., M.P.H., C.R.A., Jackson State University Obie Clayton, Ph.D., Morehouse College Jason J.