Annual Report 2013/14 Pdf (4
Annual Report 2013/14 PHOENIX Pharmahandel GmbH & Co KG Pfi ngstweidstrasse 10-12 68199 Mannheim Germany group PHOENIX Annual Report 2013/14 WE GO FORWARD Annual Report 2013/14 PHOENIX group PHOENIX group in figures Key figures of the PHOENIX group 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Revenue in EUR k 21,317,594 21,737,772 21,660,649 21,218,687 21,792,370 Total operating performance 1) in EUR k 24,433,939 25,062,613 25,479,749 25,251,336 25,917,392 Total income 2) in EUR k 2,009,062 2,078,580 2,249,687 2,319,147 2,217,593 Profit before tax 3) in EUR k 242,532 270,060 294,775 230,723 143,097 Adjusted profit before tax 4) in EUR k 306,518 324,038 294,775 329,156 253,099 Equity in EUR k 1,092,612 5) 1,772,409 5) 1,935,623 2,103,800 2,161,841 Equity ratio in % 13.5 23.4 26.1 28.7 29.4 Net debt in EUR k 3,678,418 2,176,588 1,855,743 1,611,518 1,331,627 Company rating (Standard & Poor’s) B+ BB− BB BB Employees (total) 28,156 27,873 6) 29,038 6) 28,698 28,555 Employees (full-time) 23,261 23,206 23,850 23,932 23,850 1) Total operating performance = revenue + handled volume (handling for service charge). 2) Total income = gross profit + other operating income (previous years adjusted due to changes in reporting).
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