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A Psychological Factors Influencing Tony Stark's

A Psychological Factors Influencing Tony Stark's




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By STEVEN BAGUS BAGASKARA Student Number : 164214061




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By STEVEN BAGUS BAGASKARA Student Number : 164214061












First of all, I would like to thank to Jesus Christ for His blessing and guidance for me during finishing of this thesis.

Second, I would like to express my special thanks to my thesis advisor, Dr.

Tatang Iskarna, for his guidance and patience in helping me for correcting my thesis. His guidance and advice really help me to finish my thesis. I also thank to my co-advisor Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, for his advice and her/his time for correcting my thesis.

The last, I am really thankful to my beloved family who always support and encourage me to finish this thesis, especially to my Bapak and Mama who always pray for me and always support me. I also thank to my best friends in university ... who always help me and complete my life during my study in the university.

Their unforgetable moments will always be remembered.

Steven Bagus Bagaskara





CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 5 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 5 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Review of Related Studies ...... 7 B. Review of Related Stories ...... 11 1. Character and Characterization ...... 11 2. Personality Development ...... 12 3. Factors Influencing Personality Development ...... 15 C. Theoritical Framework ...... 16

CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ...... 18 B. Approach of the Study ...... 19 C. Method of the Study ...... 20

CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A. Tony Stark’s Personality Development Portrayed Through His Characteristics...... 21 B. The Psychological Factors Influencing Tony Stark’s Personality Development ...... 29





BAGASKARA, STEVEN BAGUS. (2020). A Psychological Factors Influencing Tony Stark’s Personality Development in Moore’s Civil War. Yogyakarta, Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Novel is one of the literary works usually with certain realism representing character and action. Novel is a long, fictional story of personal human experiences. This research wants to analyze the novel entitled Civil War, a novel about superhero by Stuart Moore. This novel, tells the characteristics of Tony Stark or that changed because of some factors.

There are two objectives presented in this study. The first objective is to find how Tony Stark’s personality has developed throughout the novel. The second objective is to find psychological factors that makes Iron Man’s personality develop.

This research used library research to analyze the data as the method to obtain the data from the novel. This research uses the psychological approach to know the psychological factors influencing Tony Stark’s personality.

The results in this research showed that Tony’s characteristics before the civil war are arrogant and selfish, and after the civil war, he changes become humble and unselfish. Next is the psychological factors influencing his personality development. Tony Stark’s personality changes are affected by several conditions. The most significant conditions are changes in the environment, changes in significant people, changes in social pressure, changes in role, strong motivation, changes in self-concept, and psychoterapy. Tony Stark’s personality development is supported by external factors. The external factors are the environment and his experiences. All of these conditions play a key role in developing one's personality. Keywords: Personality development, Psychological, Psychological factors




BAGASKARA, STEVEN BAGUS. (2020). A Psychological Factors Influencing Tony Stark’s Personality Development in Moore’s Civil War. Yogyakarta, Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Novel adalah salah satu karya sastra yang biasanya dengan realita tertentu yang mewakili karakter dan tindakan. Novel adalah cerita fiksi panjang tentang pengalaman pribadi manusia. Penelitian ini ingin menganalisis novel berjudul Civil War, sebuah novel tentang superhero karya Stuart Moore. Dalam novel ini, diceritakan karakteristik Tony Stark atau Iron Man yang telah berubah karena beberapa faktor. Ada dua tujuan yang dipaparkan dalam penelitian ini. Tujuan pertama adalah untuk menemukan bagaimana kepribadian Iron Man telah berkembang di seluruh novel. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk menemukan faktor psikologis yang membuat kepribadian Iron Man berkembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan untuk menganalisis data sebagai metode untuk memperoleh data dari novel. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologis untuk mengetahui faktor psikologis yang memengaruhi kepribadian Tony. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik Tony sebelum perang saudara adalah arogan dan egois, dan setelah perubahan perang saudara menjadi rendah hati dan tidak mementingkan diri sendiri. Berikutnya adalah faktor psikologis yang mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadiannya. Perubahan kepribadian Tony dipengaruhi oleh beberapa kondisi. Kondisi yang paling signifikan adalah perubahan dalam lingkungan, perubahan pada orang yang signifikan, perubahan tekanan sosial, perubahan peran, motivasi yang kuat, perubahan konsep diri, dan psikoterapi. Pengembangan kepribadian Tony Stark didukung oleh faktor-faktor eksternal. Faktor eksternal yaitu dari lingkungan dan pengalamannya. Semua kondisi ini memainkan peran kunci dalam mengembangkan kepribadian seseorang. Kata kunci: Personality development, Psychological, Psychological factors






This chapter is consisted of four different parts. The first part is background of the study, second is problem formulation, third is research objectives, and the fourth and the last is definition of terms.

The background of the study elaborates about the description of the study, and the reason why Civil War was chosen by the researcher. Problem formulation is the part which consist of the problems that this study is going to analyze.

Research objectives is the part where the purposes of this study are explained.

Definition of terms is the part that elaborates the important terms of this study.

A. Background of the Study

Literature is vital for what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. It is thus fundamentally an expression of life through the medium of language (Hudson,

1910, p. 10).

Literature is connected to the real-life that human experienced every day.

According to Abrams, mimetic criticism views literary work as an imitation, or



reflection, or representation of the world and human life (1999, p. 51). From this point of view, literature can be viewed as a reflection of real human life. To support this definition, Wellek and Warren write that, literature “imitates” “life”; and “life” is, in large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary

“imitation”(Wellek & Warren, 1954). They write that literature imitates life, so it means that literature can be studied in order to study life, even if it is just an imitation.

There are a lot of excellent works or arts that have been written through literature. The types of literary works are novel, short story, poetry, and drama.

One of the literary works that has been read by many people is novel. Novel is the most widely practiced and widely read form of literature in the world today

(Murphy, 1972, p. 127). This means the novel is one of the works of literature that many people have read from young to old.

Novel is one of literary works that usually represents character and action with some of realism. A novel is a long, fictional narrative that describes intimate human experiences. Novel in the modern era usually uses a literary prose style.

The development of the prose novel is currently driven by innovations in printing and the introduction of cheap paper in the 15th century.

Novel is characterized as the fictional attempt to give the effect of realism, by representing complex characters with mixed motives who are rooted in a social class, operate in a highly developed social structure, interact with many other



characters, and undergo plausible and everyday modes of experiences (Abrams,

1981, p. 120).

In other words, novel is a narrative-style work of fiction, which is longer than a short story, has more complex characters and actions, and contains in its plot human experience. The novel's story usually deals with things such as social conflict, personal conflict, love, and friendship (Weston, 2001, p. 63).

In a literary work, usually, a character comes up. According to Abrams, characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it the dialogue and from what they do the action (1999, pp. 32-33).

Because literature can be viewed as a representation of human life, people can learn real-life psychology through a literary character.

Character is very necessary because it is the form in which the reader can understand the complete story and is responsible for the story's thoughts and actions. Characters guide the readers through their stories in literature helping them understand plots and themes. The readers may grasp the idea of the character itself provided by the author. Without character, the story will be flat and there are no conflicts in it (Aston, 1991, p. 31).

This research aims to analyze the novel entitled Civil War, a novel of the by Stuart Moore. The novel was published by Titan Books in

2018. Civil War is a work of fiction, describing about members of the



that has a job to protect The U.S. from crime. Iron Man or Tony Stark and Captain

America, the world’s greatest superhero and the core Avengers team (Sanderson,

2007, p. 7). Civil War tells us that after a tragic battle blows a hole in Stamford

City killing hundreds of people, the U.S. government demands that all superheroes unmask their powers and register themselves. It is a regrettable but important step toward Tony Stark-Iron Man. It's an intolerable attack on civil liberties to (2018, p. 420).

From the story above this research wants to find how human psychology comes to play when an unwanted situation arises and it can be seen that the influence of external and internal factors may cause changes to someone’s characteristics (Allen, 2002, p. 17). To get what it wants to find, it analyzes a literary work that has a character that faced a life-threatening event. It analyzes what develop the character, and what the psychological factors that influence the main character personality development.

To make the analysis clearer and easier, this research uses psychological approach. The theory of personality development by Hurlock is used to analyze

Tony Stark’s development. Meanwhile, the theory of character and characterization by Abrams is used to examine Tony Stark’s character description.



B. Problem Formulation

The problems of this research are presented as follows :

1. How is Tony Stark’s personality development portrayed through his

characteristics in the novel?

2. What are the psychological factors that influence Tony Stark’s personality


C. Objectives of the Study

There are two objectives in this study that aim to be found. The first objective is to find how Tony Stark’s personality has developed throughout the novel. The second objective is to find psychological factors that make Tony

Stark’s personality develop. Hopefully, the result of this research aims to revealing the personality development of Tony Stark and its factors.

D. Definition of Terms

There are two terms in this research that need to be defined to understand more about the topic. The terms are characterization and personality development.

The researcher gives some explanations on several important terms mainly used and closely related to the topic.

Personality development is the development or change of personality traits of a person into a different personality. According to Elizabeth. B. Hurlock, the change of personality can be divided into three major categories. There are the



changes for the better or the worse, the changes in quantitative or qualitative, and the changes occur slow or rapid. (Hurlock, 1974).

According to Murphy in his book, characterization is a way of an author to convey to the reader about what kind of personalities of the people he or she writes about. It evolves around how the author makes the reader get to know and understand them (Murphy, 1972).




The literature and studies cited in this chapter resolve the different concepts, understanding, and ideas, generalization or conclusions, and different development related to the study of the novel from the past up to the present and which serves as the researcher’s guide in developing the project. Those that were also included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that is relevant and similar to the present study.

A. Review of Related Studies

In this part, there are four studies from previous researchers that contribute to this research. The first study is “A Psychological Study of the Character

Development of Maud in Sarah Water’s Fingersmith” by Nicki Astrianingsih. The writer aims to describe Maud’s character development portrayed through her characteristics in the novel and describe the psychological factors which influenced Maud’s characteristics.

The writer chose to analyze the character from a psychological approach from Rohrberger and Woods (1971) perspective. The researcher used character and characterization theory and personality development theory.




In the conclusion, the writer wrote “Maud’s personality change are affected by several conditions. The most significant conditions are changes in the environment, changes in significant people, change in social pressure, changes in role, strong motivation, changes in self-concept, and psychoterapy (2011, p. 45).

She found that Maud’s character development caused by several conditions.

Second previous study from Andreew Nantio’s undergraduate thesis entitled “The Character Development of Jonas in Lois Lowry’s the Giver.” In his study, Andreew analyze about Jonas’ character in the novel and he analyzed about the influences of the society toward Jonas character development. The development of Jonas' personality and the influence of his community give impact on his personal development (2016, p. 63).

As Andreew mention above, he explained how the society can influence the character development. He explains the character in the novel using character and characterization theories.

The third study is “The Motivation Behind Philip’s Act of Killing

Rachel in Daphne Du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel” by Y. Rahayu Harsono.

For the first objective, the researcher aim to describe Philip characterization in Du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel by examining thorugh the character personal description, speech, conversation with others, reactions, direct comments, and thoughts. For the second objective. The writer to reveal Philip’s motivation behind his act of killing Rachel.



Harsono wrote two problems. The first problem that was formulated is, how is Philip described in Du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel?The second problem is, what are the motivations behind Philip’s act of killing Rachel in

Du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel?

Harsono uses different theories in her study. They are the theory of characterization, relation between literature and psychology, Mowrer’s fear, hope, relief, and disappointment. Beside those theories, she applied psychological approach as well.

From the analysis, the first problems, she found that Philip is described as possesive, insecure, and insensitive person. In her own words,

“A character’s personality can be analayzed through many ways. However,

Harsono finds that Philip’s characterization in My Cousin Rachel is exposed the most from his own thought, action, and speech. It is found that Philip is described as a possesive, insecure and insensitive person” (Harsono, 2019) .

Meanwhile, this research has similar point with theory used in this study especially in character and characterization theory, although the object of the analysis is different in which this research tries to analyze the personality development and the characterization of Iron Man in the novel.

The fourth study is “The Dynamic of Id, Ego, and Superego of Victor

Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” by Antonius Danisworo. In his study there are two objectives that wants to be fulfill, first is, to aim the analysis of the characteristic of the main character, Victor Frankenstein, whose mind is always changing due to experiencing various terrible occurrences. The second



objective is, to analyze on the dynamic levels of personality, id, ego, and superego of Victor Frankenstein.

Danisworo wrote two problems. The first problem is, how is Victor

Frankenstein’s characteristic described in the novel? The second problem is, how does Victor Frankenstein’s character reveal the dynamic of id, ego, and superego.

He used three different theories in his study. They are the theory of character and characterization by M.H. Abrams, theory of characterization by M.J.

Murphy, and the last is theory of element of personality by Freud. Beside those theories, he applied psychoanalytic approach as well.

For the answer to the first problems , the researcher found that Victor is an educated person, very attracted to study, and an irresponsible person. In her own words, “their parents want to lead him to be the same as theirs, so, when he was still young, he was taught of many things about being good to society. Once he has a desire to learn or d something, he will undergo them passionately. He could make the dead life again. He tries to make one using the unnatural components and after he finishes it, he just runs away because of scared of the outlook of the creature”(2014, p. 24).

In order to distinct this research from four researches above, the researcher uses different theories and objects of study. By using different theories and different objects of study from those researches above, hopefully, the researcher can find and develop new findings.



B. Review of Related Theories

As the researcher focuses on Iron Man’s personality development, three theories are used in this paper. The theories are the theory of character and characterization, personality development by Elizabeth. B. Hurlock. Those theories are explained as follows.

1. Character and Characterization

M.H. Abrams defines character as the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say “the dialogue” and what they do “the action” (1981, p. 20-21)

According to Henkle, there are two kinds of characters based on the importance: “major” and “minor” characters (1977, p. 86). First is major character, major character is the center of the story. It has an important role in the story. It can be identified through the complexity of their characterization. Next, minor character has a less important point in the story than major character.

Although the role of minor character is not as significant as major character, minor character has a role as a supporter in the development of major character.

Next about flat and round character. According to Abrams, there are two types of characters: flat and round characters. Flat character may have the same

() characteristic from beginning to end of the story. Flat character is usually the minor character, although not all the minor characters are flat. Round character is relatively fully developed by the author. Round character is



considered as dynamic as they prosses many individual and unpredictable human traits. Round character is usually the major character because it has complex characteristics and plays a central role in the plot.

2. Personality Development

According to Elizabeth. B. Hurlock, the changer of personality can be divided into three major categories. The first category is the changes for the better or the worse. It reflects the kind of life adjustment that the individual is making at that time. The second category is the changes in quantitative or qualitative.

Quantitative means characteristics that already present are reinforced, strengthened, or even weakened. While qualitative means a complete replacement of a desirable trait by undesirable one or vice versa. The third category is the changes occur slow or rapid. Changes are viewed gradually because they are barely perceptible while rapid changes are readily apparent to all. Normally, personality changes are slow and gradual (1974, p. 120-122).

The changes of personality are affected by several conditions. The most significant conditions for personality changes are : a. Physical changes

A physical change is not relate to the changes of the structure of the body but from maturation and decline or from illness, organic, or glandular disturbance, injuries or some other conditions of person’s life patterns (1974, p. 124-125).



b. Changes in the environment

The changes in either the physical or social environemnt may produce changes in the person’s self concept and it will lead to the changes of person’s behavior. But the changes in the environment do not guarantee there will be an improvement in one’s personality. In fact, the changes often have the opposite effect. c. Changes in significant people

When the significant people in invidual life’s change, and when he tries to adapt his pattern of behavior and his attitudes, beliefs, values, and aspirations to their, changes in his personality pattern are inevitable (1974, p. 126). d. Changes in social pressures

The strong social pressures such as traits of social rejection, aggresiveness and greediness have much possiblity to encourage changes in certain aspects of personality rather than the traits of admiration, affection, coopertiveness, generosity. e. Changes in roles

The changes of one’s role may occur because of the change of age, economic condition, and affiliation with a new group. When the result of the changes put the person into a favorable status, it will usually change the self- concept of the person in a better way.



f. Strong motivation

People generally improve their pattern in order to get greater social acceptance and also to improve their social relationship. When the motivation to improve the personality pattern is strong enough, changes can be affected (1974, p. 127). g. Changes in self concept

The changes in the self-concept of one’s personality my change his entire personality. However, the changing of self-concept is getting difficult when people are getting older and usually the changes occur slowly and gradually. h. Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy helps a person to get better insight into the reasons for his unrealistically favorable or unfavorable self-concept (1974, p. 129-130)

3. Factors Influencing Personality Development

W. Stern, in his theory convergence say that the individual development is determined by internal factor (endogen). That psychological factor is brought by people when since they are born. External factor (exogenous) consists of environment, experience, and education (1938, p. 4).

Internal factors are very important for the formation of human personality.

Children are born and inherit many traits from their parents. Some children get physical and psychological characteristics from their parents which becomes a



part of their personalities. When an individual interacts with another person in his/her group give and take a relationship takes place and it affects the personality of individual external factors of personality are responsible for the formation of personality (Roberts, 2010, p. 78). a. Endogen factor

Human development is influenced by endogen factor. This is the factor that character brought since in her womb into give birth. Endogen factor is the offspring or native factor (1938, p4). This factor concept of the traits of heredity to be psychological condition such as the color skin, eyes, and hair which are not changeable by external factor. The traits of psychologically heredity related to temperament. Factors that can change people from themeselves. This is also not affected by external factor. The traits of heredity in the form of character, which can be seen from everyday manners and behaviors and it is changeable or is affected by external factor (1938, p. 46).

From explanation above, character is the only trait of heredity which is changeble or is affected by external factor. b. Exogenous factor

Exogenous factor can influence the personality development in addition to the endogenous factor. These factors come from outside of individual. They are experience, surrounding, education, and so forth called environment definition.

Then, people for his/ her development needs relationship with the external environment. Exogenous factor is divided into two, social factor and non social



factor. Social factor includes family, school, and society. Non social factor includes politics and economy.

C. Theoretical Framework

In this research paper, the researcher provide the main theory and other theories that are suitable to help the researcher for analyzing the novel. Three theories have been explained. The first is, personality development theory by

Elizabeth.B. Hurlock. The second is, character and characterization theory by M.

H. Abrams. The last is supporting theory, factor of human personality theory by

W. Stern.

The first theory, theory of character and characterization is used to identify

Iron Man’s character. Iron Man’s characterization can be examined through his role and his dialog with another characters from beginning until the end of the novel. Identifying Iron Man’s character is important in order to find his personality development.

The next theory are personality development theory and factors influencing personality development, both are uses to identify Iron Man’s personality development. Iron Man’s personality development can be examined through the changes for the better or the worse, the changes on quantitative or qualitative, the changes occur slow or rapid and through his internal factor

(endogen) and external factor (exogenous).




This part consist of three parts. There are: research object, research approach, and the last is research method. Research object explains the description of the novel studied. Research approach elaborates on a psychological approach discussed in the study. Then, research method explains the procedures of analyzing the study.

A. Object of the Study

The Civil War novel is the object of this study. It was written in 2018 by

Stuart Moore, and adapted from Civil War comic by in 2006.

Stuart Moore is a writer, a book editor and an award-winning comics editor. He has produced a lot of novels, such as New York Times, Legacy, and Civil

War. This novel consisted of 421 pages and 37 chapters and published by Titan books.

Civil War is a work of fiction, describing about superheroes team, the

Avengers, and its main character Iron Man or Tony Stark. One day a tragic battle blows in the city of Stamford, killing hundreds of people. The U.S. government orders that all superheroes unmask and register their powers. Superheroes who




oppose the act, led by Captain America, are, however, in conflict with those who support the act, led by Tony Stark as Iron Man, with Spider-Man caught in the middle and the X-Men taking a neutral position. The superheroes, such as Iron

Man, Mister Fantastic, and Ms. Marvel, are becoming more authoritarian in defense of the law. The conflict about freedom is a fundamental theme in the storyline, real-life events and discussions, such as increased surveillance of its citizens by the U.S. government, represent as a backdrop for Civil War events

(Lee, 1975, p. 9). It is important step toward Tony Stark or Iron Man, but it is an intolerable attack againts freedom to Captain America.

B. Approach of the Study

This research uses the psychological approach by Rohrberger and Woods

(1971, p. 21) to answer the research problems. According to the theories explained in the previous chapter, psychological approach is an approach to literature that involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns and which refers to a different body of knowledge and that is psychology. In applying this approach, psychological is generally used as interpretative tools. Psychological also deals with psychological side of a person, it concern with psychological problems which are a natural and unavoidable part of being human (1971, p. 13-


This approach is suitable to be applied in this research because it is able to help the researcher to analyze the personality development of Tony Stark. It also



helps the researcher to find out the psychological factors that influencing Tony

Stark’s personality development. This topic will be further analyzed in the following chapter of the study.

C. Method of the Study

The researcher used library research (Connaway, 2010, p. 48) to analyze the data as the method to obtain the data from the novel. The primary source of the data was the novel entitled Civil War written by Stuart Moore. Secondary sources, such as some relevant books on psychology and literature, articles from the internet were also used as secondary sources.

The library research allowed several steps to analyze this study. The first step is read the novel and focusing on the main character to have a better understanding of the character. While reading the through pages, the researcher also read some books and articles related to the topic. The researcher used the sources from the internet for gaining information. After reading and understanding the detail of the novel, the second step is start to answer the problem formulation and that is by applying the approach and the theories that were taken from studies.

The third step and final step is draw a conclusion based on the answer and the analysis from problem formulation.





This chapter discusses the two problems that have been formulated in the previous chapter. This chapter is divided into two subchapters. First, the researcher discusses about Tony Stark’s personality development portrayed through his characteristics. Second, the researcher discusses the psychological factors that influence Tony Stark’s personality development.

A. Iron Man’s Personality Development Portrayed through his


The characters of Iron Man or Tony Stark is firstly described by Stuart

Moore as a rich man, philanthropist, and a genius man. Tony Stark lives in

Avengers Tower, his house and also the super heroes camp, he lives there with his personal assistance, . Tony Stark was orphaned since he was a child, his parents died in the car crash. His father’s partner, Obadiah Stane, cared for him. His father was the founder of , the main weapons supplier to



the United States Military. After Tony’s father dead, Obadiah takes control of

Stark Industries. After the age of 21, Tony returns to inherit his father’s company.

From the personal description, the author describes Tony Stark as a middle-aged man of average height. He is an American, has Caucasian skin, and brown eyes. He has black hair, which is mostly kept in a rough-edged manner on some occasions, most especially hen he works. Tony has a mustache that runs all the way down to his cheeks, then straight to his chin making an enclosed form, with a small goatee as well on his upper chin. According to Abrams in 1981 said that the reader can get an interpretation of a character in the story from his physical appearance, emotional and moral qualities. Here the researcher can draw the characteristics of Tony Stark through his physical appearance. Therefore

Abrams state that a character can be interpreted through his physical appearance is verified. The other characteristics of Tony Stark are characterized below.

To have a deeper understanding related to the descriptions of Tony Stark’s character in the novel Civil War. In order to describe the character of Tony Stark, the researcher uses the theories that have been explained in the previous chapter.

As it is stated by Hankle, there are two kinds of characters based on the importance: “major” and “minor” characters ( 1977, p. 86). Major character is the center of the story. It has an important role in the story. It can be identified through the complexity of their characterization. Minor character has a less important point in the story than major character. Although the role of minor



character is not as significant as major character, minor character has a role as a supporter in the development of major character.

In addition to that, according to the theory major and minor character,

Tony Stark is categorized as the major character of the novel. Tony Stark becomes the center of the story and he always comes out from the beginning until the end of the story. The story begins with Tony Stark that flies over the Manhattan city and finished by Tony Stark that flies after his battle with Captain America.

There are two types of characters stated by Adams: flat and round characters. Flat character may have the same (static) characteristic from beginning to end of the story. Flat character is usually the minor character, although not all the minor characters are flat. Round character is relatively fully developed by the author. Round character is considered as dynamic as they process many individual and unpredictable human traits (1981, p21). Tony Stark can be categorized as a round character. The proof is he has complex characteristics. Before the civil war he has bad characteristics, such as arrogant and selfish, but after the civil war his characteristics changes, he become humble and unselfish.

There are two big differences of Tony Stark’s character revealed in this novel. First, his character before the civil war happens, and second, his character after the civil war where his character develops. His character changes after the civil war, a war that he does not expect. He is arrogant and selfish and becomes an unselfish person and a humble person.



a. Arrogant

Tony Stark was born in the genius and rich family. His father Howard

Stark, is the founder of Stark Industries, a company that become the main weapons supplier to the United States Military. His father was a genius man, he able to create a new weapon and a new technology. So, his father pursued him to become smart like him. After the drive to become a smart person, Tony Stark finally become the same person or even smarter than his father. He also able to create new technologies after he get a position in his father's company. Among superhero’s friends, Tony Stark is the only person who provides all the equipment and technology for his friends. So, he feels arrogant about it, it is stated as follows:

TONY. But there’s no one else who thinks the way I do-who understands science and technology, and who always has one eye on the future (p. 26) From the statement above, even to fellow superheroes, Tony Stark feels smarter than all of them, and just him that now about the technology and science.

His life was also filled with a lot of wealth from the sale of military weapons to the United States. Being a genius and rich at a young age made Tony

Stark overly confident. Apart from his genius and wealth, what made Tony Stark arrogant was that he became the of the Avengers and became famous for being a superhero. He has the responsibility to agree with Metahuman:

And for me-for the superhuman community I’m proud to be a part of-my decision to go public, to reveal the details of my life to you, was Step One. This, today, is the next step (p. 143)



From Tony Stark’s speech above, he feels so proud to become a leader of

Avengers and can represent other superheroes in the press conference. He thought that his decision is the right one. b. Selfish

Raised by abundant wealth and endowed with intelligence, makes Tony

Stark a selfish person. Being a leader in the Avengers makes him more than any other superhero. When an enormous task awaits him, and as a leader, he must complete it. Tony Stark and other superheroes receives orders from the US government to undergo the Metahuman Registration act. The U.S. government demands that all superheroes unmask and register their powers. As the Avengers leader, Tony Stark had to admit that, as the world had grown and more dangerous, super-powered beings have become less and less popular among civilians. As the highest-profile Avengers with a publicly known identity, Tony Stark felt a special obligation to make sure both sides of the issue were heard. Tony Stark agree with the Metahuman Registration act just because he did not want to reduce his popularity in front of US people. From this case, Tony Stark's selfishness began to appear.

Then, when Tony Stark will go to Washington to talk to Congress about the state of superhumans, he meets Logan, one of the X-Men and Avengers members. Logan said that X-Men is neutral, the community’s staying out from the state of superhumans. Tony Stark explains to Logan that X-Men is part of the Avengers, so everyone must follow his decision to register their power.



Logan still in his decision, so he does not want to follow Tony Stark’s orders, then

Tony Stark asks Logan to leave the Avengers. It is proven as stated by Tony

Stark’s utterance:

TONY. Maybe you should take a leave from the Avengers (p. 45).

Tony Stark's other selfishness is when half of the Avengers team who refuses Metahuman Registration act will be arrested by the government. They are considered a threat to the country, and the leader of the group is Captain America.

At that time, Tony Stark's team who agreed to the Metahuman participated in the operation. Tony Stark is trying to force Captain America to agree with his idea to agree with Metahuman Registration act, stated as follows:

You’ve known me half my adult life, Cap. You know I wouldn’t do this unless I believed in it with all my heart. I don’t want to fight you-none of us does. Just let me tell you my grand plan for the twenty-first century (p. 164). Tony Stark wants all members of Avengers to agree with his idea, but he never realizes that his selfishness makes his team divided. In the end, his selfishness made him unappreciated by those around him and led him to war against his own friends. c. Unselfish

After the civil war occurred, everything had changed. Avengers who were originally a solid superhero team, are now divided into two groups, that are the group that approves the Metahuman Registration act and the group that does not approve the Metahuman Registration act. Civil war made public opinion had turned against registration somewhat, the latest polls were split pretty evenly.



The international community was not happy. European Union leaders had been making speeches nonstop against the new policy, happy to have something to take attention off their own failing economies. , the African nation that supplied Stark Enterprises with the valuable element , was considering cutting off all diplomatic relations with the United States.

From those cases above, Tony Stark began to realizes that the civil war caused a lot of chaos. One day, when Tony Stark went to the cemetery to mourn one of his friends who died as a result of the civil war, , he saw two groups who came to stage a demonstration. He felt that one of the groups was holding a demonstration because they hated him:

I couldn’t identify which side belonged on. One side hates me because I’m a super hero. The other side is cheering because I’m an authority figure (p. 245). After that incident, Tony Stark's character gradually changed, which had become selfish, turned into unselfish. Tony Stark who initially restrained his friends not to leave the Avengers, now he began to open. When Spider-Man will leave the Avengers, Tony Stark gladly does not forbid it and allow it. It is proven as stated by Tony Stark’s and Spider-Man’s utterance:

SPIDER-MAN. I just want to tell you I’m leaving the Avengers. TONY. I see. Said Tony (p. 270). Tony Stark's other unselfish attitude is when Tony Stark and the young

Avengers members will do a mission, and Tony Stark is reminded of Spider-man who needs friends. Spider-Man left him because he is already felt out of place



with Tony Stark. Tony also felt that he needed Spider-Man to be beside him. It is proven as stated by Tony Stark’s utterance:

He needs this, Tony thought. And I need him (p. 298)

Tony Stark's selfishness slowly began to diminish, which at first he felt able to handle everything without his friends, now he began to need the help of his friends. d. Humble

The effect of the civil war changed Tony Stark to become a good person.

From selfish become unselfish, now he becomes a humble person. At the beginning of the story, Tony Stark is known as an arrogant person because of his intelligence and his wealth, but the civil war changed him.

One of the proves that Tony Stark changed to become humble is when

Tony Stark and the members will do a mission, and Tony Stark is reminded of Spider-man who needs friends. Spider-man left him because he is already felt out of place with Tony Stark. Tony Stark also feels that he needs

Spider-man to be beside him, now he thinks that all of the problems can not be solved by himself. It is proven as stated by Tony Stark’s utterance:

He needs this, Tony thought. And I need him (p. 298)

Another prove is when the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents under the responsibility of the government succeeded to arrest Captain America and his resistance members.

Tony Stark also close links to both the government and the superhuman



community, so right now there is no other problem with that again in the future, and the superheroes and civil people now are live with the new life without scared. Then, Tony Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Director, Miriam Sharpe, have a meeting to discuss their success. Miriam Sharpe praised Tony Stark for his success in ending the civil war, then Tony Stark 's response showed that he was not arrogant:

SHARPE. You won the war, she said. TONY. Yes, and now we have to win the peace. I want everyone to understand, to get enthused about this new way of working (p. 415). As a rich person and genius, and capable of making highly sophisticated armor and known as an Iron Man makes him arrogant and selfish. Until one day war broke out between fellow superheroes and so-called the civil war and the war slowly changed Tony Stark 's characters. Who initially arrogant and selfish slowly turn into a generous and unselfish person. He realized that his bad characters caused many problems and he slowly changes. At the end of the story, he becomes a new Tony Stark that has good characters.

B. The Psychological Factors Influencing Iron Man’s Personality


The second problem is about the psychological factors that influence Iron

Man to develop his personality. Many problems and bad experiences happening make Tony Stark change his personality. Hurlock (1974) says that the changes of personality are affected by several conditions. The most significant conditions for



Tony Stark’s personality changes are (a) changes in the environment, (b) change in social pressure, (c) changes in roles, (d) strong motivation, (e) change in self- concept, and (f) psychotherapy.

a. Changes in the environment

The changes in either the physical or social environment may produce changes in the person’s self-concept and it will lead to the changes in a person’s behavior. But the changes in the environment do not guarantee there will be an improvement in one’s personality. In fact, the changes often have the opposite effect.

The changes of the environment make Tony Stark develop his personality.

Tony Stark gets two big different environments. First, when everything went smoothly before the Metahuman Registration act that caused the civil war.

Second, when the civil war happened and divided the Avengers into two groups.

After the civil war, he meets and socializes with some people that make him develop his character.

First, when everything went so perfect, before the civil war. Tony Stark does his daily patrol in the Manhattan sky with his iron armor until notification of his phone is showed up. He checks the message and the Senate Metahumans

Investigation Committee was in the news again, which reminded Tony Stark of another duty so he clicked over to email. He found about the confirmation of his own testimony before the Metahumans Committee, next week. The Committee



had been formed to investigate abuses of superhuman power and recommend standards and regulations to govern the actions of metahumans. Like many

Congressional committees, it served largely to score political points for its members. But Tony had to admit that, as the world had become more dangerous, super-powered beings had become less and less popular among civilians. Tony

Stark, the highest-profile Avengers with a widely known name, felt a special obligation to make sure that both sides of the problem were heard. Get that opportunity to take care of Metahumans Registration, Tony Stark’s arrogant character began to appear.

When Tony in Italy, he meets Spider-Man, a young superhero who are not yet members of the Avengers. That day Tony Stark invited Spider-Man to join the

Avengers. Without a doubt, Spider-Man agreed to Tony Stark's invitation. Tony

Stark knows that Spider-Man will accept his invitation, because he is an innocent teenager that does not know about politics, and Tony Stark has also given him spider-man suits. Tony Stark starts to ask Spider-Man about Metahuman

Registration act. As expected, Spider-Man did not know about it, then Tony Stark began to explain about the Metahuman from his own perspective. Here Tony

Stark starts to be selfish to force Spider-Man to agree with his idea. Tony was not just interested in Peter Parker or Spider-Man, science prodigy. As Spider-Man,

Peter was one of the most powerful metahumans currently roaming the planet.

That made him a resource to be tapped and a potential danger to be watched too.

After Tony Stark attends a funeral, he meets Logan, a member of X-Men, who is an ally of the Avengers. Logan asked Tony Stark about his trip to



Washington to talk to Congress about the states of superhumans. Here, Logan disagrees with the Metahuman Registration act, he got a message from the X-Men that they are neutral. With his ego, Tony Stark tried to force Logan so that he and

X-Men would follow his orders. Logan remained in its founding, so Tony Stark told him to get out of the Avengers, and that was approved by Logan.

Next, when the civil war happened and changes Tony Stark’s personality.

Avengers who were originally a solid superhero team is now divided into two groups, that are the group that approves the Metahuman Registration act and the group that does not approve the Metahuman Registration act. Civil war made public opinion had turned against Registration somewhat, the latest polls were split pretty evenly. The international community was not happy. European

Union leaders had been making speeches nonstop against the new policy, happy to have something to take attention off their own failing economies. Wakanda, the

African nation that supplied Stark Enterprises with the valuable element

Vibranium, was considering cutting off all diplomatic relations with the United


Until one day, when Tony Stark went to the cemetery to mourn one of his friends who died as a result of the civil war, he saw two groups who came to stage a demonstration. He felt that one of the groups was holding a demonstration because they hated him. From those cases, Tony Stark begins to realize that the civil war caused a lot of chaos. The war happened because of his ego. Slow but sure, Tony Stark begins to changes his personality, he starts to become unselfish by saving Spider-Man lives when he no longer believed Tony Stark’s idea about



the Metahuman Registration act and ran away from the S.H.I.E.L.D. when he was about to be arrested and get punished. He becomes humble by trusting the young

Avengers when they get a mission. He knew that they were still amateurs, but

Tony felt that letting them take responsibility for their mission was the right decision. b. Changes in social pressures

The strong social pressures such as traits of social rejection, aggresiveness, and greediness have many possibility to encourage changes in certain aspects of personality rather than the traits of admiration, affection, cooperativeness, and generosity.

Tony Stark changes his personality because of social pressure. After the civil war, the city goes into chaos. Avengers who were originally a solid superhero team that always makes the city safe, now divided into two groups, that are the group that approves the Metahuman Registration act and the group that does not approve the Metahuman Registration act. Civil war made public opinion had turned against Registration somewhat, the latest polls were split pretty evenly. Know abut the civil war, the international community was not happy about that. Leaders of the European Union have been making non-stop speeches against the new policy, happy to have something to focus their attention away from their own failing economies. Wakanda, an African nation that supplied

Stark Enterprises with a valuable Vibranium element, was considering cutting off all diplomatic relations with the United States. (2018, p. 239). Everything changes



that make him begin to realize that he is wrong. His changing character makes him want to fix the problems.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents want to arrested and killed whoever that disagree with the Metahuman Registration act because they are included as criminals.

However, Tony Stark tries to protect his friends from being killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and tells S.H.I.E.L.D. to just imprison them. In the end, he succeeded in saving them. The researcher can conclude that these pressures develop Tony

Stark’s personality. They change his character. He becomes an unselfish and humble person. c. Changes in role

The changes in one’s role may occur because of the changes in age, economic conditions, and affiliation with a new group. When the result of the changes put the person into a favorable status, it will usually change the self- concept of the person in a better way.

Tony Stark changes in roles too. At the beginning of the story, he is the leader of the Avengers and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are under his control. After the civil war, Avengers are divided into two groups, and Tony Stark has no control over the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. It made him less powerful, the role changes has soften his personality and make him change. d. Strong motivation

People generally improve their pattern in order to get greater social acceptance and also to improve their social relationship. When the motivation to



improve the personality pattern is strong enough, changes can be affected.

(Hurlock, 1974, p. 127)

One night, Spider-Man goes to Tony Stark’s house. He comes secretly when Tony Stark is not home. A few moments later, Tony Stark arrived at his house. He was a little surprised by the arrival of Spider-Man. Then, Spider-Man said his goal was to come out of the Avengers, Tony Stark agreed to Spider-man's purpose. Although Tony Stark agreed with Spider-Man's decision, he persuaded him not to come out of the Avengers, but Spider-Man was unanimous in his decision. After arguing with Tony Stark, Spider-Man tried to leave Tony Stark's house, but the Shield Agent had spied on Spider-Man and know of his betrayal. A few moments later some members of the S.H.I.E.L.D. were at Tony Stark 's house to catch and shoot Spider-Man, but Tony Stark tried to keep them from shooting him. Finally, spider-man managed to leave. Although Spider-Man has betrayed him, Tony Stark still tries to protect him from the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who will capture and shoot Spider-man. Tony Stark 's motivation for doing this is only because he wants to save the lives of Spider-Man (Moore, 2018, p. 270-275) e. Changes in self concept

The changes in the self-concept of one’s personality may change his entire personality. However, the changing of self-concept is getting difficult when people are getting older and usually the changes occur slowly and gradually.

From a child until becoming the leader of the Avengers, Tony Stark’s life is full of wealth and he is a genius guy. From the two aspects, he becomes



arrogant and selfish. His expectation of becoming the leader of the Avengers is that everyone will obey his order and the U.S. people will proud of him. The self- concept of his personality changes when not all the superheroes agree with the

Metahuman Registration act and that makes a civil war between the two groups of superheroes. This, changes his attitude, and his thought. He becomes unselfish by listen to the others decision and not arrogant with his power. Many things happening in his life change his expectation. f. Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy helps a person to get a better insight into the reasons for his unrealistically favorable or unfavorable self-concept (Hurlock, 1974, p. 129-130).

After the civil war, one of the superheroes died. His name is , or known as Goliath because of his ability to become a giant. A woman approached him, she is Miriam Sharpe, the woman from Stamford, stood under a small umbrella. She came by to give support because she knows that they lost a lot of support in the superhero community after Goliath dead. She talks about Goliath to Tony Stark:

SHARPE. Goliath knew what he was doing, and what he was doing was breaking a law designed to have people’s lives. If he’d only gone legitimate, he’d still be alive (p. 244). From the utterance above, she tries to tell Tony Stark that Goliath was not a villain because he did not register himself in Metahumans, he still helped others lives and that was a good thing. She also encouraged Tony Stark that all of this was not Tony Stark's fault, he was just doing his job. This is stated as follows:

SHARPE. This isn’t your fault. No more than, than a cop could be blamed for shooting a punk who pulls a gun on him (p. 244).



From the statement above shows that Miriam Sharpe believes in Tony

Stark, that he was not entirely wrong because his decision led to a civil war, he just did his job as a superhero whose purpose is to protect everyone. After she talked to him, Tony Stark looked up at Mrs. Sharpe, completely lost for words. He touched her shoulder once, a wordless thank-you. Tony Stark realizes that there were people who still cared for him and believe that he can be a better person. The way Mrs. Sharpe talked to Tony Stark has change him and open his mind that the civil war is just Tony Stark’s ego and made his friend died.

W. Stern (1938), says that the individual advancement is determined by internal factor (endogen). That psychological factor is brought by people when since they are born. External factor (exogenous) consists of environment, experience, and education. (p. 4)

Here Tony Stark’s personality development is determined by external factors. Her experiences as the leader of the Avengers and as a genius man form his character. He feels arrogant, seen as follows:

But there’s no one else who thinks the way I do-who understands science and technology, and who always has one eye on the future (p. 26). From the above statement, it can be concluded that as a leader of the

Avengers Tony Stark is arrogant. As a leader of the Avengers, he thinks that no one has thoughts that are far ahead like him. Tony Stark needs people around him to accept every idea from him and obey whatever he ordered.

And for me-for the superhuman community I’m proud to be a part of-my decision to go public, to reveal the details of my life to you, was Step One. This, today, is the next step (p. 143).



From Tony Stark’s speech above, he feels so proud to become a leader of the Avengers and can represent other superheroes in the press conference. He thought that his decision is the right one, he does not think that his decision can have a big impact.

When half of the Avengers team who refuses the Metahuman Registration act will be arrested by the government. They are considered a threat to the country, and the leader of the group is Captain America. At that time, Tony Stark's team who agreed to Metahuman participated in the operation. Tony trying to force

Captain America to agree with his idea to attend the Metahuman Registration act because there is pressure from the government, stated as follows:

TONY. You know I wouldn’t do this unless I believed in it with all my heart. I don’t want to fight you-none of us does. Just let me tell you my grand plan for the twenty-first century (p. 164). Tony Stark wants all members of Avengers to agree with his idea, but he never realizes that his selfishness makes his team divided. In the end, his selfishness made him unappreciated by those around him and led him to war against his own friends.

After the civil war occurred, everything had changed. Avengers who were originally a solid superhero team is now divided into two groups, that are the group that approves the Metahuman Registration act and the group that does not approve the Metahuman Registration act. Civil war made public opinion had turned against Registration somewhat, the latest polls were split pretty evenly.



Know abut the civil war, the international community was not happy about that. Leaders of the European Union have been making non-stop speeches against the new policy, happy to have something to focus their attention away from their own failing economies. Wakanda, an African nation that supplied Stark

Enterprises with a valuable Vibranium element, was considering cutting off all diplomatic relations with the United States (2018, p. 239).

From those cases above, Tony Stark began to realize that the civil war caused a lot of chaos. One day, when Tony Stark went to the cemetery to mourn one of his friends who died as a result of the civil war, he saw two groups who came to stage a demonstration. He felt that one of the groups was holding a demonstration because they hated him:

I couldn’t identify which side belonged on. One side hates me because I’m a super hero. The other side is cheering because I’m an authority figure (p. 245). After that incident, Tony Stark's character gradually changed, which had become selfish, turned into unselfish. Tony Stark who initially restrained his friends not to leave the Avengers, now he began to open. When Spider-Man will leave the Avengers, Tony Stark gladly does not forbid it and allow it. It is proven as stated by Tony Stark’s and Spider-man’s utterance:

SPIDER-MAN. I just want to tell you I’m leaving the Avengers TONY. I see. Said Tony (p. 270). S.H.I.E.L.D. agent always hunts and arrested some superheroes who not register the Metahuman. From that pressure Tony Stark knows that all his friends are not safe, so he began to care to his friends and try to talk to S.H.I.E.L.D. agent



to not kill them. A few moments later some members of the S.H.I.E.L.D. were at

Tony Stark 's house to catch and shoot Spider-Man, but Tony Stark tried to keep them from shooting him. Finally, spider-man managed to leave. Although Spider-

Man has betrayed him, Tony Stark still tries to protect him from the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who will capture and shoot Spider-man. Tony Stark's motivation for doing this is only because he wants to save the lives of Spider-Man (p. 270-275).

Therefore, it can be concluded that Tony Stark’s changing personality is affected by external factors. The external factors are his experiences and the environment that he gets before the civil war and after the civil war.

The exogenous factor is divided into two, social factors and nonsocial factors. Social factor includes family, school, and society, while the nonsocial factor includes organic things. The social factor must be Tony Stark’s factor to develop his character. The situation when he becomes the leader of the Avengers and when the government of the U.S. gives him a responsibility to represent the

Avengers in agreeing with the Metahuman Registration act. The reaction of his friends that not agree with the Metahumans that is not expected by Tony Stark.

The situation after the civil war, when some people in the U.S. began to hate him, the economic issues, and diplomatic relation issues make him realizes that his actions forcing others to agree with his decision are not right. Mrs. Miriam

Sharpe statements about Goliath dead, she tries to tell Tony Stark that Goliath was not a villain because he did not register himself in Metahumans, he still helped others lives and that was a good thing. She also encouraged Tony that all of this



was not Tony Stark's fault, he was just doing his job as a superhero whose purpose is to protect everyone. From statements above develops Tony Stark’s personality.

Finally, the researcher can conclude that social factors make Tony Stark’s personality develop. Social factor includes his environment and people surround him. His changing personality leads him to become a good person and a good superhero.




This chapter conclude the problem formulation mentioned before and the result of the research. The researcher has found all the answers to the problem formulation mentioned in the first chapter. By making an analysis of Tony Stark or Iron Man as the main character, the researcher can draw a conclusion on

Tony’s personality development and the psychological factors influencing his personality development.

Tony faces a lot of things, such as the Avengers that divided into two groups because they did not agree with his decision, lost his friend in the civil war, betrayed by his close friend, Spider-Man, the new environment, and met some new people. Those kinds of things have influenced Tony’s personalities.

The researcher may conclude from the analysis, first, Iron Man is categorized as the major character of the novel. Iron Man becomes the center of the story and he always comes out from the beginning until the end of the story.

Next, Iron Man can be categorized as a round character. The proof is he has complex characteristics. Before the civil war he has bad characteristics, such as arrogant and selfish, but after the civil war his characteristics changes, he become humble and unselfish.




He is arrogant and selfish because Tony Stark was born in the genius and rich family. His life was also filled with a lot of wealth from the sale of military weapons to the United States. Being a genius and rich at a young age made Tony

Stark overly confident. Apart from his genius and wealth, what made Tony Stark arrogant and selfish is he become the leader of the Avengers and feels that he is smarter than other superheroes.

After the civil war, his characteristics changes. He becomes humble and unselfish. His characteristics change because face a lot of things. First, when the civil war occurred. Next, when some people of the U.S. starts to hate him because as the leader of the Avengers, he can not control the situation. Third, when his friend died because of the civil war. He felt guilty because his ego made his friend die. The last, when he start to open himself by trust in his friends and not make a decision selfishly.

The second conclusion is the psychological factors influencing his personality development. Tony’s personality changes are affected by several conditions. The most significant conditions are changes in the environment, changes in significant people, changes in social pressure, changes in role, strong motivation, changes in self-concept, and psychoterapy. Tony Stark’s personality development is included as external factors. The external factors are the environment and his experiences. Tony gets two big different environments. First, when the civil war not occurred. He feels that everything in his control. Second, when the civil war occurred and everything changed not as he expected. All of these conditions play a key role in developing one's personality.




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