Schedule “B” to the Agenda for the Eastern Planning Committee 17 April 2013
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SCHEDULE “B” TO THE AGENDA FOR THE EASTERN PLANNING COMMITTEE 17 APRIL 2013 Applications not subject to public speaking. Background Papers Background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to this report are listed under the “Representations” heading for each planning application presented, or may be individually identified under a heading “Background Papers”. The implications for crime, disorder and community safety have been appraised in the following applications but it is not considered that any consideration of that type arises unless it is specifically referred to in a particular report. B1 WA/2013/0288 Change of Use of site from Class B2 (General Gastonia Coaches Ltd Industrial) to Sui Generis (Car Sales, Car 05/03/2013 Washing and operation of a coach business) at Gastonia Coaches, Manfield Park, Cranleigh GU6 8PT Committee: Eastern Area Meeting Date: 17/04/2013 Public Notice Was Public Notice required and posted: NA Grid Reference: E: 504858 N: 140100 Parish : Cranleigh Ward : Cranleigh West Case Officer: Mrs H Hobbs 8 Week Expiry Date 30/04/2013 Neighbour Notification Expiry Date 05/04/2013 RECOMMENDATION That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED The application has been bought before the Area Committee at the request of the Ward Member Location or Layout Plan Guildford Road Application site Estate road Site Description The application site measures 0.14 ha. excluding the access road of 0.13 ha. The site, currently partly occupied by Gastonia Coaches for the storage and routine maintenance of the coaches, is at the eastern end of Manfield Park which is an industrial estate on the eastern side of Guildford Road between Rowly and Cranleigh. To the east of the site, at a higher ground level, are sports pitches for Cranleigh School. The main school complex is more than 300m to the east. To the south is land previously part of the Manfield Brickworks which is overgrown. The site comprises a workshop with ancillary offices and staff rest rooms of 608 sq.m. and a yard part of which is bunded and currently used for the washing of coaches. The lawful use of the site is for vehicle repairs a B2 use (General Industrial) Proposal Planning permission for a change of use from Class B2 (General Industry) to a sui generis use is sought. This would facilitate the use of the site by Walton Motors. This company is currently occupying, without the benefit of a planning permission, “The Lodge” at the entrance to Manfield Park. The site was previously partially occupied by Gastonia Coaches and Arriva Countryliner (buses) for purposes of repair and maintenance. ‘Gastonia Coaches’ is continuing to operate from the site and uses it as a base for the operation of the company. It is proposed that Gastonia Coaches would share the site with the proposed car sales and car washing business. Relevant Planning History WA/1997/0893 land adjacent Erection of a light industrial unit together Full Permission Manfield with ancillary works. 15/08/1997 Industrial Park, WA/1995/0449 Unit 14 Manfield Erection of extensions (as amplified by Full Permission Park, letter and plans received 17/07/95). 19/07/1995 WA/1992/0296 Alder Valley Bus Alterations to existing building; alteration Full Permission Depot Manfield to parking area with new hardstanding; 22/05/1992 Park resiting of fuel tank and installation of 2 portaloos. WA/1990/0976 Manfield Park, Erection of two warehouse units, Full Permission including car parking and forecourt (as 11/03/1991 amended by letter received 21/08/90) WA/1988/0013 Gastonia Erection of two warehouse units, with Full Permission Coaches forecourt and parking area.(as amended 18/04/1988 Manfield Park by letter and plan received 4/3/88) WA/1987/2367 Gastonia Erection of single storey warehouse and Full Permission Coaches Ltd provision of parking spaces (revision of 24/03/1988 Manfield Park WA87/0346). WA/1987/0346 Gastonia Erection of single storey warehouse and Full Permission Coaches Ltd, provision of parking spaces, 10/07/1987 Manfield Park, WA/1983/1401 Gastonia Retention of mobile home to house night Full Permission Coaches, watchman/coach securityofficer 20/10/1983 Manfield Park, WA/1980/1501 Old Manfield, Construction of 10,000 sq ft. industrial Refused Brickworks workshops/warehousing in fourunits 14/11/1980 Appeal Allowed WA/1980/0499 Manfield Use of the Manfield Brickworks site to be Full Permission Brickworks, occupied by Gastonia CoachesLtd. for 29/05/1980 Gastonia Chauffeur Cars ( under same ownership and atpresent carrying on business from "Wakehurst", TheCommon, Cranleigh ) and the use by Gastonia Coaches Ltd. of the WA/1980/0239 Manfield Ground and first floor extensions Refused Brickworks, 03/04/1980 WA/1979/2039 Old Manfield Construction of 15,500 sq ft warehouse. Full Permission Brickworks , Construction of 12,500 sq ft industrial 07/02/1980 workshop. Form new access road and access from GuildfordRoad WA/1979/0446 Manfield Erection of commercial coach garage Full Permission Brickworks Site, office and stores ( pursuant 02/05/1979 toWA77/1603 ) WA/1977/1605 Manfield Site C Site for relocation of Gastonia Full Permission Brickworks. Coaches Limited including repair garage 12/02/1979 Guildford Road fuel store wash space and coach park Cranleigh. (outline) WA/1977/1604 Manfield Site B erection of A 15,500 sq.ft. Full Permission Brickworks warehouse (outline) 12/02/1979 WA/1977/1603 Manfield Site A and B Demolition of 13,800 sq.ft. Full Permission Brickworks, of brickwork building and building of 12/02/1979 12,500 sq.ft. industrial workshops on site adjoining S. L. Hill concrete products closing of two existing accesses and construction of new cul de sac road (outline) Planning Policy Constraints Suitably Located Industrial and Commercial Land ( subject to Policy IC2). Section 52 9secured the restoration of Manfield Brickworks site) Green Belt – outside any settlement Cranleigh Design Statement Potentially contaminated land Development Plan Policies and Proposals Policies D1, D4, D5, D10, IC2, C1, RD7, M2, M14 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 Policies CS1, CS9, CS17 of the Local Development Framework pre-submission Core Strategy The Council is preparing its Core Strategy setting out the key strategic planning policies for the area up to 2028. The Council agreed the proposed pre-submission version of the Core Strategy at its meeting on 17 July 2012 and it was published for consultation on 16 August 2012. The Council approved the Core Strategy for submission on 22 January 2013 and it was formally submitted for Examination on 31 January 2013. As it stands only limited weight can be given to the emerging Core Strategy. However, this will increase as the Core Strategy progresses through Examination. The National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF) Consultations and Town/Parish Council Comments County Highway Authority – Not yet received – to be reported orally Cranleigh Parish Council – Not yet received – to be reported orally Environment Agency – No objection to the proposal as submitted, the application form states that surface waster will be connected to the mains sewer so there is no risk to controlled waters. Council’s Environmental Health Officer – No conditions recommended. The interceptors needed of the car wash facility appear to already be present at the site. Council’s Estates and Valuation Manager - this does not meet the requirements for marketing for the following reasons: No Board No advertising apart from a very limited email flyer that gives the wrong year for the property being empty No details of rental level No evidence that the stated agents, Westwood & Co, were actually instructed. Not a long enough period for marketing. Representations None received. Submissions in support The applicant has submitted the following information to support the application: Gastonia Coaches is a local company established over 50 years ago and provides services and employment for the local community. The premises form part of the depot at Manfield Park owed by Gastonia Coaches Ltd. Gastonia has been on the site since 1979 when planning permission was given for commercial coach/bus garage with workshop, office, stores, paint shop and drivers’ rest room and parking for 30 coaches. 1980 planning permission given for additional use of the site for Gastonia Chauffeur Cars and a caravan agency and storage and sale of ten caravans. In 1986, part of the suite was sublet to another operator. Arriva Southern counties left the site in December 2012 due to the economic climate. Since 2012, the applicant has been looking for a new tenant. Two other units on Manfield Park are vacant. Walton Motors currently occupy a site on Manfield Park but have to relocate because of an Enforcement Notice. Walton Motors is a local family owned company employing local people. It is proposed to separate the main workshop into two separate in its. One part would be occupied by Gastonia and the other by Walton Motors. Most of Walton Motors’ car sales are done via the internet. There is space on site (outside the building) for staff and customer parking. Commercial vehicle washing is in place and was used by Arriva. Interceptors for the water are in place following guidance form the Environment Agency. They are emptied under contract and collect run off and surface water. The larger of the two interceptors is a 3 chamber interceptor which collects the water from the wash area only. The second interceptor is a two chamber interceptor and collects surface water only. The car wash would be a drive in and through system and there is space for the cars using it on the application site. The site is screened from the rest of Manfield Park by a bank of trees and is bounded on its other boundaries by playing fields and “Section 52 land” and is not visible from the playing fields as it sits in a large dip.