The Sacred and the Secular
Part 3 The Sacred and the Secular Allegory of Fleeting Time, c. 1634. Antonio Pereda. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria. “I write of groves, of twilights, and I sing L The court of Mab, and of the Fairy King. I write of hell; I sing (and ever shall) Of heaven, and hope to have it after all.” —Robert Herrick, “The Argument of His Book” 413 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 00413413 U2P3-845482.inddU2P3-845482.indd 413413 11/29/07/29/07 10:19:5210:19:52 AMAM BEFORE YOU READ from the King James AKG Images Version of the Bible he Bible is a collection of writings belong- ing to the sacred literature of Judaism and- TChristianity. Although most people think of the Bible as a single book, it is actually a collec- tion of books. In fact, the word Bible comes from the Greek words ta biblia, meaning “the little books.” The Hebrew Bible, also called the Tanakh, contains the sacred writings of the Jewish people and chronicles their history. The Christian Bible was originally written in Greek. It contains most of the same texts as the Hebrew Bible, as well as twenty-seven additional books called the New Testament. The many books of the Bible were written at different times and contain various types The Creation of Heaven and Earth (detail of writing—including history, law, stories, songs, from the Chaos), 1200. Mosaic. Monreale proverbs, sermons, prophecies, and letters. Cathedral, Sicily. Protestants living in Switzerland; and the Rheims- “I perceived how that it was impossible Douay Bible, translated by English Roman to establish the lay people in any truth Catholics living in France.
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