SCOPE of WORK Sambar Kunda – Kulari Ndimba Road
Reinforced Access of the most Vulnerable Populations to Markets and Socio – economic Facilities through a Feeder Road Rehabilitation Programme ANNEX C – SCOPE OF WORK Sambar Kunda – Kulari Ndimba Road EUROPEAN UNION NATIONAL ROADS AUTHORITY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The ‘Reinforced Access of the Most Vulnerable Populations to Markets and Socio-economic Facilities through a Feeder Roads Rehabilitation Programme’ funded by the European Union Delegation and is being implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in The Gambia. It aims to enhance socio-economic developments around road networks, provide employment, increase household income and thereby reduce poverty among vulnerable populations including female headed households and youth in rural Gambia. The rehabilitation of the feeder roads will be achieved through a combination of labour-based methods and machine-based methods. 10 feeder roads with a total of 104.4km have been identified for rehabilitation. The feeder roads are distributed across the North Bank Region, Central River Region and Upper River Region of the country. The selected roads are: • Road 1: Soto Masamba to Numuyel to Trunk Road (Fulladu East, URR), • Road 2: Chamoi to Dampha Kunda to Tamba Sansang (Fulladu East, URR), • Road 3: Alkali Kunda to North Bank Trunk Road (Upper Badibu, NBR), • Road 4: Suduwol to Nyamanari to Fatoto (Kantora, URR), • Road 5: Galleh Manda to South Bank Trunk Road (Fulladu West, CRR), • Road 6: Illiasa to Katchang (Upper Badibou, NBR), • Road 7: Sambar Kunda to Kulari Ndimba (Tumana, URR), • Road 8: Fass to Kerr Jane (Lower Niumi, NBR). • Road 9: Baja Kunda to Boro Kanda Kasseh (Wulli, URR), • Road 10: Kerewan to Njawara (Lower Badibou, NBR) SCOPE OF WORKS This scope of works is for the rehabilitation of Sambar Kunda to Kulari Ndimba road in Tumana and Kantora Districts, Upper River Region of The Gambia.
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