Total Force Military Demographics
Total Force Military Demographics Overview of US Air Force military personnel (Officer and Enlisted) based on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender demographics for Active Duty, Air National Guard, and Reserve components In this chart, Officer ranks are placed upon Enlisted ranks, showing the decline in Minority Group percentage in blue and increase in Majority % in green as ranks increase. There is a perfect alignment in minority/majority percentage when crossing from Enlisted to Officer personnel. 39 Total Force Military Demographics Overview of US Air Force military personnel (Officer and Enlisted) based on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender demographics for Active Duty, Air National Guard, and Reserve components This chart shows male percentage in blue and female percentage in red for Officer and Enlisted ranks. Females are more highly represented within the AF Reserve and the Air National Guard compared to Active Duty. There is a higher female percentage within Senior Enlisted ranks as compared to Senior Officer ranks. 40 Total Force Military Demographics Overview of US Air Force military personnel (Officer and Enlisted) based on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender demographics for Active Duty, Air National Guard, and Reserve components These charts show the composition of the Enlisted and Officer force by Race and Gender. % of Group shows the percentage breakdown within the Force Component e.g. AD Enlisted. % Total Force shows the percentage breakout across components for that particular race or gender, e.g. % of American Indians that fall within AD Enlisted out of all American Indians. Race/Ethnicity Gender Source: MilPDS, October 2016 41 Total Force (combined) Race/Ethnicity/Gender Components This chart shows the Total Military US Air Force broken down into Force Components, showing that, for example, 52.35% of the total military Air Force is comprised of Active Duty Enlisted personnel.
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