Introduction Chapter 1 Mapping Martyrdom
Notes Introduction 1 'Why be now no martyris as were wone to ben?'; 'We han pese dayys mar tyris al to manye in pis lond'; 'For pe mor martyris pe mor morde and manslaute & pe mor schadyng of innocentis blood ... And now Englych nacioun hat mad many martyris; pey sparyn neyper here owyn kyng ne her buschopys, no dignyte, non ordre, no stat, no degree'. Dives et Pauper, P.H. Barnum (ed.) 2 vols., EETS o.s. 275 (London, 1976), vol. I, pp. 208-9. 2 ].c. Russell, 'The Canonization of Opposition to the King in Angevin England', in Anniversary Essays in Medieval History: By Students of Charles Homer Haskins, Presented in His Completion of Forty Years of Teaching, C.H. Taylor and].L. Monte (eds) (Boston and NY, 1929), pp. 279-90. 3 For reactions to ].F. Kennedy's assassination and his posthumous portrayal as martyr see E.]. Naveh, Crown of Thoms: Political Martyrdom in America from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King Jr. (NY and London, 1990), pp. 172-4. 4 ].W. McKenna, 'Popular Canonization As Political Propaganda: The Cult of Archbishop Scrope', Speculum 45 (1970), pp. 608-23; J.W. McKenna, 'Piety and Propaganda: The Cult of King Henry VI', in Chaucer and Middle English Studies in Honour of Rossell Hope Robbins, B. Rowland (ed.) (London, 1974), pp. 72-88. Also ].M. Theilmann, 'A Study of the Canonization of Political Figures in England by Popular Opinion, 1066-1509' (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Georgia, 1978); J.M. Theilmann, 'Political Canoniza tion and Political Symbolism in Medieval England', Journal ofBritish Studies 29 (1990), pp.
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