Voluntaiy Penance In ^ i o n Through Bishops' Actions O ■'J ^ 'VI ^ ^ -J tn o lany becausei c -t •tential, went m "O C3 o Tl X) o decline. Out! L itu r g ic a l m o ) peak of 2Bt Abstinence o 43 < < o r~ m »r«hip in lh<- By Jack Bacon change the Friday absti- "1. Friday itself remains year. For this reason we C T ipcr off. New Washington — (Special) nence law. a special day of penitential urge all to prepare for that 5/) X> X )t filled, amli — The National Confer- observance throughout the weekly Easter that comes Progress Foreseen D -1 OU O »re shunted^ once o f Catholic Bishops IN commenting on the year, a tim e when those with each Sunday by freely

By Sue Rocthelc against the chill o f unreceptive audiences, growth-stifled TH E G R O U PS represented included the Regis col­ represented by Barbara Jackson. Mr. Beverly Hod- beliefs, and solid, unbending camps of indifference. lege student body and theology department; Loretto's gins, a Canadian senior geology student, and lay , . Fire goes before Him and consumes His foes round about faculty moderator. Pat Brown, of the University of His lightnings illumine the world; the earth aees and trembles. The Youth was on the march again and once more Colo­ Apostolic Affairs committee. Liturgical committee, and mountains melt like wax before the l»rd , before the l.nrd of all rado played midwife to the birth of a major Christian theology department; and the United Campus Christian Wyoming Newman group. the earth. The heavens proclaim his juaUce. and all peoples see his youth development. Fellowship. Rocky .Mountain Methodist Student Move­ glory. . . . rhe lx>rd be with you. i.et us go forth!" TH E N A T IO N A L interfaith co-op was structured to Buckhorn mountain, deep in the foothills west of ment. Episcopalian Canterbury clubs, Lutheran Student association, and the Baptist Student association. revolve around the concerns of ecumenicity, both ec­ So ended the Buckhom Ranch conference of the Uni­ F't. Collins, was the two-day gathering point for The department of theology at Loretto sponsored clesiastical and secular. When the NSCF officially dis­ versity Christian Movement held this past weekend and Colorado and Wyoming youth-forces, priests, minis­ three participants including junior Joan Corcoran, a solved Sept. 6 in Chicago to become the UCM, the ar­ 77 persons, representing various faiths, ages, and walks ters. and lay moderators representing at least five ticles of the new group were made deliberately vague so member of the Apostolic Affairs board; sophomore Janet of life walked out of a fire-lit mountain lodge into the faiths and several campus Christian organizations. that more creative development could take place in re­ Kassel, resident student representative on the college’s chill of a late November evening. Attending the session were representatives of the gional and local groups. liturgical committee; and F. Gerard Varela. Jr., theology Some were meditatively quiet. Others were excitedly Newman club o f the University of Wyoming in Laramie, In view of this freedom, the format o f the conference one of the five Newman groups in the area; students instructor. rehashing ideas gleaned from the two-day session. Per­ included several panel, group, and informal discussions and faculty members from uenver's Loretto Heights and I he Kev. I homaK Rauch. S.J., theology instruc­ haps the warmth of the idea o f n new man becoming keyed to ideas given by the Rev. Arthur Brandenburg, Regis colleges; and delegates from Colorado State uni­ tor at Regis, joined two students. Darryl Grants and more involved in the Church in an era of a new and chairman of the international conference of the new versity, Colorado State college, the University of Denver, John Hall, as delegates to the conference. The one changing world would offer warmth against the chill of Newman club able to be present for the meet was the mountain air. H opefully, it would offer warmth the University o f Colorado, and Adams State college. iTurn to Page 2) Page 2 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, November 24, 1966 Abstinence Out . . . (Continued From Pagi* 1) that unchanging divine aervance on Fridays, the Youths' Concern . . . people for the future ob­ moral law which the Bishops also said they hope C hu rch must today and "other forms of penitential {Continued From I*a^»e I> servance of Friday, even though we hereby termi­ always defend as immu­ witness" will develop. movement, a member of the UCM general committee, nate the traditional law of table. "In this connection we and associate pastor of Christ the King church on the abstinence binding under "This said, we emphasize have foremost in mind the Yale university campus. pain of sin, as the solo that our people are hence­ modern need for self-disci' Brandenburg, who is also chairman of the executive prescribed means of ob­ forth free from the obliga­ pline in the use o f stimu-** committee for the next national conference of the UCM serving Friday, we give tion traditionally binding lants and for a renewed^ to be held in Cleveland, O., in December, 1967, ex­ first place to abstinence under pain of sin in what emphasis on the virtue dC plained the new ecumenical realities which are the from flesh meat. We do so pertains to Friday absti­ temperance, especially in' the use of alcoholic beven foundation of the student ecumenical movement under­ in the hope that the Cath­ nence, except as noted ages. lying the purpose of the UCM. olic community will ordi­ above for Lent. We stress "It would bring great "Man sees himself not as a victim of the past,” he narily continue to abstain this so that no scrupulosity glory to God and good to said, "but as a shaper of the future. In the new world, a from meat by free choice will enter into examina­ as formerly we did in tions of conscience, confes­ souls if Fridays found our world of constant change, is emerging something like a people doing volunteef obedience to Church sions, or personal decisions global tribe. Every city and person is related to every work in hospitals, visiting other, and the globe itself becomes, through electronic law . . .” on this point.” the sick, serving the needs technology, infinitely small.” "Because,” he continued, The pastoral statement of the aged and lonely, in^ "new electronic media, have extended the central ner­ THE BISHOPS noted also made an observation structing the young in the vous system of man, . . . every person is plugged Into that fast and abstinence based on charity. regulations "admit of "Perhaps we should warn fa it h , p a rtic ip a tin g us every other person all over the world.” Christians in community "The new ecumenical man,” the Methodist minister Christian Movement Conference change, unlike the com­ those who decide to keep mandments and precepts of the Friday abstinence for affairs, and m eeting our added,"must be futuristic, international, comprehensive.” obligations to our families, The problem today is that we must "catch up with the Darryl Grants, left, a student at Denver’s Regis college, and Janet reasons of personal piety Kassel, resident student representative on Loretto Heights college’s Litur­ and special love that they our friends, our neighbors, world we have created,” he said. gical committee, discuss the evolving Church with the Rev. Thomas Rauch, Sterilization must not pass judgment on and our community, in­ Presenting the image of the new church as the point S.J., theology instructor at Regis college during a free moment at the those who elect to substi­ cluding our parishes, with o f a wedge that integrates the present and the future, recent Buckhorn Ranch conference of the University Christian Movement To Be Available tute other penitential ob­ a special zeal born of the Brandenburg illustrated how the church lives on the held Nov. 18 and 19 near Ft. Collins. UCM is a national, interfaith co-op servances,” the Bishops desire to add the merit of "point of history.” penance to the other concerned with student action and ecumenicity. To Gl Wives said. "The people of God who have decided to live stead­ Although abstinence from virtues exercised in good fastly between the 'no longer’ and the 'not yet’ constitute Washington, D.C. — flesh meat retains "first works born of living faith.’L the evolving church. This new church will not resemble Surgical sterilization in place” as a penitential ob- some "kind of cigar box with a steeple on top, but will m ilitary hospitals will be IN T H E IR discussion of be a structure able to deal with problems of the present Thanksgiving Clothing available to wives of serv­ Lent, the Bishops said: and the future.” icemen next year as part Forty Hours' " . . .We preserve for T O E M P H A S IZ E TH E effect of cybernetics, (the of an expanded program of our dioceses the tradition study of man related to electronics), as one of the cru­ fam ily planning services, Devotions of abstinence from meat on cial developments of this century, delegates to the con­ Drive Slated Nov. 27 the Defense Department each of the Fridays of ference viewed a film entitled "America on the Edge of has confirmed. Nov. 27. 1966 Lent, confident that no Clothing to aid needy the overseas aid agency of Abundance.” While society clings yet to the idea of work Archbishop Vehr said. The surgery will be First Sunday of Advent Catholic Christian will persons througHout the American Catholics. embodied in the Protestant ethic, cybernation is quickly Used clothing that performed, officials said, lightly hold himself ex­ world will be collected at "Our Catholic people replacing the working man. This, then, would imply a Americans can share or only on the request of a St. Cajetan, D enver cused from this penitential have been very responsive need for a type of education that will encourage stu­ all Archdiocesan churches spare becomes precious be­ dependent wife whose practice. to this charity,” Archbishop dents to seek political, social and economic alternatives Sunday, Nov. 27. yond words to millions physician certifies that "For all other week-days Vehr said. "The Arch­ • St. Rose Residence, and models for the future. Brandenburg stated. Any type and kind of around the world in dire the operation should be of Lent, we strongly recom­ diocese of Denver last year D enver serviceable clothing is ac­ need, collection officials undertaken for sound mend participation in daily "H ere then is the role of the university,” he con­ contributed more than St. Francis Hospital, tinued, and "if the university does rfbt create new mod­ ceptable for the annual declare. medical reasons. Colorado Springs Mass and a self-imposed Catholic Bishops’ 100,000 pounds of cloth­ observance of fasting.” els for the future, who will?” The expanded family St. Mary, Colorado Thanksgiving Clothing ing,” he pointed out. NOT ONLY can the UCM I^rocess 67 realizes the task of the new church planning services, which Springs collection. Archbishop U r­ "The clothing w’e are clothing provide protection in creating a "fresh civilization.” Composed of small also will allow military St. Peter, Crook able to ship abroad, as a against the cold o f winter GLASS in-depth education groups on local campuses. Process 67 ban J. Vehr said. doctors to dispense rather Our Lady of Victory, "Under the auspices of result of this annual ap­ or torrential seasonal rains is based on the idea of depth-study of a given problem than simply prescribe con­ Lim on CO. the Catholic Relief Serv­ peal, makes it possible or blazing tropical sun, but traceptives, were ordered which produces dialogue suggesting alternative solutions also can often safeguard SL Mary, Littleton ices. NCWC,” he told Ar- to complement the vast by Secretary of Defense to a situation or problem. By dealing with concrete the very young against * Missions marked chdiocesan Catholics, "the stores of government- Robert S. McNamara last with an asterisk (*) may problems, education becomes integrated and relevant to dioceses of the country crippling or deadly dis­ MIRRORS donated food to a point month a fter Congress re­ have 13 Hours of Expo­ the future. have cooperated for many eases, aid impoverished where we are helping to laxed past restrictions in sition of the Blessed See Our Beautiful Chaplain William Rhodes, currently on a leave of years during Thanksgiving men and women to find supply the basic neces­ the military Dependents’ Sacram ent instead o f 40 iibsence from the University of Denver, and serving as week in an annual appeal work or to continue work­ New Home at sities of life to the poor Medical Care Law. Hours. executive director of the Colorado Council on the Arts for serviceable discarded in 64 countries of the ing, and enable children to <>{)() L a w r e n c e * and Humanities, guided the discussion to a practical clothing to be sent to the globe,” Archbishop Vehr attend school without application of the church’s role in forming the future. needy peoples abroad.” said. shame. News Deadline! Personalized Monuments and Markers During a Saturday morning address to the repre­ Besides clothing, blan­ "T h e total value of our Denver Archdiocesan sentatives, Barbara Junceau, acting director of the Ofilce kets, bed linen, and shoes foreign relief will be well Catholics can play a role The deadline for news Memorial Co. of the Chaplain at Denver university, and executive are being sought. Shoes over $100,000,000,” he in this extensive campaign stories and pictures to director of the school’s YM-YW CA, listed the various should be tied in pairs. added. by bringing serviceable appear in the "Register” Speer Blvd. At.9th clothing, blankets, bed lin­ Erickson dilemmas that confront ecumenical involvement in the Monsignor Elmer Kolka is M onday at 9 a.m. 255-1785 world.” NOW IN its 18th year, is Archdiocesan director of ens, shoes, and other household articles o f cloth­ Conflicts in Eastern and Western patterns of living the clothing collection is the annual appeal. Society ing to their churches this LEIB iV lA JJ, T e B o c k h o r s t c C o . and thought suggest that to be a success, any ecumeni­ being conducted in more of St. Vincent de Paul than 17,500 churches Sunday. cal movement, be it ecclesiastical or secular, must drop members will lend their throughout the nation. All Western concepts as the sole standards for discussion services in gathering the clothing will be distributed and agreement and combine Western and Eastern modes clothing from Archdiocesan TRAVEL to the needy in 80 coun­ churches. RESERVATIONS L\ o f thought to be truly elTective, she pointed out. Qcxao tries, without regard to "Trucking companies ANYWHERE The conflict between generations is perfectly race, creed, or color, by have graciously donated normal, she continued, but because more than one-half Catholic Relief Services, AT NO EXTRA COST of the world’s population is under 25 years of age, their services in carrying DAVE LINDQUIST Owner youth's will be the "prevailing spirit.” the goods to seaports,” 19 Years On The Job Experience Moral Theology On Three Continents 7 lt 17th street THE C O N FLIC T between the rich and poor nations, Editor Honored FOR M UTUAL FUNDS 23rd FI. New Western Fed. the "Have’s and Have-Not’s,” may result in a revolution PHONE Savin

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244-6911 McmbOT. F.O.I.C 17th S Stotft Thursday, November 24, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 3 In Maryland School Grants Case Legal Experts Not Dismayed By Decision By Jack Bacon T H E S U PR E M E Court opponents of any public on the measure again in clarify the public nature o f Washington — The U.S. made no comment, as is funds for Church-related the 90th Congress. such institutions. Supreme Court's refusal to customary in such actions, institutions, who hoped It was noted here that The question is one of review a Maryland Su­ in -efusing to review the to use the Maryland the two Catholic colleges the key considerations of preme court decision that Maryland rulings on the cases to get a definitive! involved in the Maryland the current depth study of state grants to three College of Notre Dame in ruling on the question case operate programs Catholic colleges and uni- Church-related colleges was Baltimore and St. Joseph’s that would have implica­ with a much more pro­ ver.sities by a special com­ unconstitutional did not college in Emmitsburg — tions reaching beyond nounced religious orien­ mittee for the National dismay Catholic legal ex­ the two Catholic schools the college issue to oth­ tation than is the case Catholic Education associa­ perts. involved — and Western er areas of government with most Church-relat­ tion. Although the state Maryland, a Methodist in­ operation. ed institutions of higher court’s action cost two stitution. It was noted here the education. This charac­ A SPOKESMAN for the Catholic colleges in Mary­ In addition the court re­ day after the decision the teristic was considered a U.S. Office of Education land substantial state fused to hear an appeal court’s negative action special handicap in the said the Maryland deci­ grants, veterans of the from the fourth ruling by could be expected to give case, complicating the sions would have no eflcct fight for public financial- the Maryland court, which impetus to a bill to provide basic defense that the on federal grants to col­ support o f the public func­ approved a sim ilar state for judicial review of tax­ grants by the state were leges, which have chan­ tions of Church-related grant to Hood college in payers’ challenges of gov­ for a secular purpose neled millions of dollars to schools were relieved that Frederick on grounds that ernment spending pro­ not related to the reli­ Church-related schools on the U.S. Supreme court its ties to the United grams based on allegations gious programs at the the principle that the mon­ chose not to make the Church of Christ were only of violation of the constitu­ schools. ey was being spent for a Maryland case the basis nominal. tional separation o f Church There currently is consi­ public, secular purpose that for a precedent-setting de­ The Supreme Court’s and State. derable discussion among did not advance a sectarian cision in the complex rejection of the cases Catholic college officials of program. Church-State situation. c^onstituted a setback for T H E B IL L passed the the advisability of revamp­ A total of $2.5 million Senate last summer, but ing their administrative was involved in the four died in the House with ad- boards with the aim of Maryland cases. The grants journment of the 89th making the schools com­ had been earmarked to Instruments For Band Congress. munity functions from the help build dormitories, The speculation proved standpoint of control, a classrooms, and science well grounded. Within a move that would serve to buildings. 4 Sought By Schools few days o f the decision, the Association of State Colleges and Universities The Rt. Rev. Monsignor distribution to the schools. Richard Hiester, archdio­ Loaned instruments, he gave its endorsement to the effort to force judicial cesan director of music, is said, would be insured by For the / review. appealin g for help to ex­ his ofTice and returned in i pand the band program in the same condition received Judicial review of such the archdiocesan schools. after whatever length of taxpayers’ suits currently is stymied because of a N e w From Mexico to Colorado time is specified by the lender. long-standing Supreme Happy to visit Denver arc these two attractive Tarahumara Indian girls, Monsignor Hiester said court ruling that an indi­ / Every type of musical Felicitas Guanapani, left, and Lucia Nava, who come from the impove­ the program is in great vidual taxpayer has insuf­ instrument is needed, he Saered rished area of Creel. Chihuahua, Mexico. Through education afforded need o f more band instru­ ficient personal financial said. them at a Jesuit mission school in Creel they are now attending school in ments. The lack of instru­ interest to qualify as a li­ Monsignor Hiester said . Lafayette, La., and will return to Mexico to teach other Tarahumaras. With ments, he said, is prevent­ tigant against the govern­ ■ them, left to right, is the Rev. Lee Kaspari, assistant at Our Lady of ing many children from receipt of instruments un­ ment. Liturgy. der these terms would be Fatima parish, Denver; Mrs. Ernest Allaby, director of Docare, which t a k in g part in the pro­ Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr.. o f special benefit to orph­ assists the Indians; the Rev. Luis J. Verplancken, S.J., director of the Creel gram s and as a result is North Carolina Democrat, ans and children of low in­ We have the Complete Missal for mission; and Mrs. Nick Domenico, president of Our Lady of Fatima Altar curtailing the program it­ who directed the bill come families who want to and Rosary society. self. through the Senate, said complete participation. A Missal take part in band pro­ he would push for action He also said additional grams and cannot because that is now available to you in the schools would like to finances prevent acquisi­ Complete one volume Missal. start band programs, but tion of instruments. Mexico Missionary Tells are being held back by He said instruments ei­ No Leaflets or pamphlets to juggle. the same lack. Currently ther can be taken to his Beautiful Bindings available from $4.25 to the band program is In ofTice at 1501 Pennsylvania $11.00. operation in 10 elemen­ street (Immaculate Concep­ Gains of Isolated Indians tary schools and one tion Cathedral rectory"), or For your selection we have the high school. donors can notify the of­ A Jesuit missioner who its at the mission is an are captivating young­ fice, at 623-0233, to have New St. Joseph Daily Missal is dedicating himself to organization known as sters,” said one person who Monsignor Hiester asked them picked up. helping impoverished Indi­ Docare, founded by the late visited with them. "They individuals' or families who ” 1 feel from past expe­ The Maryknoll Daily Missal . ans in Mexico was in Den­ Dr. Ernest E. Allaby of are eager, average young­ have band instruments rience w'ith the help of ver last week for a brief Denver and now’ carried on sters with a warm outlook that are not being used many of our people we and visit and talked before a by his wife. Most of the on life. They are anxious eith er to donate them or can have a very fine ^roup at Our Lady of Fa­ medicine and clothing for to learn everything they loan them to his office for band program and give The New St. Andrew Bible Missal tima parish. this mission comes from can in order to supplement many students an op­ The Rev. Luis J. Ver­ Docare, through the efforts th eir education and take portunity to study music also plancken, S.J., director oC of Mrs. Allaby, who spear­ back to others in Mexico Knights To Hear who otherwise cannot do ACCUTRON •■420‘* the mission program at heads the program from so,” he said. lOK gold-filled, waterproof.f The New St. Joseph "Continuous” th e knowledge and hope luminous dots and hands, Creel- Chihuahua, Mexico, Denver. they have acquired.” Seminary Rector adjustable mesh bracelet with fold-over buckle. 9175 Sunday Missal. \yorks with the Tarahu- With Father Verplancken IN DENVER Father News Deadline! in Denver were two young The Rev. Patrick Others From $125. mara Indians, who are cut Verplancken interviewed a The deadline for news from the world by the and pretty Indian girls O’Brien, C.M., rector of St, Complete Line et Religieu* Article* for Church and Heme la y couple, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas seminary, Denver, stories and pictures to Small deposit wilt hold yovr mountains, their lack of from Creel, Felicitas Gua­ gift until Christmas Thomas Fender, who will will be guest speaker at appear in the ’’Denver education, and the lan­ napani and Lucia Nava. go to the Creel mission the Friday Luncheon Club Catholic Register” is THE SEASON'S MOST Ar P. WAGNER b CO. guage barrier. Three years ago these T R E A S U R E D G I F T . . . soon and work with the meeting o f the Knights of M onday at 9 a.m. C orre­ two little girls lived in Tarahuamara Indians. A Columbus Council 539 spondents are asked to : ASSISTING Father caves and were brought CHURCH GOODS sturdy truck has been ob­ which begins at 12 o’clock have their material at AURORA Verplancken and the Jesu- to the Jesuit mission. At tained through the efforts noon, Friday, Dec. 2, at the ’’Register” office at 1433 T re m o n t P lace T A 5-8331 that time they only and generosity of Denver­ th e c o u n c il home, 1555 this time to assure pub­ spoke Tarahumara — JEWELRY Hours 9 to 5 — Sat. 9 to 4 Masses Listed ites and this will be driv­ Grant street, Denver. lication in the following MAIL ORDERS FILLED the Indian dialect of the en to Mexico by the Fen­ Ben Wright will serve as Thursday issue. 10335 East Colfax Ph. 304-3313 area. They were brought ders for use at the mission. program chairman. mHlllllIIXMtllll For Skiers to the mission and today speak Spanish fluently. Sunday Masses in At present they are ’’Accredited by churches near some o f the living with two separate A1 rs. Theodore E. Kittleson ski centers in the Arch­ families in Lafayette, La., the National diocese of Denver are listed and their English is bet­ Council for the for the convenience of ter than average. They Dies; Final Rites Offered Accreditation of skiers. Pastors or persons arc now in the fourth Nursing Homes.” in these areas are asked to grade in a Lafayette Requiem Mass was of­ schools there. She married son, is another son, Robert inform the R egister of any fered in the Denver Cathe­ the late Theodore Kittleson T. Kittleson of Phoenix, school and after a few SOME OF THE FEATURES: changes or additions to the years will return to dral on Nov. 22 for Mrs. in Foreston, Minn., in July Ariz., a daughter, Mrs. Sunday schedules. Theodore (Martha) Kittle- Beatrice M. Torres, Pacific • Oier 3B Ymu ii Bksimsa Creel to teach other 1908. • VEIT iftfidfiJl eire. Aspen: St. M a ry ’s 7 Tarahumara Indians son. mother of well-known The couple moved to Grove, Calif.; two sisters, • Uric iiry Qittifi rMni • DittflUR ru n will) n (« and P a.m (5 p.m. Mass both Spanish and Eng­ Denver real estate official, Denver from St. Paul, Mrs. Sarah E. Buck and until Easter). Blair J. Kittleson. A resi­ Mrs. Bertha Stuart, both of tack tlHf. lish. Minn., in 1931. Mrs. Denver • OiUtailut fMfs- B r e c k e n r i d g e : S t. Orlando, F la.; six grand­ The young girls’ visit in dent of Denver for 35 Kittleson was a member of • SMt'll Bittt. M ary’s — 7;30 and 9 a.m. years, Mrs. Kittleson died children and one great­ Denver was arranged the Cathedral A lta r and Nursing *’\Ve are on Iho every Sunday throhghout Sunday, Nov. 20, in Park Rosary society, PTA, and grandchild. through Father Verplanck­ Medicare Program" the winter. Manor after a short illness. Seminary Guild. Burial was in Mt. Olivet. en, who was returning Home 1401 JOSEPHINE Central City; St. Mary She was 82. Funeral arrangements were PH. 311-9383 from D etroit on business. o f the Assumption — 10:30 She was the wife o f the S U R V IV IN G in addition by M cConaty’s Mortuary, "Homo with o Heart’ In Denver they were the a.m. late Theodore E. Kittleson to her son, Blair J. Kittle- Denver. guests of the Rev. Robert C o lo ra d o S p rin gs, St. and the late Rev. James F. Syrianey, pastor of Our M a r y ’ s — Sundays at 8 Kittleson who was or­ •! Lady of Fatima parish, and p.m. dained at St. Thomas sem­ , Craig: St. M ich ael’s — the Rev. Lee Kaspari, as­ inary, Denver, in 1950 for sistant pastor. Father Kas­ 6:30, 8 and 10 a.m. the diocese of Helena. pari had previously worked Durango: Sacred Heart Mont.* Father Kittleson Shopping . . — 8. 10, and 7:30 p.m.; St. in Mexico with Father died in 1962 as the result Verplancken and has as­ Columba’s — 7, 9, and 11 of an automobile accident. am. sisted Mrs. Allaby in some ’ 1 Fairplay: St. Joseph’s of her projects of sending B orn Jan. 28, 1884, in As a result of the many articles appearing in national — 11 a.m. every Sunday. medicine and clothing to Anoka. Minn.. Mrs. Kittle­ publications condemning the so-called high cost of dying, Georgetown: Our Lady Mexico. son attended schools in many people are compelled to ^shop” when selecting a o f l,x>urdes — 8 a.m. "Both Felicitas and Lucia Minnesota and taught in mortuary. Although we are appalled at these diatribes, G lcn w ood Springs: St. they do present us with the opportunity to prove to fami­ Stephen’s — 8, 9, and 10 lies that a beautiful .service need not be Expensive. Fur­ a.m. ther, we provide a PERSONAL SERVICE at NO EXTRA Idaho Springs: SU Paul's THE PERFECT CHARGE. — 9 a.m. L e a d V i 1 1 e : p o r i r a i t Annunciation — 6:30, 8, and 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mintern: St. Patrick’s — 9 a.m. Salida: St. Joseph’s — 7. 8:30. 10:30 am . and 7 p.m. Steamboat Springs: V.V.' Holy Name — 8 a.m. and By 5 p.m Vail: temporary quart­ L a i n n o n ers •— 7:30 a.m. beginning Portrait Studios Dec. 4. Tradition of Fine Portraits J. EMMETT NOONAN-DIRECTOR Woodland Park: Our 244-4474 2406 F E D E R A L B L V D . 433-6575 Lady of the Woods — Brown Palace Hotel 17th & Tremont PI. 8:30 a.m. Page 4 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, November 24, 1966 > Viewpoint • Comment for Today Long Hair^ Tight Pants^ President Kennedy NOW,TM«iS WHAT I CALL By Paul H. Hallett IDEAL RED-BLOODED AMERICAN YOUTH... And Deep Trouble The three years since the None of his public state­ By Rev. L. Marvin Read assassination of President ments was inconsistent John Fitzgerald Kennedy with a Catholic statesman’s Somewhere among the glue-sniffing, the unear- belled against the phony have allowed enough time profession of his religion. scrapbook mementoes con- thing o f the Beatles-and- m o ra lity -o f-c o n v en ie n ce to assess the religious side stituting our national her­ o th e r s h aggy-d o gs, the established by their elders; o f him in a perspective not WHEN ASKED a too- itage, there are faint utilization of stretch fabrics but in their rebellion, they allowed when he was sur­ pointed question about how images remaining of "the even in levis, the founding have courted the disaster rounded by the jealousies he felt concerning govern­ red-blooded, all-American o f units lik e the Sexual ©f amorality. o f office. There is no better ment participation in the b o y” and the ’’girl next Freedom League and the They have courageously way o f doing his memory birth control policy, now door.” A t the risk of stere­ crude, comm ercial evan- rejected the senselessness honor. actively sponsored by his otyping these two near- gelizing of the Liverpool of monkey-see-monkey-do President Kennedy did successor, President Ken­ historical figures, the rem­ look, style and manner, thei conformity, but have been not speak o f God and reli­ nedy replied that the gov­ embrance of them goes im age that used-to-be be- co w e d in to an e q u a lly gion more often than other ernment could very well something like this; gan to disappear. senseless, and vastly more Presidents have done; he investigate facts about hu­ He was a tanned, crew- H is im a g e is disap- tasteless uniformity, was not so eloquent or ex­ man fertility but he de­ cut lad, conscious of (but pearing under a stringy, Reacting against the stu- p licit in his references to clined to pursue the not preoccupied with) his shaggy coifTure. topped by pid self-righteousness o f them as were Washington suggestion that public pol­ virility and dedicated to a healthy supply of dan- au tocratic authori- and Lincoln. But what he icy should intervene in a developing and subtly dem­ drulT and a Dutch boy cup; tarianism, they have wan- said came from pure con­ matter of peculiarly private onstrating his manliness. the tan fades and muscular Jered unguided into the He dressed in button-down viction. concern. developm ent withers, and mayhem o f rat-pack free- shirts, well-pressed khakis The late President sel­ The day has passed he seems dedicat€?d to the dom created by their au- and loafers that only dom referred to the fact when any President could mere satirizing o f his viri- thority-be-damned attitude, sometimes needed a shine. lity. Costuming himself in that he was a Catholic, but Fascinated by sports, cars (Turn to Page 6) purple, yellow polka-dotted SYMBOLIC of their re- this was not opportunism. and girls, he had a deuce blouses, he is certain he is - - . j -j- L- u . hellion, rejection and reac- o f a time deeding which stylish; his levis are oh- scraggly, was more important to viously hand-me-downs haired teens demon- • Strings to the Bow from a grea.se-monkey who pretended in­ N ot always understood is two sizes smaller. souciance hy their sloppy by nor understanding of his narents he vet fuliv High-topped, high-heeled and apathetic selection of i„:,.ii„ fhoes (you know, like Jose clothing. To he sure, the Bishops’ Warning loved and loyally respected them. He laughed much, as Greco’s) cover pockless feet, "mod” generation is gener- befits a happy person — M ore often than not, he ally tasteless and vulgar in wears a thorough scowl — Ha garh ; what is to be Timely happy because, although , ■ . . u j • * *u .u- not so certain of what he so much because he is By Frank Morriss was as a teen-ager, he angry at anyone, but be- for w hich the c lo th in g Th e American Bishops’ statement warning against knew what he wanted to cause pseudo-cynicism ’s stands as symbol are not governm ent invasion of the .sacred precinct o f family be as a man. sneers are a part of the so simply and finally rights, came only a few days after a remarkable ex­ total get-up. ta s te less and vulgar, t f ample o f such bureaucratic impertinence. Mrs. Katherine SHE WAS a brunette She is no longer inter- they are. radical cure and B. Oettinger, children’s bureau chief for the U.S. De­ vho wished she were ested in "grace,” "dignity” correction are indicated, partm ent o f Health, Education, and Welfare couldn’t blonde, but was willing to or "femininity.” Ironing her Parents, schools, church- have spoken at a more opportune moment to illustrate settle for what she had. h a ir u n til it comes out es and society must re-ex- the meddlesome mentality the Bishops are cautioning W ell aware o f her feminin- lo o k in g lik e soggy spa- amine their roles in this against. Listening In it y and the dign ity and gh etti, she adroitly daubs cultural phenomenon and Mrs. Oettinger told Philadelphia social workers that grace that go with young on mascara Theda Bara- re-evaluate their responsi- it is the government’s job to carry a birth control cru­ womanhood, she dreamed style. After struggling into bility. We cannot so easily sade to teen agers — married or otherwise. She dis­ o f being stylish, but inevi- stretch hip-huggers that dismiss the intended care- missed the protection against coercion that is at least Must God Pass tably yielded to the quietly are more informative than lessness — esthetic or oth- som ewhat present i f social workers are forbidden to comfortable, if traditional, G ray’s Anatomy textbook, erwise — o f this genera- suggest birth control to welfare recipients. Her conten­ c o lle c tio n o f skirts and she clam bers into knee- tion as merely "another fad tion is that just as it would be pointless to ex p ^ t a ""Relevant Test?’ s w e a ters, kn ee-sox and high boots vaguely resem- that w ill go away.” The patient to be the first to propo.se the use o f a vaccine to penny-loafers. b lin g those o f a Cossack clothing-coiffure syndrome a doctor, so the social workers shouldn’t have to wait to By Bishop Robert J. Dwyer Whether or not she pos­ dancer. indicates a peculiar per­ be invited to discuss birth control. sessed objective beauty, she manence, an intention to maintained the genuine WHETHER or not she live and be in a certain The whole duty of man, according to nonsense about man being a responsible T H IS M IS A D V E N T U R E into logic helps show what sparkle and sincere radi­ is objectively beautiful, she way; there’s more involved the prophets of the New Dispensation, is agent, living in a real world, and in the the uninihibited bureaucrat is tempted to feel about ance of her youth, a qual- intently maintains the here than just a hint of a midst of a discernible process known as sociology’s omniscience. Just as the doctor, Mrs. Oetting­ to relate. To the universe, to his envi­ ity that invariably won for carefully cultured grimy radical and violent depar- history; that he is presented with certain er seems to be saying, knows what is best healthwise ronment, to himself, to anything you can h e r the adm iration and look and boisterous sound ture from norms and ob- for a per.son. the social worker, backed by the federal name. And the whole duty o f God, by plain statements of fact made known to undisguised respect o f sev- that certainly win her the je c t iv it y -- a departure treasury, knows what is best as far as procreation of substantially the same token, is to be him by God, things which he is to believe eral dozen love-smitten admiration of any fellow unequalled by the zoot- citizens goes. Where this fund of perspicacity comes relevant to man. Man’s entire being, his and act upon if he is to work out, though- boys. She revered confor- who wants her to look and su iters or rac o o n -c o a t- •from. Mrs. Oettinger doesn’t bother to explain. mind, his will, his personality, must re­ with fear and trembling, his salvation for m ist attitudes about c'nas- be "like one o f the boys.” t w e n t y - t h r e e - s k i d o o • Regardle.ss. however, o f how far Mrs. Oettinger’s late.to the times in which he lives. Oth­ all eternity? Manifestly, such ideas are •tity, motherhood and love. T o o , th e s e p ic tu r e s g e n e ra tio n or even the sociological competence might go. she is guilty o f the erwise he is no more than flotsam on the wholly antipathetic to this age. They sim­ S m ilin g was among her dra w n from going-down- goldfish-eaters, same myopia shown by the federal government when it sea of life, eddying placidly into the ply do not relate to our evolutionism and most manifest attributes — town-and-Iooking may be failed even to reply to points the Bishops tried to pre­ backwaters o f the irrelevant. What a man our relativism, nor to the dialectic of our not senseless leering, but a o v e rs im p lific a tio n s , but It’s not enough to shake sent some months ago. She does not at all refer to the telieves, what he does about it, his prin­ basic materialism. Nor do they relate to meaningful smile revealing they reflect an image of our heads about what is most basic matters in regard to federally-subsidized ciples, his hopes, all must proclaim a vi­ our problems and anxieties. They point, the basic security and in- A m e ric a n youth that is being worn or how hair is birth control — the matters of human dignity and hu­ tal rapport with his contemporary world. inexorably, to human responsibility, ner peace she carefully altogether too frequently being prepared; it’s not man rights. In fact, when she comes close to consid-. And if God be not relevant to this final which is about the last thing in the blended with her exub- becoming true. The kids practical to condemn as ering them, she cavalierly (if such adjective suits a lady) third of the 20th century, then He is as world we want to shoulder. It is just not erance and dynamism. above can be sighted with worthless or to dismiss as dismisses them. good as dead. In fact, He is dead. Dead relevant. Admittedly, the above ® thousand modifications useless the minority of In the light of talk such as Mrs, Oettinger’s those and buried under yonder weeping willow. p i c t u r e s d r a w n - and differences, but all- teen-age odd-balls. But it interested in the sacredness and supremacy of the family So by this same test a broad and dis­ from -m em ory may in-all they resemble ade- would be worth the time turbing question must be raised concern­ (and every human should be) must be grateful for the This, among other names, is called be oversimplified, but they quately the often disgust- and e f f o r t o f p a re n ts , forthrightness o f the Bishops’ statement. It is more than ing St. Paul’s relevance to our times. He reflect an image o f Ameri- ing portrait that is becom- ohurchmen, educators and the New Catholicism. It has also been is, let us be candid about it, so hopelessly frightening that Americans should have to be reminded known as the Old Secularism, but that can youth that was at ing one of Am erica’s the teens themselves to opinionated, so bluntly and offensively least typ ically and sym- greatest fears; A teen-nik. fin d ou t W H Y w h a t is that it is the parents’ right to determine the size of was far away and long ago, in those obstinate, so ungiving in his proclamation b o lic a lly true. The kids Undoubtedly, there is a being done is being done, th eir family, guided by (Sod’s laws and not Washing­ innocent years when men stood fast ton’s. o f absolutes and so downright in his may be recalled to memory s o c i o - p s y c h o l o g i c a l The clothes and the hair by the Creed and were judged (and I f the state can pry into the most personal and denunciation of backsliders. How can he with a million modifica- explanation for all of this and the attitudes are the sacred decisions of citizens, then there is nothing beyond judged themselves) by their honest relate to us who are no longer very sure tions and differences, but —"th e tim es,” "th e pre- symptoms, not the disease, the state’s competence. If the state can enter a third adherence to the objective and de­ of anything and extremely wary of com­ all-in-all, the recollections ssures” or the "rigid con- Someone has got to get at voice on procreation, it can certainly enter a third voice fined truths proposed by the Church municating our views to anyone? We resemble faithfully the formity to non-conformity.” the root of the problem on how children whould be educated, what they should as faith. Now that we are at liberty would much prefer to hedge our theology w holesom e portrait that More clearly, it might be and work with it. think and believe, and ultimately what their careers to pick and choose what we will or around with privets o f ifs and bunJ and was once America’s great- adm itted that teen-agers should be. All of these concerns have lesser claim to will not believe, all the while pro­ perhapses. and the utmost limit of our est hope; A teen-ager. are slip p in g beyond the I T ’ S B E E N traditional claiming ourselves as **committed privacy than doe.s the procreation of those children. commitment is an existential Maybe. p rop er, re a s o n a b le and to comment of teens in all Catholics” (such a happy phrase, a What rapport (or, as the Little Old Lady B U T SO M EH O W , that necessary control of family, generations, "They’re going veritable magic casement opening on T H IS H A S LED the Bishops to insist that any birth said, what rappoport) have we with any­ im age grows more remote school, society and common to the dogs.” The way they the foamiest seas o f speculation), the control consideration be entirely separated from public one so definite and convinced as the and more dim. sense. look nowadays, the dogs question of how to relate has been assistance programs — for this is necessary to safeguard Apostle of the Gentiles? And for the Perhaps because of the T h e y have rig h tly re- won’t have them, marvelously simplified. It is no more the freedom o f the person and the autonomy of the matter o f that, what relevance did he aim less struggle for total family. This is apparently contrary to the thinking of than a matter o f ignoring henceforth liberty, the discovery of those relics o f a discredited orth odoxy have for his own century and his own HEW, for the statement of its children’s bureau director contemporaries? The scene on the Areo­ calls for vigorous and active intrusion o f government which are seen to obtrude their mon- THE DENVER CATHOLIC into family matters. goloid ugliness between the contem­ pagus surely ju stifies the query. It is clear that he could only impose his prej­ The Bishops, however, went further than this when porary Christian (committed) and his N o v em b er REGISTER they insist that a responsible decision in the matter of world. udices on lesser minds and weaker per- President ...... Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D. fam ily life "will always be one which is open to life .sonalities, taking undue advantage o f his Thus, for example, if the Virgin Birth Intentions Editor ...... Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty rather than intent upon the prevention of life; among persuasive powers. Fie. for shame! is judged by the world as pure fable, dem­ M anaging E ditor ...... Miles F. P o rter religious people, it includes a strong sense of dependence onstrably such by the supreme test of The Apostleship of Nor let us recoil from the prospects Denver News E ditor ...... Clement J. Zecha upon God’s providence.” Form-Criticism, and if, further, it is no Prayer general intention of our temerity. Did Jesus Christ Him­ Associate Editors ...... Rev. L. Marvin Read, Needless to say, planned parenthood *prop«ffHnda. longer relevant to the ethical imperative for the month of Novem­ self really "relate*’ to His times? Was Frank Morriss, Linus Riordan, supported by social service thought such as Mrs. Oet- of birth prevention, let it be tenderly for­ ber is "the reunion of tinger’s, is concerned with preventing life that is He truly sympathetic to His genera­ Paul H. Hallett, Jack Bacon, gotten. Not harshly and obstreperously separated Eastern Cath­ thought to be detrimental to social progress. As for dep­ tion and did He establish the proper Ernest E. Sanchez, Chris Hernon, denounced, after the fashion of the olic Churches and the endence upon God's providence, bureaucracy would just empathy between Himself and His and James R. Walsh. atheists and agnostics of a cruder era, Catholic Church.” as soon have you dopjend upH>n the public treasury. It is world? Did He make the right ap­ Advertising Director ...... John J. Murphy but softly, ever so softly. And if the Re­ The mission intention from this treasury will come the means to set limits proach to His hearers, so that they Circulation Director ...... Julia M. Boggs surrection of Our Lord is equally suspect for November is Chris­ upon future citizenship in a land that was once most could immediately recognize Him for as having much to do with the over­ tian social action to save open to life, dependent upon life for its freedom and what He was, or did He insist on growth, throbbing with life in its eagerness for creativi­ wrought hopes and expectations o f His South America from Published Weekly by dragging into His teaching all sorts of ty. Now the pall of officially sponsored life limitation is immediate followers, but little or nothing Communism. t h e CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (INC.) extraneous dogmatic and moral no­ spreading out of Washington to the farthest corners. to do with us, who have gotten over such 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. 80204 tions, even making them a test of His If any one is inclined to dismiss the Bishops' warn­ childish fears and anticipations, then let Telephone, 825-1145 P.O. Box 1620 ing. he should consider that once the government’s posi­ it linger on as a symbol. One need not be followers’ faith and loyalty? Did He demand of His "committed” disciples tion regarding procreation is entrenched, the government too persnickety about its exact meaning. Christian Subscription: $4.00 a year. that they actually commit themselves, will next take an interest in birth after conception. That It is. confessedly, a trifle upsetting to Canada. $5.50 a year per subscription. mind and heart, body and soul, to The Danish philosopher is to say, if the Bishops are not listened to now and a discover, on the perilous brink of yellow Kierkegaard once said; F oreign countries, including Philippines, $7.00 a lin e drawn against bureaucratic intrusion — we will age. that all along you have been suckled Himself and to His Church? year. "N o th in g is more dan­ have to fight a future and likely losing battle against on a creed outworn. Take, for instance, Second Class Postage Paid at Denver, Colorado. gerous to true Christianity, government-sponsored abortion. Next will come govem- the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Alas, to all these pregnant questions nothing more contrary to ment-spon.sor^ euthanasia, or mercy killing of the old. pap and provender of our youth. Does the there is but one exceedingly dusty ans­ its nature, than to get men Life is the common thread that unites all these ureas — Angel of the Schools any longer relate to wer. Our Lord did not re la te to His to assume light-mindedly birth control, abortion, mercy killing. The government us men of the 20th century? Here is the times. On the contrary. He condemned the name of Christian ~ can be kept out of these areas only by determined resis­ nub. Is it really worth the effort to pene­ this world and its spirit in terms so OFFICIAL; ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER men who never really tance at the very start. trate the thicket of his method and to crushing and final as to leave of this se­ The Denver Catholic Register merits our know what Christianity follow along the lengthening corridor.s of cular city not a stone left upon a stone. cordial approval. We confirm it as the official H IS T O R Y W IL L look upon the Bishops' statement his thought when, to begin with, we ques­ And if Christ so obviously failed to relate publication of the archdiocese. Whatever ap­ and judge it among the brave American acts. It w ill not tion whether any answers he might have to His contemporaries, how may it be pears in its columns over the signature of the be so kind if Americans — and es|H?ciaIly Catholics — to give are actually relevant to our con­ supposed, even by the most fanatical and Ordinary or those of the Officials of our Curia do not respond to the Bishops’ plea to "oppose vigorously cern? A case, clearly, of prejudgment, or naive of His believers, that He could ever Christianity is hereby declared official. and by every democratic means those campaigns already in the old fashioned phrase, of prejudice. We hope The Register will be read in every under w ay in some states and at the national level relate to ours? All o f which leads to the "Christianity teaches Or do we find in him merely a reitera­ home of the archdiocese. toward the active promotion by tax-supported agencies, stern and stoical conclusion that Christ these twin truths together; We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to of birth prevention as a public policy . . .” For. as the tion of myths long since exploded by our is. for us. dead as mutton, and His Fa­ that there is a God whom contemporary pundits, such as the silly cultivate a taste In the children of the arch­ Bishop? warn in the next br eath,"hi8tory has shown Uial ther dead as w ell. men can reach, and that diocese for the reading of The Register. as people lose respect for life, they move fatally to hu­ th ere is a corruption in man infanticide, abortion, sterilization, and euthana­ Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith. Ph D. Founding Editor. Register System of Catholic their nature which renders + U R B AN J. V E H R sia. . Newspapers 1913-1960 them unworthy o f Him.” — Archbishop of Denver Pascal \

Thursday, November 24, 19A6 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 5 Comment for Today iff. President Kennedy Pope Rebukes Jesuits on Reports of Changes Rome — Interpreted as a "So perhaps there were quire some o f the world’s TURNING from the serve our tru st in you! (Continued From Page 4) sharp rebuke. Pope Paul some who believed it wt.s habits, its mentality, its Among the modern roles ead work o f the general con­ Hence our mandate for the society’s membership is refer, as did Washington, V I said that some of the not necessary any more to profanity, indulging in a gregation, Pope Paul asked apostolic work assigned to changes rumored or pro­ called on to play, the Pope to “the Divine Author of impose a 'spiritual exercise’ naturalistic evaluation of the Jesuits what the you, our afTection, our gra­ lony cited modern ecumensim. our blessed religion,” al­ posed by the Society of Je­ to their souls, that is, the modern cu.stoms. Church expects of the titude, our blessing. ’ 3nce diffusion of the teachings though Kennedy did not sus have caused astonish­ assiduous and intense us­ "These are clouds in the society in the post-conciliar "If you continue to be lers; ment and even sorrow. of the Council in the role hesitate to quote these age of prayer, the humble sky dissipated in great world. what you were you will they In speaking to repre­ part by the general con­ of the Church in the mod­ very words with approval and ardent discipline of an Does the Church still not lack our esteem and ern world as well as the 18 ter sentatives of the Church’s interior life, of a test of gregation of your society. in the course o f his rem­ have need o f the "militant trust! And you will have mission of challenging largest group of religious, With what joy we have arks at the dedication conscience, of an intimate service of the society? the esteem and trust of atheism which he had al­ usly he said he noted reports of conversation with Christ,” learned that you yourselves breakfast of International Here, most beloved sons, is the People o f fJod,” the ready entrusted them with ness proposals to change greatly he declared. have ruled to remain coh­ C h ristian Leadership on our answer: Yes, we pre­ Pontiff added. at an earlier audience. y-do the society’s rule as laid erent and faithful to your Feb. 9, 1961. Certainly, in >een down by St. Ignatius, to "And perhaps some had fundamental constitutions all his advertences to reli­ ally renounce "many venerable the illusion that it was and not abandon your gion, Kennedy always pro­ lore spiritual, ascetic, and dis­ necessary in order to traditions,” Pope Paul stat­ claimed the personal God ciplinary habits,” and to spread the Gospel, to ac­ ed. BtU- o f Christian faith. Not for weaken the spirit of i o f him was the cosmic God or obedience within the socie­ r i - the confusion between God ty. k'an- and man. President Kennedy Blue Army Official the The late President did Speaking near the end nam he said: "To renounce ree- not share the popular idea of the Jesuits’ 31st gen­ the world of freedom now. Will Address Knights au- that religious freedom is eral congregation here, to abandon those who ide. freedom from religion. He he suggested that some Knights of Columbus vision in Portugal .some 30 told the International share our commitment, and Jesuits believe incor­ councils in Colorado years earlier. The world­ to retire into lonely and Christian Leadership con­ rectly that to defend the Springs, Fort Collins, and wide organization now re- not so splendid isolation, eac- ference on that same day Gospel of Christ, it is Denver w ill hear an ad­ numbers about 30 million would be to give Commu­ that “religious freedom has necessary to adopt "the dress by Francis K. members including follow­ :gly, nism the one hop>e which, lon- no significance unless it is customs o f the w orld, its Schuckhardt, international ers behind the Iron Cur­ in this tw iligh t of disap- in- accompanied by convic­ mentality, its profane­ secretary of the Blue Army tain. STEREO THEATRES {X)intment for them, might ness, indulging in the >ppy tion.” In order to enjoy of Our Lady of Fatima, The topic o f Schuckardt’s 1 o f religious freedom, Kennedy repair their divisions and naturalistic valuation of Plainfield, N.J. talk will be "The Fatima the would say, one must first rekindle their hopes.” modern custom.” On Friday, Dec. 11, he Manifesto vs. the Commu­ bring you Perfect Pictures r»er- have a religion. President Kennedy pro­ "W h at strange and sin­ will address members of nist Manifesto.” claimed three Thanksgiv­ ister suggestions could r in council 539, Denver; on Schuckhardt appeared in have caused doubts in be THE LATE President ing Days. In the first of Saturday, Dec. 12, he will Denver last year and was some parts of your large ngs quoted all the passages in them he struck a note speak before members of also interviewed on KTLN AUTOMATICALLY society on whether you in g the Declaration of Inde­ which was to be heard the Fort Collins council in Radio. Denver.______not pendence which foiinued oui time and again. "We give should continue to be as their hall; and on Sunday, .lly rights on a Creator, and he thanks, too, for our free­ your founder saint estab­ Dec. 13, he will talk before K. of C. Unit lets ...without critical tuning! . H* never separated God from dom as a nation; for the lished in most w ise and the Colorado Springs coun­ firm rules,” the Pope and the moral order. To the strength of our arms and cil. asked. Rummage Sale trustees of the Union of the faith of our friends; for The Blue Army, organ­ ■ch- American Hebrew Congre­ the beliefs and confidence ized in Plainfield in 1947, A benefit rummage sale A T TH E same time he -ex- gations, he said, on Nov. we share; for our deter­ was inspired by the Fatima will be conducted by mem­ ihis 13, 1961: 'T’ve never felt mination to stand firmly said he was happy to learn bers of North Denver the society has "decided to and that we should attempt to for what we believe to be Support Lecture, Knights of Columbus Exclusive Magnavox Automatic Color— always makes big, rectangular color pic­ nsi- use the great impulse right and to resist mightily rem ain faithful and con­ Council 3319 on Saturday, sistent to your fundamen­ tures appear perfectly— and keeps them that way without manual tuning which sily towards God and towards what w*e believe to be Blue Army Urges N ov. 26, 9 a.m. to 5:30 usually degrades pictures. And, only Magna-Color Stereo Theatres offer you so many ire- tal constitutions, not aban­ p.m., at 4600 Clay street, religion, which all people base; and for the heritage Everett, Wash. — Sup­ more advancements that genuinely contribute to your family’s entertainment. Prove it to >th- doning your traditions.” Denver. feel, as an elem ent in a of liberty bequeathed by port of the lecture tour of yourself with a thrilling demonstration— today! tra- The Pope also said: To be offered are furni­ cold war struggle. Rather, our ancestors which we are Francis K. Schuckardt, fad ture, clothing, cooking it ’s not an arm. it is the privileged to preserve for founder of the Blue Army The ware, glassware, electrical • Brilliant Color Tube— brings you brighter, essence of the issue — not our children and for our Cell program, is asked by > Color Purifier-(degausser) automatically >me appliances, shoes, automo­ more vivid 270 sq. in. pictures that are far the organization o f econo­ children’s children.” the Blue Army of Our keeps^pictures pure, both monochrome >er- my so much, but the su­ The late President loved bile accessories, play pens, superior to other makes today! and color, even if set has been moved. Lady of Fatima. and bassinets. to premacy of moral law, and peace, but he never felt • Chromatone —adds thrilling dimension, ain Schuckardt will lecture therefore the right o f the apologetic for the men who on "The Fatima Manifes­ News Deadline depth to color; warm beauty to otherwise ved drab black and white pictures. * Highest Reliability-precision MagnavoC individual, his right to be did the hard and dirty to,” which the Blue Army The deadline for news Bonded Circuitry, just as in today's most f a protected by the State and work of fighting for their lar- staff says is "the most im­ stories and pictures to • Quick Pictures—flash on in just 12 sec­ advanced aero-space electronics devices not be at the mercy o f the country. He repeatedly portant message of our onds, four times faster than others. ob- appear in the "Denver . . . assures lasting dependability. State.” prayed God’s blessing upon times.” Catholic Register" is ire them. ot- In other words, the Ju- Lectures are scheduled M onday at 9 a.m. C orre­ at- daco-Christian religious the remainder of November spondents are asked to o o heritage which founded our PRESIDENT Kennedy in New Jersey. In Decem­ have their material at rhe civilization is the very, had no illusions about "the ber the lecture will be giv­ the "Register” office at thing that is at stake in absolute, infinite concept of en in Virginia, Georgia, this time to assure pub­ our struggle with Commu­ universal peace and good Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, lication in the following ike nism. In his Inaugural Ad-- w’ill o f which some fanta­ and Colorado. Thursday issue. dress. the President said sies and fanatics dream” that the basic issue in our (Commencement Address at lot struggle was that the American University, June as rights the citizen eryoyed as did not come from the 10, 1963). o f State but rather came from But he did believe that Rev. Daniel J. Barry it the hand of God. the nations of Western Tie In his remarks at the civilization could unite in a Franciscan ts, Presidential Prayer Break­ peace that would envelop nd fast of March 1, 1962, the the world. In a speech at to Mission Set President again stressed Nato headquarters in the fact that what makes you less than comparable Color TV Naples on July 2, 1963, he Nov. 28-Dec. 2 sense of the contest be­ and Stereo units purchased separately! The expressed the hope that UT tween the Free World and One of the most antici­ Manhattan, model 2T595 in beautiful Con* "by building Western uni­ he Communism is precisely pated missions in the Den­ temporary fine furniture. ae. our religion: "I do not sug­ ty, we are ending the ver area is the Franciscan at gest that religion is an in­ sources of discord that Mission held each year at strument of the cold war. have so often produced St. Elizabeth’s church, Rather it is the basis of wars in the past ... In Denver. And Revolutionary ASTRO-SONIC* STEREO the issue which separates This year the mission lal time, therefore, the unity now brings you the full beauty of music us from those who make of the West can lead to the will be held from Mon­ ill day Nov. 28, through themselves our adversary.” unity of East and West, iig Friday, Dec. 2. It w ill be NO TUBES Because highest reliability space-age Solid-State Com* ey until the human family is conducted by the Rev. ponents replace all "tubes” and damaging heat, gs ALTHOUGH President truly a 'sin gle sheepfold’ Daniel J. Barry, O.F.M., they’re guaranteed 5 years, other parts 1 year, replaced by us if defective under Kennedy tried many times under God.” He believed in a member of the Fran­ Rabbi Addresses Teachers normal use. Our store also provides free service for first 90 days. to find some basis on building upon what had ciscan missionary band which to establish a peace already been constructed and well-known to per­ Rabbi Arthur Gilbert of New York City recently with Communism, he was by Christian civilization sons who have made re­ addressed elementary and secondary school teach­ ers about the necessity of Catholics and Jews to always aware that it was rather than running after treats and missions in the enemy of all that reli­ the area. deepen their knowledge of one another's faith in om ega points. This has gious men stand for. His A Mass, with sermon, order to teach better the historical background of been the traditional Chris­ D. address in Salt Lake City w ill be offered daily at 8 Judaism and Catholicism. Pictured at the meeting •ty at the Mormon Tabernacle, tian approach to peace. a m., 12:15 p.m., and 5:30 in the Catholic School office, left tf> right, are tJeremiah Renn Simmons, community consultant e r on Sept. 18. 1963. well re­ Of all the men who have p.m. tia veals his grasp of the nec­ exemplified the religious Confessions will be heard of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’irth. Denver: Rabbi Ciilbert, and Sister Francis Eileen d, essities of today’s struggle. character of our public life. during and after aP the of the school office. >n, Two years before we were John Fitzgerald Kennedy .services. n, actively engaged in Viet- was not the least. Persons who do not drive n , can reach St. Elizabeth's, sh. at 11th and Curtis street, Soiid-Stati StereQ FM, Two Mainavoi hith-tfli- Two 1000 cfcic Eiponen- MicromatiC Player with fiy by taking Bus No. 50, MoniuralFM AM Radio- eieney 12* Bau Woofers tial Treblo Horns-have Diamond Stylus pick-up g* Liturgical Arts Unit which stops at the church Amplifiir-with 15-watts — reproduce true bass equivalent acoustical effi­ — banishes discernible door. undistofted music power. tones without distortion. ciency of 20 conespeaLers. record and stylus wear.

Will Meet on Nov. 28 Since 1878 COME IN TODAY—Other Magnavox Astro-Sonic Color Stereo Theatres are now priced from only Members of the Rocky gians. Sem inary student.s ‘6 9 5 Mountain Liturgical Arts and members of the fac­ association will hold their ulty will be guests. winter quarterly meeting on Monday, Nov. 28. at A rtist members of the LUGGAGE 7:45 p.m. in the library of association must submit St. Thomas seminary. Den­ entries for the Christmas ver. Religious Art show on Nov. The association is open 25, 26. and 28. from 9 a m. to anyone interested in until 5 p.m. on Friday and bringing before the public Saturday, and from 9 a.m. "jury-approved works of to 8 p.m. on Monday. Nov. 1544 B ro a d w a y 266-1458 artists and architect mem­ 28. bers and to further the use MUSIC CO. of good art in buildings erected for worship and OFFICE SUPPLIES FURNITURE religious education.” Magnavox The theme of the . r quarterly meeting will be TYPEWRITER CITY Home Entertainment Center "Art as Evolved from Theology." The Rev. • ' 2048 SO. COLORADO BLVD. John J. Sleimcrs, assist­ Sales - Service - Rental ant pastor o f H oly F'nm- 1332 BROADWAY ily church, Denver, will (Near the State Capital) be the guest speaker. Oflice Machines - New & Used Phone OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY Time will be provided FREE PARKING for discussions between 7 5 7 -8 3 8 3 244-4556 1321 L IN C O L N EVENINGS area artists and theolo- Page 6 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, November 24, 1966 Open House Cancelled An upon hou.io at Nativity o f Our Ixird parluh achool, Firoomfiold, provlously uchoduled this wook, hu» been poNtponed until New Year'a day, the Rev. (loorife L. Wei-^ bel, pastor, announced. The open house will mark « completion o f a gymnasium and an additional two claas- rooms. Postponement was necesHitated because construc­ tion was not completed at the time expected. The new facilities are expected to be in use in about 10 days, Fa­ ther Weibel said.

Tabernacle Society Meeting Good Shepherd Nun To Have Prelates as Guests Marks 50fh Jubilee When the Tabernacle ments and linens are may be brought to the society of Denver meets in handmade by the members meeting, or w-’ > be picked Sister Mary Alexine Minn., when she entered * the home of Mrs. Ella M. of the organization. up by culling cne old-gold LaJoie celebrated 50 years the novitiate at St. Paul, Weekbaugh on Friday, Dec. Mrs. John W. Cullinnn is chairman, Mra. Edwin as a Good Shepherd Sister .Minn.. In 1913. One of 14 2, at 1:30 p.m. Archbishop chairman for the vestment Williams, 377-4241. on Nov. 21. The Rt. Rev. children in a Catholic. Urban J. Vehr and Auxi­ committee and Mrs. A. J. Monsignor William Hig­ French-Canadian family, liary Bishop David M. Bonino is linen chairman. T H E president, Mrs. L. gins, pastor of St. Philo- she joined two other girls It's All in the Baking Maloney w ill be honored Some o f the handwork will E. Waters, invites Catholic mena’s parish, Denver, of- in the family who entered guests. Miss Eleanor be displayed at the meet­ women o f the archdiocese ficiatt*d at the Mass sung the religious life as Sisters Mrs. Charlea J. Cato, Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women chair­ o f St. Joseph of Carondolet. man for the P'ederal Miik and Lunch program, choosc.s a bread stick to Weekbaugh will be hostess ing. to become members of the by the Sisters and girls of The jubilarian has been sample from the tray Otto Gruen, banking instructor, removes from an oven. to the meeting. For many The society depends in society. One need not be the Good Shepherd Home. stationed at the Convent o f The baking workshop is currently being held at All Souls’ school, Kngle- years the Christmas meet­ a large measure upon active to be a member, and Denver, in the convent chap­ wood, for all parochial lunchroom managers. The workshop was arranged ing traditionally has been the collections of old many spiritual rewards are el. the Good Shpherd. 1401 by Mrs. Kmma Nance, USDA home economist for the Denver area in held in Mrs. Weekbaugh’s gold and silver, as well derived by the members. South Colorado boulevard, Si.ster Mary Alexine was for the past 16 years. cooperation with the ACCW. home. Mrs. John J. Sulli­ as cut glass and old a resident of Detroit Lakes, T H R E E Masses are of­ van will sing a group of coins which are donated ir*'kiKirk*'k’kirk"k’kirk1t*irh Christmas carols. by friends of the society fered each month by a The Tabernacle society is throughout the year. mission priest for the in­ Fraternity Gives now in its 55th year of Such items as discarded tentions o f the members. : SATRIANO i Calendar of Events continuous service to the heirlooms, watches^ metal Dues are $1 a year. There Help at Hospital : BRDTHERS ? / Archdi(x:ese of Denver. Its eyeglass frames, broken are no benefits held by the Frances Cabrini Guild, JANITORIAL SERVICE Cabrini Gi Md school, 4825 Federal boule- purpose is supplying lin­ jewelry, sterling pieces, or Tabernacle society. Dues Theta Chi fraternity formerly the Queen of •vard, Denver, on Saturday, ens, altar vestments, and anything with gold and from the members and the b'.others from Denver uni­ INC. The annual Christmas Heaven Aid society, will be Dec. 3, at 12 noon. Card altar vessels to the mission silver content will be proceeds from the old gold versity visited St. Joseph’s party and benefit of the St. held at St. Frances Cabrini » Rug md Uphtlstery games will follow a salad churches and the new par­ gratefully received. Gold and silver collection fur­ hospital, Denver, recently Shampooing and rolls luncheon. There ishes in the Archdiocese in dentures are especially nish much of the revenue and assisted with the hos­ I Complete House will be a display of need of them. The vest­ valuable. These articles for the important wo»k of pital’s housekeeping chores. Cleaning needlework and regular the society. Forty-five students, fresh­ I Floor Waiing and bazaar articles suitable for The Rev. John J. Cot­ men to seniors, assisted Polishing Chri.stmas gifts, as well as ter is spiritual modera­ the housekeeping depart­ I Walls and Windows Washed awards. tor. ment by washing walls and Study Group cleaning floors in various Engaged The Catholic Women’s divisions o f the hospital. 2834 W. 44th Ave. Study Group will meet Mr. and Mrs. William This was the second year 433-8831 Thursday, Dec, 1, 1 p.m., McCann, Denver, have the fraternity has worked 3566 So. Broadway in the Denver Dry Goods a n n o u n c e d for the hospital. tea room. This will be the t h e e n g a ­ 761-0324 3-a * ************** **» group’s Christmas program gement and gift-exchange. o f t h e i r I

Kappa Gamma Pi daughter, i 9535 W. 54TH AVE. • 424-7733 Members of Kappa Gam­ K ath leen , to I ma Pi, national Catholic Toy Rush o f | WESTMINSTER college honor society, will Los Angeles, I 3895 W. 72ND AVE • 438-5097 Calif.: sponsor a showing o f 'The THORNTON Parable” in the lounge of Bride-elect is I * DRY CLEANING St. John the Evangelist a graduate o f | • 10 E. 88TN AVE. • 287-5586 church on Thursday, Dec. Order Changes Garb C a t h e d r a l 1 DAY WHEATRIDCE 1, at 8 p.m. There will be MUi Mcc«np h igh school. Sister Mary Elaine, principal of Sacred Heart LAUNDRY 7393 W. 44TH AVE. • 433-1438 no admission charge. Those Denver, and attended Kea­ At Colo. Springs Board Meet attending the event are school, Cheyenne Wells, is shown wearing the ton School of Acting, Los RADIO PICK-UP garb of her order before it was changed, left, and asked to use the east en­ Angeles. Her fiance served DISPATCH & DELIVERY 939 - 15TH ST • 344-4493 Getting together over projects and plans for the the attire that is now being worn. The order trance to the church to four years in the 101st 3915 SPEER BLVO. • 433-6359 coming year for the Archdiocesan Council of reach the basement. staffs Holy Family school, FL Collins, and SL Jo­ airborne division of the LEE OXONNOR Catholic Women are these members who were seph’s, Globeville. Member: St.s. I*otor it Paul FORT COLLINS Dominican Laity Green berets and recently present at a board meeting held recently in Colo­ returned from Vietnam. Parish 7315 SO COLLEGE • 497 0996 rado Springs. Left to right arc Mrs. Raymond D. Members o f the Domini­ Wedding is scheduled Jan. Nixon, president; Mrs. R. V. Batt, Longmont, can Laity will meet Nov. Fort Collins Nuns Don 6. province director of the National Council of Cath­ 27, 2:30 p.m. in St. Dom­ olic Women; Mrs. George Pfalmer, president of inic’s church. Novices will the Colorado Springs district council; and Marga­ meet in the basement of Updated Religious Garb ret Sullivan, chairman for the national convention the priory at 2 p.m. to convene in Denver In the fall of 1968. — ("Gaz­ First Saturday Club The Sisters of St. Joseph fected a change in their ette-Telegraph” photo) of the Third Order of St. religious garb. Members of Our Lady of Francis who staff Holy After several years of Fatima First Saturday club Family school, Ft. Collins; designing and consultation, will assemble for Mass and a Holy Hour on Saturday, St. Joseph, Globeville; and the Sisters hope to have I Archbishop's Guild | Dec. 3, in honor of the late Sacred Heart school, Chey­ fu lfilled the Council’s de­ John LaTourette, a former enne Wells, recently ef- sire that religious attire Reservations for the wood, 233-6306, member who died recently. rem ain ” a sign o f conse­ Christmas breakfast on Green sheets should be He was the third member crated life.” Dec. 13 must be turned in turned in to Joan Saba at o f his family to belong to Missionaries Retaining the black by Dec. 5 to Dorothy Roy, her home, 1900 W. 51st the organization. The Mass dress, which is worn three 2241 Quebec street, 377- avenue, or at the break­ w ill be offered at 12:10 Mark 20th to four inches from the 6382, or to Virginia Glea­ fast. The various circles p.m. in Holy Ghost church, floor, the sleeves have been son, 2533 Moore, Lake- are requested to turn in downtown Denver. Follow­ Year In The U.S. tapered, and the traditional stam p books as soon as ing the services, the group Franciscan cord and crown Engaged po.ssihle. will meet for lunch in the Holliston, Mass. — The removed. Persons inlerested in pu­ Denver Dry Goods tea Xaverian Missionary Fa­ A short black veil is You may be in a position to Mrs. Kdward rchasing toys through the room. Reservations should thers across the nation worn on a w hite coronet be of unusual service to your­ Jr., of Denver be made with Miss Mina marked the 20th anniver­ replacing the former long Guild project are asked to self and your Church by in­ ■ have an- contact Marguerite Steves, Hiser. sary o f their arrival in the v e il on a high forehead ' n o u n c e d 424-4163. St. Rita's Court United States, on band. The black scapular is vestigating the i H h e e n g a ­ waist-length edged with a Linens and new layette Members of St. Rita’s Thanksgiving Day, with BALDWIN ORGAN gement items should be brought to Court 625 of the Catholic special Masses, including belt. A white dacron cowell The Most important Every known denomination o f t h e i r the Denver Cathedral on Daughters of America will one offered in their semi­ surrounds the neckline has purchased and uses the [daughter, Saturday, Dec. 12, in order sponsor u beneHt dessert nary here, erected on the from which hangs a two- CAKE Baldwin Organ. Many custom ^ Patricia Ann, inch silver crucifix. to prepare for the display and card party in the club origin al farm site, who.se in your life for the installations. |to Michael at the breakfast. The items house, 765 Pennsylvania, barn was converted into a most important occasion I Dean Hull* Thanks for your request tor may be given to Josephine beginning at 12:30 p.m. on chapel, the Provincial, the TRY Wedding Cakes ] m a n , so n Ipsen, 1558 Franklin, Saturday, Dec. 3. Mmes. Very Rev. Angelo Frosi, literature. A Specialty ^ I of Mr. and 377-0503; or Frances Anna McLean and Monica S.X., said. OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 'Mrs. William Mil* Ontniiifcr Burke, 4535 Zenobia, Tucker are in charge of The Xuverians do parish J j c d J b j u X . Hultman of 477-7326. the event. Tickets at $1.25 work, and also conduct ^ FIRST Crawford, Neb. Bride-elect per person may be ob­ missions in Japan, East OWIN Circles which have Fiesta Dishes-Open Stock is a graduate of South scheduled meetings include tained through the tele­ Pakistan, Sierra Leone, P IA N O and high school. Denver, and is (iifts • Hardware • Paint m H oly InnocenLs, hosted by phone committee or at the Burundi, the Congo, and in O R G A N Co. now attending a beauty Ci Ihkh • Toys June Ingersol on Nov. 30 door. The December meet­ Brazil. CALIFORNIA ST. college in Kearney, Neb. Pipe I'hreadtng Phone RA-2-2859 Phene: 222-9701 and Morning Star and ing of the Court will be Her fiance is a graduate Window Shades - Key Home of Fine Pastries Queen o f Heaven circles, held on Thursday, Dec. 8, TS Duplicating of Crawford high school. A 4 Store* to Sorvo You Customer Parking Shirley Barlow, Nov. 30; in the club house. DRY CLEANING M So. Broadw ay wedding is scheduled in Open Friday F^venings In lot next to store and Dec. 1, St. Thomas AND LAUNDRY ^2 Broadway 73.T-2940 1SS0 Colo. Bivd. 3410 E. 3rd Ave. February. III )44« So. Colo. B lvd. Aquinas circle, Hac Jeanne Reserved Customer Lu cero: and St. Thomas ^ ----- © Z T ' I’ nrking More circle. CASCADE on Church lx>U Monday Deadline! WEDDINGS Rear of Store I an invitation to readers of The deadline for nrwH CANDIDS In tithvr Color or Block NtoricH and picturos to ap­ ond W hlit btcemo treo- pear in the "D enver Catho­ tu r«d boiriQom t when tok J THE DENVER CATMOUC REGISTER lic Register" is .Monday at i) IFRESH TURKEYS ; to open a May-D&F charKC account NOW! In time for Christmas ShoppinR a.m. Correspondents are (NOT FROZEN) asked to have their material RORK FOR THE HOLIDAYS I Please fill out the application below and mail to the Credit Office, at the "Register" office at PHOTOGRAPHERS J I third floor. Downtown. Your application will be processed promptly. thU time to assure publica­ Oicic Bottmqtr \ DUCKS - GEESE — CAPONS tion in the following Thurs- '^fCS 1053 St Cirltii 73) lOTi dav issue. FRESH EASTERN OYSTERS M r ...... Wife's Name Cutting Only USDA Choice MILE-HI Steer Beef — Aged to Perfection Mrs. CLEANING SERVICE Miss Rugs and Upholstery We Make Our Own J Expertly CItfaned ITALIAN SAUSAOE-GERMAN SAUSAGE J H o m e St y l e Residence In Yowr Horn* f in Our euni CORNED BEEF S • lialitf Nirk It ■ • ItriU Twenty-four delightful varieties. Occupation » litiritf Prtlicttii O nly A R C H W A Y cookies come" vMk PAUL'S FINE MEATS I Fimm 1 Rirpit Kiri with that delicious oven-fresh, , home-alyle, kin^-sUe ftoodness "Where Wheatridge Meats’* { Ca ll - 744-3139 Free Delivery 2 MABi WITH ru«f VfGiTABU SHOBTININO 310 W. Iowa Ave. 424-1445 • Thursday, November 24, 1966 DEr>lVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 7 Nun's Lectures Aim I. Youth Highlights — At Christian Women — fji A sericH of lectures con­ Woman Lives Christiani­ out the East, Midwest, and cerning younj; women and Student Retreats com p etitio n with 81,000 The constitution was dis­ S.J., principal of Regis ty." Southwest for Sisters, high 4-H Clubs Christianity will be given The Rev. Kurt Lanzrath, from all states. cussed after it was pre­ high school, Denver, will Young Christian women school and parish groups, Joseph Olson and David in Denver by Sister Jo­ O.K.M., will conduct a se­ "Paths for the Future,” a sented by the committoe be host to parents of stu­ who are seniors in high and members of the armed Eulberg of the Cadets 4-H dents attending the school seph Marie o f the Sisters ries of three week-end re­ panel discussion by distin­ chairman, Terry McGuire school, college, or are forces. Reservations for any Club in Sts. Peter and at the annual Christmas of the Pre- treats at El Pomar retreat guished members of the from Machebeuf. Officers working are invited. o f the retreats scheduled various professions in the Paul Parish, Wheatridge, were not elected since the party, Sunday evening, I ciousi Blood, a house, Colorado Springs, on LECTUR ES w ill be held may still be made. Girls of Denver area, will also be were recently presented constitution was not rati­ Dec. 4, beginning at 8 p.m. \ n a t i V e o f Nov. 25-27, w ith cash awards by the starting at 7. p.m., Nov. 27 Dec. ' 2-4, and junior-senior high school featured during the meet­ fied. The group hopes to A panel from Regis college I Cincinnuti, at Cure d’Ars, 3 2 00 age or college women are ing. Plan.s will be made ftir State Education Extension ratify the constitution and w ill present a discussion / O ., u n d a ■ D e c . 9-1 1 service in recognition of Dahlia; on Nov. 28, at St. High school welcomed. the Mardi Gras U) be held elect officers at its next followed by a dutch lunch graduate of their 4-H work in electrical Anne’s, 5757 Upham girls from M achebeuf on Jan. 28. Students are meeting. which will be served in the t h e U n i ­ street, Arvada; and on Dec. collecting books of trading demonstrations in the student center. Mrs. Kay North Denver A Latin trophy won by county and district. versity of 4 at St. Louis, 3301 S. w i l l p a r ­ stamps. A color television Glob'^ ville Harrington and members students of Mach(?beuf high The Jewels 4-H Cliib Dayton. She Sherman street. A final t ic ip a t e will be awarded during the o f her committee will act school, Denver, will be members have elected Judy Students o f St. Joseph’s will lecture lecture will be delivered at the first re­ Mardi Gras. as hostesses. presented to the school at Coursey, president; Kim school, Globeville were on * ' T h e 7:30, Dec. 5, at A ll Saints treat, fo 1 the monthly Machebeuf Benet Hill Jacques, secretary; Donna successful in a contest held C h r i s t i a n school. l o w e d b y| Holy Cross Sr. Joiirph Marie Parents Association meet­ Talbott, treasurer: Kathy by the Educational ABC’s 'F e m in in e students from Sister Joseph Marie, now ing on Nov. 20. Following the first Fabrizio, publicity; Barbara o f Industry. The following Teenage Commitment” or At Holy Cross grade doing graduate work in East Denver The trophy, awarded by quarter of the scholastic students won prizes: Ther­ **How a Young Christian Susman, phone secretary; school, Thornton, 39 stu­ counselling at the Univer­ on Dec. 2, and the Advent the as.sociation for promo­ year at Benet Hill acade­ esa Blakala, John Mahl- Julane Karlin, historian; dents were listed on the sity of N otre Dam e, has retreat, Dec. 9-11. tion o f study of I.atin, is my, Colorado Springs, hon­ berg. Carmen Mares, Dan Theresa Rice, Susan Jor­ school’.s citizenship honor served for four years on Father Lanzruth, a na­ the fourth award to be won or roll students included Soper, M a ry V ig il, and dan, and Gerry Ann Mal­ roll. Thirteen students the Executive Committee tive of Greeley, Kans., has by the school in the past eigh t seniors, 16 juniors, one, hostesses. Projects-for Linda Becker. of Archdiocesan Vocation conducted retreats and four years. Six students were named to the schola­ 11 sophomores, and 11 the year are Sewing Two Regis High Party stic honor roll for the first Endeavor of Cincinnati. spiritual renewals through- also earned merit pins in freshmen. and Knitting Two, led by The Rev. James Eatough, quarter. She is one of the seven Mmes. John Susman and vocation directors ap­ Francis Jacques. pointed to be on the Na­ Lam bda Tau THE PERFECT GIFT tional Sisters Vocation FOR ANY OCCASION Committee of the Major Mary Fran Hart, a soph­ Superiors of Women. omore at the College of St. KITCHEN Mary, Omaha, Neb., has Engaged been invited to join the Lambda chapter o f Lambda REMODELING Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tau, national medical te­ Modrull, Indianapolis, Ind., chnologists society. Daugh­ "i'ree Esiinuile/t'’ have a n - ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ [n o u n c e d ward F. Hart of Denver, Jlthe enga- she is a 1965 graduate of DREAM CENTER make appointment now for [’jg e m e n t Machebeuf high school. MRS. JACK L. LOTES, the gift only you can give — ||o f their JR., the former Marsha Soloist your portrait — d a u g h t e r , 3800 I.O W K I.L B L V I). Jean Nicolotti, is the 43.3-6.571 by tlal (iouid. Emily Anne Nora Smith, a junior at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Modrall, to Loretto Heights college, The House of Albert Nicoletti of Wheat- ^ -Peter J. Denver, was a featured ridge. Bridegroom is the soloist with the college O’CONNOR PLUMBING McLaughlin, Photography son o f Lt. Col. and Mrs. chorus in a recent presen­ son of Mr. 2815 K. 2nd Ave. Jack Ivotes o f Laurel, Md. tation of the "Magnificat” 3030 W. 44th A V K . a n d M r s . 4515-4323 (C h e n Creek) in join t concert with the Double-ring ceremony was J a c k 333.3279 A ir Force academy o f Col­ performed Nov. 19 in Sts. M ill Modrall M c L a u g h ­ P e te r and Pau l’s churchy orado Springs. She is the lin, Denver. Bride-elect is d a u gh te r o f M rs. C. S. Wheatridge. A reception a graduate of Lorettd 4995 Q u itm a n W’as held. Following a trip Smith, Arvada, and a Heights college, Denver. graduate of Arvada high to Aspen, the couple w ill Phone H er fiance was graduated school. reside in Wheatridge. from Regis college. Denver, and is in graduate school Student Council 477-0814 R a ffelo ck at Denver university. Students Hear Senator Speak The , new’ly elected mem­ bers of the Archdiocesan • L IN O L E U M To A d d re ss Senator Peter Dominick, left, discussed student reponsibilities toward Student Council met last • FLOOR TILE governm ent when he visited St. M ary’s academy, Denv€*r, recently. From Saturday in the Catholic • WALL TILE • CARPETS 'M o r e On the left arc Mrs. Ann Andrew, chairman of the social studies department; School Office. Four mem­ Press C lub Mary Ann Harris, Lisa Hanson, and Gayle Johnson. The Senator gave an bers from each high school D avid Raffelock, nation­ Youth, address before the student body. were elected to represent WEISS BAKERY ally known writer and their respective schools. OLD-FASHIONED SALT -organizerorganizer or of Other youth stories r-, -1 r - ■ . i- I r-il RISING BREAD-EVERY TUESDAY the National and pictures appear KOaOen PUpilS 070 Tt CXChOnae PlOn CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS Writers club, this week on Page 15. ^ . Four Stores to Serve You Iwill be the Roggen ~ Students at their teachers,- they will tornational good will and 4024 Tennyson ...... 455-1937 Iguest speaker Sacred H eart school here exchange scrapbooks, let- teach students how to o f p e / w s R _ 5850 W . 38th A v e ...... 424-1366 lat the Nov- are' building strong inter- ters, tape recordings and communicate w ith others 1M E . 30lh A va. L a k e s id e C e n te r ...... 433-1703 |e m b c r CYO national friendship with school projects with stu- who speak different lan- 6 2 3 - 8 9 8 6 1480 C a rr St...... 237-1604 ■ meeting of their counterparts in Eng- dents at Rudyard Kipling guages and follow other CALL FOR APPT. NOW! Ith e 'Colorado land. school in Brighton {Sus- customs. I C a t h o l i c Activities Under the supervision of sex), England. People-to-People is an IW o m e n ’ s The affiliatio n was ar- organization dedicated to ■Press club to Sts. Peter, Paul ranged through People-to- p ro m o tin g international D.,idR.rM~:k b e h e ld in Holiday Party Season is Coming! Members of the Sts. People, Inc., as part of its understanding. Conceived the Denver Dry Goods com­ P eter and Paul CYO and school and classroom activ- by General Dwight D. Ei- Be A Guest At Your Own Party pany tearoom Saturday, guests who plan to attend ities. senhower in 1956, it was Nov. 26. th e N o v. 26 showing o f The project was designed established as a nonprofit, The meeting will follow a "The Bible” are asked to to build students’ interest n o n g o v e r n m e n t a l 1 o clo ck lu ncheon fo r meet at the school at 8:30 in geography, history, Ian- m ovement o f private citi- which Miss Frances Me- a m. Those who will be ! guage. and culture and to zens in 1961, with head- earthy will accept reserva- able to furnish cars are create an awareness of the quarters in City, tions at 244-569,. „aked to call Mrs. John people in other countries. Mo. General Eisenhower is Raffelock is a native o f Baumann, 238-5586, before ‘ ^ P e o p I e - 1 o - P c o p ie chairman o f the board of lopi'ka. Kan.s.. and formerly • officials report that 2.- trustees, and President worked with the St. Jo­ 000.000 studen ts in 90 Lyndon B. Johnson is hon- seph News-I*ress and 5ki Frolics countries are participa-* orary chairman. with Author and Jour- The Archdiocesan CYO ting in the classroom ex­ nalist. His talk at the first annual Ski-Frolic is change. The program Saturday meeting will deal scheduled Thursday, Dec. was developed to be Dr. James P. Gray with various phases of 29, at Geneva Basin ski Henry Daniels Caters All Parties t. flexible and practical for OPTOMETRIST writing. area. Races, contests, all grade levels. dancing, fun and enjoy­ The purpose of the ex­ Eyes examined ment. All CYO's are wel­ change is to stimulate in- Visual Care Training come. Tickets are $3 per \ Contact Lenses person. Members may You name the party . . . and Henry will H U N T CLEANERS P rogram bring a guest. For more 213 Colo, lildg. take over for you from an old fashioned information contact Bob 'Snow Maiden' 1615 Calif. Turkey Dinner or a plain steak cookout to S ch e d u led Burke, 424-6288. Elaine Lcnhart, senior For Appointment Call: the most exotic Oriental Dinners. Henry St. Anthony’s hospital, St. Catherine's at St. Francis de Sales’ Daniel's experienced personnel will cater school, Denver, appears 825-8083 Denver, in i)rcparalioh for . Members . _ , of St. Cather- to your most exacting demands. the opening of the new participate in the title role of "The east wing is sponsoring an in “ bowling activities on Snow M aiden,” w'ith eight-week w'ard clerk Saturday, Nov. 26, at 7:15 R ichard Huff, presented (’ALL SOUX-KKMK.MBKR training program starling p.m. at the Paramount by the Premiere Dance N o w — (hvn Your Ow n HOLIDAY PARTY SKASON IS Dec. 12. Bowling Lanes. 2625 Ki- Arts company and the AL.MOST m e r e : The ward clerk functions pHng. The admission price C o m m u n ity A r ts sym- Answering Service! us u receptionist, reHeves o f $1.25 includes three i>hony on Dec. 9, 8 p.m., the nur.ses of much pa|)er gam es and shoe ren tal, and Dec. 10, ,3:30 p.m., in CALL US TODAY FOR ADVICE & INFORMATION work and handles the Transportation will be the Englewood high many communications that a v a ila b le at th e school sch ool auditorium . Tim come to the nursing sta- parking lot at 7 p.m. Sullivan will narrate. Call-Control -ii u Holy Nam e 777-5230 OR 756-1233 Ihe course will be o|>en ' The only COMPUTE to hlKh school gi'uduutcs C Y O Aufomotk Telephone Answering Unit fodoy! who can qualify by passing "■H hold its next meeting CARPETS the pre-entrance exam and ^ j. • Call-Control «nsw#r» your phone in your own voice— records who can m eet the other Dlans will be discus.sed for Room Sl/e R I ell meisaget— plAy> them beck enytimo even when you re n rti< CMy low priced. will he paid during the du- P‘‘ Hy. r tor every room ration of the course. F u r n i t U r B in the Ho m .s c ^ no instalUtion Weddins Receptions Buffets ■ no additional monthly phone Interested parties may EVELYN'S DRAPERIES contact Mrs. Bette Barnes, ehargat Open Houses Office Parties H‘ t;hcst Quality Work 9 push-button oparatlon Nursing service, 825-9011. and Materials E.M.W. ■ fully guarantead Box Lunches P icn ics where cash talks 9 fita any desk phoee-^lA(la 1501 South Pearl Si. 21U So. Broadway Una or rotary Lawn Parties Hot & Cold Passion Pluy Not Tel 7U CI39 Sllcrinan t*2VS4 ■ racorda unlimited numbar of maaaaiaa Hors-d’Oeuvres 'Oberammergou's' * ramota control mataafa play­ back faatura— rw battariaa ■ Ixrndon -- The word Ob- 6TH AVE. fita in your pocket eram m ergau w ill not be t O L I V E R ' S : u.sed with any 1‘assion play SfiC IT DEMONSTRATID FREE » NO OfiUGATION to he presented in England MARION and Ireland in 1967, the Meat Market m Oberammergau ticket office ■ "Serving Denver Since 19X3 With Juality Meals'"^ Call Now . . . 266-0281 disclosed here. The office ^ said that the filmed play. ^ CHOICE STEAKS - ROASTS ORDER- Dictating And Recording CO. |)rcHcnted every 10 years, Fresh PouHiy .e«l#A — M erefre —— r.eaaeUaf must he presented by the * IV> eerriee *vorgtkimf tee eeU villagers of Oberammergau • f nrafatalanai Ma«« Cwllars ta Sarva Yau PNaaa m «a it lilt ■. ilh Ava. 911 Aeeaie t««-«1 9 l in their village and no ■ wlterc else. ■ Pages DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, November 24, 1966 'The Bible' As a Motion Picture

By C. J. Zecha While it seemed a gran­ Isaac in Sarah’s old age, lure of this sort would diose plan, it also had a and the near-sacrifice of be tempted to overuse M ^ ^ I /I The motion picture The Bible, which covers the certain amount o f impro­ Voice of the Isaac on the mountain. the huge screen with first 22 chapters of "Gene­ bability from a financial George C. Scott is con­ gimmicks and spectac­ sis,” is a film that is visu­ point of view. In fact, the vincing as Abraham, and ular crowd scenes in the ally attractive and com­ announcement hud a touch Audience Ava Gardner gives a good stereotyped Cecil B. pelling. That director John of "typical Hollywood" bra­ account as Sarah. The ex­ DcMille tradition. Huston Huston was responsible for vura about it — the spect­ ceptional performance in apparently took his task giving it a certain distinc­ acular to end spectaculars. ents of an assortment of this segment is the ap­ seriously and with Fry’s tion there can be no doubt. gifted performers and pearance of Peter O’Toole script attempted to pre­ It is now playing at the WHAT has resulted, craftsmen. as an angel sent by God. sent a sincere and for­ Continental theater, Den­ however, is now showing Huston has remarka­ O’Toole is one of three thright accounting of ver. on D-150 wide screen the­ bly captured both the angels identically hooded. Scripture. A few years back Lon aters throughout the coun­ simplicity and grandeur They speak in turn and as The Bible as a film Jones, press chief for Ital­ try. in the retelling of the they do the faceless area of m ight not be great or of I « lasting memory. It is, yet, ian producer Dino de De Laurentiis finally Creation, Fall, Cain and each is dimly shown, and Laurentiis, was in the U.S. settled on filming the Abel, the Deluge, Tower what the viewer sees is a unique venture that em­ on behalf of Laurentiis’ Creation to Abraham, and of Babel, and Abraham. that each has the face of bodies many good things. film, Barabbas, and spoke settled for one director, Regardless of wide O’Toole, whose soft under­ One cannot help having a about the producer’ s plan Huston. The decision was screen and a somewhat playing adds greatly to the great deal of respect for its of bringing the Bible, com­ wise and whether or not disturbing atonal musi­ dramatic effect. intention and accomplish­ plete. Xo the screen. It the producer will complete cal score by Toshiro ments. Peter O'Toole in Scene From 'The Bible' wasn’t known how the fil- the vast undertaking is Mayuzumi, the film is In a picture so vast On the whole, it’s a film mization would be divided, something else. done with taste and suf­ there are bound to be o f much worth and visual Peter O’Toole as a messenger of the Lord makes his way through but Jones said it was Uc What stands now is a ficient quality to make it flaws. The film lacks an beauty. The episodes from Sodom in this scene from "The Bible,” directed by John Huston and now Laurentiis’ plan to assign a film that is a spectacular a challenge well met. overall dramatic power. Genesis are poetically dep­ showing at the Continental theater, Denver. Huston also portrays Noah in differen t director for the treatm ent o f the Genesis Much of the credit for The Abraham episode is loyed and the imaginative stories, employing the tat- the cohesion of the seg­ too long, for instance. treatm ent combines force the film. various books of the Bible. ments is owing to Christo­ But credit should go to and understanding. The pher Fry’s screenplay. It’s Huston for his restraint. film cannot be dismissed said that when Fry was A director making a pic- and is worth seeing. Bygone Era Recaptured on New KFML-FM Show approached to write the script for a film to be There’s a popular game Barbra Streisand’s Funny in a bright selection of some personalities who are Radio’s great potential called The Bible, he re­ Littleton Group to Stage called "T r iv ia ” in which (tirl. songs from Crosby’s 1936 worth hearing, such as the for today’s audience re­ plied: "Are you kidding?” one tries to guess an old- There’s a lot of nostalgia movie. Pennies h'rom Fanny Brice and Knute mains on the whole un­ Probably there is little of 'The Philadelphia Story' time perform er, song, or in this opening program, H eaven . Sports fans will Rockne segments, as well tapped, Zecha believes. Fry’s poetic genius present; but he did supply a event. For those who might which is directed and nar­ be interested in hearing a as a golden-voiced Ruth "Old-time radio, with iU When the Columbine Bob Chester, Seymour G. screenplay of simplicity want to brush up on the rated by Clement J. Zecha, gruff, but clear-voiced Etting, a singer’s singer by dramas, comedians, operet­ Playhouse, Littleton, stages L aff, Bob Lawson, Sandra and well-intentioned con­ past, attention is called to who is known to have a Knute Rockne imparting any standards; Maurice tas, kid shows, and soap its production, Dec. 1, 2, Arkin, Penny Pedan, Jim tinuity, using the King a new radio program se­ few chores on this edition last-minute instructions to Chevalier, Kate Smith, and operas really ended at the and 3, o f T h e P h ilad el­ James version. Gielessen, Denni.s Massey. ries, "Scrapbook of Sound,” and who can usually be a Notre Dame football Helen Morgan. foot of Allen’s Alley," he phia Story, it will return Barbara Frey, M. J. Mc­ which w ill begin Sunday, found contributing some team. said. "Just as radio was to the spot­ THE OPENING se­ Donald, Louise Barnard. N o v . 2 7. 10 p.m ., on popular and unpopular There are a few rarities T H IS new series, which hailed and damned as it- light a young quence, the Creation, is a Ann Lord, and Alan Brad­ KFML-FM Radio (98.5), criticisms on this page. is produced by Ed Tynan, came to light in the early l a d y r e ­ including the voices of highlight. Director Huston ley. 19^0s, so too did television g r e t t a b l y Denver. President Theodore Roose­ is a refreshing trip into an utilized the photographic Columbine Playhouse’s W’E’ RE told that he has come upon the scene. On velt and George M. Cohan. era almost forgotten. There ability of Ernst Haas to not seen by next productidn, tentatively, Denver AFTER listening to a had the idea for this type And pray toll, who are the are too few programs like TV visual stories and com­ good advantage. Michael set for sometime in Janu­ tape playback of next Sun­ of program in the back of Happiness Boys? "Scrapbook of Sound" on edy were the substitute for Parks and Ula Bergryd are a u d i e n c e s ary, will be Cradle Song day’s initial program, "Ra­ his mind for some years. radio today, and, with the imagination. But, perhaps, well cast as Adam and is i n c c t h e — the story of 10 nuns' dio’s Golden Years and An avid record collector of ON T H E musical side, exception of an occasional we were ready for it. Radio Eve. The stunning visual Iclosing of the who find themselves dele­ Voices o f Yesterday," the things past and present, he Senator George Murphy is national network program today is a difTerent medi­ effects, while unfolding the M ^ Y Hotel gated to the raising o f a series appears to be a hap­ has been working on this heard doing what he is (such as the excellent Nov. um from that o f yesterday creation o f man, the gar­ ■an la^PUMclodrama foundling baby. Tryouts for py romp into a bygone era. scries for KFMI.-FM for most famous for — singing 13 NBC Chase and San­ and if its challenges in a den o f p a ^ d is e , and the earlier this the play will be announced* Even if you don’t belong nearly nine months. and dancing with a young born anniversary program), new era haven’t been fully fall are presented in such Nan Wiliiama y e a r . soon. to the Geritol set, you I f the first program is Shirley Temple. There’s a it’s the only locally pro­ met, there’s still time and a way that the mystery of She is Nan Williams, a Ticket reservations for might be curious to know, any indication, the future fine Maurice Chevalier duced radio show of its hope." the universe is captured. parishioner of Sts. Peter The Philadelphia Story for instance, what Fanny of the series appears prom­ recording and a section re­ type in Colorado. "Scrapbook of Sound” The slaying of Abel by and Paul Church, an active may be made by calling Brice sounded like in 1922. ising. Tho.se who will tune calling radio’s old stars, is a peek into the past of Cain is the film’s first dra­ member of the parish’s 771-2584. Younger persona, of course, in next Sunday night will with the theme o f "Little "what it was like then.” matic episode. Richard Christian Family Move­ will recall that it was Miss hear a young Bing Crosby Orphan Annie” thrown in Spanish Dance It probably won’t go Harris as Cain portrays a ment, and an actress Brice’s biography that paired with Frances Lang­ for good measure. down in the annals of psychological aspect of whose experience on the I ! formed the framework for ford and Ix)uis Armstrong Zecha’s air voice some­ Company Sets great local shows, but as Cain — the hate, bitter­ boards goes all the way PERFECT . . . times lacks professional a foray into another time ness, and torment — with back to the age of 12 and Way to start the day! the Young People’s Theater timbre, but one might Performances and place it ought to force, if not conviction. in New York City. COLD VITALITY ORANGE write that off with the fact provide some fun and Little dialogue is used in JUICE

Jesuit Missions Correspondent Stuart /McDona Id s Novins vis its Jesuit mis­ S o e t t u i , HAMBURGERS sions in Africa on the Look I OVtO 8U.UON Up and Live program on A radio program of music, sounds and Sunday,* Nov. 27, at 8:30 voices of yesterday and today, beginning a.m. on KLZ-TV, Channel 7, Denver. ------^ SUNDAY, NOV. 27 KFML-FM (9 8 .5 ), DENVER \ \ HEAR t I 10 P.M. ' ASK and LEARN , i On KOA Radio ' An exciting new series recapturing the Nov. 27 Program : "Radio’s Golden Age past through vintage recordings and and Voices of Yesterday,” featuring: j ' specially produced documentaries j 10:20 Every Sunday eve- ) AL JOLSON, KNUTE ROCKNE. KATE ning. Questions on religion | SMITH. WILL ROGERS. FANNY BRICE. See him., u lk to him. .and brint; Mom and Dad! Santa will he at submitted by the radio au- { PHIL HARRIS. RUTH ETTING. HELEN McDonald'a 1I:CK) a.m. to 7:00 p m. And don't forget to watch the dience answered on the j Executive Producers. . . MORGAN. CEO. M. COHAN. GEORGE famoui Macy Parade. Thankagiving morning at S:00-10:00 a.m. on archdiocesan broadca.'At. | 0 ’F A I .L O N -0 ’C O N N O R MURPHY. SHIRLEY TEMPLE. ISHAM NBC-7V. Brought to you again this year by McDonald'a. JONES. BOSWELL SISTERS. LOUIS ARM A Booklet on Catholic ( BROADCASTING, INC. STRONG. FRED & ADELE ASTAIRE. Church available free of Others cost to all inquiries. Produced b y .. . EDWARD T. TYNAN Future Programs: McDonald’s' "Songs From World War if" U c ^ T h ! OoUm AnM t-m rnn Qialtr Stwn fm lL jm r W R IT E T O "Bands & Singers of 30s & 40s" Ask and Learn. Station Directed and Narrated by. . • "Tribute—U.S. Composers" KOA. Denver 80203. CLEMENT J. ZECHA Special Documentaries E. Colfax Ave. & Pennsylvania C olorado T hursday, November 24, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 9 W otio,, Plcfi l i r e 6 Gus Fahn Cf«Mll{<«flon by National Calliollc iji; OifitB for Motion PitturoB

F ollow in g arc cluHHin<-utionN o f motion picturrtt by the N ational C atholii' OfTii-t* o f M otion I'irturcH for filmH currently playing in Denver Tintt-run. neighl>orh(M>d. and drivr-in theaterH, »n w ell aa ihoHr app4>uriiig on lelrviition in the Denver, I'olorado Springn and IDCKSotSPORIS Sterling areaa. Uatinga of movieN on TV are ch«>cked against liHtingH found in ’T V (luide" magazine. ClaNHiflrations are: A-1, Family: A-i! adultN and adoleneentH; A-Il adulta only; A-4, adulta THE DENVER Paro­ past three seasons was a only with reservalionH; 11. morally objectionable in part for all; C, chial Ia.‘ugue bids g(x)dbye condemned, (('ompiled by Carol (joodi. 7-7 tie with Pueblo Catho­ to one of its most storied lic in the 1964 Parochial Current Movies I.ittlest Warrior, A-l; Fume Is rivalries Sunday when old State Championship game. Aine, A-l: Alvarez. Kelly, A-:i: the Name of the y, D id I ( i c l a Wn>ng Played With Fire, A-2; Blondie’s has produced one thrill .Mary’ s, 13-6, in a wild Number, A-3; Buttcrfielil H. B; Big Deal, A-l; Blue Hawaii, A-2; packed episode after anoth­ Cal On a Hot Tin Hoof, A-3: Sign of the Pagan, A-2; Side three-team playoff for a Chamber of Hf>rrors, A-3; Cin­ Street. A-2; A Certain Smile. er. As a result, the rivalry berth in the Parochial Two Regis College Winter cinnati Kid. B: Deiid Heat on a A-3; Bevond the F'orest, B. Defense Pays Off For Raiders is almost a legend — one State Championship game. Merry-Co-HoL-nd, A-3; Dr. No, WEDNESDAY. NOV. .30 which is destined to die a 11; Fighting Prince of Donegal. One Way Street, B; This Is Muchebeufs Bill Crompton found few openings My Affair. A-1; The Lady Takes rockem’ sockem’ death FOLLOWING Regis’ Sports Teams Eye Openers A-l; Fireball A-3: Frankie in the Regis defense lust week 8o the Ruffs find .Johnny, A-2; Frankenstein a Flyer, A-3; Price of F'car. A-2; Sunday. 27-0 triumph in 1963, Com|uers the World, A-l; (iluss Terror on a 3'ruin, A-l; The Se­ dropped a 13-7 decision in u playoff for the Den­ Two Regis College sports Nov. 29 with a dual match cret Dr, A-2; .Manpower, A-2. Mullen carved out a 21-7 Bottom Boat, A-2; Ooldfinger, ver Parochial League’s Northern Division title. WITH BOTH schools win in 1964 and followed teams are moving closer to at Colorado College. Coach A-3; (iuns of Navar«>ne, A-l; THCHSDAY, DEC. 1 Above, Crompton is being tackled by three alert The 1 Don’t C are C irl, B; The seeking admission to the it up with a 26-14 decision the opening of the 1966-67 Alan Hodges has two re­ Harper, A-3: Haunted House, Raider defenders. A-l; Hold On. A-l; House of Last Blitzkrieg. A-2; Love Has Colorado High School Ac­ last year. season. turning letterm en, .Mike I'sher. A-2; Inside Didsy Clover, M any Faces, B; Beauty and the tivities Assn., there is still The Regis — Mullen riv­ Coach John Fleming’s Hucke and Dave Opsahl A-,'l; K aleidoscitpe. A-3; l.ii|uida- Hobot, A-3; I WunU'd W ings, B; basketball club, preparing and is depen din g upon Cun of /angura. A-2; Nobody a chance the rivalry will alry has experienced few tor, A-3; Maya, A-l; Nevada for its opener Dec. 1 at several top fre.shmen to fill Smith, A-3; Paradise Hiiwaiian l.ives F'orever. A-2. be continued next year. low spots since the series F'HIDAY, DF:C. 2 Raiders Earn Title Colorado State College, has team positions. Style. A-l; Pawnbroker. A-3; But somehow it will inaugural in 1936. Regis The Battle At Apache Pass. ]*ink Panther. A-3; Pit and the never be quite the same. won that one. 7-6, in a held several rugged scrim­ ]*endulum. A-2: Hussians Are A - l; T h e P a r a d in e C a se, A-'2; mage sessions, including The .Man F'r«»m the Diners There will l>e no Parochial bitter struggle and the C o m in g . A -l; Seconds, B: Shot an exhibition afTair Tues­ in the Dark. B: Tarzan and the Club, A-l: Operation Secret. B; Rematch with Mullen League championship at competition has been keen S h «•' h W o r k i n g H e r W a y day during a high schixil Valley «*f Cold. A-l; Th«* Swing­ stake. . .and that always since. Regis’ biggest mar­ er, B; Cmbrellas <»f Cherlioirrg. Through College. B; The Sea coaches clinic at the Regis R K (; I S ’ B A L L - kickoff. Dave Beacom reco­ has been a matter of pride gin of victory came in 1960 KQX1 A-3; Walk , Don't Hun, A-3; C h a s e , B; D iv e B om b e r. A - l; College Fieldhouse. H it and Hun. A-2; .Magic F'irc, HAW KINCi Raiders earned vered the loose pigskin for since the first league when the Raiders adminis­ Way, Way Out, B; What Did F le m in g , m ak in g his Y ou Do in the W a r D addy? B; A-2. a Denver Parochial League Regis on the Macheheuf 43 ch am p was crow ned in tered severe punishment in i>iii:si:\Ts collegiate coaching debut What's New Pussycat? B; Whci’s title rematch with unl^*a- and four plays later Quar­ 1928. a 54-0 triumph. .Mullen’s A r a id o f V 'irg in ia W(M>ir?, A--I; Mass for Shut-Ins in his first year at Regis, ten .Mullen last week by terback Pat Flannery Sunday’s Parochial most lopsided decision was CATHOLIC Wild Angels, B; Wr<»ng Box. A-2. has five lettermen back carving out a 13-7 playofT hurled a 31-yard touch­ League finale will be a 44-12 victory in 1945. On Television The Mass for Shut-Ins around which to form the triumph over Macheiwuf. down pass to Jerry Harvey. another classic match. HIGH SCHOOL S A T U K D A Y , N O V . 26 can be seen on Sundays at Through the years, Regis nucleus. The victory lifted Regis Macheheuf answered Mullen will put a 25-game Angels’ Alley. A-l; Sabu and 8:15 a.m. on KWGN, has claim ed 14 l^arochial Don Chavez and Rich the Magic Hing. A-l; Thunder into Sunday’s championship with its only sustained Parochial League winning CHAMPIONSHIP Channel 2, Denver. The League grid championships Schraeder, both former Hoad. A-2; Dark Alibi. A-l; Rev. Patrick O’Brien. C.M., game against Mullen, drive of the day — a 63- streak on the line. And the outright and tied for three ijavy Wife, A-l; The Scaveng- scheduled forI:3()p.m at yard touchdown march Denver Parochial League FOOTBALL GAME or.s, A-2; M on ster on the Cam- rector of St. Thomas’ sem­ last Mullen defeat? You oth ers. M ullen has won Denver Prep Stadium, ad­ which was capped by Bob all-star selections, return Ifus, A-3; Wake Island. A-l; The inary, Denver, is celebrant. guessed it — the final five championships outright along with Joe Kaveney, jacent to South High Crompton’s 8-yard bolt to game o f the 1963 .season and tied for two others. MULLEN Schn dy 33-game unbeaten from the league. premiere of the film re- brought to life the dra­ 64 yards for what turned L iv e F ro m title, crammed all of the string into Sunday’s game. CTcation of the internation­ matic and suspenseful epic out to be the game clinch­ Rose Bowl South High School scoring into the first The only blotch on the al best seller Is Paris o f 1944 when the City of ing points. THE KzMDEKS won Stad ium tiuarter before settling into Mustang record during the ch am pion sh ip s in 1955, Trip Slated 6urnin^ will take place Light and the City of Love Fullback Jim Quinn and a defensive tug-of-war. 1957, 1959, 1960. 1961 and A New Year’s airline JJov. 23, at the Esquire were imperilled by Hitler’s Halfback Tom Angerer The Raiders, running ofT 1963 and shared the title trip for two to the Rose flieater, Denver, as a ben­ mad plan to destroy what chewed up the yardage in­ Dinner Honors a carlxjn copy of their 12-2 with Mullen and St. Bowl game, rose parade, efit for St. John’s Catholic he could not have. win over Macheheuf earlier side as Regis punched School I-TA. Mary’s in 1962. and special dance with Twenty-two years later, this year, unleashed a down field, then Quarter­ St. Joseph Grade Lawrence Welk and his ; The film will be pre­ back Flannery switched Regis put together a director Rene Clement and balanced attack which pro­ record string of 34 straight orchestra will be awarded sented on a reserved seat duced 155 yards rushing signals to set up the pay­ School Gridders a cast of hundreds, includ­ league* games without de­ by the I’arents’ club of policy, w ith 10 showings and 130 yards passing. off. ing a score of international feat starting in 1959 and Marycrest high school. per week and matinees on Coach Pat Panok’s Buffs, A special dinner hon­ stars, came together to stretching to the final Denver, Dec. 21. Wednesday, Saturday and attem pting to slug it out F L A N N E R Y ’ S 27-yard oring 36 grade school foot­ HUGH “ M A C ” DOUGALL perpetuate the romance game of the 1962 season The trip also will include Sunday. on the ground, managed fourth down pass to Quinn ball players at St. Joseph’s a visit to Disneyland and and the excitement which when Mullen snapix*d the & 14:i yards rushing but com­ gave the Raiders a first school, Denver, was held Knott’s berry farm. Dona­ have made Is Paris Burn­ string with a 34-21 BASED on the b(x)k by ing the amazing hitherto pleted only one of five and goal at the Macheheuf recently in the school cafe­ tions at $1 are available GORDON BISHOP teria. triumph. Included in the Larry Collins and Domini­ untold story of the war. passes for eight yards. 5-yard line. Two running through E. W. Floyd. plays gained only three Toastmaster for the din­ streak was a 0-0 stalemate que Lapierre, the produc­ Among the stars who 421-1105, or Winfield Pow­ Brought To You By yards before Flannery ner was The Rev. Raymond with Mt. Carmel which tion of Is Paris Burning participate in the film are MACHEHEUF flirted er, 333-8239. ro lled to his righ t and G. Stewart, C.SS.R., as­ still stands as one of the created news all over the J e a n - P a u 1 B e lm o n d o , with disaster early in the PANSING PONTIAC lofted a pass to Angerer in sistant pastor. biggest shockers in league world during the past year, Charles Boyer, Leslie Car­ game when the Buffs the end zone. John (Skip) LaCuardia, annals. SAVE UP TO when the liberation of on, Jean-Pierre Casscl, fumbled away the ball "Denver's Seivest 1944 was restaged in the shortly after the opening Regis fans squirmed varsity assistant coach at With Mullen’s withdraw­ George Chakiris, Alain al from the Parochial *1,270°° Pontiac Dealer " streets o f Paris. The l>ook. when Tom Canzona’s extra St. Joseph’s high school, Delon, Kirk Douglas, League, the Mustangs will Ton Hamper SpE*cial and the film, trace the Regis Newspaper point kick missed the mark spoke about the motivating Glenn Ford. Cert Frobe, leaving the Raiders with a elements that make a win­ not have an op{X)rtunity to 71.^ tires - HT400 Engine many heroic, and human 351 Engine 10 ft. Yves Montand. Anthony precarious 13-7 lead. ning team. match Regis’ record string stories of the men and Wins Top Rating C. O. Hamper Perkins. Simone Signoret, Regis drove inside the Lightweight coach Lloyd regardless of the outcome PRE-GAME SHOW The Regis college student Robert Stack. Marie Ver- Macheheuf 10-yard line on Serra and Brother De of Sunday’s game. 1:50 P .M . sini. Skip Ward and Orson newspaper. Brown and But the Mustangs no G a te w a y For Building three occasions but was Porres, midget coach, pre­ Sponsored By Wei le.s,______Ciold, has been awarded a turned back by an uny­ sented letters to the play­ doubt w ill settle for one or Modernizing . . first class honor rating by ielding Buff defense. Can- ers. crowning moment of glory. Motor City ABEGG PRINTING the national newspaper 1530 Blake St. Indians To Attend zona miss(Kl a 22-yard field Special guests included And a crowd which is ex­ 1 9 1 0 ■ 38th S t . 623-8731 critical service of Associa­ goal attempt after Regis Sister M ary Canisius, St. pected to fill the 6200-seat Food Conference ted Collegiate Press. had reached the 12-yard Joseph grade school prin­ Denver Prep Stadium to The award, for the line and a fourth quarter cipal; Sister Mary Gloria; overflowing proportions New Delhi — High offi­ spring semester of last Flannery touchdown pass Sister Mary Joan of Arc; will be on hand to see the cials of the Indian govern­ year, was based on evalua­ wa.s wiped out because of a Sister Margaret Mary; Sis­ end of an era. SnCHS-LRUJLOR ment’s Ministry of Food tion o f the paper’s cover­ holding penalty. ter Mary Johneen; R.S.M., 1 5 4 . 3 LARIMER ST. - 8 3 0 17th ST. and Agriculture are to at­ age. content, and physical Brother Thomas. C.SS.R., tend a Church-sponsored layout. C R O M P T O N did most and 74 invited parents and international conference on Patrick J. Kelly, Denver, of the leg work for Mache- friends. ENGRAVED a senior at Regis, is editor beuf. gaining 97 yards in food production here Dec. Use Lights 7-10. The task of food pro­ of the Brow’n and Cold 25 carries. and was serving in that Quinn picked up 81 duction in this country and Bicycle riders are advised by Look into PLASTIC how Church organizations post for the award period. yards in 19 curries for Re­ the State Patrol to have good Mrs. Kathryn Pichette, as­ gis. Flannery connected on a Volkswagen at SIGNS & DESK PLATES BATHROOM can beat assist various light.s and reflectors on their programs will be reviewed sistant professor of Eng­ eight of M passes for 130 hikes when they ride at night. VERN HAGESTAD EXCE.' (ENCE during the meeting. lish, serves as moderator of yards. BRONZE TABLETS the newspaper.______The season's top crowd is MOTOR CO. by Kohler of Kohlor expected to attend the Re­ Men's Clothing YEAR-END Monday Deadline gis — Mullen champion­ Greoirr O rnirri The deadline for news Men's Tailoring .(uiAonezd Dealer Add b«avFy and !• ship joust Sunday. Mullen ,/ W lien yoTi y«u r horn* w ith durabt*, PRICES .stories and pictures to up- takes a 2a-game Denver MR FRANZ OF LAKESIDE 7600 W. Colfax Phone 237-9581 'fint quality KeMar fixtur**. ON pe'ar in the "Hegisler” is Parochial League W’inning King Soopers Mai! ' / miss heai-ing Monday at 9 a.m. Lakeside Shopping Center Tima poymanlB arrongad. LARGE SELECTION streak into the game. In­ cluded is a 13-0 triumph Siitfl and itylaB ta fit avary voice, gained earlier this year prafaranca and budgat — In NEW 1966 •lx xalar« and whita. RAMBLERS OB over Regis. Tickets, priced at $1.50 SPECIAL of th. DAY Lat u« hatp yaw plan yaur SPECIAL YOUR CAR for adults and $1 for stu­ naw bothroam, wothraam ar FROM Urings liim dents. will be on sale at kitchan. FACTORY PURCHASE METROPOLITAN the gate. ; 1963 CADILLAC J p y home again B«Hit wlcctton mndeU LEASING INC. - FLEETWOOD - Specializing in and body atylM COMPLETE CAR SERVICE Quality Plumbing in thia area. A MIMBER OF Radio, Heater. Full Power T U N B UP a CABBURBTOR when you call and Heating Repairs ALSO A F E W . C H E V W A Y AOIO. TRAN*. Factory Air t'onditirmod Towf C«r prabum — »p*cl!'t* DEM(5s, e x e c u t i v e Real Clean Inside and OuL 2535 So. Colo. Blvd. eXPERT TEIEVISION REPAIR Long Distance. SLATTERY CARS Phone 757-7825 ONEIDA GARAGE $2,750 D rive in to Old Town - O u r low • III Kirk 1400 oneld* in-lS55 G o a lie a d . & COMPANY overhead and aervtce will aave you C a ll n o w . Plumbing and Heating Contractors VIC HEBERT GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS, INC. EIFER 111 V A LLE JO S^i'. Denver’! Oldaet Dealer Same Izxatton and "Accredited Purseyor* to the Catholic Clernv ’ PONTIAC • CADILLAC • TEMPES 744-C31I Ownen for &3 Years JANITORIAL & SANITA%Y SUPI’LIKS f 1 Mountain States Telephone JOHN J. CONNOR, PrMMont Since J913 a c 2-4MK 6201 E. COLFAX 388-488! - ReaaH P. CoMMr, VIca Prasiawif 142! • 16th Street - C II 1-8775 o r t'H 4-2.'^»8 3660 D O W N IN G DENVKK 2. COLORADO 1255 SO. COLO. BLVD. 388-488‘ Thursday, November 7966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Poqe \ FRANCISCAN MISSION


DAILY 8:00 a.m. MASS SERMON 12:15 p.m. MASS SERMON 5:30 p.m. MASS




11th and Curtis St. If

‘The Monastery of the Franciscan Fathers and Brothers” I Take Bus No. 50 to Church Door I

’ = s j | Thursday, November 24, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Pogo 11 1 U.S. Bishops’ Bishops' Statement on Race Relations

(Register Special) Council II that discrimim. tion afforded to the poor at time or temporary em­ issue o f fair housing has tion based on race, lan­ all age levels, and act de­ ployment often refused been the source of grave Statement on Peace The Bishops* pastoral guage, religion, or national cisively to make education­ today because of regula­ tensions in some parts ol statem ent on race origins is contrary to right al opportunities equal for tions that penalize such our nation, conditions have reason and to Christian all. efforts. n o tic e a b ly im p roved in (Kcgistor SpeciHh same time, however, it pointed out that relations and poverty: teaching. W e are all the Next we should be A key concern is job op­ certain areas. We urge Statement of the National Confer* some provision should be made for those children of God. We share concerned with the type portunities. This problem support for sound programs ence of ('atholic Kishops on p<*ace: who conscientiously object to bearing The pastoral concern of the Bishops of the United the same rights before man of quality of assistance has two main facets: Real­ to assure equal housing arms: " It seems right that laws make and God. All men of good available to poor fami­ istic training joined with opportunities for all, with­ Our common humanity demands that humane provisions for the care of those States goes to the ptx>r in will desire that the doors lies. Where w elfare re lie f proper motivation and the out discrimination based on a)i people live in peace and harmony our midst, particularly to who for reasons of conscience refuse to o f opportunity be opened is necessary, it should be willingness of employers to race, creed, or color. Here w ith one another. This peace will exist bear arm:.; provided, however, that they those who have felt the heavy burden o f discrimi­ equally to all who are given in a context that hire and promote without is a unique chance for res­ only i f the ri^ht order established by accept .s' and OPTICAL The problem of poverty governmental intervention goal of $225,000 announced fer^s: "As long as the danger o f war re­ others for their contribution to the pro­ NEW is inflicted particularly on at appropriate levels. We earlier this year in con­ Serving North Denver 22 Years mains and there is no competent and . posed Treaty Against Nuclear Prolifera­ 1967 V A LIA N T minority groups in our wish to suggest certain ob­ nection with the college’s Complale sufTicicntly powerful authority at the in­ tions, which, hopefully, will soon become jects that seem to us para­ three-year $3.3 million Opiicdl Service ternational level, governments cannot be society. The Negro, the $1,795 a reality. mount at this time and ’'Thrust to Greater OPTICIAN denied the right to legitimate defense." Spanish-speaking, and the Moreover, we must use every resource Indian suffer inordinately which require adaptation Heights” campaign. • And what a nation can do to defend it­ available, as a nation, to help alleviate under this burden. Nearly to different places in their "This is one of our most OE W A Y N E self, it m a y do to help another in its the basic causes of war. If the God-given half the members o f these application. vital areas of need," Sister IN G R A M struggle against aggression. human dignity of the people o f poorer groups live in poverty. Foremost among these is Eleen Marie said of the ' 477-5759 5225 L COLFAX nations is not to become an illusion, Their unemployment rate the quality of education gift. "Each year we receive 4022 TeL 399-0630 In the conduct of any war, there must these nations must be able to provide for is double the national av­ given to the poor. The many more applications for TENNYSON ST be moral limits: "Any act of war aimed the spiritual and material needs of their erage. They are far more poorly educated child and indiscriminately at the destruction of en­ citizens. We must help them do this. The likely than others to be the school dropout face life tire cities, or o f extensive areas along, economically developed nations of the condemned to urban or with almost insuperable with their jKipulation is a crime against world, as Pope John insisted in his great rural slums. handicaps in our society. Ciod and man himself. It merits univocal encyclical, Paccm in Terris, must come C om m u n ities should he and unhesitating condemnation.” More­ to the aid of those which are in the W H IL E there are many concerned about the quali­ over, as the Council also reminded us, process of developing so that every man. ty o f tea ch e rs , schools, fdlagckileHe hardens causes o f poverty, most are the fact that a war of self-defense has woman, and child in the world may be connected with past or guidance programs, and NURSING & CONVALESCENT CENTER unhappily begun does not mean that any able "to live in conditions more in keep­ present discrimination. the supplementary aids and all means may be employed by the ing with their human dignity." Hence we affirm once needed by all our children. AFFILIATED WITH ALL MAJOR HOSPITALS warring parties. There is a grave danger that the cir­ again, as we did in our Adult education is also a cumstances of the present war in Viet­ statement of 1958 and our great necessity. Citizens in Approved by the American Hospital Association While the stockpiling of scientific nam may, in time, diminish our moral letter of 1963, and on many every city an(l in our rural i weapons serve.s, for the present, as a de­ sen sitivity to its evil. Kvery means at occasions in the pro- areas should examine cri­ terren t to aggression, the Council has our disposal, therefore, must be used to nouncements of Vatican tically the type o f educa- warned us that "the arms race in which create a climate o f peace. In this cli­ so many countries are engaged is not a mate, prayer, personal example, .study, safe way to preserve a steady peace." discussion, and lectures can strengthen Indeed it is a "treacherous trap for hu­ the w ill for peace. W e must advocate manity." Far from promoting a sure and what we believe are the best methods of authentic peace, it actually fosters war prom oting peace: Mutual agreem ents, by d iv ertin g resources which could be safeguards, and inspection; the creation better used to alleviate the human mis­ o f international public authority to nego­ ery which causes war. In their urgent tia te toward peace. Above a ll, in its plea for disarmament, however, the peace-making efforts, we must support Council Fathers understood that it will the work of the United Nations, which, be cITcH.’tive only if it is universal and if in the words o f Pope Paul, marks "a th e re .a re adequate means of enforcing stage in the development of mankind, it.” from which retreat must never be ad­ m itted. but from which it is necessary The Council commended those citizens \) that advance be made.” who defend their nation against aggres­ We ask every person o f good will to {f sion. Th ey arc "instruments of security support with prayer the Holy Father’s FOR PATIENTS REQUIRING; and freedom on behalf of their people. guaranteed interest on w plea for Christmas cease fire. May it As long as they fulfill this role properly COMPLETE ■ Post-Oi>erative Routines open the way to lasting peace. In the th»y are making a genuine contribution your money in ■ Convalescent Procedures sp irit o f Christ, the Christian must be to the establishment of peace." A t the NURSING the persistent seeker in the Gospel, the investment certificates ■ Physical Therapy man willing to walk the second mile. He SERVICES ■ Barber Shop—Beauty Salon 'Enforced Atheism' walks prudently, but he walks generous­ ■ General Medical Techniques.. ly and he asks that ail men do the ■ 5% interest on $1,000 or multiples of $1,000. Flock, Foland -- Cardinal Stefan same. ■ Maturities at 90 days to one year. W yszynski, Prim ate of Poland, warned As Catholics we walk in good compa­ ■ ATTENDING CATHOLIC CHAPLAIN here against "enforced atheism,” which, ■ Insured to $15,000 by the F.D.I.C. ny. Pope Paul, in his recent encyclical CALL OR VISIT he said, was being propagated throughout on peace. crii*d out, in Clod’s name, to the country. ■ Interest may be paid quarterly, or deposited stop war. We pray God that the sacri­ He told a congregation in the 12th to your account. fices of us all, our prayers as well as MAGDALEN I-: GAUDLXS INC. century PJock Cathedral that "this en­ our faltering elTorts toward peace, will forced atheism coupled with religious in- 3131 SOUTH FEDERAL BLVD. • ENGLEWOOD, COLO. ditTerence and secularization might be- hasten the day when the whole world AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK • como serious obstacles in the next thou­ will echo Pope Paul’s historic words: "No 761-0260 sand years o f Christianity in Poland.” more war. war never again!" 244-6911 Member, F.D.t.C. 17th&Stout a l f school on Friday. Nov. Men planning to ath^tl Thursday, November 1966 Page 12 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER 24, Guordian Angels 25 fo r students at Holy the annual communrmi breakfast Sunday, Dec. *ii, ' Guardian Angels Parish Want Your Picture Returned? Trinity grade school. (Denver) — A pre-Advent The annual Christmas may make reservatiou,; dance will be held at 8 You Must Include ZIP Code dunce, sponsored by the w ith Francis X. McGraih. p.m. Saturday Nov. 26 in A ltar and Rosary society ch airm an , 355-1756."~7p- the church hall. Adminis- U.S. Postal regulations require that all mailing and th#J Holy Name Men’s Jack Harris, 333-804tj. sion is $4 per couple. The addresses must include the ZIP code to insure club is scheduled for Sat­ Students are invited. Fred Miller orchestra w ill .delivery or return.. "Denver Catholic Register’’ urday, Dec. 3, from 9 p.m. furnish music. Roggen IT correspondents arc requested to include their full to 1 a.m. in the basement The stamp goal has been address and ZIP code numbers on all news re­ Sacred Heart Parish^ reached and the movie hall of the school. TickeU leases, photographs, and correspondence. are $2 per couple. To buy (Roggen) — An All Suiials projector has been ordered Especially, pictures to be returned must be so tickets, call Dan Hallinan Art contest was held .2t for the school. Vivian St. Philomena's indicated on the reverse side, including name, at 429-2304, Byron Sacred Heart school. Stu­ Sheridan was chairman o f St. Philomena’s Parish complete address and ZIP code. Pictures will not Haynes, 429-1356, or Fred dents drew pictures of (Denver) — There will be the drive. be returned unless the ZIP CODE and complete saints which were placed Babysitting is conducted Chavez, 429-8851. no CCD classes on Sunday, name and address are given. Parishioners are again on display and judgetl by by the CYO after the last Nov. 27, nor will there be reminded o f the food show­ Mrs. John Evers, Mrs. the usual 11 a.m. nursery three Sunday Masses in the church hall. Regular er for the Sisters on Sun­ Harold Erker. and Miss owinjj to the Thanksgiving St. Louis' parish. Some 93 children day, Dec. 4. Eileen Linnebur. Prizes holiday weekend. babysitting is also avail­ able. Mrs. Sheridan, 477- St. Louis’ Parish (Engle- attend the 9:30 a.m. Sun­ were won by Diane Gorges, The Bishops’ overseas day Mass. In charge o f the Mount Carmel Helen Cordes, Eillisrp clothing collection will be 7753 or Mrs. Drey, 477- wo'>d) — The new central 6638 may be contacted. school library opened re­ program are Mmes. Rita Mt. Carmel Parish (Den­ Klausner, Greg Buchhold, next Sunday, Nov. 27. Venerable, Mary Dresen, ver) — Members of the Dawn Gettman, and Rose­ Persons should bring all Advent wreaths may be cently during a Parent- and Gloria Nickoloff. Par­ P T A of Mt. Carmel grade mary Klausner. Sponsor discarded and outgrown picked up Sunday, Nov. 27, Teacher conference day. ents are needed as volun­ school w ill hold their was Sister Mary Martin. clothing and shoes for the at the Christmas card and Mrs. Richard Fischer was teers. annual games party Sun­ Open housd was held a t’ poor. gift table. in charge of organizing the library committee. day, Dec. 4, at 2 p.m., in the school with about 35 The second collection Commerce City The annual Christmas Westminster the grade school gymnasi­ parents and friends at­ Sunday, Nov. 27, will be St. Catherine’s Parish party of the Altar and Holy Trinity Parish um. tending. Sister Ann Patrice for the Catholic University (Commerce City) — Classes Rosary society w ill be held (W estminster) — A truck A special feature will be is principal. Sister Michoe- o f Am erica, Washi.‘>gton, w ill not meet Nov. 26-28 Sunday, Dec. 4 at 6:30 w ill be at the church on the awarding of a special la was in charge of the D.C. but w ill resume Dec. 3, 4, p.m. in the parish center. Sunday, Nov. 27, to receive Christmas assortment. In­ summer-reading program. p St. Joseph's and 5. Members o f St. Catherine donations o f clothing to be formation on the event, The first I*TL meeting of s. St. Joseph’s (Redemport- Christmas cards and gift circle will direct the event. given to the St. Vincent de • proceeds of which will ben­ the year was held recently. N w rapping paper selections ist) Parish (Denver) — The Those attending are asked Paul society. efit the science and library Guest speaker for tho eve- gi are being sold by the Rev. Edward Wilhelm, to bring a covered dish. The Mother Cabrini departments, can be ob­ ning was Dr. Eugene school children for $1 each. C.SS.R., will preach the Admission will be 50 cents Circle of the Altar and tained by calling Mrs. Jo­ Hesse who spoke on "From Prizes will be awarded. annual solemn novena in per person. Rosary society is collecting seph Pontarelli, 433-1425. the Cradle to the Grave.” preparation for the Feast Food donations collected During the party, Mrs. receiving blankets, baby Christ the King St. Patrick's A o f the Immaculate Concep­ Thanksgiving Vigil at a recent teen-agers’ Neva Young will demon­ blankets and baby sweaters Sc tion at St. tJoseph’s dance w ill be used to make Christ the King Parish M o re th an 75 .school ch ildren at Cure d’Ars strate inexpensive items for the Infant of Prague St. Patrick’s Parish — (Redemptorist) church. The a Thanksgiving basket for- (Denver) — The parish lay (Denver) —> Members of school, Denver, about to make their First Commu­ and creative Christmas Nursery. Person wishing to advisory board met recent­ novena will begin Tuesday, a needy family. the A ltar and Itosary soci­ nion joined the student body in a Thanksgiving gifts. A collection w ill be donate are asked to call ly with the Rev. Donald A. cl Nov. 29, and end on ety, Holy Name society, vigil and Eucharistic celebration on Thanksgiving St. Therese taken up to make u basket 428-3804 for pick-up. McMahon, pastor, in the dB Wednesday, Dec. 7. There and PTA are having a far­ day in Cure d’Ars church, Denver. Shown with for a needy fam ily in the There will be no CCD bo.ird room of the .rectory. en w ill be two services each St. Therese Parish (Au­ ewell reception in honor o f the lev. Frank Morfeld, pastor, left to right, ore rora) — The Rev. James parish. cldsscs for the grade Plans for future social ac­ .th day, at 3 p.m. and 7:30 the Rev. Clement DeWall Sonju Semp, Monica Metz, George Williams, and Hamblin, pastor, has A Catholic Sunday school school on Saturday, Nov. tivities, the completion of ch p.m., except on the two on M onday evening, Nov. 27 announced the purchase of has been organized in the 26, nor will there be any the new gymnasium and Tuesdays, when the regu­ Daniel Hogan. 28 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.ra. a camera which will be landscaping o f the grounds Pr la r four services in honor in the school auditorium. w i of Our Mother Of Perpe­ available to all parish were discussed. Members of Stella Gutierrez Is chair- the parish hall, Monday, organizations for publicity the group are Mr. and A ll parishioners are invited coi tual Help will be conducted to attend. Father DeWall, foi in conjunction with the man of the event. Nov. 28, at 7:30 p.m. for pictures and yearbooks; the Mrs. Howard Cherne, W il­ assistant at St. Patrick’s hi| novena. Chairman of the Christ- members o f the parish and camera will be kept at the liam Sheridan, Mrs. Shir­ since 1959, has been ap­ Father Wilhelm is a m as-flow ers collection is friends. rectory in addition to the ley Christopher, Mrs. How­ pointed pastor of Sacred veteran foreign missionary, Mrs. M ary Popish. Mem­ St. Rose of Lima one being used by the P T A ard Olson, and Martin h<] h avin g spent the past 17 bers of the group will col­ and school. Further infor­ K e lly . Represented in the Heart church and missions, lect donations after all St. Rose o f Lima Parish Cheyenne Wells. fill years working in the Ama­ (Denver) — The subject for mation may be obtafned above group are the Altar Masses on Sunday, Dec. 11 Su zon Valley of Brazil. the religious inquiry For­ from Mrs. Curt Roe, secre­ and Rosary society, the (Turn to Page 13) and 18. a. um on Tuesday evening, tary at the rectory. PTA, the men’s societies Lady of Grace Mrs. Rose Heinrich, p r Nov.- 29 will be "Now I Mrs. Joseph Pobar re­ and the development asso­ Our Lady of Grace Par- president o f the organiza- ports that "Project Carillon ciation. "T r e s e s cei ish (Denver) — Members o f tion, has called a meeting Really- W ant To Start Over a n Again — Make Me Christ,” Bells” is now at the half­ A ’’Serendipity Auc­ St. Theresa sodality w ill for Dec. 16. Hostesses will way point. Parishioners are tion” and Christmas 9 t. m eet Nov. 23, at 7 p.m. i,e Mmes. Lucille Lee and and the topic to be dis­ cussed on Dec. 6 will be "I encouraged to donate one party sponsored- by the . 1 New members are wel­ Irean Haberkorn. Sure Am Glad Christ book o f trading stamps per Altar and Rosary society M E AD E ST. 3.0 comed. FLOWER SHOP Lady of Lourdes Came.” The evening begins family. Contribution may will be held Monday, Ro be dropped in the mail slot Dec. 12, at 1:30 p.m. the Floral arrangements The Altar and Rosary Our Lady of Lourdes at 7:30 p.m. for A L L occasions. at the credit union office, Rosary'will be recited in society members will Parish (Denver) — A re­ Women of the parish "Open 8 to 5 Daily” th e or at her home, 1337 JoUet the church and the party conduct a bake sale af­ ception honoring the retir­ are reminded that they VE R N & KOSIE LEE S h . st. will follow in the parish jne ter all of the Masses on ing pastor, the Rev. Damon have only a little more 936-7126 ___ Sunday, Dec. 4. Mrs. McCaddon, w ill be held in than a week in which to The PTA meeting will hall. pre finish their home-made not be held until Dec. 14. alti items for the gift sale to Mother of God Mt. Carmel Benefit Dec. 4 ST. CATHERINE'S, COMMERCE CITY anc he held on Sunday, Dec. Mother of God Parish 4, fo r th e benefit o f the (Denver) — Mrs. John mission at Santarem, The annual games party sponsored by Mt. Car­ Shaw, president o f the A l­ mel parish, Denver, will be held in the grade Sxles and Service Brazil, that has been all make^ tar and Rosary society, and school gymnasium Sunday, Dec. 4, at 2 p.m. APS APPLIANCES adopted by the St. Hose. M;s““GlerKennedyrways Heading the committee for preparations arc, left A lta r a n d R o sa ry socie- chairman, dir- Commerce City's to right, Mrs. George Commincllo, Mrs. Michael ty. For further details, ected the recent annual "Radio Controlled Service Center" interested persons may Romansky, Mrs. Peter Sabcll, and Mrs. Louis parish bazaar. DeAngelis. 298-9163 - 28I-08I0 call Mrs. Hal Heffron at Special awards were 934-8027. made to Dr. Henry J. Deh- The parish, in coopera­ mer, $100; Paul Weadick, tion with the Altar and portable TV; Mrs. Greenan, Rosary society, is sending pheasant feather hat; Greg a fruit cake to every serv­ PARISH PHARMACY GUIDE Manly, smoking stand: ice man and woman from Libby Miera, crib quilt; the parish. Interested per- Mrs. Wilfred Eyre, flower CALL YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUG STORE FOR PROMPT SERVICE .arran gem en t; Mrs. L. A DeLisa, 934-9972. Tangney, cake; and Miss ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Sts. Peter, Paul Alma Clements, rag doll. ST PHILOMENA'S ST VINCENT OE PAUL Sts. Peter and Paul’s Parish (Wheatridge) — "BUD"STEPHENS Savc-A-Pcn«\j :E. W inners o f donor awards St. Francis de Sales Rx PHARMACY VILLAGE c:i St. Louis' Library at the recent baked goods D ru g and needlework sale were Prescription REXALL DRUG Mrs. Earl Backes, Mrs. A tte n tio n -3101 E. Colfax Ave. Sister James Henri, Mary Anne Potter, left, “Qualitij Drugw C- rrcscripliuiu" Martin Dowdi and Mrs. MEXICAN FOOD 3120 W. 29th Ave. Frompt Delivery .Richard Fcdorowicz, and Joan Dawson examine Rx w /y Member of I.D.L. Rose St. Louis. Mate Fretk Oaily By Eiaerts 4 5 5 -5 1 9 1 E d Bradtkc — 333-5030 Service one of the many attractive books in the new lib-, At a recent court of hon­ ’’Sunday Morninf* lireakfait'* • Cosmetics-Photo Supplies rary in St. Louis school, Englewood, while Chris or conducted by the parish ALAMEDA MEXICAN CAFE 922-1161 • Liquors—Imported Wines Fattor carefully inspects a wasps* nest. The libra­ 1130 E. Alamada 722-3203 Boy Scout troop 240, an Where Aeeuracij Counts « ry was officially opened on Parent-Teacher Con­ Stop in A f it r Mass FRIENDLY initiation ceremony was ference day recently. DRUG & PHARMACY 1425 So. Holly conducted for Thomas Bau-^ 756-8343 mann. M erit badges and CURE d'ARS 5660 W. ALAMEDA advancements were award­ WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE -B ST. CATHERINE'S 3D0 ed to Mark Baumann, Jer­ ALL SOULS. ENGLEWOOD — ( ry Harmon, Tim Baumann, 1 477-0549 455-9904 1 AND SKILLED 'KNOW HOW’ Jim Jordan, Gary Caldwell, DUCKWALL’S BUSY CORNER Terry Lynch, Jon Cassel, CHERRELYN Denver's Newest DRUG S TO R E DRUG STORE Jim Ruterbories, Bob Suburban Variety Store Courtney, San Sheehan, Profes.siomil Pluirniacists In Sichness and In Health DAHLIA SHOPPING CENTER riioiie 789-2561 Dave H arm on, and Dave 33rd A Dahlia 333.0035. W. 36th Ave & Federal Blvd. BROADWAY at QUINCY Steiner. Denver, C'olo. E N G L E W O O D FREE PARKING ST MARY’S. Lim n O N


R t x a t t PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED DRUG STORE FOR AND DELIVERED TRAPPI5T CANDIES 7 F L A V O R S — .39c B A G 794-13U Colfax ai Dow ning 223.1475 I 3504 W. Main LiMlafon, Colo Add a ‘sound base of professional

At St. Catherine's ST ANN'S. ARVADA training to the above, and you know i m »« HOLY CROSS. THORNTON The Rev. Theodore Haas, pastor of St Cather­ ine^ parish, Denver, presents a color television to PEEBLES your prescriptions will be filled ac­ Mrs. Lawrence DiPilla, right, during a recent ALLENDALE CITY VIEW event sponsored by the parish. Mrs. J. Garcis, PHARMACY curately, dependably. See us soon. center, was chairman of the activity. Professional Pharmacy 9800 \V. 59th Place Ph. 287-5535 422-2397 f ------rn ~n n n n n n nnnnnnrii:ii">*’>*’*rnTrTTfi' 8794 N. Corona .Ar\ada; (Colorado Thornton 29, Colo, I'or The Finest C/ennmg See Bob Robles And Repairing MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OUR LADY OF LOURDES ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC RUGS SHOP EARLY ST FRANCIS DE SALES NEW RUGS and CARPETS lliff REXALL D r i T g ALA-DOWN "The Store ol Par»enal Sarvic*'* PHARMACY Wesley Pharmacy MAIL EARLY Prescription Druggists ■9M W m O JrJTM Jll REXALL PHARMACY prescription Druggists Call FirNt in 1‘rescriptions GIFTS - BABY SUPPLIES 2IS7 W. Ham pin Fii\t Free Delivery O. L. Owinlan Membar St. Vincanl FREE DELIVERY Eaxiawtad, Ctlatada M i l l { 2630 E. 3rd ^ ^ 333-884033.3-RA4n or 322-8361 2238 So. Clolorado Blvd. use ZIP CODE 260 SOUTH DOWNING ST. W a»iey A>re. Da Paul Pariah 781-780? Also Wall to Wall Cleaning in the Home Phone 757-7677 Tel. 777-2685, 777-2686 At Sa. Dawning 733-HM Thursday, November 24, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 13 t to athaiil v f •WV.^S'.'.’.NV.V.’.V V.VNS'«<.V.VXW.>V.*iV.^ >min u iH ^) y, Dec. Symphony Review . . . l e r v a t i f ^ . Mc(JraiIi M 7 6 6 . " T ^ 333-804tj. Evening of Schumann and Other Works ited. - — By Edward 1,.. Muginnia, symptumatic of and rein­ demic character of so much related onnlra.sting thema- collaborated with usual in­ S.J. forcing the detachment of the work performed un- tic material, my first reac- cisiveness. Madame Darre’s Pariafv—- If there is one aspect of which all parties feel der such circumstances. A tion wa.n: How interesting, control of dynamics was All SuluLs the American concert ncene toward the works in quea- gd case in point was the followed by and consoled always right and always 8 held J it on which orchestra manag- tion. Indisputably, so the o p e n in g w o rk on th is by the expectation of the meaningful. :hool. Stu- era, conductors, and their connensU8 goes, it is the week's Denver Symphony consequential music which Since this Is. in my ctu rc8 g f critics m aintain a fair duty of the interested par- Orchestra program, was to follow. Vladimir judgment. Maestro Ool- ere placed degree of unanimity, it is ties to give these contem­ "Concertino for Orchestra” G u ls c h m a n n and th e schmann’s strongest point. judged by the duty, regarded as al­ porary composers a chance, by a naturalized American orchestra shared my feel one might expect real *rs, M ra. most sacred, to provide a to educate concert au­ o f Russian origin. Nicolai ing, I suspect as their per­ unanimity here. The most and Miss more than occasional dis­ diences to a more catholic Lopatnikoff. On hearing formance fully merited satisfying aspect o f the en­ ir. Prizes Choir To Present 'Messiah' play of the work of contem­ musical perspective, and to this three movement-piece ch aracterization as com­ tire performance was the le Gorges, porary composers, particu­ broaden the scope of the for the first time, with its petent, workmanlike, in a involvement of the au­ E illis rp Denver’s Notre Dame church choir will present Handel’s "Messiah" on larly o f those residing in concert repertory. recurring germinal motif of word, dutiful. dience in a presentation so our country. Buchhpid, Friday evening, Dec. i). at H p.m. in the parish church. Pictured above are a rising step or half-step unmarked by overt bravu­ As is the case with L N K O K T U N A T E I.Y for iind Ro.se- some of the choir members who have been in rehearsal under the direc­ followed by a rising fourth ra. many a duty, thia one the composer, instructively Sponeor tion of Leo Frazier, right, since early September. Choir practice is held carefully and thoughtfully W H A T followed was at- The second half of the dartin. more often than not is for performers and au­ developed in three different to g e th e r a n oth er story, concert was given over to each W ednesday evening at 7}30 p.m. merely that, its very dience, this dutiful ap­ 8 held at! but sim ila r formal por- Those of the audience who urchestral selection from sacrerinesB being both proach underlines the aca- about 35 .spectives with varying hut heard Jeanne-Marie Darre the music dramas of Rich­ as guest soloist last year lends at> (Continued From Page 13) ard W agner. It is one of in Patrice in the technically demand­ the most striking testi- r Michoe- St« Francis' ing but musically les.s than rnonials to the improve­ e o f the Jusfithe Council Formed consequential "second Pi­ ment of the orchestra over St. Francis do Sales ano Concerto” of Camille rogram. P a ris h (D en ver) — Cub the last two seasons that I Saint-Saens. iwaited with leeting of Scout Pack 126 will meet can think of, that all trep­ eagerness her address to recently, Nov. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the idation has departed from T h e so ciety will meet will be held Saturday, Nov. By Mt, Carmel Parish the Concerto in A minor of the eve- grade school assembly our anticipation of the on the second Tuesday 26, at the Leyden-Chiles Robert Schumann. We E u g e n e room. Sgt. Carpenter of Denver Symphony taking of each month. Members Wickersham post of the A new plan for Church P u lla n o and A lice I'iro, disappointed This )n "From lx)rwry field will speak on are asked to bring a $1 A m e ric a n L e g io n . 1370 under the leadership of on Wagner. support and parish adrnin- John Guida as council representing parish women; *^oncerto surely ranks as Jrave,” "Space and Our Defense.” donation to the meeting Broadway. Tickets are With good reason do w© A movie will be shown. All istration has been chairman is currently Donna Caruso and Larry sienificant on Dec. LS to be used to available at $6 per couple, Franca, pari.sh youth. Piano literature and, to expect that this familiar Scouts and parents are in­ help those of the parish The dance will begin at 8 announced by Mt. Carmel being organized. Assisting 'ariah — music will sound with vited. in need. A potiuck sup- p.m. For those having to parish, Denver, through Guida as councilmen are Father Volk pointed out nbera o f Felix Andrew, Joseph And­ that the objective of the engaging. lushness but not thickness The high school parents’ per will precede the leave early, arrangements [{'q Volk of tune, that the dynamic ary t»oc;- rew, Michael Buccino, Sr.; Justithe Plan is to "cstab- , ,V. ‘‘ emands musical in- club is sponsoring a holi­ meeting. have been made to serve a i pastor. control required to bring aociety, ju st standard o f “ f a high order day fru it cake sale. Par­ (Hothing should be luncheon starting at 11 Father Vok expressed Ernest Marransino, Harry lish out hut not satirize the ig a far- *' to make it come alive, and ents are requested to send brought next Sunday, Nov. p.m . T h e S tev e H atpin confidence that the success fiasco. Rudy Anselmo, Jo- Church support, based on complex inner voices of the hunor o f its technical requirements their order forms and 27. in response to the orchestra will play. Persons of the plan would enable hakarich. Onofrio Ba­ g iv in g as an act of reli­ music w ill be present, as DeWaU lie well below its smooth, checks to Mrs. Foster Papi, annual Thanksgiving wishing to buy tickets be- the parish to.m eet iU own J a m e s B c lla n t i, gion, with tithing as the warm surface. While it is well as the measure of se­ ig, Nov. 2764 S. Meade by Dec. 2. clothing drive. Men of the fore the affair are asked to needs as well as its ex- Anthony Brunetti, Jess norm." He noted that the true that Madame Darre curity needed to render the :30 p.ra. Profits from this project St. Vincent de Paul society call Mrs. Joseph Alunzi, pected share in those of financial affairs of the had the audience on her drama o f the music con­ niello, Julius Geraldi, litorium. will help to defray the will provide a truck for 477-7053, or Mrs. James the Archdiocese and uni- parish would be adminis- side before she began, she vincing. 3 invite’d costs o f overhead projectors collection in the church Trione, 433-0691. versa! Church. George Mucilli, Elmer Ric­ tered by the men of the accomplished the formi- DeWall, for the classrooms in the parking lot. T h e g ift stam p com- ci, and (iordon Velotta. Parish Justithe Council. It dable task o f keeping them ON MONDAY evening ?atrick,’s 'high school. St. Catherine's mittee is in need of any of NOW IN its first week These men are enlisting is our intention,” he said, there w ith a performance these expectations were >een ap- T h e h igh s c h o o l ath- the assorted g ift stamps. o f programming, the plan other parishioners to act as “ that the laity of our par- that was solid rather than largely met. much more so Sucre4 letio association will St. Catherine’.^ Parish tj, ... __ _ ...__ associate councilmen. ish family shall have every flashy, in telligen t rather in the preludes to Die iDenver) - The Altar and w ill become e ffe c tiv e on aiaaiona. hold a pancake break­ In addition, the following opportunity to participate than demonstrative, bal- M eisterslnger and Tristan Rosary society will have a at the school or ^ calling Dec. 18, fo llow in g a one fast in the cafeteria on co-ordinators have been and Isolde than in the potiuck luncheon honoring Mrs. William Tronick, month instructional and in and reap the rewards of anced rather than dramat- Sunday, Dec. 4. from 8 237-1504. appointed: Sister Mary the teachings and counsels ic. The tempos throughout “ Liebest hI” from the latter new members on Tuesday, organizational period. Fa­ a.m. to 12, noon. The Angela and Sister M ary contained in the officially the performance were com- and in the prelude to Nov. 29, in the cafeteria at ther Volk said that a par­ prices will he adults, 75 Borgia, representing the promulgated Constitution fortahly but thoughtfully Lohengrin, though the 1 p.m. ish Justithe Council of ON cents, children, 50 cents; Trippet To Meet about 100 men and women. school faculty; Kathryn on the Church.” on the conservative side. performances of these two and $3 per family. St. Magdalene . ------The rhythms which consti- were largely satisfactory. Ft. Logan St. Mary Magdalene With Faculty F O K T H E n ext four fnte the essential element Holy Name Parish (Fort Parish (Denver) — A Patrol Chief Issues Sundays, various laymen of solo versus orchestral J.ogan) — The Altar and meeting of the Altar and Dr. Byron Trippet, exec­ the parish w ill deliver a PoIyphony in this concerto Rosary society is sponsor­ Rosary society will be held utive director of the Colo­ prepared series of sermons were made exceptionally in g a hake sale after all Thursday, Dec. 1. The rado Association of Inde­ dealin g with the theology felicitous use of, and in this Ihe Masses on Doc. 4. Mrs. Rosary w ill be recited at pendent Colleges and Uni­ Holiday Driving Tips of Church support. all-important aspect of the 12:15 noon with a lunch­ performance, the orchestra Sheryll Graves, ways and versities, will meet with • Allowance of ample A special meeting for all eon and meeting to follow'. "Don’t rush yourself to Jneans chairman, said the faculty and administration death in the holiday traf­ time for unhurried driving. members of the parish was proceeds w ill be used for The annual I ^ A dance of Loretlo Heights college held Nov. 21. Speaker at fic!” Be sure windshield wip­ FAMILY altar flowers at Christmas at a dinner Wednesday, That’s the warning the meeting was Michael and other Masses. Nov. 30. ers, defrosters, heater, James O’Dowd, Kansas issued to Thanksgiving- brakes and tires are ready FUN! He will discuss and ex- C ity, Mo., founder of the , . , , . Day-holiday travelers by for the road. And carry plain the plans and expec- Colorado State Patrol chief Justithe Plan and presi­ NEW tire chains, just in case. r YOUR tations for inter-,nstitu- enbert Carrel, who named dent o f the church finan­ [PLAYER PIANOS PARISH tional exchanges among following three ingre- Be wide awake and alert cial counseling firm bear­ the five colleges and uni­ dients as necessary in a to the problems of today’s ing his name. SERVICE versities making up the rec ip e for safe h o lid a y heavy traffic. James W. Ross, Jr., an association. Included are officer of the company, will STATIONS j r ♦ 1 Give yourself a wide the University of Denver, • A car ready for travel ^ j.- be re.sident director o f the . 1 • j r .u margin of time so you Regis college, Loretto in any kind of weather. ^ j parish program. H eights------college,------Colorado , ^ driver who is fit ‘ college and Colorado Worn- physically and alert men- “ P ’ an s college. [a)|y. lost m heavy traffic. FLOWERS Fo r /ll/TO Russian Violinist Eighl Stori s SERVICE Catholic Alumni Club To better • Insurance Slated Nov. 38, 39 i t r v i you. • Surety Bonds Elects 1967 Officers Russian violinist, Leonid SPECIALTY Kogan, will play Brahms’ CALL r^cc- c • i i ».r j j ’’Conccrto in D Mmor” at , . J w,11 be held on Wednesday, D e n v e r S ym ph on y MUSIC CO Paul T. McGrady elected at the recent annu- Dec 14. at the Petroleum e.ehestra concert on Mon- -E . Alameda Super Serv. Ft m ParliiHq al Keneral busmess meet- club. j ^nd Tuesday, Nov. 28 3 VAN SCHAACK & CO. ^ C !«m p le le 1321 Liiicelii mg of the Catholic Alumm T he ' C hanging o f the Auditorium 624 17lh Street — ic Hrake .Serv. Club o f Denver ‘’ " " " I theater. Three 20th centu- 1332 BROADWAY • CH. 4-4S56 Phone 297-5636 — I'H K K President-elect is Ken both the incoming and composers, Francis — I'ickup ^ a? Thorne, Erik Satie, and Deliven.- dent, William Hickc; worn- held Saturday, Dec. 3, at Roussel, will also he at .Xlameda ens vice president Carol Neusteters Penthouse. The represented. Performances Ogdon; secreUry, Barbara dinner will be preened by ^egin at 7;30 p.m. Monday, Dooley: and Treasurer, a social hour under the g.30 Tuesday.’ Speaker John Gravina. direction o f Roland Iscch, ::: “HowdY" Jack Foster, editor of Serving on the board as present social com m ittee &en ‘3T(ie the "R ocky .Mountain committee chairmen chairman. Denver Nun Attends Bob’s Place community service, Susan New's,’’ will be the fea­ New York Seminar 3D0 So. Colo. Blvd. tured speaker at the Dutton; cultural, Terry ” COWTOWN, News Deadline! a n n u a l m e n ’ s Com m u­ R aril; membership, Agnes — COLO. Sister Mary Chrysostom nion breakfast of Christ Knzweiler and Jane Van 'I'hc deadline fo r news of St. Anthony’s hospital. the King parish, Denver. de Walli; Milestone editor, stories and pictures to ST. PATRICK’S Denver, attended a semi­ The small, still, folded hands, clasped The Rev. Donald A. Yvonne Borisch; Religious, appear in the "Denver nar in rehabilitation nurs­ McMahon, pastor, will Cindy Krystofik; social- ARROW Catholic Register" is ing at New York universi­ in prayer on the Thanksgiving table, celebrate Mass at 9 a.m. Curol Newadomy and Neil Monday at 9 a.m. C o rre­ Sweeney: sports, Tom Cur­ ty. SERVICE in the church Sunday, spondents are asked to She was one of 20 su­ are poignant reminders of the bounty STATION Dec. II. The breakfast ran; and publicity, Mau­ have their material at pervisors to attend the w ill b e at 10:30 a.m. in reen Looney. They will as­ TPRIVS IN WITH CONFIDENCE the "Register" office at session, sponsored by the that is ours in this nation. It is well — TUNE UP 4 BRAKE SERVICE the Brown Palace ball­ sume th eir duties at the this time to assure pub- ______National ______Association______for P»C*b 4)M7)7 room. December meeting which jication in the following Practical Nurse Education that during this Thanksgiving, we take ______Thursday issue. • and Service. time to be humbly grateful for the Acp«»» the Street From — NOTRE DAME CHURCH blessings with which we are endowed C g r e e n n y MEADOWS and for the promise of a future full of Jhjtjfii CONOCO

COMPLETE hope and opportunity for ourselves, AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE our children and our nation. Ze. Ihtridsn

ST ROSE OF LIMA EDDIE'S CONOCO The Beer with GUSTO General Repaitinf Malt Liquor of Quality State Inspection Station -1100 W. Alameda 733-0361 MURRAY BROS. HOLY-CROSS (THORNTON) St. M. M a g d a le n e Event DISTRIBUTING CO. LtHORNTON PHItUPS' 66 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ^ Ticket chairmen have completed the last poster OF COLORADO — Itonn VA

By Rev. Richard Lint; by the early Christians in THE WORD "advent” expectantly the final re­ LIG H T of men. The light and wax and ribbon it says Eternal Light will return light into the darkness (AaniNlant Pastor of All their belief that only means "coming,” and the turn of Christian glory. shines on in the dark, and no more, however, than once for all and man will of wintery lives and So u Ih’ Church. Denver* Christ is the true Sun-God main purpose of the season The fresh evergreen boughs the darkness has never that which we pray in ev­ no longer sit in darkness promising his never-end­ who overcomes the sinful It was only a few is to prepare us for the are alive with the color of quenched it.” ery Mass; thy kingdom and the shadow of death. ing coming into the lives hundred years ago that a chill and darkness of the coming of the .Messiah. It gr^n, the Church’s color of come. Helped by its sym­ For the Advent wreath of those who live out, few German Lutherans in world. The feast of his it not quite right, however, hope, and speak to us of THE VIOLET ribbon, day by day, the green the violet candles, along bolism. we fearlessly look- proclaims He will come. N orth ern Germany say a birth was most appropri­ to think of Advent only in the confidence that Christ’s and the violet of the Ad­ with the violet o f the altar forward to the great ’’Day A s a w h eel revolves so rem arkable point of simi­ ately placed at the point terms of Christmas, which promise of victorious final vent wreath. and vestments, remind us of the Lord’’ when the will He return, sending larity between the pagan when the sun begins its was only the first of three triumph adds to our pre­ own ascent into the sky: that Advent is a time for festivity of the winter sol­ comings on the part of sent lives. stice ~ the return of the Dec. 25. These German Christ. Advent also pre­ The candles which re­ personal penance, for be­ At Mt. St. Francis winter sun — and the Christians took from the p a re s us fo r C h r is t 's main unlit (they are pro­ fore Christ, our Light, can Christmas feast of the pagans, however, not only "com ing” in the present, gressively lighted each illumine the hidden re­ Zoologist Will Give Lecture coming of the Eternal the idea of the return of so his coming in grace Sunday) proclaim somberly cesses of our life we must Light into a world "sitting necessary a light, but through the sacraments. die to the darkness within. Dr. William T. Driscoll. He has been w ith the Francis is sponsored by the the darkness of our world professor and chairman of University of Denver since C o l o r a d o - W y o m i n g in darkness and the shad­ adopted, in all its parts, But Advent is perhaps today that still refuses to Perhaps no symbolism of ow of death” (Luke 1,79). the brightly-wound candle most of all a preparation the wreath is so important the department of Zoology 1944. As a visiting profes- Academy of Science under accept the light that is at the University of Den- eor he has spent several a grant from the National Christmas, as they well wheels. And so. with the for his coming in the fu­ Christ ("He was in the as the penitential violet of knew, had been placed on appropriate changes in ture, his final coming in the candles and ribbon, be­ ver, w ill address faculty summer sessions with the Science Foundation, world and the world did members and U niversity o f California. [)ec. 25 not because of any symbolism, they produced glory that is stressed so not know him ” ), whereas cause we know that historical records that such one of the most popular much during the actual whether we want it or not, students at Berkeley. He has also Mt. St. Francis is the the progressive illumina­ Mt. St. Fran- served as a staff member motherhouse o f the Poor was Christ’s actual day of customs of the Christian liturgy of the season of tion of the wreath tells us, Christ will come in power birth but because this was people. Hanging these first Advent. at the end of time. The cis, Colorado for the N ational Science Sisters of St. Francis Ser- in the words o f the same S p rin gs, on Foundation Institutes held aph of Perpetual Adoration. the day of the winter sol­ Advent wreaths in their Gospel, that "all that came violet reminds us that our stice — the day the sun homes they had found a The Advent wreath hope is precisely a hope for Nov. 30, at during the summer ses- who conduct St. Joseph to be was alive with his sions at the Colorado Col- co n ven t high school, an begins its "return’’ to deeply meaningful symbol has no direct connection a Christ who will come as 1:30 p.m., in life, and that life was the lege. aspirancy for girls entering earth. for the return o f Christ, with the Church’s litur­ friend, and for that coming t h e h ig h our Light, into a world gy, yet with regard to we must do penance. And c h o o I H is v is it to Mt. St. the order.______T H E D A Y was chosen darkened by sin. this final coming of finally the pink candle — {auditorium. Christ, thi.s final glorious the last to be lighted ~ 'His subject Lost Ring reminds us that Christ’s will be Advent we pray for each her. There is a possi­ final coming has already A Denver woman is time we pray the "Our Dr. w. T. oriMcoii ' ' M o d e r n bility that someone begun, and that we are Biology and its Implica­ looking for a w'edding F'ather'' ("adveniat reg- might have purchased The Seminary num tuum: thy kingdom now livin g "in the final tions to the General Publ­ ring, a family heir­ the hat with the ring com e” ), each part o f the times.” ic.” loom, that she inad­ (in a box), without wreath says something Thus the symbolism of Sister Bronisla. principal, v e rte n tly placed in a knowing the personal fi of deep significance. the Advent wreath — an said that the assembly hat box and gave to By John Hoim honest symbol of our hon­ would be open to the the St. Vincent de family attachment to the ring. If anyone The circular form of the est hope for the final and public. Paul society three (In order to f(ive rruderN a the coming seven years. v/reath represents the cycle glorious coming of Christ Dr. Driscoll obtained his weeks ago. DePaul has information on to u ch w ith St. ThomHH' Memi­ Society officials are this they are asked to nary. D en ver, thin column, from Those men in their last of years in which we find at the end of time. With doctorate from the Univer­ time to time, will endeavor to year of theology just look ourselves today, awaiting all its attractive greenery sity o f California, Berkeley. trying to locate it for call 377-9;)68. present to the laity a view and back at that first vacation, undemtandinK of the arrhdio- freshman year — and won­ ceaan training ground for priests. It will be directed and der how the time has gone oftentimea written by John by so quickly. Heim of Denver, a fimt-year theologian.) It is probably a surprise "Thanksgiving” . . . The to some that we are able first quarter of the school to go home for Thanksgiv­ year is behind us, and we ing. Christmas. Easter, and are now able to spend a summer vacations. It is few days with our families only fitting, however, that and friends. we should spend a certain After finishing mid-term amount of time in the examinations last week, areas which we will .soon the vacation is most wel­ be serving as parish come to all the seminari­ priests. ans, whether they are in These times ofTer an ex­ their first year or their cellent opportunity to meet last. more people, and make The new seminarians new friends, which is a who enrolled at St. Thomas vital part of the prepara­ last September have gotten tion for the diocesan a pretty good idea of sem­ priesthood. inary life. They have also Happy Thanksgiving discovered how very much from all the students at St. there is to accomplish in Thomas seminary.

tAe ^ccdc^f


Christion Joy — and their joy no one can Christian joy is a won­ take from them. derful thing. Few people have it. but the ones who IT U S U A L L Y happens do are indeed blessed. that these are the very You attain it by perfect people you would expect to resignation to the Will of be deeply embittered. All God. You believe firmly too often, life has not and without doubt that treated them kindly, and God is controlling your they have every reason in destiny — that "the hairs the world to rebel. But In­ o f you r head are num­ stead of bitterness, their bered,” as Christ expressed days are filled with laugh­ it — and that no matter ter. And it’s not a false what happens it’s all in laughter — a put-on mirth the Divine Plan. to attract attention and Naturally this acceptance compliments for being so does not im ply passivity. brave in the face of over­ In fact, it usually means whelming trouble. extraordinary activity and These fortunate few drive. The fjcrsons I know don’t have to act or put who are blessed with on a front. They are sin­ Christian joy are active, cere in their total com­ living people — deeply mitment to the Will of committed to life. But they God. And their reward is have accepted the Will of Christian joy, a very God, whatever it might be great reward indeed.

Tour to Middle East Sister Francis de Sales, above, of Loretto Heights college, Denver, will lead a tour of the Middle Eact and the Holy Land beginning July 10 WESTMINSTER PLAZA 1) VILLA ITALIA MAYFAIR SHOPPING CENTER LAKEWOOD UNIVERSITY HILLS for 22 Utoys, including a stay in Israel, whose na­ THERE’S A SOOPER Wtat Ai«mMa a w * «» w »r ih SHOPPING CENTER SHOPPING CENTER SHOPPING CENTER 74th A Irving I4th A Ktarney " 1! tional flag is shown. Persons interested can ob­ 7490 Wtat Colfax m% South Colorado Aeuirvard w KING SOOPERS tain a brochure wxiting or calling her at the NEAR YOU! IVY K SH0PPIN6 CtNUR BRENTWOOD LAKESIDE » *1 CENTENNIAL CENTER DAHLIA SHOPPING CENTER college (936-323). ^ s te r spent the summer o f 1965 M iS A K * «rn «v SHOPPING CENTER SHOPPING CENTER in Israel on a study program.

* * i

*' ' aI o - Thursday, November 24, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 1? Youths, Parents Air One of Smallest Schools Mutual Complaints Teen-agers. Catholic the matter of clothes, Youth' Organization mem­ companions and other bers. had a good opportu­ disciplinary actions. nity to air their complaints The Cathedral CYO In NFL Makes Great Stride about their elders, and the meetings are held twice latter group reciprocated monthly, on the first and by offering their peeves at third Sundays; this most Denver’s Annunciation league, joined the NFL, tered individual events. the Nov. 20 meeting of the recent meeting saw Miss high school was recently more than 200 students Stanley Robin.-^n received Denver Cathc^lral CYO. Patti Nichols selected as presented with an award have earned the degree of the first place trophy in In a panel discussion, the Cathedral candidate for for "excellence in speech” merit. Some 120 students humorous interpretation, as the five adolescents admit­ CYO queen in the North­ by Bruno E. Jacobs, secre­ have shared degrees of w ell as a superior certifi­ ted their natural spirit of east Denver area. The Rev. tary of the National For­ honor, 6.5 have received cate. Nita Jo Gonzales was rebellion which frequently Roger .Mollison is moderator ensic League. The award, the degree of excellence, awarded a superior certifi­ hindered communication of the unit. with their parents, but the u which was given during a and 17 students have met cate in original oratory young panelists felt that recent convocation at the and Brenda Humphry was the requirem ents for the the basis o f genuine par­ high school, was presented given a superior certificate Workshop Held highest award, the degree ent-child rapport was to Stan Robinson, president for poetry interpretation. of distinction. • sound. o f the school’s chapter of By CCW Unit the NFL. More than 5,(MK) Annu­ IN M A K IN G the award ONE OF the four parent A w o rk s h o p fo r th< The award, which was nciation students have on behalf of the NFL. Mr. participants realized that Greeley District Council of originated by the League entered inter-scholastic Jacobs suggested two fur­ parents are frequently hy­ Catholic Women was held in 1943, recognizes the ef­ debates, events or public ther steps in a life-time of pocritical in their parental in Greeley Nov, 16 with forts o f member chapters program. Twice the learning for the Annuncia­ actions, and that this hy­ Our Lady of Peace parish in speech tournaments, de­ chapter has ranked tion students. "Learn how pocrisy breeds an inevi­ as host. The Rev. Mario bates, and contests. Twen­ ninth in the N F L in the to win,” he said. "Good is table disrespect in their Vesga, pastor, opened the ty-five such awards are number of new members not good enough.” And sec­ offspring. meeting with prayers. made each year to selected and degree.s. ondly. "Learn something "Mod" fashions were dis­ chapters in the 1,000-chap­ about defeat . . . use defeat cussed, and one of the The meeting was presid­ ter organization. Students from the Den­ when it comes your way to young adults stated that ed over by the president. ver school won top honors improve your work. It isn’t the primary justification of Mrs. A1 Kramer. Eight af­ Forensic Award to Annunciation SINCE Annunciation in a recent speech meet the size of the school that the "stupid styles” was the filiates were represented. high school, one of the held in Greeley. Eight stu­ matters, it’s the size of attempt at attention-get­ Stan Robinson, president of the Annunciation high school chapter of the Mrs. Ed Schneider of Ault smallest schools in the you.” ting which is so much a gave a report. National Forensic League, displays the award for excellence in speech dents from the school en­ part of the teen age. vhich was awarded to the school by Bruno E. Jacobs, left, secretary of t>e NFL. Ivooking on are Sister Ann de Sales, center left, principal of the There was agreement Guest speaker was the Penver high school, and .Sister Mary fJcorgette, faculty member. among the panel mem­ Rev. John R. Padberg, rec­ bers on the need for tor of Sacred Heart retreat strict parental control in house. Sedaiia.

TREE BALL ORNAMENTS Assorted colors to the box.

1^«" Box of 12 57'

2V4" Pkg. of 5 47'

Pkg. of 5 57' Iu8 Many Other Sizes and Designs at Great Savings,

Machebeuf Latinists Five of the six Machebeuf high school Latin merit pin winners admire the Latin trophy awarded to the Denver high school by the Asso­ ciation for Promotion of Study of Latin. The young scholars are, left to right, Carole Seggelke, Melanie Zannon. Jim Price, John Higgins, and Jim Stadler. GARLAND YCS Is Organizing Silver Garland 15' x 1'* Reg, S9c 54 Course for Students Reg. 98c 8 8 The Young Christian pate in the use of the so­ Assorted Color Student movement is orga­ cial inquiry method, which Garlands ^SV2' X Reg. 59c 54 nizing a student training w ill include discussion of course to be held the an area of student concern, CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS weekend of Nov. 25-27. at a judgment on the situa­ LIGHT SETS Marycrest high school, tion, and an action in re­ Large Plush Stocking Reg. 98c / O Denver. sponse to the situation. $119 Approxim ately 50 stu­ .Margie Katroseik, a , AERESOL SNOW 7-Light Independent, Indoor. I dents are expected to at­ fulltime worker from the r by Blitz. tend. They will be selected YCS headquarters in $199 J 4 7 c 15-Light Independent, Indoor. | members from the six YCS Chicago is organizing the Fo r your free, windows, and decorations 13-oz. Can groups that now exist in training weekend w’ith the city and other students $ 0 9 9 students from Machbeuf. TABLE COVER 49c 15-Light Independent, Outdoor. ^ who are interested in St. Theresa’s and Mary­ Decorated plastic table cover. starting YCS in their par­ crest. The Rev. Stephen ishes and schools. $ ^ 9 9 Handen will work with [ e x t e n s io n c o r d s 25-Light Independent, Outdoor. *T The course will include the students on the |8' cord, 9' cord, and 12' cord. speakers, discussions, and weekend. $199 a general introduction to For information, per­ Value $2.07 20-Light Miniature Indoor. | YCS. Delegates will have sons may contact Miss T t a g s a n d s ea ls $ 2 9 9 an opportunity to partici­ Katroseik, 377-5874. 200-piece tag and seal assortment.

Selected from 8* hefeby O'von mat i i^ve ^ n ■'J ' /'h: ^ sires o f priests and people E»l«l« cH JENNIEMAE JULlUt IO« tiled my imal report in me Probate V « eei Tom Currigan and father sages of the Bible, used on at dictated immediate action Court ol the City and County of Don o f th e R ev. M a rtin D. the feasts of saints, may be No P M dIT ver. Coiorodo, and that any person and the request to Pope Noticd is hereby giwon thal I h«vo d e sirin g to obiect to the some shah Currigan of Bt. lx>uis, Mo. repeatiKl several times in a B'lhle Paul. filed my finel repori in the Probele III* wfilten obieclion with the **>• Mrs. Currigan, 78, died month or in a shorter pe­ Court ol the City er>d County of Den court on or before December |Q, lt*a The third decision uf the ver, Coloredo. end thet eny pereon Andrew wysowateky WiStory Nov. 15 in Valley-Hi nurs­ riod. The "week day loc- d e e irin g to obfect to the sem e »heil Admmikirator .r v d J^iCl \N file written oblectlon with the leid Hit *''3 «l| day J«SW4 ing home. She was born tionary” will list optional Bishops, on liturgical ex­ John B. C*Fr*h#r 4 Bfheit P. court on or before December 17, If** Gaylord rjAA"*****'®*J-.-cami camt to rev/outrest out •.« May 31, 1H8H, in Trinidad alternatives for almost ev­ perimentation, also moves Myrtle C. PMIlip* ______, ‘****'^t. J 0 f u t $•*■ * fci* bun«K f«op<€ Esecutria AMorney tor the etiale ery week day in the year. into new areas of renewal 1010 Midland Saving* Bldg A-' ^ They looked liHIc \*^i l :J and moved with her family AKOLT. tHEPHERO 4 PICK Denver, Coioredo MIBI II* f 174 He kvoniect to help ther^^. in worship. E y C e rl P E73 1*0* %.he people &>t right dow n on t<*e the Virepe* e-u ver in Septemlxir 1913. permit a variety of Biblical experim entation.” |Publi»h«d in the Denver Celhetic gr«.e n ijrass- Then, H « too*: the ^ i l l e j tue**!* Regicler) IN THE PROBATE COURT Mrs. Currigan was u translations for the week Exper{n>ent with the forms t-ir*l Publicetion- November 17, if** In and (or the City and Couniy b r e a d and t h e -fifchet octrine version, Constitution on the Liturgy el Denver end ilelt el Colerede Estate ot Ruth 6 Kramor (Doceasod) Rosary society. She was prepared by members uf — hut only a controlled Ne. P-4lf4* No. P 41**0 also a member of the Regis the Catholic Biblical asso­ and supervised experiment, NOTICE TO CREDITORS E*leie Ol ZITA RANDALL McHUOH, All parions having claim* againU and St. Mary's academy ciation of America (still to with permission from the e>k,e MRS. R E McHugh, JR. (Do Ih* above named oatalo are roquirod Mothers clubs and the Re­ he used exclusively on caekodl lo Ilia them tor aiiowahco m the Pro Holy See, and directed No P 4IV4* bate Court of Iho City and Ctuhty of gis guild. Sundays and on other oc­ toward evaluation, re|>ort All pereon* having claim* egein*l Denver, Colorado, on or before the *m Surviving in addition to the above named etteie era required day ot M ay. lt*7. o r said claim s shall casions when the new of data, reactions, etc. It is to file them tor ellowenco in the b* forever barred the Mayor and the Rev. week day readings are not vastly d iffe re n t from the County Court of the Cily end County John R Gray Martin D. Currigan, are ol D enver, Colorado, on or beforo the Administrator used); u n s c ie n tific and uncon­ loth day ol May. lf*7, or »eid claim* Bernard E Englar three daughters. Mrs. • Douai-Rheims-Chal- trolled innovation or adap- khell bo forever barred. Aiternoy tor tnt esiaio Frederick D. Mclntosh- Marilyn Zile Meter 434 Maltsiic Bldg loner, the most commonly ation which has been E se cu lrls Denver. Colo. - 554 4233 Bishops' Aim . Mrs. Mary Evelyn Mooney, used Catholic translation Edward J. McHugh (Published Jn the Denver Catholic publicized as "ex()erimen- AMorney tor the eilete Register) and Mrs. Charles L. Pow­ until a few years ago; tal.” 4IS Syme* Building, F irst Pubilealion: N ovam bor 17. '*** similar national council be warfare, etc., also was giv- ell, all of Denver: another D enver, Colo. Last Publication: Oacem bor IS. It** «r«m linur • Knox translation, pre­ Some and |>erhaps much > » 37M established. It would serve en the task o f attending to son. Barry T. Currigan, (Publlthed In the Denver Celholic mission of a dozen rec* pared by the late Monsi­ o f the creative adaptation R e g itle r) advisory body and warnings expressed recent- Denver; and 10 grandchil­ IN THE PRORATE COURT ommendations to the gnor Ronald Knox and may be good in itself, but Pirtf Pubilcelion: November I7. If** In and tor lha City and Caunly extond an ofncial voice in ly in a controversial Vati­ Lett Publication; December I, )f*« ol Danvor and Stata ol Colorado Vatican that placed the dren. widely used in some Eng­ it is "divisive and diver­ No. P .m 4 * national policy. can letter. IN THE PROBATE COURT U.S. hierarchy in the lish-speaking countries; s io n a ry ” because uncon­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT These proposals, along In end ter the Cily and County Estate ol ROSE G. BARBERA (De vanguard of liturgical The letter, sent to all • Revised Standard trolled, as was explained ol Denver end Slate ol Colorado ceased) with most other major rec­ No. P -4 IJM No. P 3tf49 reform. the world’s Bishops by Paul VI Thanks Version, an American re­ by Archbishop Paul J. Notice is hereby given that I have ommendations received by NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT He has been particularly the Doctrinal Congrega­ vision of the King James H allin an o f Atlanta, new filed my linal report m tho Preoaio the Bishops, were assigned E l l d t e Of B L A N C H E C- B O W E R S . Court ol the City and County ot Den active in the explosive area tion and signed by Car­ version recently published chairm an o f the Bishops’ Deceased Ward ver, Colorado, and that any person to specific committees of Bishops for Aid No. P 40294 o f race relations, in an dinal Alfredo Ottaviani, in a Catholic edition; Commission on the Litur­ d e s irin g to obiect lo the same shall Bishops for further study. Notice II hereby given that I hevo hie written oblectlon with the said archdiocese where this ur­ listed 10 abuse.s o f V ati­ Washington — A letter • Jerusalem Bible, an gical Apo.stolute. tiled mv final report in the Probate court on or balpro December 21, it**. In the NCCB, however. of thanks to the American Court ot the City end County ot Den Claire R. Barber* ban problem and its at- can Council decrees that origin al translation under Under this heading the vtr. Colorado, end that any person Admlni*tr«lrix C.T.A. d e s irin g to object to the sem e shell Bishops for "the munificent the editorship of Father Thomas 8. Masierson tendant complication of * i ti, hv in threaten the Church’s — — ...... American Bishops again lilt written obieclion with the said poverty typify a m^jor na- conno es s o y renewal efforts. Bishops sum" of $100,000 sent to court on or before December >0. If**. A tto rn ty lor the eslal# Alexander Jones, published opened up broad possibili­ 271 South Downing Street Richard V. Bowers tional crisis. The confer- were asked to assess the aid the victims of floods in only last month. ties. One request directed Conservator Denver, Colo. 723 5744 45 (Published in Iho Denver CalhoD* Carl F. Eiberger cnee’s pastoral statement _ situation in their 71 South Downing Street Actual decisions made by Nov. IS. Interment, Mt. Olivet. ING: has been a leader — in- of gdwurd and Mar* Hohn. lish. of its several TAKE NOTICE that there has been Denver, Colorado 8020* 722-5744 45 Boulevard mortuaries. (Published In tha Denvar C«thoiie the Bishops last week, in tiraveside services, Olivet, filed in the above-named estate a pe­ eluding an active role in «<*•« » parts . . . can be more tition asking for a iudicial ascertain­ Register) S.V Tf *• o IV « « addition to the structural N ov. 17. B ou levard m>>rtn uries. the Vatican Councils exo- , - • x- MKTZCKK, Leslie ThomuN. The request for the Ca­ c le a r ly m an ifested, and ment and determination ot the heirs steps of reorganization, ot such decedent, and setting forth F irst Publication: N ovem ber 3, I9t* neration of the Jewish 22BII W. 7:ird p hicc. K c q u ie m . non of the Mass in English that devout and active that the names, addresses and reia Last Pybllcatlon: November ^4. 1*6*^ featured the request for BROOKS, Herbert, 1S47 Wei-' Mass. Mt. Carmel church. Nov. breaks new ground because participation by the faith­ tionships to decedent of all persons .. „i approval of substantial ad- 22. Boulevard mortuaries. who a re o r cla im to be heirs of said The new national char- • i r ton street. Requiem Mass, Holy it has not yet been per­ ful can be more easily ac­ decedent, so far as known to the peti IN THE PROBATE COURT * r *u D U W.C* ditional liturgical reform Ohost church. Nov. 23. Inter­ tioner, are as follows, to wit: In and for the City and County acter of the Bishops orga- . r .• r * ment. Mt. Olivet. Boulevard PETERSON, Luise. Limon, m itted in any country of complished.” Evan Alan Haynes, 1955 Ivywood of Denver and Slate of Colorado .. . L „ and the formation of two D r iv e . A n n A r b o r . M ic h ig a n 48103, nization was marked by . ^ ^ mortuaries. Colo. Requiem Mass. St. Jo­ No. P.3tff2 7 important committees. the world by the Holy See. The Pope mentioned Son. consideration of the dis­ seph’s church, Doer Trail, Colo., If granted, it will represent publicly his intention to You are hereby notilied to appear NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The new study groups are BRUNO. Nctlic. 3716 W. 32nd Nov. 23. Interment. Deer Trail. and answer the petition within twenty Estate ol MICHAEL M. HARRING­ parity in distribution of days after service of this notice on a v e n u e Rc(|uicm Maos, Our Colo. Howard mortuaries. a third stage in the use of submit this new text to the TON (Deceased) the Bishops’ Committee on you (if served by publication, within No. P 39892 priesU among the nation's L a d y o Mt. Carmel church, English in the Mass. Bishops of the Church for twenty days after the last publicatign Canon Law, to be headed Nolica is hereby given that I have Catholics. It appears likely Nnv. 23. Interment Mt. Olivet. P H O E N IX , J o s e p h T-, 77 S. The initial stage was the their judgment. The re­ ol this notice) and in default of on » I filed my final report In Ihe Probate by Bishop Ernest J. Pri- Ogden. Requiem Mass. SL John answer or appearance the Court will a "pool" o f priests, volun­ Ollnf(cr mortuaries. use of English for the Bib­ quest of the American proceed to rtcoive and hear proofs Court of the City end County ot Den. meau of Manchester, N.H., the Evangelist ohurrh. Nov. IH.- ver, Colorado, and that any person teers from dioceses with lical readings and for the Bishops for permission to concerning the heirs ot such decedent higher ratios of priests to anaand methe a.snopsBishops’ 4.„.n.m..eeCommittee CAPRA, Elvira, 3729 Maripo- interment, ML OliveL Boulevard and enter a decree determining who desiring to obiect lo Ihe same shall MU street. Kcquiem Mass, ML mortuaries. parts of Mass assigned to try the new Ordinary can are the heirs of such deceased person. file written oblectlon with the said Deled at Denver, Colorado, this 9lh court on or before January f, 1**7, peSple, will be established T h eology, headed by C a rm el church, N ov. 21. Inter­ the people (November, help: to form that Judg­ day ol November, 1966. JOHN F. HARRINGTON, M O. BOOU t o ment, Mt. Olivet. Boulevard N ANU H EZ, M ichael T.. 168.5 S. John B. Carraher & help out not only B '^ h o p A le x a n d e r M . 1966). The next stage was ment. Exaculer Zalcski of Lansing, Mich. martuarics. Beach court. Hon of Mr. and Ernest F. Gaylord low ratio dioceses In this the use of English for the B U T T H E development AMorney WELLER. FRIEDRICH 4 HICKISCH country but also those in B shops emphasized re- Mrs. Thomas Hanchez. Requiem 1QI0 M idland Savings Bidg. By Marlin J. Andrew CASK, Katie, Kt. 1, Brighton. Mass, All Haints church, Nov. prayers said or sung by o f liturgical forms, as the Denver, Colorado 8C202 B25 9I74 Attorney for the estate Latin America. peatedly during the week Requiem Mass, SL Augustine’s 23. Interment, Ft. Logan. the priest, collect, preface, Bishops pointed out, should D. M. ROWLEY 900 Capitol Lite Center Clerk of the Probate Court A report to the Bishops ‘ he formation of the com- church, Nov. IS. Interment, Mt. Denver, Colorado 80203 etc. (March 1966). come about not only from By Frances D. Dolan 272 4735 O llveL SCHMID. Klixabclh, 114.5 S. on the progress of forma- m ittees, and the work to Deputy Clerk (Published in the Denver Steele street. Private services, prop osa ls from the top (P ublished in the tion of diocesan pastoral be given them, ranked Catholic Register) St. Francis de Sales church, N O W T H E third stage tran.smittod to the Church Denver Catholic Rogislar) CORDOVA, Samuel O.. 124 First Publication: November 24, 1966 F irs t Publication: Novem ber 24, 1966 councils o f priests, Reli- ‘ he most important Knox court. Requiem Mass, SL Nov. 19. Interment, ML OllveL of development, if the for experiment — as with Last Publication: Decembei 15, 1966 Last Publication: D ecem ber 15, 1966 decisions of the conference. gious, and laity led to an Cajetan’s church. Nov. 17. In- Bishops' request is ap­ the Ordinary o f the Muss Bishop Prim eau’8 com- terment. F l L ig a n . SO U CIE . A lb ert E.. 11‘23.5 W. u nexpected proved, would mean that -- but also from reflection mittee will become the key 32nd avenue. Requiem Mass, recommendation that a all the "public” parts of Franciscan Order To Update Rules working group in the O NE , K lu a h elh O R.. u rAHIT L a d y o f F a tim a ch u rc h .DeSIM and inspiration at every S. Cherokee. Rec|uiem Mass. SL Nov. 22. Interment. ML OliveL the Muss would be in Eng­ level of the Church. Chicago, III. — The 16 provinces in the United United States concerned Mary’s church. Littleton, Nov. Boulevard mortuaries. with the current major lish. This is the point of a re­ Franciscan Third Order States and Canada w i l l DENVER 25. Interm cnL M L O liv e L N ick- W h ile no one can bo lated action o f the NCCB recodification of Canon els-Hill mortuary. ST E E LE . P riscilla M ary, 7124 w ill m eet here Nov. 27 send a Franciscan priest sure how soon the Canon Law, started by Pope John Dover way. Arvada. Daughter in coupling the reques' for through Dec. 3 to update director and u lay chair­ EVERGREEN FOLKNER. Anna G., 102 E. of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Sidney R. in English will he possible, X X III and fully supported experim ent with the rev­ the rules of the 600-year- man to the convention. Tho Florida. Requiem Mass, Our Steele, U.S. Army. Mass of the the decision of the U.S by Pope Paul VI. ised Canon with a proce­ old institution. Following theme of the study week is MONUMENT CO. Lady oT Lourdes church, Nov. Angels, Nov. 21, Fitzsimuns Bishops to lead the way is dure for clergy and laity to The Committee on The­ 22. Boulevard m ortuaries. hospital chapel. Interment, Kt. the suggestion of the Vat­ "How to Implement the ology, set up to deal with I-ogan. Boulevard murluarles. important. Many people present other proposals for ican Council, each o f the Call to Holiness." Largest (iKIKGO. Charles Eplfanio, might have preferred to liturgical reform of Mass. such issues ns the morality 1048 Santa Fc drive. Requiem STIMMLEK. John A., 6404 Selection o f civil rights movements, .M ass, St. ('a je ta n ’s church, N ov. Gray street. Arvada. Kei|uiem in the strikes, abortion, atomic 18. Interment. Ft. Logan. Mass, Shrine of SL Anne, Nnv. Sister M. Siena Torley Rocky 21. Interm ent. FL Logan. Colorado Springs Take It S lo w HORKANS, Robert Emmett. Mountain Take It slow on Icc or 8.50 FmpoHa street, Aurora. Re­ T A F O Y A , Jose S.. 7951 H olly, A Solemn Requiem Mass survived by a sister, Mary Area snow is good ’seasoned* ad­ quiem Mass, Christ the King wood street. Requiem .Mass, for Sister Mary Siena Tor- E. Torley, and a brother, ehurrh. Nov. 18. Olinger mor­ Our Lady of Guadalupe ohurrh, vice from the Stale Patrol. ley, a Sister of Mercy who tuaries. N ov. 21. Interment, M L O llveL James F. Torley, both of NOLAN FUNERAL HOME Don’t bet your life that you was born in Denver, w'as Denver. H er parents, the "THE ONUT CATHOIIC OWNED AND OPERATED FUNERAL HOME IN COLORADO SPRINGS can stop on an icy dime. KUULAN, Marie, at North ' VALLEJOS. Joe A.. 3048 offered Saturday, Nov. 19 late James and Mary Tor- b Hollywood. C'alif. Requiem Stout filropt. Requiem M bhh. in Presentation church, ley, were born in Ireland. TME NOLAN FAMILY 4 M uhm. St. JoNcph Kedemptorist Sacred Heart church. Nov. 22. Denver. Burial was at Mt. MSMBCRS NATIONAL CAIHOL'L FUNERAL DIRECTORS OUILO church. Nov. 21. Interment, Ft. Interment, Mt. Olivet. M E . 2 - 4 7 4 2 JERRY BREEN Lo|{Hn. B oulevard mortuarieti. Olivet. V’ A N G E L , M a rg a re t M., 460 Sister Mary Siena died Sr. Mary Enos e P hone 424-4477 Florist LEWIS. Nora J., 790 Waohing- Monroe atreet. formerly of 1630 Thursday, Nov. 17, at RIALTY t<»n Htreet. Rei|uiem Mass, (’a- Pearl street. Requiem .Mhnh, Ca* c 11130 W . 44th A v e . 1521 Champa Mercy hospital, Denver, Patrick n mile east of Mt. Olivet) thedral of the Immaculate Con- ihedral of the Immaculate Con­ INSURANCE 2B6-3131 ception. Nov. 17. Interment. ML ception. Nov. 26. Interment. a fter an extended illness. MAY CO. K Kequiem Mass was of­ Olivet. OlinKer mortuaries. Boston. Mass. Olincer morluar- She was 52. 7 2 5 N O . TEJON ies. fered Nov. 14 in Sin.sina- MARES. Koiiebelle. 2815 Born in Denver on Aug. wa. Wia., for Sister Mary Phone 433-7731 Coiorodo Springs <)uay. Ke(|uiem .Maitti, Stx. i*eter VKUCH lO, Dennis Raymond. 20, 1914, she entered the Enos Patrick, who died and l^aul’ii church, N ov. 17. In ­ 4.32t) Federal boulevard. Son of Personal Super vision Sisters of Mercy in Omaha, Nov. 11 at St. Dominic terment, M l Olivet. Samuel and Mary V. Vecchlo. People read newspaper n Requiem Mass. St. Catherine's Neb., and was professed Villa after spending 31 it ,, DRIVE IN ads when they are ready by the Mo ward Samilij M A R S IIA L I., G ilb ert F.. 3415 church, Nov. 17. Interment, .ML M arch • 12, 1944. She years in the religious life. Zu ni Htreet. Requiem .MaKH. SL O liveL B oulevard mortuarieH. taught school from 1949 to Js MOTEL to make a decision and Catherine’s church, Nov. 10. In­ 1956 in Omaha, Neb., Des A nephew, the Rev. lo act — when they're te rm e n t, Ml Olivet. Slay Mlih “ Jay” WOJTYSIAK. K»zimerz. L5.36 Moines, la., and Joplin, Richard P atrick , O.P., of ready to buy. ^ ^11/ A D D a v e n u e m o r t u a r y St. Paul HtreeL Kequiem Mass. 820 N. Nevada M cA l l i s t e r . M a ry c.. 1280 SL Joseph's Polish ehurrh. Nov. Mo., before coming to Den­ New Orleans, La., was 1 1 V W / b 1% L i BERKELEY PARK MORTUARY A lb io n s tree t. R e q u ie m Masn, 18. Interment. Mt. OliveL Boule­ v e r’s Presentation school, celebrant for the Domini­ H A M P D E N m e m o r i a l e s t a t e s c e m e t e r y • 222-1451 SL Philomena’n church, Nov. 22. vard mortuaries. where she taught from can n u n ’s Requiem . He PHIL LONG^ INC. £MsJL PAa/unaa^ Interment. Mt. OliveL Olinger 1956 to 1959. She was mortuaries. YEtKJY, Emma E.. 299 So. was assisted by the Rev. J. then assigned to Raton, N. B. W alker, O.P., chaplain PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST k Clarkson. Requiem Mass. 8t. 802 ,N. Weber MrANDKEWS. Martin F.. Francis de Sales church, Nov. M ex., as superior, princi­ of St. Clara’s convent, Mullin Home. Requiem Mass, 19. Interment, Iowa City. Iowa. pal. and teacher from 1959 M E . 3 - 2 0 6 9 Denver. C*l*. t»rin g t. Cala. I SWIGERT BROS. to 1962 when she returned COLORADO SPRINGS to Presentation as superior, The nun had many rela­ principal and teacher. tives living in Colorado. J. D. CROUCH OPTOMETRISTS KITCHIN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. C. D. O'BRIEN f ' Those present at the fu­ LOETSCHER^S || Devoted To Your Complete Vision Care Plans for a Sister Mary neral included Toni and "Casework Specialists" Siena Torley Memorial N e ttie P atrick and Mr. :p Harry W. Swigerf, O.D. OPTICIAN! have been made. Persons and Mrs. W illiam Ahern, SUPER MARKET wishing to contribute to Westminster; Mr. and Mrs. p Donlad E. Gooldy, O.D. Fred Smaldone • HOSPITALS • CONVENTS th e m em orial may send QUALITY MtATS • SCHOOLS • RECTORIES •Martin Patrick. ThomUm; i^;' J e r r y R. Pederson, O.D. their contributions to the and Mr. and Mrs. George I FRODUCt • RESIDENTIAL • VESTRY Cherry Creek Presentation Parish Credit Patrick, Colorado Springs. Quality Apparel Nationally Advertisod 1550 California Si. 231 nelioit St. Union, 632 Julian street IN COLORADO SPRINGS Brands of Groctrios i 534-5819 355-7042 1235 South Broadway 744-1296 Denver. Burial was in the moth- SINCE 1872 cihuuae cemetery in Sinsi- 524 H , C olora d o A v e . Kiowa and Tejon Streets Sister Mary Siena is nawa. Thursday, November 24, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC RE^ilSTER Page 17 Mimimum Wage Set

YOUR PARISH REAL ESTATE S u n Anlonlo — ArchbiMh«>p Kobert K. I.ucey htia aaked cleriiy and religioue who operate parisheN, Hchoois and inatitutiona in the archdiiH-eM* ''in all inatanrea to b<*Kin immediately to follow the minimum waf(e law aa «*nacU‘d Phone 825-1145 Today to Place Your Classified Ad in the Register— 1 — C o th e d ra l recently by the federal Kovernment.” In effect, they have Ask for the Classified Departmenr 1231 UOWNiNCy aaked to aacertain that they are paying lay employes at <)til\ Wrfot \d, retetv e«l b\ pbiine or muilbclore 5 I’.M. Tiiesda>' IDEAL FOR LG. FAMILY leaat $1.25 per hour. CMii be poblisbt-ii in (he current wet-W's p^per. 5 bedrooms, targe llvingroom. 2 baths, basement. 2 car garage. SI 7,500. Large loan to assume. APTS. FOR RENT HELP WANTED SEWING MACHINES LEE OVERSTREET, 777 3054. City Locations Listed FURNISHED FEMALE BAUMAN REALTY 4 room s and bath. Sunny garden 1966 W H IT E 757 5031 level apartment. Middle aged Middle aged or older lady to live Zigzags, buttonholes, etc. AM couple or older women. $60. See in. Congenial older couple. Wom­ built in. Need responsible party For Free X-Ray Unit 4001 F ederal. 455 7641. an In wheelchair. Easy work, to take over 6 payments of $6.01 ______I7 —Notre Dome good salary. Nice home for or $35.00 cash. 825 5080. someone. Ask for Mr. Moser. The mobile chest X-ray M O D E L H O M E many programs made pos­ APTS. FOR RENT 722 9195 Zigzags, buttonholes, darns and King sited 2 bedrooms, dining­ unit of the Tuherculoaia sible by the Tuburculosis UNFURNISHED mends. Also fancy stitches all and Kespirutory Disenso without attachments to buy. As­ room, electric kitchen, carpets and Respiratory Disease 4 room attractive first floor Lady to care for invalid. and drapes. Lawn in. a p a rtm en t in St. Joseph's P a r­ sume 5 payments of $5.10 or $25 association of Denver and association of Denver and Live-in. Private room. Age X ish. Warm, clean, and quiet. cash. 244-6450. Tri-County, will l>e at the to 45. $40 a week. Tri-County, through the Adults. 529 Galapaqo. CLOVER HOMES following locations: annual campaign of G L 5 8 790 985 0331 733 1829 .Main Post Office, IHtii Christma.s seals. Spacious 1 & 2 bedrooms. SITUATIONS WANTED and Stout streets — Dec. 1 Range, Refrig, ceramic bath. FEMALE ______1 7 —-Notre Dome GARAGE SALE - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 2 p.m. Near Church, trans., shopping, parking. 175 So. Sherman. GARAGE SALE NOW AVAILABLE to 6 p.m.; Dec. 2 — 9 a.m. People THIS SAT. & SUN. 3 bedrooms, electric kitchen. 2 to 3 p.m. 4800 STU A RT R e lia b le Catholic Woman in APTS. TO SHARE 455 0157 car garage. Mountain view, Aurora Health Unit, vicinity of 14th & Downing basement. 2 blocks to school. The Number by the Parish Heading Over Ea 1633 Florence st., R f . — i In j Working lady to share beau­ FHA or Gl Financing Ad is the Key to its Location on the Map. Dec. 6 - 1:30 p.m. to 7 MISC. FOR SALE w a n ts 3 days a week clean- CLOVER HOMES p.m.. tifully furnished air condi­ Used Kirby Vacuum cleaner : Business I tioned apartment with retired with attachments. Runs and 985 0321 733-1839 Englewood Health Unit, in g . 31 St. James Female Social Worker. All looks like new. Cheap. 722-7813 4857 S. Broadway, Rr. — $1.50 hour. 1826 AAONACO Dec. 7 - 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. modern conveniences. 21 — PrescntotioR The firm of Harker B. 238 2564. PET BOARDING Rocky Mountain News. M o n d a y. Tuesday & Wednesday 2 bedroom brick. Spacious liv- Spen.sley Advertising, Inc., Dog and Cat Board.:iu. Reason­ • S/9 MOVES YOU IN • ngroom with fireplace, huge 400 VV. Colfax Ave. — Dec. ab le rates. Puppies bought and Denver, ha.s been appointed W i l l consider ironing. Plus 3 rms. of new furniture. 2- diningroom with adioining patio. 8-12 p.m. to 6 p.m. AUTOS FOR SALE(USED) sold. 68th and No. Washington. bdrm., possible 3rd. Healed 3 car Modern electric kitchen, tile by Weir Electronics and Goodwill Industries, 3003 '63 Ford, Country Squire Wagon Call 286 5212. Cali eves. 2SS-4065. gar., fenced yard. Qualified buy­ bath. Basement with bedroom Engineering, Sunnyvale, 390. Call a fter 4:30 322 5362. er can move In right away. Arapahoe st. — Dec. 9 -1 1 and laundry room. 2 car at­ Calif., to handle the com­ Pymt. only $79 mo. Call Russ or tached garage. Fenced yard. a.m. to 4 p.m. ’ BICYCLES SEWING MACHINES Ed. 93S-11H. pany’s entire advertising Call KEN CAVINS May D&F, Tremont BOYS - GIRLS BICYCLES Everybody is doing business to 781-1518 and promotional activities. WIGS TASSET, Realtors 936-2361 HuyinE-Selling-TradinK P la ce between 15th and NEW & USED, ALL SIZES day. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY REAL ESTATE 16th streets — Dec. 13 - According to Spensley, TRIKES - CHUGS Repossessed SINGER Touch & Buy one, get one free. We I 32 — St. John*s Sew 603, $71.60. Does all fancy REASONABLE ______23 — St. Anne 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 3 p.m. president of handle o n ly lOO'.r human hair. FOR R E N T FEDERAL BLVD. GARAGE patterns. Buttonholes, zigzags, Our wigs start at $69.95. All col­ SEE It h'e f i r m , slant needle, overcasts. Assume to 6 p.m., Dec. 14 - 10 and AL'S BIKE SHOP ors. jet black to ice white. UNFURNISHED Weir is the p a y m e n ts o f $5.50 o r will dis­ 750 Clayton. 3 bedrooms, carpet, K EN N ETH R. CAVINS a.m. to 2 p.m.; Doc. 14 - 334 F E D E R A L Ph. 935 3245 A & R WIG CENTER NINE ! manufacturer 58 YEARS SAME PI.ACE count for cash. drapes, dishwasher, disposal, OIC. 297 5445 Res. 377 7173 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 3 p.m. 433 6400 3601 F ed era l B lvd. 333-1244 : i: itove. Full basement. Garage. to 6 p.m.; Sec. 15 - 10 a.m. o£ Solid State HELP WANTED NEW & USED Spotless. to 2 p.m.; 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.; F las h er and 333-1634 V an S c h a a ck & Co. FEMALE Dec. 1 6 - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; t i m e c o n ­ HOUSES RIALTOR INSUROR Dec. 1 6 - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. t r o l s f o r ONE DOLLAR SPECIAL 275 University Klvd. the sign in- T c Introduce You to the Register Classified Section 42 — St. Philomena .Jefferson County Health Woman Wanted FOR SALE I)env€T. ('olo. Dept., 260 S. Kipling — Idustry, which $14,750 FOR F O R S T .00 Y O U G E T 20 WORDS OR LESS Dec. 20 - 2:30 p.m. to 7 will be on KITCHEN & DININGROOM Best priced house in this area. It the market W O R K TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP IMMEDIATE has 3 big second floor bedrooms p.m. Mr. Sp«n.Uy Q e C L IV E -IN with walk-in closets. Sleeping Adams City Health Unit, . 1 . This offer good for Classified Section only. porch, extra big living and din­ Spej Spensley said his firm 722-4764 OCCUPANCY "T h ere'* a H oute f o r 1'OC 4301 E. 72nd Ave. — Dec. Does not apply to Real Estate Display ing rooms, separate breakfast at MOSTCLAIR" 2 1 - 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. w ill open a service ofiice in room, family room. 2 fireplaces, Advertising $ 1 1 ,9 5 0 hot water heat, garage. Denver Post, 650 - 15th Sunnyvale to better serve EMPIRE EMPLOYERS ask f o St. — Dec. 2 2 -1 p.m. to 7 the client. Production and SERVICE FILL IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX L W. ARCHER CO. MARK purchasing will be done in 388 0427 p.m.; Dec. 2 3 - 9 a.m. to 3 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR $ 2 2 ,5 0 0 GILMORE p.m. the Denver office at pre­ Engineering degree desirable. Gl, FHA & 46 — St. Vincent de Paul about Public Service Company, sent. Estimating exp. on large Petro both W elton St.,.between 14th leum or Chemical process proi CONVENTIONAL Would you like to use your N ew and and 15th streets — Dec. 27 ect. Preferably for major con­ present home equity to step up Resale Homes Re-Elected tractor. Design exp. desirable. FINANCING - 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Dec. 28 Salary to $18,000. to a larger 3 bdr. custom built 8 Ed F. Porter, vice presi­ MOVE RIGHT IN year old brick ranch type. Then OfC. Res. 333-S22S - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 3 p.m. MARKETING SPECIALISTS call number listed below and ar> to 6^ p.m.; Dec. 29 - 10 dent of Rockmont Sales Salary open. BS, MS. or PHD. In range to see "IS Yr«. Eap. in Real £»tale" a.m. to 2 p.m.; 3 p.m. to 6 -’I company,Chemistry. Chemical Engineer SHOW HOUSE , Den ver, has or related field. Preferably with 1701 So Ivy Street Htaktr llnu t Jicraatil taiuk p.m.; Dec. 3 0 - 9 a.m. to 3 MBS, 5 to 10 years exp. in sales b e e n r e ­ 7061 Pierce it could be your future home MONTCLAIR p.m. or marketing of ethical drugs. C L I P Sl.OO T O I T A N D M A I L T O and you.will enjoy its spacious­ 1424 Poplar 3tf.140l elected to Market Analyst exp. helpful. Classified Advertising, The Register ness, Its 3 big bedroom s. 2 bths, Realtor T H E mobile X-ray unit the national Capitnl Life Center Box 1620, Denver 1, Colo., or phone it in to LIVE IN ARVADA hot water heat, full basement, 16th & Grant double garage. Owner building a gives free chest X-rays to -v-\,44 b o a r d o f 222 8646 825-1145 all persons 18 years o f age ^ ' directors of Wadswertfi to 68th new one must sell. BIGELOW and older. It is operated by t h e P a p e r , EAST to pierce “There'S A Home for YOU the Tuberculosis and ____ Stationary, then NORTH to . . . 377-1100 322-1215 at MONTCLAIR" Respiratory Disease assoc- 9 S a n d T a b le t No. Denver elation of Denver and tri- |BB^& A H Manufactur- County, in cooperation with Mr. Porur ®rs and the L IK E ROOM? the Denver health depart- organization’s SERVICE DIRECTORY Spacious 3-bdrm. brick, separate ment. recent board meeting held 424-1454 dining rm., f.f. bsmt., garage, The unit is one o f the in New York City. 825-li45 • f under $16,000. 2 4 — St. A n th o n y CULLEN REALTY 44th at C lay $9,500 R es: 377-9248 APPLIANCE REPAIRS. GUTTER SPOUTS PAINTING Y O U R T E R M S 433-6251 433-4197 Ofc: 399-1401 Falk Co-Authors 3 bdrms., liv.rm., full din.rm., INTERIOR & EXTERIOR M em b er o f kit. W/'eat space. Bath, garage. EXPERT REPAIR "NO JOB TOO SMALL" ChriNl the King Parish Gutters, Spouts A S T E A L !! "Call The Man ON FKKK KSriMATKS Bulletin on Water We spoc-iali/e in (lulter.s SCHROEDER & WEAVER From Van Schaack" MONTCLAIR WHIRLPOOL WORK ARANTKKD A Denver native and and Spout Koohicement 3738 W . Colfax 534-7273 1424 P op la r 399-1401 F A I.K , the son o f Mr. AND (•utters Cleaned & 9 8 5 -2 6 0 5 R ealtor graduate of St. Francis de and Mrs. Harry A. Falk of KENMORE Repaired Sales high school, Denver, 24— St. Anthony Denver, will use research WASHERS & DRYERS 'I'horoughly Kxnerienced has co-authored a bulletin u(K)n which the new bulle­ Dependahb*. ( luaranteed MOVE RIGHT IN entitled "Measurement and 1170 SO. Q U IT M A N $35Q down tin is based as the basis PERGOLA APPL. AMERICAN ROOFING Mt. Carmel Parish Comparison of Costs for for his doctoral disserta­ W. A t Pecos and only $83 a month. No down 477-09.12 SHEET METAL CO. G .l. 2 bedroom frame, carport, M UST S E LL Alternative Water Rep­ tion. VQuNUiN EWP(R£ OECORAIOBS large fenced yard. Close to Cozy 2 bedroom house with a CH 4.|4«« 2IS* Downing lacements Projects" for the A lte r « P .M SU 1-M3S 2JI t044 777 *JM transportation. LO U T E Z A K fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, The purpose of the study AUCTION, O eA N D R E A , 424 4948 IvOuisiuna Water .Resources .Member o f All Souls ceiling to floor drapes, stove, re­ in the 33-page bulletin was PLUMBING O F F IC E 3Tt-$4«| Research Institute. ROSVALL AUCTION NIXON frigerator. Tile bath and kitchen. to develop a method for Parish 421 08J0 Van Schaack & Co. “We don't want if empty and 1238 48 S. Broadway 722-4721 A L A M E D A P L U M B IN G CO. alone for C hristm as" Co-authors of the hulle- calculating unit costs of 23 y e a rs in auction field. • Repairing, new work, sewer* REALTOR INSUROR Owner will finance water for both private and Court Appraisers • Liquida LAUNDRY & DRY and sink lines cleaned. Our 29 — St. Francis de Sales tin are L. H. Falk of work is guaranteed. Free 1700 Wadsworth call Denver, a Louisiana State community endeavors, and tors • Estates • Bankrupt • CLEANING ^i; so. LOGAN 377 6583 or 377-0500 Furniture • Equipment • Estimates. Where else could you buy a Lakewood. Colo. University graduate stu­ fo r comparing private and 609 E. A la m ed a 744 0300 Real Estate. Will supply ex- w h o *s two-story 3 bdrm. home for un­ dent working towards a community costs to find cellent references. d e r $14,000? W alking distance to REAL ESTATE Ph.D degree in economics, the mo.st economical meth k i d d in g , WANTED St. Francis. Good Floor plan — B U IL D E R S and his major professor, od o f water replacement. We specialize in Northwest Den­ 1-car garage, covered paiio. Call OUR LADY OF FATIMA & CONTRACTORS w h o m ? ver, Arvada, Lakewood, and E d Hencmann, 722-5433. Dr. William J. Stober, as­ Copies of the new bulle­ McLaughlin & Company, FOR SALE OR TRADE YOUR EQUITY sociate professor of eexmom- BUILDING znd GONTRACTINC Wheatridge real estate. Prompt, tin w ill be distributed to For Any Remodeling courteous sales service. Your 377-2771 R ealtors 377-6142 ics in the I./SU college of ALSO state and federal govern­ in Your Home-Inside or Out local realtor for 20 years. A low down will give you possession of one of these company business administration. ment agencies and are STACKHOUSE REALTY owned hom es, w hich w e wish to liquidate. CONTRACTOR'S 3S3S W. 38th ave. 477-1678 29 — St. Froncis dc Sales available from the Institute ATTENTION Christmas Walk Set office. Engineering Build­ ROOFING #4 L O G A N -1096 98 SO. FOOTHILL DR., 3 bdrm., double $42,500 NEW ROOFS REPAIRS •1940 Z E N IA ST. 3 bdrms., $36,500 Home with Income. 3 baths, sep­ ing, Louisiana State Uni ALL WORK GUARANTEED •2661 T A B O R ST. 3 plus 1 bdrms., $37,500 For Larimer Square arate entrances and completely versity, Baton Rouge. La. Terms Free Estimates 11824 APPLEWOOD KNOLLS DR., 3 plus 1 bdrm. $30,950 CALL JACK REIS furnished. Excellent condition. Asphalt Paving 825-6495 •1945 Z A N G — 3 bdrm s., $27,900 .arimor .square, in I)eo- Call EVELYN PEACOCK, 934 3593 ■Member of Our Lady of Grace •11301 W. 27fh. P L ., 3 plus 1 bdrms., $26,950 ver's most historic block, • Driveways 777-3412 'Romeo and Juliet' Member oi Noire Dime Portth P arish -5665 W. 51St. A V E ., 3 bdrms., $16,500 will bi'gin the holiday sea­ • Parking Lots PEACOCK REAL ESTATE Scheduled on Dec. 6 •5132 EATON ST., 3 bdrms., $15,500 son with its first annual 4227 So. B 'W ay 761-1196 CONTRACTORS • Patchwork SAW SHARPENING Realtors [ANYTHING POSSIBLE ... VA, No Down, FHA 10% down. Christmas walk Friday, ______SERVICE ______I Will TRADE any Equity or combination of Equities. Drive Saturday, and Sunday, "Romeo and Juliet," the CROWN BUILDERS 10 Y e a r s in th e A s p h a lt • Family Room I By Then first of two operas being » Basements Paving Business. Saw Sharpening IT P A Y S Nov. 25. 26, and 27. Additions Call: ROCCO J. URSINI, 477-7811 Everyone is invited to presented this season by Finished Service • Garages » General EHLERS PAVING TO ADVERTISE RIDGEWOOD REALTY participate in Christmas the Denver Symphony • Kitchens Hand Saws • Remodeling COMPANY Circle & Carbide Saws IN THE REGISTER I 9485 W. C olfax 938 6537 walk, a festival of brows­ orchestra and the Denver • Bathrooms ing in the area where Lyric theater, is scheduled No Money Down-Low Monthly Marvin Ehlers Phone 4SS-933S V a n CSorp Paym ents Call lor free estimate. shopping began in Denver. for Di'c. 6 at 8:30 p.m. in F H A or Bank Term s 1561 So. P e a r l 7,'gJ-7916 i M IV •> » I t L D The event is designed by the Auditorium theater. ______744 2369______Most Precious Blood Cluirch the 21 establishments now Gwenlynn U ltle and Mar­ CUPTAIN LAUNDRIES Sewer Cleaning,_____ Across The Street open in the square to be­ vin Worden will head the Francis Lace Curtain Cleaners, ~ AUMfc gin the holiday season by cast as Juliet and Romeo. curtains, crocheted tablecloths, Sanitary & Sewer Serv. draperies, blankets, spreads, • S<-wers • Septic tiinks giving everyone in Denver a Tickets are available at linens, cleaned by latest MOVING L ist-S e ll-B u y - Trade • Sand 'I'raps & (i reuse taste of the old fashioned the Symphony box office at methods. Hand pressed only. SMALL OR LARGE >259 Kalam ath 825 3527,______Traps Chutned Christmas spirit. M ay D&F, 825-3644. REASONABLE Your Home With ELECTRIC WIRING SEWER AND WATER SERVICE 455-2824 781-2473 429-9746 220 Volts. Remodeling, FAMILY MOVING M A N S F IE L D Repairing. Call any time. 79S-087-4 TRASH HAULING Confession Change Sought 366 0168 TRASH HAULING JIM DWYER ELECTRIC REALTY PAINTING & Chicago — Thu spiritual and physical formats of Confession Electrician Service DECORATING 2330 So Colo. B lv d Realtor-Trader are in net»d of a change and the Church should seek opinions of Rewire, Additions, meters the laity before any alterations are made. Robert E. Burns, ■noved. Free Estimates. 798 5368 BUD & JERRY EA 2 3S5I 2430 High Street executive editor of the U.S. Catholic magazine, said. Claiming 534 0563 PAINTING that there la a "Confession problem" among Catholics, Burns U P H O L f T E R Y LINEN SERVICE and Thp newspaper ia an advertiainK medium that is wanted — said many do not know how to go to Confession today. Too DECORATING Re-Upholstery by a reliable it is sought and paid for much emphasis has Ix-en placed on instructing them about sins "No Job Too Small" firm . o f impurity, he held, and not enough on problems more press­ W E S TE R N and Wc are Reasonable 35 years experience. Terms. and advertising in it is not an intruder in the home. • ^ ing to most of them, such as social injustice or racial hatred. T O W E L S U P P L Y CO. C all 722-1217 NATIONAL UPHOLSTERY ,...... 1720 S. Broadway 733-5591 Ask For Jerry 2145 Court PI. 222-1372 Even assuming the worst possible sit­ uation. however, there are bound to be a few individuals in each parish who are CHRISTIANITY REPORTS! concerned about renewal and establishing communications. These can get together, thoroughly study and discuss the Decrees of Vatican II. and begin a careful evalua­ While Waiting — Do What We Can tion o f their local resources. They can single out points which most need atten­ (S«print«d with th« p«rmi»ien ol ACT specifically that of Fr Rivers. There was viously mentioned, included a list of the tion. and concentrate on a few practical mapazin* th« voi<* of tho Christion Promiljr an immediate wail of distress from dozens projects it would undertake Among these proposals. When they are sure that they Mevomont. Sopt. 1966, 1655 W. Jockaon of my acquaintances including many were workshops and instruction courses have workable ideas, these should be u . ___ Blvd. Chicopo, IN.. 60613. Tfiia orticlo la in CFM ’ers who had become familiar with for choir directors and organists, publica­ roaponao to tho obaorvotion modo by Pr. presented to the proper authorities, not Fr Rivers and his music at the national John McKonsio thot tho toity oro awppoaod tion of bulletins, and integration of the once but the proverbial seventy times se­ by i*ck mehanna to commwnicoto thoir nooda ond doairoa to CFM convention in 1965. music programs in the schools with those ven if this is necessary to obtain a hear­ tho poatora throwph orpona oroctod by tho However, when urged to write to the in the churches. However, one cannot ing. In addition, every time a program is Church . . . but thoy, for tho moat port do bishop expressing their feelings, many of help wonder why the first act of this com­ instituted or a change made which is in not oxiat). these obvioulsy concerned people showed mission might not have been the organi­ the righ t direction, interested laity can reluctance. One of my friends said, "If zation of a diocesan-wide study day on signify their enthusiastic approval. This By Trudle Barreras they issued this order, it must mean that music in the liturgy, to which all church is a far different thing than the patient, We may feel helpless, but we are not My first impulse when thinking of many, many people find this music offen­ musicians, choir members and interested silent acquiescence which the clergy has helpless. The feeling of helplessness and possible organs of communication between sive No matter how much we ourselves individuals could haave been invited. The been meeting far too long; and enthusi­ confusion may travel throughout most of the laity and Church authority, or be­ like it. we have no right to try to force real-life opinions and problems of individ­ asm can be contagious. the members of the Mystical Body as we tween various levels of authority itself, is our preferences on others.” Another ad­ ual congregations might then have come await the Pope’s decision on the relation­ "Let’s not get too complicated." In fact, 1 mitted having tried to write several to light, and if the commission’s "rules Certainly in the area of the education ship between human love in marriage tend to feel that we shouM give due con­ times, "But what do you say to a Bishop?” and reg u! rations’’ had been issued of their children parents have not only and procreation of human life. The "least" sideration to those means which already thereafter, they might have seemed a bit the right but the absolute duty to make of us is not helpless . . . as a matter of exist, the five-cent postage stamp and the The letters which we ourselves wrote, less arbitrary. sure that their interest is desired and fact Pope Paul may desperately need the telephone, before we go any further. The however, received a very courteous and th eir opinions are valued. If their chil­ prayers o f all of us, right down to the point is. of course, that many of us have encouraging reply, indicating that excep­ dren were attending public schools, they "least.” We think'there should be a spir­ a mental block against ringing up the tions to the ruling would be generously would at least have the minimum voice There is of course no fool-proof formu­ itual crusade o f prayer preached from pastor or dropping a note to our bishop allowed where circumstances warranted. of voters and tax-payers. Unquestionably la which will describe the procedure for every pulpit and answered by every heart when something concerns us. When we showed the bishop’s letter to some sort of parent-teacher organization setting up dialogue with authority in ev­ and mind in the Church to bolster the This is clearly demonstrated by an in­ our own pastor, he expressed delight (ap- as well as lay participation in the admin­ ery situation. In one case the feet-drag- Pope as he wrestles with all of his diffi­ cident which occurred recently in our di­ (jarently he’d been among those hesi­ istration of facilities should be *he rule in gers will be among the laity; in another, cult dwisions and to gain for all of our ocese. The bishop established a "Music tating to write) and a renewed hope that every parish school. The same should the clergy will resist. In some parishes Bishops the grace o f insight that the Commission” to assist in the implementa­ some of those exceptions might be granted hold true on a diocesan level. One should the ideal "unit cell’ might consist of Holy Spirit wishes for them. If we ignore tion of the liturgy. The commission to our parish. not hesitate to use even the extreme "neighborhood communions” feeding ideas the contact with our Strength which promptly issued a series of "rules and There is no immediate reason to be­ means o f economic boycott if it should into a representatively chosen parish prayer alone can obtain for us, if we do regulations” for the use of music in the lieve that those who hesitate to express prove necessary to achieve this. The ac­ council. Th is could in turn contribute nothing but argue among ourselves, we Mass, and among them was a severe re­ their feelings to their bishop or pastor tive and intelligent participation of par­ will be demonstrating that we know very striction on the use of any "folk music.” will be very much more ready to do so to personnel and ideas to a larger diocesan ents in the Catholic education of their council. In other areas, the basic units little about trying to live Christ’s life . . . diocesan advisory councils. In the situa­ children should be seen as just as much a might be organized on lines of shared in­ He, though God-Man was a man of pray- tion mentioned above, an alternative matter of conscience as is sending them murdered. He willingly j>®rmitted it. This terests. to a parochial school in the first place was His greatest demonstration of His woud have been to w rite to the Music love for All of us. While the efilcacy of Commission itself, w'hich included lay as Pope Renews Christ's willing act conquered sin’s hold well as clerical members. As far as I on us. it is far more important that it know, few did that, either. The main Famine Fight GOD LOVE YOU was a positive show of God’s awesome barrier to communications really seems to New Delhi — Food for Dr. Robert Tobias, visiting profes­ be an all-pervasive feeling among the Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen sor of ecumenical theology in the love for us. That love included his execu­ the starving people of tioners. the planners of the execution (Hi® laity that their needs and desires really India, now suffering Lutheran School of Theology in Chi­ Most O f the missionaries of the early Chtrroh were murderers!, and everyone else then alive don’t count. The cynical ones think, "No­ through the second succes­ cago, suggests that the World Council laity. It is to that condition we must come in the or ever to live. Christ’s mother was a body w ill listen an yw ay;’’ the humble sive year of the worst of Churches get together with the ones feel. 'Tm not enough of an expert to 20th century. St. Pauir at the close of his letter to Vatican and set up a joint commission young Jewish maiden. His 12 apostles drought in two centuries, were Jews. We should have love for all know what’s really right;” and the chari­ again has been forthcoming the Romans/ mentioned a number of laity (about 16 to study the birth control question. table ones believe they must accede to of them) nine of whom were women. One was How about a world-wide get-together Jews, for all people, as God does. We from Pope Paul VI. should look at each other as persons, for the desires of "everyone else," even Alerted by reports of Phoebe who carried the to discuss the distribution of food to though these are no more likely to have letter of St. Paul to the the hungry? If the nations of the a change We are too busy looking at large-scale migrations of each other and categorizing each other been expressed than their own. About the famine victims from strick­ Romans across the sea. world could work together on this only opinions that finally get aired are Then there was a mar­ very basic need, there would be hope according to skin color or nationality. en Bihar state, the Pope Even Bishop Perry has had to observe those of the genuine malcontents, which sent a cash donation of ried coupler Priscilla and for a more sophisticated discussion of may partly explain why the hierarchy that he is referred to as and used as a $13,500 to the chairman of Acquila, who had the ideological problems. Just one success has tended to be suspicious of "public Negro Catholic Bishop, rather than a the state famine relief com­ same trade as Paul and on an international level w’ould give opinion.” person with all the dignity each person mittee in India. It was the who not only worked with everybody a new surge of faith in "in Hence I feel that an important first him at that trade but union there is strength." has been given by Christ. first such donation from step in establishing communications in abroad this year. also taught and catech­ most areas will involve convincing the It was Pope Paul who ized others. There were laity that their needs are valid and their launched an international Paul's fellow prisoners, opinions valuable. Th is can be accom­ famine aid cam paign for Androinicus and Junias, What’s going on in the Church? plished at the immediate parish level by India last year. and his personal secre­ Christopher Hollis. English author, The Holy Spirit started to stir things direct consultation with as many parish­ tary, Tertius, who did his former 10-year member of Parliament, up before the Council. He stirred ioners as possible on matters of general BILL PROBLEMS? apostolic work, writing '4 and chairman of Cardinal Heenan’s com­ things during the Council and He is interest. I think of a questionnaire circu­ PIBHAPS WC CAN HELP TOO letters for Paul who was mittee for the implementation of Council still at it. Another way of 8a>ung it is: lated several years ago in our parish by B*d Cr*aii • No Probtom ■ Not a Loon Co. almost blind. Declaration regarding the relationship of "The theological renewal is based on CFM’ers in cooperation with the pastor Send your name and address for ‘T' FREE aoplication to nearest J ‘f t Catholics and Jews, was in town 10 days close study of liturgical, biblical and One result of this was in the institution office for far.te* service Coming now to our ago. Riddled by questions from the press . patristic (early Church Fathers) of a series of "Lenten Chats” to deal in- ATUNTIC ASSOCIATES. Dapt. 92 own times, what are < I * ' he revealed that the half-million Negroes sources and the history of salvation depth with some problems and questions some of the facts In the (mostly from the West Indies) in Britain (the whole pilgrimage of man from about which parishioners expressed spe­ mission lands? First, governments are gradually are "no problem" because they have Abraham to the present). Using the cial concern. These were extremely well taking over schools, hospitals and, in some instances, recieved. One very simple point where Enjoy Nature's ENERGY mostly a Christian background, they resources of modern scholarship, it leper colonies. While some of this represents confis­ consultation of the parish-at-large might Drink speak English and "they play cricket seeks to understand better God’s JESUIT TEA cation, secularism and bigotry, may it not perhaps better than we do.” Maybe cricket is the Word and its relevance to the modern prove fruitful would be about the best also be providential? Here in America, the Catholics times for daily masses. 300 ago colonizt'k O* South America answer to all of our racial problems? It world. Its spirit is expressed in Pope cultivated an amaeing herbal leat ol deli are the salt in the salt cellar, not necessarily the salt seems strange that anyone should have to John’s aggiornamento, the "opening I fear that the truly representative clou* iiavor and health eromotinv proper of the earth. We are a kind of closed com m u nity, the be the chairman of any committee to up" of the windows of the Church to Ilf* 34 million South American* daily character of any boards, councils or com­ drink "jekuit Taa." better known a* Ver world much more affecting us, than we affect the implement any statement on the Jews at the world. It is expressed also in "the missions which may be established at ei­ ba Wate Uniqua bouquet and unukuai world. According to the Gospel, the Church was to this late date. The Person most involved open Church," the Church that turns ther parish or diocesan levels will de­ robukt flavor maka Verba Mata the ideal be a seed centered in a field as wide as the w o rld ; in the crucifixion, Jesus Christ, settled all its face to the non-Catholic world in drink for morning or evening Let* caf crease in proportion to the extent to lelne than coffae or taa Send for she was to be yeast leavening the loaf of life; she question o f blame when He said loud charity and humility seeking greater which they are established by "directive "The, Wonderful Story O* South American was to be salt in the stew of m ankind. The seed, the enough for all the witnesses to hear, mutual understanding. It provides the M aic''-FR EE Or enciote ti. and receiva from above" rather than by "initiative ai*o a generou* tuppiy m taa bag* yeast and the salt cannot work if they are kept in a "Forgive them, Father, they don’t know theological basis for, among other from below.” However, I am doubtful that TURET IMPORTERS bag, a tin or a plastic box. It behooves us to ask if what they’re doing.” But we poor mortals things, ecumenism, the liturgical and genuinely lay-inspired groups will become Dp R 79. P.O B o* 457. W Chester. Pa God is stripping us of our influence and privilege, to are slow on the uptake, it seems obvious, catechetical revivals, the lay move­ the norm in the near future. Those which get us out of our cells. so we must muddle through a Declaration ment and a more profound sense of are established by the clergy will have to 20 centuries after Christ has settled the the Church’s mission to, and dialogue, encourage participation from the layman When He sent forth His first disciples. He told issue. Christ permitted Him self to be with the world.” (Concilium). at the parish level by programs designed them to take nothing for their journey but a stick. to arouse interest and stimulate discus­ No bread, no pack, no money in their belts, no pick­ sion ing and choosing of lodgings. Their power was to be When Ecumenism their faith. Could it be that it is more important to To go back again to my example of . vjpsEr J have Christians in schools than to have church the diocesan Music Commission, the Meant Jail Birds y O U R SYSTt^*ly schools? W ill not our lay missionaries be in m ore announcement of its formation, besides direct contact with the people of other nations than givin g the "rules and regulations" pre­ In the Sanctuary is possible through "professional missionaries"? Let Take no one say that the latter are to be done away with, E n g le w ’ood , N. J. — PHILllPS’MiiK Of magnesia because this would be contrary to the Gospel. But the "professional missionaries" must become more One hundred years ago when tension couses oc'd inoijeviion in what is now St Ce­ or constipation. and more dedicated to training lay missionaries. cilia's parish, Protes­ Suppose We Send J W tants, (^latholics, and A litHe Phiiiips* If then, there are any young men and women who Jail-birds alike occupied for acid upset. wish to serve the secular world and to be the leaven A little mo'B the mass, to help the sick and the poor In the a common perch every TV Sistvs OT wsrtui WoQtwa co*$» A Check for a Change? for constipation. Sunday. criti their Inres ts Ike »)wrten«elid tdontiw ol the fHILLIPS' slums of the w orld, w rite to any of the M issionary «.1> 01 BkcuM S«c<«me«t eifosod la neir Sinctava P ccu 'jr or 41.nf PfavO'etf , Societies and make inquiries. When you write, ask the lull tiu »4dK>Dit« The Snian cany oa i MAGNESIA J these questions: "What percentage of the members In what was probably IrhittW epostoUtl * BRonzt'. I ties. What return could you o ffer me on an invest­ tom dept., can be ordered from Bishop Fulton j. to teach in the classroom ment of n iA C Y o n o A Sheen, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001 Washington A letter teach & work at trades j $ ? My birth date is sex $57.50 of thanks to the American conduct CCD classes Bishops for "the munificent work at social centers I I understand that this inquiry is in strictest confidence sum” o f $ 100,000 sent to j and will entail no obligation. write for information Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to It and aid the victims of floods in I Name ...... Ita ly has been sent by Brothers of the Poor mail It to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National I Address ...... Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Pope Paul VI through his of St. Francis I City Zone Papal Secretary of State, Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10001 Oepartmest B 66 Mt. AUeras School Ciociimati. Ohio 45238 Cardinal Amleto Cicognani or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Grego' _ ry Smith, 301 South Sherman Street, Denver, Colora­ do. Maturing World In Christ Religion Study Shrinks Hemorrhoids Advocated for Don't Neglect Slipping Without Surgery by Sister M. Charles Borromeo, C.S.C. king, the crown o f a universe made for personal sinfulness. It creates a human FALSE TEETH Stops Itch — Relieves Pain This is the first half of Sister M. Charles his pilgrim journey. Grant man’s mysto- attitude which makes possihle genuine re­ Do faUe teeth drop, allp or wobble For the Bnt dine tcience hsi round a when you talk. eat. UuEh or aneeze? new hrailnx subatsnee with tlie ejttuolib- Borromeo's talk given at the national litur­ rio>LS alienation from God by some free sponse to grace. Personal conversion to Public Schools Don't be annoyed and embarr*.v»ed gical week this year. Sister teaches theology bv such handlcapa. FASTBETH. an lnj( si>ility to shrink henwxilioids ^nd to fault. He is still the being in whom God’s Ciirist in the gospel sense is not just the relieve pain — wltliout surKery. In case at St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind. uikalhie(non-acrd) powder to sprin­ im age is made to liv e on this earth. first step o f renewal. It is the very pur­ Windsor, Ont. — Teach­ kle on your plates, keeps tsUe teeUi alter case, while yently lelievinn p^in, ac­ N oth in g can change this. Nothing can ing of religion in public more nmily net. Gives confident feel­ tual reduetton (shiinLaiie) look plw.r. klost One hazard o f human language in our pose o f each person's life, the point of ing of security and added comfort. amasink of all — results were so tliorouich change the fact that in our century, man value for measuring everything in the schools is advocated by the No Kummy. gooey taste or feetlns. that suaerers made aitonishinjc sLitemeats time is the swiftness with which even the Dentures that fit are easentlal to like "Piles luve jessed to be a prolrleoit'* is teddng on as never before his divine Church. Until a mcin contacts Christ in University of Windsor’s health. See your dentist regularly. n »r tes ret is a new he dins Mil>»taiu.-e most meaningful phrases can become Get PASTElirrH at all drug counters. trite. Bonhoeffer’s "world come of age" vocation to subdue the earth, to build his faith and love as the ground of his daily theology department. (Bic^Dvne^ — disc uf s wurtd-fs* culture, to create bis life setting. The department has sub­ RMius reseanh isistlhite. Tliis Biil»taiH;e is can surely be helpful if it is not used in being and acting, ho will not be able to iM>w dv.ulalile III (HfifHMifory or ohifmeiif a too simple way. In fact, its very ambi­ (2 ) The Biblical notion of man con­ be an instrument for others to find mitted a report of its rec­ farm called Prri>srutl>e> t l tt. At all <(nis guity is its value, for human coming of stantly presents God’s revelation as hap­ Christ. The lack of deep personal conver­ ommendation to the Mac- age can range from mere numerical age pening within human events, as existing sion may explain the emptiness, boredom K ay Commission through to rebellious or responsible human activ­ some how with the mind and heart and and unattractiveness o f so much group Dr. John Hoffman, a min­ ity. There i.s general agreement that the free decision of real men and women. Wo activity in the Church. ThI.s is the special ister of the United Church il you can human race has entered into some truly still tend to fall back on terms like natu­ blight o f any inauthentic liturgy. and a member of the de­ ral and supernatural. But there is agree­ new phase o f its development, a phase The man living in Christ is the man partment. The report has invest $100 marked by the leaving behind of values ment that man’s existence is radically o f consistent, serving love o f neighbor. the backing of both Catho­ 1 and customs of the past. If a pxjr.son de­ one experience, that of a man graced by This gradual transformation o f the person lic and Anglican depart­ sires to stress the bad results of the new God. Christ is radically one, the God- U8 a sign of God’s merciful love is the ment members. era, he w ill focus on lack of religious Man. The Church is radically one, the apostolic life. Somehow we seem still to The MacKay commission practice, lack of respect for authority, the visible extension of Christ in history. A f­ be floating about among abstractions like was appointed by the On­ craze for intense and rather constant ter centuries of overstress on the duality' the Church in the world, radiating tario provincial department industry sense experience. A person of a more in each of these pairs, it seems important Christ, proclaiming the message, shining of education to explore the -a positive temperament may view the world to stress the unity of lived experience in forth to men. Granting that these phrases pros and cons of teacKing man, in Christ, in the Church. The divine ------come of age as having arrived at personal point to transcendent realities, they mu.st religion in public schools. . . . through Hamilton Funds. exists in and through the human. This is I la inn i ilt o ii ^ IT 'uncls freedom and self-determination, responsi­ be brought into minute-by-minute experi­ Dr. Hoffman’s report Inc., a common-stock mutual the revolutionary basis for a holiness of PO Box S061. Denver Colorado 80217 bility for humein culture and planning, a ence by each person who is in Christ. avoids political a.spects of Se"d Hl'T'i'tsn Funds pcctrectas baok'tl fund. Hamilton owns the secu­ joy and freedom. sense o f universal human rights and lim­ Otherwise renewal becomes a new type the question by presenting rities of more than 90 corpora­ itless opportunities. i3) Man is u con.scious being. Only to of escape from a personal life of prayer it solely in an educational tions, selected for potential in­ come and growth possibilities. Obviously, the world in which each of the extent that he knows can he choose and meaningful suffering. The Christian frame of reference. ArSR'SS.______and act and grow. The great truths about He did not suggest spe­ Mail the coupon for free pros­ us actually lives is a very complicated who knows that he is a graced man will pectus-booklet. combination of both negative and positive God and man in Christ had to be taught, also become a man o f personal reflection cific methods to implement elements. The world come of age is really revealed, made known to men. They must on the Word of God, of contemplative the recommendation. He human being, ourselves, as experiencing be taught throughout history so that men prayer and deep liturgical participation. said his approach is har­ new values and persp>ectives. The person may know their own meaning and desti­ This in turn means that many others in monious with the thinking who stands outside o f contemporary life, ny. It is crucial that a man know that the Church must play their app liv in g o f love must happen long before D.C., said that in the United States "for Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ _ "Special book teaches you to drive." Monsignor Nolan: hate is expressing itself with rocks and the most part, preaching is passive, un­ $1.00 FMFG 89 Tremont St.. Bridge- . FOR______bottles. Th e world is come of age and realistic, and dull. . .the lay people are port. Conn. 06606. manifests this through the whole range of poorly informed in theology and in a $100.00 W EEKLY Possible SewIng. Please n a m e ___ return coupon freely chosen actions in a cultural setting foundational understanding o f Christiani­ Lacing. Assembling, beautiful prod­ Better World u cts l C harm ers. W arsaw 70. Indiana with your street.. la rgely perm issive. That all of this is ty. . .the U.S. is a great mission field.” 46580 offering somehow happening in Christ, that the CITY- MISCELLANEOUS sum o f life in a large city is a day in the Migrants' Needs THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION maturing of Christ, takes deep faith, Retreat Set I WILL GO ON BEGGING for the Miami, Fla. Sioux Indian boys and girls until they hope, love and patience. But to believe it get the same decent chance In life is to believe that the Lord has risen vic- The newly oranized Coordinating Com­ other American children get. I need ’torious and is mysteriously bringing his m ittee for Farm Workers, whose chair­ your help. Cancelled stamps, trading IMEAR EAST For man is Father Martin A. Walsh, has stamps, and. of course, money. Every brothers to their own final victory in little bit helps educate and feed 500 IVIISSiaiMS him. pledged support to Florida’s 100,000 mi­ Sioux children first grade through The Movement for a Better World ex­ high school. Father Edwards, S. J.. FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. President Any dynamic presentation of the gos­ grant workers. More than 400 represent­ MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN. National Secretary ists to serve the Church in the area of atives from the farm areas of Florida Red Cloud Indian School. Pine Ridge. pel today demands simultaneous proc­ spiritual direction, for the realization of South Dakota Write: Catholic N ear East Welfare Assoc. lamation both about God and about man. came to downtown Miami by bus to sign a 330 Madison Avenue*New York, N.Y. 10017 Our Lord’s, prayer "that they all may be petition for improper living and working HELP 68 FAMILIES gi new Holy Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840 What God has done in Christ he has one, as You, Father in Me and I in You, S a v io r P a r is h g el s ta rte d . 680 conditions after completing a day’s work square miles. Father George 502 done for man. What man can be forever that they also may be one in Us, . . . that with God is made visible and available in in the fields which began at 5 a.m. They Brookwood, Clinton. Miss. the world may believe that You have sent Christ. We say that the world is re­ appealed to the State’s new governor-elect Me.” deemed in Christ already. Then we must "to be treated like human beings.” say that every human being is the object The Movement has announced a "Re­ o f God’s saving love, is contacted some­ treat of the Christian Community” to be Mission Science how by the Lord and will enter into his conducted at the Franciscan Retreat END MARKET UNCERTAINTIES House in Scottsdale, Arizona, Jan. 2-10, Hamburg- Germany joy on terms which are already available 1967. ■ Prepartory talks for an April 1968 to all men. Put this way there is light cast congress in England will aim at closer on the relevance of a phrase like "a "A Retreat of the Christian Commu­ nity” is given by teams of two or three (a cooperation between European and world come of ago in Christ.” Its power American Protestant mission bodies. hinges on a strong awareness that it is priest, a sister or brother, a layman). The ENJOY week-long closed retreat is typical, struc­ Representatives from the United States, in the human that God has revealed him­ Germany, England, Holland, Scandi­ self in the past; in the developing reality tured after the "Exercises for a Better World” of Father Riccardo Lombardi, S.J., navia and Switzerland convened looking o f human life he will complete his plan. to the creation of an international society In a sense, the doctrine of the identity, Founder of the MOVEMENT FOR A A S O T AND DEFINITE INCDME FDR LIFE for missionary science. between Jesus and all men is the point of BETTER WORLD. The retreat differs insight for making relevant all other from traditional exercises by bringing to­ on your investments through our doctrines. As one historical event Jesus is gether all the vocations within the Church and Change past; as real and sanctifying present Per­ Church, by seeking personal renewal in Guadalajara, Mcx. son He is as close as each person I meet. the light of Christian community and re­ Cardinal Quintero paid tribute to Mex­ MISSION CONTRACT The loftiest humanism conceivable is newal o f the community at all levels. ican Catholics and expressed gratification (AN ANNUITY) feeble compared to the believer’s know­ The team conducting this retreat will over "the freedom of religion, of expres­ ledge that whatever he does to a human be composed of Father RoIIand L. Ben­ sion and thought which exist in this YOU WILL RECEIVE A CHECK EVERY MONTH person*he docs to the man Jesus, the son nett, O.M.I., Director, assisted by Sister country.’’ The Cardinal stressed that o f the living God. Marie, S.F.P. and Merill and Alicia Mat- society must change in order to adjust to The Christian teaching on man is zinger. its owm process o f evolution. He said the Send me informitlon on your Life Income Mission Contnet A a iiit: T i perhaps the heart o f the newness and Since the Movement began in 1952 it Catholic Church . . . "looks with sympa­ sweep o f the Catholic Church’s new vision has spread to more than 20 nations. Over thy on change, so long as man’s dignity Name______^______Age------R is upheld.” WRIIE TODAY o f herself and the world. A document like 1,000 Catholic Bishops throughout the the Church in the Modern World, both- in world and thousands o f priests, religious FOR FURTHER O Address------tone and content is a rrtiracle of the Holy and laymen and women have made the Cubans Helped DETAILS TO City______.Zone___State. ’ Spirit as well as o f the indomitable spirit Movement’s "Retreat of the Christian 'c f a small group of men of the Church Community.” Miami, Fla. • who are profoundly of their own time and For specific details regarding this re­ The Diocese of Miami has opened of­ 5 "• culture. Not only a new world, but a new treat write; fices in four locations to assist Cuban S.V.D. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES refugees who wish to make application REV. FATHER RALPH direction of life and effort has been 316 N. / CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601 . opened up by the council. Three stresses Retreat Director for permanent residence here Help is giv­ about man aire o f particular importance MOVEMENT FOR A BETTER WORLD en in preparation o f the documents re­ for our comments today. (1) Man is re­ 127 R ST., N.E. quired by the U.S. Immigration and Na­ pealed by God himself as the earthly Washington, D.C. 20002 turalization office. ★ ■ r - Page 20 Pb'NVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday. November 24, T96S i I THe voLunrarv FaitiiLY prorecTion PLan The Family Protection Plan EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE has been specially designed to The wife’s insurance can be provide low cost life insurance exchanged for level, permanent on your wife. It can help pre­ jrrotection between ages 55 vent a larfic drain on your sav­ and 60. in g s ... It can help you keep The amount of the new plan your family together if .some­ can equal the existing protec­ tion at her age under this plan. thing happens to your wife. As an added feature, it also gives INSURANCE FOR protection on your children. YOUR CHILDREN When a wife dies, these finan­ Each child has $2,000 of pro­ cial problems arise: tection from age six months to • the cost of last medical bills 22 years if the insurance is and the funeral can wipe out a])plied for before age 18. a family’s savings Automatic protection (after 14 days) for all children born • higher taxes from losing the while the policy is in force at right to file a join t return no additional cost. • the high cost of a house­ Children 14 days old to six keeper and someone to care months have $500 of protection. for the children every d a y .. . someone to helj) provide the VALUABLE up-bringing your w ife would want for them if she were ADVANTAGES Imagine this Family if something happened to the mother... there. 1. JLow cost — premiums can't This plan puts more insur­ be increased ance on a wife while she and 2. Premiums payable annu­ the children are you n g.. . when ally the protection is needed most. 3. S e ttle m e n t o p tio n s a re Application to C O N TIN E N T A L ASSURANCE C O M P A N Y for a policy of life insurance on the lives of the dependent available wife and children of the Applicant. T h e insurance on the children 4. No medical examination re­ Last Name of ApplicarTt (Owner, Husband's Nome) Middle Initial I Age helps take care of last expenses quired . . . medical expenses and fu­ 5. No war risk exclusion on neral costs. Street (Home Addteu) I Occupation the children i IMPORTANT 6. Easy to apply — you just complete the short applica­ City (Home Address) State (Home Address] |Zipco3e Nam e of Employer IDC Register) F E A T U R E S tion 7. Protection starts as soon as INSURANCE FOR the application is approved DEPENDENTS TO BE INSURED YOUR WIFE

Decreasing term insurance to W HO I S First Name and j Age j Birth Date ' nminmtir^n 1 Approximate Middle Initial 1 (last birthday) j (month/doy/y*or) ! " | Height | Weight age 68. This plan provides ELIGIBLE larger amounts of protection Subscribers and friends of i ; 1 when it’s needed most, when The Denver Catholic Register. Children (Show last name if different than Applicant’s) the family is young. At age 18, there is .$10,000 of protection First Name and j Age First Name and j Age First Name and j Age Middle Initial ; (last birthday) Middle Initial | (last birthday) on a wife. It decreases $200 ECONOMICAL, Middle Initial { (last birthday] yearly to age 68 when coverage E a s y to Own i stops. The amount of the death ______j______! This low cost plan is only henefit is determined by age at $38.59 annually. Th e .savings i death as .shown in the table resulting from mass marketing BENEFICIARY below. make this low co.st family pro­ tection plan possible. WIFE (If o baneficiory ii not daiignoled in Ihii ipocn. the Beneficiary Owner, if living; otherwise the living children, step- The amount of protection is To Be children and legally adopted children of the Cwner, increa.sed 25*^o if there are no Insured equally; otherwise the estate of the Owner’s Wife, insured children. HOW EACH (If a beneficiary is nol detignaled in this ipoco, the Beneficiary Owner, if living, otherwise the Owner’s Wife, if liv- T O APPLY CHILD * ing; otherwise the estate of the Covered Child. Anxount of Dvcifasin^ Life To Be Insiirann' on llir Wife Determined i Just complete the ap- Insured hy Her Af{e (last birthday) * • plication. Answer each Amount Ag* Amount Age question fully to the Answer 18 $10,000 4 4 4 .8 0 0 best of your knowl­ "yes” or‘'no” (1) W ill the policy applied for replace ony Insurance in force.on the lives of any of the above 19 9,800 45 4 .6 0 0 edge. 2 0 9.600 named dependents? 4 6 4 .4 0 0 y Sign your name in the 4 .2 0 0 21 9,400 4 7 block marked “ appli­ 2 2 9.200 4 8 4 .0 0 0 (2) Hove any of the above named dependents been under observation or treated by a physician or 23 9.000 4 9 3 .8 0 0 cant.” Your wife does confined in a hospital during the past five years? 24 8.800 50 3 .6 0 0 not have to .sign. 2 5 8,600 51 3 .4 0 0 0 Be .sure all questions (3) To the best of your knowledge and belief is each of the above named dependents now In good 2 6 52 3 ,2 0 0 health and free of any physical impairment or disease? 8.400 are answered fully and 2 7 8.200 53 3 .0 0 0 that you’ve signed the 2 8 8,000 5 4 2 .8 0 0 if the onswer to Question 2 Is *‘yes** or the answer to Question 3 is “ no’*, give details below. 2 9 7,800 55 2 .6 0 0 application. 3 0 7.600 First Name and Name and Address of 5 6 2 .4 0 0 Treatment, Approximate Middle Initial Ailment Dote and Results Physician and Hospital 31 7,400 57 2 .2 0 0 3 2 5 8 2 .0 0 0 n / 7.200 3 3 7.000 59 1.800 3 4 6,800 6 0 1 .60 0 3 5 6,600 61 1 .40 0 3 6 6,400 6 2 1.200 6 3 1 .00 0 ^ ” 3 7 6.200 38 3 8 6,000 6 4 8 0 0 ANNUALLY The Appliconf will be »he Owner of ony policy issued on this appllcoflon. The undersigned declore(s) that oil statements and onswers ore mode a part 3 9 5,800 6 5 6 0 0 of this opplicoiion and that they are complete ond true to the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief. It is agreed that If this applica­ 4 0 5.600 Fill out application tion is occeptedby the Company, the policy opplied for, together with this application, will constitute the entire coniroct betweers the parties 6 6 4 0 0 concerning the insurance provided. 41 5,400 6 7 2 0 0 immediately — this 4 2 5.200 6 8 & plan available for lim­ Dote... 4 3 5.000 A fte r 0 ited time only! Dated aL. Month Oay etty HAVE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Witfs*»^
