Christmas Message Help the Poor!
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O 3 o m >j o 04 oor «»»»M »w »ai»w w a»w »gaM gw g»a»«»ir«aiw i»»»iBMUMpMnM;iMna»iw» z c/j o 'nal Christmas Message O JD -C < From Archbishop Urban 'J. Vehr Christmas again brings us in spirit to the humble manger in Bethlehem where God became man for love of us, his crea tures. The Infant Babe is our God, our Saviour and Redeemer. Only infinite Love could have caused the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. His message to all men was love of God for His own sake and our neighbor for the sake of God. As we love our neighbor, we evidence our love for God our Creator. I wish you a blessed, happy Christmas with the special benedictions of the Christ Child upon you, your homes, and loved ones. Faithfully yours. Archbishop of Denver Thursday, December 15, 1966 VOL. LXI No. 19 Target of British Prelate Voice Against 'New Morality' Nottingham, England — abortion now being intro science.* In practice, it for conduct particularly in "Advocates o f this new Bishop Edward Ellis of duced into Parliament are m e a n s t h a t con scien ce m atters concerning m ar- morality speak of 'insuper- Nottingham has condemned symptoms of this. You alone is the supreme rule riage, etc. iTurn lo Page Ui what he terms "morality of know also the reports and conscience,” which he says recommendations of even has found adherents even religious bodies on such among Catholics. matters as extra-marital From Denver Cathedral Commenting on what he relations. called "a disastrous decline' from Christ’s teaching con " T H E R E H A S risen in Mass to Be Televised cern ing marriage and the recent times a new code or fa m ily ,’* Bishop Ellis told law of morality. Unfortu The traditional midnight be Monsignor Walter J. thedral high school will fill the more than 130,000 nately, it is one that has Christmas Solemn Pontifi Canavan, rector of the Ca the minor offices of the Catholics in his diocese: found supporters even cal Mass will be offered thedral. Monsignor George Mass. '’The latest measures among Catholics. It is the again this year in the E vans, Chancellor of the concerning divorce and so-called morality of 'con Denver Cathedral. Celebr Archdiocese, will be master T H E D O O R S of the Ca- ant of the Mass will be of ceremonies, and the Rev. thedral church will open at Auxiliary Bishop David M. Mr. Kenneth Leone and 11 p.m., Dec. 24, and the Maloney. the Rev. Mr. W illiam U e- only reser\'ed seats will be Historic Central City Church For the first time, all belher will serve as deacon those of the parents of parts of the Mass outside and subdeacon. choir members. Otherwise, Plans Christmas Midnight Mass the Canon will be in Eng-* Senior students of Ca (Turn to Page 2) For the first time in pletely refurbished lish, and the singing will many years there will be a throughout and stand.s be alternated between the midnight Christmas Mass today almost like it first congregation and the Ca at historic St. Mary of the did 95 years ago. Au thedral men’s vested choir, Assumption church, Cen thenticity was kept in under the direction of Help The Poor! tral City, 35 miles west of every detail. Father Pot- Monsignor Richard Heister, Denver. em p a said. archdiocesan director of The Denver Archdiocesan Catholic Charities office is The Rev. Francis Potem- The Idaho Springs pastor music. Allen Hobbs, Ca again providing Christmas food baskets for needy Cath pa, pastor of St. Paul’s who is in charge of the thedral organist, will ac parish, Idaho Springs, said mission of St. Mary’s in company the music. olic families in the Denver area. Last/year more than the special Mass will be a vites residents of the Den K O A -T V (C h a n n e l 4), 300 needy families applied for assistance at Christmas time. combination service, in ver area, both Catholics Denver, and KOAA-TV cluding the rededication of and non-CathoIics, to at (Channel 5) Colorado The Charities’ office reports that many applications St. M ary’s. tend the midnight Christ Springs, will televise the for assistance are coming in at this time. This year, in mas Mass. Mass beginning at 12 spite o f general Am erican abundance, many families Through assistance M u s ic a p p ro p ria te to midnight. The Rev. L. with children will be unable to obtain extra foods. from the parishioners of Christmas with choir, org Marvin Read, associate The ability to provide help for needy families depends St. M a ry ’s, the Archdio- an, and chimes will be editor of the "Register,” largely on the people o f the Denver community. The cesan Development provided. The organ was will give the television average food basket costs approximately $10. Fund, and Miss Helen completely overhauled re commentary. Persons desiring to help may send contributions of Bonfils of Denver, the cently. Ed Benoit is organ Assistant priest and any am ount to the D enver Catholic Charities office, church has been com ist and choral director. preacher of the Mass will 1665 Grant street, Denver, Colo., 80203. Christmas Greetings From Bishop David M. Maloney As the blessed season of Our Lord’s Nativity comes to us once again , I am happy to join the Archbishop in sending greetings and a blessing to all of our Catholic people in the Archdiocese. Let us pray the Infant Savior and His Mother that they send us peace and justice throughout the world, with a special plea for those among our own people who suffer injus tice and discrimination for whatever reason, and another for our young men, with their families, who are caught up in the unde clared war which makes it possible for the rest of us to be secure in our liberties. May God keep them all close to His Sacred Heart and give them a blessed Christmas, and release from misery, and the fulness of that justice and peace which Christmas proclaims to the World. Auxiliary Bishop of Denver Page 2 DENVER CATHOLIC REG ISTER Thursday, December 15, 1966 Two Sessions Scheduled Mother of Fr. Ahern Dies in Chicago At Holy Cross Institute Canon City - The 1967 the first session are Registration fee is $10. The pastor of St. Mary’s and the Rev. John D. Biblical-Liturgical institute Thomas Francoeur, Mon Tuition, board, and roomt parish, Brush, the Rev. O ’C arro ll, of St. Eugene’s at Holy Cross abbey will signor Myles Bourke, are $50 per week. A daily^ Jam es L. Ahern ofTiciated parish, Chicago. have two sessions, each Father Godfrey Diek- plan is available. at a concelebrated Mass for Deacon at the funeral lusting for one week. Dates mann. Father Enda "Enrollm ent is limited.” j the repose of the soul of Mass was the Rev. Robert for the institute have just McDonagh, and Sister institute director" his Mother, Mrs. Catherine L. Breunig, of Sacred been announced. The in Mary Leonette. announced, "so early regis-- Marie Ahern, in the H eart parish, Peetz, and stitute will begin Monday, tration is advised. All ap-Z Church of the Visitation, subdeacon was the Rev. Aug. 7, and end Friday, plications for admissionl Chicago. III., Dec. 9. John Evans of Visitation. Aug. 18. should be sent to the Rev- “ Mrs. Ahern died Dec. 4 Prayers at the cemetery erend Director. Biblical In- j in Chicago after a pro were offered by Monsignor The program is being stitute, Holy Cross Abbey,— longed illness. Concelebr- Wolfe; burial was in Holy arranged so that partici Canon City, Colorado. ants with Father Ahern Sepulcher cemetery, Chica pants may attend either or Last y ear’s session w a s ' were the Rt. Rev. Monsi go- both weeks of the institute, limited to one week with ^ gnor Richard F. Wolfe, Mrs. Ahem is also sur according to Father W il four speakers. j pastor of Visitation; the vived by a daughter Mrs. liam Thompson, O.S.B., Rev. Joseph M. O’Malley, James P. Moran, of Chica chairman. The first session — I chaplain. Federal Youth go, and by six grandchil w ill be conducted Monday Center, Englewood, Colo.; dren. In Cathedral Christmas Program through Saturday, Aug. STILL 7-12, and the second, Sun Reflecting the spirit of the "Messiah” w'hich will be dramatized by day through Friday, Aug. GROW ING! Cathedral high school students at Oscar Malo hall, Denver, on Dec. 18 and 13-18. New Morality 19, are Cathedral choral members, left to right, Gerarda MacDonald. Dave NOW Di Manna, and Marilyn Woodman. The performances, which begin at 8 (Continued From Page 1) ings on birth control, di REGISTRATION is OVER p.m., are directed by speech and drama teacher Miss Hel*a Barrack, open to lay persons as well vorce, abortion and other able desires’ which con assisted by student-director Yvonne Scott. (See story on Page 6^ as to priests, religious and sexual matters. science may lawfully allow seminarians. Honored to be satisfied by adultery, Bishop Simons has pro Among the four final- extra-marital relations, etc. posed that the criterion of 7 , 2 9 1 Them e o f the 1967 in ists awarded certificates What kind of defense "the welfare of mankind” Three Loretto Citotions stitute will be "social Di in the recent Colorado would it be for a person to may be substituted for ex CARS SOLD! mensions in the Church.” Teacher-of-the-Year say, ’ I had an insuperable isting positive laws of the Father Thompson explained program was Richard H.