April 11, 2018


The Honorable Arthur A. Elkins, Jr. Inspector General U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Officer of the Inspector General (2410T) 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20460

Re: Request for Investigation – EPA Employee Use of Unapproved Applications

Dear Inspector General Elkins:

I write on behalf of Cause of Action Institute (“CoA Institute”), a nonprofit strategic oversight group committed to ensuring that government decision-making is open, honest, and fair.1 In carrying out its mission, CoA Institute uses investigative and legal tools to educate the public about the importance of government transparency and accountability.

As part of our ongoing effort to investigate instances where government officials have used alternative methods of communication to conduct official business in contravention of agency rules and federal records management laws, we have been examining the possible alienation of federal records at the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”). We have twice advised the Administrator of the obligations imposed by the Federal Records Act (“FRA”) with respect to the recovery of all electronic records created or received on unauthorized mobile applications. Our most recent notice, which was addressed to Administrator Pruitt earlier this week, raises new concerns about the use of applications and personal web-based email accounts by EPA employees on agency- furnished and taxpayer-funded mobile devices, including and .2

Our concerns are based on a contractor-generated report that was orally requested by the EPA Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) during its investigation into the use of “” and “WhatsApp,” but which may never have been provided to your office in full.3 This report confirms that at least sixteen other mobile applications with electronic messaging capabilities were downloaded and operating on EPA hardware, as well as at least three web-based email applications. To the extent the OIG has not already done so, we respectfully request that your office immediately investigate the use of these applications and the possible legal issues arising therefrom.


Shortly after President Trump took office, the press reported that a group of career EPA employees were using an encrypted messaging application called “Signal” to discuss ways to prevent

1 See CAUSE OF ACTION INST., About, www.causeofaction.org/about (last accessed Apr. 11, 2018). 2 Letter from CoA Inst. to Hon. Scott Pruitt, Adm’r, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Apr. 10, 2018) (attached as Exhibit 1). 3 See EPA MDM Mobile Application Summary (attached as Exhibit 2). EPA OIG April 11, 2018 Page 2 incoming political appointees from implementing the Administration’s policy agenda.4 Concerned that EPA employees were using Signal to conceal their communications from oversight, or to bypass EPA record-keeping obligations under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) and the FRA, CoA Institute notified then-Acting Administrator McCabe of her obligation as agency head to ensure that all work-related records created or received on Signal were retained or retrieved by the EPA.5

As a result of that notification, your office opened an investigation.6 Shortly thereafter, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology also directed you to analyze the allegations surrounding Signal that had been reported in the press.7 Following Congress’s lead, the National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”) opened its own inquiry into the potential violation of records management laws.8 The NARA inquiry apparently remains open, as the EPA has yet to file a final report with the Archivist.9

Over the past year, CoA Institute has pieced together troubling details concerning the use of Signal and other unauthorized communication applications at the EPA. These facts have come to light only because of our investigatory efforts, which have included three FOIA requests10 and two lawsuits, one of which is ongoing.11 For example, according to records released to CoA Institute

4 Andrew Restuccia, Marianne Levine, & Nahal Toosi, Federal workers turn to encryption to thwart Trump, POLITICO (Feb. 2, 2017), http://politi.co/2km4Qrb; EPA Employees Are Using Encryption Technology To Hide Resistance To Trump—But Is It Legal?, DAILY CALLER (Feb. 2, 2017), http://bit.ly/2wJfqkI. The use of Signal at the EPA mirrored reports about the use of electronic messaging platforms across the federal government. See, e.g., Hamza Shaban, After Trump’s Win, Secure Messaging App Signal’s Downloads Increase 400%, BUZZFEED (Dec. 1, 2016), https://bzfd.it/2IuoZWZ. 5 Letter from CoA Inst. to Catherine McCabe, Acting Adm’r, & Ann Dunkin, Chief Info. Officer, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Feb. 2, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2GvU93C 6 See Investigation Update: EPA Employees’ Use of an Encrypted Messaging App to Thwart Transparency and Fight the White House, COA INST. (Nov. 27, 2017), https://coainst.org/2Ejz2vk; see generally CoA Inst., Press Release: CoA Institute Uncovers EPA Investigation into Employees’ Use of Encrypted Messaging App (Mar. 23, 2017), available at http://coainst.org/2vJa7Nr. 7 See, e.g., Andrew Restuccia, Conservatives demanding details on federal workers’ encryption use, POLITICO (Feb. 14, 2017), https://politi.co/2GB33sA. 8 Letter from Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer, Nat’l Archives & Records Admin., to John Ellis, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Feb. 22, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2H9LtNu. 9 See Unauthorized Disposition of Federal Records, NAT’L ARCHIVES & RECORDS ADMIN., http://bit.ly/2pKZjyq (last visited Apr. 11, 2018) (describing EPA Signal inquiry as an “ongoing investigation”). 10 See Letter from CoA Inst. to Ms. Ann Dunkin, Chief Info. Officer, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Sept. 11, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2H9qIRT; Letter from CoA Inst. to Ms. Ann Dunkin, Chief Info. Officer, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Aug. 30, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2GwtEel; Feb. 2, 2018 Letter, supra note 5; see also CoA Inst., Press Release: CoA Institute Investigates EPA Employees Using Electronic to Thwart Transparency (Feb. 3, 2017), available at http://coainst.org/2x4EUc7; Alex Swoyer, Lawsuit demands EPA say if employees using encrypted to evade open-records laws, WASH. TIMES (Feb. 2, 2017), http://bit.ly/2kWNMdn. 11 Cause of Action Inst. v. Envtl. Prot. Agency, No. 17-2549 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 28, 2017); Cause of Action Inst. v. Envtl. Prot. Agency, No. 17-0509 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 21, 2017); see generally CoA Inst., Press Release: CoA Institute Files Second Lawsuit for Records Concerning EPA Employees’ Use of Encrypted Messaging App (Nov. 28, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2q0YLob; CoA Inst., Press Release: Lawsuit Demands Records on EPA Employees’ Use of Encrypted Messaging App (Mar. 22, 2017), available at http://coainst.org/2ocoSJR; see also Michael Bastasch, EXCLUSIVE: EPA Has A Report Identifying Officials Using Encryption Apps, And This Legal Group Wants It Made Public, DAILY CALLER (Aug. 30, 2017), http://bit.ly/2Ejx2mJ; Steven Trader, EPA Sued Over Employees’ Use of Encrypted Messaging App, LAW360 (Mar. 23, 2017), http://bit.ly/2wSpKai. EPA OIG April 11, 2018 Page 3

earlier this month, your office has, in fact, already completed its investigation into Signal and another encrypted messaging application, called “WhatsApp,” which was used more widely across the EPA’s workforce.12 But one agency record reveals vital information that may never have been transmitted to the OIG.13 That document, which provides a summary of all applications installed on most agency- furnished devices, was generated by an EPA contractor using the agency’s “Mobile Device Management” software.14 The record indicates that at least sixteen other applications with electronic messaging capabilities were downloaded and operating on EPA hardware. 15 These applications included the following:

 AIM   BlackBerry Messenger  Messenger   GroupMe   Jabber   KakaoTalk  WeChat  Kik  WickrMe In addition to these electronic messaging applications, several web-based email applications also were installed by EPA employees. These applications raise the same FRA and FOIA concerns as the use of Signal and WhatsApp because they can be used by agency employees to communicate about work-related business on a personal email account. At least three such applications were downloaded to EPA devices, including AOL, , and Yahoo Mail.16

Most, and perhaps all, of the foregoing messaging and email applications were unapproved for work-related use and installed in violation of official EPA policy. Although your office reported that the EPA disabled the “Apple Store” on most agency-furnished devices last summer,17 it remains unclear whether some employees still have the ability to download applications without prior approval or supervision, or whether already-installed unauthorized applications have been deleted.

12 See Investigation Update: EPA Employees Used a Range of Messaging Apps and Other Non-Work-Related Programs on Agency Issued Mobile Devices, COA INST. (Apr. 4, 2018), https://coainst.org/2qcAMBQ; see also Ralph R. Smith, IG Report: No Record Retention Violations Revealed at EPA, FedSmith (Apr. 9, 2018), http://bit.ly/2GP7xjq; Joe Crow, EPA Employee Downloaded ‘Boycott Trump’ App on Taxpayer-Funded Phones, Newsmax (Apr. 5, 2018), https://nws.mx/2GQhetZ; Elizabeth Harrington, EPA Employee Downloaded ‘Boycott Trump’ App on Government Phone (Apr. 5, 2018), http://bit.ly/2HocDjB. 13 See id.; see also Letter from Liza Hearns, Envtl. Prot. Agency, to CoA Inst. (Mar. 30, 2018), available at https://coainst.org/2Jp0Y4W; Email from Gregory Zurla, Envtl. Prot. Agency, to Steven Fine & Harvey Simon, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Feb. 9, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2GEyHJC. 14 See Exhibit 2. 15 See generally id. 16 See generally id. 17 See, e.g., Envtl. Protection Agency, Office of Inspector Gen., Final Summary Report at 2 n.1 (Feb. 28, 2018), available at https://coainst.org/2IvYAYC (“In support of [the EPA policy that prohibits the installation of unauthorized applications], on or about June 13, 2017, the agency disabled the ability of iPhone 6 and iPad users to download the Apple Store app. Exceptions were made for On-Scene Coordinators and other emergency responder staff; moreover, the agency is still in the process of removing the Apple Store app on older iPhone 5 models.”). EPA OIG April 11, 2018 Page 4

Furthermore, there are no publicly available details concerning efforts, if any, that have been undertaken to investigate the records management issues surrounding the use of these unapproved applications. In light of the foregoing, we request that you confirm the EPA’s prior representation concerning the inability of agency employees to download and utilize mobile applications, as well as the efforts necessary to ensure that all record-keeping obligations have been met.


Given the seriousness of the proper preservation of federal records and the importance of public trust in the EPA’s compliance with the FRA and the FOIA, we urge the OIG to investigate this matter and take all appropriate action.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss the issues raised in this letter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by telephone at (202) 499-4232 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Thank you again for your attention to this matter.



CC: The Honorable Scott Pruitt Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Honorable David S. Ferriero Archivist of the National Archives & Records Administration

Mr. Laurence Brewer Chief Records Officer of the United States National Archives & Records Administration

The Honorable Lamar Smith, Chairman The Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson, Ranking Member U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

The Honorable Darin LaHood, Chairman The Honorable Don Beyer, Ranking Member Subcommittee on Oversight U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology


April 10, 2018


The Honorable Scott Pruitt U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of the Administrator (1101A) 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20460

Re: Federal Records Act Notification

Dear Administrator Pruitt:

I write on behalf of Cause of Action Institute (“CoA Institute”), a nonprofit strategic oversight group committed to ensuring that government decision-making is open, honest, and fair.1 In carrying out its mission, CoA Institute uses investigative and legal tools to educate the public about the importance of government transparency and accountability.

We are investigating instances where government officials have used alternative methods of communication—including encrypted messaging applications or personal web-based email accounts—to conduct official government business in contravention of agency rules and federal records management laws. This letter is to provide you with notice of the possible alienation of federal records at the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) resulting from the use of unauthorized communication methods and of your obligation under the Federal Records Act (“FRA”) to recover all such records.


Shortly after President Trump took office, the press reported that a group of career EPA employees were using an encrypted messaging application called “Signal” to discuss ways to prevent incoming political appointees from implementing the Administration’s policy agenda.2 Concerned that EPA employees were using Signal to conceal their communications from oversight, or to bypass EPA record-keeping obligations under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) and the FRA, CoA Institute notified your predecessor, Catherine McCabe, of her obligation as agency head to ensure that all work-related records created or received on Signal were retained or retrieved by the EPA.3

1 See CAUSE OF ACTION INST., About, www.causeofaction.org/about (last accessed Apr. 10, 2018). 2 Andrew Restuccia, Marianne Levine, & Nahal Toosi, Federal workers turn to encryption to thwart Trump, POLITICO (Feb. 2, 2017), http://politi.co/2km4Qrb; EPA Employees Are Using Encryption Technology To Hide Resistance To Trump—But Is It Legal?, DAILY CALLER (Feb. 2, 2017), http://bit.ly/2wJfqkI. The use of Signal at the EPA mirrored reports about the use of electronic messaging platforms across the federal government. See, e.g., Hamza Shaban, After Trump’s Win, Secure Messaging App Signal’s Downloads Increase 400%, BUZZFEED (Dec. 1, 2016), https://bzfd.it/2IuoZWZ. 3 Letter from CoA Inst. to Catherine McCabe, Acting Adm’r, & Ann Dunkin, Chief Info. Officer, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Feb. 2, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2GvU93C EPA Administrator April 10, 2018 Page 2

As a result of that notification, the EPA Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) opened an investigation.4 Shortly thereafter, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology directed the OIG to analyze the allegations surrounding Signal that had been reported in the press. 5 Following Congress’s lead, the National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”) opened its own inquiry into the potential violation of records management laws.6 The NARA inquiry apparently remains open, as the EPA has yet to file a final report with the Archivist.7

Over the past year, CoA Institute has pieced together troubling details concerning the use of Signal at the EPA. These facts have come to light only because of our investigatory efforts, which have included three FOIA requests8 and two lawsuits, one of which is ongoing.9 For example, according to records released to CoA Institute earlier this month, the OIG has, in fact, completed its investigation into Signal and another encrypted messaging application, called “WhatsApp,” which was used more widely across the EPA’s workforce.10 But one record reveals vital information that may never have been transmitted to the OIG. 11 That document, which provides a summary of all applications installed on most agency-furnished devices, was generated by an EPA contractor using

4 See Investigation Update: EPA Employees’ Use of an Encrypted Messaging App to Thwart Transparency and Fight the White House, COA INST. (Nov. 27, 2017), https://coainst.org/2Ejz2vk; see generally CoA Inst., Press Release: CoA Institute Uncovers EPA Investigation into Employees’ Use of Encrypted Messaging App (Mar. 23, 2017), available at http://coainst.org/2vJa7Nr. 5 See, e.g., Andrew Restuccia, Conservatives demanding details on federal workers’ encryption use, POLITICO (Feb. 14, 2017), https://politi.co/2GB33sA. 6 Letter from Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer, Nat’l Archives & Records Admin., to John Ellis, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Feb. 22, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2H9LtNu. 7 See Unauthorized Disposition of Federal Records, NAT’L ARCHIVES & RECORDS ADMIN., http://bit.ly/2pKZjyq (last visited Apr. 10, 2018) (describing EPA Signal inquiry as an “ongoing investigation”). 8 See Letter from CoA Inst. to Ms. Ann Dunkin, Chief Info. Officer, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Sept. 11, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2H9qIRT; Letter from CoA Inst. to Ms. Ann Dunkin, Chief Info. Officer, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Aug. 30, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2GwtEel; Feb. 2, 2018 Letter, supra note 3; see also CoA Inst., Press Release: CoA Institute Investigates EPA Employees Using Electronic Messaging Apps to Thwart Transparency (Feb. 3, 2017), available at http://coainst.org/2x4EUc7; Alex Swoyer, Lawsuit demands EPA say if employees using encrypted messages to evade open-records laws, WASH. TIMES (Feb. 2, 2017), http://bit.ly/2kWNMdn. 9 Cause of Action Inst. v. Envtl. Prot. Agency, No. 17-2549 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 28, 2017); Cause of Action Inst. v. Envtl. Prot. Agency, No. 17-0509 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 21, 2017); see generally CoA Inst., Press Release: CoA Institute Files Second Lawsuit for Records Concerning EPA Employees’ Use of Encrypted Messaging App (Nov. 28, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2q0YLob; CoA Inst., Press Release: Lawsuit Demands Records on EPA Employees’ Use of Encrypted Messaging App (Mar. 22, 2017), available at http://coainst.org/2ocoSJR; see also Michael Bastasch, EXCLUSIVE: EPA Has A Report Identifying Officials Using Encryption Apps, And This Legal Group Wants It Made Public, DAILY CALLER (Aug. 30, 2017), http://bit.ly/2Ejx2mJ; Steven Trader, EPA Sued Over Employees’ Use of Encrypted Messaging App, LAW360 (Mar. 23, 2017), http://bit.ly/2wSpKai. 10 See Investigation Update: EPA Employees Used a Range of Messaging Apps and Other Non-Work-Related Programs on Agency Issued Mobile Devices, COA INST. (Apr. 4, 2018), https://coainst.org/2qcAMBQ; see also Ralph R. Smith, IG Report: No Record Retention Violations Revealed at EPA, FedSmith (Apr. 9, 2018), http://bit.ly/2GP7xjq; Joe Crow, EPA Employee Downloaded ‘Boycott Trump’ App on Taxpayer-Funded Phones, Newsmax (Apr. 5, 2018), https://nws.mx/2GQhetZ; Elizabeth Harrington, EPA Employee Downloaded ‘Boycott Trump’ App on Government Phone (Apr. 5, 2018), http://bit.ly/2HocDjB. 11 See id.; see also Letter from Liza Hearns, Envtl. Prot. Agency, to CoA Inst. (Mar. 30, 2018), available at https://coainst.org/2Jp0Y4W; Email from Gregory Zurla, Envtl. Prot. Agency, to Steven Fine & Harvey Simon, Envtl. Prot. Agency (Feb. 9, 2017), available at https://coainst.org/2GEyHJC. EPA Administrator April 10, 2018 Page 3

the agency’s “Mobile Device Management” software.12 The record indicates that at least sixteen other applications with electronic messaging capabilities were downloaded and operating on EPA hardware.13 These applications included the following:

 AIM  LINE  BlackBerry Messenger  Skype   Slack  Google Hangouts  Snapchat  GroupMe  Telegram  Jabber  Viber  KakaoTalk  WeChat  Kik  WickrMe In addition to these electronic messaging applications, several web-based email applications also were installed by EPA employees. These applications raise the same FRA and FOIA concerns as the use of Signal and WhatsApp because they can be used by agency employees to communicate about work-related business on a personal email account. At least three such applications were downloaded to EPA devices, including AOL, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail.14

Most, and perhaps all, of the foregoing messaging and email applications were unapproved for work-related use and installed in violation of official EPA policy. Although the OIG has reported that the EPA disabled the “Apple Store” on most agency-furnished devices last summer,15 it remains unclear whether some employees still have the ability to download applications without prior approval or supervision, or whether already-installed unauthorized applications have been deleted. Furthermore, there are no publicly available details concerning EPA or OIG efforts to investigate the federal records management issues surrounding the use of these unapproved applications.

Notification of the Obligation to Preserve or Retrieve Work-Related Electronic Messages

The FRA refers to the collection of statutes and regulations that govern the creation, management, and disposal of the records of federal agencies.16 The FRA was enacted to ensure the “[a]ccurate and complete documentation of the policies and transactions of the Federal Government” and the “[j]udicious preservation and disposal of records.”17 Among other , the FRA requires an agency head to “establish and maintain an active, continuing program for the economical and

12 See EPA MDM Mobile Application Summary (attached as Exhibit 1). 13 See generally id. 14 See generally id. 15 See, e.g., Envtl. Protection Agency, Office of Inspector Gen., Final Summary Report at 2 n.1 (Feb. 28, 2018), available at https://coainst.org/2IvYAYC (“In support of [the EPA policy that prohibits the installation of unauthorized applications], on or about June 13, 2017, the agency disabled the ability of iPhone 6 and iPad users to download the Apple Store app. Exceptions were made for On-Scene Coordinators and other emergency responder staff; moreover, the agency is still in the process of removing the Apple Store app on older iPhone 5 models.”). 16 See 44 U.S.C. chs. 21, 29, 31, 33; 36 C.F.R. pts. 1220–39. 17 44 U.S.C. §§ 2902(1), (5). EPA Administrator April 10, 2018 Page 4

efficient management of the records of an agency,”18 and to establish “safeguards” against the removal or loss of records, including notifications to agency officials and employees that records may not be alienated or destroyed unless authorized and of “the penalties provided by law for the unlawful removal or destruction of records.”19

Under 44 U.S.C. § 3106, the FRA also requires the “head of each Federal agency”—in this case, the Administrator of the EPA—to notify the Archivist of the United States “of any actual, impending, or threatened unlawful removal, defacing, alteration, corruption, deletion, erasure, or other destruction of records in the custody of the agency[.]”20 In addition to notification, the FRA imposes a non-discretionary obligation on the agency head, with the assistance of the Archivist, to “initiate action through the Attorney General for the recovery of records the head of the Federal agency knows or has reason to believe have been unlawfully removed[.]”21 Unlawful removal of records is defined as “selling, donating, loaning, transferring, stealing, or otherwise allowing a record to leave the custody of a Federal agency without the permission of the Archivist of the United States.”22 In any situation where an agency head does not initiate action through the Attorney General for the recovery of unlawfully removed records, the Archivist is required to request the Attorney General to initiate such action and to notify Congress of that request.23

In this case, to the extent EPA employees communicated about work-related issues on any application capable of sending or receiving electronic messages, or if they used a personal email address for agency business, then they created federal records as defined by the FRA. Those records belong to the EPA and must be retained for preservation and disposition in accordance with NARA- approved schedules. If any such electronic messages or email records have been deleted or otherwise alienated (i.e., failed to be saved to an official EPA recordkeeping system), then you have an obligation under 44 U.S.C. § 3106, as Administrator of the EPA, to recover those records. This obligation extends to messages that are currently outside the custody of the EPA, such as those that reside on personal or third-party devices, accounts, or servers.

Once again, if the electronic messages and email records at issue have been alienated and qualify as federal records, then the FRA mandates that you (1) notify the Archivist of their alienation and (2) initiate action through the Attorney General for their recovery should any remedial recovery

18 Id. § 3102; see id. § 3301 (defining federal records); 36 C.F.R. § 1220.18 (defining a federal record to include any material, “regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by an agency of the United States Government under Federal law or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that agency . . . as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the Government or because of the informational value of data in them.”). 19 44 U.S.C. § 3105; see 36 C.F.R. § 1230.10 (requiring an agency head to “[p]revent the unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records”); id. § 1230.12 (“The penalties for the unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of Federal records or the attempt to do so, include a fine, imprisonment, or both[.]”). 20 44 U.S.C. § 3106(a); see 36 C.F.R. § 1230.14 (providing that “[t]he agency must report promptly any unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records in the custody of that agency to the National Archives and Records Administration,” and also outlining the content of such report). 21 44 U.S.C. § 3106(a) (emphasis added). 22 36 C.F.R. § 1230.3(b). 23 44 U.S.C. §§ 2905(a), 3106(b). EPA Administrator April 10, 2018 Page 5 efforts prove unsuccessful.24 As the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has held, this obligation to initiate action through the Attorney General for the recovery of unlawfully removed records is a mandatory obligation, not subject to agency discretion.25 Any attempt to evade that obligation by claiming that the EPA lacks the legal authority to recover the records at issue cannot be countenanced.


We look forward to the EPA inquiring as to the status of the electronic messages and email records created or received by agency employees on unapproved communication applications. We also appreciate your commitment to complying with the statutory obligation to recover all federal records that remain outside EPA custody. We respectfully request that the EPA provide public notice of the results of its efforts and to certify the agency’s compliance with the law, as detailed above.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by telephone at (202) 499-4232 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Thank you again for your attention to this matter.



CC: The Honorable David S. Ferriero Archivist of the United States National Archives & Records Administration

Mr. Laurence Brewer Chief Records Officer of the United States National Archives & Records Administration

Dr. Steven Fine Acting Chief Information Officer U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

National Records Management Program U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

24 Id. § 3106(a); Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Kerry, 844 F.3d 952, 953–54 (D.C. Cir. 2016); id. at 954 (“While nothing in § 3106 prevents the agency from first attempting its own remedial measures . . . the statute ‘requires the agency head and Archivist to take enforcement action’ through the Attorney General if those efforts are unsuccessful[.]’” (citation omitted)); Armstrong v. Bush, 924 F.2d 282, 294 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (“‘[T]he Federal Records Act establishes one remedy for the improper removal of a “record” from the agency’: the agency head, in conjunction with the Archivist, is required to request the Attorney General to initiate an action to recover records unlawfully removed from the agency.” (quoting Kissinger v. Reporters Comm. for Freedom of the Press, 445 U.S. 136, 148 (1980)). 25 Kerry, 844 F.3d at 954–55; Armstrong, 924 F.2d at 295 (“Because the FRA enforcement provisions leave no discretion to determine which cases to pursue, the agency head’s and Archivist’s enforcement decisions are not committed to agency discretion by law. In contrast to a statute that merely authorizes an agency to take enforcement action as it deems necessary, the FRA requires the agency head and Archivist to take enforcement action.”); accord Cause of Action Inst. v. Tillerson, 285 F. Supp. 3d 201, 203 (D.D.C. 2018) (“[T]he FRA directs specific rather than discretionary action[.]”).

EXHIBIT 2 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count 1600 iOS com.whha.1600 1 1 2048 iOS com.ketchapp.2048 2 3 21‐Oct iOS com.callyo.‐0‐21‐Police‐Phone 1 2 Weather iOS com.weather.TWCiPadMax 3 25 (ISC)² CSG iOS com.crowdcompass.appmMiA9oR7HT 1 1 `Solitaire: Basic iOS com.zhaohuanyu.solitairebasic 1 1 100 Radios iOS com.alphamobiletech.radio 1 1 1010! iOS com.gramgames.1010 2 3 1Password iOS com.agilebits.onepassword‐ 3 11 2048 6x6 iOS com.trannguyen.20486x6 1 1 2048 Puzzle iOS com.estotyllc.game2048 1 1 250+ Solitaires (Free) iOS com.anoshenko.solitairesfree 1 1 2Do iOS com.guidedways.2Do 1 2 360 Flight iOS com.360.360Flight 1 1 4MyCab iOS com.877yellowcab.4MyCabRedTop 1 1 4th of July Wallpapers iOS ivannikolic.wallpaper.4thofJulyWallpapers 1 1 4WarnMe iOS com.localtvllc.4warnme 1 1 5‐0 Radio iOS com.smartestapple.50radiofree 1 3 511 Transit iOS com.mdv.OAKCompanion 1 1 511NY iOS us.ny.state.dot.ny511adhoc 1 1 511PA iOS com.infolog.PA511 1 2 5K Runner iOS com.heavydutyapps.RunC25K‐Free 1 1 5miles iOS com.thirdrock.Pinnacle 1 1 680 The Fan iOS com.seroyamobiletech.680TheFan 1 2 6abc iOS com.go.abclocal.wpviapp 1 1 7 Habits iOS com.livingthe7habits. 1 1 7 Minutes iOS com.stuartkhall.7minuteworkout 1 3 7‐Eleven, Inc. iOS com.sei.sherman 1 2 8 Ball Pool iOS com.miniclip.8ballpoolmult 1 1 810 WHB iOS com.moblico.EightTen 1 1 89 WLS iOS com.airkast.tunekast323 1 1 8tracks iOS com.8tracks.etracksapp 1 1 9 Weather iOS com.wdtinc.KWTV 1 2

1 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count 93.3 WMMR iOS com.greatermediaradio.wmmr 1 1 97.5 The Fanatic iOS com.greatermediaradio.wpen 1 1 98th PGA iOS com.turnersports.91stPGA 1 2 ∞ Loop iOS com.lekevicius.loop 1 1 aa iOS com.aagame.aagame 1 2 aa 2 iOS com.aagame2.aagame2 1 1 AA BigBook iOS com.laltrello.aabigbookandmore 1 1 AAA iOS com.aaa.iphone.discounts 3 16 AAAR35th iOS com.zerista.aaar35thconference 1 1 Aaptiv iOS com.skyfitsports.skyfit 1 1 AB Action! iOS com.rovio.popcorn 1 2 AB POP! iOS com.rovio.stellapop 1 1 ABC iOS com.abcdigital.abc.videoplayer 1 5 ABC News iOS com.abcnews.ABCNews 2 6 ABC11 iOS com.go.abclocal.wtvd.weather 1 5 ABC11 iOS com.go.abclocal.wtvdapp 1 2 abc7chicago iOS com.go.abclocal.wlsapp 1 1 AC Next Bus iOS com.junebot.acbusmap 1 1 Acapella iOS co.mixcord.acapella 1 1 ACC QB iOS com.recreativestudios.accqbchallenge 1 1 ACC Sports iOS com.silverchalice.accsports 1 1 Acceleread iOS com.bananabox.iapacceleread 1 1 AccorHotels iOS fr.accor.push 1 1 AccuRadio iOS com.accuradio.AccuRadio 1 2 Accurint® iOS com.lexisnexis.risk.accurint 1 1 AccuWeather iOS com.yourcompany.TestWithCustomTabs 6 26 ACE Elite iOS U9P2R9XL8S.com.netspend.mobileapp.ace 1 1 Acoustiblok iOS com.studiosixdigital.acoustiblok 1 1 ACPS iOS com.blackboard.community.acps 1 1 ACS Central Science iOS org.acs.pubs.centralscience 1 1 ACT 2016 iOS me.doubledutch.tqbhg.act2016 1 1 ACT‐IAC iOS me.doubledutch.actiac 1 2 Active RPN iOS com.nolanpiper.activerpn 1 1

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13 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Candy Crush Saga iOS com.midasplayer.apps.candycrushsaga 6 16 Candy Mania iOS com.teamlava.candy 1 1 CandyShoot HD iOS com.may.chance.IncaZomaPro 1 1 Canon iEPP iOS jp.co.canon.bsd.iphone.Canon‐iEPP 2 2 Canvas iOS com.instructure.icanvas 1 2 Capital One iOS com.capitalone.enterprisemobilebanking 3 18 Capital One iOS com.capitalone.credittracker2 1 2 Capital One iOS com.capitalone.enterprisetablet 1 1 Capitals iOS com.yinzcam.CapsMobileApp 1 1 Capture iOS com.gopro.GoPro 4 10 Capture iOS com.google.ios.capture 2 5 Car and Driver iOS com.caranddriver.reader 1 1 Car Guide iOS org.consumerreports.CRCarBuyerCalculator 1 1 Car Parking Driving Simulator GiOS com.playwithfriendsgames.RoundaboutCars 1 1 Car Parking Games ‐ Cartoon iOS com.playwithfriendsgames.CartoonCityTrucker 1 1 car2go iOS com.car2go.app 4 7 CARD.com iOS com.card.mobile 1 1 Cardboard iOS com.google.Cardboard 2 3 CardGames iOS com.fingerarts.CardGames 1 2 Cardiogram iOS com.cardiogram.ios.heart 1 1 CardStar iOS com.mesadynamics.CardStar 1 2 Care.com iOS com.care.iphone 1 1 Care@Work iOS com.care.CareAtWork 1 1 CarGurus iOS com.cargurus.v1 1 1 CaringBridge iOS com.caringbridge.app 1 2 CarMax iOS com.carmax.carmax 1 2 CarrolltonTX iOS com.partner‐auto‐4710.CarrolltonTexas 1 1 Cars.com iOS com.cars.carsipad 1 2 Cars.com iOS com.pointabout.cars 2 2 Cartwheel iOS com.target.Cartwheel 4 10 Cascade iOS com.bigfishgames.cascadef2p 1 2 Cash iOS com.squareup.cash 1 1 CastBox iOS com.castbox.CastBox 1 1

14 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Casts iOS au.com.shiftyjelly.podcasts 1 1 Catapult King iOS com.chillingo.smashalot 1 2 Caterzillar iOS com.noodlecake.caterzillar 1 1 CatholicTV iOS com.catholictv.catholictvapp 1 1 CBS iOS com.cbsvideo.app 1 6 CBS Local iOS com.cbslocal.yourdayiphone 1 1 CBS News iOS com.H443NM7F8H.CBSNews 1 5 CBS Sports iOS H443NM7F8H.CBSSportsApp 6 11 CBSD iOS com.blackboard.community.cbsd 1 1 CBSNews iOS com.H443NM7F8H.CBSNews 1 1 CC Radio iOS com.invubu.ccradio 1 1 C‐Calc iOS com.KeatsPascoe.C‐Calc 1 1 CDC FCU iOS com.mshift.mshift1.cdcfcu 1 1 CenturyLink iOS com.ctl.ConsumerTrial 1 1 CF Guide iOS YOCPUB.CF‐Guide 1 1 CGC iOS com.CGC.com.CGC 1 1 ChairGun iOS com.hawkeoptics.ChairGun 1 1 Chamberlain iOS com.chamberlain.myq.chamberlain 1 2 Champions iOS com.kabam.marvelbattle 1 2 Champs Sports iOS com.champssports.champssports 1 1 Charades! iOS com.fatchicken007.headsupcharades 1 1 ChargePoint iOS com.coulomb.ChargePoint 1 1 Charity Miles iOS com.charitymiles.miles 1 1 Chase iOS com.chase 3 11 Chase iOS com.chase.prodipad 1 2 Chatbooks iOS com.justfamily.Moments 1 1 Checkbook iOS com.ibearsoft.checkbookfree 1 1 Checkers iOS R6WLZBVJLW.CheckersFree 1 1 Cheese! iOS com.talusan.Cheese 1 1 Chem Safety iOS com.thatsmystapler.icsc 2 7 ChemAlert iOS com.chemalert.ChemAlert 1 2 ChemCatalog iOS com.Sigma‐Aldrich.ChemCatalog 1 1 ChemCompat iOS com.mikepaus.nineyards 1 1

15 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Chess iOS com.TapMediaLtd.Chess 1 1 Chess Free iOS R6WLZBVJLW.ChessFree 1 2 Chicago iOS com.ondemandworld.chicagotransportmap 1 1 Chicago iOS uk.co.visualit.ChicagoGeo13Free 1 1 Chicago Map iOS com.cityapp.map022 1 1 Chicago Tribune iOS com.apptivateme.chicagotribune 2 3 Chick‐fil‐A iOS com.engauge.Chick‐fil‐A 2 3 Chili's iOS com.chilistogo.prod 1 1 ChimeO'Clock iOS com.ratatapp.BeepMeApp 1 1 Chinese Words iOS com.chineseskill.words 1 1 ChineseSkill iOS com.cslpod.lingo 1 1 Chipotle iOS com.chipotle.Chipotle 1 2 Choice iOS com.choicehotels.iosapp 4 7 Chopt iOS com.choptsalad.choptsalad.ios 1 2 Christmas Voice Changer iOS milantrickovic.voicechanger.ChristmasVoiceChanger 1 1 Christmas Wallpaper iOS vesnamilicevic.wallpaper.ChristmasWallpaper 1 1 Chrome iOS com.google.chrome.ios 19 163 Chrome Remote Desktop iOS com.google.ChromeRemoteDesktop 1 2 Church's iOS com.technologystudios.gueststar 1 1 CIFCU iOS org.cifcucu.cifcu.web 2 3 Cincinnati iOS com.gannett.news.local.cincinnati 1 1 Cincy Library iOS org.cincinnatilibrary.boopsie.cinn 1 2 Cinemagraph iOS com.flixel.cinemagraphpro 1 1 Circle iOS com.ketchapp.circle 1 1 Cisco Events iOS com.cisco.events 1 1 Citi Mobile iOS com.citigroup.citimobile 3 10 Citymapper iOS azdev.citymapper 2 2 CityMaps2Go iOS com.tymonwiedemair.maps2go 1 1 Clash of Clans iOS com.supercell.magic 1 4 Clash Royale iOS com.supercell.scroll 1 2 ClassDojo iOS com.ClassDojo 2 5 Classic iOS com.popcap.ios.Bej3 1 2 Classic Words iOS com.newtoyinc.WordsWithFriendsFree 1 1

16 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Classifieds iOS com.shoppingsoftware.craigslist 1 2 Classifieds iOS com.lifelikeapps.craig.lite 1 1 ClassPass iOS com.classpass.classpass 1 1 Classroom iOS com.google.Classroom 2 2 Clear iOS com.realmacsoftware.clear 1 1 cleveland iOS com.vervewireless.advcleve 1 2 ClickShare iOS com.barco.clickshare 1 3 Clock iOS jtmess4 1 1 Clocks iOS com.meanterm.clocks 1 5 Cloud iOS com.saba.SabaPeopleCloudMobile 1 1 Cloud Indeed iOS com.cloudindeed 1 2 Cloud Library iOS com.mmm.cloudlibrary 1 1 Cloud Printer iOS com.thinprint.cloudprinter 1 1 CloudBeats iOS com.willenapps.cloudplayer 1 1 cloudLibrary iOS com.mmm.cloudlibrary 1 1 CloudPlayer iOS isoftmobiles.com.cloudPlayerFree1 1 1 Club Carlson iOS com.carlson.ClubCarlson 1 1 Clumsy Ninja iOS com.naturalmotion.clumsyninja 1 1 CMO Magazine iOS com.adobe.cmo 1 1 CN iOS com.turner.cnvideoapp 1 1 CNBC iOS com.nbcuni.cnbc.cnbcrtipad 1 5 CNBC iOS com.nbcuni.cnbc.cnbcrt 1 1 CNET iOS com.cnetnews.app 1 1 CNN iOS com.cnn.iphone 8 84 CNN iOS com.cnn.cnnipad 4 10 CNN Politics iOS com.cnn.politics 1 2 CNNMoney iOS com.cnnmoney.ipad 1 1 COASTAL24 iOS com.ncr.coastalfcusub 1 1 Coaster HD iOS roller.coaster.vr 1 1 CodeHub iOS com.dillonbuchanan.codehub 3 23 Coffee Meets Bagel iOS com.coffeemeetsbagel.mobile.ios 1 1 COIN iOS com.abcya.COIN 1 1 Collector iOS com.esri.Collector 5 137

17 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Collector for ArcGIS iOS com.esri.Collector 1 1 CollegeAhead iOS com.salliemae.collegeahead 1 1 Color iOS com.fortafygames.colorswitch 2 5 Color Code iOS com.yourcompany.colorcodesenha 1 1 Color Name Detector Free iOS com.3bitlab.mobile.Color‐Name‐Detector‐Free 1 1 Color Notes iOS com.dimatt.stickynotes 1 1 Color Pop iOS com.tasnim.colorsplash 1 2 Coloring Fish Book HD Lite Fre iOS com.andrey.RaskraskaFishFree 1 1 Colorometer iOS ca.sandeepmistry.Colorometer 1 1 ColorTherapy iOS com.miinu.colortherapy 1 2 ComicFlow iOS net.pol‐online.comicflow 1 1 Commander Compass iOS com.paully.commandercompass 1 1 Commander Compass Lite iOS com.paully.commandercompasslite 1 5 Commands iOS com.componentstudios.VoiceCommandsFree 1 2 Commerce iOS iosapp.commercebank.com 1 1 CommitTo3 iOS com.oceanhousemedia.CommitTo3 1 1 Commuter Rail iOS com.iconinteract.apps.KeolismBTA 1 1 Compass iOS com.oecoway.compasshd 1 2 Compass iOS org.akamatsu.Compass 1 2 Compass ☀ iOS eu.saken.SolarCompass 1 1 Compass HD iOS com.imaginatr.compass 1 1 Compass X iOS com.mariposa.compassiphone 1 1 Compass° iOS com.timoswald.compass 1 2 Compass° iOS com.kathleenOswald.compass 1 1 CompTIA CertMaster iOS com.comptia.certmaster 1 1 CompTox iOS com.molecule‐apps.EPA‐Chemistry‐Dashboard 1 3 Concepts iOS com.tophatch.Concepts 1 1 Concur iOS com.concur.concurmobile 6 40 ConcurGov iOS com.concur.concurCGE 11 393 Conference AWWA iOS com.crowdcompass.appoWivLTTlqd 1 3 Confirmed iOS com.adidas.allstar 1 1 Congress iOS com.leadershipdirectories.bvd.ios.LeadershipCongres 12 Connect iOS com.adobe.connect.mobile 12 300

18 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Connect iOS com.garmin.connect.mobile 3 9 Connect iOS com.apple.itunesconnect.mobile 2 8 Connect iOS com.Comcast.ComcastOTT 2 7 Connect iOS com.dexem.connect 1 1 Connect iOS com.appdynamic.AirServerConnect 1 1 Connect Free iOS com.buildtoconnect.pdfconnectfree 1 3 Connected iOS com..contacts 1 2 Connected iOS de.bmw.connected.na 1 1 Connected iOS de.bmw.a4a.BMWConnected 1 1 Connections iOS com.ibm.lotus.connections 1 2 ConnectLine iOS com.oticon.cl.ConnectLine 1 1 Console iOS io.cloudglass.AzureViewer 1 1 Contact iOS com.everbridge.mobile.iv.Recipient 4 42 Contacts Cleanup iOS com.cshun.ContactsCleaner 1 1 Contacts Sync iOS ContactsSyncWithGroupsForGmail 1 1 Contacts2XLS iOS ytdevelopments.contacts2excel‐free 1 1 Content Transf iOS com.vzw.VZ‐Transfer 1 2 Convene iOS com.tr.convene 1 1 Convert Free iOS com.cidersoftware.ConvertFree 2 4 Convert Units iOS com.freetheapps.convert 1 4 Converter iOS com.jockusch.converterfree 1 4 Converter+ iOS com.trancreative.converterplus 1 1 Convertr iOS com.vervv.convertr 1 1 Convo iOS com.convo.convo‐mobile 4 12 Cookie Jam iOS com.sgn.cookiejam 1 2 Cooking iOS com.nytimes.cooking 1 1 Corkz iOS com.appliedambiguities.corkz 1 1 Corny Jokes! iOS com.mqdp.location.cornyjokes 1 2 Costco iOS com.costco.costco 1 3 Cottonwood iOS com.bluebridgechurches.cottonwoodcreek 1 1 Countdown iOS com.tahquam.CountdownStarFree 1 3 Countdown iOS com.timeanddate.Countdown 1 1 Coupons iOS com.sherpa.couponsherpa 1 1

19 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Coursera iOS org.coursera.coursera 3 4 Coverage Map iOS com.rootmetrics.map 1 1 Cox Connect iOS com.cox.ios.mobileconnect 1 1 Cozi iOS com.cozi.icozi‐free 4 6 CPlus for Craigslist iOS YanFlex.CPlus.Craigslist 1 1 CPlus for Craigslist app ‐ mobiliOS YanFlex.CPlus.Craigslist 1 1 cPro Craigslist iOS com.ladelo.CraigsPro.W926QBG45W 1 3 CR Magazine iOS org.consumerreports.crdigmag 1 1 Crafting iOS com.seusx.crafting 1 1 Crafty Candy iOS com.outplayentertainment.magiccandywitch 1 1 Crazy Helium Booth Free ‐ FuniOS com.appkruti.videofunfree 1 1 Creative Cloud iOS com.adobe.ccsdk.loki 1 1 Creator Islands iOS com.lego.creator.creatorislands 1 2 Credit Karma iOS com.creditkarma.mobile 2 3 Credit One iOS com.creditonebank.mobile 1 1 Creek Critters iOS com.critter.app 1 1 CreekWatch iOS com.ibm.research.creekwatch 1 1 Crestron iOS com.crestron.mobile 1 1 Cribbage iOS com.gamesbypost.cribbageclassic 1 2 Criminal Case iOS com.prettysimple.criminalcase 1 1 Crossword iOS com.magmic.NYTCrosswords09 3 5 Crossword iOS com.appynation.wbcw 1 1 Crossword Jigsaw iOS com.cgames.bonza 1 1 Crossy Road iOS com.hipsterwhale.crossy 1 3 CSN Philly iOS com.comcastsports.csnphilly 1 1 CSNMA iOS com.comcastsports.csnwashington 1 1 C‐SPANRadio iOS com.jacobsmedia.CSPAN 1 4 CSR Racing 2 iOS com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2 1 1 CU Access+ iOS com.digitalinsight.cma.03323 1 1 Cube+ iOS com.polaroid.cube2 1 1 Cup O Balls iOS com.appdore.cup 1 1 Curb iOS com.ridecharge.TaxiMagic 2 2 Currency iOS com.xe.XECurrency 2 3

20 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Currency iOS com.oanda.fxconverter 1 1 Cut the Rope iOS com.chillingo.cuttheropexmas 1 1 CVS iOS com.cvs.cvspharmacy 1 12 CVS iOS com.cvs.online.ipad 1 1 Cyberwork Force iOS com.thunderstated.cyberworkforce 1 1 Cyclemeter iOS com.abvio.Cyclemeter 1 1 D.C. Bikes iOS com.urbanapps.dcbikes 1 1 ДивенСвіт КаРiOS com.dyvensvit.CalendarUGCC 1 2 Daily Broadcast iOS com.focusonthefamily.fotfdailybroadcast 1 1 Daily News iOS com.handmark.NYDN 1 1 Daily Word iOS org.unity.Dailyword 1 1 DailyBeast iOS com.dailybeast.dailybeastreadskip 1 1 DailyConnect iOS com.seacloud.dailyconnect 1 1 Dallas News iOS com.dallasnews.iphone.nn.Whitelabel 1 1 Dallas Traffic Cameras iOS ccom.crystalconsulting.TXDALLASDOTTravelleriOS 1 1 Dark Sky iOS com.jackadam.darksky 2 7 Darkroom iOS co.bergen.Darkroom 1 1 Dashlane iOS com.dashlane.dashlanephonefinal 3 4 Databook iOS com.dow.databook 1 1 DataFinder iOS org.theworldbank.datafinder 11 Daylight Free iOS com.factsoft.Daylight‐Free 1 1 dB Meter Pro iOS com.performanceaudio.dbmeterpro 1 1 DC Circulator iOS com.eastbanctech.circulator 1 1 DC Free iOS com.notfortourists.dcfree 1 1 DC Justice iOS org.aclu.mobile.justice.dc 1 1 DC iOS com.dcmetroapps.DC‐Metro‐And‐Bus‐Native 2 7 DC METRO iOS com.samir.dcmetromap 1 1 DC Metro Transit iOS com.jazzmoonstudio.DC‐Metro‐Transit 2 3 DC Next Bus iOS com.junebot.busmap 2 7 DC Taxi iOS com.dctc.rider 1 1 DCRider iOS com.wapo.washopedia 2 8 DCYellowCab iOS com.digital‐dispatch.DCYellowCabOK 1 1 Deal Or No Deal iOS .com.iwin.dealornodeal 1 1

21 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Decibel 10th iOS com.skypaw.decibel 2 8 Decibels iOS ch.bannach.iphone.Decibels 1 1 Deck Pass iOS org.usaswimming.deckpass 1 1 Deep Sleep Free iOS com.kitefaster.MagicBabySleeperFree 1 1 Deep Weather iOS com.rateofclimb.deepweather 1 2 Defense One iOS com.defenseone.app 1 1 Definitive iOS definitive.playfi 1 1 Delaware National Guard MobiOS mil.ng.de 1 1 DelDOT iOS gov.deldot.DelDOT 1 1 Delmarva iOS com.ifactorconsulting.delmarva 1 1 Deltek T&E iOS com.deltek.tess.time 1 1 Delve iOS com.microsoft.office.delve 2 3 Denver Post iOS com.DenverPost.iReader 1 1 Denver Rail iOS com.tackmobile.denverrail 1 1 Detroit News iOS com.gannett.news.local.detroitnews 1 1 Dexcom iOS com.dexcom.DexcomRM 1 1 Dexcom iOS com.dexcom.CGM 1 1 Dexcom CLARITYⓇ Reports iOS com.dexcom.CLARITYReports 1 1 DFCU Mobile iOS com.mshift.mshift1.dfcu 1 1 DFW Airport iOS com.dfw.iphoneapp 1 1 DFW Yellow iOS com.digital‐dispatch.DallasYellow 1 1 DH 2017 iOS com.glu.deerhunt16 1 1 DICK'S iOS com.dsg.mobile.consumer 1 2 Dictionary iOS com.reference.dictionary.dictionary 1 3 Dictionary iOS com.m‐w.dictionary 1 2 Dictionary iOS com.farlex.Dictionary 1 2 Dictionary iOS com.bravolang.dictionary.italian 1 1 Dictionary iOS com.parksdigital.Dictionary 1 1 Diet Atkins iOS com.tashlik.iAtkins 1 1 DietBet iOS com.dietbet.DietBet 1 1 Digit iOS co.digit.digit 1 1 DigitalLife iOS com.att.digital‐life 1 1 DIOPA Bible iOS com.fcbh.dbp.NN8M85 1 1

22 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Directory iOS com.crowdcompass.tumbleweed 1 1 DIRECTV iOS com.directv.DTViPhone 2 8 DIRECTV iOS com.directv.mobile.ipad.navigator.production 2 2 Discover iOS com.discoverfinancial.mobile 3 7 Discovery GO iOS com.discovery.mobile.discoverygo 1 1 Discovery VR iOS com.discovery.DiscoveryVR 1 1 Disney Channel iOS com.disney.WATCHDisneyChannel 1 1 Disney Junior iOS com.disney.WATCHDisneyJunior 1 2 Disney World iOS com.disney.MyDisneyExperience 2 3 Disney XD iOS com.disney.WATCHDisneyXD 1 2 DJI GO iOS com.dji.pilot 1 1 DJI GO ‐ For Phantom 3, Inspir iOS com.dji.pilot 1 1 DMNS eCard iOS com.dmns.DMNSeCard 1 1 Do! iOS com.newsu1.doiap 1 1 Docs iOS com.google.Docs 5 35 DocScan iOS com.ifunplay.DocScan 1 1 DocsToGo iOS com.dataviz.DocsToGo 3 7 Document Hub iOS dell.app.delldocumenthub 1 1 Documents iOS com.readdle.ReaddleDocsIPad 2 4 Documents iOS com.savysoda.documentsFree 2 3 Documents Pro iOS com.savysoda.documents2Free 1 1 DocuSign iOS com.docusign.DocuSignIt 2 3 DogWhistle iOS xyz.hypertornado.dogwhistle 1 1 DogWhistler iOS com.mobeezio.apps.dogwhistler 1 2 Dolphin iOS com.dolphin.browser.iphone 2 2 Dolphin iOS com.dolphin.browser.pad 1 1 Domino! iOS com.flyclops.domino‐free 1 3 Domino's iOS com.dominos.iphone 1 4 Doodle iOS com.doodle.Doodle‐App 2 8 Doodle Buddy iOS com..doodlebuddyipad 1 3 DoorDash iOS doordash.DoorDashConsumer 2 2 Dotello iOS com.bulkypix.dotello 1 1 Dots & Co iOS com.weplaydots.plus 1 1

23 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count DoubleDown iOS com.doubledowninteractive.DDCasino 1 1 DoWithMe iOS com.appouest.dowithme 1 1 Downdetector iOS com.downdetector 1 1 Downdetectr iOS com.downdetector 1 1 DPP Catalog iOS com.dupont.ecatalogue 1 1 Dr. Driving iOS com.ansangha.drdriving 1 1 DraftKings iOS com.draftkings.dknativermg 1 1 Drafts iOS com.agiletortoise.Drafts4 1 1 DragonVale iOS com.backflipstudios.dragongame 1 1 Dreamdays iOS com.sipeng.newdreamdays 1 1 Drive iOS com.google.Drive 8 55 Drive Thru Super‐Market: ModiOS com.wcs.drivethru.supermarket 1 1 Driver iOS golfkick‐llc.Driver 1 1 Driving Evolution Parking Sim iOS com.playwithgames.HistoricFestivalParking 1 1 Driving School Sim 2016 Pro: CiOS com.skippyapps.drivingschool2016.modern.simulator 11 Drop7 iOS com.zynga.drop7.0 1 1 Dropbox iOS com.getdropbox.Dropbox 15 84 Dropcam iOS com.dropcam.Dropcam 1 2 dropcountr iOS com.dropcountr 1 1 Drudge Report iOS net.intermarkets.drudge 1 3 DS cam iOS com.synology.SurveillanceStation 1 1 DS file iOS com.synology.DSfile 1 1 DS photo iOS com.synology.DSphoto 1 1 DU iOS org.ducks.ducksunlimited 1 1 Dunkin' iOS com.dunkinbrands.otgo 3 9 Dunkin' iOS com.dunkinbrands.DunkinMobile 1 1 Duo iOS com.google.Tachyon 1 3 Duo Mobile iOS com.duosecurity.DuoMobile 2 3 Duolingo iOS com.duolingo.DuolingoMobile 3 10 dwellr iOS gov.census.mobile.phone.dwellr 1 1 🌟Collage🌟 iOS com.flyman.picframepro 1 1 E*TRADE iOS com.etrade.mobileproiphone 1 2 Eagles iOS com.yinzcam.nfl.phi 1 1

24 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Earth As Art iOS gov.nasa.NASAEarthAsArt 1 1 Earthmate iOS com.delorme.earthmate 1 1 Earthquake iOS com.sriver.ec99e0a8fbf519324b5d34bd68a5e74f 1 1 Earthquake+ iOS com.briteapps.ozquake 1 1 EasilyDo iOS com.easilydo.Easilydo 2 3 East Bay Times iOS com.bayareanewsgroup.cct‐ee 1 1 Easy iOS br.com.easytaxi.EasyTaxi 1 1 Easy Backup iOS ytdevelopments.backupmycontacts 1 1 Easy BART iOS com.shaunbruno.Easy‐BART 11 Easy UV iOS com.DaltonCole.Easy‐UV 1 1 easyCG ~ MARC iOS com.mobileTRC.ECG‐MARC 1 2 Ebates iOS com.ebates.EbatesMobile 1 1 eBay iOS com.ebay.iphone 6 16 eBird iOS edu.cornell.birds.ebird 1 1 Ebook Reader iOS com.ebooks.ebookreader 1 1 Echofon iOS net.naan.TwitterFon 2 2 EchoLink iOS com.synergenics.EchoLink 1 2 ECN Launcher iOS com.ecn.crnua.CRNAUA2 1 2 ecobee iOS com.ecobee.athenamobile 1 2 Economist iOS com.economist.iphone.na 1 3 ECU Banking iOS com.intuit.mobilebanking01337 1 1 EdenApp iOS com.digicoresystems.EdenApp 1 1 Edge Client iOS com.f5.Edge‐Client 2 4 Edline Helper iOS azuleng.Edline‐Helper 11 Edmunds iOS com.edmunds.EdmundsMobileShowroom 1 2 EE 2016 iOS com.coreapps.energyexchange16 1 3 EFN iOS com.neptuneinc.efn 1 2 EGDR808 iOS com.elliottgarage.egdr808free 1 1 eKey iOS com.legic.wallet.cromwell 1 1 El Nuevo DÃ‐a iOS com.elnuevodia.eldia 1 4 Elevate iOS com.elevateapp.elevate 2 2 ElfYourself iOS com.magicmirror.elfyourself 1 1 elvocero iOS com.vocero.voceroiPhone 1 2

25 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Email iOS com.easilydo.mail 1 1 Embark DC iOS 6F68888N5Z.us.pandav.iwmata 1 6 Embark iBART iOS 6F68888N5Z.us.pandav.ibart 1 3 Embark NYC iOS us.pandav.ridenyc 1 2 EMD PTE iOS com.mwaysolutions.emdpse 1 2 Emergency iOS org.redcross.hazards 1 1 Emlo Easter eggs iOS com.ios.easterfinal 1 1 iOS goatmem.emoji 1 1 Emoji DC iOS com.textpride.Emoji‐DC 1 1 Emoji Keyboard iOS com.galaxystudio.emojifree 1 1 Emoji Keyboard by Emoji Xpre iOS com.emoji. 1 1 for iPhone iOS com.emoji.emojikeyboard 1 1 iOS com.waynettz.Emoji‐Zone 1 2 EMS.Inventory iOS com.chemicalsafety.EMS‐Inventory 1 1 EMS.Waste iOS com.chemicalsafety.EMS‐Waste 1 2 Emtec Connect iOS com.emtec.emtec 1 1 Endless 123 iOS com.originatorkids.endlessnumbers 1 2 Endomondo iOS com.endomondo.Endomondo 1 1 Enterprise iOS com.enterprise.eracmobile 2 6 ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY Ma iOS com.timeinc.ew.ipad.inapp 1 1 EP FCU iOS com.cmcflex.ftmobile.epf 1 2 EPA 2016 iOS com.kenes.EPA16 1 1 EPA PLM iOS gov.epa.plm 3 8 e‐park iOS com.setex.e‐Park 1 2 EPAUVIndex iOS gov.epa.uv 4 247 EPAY iOS com.blueforce.epay 1 1 ePaystub iOS com.asplundh.epaystub 3 21 Epi Info iOS gov.cdc.csels.EpiInfo 1 1 Epic iOS com.rovio.gold 1 1 Epic! iOS com.getepic.Epic 1 1 EpicMix iOS com.vail.EpicMix 1 1 Epson iPrint iOS com.epson.ESCPR01 2 5 ERG iOS org.freesql.erg 1 1

26 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count ERG 2012 iOS gov.dot.phmsa.ERG 1 1 ERG 2016 iOS gov.dot.phmsa.ERG 2 37 Errands iOS com.yoctoville.errands 1 1 eSecure 2.0 iOS com.protectionone.eSecure2 1 1 ESPN iOS com.espn.ScoreCenter 10 56 ESPN ‐ Get scores, news, and wiOS com.espn.ScoreCenter 1 1 ESPN Dallas Radio iOS com.cumulus.tunekast1552 1 1 ESPN Radio iOS com.espn.espnradio 1 1 ESPNFC iOS com.espn.fc 1 1 Espresso iOS com.economist.darwin 2 2 Esri Events iOS com.esri.webops.Esri‐Events 1 6 Esurance iOS com.esurance.app 1 1 ESV Bible+ iOS com.just1word.esvbible 1 1 Etsy iOS com.etsy.etsyforios 1 2 EV JuiceNet iOS com.emotorwerks.evjuicenet 1 1 Event Ticker iOS com.miralabs.eventticker 1 1 Eventbrite iOS com.eventbrite.attendee 2 51 Ever iOS com.everalbum.Everalbumapp 3 3 Everalbum iOS com.everalbum.Everalbumapp 1 1 iOS com.evernote.iPhone.Evernote 7 26 Everpix iOS com.apalto.wallpapers 1 1 EveryDollar iOS com.everydollar.EveryDollar 1 2 Evite iOS com.evite.iphone.core 1 1 Excel iOS com.microsoft.Office.Excel 20 94 Exercise Timer iOS com.tabataroundtimerfree 1 1 Expedia iOS com.expedia.booking 3 7 Expensify iOS com.expensify.expensifylite 1 1 Experian iOS com.experian.experianapp 1 1 Exploration Lite iOS com.explorationbase.Exploration‐Lite 1 1 Explorer iOS com.esri.Explorer 2 64 ExplorerPRO iOS com.57digital.minecraftexplorerpro 1 1 Express iOS com.ihg.apps.mobile.branded.ex 1 1 Express Scripts iOS com.medco.medcopharmacy 1 1

27 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Eye4 iOS com.Eye4.ios 1 1 Ez Calculators iOS com.BiShiNews.fncalculators 1 1 EZ CHT iOS com.jingshan.EZChapelHillTransit 1 1 FABRIKA iOS net.annca 1 1 Face Bomb iOS com.aardman.facebomb 1 1 Face Switch iOS com.yiqux.faceswitchnew 1 1 Facebook iOS com.facebook.Facebook 60 466 FaceDial iOS com.arytbk.facetimedialer 2 5 FaceNow iOS com.cjkapps.faceNow 2 33 FaceSwapLite iOS com.laan.labs.Face‐Swap‐Live‐Lite 1 1 Facetune iOS com.lightricks.Facetune 1 1 FAI Acquisition Challenge iOS gov.gsa.fai.acquisition.challenge 1 3 Faily Brakes iOS com.spungegames.failybrakes 1 1 FairfaxCounty iOS gov.fairfaxcounty.FairfaxCounty 1 1 Fairway iOS com.bigfishgames.fairwaysolitaireuniversalf2p 1 1 FallDown! iOS FallDown 1 1 Fam iOS live.Fam 1 1 Family Map iOS com.iplus8.circle 1 1 Fandango iOS com.fandango.fandango 5 15 Fantastical iOS com.flexibits.fantastical2.iphone 2 2 Fantasy iOS com.yahoo.ffootball2009 3 7 Fantasy iOS com.espn.fantasyFootball 1 4 Fantasy iOS com.cbssports.fantasy 1 2 Farm Heroes Saga iOS com.midasplayer.apps.farmheroessaga 3 4 FarsiRadio iOS RaminRezaiifar‐005 1 1 Fasten iOS com.fasten.customer 1 1 FastScannerPro iOS com.coolmobilesolution.fastscanner.full 1 1 Favorites iOS com.gubi.Favorites‐Widget 1 1 FCN iOS com.gannett.news.local.WTLVNews 1 1 Fed Flyer iOS com.fedFlyer.fedFlyer 1 1 FedEx Mobile iOS com.fedex.FedExMobile 1 1 Fedstival iOS com.crowdcompass.appC4NuqBG0s7 1 1 FeeddlerRSS iOS com.chebinliu.FeeddlerRSS 1 1

28 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Feedly iOS com.devhd.feedly 3 4 FEMA iOS gov.fema.mobile.ios.FEMA 2 13 Fest 2016 iOS com.eventgenie.6054225477107712 1 1 FEW Events iOS com.crowdcompass.appBQFi8lJEuM 1 2 Fiber TV iOS com.google.GFTVMobile 1 1 Fidelity iOS com.fidelity.watchlist 2 5 Fidelity iOS com.fidelity.ipad 1 1 Fifth Third iOS com.clairmail.fth.client 1 2 File Explorer iOS com.wenstudio.free.f3.iFile 1 1 File Manager iOS de.zuhanden.filemanager 11 File Manager iOS de.zuhanden.filemanagerpro 1 1 File Manager, Explorer, Quick iOS com.fileplusmanager 1 1 FileMaker Go iOS com.filemaker.go.v14 3 52 FileMaker Go iOS com.filemaker.go.v13 2 7 FileMaker Go iOS com.filemaker.go.15 2 5 FileManager iOS com.TapMedia.filebox 1 4 Filterra iOS com.filterra.editor 2 3 Finance iOS com.yahoo.finance 2 6 Find iPhone iOS com.apple.mobileme.fmip1 1 5 Find Me GF iOS com.findmeglutenfree.free 1 2 Find My Car iOS com.AvivINC.Find‐My‐Car 1 1 Find Near Me iOS com.xlabz.BanksIndia 1 1 Finder for Lite iOS com.deucks.Find‐My‐Fitbit‐FREE 1 1 FindMyiPhone iOS com.apple.mobileme.fmip1 1 1 FindShip iOS co.findship.FindShip‐Lite 1 1 Fine Wine & Good Spirits iOS com.plcb.plcbIphone 1 1 FineScanner iOS com.abbyy.finescanner 2 2 Fing iOS overlook.fing 2 4 Finger Fights iOS uab.membranos.touchies3in1lite 1 1 Fios Mobile iOS com.verizon.ams.dvr 2 8 FioWriter Lite iOS com.nokisoft.FioWriterLite.01 1 1 Fire TV iOS com.amazon.firetv.remote 1 1 Firefox iOS org.mozilla.ios.Firefox 3 15

29 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count First Aid iOS com.americanredcross.firstaid 3 8 FirstFinancial iOS com.fffcuofm.mfm 1 1 Fish Rules iOS com.fishrulesapp.fishrules2013 1 1 Fish|Hunt FL iOS com.myfwc.fish‐hunt‐fl 1 1 Fitbit iOS com.fitbit.FitbitMobile 9 53 fitlist iOS com.fitmobi.fitlist 1 1 Fitness iOS com.WahooFitness.FisicaFitness 1 2 FitStar iOS ly.fit.FitStar 2 3 FLAC Player+ iOS com.ios.atk.flacplayer 1 1 FlareCON iOS com.chauvet.flarecon 1 1 Flash Seats iOS com.flashseats.v2 1 1 FlashAir iOS jp.co.toshiba.FlashAir 11 Flashlight iOS com.ihandysoft.flashlight.led.pro 4 33 FlashLight iOS 27W7W2CQJT.RealFlashlight 2 9 Flashlight iOS com.surpax.ledflashlight 2 5 Flashlight iOS com.mariposa.flashlight4 2 4 Flashlight iOS com.itankster.cameralight 1 3 Flashlight iOS com.mynewapps.brightestflashlightfree 1 2 Flashlight iOS com.iphonease.ledflashlight.triple 1 2 Flashlight iOS com.ihandysoft.flashlight.free 1 1 Flashlight iOS com.winkpass.aflashflashlightfree 1 1 Fleet Battle iOS de.smuttlewerk.fleetbattle 1 1 Flex‐Fuel iOS com.chooseethanol.flexfuelstationlocator 1 1 Flick Shoot 2 iOS net.mobilecraft.flickshoot2 1 1 Flickr iOS com.yahoo.flickr 4 31 Flight Pilot iOS com.fungames.flightpilot 1 4 Flight T. iOS com.smartmobilesoftware.flighttracker.FlightTracker 11 Flight+ iOS com.iaftt.flightplusfree 1 1 FlightAware iOS com.flightaware.iphone.live‐flight‐tracker 3 11 FlightStats iOS com.flightstats.FlightStats 1 3 FlightTrack iOS com.benkazez.FlightTrack 1 1 FlightView iOS com.flightview.flightviewfree 2 10 FLIO iOS com.airmedia.FLIO 1 1

30 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Flipboard iOS com.flipboard.flipboard‐ipad 2 9 FLIR ONE iOS com.flir.one 1 2 Flixster iOS com.jeffreygrossman.moviesapp 2 10 Flood iOS com.americanredcross.flood 1 1 Flow iOS com.microsoft.procsimo 1 1 Flow Free iOS com.bigduckgames.flow 2 3 Flow Free iOS com.bigduckgames.flow.hexes 1 1 Fly Delta iOS com.delta.iphone.ver1 10 107 Fly Delta iOS com.delta.mobile.ipad.flydelta 2 3 Flyers iOS com.phi.gc1314 1 1 Flying Car Extreme Pilot iOS com.gtracegames.flyingcarfree.extremepilot 1 1 FMHmobile iOS com.jardogs.FMHmobile 1 4 FNP ePages iOS com.newspost.FNPepages 1 1 Followers+ iOS com.tappple.ListTracker 1 1 Food.com iOS 554UNEM3C7 1 1 Footaction iOS com.footaction.footaction 1 1 Footprint iOS GreenLake.Footprint.Whereivebeen 1 1 Force Arena iOS com.netmarble.starwars 1 1 Force iOS com.sphero.forcebandapp 1 1 FordPass iOS com.ford.fordpass 1 1 ForeFlight iOS com.foreflight.ForeFlightMobile 1 1 Forge of Empires iOS com.innogames.iforge 1 1 Foscam iOS com.foscam.Foscam 1 1 FotoRus iOS com.weitu.wantu 1 1 Four Points iOS hu.myehotel.Sheraton‐hotel 1 1 Foursquare iOS com.naveenium.foursquare 3 4 FOX 29 News iOS com.cbcnm.iapp.now.wtxf 1 1 FOX 5 DC iOS com.cbcnm.iapp.now.wttg 2 5 FOX 5 Weather iOS com.WTTG.FOX5‐Weather 1 1 Fox Business iOS com.foxbusiness.foxbusiness 1 1 Fox News iOS com.foxnews.foxnews 4 20 FOX NOW iOS com.fox.now 1 2 FOX Sports GO iOS com.uie.foxsports.foxsportsgo 3 8

31 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count FOX23 iOS com.cmgdigital.kokiweatheripad 1 1 FOX4 WAPP iOS com.KDFW.FOX4‐Weather 2 3 Foxit PDF iOS com.foxitcorporation.reader 1 1 Framework iOS com.cywren.Framework 1 1 FRANCE 24 iOS com.france24.application 1 1 Fredericksburg iOS com.neotreksinc.civilwar 1 1 Free 15C iOS com.hewgill.Free15c 1 1 Free Books iOS com.audiobooks.iosfree 1 1 Free Fall iOS com.disney.frozensaga 1 1 Free GraCalc iOS com.jockusch.calculatorfree 1 1 Free People iOS com.freepeople.iosapp‐production 1 1 FreeCell iOS com.mobilityware.FreeCellFree 1 4 FreeCell iOS com.fingerarts.FreeCell 1 3 FreeCell iOS com.brainiumstudios.freecellfree 1 1 FreeOTP iOS org.fedorahosted.freeotp 1 1 French iOS com.oxfordtranslator.frenchfree 1 1 FreshwaterApp iOS com.oest.freshwater 1 1 Fridays iOS com.TGIF.Fridays 1 1 Frontier iOS com.flyfrontier.ios 1 2 Frontier iOS com.F9.FrontierAirlines 1 1 Frontpoint iOS com.frontpointsecurity.FrontPoint 1 1 FSAFeds iOS com.fsafeds.ezreceipts 2 12 FTP Manager iOS com.kgajera.ftplite 1 1 FTPManager iOS com.skyjos.ftpmanagerfree 1 2 FTPManager iOS com.skyjos.ftpmanager 1 1 FTPManagerFree iOS com.skyjos.ftpmanagerfree 3 6 FuelRewards iOS com.excentus.frn 1 1 Funimate iOS com.avcr.Funimate 1 1 Funlux iOS com.zmodo.Funlux 1 1 Funny Animals iOS com.smartmobilesoftware.general.funnyanimalsfree1 1 Furniture iOS com.seusx.furnitureID 1 1 Fyuse iOS com.fyusion.Fyuse 1 1 GAcommuter iOS com.morrisonagency.gcocommuter 1 1

32 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Galaga Wars iOS eu.bandainamcoent.galagawars 1 1 Galileo iOS com.bodunov.galileo 1 1 Gallery iOS com.apple.me.Gallery 1 1 Game of War iOS com.machinezone.ody0 1 1 GamePigeon iOS com.gamerdelights.gamepigeon 2 10 GammaDetector iOS de.hotto.GammaDetector 1 1 GAO Priorities iOS gov.gao.priorities 1 1 GarageBand iOS com.apple.mobilegarageband 9 613 Garden iOS com.superfish.LikeThatGarden 1 1 GardenAnswers iOS com.teamsoa.igarden 1 1 Gartner iOS com.gartner.research 1 2 GartnerEvents iOS com.gartner.pyxisiphoneapp 1 14 Gas Detection iOS com.draeger.gasdetection2 1 7 Gas Guru iOS com.yellowpages.drive 1 1 Gas Station Car Parking SimulaiOS com.playwithgames.ServiceStationTrucker 1 1 GasBuddy iOS com.gasbuddymobile.gasbuddy 5 17 GasTracker+ iOS com.s2it.GasTracker 1 1 Gboard iOS com.google.keyboard 2 13 GE BulbFinder iOS com.ge.bulbfinder 1 1 GE ExpCalc iOS com.liswood‐tache.ge 1 1 Geek iOS com.contextlogic.Geek 1 2 GEICO Mobile iOS com.geico.GloveBox 3 9 Generator iOS com.albertogh.MemeGeneratoriOS 1 1 Genius Scan iOS com.geniussoftware.GeniusScan 3 26 Genius Scan+ iOS com.thegrizzlylabs.GeniusScanPro 1 1 Geocaching iOS com.groundspeak.GeocachingIntro 1 4 Geocaching Classic iOS MZCZ5SMF8U.iCacher 1 1 Geofeedia iOS com.geofeedia.Geofeedia 1 1 GFCRegs iOS net.veronasolutions.gfc 1 1 GHIN iOS org.usga.ghinmobile 1 1 Ghostbusters iOS com.activision.ghostbusters.2016 1 1 Ghostery iOS com.evidon.Ghostery 1 1 Giant iOS com.giantc.mobile 1 1

33 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Gideons iOS com.fcbh.bibleis.gideons 1 1 GIF Keyboard iOS com.riffsy.RiffsyKeyboard 1 3 Gift List Free iOS com.xwavesoft.christmaslistfree 1 1 GiggleBellies iOS com.3DMagicFactory.GiggleBellies 1 1 Gilt iOS com.gilt.gilt 2 2 Gin Rummy iOS com.speakati.ginrummy 1 1 GIPHY iOS com.giphy.giphyformessenger 2 4 Glimpse iOS com.yuneec.D1FPV 1 1 GlobalMeet Audio iOS com.pgi.globalmeet 1 1 Gmail iOS com.google.Gmail 9 129 G‐maps iOS tsoumaps 1 1 GMAT Math Flashcards iOS com.magoosh.flashcards.gmat.math 1 1 GNSS Status iOS com.trimble.mcs.gnssstatus 1 1 GO iOS com.tomtom.itunes.navapp 1 1 Go Shuttle iOS com.hudsonltd.Go‐Reservation 1 1 go90 iOS com.verizonmedia.go90.appstore 1 1 GoApp iOS com.neulion.ASUSPORTS2010 1 1 Gogo Entertainment iOS com.gogoair.ife 3 20 Gogo Events iOS com.crowdcompass.apptXbBfS7bgE 1 1 Gogo Video Player iOS com.aircell.gogovideo 2 4 GoISSWatch iOS com.gosoftworks.goisswatch 1 1 GoKeep iOS com.braismoure.GKeep 1 1 gokeyboard iOS com.jb.gokeyboard 1 3 Golf Academy iOS com.golfchannel.gcacademy 1 1 Golf Channel iOS com.golfchannel.gcmobile 1 1 Golf Pad iOS com.contorra.Golf‐Pad 1 1 GolfLogix iOS com.golfgps.golflogix 1 2 GolfNow iOS com.golfnow.teetimes 1 1 Golfshot iOS com.shotzoom.TOURCaddie 1 1 Good iOS com.good.gmmiphone 1 1 Goodfellas iOS com.sapanbhuta.Goodfellas 1 1 GoodReader iOS com.goodiware.goodreader4 1 2 Goodreads iOS com.goodreads.Goodreads 1 2

34 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count GoodRx iOS com.goodrx.iphone 1 4 Google iOS com.google.GoogleMobile 18 185 Google Calendar iOS com.google.calendar 5 39 Google Earth iOS com.google.b612 3 133 Google Fiber iOS com.google.myfiber 1 1 Google Home iOS com.google.Chromecast 2 17 Google Keep iOS com.google.Keep 2 8 Google Maps iOS com.google.Maps 36 636 Google News iOS com.google.news 6 20 Google Photos iOS com.google.photos 4 28 Google Voice iOS com.google.GVDialer 4 13 Google Wallet iOS com.google.Wallet 1 1 Google+ iOS com.google.GooglePlus 13 63 GoPass iOS org.dart.gopass 1 3 GoPro iOS com.gopro.GoPro 1 1 Gospel Library iOS org.lds.gospelstudy 1 1 GoToMeeting iOS com.citrixonline.iOS.GoToMeeting 9 30 GoToTraining iOS com.citrixonline.iOS.GoToTraining 1 1 GoToWebinar iOS com.citrixonline.iOS.GoToWebinar 5 22 Gov PerDiem iOS com.visualsoftinc.govperdiem 1 1 GovExec iOS com.govexec.app 3 24 GovExec Mag iOS com.pagesuite.governmentexecutive 1 3 GoWireless iOS com.inhancetechnology.GoWireless 1 1 GPB Atlanta iOS com.listener‐interactive.gpb 1 1 GPS Data iOS com.PSVenturesLimited.GPSIntelligence 1 1 GPS Hunt iOS com.Trimble.Cabelas.Hunt 1 1 GPS Status iOS com.pocketgpsworld.GPS‐Status 1 1 GPS Tour iOS com.appicdesign.GPSTour 1 3 GPSCompassWheather iOS com.tigran.gpscompassweather 1 2 GR Classic iOS com.spudpickles.GRClassic 1 1 GrandLake iOS com.grandlake.apps 1 1 Great Clips iOS com.greatclips.greatclipsapp 2 4 GreatCourses iOS com.teachco.thegreatcourses 1 1

35 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Gridblock iOS com.six8t.gridblock 1 1 GRIT iOS com.magappzine.grit 1 1 GroupMe iOS com..iphone‐app 4 10 Groupon iOS com.groupon.grouponapp 5 14 Groups iOS com.microsoft.groupies‐daily 1 5 Groups iOS com.facebook.Groups 2 2 Groups iOS com.qbix.groups 1 1 Groups iOS com.linkedin.Communities 1 1 Grubhub iOS com.grubhub.search 2 3 GSA PRO iOS com.perceptiondigital.GSA 1 1 Guardian iOS uk.co.guardian.iphone2 3 4 Guardian iOS com.guardianprotection.Guardian 1 1 Guardzilla iOS com.guardzilla.Guardzilla 1 1 Guest Srvcs iOS com.mhr.everest.guest.services 1 4 Guide iOS com.Skcinc.SamplingGuide 1 4 Guide iOS de.csc‐hildebrand.GuideForFaceTime 1 1 Guidebook iOS com.guidebook.guidebook 2 6 GuitarTuna iOS com.ovelin.guitartuna 1 2 Gulf Power iOS com.ifactor.ios.gulfpower 1 2 Gummy Drop! iOS com.bigfishgames.worldsagaaapluniversalF2P 1 2 GunBroker iOS com.gunbroker.gunbroker 1 1 GV Phone iOS com.moplus.monkey.gv 1 2 HAB iOS HABNEW 1 1 Hackpad iOS com.hackpad.Hackpad 1 9 Hair Salon 2 iOS com.tocaboca.hairsalon2 1 1 Handwriting Scanner Free iOS HSFREE 1 1 Hanford Mobile iOS gov.doe.hanford.external.mobileWeb 1 1 Hangman iOS com.virtuesoft.hangmanlite 1 1 Hangouts iOS com.google.hangouts 6 27 Hanx Writer iOS com.hitcents.hanx 1 1 Happify iOS com.happify.Happify 2 2 Happy Scale iOS com.frontpocketsoftware.happyscale 1 1 Harmony iOS com.logitech.harmonyremote 1 1

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39 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count ICC iOS org.instituteofcatholicculture.ICCMobile 1 1 ICE Standard iOS com.emergencystandard.ice 1 1 iComfort Wi‐Fi iOS com.lennox.icomfortwifi 1 1 iCompass iOS com.ivogel.compass 1 1 iControlAV5 iOS jp.pioneer.avsoft.icontrolav5 1 1 ID 511 iOS crc.carsapp.id 1 2 Ideament iOS net.nosleep.ideasketch 1 1 iDevices iOS com.idevices.idevicesconnect 1 1 iDisk iOS com.apple.me.iDisk 1 1 iDo ‐ Notepad iOS 363455392.com.yourcompany.iDo 1 1 i‐Drive iOS com.dnschina 1 1 iExit iOS com.metrocket.iexit 1 1 iFAR iOS com.visualsoftinc.ifar 1 2 iFit iOS com.ifit.fitnessband 1 1 iFly Lite iOS com.yourcompany.iFlyLite 1 2 iForm iOS com.zerion.apps.iform 4 35 iFormulas iOS com.yourcompany.iFormulas 1 1 IFTTT iOS com.ifttt.ifttt 1 2 IH Calculator iOS org.aiha.CalculationsAIHA 12 iHandy Level iOS com.ihandysoft.carpenter.level 1 6 iHeartRadio iOS com.clearchannel.iheartradio 7 40 IHG® iOS com.ihg.priorityclubrewards 7 40 iHunt By Ruger iOS com.desiderata.ihunt 1 1 iHurricane iOS com.gencode.trackingtheeyeHDFREE 1 2 iLights iOS com.appmosys.lights 2 4 IMDb iOS com.imdb.imdb 1 6 iMetronome iOS com.glpsoftware.imetronome 1 1 Imgur iOS imgurmobile 1 1 imo iOS imoimiphone 1 2 iMovie iOS com.apple.iMovie 17 656 IMVU iOS com.imvu.mobilecordova 1 1 In the Kitchen iOS com.sni.iphone.applications.ITKApp 2 2 iNaturalist iOS org.inaturalist.inaturalist 1 2

40 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Inbox iOS com.google.inbox 3 18 Ind Hyg New iOS com.texterity.texterity.IndHyg 1 1 Indeed Jobs iOS com.indeed.JobSearch 1 1 Indego iOS com.bicycletransit.Indego 1 1 IndoorAirPlus iOS gov.epa.airplus 2 22 IndoorAtlas iOS com.indooratlas.IndoorAtlas 1 1 Informant iOS pocketinformantiPad 1 2 Informant 5 iOS com.fanaticsoftware.informantMobile 1 1 Infuse iOS com.firecore.infuse.pro.5 1 1 Inlivo iOS com.Inlivo.app 1 1 Insidious VR iOS com.focus.insidiousCardboard 1 1 Insight Timer iOS com.spotlightsix.zentimer 1 5 Insight Timer iOS com.spotlightsix.insighttimerconnect 1 2 Insights iOS com.newrelic.Insights 1 1 Inspire iOS com.kiwipixel.inspirefree 1 1 Instagram iOS com.burbn.instagram 33 162 Instapaper iOS com.marcoarment.instapaperpro 1 3 InstaPDF iOS com.mackhag.instapdf 1 1 Instashare iOS com.arat.Vacuum 1 1 Insteon iOS com.insteon.insteon3 1 2 Instructions iOS com.artelplus.legosteps 1 1 Intellicast iOS com.wsi.iPhone.Intellicast 1 3 IntervalTimer iOS com.dworks.intervalfitnesstimerlite 2 3 InTouch Credit Union iOS com.intouchcu.mobile 1 1 Intro Lite iOS br.com.dgmotion.introdesigner‐lite 1 1 Investigator iOS com.augmen.Investigator 1 1 Invite iOS com.microsoft.outlooklabs.invite 1 1 iOS9 Tips iOS net.world‐software.iOS7‐Tips 1 1 IPANE iOS com.bugwood.ipane 1 1 iPassword iOS com.GalaxyStudio.PasswordSafeFree 1 2 iPeng iOS com.penguinlovesmusic.iPeng7 1 1 iPhoto iOS com.apple.mobileiphoto 1 2 iPrint&Label iOS com.brother.iPrint‐Label 1 1

41 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count iPrint&Scan iOS com.brother.iPrint‐Scan 2 7 ipsy iOS com.ipsy.Ipsy 1 1 iQIF iOS com.eware.iqif 1 1 Iran Radios iOS com.verygappsindie.iranradios 1 1 Iran Radios iOS IranRadio.vvhaliti 1 1 iReal Pro iOS com.massimobiolcati.iRealBook 1 1 iRecycle iOS com.earth911.greenPhone 1 1 i‐Ruler iOS idans.Ruler 1 1 iScanFree iOS com.businessapps.iscan 1 1 iScanner iOS com.zuletteran.scannerfree 5 12 iScanner iOS com.itcomapps.scanner 1 1 ISES 2014 iOS com.coreapps.ises‐meeting14 1 1 ISES 2015 AM iOS com.guidebook.apps.ISES2015 1 2 ISES 2016 iOS com.tapcrowd.CongressbyDesign5615 1 4 Isotope Browser iOS org.iaea.nds.Isotope‐Browser 1 4 iSpeech TTS iOS com.ispeech.first 1 1 iSSRN iOS com.ssrn.issrn 1 1 iStick iOS com.iStick.app 1 1 iSXBlue RTN iOS com.geneq.iSXBlueRTN 1 1 iSXBlue View iOS com.geneq.sxbluegps 1 1 Italian LT iOS com.pocketglow.ios.speakeasyitalian‐lite 1 1 iTalk iOS com.griffintechnology.italk 1 2 iTrans DC iOS info.itrans.DC 2 35 iTranslate iOS com.outerspaceapps.itranslate 1 2 iTunes U iOS com.apple.itunesu 17 641 iUSAJOBS iOS gov.usajobs.my.iUSAJOBS 1 3 iVideo Player iOS com.appaspect.ivideoplayer.youtube 1 1 iWARM iOS gov.epa.iwarm 2 12 iXpand Drive iOS com.sandisk.bolt 1 2 Jabber iOS com.cisco.jabberIM 6 27 JabraConnect iOS com.jabra.connect 1 1 Jamba Juice iOS com.olo.jambajuice 1 1 Jango Radio iOS com.jango.jango 1 1

42 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Jaunt VR iOS com.jauntvr.zion 1 2 Card iOS JazzCard 1 2 JCPenney iOS com.jcpenney.jcpenney 1 2 JEFIT iOS com.Jefit.JEFIT 1 3 Jenga iOS com.naturalmotion.j3n64 1 2 Jet iOS com.jetapp.jet 1 1 JetBlue iOS com.jetblue.jetBlueiPhone 2 19 Jetradar iOS com.jetradar.app 1 1 Jewel Heroes iOS com.zzl.jh 1 2 Jewel Mash iOS com.twimler.jewelmash 1 1 JibJab iOS com.jibjab.messages 1 1 Jigsaw Puzzle iOS com.criticalhitsoftware.jigsawpuzzle 1 2 Jigsaw Puzzle iOS com.kristanix.ios.jigsawpuzzleepic 1 1 JIRA iOS com..jira.app 1 1 JIRAConnect iOS net.luethi.ios.JIRAConnect 1 3 Jive iOS com.jivesoftware.core 1 1 Jo‐Ann iOS com.5thfinger.redshop.joann 1 2 JobSnaps iOS com.jobsnaps.jobsnaps 1 1 JoCoLibrary iOS com.bibliocommons.jcl 1 2 JordanMeme iOS com.okun.JordanHeadMeme 1 1 JotNot iOS com.mobitech3000.JotNotLite 1 1 JotNot Pro iOS com.mobitech3000.JotNotIPhone 1 2 JOX 94.5 iOS com.airkast.tunekast525 1 1 JSAnywhere iOS com.bornneet.JsAnywhere 1 2 Juice Jam iOS com.sgn.juicejam 1 1 Junos Pulse iOS net.juniper.junospulse 2 9 just for U iOS com.justforu.client 1 1 JW Library iOS org.jw.jwlibrary 1 1 KÄ“vo iOS com.UniKey.Kevo 1 1 KakaoTalk iOS com.iwilab.KakaoTalk 1 3 Kanbana iOS dk.AgileBrains.Kanbana 1 1 KAYAK iOS com.kayak.travel 4 11 KC Star iOS com.olive.ireader.kcstar 1 1

43 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count KCSM‐FM Jazz 91 iOS com.smcccd.kcsm 1 1 KCTV5 iOS com.cbcnmg.iapp.now.kctvuniv 1 1 KDFC iOS com.jacobsmedia.ent‐kdfc 1 1 KeePass Touch iOS de.pixel‐paws.KeePass‐Touch 1 1 Keeper iOS D4D2433BGC 4 5 KeepTruckin iOS com.keeptruckin.ios 1 1 Kenton Library iOS com.boopsie.kenton 1 1 Kentucky Traffic Cameras iOS ccom.crystalconsulting.KYDOTTravelleriOS 1 1 Kestrel iOS com.nk.Kestrel 2 2 Key Puzzle iOS circleoffifth 1 1 Key Ring iOS com.mobestream.keyring 1 1 Keynote iOS com.apple.Keynote 13 684 KFOR iOS com.localtvllc 1 1 Khan Academy iOS org.khanacademy.Khan‐Academy 1 1 KHCONF iOS com.khconf.KHCONF 1 1 Kick Connection, Inc. iOS mobapp.at.KickConnection 1 1 Kids iOS com.lifeway.bsflkids 1 1 Kids Media iOS org.commonsense.iphone.Kids‐Media 1 1 KidsDoodle iOS com.bejoy.kidsdoodle 1 2 Kik iOS com.kik.chat 1 1 Kindle iOS com.amazon.Lassen 9 65 KING 5 iOS com.doapps.c0fddd289b98a85ca53e9a912581ad71 1 1 King Soopers iOS com.kroger.kingsoopers 1 1 KioskConnect iOS com.kodak.kioskconnect 1 2 Kiplingers Personal Finance iOS com.magzter.kiplingerspersonalfinance 1 1 KLM iOS com.klm.mobile.iphone.klmmobile 1 1 klocki iOS com.klockigame.klocki 1 1 KMBC iOS com.hearst.kmbciphone 1 3 KMZ Loader iOS com.CaseyEvanoff.KMZLoader 1 1 KnotGuide iOS WJ89358R29.knotguide 1 1 Knots 3D iOS com.nynix.animatedknots3d 1 1 Knoxville News Print Edition iOS com.knoxvillenews.eedition 1 1 Kodi iOS org.xbmc.kodi‐ios 1 1

44 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Kodi Remote iOS it.joethefox.XBMC‐Remote 1 2 Kohl's iOS com.kohls.mcommerce.iphone 2 5 Kohl's iOS com.kohls.mcommerce.ipad 1 1 KP iOS org.kp.m 1 2 KPR iOS com.KPR.KPR 1 1 Krispy Kreme iOS com.krispykreme.hotlight 2 3 Kroger iOS com.kroger.krogermobile 1 2 KRON 4 iOS com.mippin.iphone.bw.m408833 1 1 KTUU iOS com.graydigitalmedia.ktuunews 1 1 KTVA iOS com.ktva.news.app 1 1 KUOW iOS com.pugetsoundpr.kuow 1 1 KUVO iOS com.listener‐interactive.kuvo 1 2 LA 511 iOS crc.carsapp.la 1 1 La Madeleine iOS com.lamadeleine.lamadeleine.ios 1 1 LabanKey iOS vn.com.vng.labankey 1 1 Labirint iOS ru.surf.Labirint 1 1 Ladder Safety iOS gov.cdc.niosh.dsr.laddersafety 1 1 Lamp Finder iOS com.osram.LampFinder 1 1 Lane Bryant iOS com.lanebryant.app 1 1 Languages iOS com.rosettastone.totale.companionhd 1 2 LaRosa's iOS com.larosas.mobile 1 1 LastPass iOS com.lastpass.ilastpass 2 10 Latest Sightings iOS com.krugersightings.krugersightings2 1 1 Laudate iOS com.ayckasoft.Laudate 2 3 Launcher iOS com.honda.hondalink.launcher 11 Law Reports iOS com.bna.Highlights 1 1 Law360 iOS Law360.Law360Native 1 1 Layout iOS com.burbn.layouts 2 12 LDS Tools iOS org.lds.ldstools 1 1 Leafsnap iOS com.leafsnap.leafsnap 1 3 LeagueSecretary.com iOS com.leaguesecretary.app 1 1 LED Banner iOS com.LEDIt 1 1 LED Torch iOS ch.smalltech.ledtorchfree 1 2

45 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count LegalHeat iOS com.mylegalheat.legalheat 1 1 LEGO My City 2 iOS com.lego.city.my‐city‐2 1 1 LEGO Ninjago iOS com.lego.ninjago.toe 1 1 LEGO Ninjago iOS com.lego.ninjago.thefinalbattle 1 1 Letter Opener iOS com.creativeinaustria.LetterOpenerMobile 1 1 Level iOS com.levelmoneyinc.level 1 1 Level Tool iOS com.masonadams.leveltoolfree 1 1 LevelUp iOS com.scvngr.LevelUp 2 2 LexisAdvance iOS com.lexisnexis.newlexis.LexisAdvance 2 2 Lexus Enform iOS com.lexus.lexusenformremote 1 1 Liberty Mutual iOS com.lmig.pm.internet.mobile.ServiceApp 1 1 LibriVox iOS biz.bookdesign.LibriVox 1 1 Life Coach iOS com.TapMediaLtd.SelfHelp 1 1 Life Cycle iOS com.northcube.life 1 1 Life360 iOS com.life360.safetymap 4 7 Life360 GPS Family Locator ‐ F iOS com.life360.safetymap 1 1 LiftMaster iOS com.myliftmaster.myq 1 1 LIFX iOS com.lifx.lifx 1 2 Light iOS com.jzlabs.flashlightfree 1 3 Light Finder iOS com.osram.LightFinder 1 1 Light Meter iOS com.nuwaste.lightmeter 1 2 LightMeter iOS com.whitegoods.iOsWhitegoodsLightMeter 1 1 Lightning iOS com.jrustonapps.My‐Lightning‐Tracker 1 1 Lightroom iOS com.adobe.lrmobilephone 1 1 Limo Driving School a Valet Dr iOS pl.aidemmedia.Venice2Parking 1 1 LINE iOS jp.naver.line 1 2 Line2 iOS com.toktumi.LineTwo 1 1 LinkedIn iOS com.linkedin.LinkedIn 22 117 LinkedIn Jobs iOS com.linkedin.JobSearch 2 4 List Ease iOS com.checkpoints.listblissdev 1 1 Listen & Speak iOS com.chineseskill.podcast 1 1 Live 5 News iOS com.raycommedia.WCSCNewsApp1 1 1 Live Nation iOS com.livenation.LiveNation 2 2

46 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Live Weather iOS com.fotoable.news.weather 1 1 Live.me iOS com.cmcm.live 1 1 Live365 iOS com.live365.radio365 1 1 LiveCollage iOS com.click2mobile.collagegrameFree 1 1 LiveSafe iOS com.livesafe.safetyapp 1 1 Livescribe+ iOS com.livescribe.companion 1 1 Livestream iOS com.livestream.new 1 2 LivingSocial iOS com.livingsocial.deals 2 2 Loan Calc iOS com.zyablikon.mlcalc 1 1 Locator iOS gov.dot.fra.RailCrossing 1 11 LoggerLink iOS com.campbellsci.LoggerLink 1 1 LoggerNet Mobile Connect iOS com.campbellsci.LoggerNet‐Mobile 1 1 LongExpo iOS EyeTap‐Soft.LongExpo‐Lite 1 1 Longform iOS com.professorseagull.longformapp 1 1 Lookout iOS com.flexilis.security 3 4 Looper iOS IOKANAN.Looper.2595 1 1 LoopNet iOS com.LoopNet.LoopNet 1 1 LorexEcoStratus iOS com.lorexcctv.eco.stratus 1 1 Lose It! iOS com.fitnow.loseit 2 6 LoveCalc iOS com.culturedlabs.LoveCalc 1 1 Lowe's iOS com.lowes.mobile.consumer.iphone.lowes 1 1 Low‐Glycal iOS Low‐Glycal 1 1 Loyalty Cards iOS com.superfanu.louisville 1 1 Lucid iOS com.lucid.ios 1 1 Lucidchart iOS com.lucidchart.app 1 1 Lumis iOS co.fameworks.Lumis 1 1 Lumo Lift iOS com.lumobodytech.LumoMod 1 1 Lumosity iOS com.lumoslabs.Lumosity 2 2 Lumosity iOS com.lumoslabs.LumosityiPad 1 1 Lyft iOS com.zimride.instant 11 46 Lync 2010 iOS com.microsoft.lync2010.iphone 1 12 Lync 2013 iOS com.microsoft.lync2013.iphone 3 6 Lync 2013 iOS com.microsoft.lync2013.ipad 2 5

47 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Lynda.com iOS com.lyndadotcom.lynda 1 2 M&T Bank iOS com.mtb.mbanking10 1 1 m/z CompTox iOS com.molecule‐apps.mz‐comptox 1 1 MaaS360 iOS com.fiberlink.maas360forios 32 2157 MaaS360 for iOS iOS com.fiberlink.maas360forios 3 6 Macy's iOS macys.ishop 1 1 MaddenMobile iOS com.ea.maddenmobile15.bv 1 2 Mag. Light iOS com.yizhu.MagnifyingGlassWithLight 2 6 Magisto iOS com.magisto.magisto 1 1 MagnetMeter iOS com.plaincode.MagnetMeter 1 1 Magnificat iOS com.magnificat.magnificat 1 1 Magnifier iOS com.sethowen.Magnifier 1 1 Mahjong iOS com.pacificsun.mahjong 1 1 Mahjong DF iOS com.ensenasoft.mahjongdeluxefree 1 1 Mahjong Master iOS com.emflag.mahjongmasteriphone 1 1 Mahjong Tiles iOS com.byterun.mahjongtiles 1 1 Mahjong!! iOS com.byterun.mahjongfree 1 1 mail.com iOS com.mail.iosmailer 1 1 MailOnline iOS com.and.mailonline 1 1 Majic 102.3 iOS com.airkast.tunekast834 1 1 Majong Games iOS com.doralogic.majonggames 1 1 MAKRADIO iOS ru.coderlab.MAKRADIO 1 1 Manage iOS com.everbridge.mobile.iv.sender 5 42 Manager Tools iOS com.manager‐tools.ManagerToolsApp 1 1 Mango iOS com.mangolanguages.MangoLibraryEdition 1 1 Map Plus iOS com.finwer.MapPlus 1 2 MapMyFitness iOS Q5AWL8WCY6.iMapMyFitness 2 2 MapMyRide iOS Q5AWL8WCY6.iMapMyRide 4 6 MapMyRun iOS Q5AWL8WCY6.iMapMyRun 6 8 MapMyWalk iOS Q5AWL8WCY6.iMapMyWalkFree 3 6 MapQuest iOS com.aol.mapquest 4 6 maps.me iOS com.mapswithme.full 1 3 iOS co.happybits.marcopolo 1 2

48 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Marco Polo iOS co.happybits.anyvideo.kik 1 1 MarineDebrisTracker iOS edu.uga.engr.marinedebris 1 2 MARIO RUN iOS com.nintendo.zara 3 6 Mark Levin Show iOS com.citadelwest.tunekast1126 1 1 Market iOS com.tmsoft.WhiteNoiseMarket 1 1 Marketplace iOS org.americanpublicmedia.Marketplace 1 1 MarketScene iOS com.troweprice.MarketScene 1 1 MarketWatch iOS com.dowjones.mktw 2 3 Marriott iOS com.marriott.iphoneprod 8 91 MARTA iOS com.marta.iPhoneApp 2 12 Marvel iOS com.marvelprototyping.MarvelApp 1 1 MassTimes iOS org.masstimes.english 1 1 Master in 24h for Adobe After iOS com.trithuc.X015 1 1 Masterbuilt iOS com.masterbuilt.Masterbuilt 1 1 Masters 2016 iOS com.orb.Masters 1 1 Matchsticks iOS com.matchsticks 1 1 Math Mult iOS 7Z5K42C36D.MathFlashCardsMultiplication 1 1 MathCards iOS com.bigredapps.MathCards 1 1 MavatarJCP iOS com.mavatar.jcp 1 1 Max Tracker iOS com.justhurricanes.mia.app 1 1 Mazuma iOS com.intuit.mobilebanking08055 2 3 MC Guide iOS completeguideformc 1 1 MCBackup iOS com.globile.ios.mycontactsbackup 1 1 MCBackupPro iOS com.globile.ios.MyContactsBackupPro 1 1 McDonald's iOS com.mcdonalds.gma 2 4 McMaster iOS com.mcmaster.McMaster‐Carr‐App 1 1 MD DNR iOS com.nicusa.mddnraccess 1 1 MDT Travel Info iOS gov.mt.mdt.MDTTravInfoMobile 1 2 MeasureMapL iOS net.victoralonso.measuremaplite 1 1 Measures 2 iOS com.skypaw.multimeasures2 1 2 Media Drive iOS com.sandisk.mediadrivesd 1 1 Meditation iOS com.maxwell.meditationtimerfree 1 1 MeetMobile iOS com.active.meetmobile 1 1

49 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Meetup iOS com.meetup.iphone 5 15 MEGABOOM iOS com.logitech.ue.uemegaboom 2 2 Meijer iOS com.meijer.mobile.Meijer 1 1 Melody Jams iOS com.melodyjams.MelodyJams 1 2 MemMatches iOS org.idesignco.memorymatches 1 1 Memo iOS com.visionobjects.myscriptmemo 1 1 Mercury iOS com.ilegendsoft.MBrowser 1 1 Merrick Bank iOS com.merrickbank.smartclient.prod 1 1 Merrill Edge iOS com.ml.mobile.merrilledgeiphone 1 1 Mesonet iOS edu.ou.mesonet.MesonetApp 1 2 Messenger iOS com.facebook.Messenger 34 227 Meteo iOS com.invasivecode.Meteo 1 1 Meteor iOS com.mathieurouthier.Meteor 1 1 Meter iOS deegan.UberMeter 1 1 Metro iOS pr.metro.iphone 1 1 Metro and Bus iOS com.dcmetroapps.dcmetrobus 3 37 Metro Map iOS com.taapuna.dcmetromap 2 4 Metro Times iOS com.williamgkendall.metrotimes 1 1 Metromile iOS com.metromile.MetroMile 1 1 MetroMinder iOS com.rollingstorm.MetroMinder 1 2 Metronome iOS com.xiaoyixiang.prometronome 1 2 Metronome iOS com.soundbrenner.metronome 1 1 MetroTimer iOS com.onyx3.metrotimer 1 2 MicPro iOS com.tfsapps.microphonefree 1 1 MicrosoftTech iOS com.microsoft.techcompanioniphone 1 1 MiFlight iOS com.miegoapps.miflight 1 1 MileIQ iOS com.mobiledatalabs.goiq 1 1 Mind Games iOS mobi.mindware.mindgamesfree2 1 1 MINDBODY iOS com.mindbodyonline.connect 2 5 Mindfulness Bell Free iOS com.bourbon.mindfulnessBell 1 1 Mindmarker iOS com.mindmarker.mindmarker 2 3 MindMeister iOS com.mindmeister.ipad 1 1 MindShift iOS com.bstro.mindshift 1 1

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51 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Moleskine, a Creative Cloud coiOS com.moleskine.moleskineacreativecloudconnectedap 11 Moments iOS com.facebook.Moments 1 2 Mondly iOS com.atistudios.MondlyItalian 1 1 MONEY iOS com.timeinc.money.ipad.inapp 1 1 MoneyCard iOS com.greendotcorp.walmartmoneycard 1 1 MonsterGirlz iOS com.kidsfunclub.monstergirlz 1 1 Monsters iOS es.socialpoint.MonsterCity 1 2 Moon Free iOS nz.co.petesmith.moonphasefree 1 1 Moovit iOS com.tranzmate.tranzmate1 1 2 MotiFIT iOS com.eurekadesignsolutions.motiFIT 1 1 Motion Stills iOS com.google.MotionStills 1 1 MotionX iOS com.fullpower.MotionXSleep 1 1 MotorTrend iOS com.zumobi.MotorTrend 1 1 MountainBike iOS com.runtastic.iphone.mountainbike.pro 1 1 Moving iOS com.sesameworkshop.MilitaryMovingApp 1 1 MP3 Books iOS com.biomsoft.mp3audiobookplayerfree 1 1 MP3 Cutter Free iOS com.elmadigital.MP3CutterForiMovieFree 1 1 mPING iOS edu.ou.ping 1 1 Mr. Crab 2 iOS se.illusionlabs.mrcrab2 1 1 MRN iOS com.accesso.MRN 1 1 Mrs Pig iOS com.ios.wheelonthebus 1 1 mSecure iOS com.mseven.mSecure 1 1 MSNBC iOS com.msnbc.rachelmaddow.ipad 1 3 MSS iOS com.57digital.minecraftskinstudio 1 1 MTailor iOS com.MTailored 1 1 mTicket iOS com.mbta.mobileapp.STORE 1 8 Multi Level Car Parking 6 ShopiOS pl.aidemmedia.SmallMallParking 1 1 Multi Level Car Parking Sim 5 aiOS pl.aidemmedia.MultilevelParking5 1 1 Multiplication iOS com.hoodamath.multiplicationflashcards 1 1 Multiplication iOS 7Z5K42C36D.MultiplicationHelpLite 1 1 MuniMobile iOS com.sfmta.mt.mobiletickets 1 1 Musi iOS com.feelthemusi.musi 1 2 Music Player iOS winning.musicplayer 1 2

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53 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count MyFord Mobile iOS com.ford.mfm.phev 1 1 myGMC iOS com.gm.myGMC 1 1 MyInfinity iOS com.carrier.myinfinity 1 1 MyItinerary iOS com.thomsonreuters.legal.myitinerary 1 1 myKONAMI iOS com.playstudios.mykonami 1 1 myLanguage iOS me.myLanguage.myLanguage 1 1 myLite iOS com.doapps.SimpleFlashLight 1 1 myMail iOS com.my.mail 1 1 MyNetDiary iOS com.mynetdiary.MyNetDiary 1 1 myPilot iOS com.pilottravelcentersllc.PFJLLMobileApp 1 1 MyRadar iOS com.fboweb.MyRadar 3 40 MySchoolBucks iOS com.hss.msb 1 1 MyScouting iOS org.scouting.skunkworxlab.myscouting.tool 1 1 mysms mirror iOS com.mysms.ios.mirror 1 1 myTifi iOS com.iMKapps.TifiRemote 1 1 MyTourGuide iOS com.mytourguide.mytourguide 1 1 myTrustmark iOS com.trustmarknationalbank.mobile 1 1 myTuner Radio iOS mobi.digitalminds.itunerfree 1 2 MyUnit iOS com.chii.myUnit 1 1 myWCTCapp iOS edu.wctc.mobile 1 1 myXpress iOS com.routematch.myXpress 2 4 MYZONE® iOS com.myzonemoves.app.MYZONE 1 1 N&O iOS com.mcclatchy.observer 1 2 N&O iOS com.mcclatchyinteractive.raleighipad 1 1 NAIC Codes iOS com.visualsoftinc.naiccodes 1 1 Nat Geo Atlas iOS com.natgeomobile.worldatlashd 1 1 NAT GEO TV iOS com.natgeo.tv 1 1 Nat Geo View iOS com.natgeomobile.dailyapp 1 1 National iOS com.nationalcar.mobile 2 4 National Parks iOS com.adventureprojects.npproject 1 1 National Real Estate Investor iOS com.freerange360.nareesin 1 1 NatureJournals iOS com.nature.reader.ipad 1 1 Navigator iOS com.esri.Navigator 1 3

54 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Navy Federal iOS org.navyfederal.nfcuforiphone 4 11 Navy SEAL iOS com.tinyanvil 1 1 Navy Sports iOS com.orbnetworks.navy 1 1 NBA LIVE iOS com.ea.ios.nbamobile 1 1 NBC iOS com.nbcuni.nbc.portal 3 6 NBC Chicago iOS com.nbcuni.lim.chi 1 1 NBC News iOS com.zumobi.msnbc 2 2 NBC Sports iOS com.nbcuni.com.nbcsports.liveextra 1 9 NBC4 DC iOS com.nbcuni.lim.wsh 1 4 NBCSPORTSRADIO iOS com.nbcuni.nbcsports.nbcsportsradio 1 1 NCAASports iOS com.xtremelabs.ncaasports 1 2 NCYSA iOS com.sincsports.ncysa 1 1 Negotiator iOS org.unitednations.negotiator 1 1 NEHA2016AEC iOS com.zerista.neha2015aec 1 1 Nepal Radio iOS com.allindianews.nepalradio 1 1 Nepali FM iOS com.deepakdhakal.nepalifm1 1 1 Nepali Music iOS com.deepakdhakal.nepalimusic 1 1 Nest iOS com.nestlabs.jasper.release 3 6 Net Analyzer iOS net.techet.netanalyzerlite 1 2 Netcamviewer iOS nl.arkasis.NetcamViewer 1 1 Netflix iOS com.netflix.Netflix 16 73 Network MM iOS ca.jacksonsoftware.Network‐Multimeter 1 1 Never Alone: Ki Edition iOS com.elinemedia.neveralone 1 1 New Relic iOS com.newrelic.NRApp 1 1 New York City Car Taxi and Bu iOS com.playwithgames.NYTimesSquareParking 1 1 News iOS com.microsoft.axp‐ios.BingNews 1 1 News Digest iOS com.yahoo.atom 1 1 News On 6 iOS com.mobdub.kotv.reader 1 1 Newsfeed iOS com.microsoft.office.spsocial 1 5 NewsHour iOS com.pointabout.18720 1 1 NewsOne iOS hr.apps.149898543 1 1 Newsy iOS com.newsy.app 1 1 NewtonTrack iOS com.ibikesports.ibikeNewton 1 1

55 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Nexia iOS com.schlagelink.ios.iphone 1 1 NextBus iOS com.NextBus.NextBus 1 2 Nextdoor iOS com.nextdoor.nextdoor 6 11 Nextgov iOS com.nextgov.app 2 3 NFL Fantasy iOS com.nfl.fantasy.core 1 1 NFL Mobile iOS com.nfl.gamecenter 4 12 NFL RUSH Gameday iOS com.nfl.rush.gameday 1 1 NFT All Cities iOS com.notfortourists.manhattan 1 1 NG Cyber iOS com.nextgov.Threatwatch 1 1 NG Magazine iOS com.natgeomobile.ngmagazine 2 2 NHL iOS com.nhl.gc1112.free 1 4 Nice Calc iOS com.chepenicoli.nicecalc 1 1 Nichiren Buddhism iOS com.65mg.NichirenBuddhismDailyGuidance 1 1 Nick iOS com.mtvn.Nickelodeon 1 1 NickJr Books iOS com.mtvn.NickJrReadingiPad 1 1 Night Light iOS com.rentronix.nightlightfree 1 1 Night Light iOS com.AndrewMaule.NightLightFree 1 1 Night Sky 4 iOS com.icandiapps.nightsky 1 2 Nightly News iOS com.msnbc.nightly.ipad 1 1 Nightstand iOS com.thomashuntington.nightstandcentral‐iPad 2 3 Nightstand iOS com.thomashuntington.weatherClockFree 1 2 Nightstand iOS com.kensington.risenshine 1 1 Nike+ Run Club iOS com.nike.nikeplus‐gps 2 2 Ninjago Wu‐Cru iOS com.lego.ninjago.wucru 1 1 Nixplay iOS com.creedon.Nixplay 1 1 NJ Lottery iOS net.njlottery.njlottery 1 1 NJ TRANSIT iOS com.njtransit.njtapp 2 4 NJ.com iOS net.advance.advnj 3 3 NLA17 iOS com.mdw.NLA17 1 1 NMCPHCCards2 iOS com.uspioneer.RiskcommunicationFlashCards 1 1 NMHC iOS mobi.tripbuilder.NMHCMeetings 1 1 NOAA Free iOS com.voltgamer.WeatherAlertPlusFree 1 1 NOAA Radar Pro iOS com.apalonapps.radar 1 3

56 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count NOAA Radio iOS com.coudriet.weatherradio 1 1 NOAA Weather iOS com.weather.noaaweatherlite 1 1 NOAA Weather Radar iOS com.apalonapps.radarfree 7 42 NoiseBox iOS de.insulin‐junky.whitenoisebox 1 1 Noodles iOS com.lummoxlabs.pivot 1 1 NOOK iOS com.barnesandnoble.B‐N‐eReader 2 2 NORAD Tracks Santa iOS org.noradsanta.tracker 1 2 Nordstrom iOS com.nordstrom.shopping 1 2 Norton IDSafe iOS com.symantec.nortonidsafe 1 1 Norton WiFi Privacy iOS com.symantec.securewifi 1 1 Norwegian iOS com.Norwegian.iConcierge 1 1 Nota iOS com.allforces.nota 1 1 Notability iOS com.gingerlabs.Notability 1 1 Notes Plus iOS com.viettran.NotePlus 1 1 Nowait iOS com.nowaitapp.consumer 2 2 noxiousweeds iOS gov.colorado.apps.noxiousweeds 1 1 NP 2016 iOS me.doubledutch.newpartnersconference 1 1 NP 2017 iOS me.doubledutch.phhml.newpartnersconference2017 2 3 NPR Music iOS org.npr.nprmusic 1 3 NPR News iOS org.npr.nprnews 3 30 NPR News iOS org.npr.nprpad 2 6 NPR One iOS org.npr.one 4 14 NSTA iOS com.crowdcompass.appMkhgx7GgIi 1 1 Nuclear iOS com.colakey.cm.016‐nuclear‐glossary 1 1 Number Guru iOS com.beenverified.numberguru 1 1 Numbers iOS com.apple.Numbers 12 689 NVMS7000 iOS com.brovision.nvms7000 1 1 NWFCU iOS com.nwfcu.mfm 1 1 NWITimes iOS com.nwi.LocalNewsReader 1 1 NYC Subway iOS uk.co.mxdata.NewYorkSubwayMap 2 3 NYer Today iOS com.condenet.newyorker.today 1 4 NYPost iOS com.nypost.iphone 1 1 NYT Now iOS com.nytimes.NYTNow 1 1

57 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count NYT VR iOS com.nytimes.nytvr 1 1 NYTimes iOS com.nytimes.NYTimes 7 53 NYTimes iOS com.nytimes.editorschoice 2 5 Octodad Dadliest Catch iOS com.younghorses.Octodad‐Dadliest‐Catch 11 ODB iOS org.odb.reader 1 1 Office 365 Admin iOS com.microsoft.o365shdmobileapp 1 2 Office Lens iOS com.microsoft.officelens 3 13 Office Mobile iOS com.microsoft.officemobile 3 30 OfficeSuite iOS com.mobisystems.OfficeSuiteFree2 1 3 OI.Share iOS jp.olympus‐imaging.oishare 1 2 OilDB iOS com.salientcrgt.SPCC 1 3 OilDb_SPCC_Deficiency iOS com.salientcrgt.SPCC 1 1 OkCupid iOS com.okcupid.app 1 1 Okta Mobile iOS com.okta.ios.mobile 1 2 Okta Verify iOS com.okta.mobile 2 3 OLO iOS com.Sennep.OLOgame 1 1 OME Viewer iOS com.microsoft.OMEViewer 2 6 OmniFocus iOS com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2.iPad 1 1 OmniOutliner iOS com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner2.iPad 1 1 Onboard Player iOS aero.dtisoftware.onboardplayeroem 1 1 OnDeck Parent iOS com.teamunify.ondeckparent 1 1 One Call Now iOS com.onecallnow.OneCallNow 1 1 One Nevada iOS org.nevadafederal.onlinebanking 1 1 OneBridge iOS com.nixle.OneBlock 1 1 OneBusAway iOS org.onebusaway.iphone 3 7 OneClickdigital iOS com.recordedbooks.libraryapplication 1 2 OneDrive iOS com.microsoft.skydrive 12 75 OneNote iOS com.microsoft.onenote 15 73 OneNote iOS com.microsoft.onenoteiPad 1 1 OnePlace iOS com.salemwebnetwork.Oneplace 1 1 OneTravel iOS com.wkt.onetravel 1 1 OneWest Bank iOS com.fis.324SUB 1 1 OnTheFly iOS com.itasoftware.onthefly 1 1

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60 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count PanoTuner iOS junggun‐lim.PanoTuner‐Free 1 1 Papa John's iOS com.papajohns.ios 1 3 Paper iOS com.fiftythree.paper 1 2 PaperlessPost iOS com.paperless.paperlesspost 2 3 Paprika iOS com.hindsightlabs.paprika.app 1 1 Paradise iOS it.iltofa.RP‐HD 1 2 Paramount iOS com.paramount.ParamountMovies 1 1 ParentVUE iOS com.edupoint.ParentVUE 1 1 ParkBoston iOS com.passportparking.mobile.parkboston 1 1 ParkChicago iOS com.passportparking.mobile.chicagometers 1 1 Parker’s Driving Challenge:iOS com.playwithgames.ThunderbirdsParking 1 1 Parking Panda iOS com.parkingpanda.nativeiphoneapp 1 1 Parking Spot iOS com.theparkingspot.goldenegg 1 4 Parkmobile iOS us.parkmobile.ParkMobile 5 27 Party of Lincoln iOS com.KarenHunter.POL 1 1 Passible iOS com.heavydutyapps.passiblepro 1 2 Passport iOS com.passportparking.mobile 1 2 PasswordBox iOS com.passwordbox.iphone.appstore 1 1 Passwords+ iOS com.dataviz.PasswordsPlus 1 1 Patelco Mobile iOS com.patelco.mobilebanking 1 1 Patriots iOS com.patriots.iphone 1 1 PayByPhone iOS com.verrus.paybyphone 1 1 PayPal iOS com.yourcompany.PPClient 3 10 PayPal Here iOS com.paypal.herehd 1 1 PBS Video iOS org.pbs.playeripad 1 2 PCalc Lite iOS com.pcalc.mobile.lite 1 2 PD e‐Edition iOS com.NewspaperDirect.StLouisPostDispatche 1 1 PDF Box iOS com.kgajera.pdflite 1 1 PDF Converter iOS com.readdle.PdfConverter 1 1 PDF Expert iOS com.readdle.PDFExpert5 2 2 PDF Export iOS com.livebird.PDFExportLite 1 1 PDF Office iOS com.readdle.pdfoffice 1 1 PDF Printer iOS com.dar‐soft.PDFPrinteriPad 1 2

61 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count PDF Pro 3 iOS net.domzilla.pdfpro 1 3 PDF Reader iOS com.kdanmobile.ipad.pdfreaderlite 1 2 PDF Reader iOS com.kdanmobile.PDFReaderLite 1 1 PDFpen iOS com.smileonmymac.PDFpen.iOS.PDFpen2 1 1 PeachPass iOS com.srta.peachpass 1 1 Peak iOS com.brainbow.peakprod 1 1 Pedometer iOS com.crossforward.pedometer 1 2 Peet's iOS com.peets.loyalty 1 2 Pei Wei iOS com.relevantmobile.peiwei 1 1 Pen Air iOS com.digitalinsight.cma.01605 1 1 PenFed iOS com.penfed.penfediphone 1 4 Penultimate iOS com.cocoabox.penultimate 1 2 Pepco iOS com.ifactorconsulting.pepco 1 1 Perdiem iOS gsa.gov.perdiem 3 22 Periscope iOS com.bountylabs.periscope 3 9 Persian Radio iOS live.persian.radio 1 1 Personal Cap iOS com.personalcapital.personalcapital 1 1 Pesticide Label | Étiquettes iOS ca.gc.hcsc.pmra 1 1 Pet First Aid iOS org.redcross.petfirstaid 1 1 PGA TOUR iOS com.pgatour.ipad 1 1 Philly.com iOS com.philly.PhillyDotCom 1 2 PhoneBook iOS mobileapp.com.thelocalbook.kanab 1 1 PhoneGap iOS com.adobe.phonegap.app 1 1 Photo Editor‐ iOS com.axiemsystems.photoeditorminus 2 3 Photo Labâ‐ iOS com.photo 1 1 Photo Label Free iOS com.PlanetArt.PhotoTextFree 1 1 Photo Partner iOS com.aw.wxxk 1 2 Photo Print iOS com.pictarine.Photo‐Print 1 2 Photo Space iOS com.avast.ios.photospace 1 1 Photo Vault iOS com.enchantedcloud.photovault 1 1 Photography iOS com.pacificspiritmedia.bestvids.photography101 1 1 PhotoGrid iOS com.YunFang.PhotoGrid 2 3 PhotoScan iOS com.google.photosscanner 1 2

62 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Photoshop Creative iOS com.pixelmags.reader.managed.imagine‐photoshop‐c 11 Photoshop Fix iOS com.adobe.photoshop.fix 1 3 Photoshop Mix iOS com.adobe.photoshop..ipad 1 1 PhotosInfo iOS com.irisbow.PhotosInfo 1 1 PhotoSync iOS com.touchbyte.PhotoSync 1 1 Photosynth iOS com.microsoft.capture 1 1 Piano Tiles iOS com.umonistudio.tapTile 1 1 Pic Collage iOS com.cardinalblue.PicCollage 1 1 PicLab iOS com.apperto.piclab 1 1 Picniic iOS com.picniic.picniicapp 1 1 PicPlayPost iOS com.flambestudios.videoinframe 1 1 PicsArt iOS com.picsart.studio 1 1 PicShop Lite iOS ca.esdot.PicShop.Lite 1 1 Pigment iOS com.pixite.pigment 1 1 Pill Reminder iOS com.drugs.pillreminder 1 1 Pinball Arcade iOS com.farsightstudios.pinballarcadefree 1 1 Pinterest iOS pinterest 19 75 Pipeline Emergencies iOS com.yudu.reader.redhatlive 1 1 Pitfall! iOS com.activision.pitfall 1 1 Pixel Craft iOS com.seusx.pixelcraft 1 1 PK Fitness iOS com.bredventures.pkfitness 1 1 Placard+ Free iOS com.passtimesoftware.placardplusfree 1 2 PlantNet iOS org.plantnetproject.PlantNet 1 1 PlantOMatic iOS com.ocoteatech.plantomatic 1 1 Plastics! iOS org.plasticsoupfoundation.beat‐the‐micro‐bead 1 1 Plated iOS com.plated.Plated 1 1 play by TR iOS com.caesars.playbytr 1 1 Play Movies iOS com.google.Movies 3 3 Play Music iOS com.google.PlayMusic 4 10 Play Newsstand iOS com.google.GoogleDigitalEditions 2 2 PlayGlass iOS com.7invensun.playglass 1 1 PlayMemories Mobile iOS jp.co.sony.playmemoriesmobile 1 3 Pleco iOS com.pleco.chinesesystem 1 1

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65 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Progressive iOS com.progressive.ProgressiveApp 1 1 Projects iOS net.teamworkpm.phone 1 2 ProPrompter Studio iOS com.bodelin.ProPrompter‐Studio 1 1 ProPublica iOS org.propublica 1 1 ProPublica iOS org.propublica.magazine 1 1 Protect America iOS com.protectamerica.mobile 1 1 ProtonMail iOS ch.protonmail.protonmail 1 1 Proximity Events iOS net.proximitymobile.Proximity‐Events 1 1 PS Express iOS com.adobe.PSMobile 2 4 PSU Football iOS net.advance.pennstatefootball 1 1 PsychroApp iOS se.munters.psychroapp 1 1 Psyclone iOS com.silverglance.psyclonelitever 1 1 Public Radio iOS org.prx.PublicRadioTuner 1 2 Puffin iOS com.cloudmosa.PuffinFree 5 12 Puffin iOS com.cloudmosa.puffin 1 2 PullUps iOS com.runtastic.iphone.pullup.pro 1 1 Pulse iOS com.ADT.ADTDistribution 2 7 Pulse iOS com.sengled.app.speakerconsole 1 1 Pulse Secure iOS net.pulsesecure.pulsesecure 4 30 Pulse Secure Browser iOS net.pulsesecure.browser 1 1 Pure Gas iOS com.autolean.puregas 1 1 Purifit iOS smart.bracelet.purifit 1 1 Pushbullet iOS com.pushbullet.client 1 1 PushUps iOS com.runtastic.iphone.pushup.pro 1 1 PvZ 2 iOS com.popcap.ios.PvZ2 1 3 PvZ Free iOS com.ea.pvzfree.bv 1 2 Pzizz iOS com.pzizztechnology.pzizz 1 1 Qdoba iOS com.qdoba.qdoba 1 1 Qfile iOS com.qnap.qfile 1 1 Qmanager iOS com.qnap.qmanager 1 1 Qphoto iOS com.qnap.qphoto 1 1 QR Reader iOS com.TapMediaLtd.QRReader 3 26 QR Reader iOS me.scan.qrcodereader 1 2

66 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count QR Reader iOS com.TapMediaLtd.QRReaderiPad 1 1 QR Reader iOS com.quium.quickqr 1 1 QR Scanner iOS com.mixerbox.QR 3 10 QR Scanner iOS com.biggu.qrcodereader 2 2 QRDR iOS com.scancode.qr 1 1 QRReader iOS com.TapMediaLtd.QRReader 3 3 QST iOS org.arrl.arrl 1 1 QuakeFeed iOS com.artisanglobal.quakefeed 2 3 QualBoard iOS com.2020research.QualBoardMobile2 1 1 Quartz iOS com.qzmedia.app.jasper 2 2 Quick Scan iOS com.ihandysoft.barcode.qr.free 1 2 Quick Upload iOS com.touchsoftware.SnapSave 1 1 QuickElem iOS com.mobilelearningsolutionscorp.QuickPeriodicTable 12 Quicken iOS com.intuit.quickencompanion.ios 1 1 Quickhelper iOS Hikari.puerTutor 1 1 QuickScan iOS com.mamun.fastscan 1 1 QuickScanner iOS com.kien.mConvert 1 1 QuickVoice iOS com.nfinity.QuickVoice 1 2 QuikTrip iOS com.quiktrip.qt 2 2 Quotes iOS com.bluepandaapps.quoteoftheday 1 1 QuranExplorer iOS com.pakdata.QuranExplorer 1 1 Qvideo iOS com.qnap.qvideo 1 1 Race Off iOS com.hutchgames.hotwheels 1 2 RacePenguin iOS com.topfreegames.racingpenguinfree 1 1 Rack iOS com.nordstrom.rack 1 1 RadarNow! iOS com.usnaviguide.RadarNow‐ 1 2 RadarScope iOS com.basevelocity.RadarScope 1 1 RadarUS iOS radarus 1 1 Radio iOS com.frenchkissapps.usaradio 1 1 Radio Javan iOS com.RadioJavan.RJ 1 1 Radio Maria World Family iOS rmwf 1 1 Radio.com iOS com.cbsradio.cbsradioplayer 2 3 Radio101 iOS ru.ideast.onezeroone 1 1

67 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count RadioCab iOS com.apcurium.MK.RadiocabsPortland 1 1 RadResponder iOS com.ChainbridgeTechnologies.RadResponder 3 94 Ragnar iOS com.crowdtorch.ragnar 1 1 Rain Rain iOS com.timgostony.rainrain 2 5 Rain Sounds iOS com.phase4mobile.rainsoundshq 1 1 RainAlarm iOS com.avilessoftware.RainAlarm 1 2 Rally Racer Dirt iOS com.sbkgames.rallyracerdirt 1 1 Rappler iOS com.rappler.RapplerMobile 1 1 RappRecord iOS com.tecnaviapress.rappahannockrecord 1 2 Ratings iOS org.consumerreports.Ratings 1 2 Ravens iOS com.yinzcam.nfl.bal 1 1 RCP iOS com.scitilopraelclaer.RCPApp 1 1 RD Client iOS com.microsoft.rdc.ios 2 9 ReachNow iOS com.reachnow.reachnow 1 3 Ready! iOS com.cobaltsign.readysetholiday 1 1 Real Racing 3 iOS com.ea.realracing3.inc 1 1 Realtime iOS com.huffingtonpost.realtime 1 1 RealTimes iOS com.realnetworks.rpios 1 1 Realtor.com iOS com.move.Realtor 1 3 Reboot with Joe Juice Diet iOS com.rebootWithJoe.iOSTracker 1 1 Rebooted iOS com.lego.ninjago.rebooted 1 1 Receiver iOS com.citrix.ReceiveriPad 1 1 Recolor iOS com.sumoing.ReColor 1 4 Record iOS com.ua.record 2 2 RecordBox iOS RecordBoxV1 1 1 Recorder iOS com.TapMediaLtd.VoiceRecorderFREE 2 7 Recorder iOS efusion.jp.VoiceRecorderHD 1 1 Recorder Plus iOS com.turbokey.recorderplus 1 2 Recr8OhioRiver iOS org.msdgc.recmgmt 1 1 Redbox iOS com.redbox.m 2 5 Reddit iOS com.reddit.Reddit 4 6 reddit AMA iOS com.reddit.ama 1 17 Redfin iOS com.redfin.redfin 2 3

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81 of 96 App Name Platform App ID Major Versions Install Count Tapatalk iOS com.quoord.Tapatalk 2 3 TapeACall iOS com.epicenterprises.tapeacall.lite 1 1 Tar Heels iOS com.neulion.UNCSPORTS2012 1 1 Target iOS com.target.Target 1 2 Tavern in the Square iOS com.paytronix.taverninthesquare 1 1 TBM Council iOS com.crowdcompass.appUFCxQ51MYp 1 1 TC 2.0 iOS com.alarmnet.tc2 1 2 TCF Bank iOS com.tcf.tcf 1 1 TCHerald iOS com.mcclatchy.tricity 1 1 TCI 2016 iOS me.doubledutch.gwbfp.tci2016 1 1 TD Bank (US) iOS com.tdbank.iphoneapp 1 2 TDFCU iOS com.intuit.mobilebanking03109 1 1 Team App iOS com.teamapp.teamapp 1 4 Team Stream iOS com.bleacherreport.TeamStream 2 3 Teams iOS com.microsoft.skype.teams 1 2 TeamSnap iOS com.teamsnap.ios 3 14 TeamViewer iOS com.teamviewer.rc 2 3 TeamWALL iOS com.sportssignup.teamwall 1 1 Tech Support iOS com.cisco.mobilesupport 1 1 Tech Today iOS com.cbsinteractive.techtoday 1 1 Technique iOS com.ubersense.excelade 1 1 TED iOS com.ted.TED 3 9 TEDD iOS com.westonsolutions.TEDD 3 6 TeeTimes iOS com.logicord.golf 1 1 Telegram iOS ph.telegra.Telegraph 1 1 Temple Run 2 iOS com.imangi.templerun2 2 2 Tennis iOS com.zepp.tennis 1 1 Termius iOS com.crystalnix.ServerAuditor 1 1 TestFlight iOS com.apple.TestFlight 2 13 TETRIS iOS com.ea.tetris2011.inc 1 1 TETRIS FREE iOS com.ea.tetris2011free.bv 1 2 Texas A&M iOS edu.tamu.tamumobile 1 1 iOS com.pinger.textfreeWithVoice 1 1

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