Tech Time Tips

PCI Webinars | Carrie Rogers-Whitehead How this webinar manages it’s time Technology: a time manager and a time waster

To do lists & Notes


Project Management

Single vs. Multi-tasking

Other apps and sites

Discussion/Questions The case for no technology

“Advances in communications and technology are supposed to make our lives easier…Instead, they often seem to fill our days with more work and stress.”- Charles Duhigg, author of Smarter, Better, Faster Importance of time management Jobs are more fluid now, without clear deadlines.


Studies show: overwork does not help us, it hurts productivity and mental health to consider during the webinar Technology should save you time, not spend it.

Better reviewed and more expensive does not necessarily mean it’s the best for you.

There’s nothing wrong with a pen and paper.

You’re an individual. Pick what works for you.

Work smarter, not longer or harder. To dos and Notes To dos and Notes



Todoist More To dos and Notes Wunderlist- https://www.wund

The Paper app by FiftyThree now has a note function =3

Works across platforms, even public computers Upload images and create searchable text Post-it function! Sophisticated tagging Calendars Taking your calendar to Outlook nowthe supports next third level party apps Wunderlist on it’s calendar

Google Keep syncs with your Google calendar

Google calendar on iOS and Android

In 2015 bought Sunrise, a online calendar maker and incorporated it into Outlook

Microsoft has OneNote, the equivalent of Google Keep More to know

You can sync Facebook events onto your Google Calendar but must do it manually

Franklin Planner does have an online software program http://www.franklincove applications/online.html Project Manageme nt - cloud-based project management software

Nozbe- cloud-based project management software

Omnifocus 2- pricey but comprehensive us

Cloud-based with access through a login

Works with your email

Groups conversations

Can use multiple file formats

Creates alerts Single vs. Multi- tasking Dealing with Distractions “Most of the time multi-tasking is an illusion. You think you are multi-tasking, but in in reality you’re actually wasting time switching from one task to another. ”

–Bosco Tjan Cons of Multi-tasking A University of London study found that participants who multitasked during cognitive tasks experienced IQ score declines that were similar to what they’d expect if they had smoked marijuana or stayed up all night. Our brains are not wired to focus on more than one thing at a time. Multi-tasking can be addictive, providing a short dopamine release when responding to another task Emotional IQ can drop when multi-tasking in meetings Other time management and productivity apps and sites Organize your reading Feedly- Save and organize blogs, journals and more

Pocket- Subscription-based service provides a permanent personal backup of articles and sites you save

Freemium sites to read offline: Readability, Read It, Reader it later Hootsuite

Social media management tool

Monitor your social networks and their analytics in one place

Schedule social media postings

Search for key words in your social media feeds Stay focused FocusBooster- Records your online sessions, time tracker

Toggl- Time tracker, aimed at businesses

Rescue Time- Records online sessions, time tracker Other productivity hacks Add Google Goals to interface with your Google calendar iStudiez Pro- planner aimed at students

IFTTT (“if then than that”)- Connects your apps and sets up alerts

Swiftkey- Predictive software for typing, helps you type faster Discussion and Questions Share your tech time tips! Smarter, Faster,References Better by Charles Duhigg

“10 of the Best Time Management Apps for the Holidays,” by Carrie Rogers-Whitehead, KSL News Media

“The Research is Clear- Long hours Backfire for People and for Companies,” by Sarah Carmichael, Harvard Business Review

Sanbonmatsu DM, Strayer DL, Medeiros-Ward N, Watson JM (2013) Who Multi-Tasks and Why? Multi-Tasking Ability, Perceived Multi-Tasking Ability, Impulsivity, and Sensation Seeking. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54402. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054402

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