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P27 Layout 1 MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015 TECHNOLOGY Microsoft moving into iOS, Android platforms NEW YORK: Looking for a new app for making “to-do” Geeks typically refer to this concept as “augmented reali- lists on your Apple or Android phone? You could use ty.” Abovitz prefers to think of it as “cinematic” or “mixed” Apple’s Reminders or Google’s Keep. But Microsoft is hop- reality. ing you’ll try Wunderlist, created by a German tech start- “We are giving people a paintbrush to paint the entire up that Microsoft bought this week. world,” Abovitz said Tuesday during a rare appearance at Microsoft’s acquisition of German firm 6Wunderkinder a San Francisco conference presented by the MIT this week for an undisclosed sum is part of its broader Technology Review. Abovitz is still being cagey about effort to win friends in the mobile world. It is still promot- when Magic Leap will begin selling its products, but it ing its Windows operating software for smartphones, but might not be too much longer. He revealed that the relatively few consumers are buying Windows phones. So Dania Beach, Florida, company is planning to manufac- the company is also building a stable of apps for devices ture a “photonic lightfield chip” in a 300,000-square-foot that run on Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platforms. plant. The expansion is being financed by Google Inc. That includes Android and iOS versions of Microsoft’s and other prominent investors, including Microsoft co- Office programs, which the Redmond, Washington, com- founder Paul Allen, who have poured $592 million into pany created in-house and released earlier this year. Then Magic Leap so far. Another sign of progress: Magic Leap is there’s a mobile calendar called Sunrise, made by a com- getting ready to release a software kit that will enable pany Microsoft bought in February. Microsoft Corp. also outside developers create games and other content that bought the startup behind an email app called Accompli, will work with the technology. “We are a dream factory which - like Sunrise and Wunderlist - has won praise from where you dream something and then make it happen,” tech reviewers for its clean design and useful features. Abovitz said. Microsoft has since rebranded the Accompli app as “Outlook” for mobile devices. But it’s still offering the Photo app boosts advertising Sunrise calendar and Wunderlist apps under their original Instagram’s more than 300 million users will soon names, while planning to use some of their features in This image provided by Microsoft shows the Microsoft Outlook for Android tablets app. Microsoft is see a lot more advertisements in their feed of trav- other services. All the apps have a free version. Microsoft still promoting its Windows operating software for smartphones, but relatively few consumers are elscapes, breakfast scones and stylish babies. When hopes they’ll eventually win people over to services that buying Windows phones. So the company is also building a stable of apps for devices that run on Facebook bought Instagram in 2012, the popular, free make money from subscriptions or ads. Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platforms. —AP photo-sharing app had no ads. Since then, Instagram has been careful to only show a few, hand-picked ads Taking a magic leap people feel like wizards starring in their own personal describes it as a way to manipulate “rivers of light” so digi- in users’ feeds, for fear of alienating its fiercely loyal fol- Magic Leap, a secretive startup backed by Google, is Harry Potter movie. Although the technology is still tal content normally seen on the screens of personal lowing - or marring the Instagram experience. But we working on a breakthrough that it promises will make shrouded in mystery, Magic Leap CEO Rony Abovitz computers and mobile devices appears as holograms. all knew that wouldn’t last. — AP Netflix to expand further in Europe LOS GATOS: Netflix will debut in next year, although the company Italy and Portugal in October as the may have to forge partnerships to Internet video service accelerates enter some countries such as China. its international expansion. The It’s already in more than 50 coun- move into two more European tries. The company ended March countries was announced Saturday, with 62 million subscribers world- just a few days after the Los Gatos, wide, including 41 million customers California, company unveiled its in US The service, which streams plans to begin selling its service in movies and TV shows over high- Spain. speed Internet connections, costs $9 Netflix is aiming to be available per month in the US Prices vary in throughout the world by the end of other parts of the world. — AP Woman behind Silicon Valley gender suit demanded $2.7m SAN FRANCISCO: The woman behind a grossly underrepresented. During the high-profile gender discrimination law- trial, Kleiner Perkins attorney Lynne suit against a Silicon Valley venture cap- Hermle tried to portray Pao as someone ital firm demanded $2.7 million not to just interested in money. She said Pao appeal the jury verdict against her, the failed as an investor at the company firm said Friday. Attorneys for Kleiner and sued to get a big payout as she was Perkins Caufield & Byers included the being shown the door. Pao is now inter- figure in court documents filed in San im CEO of the Internet discussion forum Francisco Superior Court against Ellen Reddit. LONDON: In this file photo, Apple Watches are on display in a store on Oxford Street. — AP Pao, and a spokeswoman for the com- Pao’s attorneys said she was an pany said Pao sought the money in accomplished junior partner who was exchange for not appealing. passed over for a promotion because Apple to turn up “We have no intention of accepting the firm used different standards to this unreasonable demand,” the spokes- judge men and women, and that she woman, Christina Lee, said. Heather was fired when she complained about Wilson, a spokeswoman for Pao, discrimination. Pao told jurors that her declined comment on Friday’s court fil- lawsuit was intended in part to create their music dial ing or statement by Kleiner Perkins. Pao equal opportunities for women in the filed a notice this week that she was venture capital sector. Kleiner Perkins is appealing the March verdict, in which a seeking more than $970,000 in legal Biggest overhaul of iTunes since 2003 jury found Kleiner Perkins did not dis- costs from Pao. It had said it would criminate or retaliate against Pao. waive all costs if Pao did not pursue an SAN FRANCISCO: Apple today is expected to unveil a which took place at the same downtown San virtual assistant to better challenge Google Now and The case became a flashpoint in an appeal. Kleiner Perkins defended the ramped up music service that builds on the iPhone Francisco venue less than two weeks ago. Microsoft’s Cortana. “I am hoping that is the case, ongoing discussion about gender costs in Friday’s filing against Pao’s maker’s strengths in a challenge to Spotify, Pandora because I think Siri is a distant third right now when inequity at elite technology and ven- claims that they were improper and and other established players. In the biggest overhaul Time for smartwatch apps it comes to virtual assistants,” Baker said. Google ture capital firms, where women are excessive. — AP of iTunes since it was launched in early 2003, the serv- Apple will likely be keen to fuel enthusiasm for showed off a keenly upgraded Now on Tap tailored ice was anticipated to include an option of subscrib- making apps to run on its freshly launched line of for its next generation Android software for mobile ing to streaming music for $10 monthly. Analysts and smartwatches. “I think we will see a focus on doing devices that better anticipates tasks people want industry insiders believe rebranded “Apple Music” will new and unusual things on Apple Watch,” said inde- tended to. be introduced today during a keynote presentation pendent Silicon Valley analyst Rob Enderle. Apple is Apple may also show off improved privacy pro- kicking off the company’s weeklong Wordwide likely to loosen the reins a bit on its smartwatch to let tection features in its software, in keeping with Developers Conference in San Francisco. developers create apps that work right on the wrist strong public comments made in recent weeks by “I absolutely think we will see a streaming music instead of on iPhones to which they are synched. chief executive Tim Cook. And, true to the develop- service,” Gartner analyst Van Baker told AFP. “Apple is Enhancements were also expected to Apple Pay, er theme of the gathering, Apple will dive deeply late to the game on this but it may not matter.” While which allows contactless payments with iPhones or into features of coming generation software for its iTunes transformed the way music was distributed smartwatches. Improvements could include adding computers and mobile devices. and sold, it also put Apple in a position to build exten- the ability to track rewards program information. “I’m not expecting anything too earth shatter- sive relationships with labels and artists. The populari- “Apple’s role in the payments ecosystem is still ing,” Baker said of WWDC. Apple devices remain ty of iTunes and Apple devices means that a broad unproven and of questionable value at this time,” premier venues for developers to feature their audience could be provided an easy way to simply said Forrester analyst Sucharita Mulpuru. “What they creations, but Google-backed Android software switch on the new music service, according to Baker.
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