ChinaFostering business and culturalInsight harmony between China and the U.S. VOL. 15 NO. 1 January 2016 MN China Friendship Garden Society furthers plans for the St. Paul-Changsha China Garden at Phalen Park By Linda Mealey-Lohmann News, p.3

to join St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman’s The group visited many Changsha eight-person delegation there. Gardens to view the architectural style and Since 1988, Changsha has been St. landscape designs, including a visit to the Paul’s sister city in China. The purpose famous Aiwan Pavilion at Yuelu Mountain. of the China Garden Society’s trip was to A highlight of the trip was the signing of a further its mission of building a Chang- Sister Friendship Park Agreement between sha-style China Garden at Phalen Park, Phalen Park and Yanghu Wetlands Park, which was approved as part of the park’s located in Changsha. The Sister Friendship master plan in 2011. The idea of creating a Park Agreement opens the way for future China Friendship Garden in Minnesota was cultural exchanges. Food, p.5 seeded by Professor C.C. Hsiao and Linda The China Garden Society group also Mealey-Lohmann in 2000, and the China traveled to Feng Huang Phoenix Ancient Garden Society was co-founded in 2005. Village and smaller villages to conduct Feng Huang village at night Phalen Park is the home of the annual research on Hmong (Miao) culture, one Four members of the MN China Dragon Festival (July) and the site of the of the main ethnic groups in the Changsha Friendship Garden Society, Linda Mealey- “Meditation” sculpture by Changsha artist area. The Hmongs in Minnesota claim the Lohmann, Brenda Fong, Bill Zajicek, and Master Lei Yixin. Lei is also the artist who Changsha area as their ancestral home. Romi Slowiak, traveled to Changsha, carved the Martin Luther King Jr. Stone of Hunan Province, China, in October 2015 Hope Memorial in Washington, D.C. continued on page 16

Arts & Culture, p.8

Data on Minnesota Exports for Third Quarter 2015 – Published November 2015 For More Information: Madeline Koch, 651-259-7236.

Minnesota exports drop 10 percent in the third quarter to $5.0 billion Politics, p. 12

Minnesota exports of goods (including Figure 1. Exports Fall For Majority of States agricultural, mining and manufactured products) dropped to $5.0 billion and rep- resented a decrease of 10 percent (or $568 million) between the third quarters of 2014 and 2015. Minnesota ranked 22nd by ex- port value in the third quarter of 2015. U.S. exports fell 8 percent during this period; 42 states experienced decreased exports. For the first nine months of 2015, Minnesota and U.S. exports have fallen Community, p. 15-16 about 6 percent. For the manufacturing sector, Min- In This Issue nesota exported $4.7 billion in the third quarter of 2015. Both U.S. and Minnesota Arts & Culture 7 – 10 MN: -10.2% U.S.: -7.8% Book review 11 Exports Decline the Most to Business 1, 13 Decline 0% Growth Canada and Markets in Asia; Community 1, 15 – 16 Some Growth to EU Markets Education 14 • The state’s exports to North America cent) and Singapore ($116 million, down Austria ($29 million, up 51 percent), Po- Events 4 dropped 19 percent as exports to Cana- 19 percent). In contrast, exports to China land ($30 million, up 44 percent), Spain Food 5 da plummeted 27 percent to $1.1 billion. were flat at $554 million, up 2 percent to ($23 million, up 54 percent), and the Unit- History 6 Exports to Mexico dropped slightly by 1 Thailand ($61 million) and up 6 percent to ed Kingdom ($136 million, up 8 percent). News 3 – 4 percent to $635 million. Malaysia ($38 million). Exports also increased 7 percent to Cen- Opinion 4 • Minnesota exports to Asia decreased • Other bright spots for Minnesota exports tral and South America ($262 million) and 10 percent, due to significantly weak- were markets in the European Union, to the Middle East ($115 million). People 10 er demand in major markets such as the where exports increased 4 percent to $1 Politics 12 – 13 Philippines ($109 million, down 31 per- billion. Exports grew strongly particularly Pronouncements 2 cent), Japan ($259 million, down 15 per- to Germany ($217 million, up 29 percent), continued on page 13 PAGE 2 / January 2016 pronouncements Publisher’s Pronouncements ChinaInsight Greetings! All of us at China Insight hope you were ferent locations - the two mentioned above 2013 edition of China Insight (pages 9 and Publisher: able to enjoy a great holiday season and we and one near the Minneapolis Institute of 11) from the archive link for articles about Gregory J. Hugh wish everyone a healthy and a prosperous Art in Minneapolis, since there are at least Chinese New Year customs and traditions. [email protected] 2016. As we resume our regular produc- eight Japanese gardens in the metro area. Chinese New Year typically takes place af- tion schedule, we begin our 15th year of We are sad to report on the recent ter the Winter Solstice and is celebrated by publishing and continue our mission of pro- passing of two individuals who have con- millions of people across the globe. Chinese Manager of Operations/ moting cultural and business understanding tributed to China Insight and the Chinese New Year is a time of new beginnings and Circulation: between China and the U.S. To enable us to community in their support of Chinese arts signifies a fresh start for everyone. It is Richard He continue, we are seeking a few advertising and culture: contributing writer Raymond very much a family event and is a time of [email protected] representatives (see ad on p. 11). Lum and local philanthropist Bruce Dayton reunion and thanksgiving. Included in this month’s issue is the (see Memoriam). Thank you for continuing to support second part of our series on presidential As we prepare to celebrate Chinese New China Insight and please don’t hesitate to candidates and their positions on China. Year on February 8, the Year of the Monkey, contact me if you have any comments to Staff Writers: This article is written exclusively for China we invite you to enjoy many of the Chinese aid us in continuing to serve the community. Greg Hugh Insight by contributors Joe Pearman and New Year celebrations that will take place [email protected] Chang Wang. On the front page, we have throughout the Twin Cities announced in Sincerely, published an update on the proposed Chi- this issue, including events of the U.S.-Chi- Elaine Dunn nese Garden at Lake Phalen, St. Paul. There na Peoples Friendship Association-MN [email protected] was also an update on the Chinese Garden Chapter, CAAM Chinese Dance Theater now being constructed at the University and Twin Cities Chinese Dance Center. Gregory J. Hugh of Minnesota Arboretum in Chanhassen For those of you who wish to learn China Insight, Inc. during CAAM’s Annual Meeting/Banquet. more about the custom of celebrating Chi- Publisher-CEO Contributors: It’s nice to see that the Chinese community nese New Year, visit our website at www. Tao Peng is working on Chinese gardens at three dif- to access the February [email protected]

Joe Pearman IN MEMORIAM [email protected]

Chang Wang We are sad to report on the recent passing of two individuals who have contributed to [email protected] China Insight and the Chinese community in their support of Chinese arts and culture Patrick Welsh [email protected]

Raymond Lum was a native of Chicago’s Chinatown and a boyhood friend of Greg Hugh, Production Editor: publisher of China Insight. Ray had been a contributing writer for China Insight over the past Teresa Khamlusa seven years and provided many book reviews and a series on Chinese genealogy, which he [email protected] unfortunately was not able to complete. He was Harvard’s librarian for South and Southeast Asia and an instructor of Chinese at Harvard University Extension School. He held a master’s Honorary: degree in library science from the University of Michigan and an M.A. and Ph.D. in East Asian Jennifer Nordin, Editor Emertus Languages & Civilizations from Harvard University. From 1968 through 1970, he was a U.S. [email protected] Peace Corps volunteer in Sarawak, Malaysia. He was a resident of Arlington, Massachusetts. 1942-2015

Much has been written about philanthropist Bruce Dayton in mainstream media. He was known for his business acumen and how he led the Dayton Department Store chain that was About ChinaInsight sold and focused on building what is now Target Corporation. He also carried on his family ChinaInsight is a monthly English legacy of civic giving and was extremely generous to the Minneapolis Institute of Art where language newspaper fostering business he has donated many priceless Chinese art pieces and furniture. The Chinese Heritage Foun- and cultural harmony between China and dation named him an Honorary Chinese Minnesotan of Note in 2007. He and his wife Ruth the U.S. Stricker recently made a generous donation to the Chinese Heritage Foundation’s commission ChinaInsight is a Member of The of an English of the “,” thus continuing his mission to share Minnesota Chapter of the Asian American Chinese culture. A separate article on the “Dream of the Red Chamber “ can be found else- Journalists Association (AAJA). where in the paper. 1918-2015 Submissions & Correspondence ChinaInsight welcomes guest articles and letters to the editor. Correspondence should be addressed to:

Editor, ChinaInsight Insight 750 Mainstreet, #230 ChinaInsight Guaranteed Hopkins, MN 55343 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Tel: 612-723-4872 [email protected] 10 issues - $24 for a domestic subscription and $40 for you could run to the Letters to the editor become the property international. YES of ChinaInsight and may be edited for Please make check payable to ChinaInsight, 750 store and pick up a copy, but length and published. Articles will not be did you know you can have published without the express consent of Mainstreet, #230 Hopkins, MN 55343 the author. Name______ChinaInsight delivered directly to your mailbox? NOTICE TO READERS: The views Address______expressed in articles are the author’s and A subscription costs a City/State/Zip______not neccesarily those of ChinaInsight. mere $24 and brings a full Authors may have a business relationship Phone______with the companies or businesses they year (10 issues) of new discuss. Email______understanding about today’s Company______China, from language to Title______business opportunities. Copyright 2016 ChinaInsight, Inc. All Rights Reserved. news January 2016 / PAGE 3 Where do old China Chinese mobiles go? Briefs according to -based newspaper New Express. Mobile phones contain many nonbiode- gradable materials including heavy metals such as copper, lead and mercury, which pollute the soil and contaminate the water table. Guiyu in South China’s Guangdong Province is known as the e-waste capital of the world. A small family-operated concern processes 60 percent of the phones and old computers. Its informal “recycling” process causes significant pollution to the The average Chinese replace and upgrade environment as China does not have up-to- their mobile phone every 8-12 months, date recycling procedures for mobiles and Pathetic proficiency discarding 80 million devices each year, computer components. ♦ A recent report on Hong Kong stu- # dents’ proficiency in English would be # 1 funny if it weren’t so pathetic! The Di- Rural consumers # 8 6 ploma of Secondary Education English 3 exam report stated students struggled with # By the numbers # pronunciation. E.g., “My doctor is in the shopping online 10 4 # # 2 sour” actually was supposed to be “My 7 daughter is in the shower.” Sad to think The People’s Republic of China’s this former British colony now ranks 33rd Ministry of Commerce reported that 77.14 Singles’ Day: online shopping The Chinese online shopping out of 70 countries in English language million rural consumers spent approximately frenzy frenzy known as Singles’ Day, takes proficiency. US$28.2 million online in 2014, representing place every Nov. 11 when singles buy Sovereignty at last a 40.6 percent increase in order volume and a gifts for themselves to compensate for Taiwan finally gained independent 60 percent increase in sales from a year ago. their “single-hood.” Its 24-hour sales status the last week of November 2015. Of that, US$27.9 was spent on a one-stop volume was more than Thanksgiving, But instead of joy, its government and service site for rural farmers. Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the citizens are treating this change in sta- E-commerce giants Alibaba, and U.S. combined. tus with fear. Why? Because its sover- Suning also are focusing on their competi- 2015 Singles’ Day sales did not disappoint! eign-state status was recognized not by tion in rural areas. As of the end of Septem- mainland China but ISIS in a four-minute ber, Alibaba has built 109 county-level ser- 9.3 billion in sales took place in the first propaganda video. Careful what you vice centers in 21 provinces and set up rural 12 hours of Singles’ Day, almost doubling wish for! the $3.9 billion in the first hour of 2014. service points in 4,247 villages. Its average The video was released days after daily orders has surpassed 50,000 items, ac- President Obama said Taiwan is one of the 8 minutes was all it took to rake in $1 coalition against ISIS during the recent cording to TechWeb. has completed billion in sales after the event kicked off ASEAN summit. Taiwan is providing 700 county-level service centers. ♦ at midnight. In 2013, it took 50 minutes some humanitarian aid and emergency to reach $1 billion. relief to the U.S.-led anti-terror campaign, but no military involvement. Taiwanese “Umbrella Soldiers” 72 percent of the sales in the first 90 min- are told to remain calm, but vigilant. utes were done through Alibaba’s mobile Fire’s out! app. Over the 24-hour period, 68 percent Firemen at Fuzhou Changle Airport win seats of sales were made on mobile devices. responded to a fire on a passenger plane merchants took part in this on the runway. Unfortunately for them, 40,000 year’s event, compared with 27,000 in they sprayed down the wrong plane – the 2014. This year included 5,000 mer- one that reported the fire to the control chants from overseas. tower! Turned out the “fire” coming from the engine of the other aircraft was 213 countries participated in this year’s deemed “normal!” Oh well…what’s a online event. 90-minute delay compared to aviation disaster in the air, huh? 100 million orders were processed by Nine-dash maps Alibaba in the first hour. As of January 1, China will have map monitors making sure that maps depicting 760 million packages will be sent on the Chinese territories will be “up-to-date!” day, representing a 42 percent increase Read: maps that show the South China over the same period last year. Sea need to reflect a red nine-dash line (that first appeared in a 1947 map) that 60 percent increase in Alibaba’s sales gives China ownership of various is- for 2015 Singles’ Day, totaling US$14.3 lands that are in international territorial billion in gross merchandise volume disputes, such as the Spratly and Paracel (GMV), does not take into consideration islands. Those caught with an incorrect the eventual returns. Also, since Alibaba map will be fined 200,000 yuan, approx. makes its money off fees and commissions US$30,833. from the sellers on its site, its revenue is Vermicelli with free side of rat not $14.3 billion. A hungry rodent wanted to partake a Young supporters of Hong Kong’s 2014 pro-Beijing camp in the November 2015 vermicelli plate with a patron at a noodle 1.6 million bras sold on Singles’ Day, pro-democracy demonstration (“Umbrella elections. These new, young pro-democracy folded and stacked would reach three shop in Hong Kong. It left its lair in the times the height of Mt. Everest. air conditioning unit above where the Revolution”) last year are known as “Um- voters are making some inroads by showing man was sitting, jumped onto his shoul- brella Soldiers.” Even though the demon- their power. stration may not have yielded concrete elec- The elections drew a historical high of 47 10 million orders were recorded by der when his plate of vermicelli arrived. Alibaba’s rival Shrieks from other patrons sent the tion changes, it did instill interest in politics percent voter turnout, many saying that last of governance in the younger generation. year’s pro-democracy demonstration had approximately 5-inch long rat scurrying 5 top smartphone brands sold during the into the shop kitchen, but not before it Many registered to vote for the first time. motivated them to cast their votes. Joshua 24-hr period are: 1) Huawei, 2) Meizu, scratched the man’s neck! In the district elections of November Wong, the teenage face of the demonstra- 3) Xiaomi , 4) Apple and 5) Qiku. No Fortunately, doctors proclaimed the 2015, the first after the demonstrations, tion, was eligible to vote for the first time. finalized sales figures are released, but wound “not serious” and the shop owner dozens of Umbrella Soldiers ran for election. “I finally cast the first vote of my life,” he fifth-placed Qiku was reported to have promised to pay the victim’s medical bills The pro-democracy campaigners managed tweeted. ♦ sold 80,000 phones within the first 10 AND clean up his act, literally. to take four council seats away from the hours. PAGE 4 / January 2016 opinion The promise of China’s G20 presidency By Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng, China Daily, Dec. 2

China has assumed the G20 presidency currently faces, because it could exacerbate agreement, spearheaded by the U.S. and and violence. Given this, China could, like since Dec 1. Over the next year - and desperation and instability in already-fragile including 12 Pacific Rim countries. Instead Turkey, use its G20 presidency to promote especially at the organization’s September countries, while compelling more robust of grandstanding, China has shown its consensus on the need to end the Syrian summit, to be held in Hangzhou - China economies to turn inward, rather than willingness to pursue different types of conflict and to support long-term peace plans to help lay the groundwork for a address proliferating crises. trade arrangements, as needed. If China and economic development throughout world economy that is more “innovative, Fortunately, China has lately been can grasp the opportunity of the G20 the Middle East by pursuing strategies that invigorated, interconnected, and inclusive.” showing its commitment to becoming presidency to broker a deal to conclude the revive trade, investment, and employment. The question is how. a more responsible global stakeholder. World Trade Organization’s long-stalled Next year, the G20 has an important The G20 has gained some momentum, Perhaps most notable, it recently led the Doha Development Round, its credentials opportunity to show that it can deal and China can benefit. If the current United establishment of the Beijing-based Asian as a global stakeholder would be enhanced. effectively with global crises, from the Nations Climate Change Conference Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), There is more promising news. The risk of secular stagnation to the scourge produces a binding global agreement to curb which will serve largely as a vehicle for Chinese has joined the U.S. of transnational terrorism. With the right greenhouse-gas emissions, that momentum Chinese foreign investment. dollar, the British pound, the euro, and the mix of realism and power sharing, China’s will become even stronger. Given that Specifically, the AIIB will (among Japanese yen in the basket of currencies that G20 presidency could catalyze important the G20 countries represent two-thirds other things) provide funding for China’s determines the value of the International progress - and perhaps even place a firm of the world’s population and 85 percent ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, which Monetary Fund’s reserve asset, special foundation beneath a new global economic of its GDP, they would be integral to the aims to enhance trade linkages throughout drawing rights. With the renminbi moving architecture fit for the 21st century. ♦ implementation of any deal. By providing Asia, across the Middle East, and into one step closer to becoming a reserve a framework for these countries to meet Europe, through massive infrastructure currency, China’s capacity to help the regularly to discuss global challenges like investment. The fact that more than 50 world - and especially emerging-market Andrew Sheng is distinguished fel- climate change, the G20 - which is, at best, countries signed on as founding members economies - cope with impending market low of the Asia Global Institute at the a club of self-selected members - gains indicates that members’ interest in securing volatility will be greatly enhanced. University of Hong Kong and a member legitimacy. resources to meet urgent infrastructure Building a robust, unified, and fast- of the UNEP Advisory Council on Sus- All of this bodes well for China’s trumps geopolitical competition. growing global economy will be extremely tainable Finance. Xiao Geng is director capacity to help counter the global slowdown The same brand of pragmatism difficult even under the most favorable of the IFF Institute, and professor at the in growth, trade, and investment. And not a was apparent in China’s response to circumstances. It will be impossible if University of Hong Kong and a fellow at moment too soon: The ongoing slowdown its exclusion from the recently agreed large swaths of the world - most notably, its Asia Global Institute. is among the greatest risks the world Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade the Middle East - remain mired in chaos

Events News Chinese Celebrate CHINESE NEW YEAR with consumption- CAAM Chinese Dance Theater boosting CAAM Chinese Dance Theater will present its 2016 Chinese New Year Show “One Earth One Home” on Jan 30 & 31 at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul. Vibrant costumes, agile movement and energetic styling on a professional stage are hallmarks of CAAM Chinese Dance measures Theater’s annual production. Intended to celebrate the Chinese New Year season the show features dances to delight and entertain, inspired by Chinese stories of man’s relationship with animals and nature. CAAM CDT explores stories and values of various groups in China through dazzling movement and heartfelt stories, display of jumps, turns and acrobatics interwoven into a fantastical presentation. CDT has built a reputation in arts and dance circles with its entertaining, professionally choreographed and marvelously executed programs. CDT also is recognized for its welcoming and inclusive work in the broader community with its extensive outreach in schools and in the community. This production is supported by Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Grant, and a grant from the RBC Wealth Management as well as generous individual and organizational financial donations and countless hours of volunteers from the CAAM CDT community. Tickets for the 90-minute performances are available online at [email protected].

Date & time: Sat., Jan. 30, 7 p.m. Sun., Jan. 31, 2 p.m. Location: The O’Shaughnessy at The College of St. Catherine 2004 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, MN Cost: $15

Two 45-minute matinee performances, ideal for school and group field trips, are scheduled for Tuesday. Feb. 2 at 9:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. Ticket cost for the shorter performances is $7. If interested, please email [email protected] Jewish violin meets To encourage consumption and stabilize Chinese pipa on January 14 the struggling economy, the Chinese gov- ernment outlined a number of measures on Violinist Steven Greenman, one of America’s finest practitioners, composers and teachers Nov. 23 that it will increase imports, make of traditional East European Jewish klezmer music and local pipa artist Gao Hong, four-time it easier for overseas shoppers to get tax winner of the Mcknight Artist Fellowship for Performing Musicians, will team up for three refunds and allow foreigners to visit more performances on January 14 around the Twin Cities. All concerts are free and open to the public. of the country for 72 hours without visas, the central government said on Nov. 23. Greenman and Hong will be at: The government also said China will Kang Le Adult Day Care Center, 5593 West 78th St., Edina; 612-208-3848 start to import more advanced equipment Thursday, 11 a.m. and daily consumer goods. It promised to support the development Sholom East Campus Auditorium, 740 Kay Ave., St. Paul; 651-328-2000 of “emerging industries with strategic im- Thursday, 2 p.m. portance,” a category that includes energy conservation and environmental protection, McNally Smith College of Music Auditorium, next-generation information technology and 19 Exchange St. East, St. Paul; 651-291-0177 new energy vehicles. Thursday, 7 p.m. The announcement also specified 3D printing, robotics, gene engineering, wear- The concerts are presented by International Friendship Through the Performing Arts and able devices, smart home appliances, and funded through the Minnesota Regional Arts Council. digital media as targets for development. ♦ food January 2016 / PAGE 5 The general’s eponymous chicken By Elaine Dunn

Quick, which general from Hunan Province, How General Tso’s chicken China, is better known than in the U.S. and not because of his role on the battlefield? came to be Answer: General Tso. Walk into any of the approximately 50,000 U.S.-based Chinese restaurants or Asian buffets and you’ll come across a dish called General Tso’s chicken (左公雞). This sweet, slightly spicy, deep-fried chicken nugget dish is one of the most ubiquitous – and popular – dishes in America. So was this chicken dish really a favourite of General Tso? Who is General Tso? First of all, who is General Tso? General Tso Former New York Times reporter Jennifer 8 is a real general from the Qing Dynasty. He was Lee went on a pilgrimage to trace the origin(s) born Zuo Zongtang (左宗棠), in , in 1812 of this popular American chicken dish. In a in a small village 50 miles north of Changsha ( November 2013 TED Talk, she debunked many 長沙), the provincial capital of Hunan Province. myths about the dish, including: chicken, created in the late 1950s in Taiwan was In China, he is known for his ruthlessness • No one in China, except for maybe the graduates his own NY restaurant. He, too, chose to adapt during the Taiping Rebellion, China’s deadliest prepared without sugar as Hunanese cuisine is who have studied in the U.S., has heard of usually spicy and not sweet. The Taiwan Peng Peng’s chicken, cutting the pieces differently, civil war, and certainly not for the chicken dish General Tso’s chicken, not even the general’s and serving it with water chestnuts, black associated with his name! Yuan’s version consisted of big chunks of chicken relatives! mushrooms, hoisin sauce and vinegar. He was the son of poor peasant farmers. drenched in a rich, caramelized sauce, with chili • The general is known for his military distinction In 1974, a local ABC station featured Peng’s After failing the official court exams seven peppers and a sprig of broccoli for decoration. in China, NOT for a chicken dish. restaurant and Chef Peng preparing General times, he abandoned his ambitions of becoming However, the dominant flavor was soy sauce and • The general, though, did raise chickens; but he Tso’s chicken. After that segment aired, 1,500 a civil servant, instead returning home to farm garlic, not sweetness. In 1973, Peng arrived in actually preferred pigs. people requested the recipe and there was no silkworms and study on his own. When the New York City to open Peng Yuan on the East According to Lee in her “The Fortune turning back. Taiping Rebellion started in 1850, the governor Side. Unfortunately, his chicken dish had already Cookie Chronicles,” Chinese food in the U.S. In truth, today’s General Tso’s chicken - the of Hunan Province brought him in as an advisor. been adapted by other chefs who beat him to In 1860, he had his own garrison of 5,000 was largely shaped in the 1970s by three Chinese opening restaurants showcasing Hunan cuisine. sweet, spicy, crispy version - is actually Wang’s volunteers, which he successfully led in driving chefs and President Richard Nixon. Apparently Two other Hunanese chefs in New York General Ching’s chicken. It appears the name and the Taiping rebels out of Hunan. In 1864, he after Nixon’s historic visit to China in 1972, adapted Peng’s chicken recipe in the early ‘70s. T. the recipe have merged since the 1970s. and his mentor governor Zeng Guolan ended Americans demanded Chinese food beyond the T. Wang and Michael Tong of Shun Lee Palaces Lee visited Chef Peng, now in his late 80s the rebellion and he was made a viceroy and realm of chop suey, egg fooyoung and chow and Hunan Restaurant (they claim the latter and living in Taipei, showed him photos of “his” governor-general of Fujian Province. mein. was the first Hunan restaurant in the U.S.) had invention, which he barely recognized. His dish His military success continued. He called The three Chinese classically trained chefs visited many Hunan restaurants in Hong Kong does not include broccoli or scallions, and most for a war against the Russian forces in Xinjian had fled to Taiwan when the Communists took and Taiwan before opening their restaurants in certainly is not at all sweet. “He criticized the in 1878, ending Russian occupation of the border over the mainland. They eventually settled in New York. Chef Wang crisped Peng’s chicken next picture because the chilies were red instead city of Yining (伊寧). With the outbreak of the New York City and opened their own restaurants up and covered it with a sweet and spicy sauce, of black. But that was a minor crime compared Sino-French War in 1884, Zuo took on his fourth in the late 1960s and early 1970s. and named it after another Hunan general, Zeng to the travesties in some of the other versions he and last commission, overseeing coastal defense Chef Peng Changkuei (彭長貴) used to be Guolan, which became General Ching in its saw … He shook his head when he saw the baby of Fujian. He died of natural causes in 1885 the Nationalist (KMT) government’s banquet anglicized transliteration. corn and carrots in a version from Dover, N.H. after a truce was signed between the Chinese chef and fled to Taiwan with Generalissimo Another chef, David Keh, also visited Peng’s “As he left, he told me that this was all and the French. Chiang Kaishek. His original General Tso’s restaurant in Taiwan in search of inspiration for moming-qimiao (莫名-奇妙). Nonsense.” ♦ Chinese Heritage Foundation local donors treated to “Dream of the Red Chamber” opera sneak preview By Greg Hugh

The Chinese Heritage Foundation the background. Members of the creative Photo credit: Nancy Charkin Friends (CHFF) held two special events team assembled by the Sam Francisco Opera recently to provide supporters of “Dream Company were also announced: the team of the Red Chamber” opera an exclusive will be led by Taiwanese director Stan Lai; preview of the adaptation of this classic production designer will be Tim Yip; and Chinese novel into an English opera to conductor, George Manahan. be produced by the The following day, a larger group company in the fall of 2016. of donors were invited for a luncheon On Nov. 7 a select gathering of donors presentation at the Marsh in Minnetonka, enjoyed an intimate dinner hosted by CHFF Minn. Sheng and Hwang again gave a at the home of Ming Tchou, founder of presentation to the group on how they Supporters enjoying muscial CHF and lead donor for the “Dream” opera. collaborated in the composing and writing excerpts at the Marsh The group was provided with a personal of the “Dream” opera. As a special treat, presentation by the “Dream of the Red original musical excerpts were performed Chamber” opera composer and co-librettist, by soprano Jing Jing Li from the China Bright Sheng and co-librettist David Henry National Opera House in Beijing, who had Hwang, who flew in to the Twin Cities for only arrived from Beijing the night before, the occasion. and Brad Benoit with the Minnesota Opera. Sheng and Hwang discussed how they Note: See companion article elsewhere collaborated on adapting the extensive and in the paper on how the San Francisco complicated novel by 18th-century Qing Company plans to put on the opera. Dynasty writer Cao Xueqin to come up Additional articles about “Dream of the with a two-act opera that focuses on the Red Chamber” can also be found at www. L to R: Bright Sheng, , Ming Tchou acknowledging CHF Eric McEnaney, pianist and vocal coach, Jing love triangle with the political intrigues in ♦ supporters at luncheon at the Marsh. Jing Li soprano and Brad Benoit, baritone PAGE 6 / January 2016 history 100 Days Reform of 1898 By Pat Welsh, contributor

Bureau. This promotion was motivated by documents and memorials. The emperor the recognition that the Chinese government had hoped that these new secretaries could needed to be better informed about Western eventually take over the real power of the affairs and technology. Fourth, a bureau Grand Council. of agriculture, industry and commerce This, however, was not to be. The was established within the government. Empress Dowager had begun to disapprove Fifth, orders were proclaimed abolishing of the emperor’s dismissals of uncooperative the sinecure appointments in the offices of conservative members of the ministry imperial supervisions of instruction, office of ceremonies. The four probationary of transmission, court of imperial enter- secretaries added to the Grand Council had tainments, of state ceremonial, of imperial also aroused the jealousy of the councilors equerries (horse stables) and the grand court by their aggressive and energetic efforts at of revision. These sinecures provided little reform. Prince Duan (端郡王), a second- or no work but nonetheless paid a salary. rank Manchu prince who supervised the Also abolished were the governorships of Grand Council, also worked against the Guangdong, Hubei and Yunnan, the direc- reforms. This activity also incurred the tor-generalship of the Yellow River, the disapproval of the Empress Dowager. She grain transportation taotai (道台), which had then undertook a plot to depose the Guangxu Prince Gong not taken charge over transportation affairs emperor. Through a series of plots and false and the salt taotai, which until then had no rumors, memorials were eventually sent ambitiousness of the reform effort by the salt fields. Finally, the grand secretaries, to the throne requesting that the empress new probationary secretaries of the Grand Kang Youwei the six ministries, the governor generals dowager resume conducting state affairs Council actually hindered its success as it In 1898 the Chinese government and all provincial governors were ordered to because the Guangxu emperor was allegedly attracted opposition. Another part of the experienced a short period of attempted ponder carefully and report on the question too ill to undertake his responsibilities. On failure was due to Kang’s underestimation reforms called the Hundred Day Reform of whether or not other civilian and military September 21, the Empress Dowager, with and misunderstanding of the political reali- Movement (百日維新 or 戊戌變法). This posts should be abolished. the support of the military under Ronglu and ties of his time. For example, Prince Gong reform movement was instigated by Kang Other reforms were undertaken later Youwei (康有為) who had the support with mixed results. One was the building of of Xu Zhijing (徐致靖), Yang Shenxiu a more modern educational curriculum that (楊深秀) and Yang Rui (楊銳). The studied math and science instead of focusing reformers held that China needed more than mainly on Confucian texts. Another was the “self-strengthening” and that innovation attempt to establish the European principles must be accompanied by institutional and of capitalism to motivate modernization of ideological change. industry and the military. Another idea was Yang Rui had persuaded the supervising the attempt to change the government from censor, Gao Xiezeng (高夑曾), to submit a an absolute monarchy to a constitutional memorial to the Qing throne recommending monarchy with democracy. the four reformers very highly. The outcome The new administration seemed to was an imperial decree to the princes and get off to a good start. Six reforms were high ministers to summon Kang to the immediately undertaken. However, even Tsungli Yamen (總理衙門), China’s office though Kang Youwei had the emperor’s of foreign affairs, to ask him about the support, he never had the support of either reforms. The high ministers and the princes the Empress Dowager Cixi or the councilors submitted Kang’s letter. Remembering of the Grand Council (軍機處), which how the last Ming emperor was forced into advised and directed matters of governing committing suicide and recognizing Kang’s policy approved by the Empress Dowager audacity, the Guangxu emperor (光绪皇帝) or of Ronglu (榮祿), the governor-general instructed his grand councilors to forward to of Zhili who wielded military power. him any memorials that Kang might present Six men for execution in the future immediately. The Guangxu emperor also requested Kang’s books Yuan Shikai (袁世凱), engineered a coup (恭親王), who headed the Grand Council, dealing with the Meiji Restoration in Japan d’etat that placed the emperor under house fought the reforms because these reforms and a biography of Peter the Great of Russia. arrest where he remained until his death in appeared to him to be the product of foreign Successive memorials by Xu Zhijing 1908. Cixi then took over the government government influences that had opposed and Yang Shenxiu led to an imperial decree as regent. She then had eight scapegoats his attempt to have his son installed as the on June 11, 1898. This decree initiated the arrested of which six were executed, one emperor of China years before. 100 Days Reform Movement. On June 16, was exiled to the frontiers and one was given In my next offering I will talk about the Xu was instructed to bring Kang in for an life imprisonment. The executed scapegoats two-year reactionary period of 1898 to 1900. interview with the emperor. The immediate included the four probationary secretaries It will include specific measures undertaken result of the interview was Kang’s promotion appointed by the emperor to the Grand and the Boxer Rebellion. ♦ to the rank of probationary secretary in the Council. Kang Youwei avoided arrest by Tsungli Yamen. The emperor had intended fleeing China on the day before the coup. to appoint Kang to a higher position but at With the coup d’etat, the 100 days re- that time, even though the emperor ruled form seemed to have come to an end. All About Pat Welsh the nation, this appointment still required of the innovations proclaimed during the In 2009 while teaching English at Si- the approval of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Hundred Days’ Reform were rescinded chuan University, Welsh was asked to The chief reforms initially undertaken within one month. In short, everything give a speech where he was introduced were: First, topics for the metropolitan was reverted back to before. China then to the audience as a “pioneer of Chinese Empress dowager Cixi and district examinations were changed entered a two-year reactionary period that American relations”as a result of his coop- from the “Four Books” to topics related In August1898 the emperor, who was would end in 1900 with the failure of the erative work in international banking to current problems. Secondly, the palace unable to replace any of the councilors of the Boxer Rebellion. during the Deng Xiaoping era. For more examination was revised and the standards Grand Council, appointed four probationary Part of the cause of this failure of Kang than 65 years, Welsh has been learning of grading district and lower level examina- secretaries to the Grand Council in hopes Youwei’s reform effort was his inability to Chinese and has used this knowledge tions were to become the same as those of that they would to do the work of the Grand obtain the support of the Empress Dow- both professionally and personally to provincial and metropolitan examinations. Council. This body was an important ager who did not relish a constitutional enhance his understanding of Chinese Third, Liang Qichao (梁啟超), who had policy-making body and at one time was monarchy. Kang also had alienated many and Asian affairs. He currently resides achieved the rank of juren (舉人), a quali- a manager of military affairs. The number conservative Confucian scholars in the in Georgia and occasionally lectures fied graduate who had passed the triennial of councilors varied between three and 10 government who tended to believe that these on China to classes in World History provincial examination, was granted a sixth- members. Their work was supported by reforms would threaten the source of their and World Literature. rank position in charge of the Translation secretaries that would prepare and transmit livelihood. Then too, the suddenness and arts & culture January 2016 / PAGE 7 Trendy Chinese Internet words you should know All China Tech News, Nov. 24, 2015

1. The essentials 躺槍 tangqiang services to express their affection for each 牛 niu This means even though you’re lying other. According to Baidu Baike, if you say From the Chinese word for “cow.” Niu down you end up getting shot. When an it to someone and they say it back, it means simply means “awesome.” E.g. This tech innocent bystander manages to get hurt, they your affections are reciprocated and you can news site is so niu! can use it to laugh at themselves. E.g. I try to get in their pants. E.g. Hey babe, tangqiang in the Youtube comments section thanks for making dinner tonight. Memeda! again. Yay… 约炮 yuepao 握草 wocao Literally means “meet cannon.” Comes The words literally mean “to hold from a slang term “to shoot a cannon,” grass.” Quite simply, this means “f—” be- meaning to have sex. If you’re setting up a cause it sounds similar to the swear words cannon meeting, it means you’re trying to 2. Insults in Chinese. E.g. Wocao! I accidentally sent hook up with the other person, like a booty 屌絲 diaosi porn stickers to my work group chat again! call or a one night stand. E.g. If you use Originally used to refer to male pubic 3. Dating terms it the right way, WeChat can be a magic hair, this term came from Baidu’s reddit-like yuepao machine. forums, where football fans used it to refer to themselves in a deprecatory way. Now it 萌 meng means a loser, deadbeat, someone who has The word “meng” comes from Japanese no chance of ever getting a house, a car, or animation, and is used to say something is a girlfriend. E.g. She would never go for very cute. “Mai meng” (literally, to sell a diaosi like me. meng), means someone is pretending to be cute. E. g. Chinese pop star Luhan is the love of my life. #mengmengda

窗 jiong This is an ancient Chinese character meaning “light” or “window” that Chinese net users have repurposed as an emoticon. It symbolizes a person with an open mouth, 高富帥 gaofushuai used to express shock, dismay, or awkward- Literally, tall, rich and handsome. ness, or anything else the character conjures Refers to the ideal boyfriend, the Chinese in your mind. E.g. So I walked her all the 麼麼噠 memeda version of prince charming. E.g. Have you way home, and then she was like: actually, Memeda is a kissing sound used by cou- met the gaofushuai she’s dating? How do I I have a boyfriend. Friend: 窗. ples on QQ and other kinds of messaging get me one of those? ♦ Masterpieces of Chinese painting on exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

dating to the eighth century that document more than 1,200 years of provenance. Alongside this work will be one of the few surviving Chinese paintings from the 10th century — the imposing “Palace Banquet,” which depicts a lavish courtly scene in the women’s quarters of the palace. The exhibition will continue with one of the world’s most important examples of Song dynasty calligraphy, “Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru,” by Huang Tingjian (1045–1105). Across from this will be one of only two surviving works by the Northern Song master who was recognized as the court’s greatest painter of figures: Horses and Grooms, Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), ca. “Classic Filial Piety,” by Li Gonglin (ca. Zhao Mengfu (Chinese, 1254–1322), Zhao Yong (Chinese, 1289–after 1360), Zhao Lin 1041–1106). (Chinese, active second half of the 14th century) During the Southern Song dynasty Handscroll; ink and color on paper; 12 1/4 in. x 29 ft. 2 1/2 in. (31.1 x 890.3 cm) (1127–1279), the leading calligraphers in the empire were its emperors and empresses. [NEW YORK] Over the past 40 which encompasses the vast historical April 17, 2016, and the second rotation will Works on view will include a selection of years, The Metropolitan Museum of sweep of the brush arts of China, dating be on view from May 7, 2016, through Oct. imperial calligraphy paired with works by from the Tang dynasty (608–917) to the Art’s collection of Chinese painting and 11, 2016. the top court painters, Ma Yuan and Xia Gui. calligraphy has grown to become one of present. By highlighting the collection’s The exhibition will begin with a riveting Art of the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), the greatest and most comprehensive in the most notable works of art, the exhibition concentration of early works from the when China was ruled by the Mongols, is a world, a testament to the discerning eye will provide visitors with a rare opportunity Tang and Song dynasties (960–1279), particular strength of the Met’s collection. of its renowned Department of Asian Art, to learn about the history of Chinese including the oldest and most storied piece Works of art from this period will include which is celebrating its 100th anniversary painting and calligraphy through some in the Museum’s collection of Chinese Zhao Mengfu’s well-known “Horse and IN 2015. To help mark the occasion, of the best examples available from each art — Han Gan’s “Night Shining White,” Groom;” Yucai’s dragon painting, the department will present the special era. Featuring a total of 110 works, the an eighth-century painting of the favorite “Beneficent Rain;” and masterpieces by two exhibition entitled “Masterpieces of Chinese exhibition will be presented in two rotations. horse of Emperor Xuanzong (r. 712–756). Painting from the Metropolitan Collection,” The first rotation will be on view through The painting bears seals and inscriptions continued on page 8 PAGE 8 / January 2016 arts & culture Masterpieces of Chinese painting continued from page 7 heroes of the literati painting movement, Ni Zan and Wu Zhen. An exquisite painting by the plum blossom specialist Wang Mian — a delicate and masterly depiction of a blossoming branch bending in the wind, flower petals scattering elegantly in the gentle breeze — will also be on view. A selection of works from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) will include “Elegant Gathering in the Apricot Garden,” a celebrated 15th-century painting that captures beautifully the elegance of early Ming literati culture, and the imposing “Two Hawks in a Thicket,” by the court artist Lin Liang (ca. 1416–1480). Also on view will Elegant Gathering in the Apricot Garden, Ming dynasty (1368–1644), ca. 1437 be a selection of masterpieces that show After Xie Huan (Chinese, 1377–1452) the intense vibrancy of the figure painting Handscroll; ink and color on silk; 14 3/4 in. x 41 ft. 11 1/4 in. (37.5 x 1278.3 cm) tradition during this period. Wind among the Trees on the Riverbank The final gallery will be devoted to the Ni Zan (Chinese, 1306–1374) Qing dynasty (1644–1911). In addition to Hanging scroll; ink on paper; 23 1/4 x 12 the strikingly modernist-like ink painting 1/4 in. (59.1 x 31.1 cm) “Birds in a Lotus Pond” by Zhu Da (1626– 1705), and the sumptuous “Whiling Away the Summer,” another ink painting, by Wu Li (1632–1718), the gallery will display two massive handscrolls from the Qing imperial court that document inspection tours of the southern part of the empire taken by two emperors, Kangxi (r. 1662–1722) and Qianlong (r. 1736–1795). The scrolls will fill an entire wall more than 50 feet long, providing a rare opportunity to view them side by side. Narcissus, Southern Song dynasty The exhibition is organized by Joseph (1127–1279) Scheier-Dolberg, Assistant Curator in the Night–Shining White, Tang dynasty (618–906), ca. 750 Zhao Mengjian (Chinese, 1199–before Department of Asian Artand made possible Han Gan (Chinese, active 742–56) 1267), Handscroll; ink on paper; 13 1/16 by the Joseph Hotung Fund. ♦ Handscroll; ink on paper; 12 1/8 x 13 3/8 in. (30.8 x 34 cm) in. × 12 ft. 3 1/4 in. (33.2 × 374 cm) 2015 Art and culture delegation By Tao Peng, contributor

are not their focus, just a way for members delegates. They each showcased their work to get together and socialize on a weekly and had delegates try working on their own basis. Painting mostly requires solitude, and projects in their workshops. It was such can be done by oneself in the privacy of her a great hit with the delegation because home. The other social activities provide they all learned something new, and even members opportunities to get together. This though there were language gaps, everyone visit marked the first time an all-female “communicated” successfully though their delegation visited Red Wing in the 20-year artwork. relationship. The local Red Wing artists The delegation had prepared and brought group was very excited about their visit and with them some art to Red Wing. We agreed offered tremendous help and support. it would be a good idea to do an art exhibit The Red Wing group wanted the ex- of the work they brought and, along with change to be memorable and special. We couple of local artists, made the exhibit scheduled events that featured the many open to the public for viewing during their local cultural arts. We had two local artists, Red Wing visit. As a treat, the Quzhou Quzhou art delegation with their screen-printed T-shirts. Dawn Erickson, who specialize in textile all-female art association also spent three printing, and Dan Wiemer, watercolor/ Last year marked the 20th year of the are visual arts, mostly painting. The art months practicing acrylic artist, put on two workshops for the Red Wing, Minn., and Quzhou, China, sis- association was formed in 2012. Prior to continued on page 10 ter-city relationship. To commemorate this that, they were just a small group of a few special occasion, Quzhou sent an all-female individuals meeting on a monthly basis to artist delegation to Red Wing the first week paint. According to Wang Xuerong, chair of of December 2015 to strengthen the rela- the art association and lead delegate, who is tionship and further our culture exchange. also one of the founders of the association, The delegation of 15 visited other cities this art association is now 40-member in U.S. before stopping in Red Wing for strong. The main reason they formed the three days on its official delegation visit. association was to make it easier to conduct The Red Wing Sister City Commission cultural exchanges with other cultures wanted this visit to be mainly about arts as there is very limited opportunities for and culture exchange, but since it was the individuals to do that. first visit to the United States for many of The majority of the members of the the delegates, the Red Wing contingent Quzhou all-female art association are prepared some events to introduce them to retired individuals who are passionate about some U.S. history. painting, mostly brush painting. Besides First, a little background on the group: painting, association members also get The Quzhou all-female art association is a together to do Chinese dance or Chinese nonprofit organization whose main interests opera from time to time, but these activities arts & culture January 2016 / PAGE 9

San Francisco Opera presents world premiere of “Dream of the Red Chamber”

San Francisco Opera’s world premiere for Best Play for “M. Butterfly.” for the film’s costume design. American great episodic story, I agreed. Over 20 years commission “Dream of the Red Chamber” Iconic Taiwanese stage director Stan maestro George Manahan, acclaimed for ago in Houston, I worked with Bright Sheng by renowned Chinese-American composer Lai, one of the most celebrated playwright/ his advocacy of new works, will conduct on the creation of a new work and have fol- Bright Sheng, will open at the War Memo- directors in Asia, makes his Company debut the San Francisco Opera Orchestra and lowed his career ever since. Asking him to rial Opera House on Sept. 10, 2016. Based with this adaptation for the opera stage. Chorus for the six performances running create this new opera seemed to me to be the on the book “Dream of the Red Chamber” Academy Award-winning art director and Sept. 10–29. logical and right choice. In conversations (also known as “The Story of the Stone”) designer Tim Yip joins the creative team Bright Sheng, Stan Lai and Tim Yip with Bright, I asked that “Dream of the Red by 18th-century Qing Dynasty writer Cao as production designer. Yip received joined San Francisco Opera General Di- Chamber” be composed in a beautifully Xueqin, the two-act opera will feature an En- the Oscar for his art direction of Ang rector David Gockley to share artistic and lyrical style, nostalgic and retain aspects of glish-language libretto by the composer and Lee’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” production design details of the new work at a traditional Chinese soundscape. I’m very acclaimed playwright David Henry Hwang, (2000), as well as a British Academy of a press conference held at the War Memorial pleased to say that he has indeed succeeded winner of the 1988 Broadway Tony Award Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) award Opera House on Dec. 16. in these efforts. We have cast a remarkable The “Dream of the Red Chamber” all-Asian cast and I’m confident that we world premiere cast includes an array have assembled a very innovative creative of established and rising Asian singers: team to bring this new work to the stage.” Chinese tenor Yijie Shi (in the role of Bao Pearl Bergad, executive director of the Yu); South Korean soprano Pureum Jo (Dai Chinese Heritage Foundation, stated: ‘’The Yu); Chinese mezzo-soprano and current Chinese Heritage Foundation initiated this San Francisco Opera Adler Fellow Nian project in order to fulfill its mission to Wang (Bao Chai); in her U.S. debut, Chinese showcase the best in Chinese literature and, contralto Qiulin Zhang (Granny Jia); South at the same time, to encourage innovation Korean mezzo-soprano Hyona Kim (Lady in the arts. Partnering with San Francisco Wang); Taiwanese soprano and Merola Opera, with vast resources at its disposal, Opera Program alumna Karen Chia-Ling has led to the creation of a first-rate 21st- Ho (Princess Jia); and Chinese-American century treatment of an 18th-century novel. mezzo-soprano and San Francisco Opera This opera will definitely attract and engage veteran from 1990 to 1993, Yanyu Guo a new audience to this timeless Chinese (Aunt Xue). love story.” Cao’s novel, a masterpiece of Chinese In anticipation of the upcoming pre- Tenor Yijie Shi plays Bao Yu Soprano Pureum Jo plays Dai Yu fiction, is a detailed, episodic record of the miere, David Gockley has invited Bay Area lives of the members of the Jia clan, whose civic leaders Gorretti Lo Lui and Doreen good fortune is assured when one of its Woo Ho to collaborate with the Company daughters becomes an imperial concubine, to develop community partnerships and and then declines after her downfall. The fundraising initiatives in support of this story centers on a love triangle consisting new opera. Among several distinguished of the main character, Bao Yu, his beautiful community supporters, San Francisco Opera cousin Dai Yu, and his future wife, another gratefully recognizes the participation of beautiful cousin named Bao Chai. Bright San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and First Lady Sheng and David Henry Hwang have adapt- Lee, in addition to author Amy Tan, Asian ed the novel with a focus on eight central Art Museum Board President Timothy Kahn characters to tell the tale of the illustrious Jia and Kathy Cheng of the San Francisco Boys clan and trace the Jias’ fall from the height and Girls Club. of their prestige. Cao’s original story, often “Dream of the Red Chamber” marks considered semi-autobiographical, is framed David Gockley’s 43rd career world by Sheng and Hwang with a prologue and premiere and eighth commission for the epilogue led by The Monk, who may be the Company to date, including 2008’s “The Contralto Qiulin Zhang plays Granny Jia Mezzo-soprano Nian Wang author himself. Bonesetter’s Daughter” by , plays Bao Chai The commission of “Dream of the Red based on Amy Tan’s novel and featuring Chamber” was initiated and funded by the a libretto by Tan. Gockley is currently in Chinese Heritage Foundation Friends of his 10th and final season as San Francisco Minnesota, with leadership support from Opera’s General Director; he retires at the Dr. M. F. Tchou Memorial Fund of the the conclusion of the current season, Chinese Heritage Foundation, Benjamin capping an internationally acclaimed and Y. H. and Helen C. Liu, and Ruth Stricker award-winning career spanning 44 years and the late Bruce Dayton. San Francisco as one of America’s most prominent opera Opera General Director David Gockley impresarios. San Francisco Opera will commented: “A while back, the idea of pro- present “Dream of the Red Chamber” as ducing an opera on the great Chinese novel part of the Company’s 2016–17 Season. “Dream of the Red Chamber” had been Tickets will go on sale to new and renewing suggested to me by Kevin Smith, formerly San Francisco Opera subscribers on Jan. 12 with Minnesota Opera, and Pearl Bergad at the San Francisco Opera Box Office by of the Minneapolis-based Chinese Heritage calling (415) 864-3330 or online at sfopera. Foundation. I was very interested from the com. Single (non-subscription) tickets will Scale model for a scene from the set design start and after familiarizing myself with this go on sale beginning June 27. ♦ PAGE 10 / January 2016 people The woman who devoted her life for the truth By Elaine Dunn

One of Fox News’ slogans is “Before weakened scientific attitude; and she was years in prison, on the morning of April 4, there is history, there is news.” Therefore, critical of Mao’s increasing ego and his 1975, Zhang was executed for her criticism hard-to-stomach news should be vigilantly propensity for diminishing democracy. of Mao and the “Gang of Four,” but not reported so hard-to-stomach historical She also criticized Mao’s wife before the prison doctor was directed to slit events would not repeat themselves. and her “Gang of Four,” accusing Jiang of her larynx to prevent her from proclaiming 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the suppressing and destroying China’s cultural her loyalty to the Party before dying – a decade-long Chinese and performing arts. claim Zhang maintained throughout her (1966-1976). The brutality and violence the On September 18, 1969, she was arrest- incarceration. “Whatever happens, I’ll re- government exerted against its own citizens ed and told to “acknowledge her errors,” as member I’m a Communist Party member is a dark spot in Chinese history, an event was common practice during the Cultural and keep in mind the virtues of justice, truth the post Cultural Revolution generations Revolution. At a public meeting held to and honesty,” she had said. don’t know much about as it is still being criticize and humiliate her, Zhang steadfast- Zhang’s mother composed and had the stifled. To ensure it will not be repeated, ly refused to retract her criticisms, saying, following inscription engraved on her tomb: Chinese novelist Ba Jin in 1986 called for “You should not force me to deny what I “A pursuer of truth, and more important, a the establishment of a museum in order think is right. It is impossible for me to follower, whose body is no longer on the that future generations can learn from and surrender. It is better to live with honesty earth, but whose spirit lives on.” the painful lessons of these 10 tragic years. than with flattery…” When the Cultural Revolution ended, The Cultural Revolution was initiated Zhang was sentenced to death in 1970. Zhang’s relatives petitioned the authorities by Chairman Mao Zedong to change the However, her sentence was reduced to life to have her declared a “revolutionary Chinese way of thinking. It taught young imprisonment, where, by all accounts, she martyr.” Communist Party members to be suspicious underwent extreme torture and prolonged Zhang’s case was reinvestigated in Today, we commemorate Zhang Zhixin! of everything that contradicted Party solitary confinement. She also was repeat- March 1979. The then Party chief of For Maoming, for Pingdu, for Jiansanjiang! principles, pitching family members against edly raped by prison guards. It was said Province Ren Zhongyi said, “The Alas, Zhixin, you placed your head on the each other and neighbors against neighbors. that she smeared herself with feces just to accusation against Zhang was absolutely scale of life, taking all the weight out of It was under these oppressive and fearful prevent the guards from approaching her! fraudulent. She was cruelly killed. She was a those heedless of humanity. For liberty, for circumstances that appeared one dissident Perhaps execution would have been the good Party member, who fought bravely for voice – the voice of Zhang Zhixin. more merciful sentence! the truth and her faith even in face of death. truth, Zhixin, you feared not the dangers Zhang was born Dec. 5, 1930, to a In 1973, Zhang refused to take part in Party members should learn from her.” wrought by the fierce and cruel, and walked musical family in . She attended criticizing , a member of Mao’s in- The provisional paper published the calmly to your execution ground! [39 years Hebei Teacher’s College and became a ner circle. Instead, she used the opportunity article “Devoting Her Life for the Truth” ago today, on April 4, 1975, Zhang Zhixin member of the People’s Volunteers Army to declare that Mao was the real source of on March 31, 1979, in Zhang’s honor. It sacrificed her life for truth.] during the war in Korea. She was then chaos and extreme thought. She was charged was well received nationally and caught *Maoming, Pingdu and Jiansanjiang refer selected to study at a military school and with being a counterrevolutionary and com- the attention of , the Party’s to various protests over the environment, then to study Russian at Renmin University mitting crimes against the Party. She was personnel department chief. He had it land and human rights disputes. (中國人民大學) in Beijing. Working at the subsequently sentenced to death a second republished in People’s Daily, the Party’s Today, the museum that novelist Ba school’s library after graduation, she met time, in February 1975. At that time, some official newspaper. Jin called for has yet to be built. Being and married a colleague in 1955 and joined prison officials actually objected to the death Now, 41 years after her death and half a on the opposite side of Beijing remains the Communist Party. Her husband worked sentence, saying her actions and criticisms century after the Cultural Revolution began, dangerous. Dissidents are routinely detained in the Party’s propaganda bureau. were because she had genuinely gone mad. a statue had been erected in People’s Park indefinitely. In 1969, Zhang was sent to a re- However, the Party directive was to “kill her in Guangzhou to commemorate Zhang’s On the 50th anniversary of the Cultural education camp as an agricultural laborer. and have it over with.” struggle for truth. In April 2014, on the Revolution, a silenced dissident voice from She continued to study Maoism at the camp. While in prison, Zhang communicated 39th anniversary of her death, a Weibo user that troubled period cannot be more relevant However, she also spoke her mind. She her thoughts with her son and daughter by posted an illustration with the following as a reminder of why a tragedy like that can intimated that Mao’s Great Leap Forward writing on toilet paper. After spending six text, which was promptly censored by Sina: never be allowed to be repeated. ♦ 2015 Art and culture delegation continued from page 8 some Chinese traditional dance and opera chairperson of the art association, was very bystanders, it looks like a group of lifelong to share with the people of Red Wing. We impressed with Red Wing Pottery’s histo- friends or family members saying goodbye, reserved the local Sheldon Theater, orga- ry and beauty. She felt that is one of the but that is not true. Truth is these two groups nized some local acts and put together a true American folk culture the delegation only met just three days ago. They were multicultural variety show, and opened it experienced during this visit. She also ex- total strangers up until then. After spending free to the public. To my surprise, we had pressed true appreciation of the warmth and three short days together, no one wants to really good turnout for the show, despite it welcome they received since arrival, which leave, no one wants to say goodbye. This was early in the afternoon on a weekday. e was above and beyond any of the other U.S. is what happens when two groups of people It was great to see so many people come out cities they visited on this trip. are willing to open their minds and hearts in support of and enjoy the performance. Guo Ping, one of the youngest delegates, to understand each other, and to accept each The delegation also had the opportunity who is traveling with her mother, also a other. They will overcome any differences to visit the Red Wing Pottery Museum, member of the art association, told me after Red Wing artist Dawn Erickson with to become close friends even in three days. where they learned about the 140 years of arriving in Red Wing that this is the first time delegate Guo Ping at screen printing Deputy director Hu summed it up best Red Wing pottery history. Other sites vis- on this entire trip that she felt truly relaxed, workshop. by saying: “I believe this delegation visit not ited include Red Wing City Hall, Red Wing and had time to truly immerse in the people only enhanced professional knowledge, but of friendship exchange, told me that she was Shoes, and Red Wing area senior center, and culture of the city. Guo, who identifies also rewarded us with precious friendship. a little uneasy when leaving for Red Wing where they spent three hours playing games herself as a traditional woman, told me that We gained deeper understanding of each because most the delegates are in their late and visiting with local seniors. she likes people who are genuine; she felt other. Moreover, we became closer. I hope 50s to early 70s. She was not sure whether the friendship between our two cities will I have always enjoyed delegation visits that in Red Wing, everyone is nice and hon- the delegates could get used to the travel continue to expand with more delegation because it is chance for me to get to know est - Red Wing made her feel at home, and and cultural differences. This was also the visits. Quzhou and Red Wing friendship people and learn a little more about my own the Red Wing lifestyle suits her personality. largest delegation Quzhou had ever sent to will experience long history like the mighty cultural background. Hu Yunpeng, who is a deputy director Red Wing; she was afraid it would over- Mississippi.” ♦ Wang, the head of the delegation and for Quzhou Foreign Affairs Office in charge whelm Red Wing. Now she is overjoyed and relieved to see another successful delegation visit. Tao Peng resides and works in Red To me, the toughest part about an event Wing, Minn. Born in China, Peng is is to sum it up at the end with words. I fluent in Mandarin and English and constantly struggle with it because words acts as interpreter for the Red Wing such as “great” or “happy” cannot reflect Sister Cities Commission delegation the true feeling of the participants. Since I during its Quzhou sister city functions. spent a few days with the artists, I will use He is also the vice chair of the Red words to paint a picture, so you can sum Wing Sister Cities Commission and it up for yourself: Imagine two groups of group organizer for the Minneapolis people gathered in an area hugging each Chinese Language and Culture Club. Paintings by Quzhou art association members. other while tears run down their faces. To book review January 2016 / PAGE 11 China 1945: Mao’s Revolution and America’s Fateful Choice Reviewed by Tim O’Connell, Asian Review of Books, November 14, 2015

the “democratic” impulses of the CCP, to refrain temporarily from seeking to destroy miss utterly the repression of dissent that a revolutionary movement about whose the Communists engaged in even as they ultimate aims he held no illusions, Chiang called on the KMT to respect civil rights. then found the immediate post-war situation They were duped ... there is no avoiding drastically altered by the 1.5 million Soviet that conclusion. troops who poured in to “liberate” Manchu- That misapprehension about the true ria. The impossibility of a war-sick Ameri- political nature of the Chinese Communists can public anxious to demobilize providing By Richard of the era, the underestimation of their es- his forces with anything but (substantial) Bernstein sential identity and character as members material aid largely sealed his fate. 464 pp., Knopf of an international club of proletarian rev- Not that direct military intervention by olutionaries, with Stalin at its head, makes the United States would likely have result- Doubleday any debate about missed opportunities moot. ed in anything but a much larger and more Publishing Group, The CCP stood in fundamental opposition perilous Vietnam-style quagmire, Bernstein November 2014 to core American goals and values. argues, concluding: Moreover, Bernstein observes, hindsight The events of late 1944 to early makes clear that a non-aligned China would 1946 show that both arguments are have been “psychologically impossible” wrong, the argument that it was a mis- for its new leader, who by the end of the take not to cooperate with the Commu- Second World War had reached the status nists and the argument that more sup- of “demigod.” That Mao was a visionary port should have been given to Chiang revolutionary who craved absolute power, Kai-shek. Both positions are based on relished violence, and would soon betray his the notion that it is for the United States to shape the world to its specifications closest colleagues in forging a “profoundly In a speech soon after the release of Mission” at Mao’s desert Yenan base, to the and that, if it takes the right actions, it illiberal, destructively totalitarian regime.” the U.S. State Department’s White Paper first skirmishes between Communist rebels has the ability to do this ... But it was Knowledge of the “demonic madness” on China in 1949, which finger-pointed and a post-war occupying force of U.S. not American policy that determined the imminent “loss” of the country to the Marines, Bernstein traces the complex evo- and tens of millions dead to come, and of the the outcome in China. It was the forces Communists at the “demoralized and un- lution of a relationship and its culmination crushed aspirations of China’s most idealis- on the ground over which the United popular” government of Chiang Kai-shek, in a watershed moment of east-west history. tic and independent-minded citizens, makes States, with its vast but not unlimited Mao Zedong practically gloated. Why had Set against a devastating backdrop of China 1945 a somber read. The unlucky power, never exercised decisive control. the United States continued to aid Chiang total war and almost unimaginable suffering, Chiang Kai-shek, who but for the Japanese That uniquely American confidence in in his fight once it recognized that the Kuo- Bernstein’s story features a memorable and invasion would almost surely have presided the unlimited possibilities of a combination mintang no longer enjoyed the support of colorful cast of characters. The shrewd and over a unified nation en route to becoming a of right decisions, good intentions and over- the Chinese people? calculating Stalin and his acolyte Mao, “two significant and democratic world power, and whelming military might has of course been Mao accused America of cloaked impe- of the greatest masters of deception that the who wept on the day of Japan’s surrender tested (and dented) again in the decades rialistic designs, but his ambiguous remarks world has ever known,” pass and receive in- in full knowledge of what China had lost, since 1949 — in Southeast Asia, and more can also be interpreted to suggest that a structions by secret radio. The spontaneous emerges a tragic if more sympathetic figure. recently the Middle East. “wiser” choice might have forestalled what Choctaw “war whoops” of General Patrick Chiang’s much-criticized “defense in In that respect, the “loss” of China he later termed his “lean to one side”—the J Hurley — Roosevelt’s naïve, erratic and depth” against the invaders, trading terri- was America’s first salutary lesson in the Soviet side. bewildered special emissary — charm and tory for time, the author writes, ultimately limitations of its new “superpower” status, But had the U.S. remained neutral in perplex his Chinese hosts on both sides of proved a sound strategy. Furthermore, even if not universally learned, as well as the civil war that erupted soon after Japan’s the political divide. Meanwhile, Zhou En- Nationalist troops deserve far more credit the value of less than perfect outcomes. surrender (or more vigorously supported lai, the urbane external face of the CCP and for their tenacity, endurance and sacrifice Bernstein’s elegant and informative new Chiang before or afterwards, for that mat- mastermind of its campaign to influence than they often receive (the contribution study paraphrases US Secretary of State ter), might the ensuing quarter century of American public policy and opinion, de- of the Communist guerrillas, however, has Dean Acheson’s preface to the White Paper distrust and animosity, which led to dev- ploys the “beauty trap” of ancient China’s been enormously exaggerated). “Can there on China: astating warfare in Korea and Vietnam and Thirty-Six Stratagems for Waging War and be any doubt from the standpoint of a later The Chinese people made their choice. the deaths of thousands of American and Politics, in the form of his qipao-sheathed time that the KMT would have been a better It may have been the wrong choice, but it Chinese servicemen, have been avoided? celebrity assistant. alternative for China?” wasn’t an American prerogative to make Was a colossal opportunity missed? Might Prime targets of that political and per- But before two atomic bombs brought that choice for them. ♦ the diplomatic breakthrough of 1972 have sonal seduction were America’s experienced WWII to an abrupt end, Chiang and Roo- come a generation earlier? “China hands” — Chinese-speaking Foreign sevelt had fundamentally incompatible After all, the Communists had been Service officers such as the Sichuan-born priorities — the one striving to preserve his friendly allies of a sort during the Sino-Jap- John Stewart Service and John Paton Da- government’s authority over a wrecked and Tim O’Connell is a China trader anese War, their guerrillas spiriting downed vies soured early on Chiang’s leadership, divided China, the other to bring the war turned writer and historian who has lived American airmen to safety. At the same recognized the growing unpopularity of his against Japan to its earliest conclusion at the in Hong Kong and Beijing since 1981. time, U.S. diplomats and military officials government, and urged the United States minimal cost in American lives. Forced to at bomb-battered Chungking labored to not to alienate itself from the almost certain maintain a fragile truce between the KMT victors of China’s looming civil war. This and CCP, and broker an agreement for an in- amorphous group of diplomats, military clusive, democratic peacetime government. officers and journalists later suffered for BE YOUR OWN BOSS Richard Bernstein, the author of many their views, first victims of the Cold War books and articles on Asian culture and witch-hunts and paranoia that would plague China Insight is seeking a self-motivated individual to sell politics, and the first Beijing bureau chief America for decades. advertising space for our newspaper. China Insight has been for Time magazine, attempts to answer these But while admiring of their bravery, publishing for 15 years. The ideal individual we seek must questions in “China 1945: Mao’s Revolution intelligence and honesty, and stressing that be passionate about our mission, be resourceful, creative and capable of working independently. We offer a very generous and America’s Fateful Choice,” his fine few could have more capably interpreted commission structure and you get to set your own hours. narrative history of Sino-American rela- the “maelstrom of intrigue” that surrounded tions during the Second World War. From them, the author writes: Contact Greg Hugh at 612-723-4872 or email, [email protected] the bitter clashes of the Generalissimo and Service and the other diplomatic pros “Vinegar Joe” Stilwell over the Burma cam- made a major mistake, which was to be- paign, through the seduction of the “Dixie come starry-eyed about Mao, to stress PAGE 12 / January 2016 politics Dancing with the dragon U.S. presidential candidates and their relationship with China Part II: The Republicans By Joe Pearman and Chang Wang, contributors

assume it’s aimed at them. It’s not; it’s Editor’s note: Last fall, Chang Wang and Joe Pearman began a series of articles in this paper that focused on doing business aimed at the civilian population. The with China and the Chinese people. This year China Insight invites them to explore another timely issue: the positions of U.S. Communist Party isn’t trying to provoke presidential candidates on China, and how those positions are likely to be received by the Communist Party of China (CPC). America; it’s pacifying its own citizens, Joe McKenzie Pearman is a second-year business student at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Chang Wang is chief using the time-honored tactic of stirring up research and academic officer at Thomson Reuters and an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota. anger at a foreign “aggressor” to avoid tough The authors would like to remind the readers that they are endorsing neither candidates nor political party. Their purpose, they questions at home. I’m sure the CPC would say, is simply to “call it like we see it,” and let the readers and voters, draw their own conclusion. Foremost, the authors hope to not mind, and even expects, the same tactics help the readers make an informed choice. from Americans. Part I of this article is available at (select “Past Issues” under the Home tab). Pearman: How do you feel the idea of lost American trade is playing into this election? Pearman: In this to the men in Beijing? Wang: Trump is indeed the candidate Wang: I think it’s a big factor, but again, edition of “Dancing Wang: He’s what I would describe as the CPC is most afraid of, simply because I think the candidates are oversimplifying. with the Dragon,” we an ideal Western politician, from a Chinese they have little idea how to deal with him. The United States has lost a great many present the Republican government perspective. His father was an Remember, these men are technocrats jobs to China, true, but those jobs are now candidates and where ambassador to China and a personal friend with engineering degrees who read their leaving, either returning to America or they stand in relation of Deng Xiaoping, who essentially charted speeches off cue cards. Trying to deal with heading out to other nations in the Pacific to China, mainly the the course of the contemporary economic the aggressive bluster of a Trump, especially Rim. Donald Trump might claim that Chinese government. reform. In fact, President H.W. Bush is one when he’s stated publicly that he intends the TPP is a deal designed eventually to Owing to the large number of Republican of the “Old Friends of the Chinese People,” to renegotiate America’s trade relationship include the Chinese, but it’s not. It’s a way candidates, we’re concentrating mostly on which is a very select and “honored” group with China, is not something they look to punish China for trying to circumvent the candidates who are involved in Chinese that includes Kissinger and, before he died, forward to. And on another level, all of this WTO regulations, and it’s really a poke in issues and who we feel are likely to stay in Nixon. Jeb Bush is, on his own merit, a political fervor and fighting feels unseemly the eye for them. And as far as currency the race for a while and have a decent chance mature, pro-business leader. He understands to them. The Communist Party has a huge manipulation goes, that has been a disaster to win the nomination. As before, we do not how important it is to respect the dignity and number of quarrels, of course, but these are for China’s own economy - by keeping seek to persuade, merely to inform. face of your opposite number, and he is more treated as internal affairs, hidden behind a the value of their currency low, the CPC is Wang: Within the politely sophisticated than blunt. harmonious public front. They view public guaranteeing high inflation. Communist Party of Pearman: In a way, Jeb Bush seems a disputes as endangering the unity of the Pearman: I’ve noticed that the China (CPC), the rela- good deal like one of the top men in the CPC entire nation. candidates tend to feel confrontational tionship with the United himself. He’s quiet, comes in by way of a Pearman: Do you see any of the toward China, and they fall into one of States is one of the key political dynasty, and believes in compro- quarrels or complexity you mentioned two categories. People like Trump, Carly factors in evaluating mise and mutual benefit. Unfortunately, all having a bearing in how they view the Fiorina, and Chris Christie take a secular the success or failure of of that seems to be working to his detriment current race? focus and attack China for its cyberattacks, CPC leadership. This in the current race. Wang: I think that the more important economic drain on America, and expansion is rarely known outside China, but it is Wang: I agree, which brings us to the question is if any of the candidates really in the South China Sea. Others, in particular with utmost importance in understanding second important point: the sheer level of understand how complex China really is. Marco Rubio, have attacked China on U.S.-China relations. Therefore, the CPC energy in this Republican primary. This is There’s a tendency to view China as a mono- the basis of human rights, usually filtered is extremely invested in the U.S. economy, personified, of course, by Donald Trump, lithic entity that can be “stood up” to; in fact, through the lens of Christian faith (the One- politics and the U.S. presidential election. but it’s also seen in the fire of Ted Cruz, it’s really a nation governed by seven men, Child Policy comes under special fire for its Historically, the Republicans have a far the blunt rhetoric of Chris Christie, and the ruled by a party of 80 million, and contain- role in encouraging and sometimes forcing better relationship with the CPC than the enthusiasm of Ben Carson’s supporters. ing 1.3 billion people. So even if a candidate abortions). Rubio also tends to be blunt Democrats do. I think we have to begin Pearman: I can’t imagine Beijing is has experience dealing with a facet of China, about the authoritarian nature of the CPC, with an analysis of the man the Chinese too happy about that. The Party leadership that does not mean that that one facet is which is understandable, considering his leadership would most like to see win the isn’t very fond of strong, boisterous popular translatable across all issues Chinese. Nor parents (as well as Ted Cruz’s) are escapees nomination and become President of the sentiment, and I can’t help but imagine that does a relationship with one person always from Communist Cuba. United States: Jeb Bush. He’s their pre- they view Trump, in particular, as a kind of mean as much as they assume. Wang: Yes, and this brings up an ferred candidate by far. American Bo Xilai - a dangerous populist Pearman: Going off that, I think there’s important point. After Trump, the person Pearman: What makes him so attractive demagogue. sometimes too much media coverage on an the Chinese leadership would least like to individual, like Xi Jinping, and what they see as president on the Republican side is may want. That leads to the idea of a China Marco Rubio. They do not want someone that can be dealt with “man to man,” when with the kind of personal and political stake the more important thing to understand, at in human rights that he has in the White least in my mind, is the interests of the Red House. Rubio also had written an editorial Elite - the wealthy Communist families at that lays out a detailed plan for American the highest ranks of the Party. buildup in the Pacific with the purpose of Wang: There’s definitely a point to countering Chinese expansionism. The CPC that, and it also seems that a great deal of appreciates a harmonious and prosperous media coverage misses important points in relationship with a U.S. that gives them a favor of fluff. For instance, Xi Jinping is free hand in the Pacific. So the CPC fears often presented as a kind of supreme leader Trump the most, then Rubio, and after him, to the American public when, despite his I think, would be Ben Carson. strong centralist tendencies, he’s still first Pearman: Would this be another case among equals. And that’s part of a larger of not wanting to deal with someone they problem: both the public and the candidates don’t understand? seem not to realize the incredible opacity Wang: Exactly. As a doctor and a of China. We don’t know much, and what devout Seventh-Day Adventist, Carson’s we do know is often misinterpreted. I find worldview is worlds away from theirs; he there’s a special problem with propaganda: doesn’t really use the same decision-making anti-American rhetoric is blasted over the framework. Former President George H.W. Bush in Beijing airwaves every day in China, and Americans continued on page 13 politics January 2016 / PAGE 13 Dancing with the dragon, Part II continued from page 12

I feel that they would see him as someone Wang: Ted Cruz, I feel, comes across with Mike Huckabee’s problem: a man as similar to Trump, with a few key differ- who has trouble remembering when he is ences. For starters, he has a personal stake supposed to be a politician as opposed to in human rights, considering his parents are a pastor. There’s also Dr. Carson’s well- Cuban émigrés. He’s also more noticeably known blunder of stating that China has religious. However, he does strongly sup- troops in Syria; the CPC might well ask if port trade and the economy, which would he might, as president, act on misinforma- probably make dealing with him at least tion like that. In fact, in some ways, Rubio mildly palatable. and Carson might be considered worse than Pearman: I don’t think our article Trump. While Donald Trump is a populist would be complete without mentioning two and a blusterer, he is still a fairly effective candidates who, while low in the polls, have businessman, which means he is conversant had a notable presence in the debates. John with the ideas of exchange, compromise, Kasich, former governor of Ohio, a state A Trump tweet from summer 2015 and mutual benefit. His website, for all its that struggled owing to outsourcing, but has grandiosity, still points to negotiating with largely managed to rebuild. Carly Fiorina with the Japanese would provide excellent Hillary Clinton would soften her tunes on China. He’s also expressed skepticism is a former Hewlett-Packard executive who propaganda fodder. the human rights issues once elected, just about the necessity of the U.S. military has taken a strong stance against expansion- Carly Fiorina, on the other hand, would like her husband did. And finally, Fiori- presence in the Pacific. On the other hand, ism and cyberattacks. How do you think the make the Beijing leadership uncomfortable. na’s blunt and confrontational, which are should tensions between the U.S. and China CPC leadership would view them? Historically, very few women have held not qualities the CPC prizes in a female ever heat up, the situation might become Wang: I believe that of the two, Gov- power in China (the last being the disastrous politician. very uncomfortable very quickly for Chi- ernor Kasich would be received more Dowager Empress Cixi, who effectively In the end, the CPC will always prefer nese-Americans in the U.S. Trump has favorably: despite his Rubio-like advocacy derailed modernization in the late 1800s, Jeb Bush as the Republican nominee (and already indicated that he feels the decision of rearming Japan and more troops in the or possibly the deranged extremist Madame probably the president). But I feel that they to intern the Japanese in World War II might Pacific. he does have a proven record in Mao). Hillary Clinton, as we mentioned may wind up agreeing “Anyone but Trump!” have been justified ... helping a state do business, which is some- previously, would be acceptable due to her Note: This article was written and Pearman: Where do you think Ted Cruz thing the CPC could work with. If nothing long list of connections to China; Ms. Fio- submitted before the GOP Dec. 15 debate fits into this equation? else, closer American military engagement rina has none. Of course, the CPC expects in Las Vegas. ♦ Minnesota Quarterly export statistics continued from page 1

Figure 2. Minnesota’s Top 10 Export Markets, Third Quarter 2015 Decreased Demand for Ores, utor was sharply lower demand by Mexico Electrical Machinery, Vehicles, for corn from Minnesota ($26 million, down 67 percent). Cereals Spur Export Decline • Other products suffering export de- • Exports of iron ore were slashed by 90 clines of more than $30 million included percent as Canadian demand fell by 99 per- optics/medical ($892 million, down 5 per- cent (or down $123 million) to $1 million. cent), aircraft/spacecraft ($89 million, down However, demand for the state’s iron ore in 34 percent), plastics ($281 million, down 11 China increased $12 million, from $27,000 percent) and woodpulp ($50 million, down one year ago. 40 percent). • Sharp declines in demand by major • Some bright spots of export gains of export markets for electrical machinery more than $15 million were pharmaceuticals fueled the 13 percent drop (or down $94 ($84 million, up 67 percent), miscellaneous million) between the third quarters of 2014 grains ($100 million, up 35 percent), bev- and 2015. Exports were down the most to the erages ($65 million, up 36 percent) and Philippines ($90 million, down 27 percent; albumins/glue ($54 million, up 39 percent). driven by decreased exports of integrated Soybeans (particularly to Mexico and Costa circuits) and Canada ($76 million, down 29 Rica) and soybean meal (especially to Co- percent; largely due to decreased exports of lombia and the Dominican Republic) drove generators, telecommunications equipment export growth of miscellaneous grains. ♦ and radar products). • Canada generally accounts for more than 90 percent of the state’s mineral fuel/oil exports, which fell 52 percent to $46 million Minnesota Quarterly Export Statistics over all markets. In the third quarter of 2015, is the most current resource available for tracking the state’s export trends and is Canada’s demand for crude oil plunged by prepared for the $46 million (or down 100 percent), fueling Minnesota Trade Office (MTO) by the the overall trend. Department of Employment and Economic • Minnesota’s 13 percent drop in global Development’s (DEED) Economic Analysis Figure 3. Minnesota Trends in Exports of Vehicles, Top Five Markets, Third Quarter 2015 sales of vehicles to $487 million masks Unit (Thu-Mai Ho- Kim, 651-259-7180). The quarterly and mixed activity among the top five markets, annual statistics reports primarily cover which represented 87 percent of these ex- export data based on the Harmonized Tariff ports. Although these exports dropped to System, collected Canada (down 23 percent) and Australia by the U.S. Department of Commerce (down 35 percent), they grew strongly to (USDOC) and distributed by the Global Trade Information Services. Note that an Mexico (up 30 percent, due to vehicle parts), alternate source of Sweden (up 42 percent, due to snowmo- agricultural export estimates – based on biles) and Belgium (up 80 percent, due to different methodology – is the Minnesota motorcycles). Weaker segments included Department of Agriculture, although data passenger vehicles, special purpose vehicles is published only on an annual basis. Reports are avail- and public transportation vehicles. able on DEED’s website at “Export and • Cereals exports were down 55 percent Trade Statistics”: to $53 million, driven by the 56 percent drop export-stats/. Figure 4. Minnesota Exports by Major Product Group, Third Quarter 2015 in corn (maize) exports. The main contrib- PAGE 14 / January 2016 education New think tank set Wanted: to project Chinese thought around globe Online English Language Teachers By Wang Hongyi in Shanghai, China Daily, Nov. 27, 2015

Would you like to help Chinese stu- Fudan University in Shanghai recently told the Times. “To my mind, the country dents (Gr. 6-12) polish their spoken and written English skills (and, occasionally, launched The China Institute to promote should face these squarely and explain itself history/literature)? We are hiring expe- the rise of Chinese thought and discourse clearly and confidently to its own people and rienced native English-speaking teach- around the globe. to the outside world.” ers to teach ESL (different levels) or The institute was jointly formed by the In Zhang’s view, the establishment high school U.S. history or literature. university’s China Development Model of the institute means Chinese academic Research Center and the Center for New circles will no longer be a “microphone” Teach from our Twin Cities cloud-class- Political Economy. Its goal is to analyze the for Western academics. room set up or your home office. Teach- factors behind the rise of China, and carry China should be more proactive as it ing will usually take place in the eve- out theoretical and policy studies on China’s rises, and should prepare to answer every nings (6-10 p.m.), early mornings (6-8 development path. question raised by the rest of the world, said a.m.) or weekends. Number of hours “The institute will be a place that Robert Lawrence Kuhn, author of “The Man are flexible. Rates are from $15-$40/hr based on the course requirements and constantly produces original Chinese Who Changed China: The Life and Legacy teachers’ experience. thoughts, Chinese theories and Chinese of Jiang Zemin,” the first biography of a liv- discourse. It will become a leading new type ing Chinese leader to be published in China. Teaching experience is required. of think tank with considerable influence in The China Institute will organize high- Teaching license is preferred, but not the world,” said Zhang Weiwei, director of level forums, workshops and various necessary. institute. symposiums on issues concerning China’s In an interview with The New York development model and discourse. If interested, please contact Richard at Times earlier this year, Zhang Weiwei The institute has already made a 612-987-6540 or [email protected]. said discourse is very important for a large preliminary agreement with the China country like China which is undergoing rapid Center at the University of Oxford in Britain change and must establish its own power of to hold an international symposium annually speech as a way to overcome the ideological on the Chinese development model. It prejudices and misunderstandings of also cooperated with the Institute of China Western critics. Studies at the Shanghai Academy of Social “China’s rise has global implications and Sciences to establish the Shanghai China provokes questions and suspicions,” Zhang Dream Innovative Research Base. ♦ Academics get boost from Premier

By Zhang Yunbi, China Daily, Dec. 1, 2015

The premier suggested that business- es should play a larger role in cultivat- ing postdoctoral talent, and the fruits of research should be converted into productivity faster. The talents “should dare to compete in the global arena” and promote themselves, Li said. Tang Tao, vice-minister of Human Resources and Social Security, said in an April meeting marking the 30th anniversary of Tsinghua University in Beijing that “powerful exploration is expected for reforming and perfecting the postdoctoral system.” Liu Limin, vice-minister of education, said at the same meeting that over the past 30 years, the postdoctoral system has become an effective channel for nurturing talent. The system is also now an important platform for boosting innovation and bridging the academic world with Premier Li Keqiang talks to leading postdoctoral talents after a group picture in Beijing on Monday.[XU JINGXING/ industry, Liu said in a release on the CHINA DAILY] university website. Zhong Zhangdui, a professor of Postdoctoral talents should system in China in 1985. house of Chinese innovation. Postdoc- railway telecommunications technology at Beijing Jiaotong University, said play bigger role in innovation, Li said on Monday that postdoctoral toral fellows patented 64,912 inventions researchers are expected to closely track in 2009-2013, said Beijing-based earlier this year that the cultivation Li says of postdoctoral talents “is obviously trends and strengthen international newspaper China and Labor and Social Premier Li Keqiang told leading cooperation and exchange. lagging,” with the appeal and salaries of Security News on Monday. postdoctoral talents that China needs to Li made his remarks as the latest postdoctoral positions dwindling. give them a bigger role as the country figures show that China has enrolled Li noted that the country should rely Zhang suggested increasing salaries builds an innovation-driven economy. more than 140,000 postdoctoral talents more on human resources, and the fruits and improved work patterns designed to This year marks the 30th anniversary in the past 30 years. of innovation should link better with free postdoctoral fellows from fulfilling of the establishment of the postdoctoral Postdoctoral talents are a power- entrepreneurship. a quota of published essays. ♦ community January 2016 / PAGE 15

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All loans are subject to application, credit qualification, and income verification. © 2015 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. (1961001_16920) PAGE 16 / January 2016 community MN China Friendship Garden continued from page 1

Because of this connection and the large several site visits to Phalen Park and met number of Hmongs living near Phalen with architects from St. Paul Parks & Park, the China Garden design is expected Recreation to further work on a conceptual to include Hmong cultural symbols and design, expected to be completed by mid- information about the connection between January 2016. Money for the design work the Hmong communities in Minnesota and came from a bill for the Minnesota's Arts (Back row, L to R): Mealey-Lohmann, Joe Spencer (Director of Arts and Culture, Changsha. and Cultural Heritage Fund, sponsored by St. Paul), Todd Hurley {Director of Finance, City of Saint Paul), Mayor Coleman, In November, Mealey-Lohmann, Representative Tim Mahoney and Senator Vice Mayor He Jihua, Liu Ji Xiong (Board chair, Changsha Pilot Investment Hold- Zajicek and Slowiak hosted two architects Foung Hawj that passed in the spring. ings Co), Lei Yixin, Wang Juan (director, Changsha Foreign Affairs Office) from Changsha to travel to Minnesota. The For more information, contact (Front row, far left and right): Alice Messer (architect, St Paul Parks & Rec) and husband and wife architect team, Jennifer [email protected]. ♦ Mao Bingding (executive director, Yanghu Park) Junfang Fan and Jon Youhua Wen, made

(L to R): Mealey-Lohmann (MN China Friendship Garden Society), Changsha architect Wen, Sen.Hawj, Changsha ar- chitect Fan, Zajicek (advisor, MN China Friendship Garden Society at the Hmong Changsha architects at Phalen Park Village Shopping Center in St. Paul Group at Aiwan Pavilion “Meditation” sculpture Miao cultural ceremony in Changsha Chinese American Association of Minnesota holds 48th annual meeting banquet By Greg Hugh

Peking Garden Restaurant located in gram concluded with dance performances St, Paul, as in the past years, was again the by members of CAAM-CDT, Xu Qian setting for CAAM’s recent annual banquet/ Music Studio, Liroung Ha accompanied on meeting get-together attended by about 200 the guitar by David , a tai chi performance, guests. The 48th annual meeting/banquet be- Minhua Chorus and a solo vocal perfor- gan with a registration/social hour followed mance by Yan Yan Qiu accompanied on the by a formal program of events. guzheng by Lauren Moy. ♦ As guests settled into their seats, emcee Amy Ha Truong welcomed the gathering and introduced CAAM’s board of direc- tors that included Mingien Chen, Le Ha, Connie Mei Ledford, Kahing Li, Vincent Mar, Laurie Mucciacciaro, and and Binwen Yan. Chen provided the annual report on CAAM’s various activities throughout the year. Mucciacciaro followed with the 2015 financial report. Kaimay Yuen-Terry, former CAAM president, was then introduced to provide an update on the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Chinese Garden. Vincent Mar followed with scholarship awards that were acknowledged by the stu- dents with their acceptance speeches. Following the scholarship awards was community arts activists Romi Slowiak, who spoke about a new project: the St. Paul-Changsha Phalen Park Chinese Gar- den. Complete details about this project can be found at The final presentation of the evening was made by Beatrice Rothweiler who spoke about the upcoming CAAM CDT dance performance. As the guests began the 14-course din- ner, emcee Yan Huss, with the assistance of board members, distributed door prizes throughout the meal. The evening’s pro-